

   It was a cloudy summer morning.My friends and I stood in-front of the biggest cruise ship ever,jaw dropped except from me who stood there chewing my favorite gum ever,glaring at the big ship in-front of me.I thought for a second that this was the cruise ship we will be taking for the whole summer.Our trip to the Bahamas. As we entered 'The Royal King' cruise ship I realized our bags were nowhere in sight.I turned to Bianca Lawson my mischievous friend and asked,"Where the heck is our bags?"
She looked at me as if I was stupid,and I know 'cause I got that look a lot,sometimes.
"The porters took the bags,fool!"she shouted at me and that shut me up for a while.
We walked around the deck,looking at all the rides and place on the ship.I wondered how such large equipments and huge rooms could hold on this ship.Compared to it the ship was small

"So what do you want to do first?"asked Mickhale Latibeaudiere my motherly but seriously talkative friend.
"I don't know.Look how big this ship is,suppose we get lost,"I said.
Everyone turned and looked at me with a certain confusion plastered on their faces.
"What!It can happen,"I shouted.
"Anyways,"Bianca said changing the subject and turning from me to Kayan Marshall my quiet but sometimes up-roaring friend saying,"Kayan,"in a singsong form.We all knew she was ready to mess around Kayan,which was always funny.
"What you wanna do,"she said brawlingly.
"I don't know,"Kayan answered stiffly pushing out her chest as usual.
"Look,"Mickhale said drawing our attention,"those guys are staring at us."They all knew I hated when people stared at me like I was some statue they were looking over.I did it if

necessary though.I turned my head slightly and saw that there was three guys there who looked very handsome.They looked around our age(16);I caught one of their gazes.I twisted my head in another direction trying to lose the there gazes.
"I can't stand the staring,"I mumbled to my friends.
"Then go and tell them to that,"Kayan said.
"Why don't you go,"I said irritably.
"'Cause it's not bothering me,"Kayan answered miserable.
"OK!God,I'll go tell them,just follow behind me,"Bianca said irritated by our argument.
We walked across the deck to the guys who saw us coming and started fumbling with their hair and clothes to make them look a little bit more presentable.I rolled my eyes knowing that was lame.
"Um...excuse me,"Bianca said in the sweetest voice she could muster up,"My friend here,"she nudged me closer,"is wondering if you can stop staring at us.It's a bit uncomfortable."
"Oh...we were staring,"came the first guy who had brown eyes,a fair complexion with black shaven hair,"sorry,we didn't realized,"he continued turning to Kayan with a smile and to my surprise Kayan blushed a little and gave a cut giggle.I almost laughed but hid it with a cough.
"That happens when a guy sees something he likes,"the second guy said turning to Mickhale with dazzling black eyes.He had dark skin with a slight accent I couldn't recognize.Mickhale turned a reddish color.
"Yeah,it happens,"the third guy said looking directly at Bianca.He had hazel colored eyes,like her,thick black hair that looked slightly brown and a vanilla complexion.The weirdest and funniest thing happened.Bianca turned to him and a slight smile pierced her lips and her ears turned red.
"Yeah,it happens...sometimes and sometimes the person you're staring at seems different," said a voice.A guy came from behind the others and stood in-front of me.He had brown eyes with black curly hair and a brown complexion.
"So,you're saying that out of all the things and all the people on this big ship you choose to stare at us and then you have the dignity to call us different,"I said looking into his eyes.He stared into my black eyes and said,"Not us,you."He infuriated me.
"And second of all I wouldn't call it dignity but bravery,"he said smiling at me.
The others turned to look at us now.
"Well,at the looks of things I can say your bravery means stupidity,you freak,"and with that he was silent and I was gone.

The Date

"Sasquatch,wake up!"Bianca's annoying voice rang in my ears.I raised my head to the bed side clock and saw that it was 10 in the morning but I seriously wanted to sleep.
"That's not my name,"I moaned grumpily hoping she would get the message and leave but sadly she didn't.
"OK,Sasheka,"she said correcting herself and coming to sit on my bed.
""I asked slowly pronouncing every word.
"We have a date,"she said softly trying to not let me hear what she said.
"OK.Bye,"I closed my ears for a second hearing her voice echo in my head then I caught the words we.I shot out of bed looking at her with violent eyes and saying,"We

,"with a deadly tone.
"Yeah,with the guys we met yesterday,"she said a bit nervously.I knew she liked guy number three,I thought.
"No!I am not

going,"I said lying back in bed.
"You have to,"she said persistently.
"Why?!" I practically shouted.
"Because you owe me,"she said.
"For what!"
"For that time when you uh-"she was cut off by the voice of someone.
"That time when I bought that expensive perfume for your birthday,"Mickhale said coming in the room with Kayan.
"Expensive?"I asked eying her intensely,"really?"I said unbelievable.
"Come on!"Kayan begged and it was the first time I was hearing her beg.
"Uh!"I groaned,"Fine,but if that guy says one insulting thing to me or about me,I swear to you all I'll tell his ass off and leave him speechless and you all shocked,"I said in one whole breath angrily.
"Fine!"Mickhale said,"Now,come on,I have the perfect dress for you,"she said cheerfully.
"Hell,no!I ain't wearing no dress,God,I ain't no barbie doll,"I said flashing my tall black hair.
"What?"Bianca boomed,"Well,if she's not wearing one.I ain't wearing non either,"
"Come on,Sash,please,"Mickhale pleaded like a puppy.
"Fine,"I said annoyed,"Just don't look at me like that."She squealed with joy.
I turned to Bianca,"Move!I'm gonna have a shower and spray your white dress black to wear.If I'm gonna look stupid,so are you,"I told Bianca angrily.
"No!"said Mickhale quickly.
"What?Why?"I said turning to look at her.All eyes fell on me.
"We all picked each others clothes already and someone already picked yours,"Bianca said awkwardly.
"No,"I whispered knowing who picked my but wanted a confirmation,"Who picked my clothed?"I asked them.
Bianca's eyes started randomly roaming the room then landed kept on landing on Mickhale too many times.Kayan looked on the soft rug on the floor then to Mickhale's shoe.Mickhale raised her eyes and looked at me a smile.She then took my hand and pulled me to the wardrobe.
"Oh,God,"I murmured disappearing in the wardrobe.
It was now 12:30 pm on my bedside clock that I checked out after those horrifying 2 and a half hours.We were finally ready to leave,sadly.My black hair was let out and I wore a simple red dress that showed my curves at every angle.I hated it.Bianca's brown,red and blonde hair was curly and she wore a light blue dress.Kayan wore a yellow sun taned dress with her hair in a bun.Mickhale wore a purple sparkly dress with her hair caught in one at the back and a few strands out in the front.
We walked along the deck.My friends looked a bit nervouse but I couln't care less.We were practically in the middle of the ocean by now,I noticed looking over the deck.We arrived at the main deck and that's when I saw them,three hot guys and a blasted freak.My friends exchanged greetings with their new guy friends but the freak and I didn't want to see the likes of each other.After the greetings there was an uncomfortable silence in which the freak and I sent scornful looks at each other.
"OK,"Bianca said breaking the silence,turning and strolling away with the others.
"Bianca,"I shouted to her.She stopped and turned to look at me as I countinued in a hoarse whisper,"Don't leave me here with...him."
"I can't hear you!"she shouted as she strode along again pretending not to hear me.
"Look,"he started over my shoulder as I turned to him,"I really don't wnt to be can I go?"he asked.
Anger suged through me then I snapped,"I ain't got no chains...sadly,but I'm not holding you here so...Go!Flee!Run!Hide!"
"Are you rushing me?"he asked surprised.
"Call it what you want,"I said turning away from him and heading to the railing to look over at the ocean.I hadn't noticed the crying child beside with the melting ice-cream in his hands.
He came over to me.I couldn't bother with him now.
"Look,can you just leve me alone for a sec?"
"No.This is a date and I'm not going anywhere and neither are you,"he said a bit demandingly.I was shocked.He called this a date,I thought.Wow,I definetly got something over him.Yes.
   Just as I was preoccupied by my thoughts a small bee came out of nowhere and began buzzing around me.I began to fan frantically.I was seriously afraid of them.My foot must have caught something because I was now trying to keep my balance but sadly I couldn't.I fell over board.The last thing I saw was freaky jumping over board and a loud blaring noise.Then after that image of him went I saw another image of six other people jumping over board.

Lost at sea

  My flight from the ship was a very painful one in which i fell and hit my head on the side of the ship,and was unluckily, knocked unconcious. I felt smooth,moist lips on mine trying to bring me out of unconciousness. At first I wanted to lie there and sleep but I suddenly felt a sharpe pain under my right breast and I sat up. Grasping for air and coughing out water.

"Where am I?"  I asked holding up my head.

"I have no idea," came the voice I knew too well. It was Freaky.

 I looked around only to see trees, trees and more trees. I started panicking but it was one thing alone that kept me fimly to reality and it was that Freaky was standing a few feet away staring at me. I stood up, brushing off my clothes and said glaring at him at the same time,"Don't you ever do that again."

"Even to save your life?" he asked.

"Let me die or let someone else do it but don't you ever do it again. Got it?"

"Yes," he said unwillingly.

"At least we know she's alive and well,"Kayan pointed out.

"Where are we and how did we get here?" I asked with a tad bit of panic in my voice.

"Let's see,"Freaky started," You got scared of a bee or was a fly," he said tinking about it,"anyways, you slipped and fell over board."

"Let me ask one question," I said," to all of you."

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Who was the first person to jump over board to try and save me?"

Noone answered.

"Come on, who did it, I'll give you anything you want for the day," I said waiting on an answer,"Promise," I said like a child," Cross my heart and hope to die," I said making a fake cross over my chest.

A sigh came from behind me.

"I did," said Freaky.

"Freaky," I murmered,"out of everyone it had to be Freaky."

"What did you call me?" he asked looking really pissed.

"You freak me out, so i call you Freaky."

"That's not my name. It's Eric," he said," and the one that likes Kayan is Kevin, Mickhale is Alex and the other one to Bianca is Justin," he said then continued flatly," you know our names but we don't know yours. Well," he said correcting himself in the most obnoxious way ever," They know yor name, I wouldn't care less," he said looking at me from head to toe slowly.

"Then why are you asking?" I asked

"Because it's only fair," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Uh-huh," I said nodding my head slowly up and down,"Well, good luck with that. Now," I said dismissing him just like that and turning to the others.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Why don't we uild a fire, look for food and then start building huts," said Kevin, and I knew he was a  braniac, perfct for Mickhale but was taken by Kevin.

"O.k and we'll look for sticks and shit," i said,"Alright, we'll meet back here before sunset," and with that the boys went left and the girls went right.



The Promise

"So," I said walking through the jungle, feeling like freaking Tarzan,"what's going on with you guys and the other ...guys?" I asked, raising my eyebrows mysteriously.

"Nothinh," they all said in unison, still walking.

"Stop!" I told them and they all obeyed and stopped walking.

"What!" they all said turning around and looking at me.

"Seriously, did you rehearselines or something. You keep saying the same things," I said looking at the all through narrowed eyes.

"Tell us about you and Eric," Bianca said.

"What about us? I hate him. He hates me. Nothing to tell really," i said then remembered,"Why didn't you jump after me when you saw me falling. Now I owe that Freak anything he wants for the day and that doesn't sound right," I said a bit upset.

"Are you crazy?" Bianca asked," did you see the freaking fall. I ain't chucking my ass over a railing for you but sadly I was pushed so I guess I'm stuck here."

"Your problem," Mickhale said," but guess what the guys told us."

"What?" I asked bored,"That I'm annoying?"

"No," Mickhale said goofily.

"That you're the first bitch to leave him speechless,"Bianca jumped in.

"Oh, and that's suppose to be good, anyways," I said changing the subject," So, what?"

"Nothing, just that he likes you but doesn't know how to show it," Mickhale said smiling and looking at me weirdly.

"Oh, and over five minuites you all turn freaking cupid," I asked," But I'm telling you, Epic doesn't like me."

"Eric. My name is Eric," his voice sounded behind me.

We all jumped.

"What are you doing here," I shouted,"Are you tryin to give me a heart attack, you idiot!"

"Maybe," that's all he said.

"We'll just go," Bianca said backing away.

"No!" I yelled," last time you went, I found myself tumbling over a railing."

"There's no railing here," Mickhale said obviously.

"Really, Mickhale, really?" and with that they were gone.

"Now, what do you want?" I asked looking at him.





Meets and Greets


The Hunt

Crazy Friends

Introduction goes bad


Family Reunion with alot of Drama


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.05.2012

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Dedicated to my closest friends in high school and my brother and mother.

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