
Chapter 1
SAMANTHA WHITE stood near the large glass window from where she can see the park before her apartment. Early morning’s sun rays falls on her, making her black long hair to shine and her olive-skinned to glow. Her green eyes twinkled when she saw people having their morning walk while few children wearing their school uniforms were walking along the pavement.
They were laughing and jumping in excitement. A small smile curved on her lips as she watched them leaving the street. She saw young girls and boys cycling together and chatting with each other. But the most amazing thing that she has been waiting since morning came to her sight. She saw a middle aged man wearing black trousers along with gray shirt walking along with his 5 years old daughter. She has blonde curls, wearing her blue uniform and a tiny bag on her shoulders.
They walked along the pavement with hand in hand, the man laughing at what she was saying to him. Sam leaned towards the glass and closed her eyes. It’s the same scene she sees every day that reminded of her.
“Daddy… Daddy….. Do you think I will become a pilot?” she asked her dad while walking through the green fields.
“Yes, baby you will. But why do you think so like that? You can become anything you want” her dad assured her.
“Really dad, anything? Even if I became a model?” She eyed her father and looked excited.
“Why not? Anything for my princess” he smiled and picked her up. They reached their house which is at a walk able distance from her school. Her father, Mr. John White has a hotel business and her mother Mrs. Michelle White helps him in his business.
“You always spoil her” Michelle accused her husband while looking at her daughter, Sam.
“No, I am not…. She will become what she wants… anything her heart wishes” John gave a strong word to her.
“Sam?” She looked at her accepting her opinion.
“Sam” someone called out her name. She jerked back from the window and turned around to see her aunt Rose standing next to the breakfast counter, hands on her hips and looking at her.
“Why do you always watch outside everyday at the same time?” She asked her seriously. Sam thought of answering her but later decided not to. Rose will never understand why she always watch outside, everyday.
“It’s nothing. I am just watching outside,” she said casually and sat on the sofa. She picked up the newspaper and started reading it.
“So…. What do you think?” Rose asked her suddenly. Her voice had a hint of excitement. Sam kept the newspaper down and eyed at her. She looks amazing even in her late twenties. She has the same green eyes that her mother used to have and her regular Yoga practice made her look young and sexy. Her blonde hair tied as a plait worked awesome on her oval face with neat eyebrows. She wore her favorite black business suit.
“You look amazing, I think so” she teased her. Rose frowned and looked at her.
“But I don’t think Philip would mind you being so…. Sexy?” Sam continued when Rose didn’t answer her. Philip was her long time boyfriend and they were so serious in their relationship that they will marry at any time.
“Sam,” Rose yelled from the counter,” I am not asking about me or Philip. I am asking about the matter we talked yesterday night”
“No…. Not again” she shook her head at Rose. The whole evening they went on debating about it. She wants Sam to help her in her business. She is New York’s best wedding planner and she wants Sam to accompany to her next project. When Rose looked at her niece Sam, who is totally refusing to work with her, decided to try her best to convince her.
"Sam, you need to help me this time,” she begged her, “listen, this is the biggest contract I ever got. So, I don’t want to lose it,”
Rose looked pleading at Sam. She couldn’t watch her like that.
“Fine, but I don’t know about your business and what the big deal with it. You have already made dozen of wedding arrangements without any help so why this time?” Replied Sam confusingly.
“Oh dear, you don’t know but it’s very special, so please promise me you will help me,” her aunt said pleadingly already knowing that she is winning this argument.
Sam had no other choice but to say yes. Rosalie is the only living relative for Sam. Sam lost her parents in a car accident and Rosalie became her legal guardian. She gave Sam what ever she wants, so Sam wants to make her happy by saying yes.
“That’s awesome. Now have your breakfast, I am leaving for office,” Rose packed her bag, soften her dress and kissed Sam on her cheeks.
“We will discuss about it this evening” she reminded her as she smiled and waved at her. Sam waved her back and watched her while she took out her Red Convertible car and speeded away.
Sam sighed and turned her attention to her house. Practically speaking it is Rose’s apartment. Two years passed since she lost her parents and Rose, her mom’s sister took care of her as a guardian. They share a flat with neatly designed rooms. Sam feels like living in her home although her house is far away. After cleaning the house and setting the clothes for laundry, she went into the kitchen to prepare herself lunch
She prepared grilled chicken along with cauliflower soup. She loves cooking and tries to prepare new recipes. Her mother always used to experiment her daughter's recipes. Not every time it's would have come perfect but if it comes perfect they would have included in their hotel's menu.
Sam's parents used to have chain of hotels. It was one of the city's leading hotels and people used to love arranging parties and meetings. It's the perfect life for Sam until they died in a car accident. It was then when their hotels were overtaken by the other leading hotel companies. But they were kind enough to leave the hotel names and management as per her parents used to have. She always blames herself for their accident. A small tear rolled on her cheek.
Suddenly her phone buzzed. She lifted without seeing the caller ID as she knows who will be calling her now.
” Hey Sam, watch the news.” Rose sounded eager.
“Rose, now what happened?” her voice held the hint of teasing and walked to the TV. She switched it on and sat on the sofa.
“Oh come on darling, you have to see the biggest news,” there was a hint of excitement.
“Okay, I will see. Just wait,” she smiled
“Okay then, call me after seeing that. I have work for you.”
“Fine” She sighed.
She flipped the channels until she got the news channel. She remained calm as some commercials were coming.
“Oh god, I wonder why she wants me to watch this,” she thought irritatingly.
Suddenly the heading arrived as breaking news and a young news reader probably some twenty-five wearing blue Italian suit along with a huge smile on his face.
“Italy’s most visited tourist attraction which is famous for it's cuisine, art, museums, medieval cityscape and the Palio, a horse race held twice yearly has one more thing to celebrate.” He smiled.
Sam scoffed thinking what is would be.
“Living in there, the smallest kingdom, where people still want their king to come back from his health is celebrating the wedding of their most eligible bachelor of Italy. Now he will not be the bachelor for long but going to become the new king as he is going to take his father’s responsibilities due to his illness. Let us then see our reporter directly from the Siena,”
The screen changed into a woman in her late thirties, catching her mike and smiling at the camera.
“As you can see” she continued” a large crowd is formed right before the palace and everyone is eager to meet the new couple,” she smiled and turned to see the palace. The camera zoomed as the couple entered the balcony.
“And here they come” she said excitedly.
All the color drained from Sam’s face as she saw the couple waving at the crowd.
The man was six feet with muscular built is dressed in a black suit and white shirt and with handsome looks in which every woman can feel for him. His eyes were blue which reflected the ocean. The woman was dressed in white shirt and cream suit. She had short brown curly hair. The couple was standing in such a position that the woman’s hand was resting on the man’s elbow showing a pink emerald surrounded by white diamonds on the ring.
“Prince Stefan is officially engaged to Miss Elena.” The reporter said excitedly as the camera scanned the crowd.
Sam couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the couple, smiling and looking at each other. All her time she was worried about this situation and finally it happened. She was nearly in tears when her phone started buzzing.

Chapter 2
Prince George William Stefan is staring outside the huge glass window of his office room holding a glass of whiskey. He is sitting at the edge of the table. His mind was repeating all the sudden events that happened a month before.
Stefan is twenty-three, a right age to get married according to his mother. Stefan never felt about marrying and ruling at this early age but due to his father’s illness, the duty to his country comes to his shoulder. His mother Queen Victoria was searching a perfect bride for him.
“Mom, why it is that I have to marry before I rule,” asked Stefan while serving a cup of tea for her in the lawn.
They always share their tea everyday in the evening discussing the country’s plan and problems. Stefan was wearing his casual dress. He has those electric blue eyes with brown hair falling in his eyes make a perfect match to his heart-shaped face. His mother with short hair and well business suit dress looked elegant even in her old age.
“Oh dear, marriage brings responsibilities and make you understand the normal life,” replied his mother.
“Oh come on mom, this is the 21st century, you don’t have to get married to rule, responsibilities comes but not with this way,” he tried to convince her.
“Your father married me when he was about your age and ruled the country even your grandfather. You can’t break this rule which is followed over generations.” She said while sipping the tea.
“Mom ...” He started to protest but his mother went on “you are twenty-three; a right age to get married and your father is not in good health to rule. So for his sake accept these responsibilities.” She tapped his hand and smiled lovingly.
His mother finished her tea and started to leave for a meeting when she finally said “as a matter of fact I have chosen a bride for you. The photo is in the envelope. I think she makes a fine princess and I hope you also feel the same.” Saying this she placed the envelope before Stefan and went to the council.
Stefan stared at his mother and sighed looking at the envelope. He knows very well that his mother would select a perfect one. He opened the envelope and looked at the photo. The photo was of Elena Meldon, only daughter of the businessman Richard Meldon. She was wearing a strapless floor-length taffeta pongee dress with loose hair and simple jewelry. She had pale skin and reflected beauty. She has a long black hair curled at the end. Her smile is like a radiator.
“Well she looks beautiful,” he thought.
Few days later.....
“So, what do you think,” Stefan asked his best friend Edward. He had been his friend since high school and shared everything to him. Stefan seeks to advise from him and mostly consult him in various situations.
“What? Are you having second thoughts?” He eyed him suspiciously.
“Now I am just asking about her,” he casually leaned back in his chair.
Edward smiled” don’t worry she is perfect for you,”
They were in Stefan’s room and Edward was watching Elena’s photo. Stefan raised his eyebrows in the comment of his friend. Edward saw that and smiled while shaking his head.
“You know, you should talk to her. I mean meet her so that you guys can know about each other,” Edward lifted his shoulders and a smile formed on his face. He has a muscular body, being the same height of Stefan, with brown eyes along with an Italian accent.
“So, you think I should proceed with her,” there was a hint of doubt in Stefan’s voice.
“Hmm..... I think so you should. At least give her a chance. Who knows when you may fall for her..,” Edward began teasing him.
Stefan remained silent and nodded. He knows very well that he couldn’t fall for anyone. He still thinks of the girl who made his life. Edward was watching him curiously.
“Is there anything you want to talk?” Asked Edward.
“Hmm ... Nothing. Okay then arrange the meeting with her. Let’s see” saying this Stefan left the room.
Two days later, Stefan met Elena for tea on the lawn. She was wearing a light pink top with denim jeans and Stefan in his casual blue shirt and black trousers. It was a causal meet. Elena looked more beautiful than in the photo.
“Thanks for inviting me,” she said sweetly after settling in the lawn chair.
“It’s my pleasure,” Stefan smiled. The servants came and poured the tea along with some snacks.
“So, you met my mother and I think she already told you about this meeting,” he started the conversation after looking how uncomfortable she looks.
“Yeah, actually she told me” Elena said looking embarrassed.
“Listen it’s all your choice. I mean… I am not forcing you into anything. It's only my mom who forces me,” he smiled.
“Which girl will lose this chance?” She teased
Stefan raised his one eyebrow while smiling. She saw that and said quickly,” ugh… well I was just kidding, I mean it will be my honor to be your wife,”
Stefan knew the answer. Well every girl will love this opportunity but Elena is different. She was true from her heart and not any teen-age girl that believe in fantasy. She is a highly educated and independent girl. So far she didn’t have any bad remark.
They chatted for a while when the queen arrived there. Stefan left them talking.
“So my dear you enjoyed here,” she asked Elena.
“Yes, your majesty,” she nodded her head and bowed before her. The Queen smiled and made her stand straight.
“Hope I will hear the bells ringing,” she smiled.
After one week, the official engagement was arranged and Stefan was engaged to Elena. All the media people came to take their photo and finally released them. Sitting now in the office, he would only glance at the photos and think about his future.
“Hmm…” someone cleared their throat. Stefan rolled his eyes knowing well who came inside.
“When did you come inside?” Keeping his glass on the table he turned to see Edward.
“When you were busy in thinking something,” he teased and stood before him.
“It’s nothing,” he smiled.
“Why it is always nothing when I ask you what you are thinking?” Edward asked him irritated.
When he didn’t receive any comment from Stefan he reluctantly sat on the sofa and took the newspaper from the stand.
“You guys look great.” He turned the paper to show him, Stefan just smiled.
“Thanks,” he muttered.
Edward saw the look on Stefan’s face. He didn't want to interrupt his friend. So he stood up and fixed his suit.
“Anyways I just came to tell you that the queen wants to see you,” he informed him.
“Why?” Stefan doesn’t need to ask that. His mother was busy about this wedding and always asked him to join her.
“She wants you to meet the wedding planner,” he said while shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Oh great! The wedding planner," he sighed, “okay I will go. You are coming?”
"Nope, you carry on and don't scare her away," Edward teased him.
"You bet," Stefan chuckled.
Edward left for wedding arrangement so Stefan has to meet the wedding planner alone. He entered the hall and saw a girl wearing in jeans and white top. She was standing backwards to him and looking at the royal family portrait. She looked familiar from the backside.
“Ugh…” he cleared his throat.
She turned towards Stefan. His eyes popped wide open and heart beat thumped harder. That face he saw two years back and longed to see was standing right in front of him.
“You…. You are the wedding planner...?” He asked her shocked.

Chapter 3
Few days back:
Sam sat on the sofa motionless trying to stop the tears that already formed in her eyes. The man in the video had not only affected her heart but also her peace of mind. It took nearly two years to forget him because he was the only one guy with whom she was crazy in love.
They were together when things turned abruptly different and from that day onwards she lost the hope on any man. She never loved anyone nor dated anyone. Her heart still aches for him but now it’s just meaningless since he is going to get married.
Has he forgotten her? Or is it really an infatuation for him or was she really any other girl for him who he played with her?
Anger boiled in her thinking about him. She was so much lost in thought of him that she didn’t hear the phone ringing. Suddenly she jerked back to the reality and looked at her mobile. It has 7 missed calls from only one person—Rose.
She called her back.
“Yeah,” Sam managed to say, while controlling her tears.
“Did you see the news?” She sounded excited.
“Yes rose, I saw,” Sam sighed.
“So what do you think?”
“W... What thinking Rose, you mean you got that royal wedding contract…?” She could hardly speak.
“Yes dear, finally I got it,” Rose sounded over excited.
“H… how?” Sam couldn’t believe her ears.
“Talk to you when I get home. Bye dear,”
“Hey wait...” She hung up.
Oh god she can’t mean it. I mean if she does that wedding then I have to go with her. This means that I have to meet him. Oh no no no….. Sam thought
She never expected to see him again. She thought harder. She couldn't face him again. She would say no to Rose and stay here. But Rose expected so much from her now she can’t step back this last moment. She has to convince her. How to escape? She has to…
Finally the dinner time arrived for which Sam was fully prepared. They were seated in the dining room having their dinner
“What do you mean you can’t?” She spat out and looked angry.
“Listen rose, I mean it’s far away, its big, and more even I don’t think I can help you,” Sam said to Rose avoiding her eyes.
The entire evening Sam kept on thinking the possibilities. When Rose came home, she looked so happy Sam didn’t dare to tell her and disappoint her. Rose went on chattering how the queen heard about her and how she contacted her and all. Sam was busy thinking about the plan but with all that chattering she couldn’t make out.
“Oh dear, your presence means a lot to me. Please for god sake don’t say no. I planned everything.” Rose was trembling inside because she can’t handle this big wedding. Sam knew this very well. Even though Rose is an expert in her profession she can’t do it alone. But still…
“Wait! What have you planned?” Sam asked confusingly. Did she hear her correctly?
“Hmm… I planned our tour,” she said helplessly.
“What? You already have planned this and saying this to me now,” Sam was getting irritated.
“So what? You promised me. You better remember that,” Rose gave the warning teasingly. She began eating her dinner as if the argument had ended.
Sam knew she was losing it. She has to fight till the end. But what if she doesn’t listen again? Oh god how I am going to convince her… she thought.
They finished their dinner and Rose was washing the dishes. Her phone started ringing.
“Sam I think you can pick up the call,” she yelled from the kitchen.
Reluctantly she picked. ”yello”
“Pardon me,” said a male voice. His English accent was in bits but was quite Italian.
“I mean… hello,” she calmly answered him.
“Can I talk to Miss Samantha White?” He asked her in his Italian accent.
“Yes it’s me speaking,” she signed.
“This is Edward Ross, PA of Prince Stefan,” he sounded proud.
Sam wouldn’t speak for a moment. She was in shock. Her hands were trembling. She knew by this time He probably would have known about her arrival. At first the wedding news and now his personal assistant is talking to her. Why life does is so hatred towards her… she thought.
“Ugh… is you there Miss?” Edward interrupted.
“Yeah I am, what I can do Mr. Ross," she swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Well actually it’s been said that you are coming alone so I thought I could get some details of your arrival,” he asked her.
She didn’t expect. She was going alone. No ways. She narrowed her eyes at her aunt and she motioned her to hand over the phone.
“Hello...” He waited
“Sorry… can you just hold on a second,” she made sure she doesn’t sound rude.
“Sure,” he answered politely.
She handed the phone to Rose. Rose took the phone and went towards the balcony. After a few minutes she came back.
“Would you care to explain me?” She looked at the aunt irritatingly.
“Oh c’mon dear, I was going to tell. Listen I am in a middle of an assignment. I can’t drop out now. Please understand my situation.” She pleaded.
“First you forced me to go. Fine! And now you are saying that I have to go alone,” she looked at her as if she was her greatest enemy.
“What’s your problem Sam? I never saw you like that. You were adventurous and active. You used to help others. And now whom I see? A girl who’s afraid to be alone? Go somewhere far from home.” Rose spoke irritating to her. In her whole life she never saw Sam being so broken only when her parents died. Rose couldn’t understand why she is against going to this marriage.
Her aunt has every right to yell at her. But she can’t explain her. She looked pleadingly at her aunt, Rose was very angry. She left Sam and went to her room banging the door.
She went to her room and collapsed on her bed. She couldn’t sleep. She knew that she has hurt Rose... Oh how could she do it? She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. After lots of thinking, finally she decided on going and ready to face him. She slept knowing that she has lots of work to do tomorrow.
Early in the morning she woke up before her aunt and showered. She tiptoed into her room and packed her bag. She has still time to catch the plane so she started preparing breakfast. Rose came out of her room in her night dress and saw the packing. She turned towards Sam with wide eyes.
“Oh do not look like that; I am not going to let you down. That’s my promise,” Sam gave her cutest smile.
Rose ran to her and hug.” Thank you so much,”
Sam smiled and said “I think we are going to be late. Let’s go,”
Rose dropped her at the airport and Sam checked in. She sat in the most beautiful plane near the window hope to see the beautiful city Italy. The plane flew and she closed her eyes. She loves Italy, its places, people, building everything.
It was spring. The cool breeze was flowing making the leaves to travel all over the place. She was lying on the grass, the sun was setting down and the rays were spread all over the grass. He, lying beside her, whispered in her ears “you look beautiful”. His breath was hot and it made her shiver. She blushed making her cheeks change to pink. His hands came around her waist and he was lying on top of her. She was too close to him. Their bodies were touching and their lips were inches apart. His hand cupped her chin and made her look into his eyes. Those were the most beautiful eyes she ever saw. He gave her the breathtaking smile and closed the distance between them by kissing her.
His soft lips touched her lips, moving over her. She moaned when he entered her mouth and began to explore it. Her heart began to pound hardly and her breathing accelerated. She never left this way before and she knew that she will never feel this with anyone. Why does he have so much effect on her? She thought when finally he broke the kiss and started kissing her weak spot on her shoulder.
She woke up abruptly. She was still on the plane. She covered her eyes with her hand and began to tremble. Memories stared to haunt her even though she didn’t enter his place. How is she going to face him and handle everything?
“Welcome To San Marino. Thank you for flying with us,” said the announcement. She closed her eyes and tried to remain calm. She stood up after everyone began to leave the plane.
After checking out, she saw a sign board with her name on it. It was held by a middle-aged man wearing a white uniform with a white cap, probably the driver. She went to him.
“Hi I am Samantha White,” she stood before him smilingly.
“Benvenuto! Signora” he bowed a little and smiled
“Grazie, but I don’t speak much Italian” she smiled at him. He nodded his head and walked out of the airport, she followed him. She was led to an Audi Q7. She couldn’t believe her eyes.
Stupid they are royal they can buy anything.
“A few hours of driving Signora and you will be in Siena,” he smiled at her and kept his seat belts on. She sat in the back seat and smiled at him.
The car was in its maximum speed and reached the city limits. She gazed outside to watch the city. It is beautiful and in celebrations. Of course for the prince’s wedding she thought. The car entered the gates of the palace. It is a beautiful castle. The car stopped at one of the palace entrance.
She stepped outside the car. A man, in black trousers and neck T-shirt with black suit, was waiting at the entrance. He walked towards her and extended his hand.
“Benvenuto! I am Edward Ross. I talked to you over the phone I believe,” he smiled at her. She recognized his voice. He has light green eyes and his slightly tanned skin blend with his sandy brown hair. He has a sharp cheekbone with dimples on his cheek. She smiled and shook his hand.
“Grazie, yes it was me,” she removed her hand and stood before him.
“This is Lucy, palace maid. She will take care of you. When you ready, we will meet the queen.” He straight away came to the point. He pointed to the short middle aged woman wearing the maid’s clothes and looking very neat. Sam gave her a smile.
“Okay,” she nodded.
“Then see you soon” He nodded and left.
“Good Evening madam,” said Lucy in her flawless English.
“You speak English well,” Sam complimented her.
“Yes, my mom is English,” she smiled.
“Come with me I will show you your room madam,” she started walking. Sam followed her.
“Thank you but please call me Sam,” Lucy nodded.
She smiled and walked through the hall. After climbing the stairs they came to row of rooms. According to Lucy, the left wing was for the royal family and the right was for guest. After passing few rooms they stopped at one door. Lucy opened the door and turned towards Sam.
“Hope you like it madam,” she smiled.
She entered the room. It was beautiful with a medium sized bed, cream colored curtains and different flowers arranged on the table. Lucy left the room after unpacking her bag.
“I will wait outside, when you are ready I will call Edward, ma’am” Lucy bowed and walked to the door.
“I told you to call me Sam,” she said smilingly. Lucy smiled and said yes. She left Sam to clean up and waited outside.
She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself. She didn’t have any formal dress so she wore simple jeans and a white top. She brushed her hair and added simple make-up. She was ready to meet the queen. She informed Lucy and waited for him outside her room. She glanced through the window when Edward entered the wing.
“Shall we go Miss White,” he smiled and she nodded.
“Please call me Sam, Mr. Ross,” she said while walking through the hall. The hall was amazing with high ceiling and antique furniture. Servants were cleaning the room and it is sparking.
“Only if you call me Edward,” he interrupted her thoughts. He was walking elegantly and was handsome. Is every man in Siena handsome? She smiled at herself for this thought.
“Sure Edward,”
“Okay Sam” they laughed together.
Finally they reached a room. He opened it and led her inside. It's one of the private rooms with a sofa and armchair on one side and a huge piano on the other side.
“The queen is busy. She will join us in 15 minutes.” Saying this he left the room. The room was huge and full furniture. There were portraits all over the room. She started seeing them one by one.
Suddenly the door opened and heard some clearing their throat. She turned to see who it was.
But she came face-to-face with Stefan. He looked into her shocked eyes and said,” You…. You are the wedding planner...?”
Oh god he is so handsome…. Came her first thought on seeing him.
She broke the contact and looked at him avoiding his eyes. She forced a smile and said “Yes, Your Highness,”

Chapter 4
Time stopped by for them as their eyes met and they started at each other for a while. Neither of them had spoken anything but went on seeing each other. Stefan can’t believe he could ever see her again. The only question now in his mind was why she is doing this? Did she really come to do the wedding planning?
Finally their contact had broken when the announcement was made about the queen's arrival. The queen entered the room and stood near to Stefan, who turned to his mother to greet.
“Hello mother, you called me?” He asked the queen. She quietly nodded her head and turned to Sam.
“Welcome dear,” the queen smiled and walked to her. As she drew nearer her expression suddenly changed. She stood there as if studying her and again regained her smiled.
“Thank you, your majesty,” Sam smiled at her and bowed a little. She never knew how doing the curtsy to the Queen.
“Please have a seat; I think you had a comfortable journey.” She gently laid her arm around her shoulder and pushed her to the sofa.
“Thank you; I had a pleasant journey,” Sam sat in front of her. Both of them sit face to face.
Stefan also joined them. He sat on arm chair facing Sam. His mom and Sam started talking and he kept looking at Sam. She hasn’t changed a bit. She had the same body feature, same height, same color and scar was still there. She looks more beautiful than ever. The smile he loved making her eyes glow. He still remembers the day when he saw her first.
Stefan, as all his friends call him at his university. No one really knew about him being the prince of the small kingdom in Siena, except his few close friends and the college authorities. He lives along with his roommate and best friend Noah. They have been friends since high school. While Stefan studied business, Noah studied physiology. Edward was also their friend but he chooses a different university to study.
That day he was driving his favorite car, Ferrari. He didn't care about the rules and regulation. Driving at full speed was his hobby.
“Dude you don’t have go at this speed,” yelled Noah. He is nervous of high speed as once he had the car accident. He is American but lives in Italy. His hair is dirty blonde with deep brown eyes and a muscular body. Noah is a handsome and youthful guy and also a best friend.
“My car is a Ferrari. I can’t insult it,” Stefan laughed eyeing his expressions.
“C’mon we reached university. Now slow down,” Noah said nervously clutching the handle.
“Whatever you say,” he chuckled and slow down a bit.
He turned his car towards the parking lot, parked in his spot and jumped outside. The school is already filled with students. He glanced around and picked his jacket to wear. While wearing his jacket he saw Noah irritatingly standing there. Stefan smiled to himself and threw the bag towards him. But he stepped back and missed it.
"What was that for?" Noah asked him seriously.
“So that…” Stefan couldn’t continue as they heard a girl’s low scream.
Standing near to them, they saw a girl rubbing her forehead with one hand and holding a bag with another. It was Stefan's bag.
"Shit" they both muttered.
Noah ran into her while he stood there watching them.
Stefan looked at that girl. She was facing back to him. She was wearing a black silk top and a colorful skirt. She tied her silky black hair into a pony. As he watched, the breeze caught the fabric, molding it to her hips and thighs, outlining her slender body. His blood stirred and Stefan thought to himself to move his gaze but he couldn't move a muscle.
Noah looked at her head and suddenly yelled at Stefan “dude you must see this,”
He turned to the girl and said something before leaving her alone.
Shit what could his bag do. It can’t bleed anyone… he thought
Stefan went to her and grabbed her arm to make her turn towards him. Suddenly she lost control and leaned much closer to him. He slides his hand around her waist making her stand much closer to him. Strong smell of strawberry hit him. He saw a little blood on her head. He cupped her face with one of his hands and he cleaned the blood with his handkerchief. She lifted her gaze to him and said “Thanks”. Her eyes held his breath. Those were the most beautiful he ever saw.
Her voice was like a musical note. He looked into her eyes and said sorry. She smiled at him. Her smile made a dimple on her cheeks and her eyes glowed. He sucked in the sharp breath as arousal spread through him. Warm with excitement he wanted to kiss her forehead and those lavishing lips. The power of this image, of his arousal, shocked him. This was no mild stirring of the blood, no simple instance of attraction or appreciation. That's what he felt was a reaction to this particular girl shocked him more.
He fought back the image, his arousal and removed his hands around her waist. She slowly moved back and left him standing there. He started at her until she reached the building and disappeared.
“Stefan….. Stefan?” His mother called him. Jerking to the reality and pushing his thoughts he quickly sensed Sam watches him in confused expression.
“Yes mom,” he turned to his mom.
"Samantha wants to talk to you. So discuss with her everything.” She told her son.
“Sure mom” he gave her a slight nod.
“Well Samantha, take care and inform me later,”
“Yes your majesty,” she gave her a small smile.
She stood up and went leaving them all alone. After the Queen left, Stefan stood and went to prepare himself a drink. He turned back and saw she was writing something on the pad.
Professional…. He thought.
“What some drink?” He asked her trying to capture her attention.
She lifted her gaze and simply nodded. He turned back.
He had the same features when she saw him first time in the university. She couldn’t forget how he cleaned her blood and said sorry. The smirk he gave had fastened her heartbeat. She ran so that he couldn’t hear her beat. The smile, smell and heat … she couldn’t forget. Suddenly he turned towards her and saw her staring at him.
“So you became a wedding planner?” He sat on the same couch holding a glass of whiskey.
“Well actually my aunt is the wedding planner. I am just helping her.” She said nervously. Sitting near to him was weakening her. Her palms began to sweat and her heart beat began to rise. Two years passed but still she could control her feelings towards him.
“So what are you doing now?” He asked her doubtfully.
“Searching for jobs,” she shrugged her shoulder and smiled.
“Searching? ... I bet you should have got the job by now. I mean you were talented in your course, I think so…” he let it go. He knows her too well. She was the topper in her course. Jobs can come to her steps then why she is searching now?
“Well… things didn’t work out well” she whispered.
There was silence. That was the awkward situation.
Suddenly she turned to him and said, “Congrats for your wedding,” her voice faded a little while saying those words.
He looked into her eyes and said thanks. She didn’t dare to look in his eyes. Stefan stood and walked over the window so he couldn’t face her. Sam cleared her throat.
“So the queen said to start my work from tomorrow so make sure what you want so that I can prepare some list,” she said in her professional tone making it clearly business.
“Yeah, sure I will give the details by tomorrow.” He didn't turn to her.
“Okay then I will meet you tomorrow. Bye,” She was a fool to expect him to turn and talk to her. When she realizes that she picked her bag and turned towards the door.
She was about to get out when a hand dragged her inside and pinned her to the wall.
“Stef, what are you doing?” She whispered completely in a state of shock.
“I am asking you the same… What are you doing here?” He replied with exasperation.
“I already told you I am helping my aunt for arranging your WEDDING” she was getting irritated.
Stefan was so close to her that she can smell his strong scent cologne filled with abstract floral fragrance. His eyes which were as soft as petal turned into harsh. His hands were both side of her on the wall. His breath was hot, making her shiver. Even though they were inches apart she would feel the electric current passing between them. Suddenly she couldn’t hear anyone and feel anything. She closed her eyes. He leaned forward towards her shoulder and kissed on her exposed skin. She was transfixed and her heartbeat fastens. He again kissed her and finally kissed up to her jaw line. It caused butterflies in her stomach and her hands came to his chest to resist but she couldn’t do that. Slowly Stefan stepped back and she opened her eyes.
“W… why did you …” she stammered but couldn’t speak more.
“To make sure my kisses doesn’t affect you anymore,” he said harshly,” but I got my answer, you can never resist me, ever” he smirked and left her behind.
The heat of his kisses still remained on her shoulder. Tears formed in her eyes. She couldn’t believe how could be become so hard. She still remembers the sweet innocent heart that always loved everyone.
How could he change so much…..Stef was never like that…?
Oh god how can he do that to her…… he thought.
He wanted to know after two years why did she come to him… to arrange his wedding? She left him two years ago and since then he has tried to forget her but he couldn’t. He never dated anyone since then, made himself busy with business and in the palace. He hardly made himself think about her. But always the night haunted him with her dreams. And now she was here, in person. His mind drifted to the time when he realized that he had fallen in love at first sight.
“Okay I got it dude. You have fallen for her” Noah started teasing him. They were leaving the parking lot at the university. Noah went to get some medicine but came only to see Stefan staring at her, while she walking into the building.
“Cool buddy it’s nothing like that,” he assured him.
“C’mon I saw, how you were seeing at her. I mean, seriously, you were staring at her.” Stefan started laughing and kicked him and entered their class.
Mr. Randall, their professor started the class. “Thanks both of you for joining the class,”
They ignored him and sat in their usual places. Stefan sat on front seats and Noah to his right.
“So you don’t like her?” He asked with excitement.
“Noah! Just stop.” He whispered.
“I mean if you are not interested them I think I will ask her for prom,” he triggered.
Stefan looked at his friend with murderous eyes and said “don’t you dare”.
“Fine I won’t but who knows some other guy may ask her and she may go out with hi….”
Stefan grabbed him “I am not going to let that happen,”
“Why?” Noah smirked.
“What why?”
“Listen...”Noah was about to say something.
“Noah step out of the class, you are disturbing the class,” Mr. Randall yelled at Noah. He ignored it and started talking to Stefan.
“NOW” his professor yelled.
“Dude, catch you later,” he ran out.
Stefan smiled and concentrated on what his professor was teaching. Suddenly he hit his head. What if some other guy asks her to prom? He should ask her first. But how could he ask her. She just met him. She even doesn’t know his name. Wait even he doesn’t know her name. The bell rang and he ran out towards her building. He saw her walking out wrapping her books around her chest. He started walking towards her. She was walking down the stairs when she suddenly slipped. He ran to her and caught hold of her by wrapping his hands around her waist. He pulled her closer to make her stand. Their lips were inches apart. The cool breeze was making her hair fall on her face. With one hand he removed the hair from her face and cupped her face.
“So you got the scar over there,” he touched the part where his bag hit her.
She smiled at him and said “yes but it’s pretty small, no one will notice it,”
He looked at her and said “sorry for that”
She smiled and said “thank you for this,” she pointed to their pose.
He was confused at what she said and suddenly realized where he was. He stepped back.
“Hi I am Stefan,” he extended his hand.
“Hi I am Samantha,” she shook her hand.
“So why is that I never saw you before,”
“Because I was never here before. I have recently been transferred in my course. It’s only for a few months,”
“Okay, Shall we talk in the canteen? I am hungry” Stefan touched his stomach and rubbed it.
They laughed and started walking towards the canteen. They took their lunch and sat on the corner table.
“So where did you come from,” Stefan started the conversation.
“New York,”
“New York has many universities then why here?”
“My course is history and I want to do research on the history of Italy. So I thought it would be better to come here and study.”
“That’s so beautiful,”
“Where are you from?”
“Well I am local,” he smirked.
“Oh nice. So you know these places well and hey why that is your English is flawless. I mean everyone here is speaking in Italian.”
“My father made me fluent in English. I don’t know why” he shrugged his one shoulder and stared into the space. His father wanted his communication to be good so that he could help his people in the future.
“May be he has some plans for you,” she checked her watch,” Well I think we should leave now. My class starts in 10 minutes,”
“Sure even my class starts,”
“It was nice talking to you Stefan,”
“My pleasure and same here,”
They walked together to their class. He escorted to her class and went on his way. Suddenly he turned back to her.
“Hey can you come to the prom with me?”
She thought for a while and said “Hmm… sure I will,”
“Okay, then catch you later,” he smiled as she entered her class. His heart felt light and now he is sure that she will be coming with him.

She sat in front of the mirror brushing her hair. She wore her favorite black color night dress which was up to her knees. She sighed and went to her balcony. The cool breeze hit her and suddenly all over she felt chilled. The city looked beautiful at night. She saw Stefan playing with Shadow.
She remembers Stefan says that he brought shadow from the pet shop in its early days. Now it’s a bulldog. She smiled and saw how handsome Stef looks. It reminded of the day when he asked her for prom. She was so excited that day. She couldn’t believe he would ask her. That was the first day of her in the university and she fell in love with that guy who hit her and helped her in the same day.

Chapter 5
“Sam, are you dating Stefan?” Rachael asked her curiously.
“N… no no it’s not like that. We are best friends.” She managed to smile.
“Well, sorry for asking. But you guys are like magnets. You guys don’t look like friends at all, but sorry to say this, I heard people saying that he is a player?” It sounded more like a question. Sam laughed at that. She and Stefan were friends for one month and she knew him more than anyone.
“Rachael, really it’s nothing like that,” Sam assured her.
“Okay then, meet you in the lab,”
They were in the history class. Rachael had been her friend since she joined the classes. Rachael left the class and Sam left behind packing her bag. Rachael was right. No one will believe if they tell that Stefan and Sam are friends. She couldn’t hide her feelings whenever she is near to him. She loses control of herself and completely falls for him. They use to chat during lunch time; he gave her rides every day. It was like a routine. But still she waits for him every day during break. It was not until the day when she realized that she wants him so badly; when she realized that she loves him. That was the day when Sara came to her life.
Sara is a model with exotic looks, high cheekbones, and sexy smile. She was her distant cousin, who came to Italy for a modeling contract.
“Sam darling, you don’t have to get bothered about me,” Sara said to Sam while unpacking her bags.
They were eating their breakfast when Sam said about her classes and her timings.
“Well you can use the spare key, and then our timings won’t clash.” Sam suggested her and she nodded.
Suddenly they heard a car sound and Sam ran to pick up her books. She wore her jacket and opened the door to Stefan and Sara, together near his car. They were laughing and Sara placed her hand on Stefan’s shoulder. Suddenly Sam sensed the hot boiling rage inside her seeing them laughing and chatting. She went to towards them controlling her anger.
“Ugh…. Sorry for late,” she said cheerfully.
He looked at Sam and the smile died. He leaned towards Sara and kissed on her cheek to say goodbye and went inside the car. Sam slid into front seat car. He didn’t say any neither she asked. She leaned back and closed her eyes.
Is it true what Rachael said about him being a player? Sam thought.

It was 6 o’clock in the morning when Sam woke up. Sunlight rays had brightened her room. She lazily stood up from her bed and yawned.
Day one begins….. She thought.
She showered and wrapped a towel round her body. She chooses to wear cream blouse with black knee-length shirt. She wore her favorite watch and simple diamond earrings. This was the perfect look for a business woman. She glanced at the mirror once and stepped outside her room. She glanced at her watch and she was too late to meet Stefan.
She was walking through the wall when she heard her name. She turned back to see Edward. He was wearing a casual black shirt with navy blue jeans. She hadn’t seen him after meeting the queen. She had her dinner in her room only.
“There you are. I was searching for you.” He came beside her.
“Sorry but this place huge.” Sam amused him.
“Hey this is the list. Stefan gave me. Read it carefully. Stefan needs perfection.” He handed over the list. She looked at the list and nodded.
“So care to join me for tea?” He asked her doubtfully.
“Yeah sure,” she smiled.
They were having tea in the garden. It was sunny but the air was cool.
“So I heard you are an archaeologist?” He brought his cup to his mouth and sipped.
“I am not now. But I will be one day,” she began drinking her tea.
“Oh that’s great. Can I ask you something? May be kind of personal” he sounded feeling awkward.
She nodded.
“Do you know Stefan before?” He was looking at her face. She lifted her cup to hide her face.
“W...Why do you ask that,” she hides her emotions off her face.
“Never mind, I am just asking,” he sighed. Maybe it was not a right time to ask her.
“It's okay, I know him. We studied in same university” she said calmly as if it doesn’t affect her.
“I thought so,” he let out a sharp breath.
She looked at him with raised eyebrows. He chuckled and lifted his cup. They chatted for a while and left for their own works. Sam looked at the list. He listed the same things that once she knows. He didn’t change a bit. His likes were the same. It was as if she didn’t need the list. But the worst part was that the things he wanted are from Rome, the place where they shared lots of memories. But still this is work and she has to do it for Rose. Thinking of her she opened her phone and dialed her. After three rings, she picked it.
“Hi darling, How are you?” She sounded excited.
“I am fine Rose, when are you coming?”
“I will be there in four days dear,”
“Oh great! Four days,” she said in exasperation.
“So tell me everything,” she asked her excitedly.
Sam told everything about her journey, meeting the queen, Stefan and skipping the kiss part.
“Are you sure you can handle?” Rose asked after hearing everything.
“I am sure. And I know Rome well so don’t worry I can handle. Bye”
“Okay dear bye,”
She started her journey to Rome. The car took the speed and traveled through the familiar roads and streets. She could feel the presence of Stefan with her in those places. She crossed the famous Colosseum, where she and Stefan sat there till nightfall, Sistine chapel, where he took her for the first time, St. Peter’s Basilica and finally to Trevi Fountain. This is the very place where she threw the coin wishing to visit again with Stefan. But it never happened and will never. She went to the fountain and sat there for a while. She still remember the way he looked at her and was about to kiss her when the rain interrupted them. The memories were still present in the air. She sighed and turned back without throwing the coin.
Stefan wanted two parties-one of his colleagues and another for his friends. Like a bachelor party. The list contained every detail in it. She purchased and started back to the palace. They crossed her university and the park where he kissed her first time. It happened so suddenly that day but from that day they started kissing each other and walking hand in hand. But they never talked about their relationship. She shut down her memories and leaned back closing her eyes.
If Sara wasn’t part of her life… she would have been with Stef.
“Stefan you are working a lot now-a-days makes it slow,” Edward was sitting on the armchair in Stefan’s office. Stefan was working on the charity purpose. Edward went straight to Stefan’s room after meeting Sam.
Edward guessed that Stefan may have known Sam before as he came know about her education. Last night he saw Stefan watching Sam, who was standing on her balcony. The way, he saw Sam creating a doubt in his mind.
“I have to follow my dad. He left out things so I have to complete them,” he smiled at his friend.
“Okay, but relax you have a wedding,” he warned him.
“Thanks for reminding me my dear friend,” he teased.
“Friend? You know what actually a friend means,” there was a hint of hurt in his voice.
Stefan looked at Edward with a questioning look. He never talks to him like that.
“Edward… what happened?” He leaned forward placing his hands on Edward's shoulder.
“What do you think I don’t know about you?” He replied angrily.
Stefan kept looking at him. Edward stood up and walked towards the door. He turned back to face Stefan.
“I want you to think again about what you are doing. Don’t let the chips fall forever,”
“Edward Stop. What do you want to tell me?” Stefan stopped doing his work and looked irritatingly at him.
“Stop looking at Sam,” saying this he left the room.
Stefan couldn’t believe what Edward said. He never told him about Sam. How could he know? Only Sam could tell him. But why?
He came out of his office and went straight to his room. He couldn’t believe that Sam would ruin his wedding. He turned to the left wing away from his room. He opened the door and saw Sam in her night dress standing in the balcony drinking coffee. She looked beautiful. The dress was loose and showed her perfect features, playing with her hair; she looked like an angel in the moonlight. He wanted to hug her, kiss her and make love. But instead, he closed the door and went to his room. He has to stop looking at her. He has to forget her. He has a wedding.
Two years back he made every effort to get her. Every plan worked out to express out her feelings.
If only she trusted him, he would have been hers and she his… but now everything is finished he can’t do any… he has lost her completely……..

Chapter 6
Sam stood at the center of the hall and studied it. It’s beautiful with high ceiling, painted with different designs of flowers, people and sceneries. What inspired her more was the beautiful painting of a young girl wearing a long ball gown, sitting near the lake in the moonlight as if waiting for someone.
“So, what do you think?” A familiar voice came from behind. She turned to see Edward smiling at her, standing at a distance, his hands shoved into his pockets.
“It’s amazing” Sam showed a shocked expression.
“And the painting?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“That? It’s awesome. It’s reflected so beautifully the young girl waiting for someone” She kept looking at the painting without noticing that Edward was standing next to her and looking at the same picture.
“There’s a story behind it” he said suddenly thinking deeply.
“A story?” Sam inquired.
“Yes, a cute young romantic story. It was drawn by once a princess of this kingdom. Long time ago actually. She has portrayed herself in this painting,”
“So she was waiting for her love?” Sam looked at Edward.
“Yeah, waited for him even thought she knew that he won’t come back to her,” he said sadly.
“Because he was getting married on the same day,” Edward now looked at her and smiled.
“Then what happened later? Did he come? What had she done?” Sam asked all the questions at a time. Edward laughed at it.
“No one knows what happen later. Actually no one spoken about it. So it still remained a secret” he sighed.
“Did you…. Did you wait for anyone like this” he asked suddenly to Sam. She jerked back at that question but managed hard to control her emotions.
Yes, she waited for him….. Thinking that one day he will come to her.
She turned to see Edward watching her. Does he know anything?
“Yes, I waited for someone but it’s no use now” she sighed.
“Why?” He inquired.
“Because….” She was interrupted by a group of workers who arrived in the hall.
“Hmm… I think I should go now, tomorrow is the grand party, right?” She gave a small laugh.
“Yeah, party… it’s actually a ball” he laughed.
“Oh! Whatever” she smiled and went to the workers.
Edward stood there watching her for a few moments and left the hall.
He went out to his Audi car and started driving it. He has a big thing to do. He has to give the ball invitation to Miss Elena. She looked so beautiful when he saw her first time in the photo and then again in person when she came to meet Stefan.
Shit… Edward, you can’t think about her like that…. He cursed under his breath.
He can’t control himself thinking about her. He began to hate himself for liking her. He didn’t like the idea to meet her again but the Queen ordered him to do that job himself.
After his twenty minute drive, he arrived at her mansion. It’s beautiful with huge white mansion and large beautiful garden. He went to the door and rang the bell. To his surprise the door was opened by Elena herself. She was in her floral skirt which came to her knees and white shirt with two buttons pooped out. Her hair was loose with no make. She was looking gorgeous. Edward couldn’t take his eyes out.
“Hello Edward,” she smiled to him,” Please come inside”
She indicated him to enter and he entered inside. The hall was huge with all the wooden furniture. Sunlight was everywhere in the room, making it brighter.
“Have a seat” she said to him. He nodded and sat on the couch.
“So? What brought you here?” She asked him as the servant gave him orange juice. He took it and drank it.
“Well,” he cleared his throat, “Tomorrow in the palace, there is a Ball. I came here to invite you,” he handed her the invitation.
“Oh! That’s great. I will come,” she kept looking at the invitation. Edward couldn’t stand anymore so he decides to leave. Elena shot a glance to him.
“I have to leave now,” he stood up and walked to the door. He saw that Elena didn’t follow him to the door.
Once he was out of the house and entered the car, he let out a breath and sighed deeply. That was too hard to handle… he thought.
He turned his car as it passed through the large iron gates but with a swift glance in his rearview mirror he saw Elena standing in her balcony and watching him.
He is officially mad… he thought.
Sam started her work with the theme of the ball. It’s the color theme with black and red combination. She thought of every possible decoration but couldn’t manage to decide it. Arrangement was never her part. She was worst in deciding anything to arrange. Even Stefan knows it. He helped her during the time of their prom.
They were given the auditorium of their university, along with Sam and Stefan, and some of their classmates. They used to have fun while decorating. Stefan handled the invitations while Sam handled the arrangements. Every day they used to be together, make fun with others and enjoyed. Stefan used to help her in decoration and also gave advices. He used to hold her while decorating the walls. Sam uses to cook lunch for Stefan so that they can have lunch together. Those were the lovely days for Sam.
Those days Stefan used to kiss her when they were alone. Those kisses were simple at first that turned into passionate. Somewhere in her heart she knew that this relationship will work. But it never worked out. She cleared her mind and started doing her work. She knew the best to handle this is to call Rose. She took her phone and started dialing when she heard Edward calling her. She was standing on the huge stairs. She turned and saw Edward at the last step. He smiled at her and started walking towards her.
“Hi, busy?” He yelled.
“Hi, well not busy but I am thinking about the Ball,” she smiled at him.
He checked his watch “well its lunch time. Come let’s have it,”
She had work to do but she was hungry so she nodded and told him to wait so that she can change herself. She went to the room and bathed. She wore a causal low hip jean with a white lace jumper. She applied some make-up. She thought it’s just casual lunch and she was looking casual.
Edward was talking to one the employee when she went there. He looked quite serious but also nervous.
“I am ready,” she said cheerfully,
“You look fresh and beautiful,” he smiled and she smiled back.
They started walking outside the hall and entered the corridor. Sam still doesn’t know the paths well. She still finds herself in a strange room when she gets lost.
“Thanks. So where are we going?” She asked him once they were outside the hall.
“Nothing far. Just here,” he said casually.
“Here in palace?” She sounded shocked.
“Yes, along with her majesty and the prince,” now she couldn’t believe that.
“Oh no, you should say that before, I never dine with them,” she stopped and looked shocked.
“You will love it,” he assured her and kept his hand around her without touching her.
“Well, I am not dressed properly,” she insisted.
“Don’t worry, you look perfect,” he gave her one genuine smile.
Before she could say any they were outside the dinning room. He opened the door and entered. She followed him silently.
One of the maids indicated a chair for Sam which was in front of Stefan. Sam greeted the queen and sat down. Lunch was begun to serve. Edward sat next to her.
“So dear, how are arrangements going on?” The queen asked her while drinking the soup.
“They are fine, your majesty,” she said slowly.
“Well I hope you are not getting any difficulty then,” she asked her as she finished her soup and the maid took that out.
“I am trying to do my best, Ma’am,” Sam tried to sound confident.
“That’s good to hear.”
They ate silently. Sometimes Edward starts talking to the queen. Stefan ate silently. They both didn’t talk.
A Butler entered the room and informed the queen that a call has arrived for her. She left them but Edward followed her. Sam and Stefan were left alone.
Stefan didn’t talk to her. It was like a torture to her. She can’t speak to him. She felt relief when he left her all alone in that room. She silently finished her lunch and started walking back to her work. That was the horrible lunch time for her.
When she entered the hall, she saw people working on their decorations. The combinations of ribbons and flowers were perfect. But that was not her idea. From the morning she was unable to decide the combinations and now they were perfect. She asked one of her employees about it. He looked at her confused and said that they were in her paper and was written perfectly.
She ran to the table where she kept her papers. He was right, they were actually written by someone, all the perfect combinations. Seeing the writing she knew who wrote them. She didn’t expect Stefan to help her. She worked all the evening and was totally tired. The hall was decorated perfectly and food list was prepared. She made the list approved by the queen and gave it to the palace chef. After all her works were over, she checked for the final time. Edward approved it.
“It’s beautiful. You did great. The queen really liked it,” he said it, making her cheer and proud.
She smiled with tired. He looked at her and smiled knowingly.
“You better take a rest. Remaining things will be arranged,”
“Well there nothing else to arrange but it would be nice if you check all once more,”
“Sure it’s my duty,” he smiled and took the pad from her and left her go.
She left him and walked towards her room. She was feeling tired and a little dizzy. She was getting sleepy and her eyelids were forced to shut. She could see a man standing at the far end of the corridor. Before she could see who he was, she slid into unconsciousness.
She opened her eyes and found herself in her bed. Her dress was changed into her nightdress. But she couldn’t remember how she came into her room and changed herself. Her body parts were aching. She dragged herself out of bed and glanced at her watch. It was already 10 o’clock. She didn’t know how she slept for so long and why anyone didn’t wake her.
She hurried to bath and change to white skirt and pink silk blouse. She was ready and already late. She came to the hall. The arrangements were like the same when she left. She spotted Lucy in the hall.
“Lucy,” she waved at her.
Lucy saw her calling and came to her.
“Did you have a nice sleep Sam?” She asked smilingly but was in a hurry.
“Yeah great, but why didn’t you wake me up?”
She looked at her confused,” you wrote in the note not wake you up,”
“What? I didn’t write any note,” Sam looked confused.
“Yes you wrote. Here see this,” she handed over the note.
“If you please excuse me, I have to go,” Lucy left her.
Sam nodded and stared at the note. It was written ‘please don’t wake me,’
That’s strange she didn’t write any… she thought
And then she saw the writing and realized who wrote. It was Stefan’s.
So Stefan wrote it and left it in her room. If he wrote it then he was the one last night standing near her room and who changed her dress!!!...... Shock crept into her body as she thought that.
She couldn’t understand why he is taking care of her… now.

Chapter 7
Standing in his room, Stefan was getting ready for the ball. He was wearing his tux. It was getting late and he has to be with his mom to invite guest. He went down to his mom. She wore her favorite designer ball gown and was looking amazing. She was in the hall talking to the prime minister. The prime minister is around in his late fifties but look amazing in his age. Along with him was his wife who is the legal lawyer of our palace. His dad was sitting in the armchair looking terribly ill. He went straight to his dad and kneeled before him.
“Hello dad,” he patted his hand. He smiled weakly at his son and kept looking around. The king had been ill for many days and doctors were trying hard to keep him healthy.
Stefan stood up and went straight to his mom. When they saw him coming towards them, the prime minister and his wife excused themselves and left them alone.
“Mom I think dad should be taken in. He is ill,” Stefan looked worried.
“I know that darling. But his presence is important now. Just a few more minutes we will take him,” she smiled at her son lovingly.
He nodded and went to greet his guest. Everything was beautifully arranged. All the black and red combinations were amazing. He knew that Sam needs guidance so he wrote them on her paper when he left her in the dinner hall. But when was about to enter his room last night, he saw her walking lazily and weakly. If he hadn’t come to catch her from falling down she would have hit the ground.
She looked tired and pale after making the whole arrangement. He carried her to her room and called one maid to change her dress. Before leaving her room he wrote a message and left her. He turned around to catch the glimpse of her but she wasn’t there in the room. His eyes traveled to Edward who was at the bar talking to his friends. He walked to them and involved in their conversation.
He was talking to Edward and other friends when he spotted her. She looked stunning. She was wearing a long strapless simple red dress with simple jewelry. She was walking down the alley looking worried. She looked the same during their prom. She was more beautiful than that.
“She looks gorgeous,” he heard someone saying that. Even his heart said the same.
He was still watching her,” yes she is lovely,”
Their eyes met but he broke the contact when he felt hands over his shoulders. It was Edward. He then realized that he was talking to him. He ignored him and started talking to his other friends. Stefan went away from him and began to talk to his other guest. He saw Edward walking towards her and took her hand. They walked straight to the bar where he gave her something. He knew very well that it would be water because she doesn’t like drinking.
“What? You don’t like drinking,” Edward looked shocked at her.
“Yeah,” she smiled at him.
“Then what are we going to do now?” He made a worried face.
She shrugged her shoulders and started laughing.
“Excuse me; I will be right back,” He left her there.
She couldn’t believe she was here until the evening when Lucy came with a box and an invitation card. The queen wanted her to attend the ball and she gave her a dress. She took the juice glass and started walking towards the couch when somebody called her in shock. She turned to see Noah. She felt so happy seeing him that she hugged him.
“You have changed. You look so beautiful,” he looked at her with wide eyes.
“Thanks but you didn’t change a bit. What are you doing now-a-days?”
“Hmm… here stands the great businessman,” he gesture by bowing. She laughed at him.
“Wow… that’s cool,”
“Yeah it’s cool. I have a fashion company in Paris,”
“You are living in Paris?”
“That’s amazing,” she smiled at him.
“Ladies and gentleman, the royal is ready to begin. May I please present you our own Prince Stefan and Miss Elena,” the announcement was made and everyone clapped.
The lights were made dim and the soft melody was being played by the musicians. Sam watched Stefan and Elena dancing together. She has just seen Elena once in the news and now she saw her in person. She looks beautiful in her strapless red ball down with a sweetheart neckline. Her hair was kept loose with thin clip in her hair with ends were made into curls which came up to her waist.
“Do you with whom he is dancing?” He looked at her knowingly.
“His bride, Elena” she frowned.
“Did you meet her?” He raised his eyebrows at her.
“Not yet, you?”
“Yes, she is very sweet,”
She saw them dancing smoothly and smilingly as if they are in love. She felt jealous and wanted to leave when Noah surprisingly asked her to dance. He asked her so sweetly that she couldn’t say no. They started dancing on the floor. Noah has been her friend since the day she met Stefan. She always considered him as her big brother. They danced until someone asked Sam to dance. She went on dancing with many known and unknown guest and finally she came in hands of Stefan.
They looked at each others eyes while dancing. They danced the same way they used to dance. Though his hands were on her waist she still feels the electric current between them. She neither talks to him nor did he. From the corner of her eyes she saw Edward and Elena dancing.
No one interrupted them so they danced until it was time for dinner.
“So how was the dance?” Noah interrupted her.
“I enjoyed it,” she shrugged.
“Good, even me too,” he said and continued eating the dinner. They sat together enjoying the company of each other. She was about to leave the hall when she saw the King in the middle of the hall, looking tired and pale.
“Hello Sam?” Someone called her from behind. She turned to see Elena. She stood there smiling at her.
“Hello Miss Elena” Sam greeted her.
“Oh no just call me Elena. The queen told me about you, the ball is so amazing. I really liked it,” she expressed herself excitingly.
“Thank you,”
“I am so happy to meet you finally; I hope you can meet outside someday. I will talk to Stefan, he won’t mind” she began to plan. Sam worried what would happen if she goes out with them.
“I…..Well…” Sam stammered thinking to herself off any escape.
“Okay I have to go but we will meet some day,” she waved and walked away from her.
Sam sighed in relief.
Only if she could refuse later..... She thought.

“Hello Edward,” Elena stood right in front of Edward. He was standing in the doorway when he saw Elena coming towards him.
“Hello, I hope you enjoyed the ball,” he escorted her towards the door.
“Yeah, I enjoyed it very well,” she said softly.
They were walking at a distance and Edward tried his hard not to touch her.
“So, Edward I …” she turned to look into his eyes. Edward’s heart began to beat faster. The way she looked at him, he began to lose his heart for her.
“Edward there is something…” she stopped as Edward’s cell began to ring. He excused himself and silenced his phone.
“Yes, you were saying something,” Edward asked her.
“I…. Nothing” she shook her head and smiled,” thank you for escorting me,”
She turned away abruptly and entered into her car. Edward stood there until her car left the palace gates.
Elena closed her eyes and leaned backwards to her seat.
Only if she had the courage to tell, she could have told him how she feels about him.
After the day, when she met Stefan for the first time, she met Edward. Her whole world shivered when she looked at him. The one she dreamed about being what she saw in Edward. When he came to her house, she felt so happy that they can spend some time together but he left early. She couldn’t convince her parents as they are in their dreams of being in relation with the royal. But her heart is not where it has to be. She sighed as she knows that this wouldn’t happen ever.
Stefan stood next to Edward as the guests were leaving. He has been observing Edward since the evening. He was acting strangely and now the spark on his face was missing. He decided to speak to him when the party ends.
“Edward, are you alright?” He asked Edward. He looked confused for a moment and smiled.
“Yeah, I am fine. Why? What happened?” He asked him.
“No since evening you have been…” he couldn’t continue as he saw his mom coming towards them. She smiled at her guest but looked worried.
“Stefan, when did you take your father to his room?” She asked him.
He looked confused.
“I didn’t take him, mom. I thought you took him,” he sounded worried now.
“No I didn’t” she was shivering.
Shit. His mom looked worried. Edward already went for searching.
“Don’t panic mom. I will find dad,” saying this he left her and went searching.
He first went to his dad’s room and began to search the other rooms. When he could find him there he searched the hall and the palace and finally came to the garden. It was there in the garden he saw his dad on the wheelchair all alone. He ran to him and bends down to him.
“Dad? Who brought you here?” He asked him worriedly. But his worry faded when he saw his dad smiling at him. It has been ages he looked so alive.
“Stef?” He heard her. He turned to see Sam standing at a distance holding a glass of water in her hands.
“You brought him here? How could you do that?” He yelled at her.
“I brought him here because he deserves it here more than your party,” she yelled him back.
She came forward with a glass of water in her hands ignoring him. He grabbed her arm
“What do you mean?” He hissed.
“What do I mean? I brought him here 1 hour back and now you realized it. You didn’t even care for him. Oh I forgot you didn’t have time from your bride, I think,”
He didn’t say any so she continued.
“You left your father on his own. I brought him here so he can have fresh air,”
He still remained quiet and gazed into her eyes. She moved forward to give water when he grabbed her again and forced his lips on her. It was so sudden that she didn’t have time to protest him. She laid her hands on his chest to move him away but he held her so strong that she couldn’t resist him. He kissed her so hard as if to punish her but finally it turned into a passionate one. His kiss turned into a soft and hungry kiss. His hands were all over her back making her captivity. She kissed him back with the same passion. They separated with heavy breathing but she was still in his arms looking into each others eyes.
They both turned to see who was there. Stefan removed his hands and moved back. Sam gasped in shock.
“Rose?” She gasped.

Chapter 8
The sun is shinning brightly in the sky making the lawn look beautiful with full covered green grass. The garden is lovely with beautiful different types of flowers. The birds were flying and making the early morning sounds. It is one of the early mornings that Sam loves to spend her time.
She sat on the bench laid in the middle of the garden. All the workers are busy in the preparing the garden for the wedding. There is a fresh breeze and a fountain is being laid near the gate with flowers decorating with it. In the middle of the fountain, there is the statue of a medieval woman holding a water bag. She looks innocent and beautiful. Her beauty was reflected from her perfectly cut marble. A small smile was hanging on her lips.
Seeing those lips she remembered what happened last night. Last night was something that Sam didn’t want to happen but it did happen. The way Stefan kissed her made her remember the time they were together. May be he forgot what that feeling was or has he ever had that. The thought of this made her heart ache.
“I thought I will never see you,” she heard someone talking to her. She turned to see Noah is coming towards her.
He sat beside her on the bench and smiled. He wore his favorite singlet and jeans. He was the same Noah whom she met in college. Nothing has changed in him.
“What made you say that?” She asked him to raise an eyebrow.
“I have been searching you everywhere and you are here in the middle of the garden,” he sighed.
“Well…” she avoided his eye contact and looked away,” its peaceful here,”
The wind is playing with her hair and coming over her cheek. He raised his hands and began to remove it. His hands stroke her soft cheeks. His hands felt warm over her.
“You have changed,” his hand was still on her cheek.
“Oh, really?” She chuckled.
“Yeah, you look more beautiful,” he smiled while she blushed.
“It’s true. The time we spend at the university was great. But it still confuses me,” he made a questioning face.
“What?” She asked confused.
“Why did you leave us earlier?”
She remained silent. She had never spoken of those days; she realized that what she thought was hers was never hers. Noah is waiting for her and rubbing her cheek. He leaned forward and kissed on her cheek. They heard a throat clearing sound and turned back.
Standing there, Stefan looked at both Sam and Noah. He knew better that they were always friends. But kissing her like that in broad sunlight is making him jealous. May be she was moving forward with new relationship but why his heart is aching seeing her with someone else. Last night he saw her dancing with Noah and other guest. Though he danced with Elena, his thoughts were filled with the prom night. He never spoke of that day to anyone and the next day she left him.
“Hey Stefan, how are you doing dude,” he removed his hands and stood up to greet him.
Stefan moved forwards with his hands in his pockets. He kept looking at both of them.
“I see you guys are busy?” Stefan raised his eyebrows at them at which Sam reacted angrily and turned over.
“Nothing much, just talking,” he tried to convince him.
“I need to talk to you. Come lets go,” saying this he left them standing.
“Well… I think I leave now. Catch you later,” he hugged her and went after Stefan.
Sam stood there for a while thinking how Stef could talk about her like that and he showed no reaction after what happened last night. At least Rose didn’t get a chance to talk to her. Her busy schedule with the queen, made Sam free to explore the place. She roamed the garden giving the workers advice and helping them.
“Sam, the queen wants to see you for breakfast,” Lucy came behind Sam.
She nodded and went to her room. Did she know about the last night? What is she going to ask her?
She couldn’t make any sense. She showered and dresses herself in simple white skirt and black shirt. She glanced herself in the hall mirror and traveled towards the dining hall. She breathed once and opened the door. But to her surprise there were no one inside.
“The queen doesn’t have her breakfast here. She has it in the lawn,” a deep familiar voice came from her behind. She doesn’t have to look up. She turned towards him and walked past without saying any. He grabbed her hand and pushing her closer to him.
She looked at him in his wide angry eyes. He had a smirk on his face. She knew very well that what his sadistic smile means.
“How was your night? Hope you had a nice sleep,” he smirked.
“Yes fine, thanks for asking. If you leave me I have to meet the queen.” She tried to let her hand free.
He let her loose and she turned away with her chin up showing that nothing happened. He followed her to the lawn where she saw the queen and her aunt.
Their faces didn’t relieve anything. They sat there drinking their coffee. The queen saw Sam coming. She stood up and walked towards her. Instead of saying anything she hugged Sam. Sam looked at Stef to ask what this means but he was dumb, too. He dropped his jaw and watched them. Finally the queen raised and Sam could see a speck of tears in her eyes.
“Finally, I couldn’t believe this,” she was trying to control her tears.
Sam looked at her and her aunt confused.
“You do look like your mom. The same face and eyes… oh no you have your father’s,” she said excitedly while looking all over her face.
“Your majesty, I… you know my parents?” Sam stammered.
“Oh my, yes I know them. I couldn’t believe I found you,”
She hugged Sam with hand and made her sit on the chair beside Stefan.
“Rose you never told her anything. Am I right?” She looked to Rose.
“Yes your majesty,” Rose said shyly.
“Anyways, did your father ever say anything about his family,” she turned to Sam smilingly.
“Well… he never mentioned it. Mom says he never wants to.” Sam kept thinking about those days when her dad never talked about his family.
“I know. He’s too angry; even he went away leaving his family,” the Queen felt silent and sad.
“His family?”
“Yes, he loved his family until he met your mom. She was the loveliest girl I ever met at that time. It was no doubt he felt for her at the first time,” she sighed.
“Your grandfather never approved of their marriage. Your father fought day and night so he could understand. Finally he decided and left his house to marry your mom,”
Sam never heard this story. She knew that her parents fell in love and married but never that it was against the wish. She always feels proud of their love and always wanted to have that one.
“Your majesty, how could you so much of this?” Sam never thought she would ask her this.
“It’s because your father is my cousin,”
It went like a blow to Sam. Her father, a part of the royal family?
“I… are you sure. I mean I never…” she began to shiver.
“My dear, your father was a prince. He left the palace for his love. He knew that there are people here to take care of our people but your mom was his first choice. Your mother being a commoner loved him my brother whole heartedly. She even left him so that he won’t leave his position in a palace but he insisted.”
Sam is shivering inside. She wanted to cry. In her whole life she never knew that her parents had sacrificed a lot.
She looked at Stef, who was looking at her with deep and caring eyes. It may be a blow to him to know they were related.
“But Rose,” Sam turned to her aunt looking expectedly.
“I… your father made me promise to never tell you. He doesn’t want you to know about your grandfather,” Rose said sadly looking at her niece.
“But why? I mean….” Sam couldn’t go on further.
“It’s because your grandfather is very strict and your father feared if you come to know about them you will ask for them. He didn’t want to hurt you,” Rose moved to Sam and held her in her arms.
“And do they… do they know that?” Sam looked at Rose and then to the queen.
“No” Rose answered her before she say those words. Rose knows very well her emotions.
“What?” She stood up angrily,” they don’t know that… they...”
“Sam? What happened?” The queen also looked at Sam trying to grasp what she is about to say. Stefan never saw her mom like this before. Her eyes were filled with pain.
“See,” Sam let out angrily and tears began to roll on her cheeks,” no one knows. No one gave a damn thing about them and I am living among them now,” she yelled angrily.
A lot of truth came out and she doesn’t have the capacity to handle it. She looked at Rose and the queen, she ran away from them. She ran until her legs ached and fell down. Whatever the queen told her was making her heart ache and tears rolling her cheeks. She lay on the grass surrounded by big trees covering her from the outside world.
She doesn’t for how much time she kept on crying. She remembered all those words her father used to tell her. He always used to call her princess. Now she understood the real meaning of that. She felt hatred towards his family. How come they don’t even know that her parents are now dead? Not with her anymore. She hated her father's family from that instant.
“Your Majesty,” Rose looked at now curiously looking Queen,” Sam’s parents died two years back,”
The Queen covered her mouth with her hands and stumbled back to the chair. Stefan caught her before she falls down and made her sit on the chair. It was like a blow for both of them. The queen was weeping while Rose came to hug her.
Stefan never met Sam’s parents and now when he realized they are now related, he could never see her family. Thinking of her, he realized that she ran away from looking hurt and crying.
He saw his mom and Rose is weeping together and Rose comforting her. He left them there and ran towards the way she ran. It’s the huge garden with huge trees covering the area entirely from outside. He searched her everywhere and finally heard someone weeping. He knew that had to be her.
He saw her sitting on the heap of dry leaves, keeping her face on her knees and crying. He walked to her but she didn’t look up. He sat beside her silently and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Slowly she laid her head on his shoulder and covered her face into his chest. He felt her tears dripping on his shirt. He raised his hands and made her chin up. He slowly began to wipe her tears. She lowered her eyes.
“I…. Did you….” She stammered.
He waited for her cry but she smiled weakly at him.
“See I don’t have anything to say,”
“You just came to know about your family, its happy news, right,”
“May be a happy, but why? Why didn’t they tell me?” She started crying.
“May be they are waiting for the right time,”
“And that time didn’t come … ever”
He hugged her and started stroking her. He hid his face in her hair and she laid her face on his chest. Being so near to him and his arms made her made her forget things and lighten her heart.
He slowly pushed her towards the ground and laid her under him. They stared for a while when he lowered his head and touched her lips. He kissed her lightly and then passionately. He didn’t lift his head but he started kissing her neck and down to her chest. A small moan passed through his lips and his hands came around her waist. He slid his hands inside her shirt and stopped at her breast. He started stroking it and kissing her. They came out of that atmosphere when they heard the drum sounds. Sam pushed him and stood up. He murmured an oath in his breath. She took a deep breath and turned towards him
“Why do you always do that?” She held his shirt.
“Always do what?” He had a cocky smile on his face.
“You always go on kissing me. I knew you didn’t feel anything. Not now and never in the past,” she yelled at him angrily.
“I don’t know but I always find myself dragging you into my arms,” he smiled.
“Even when you are engaged and going to get married next week,” her eyes were filled with rage. She couldn’t understand what’s with him.
“May be I should stop looking at you,”
“Oh don’t worry, you won’t see me again,” she said sadistically.
“Why?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Because, I am leaving. You have a wonderful wedding,” she turned to leave him.
“I will have that, don’t worry. While you stay here stop flirting with others,” he yelled.
“What did you say? I flirt?” She turned on him furiously.
“Yes, you are an expert in that. You use it on everyone,” he replied sadistically.
“I don’t use anyone like you,” she poked him and pushed him.
She walked away wiping her tears. They were so much near to the truth of their past, yet they didn’t let the chips fall down.

Chapter 9
“So Sam?” Edward interrupted her while she was gazing at the wall behind him.
She jerked back and looked straight into his eyes. He gave her a smile and looked around. She turned her head to see Stefan and Elena watching her. She shook her head while smiling and leaned back to her chair. She never thought this day would come.
They all were dining together in the five-star hotel. Elena planned everything and at the final moment she called her to join them. At first she objected but the queen ordered her to go along with them. Reluctantly she joined them.
Edward and Stefan were in their evening dress looking handsome and Elena looks beautiful in her long off-shoulder pink dress. Sam also wore her favorite white knee length dress with a black strap around her waist. Everyone in the room was gazing at them.
“So Sam, I was asked what will you do after this marriage is over?” Edward asked her.
“Hmm...” She sipped her wine,” I think… I mean I have to do justice to my course, right?” She laughed nervously.
“Yeah, I mean, you should do what you want to do, right Stefan?” Elena looked at him.
“Yeah,” he said slightly irritated.
“Okay, enough of the heavy, for the past one hour we have been discussing about the palace, the job and also your past,” Elena looked at Sam. She gave her a weak smile.
“So? What do you want to do? After all it was your plan,” Edward smiled at her. Elena smiled shyly.
Everyone can notice the way she looks at Edward and the sparks in her eyes, but why would she do that? Only if she likes him or love him?
Sam couldn’t understand since she began to observe them. Elena shared a lot of time with Stefan but her face glow up whenever she sees Edward, even if it’s for a few minutes. Does Stefan know anything about it?
She sighed and continued listening to their chatting. The dinner was served in a royal manner and the hotel took ever measures serve them personally. Stefan excused himself for a phone call. After a few minutes, Elena’s phone began to ring.
“Hello,” she said and listened.
“Oh no… really…. Okay okay I am coming,” she looked worried and hurriedly got up. Edward also got up. Sam looked at them
“Wait! What happen?” He asked her.
“My mom, its emergency. I have to go,” she began to leave. Edward stopped her.
“I will drop you,” he looked at Sam; she just nodded her head to continue only to forget one thing that she will be alone with Stefan. They left her behind and exited the hotel. Just then Stefan came to his table.
“Where are they?” He looked at her pointing to their empty chairs while sitting before her.
“They left. Actually Elena’s mom called her so she has to go,” she said casually avoiding his eyes.
“Oh! Okay,” he sighed and called for the bill.
“Stop” Elena suddenly shouted at Edward.
He abruptly applied the brake and looked at her confused. Elena took her regular breathing and stepped out of the car. She began to feel nervous. She had planned everything correctly.
Nothing has gone wrong now and she has the right moment now to say to him. The cool air began to flow making her shiver. This was the moment. The night was filled with stars and a crescent moon, no one in the street. She heard him getting out of the car and stood before her.
“Elena? What happened? Why….” He couldn’t continue further.
She moved closer to him until they were just inches apart, clutching his suit with both her hands and lifted on her toes to meet his face. He didn’t move but slowly he brought his face forward until their lips met.
At first he kissed her lips but the heat from her body which was now leaning on him, made him to deepen his kiss. He felt her hands around his neck and his hands around her waist making her closer to him. He never felt like kissing anyone like this. It was passionate and romantic. They moved in sync, making him crazy to want more from her.
She fitted so perfectly into his arms. No one ever was so perfect before, for him. Then reality strikes him, his mind flashed Stefan’s face. He suddenly lifted his face and saw the innocent face filled with disappointment. He removed her hands around his neck and moved away from her, avoiding her eyes, looking confused.
“Ed?” She called him sweetly.
Anger rose in him. She can’t call him like that. Why? Why did she kiss him?
“Why? Why did you do that?” He ran his hands nervously on his hair.
“Because…. Because I love you, damn it,” she said angrily while shaking. He looked at her tear filled eyes. She said those words while he can’t say that.
“No…. No… Elena? You know what you are talking about? This can’t happen,” he said slowly grasping her shoulder. He wants her to understand the situation.
“Why can’t? Why can’t this happen? I am in love with you and I can’t marry him,” she was shaking and crying.
“Your marriage is in a few days, you are already engaged,” he hissed at her.
She again clutched his suit with her hands tightly and looked seriously, “then answer me one thing. Why did you kiss me back?” She demanded.
Edward stood there silently looking in her eyes. He can’t answer her and can’t express his feelings. He is in a dilemma. He can’t betray his friend and his family, who looked after him. No, he can’t do that.
“Well, that was a mistake,” he said angrily.
“What? A mistake?” Elena gasped and moved away from his shock.
“Yes, a mistake and I shouldn’t have done that. If you get into the car, I will drop you at your house,” he seriously said and left her. He waited for her in the car. He knew he was doing the right thing. After a few minutes, Elena stepped into the car and he accelerated it. They didn’t talk and remained silent.
Elena looked straight to the road without glancing at him. When they reached her house, she stepped out the car and walked away without looking back at him. When she was out of sight, he sighed and leaned back to his seat. He closed his eyes and remembers the moment they had. That was the most amazing thing that ever happened to him but the most idiotic thing that he will regret it for hurting her.
Venice has been the only place, Sam dreamt of ever going there. Its cool climate and beautiful places create a center of attention to her. The houses along the banks of the water and the journey along the river is what she has been waiting for years. She remembered asking her dad about the visit to Venice but he refused it. Never had she realized that she will be going there, to her actual home town.
Home town… sounds so awkward.
But she had no other choice but to visit this place, not until this morning. She was getting ready and packing her bag when somebody knocked her door and she opened it. Last night after the dinner, she didn’t talk to Stefan. She decided that she would leave early in the morning. Rose can manage herself.
Damn her, she shouldn’t have opened. The queen herself entered the room and gasped when she saw her packing.
“My dear, I never thought that you are upset here,” she took Sam’s face in her hands and looked sadly.
“Your majesty, it’s nothing...” But she interrupted her.
“Aha… Sam?” She gave her a smile.
Yeah, she forgets that she has to call her aunt. How can she call the queen her aunt?
“I am sorry, aunt” she shrugged lightly.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I have a favor to ask,” suddenly she looked seriously at her.
“Sure, just say it,”
“Visit your grandfather once,” she brushed Sam’s cheek lightly.
“My what?”
“He lives in this place, outside the Venice in a big palace. I want you to meet him and inform him,” she held Sam’s shoulder.
“Inform him what?”
“About your father,” she said it slowly.
What kind of father is he, who doesn’t care about his son’s death? Sam doesn’t want to go. She hated it that minute. She managed to refuse but the queen already made arrangement and she left with no choice. But she doesn’t know what she planned for her.
“Don’t worry; he is a nice old guy. You will like him,” Stefan turned to her while steering the wheel. She nodded at him and turned to see outside. They passed the forest and wide plains. He never got tired even though he was driving for four hours. She glanced at him, his soft cheeks and the firm jaw, his eyes focused on the road and his body firm along his seat. His hands on the steering wheel which touched her body many times.
She shook her head to ignore those memories. When the Queen told that Stefan is going to accompany her, she couldn’t say no to her. The Queen assured her that if Stefan talks to him, he will listen to her.
“So, how do you know him?” She asked while glancing at him.
He didn’t answer her immediately. When he did, he replied coolly.
“My mom always used to bring me to him; I am kinda close to him. He is a very nice guy. He lives alone now, all his daughters were now with their husbands and his only son was your father,” he stopped at that and looked at her.
“Oh!” She avoided his eyes and turned her head to look outside.
She slides the windows down and sneaks a look out. The way is wonderful. It’s narrow and the air is filled with wild flowers. They passed the hills and turns. As if reading her mind he began to explain her about the place. She asked him lots of questions and he patiently answered her. The atmosphere was cool and she felt the olden days were back when she used to ask him lots of questions and he answered them without fail.
She leaned back and closed her eyes. She could feel the turns the car had taken but slowly drifted into sleep.
“Sam, we reached,” somebody was shaking her shoulder but she rejected and held the hand tightly. She could feel being carried away in someone’s arms and finally she felt the soft bed. She wanted to open her eyes but she hardly opens her eyes. Then she felt someone kissing her forehead and drawing her covers.
“How could you think that I will accept her,” Sam’s grandfather asked him while drinking coffee. Stefan stood at the nearby window, looking outside while the sun was setting down.
“I don’t think you would have any problem with her,” Stefan made clear in his voice.
“Stefan, your wedding is coming. Why did you bring her here? Why can’t his father bring her?”
“Why don’t ask her when she wakes up,” he turned to him drinking his glass of wine.
“Very well, then have a nice sleep, we have a lot of things to do tomorrow,” saying this he left the room.
Stefan finished his glass and set it on the table. He couldn’t say anything about Sam’s father because it is her part to say. He knew that a long journey will make Sam tired so without hesitating he made her sleep on the bed. She is so innocent in her sleep, like a child. He kissed her and left the room. At first when he mentioned about Sam, her grandfather didn’t speak but he saw the anger in his eyes. He turned to his room but he came across a pile of photo frames on the wall. Few of them were of his mother and himself. But one photo in the middle of the wall has attracted his eyes. In that photo, a young man wearing his polo shirt and white trousers was smiling and holding the trophy in his hands. His face looked familiar, finally he sighed in relief when he came to know the reason. That man is Sam’s father.
Sam woke up early in the morning. For an instant she didn’t remember where she is, but when she rubbed her eyes and glanced through the room she realized the place. What would have Stefan said about her to her grandfather. She remembers asking once her father about her grandfather but the only reply she got is anger and rage. Maybe her grandfather was someone who will ignore her completely.
She got up and touched the cold wooden floor and went to the window. She opened it. The sun is rising and she could see the garden and the lovely plains around. The birds were flying making the early noises. She closed her eyes and felt the air that tangled her hair. She felt someone’s hand on her face which brushed her cheek while removing the hair. She blinked and moved back.
“It’s beautiful from here, right,” he looked directly into her eyes with a smile that melts her heart. She turned and kept staring at the place.
“Yeah, it’s beautiful here,” her hands lightly brushed along his chest. She moved back,
“Did you chat with…?”
“Yeah, I spoke to him last night and told about you,”
“Oh! “
“But I didn’t say anything about your dad,”
“May be you should have told, it nothing matters to me,” she shrugged her shoulders.
“It matters to me; he should know what he missed for years,” she looked at him.
His eyes were something which made her believe that her grandfather has to know from her. He raises his hands and touched her cheeks. He kept stroking her and she closed her eyes. Then they heard knocking.
“Yes come in,” a maid entered the room. He removed his hand and moved back.
“He wants to see Samantha,” she bowed a little.
“Okay Lilly, we are on our way,” she nodded and left.
“Well, then get ready and we shall meet him,” saying that he left the room.

Chapter 10
Stefan sat under the umbrella on the chair waiting for Sam and her grandfather. The table was placed nearby lake surrounded by trees. It’s cool atmosphere. He doesn’t know what will happen today, what her grandfather will talk to Sam? He has been close to him since he was six years. He called him as his grandpa since Stefan doesn’t have any living grandfather.
He saw someone approaching towards him, and then realized it was Sam. She wore a long white skirt and colorful top. Her hair was loose and she is trying to clear her hair from her face.
She was looking beautiful even in her simple clothing. The way she talked few minutes before to him, he understood that she doesn’t hope much from this conversation. But still she is ready to face it. When she finally approached him, he stood and drawn a chair for her. She sat and thanked him. She pours the coffee for both and gave it to Stefan. He liked it. She always knows what he likes.
She drank her coffee and prepares herself to meet her grandfather. She heard from Stefan that he is a nice old guy but maybe he won’t like her. She prepared herself to face him and what to talk to him. Ever since she was a child, she always wanted to have a grandfather, who can tell her bedtime stories, who can teach her everything. Her friends used to have their own grandfather and she began to feel jealous of them.
Pushing her thoughts to back of her mind, she finished her coffee and then she saw him for the first time. He was an old man wearing white trousers with a white collar shirt. He wore a hat and walked with the help of a stick. He has the same feature of his father and also the same smile. When he approached them, they stood.
“Please sit down. The old guy had a lot of respect,” his voice had a hint of amuse.
Sam and Stefan smiled at him and sat. Sam’s grandfather sat next to her and remained silent for a few minutes.
“Okay then let me see you clearly, young lady,” he turned to Sam and started looking at her. She sat there silently giving him time to look at him.
“What’s your name you told me?” He asked her firmly.
“It’s Samantha sir,”
“Well, what do you do?”
“I am an archeologist. Waiting for the research time,”
“Interesting. Your father encouraged you?” there is a hint of curiosity in it.
“Yes, very much,” she felt proud at that moment. Yes, her father encouraged her a lot.
“Hmm,” he looked at Stefan and then again to Sam, “why don’t we walk while we talk. I will get my morning walk also,”
She stood up along with him. Stefan began to stand but he made him sit. They walked through the garden and along the lake. It was a private garden with all the natural surroundings. Early morning birds were singing their songs making it peaceful.
“So, what did your father encourage?” He asked her suddenly while walking along the lake.
“He encouraged with lots of things. He gave me the freedom of going everything.”
“And your mom,”
“She always believes in my father’s words. She too encouraged me,”
“Your father didn’t mention about us,” at that moment she saw the anger in his eyes.
“No, never,” she replied slowly.
“You never tired,” he asked with curiosity.
“I asked him many times. But he refused to answer me,”
“Thought so,” he sighed,” When did you come to know about me?”
“When Stefan’s mom told me about you,”
“So your father didn’t mind telling about me,” he grew angrier.
“May be waited for the right time,”
“Tell more about your father. What he is doing now-a-days?”
“My father is a great person. He loved his family. He loved me, my mom. He established his career as a hotel-business person. He had great contacts and good name in society,”
“Hmm he is living happily,”
“Yes, with peace,” a small tear came out of my eyes. It’s been two years and she never wanted to talk about it to anyone. She blamed for it. She still remembers the dreadful day when they died. Remember about them again and telling about them to someone is more dreadful. A small tear gradually grew into more tears. She heard her grandfather mumbling angrily and looking angry. He didn’t see her crying. He was in his own world. He heard the sobbing and turned to look at her crying.
“Why are you crying? It should be us crying, when he left us.” He yelled at her angrily.
“Grandpa,” Stefan yelled. Stefan was standing at a distance to them. He ran into Sam and wrapped his hand around her shoulder. She didn’t move but kept on crying, looking at the ground.
“Son you don’t have any right to talk. Her father made my life miserable and I don’t accept her as my grandfather,” He said with a voice filled with anger.
“I don’t deserve to be anyone’s. My father left you when he was at my age. God gave me the punishment,” she wiped her tears and jerked Stefan’s hand over her shoulder. He didn’t object and let her go.
“What punishment?” He asked her suddenly.
“Even he left me alone in this world. And I am sorry because it was because of me that he is not here right now. Or else my father will be delightful to take me with you,” she yelled at him.
“What do you mean he left?” He questioned her, this time it truly from his heart.
Sam took a long deep breath, “Your son and daughter-in-law were killed in a car accident two years ago.”
She didn’t look at them. Without saying any other word, she wiped her tears and walked away from them.
“What do you think how he has taken it?” Sam asks Stefan out of curiosity.
“Well…. It will take time for him. But he will be fine,”
They were in the car headed back to the palace. She didn’t speak to her grandfather before she left. She saw the look on his face when she mentioned about her father’s death. That sad and heart break look, meant that he still loved his son but hated him for leaving him. She closed her eyes and she could remember that dreadful day.
“Dad, where you dad?”
“Hey sweetie. What happened?”
“Dad, I don’t like here dad. Please come fast and take me away from here,”
“Why? Did someone hurt you?”
“No dad, I hate here dad. I hate living in Rome. Please come RIGHT NOW.”
If she hadn’t called him that day… they would have been her right now. That was the most idiotic thing she has ever done in her life with cost three lives- her parents, hers and Stefan…
Only if she controlled herself and made her own choices…. Then she wouldn’t have regretted it now.
It is a perfect day, A day of prom. Sam brought herself a new dress for this occasion. She brought a white long length dress with sweetheart neckline. Although Stefan already asked for prom, she is getting nervous. This day, she wants to a make it special… Special for both of them. She took a long breath and dressed her hair. She kept rose pins in her hair to match her dress. She wore it and glanced at the mirror. She applied the makeup and waited patiently for Stefan.
She was ready that day to tell him that she loves him. They were in a relationship, a relationship with no name. But that day she wanted to name it. She was ready to live her whole life along with him. Sara left her room for a fashion show. She felt relief that this day there will be no disturbance.
The prom will start in half an hour and he has to arrive by now. She has always been with Stefan but at this minute she is eager to see how he will react watching her. May be… but somewhere in her heart she thought he felt the same.
She heard the car door slam sound and came running to the door. The bell rang and she neatly opened it hoping to see Stefan. But it is Noah…
“Oh my god, you look beautiful,” Noah is wearing his tux and looking handsome. She looked shocked. She hides her disappointment. She wanted the first person to her was Stefan. Then where is he?
“Thanks,” she blushed and gave him why-are-you-here look.
“Oh c’mon, can’t you come with me?” He smirked.
She crossed her arms. Seeing her, he sighed,” okay fine, Stefan got in some work, so he called me and ask to pick you,”
Why he is not coming? He didn’t say a word last night when she called him, not until one hour back when she again called him. But Noah is waiting for her. His pleading look made her to go with him.
She smiled and locked her door. Once seated in the car she asked him about Stefan’s work.
“I don’t know. He didn’t tell me,” he replied casually.
“Oh!” She remained silent all over the drive. Her thoughts were filled with Stefan and today was her big day.
They reached the dance room. It is beautifully decorated with ribbons, balloons and other stuffs. The lightening effects were great and there a spotlight on those who were dancing as a couple. She sighed and took a long breath; suddenly Noah extended his hand towards her.
“Will you dancing with me?” He smirked.
“Sure,” she smile and went along with him. He placed his hands over waist and dragged her closer to him. They were moving along with the soft melody. His hands over her didn’t affect much but he is a great dancer.
“You are a great dancer,” she whispered in his ears.
“Thank you,” he smiled at her.
“Tell me Noah, why don’t you have any girlfriend?” She asked him.
“Well… I never found any one right yet,”
“Waiting for someone special?”
“Yup, thought of asking you but you seem to…”
“Oh Noah you are such a…” she laughed at his flirt.
But her laughter suddenly faded from her face. She saw at the center of the room, Stefan along with another girl, dancing together at such an intimacy.
“… Together,” she heard Noah tells something. She forced her eyes from Stefan to Noah.
“I am sorry, what were you saying,” she asked him apologetically.
“You guys are great together. You guys are serious, right?” He asked her unexpectedly.
“I don’t know. May be he’s not,” she stammered while forcing her eyes to Stefan’s dancing girl.
“Give him a chance…” she cut him off when she saw Stefan and his girl walking away out.
“Excuse me Noah, I will…” she left him there and followed them.
They were walking towards the garden, which is always dark with huge trees and walls. She could see the girl leaning over his shoulders and trying to impress him. Her foot made the sound of breaking of thug and she quickly hides herself near the tree. When she turned, she didn’t find them. She searched them and finally found them along the corner. They kissed passionately.
“Oh Stefan…” the girl moaned his name while kissing.
Oh my god Sara…. She thought. Tears were flowing and she ran from there. All the time she thought that maybe Stefan has some feeling towards her. He kissed her many times. She didn’t give him any chance to hook up. What is he trying to do? What she thought of him, is that all wrong? She thought he was the funniest guy but now he turned out to be a player just like another guy. She won’t give him another chance to hurt her. She ran off from that place.
She didn’t inform anyone. She ran to her room and felt the emptiness in her heart. She called her dad that night.
“Dad, where you dad?” She cried.
“Hey sweetie. What happened?” Her father sounded worried.
“Dad, I don’t like here dad. Please come fast and take me away from here,”
“Why? Did someone hurt you?”
“No dad, I hate here dad. I hate living in Rome. Please come RIGHT NOW.” She cried.
“Your mom and I are coming right now darling, don’t worry,”
She cried and cried until her eyelids began heavy and she finally drifted to sleep.
Someone is shaking her shoulder. She woke lazily and looked at the person. He is a guy in a uniform. Sara was along with them. They were talking something that she can’t understand.
“Sam, there is an accident,” Sara said softly.
“What… what accident?” She blinked her eyes.
She hesitated to tell her,” your parents died in a car accident, Sam,”
Suddenly her world began to shatter down. All the people she loved had left her now and she is left alone. When she heard the news, she didn’t cried. She lay on the floor, watching people as they brought the ambulance to her home. If only she didn’t call them….

The car brakes smashed and it came to halt.
“Why on earth are you crying?” He sounded irritated and concern.
She opened her eyes and saw Stefan staring at her. It’s dark outside and cool. She wiped her tears. She didn’t realize that he was there, near to her.
“It’s nothing,” she rolled her window and peeked out for fresh air. She heard the car door open. Stefan was standing out with his coat taken out and his shirt rolled up to his elbow. He lit his cigar and leaned into the car. She wanted to go to him and threw that cigar from him. She hates it when he uses it.
After a few minutes, her side door opened and he commanded her to come out. She did as he said. She leans on her door and look aside to the road. Suddenly his hands were wrapped around her waist and pressed her hard against his chest. Being in his arms, she felt the comfort and was dying to kiss him.
It was as if he read her mind, he leaned forward and kissed. Her lips parted for him and her hands went straight into his hair. His hands were stroking her body. He lifted his head only to travel down her throat and neck.
“Stef” she whispered with a little groan.
He couldn’t resist her and started kissing her urgently.
“I want you, Sam. I love you,” he said these words while kissing her lips between each word.

Chapter 11
Stefan woke up when his phone began to vibrate. He slowly opened his eyes and attended the call.
“Where on earth are you Stefan,” his mom sounded worried.
“Mom?” He was confused.
“Yes, your mom. Where are you both? It’s nearly morning,” he rubbed his eyes and looked around.
“Mom, calm down. We are alright. We will reach in a few hours. I will talk to you later. Bye,” before his mother could say any, he disconnected it.
He looked around to see that he is lying inside the car, covered himself with the blanket. His clothes were spread down along with Sam’s. Fear crept and his mind began to swing. How could he sleep with Sam? And where is she?
He wore his trousers and came out. He called out her name but no response. He couldn’t believe he slept with her last night. Oh god! What she will be thinking now about him… he thought.
He remembered about the last night kissing her. She didn’t protest when his kiss began to deepen. She didn’t protest when his hands went inside her dress and traveled her body. He completely lost control and made love to her, which was nothing he thought of. Why didn’t she protest? Remembering the last night, he couldn’t control the emotions now crept inside his body. Now he wanted her more than anything. Only she could understand him now. She was so soft and untouched.
No, it’s not the time to think what happened last night; it’s a time to go find her.
He searched the whole place; he remembers that last night he stopped in the lonely place, full of trees. The way she started crying suddenly made him irritate him more. Each time he saw her crying it made his heart ache. Only if he controlled last night…Finally he found her sitting at the edge of the cliff, wearing his shirt. Her legs were hanging over the edge and she was completely absorbed in her thoughts.
“Sam?” He shouted from the distance.
She responded by turning back, but when she saw him coming towards her, she turned back to see the valley.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He asked her irritated. She didn’t respond.
“This place is so beautiful; you see the river flowing down and the trees with colorful flowers on them. It’s lovely here, Stefan,” she said softly looking down the valley.
He kneeled down to her,” Sam, we need to talk,”
“There's nothing left to talk, Stef,” she said silently without any emotions. He sat beside her.
“For god sake Sam, listen to me,” he held her elbow and made her turn. He could see her eyes filled with little tears, which she almost controlled. She looked beautiful in his shirt and loose hair. She looks sexy.
“Why Stef, why did you let it happen?” She pleaded.
He sat beside her and sighed,” I don’t know Sam, I couldn’t control you being in my arms,”
“It’s over now. We will forget this thing like the past,” she coldly replied him and turned to stare at the valley.
“Past?” He was taken aback.
“Yes, I think you already forgot.” She still replied him coldly.
“I didn’t forget anything Sam. Not even the day you left me,” he made her turn towards him.
“I left you? I left you because of you,” she pointed at him angrily.
“What did I do Sam? Why did you leave me?” He asked her softly with concern.
“It doesn’t matter now,”
“Yes it matters. I love you Sam,” Why she is doing this?
“It’s nothing but the lust we had last night,” she replied angrily making each other full of hatred.
“No, I made love to you because I love you,” he wanted her to know that.
“Oh! When did you fall for me?” She replied sadistically.
“From the moment I laid my eyes on you,” he looked at her eyes, “I know I had fallen for you when I first saw you at the university,”
Sam’s lips parted, about to protest, but no protest came, unless one counted the small moan which escaped when their mouths met. It was the kiss of the most passionate persuasion, his hands capturing her face and allowing her no room for anything but to return his passion, to drown in it, and then go with it, riding the rapids of desire, racing on and on. She broke his kiss and laid her hands on his bare chest.
“No, this can’t be…” she stammered.
“Yes, it happened. I always loved you,” he responded her while kissing her again lightly.
“But you never told me…” she was still in shock.
“I waited for the prom…”
“But you didn’t come, instead you send Noah,” she burst out.
“Yeah, because I was planning a surprise for you,” he tried to make her understand.
“No, you weren’t planning. I saw you there, kissing Sara,” she accused him
“Hold on,” he couldn’t believe his ears. “You saw that? What did you do then?”
“I cursed you and left,” she grounded her teeth in anger.
“Dear lord, you left me without giving me a chance to explain,”
“What is there to explain?” She pushed him away.
“A hell lot,” he took her face in his hands and leaned closer, “I danced with her to make you jealous, yes I went out with her because I know you will follow me. I even saw you there, but then Sara suddenly dragged me and kissed me. It was not in my plan. She tried to seduce me but I pushed her and came back to find you. But you left me,”
Realization hit her; never had she thought this could be the possibility. She didn’t trust him, he who always loved her. Now the world around her shattered, even she realized now how much he loves her. The last night was the best night of her life. She surrendered herself to him without even thinking, her heart said to trust him and yes she did it last night.
“Oh my god! I… Stef” she started crying.
“It was all a part of the misunderstanding. I never tried to hurt you. I will never hurt you Sam. I love you,” he tried to make her believe.
“Oh Stef. I love you too. Oh my god! How could I do this to you? It’s all because of me,”
“Hey Sam, don’t blame yourself,”
“If I had waited for your explanations, this day would never come and my parents would have lived,”
“What?” He sounded confused.
She told him what happened that night. He hugged her tightly and let her cry on his shoulders. Minutes passed when she finally rose.
“I think we should leave now,” she didn’t look at him; instead she stared at the ground.
“Yes, my mom already called. I will talk to my mom,”
“About what?” She knows what he means.
“About us”
“Oh no Stef, how could you?”
“I should do it before it’s too late,”
“It’s already late Stef; you are going to marry in two days,” she started crying. But before leaving she wanted to tell him one thing.
“Some things need to be seen through other eyes. They hold a lot of things inside them,” Stefan didn’t understand that at that time

Chapter 12
His words echoed in her ears.
“I love you Sam,” his soft whispered voice is filled in the air. No, it’s not filled in the air; it’s in her mind, in her heart. Even she loves him, but it’s too late for them.
She tried her best to forget but it is the only thing that her heart refuses to listen. For two years she made herself believe that the love she had is lost and finally came to the terms that she can move on. But her time stopped, right here in the arms of Stefan.
But there is a world outside that wouldn’t accept their relationship. There are many to explain, many whom they break hearts. His mom, her aunt and Elena… how can she betray them?
She has no right to hurt her. Elena would live happily with Stefan… only if she didn’t enter into their lives. She thought the moment have arrived which she will regret. If only she didn’t come, life would be same--- Stefan gets married to Elena and lived happily and she will make her career as an archeologist and of course she would still love him. Time makes the heart to heal and move on…. That’s what Sam thought when she finally decides to leave him.
She packed her bag and waited for her aunt to arrive. When she came back, after the long tiresome journey, they didn’t talk about the marriage but instead they chat about the time they sent in last two years.
Stefan became responsible after he's graduated the college. He had the responsibility of his family, his people. He took big steps in his life and started dealing with the critical matters of his people. He will turn out to be a great king.
But she has no presence in his life… now he is going to marry Elena. The wedding arrangements were made is hasty. Time is limited and arrangements are beautiful. Her aunt is a genius. She is making someone’s dream come true with all the beautiful colors filling their life.
“Why are you leaving now when the marriage is ahead,” her aunt is furious at her decision.
“Rose, I know that but I got an opportunity for my career and I can’t deny it now,” she lied.
“But what are you going to tell the queen,” Rose is getting tense. Sam could feel the same, now she is not the commoner but a princess and a cousin to Stefan.
Only one thing to escape from here is to convince Rose because the queen will never approve of it. She managed a fake smile on her face and faced Rose.
“I know and I also know that my aunt is going to manage well,” she replied to her nervous aunt.
“Sam, it has something to do with this marriage, right,” Rose suddenly realized and raised her eyebrow.
Stunned Sam, quickly said,” no, it’s nothing to do with,”
Rose held her shoulders,” I saw that night between you and Stefan. I didn’t have a chance to ask you anything. Do you love him?”
Do I love him? Damn him… I will die for him.
Sam couldn’t trust her voice, she just nodded in disapproval. She packed her bag and called Lucy to get her luggage into the cab. She hugged Rose for the final time and kissed her on her cheek.
“Best of luck for this marriage,” she wished her and left the room. While coming down to the hall, she looked around which was known completely filled with lightening and decorations. Suddenly her eyes fell on the painting, which she saw that day.
“You waited, right?” She heard a familiar voice from her behind. She didn’t turn to see who said those words.
“Yes, I waited for a long time, everyone has to wait Edward even you,” she said slowly.
“Some things are left unfolded, some has to get buried,” he stood beside her looking at the same painting.
“Yeah, some have to. But not everyone gets lucky to get the true love and lost it at the same time,” she looked Edward, who realized what she is referring to. He just nodded his head.
“Good bye Edward, I hope you overcome it,” she patted his shoulder and left him staring at the painting.
She said her last goodbyes and traveled to airport in a cab. The cab went through all the places which she is going to miss. She finally pulls in the airport and took the ticket back to New York. She is going to miss here; she is going to miss her life here. Yet for the sake of Stefan… she will miss anything.
She finally heard her name in the announcement and went to broad the plane. Once seated, she closed her eye, leaned back and the plane took her far away from Stefan
Chapter 13
“There you go Sam. I know you are a very hard working woman, but you still need to be healthy. So have a break,” Mr. McLain, the chief archeologist caught Sam attention.
“Yeah sure, give me five minutes,” she smiled at him.
“Okay fine, just five.” He turned to walk.
Sam turned to face her work to be done. Four years passed since she came back from Siena. She still remembers her last day there and how she finally landed in New York. She never intends to return to her aunt. She knew that in two days Stefan would be married. She doesn’t want to hear or see his wedding. It’s nothing that she hates to see but she wants to heal inside… but as the days passed it grew more.
On the day of her arrival, she saw a letter dropped on the floor. Since there were not present at the home, the postman would have pushed it here. She read the letter, but in fact it is the appointment letter. It stated that she has to go Alps Mountains where the excavation is carried out and she is appointed as a trainee.
She took no time and flew there. She lived there in the deepest parts of the forest for two years. No news, no magazines, no phone calls from the outside world. It was the best part because she didn’t hear anything about the marriage. It was the time to move on, but her heart refuses it. She still loves him and will never love anyone.
She tried to focus her job on the excavation done on Italian grounds. She always wanted to be there and now she is there doing her favorite job. She made friends and many tried to date her but she refused every one. At first they felt awkward to her but later knowing about her they all became friends and professionals.
She finished her work and went to her camp. She set her bag she got the orders to go home. She refused to it but they insisted. Nothing to say more she began packing her bag.
“So ready to leave,” Rachael, one of her colleague and friend from college days, came to bid farewell.
“Yes, don’t worry I will be back in two weeks,” she smiled at her.
Finally hugging her, she bids goodbye to her colleagues and slide into the car.
When she entered her car, the phone started ringing.
“Sam, I think you should take Suri home,” a female voice echoed in her phone. She knew she was Suri’s principal. Oh god, what she did now?
“What happened principal? Is she all right?” She asked in concern.
“I am sorry to say but she got the flu. She should better be taken home.” There was a hint of worry in her voice.
“I am on my way Ma’am, why don’t you arrange her bags. I will pick up now,”
“Yeah sure. See you soon,” she hung the phone.
One hour later, she was in the principal’s office, waiting for Suri. The office room is neat with glass table, few book cases and a globe. The principal is 50 years old lady and friendly. When she told them about her job and journeys, they took good care of her in a hostel. But still she misses her. Now she is ready to go home along with Suri.
The door opened, a three-years girl came in within her Mickey Mouse night dress along with a doll in her hands. She looks adorable.
“Mommy” saying this she dashed into Sam.
She hugged Suri tightly. God she missed her so much.
“You came?” She said in her tiny three years voice. She is an adorable girl, with blonde hair, green eyes and a cute smile. She reminded so much of him. She smiled at Suri.
“Yes baby, we are going to home,” she also said in her three year old voice. She could see the joy in Suri’s eyes when she mentioned home. For two weeks they are going to be together.
Sam talked to the principal before leaving and gathered her luggage. They went together to their home.
The car halted in front of the house. It is an individual house which Sam brought three years back when she decided to live far away from him. The house is surrounded with bright color flowers. Her neighbor, an old lady has been kind enough to water then regularly and take care of her house.
Sam opened the door and Suri ran into her room. She smiled at her and arranged her house, removing all the sheets and arranged the bed for Suri.
“Suri, bathe now. We are going to have a special dinner,” she yelled from the kitchen.
When she didn’t get any response she rushed to her room to find her asleep. She let her sleep while she can shower and prepare for dinner. She showered and changed herself into night dress. She prepared the meal and set the table. Suri changed herself into her nightdress and sat at the table.
“So Suri, your principal said you have the flu?” She mocked.
“She thought that, I made her feel that,” she concentrated on eating.
“Then why did you lie?” Sam knew that she has no flu the instant she saw Suri. But when she felt her close she really wanted her now. She didn’t object.
“I didn’t lie” she made a fake sadness on her face.
“Okay c’mon eat your dinner,”
That night she dreamt of him. All the memories came back haunting her. It’s not the first night, it was haunting since the day she left him… Again.She knew she could get off him. She lay there with a hope that the things may change one day…. One day
That day soon arrived. One week has passed since they came home. Sam and Suri had their best time together. They went to picnics with her neighbors, done shopping and evenings they are playing on the beach.
Sam brought lots of dresses for her. They both love shopping for each other. That day, she saw Elena. She was there, buying herself a dress. The moment, she saw her she quickly hide herself and managed to get away quickly.
She feared that if Elena is here then Stefan would be here. The thought of him being near, made her worry. From that day she didn’t go outside. Instead they began to play at the home and at the beach. That was their last day at home. Tomorrow, Sam would leave for work and Suri will attend her school.
That day, she got tired while playing with Suri. She sat on the rock while watching Suri playing with her friends. Knowing that there will be no harm to leave them alone, she went inside her house and showered. She changed herself into short jeans and a tank top. A hot coffee is the best thing to ease her pain, she thought.
She turned on her coffee maker. After a few minutes she poured herself coffee in the mug and sat in the hall where she could see Suri playing. The hot coffee ran through her throat bring the warm inside her body. She closed her eyes and leaned back.
A door bell was the one which makes her open her eyes. Two rings went on when she finally stood and yell,” coming,”
She looked out and realized its dark out. Hope Suri had come home; she took a lot of time.
Sam opened the door and saw no one. She came out to see further. She heard voices coming from her garden. There are two voices—one is of Suri’s, another she can’t make it. There is a male chuckle sound. She turned to see in her garden. There she saw Suri standing along with a man.
From the dark and his back, she can see who he is. She can never mistake anyone with him. Sam went further towards them hoping that man may be a stranger asking for directions or someone around from neighborhood. Only thing--- her thoughts never matches hers.
“Mommy, we have a guest,” she yelled in excitement and raced towards her to hug. Sam bends down to take her in her arms and looked directly at him.
His eyebrows joined together while his hands shoved into his pockets.
“Hello Sam,” his sweet yet anger filled voice filled in the air.

Chapter 14
“Hello, Stefan,” she managed to speak.
He had changed a bit, maybe because he grew up more mature and responsible. He was wearing black trousers along with the white check shirt. He stood before her shoving his hands in pocket. Suddenly there were lightening in the sky indicating the rain will pour down anytime.
“I… I think it’s going to rain. Why don’t you come inside,” Sam walked inside the home and Suri went to him clutching his hand.
“Suri, go shower,” Sam commanded her.
“No mama, I will stay with Stefan,” he said while sitting on his lap.
She went to her and picked her,” if you excuse me,” she entered the room holding Suri, who is insisting to stay there.
When Sam went inside, he sat there looking around the room. It’s quite a house, filled with fresh flowers, dolls scattered here and there. There were a series of photos on the firewall. He stood and strolled there still unbelievable to think he came here to meet her.
Only two days back Elena told him how she saw Sam in the shopping mall but couldn’t talk to her. On further searching he came to know that she is having a house in France. And now he is here, in her house. He doesn’t even know what to talk to her. She hasn’t changed a bit; she is same when he saw her the last time.
He looked at the photos of Sam along with Suri. They both look adorable. He didn’t know she had a daughter until he came to her house.
“So, what brought you here?” He was interrupted by Sam, who entered the kitchen.
“Well, I was just passing by,” he said casually leaning on the door.
“Oh, so how are all?” She switched the coffee maker.
“Yeah, fine. How’s your work. Heard you worked in Italy?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Stefan, you are not following me, right,” she chuckled.
“No, I am not,” he said rather coldly.
She might have sensed the tension in the air. She smiled and handed him the coffee. He took it and sipped it still staring at her.
“How’s your Mom?” She changed the topic.
“Hope she is not angry with me,”
“No, she is not,”
“Oh, that’s better,” he handed her the mug.
They stood there in silence. Stefan has been waiting for this very day, rehearsed each word he wants to ask her. But now he doesn’t know what to say. All these years his wait is getting wasted. But what can he do… he loves her.
“Why did you leave me?” He suddenly came to the point.
“Stefan, it’s been 5 years. Now it’s no use to talk,” she held her mug to her mouth.
“5 years without any explanation?” He coldly replied her.
“Maybe it’s time we forget it,” she said softly hoping he will relax a bit.
She knew why he is here. He wants to know the truth, the answer. But what’s the point in saying this now after 5 years. He is now standing there, holding his anger.
“Forget? What I have to forget? Forget how you ran away twice without any explanation? Forget how you ditched me,” he yelled in an undertone.
“I didn’t ditch you,” she raised her voice.
“Yeah, it explains a lot. You didn’t wait for me. You didn’t trust me.”
“I trust you. What I don’t trust is me. I ran away cowardly. I agree,” she turned away to the window. She heard him exhale.
He grabbed her hand and made her turn towards her. They both looked into each other eyes and were lost in that until they interrupted by the thunder.
“Why didn’t you wait?” He asked her in a soft tone. His eyes were pleading her for an answer. Seeing his eyes, she found herself guilty.
“Stefan, I didn’t wait because I don’t want to be the one of the reasons, Reason to break the marriage, reason to hurt the ones who shouldn’t be hurt. I couldn’t face your parents, I…” she trailed off and tears began to roll down.
Outside the thunders started and heavy rain began. Stefan wrapped his hands around her. She laid her head on his shoulder and cried.
“Anyways, it’s over now. How’s Elena?” She raised and wiped her tears. “I think you both...”
“I called off the wedding,” there was a hint of irritation in his voice.
She looked shocked and covered her mouth with her hands.
“You did what?” She managed to ask him.
“Yeah that day when you left me, I talked to my mom and convinced her. She was in anger but when she understood that the girl I love is you she managed to agree,”
She couldn’t move or say any. He indeed cancelled the wedding for her and she ran away. What she worried for years, she has actually done that. Five years back she didn’t want to hurt anyone, but actually she wounded the one who loved her.
“I searched you for years. You didn’t give your address to anyone. For two years I tried and tried. Those years were the most horrible ones. I couldn’t concentrate for my people. I lost the major projects and everything. After my dad’s death, I had to concentrate on my work. I left it to the destiny, one day I will find you,”
All those words were stabbing inside her heart. He waited for her and she…
“It was two days back; I came to know about you from Elena…” he looked at her.
“I saw her at that mall with a man, I thought it was you..” She trailed off looking confused. She remembers the day well, when she saw her with a man, who look familiar to him. How can she mistake it?
“It’s not me. It’s Edward,” he said.
“What… you mean”
“Yes, Elena and Edward got married. That day after convincing my mom I went straight to her. I didn’t want to hurt her. So I and Edward went to visit her. I said that I called off the wedding. At that moment I saw the happiness in her eyes but it faded quickly. At that time I realized the way she looked at Edward. Then I realized those words you told me that day. “He sighed. Sam felt happy for them. Edward didn’t have to wait.
“I got them married by convincing Elena’s parents,” he looked at her,” I came running, hoping to see you, talk to you, hoping that you will come back to me” he nervously ran his hand on his hair.
“When I saw the photos, I realized you moved on and now I lost you completely,” he sighed.
Sam now realized why he looked so dull after she entered the hall. It was the time to tell him the truth.
“She is not my daughter,” she murmured.
“What? Then whose” he sounded confused.
“She is the daughter of Sara and Noah,” she looked at him for a reaction.
He stared at her “Sara and Noah?”
“Yeah, they were in love. Noah told me that he was dating Sara during our stay in the palace,”
“But Noah was...”
“Yeah I know Noah was killed in a car accident. That day he was coming to meet Sara, to see his daughter, to propose Sara. But it didn’t happen,”
“How do you know …?”
“I was right there when Sara was giving birth to Suri. I met her after I left you. We talked about the past and I forgave her. I was waiting anxiously for Noah. I know Noah was going to propose her. But he never came that day. But fate turned worse. Sara died in childbirth. She made me her guardian but I couldn’t tell her about Noah,”
He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.
“Does she know?” He pointed towards the room.
“No, I took care of her since she was born. She calls me mom. I accepted. I didn’t move on Stefan. I couldn’t…” she started crying.
He hugged her tightly, stroking her back to stop crying.
“I didn’t Stef, I couldn’t. I tried a lot to forget you, but it was like there is no life without you, I am now living only because of Suri. I know I hurt you. I didn’t think that …”
“Shh… oh dear Sam, there is still hope,”
She leaned back, “hope?” She looked confused.
He smirked and kneeled down on one leg and held her hand, “my dear Samantha white, will you do the honor of being my wife,”
She gasped in horror, “Stef, I can’t … I don’t know…”
“Just say yes,” he was looking at her with eyes will with love.
“Yes… yes,” she smiled still crying.
He held her face with his hands and kissed her.
“Mama, is he going to stay with us,” suddenly Suri came running and hugged his leg.
“Yes baby, he is going to,” she smiled.
Stefan released Sam and hugged Suri, “I am going to live with you forever,”
“Yes forever,” he kissed her forehead.
“Wait… I will tell everyone that I got my papa,” she yelled in excitement and ran outside.
“Oh feels so great to hear that word,” Stefan chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Sam laughed aloud.
Chapter 15
She closed her eyes and took a long breath. She is nervous. But today she has to be courageous. She smiled to herself. All those days are going to vanish; her suffering is going to vanish in thin air. She found herself smiling.
“Ready to go, princess,” she turned to see her friend Rachael, standing there in a beautiful white knee length dress holding a bunch of white tulip flowers. She smiled at Sam and handed her the flowers.
Just then the door opened and Elena came inside running to her and hugging her.
“Oh my god, I am so excited. I am more excited than my marriage,” she giggled. She looks beautiful in her knee length wine color dress with a low neckline; after all, she is the maid of honor. She smiled at her.
Sam gently took her flowers and glanced once in the full length mirror. She looks different. She wore an ivory color A-line strapless chapel train Organza dress along with a soft pink ribbon along her waist. Her hair is pulled up and decorated with beads and tiny roses. A small tiara is placed on her head and white netted cloth is placed.
“You look beautiful, but your groom is waiting for you,” Rachael smiled and held her shoulders.
“Well, don’t make him wait so long,” Rose giggled.
“Rose,” Sam smiled,” he has waited for a long. I am ready,” she giggled at Rose. They laughed and stepped out of the room. Waiting outside in the lobby was her grandfather, wearing a white shirt along with an Armani suit. He smiled at her and gave a kiss on her cheek.
She walked down the aisle along with him. She entered the church. All the people inside the church stood up and turned their head towards her. She took a deep breath. Her heart was beating heavily, worried that she won’t ruin anything now. Not after all those years they lived apart even knowing that they love each other.
“You look gorgeous. Don’t worry everything will be fine,” he patted her hand and smiled.
Everything has changed since the day Stefan proposed her. The very next day they went to his mom. She looked very happy seeing Sam. She hugged her and talked a lot. The wedding arrangements were made the same way Sam had arranged years before for Stefan’s wedding. Rose was busy in getting all the arrangements done perfectly. They all accepted Suri as one of the royal family.
She met Edward and Elena who was both excited to see her.
“So, the wait is over,” Edward smiled at her. Both looked at the same painting and finally Sam realized that maybe that princess got her love back as they got.
The media were informed and the interview was taken. Stefan and Sam came before the media and answered all their questions without hesitation. At last all the things were perfectly done. Sam’s grandfather voluntarily took the place of her father’s and walked beside her in the church.
He talked a lot to her knowing everything about her and her family. He apologized to her for getting anger at her. But she forgives him, as he was the one of her family.
Now Suri walks before her wearing a beautiful white gown. Sam smiled and looked ahead. There, near the priest, was waiting her life.
They reached near to the podium and he gently handed her hand into Stefan's. He smiled at her and gently took her hand. The priest was offering the prayers. Sam stood there looking at Stefan, looking at his eyes filled with love and passion. He gently gripped her hand and smiled.
He took the ring and slide into her ring finger while saying the most beautiful words 'I do’. She did the same.
The priest told them to follow his words.
I, Stefan, take you Samantha to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully Through the best and the worst, Through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep So help me God.

I, Samantha, take you Stefan, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever I will trust you and honor you I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep so help me God.

In unison: Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you, For where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me?
These were the words that fill in the air with promises and trust along with love.
Stefan sealed his marriage with a deep kiss. They turned to his family who hugged them. All the friends and family wished them. Slowly walking by outside, they waved to the people and the media.
The royal wedding of Prince George William Stefan and Princess Samantha White is grandly celebrated all around the world. They walked through lots of hurdles. Love wins over and finally they became a beautiful couple.
The wedding news is filled in every paper. Sam smiled to herself while reading them. She stood before the window staring at the rising sun.
“Morning wife,” Stefan wrapped his hands around her and kissed her with the promise of love together watching the rising sun.


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