
Lisina had just finished lunch and was browsing on the net for some cool stuff on the internet. She was not a big fan of online shopping, but, when it came to emergency and she’d better not go hounding for a good dress in an extremely crowded market, she shopped online and it saved her a couple of dimes as some websites gave discounts she’d much rather not miss.
“Tring” went her supermini, supercute little silver phone.
“Hello”she said as she opened the poor little flap so often mishandled.
“ Bingo, I guess I called the right person to help me choose an outfit for Reggie’s football match on Thursday.” Said Brenda, the red-haired friend from Ginette Row.
Lisina smiled “Oh, so that’s why you called? Coz you gotta go to your new boybriend’s match and you need a new dress a.s.a.p.? I mean, c’mon, even I am avoiding the shops right now coz I’m too bruised to take a trip around town right now. But I’ll go with you instead”
“Bruised? What the hell happened to you?” came a quick, terrified voice from over the phone.
“Please don’t fret. I fell down the stairs yesterday, and yes, I’m too lost"
"Lost? Why" shouted Brenda.
"You're getting all worked up again. You know I broke up with Charlie"
"Hey, so what. And anyway, I'm not used to seeing you like this."
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow. 10:30 sharp, right after history class"

They met at the mall all decked up and excited about the shopping spree they were about to have. Lisina was a little absent-minded, but she had promised herself this fiery, happy free-spirited approach to life and under no circumstances did she want to discard it


Texte: Meghnaa Sonkar
Bildmaterialien: Meghnaa Sonkar
Lektorat: Meghnaa Sonkar
Übersetzung: Meghnaa Sonkar
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.03.2013

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