
The Fire Within The Passion
By: Kayla Trautman
Chapter 1: Jack Tucker Meets Kattie Mannel
Jack is a prince in England. He is single and doesn't seem to find anyone that lives there of any
interest to him. So he didn't really worry about it too much, I mean he was only 21 years of age. He had
plenty of time to find a woman that he could marry and live with. He thought he had his life all planned out;
go to college, learn all there is to know about running a kingdom: politics, economics, etc. He wouldn't think
of meeting a woman that was different from the others, that made him actually feel something and not just
some woman to stand by his side like a trophy, a woman that made him happy every second he was with
her, a woman that wasn't a bore. He didn't even think he was going to even think about marrige until he was
in his thirties. He had his life all planned out. No one would stop him or distract him, or so he thought.
A woman had just moved to England in the city only a couple blocks away from the royal castle. As
tradition, she had made an appointment to speak with the prince so they know who is in the kingdom. It was
a thurday afternoon and the sun was shinning. The woman was dressed in her best; a full-length purple dress
that showed her back, a big fancy purple hat with a light purple feather attached to it on top, the dress was
short sleeve. Some would say that was an inappropiate dress, especially to wear in front of the prince. It
was right after lunch when she arrived at the palace in the carrige. The driver pulled back on the reins and
brought the carrige to a stop. As he went to get up to help her out of the carrige she opened the door and
stepped out. "My lady, I was just getting down to help you out." the driver said as he was shutting the door
behind her. The woman just simply said, "That's okay, I can manage." She was looking up at the castle.
The driver said, "But you're a woman. And I wouldn't want it to look like I am being rude to a woman. It's
just not proper, my lady." She simply just sighed and replied, "I will be sure to tell anyone who asks that
I did it on my own account, that you were trying to help me but I didn't let you. Now just wait out here I'll
only be a minute." She started walking towards the front door of the palace. She stopped at the door and
knocked four times.
The door opened and the butler, Mr. McNight, said, "May I help you, my lady?" The woman said, "Yes. I
have an appointment with Prince Jack Tucker. You see, I just moved here." Mr. McNight opened the door even
wider and stepped aside to let her in and said, "If you'll follow me this way." He shut the door and led the
woman to Jack's office. "Please have a seat right there and the prince will be along shortly. Who may I say
is waiting?" Mr. McNight asked. The woman said, "Kattie Mannel." She sat in the chair as Mr. McNight left
shutting the door behind him.
Jack was in the library reading a book about politics when there was a knock on the door. Mr. McNight
came in and announced, "Sir, there's a lady waiting in your office. Her name is Kattie Mannel. She says she
has an appointment with you today." Jack put the book down on the table next to the armchair he was sitting
in. he got up and stretched, "Yes. I do. Thank you Mr. McNight. I'll be there in a minute." Mr. McNight left the
room to return to his duties. Jack put his hands in his pockets and headed for his office.
When Jack opened the door Kattie stood up and quickly turned, but not before he saw her back. He didn't
know what to think but he hid his feeling towards it; quite frankly, he liked what he saw, but he wasn't about to show
her it. It wouldn't be appropiate. He walked over and recieved her hand as she curtsy, and he bowed and kissed
her hand; as he would normally do when greeting a woman. But he thought her hands were rather soft, softer
than others. He didn't let any reaction show as he let go of her hand and said, "Good afternoon, my lady.
Please have a seat." She did and Jack went around the table and sat in his chair. "Now, when did you get
in Mrs. Mannel?" He was trying to be discreet about asking her if she was married. She simply answered,
"Just two days ago. And It's Ms. Mannel. I'm not married." He thought, "So she wasn't married." He replied,
"I'm sorry my lady. What made you move here?" She hesitated for a moment then replied, "I needed to get
away from people. It's rather personal." He wanted to know, yet alone it was just what he needed to do. He
asked, "Get away from who? I have to ask, it's procedure, maim." Kattie shut her lips tight, then let out a
breath. Then she said, "If you must know, I was in a bad relationship with this guy. I broke up with him
'cause he got aggressive. When I did, he started threatning me. And those threats turned to voilence. So
I decided to leave and get away from that place to start a new." Her tone was so irratated that Jack would
have normally told her politely to calm down, but there was something different about her and he wanted to
see more of what she was like. Jack realized that she was gripping the arms of the chair; nearly putting holes
in them; and replied, "Sorry. How unfortunate." Kattie realized what she was doing and loosened up, calming
herself down. She knew it was only procedure. Jack continued, "Now," he paused as he was about to ask
the unaskable, "How old are you?" Jack expected to get all the fury she had in her to come out yelling at
him. He could usually deal with it, but since it seems that this was a different lady he asked, he expected
something worse with her. Instead, she simply replied, "I'm 20 years old." Jack was astonished, in shock,
so much in shock that he couldn't help but let it show on his face. Kattie looked at him with her brows raised.
She asked, "Is everything okay, Prince Jack?" Jack realized that he hadn't said anything for a few moments
and said, "No, I was just shocked. Most, no, No woman ever answered that question without letting me hear
a few words of me questioning them of their age. But yet, you've said nothing and answered my question."
Kattie lowered her brows and smiled, "It's just a question. No harm in that. Besides, it needs to be asked."
Jack smiled back at her.
Jack and Kattie continued their discussion. When they finished Jack led her to the door. He said, "Well,
thank you Ms. Mannel for being here to answer the questions that needed answering. Hope we'll meet again
soon." Kattie smiled and gave him her hand and curtsy. He kissed her hand as he bowed. "Good day Prince
Jack." Kattie said and turned to leave. As she was walking away Jack stopped her, "Ms. Mannel! Wait!" He
walked up to her as she turned around. He said, "I almost forgot. There's balls that are held every friday to
welcome newcomers. Help them get to know the people they live with in the neighborhood. I was hoping to
see you there this friday. It's at 7 o'clock." Kattie smiled and said, "Well, Prince Jack, don't get your hopes
up." She turned and walked away. Jack was stunned. He practically asked her out. He would understand
why she wouldn't want to go out with him any time soon 'cause of the unfortunate experience that had just
recently happend. But why was she saying it like that? She had a lot of spunk to talk to him, the prince, like
that. He liked it. He never met a woman like that before. He stood there until he couldn't see the carrige no
Jack walked back into the castle and shut the door behind him. He went up to the library and sat where he
was sitting before he met the mysterious Kattie Mannel. But he didn't continue reading his book about
politics. No. He was thinking about Ms. Mannel. Ms. Kattie Mannel. He couldn't get his mind off of her. How
her long blond hair was put up with red roses tied up in her hair. Her skin was pale, not pasty pale, but a
good type of pale. Pale that brought out the redness in her lips. Jack was way over her head he thought, but
then he just knew that he had to get to know her. Something about her just sparked something new in him. He
was so hoping that she didn't mean what she had said. He hoped that he would be able to talk with her, dance
with her, he just had to.
Chapter 2: Friday Night's Ball
Jack was in his best suit. Matter of fact, he got a new suit. Just for that Kattie Mannel. He had to look his absolute best.
He had no idea what he was getting himself into, or even if he was getting himself into anything. He didn't know what was
happending, or if anything was even happending. He just wanted to see her again. He was standing in front of a full length
mirror, just fussing about .
Kattie was sitting on the edge of her bed. She was deciding whether she would go or not. She had an hour to decide
and get ready. She said to herself, "It's just a ball. It's not like anything's going to happend. I've been through this before.
My heart won't let me take the same mistake twice." She suddenly got up and just started pacing the floor. She wanted to
go, but then remembered how his blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, how his shoulder-length dark brown wavy hair just sat
there, and occasionally moved with the wind when he was outside, how his shirt outlined the muscles in his arms and in
his chest. She was destined for trouble. But she didn't think it was going to hurt just to go to a ball. "It's not like I'm going to
talk to him. He's not going to talk to me, he's a prince, he's got better things to do then that. Even if he did, it wouldn't be
anything bad." She said to herself. She stopped suddenly and looked at the time. She still had thirty minutes left. She got
dressed in her ruby red full-length dress; this didn't show her back but it was a little narrow in the front. It showed a little
crease of her breasts. She got her hair put up in a nice fashionable style. A style that was nice but rarely anyone used it.
As soon as she was ready she was off in the carrige.
Carriges were arriving all at once. Jack was inside pacing his eyes over the crowd. Searching frantically for the woman
he had met the day before. He couldn't see her. Not a sign of her. He was getting worried. He wanted to see her there.
He was getting scared but then as he glanced over towards the doors he saw her being greeted by the doorman. He
wanted to go straight over to her, but he didn't want to seem to eager. But he did keep an eye on her for the next fifthteen
minutes. Then he couldn't stay away no longer. He went through the crowd to where she was. She was chatting with
Mrs. Beedle. As he walked towards them they looked up at him with smiles on their faces. Kattie had a smile on her face
but she also had a concerned look on her face. Jack could see it in her eyes. "Excuse me Mrs. Beedle. I was just
on my way over here to welcome Ms. Mannel to England." he said as he smiled looking Kattie straight in the eyes. Kattie
inclined her head and said, "Thank you Prince Jack. Mrs. Beedle here was being so kind in filling me in on the historic
features England has yet to reveal." Jack looked at Mrs. Beedle, "Well. I thank you Mrs. Beedle for informing her of
England." He looked over at Kattie and said, "But now will you excuse me and Ms. Mannel so we can have this dance
together?" Kattie took a breath in and was about to object to it but Jack cut her off, "I won't take no for an answer.
Besides, it's just a dance. What harm can come from it? The most that'll happend is you'll find out I'm a really good
dancer." Mrs. Beedle stated, "Go on dear. It's not everyday this man asks a lady to dance without being told to. It should
be a great honor." Jack put out his hand smiling, not taking his eyes off her for a second. Kattie hesitated then took his
hand. He led her to the dance floor and swung her around putting his hand on her back. She put her hand on his shoulder,
feeling his muscles, and held his other hand and began to waltz. She kept her eyes on his and he never took his eyes off
her gaze. She finally said, "So, do you always force your lady newcomers to dance with you?" Her tone was sarcastic.
He replied with a grin on his face, "Never. I simply just insist. But only with people I truely want to dance with. As Mrs.
Beedle told you. I never ask a woman to dance unless told to." She looked at him with no smile on her face, but curiousity.
She asked, "Why start now then? Why me? I'm no different from the rest." He looked at her with an even deeper grin on
his face and said, "You most definitly are not like other women. You're more interesting. You're unpredictable. Not like
those other girls who just think there's nothing more to their life than looking pretty and standing by a man's side. And
that's what I like about you." Kattie looked at him tight liped.Then she said, "Well, Prince Jack. Your words are flattering
but I'm just not interested." She was lying. She was interested. Very. But she wouldn't go there again. Jack didn't lighten
his grin up nor did he stop trying. He told her, "Well I am. And I can't help but to think that you are. And just call me
Jack, Ms. Mannel." Kattie couldn't help but smile at his remark. She replied, "It's Kattie. And what makes you think that
I am interested?" The music stopped and Jack led her off the dance floor and stood over by the wall closest to the door.
He said, "I just have a feeling. Besides Kattie, why are you smiling?" Kattie was smiling because she did indeed like him.
But she didn't want him to know that. She looked at him and said, "Maybe I'm smiling because you think that you're
charming. I've met men more charming than you before." He knew he shouldn't have said this but he couldn't help it,
"So I've heard. I guess they were too charming for you that you had to come running to England." Kattie's smile dropped
and she frowned at him. She just wanted to get out of this conversation so she started to walk away. But he grabbed her
elbow as she was walking and turned her around towards him. She turned back around to him giving him the worst look she
could conjure up. "Look. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It wasn't fair. Do you forgive me?" They held gazes for a few
moments as she was thinking. Anyone else she would have snapped her arm away and continued walking. But he was
different some how. She couldn't just walk away. She returned to the spot where she was once standing not once taking
her eyes off of him. She didn't smile but she managed to take the frown off her face. She said, "You may be forgiven in
time if I decide that you are." He smiled at her and said, "What I have to earn your forgiveness?" "Just like you earned
the frown you got." she replied.
"Would you come with me for a walk?" Jack asked holding out his elbow for her to hold. She took his arm and they
headed for the side door. She was amazed at how strong he was, but it also frightened her. They were outside walking in
the lane and came to a fountain. They sat on the edge together. "So where did you come from?" Jack asked. Kattie
sighed and replied looking into the water seeing herself, "I really don't wish to talk about it." Jack could see the pain in
her eyes. She wasn't about to cry, but the sadness showed. He asked, "Don't you have any family members back home
that miss you?" Kattie suddenly looked up from the water to him. She couldn't hold it back no longer.She let a tear rise to
her eyes and fall out. She replied, "He killed them. Every last one of them. Even my little sister that was only 6 years old."
He never knew it went that far. She continued, "And he was never found by the police or anybody. He's still out there
somewhere. He's looking for me. That's why I left the country all together." She looked into the water and seen all the
tears running down her face and wipped them away, "Oh, don't look at me. Crying like a baby." She tried to hide it from
him, but, of course, it was too late. He put his hand on her face and brought it to where she was looking at him straight in
his eyes. He calmly said, "You needn't be ashamed to cry. Especially when there's a good reason." Kattie touched his
hand that was on her face. She never felt a hand so big and smooth before. He leaned in and stopped for a second, then
continued. He kissed her. She kissed him back putting her hands on his face. She wanted to pull back from it but she
couldn't. She felt her body grow weak at the feel of his kiss. She had her eyes closed the whole time. Then she pulled
together every ounce of strength she had to pull away from the kiss. She rested her forhead on his and let out a breath.
"I can't do this." Kattie said as she got up and started to run down the lane towards the ball room. Jack got up and ran
after her. He caught up to her and got in front of her. She stopped and looked up at him. He grabbed her hands and
said, "I'm not going to stop you from leaving. But I need to tell you something. I won't ever hurt you. And maybe tomarrow
you could come over and describe him to me so I can make sure that if he were to ever to come here that he be
arrested." She looked at him with a slight smile on her face, "Alright. But I must go now." She let go of his hands and
went running out. He didn't run after her. He slowly walked back to the ball room with his hands in his pockets thinking
about her. He thought about how the kiss felt and how he could rip apart the guy who did that to her and her family if he
ever met him.
Chapter 3: Saturday Night
Kattie was searching frantically for the pictures she had of him. But she didn't really like the pictures because every
picture she had of him was always with them both together. But she needed to get them for Jack. She hoped it was just
a precaution; she really didn't want him to find her. She was searching through boxes, just throwing the stuff on her couch.
while she looked. It took her three hours when she finally got to the last box. It was nearly 6 o'clock and there was a
knock on the door. Kattie went to answer it. As she was opening the door she started, "What is it? I'm busy!..." She
stopped when she realized it was Jack. He was smiling, "Thought we had an arrangement today. You never showed. So
I thought I would come to you." Kattie smiled back, "I was looking for something. You can come in but I must warn you,
it's a mess. I was searching frantically for my pictures." She moved to the side and he walked in. She closed the door
behind him and told him to sit in the armchair by the wall. He sat while she went over and continued searching through the
box for the pictures. She said, "So you felt the need to track me down and find out why I didn't come earlier?" Jack leaned
forward on his elbows and said, "Well, I just felt the urge to see you today and it is getting late. So I took it upon myself
to come and visit you. Is that a problem?" He smiled at her with a smile she thought she couldn't trust, but yet she did.
She didn't answer but kept smiling and continued looking for the pictures. Then her smile faded away. Jack looked at
her and his grin faded too. He wasn't frowning like she was. She brought her hands out of the box and with them the
pictures. She glanced at them for a few seconds. The guy had short black hair with evil dark eyes. He was muscular.
It scared her to death how he was so strong and how Jack was also so strong. There was ackward silence for at least a
minute until Jack said, "Let me see." He didn't have to ask if it was him. He could see it on her face. She looked up at him.
He reached out his hand for them. She got up and walked over to him. He took the pictures from her and looked at them.
He then had a frown on his face. He didn't like the guy he was looking at and he hadn't even met him yet. Kattie walked
beside him and leaned on the side of the chair. She said with a stern voice, "His name is Victor. Victor Blackwell. His
heart is as black as his name." Jack Put the pictures in his jacket pocket, "Well, let's not dwell on those pictures any
more. That was the past. This is the present." He stood up and turned to face her, "It is dinner time and I was wondering if
you would give me the pleasure of joining me to dinner?" His smile returned. And she let a smile show and forgot about
the pictures. She grabbed his elbow and they left.
They got to the resturant and ordered a table for two. They sat across from each other. "So do you do this for every
woman you meet with a sad story?" He smiled and folde his arms on the table leaning foward, "Only for you, my lady."
She smiled. The waitress came and was about to ask them for their order but another waitor came over. The waitor
said, "It's okay Ms. Marie. I got this table. You can go clean up that table so others can sit there." The waitress sighed but
followed his orders. The waitor then look over at Jack and bowed, "Good evening your highness." Then he turned to
Kattie and took her hand to kiss it as he bowed, "My lady. Now, what shall it be?" The waitor kept looking at Kattie. Even
when he was writting down the orders he glanced up at her. Jack said, "A steak, well-done, with mashed potatoes and
string beans. And a cup of coffee. How about you my dear?" He looked at Kattie. Kattie looked at the waitor and said,
"A salad. French dressing. And a cup of tea please." Kattie felt Jack staring at her. She turned her head and looked at
him. He looked confused, "That's all your getting?" She replied, "I don't eat much. I have a very small stomach. That's all.
I don't get hungry." Jack asked, "Are you sure?" She nodded and sent the Waitor away. Kattie knew she didn't have to
explain herself to him but still she wanted to. She said, "When I was a kid I never ate the right amount of food as everyone
else. When I was 17 my parents finally took me to the doctor. They examined me and told me I have an eating disorder.
If I eat the regular amount of food I could have a build up in my stomach causing me not to breath. That's why I have this
medicine to help me at least eat small amounts four times a day. So don't worry. This is my regular meal size." Jack
leaned back in his chair, "Wow. I never heard of anything like that before." Kattie replied, "Yeah. The doctor said it was
very rare. But as long as I take my medicine and only eat the amount I'm supposed to and at the times I'm supposed to,
then I'll be fine." Jack sat up and asked, "Do you ever feel like you're starving in a way?" She nodded, "No. I don't feel
Fifthteen minutes minutes went by and they were just chatting away about Jack's life. Jack didn't tell her that he planned
to go to college. The waitor came with their food and set it out on their table. Kattie said, "Thank you, Mr....?" The waitor
answered, "Butler. Mr. Butler. And your welcome, my lady." Mr. Butler walked away and stood over by the front. He was
watching her thw whole time. Trying so hard not to let her notice it, but she did. They began to eat. Kattie looked at Jack
and asked, "Why does it seem that Mr. Butler is watching me?" Jack looked over at him then at Kattie, "Because he is."
She had a look on her face that was asking why before she got to ask. Jack said, "He's probably just staring at you
because he realizes the same thing I do." Kattie put her fork down and wipped her mouth with a napkin, "And what might
that be?" She smiled taking her mind off the fact that he was still staring at her. Jack smiled and said, "That you're the
most beautifull woman here." He took her hand and leaned foward and kissed it. He sat back in his chair still holding her
hand in his, rubbing his thumb on the top of her hand. "You have the most softest hands I ever felt." Kattie lifted one brow,
"And you've touched how many hands before?" She was smiling the whole time. He grinned and said, "That's for me to
know and you to find out." Kattie lifted and lowered bothe her brows, "Oh, I'll find out. Count on that." "I'm going to hold
you to your word." Jack replied.They both smiled and continued eating and chatting about each other.
When they were finished Jack payed the bill, tiped the waitor and they left. The waitor left out the back of the place.
He secretly followed them and wrote down every bit of information he could get. They never knew that he had followed
them back to her house.
Jack offered his hand to help her out of the carrige. Kattie would have originally just got out herself but she wanted
to feel his hand in hers. As she was getting out she tripped when her foot didn't fully step down on the step-stool
that was connected to the carrige. She fell and he caught her. He held her in his arms. They both loved the feeling
of it but they were both kind of nervous. Jack set her feet back on the ground. She was the first to smile in the silence.
Then he smiled, "You ought to be more careful. Unless you did that on purpose." "Now why would I want to make my-
self fall just to land" - the last words were fading out as she said it - "in your big, muscular arms." She looked him in the
eyes. His blue eyes again sparkled in the moonlight. Jack broke the silence, "Well, shall we go inside and I can help
you clean up the mess you made?" Kattie sighed, "No. I got personal stuff in there. Besides, wouldn't want to ruin
a perfect night. You can walk me to the door though." They both walked up to the door hand-in-hand. When they got
to the door they stopped and faced each other. Jack took both of her hands and looked her straight in the eye. Jack
was just a head taller than she; for a woman she was rather tall. He bent his head to kiss her, and she put her head
back and parted her lips for him to kiss her. She let him take the lead as she laid her hands on his chest. Jack put
his hands on her hips and held her there. They stood there kissing for about five minutes. Then she pulled back,
"I'd better go clean up that mess now."
"How about I come and pick you up tomarrow and we spend the day together. Just the two of us. We could
go where ever you want to go. I'll pick you up at noon?"
"Even though that's very tempting. I can't. I planned on unpacking tomarrow and Monday. Tell you what, How
about we do that on Tuesday?"
"Definitely. Until then, my lady." Jack kissed her hand and went back to the carrige. Kattie stood there until
she could see the carrige no more. She had, in fact, enjoyed herself.
When she was done cleaning up she got dressed for bed and laid down. She didn't go right to sleep. She
had too many thoughts. She couldn't wait until Tuesday. But she was scared out of her mind. She promised
herself that she wouldn't be with another. She wasn't about to put her heart on the stake again. Then she
promised that she would take it slow. It was going faster than she planned to. But she liked it, and she
wanted it. She was confused. She stayed up for a while thinking about what happend and about what was
going to happend, until her eyes closed and she fell asleep.
Chapter 4: Tuesday morning
Kattie got up at 7:30 in the morning. She got washed up and searched for the perfect dress. She never before worried
about how she looked for a guy. Not until now when she met Jack. She didn't know why but she thought he was different
from the other guys she had met before. But she was detemined to move past her fears of letting herself fall in love with
anyone ever again. She didn't love him yet, but if they escalated to that part of the road, she wasn't going to let herself
be afraid.
Jack was always a early riser, but today he woke up earlier. He woke up at 5:30 in the morning to make sure his hair
was just right, his outfit was perfect as it could get. He spent hours fixing up for that afternoon. He couldn't believe how
much he liked her. He was determined to win her heart if it took him the rest of his life.
Noon came along and Jack's carrige arrived in front of Kattie's house. Jack got out of the carrige and walked over to
the door. He straightened his outer coat and knocked on the door. He could hear her shuffling around from where he was.
He smiled at the fact that she was fussing about this as much as he was. About a minute later Kattie opened the door and
stepped out shutting the door behind her.
Jack looked at her for the next moment or two. He was enjoying the view. He thought a piece of heaven had just
dropped from the sky. "Shall we go?" he asked. Kattie answered, "We shall. Where are we going?" Jack helped her into
the carrige and sat next to her. Jack said, "Can't tell. It's a suprise." He looked at her and smiled. Kattie smiled taking his
The carrige came to a stop about a half of an hour later. "Close your eyes Kattie." Jack told her. Kattie looked at him
with a great grin on her face. Then she did as he said. When she did Jack put a blind-fold over her eyes. Kattie
complained, "Now how am I supposed to get out without falling again?"Jack chuckled a bit and got out of the carrige,
"Don't worry. I'll help you." She got up and slowly reached out for his hand with one hand and grabbed the edge of the
carrige with the other. But Jack didn't grab her hand. Instead, he grabbed her by the waist and picked her up. He put her
down on the ground and shut the door. Jack said, "Now if you'll take my hand I will lead you to the spot where we will be."
Kattie took his hand and slowly walked where he led her. Along the way Jack didn't see where that small ditch was. It
might of been small but it was bigg enough to throw her off balance. She tripped and before Jack could try to catch her,
she was on the ground. He quickly kneeled down to the ground where she was and turned her around. Kattie took the
blind-fold off and sat up. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have put the blind-fold on you..." Jack was panicing but
Kattie cut him off, "It's okay. My dress just got a little dirty that's all. I'm fine. I'm not hurt. No need to panic. Just help me
up please?" Jack stood up and reached for her hand. She grabbed his hands and he pilled up. When he did her ankle
hurt. She almost fell again but this time he caught her. Jack held her up as she was leaning on him, "What's wrong? Does
your ankle hurt? Does your foot hurt?" Kattie laughed. Jack demanded, "What's so funny? I don't think this is funny!"
Kattie replied, "You act like you've never seen a lady hurt. And yes my ankle hurts. I think I sprained it. Your going to have
to let me lean on you on the way to where ever it is you are taking me." Jack put one arm around her back and one around
her knees and picked her up, "We'll have to go another day. I have to get you to the doctor so the doctor can make sure
you're alright and take care of your ankle." Jack headed back to the carrige. Kattie said, "Stop. We can still go there
unless you had physical activities." Jack stopped and looked at her. He couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to go
to the doctor to get her ankle tooken care of. Jack asked, "How come you don't want to go see the doctor? Your ankle is
hurt and it's my fault." Kattie's voice grew more stern when she answered, "Cause it's something little. I've handled with
this type of injury for... the last five months when I was with him. And besides, it wasn't your fault. Everybody has
accident's." Jack's face grew dark, "Well, wheather you think it's something serious or not I'm taking you to the doctor.
No arguing about it." Kattie asked, "What's the matter? Why are you getting so mad? Did I say something wrong?" Jack
kept on walking, "It's nothing you did or say. First of all, I made you hurt your ankle. Secondly, when I think of what that
man did to you. It just drives me crazy. I can't stand hearing about how a guy can beat a woman, how a guy can beat you."
Kattie leaned up kissed him on the cheek and then rested her head on his shoulder.
When the carrige arrived at the doctor's office Jack got out and picked her up to carry her. He gave the door a few
knocks with his one foot. The door opened and a guy was looking out at them. "Doctor Davis. My lady fell and hurt her
ankle, can you help her?" Jack asked. Doctor Davis moved aside and let him in shutting the door behind them, "Put her
on the table right there". Jack did so. Kattie said, "Doctor Davis, it really isn't all that bad. Just a sprained ankle. If I keep
off of it for a couple days I'll be fine in no time." The doctor looked at her, "Why don't you let me decide what's wrong or
not?" She shrugged. The doctor examined her ankle and said, "It's official. You've sprained your ankle again." Kattie
looked at him, "How did you know that I sprained my ankle plenty times before?" The doctor looked at her and replied,
"Cause you can tell when a bone has been sprained too many times before. The bones starts to get weak. And plus,
you knew what it was before I checked your ankle and you're no doctor. Or else you would have known that your bones in
your ankle were getting weak." Jack was standing right beside Kattie when he asked, "Is there anything you can do for it
Doc?" Doctor Davis looked at Jack and said, "Well I'm going to wrap her ankle up and she's not to put any weight on it
for the next three days. And as for her bones weakening, she just has to stop spraining her ankle and within time it should
get stronger." The doctor wrapped up Kattie's ankle and said, "You may take her home now. But remember she is not to
get up for any reason so she goes straight to bed." Jack picked her up, "Thanks Doc. And don't worry, I'll make sure she
stays in bes if it's the last thing I do." Jack took Kattie to the carrige and carefully set her down. He went to the other side
and sat beside her. He told the driver to go to her house and they were off.
Kattie asked, "Why are you so worried about me?" Jack looked at her, then turned away. He didn't answer for at least a
minute. Then he finally said, "Because I don't want nothing bad to happend to you that's all. How come you don't seem to
be taking this seriously?" Kattie looked up at him and then put her head on his shoulder holding his arm, "Cause I've been
through this before. No use worrying about something that I've delt with and know how to deal with." Jack put his hand on
the hand that held his arm, "Stuff that you shouldn't have delt with." Along the ride Kattie fell asleep leaning and holding
Jack's arm. She never fell asleep like that before. But she was tired, but the fact that his arm felt so muscular and he did
indeed worry about her, felt things for her, made her not even care if she fell asleep right there.
Jack got out of the carrige and went to the other side being careful not to wake her. He picked her up and carried her to
the gouse with the driver following behind them. The driver opened the door for him and he walked in. He set her down on
the bed and covered her up with the blankets. Then he went out to the driver, "Mr. Lenny. Please go back to the castle and
pick up a cot, a pillow, and a few blankets. I'll be staying here until she gets better." Mr. Lenny inclined his head and went
to fetch what he had asked for. Jack went back inside shutting the door behind him and sat in the armchair. He just sat
there. Watching her. Watching her sleep. Breath. Watching how her body moves while she sleeps.
An hour went by and his stuff had already been delivered. He set everything up and still she slept. Until she had a
nightmare and woke up. When she did she jumped up screaming. Jack ran over to her and sat beside putting his hands
gently on her face and tried calming her down, "It's alright! It's alright! You're here! It wasn't real! Your safe!" Kattie
stopped screaming but she was breathing heavily. She was getting all sweaty and it worried Jack. What nightmare could
make her scared so much and sweat like she is? He didn't understand. Kattie looked around the room realizing where
she was. Jack was rubbing her face where her cheeks were and he was trying to look into her eyes but she was looking
around the room. It took her a minute to realize and take in that she was actually home, safe. She stopped looking around
and looked up at him. They were eye to eye. Then she hugged him like she was holding onto him for her life. He hugged
her back. They sat there like that for a minute or two. Then she sat back with her back against the back of the bed. Jack
put a pillow behind her back and went back to her side holding her hand. he asked, "Are you okay?" She nodded. He
could still see the fear in her eyes. "What was it about?" Kattie said, "Nothing I haven't had before. It was him." Jack's
muscles tightened even more, "So this happends all the time?" Kattie nodded, "Yeah, but not like this one. This one was
different. It scared me half to death." She paused. In her nightmare he not only killed her, but Jack too. But she didn't
want him to know that she felt something for him. She didn't love him yet, but she still didn't want anything bad to happend
to him. Jack looked at her, "What was different about this one?" He had to ask the question she didn't want to answer and
planned not to. At least not anytime soon. She looked from him to the floor, "I don't want to talk about it. It's not important
anymore." Jack sighed. He thought he made it clear he wasn't going to hurt her. He touched her face with his hand bring-
ing her face to his. "I promised you. I won't hurt you. I promised you then, I promise you now, and I'll promise you
tomarrow, forever. I won't hurt you. Believe me." Kattie leaned over and hugged him putting her arms around his neck. "I
believe you. I know. I know. I just don't want to talk about it. Not now. I'm not ready." Jack hugged her back rubbing his
hands on her back. Jack pulled back laying her down. "Why don't lay down and try to get some rest. I'll be here when you
wake up. I'll have supper ready by then." Kattie shook her head. She didn't want to go back to sleep and have that night-
mare again. Jack took a breath and said, "At least lay down and rest up. You don't have to go to sleep. Just rest. You're
shaking all over." She agreed and laid her head down against the pillow. Jack got up and covered her with the blankets.
Then he kissed her on the forehead and went to sit on the armchair. He was staring at her. But not for the reason he was
before. Because he was mad at what that Victor Blackwell had done to her, and he was also thinking about what was
different this time. He couldn't understand how that guy could do anything like that, all he understood was that it was
hurting Ms. Kattie Mannel. That bothered him the most. Kattie had fallen asleep and Jack was glad.
It was super time and Kattie was still sleeping. Jack thought it was good that she was still sleeping. He was downstairs
cooking a pot of beef stew. While Jack was dishing the food out into two bowls Kattie woke up. She looked around the
room seeing the cot that had laid at the foot of her bed. She sat up putting her legs over the side of the bed. Her ankle still
hurt something fierce but she was determined to get up. She leaned on the end table next to the bed and went to stand.
But she didn't get too far. She was able to balance on the one good foot but once she put weight on her hurt ankle, she
fell. Hit the floor like a brick wall. At the hearing of the thump, Jack put the bowls down on the table in the kitchen and ran
upstairs. He stopped at the door way and seen that she was on the floor catching her breath. The fall to the floor clearly
knocked the wind out of her. He quickly went to pick her up. "What in the world were you trying to do?" He set her on the
bed. She replied, "I hate being in bed for a long time. I tried to get up and I got caught of balance. I'm fine." Jack kneeled
at the side of the bed, "You heard what the doctor said. You have to stay off your feet if you expect to get better. Are you
sure you're okay?" She nodded her head assuringly. "Now do you want to eat your supper in bed or downstairs at the
table?" he asked her. She smiled and said, "Downstairs please." He smiled and picked her up heading for the stairs.
He was careful not to trip and fall. Kattie wasn't worried. She liked being in his arms. Him carrying her with his muscular
arms. She rested her head on his shoulder. He went to the the chair by table and sat her down. She sqiurmed around to
make herself comfortable. He pushed a bowl and fork over to her, and took his over to his spot. He sat down and began to
eat. She took a taste of the beef stew and was amazed at the outcome. It was delicous. She was amazed. "Wow. I never
knew a guy that could actually cook." He smiled at her thanking her. They continued to eat. "I see you plan on staying the
night to make sure I'm okay?" He looked at her, "Until you're able to walk again. Someone's got to tend to your needs. Is
that alright with you?" She replied, "It's more than okay. I just wanted to say thank you. That's all." Jack just simply smiled
and continued eating.
Jack washed the bowls and put them away. Kattie was, obviously, still sitting in the chair. Jack came in and went to pick
her up. "Where to, my lady?" She thought for a moment, "There's no where else to go but back upstairs in the bed." He
laughed at her sarcasm and went upstairs. he set her in bed and covered her up. "Can you please open the window? It's
kind of hot in here. Maybe the cool summer night air will cool us." He did so and sighed, "You were right. That summer
night air sure feels good." She smiled as the cool air hit her face. They stayed up for a while longer and chatted. After a
while they both laid down and fell asleep.
Chapter 5: Walking again
"I may be going slow but I'm walking." Kattie told Jack, who was against her walking at all until she fully recovered. Jack
asked, "Are you sure it don't hurt too much? I could always stay longer." They were standing face to face in the kitchen by
the table. Kattie replied, "Look it's not that I don't appreciate everything that you have done for me. Cause I do. Really I
do. You've been here almost a week. Most people wouldn't have stayed a day. I'm really thankful to you. But I can't
possibly expect my ankle to get back to normal if I don't exercise it. And I can't keep you away from what it is you prince's
do." He looked at her chuckling. "Oh, don't go looking at me like that. I won't try to pretend to knowwhat a prince has to do."
Jack replied, "I hired someone to handle things while I was away. Now what's your excuse?" Jack pulled her to him putting
his arms around her, holding her. She put her arms around his neck, "How about I don't want you here anymore?" She said
that so sarcasticly that he laughed, "You know you want me to stay. Or else you would have pulled away by now." She
smiled and replied, "Or maybe I'm just to weak to pull away." Jack moved his head in closer, "Then maybe I should stay".
He leaned down and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back, except this time she took the lead. They stood there
kissing for two minutes then Jack cupped his hand around her left breast. She managed to slide her hand between them
and moved his hand off her breasts and pulled away, leaning her head against his. "Sorry I'm just not ready for that yet."
Jack replied, "That's okay. I can wait." He kissed her again and left. Kattie watched him as he walked away. Walked out of
her house.
After he was gone Kattie went to sit on the armchair in the living room. Just thinking about him. Then she
decided that she wasn't going to think about him at the moment. Then that nightmare that she had had the first day he was
there. She didn't want to think of that either. She got up and went outside and went for a walk. She just took a stroll around
town, she had to reassure herself that he wasn't coming back. She was sure she was out of his reach, but that nightmare
felt vivid. She couldn't believe that the moment Jack came into her life, is the moment when she gets the nightmare about
him dying. She didn't no one else in her life dying. She already lost all of her family. She didn't want to make a new and
learn he was learking around. She thought about telling Jack that she didn't want to be with him anymore. But she couldn't
do that. Not to him. She couldn't break it off with him. She could do it with any other guy she only knew for two weeks. But
not with him. She walked and walked. Walked until she could no longer feel the pain in her ankle. But she got tired of
walking and there was a place where you could rent a carrige right acrros the street. So she went there.
When she got home she got a hot bath and just relaxed. She was still thinking about Jack. But also about Victor. If
Victor came back she was going to be dead, but even worse, Jack would be dead. A tear ran down her cheek at the
thought of it. She got out and got dressed for bed. Except when she laid down she couldn't get to sleep. She was thinking
too much. Finally, her eye lids got heavy and she fell asleep.
Chapter 6: Getting the letter
It was eleven o'clock in the morning when there was a knock on the door. Kattie got up from the couch to answer it.
She had been reading a book before. She opened the door and a guy with a slight mustache, a black suit, and almost
bold black hair was standing there with a long box. He looked like he was going to a funeral yet he was smiling, though
Kattie didn't trust it. The man said handing the box over to her, "Maim, I was asked to bring this to you from a secret
admirer. He says it'll come to your liking. That you will be surprised when you see it." Kattie took the box smiling thinking
that it was Jack; although she still didn't trust the messenger. "Thank you, sir." She closed the door as the guy was walking
away. She sat down on the couch and opened the box to six red roses. She smiled. But on top of the roses was a peice
of paper. She picked it up and began to read it. Her grin then faded away in shock. She frowned and a tear slipped away
from her eyes running down her cheek. The note read:
Dear My Beloved Kattie,
I know where you are. I know who you've been with.
And I know where you live. Did you think leaving the
country would save you? Did you think I would let
you fall in love for another? As long as you live,
you love me and only me. That little prince of
yours won't be able to protect you. I'm stronger,
smarter. I will kill him. And anyone who gets in my
way. If I can't convince you to love me, then I will
kill you. Assuring that you will never love another.
Hope this letter was convincing enough. You are
mine! No one elses! Love you honey. I'll be
visiting soon.
Your Lover,
Victor Blackwell
P.S. Wear my favorite
dress. I'll be expecting
you in it.
Kattie couldn't believe it. He found her. How? "How did he find me and know exactly where I live and who I was with?
How he knew he was the prince?" she thought. Kattie wipped the tears away and took the roses and letter out to the
kitchen and set them on the table. She took a seat and just went into gaze. She stared at the letter with a frown on her
face. She was ferious. She didn't want anything to do with that guy anymore; especially after what he has done. But she
thought she had no choice. She wasn't about to let anyone else die because of her. Not again. She had it all planned out,
no matter what Prince Jack said about it. She was going to go back with him. She would try to make him realize that she
was doing it for him. She made up her mind. And she wouldn't let Jack change her mind, or at least she would try.
About five minutes later there was another knock on the door. Kattie didn't even care to go answer it. She stayed there.
A minute went by and the knock got louder. Kattie still didn't answer the door. It was Jack. He looked in the window. He
seen the light on and the lid to the box on the floor. He opened the door and walked in. "Kattie! Are you here?!" he called.
When he heard no one answer him he headed towards the kitchen door. When he opened it he saw Kattie sitting there
arms folded. He could tell that she was angry. He asked, "Kattie. How come you didn't answer the door? What's wrong?
Is it yor ankle?" Kattie didn't look up at him up at him. She kept starring at the letter, "He's back. And I have to go back with him."
Jack was confused, "What? What are you talking about he's back?" Kattie didn't say a word. Jack looked on the table and
found the letter. He picked it up and read it. His confused face turned to a ferious face. "Well there's no way he thinks that
you're actually going to go back with him." He exclaimed forgetting what she said before. She turned to look at him, "I am.
It's what I have to do." Jack stood her up and looked her in the eyes. "The hell you are. You are not going back to get
killed. I can't let you do that. I won't let you do that." Jack raised his voice. Kattie replied not yelling, but stern, "I have to.
Or else he's going to kill you. I'm not about to let that happen. Again. I can't and plan not to let that happen. And he won't
kill me as long as I go willingly and do what he says. You have no idea what he's capable of. I do. I watched him kill every
last one of them. And when he comes back you can't be here. So you better leave. I don't know when he's going to
come." Jack started waving his hands in front of her motioning what he was going to say, "No! No! I'm not leaving! And
you aren't going no where! You're staying right here! Whether you like it or not, I'm not letting you go and be with him to
protect me! I'm going to protect you!" Kattie went to walk away but he grabbed her arm and swung her aroung in his arms.
He softened his voice, "I'm going to protect you. I love you." Kattie couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'Cause indeed
she loved him as well. She thought about telling him that she didn't love him and that it was foolish of him to tell her that,
just to get him to leave. But she couldn't break his heart like that. Not when it would be the last thing she said to him. She
also softened her voice, "I love you too. I did since the first day you spent the night over. That's why I didn't tell you about
my dream. It was different because you were there. Not only did he find me, but he killed you. Then this
happend. I won't be able to take it if you die." Jack replied, "I'm not going to die. And neither are you. And you're not going
with him. I wouldn't be able to take it if you died either." They both grew silent. Jack slid his hands to her waist and leaned in.
Kattie put her arms over around his neck and closed her eyes. Jack leaned in further and kissed her tongue to tongue.
They kissed tenderly, slowly. Just the way they liked it. Then Kattie slid her hands to his chest, unbuttoning it. He moved
his arms to the side so she could take it all the way off. He had no hair on his chest at all. The lines of his muscles showed
and his stomach had a six-pack. Right below his belly-button was a trail of dark brown hair leading to beyond where his
pants were. She threw his shirt to the floor without a care of where it landed. She moved her hands on his back feeling the
muscles in his back. Then Jack picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his hips. They never broke from their
slow and tender kiss. Jack took her upstairs to her bedroom and set her on the bed. They broke from the kiss and Jack
stood by the bed while Kattie was on her knees on the bed in front of him. He took his boots off and threw them on the
floor. Then he took everything she had on off. From her dress to her stockings. Then he took his pants off. They were
both in the nude. When he was done undressing them both he climbed on top of her. He asked, "Are you sure you're
ready for this?" Kattie nodded, "I'm ready. I want to." He went back to kissing her. Then he went into her. Connecting
them both. Making them two as one. Kattie smiled with pleasure. Then Jack lifted his head from the kiss and kissed her on
her neck moving down as he did. Then he got to her left breasts and found her nipple, and suckled. Kattie moaned in her
pleasure scratching her nails into his back. It actually cut him a little bit but it didn't hurt him. He actually thought it felt good.
Then he stopped and did the same with the other one. Kattie sat up to her elbows leaning back moaning as he suckled
and drove into her. Riding her. He looked up at her but she couldn't look at him. Her eye lids were closed and she couldn't
open them. He smiled at the pleasure that both him and her were feeling. Then he pulled away from her breasts and
seperated him from her. Pulling out. He laid down on his back as she climbed on top of him taking the lead. She started
kissing him on his chest and riding him, fast and hard. Jack put his hands on her hips gripping her bottom and moaned
loudly in pleasure. He said panting, "You know you're the only woman who made me moan. And you're making me moan
ALOT!" Kattie laughed, "Well I'll keep that in mind for next time. Especially since this was my first." Jack lifted his head as
far as he could, "You're a virgin?" Kattie cut him off, "Was a virgin." Jack let his head drop, "Damn! I never realized! That
makes you even better since you didn't know what you were doing." Kattie smiled leaning down kissing his neck working
her way up. She made her way up to his lips and nibbled on his bottom lip teasing him a bit. Jack smiled, "Woman
stop teasing me and kiss me!" Kattie laughed and did as he requested closing her eyes still riding him.
Kattie lifted up from their kiss as Jack tried to hold on. Jack wined, "I was enjoying that!" Kattie laughed, "Well what can I
say? I like teasing you. But don't worry. I always reward." Jack smiled and moaned. Jack decided he wanted to be on top
so he rolled over not realizing that there was no more bed left to land on. Kattie landed on her back. Laughing, she said,
"Oww! If you wanted to be on top all you had to do is ask!" Jack kissed her and continued riding her. Kattie was feeling
so good that she didn't even care about how uncomfortable the wooden floor was. For another hour or so they stayed like
that. Making each other feel good, taking turns at being in charge of what happends and how fast they go. Until it hit the
point where they both collapsed. Cole landed on Kattie with his head on her breasts. She felt so good and the warmth of
his body was like a blanket that she didn't even care that he was heavy. Not with fat. But with muscles. She loved how his
muscles were lined. She loved everything about him. Well, he must have read her mind about him being too heavy 'cause
he rolled over on his back and she rolled into his arms putting her head on his chest. They weren't too far from the bed so
Jack reached out his arm pulling the blanket over and covering them both. He knew that both of them didn't have the
strength to get back up on the bed. They led there in each other's arms and fell asleep.
It was 5:30 when Kattie woke up. But she wasn't on the floor, she was on the bed. And Jack wasn't there. She got
dressed quickly and went downstairs. She went into the living room and saw Jack sitting on the couch withno shirt on, only
pants. She went to sit next to him as he looked up at her, "Good evening baby." She smiled and put her feet up on the
couch leaning on Jack. Her head was on his chest and his arm was around her. She was fingering his chest, "I was afraid
you left when I woke up and you weren't there." He kissed her on the forehead, "No. Just didn't want to wake you. I love
you. Now we have to talk." She lifted her head and looked at questioning, what about? He continued, "About the letter."
She sighed and put her head back. "I know you don't want me to get hurt, but I'm not going to coward away and let you
get hurt again. I love you too much to let you go back with someone you don't want and someone who is capable of killing
you. I can't take that risk of losing you." Kattie replied, "And I can't take the risk of losing you." Jack sighed and looked at
her, "Just promise me please. Promise me you won't go back with him." Kattie started, "But..." Jack gave her a look that
told her he ment it, "...okay. I promise." Jack bent down and kissed her. When they were done Kattie put her head down
on his chest again, thinking. She knew she promised, but if Victor came when Jack wasn't there then she was going to go.
She would feel bad about leaving like that after promising; but even if Jack didn't understand, Kattie wasn't going to let him
die if given the choice.
Time went by and it was now six o'clock. Kattie gets up. Holding her hand out for him to take and stand, "What shall I
make for dinner." He walked over and grabbed his shirt and put it on. "Nothing. I'm taking you out. We're celebrating."
Kattie grinned and asked, "Celebrating what exactly?" "Our love of course. We love each other, I think that's something to
celebrate. Especially since today's the first time we said it." He answered as he went over and kissed her. She smiled and
got her shawl. They left and went to the same resturant as they did before. They were seated at the same table as before.
Kattie was feeling like Dai Ja Vu. Except this time they had a waitress. Although the waitor they had before was still glancing
up at her when ever he could. But he wasn't starring at her. She still felt ackward about him, but she wasn't worrying about it.
Jack and Kattie sat and chatted about their most likes and their most dislikes. Then the waitress brought their food out, they
ate and chatted then. Kattie started to get worried a little bit about the waitor, Mr. Butler. Kattie glanced at him when she felt
his gaze on her. This time he didn't just glance at her, he stared at her, and he winked one eye at her. Kattie looked at Jack,
"Jack." He looked up at her and lifted his brows, "Yes?" Kattie had a look that explained what she was about to ask, "Can
you do me a favor and go see why that Mr. Butler keeps starring at me and winking his eye at me? I know you think it's
nothing but he's just giving me the creeps and a bad feeling." Jack turned around just in time to see that he was doing that.
Mr. Butler tried to turn his head away from her before Jack saw him, but it was too late. Jack was also starting to think
something was up, or was it just him being jealous and just wanting to defend what was his? He turned and looked at her,
"I'll be right back." Jack got up and headed for Mr. Butler.
Jack tapped Mr. Butler's shoulder. Mr. Butler turned around and saw the irration on his face. He didn't hide it from him
one bit. The frown on his face scared Mr. Butler and Jack could see it. Mr. Butler said, "Your highness, what can I do for
you?" Jack pointed his open hand towards the door, "Shall we go outside and discuss this?" He asked but it was more of a
demand. Mr. Butler scared of what he might do, "I really can't. I'll get fired. I can't just go outside when on duty."Jack got
frustrated, "I'm sure since I'm the prince i can help you with that. Shall we?" Mr. Butler wanted to stay, but obviously
couldn't. He was either going to walk out on his own or be forced out. He headed for the door with Jack following behind
him. Kattie looked at them wondering where they were going. Jack looked up her as to reassure her that he was going to be
okay. Jack followed Mr. Butler out next to the place. There were two barrels with empty glass jars on top. Jack leaned
against the pole, "So my girl tells me that you keep starring at her and winking your eye at her. Why?" Mr. Butler had a
puzzled look on his face. As if he were searching for the right words to say. He started rambling, "Well, uh, I..." He took a
breath. "Forgive me, my lord. But I liked her and I shouldn't have done that. I hope I haven't scared her or set any worries
in her." Jack got closer to him, threatning him, "Let's just say she didn't like it. And I don't appreciate you trying to make a
move on my girl. If I ever catch you giving my girl the googly eyes again. You won't be able to give googly eyes again, yet
alone open them. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Butler nodded and quickly, but swiftly went back inside. Kattie expected
to see Jack coming in after him, but she didn't. Now she really started to worry. Jack stayed out there for a moment longer
to cool himself off. He didn't want to take a chance losing his temper with Kattie. Then Jack heard boots walking towards
him on the wooden board the place had as a porch. He turned around and saw a guy with a stringy red beard and short
red curly hair. The guy said, "It's a lovely night out tonight. But what is the prince doing out here with no body guard to
protect him?" Jack's anger fully came back, "Who are you? And what do you want?" The guy replied, "Just what I was sent
here to do. I need to give you a message from a friend." Jack replied, "Then where is it?" The guy laughed, "It's not that
kind of message Jack." Jack tightened up getting ready to fight. But then another came up behind him and grabbed him
while the guy with the beard started punching him in his stomach. Jack tried to fight back but he was out of breath. He just
kept on punching him like a punching back. And when Jack's eye's finally closed they dropped him and headed for the
entrance of the resturant when Kattie came walking out. The guys stopped. The one with the beard said, "Good evening,
Ms. Mannel. How nice of you to join us. We just had a...a talk with your friend Jack. He had to leave though so we're going
to escort you home." Kattie was barely listening, she was looking around for Jack. Then she saw him. His head was sticking
out to where she could see it. She yelled trying to get around the men to get to him, "Jack! Jack!" But the one with the
beard put his hand around her mouth and the other one grabbed her from behind. Putting his one arm around her arms and
chest and his other around her waist so he could pick her up. They started to drag her away and she was kicking all around
trying to get them to stop. The guy holding her said, "Hey do you mind grabbing her legs, this girl got some fight in her. And
you, Victor said behave." The guy went to grab her legs but Kattie kicked harder and faster. The guy gave up, he could
carry her on her own. Kattie bit down on the hand around her hard and didn't let go until he bled. The guy released his hand
shaking it in the air as if he could shake the pain off. Kattie scremed as loud as she could and as long as she could; or at
least until the guy put his hand back over her mouth. She tried to bite again, but the guy made it to where she couldn't. He
said, "I don't know why Victor wants you so much. I'm starting to think that there's too much fight in you." Then someone
tackled the guy next to him. It was Jack. The guy holding Kattie put the hand that was around her mouth to her throat. He
didn't squeeze but he threatened to if Jack came near him. After Jack was done fighting with the other guy he went to go
after the one holding Kattie, but he stopped seeing that he had his hand around her throat. The guy said, "I wouldn't do that
if I were you. One move and she sufficates. Now we wouldn't want that now would we?" Kattie looked around to where she
could see his feet. They were spread. She looked at Jack and then back at his feet. She pulled her one foot up behind her
and hit him right in his cock. The guy threw her from him by her throat making her land on the ground gasping for air. As
soon as Kattie was out of the way Jack tackled him putting him unconscience. Kattie was still gasping for air on the ground.
Jack ran over and kneeled down to her lifting her to where she was half sitting up leaning against his knee. Jack examined
her to see what was wrong. He seen a gash on her forehead that was leaking blood out. He took out a handkercheif and
pressed it against her forehead. Kattie caught her breath and sighed. She looked up at Jack, "Are you okay? I feared for
the worst when I saw you just laying there on the ground. I tried to go to you but they grabbed me." Jack was ferious, not
'cause he got jumped, but because she got hurt. He replied, "I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about. Your head is bleeding
like a fountain." Kattie grabbed the handkercheif and went to get up, "I'm fine. It don't hurt too much." Jack helped her up
and sighed, "Is this what I got to look forward to in the future?" Kattie looked at him, "Look forward to what?" He replied,
"To having to wait until you pass out to find out you're hurt." Kattie admitted, "I've always been like that I guess. I hate to see
people worry about little old me. It makes me feel ackward. It makes me feel the center of attention. And I don't like that."
Jack put his arm around her shoulder and they began to walk to the doctor's office. "You know they only worry about you
because they love you." he told her. Kattie shrugged her shoulder's, "So." Jack sighed and kissed the top of her head,
"You're hopeless. Do you have any idea who they were?" Kattie answered, "No. But Victor sent them. The guy who was
holding me told me."
The doctor examined her head and gave her stitches. The doctor asked, "Who did this to you?" Before Jack could
answer Kattie said, "Two guys that thought that they could rob us. But Jack got them. Although, I think that you should look
at his stomach. They bruised it pretty bad." She looked at Jack letting him know not to say anything about them being
Victor's men. The doctor looked at Jack, "And you were about to walk out of here without having me take a look at it?
Patients these days. They hate me." Jack looked at Kattie with a look that said revenge. As he walked past her she
remarked, "Now who's being stubborn and hopeless?" Kattie had a grin on her face. Jack stopped and looked at her and
replied with a stern but playing voice, "I'm gonna get you. Wait 'til we get back to your place." Kattie replied in a devilish
tone, "I'll just see if you can live up to your promise." Jack continued to go as she followed, "Okay. You challenge. Now you
just made it even worse." She smiled knowing what awaited her. Jack sat on the table and lifted his shirt over his head.
Kattie just watched his muscles move as he took it off. Then she gasped as she saw the bruises. The doctor said, "It's
looks like the guy had a killer punch. Did you catch the guys?" Jack looked at Kattie then back at the doctor, "No. They ran
and I just wanted Kattie to get her head taken care of." The bruises on his stomach were purple. Kattie turned around, "I'll
wait for you outside." She left. Jack laughed trying not to let her hear him but she did; as he guessed since she slammed
the door. The doctor chuckled, "Looks like you have a squemish girl on your hands. Not to mention mad at you for laughing
at her. And trust me, you want to make her forgive you. There's nothing like a woman's fury when it comes to a girl like that.
Even over the smallest things. Women get upset over everything." Jack flinched as he pressed against his stomach.
When Jack went outside he didn't see Kattie. On a regular day, he wouldn't have worried too much. But after what just
happend, he was worried. He walked off the porch and yelled, "Kattie!" He began to relax when she walked out from the
side of the building. Kattie said, "Ready to go?" Jack was relieved as he went over to her, "You know, after what happend to
you today you shouldn't hide from me like that." He went to put his arms around her but turned and started walking in the
direction they would if they were walking to her house. He sighed and followed behind her. He walked faster to get by her
side. Kattie was mad but she didn't walk fast. Jack asked, "Oh, come on! What's the matter? What did I do?" Kattie
didn't look up at him at all, "Nothing. You just laughed at something you thought was funny. There's nothing wrong with that."
The tone in her voice hit him like a wip. Jack apologized, "Look, I'm sorry I laughed at you being squemish. I didn't mean
anything by it." Kattie stopped in her tracks and looked at him, "I'm not squemish. I've seen worse, trust me." She continued
walking at the same normal speed. Jack asked, "Then what was it?" Kattie replied, "Nevermind. It doesn't matter. I'm not
mad at you." Jack made a sound that said yeah right, "You could've fooled me." Kattie lifted her brows, "Well I guess you're
easily fooled then." Jack ran in front of her. Kattie went to walk around him but he grabbed her arms stopping her. Kattie
sighed and looked at him trying not to look him right in the eye, without much success. She was looking here, there. Jack
looked her in the eye and asked with a stern voice, "What's wrong? What did I do? Tell me so I can fix it and know what not
to do in the future. Please. I hate seeing you upset, especially when I make you upset." Kattie finally looked him in the eye.
She realized the pain in his eyes. She saw that he actually cared. She knew that he told her that he loved her, but she
still, for some reason she couldn't understand, needed him to show it. She was silent for a moment. The she sighed and
replied, "I'm not squemish. I've seen worse. I'm mostly mad at the fact that he sent his men and they jumped you. But I
couldn't just stand there and see how much pain you were in. When you're in pain, I'm in pain. And it's my fault. If I never
came here and if I never broke up with him, my family would still be alive and you wouldn't be hurt. Then you went and
laughed." Kattie looked down and was quiet. Jack put his hand on her chin and lifted her head so she was looking at him.
He said softly, "I'm sorry I laughed. I didn't mean no harm. It's not your fault that I got jumped. And it's definitely not your
fault that your family died. The man just didn't know how to treat a woman and let go when the woman did the right thing.
Don't blame yourself. Your family wouldn't want you living like that. I don't want you living like that. It's ashame that you had
to be put through that. Nobody should have to deal with it. But unfortunately, fate picked you. I don't know why, but it just did.
Although I wish it didn't." Kattie's hands trembled and tears stained her cheeks. Jack wipped away her tears. Kattie replied,
"Fate doesn't decide what happends to me. I do. And it is my fault. I will always hold that on my conscience. Whatever you
say won't change that. That's just the way it is." Jack pulled her in for a hug but she pulled away. She answered the question
he was going to ask, "I don't want to hurt you. You got bruises on your stomach." Jack went for another hug, "Don't worry.
I'll take my chances." Kattie hugged him but she barely touched him. He understood why and he didn't argue. He put his
arm around her shoulder and continued to walk her home.
Kattie went up to her room and took her shoes off and sat on the bed. Jack followed her up and sat on the bed next to
her. "Take your shirt off." Kattie softly told him. He asked her, "Are you sure?" Kattie nodded and he did as instructed. She
said, "Now lay down on your back. I want to try something." He layed back. She continued, "When I was still with Victor and
I still loved him. He used to get into alot of fights. And he would get bruises just like that. He said that it felt better when I
kissed them. But I don't know if he was telling the truth or just him manipulating me to do what he wants. I guess I'll just find
out now." She layed on the bed next to him leaning over him being sure not to put pressure on his stomach. She started
kissing him on his neck and moved down to his chest. And slowly worked her way down. She kissed him as gentle as she
could. He enjoyed every moment of it. The heat and wetness from her lips gave him pleasure. She got to where the bruises
were and he realized it. It hurt him a little bit, but not alot. Although she didn't put alot of pressure. She didn't have to. It still
felt good. She asked him, "Does that hurt? Does it feel better or does it just feel good? Or nothing at all?" Jack closed his
eyes and smiled showing his white teeth, "It doesn't feel better. But damn sure feels good. It doesn't hurt." He lied to her
'cause he didn't want her to stop. The closer she got to his pants, the more he ached to have her. He said, "You really know
how to tease a guy don't you?" Kattie didn't reply nor did she show any emotion to what he had said. But she did, however,
unbotton his pants and take them off along with his shoes. Then she climbed on top of him and began to ride him. She
moved swiftly and slow but not too slow. 'Cause she feared that it would hurt him if she went any faster. Then he put his
hands on her hips and made the pace faster. She went with it letting him lead her to how far he could go. They went on like
that for a hour riding and feeling each other. Then Kattie got up bringing him out of her and layed down next to him covering
them with the blanket.
Chapter 7: The Picnic
It was saturday at noon when Kattie and Jack was heading to the place he had once took her before, when she sprained
her ankle. Jack's bruises were suprisingly healing up fast. They were still there but only light ones. The carrige had stopped
and Jack pulled out a black cloth to put over Kattie's eyes. Kattie smiled, "Thought we were past this since what happend
last time." Jack smiled and continued putting it around her eyes, "Don't worry. There's no way you are going to fall now."
Jack got out of the carrige and helped Kattie out. Then he picked her up and began to walk towards the place where he was
taking her. A few minutes later Jack set her down on the ground and he sat next to her. She asked, "Can I take it off now?"
Jack kissed her, "Yes. Take it off." Kattie took it off and was blown away by the view she saw. They were on a picnic blanket
on a hill with the greenest grass. There were trees with green leaves scattered around. The breeze that blew wasn't strong
but it was cool. She smiled and closed her eyes as the breeze blew her hair all around. She looked at Jack and kissed him.
"You know, spoiling a girl can turn her rotten." Jack rubbed his hand on her face and replied, "Not you. You couls never turn
rotten. Do you like it?" She leaned him back and layed on top, "I love it. Just as I love you." She kissed him. They united
their tongues together. Tasting each other. They laid there in the grass and kissed each other. Kattie pulled away and sat
up off of him. He sat up to his elbow, "Shall we eat. A strawberry?" He picked up a strawberry from the basket he had
brought with them and brought it to her. She took a bite and did the same with him. Kattie said, "This has to be the most
fresh strawberry I've had so far. How do you do all this? Know what to do?" Jack smiled in amusement that she was enjoy-
ing the picnic, "I don't know. How do you know how to make a guy feel good?" Kattie answered, "Looks like we both have
our own little secrets." He raised his brows, "Do we? I have none. Honestly. I just think of what I think you might like and
take a chance. What's your secrets?" Kattie just looked at him for a few moments, "I only have one. Which I'm ready to
share with you." Jack sat up and leaned in, "I'm listening." Kattie looked out at the view then back at him, "Remember when
I told you that I had an eating disorder since I was little?" He nodded. She continued, "Well, that wasn't true. But that's the
only thing I lied about. I swear." Jack's smile went away. He wasn't angry, he was confused. He asked, "Why did you lie to
me?" Kattie sighed, "It was before I loved you. I don't really eat much. But I can. I just chose not to. I knew if I didn't tell you
that that you would want me to get an actual meal. I'm sorry." Jack smiled, "It's okay. I was just wondering why. There isn't
anything else that you're not telling me. Is there?" She touched his face and smiled, "No. I promise. That's it." Jack said,
"Good. You know you can trust me right?" She nodded, "Yes. I know that now." He kissed her, but just a quick brush of the
lips. They continued to eat, talk, and kiss. But there was another secret that she held back from him. The night she
promised to stay with him and let him help her, she lied. Not totally but she did. If he could help her great, but if Victor came
for her when he wasn't there or offered to let him go if she went with him, then she would. But she wasn't about to tell him
that. She loved him. She wasn't going to let anything else happend to him. It was her fault.
Jack walked Kattie to the door. "Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you? I don't want him to come for you
when I'm not here. I want to protect you. I need to protect you." Kattie leaned into him with his arms around her waist and
her arms around his neck. "I'm sure. Besides, haven't I kept you away from your duties long enough? I wouldn't want to
make the people mad at you or me." He kissed her, "I'll have them beheaded." Kattie laughed, "I'll be fine. Trust me. I love
you." "I love you too. You're welcomed to come to the castle whenever you like. I'll be there. And remember, don't go
thinking that I'm too busy to spend time with you. I'm not." He said to her before he relunctantly walked to the carrige. She
stood there until the carrige left, then she went in. When she went in she saw another package that looked very much like
the first. She paused and looked around. She saw no sign of there being another presence in the room with her. She shut
the door and picked up the package. She went and sat in the kitchen. She opened the lid and again there was another six
roses, and a note that said:
Dear Kattie,
My darling. Sorry about your head that wasn't supposed to happend.
But don't worry, those guys got punished for it. I love you so. I told them,
just give him the message and escort you here. But I guess they didn't
know how to follow orders very well. Anyways, it is now July 8th. On
July 25th I will be in the park waiting for you. If you don't come by 5:30,
I'll come to you. Sorry to make you wait so long. But I have some buisness
to take care of that can't wait. But, if you miss me so much and can't wait,
I'll have the guys sitting on a bench in the park. Every day at 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
They'll be waiting for you if you decide to come earlier. They won't hurt you this
time. Make sure you come alone. Oh, and I hope you like the roses. I had them
picked just for you. See you in a little while. I love you my dear.
Your Lover,
Victor Blackwell
Kattie put the note on the table and threw the roses away. She went upstairs and searched in every room to make sure
that there was nobody there. There wasn't. She sat on her bed and began to think. She was thinking about just ending this
torture of waiting for him to hurt Jack again and the waiting for him to come for her. She was thinking about going to the park
like he had said. She really didn't want to get Jack hurt again. But she didn't want to leave Jack. She thought about it some
more and came to a conclusion. She would wait until the 25th of July, make it to where Jack was away and go to Victor. She
would stop it then. But she wouldn't go before. She made up her mind. She wouldn't change her mind at all. She was going
to get rid of the problem for Jack, even if it meant being miserable and taking the chance of getting hurt for the rest of her
life. She went down to the kitchen and got a bottle of brandy and a glass. She sat down at the table and poured the brandy
into the glass. She drank it down without taking a break. Then she filled her glass up again and just stared at it. She took it
into the living room and layed on the couch on her stomach. She dropped the glass and it shattered on the floor spilling
the brandy on the floor. She wasn't drunk but she got a little tipped and didn't car about anything at the time. She just layed
there and fell asleep.
The next morning there was a knock on the door. But Kattie was still sleeping. The glass that was shattered and the
brandy that now stained the floor was still there. Jack was waiting outside ready to take her on a tour of his castle. He
knocked again. Still no one answered. he looked in through the window and saw Kattie just plopped on the couch sleeping.
He went to open the door, it was unlocked. He began to worry. He went in and saw the shattered glass and the stain that the
brandy left on the floor. He went over to her and knelt beside her. He shook her shoulder a little bit, "Kattie? Kattie?" Kattie
jumped up, "What? Jack? What are you doing here?" Kattie sat up and put her hands on her head, "My head hurts." Jack
combed his hand through her hair rubbing her head, "I came over to bring you to my castle and you didn't answer. I looked
in through the window and saw you just lying here. I was worried that something had happend to you so I came in. Your
door was unlocked so I got even more worried". He looked at the shattered glass then back at her, "But it seems that
you've been drinking. If I may ask, why? Why were you drinking?" Kattie brought her head up and looked at him, "No
reason. Just needed something stronger than water to drink. I really don't know why I did. Or even what I did when I got
home last night." She lied. She remembered everything. The letter, the roses, what she planned to do. Everything. Jack
didn't think so but he asked, "Did I do something wrong at the picnic yesturday? Is that why?" Kattie snapped at him, "Don't
be silly. You've been nothing but nice and loving to me. You did nothing wrong. Everything was perfect." Jack sat next to
her, "I just wanted to make sure. --" He paused and thought about the first note and package Victor had sent her, "-- Did
you get another package from him?" Kattie leaned her head on his arm and held his arm, "No. I didn't get nothing from him.
Don't worry. I didn't get nothing." Jack didn't believe that she was telling the truth but he wasn't going to question her about
it. Not now. He leaned back with his back against the couch and sighed. "Well is there anything I can do to help your head?"
Kattie got up and went to walk to the kitchen, "I got some medicine in the kitchen cabinet to get rid of the pain." Jack got up,
"Well, sit down I'll get it. You just relax." Kattie turned around and stopped him in his tracks, "I can get it. Just sit down. I
made my head hurt so I can make it stop." Jack sighed as Kattie continued to walk into the kitchen. When she was in the
kitchen he walked out after her. He didn't spot the letter on the table as he passed into the other side of the kitchen where
she was. He put his arms around her stomach and started kissing her neck. Kattie leaned against him, "Didn't I tell you that
I would get it?" He lifted his head and put his chin on her her shoulder, "Why won't you let me help you?" Kattie feared that
he saw the letter and read it. "I wanted to do it myself. It's not your fault that I decided to drink and give myself this head-
ache." Kattie took the medicine and took a drink of water. Then she took Jack into the living room by his hand hoping that
he wouldn't see the note. He didn't. "Why don't you come with me to my castle and I'll give you a tour of the place? Your
headache should be gone by the time we get there." Jack asked her. Kattie nodded and they left.
Kattie and Jack arrived at his castle about a hour later. They just sat there for a few moments. Jack asked, "Is your head-
ache gone?" Kattie looked at him, "Yes thank you. After you?" Jack got out and helped her out. They walked up to the door
and the door opened right up. The butler was bowed letting them in, "Good afternoon, my lord, my lady." Jack led her to his
library. They walked in and he said, "This is the library. The place where I read all my books. This was where I was when I
first met you." Jack swirled her around into his arms, "I remember I asked you to go to the ball with me and you blew me
off." Kattie looked into his eyes, "I wasn't going to come." She looked at his lips, "But something about you made me go."
He smiled, "Was it my charm?" Kattie kissed him, "Because for some reason, I wanted to do that." Jack grinned, "Then
why don't we?" He kissed her. Kattie was finding it harder to do what she was going to do each moment with every kiss. It
made her weak in the knees. But Kattie was going to do it anyway. Kattie pulled away, "Why don't you show me where your
bedchamber is?" Jack grabbed her hand, "It would be my pleasure." He led her down the hall and up the stairs. They were
heading to the room all the way at the end of the hall. Kattie shut the door and locked it when they walked in. She asked,
"So this is where you sleep at night?" Jack went and held her in his arms, "Yes. Are you sleeping here tonight?" Kattie
got on her toes and said, "That depends. Am I allowed?" Jack laughed, "You're allowed here when ever you want like I
said before." Kattie replied, "Then I'll stay." "Good." Jack kissed her. They kissed and moved their hands on each others
back. Kattie took his shirt and untucked it from his pants taking it off. She threw his shirt on the floor and put her hands on
his chest. Jack started to take her dress off when there was a knock on the door. Jack pulled back and cursed under his
breath. Kattie moved over to the side out of the way of sight. Jack unlocked the door and opened slightly so he could see
and hear the person at the door. It was his butler. He said, "My lord, sorry to disturb you. But there's a gentleman here to
see you he sayd it's urgent. Do you wish me to tell him to come another time?" Jack replied, "No. I'll be there in a moment.
Please have him wait in my office for me." The butler bowed, "Yes my lord." Jack shut the door and went over and held
Kattie in his arms. He kissed her, "Someone's here to speak with me. I'll only be a minute. Wait for me?" Kattie went and
handed his shirt to him. She helped put it on and tucked it in, "Of course. I'll be in bed when you return." Jack hated to leave
but he had to. Jack left and shut the door behind him. Kattie turned the light off and got undressed. She layed in the bed
with the only a sheet covering her.
Jack came in and took his boots off. "Sorry I took so long. Damn farmers fighting over something that could have been
handled more appropiately." He continued getting fully undressed and climbed in the bed with Kattie. Kattie replied, "That's
okay. As long as you're here now." Kattie kissed him and brought him on top of her. He kissed her and connected them
two. Made them as one. He rode her. They took turns riding each other and they kissed each other like they would never
see each other again. Like they would never be alone again. Although, Kattie knew that after the 25th, they wouldn't be.
When they were both too exhilerated and exhausted, Jack fell to the bed beside her. She crawled up in his arms and he put
his arm around her. They layed there silent for a while. Then Kattie broke the silence and whispered, "I love you." Jack
kissed her forehead, "I love you too. Kattie can I ask you something about this morning?" Kattie replied, "Ask away."
Jack asked, "What were you hiding from me?" Kattie sat up to her elbow and leaned her head on her hand, "Nothing. Why
would I hide something from you?" Jack said, "Well if I remember correctly you were thinking that everything was your
fault and you were saying that when he came that you were going to go. And I don't think that you just drink for nothing. You
didn't convince me this morning about you not getting nothing from him again. Did you?" Kattie shook head and looked
away, "I didn't get nothing from him. And I was going to do that before you so openly promised to protect me. But I'm not
going to do that no more. I couldn't leave you. I love you too much." Kattie layed her head down on his chest and sighed.
She felt bad because she was lying. She knew it would break his heart when she left. But she hoped that when the time
came that he knew that she did it to protect him. Jack massaged her scalp and combed his hand through her hair. He
sighed, "I still feel like you're hiding something from me. But since you don't want to tell me at the moment. I'm not going to
question you. For now." Kattie closed her eyes and let a tear fall out. It hit his chest and he lifted his head, "Are you okay?
Did I upset you?" Kattie quickly wipped her tears away so he couldn't see them, "No. I'm fine. I just...droled a bit. Sorry."
Jack layed his head back down on the bed, "It's okay." Kattie started kissing his chest. Jack then pulled her on top of him.
She layed there on top of him and kissed him. They just layed there kissing. Then Kattie pulled away and layed her chin
down on her his chest. Kattie didn't want to ever leave from this moment, from him. Kattie whispered, "I don't ever want to
leave you. I want to stay right in this spot forever." Jack smiled, "You don't have to leave. You can stay." Kattie layed her
head down and closed her eyes. She thought to herself, "If only that were true." She felt so bad. She was leaving. She
couldn't stay. Jack fell asleep. And soon after that Kattie also fell asleep. Kattie and Jack slept through the the rest of the
day and into the night.
At 4:30 in the morning Kattie woke up. She carefully got out of bed without waking up Jack. She took a sheet and
wrapped it around her. The wall on the opposite from the bed was all window. The window had a see-through curtain. Kattie
stood by the window just looking out. She was deeply thinking. She was thinking for a long time. At 4:45 Jack woke up and
realized that the woman he had loved was not there with him. He got up and put his pants on. He looked around and saw
Kattie at the window. Jack saw how the sheet covered everything but her back. He loved how her back looked. For the first
time he saw that ahe was skinny but she was strong. Not stronger than a man but strong. She built in a womanly way. Jack
walked over and wrapped his arms around her. She was so deep in thinking that she jumped a little when he held her. Kattie
chuckled, "Jack you startled me." Jack smiled, "This window has the perfect view for thinking about stuff. To sort out things
that you have you mind wrapped around." Kattie replied, "Now who says I have my mind wrapped around something?" Jack
replied, "You didn't have to tell me. I could just tell. You can't hide that from me." Kattie leaned her head back, "I'm not
hiding anything from you." Jack kissed her neck. "I love you." Kattie replied, "I love you too. Want to get some breakfast?
For the first time, I'm hungry." Jack went and got his shirt on, "Get dressed. I'll be waiting downstairs for you with breakfast
ready." Jack left and shut the door behind him. Kattie just burst into tears. She couldn't believe that the time she found a
guy she truely feels she can be safe with, would be the time she would have to leave him. A few moments later she was
dressed and wipped her tears away. She went downstairs to find Jack waiting at the bottom of the steps. "I was just about
to come up to you. Breakfast is ready. They were already cooking it for us." Kattie asked, "How do they know when to make
it?" Jack replied, "I'm an early riser. I have them make it at this time so I can eat when I get up." Kattie grabbed the arm he
held out to her and they walked into the kitchen. On the table was a chair at one end and a chair on the other. It wasn't a long
table. It was a short table. It was able to fit two people to where they could touch hands if they want to. Kattie sat on the end
by the door and Jack sat in front of her. The butler came in with two plates of french toast with syrup, butter, and a
strawberry. He set in down on the table and left. They began to eat. Kattie asked, "What are you doing today?"Jack
corrected her, "You mean, what are we doing today. I was thinking of going to the park." Kattie looked up at him. She had to
make some kind of an excuse to go somewhere else. Kattie said, "Or we could just go for a walk and talk." Jack said,
"Okay. If that's what you want to do. We can do that."Kattie nodded. She was relieved that he didn't insist that they go to the
park. But she planned on going there today at 3:30 or so. She had a message for Victor that she wanted his guys to give to
Kattie was waiting by the door for Jack. Jack was taking care of some buisness he had to attend to first. A few minutes
went by and Jack came down the stairs to her. Jack said to the butler, "It's about noon now we'll probably be back around
one o'clock or so." Jack took Kattie's hand and they left. They were walking down the drive when Jack asked, "So what did
you want to talk about?" Kattie looked at the road ahead of them and realized that he might ask questions that she can't
answer without letting him know that she was leaving. She answered, "Well, how about we talk about you?"Jack looked at
her, "Me? Why would you want to talk about silly old me?" Kattie answered, "Because I want to know everything about my
love." Jack sighed, "There's really nothing much to talk about. I grew up here. I'm adopted..." Kattie cut him off. Kattie said,
"You're adopted and you didn't think that wasn't much to talk about?" Jack's face grew dark, "I really don't want to talk about
it." Kattie hugged his arm. Jack looked at her and smiled, "So. What about you? What happend to you before you met
Victor Blackwell?" Kattie sighed, "Well, my parents were trying to find me a match. I refused to meet any of them. That
made her really angry but she got over it. My dad, on the other hand, I don't think he ever forgave me but he moved on. My
sisters were about to marry before it happend. They were both pregnant." Jack said, "Sorry." All was silent for a while but
then Jack brought up conversation about England. They talked about that and other stuff for the whole walk.
It was about 1:30 when they returned. Kattie was exhausted. They had walked for a hour and a half. Jack asked, "What to
do now?" Kattie went into his arms, "How about we take a nap? I'm exhausted." Jack picked her up and went upstairs.
Kattie said, "I could have walked." Jack put her down on the bed, "You said you were exhausted, so I carried you to bed."
Taking her shoes off, "Thank you." Jack took his boots off and climbed in bed next to her. Her back was against his chest
and he had his arm around her. They fell asleep in the next few minutes.
Kattie woke up at three o'clock. Jack was still fast asleep. She quietly got out of bed and got her shoes. She left the
room being careful not to wake him. She went downstairs and got the driver for the carrige. She asked him to drive her to
the park. When she arrived the one guy was sitting on the bench with his back facing her. Kattie said to the driver, "If I don't
return in the next ten minutes. Go get Jack." The driver asked, "Certainly. Would you like me to escort you?" Kattie shook
her head, "No. What I'm about to do I have to do alone. Thank you." Kattie walked into the park. She walked up to the man
who was sitting on the bench. It was one of the guys who had jumped Jack and tried to kidnap her. The guy stood up, "Well
I must say I wasn't expecting you to come at all..." Kattie cut him off when she slapped him in his face. His head turned to
the side. He rubbed his face where she had hit him, "I wasn't expecting that but I guess I deserve that. How's your
soon-to-be ex-boyfirend?" Kattie shut her teeth together, "He's fine no thanks to you. I'm not going to Victor. Not now. I
want you to give him a message. Tell him to stop sending you here everyday. Tell him that I will come here on the 25th but
only on one condition. Only if he promises not to hurt Jack. Or I won't go." The guy sucked his teeth, "Well, I guess I could
give him the message. Anything else?" Kattie shook her head, "No now leave." The guy took her hand to kiss it but before
he could she snatched her hand back. Kattie said, "Goodbye." Kattie walked back to the carrige and got in. The guy
followed her and stood outside the carrige and talked to her through the window. Kattie asked, "What do you want now?"
The guy said, "Nothing. Just came to see you off." Kattie said, "Well I don;t want you to now leave. Driver back to the castle
please." The guy tipped his hat as she drove off. Kattie was quiet for the rest of the way. When she arrived she asked the
driver, "I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this. Especially not to Jack." The driver answered, "Of course
maim." Kattie got out and went inside. When she went in she saw Jack sitting on the steps. She hesitated for a moment
and then said, "I didn't want to wake you." Jack got up and walked over to her, "Where did you go?" Kattie answered, "I
went for a drive around the town." Jack held her in his arms, "You should have woke me. I would have went with you."
Kattie replied, "I didn't want to wake you. And I needed some time to think." Jack asked curiously, "Thinking about what?"
Kattie pulled away, "Wouldn't you like to know." Jack followed her as she went into his office. He shut the door behind him.
Kattie stood in front of the desk. Jack went over and lifted her up on the desk. She sat on the desk combing her finger
through his hair. He kissed her. She said, "Should we be doing this here?" Jack muttered, "Does it matter?" Jack started
gripping her back and undoing her dress. Kattie pulled back, "You didn't lock the door. Someone could just walk in." Jack
looked back at the door and realized she was right. He locked the door and quickly returned. He took his shirt off and put it
on the desk. He went back to kissing Kattie as he lifted her from the desk and set her on ger feet undressing her. When
they were both completely undressed Jack sat on his chair while Kattie rode him. Jack gripped her cheeks as he kissed her
in pleasure. Kattie moaned but bit her lip so no one who walked past his office would hear them. After about a hour Kattie
pulled off of him and just sat on his lap. Jack held her in his arms. They were both sweating. Kattie kissed Jack and then got
up to get dressed. Jack followed her. When they were both dressed they held each other in their amrs. Jack loved her and
she loved him. They were the best couple you would find in England. Kattie asked, "I'm going to go wash up. I'll be down
when I'm done and we can just hang out." Jack smiled as he watched her leave.
Chapter 8: July 10th
Jack was downstairs writting in his office working with some of the towns people. Kattie was in the library reading a book.
She was reading a book about love. She thought that she was just like the character in the story. She was as much in love
with Jack as she was with her lover. Kattie could feel the fire that sparked between them. She knew it was real. And she
knew how she had to leave. She regreted it but she would be better off when she knew that Jack would be safe.
Jack came up from his office two hours later to find Kattie kneeling over the trash can getting sick. He rushed over to her
and pulled her hair back. When Kattie was done he gave her a tissue so she could wipe her mouth. "Are you okay?" Jack
asked feeling her head for a fever. Kattie replied, "I don't know what happend. I was just sitting here reading. I was feeling
fine and then I just started getting sick." Jack helped her up, "It doesn't seem that you're fevered. Here. Let me take you to
bed and I'll go get the doctor." Jack picked her up and took her upstairs to his room. He set her on the bed and covered
her up. He said, "Now just stay here. I'll be back as soon as I get the doctor." He kissed her forehead and left closing the
door behind him.
The doctor and Jack returned to the castle a hour later. They went up to Jack's bedchamber to find Kattie standing at the
window. Jack ran over to her, "I thought I told you to stay in bed." He led her back to the bed. Kattie sat in the bed with her
back against the wall. She replied, "I'm feeling better. Hold on. Wait..." Kattie got up and ran to the trash can. She got sick
again. Jack and the doctor went over to her. The doctor said sarcasticly, "Yup. It really looks like you're feeling better. Jack
why don't you wait outside. I'll call you in if I come up with something." Jack nodded and kissed Kattie on the forehead and
left. When Kattie finished the doctor put her back in bed. He examined her and asked, "Kattie when was the last time you
had your period?" Kattie looked shocked, "Well....To come to think of it. I haven't had it this month. And I always have mine
in the beginning of the month." The doctor smiled, "Kattie. You're pregnant. And you getting sick is the morning sickness.
Congratulations." Kattie was still in shock. She put her hand on her stomach and burst into tears, "This can't be happending.
I can't be pregnant. I just can't be." The doctor's smile went away, "Kattie. Who's the father? Is it Jack." Kattie looked up at
him, "Yes. But you can't tell him. Just tell him that I have a touch of the flu. When I'm ready. I will tell him. Please Doc. I can't
tell him. Not now." The doctor sighed, "Are you sure? Why is this such a problem? I have to ask." Kattie wipped away her
tears, "I'm sure. I can't tell you why. But trust me. It has nothing to do with Jack. He's a great guy really. Thanks doctor." The
doctor nodded and left. Jack came from the end of the hall, "So what is it doc?" The doctor replied, "She's just got a
stomach virus, it's basically the flu. If she stays in bed for a couple of days. No physical activities such as riding, walking
long distances, running, sex, etc." Jack said, "Excuse me doctor. Did you just say sex?" The doctor nodded, "Well she's a
woman, you're a guy. I believe I saw you kiss her in there before I had you leave. Just do what I said." The doctor left down
the stairs and Jack went into the room. Kattie was laying down curled up in a ball holding her stomach. Jack went over and
knelt down next to he holding her hand, "Are you okay?" Kattie nodded. Jack continued, "Well I'm going to go get some
soup for you." Kattie replied, "I'm not hungry. Thank you." Jack squeezed her hand but not hurting her, "I know you're
hurting but you have to get something in your stomach. You have to eat." Kattie just layed there. Jack left shutting the door
behind him. Jack went into the kitchen and had the cook to make some soup. "Mr. McNight." Jack called for the butler. He
answered, "Yes, my lord." Jack walked over to him, "Please notify all staff to be very quiet. Especially when they go
upstairs. Kattie is sick with the flu." Mr. McNight questioned, "Yes, sir. She got the flu? In the summer?" Jack nodded,
"Unfortunately. She's not feeling to well so she needs to get some rest."
In 15 minutes the soup was ready. Jack took it and went upstairs. When he went in the room Kattie was sitting against the
wall on the floor with her knees up to her chest. She had her head buried in her arms that was on her her knees. Jack put
the bowl on the table by the door and ran over to her kneeling next to her. Jack said, "Kattie what are you doing over here?
You have to get back in bed. You're sick." Kattie lifted her head and Jack was frightened 'cause he thought that she was in
too much pain, there were tears running down her face. Kattie replied, "I'm not sick." Jack stood her up and tried to lead her
over to the bed, "Yes you are. You look sick and the doctor said that you were." Kattie stopped and looked up at
him, "No. You don't understand. I'm not sick. I made him promise not to tell you. I wanted to tell you myself. So I had him
tell you that I was sick with the flu. I'm not at all. Far from it. I'm pregnant." The words that came out of her mouth shocked
Jack. He put his hand on her stomach, "You mean this is what you're crying over. I'm going to be a father. You're going to
be a mother. What's so wrong with that? We love each other." Kattie explained, "Yes I do love you. But it's too soon. I
didn't want this. Not with everything that's going on. I wanted to at least wait until after Victor was gone and when I am ready,
married." Although she knew that they would never be together long enough to get married. Jack said, "Things may not
have worked out the way we planned and wanted it to, but we can do this. Right?" Kattie stopped crying and wipped her
tears on her sleeve. She thought of a plan to, hopefully, fool Victor. She would tell him that she was pregnant after they had
made love. Make him think that the baby was his. With that painful thought she looked up at Jack, "I guess." Jack hugged
her, "I guess? What do you mean I guess? Of course we can do this. I love you." Kattie looked up at him, "Can we please
keep this to ourselves? At least for a while?" Jack didn't understand why but he said, "If that's what you want." Kattie said
"Thank you." Jack went over to the table where the bowl was, "Well you definitely have to get something..." He heard
something fall to the ground behind him. He turned around, "Kattie!" He ran over to Kattie and checked her pulse it was
still beating but she was unconscience. He ran over to the bell pull and pulled it several times until Mr. McNight came.
Mr. McNight said, "What is it, my lord?" Jack raised his voice, "Go get the doctor and tell him that Kattie's unconscience.
Hurry." Mr. McNight ran to get the doctor. Jack picked Kattie up and put her on the bed. He sat on the bed next to her and
held her hand worrying.
About ten minutes later The doctor came running in. "Your lucky I didn't get to far. I was at the Wilson's caring for a sore
back when Mr. McNight came and told me." the doctor said as he was examining her. Jack asked, "Do you know what's
wrong with her doctor? I know she's pregnant, but what caused her to faint like that?" The doctor examined her some more
and said, "She's going to be fine. Nothing too serious. Get a me a bowl of cold water and a towl." Jack ran and got it. In the
next few minutes Jack came back with what he was told to get. "So doc what's wrong with her." Jack asked. The doctor
took the bowl and put it on the table next to the bed. He dipped the rag into the water and put it on Kattie's head, "She's
very stressed out. Too much for a woman who is pregnant. She needs to keep her stress level down and she needs rest.
Do you have any idea what is giving her stress?" Jack sighed, "It's her ex-boyfriend. He got aggressive and abusive so she
broke up with him. That didn't settle to good with him so he killed everyone in her family. So she moved here to try to get
away from him but he found her. He hired two guys to jump me and kidnap her. Those were the guys who 'tried to rob us'.
She blames herself for her family getting killed and me getting jumped." The doctor was shocked by the story, "That'll put
anyone in depression and in stress. The poor thing." Jack nodded, "Oh, don't tell her that I told you that. I don't want her to
get mad at me." The doctor agreed. A few quiet moments later Kattie's eyes snapped open. She was breathing heavy at
first until she realized where she was. Jack quickly went over to her side, "You're awake. Thank goodness. You had me
scared to death. How are you feeling?" Kattie looked at him, "Can I get a glass of water? My head hurts." Jack already had
it ready for her. He poured the glass up with water from the pitcher and put it to Kattie's mouth letting her drink it. The doctor
was standing at the foot of the bed, "My lady. You gave both of us a scare..." Kattie interrupted, "My baby? Is it okay?" The
doctor nodded, "Yes. Your under alot of stress that you need to get rid of. And you need to get some rest. So Jack and I
will leave you so you can get some sleep." Jack kissed her forehead and headed for the door with the doctor following him.
"Thanks doctor. I'll make sure she stays in bed, and I'll try to relieve as much stress from her as I can." He walked the
doctor out to his carrige. And watched the carrige left. When he went back inside he saw Kattie coming down the stairs,
"Kattie. What are you doing out of bed?" He ran up to her. Kattie answered, "I couldn't sleep." Kattie's knees started to give
in. Jack caught her and picked her up taking her up to her room, "Well you're not well so you are going to get some rest."
Kattie whispered, "Can stay up there with me? And sit by the bed with me?" Jack said, "Yes. Of course." Kattie closed her
eyes and fell asleep in his arms. When he got into the room he layed her down on the bed covering her up with the blanket.
Then he pulled up a chair next to her and sat there. He was still worried but he knew she would get better. He would relieve
her stress one way or another.
Kattie slept for most of the day. Jack had dinner brought up to them. He put the plates on the table and went over to wake
Kattie up. But before he could wake her up, Kattie jumped up sweating and crying holding her stomach. Jack ran over to her
sitting beside her holding her hands, "What's the matter?" Kattie looked at him and hugged him, "Jack. Jack. I had the
dream again. It scared me. It was so vivid." Jack closed his eyes, "It was only a dream. I'm right here. No need to worry
anymore." Jack pulled back to go get the plates. He gave her her food, "Well it's time to eat now. So you have to get your
strength back up." They ate. When they were finished Jack had the plates removed and he sat in the chair next the bedside
with Kattie. Kattie got up and sat on Jack's lap leaning her head against his shoulders playing with his hair, "I love you."
Jack looked up and kissed her, "I love you too. Thank you for giving me a child." He put his hand on her stomach and she
put her hand on his. They just sat there.
Chapter 9: July 11th
Jack and Kattie are both in bed. They are just laying there relaxing. Kattie asked, "What are we going to do today?" Jack
looked at her, "Are you feeling better?" Kattie nodded, "I'm feeling well enough. Besides, I can't stay in bed forever." Jack
replied, "I don't want you to overdo yourself. Remember, you don't just got yourself to worry about anymore. You got a little
one inside." Kattie smiled, but inside she was crying. She knew she would be putting the baby in danger when she left.
Kattie said, "I'm fine. Let's say we...go for a picnic?" Jack asked, "Right where we were the first time?" Kattie nodded. She
got up and got dressed. So did Jack. When they were both dressed they went downstairs and got in the carrige.
They unpacked the basket and began to eat. They had grapes, apples, strawberries, wine, anything that you would bring
on a picnic. Kattie said, "So tell me Prince Jack, what would you name the baby?" Jack looked at her, "Well Ms. Mannel, if
it's a boy then I would name it Johnathon. If it's a girl then I'll name it Kattie. What about you?" Kattie answered, "I would
name it Layla if it's a girl. And Johnathon if it's a boy. Any other questions you want to ask me?" Jack thought of one that
probably be like a proposal question, "Yes I do. Is it going to have mine or your last name?" Kattie looked away at the view.
She wanted it to be his last name but in the end, it would be Blackwell. Kattie then looked at Jack, "That all depends. But
don't worry. I won't answer now. But if the right question is asked, then by the time I give birth, I will know." That let Jack
know not to ask the question right now or any time soon. The answer would just be no. But she let him know that she'd be
open to the question in time. Kattie got on top of Jack, "But for now. I just want to kiss you." Jack lifted his head and kissed
her. They kissed each other fiercly. Like cats and dogs fighting. But instead of fighting for their lives, they were fighting for
passion. They rolled in the grass rubbing against each other. Wanting each other. Wanting the heat that strives between
them. Kattie stopped and just looked at Jack. She used her fingers to gently push his hair out of his face. Then she kissed
him; just a quick brush of her lips on his; and she layed her head down on his chest. Kattie sighed. Jack fondled her hair
with his fingers and rubbed her back with his other hand, "What's the matter?" Kattie replied, "Nothing. Everything's perfect.
I just wish that everything lasted forever." Jack said, "This can last forever." Kattie got up and sat next to him, "This can't last
forever." Jack sat up and put his arm around her, "Why not?" Kattie looked at him, she knew why, "Because nothing ever
last forever." Jack kissed her forehead, "Well, we're going to make a first then." Kattie smiled and wished that were true.
Jack kissed her. Kattie loved him with all her heart and that's why she was leaving him.
Kattie and Jack returned to the castle at 4:30. When they got there they were as a happy as can be. Kattie decided that
she wasn't going to let the last days she had with Jack be spent in sorrow. She went to the library and sat there while Jack
had a talk with a few of the towns people. Kattie layed down on the couch and closed her eyes. In a few minutes she was
asleep. Jack came in about ten minutes later to tell her that he would be a while and saw that she was sleeping. He smiled
at the sight of her sleeping soundly and got a blanket to cover her. He left quietly and shut the door. He went back into his
office to continue his meeting.
It was 6:30 when Kattie woke up. She realized that she was covered with a blanket and looked around. She saw no one.
There was absolutely no one in the room. Just her. She thought that to be strange since she was waiting for Jack. When
she looked outside through the window it was dark. She just realized that it was much later than she had thought. At that
time Kattie got up and wrapped the blanket around her. She left the library and headed for Jack's office. She knocked on
the door. Jack answered, "Come in." Kattie walked in and looked around. He was the only one in the room. He saw her,
Good evening honey. Did you enjoy your nap? I walked in to tell you that I would be a while and you were asleep so I
covered you up." Kattie smiled and hugged, "Yes I did. But you should have woke up." She kissed him. Kattie then pulled
away, "Come with me. I want to show you something." She smiled and led him outside and around the castle to where there
was nothing but open feild. She laid the blanket down and layed down, "Lay down with me." Jack did and she curled up to
him with his arm around her. He asked, "Now what did you want to show me?" Kattie smiled and looked up at the sky, "This.
Just look at the night sky with all the sparkling stars out." Jack looked up. The stars were out every where. Shinining down
on them as a hundred little night-lights. Jack said, "They lost one of their stars you know." Kattie looked at him, "How so?"
Jack answered, "They lost you. You're my star." Kattie chuckled, "Then in that case, they lost two." She kissed him and
he kissed her. She layed her head down on his arm. Jack said, "This should be our spot. Our night-spot. And where we
have our picnics should be our day-spot." Kattie smiled, "They are."
Kattie and Jack stayed like that for a long time. They didn't go in until 7:45. When they did go in they went up to Jack's
bedchamber. Kattie started kissing Jack and unbuttoning his shirt. Jack pulled away, "You're pregnant. We can't do this.
Can we?" Kattie answered, "I don't see why not. My sister did it and she was in her second trimester." Jack kissed her
and took off his shirt and undressed her. Kattie unfastened his pants and took them off. They took everything off. Then
Jack picked Kattie up and climbed on the bed with her on the bottom. Jack broke from the kiss and kissed her neck. He
worked his way down to her breast and suckled. Kattie moaned and put her hand on his head. Then Jack connected them
with each other. He rode her fast and hard making her moan and squeeze the pillow with her hands. The excitement
between them took over and they were one. They rode and they moaned untill they couldn't no more. Kattie fell on top of
him taking him out of her. She was breathing heavily and so was he. Jack whispered, "I love you." Kattie kissed him and
whispered back, "And I love you." They layed there together for a while and fell asleep.
Chapter 10: July 12th
It was raining really hard outside. Kattie was just staring out the window in Jack's bedchamber. Jack was standing behind
her with nothing but pants on and Kattie was just wrapped with a sheet, "It's so wrecked out there. Kind of like my life.
Except when I'm with you." Jack smiled and put his arms around her, "So that's how you describe the rain. Wrecked."
Kattie nodded, "Yes. That's how I describe it. And that's how I used to be. Until I met you. Somehow, you fixed me." She
turned around in his arms, "How did you do that?" Jack smiled, "I'm not telling." Jack kissed her. Kattie went over and got
her clothes. She got dressed. Jack went over and held her in his arms again, "So what we going to do now? We can't go no
where the way it's raining out there." Kattie kissed him, "What was your favorite game to play when you were a young boy and
it was raining out?" Jack put his head back and thought. He looked at her, "Hide and Seek. But what does that have to do with
what we're going to do today?" Kattie answered, "Close your eyes. Count to fifty. I'll hide. And you can come find me, if you
can." Jack closed his eyes and laughed, "I'll be able to find you. One, Two, Three..." Kattie left and shut the door quietly. She
went downstairs into his office and crawled underneath the desk where his feet would be. Jack finally got to fifty, "...Fifty.
Ready or not, Kattie, here I come. I'm going to find you." He opened the door and looked in all the rooms on that floor. She
wasn't there. He then went downstairs and looked in the library. She wasn't in there either. On his way out he saw Mr. McNight,
"Mr. McNight, have you seen where Kattie went?" Mr. McNight answered, "I think I saw her going into your office, sir." Jack
smiled heading for his office, "Thank you." When he entered the office he didn't see no one. He did see, however, a part of
Kattie's dress sticking out from the desk. Jack smiled and went around the desk and sat on it, "I think I saw part of a lady's
dress sticking out of the desk. I don't know. Could it be?" He bent over and looked under the desk. Kattie smiled and got out.
Jack pulled her into his arm, "You're a terrible hider." Kattie answered, "And you're a terrible cheater. I heard you ask the
butler where I was." Jack kissed her, "I believe it's my turn to hide. I know you definitely won't find me." Kattie said, "That's
not fair. You probably have some secret doorway or something." Jack pulled away, "I promise not to use them", and he left.
Kattie counted to fifty and left to search for him. She first looked in the library and the kitchen, but he was wasn't there. Then
she went upstairs to the bedchamber and looked around. She went over beside the bed when a hand grabbed her ankle and
she screamed. Jack stuck his head out, "Hello honey. Did I scare you?" Kattie stomped on his hand and made him let go.
She walked away into the hallway. Jack ran after her and stopped her, "I'm sorry." Kattie smiled and rocked in his arms, "You
are terrible. You shouldn't have done that." Jack bravely asked, "And why is that?" Kattie's smile turned into an evil smile,
"Because I can get revenge. And my revenge isn't sweet." Jack laughed in disbelief and went to kiss her. But Kattie pulled
away and pulled out of his arms. Jack's jaw dropped, "I can't get a kiss? If that's what your revenge is then I think I can
handle it." Kattie looked at him, "We'll see." Kattie went downstairs and Jack followed. Kattie sat down in the library with a
book she picked out. She wasn't really reading but she was ignoring Jack. Jack said, "So you're just going to sit there and
just read and let me sit here with nothing to do?" Kattie didn't answer. Jack was shocked, "So you're going to stop talking to
me as well, huh? That's okay. You'll be wishing you'd talk to me by the end of the day. You can't resist it." He got up and left.
It was 7:30 and Jack was in his office. Kattie was in the kitchen eating. Jack looked at the time. He was going crazy. He
thought that should've had a lot of work done since he had all those hours Kattie was making him spend by himself. But
he didn't. He didn't even get half as much as he should have gotten done. He was going crazy. He needed to speak, kiss,
hug, and hold Kattie; and he needed her to do all those things back to him. He stopped everything he was doing and went
into the kitchen being sure not to show any of his craziness. She looked at him for a second and then took her empty plate
out to the sink. Jack had his plate waiting for him. As Kattie walked pass him Jack said, "Kattie." She didn't answer. She didn't
even stop to acknowledge him. He sighed after she left and sat down to eat. Mr. McNight asked, "Trouble with the lady, sir?"
Jack chuckled, "No. I scared her while we were playing a game and she's turning revenge on me. You know it's funny. With
any other woman I would have been delighted and gotten some work done. But not with her. I actually regret it. And I didn't
get much work done. I've been going crazy." Mr. McNight laughed, "If you don't mind me saying so, it looks like she's the one
for you, sir." Jack agreed, "I have no doubt about that. But I can't propose now. She has already made it clear to me that she
wants to wait on that. And I won't rush her. I can wait until she's ready."
At 9:30 Jack went upstairs to his bedchamber. But something was missing. Kattie wasn't in there. Jack went out into the
hall and saw that one of the other extra bedchambers' doors was open a bit. He walked over and went in. Kattie looked up
and saw him. She folded her arms around under her bosom. Jack walked over to her and she backed away so he wasn't
too close. Jack sighed, "Come on Kattie. Don't you think that you're taking this to the extreme?" Kattie looked away with the
look of amusement. Jack continued, "Do I need to beg to get you to talk to me, kiss me, hug me, and let me hold you again?"
Kattie looked at him as if to say - I'm waiting. Jack sighed and got on his knees, "Kattie. I apologize for scaring you and I
won't do it again. I need you. I had all that time to get my work done, but yet, I couldn't. 'Cause I was thinking of what would
happend if I never spoke to you. Never hold you again. Never hug or touch you again. Never kiss you again. It tore me apart.
I've been going crazy all day. I love you. Please stop this torture." Kattie was crying on the inside because if just this tore him
apart, then she wondered what would happen when she left him. Kattie smiled. She looked around the room and then back at
Jack. She bent down and kissed him and he stood up not breaking the kiss. They stood there kissing each other with passion
like they were away from each other for a long time. Kattie broke the kiss and smiled, "I felt the same way. I felt like I've been
on a long journey and I just returned. And I have to admit, It sort scares me. It scares me how you can make me
feel like that. Like you got me wrapped around your finger. But then I love it all the same. Just like I love you." Jack smiled,
"I love you too." Kattie kissed him and Jack picked her up. He took her into his bedchamber and into the bed.
Chapter 11: July 14th
Kattie was writting in a book in the library when Jack walked in. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her
shoulders, "What are you doing?" Kattie looked up, "Just writting in my new diary about...stuff." Jack looked at the book,
"What stuff?" Kattie smacked the book closed, "I don't think so. You don't get to see." Jack smiled, "Secrets?" Kattie replied,
"Privacy." Jack sat next to her and put his arm aroud her, "So I have a question for you. One that is another step in our
relationship." Kattie sighed and looked up at him, "Look. Jack. If your talking about getting married then the answer is no. Not
now. I'm just not ready for that now." Jack smiled, "It's funny how you thought that that was going to be the question. It's not.
Although I would like it to be. But I can wait. I was asking of you would like to move in with me. You've been here with me for
the past six days. Everything's been well. At least, I think everything has been well. And Victor wouldn't be able to get you if
you live here. I promise. I love you." Kattie's heart was aching. And her eyes were watering. With joy and sadness. She
looked at Jack, "I would love too. Thank you." Kattie kissed him and a tear escaped her eyes. Jack felt the tear that came
down her cheek and pulled away, "What's the matter? Why are you crying?" Kattie laughed, "I thought you would know why.
I'm happy. That's all. Now shut up and kiss me. You're ruining the moment." Jack smiled and kissed her. Then Kattie pulled
away. Jack remarked, "Now you're ruining the moment." Kattie laughed and looked at the clock, "It's about 2:30 now, how
about I go start to pack and I'll be back at 5:30 or so?" Jack asked, "Want me to come with you?" Kattie said, "No. I want to
do this on my own. But do you have any boxes?" Jack answered, "I already had some sent to your house. They didn't touch
your stuff, don't worry. They just set the boxes right inside next to the door." Kattie smiled and gave him another kiss, "Thank
you honey. I'd better go. I'll see you later." Kattie got up and left.
When Kattie got to her house there was a note pinned to her door with a long-stemed rose. She took the note and went
inside. The boxes were right where Jack said they would be. Kattie sat down on the couch and read the note. It said:
Dear Kattie,
My darling. It does me great joy to hear that you are coming to me willing. But
remember, what I said still goes. I will come for you if you change your mind.
I'll stop sending my men to wait in the park for you so you don't have to worry
about your prince finding out that you're leaving him. I suspect that you haven't
told him since he would try to stop you. I'll see you then. Love you.

Your lover,
Victor Blackwell
Kattie crushed the note in her hand and trashed it. She didn't worry about it at the moment. She couldn't. Or she would just
be in tears again. Kattie jus started packing everything up. She started in her bedroom where most of her stuff was. She first
packed her clothes and her shoes. She packed all her pictures and her make-up. Kattie sighed, "I just got done unpacking
all this stuff weeks ago. Now I'm here doing all this again. And I won't even be staying." She continued packing when there
was a knock on the door. Kattie was frightened a little bit, she didn't want it to be Victor not now. She went downstairs and
hesitated for a moment. She opened the door and couldn't believe who she saw. It was Victor. She was in shock, "Victor,
I told you that I would come to you on the 25th. I'm not braking that promise." Victor walked in backing her up and shut the
door behind her, "Don't worry I won't take you away now. I'll wait until then. I just had to see you. Don't you want to see me?
I mean, I understand you're going to be reluncted at first because you're mad at me. But come on. You can't hold a grudge.
You love me don't you?" Kattie swallowed, "Yes. I love you. But I need until then to cool off. You know. Get rid of my temper
so I don't take it out on you." Kattie wanted to leave and run as far as she could, but she couldn't. Victor moved in closer and
closer to her until she was against the wall. To where she was trapped between the wall and him. He put his hands on the wall
and looked into her eyes. Then he kissed her fiercely. Kattie relunctantly kissed him back so she didn't get hurt. Victor kissed
her as if he had the right to kiss her and to even be there. Kattie wanted to scream and cry. But she didn't. Victor kissed her
for a few minutes and then pulled away backing up. Kattie was relieved and scared. Victor said, "Come here and turn around.
Kattie." Kattie did and when she did he started kissing her neck macking chills go down her spine the made her shiver. Then
he started to undo her dress and Kattie pulled away, "Not now Victor. Can't we wait? Until we leave?" Victor got angry and
pushed her making her bang her head on the floor. When she did it scratched her forehead a little bit and he tore a bit of her
dress. "We always have to wait! But I bet this time the reason is different. I bet you want to do it with your little prince. I'll see
you on the 25th." Victor said and left. Kattie was still on the floor crying. When Kattie found the strength to get up she left and
went back to the castle.
When she arrived she just sat in the carrige for a moment thinking about the whole situation. Then she got out and went
inside. She sat on the steps and put her arms on her lap with her head in her arms. Mr. McNight was about to go upstairs
when he saw Kattie there crying, "Are you alright Ms.?" But Kattie didn't answer. She just sat there. Mr. McNight ran and got
Jack. He was in his office. When Mr. McNight just ran in Jack asked, "Mr. McNight, what is it?" Mr. McNight answered, "It's
Kattie. She's sitting in the staircase crying and she won't tell anyone what's wrong." "Thank you." Jack replied and ran to the
staircase where Kattie was. He kneeled in front of her, "Hey. What's wrong? What happend?" Kattie lifted her head and Jack
saw the cut on her forehead. Jack asked in a stern voice, "How did you get that?" Kattie answered, "Victor. He came back.
He kissed me and threw me to the floor. He was going to have sex with me and I didn't let him so he pushed me. Jack. I can't
do this. What's going to happend to the baby the next time I encounter him?" Kattie let her fears come out without letting him
know that she was leaving. Jack stood her up and hugged her, "Nothing's going to happend to the baby. And nothing's going
to happend to you either. I won't let it. Now why don't we just go upstairs and rest for a while and tomarrow I'll go with you to
pack. Alright?" Kattie nodded. Jack led her up to their bedchamber and layed in bed with her. It took Kattie a long time to fall
asleep but when she did she was at peace for the moment.
Chapter 12: July 24th

Kattie woke up and got dressed quietly trying not to wake Jack. When she went to go get her shoes on she tripped and
her foot hit the floor with a loud thump that woke Jack up. Jack asked, "Are you okay honey?" Kattie straightened up and
continued getting her shoes on, "Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to bed. I didn't mean to wake you. Sorry." Jack sat up and asked,
"Where are you going?" Kattie looked up at him, "I'm going for a walk. Just need to get some fesh air and sort out my
thoughts." Kattie walked over and kissed him, "I won't be gone long. And I won't go far." Jack smiled, "When you come back
I'll be waiting with breakfast for you." Kattie smiled and left.
Kattie walked slowly and thought about what was to come to her tomarrow. She had to leave Jack tomarrow. Forever. That
thought automatically brought tears to her eyes. Kattie didn't fight to hold the tears back at all. She let them come out. All of it.
She had to have sex with Victor and say that Jack's baby was Victor's baby. She had to betray Jack, the baby, and herself. It
was alot for her to handle. She almost couldn't bear it at all, but the fact that she knew she was saving Jack's life made her
hold on and go through with the plan she would put into motion tomarrow. She felt all tensed inside. So tensed that she
began to shake a little bit. Kattie felt as if she was betraying Jack but saving his life at the same time. She didn't want to
chose which one. All she knew and all she cared about was she was going to save his life. She couldn't save her family's life
but she could still save Jack from the horror's of Victor. And she wasn't going to let another life be taken because of her. Not
again. She couldn't and wouldn't let that happend. Especially not to Jack. And if anything happend to her baby she would
make sure that Victor died. Even if she had to die to do it. She wasn't going to let anything happend to her unborn child or her
true love. Never ever. Even if it meant giving them up. She would do it if it meant saving their lives. In a heartbeat she would
do whatever she had to do to save them. Kattie was out out thinking and calming herself down for an hour. Then she went
back to the castle.
Jack was waiting at the door for her. When Kattie walked in she tried to stop so she didn't run into him but she tripped
trying to do so. Jack caught her in her arms, "I always knew that you would fall for me when ever I want you to." Kattie laughed
and let all her weight lean against him, "You do all this just to get me in your arms?" Jack nodded, "Always." Kattie said, "All
you had to do is ask." Jack pulled her in so she could use her foot to kick the door shut, "Now what's the fun in that? I think I'd
rather to make you fall into my arms so I can catch you." Kattie smiled and kissed him. Jack loved every moment of every
kiss she gave him. Kattie asked, "You know I love you right?" Jack looked at her confused, "Yes and I love you. Do you know
something I don't know? Are you planning on going somewhere for a while?" Kattie shook her head, "No. I just think it's
important to let you know how much I love you. And nothing in the world will ever change that." Jack smiled, "And nothing will
ever change the way I feel about you. To the day that I die, I will never love another woman. I will never be with another
woman. Only you. I devote my life to you." Kattie sighed, "Don't say that. You don't mean that." Jack stood her up, "Yes I do.
I love you. And you only. No one else. Why don't you believe me? What do I have to do to prove it to you? Tell me, 'cause I
will do it." Kattie looked at Jack's face and saw how serious he was, "I know that you mean it. But if something were to
happend to me I don't want you to hold back on making a new relationship. I know you'll always still love me. But there's no
reason not to make another life with another after I have passed on." Jack shook his head, "I still won't love another. And why
worry about that now? It's not like you're going any where any time soon. Are you?" Kattie kissed him, "No. Of couse not."
Jack led her into the kitchen where they ate brakfast together. When they were done Jack said, "I have to take care of some
work and then I'll be right with you to do whatever you want to do." Kattie smiled, "Don't take too long. I'll be waiting upstairs."
When Jack went upstairs Kattie was standing looking out the window. She turned around, "I thought you would never
come." Kattie walked over to him and dropped the sheet she wore around her bare skin. He placed his hands on her
shoulders, "Sorry I kept you waiting. But I'm here now." Kattie took his shirt off and walked around him. As she did she
fingered his chest and back. She kissed his body and it paralized him in his tracks leaving him powerless. She took all the
power from him and took the lead. She was behind him caressing his back and kissing it. She then put her arms around him
slowly making her way down to where his cock was. When she got there she brought her hands back up in a way that gave
him the chills. She then made her way back around him and kissed him. She unbuttoned his pants and took them off and led
him to the bed. She pushed him back to where he was laying on his back on the bed and got on top. She kissed him as she
let him enter her body. She rode him fast non-stopping. Jack moaned in pleasure and in need for her. He couldn't move. It
was as if she tied him to the bed leaving him no control at all. Kattie needed to be in control because this would be the last
time she would ever spend making love to him, her true love. She would be later forced to make love to a guy who she didn't
love and who abused her. After about a hour Kattie dropped by his side taking him out of her. Jack said, "You really know
how to seduce a guy." Kattie replied, "That's one of my secret abilities. Find out what a guy likes and conquer it. Or so the
books have said. And it seems that they have worked." Jack was suprised, "Books? I need to read the books that you're
reading then." Kattie laughed, "I'll never tell." Jack closed his eyes. Kattie got up and began to get dressed, "Come on. Get
dressed. Let's not waste time sleeping." Jack looked at her and laughed. But he did as she said. When they were both
dressed Jack asked, "So, now what do you got in store for us to do?" Kattie kissed him, "We're going to the park. So come
on." Jack followed, "So what's so important that you want to do everything in one day?" Kattie sighed and asked, "Why does
there have to be something happending for me to want to spend time with you? I love you." Jack didn't quite understand but
he didn't argue the point. He didn't hate spending time with her, he loved her. No doubt about it. He just felt like something
was weird about the way she was going about it. The only thing is he never knew how wrong everything was going to turn
When Kattie and Jack got back from the park they didn't stay long. Kattie had dinner made and packed so they can go.
They went around the castle to the back where Kattie took him before. That's where they ate their dinner. When they were
done they just layed there and looked into each other's eyes. With the way Jack was looking at her she could tell he was
thinking about something. She asked, "What?" Jack answered, "Nothing. At least you won't answer me anyway. I'm just
wondering what's coming up that your preparing me for or something. Or you have a favor to ask of me and you think you
need to make me in a really good mood to ask me it. And if it's that, you don't need to. Whatever it is, I'll do it. Just ask me."
Kattie smiled, "I don't want nothing. And I'm not planning nothing. I just want to spend time with the man I love."
Chapter 13: July 25th, Going Back
Kattie was sitting up in bed with her arms wrapped around her knees that were brought up to her chest. She looked at the
man that was lying asleep next to her. It was 12:30 in the afternoon. Jack stirred and Kattie layed down leaning on his chest
waking him up the rest of the way. Jack opened his eyes and Kattie said, "I love your chest." Jack laughed, "I see. As it
seems that you just had to lay on it." Kattie looked up, "Did I bother you? I didn't mean to bother you. I was just admiring your
chest." Jack chuckled and kissed her forehead, "You didn't bother me. And I'm happy to please your eyes. 'Cause you
definitely please my eyes." Kattie kissed him for the next three minutes without stopping. Kattie was the one to pull away. She
started kissing his chest and then she got up. Jack looked at her, "Teaser." Kattie laughed, "That's my job. But don't worry I
didn't tease just you. Now get out of bed." Jack looked at her with eyes that said make me. Kattie knew it too but she just left
the room. Waiting out in the hall for him. Jack sighed and got out of bed. He got his shirt on and met her out in the hall,
"You're mean." Kattie went into his arms and kissed him, "Never. I always give rewards." Then she pulled away and went
downstairs. Jack followed her into the library, "Don't you want to go get lunch since we missed breakfast?" Kattie sat on the
couch, "You can go if you want. I'm not to hungry." Jack sat beside her and put his hand on her stomach, "Are you feeling
okay?" Kattie threw her head back on the back of the couch and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie now.
Not with a baby." Kattie just didn't want to eat because she was nervous about leaving him today. Very nervous. So nervous
that she was suprised she didn't start shaking or faint. Jack replied, "Well you let me know if you want anything. I'm going to
go get my work done for today so we can have the rest of the day to ourselves." "Jack. Wait." Kattie said as he was about to
leave. She walked over to him and looked at him in the eyes. Jack asked, "What?" Kattie then suddenly kissed him. She
kissed him with passion. It was a kiss Jack hadn't experienced before. A goodbye kiss. When she pulled away Jack asked,
"What was that for?" Kattie shrugged her shoulders, "I love you." The way she said it was different from all the other times
she had said it to him. This would be the last time she would say it to him. Jack smiled and kissed her, "I love you too. Now
I'll see you in about a hour and a half and we can finish that kiss." When Jack was out of earshot Kattie said to herself, "No
you won't." Kattie then went to Mr. McNight and asked, "Mr. McNight. Could you do me a favor? It's really important that you
do this." Mr. McNight said, "What is it?" Kattie looked at him, "I'm going to be going out. After a hour has passed after I left
tell Jack that I went to my house. He'll know what to do. He'll know what I mean. Could you do that for me?" Mr. McNight
answered, "Of course." Kattie said, "Thanks. Remember, wait a hour to tell him." Kattie left in the carrige and went back to her
house. It was still early, only 1:30. Kattie wrote a letter to Jack that said:
Dear Jack,
I know it's going to look like I betrayed you. And I admit it, I am
betraying you. And our baby. And me. But I want you to know that
I love you very much. And that's why I'm doing this. I can't let you
get hurt like my family did. I'm doing this to protect you. To keep
you safe. And don't worry. I won't let him hurt our baby. That's
one thing I'm sure I won't let him do. I need to do this. I love
you. Remember that. You will always have my love and my heart.
No one else. But I have to go back with Victor. It's my only choice,
my only way to protect you. I know you feel as if you need to
protect me. But you don't. The first day I met you I tried to reject you.
But one thing led to another. I'm glad it did. The past weeks that I spent
with you were the best weeks of my life. I love you. Always. Take care.

Kattie set the letter on top of the letter Victor wrote to her letting her know where to meet him. She didn't realize that she
had put it there and she left.
Jack was working in his office when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Jack said. Mr. McNight walked in and
bowed, "My lord, Kattie said it was urgent that I give you a message. She told me to wait a hour after she left to tell you. She
said she was going back to her house and that you would know what to do, sir. But I thought since it was urgent that I'd tell
you a little earlier than she said." The words had stunned Jack, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was she? Could it
be? Jack got up and ran past Mr.McNight. He ran straight out to the horses that were tied up to the gate and rode out to her
house. He rode as fast as the horse could go. When he got to her house he didn't even bother knocking. He barged in
through the door, "Kattie! Kattie!" Jack looked in the kitchen and seen the note on the table. He picked both letters up. He
first read the letter that Kattie had wrote him. The words made his heart rise to his throat. Then he felt that there was another
note in his hand. He read the letter that Victor had written to Kattie. He rushed out and ran straight to the park.
Kattie was standing outside the park behind a couple trees. Sight closed to the people in the park, but totally open to the
people outside of the park. She could see the people in the park, and in fact, she was starring straight at the man who has
forced her to leave her love. At Victor. She was crying. This was it. The time that she would betray Jack and at the same time,
save him. While Kattie was thinking a man grabbed her arm and twirled her around, but Victor was still in the park. It was
Jack. Kattie's heart stopped for a second. How would she go through with their plan now? Jack definitely wouldn't let her go.
"Jack. You have to let me go. I have to go." Kattie said trying to pull away, but Jack didn't let go and pulled back. Jack
answered, "No. You don't have to go. You can't go. I need you here." Jack began to cry. Kattie replied, "I have to. He'll kill
you. I need to. I can't let you die. Not like the others. I won't let your death be my fault too." Kattie was already crying but she
cried even more. Jack put his hands on her face making her look at him, "It's not your fault. And I'm not going to die. And
neither are you. You're not going back with him. I'd be sentencing you to death if I let you go. Think about our baby." Jack
put his one hand on her stomach. "What are you going to tell our baby? What about our baby's safety? What's going to
happend to both of you?" Kattie closed her eyes and burried her head into his chest. She held on to his shirt. Jack put his
arms around her. Kattie said, "But how am I going to protect you then? I can't take it if you were to die." Jack kissed her
forehead, "Now would you let me protect you? I can protect you. Please let me." Kattie was still crying but she was silently crying. She looked up at Jack and wipped his tears away. Jack put his arm around her and walked her back to her house. When they got there Jack put Kattie on the horse and got on behind her. Jack rode off and Kattie leaned back on his chest. Kattie
looked up at Jack, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you. I love you." Jack replied, "I love you too. And I understand why you
were going to do it. I would have done the same thing to save your life. And I don't actually think that you would have gone."
Kattie asked, "Why not?" Jack answered, "Because you would've been in there already." Kattie corrected, "I was only
thinking. And trying to pull myself together. I was crying to much and I couldn't stop. I would've gone. But, fortunately, you
came and convinced me to come back with you." Jack smiled and put his free hand around her stomach.
When they arrived at the palace Kattie was asleep. All the comotion that had just went on just drained the energy out of her.
Jack carefully carried her into the palace and up into their room. He carefully put her on the bed, covered her up, and left
shutting the door behind him. When he went into the hallway Mr. McNight was standing out there waiting for him, "Is she
alright, sir?" Jack answered him, "Yes she's just sleeping. Thank you. And thank you for letting me know earlier. It would have
been devastating if she went through with what she was planning on doing." Mr. McNight asked, "Your welcome, sir. Sir, what
was it that she was going to do?" Jack sighed, "I can't exactly share that with you because it's not my buisness to tell you.
Maybe when she wakes you can ask her." Mr. McNight nodded and left. Jack just stood there for a while leaning against the
wall next to the door, thinking about what just happend and what would've happend if he was a second too late. It hurt him to
think about it. He couldn't believe she did that, but he would do the same in a heart beat if he was in her shoes. If it meant
saving her then he would sacrifice himself for her. He understood perfectly why she did it. He wasn't mad at her. Not at all. He
felt good knowing that she loved him so. And he felt so relieved that he got to her first before she went with him. He loved
her too much to put her through the horrors of Victor and she was carrying his child.
Jack had fell asleep sitting on the chair with his head aainst the wall when Kattie came out. Kattie just stood there and
looked at the man who had promised to save her from Victor. She loved him so. But the question still rattled around in her
head; how was she going to save Jack? But she wasn't going to go about it the way she did today. She had to realize that
she had more than just his life to save. She had her child's life. Kattie kissed his forehead and went downstairs. She sat in
Jack's office in his seat. Mr. McNight came in and seen her sitting there, "My lady, how are you?" Kattie answered, "I'm fine
thank you. And thank you for telling Jack earlier than I had said." Mr. McNight asked, "My apologies for intruding on your
business, but...if I may ask...What was it you were about to do?" Kattie looked at him and began to explain, "Well to put a
long story short. I broke up with a guy because he was abusive and he killed my family. I moved here to England to get away
and fell in love with Jack but the guy found me. He wants me back. He threatened to kill Jack if I didn't go back with him
willingly. So I couldn't let his life be my fault too so I tried to go back with him to save Jack. But Jack found me and convinced
me to come back." Mr. McNight was horrified by the story, "That's terrible. I'm so sorry for your loss. And it is a good thing
that Jack got to you in time." Kattie stared at him, "And what makes what I was going to do even worse was...I'm pregnant
with Jack's baby. I guess I haven't yet totally gotten the motherly instincts. But I'm working on that. And I think that Jack
actually understands why I did it." Mr. McNight was shocked. He had no idea that she was pregnant. "Well, I'm sorry maim,
but I have to go back to work. I hope everything works out for you." Mr. McNight said and left. Kattie just sat in the chair. She
held her hands on her stomach and thought about her unborn baby. She was delighted that she was pregnant with Jack's
baby. Overjoyed. She loved him very much. She would, obviously, do anything for him. Just as he would for her. But all her
thinking was interrupted when Jack walked in and over to her. He stood in front of her. She stood up and looked at him. He
looked into her eyes, "Kattie. When I just think of what could've happend to you today if I didn't get there in time. It just...just
promise me something. Promise me you won't do that again." Kattie went into his arms as they wrapped around her, locked
around her, "I won't. I promise. But he's going to be looking for me. He'll kill you if he finds you." Jack replied, "He's not
killing me or you or the baby. I promise." Jack bent his head and kissed her. They kissed passionately. Like they did right
before she had left. 'Cause indeed, they both felt like they had just lost each other. Like they just found each other. They
didn't want to leave each others arms ever again. They would hate to be taken out of each others arms. But Kattie pulled
away and looked at him, "Are you mad at me?" Jack smiled, "No I'm not mad at you. I truely understand why you did it. I
would do the same if I could save you. But I'm not dying. Nobody's ever going to any time soon. I love you." Kattie hugged
him and rested her head against his chest, "I love you." A minute later Kattie pulled away and held his hands, "What time is
it?" Jack looked at the clock then back at her, "It's 4:30 going on five. Why?" Kattie kissed him, "Stay here. I'll be back."
Kattie left and Jack just stood there looking at the door thinking about what she had in store.
About five to ten minutes later Kattie walked back in wearing the dress he first saw her in. Jack asked, "What's this all
about?" Kattie smiled, "I don't know. You tell me." Kattie spinned around once to let him look at her bare back. Jack smiled
and walked over to her. He put his arms around her placing his hands on her back, "You know the first time I saw you in this I
wanted to put my hands on your back, but we weren't together like we are now. Which reminds me, you said you were going
to stand me up." Kattie pulled back, "No. I didn't say I was going to stand you up, I rejected you. And I think I'll make you
want some more." Jack playingly growled at her, "That's not fair." Kattie grabbed his hand and led him to the other dinning
room where no one ever ate in. In there there was a table for two with a white cloth covering the entire table with the ends
hanging out. There were two skinny candles in the middle of the table that were lit. The silver-ware were lined up neatly next
to the plates of spagetti and meatballs. The chairs were set so the two would be looking at each other. Kattie looked at her
masterpeice and then back up at Jack, who was also smiling, "So how much more romantic can you get?" Jack looked at her
with a look that told her that he could and would make it more romantic. Jack recited a poem, "The way your eyes sparkles.
The way your hair blows in the wind. The smile that I love. The kiss that paralizes me. The lips that are a red as roses. Are all
apart of you.Which makes all those a part of me. Because all of you is mine." Helooked at her for a response. She was
smiling at him, "That's so cute. Who wrote it?" Jack pulled her in, "I did." Kattie kissed him, "So are you paralized? Thank you. The poem is really sweet. I love it." Jack smiled in accomplishment and went over to the seat. He pulled the seat out for her to sit in it, "My lady." Kattie sat down, "Thank you kind sir." They both laughed at their formal callings. None of them could say it with a straight face. They began to eat. Jack said, "Open your mouth." Kattie looked confused and Jack continued, "Go on. You can trust me." Kattie replied, "I know that. I was just wondering what you're going to do that's all." But Kattie opened her mouth. When she did Jack took a noodle and put one end in her mouth and the other in his mouth, "Alright. There. You can start to eat now." Kattie tried not to laugh but she got a chuckle out. When their lips came together instead of stopping, they bit the peice in half, swallowed it, and kissed. After the kiss Jack went back in his seat, "Well how's that for romantic?" Kattie smiled and said, "It's exactly perfect as long as I'm with you." Jack smiled and they continued to eat.
When they were done eating and the plates were all away Kattie went over to Jack holding her hand out for him to take it. Jack took her hand and stood up, "So where are we going to now?" Kattie smiled and replied, "Dinner was just the beginning. You'll see. Kattie led him to the ball room. It was empty but there was music playing. The same song that they danced to at the ball. Jack asked, "What's this?" Kattie stopped once they were in the middle of the room and put her hands behind her back, "Are you telling me that you don't remember this song? It's the song that was playing when you first asked me to dance." Jack smiled and bowed holding his hand out, "Well, my lady. May I have this dance?" Kattie curtsied and took his hand, "I thought you would never ask." Kattie went into his arms and they started to waltz. They spinned and swirled. Kattie started to get dizzy but the song was almost over and they didn't spin a lot so she didn't understand why. When the music stopped Kattie still held on to Jack so she didn't fall. Jack looked at her, "Are you okay? You look a little pale. I think you need to sit down." Kattie couldn't agree more. But she didn't want to tell him that. Although she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to. Her knees were giving in and she fell to the ground. She just sat there, her face as white as clouds. Jack kneeled down to her, "Kattie what's the metter?" "I don't know. My head keeps on spinning..." Kattie couldn't finish her words, she had fainted. Jack caught her before her head hit the ground. He picked her up and took her up to their room. He placed her on the bed and sent for the doctor. He sat next to her while they waited for the doctor to come. When the doctor came he said it was the same thing that had happend before. Stress. A lot of stress was taking the energy out of her. Jack thanked him and stayed there next to Kattie. He was worried about her.
A hour had passed when Kattie woke up. Jack was sitting by her side staring at her, "You had me worried again." Kattie looked at him, "What happend?" Jack went and sat on the bed beside her holding her hand, "Well, you passed out in the ball room. And the doctor said it was the same as before. Stress and being pregnant just doesn't go together. But we'll take care of that. You are not going to be doing any work. I'll do it for you." Kattie sighed and groaned. Jack said, "There's no arguing. I'm doing it and you are to stay in bed if I have to tie you to the bed." Kattie laughed, "I don't know about staying in bed all the time, but for now, why don't you join me?" Jack smiled, "And what shall I do while giving my company?" Kattie smiled undoing her dress, "I don't know. Improvise. What do you see? And what do you want?" Jack undressed and climbed in bed with her. He kissed her taking her dress the rest of the way off.

Chapter 14: Going Crazy With Nothing to Do
It was July 26th in the morning and Kattie was in bed sleeping. Jack was awake and had breakfast brought up to them. He had only his boots and a pair of pants on. He already ate his breakfast and was waiting for Kattie to wake up. She was sleeping soundly in the bed for a while. It was about 8:30 when Kattie's innocent face turned into a frown. She started to move around in bed rapidly and sweat ran down her face. Jack grew curious about what she was dreaming about. He was trying to think about it but Kattie started screaming in her sleep. She was screaming for Jack. Jack ran over to her and gently woke her up, "Kattie. Kattie. It's okay. I'm right here. You're right here with me." Kattie opened her eyes and looked around the room breathing heavily. When she finally realized where she was she calmed her breathing down and hugged Jack. Jack hugged her back, "What happend?" Kattie pulled back and looked at him, "Just the same thing as before. He came after me when I didn't meet him like I was supposed to and you tried to stop him. But he shot you." A tear ran down her face and Jack wipped it off, "That's not going to happend. I promise. I'm going to stay right here by your side. I always will be. Now, I have your breakfast right here. You have to eat." Kattie nodded her head and kissed him. They kissed for a while then she ate. When she was done she got out of bed and walked over to Jack. He stood up out of his chair and walked her back over to the bed, "You know that you can't be out of bed. You need to relax." Kattie stopped and complained, "But I can't stay in bed all day. I'll go insane with nothing to do." Jack wrapped his arms around her, "Kattie. I'm sorry but you need to relax. Which means you have to be in bed." Kattie was about to argue back but Jack turned her around and sat her down. He moved her hair off of her shoulders and massaged her shoulders and neck. Kattie tried to move away from him but he refused to let her go. He would make her feel good and relaxed. Kattie closed her eyes, "You know this isn't fair. You can't just turn my arguement off just by making me feel good." Jack smiled, "And yet it's working. Now what do you say? Will you stay in bed?" Kattie got up and turned around putting her hands on her hips, "No I won't. I can't stay in bed." Jack got up and stood in front of her with a smile on his face telling her that he was going to try again to woo her into staying in bed. Kattie continued, "No. I'm not going to let you do whatever it is your going to do to get me to stay in bed. And besides it won't work!" Kattie turned around putting her back towards him. Jack came closer and wrapped his arms around her arms, that were folded under her chest. He brought his head around and whispered in her ear, "You're not going to let me? I hardly doubt that. You know you can't resist." Jack started kissing her neck and she tried to bring her head to the side so he couldn't, but he was already there. Kattie tried to move away but Jack held her close to him. Jack continued to kiss her on her neck and got up to her ear. He nibbled on her ear. Kattie squirmed a little bit and closed her eyes. Then Jack stuck his tongue inside her ear making chills go down her spine. Kattie quickly moved away and turned towards him, "I am going downstairs where you can't do your tricks on me. Because like I said, I'm not staying in bed." Kattie tried to move around him but he just got in her way again. She then got on the bed and went to the other side. She thought that she would escape and be able to go downstairs, but as she got the door opened a crack Jack slammed his hand on the door shutting it. He also cornered her. Kattie turned around and leaned against the door, "That's not fair. You're making me mad." Jack put his hands against the door and lowered his face to hers. He could see the fury and the passion in her eyes, "I can see that. But like I said, you're staying in bed if I have to tie you down. I won't do it with rope though." Jack smiled and kissed her. Kattie kissed him back and for a minute the fury actually went away. She let the passion take over as he moved her towards the bed. Then Kattie pulled back, "I am not going back to bed! And you cheat." Jack laughed, "Oh come on. I don't cheat. I just know what I'm doing. Now will you just stop complaining. And just have some fun and relax." Kattie went back into his arms, "But I'm not staying in bed afterwards no matter what you do." Jack chuckled and kissed her taking off her clothes. Kattie took his shirt off and dropped it putting her hands on his chest. Jack unfastened his pants as he leaned her back onto the bed. Kattie was going to be relaxed and Jack was going to make her relaxed if it was the last thing he did. He took his pants off the rest of the way. He got on top of Kattie and started kissing her neck. He slowly worked his way down to her breasts. He suckled her left breast and held the other in his hand. Kattie moaned and put her hand on his head. Then Jack stopped and went into her. He connected them two. Made them as one. He went in and out of her fast and hard. Making her moan louder and harder. Kattie smiled in pleasure, "So is this how you get a woman relaxed?" Jack smiled, "If it works. And it does. And along the way it's making us both feel good." He kissed her. Kattie put her hands on his back digging her nails into his back. But she pulled them out when he flinched. He wasn't bleeding but she had broke through skin. Jack pulled up and laughed, "You know you are vicious in bed. I think about every time you've scratched my back breaking through skin." Kattie kissed him and nibbled on his lower lip, "I'm sorry. Did it hurt?" Jack shook his head, "Nothing but a little pinch. That's all. Besides when you do that it let's me know I'm accomplishing my goal." Kattie asked, "And what goal might that be?" Jack kissed her and answered, "To make you happy and feel good." Kattie and Jack continued to go at it until they could no longer take it. Jack dropped himself onto the bed next to her and allowed her to climb into his arms. Kattie layed her head down on his chest and kissed his chest, "So how long do you want me to stay in bed? I'm not staying in bed at all, but I'm just curious on how long you would make me stay in here." Jack moved his finger through her hair making it to where he could see her face, "You are going to be staying in bed and you will be staying in bed for about a day or two. How ever long it takes to relieve you of your stress." Kattie kissed him and layed her head back down on his chest running her fingers along his muscle line. In a few minutes they both fell asleep.
It was about noon when Kattie woke up. Jack was no longer laying next to her. She looked around. He wasn't even in the room with her to make sure she stayed in bed. Kattie got up and got dressed. When she was dressed she left and went downstairs. Kattie saw Mr. McNight and asked, "Have you seen Jack?" Mr. McNight answered, "He's not here, maim. He went out. I believe he said that he was going to pick up some of your things." A frown grew on her face, "Thank you Mr. McNight." Mr. McNight bowed and went back to work. Kattie went into the library and pased back and forth. She was ferious. If it weren't for her being pregnant she would have went after him but she knew she couldn't. She couldn't put the baby in danger. But she would make sure that Jack knew that she was angry with him.
At about 1:30 Jack returned with a few boxes with her stuff. He set them beside the door and headed for the stairs. But Mr. McNight stopped him, "Sir, if you're going up to Ms. Mannel. She's in the library. And I must warn you. She looked ferious. She asked me where you were and I don't think that she liked it." Jack sighed and cursed under his breath, "Thank you Mr. McNight. I better go make sure she doesn't stay angry with me." Jack entered the library and seen Kattie at the window looking outside. When she heard him come in she turned around. The furious look on her face showed a bit of relief, but she was still very ferious with him. Jack moved towards her but she turned back to the window. Jack stood behind her, "What are you doing out of bed?" Kattie didn't answer. She just went over and sat on the couch. Jack followed and sat next to her, "Look. I'm sorry. I just went to get some of your stuff. That's all. Nothing happend. I'm alright. Can you please talk to me?" Kattie looked at him. She just looked at him. Kattie wanted to hold him in her arms relieved that nothing had happend to him. Kattie looked away as a tear escaped her eyes. Jack put his hands on her back, "Hey. Look. I'm alright. But when I got there, there was a note on the steps. Do you want to read it?" Jack pulled the letter out from his pocket and held it out for her to take it. Kattie looked at it for a second or two then she took it. It read:
Dear Kattie,
You made me very angry. You disappointent me. You promised me.
But that's okay. I will find you since I realize you're not at home anymore.
And I will do what I said. I will kill your prince. Because now even he's
getting on my nerved. Cause I bet that he had stopped you from coming
back to me. But I will have you. One way or another. Until then my darling.
Victor Blackwell
Kattie crinkled the paper into a ball in her hand and gave it back to Jack. Jack put it on the couch next to him and turned her to face him, "Kattie. Please talk to me. I hate for you to be angry with me. Come on." He grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. Kattie sighed, "Why did you go over there? My stuff could've waited until all this was over. And then after the dream I had earlier. You scared me. More than you know. If something happend to you..." Kattie stopped, she couldn't continue. Jack hugged her, "But I'm fine. I'm right here with you." Kattie pulled back, "Just promise me you won't go there again. At least not until this is over? Please?" Jack nodded, "Okay. I promise." Jack kissed her. Kattie was still a little angry, but not at him, at the fact that he was in danger. After a moment Kattie pulled away, "Now. Can we please get something to eat? I'm hungry." Jack smiled, "Me too. Let's go."
Chapter 15: August 11th Being totally wrong
It was sunny and hot outside. Kattie was inside getting ready to go to the house to pick up her stuff. Jack was frantic about the whole thing. He didn't like the idea of her going there. But he would go with her if she was going to go. Jack asked, "Are you sure you want to go and get your stuff? We can always wait you know." Kattie replied, "Yes I'm sure. It's been over two weeks now. He should have left by now. Besides, I can't stay afraid of that house forever." Jack didn't argue the point any further. It was either he go with her or she went alone. And he definitely wouldn't let her go alone. He helped her into the carrige and got in with her. They arrived at the house about a hour later. Kattie and Jack went into the house and she forgot her bag in the carrige. Kattie asked, "Jack. Do you mind getting my bag out of the carrige? I forgot to bring it in." Jack replied, "No problem." Jack left to get her bag. When Jack had left Kattie went into the kitchen and got a glass of water. When she came back in she dropped her glass in shock. Victor was standing at the bottom of the steps. Kattie couldn't speak. She wanted to yell for help but the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. Victor walked towards her but keeping a distance between them, "I missed you honey. Why didn't you come?" Kattie replied, "Victor. Please. Just leave me alone. I-I don't want nothing more to do with you. Your not a good man. You killed my family. Everyone I love." Victor said nothing. But Kattie saw a space to where she might be able to escape if she ran fast enough. She took it. She ran as fast as she could but Victor grabbed her by her throat. He got behind her and held her throat squeezing it. He didn't squeeze it hard enough to hurt her or cut off her breathing tube. He said, "I know that your Prince Jack is here. So call for him." Kattie replied, "How did you find me here? How did you know of where I live and who I was with?" Victor answered, "You remember that waitor. Well he works for me. And he followed you home. Now call for Jack." Kattie shook her head, "No. I won't." Victor kissed her cheek, "That's okay. He'll be coming in real soon and I'll kill him then. So don't worry honey. We'll be alone soon." Victor let go of her throat and pushed her into the living room making her sit on the couch. He pulled out his gun and sat next to her. He put his arm around her and pointed the gun at her head, "I'm sorry honey but I have to make sure that he doesn't come after me the moment he comes in." A moment after he said that the door opened and Jack walked in with Kattie's hand-bag. He didn't see her at first but then he saw them as he turned his head. He saw the gun pointing to her head and dropped the bag. Jack said, "Victor you better let her go right now." Victor grabbed Kattie's arm and stood her up with him keeping the gun on her, "Or what? You know before she met you everything was going okay. But you had to mess everything up. Why? Why does it matter to you what happends to her?" Victor kissed her cheek and Kattie tensed trying to move her head away but the gun was right there. Jack wanted to beat him up and kill him even more. Jack answered, "It matters to me because I love her. Something you would know nothing about. Now let her go." Victor answered, "I love her. You don't love her as I do. You can't love her. Because she love's me not you. Even though she doesn't realize it yet. She will in time. I think I can convince her. But in order to do that I need you out of the way." Victor put the gun on Jack and pushed Kattie over towards him. Kattie tripped and Jack caught her and moved her aside. Victor said, "Kattie. If you have anything to say to Jack you better say it now." Kattie looked at Jack and then back at Victor, "No! Victor stop! Don't do this! Just leave him alone! You want me not him! I'll go with you! Just leave him alone!" Jack said, "No you won't! You aren't going no where with him!" Victor said, "Well I guess you don't have anything to say to him. Goodbye Jack." Victor pulled the triger and as he did Kattie jumped in front of Jack, "No!" Kattie got shot. And when she did Victor stormed out of the house and ran. Jack didn't care. He knelt to the ground where Kattie was laying, "Kattie! Why did you do that?" Jack was crying in fear that she might die and lose the baby. Kattie was breathing heavily, "Jack. I'm sorry. I couldn't let him shoot you." Kattie wasn't shot in the stomach, but she was shot in the chest right above her left breast. Jack picked her up and ran to the doctor.
Jack just kicked the door open and put her right on the table. The doctor asked while trying to stop the bleeding, "Jack. What happend?" Jack answered, "She was shot! Please Doc. Help her!" The doctor then took her into another room where he would try to get the bullet out and fix any other injuries there may be. Jack went to follow him but the doctor turned around, "You can't come in here. Wait out here. The moment we find out something I'll come and tell you. But until then you have to wait out here." Jack just stood there and watched him take her into the other room. When she was gone Jack went outside and paced back and forth on the porch.
Jack waited and waited. He paced and paced. Thought and thought. Why after all that she's been through did she have to get shot? Why couldn't he be the one who got shot? If only he pushed her out of the way in time. If only he didn't let her go today. What's going to happend to her? Is she going to live? Is the baby going to live? If the baby survives will it come out normal? If she dies, what will he do? He couldn't live without her. All these questions and thoughts ran through his mind.
About a hour and a half went by when finally the doctor came out. Jack immediately went over and asked, "Is she alright? What happend to the baby?" The doctor answered, "She's a very very lucky girl. The luckiest patient I ever had. I was able to get the bullet out and close her up. She's going to be okay. And for the baby, it's a little fighter as well. The baby seems to still be alive and well. But we'll never know for sure until birth if it's truely okay. But she's still pregnant. And she's still alive." Jack was relieved more than any one else could know. He went over to the wall and put his arm on the wall leaning his head on his arm. Jack stayed there for a moment or two and then went back to the doctor, "Can I see her?" The doctor answered, "Yes. But only for a couple minutes, she's sleeping. And she needs to stay asleep." Jack went right in to the room where she had entered. Kattie was laying there. She was half asleep and half awake. Jack went over to her side, "Kattie." Kattie opened her eyes and smiled when she saw him, "Jack. I love you. Where are we?" Jack answered, "We're in the doctor's office. But you need to get some sleep. When you wake up I'll be right here. I love you." Kattie lifted her hand and touched his face, "I'm tired. And my chest hurts." Jack bent down and kissed her, "I love you. I'll be back for when you wake up." Jack left as Kattie closed her eyes. Jack met the doctor back in the waiting room, "She seems so out of it. So much in pain." The doctor remarked, "Well let's see you get shot in the chest and be feeling alright and in the right mind. It's a lot to handle. Yet alone a woman who survived it with a baby growing in her stomach. I gave her medicine for the pain so in a few minutes the pain will go away. Is she asleep?" Jack nodded and sat down, "Yes. She's asleep." The doctor sat across from him, "What exactly happend? How did she get shot?" Jack looked up at him, "We went to her house to get some of her stuff and he was waiting for her there. I went out to get her hand-bag from the carrige and when I came back in, he had her. They were sitting on the couch and she had a gun to her head. We talked for a bit but then he pushed her over to me. I moved her aside so she would be out of the gun point. He was going to shoot me not her. But when he pulled the triger Kattie jumped in front of me and caught the bullet. She was hit before I could even get her back out of the way. Damn it! I should have never agreed to let her go there, I should have made her stay in the castle where she was safe." The doctor exclaimed, "You can't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could've done to prevent what had happen. And besides, she's going to be alright. And the baby seems to be okay." Jack walked out of the building mad and ferious. He went for a walk back to the house. If he saw Victor again he was going to kill him. When he got to the house, Victor was sitting on the steps with a peice of paper and a pen in his hand. He was writting another note. Jack ran over to him and grabbed him by his shirt. Victor was so suprised that he was back so quickly that he didn't do nothing but drop the pen and paper. Jack slammed him against the wall and bashed his head into the wall. Then he stopped for a moment, "Why?! Why the hell did you have to shoot her?!" Victor replied, "I didn't mean to shoot her! I was going to shoot you but she jumped in front of you before I could stop! I would have never hurt her!" Jack slammed him into the wall again, "Why did you come back?! She didn't want you any more! You killed her family! You abused her! Why!" Victor replied, "Why? Why do you care so much? You fell in love! I fell in love! But in my part, I'm not about to let her betray me! And not about to lose her!" Jack pucnched him in the face, "The words rot when you say it! 'Cause when I say it! I mean it!" Then Victor came to his senses and kneed him between the legs making him drop to the ground. Victor bent down and grabbed his throat and stood him up, "Is she okay?" Jack didn't answer and Victor squeezed harder, "Is she okay?!" Jack finally answered, "Yes. She is. And so is our baby. No thanks to you." Victor asked, "Your baby? She's pregnant with your baby?" Jack smiled, "Yes. With MY baby! Not yours! She will never be yours!" Victor got angry and tightened his grip on his throat so he couldn't breathe. Jack tried to move his hand off his throat but he couldn't. Then someone hit him from behind making him let go. Jack fell to the ground gasping for breath. Victor ran off as the unknown man was about to strike again. The man cursed under his breath mad that he had gotten away. The man had light brown hair that was short with green eyes. His shirt and jacket seemed to be old and worn out. He was just a little bit shorter than Jack. Then the man brought his attention to Jack, who was heavily breathing on the ground staring up at him. The man went over to Jack and held his hand out for him to take it. Jack took his hand as he helped him to his feet. "Are you okay?" the man asked. Jack was rubbing his hand around his throat, "Yes I'm fine. Who are you?" The man answered, "Well, for starters I'm a friend. How did you come to work for Victor and why does he want to kill you? And if you have any information on a young woman named Kattie Mannel, tell me." Jack's look grew dark. He wanted to know how he knew her and what he wanted, "Well, 'friend', I don't and never did work for Victor. I never will. And how do you know Kattie and what do you want?" The man sighed and replied, "I'm George. George Mannel. Kattie's my sister. I would love to know she's alright." Jack was confused, "Wait, what? Kattie said everyone in her family was dead." George explained, "Everyone else was. Victor thought I was too. But he had only knocked me unconscious. I tracked him here to where I knew Kattie would be. Now where is she?" Jack replied, "She's in the doctor's office. Victor shot her when he went to shoot me. Why don't we go there and I'll explain everything when we get there." George nodded and they walked back to the doctor's office.
When Jack and George arrived the doctor stood to his feet, "Who's this?" Jack answered, "Apparently, this is George Mannel. Kattie's brother. We'll see if he's telling the truth when Kattie wakes up. Please, Mr. Mannel, have a seat." George sat down and went straight into the conversation, "Now tell me everything from the time you met Kattie to now." Jack sat down, "Well, for starters she rejected me when I asked her to the ball. But she cam anyway. That was the night I found out about Victor. Then our relationship grew and Victor started leaving notes. Some two men tried to jump me and kidnap Kattie one night but I didn't let them. Then Kattie got a letter telling her to meet him at the park on the 25th of July or he'll kill me. She didn't tell me and along the way she got pregnant-" Jack was cut off when George interrupted, "Hold on. Wait. You got her pregnant?" Jack looked at him, "Yes. She loves me and I love her. As I was saying, on the 25th I went after her when I found out and convinced her to come back. But that was two weeks ago. Today she wanted to go and get some of her stuff from the house. I went with her. But she forgot her hand-bag in the carrige so I went to go get it for her. When I came back in he had a gun to her head. We chatted for a bit then he pushed her over to me. I moved her aside out of the line of the gunpoint. He was going to shoot me but she jumped in front of me before I could move her out of the way. Victor ran out, I brought her here. I found out she would be okay and same for the baby. I got angry at Victor and went after him. That's where you came in. You know the rest." George asked, May I see her?" Jack answered, "No. She's resting. She needs to rest." George got up, "Then I think I'll wait outside. Let me know when she wakes up and I'm able to see her." George left and Jack stared at him as he left. He didn't like him at all. His story didn't seem true. But he would see what Kattie said to it and he'd find out the truth then.
Chapter 16: Kattie Wakes Up
The doctor went in to check up on Kattie. She was still sleeping. When the doctor came out Jack asked, "How is she?" The doctor answered, "She's still resting." Jack said, "It's been hours. It's going on 6:30." The doctor sat down, "Well she's pregnant and she's been shot. It really drains the energy out of her. Why don't you go talk to George. He's been standing out there for hours. Ever since you came back." Jack looked out the window at him, "I don't know. I don't trust him. The way he's going about this doesn't seem like a brother. I'm not buying his story." The doctor replied, "Nevertheless, if he is her brother then you need to talk to him." Jack sighed, "Alright. I'll talk to him. But I'm not trusting him alone with her when she wakes up." Jack got up and went out to George. George looked over to Jack, "Is she awake yet?" Jack shook his head, "No. But I wanted to talk." George asked, "About what?" Jack answered, "Why does it seem that you don't like the fact that me and Kattie are involved?" George replied, "The last guy she was with killed everyone in her family and is still after her. So I'm a little precautious. And I don't know you. So I don't trust you. Just like you don't trust me." The conversation was interrupted when the doctor opened the door, "Jack. Kattie's awake. She's calling for you." Jack went in followed by George. Jack went beside her and held her hand. George stood at the foot of the bed. Kattie didn't realize that George was standing there, "Jack. Is victor gone?" Jack answered, "For now." Kattie pulled Jack's head down and kissed him. George cleared his throat so that they would hear him. Jack glanced up at him and then back at Kattie, "Kattie. This man says that he's your brother. George Mannel." Kattie looked at him. Tears ran down her face, "But it can't be. He's dead. Where's the doctor? I'm seeing someone I shouldn't be." Jack said, "No. He's here. Since it seems that you recognize him I guess his story chacks out." George walked over and sat on the other end of the bed beside her, "Kattie. I am here. Victor thought he had killed me but he had only knocked me unconscious. Are you okay?" Kattie answered, "Well, I'm not in pain at the moment. But can I please sit up? I can't stand looking up at you two." Jack pulled out some extra pillows and put them behind her as George sat her up. Kattie began to explain, "George. I'm pregnant and Jack's the father. I met..." Jack interrupted her, "We've already talked about everything. He knows about us, the baby, what happend, everything." Kattie was relieved. She didn't want to explain everything to him. Kattie remembered about how Victor found her, "Jack. That waitor that was always looking at me at the resturant. He works for Victor. That's how Victor found me.. He told me himself. He followed me home and reported to Victor." Jack frowned, "I'm going to make sure he hangs along with Victor. But we'll worry about that later. I'm staying right here."
It was 7:30 when Jack went to get her dinner. George never left her side which was expectable, but Jack still didn't trust him. But as long as Kattie did, he would. When Jack came back Kattie and George were talking about what exactly happend to him. Jack interrupted, "I hate to interript but Kattie has to eat." George gave Jack a look but agreed, "Well I'm going to go back to the hotel room that I'm staying in and I'll be back around noon tomarrow. Love you. Let me know if anything happends." Kattie nodded. George kissed Kattie on the cheak and left. He didn't say a word to Jack. He just left. Jack began to feed Kattie, "He doesn't seem to like me at all. Does he?" Kattie shrugged, "He'll come around. My brothers were always getting into my personal life. I guess that they were a little over protective. He was the worst. But with everything that has happend, who can blame him? Don't worry. Either he comes around or he's going to have to deal with the fact that I'm with you now. And that you're nothing like Victor." Jack laughed, "I am nothing like that thing. Now open up. You have to eat." Kattie did so. But when she swallowed the soup it burned her chest. She closed her eyes tight so she could handle the pain. Jack asked, "What's wrong?" Kattie opened her eyes and blew out a breath, "I think I'll wait until that soup cools down. It's too hot for my chest." Jack kissed her, "Alright. If it still hurts then tell me. I'll ask the doctor if he has anything for it." Kattie moved over, "Come on. Sit next to me." Jack did and layed back. Kattie layed her head down on his chest, "I love you." Jack put his arm around her, "I love you too. Let me know if it hurts. I don't want to cause you any pain. I really wish that you hadn't jumped in front of me. I didn't want you to get shot. I'd rather it have been me, not you." Kattie kissed his neck, "Well, you're going to have to deal with it. I'm not about to let you get hurt. Even if it meant giving up my life for you." Jack ran his fingers through her hair, "But you're pregnant. Both you and the baby are lucky. You won't always get lucky. If you won't stop putting your life on the line for me then at least promise me that you'll stop doing it until the baby is born." Kattie sighed, "Alright. But only until the baby is born. If I can stop it, you won't be getting hurt. Especially not because of me." Jack grunted, "What did I tell you? This is not your fault. None of this. What do I have to do to convince you that it's not your fault?" Kattie put her head back on his chest and closed her eyes, "Don't worry about it. Just go to sleep. I have a feeling you haven't been getting any rest. And stress isn't good for the daddy either." Jack layed down with her and a few minutes later they were asleep.
It was 7:30 in the morning when Kattie woke up. She looked at Jack who was sleeping next to her. He was sound asleep. She kissed his lips and got out of bed. She walked into the room next to her looking for the doctor. She found the doctor in there eating breakfast. When he saw her he said, "Good morning. Ms. Mannel what are you doing out of bed? You should be laying down." Kattie shook her head and sat down in front of his desk, "No. I'm fine. I was just wondering if you had any pain reliever. You see I fell asleep on my chest and now it's aching. But don't tell Jack. I don't want him to worry." The doctor replied and gave her a bottle of pills, "Of course. When ever you get pain in your chest take one of these. Don't ever take two in one day and take them six hours apart. Would you like some breakfast?" Kattie replied, "Thanks for the pills and I'll only eat some breakfast if it's not hot. I didn't eat dinner last night because it burned my chest." The doctor nodded, "Yes that will happend for a while. And I'll make sure you're breakfast isn't too hot. As you're chest heals it will go away. Don't worry. Now I really think you should get back to bed." Kattie gave him a look, "No. And if someone tells me to go lay down one more time, I'm going to scream." About a moment later Jack walked in, "Kattie. What are you doing? You should be in bed. Come on." Kattie closed her eyes and didn't budge, "If you touch me it better be to give me a hug or a kiss. Better not to take me back to bed. I love you." Jack replied, "I love you too. Did I miss something?" The doctor answered, "I've been trying to tell her to go back to her bed ever since she woke up. And she just got done saying that she was going to scream if someone told her to go lay down one more time. And you just said it." Jack laughed, "Oh. But you should." Jack stood her up and made her face him, "Come on. Please. Please go back to bed. For me? For the baby?" Kattie gave him a look, "Don't you throw that in my face. I'm fine and I can be out of bed." Jack smiled and carefully wrapped his arms around her, "Fine. But if you won't listen to me. Will you listen to your brother?" Kattie squinted her eyes at him, "You wouldn't." Jack looked up and then back at her, "I would if it meant getting you back in bed." Kattie thought about it and then replied, "You're not fair. But I don't care. Go get my brother. He can complain and try to put me back in bed all he wants, but I'm not going." Jack backed up and kissed her hand, "I'll be right back. Doctor please get some food into her while I'm gone." The doctor nodded as Jack left, "Already on that."
Jack arrived at the hotel a couple blocks from the doctor's office. He went to the front and asked, "Excuse me, I'm looking for a guy named George Mannel. What room is he in?" The woman replied, "Your highness, Let me see." The woman looked in a book at her desk, "Your highness, he's in room 14. Right down the hall. Last room on the left." Jack nodded, "Thank you." Jack followed her instructions and found a door that said "Room 14" on it. Jack knocked on it. A few moments later George opened the door, "Jack. What's the matter? Is Kattie alright?" Jack answered, "You need to come back with me to the doctor's office. She's alright but she needs to be in bed. The doctor and I have been trying all morning to convince her to go back to her bed, but she just won't listen. I was hoping that she would listen to you." George nodded, "I can get her back in bed although she's not going to like it." George left with him shutting and locking the door behind him.
Kattie was sitting in the waiting room when they arrived. Jack entered first and then George. Kattie got up and went over and kissed Jack and then gave George a hug and kiss on the cheek, "Good morning George. And don't think that you're going to get me back in bed because I'm not going." George looked at her with a firm look on her face, "Kattie. I'm your brother and I love you very much. But I'm only going to ask you once. Can you please go back to bed?" Kattie gave him a look that would kill, "No. I just told you. I'm not going back to bed. Now quit trying." George looked at Jack and then back at Kattie, "I'm sorry Kattie. But you leave me no choice." George picked her up with one arm under her legs and the other around her back, "Jack could you please get the door?" Jack replied, "Certainly." Jack opened the door while George carried Kattie in there kicking with all her might and yelling. Kattie yelled, "George you put me down right now or so help me I'm going to smack you! Put me down! Jack! Don't think I won't get you for this too! You're helping him! Put me down! I refuse to go back to bed!" George said, "I'm sorry Kattie but you need to be in bed. it's doctor's orders. And if you don't stop I'm going to have to tie your hands together. Stop hitting me." George sat her down on the bed and held her there, "Jack. Go get me some rope." Jack hesitated, "Isn't that a little too much?" George said, "Just go get me the rope. Believe me. She may be a woman but she's got some fight in her." Kattie didn't say anything she just sat there trying to get free of his grip. Jack got the rope and gave it to George. George tied her hands together and to the top of the bed, "There. Now I'm sorry Kattie but you have to stay in bed. Even if it means having your hands tied together and to the bed. Which you made me do." Jack sat next to her, "Do you really think that it is neccessary to tie her hands up?" George didn't answer but Kattie said, "You don't know my brother. He will do whatever seems neccessary to get me to do what they think is good for me. That's why I didn't want you to go and get him in the first place. Because I knew he would do something like this. George just wait until I get out of here. You are going to get it. You too Jack." Jack kissed her, "I don't think so." George laughed, "Don't underestimate her. When me and Kevin did something like this before we got it bad. When we untied her she chased us around the house with a bat. I got hit several times. And let me tell you, she hits like a Lumber Jack. It hurts to no ends. So don't think that she won't do it to you." Jack looked at Kattie, "You're one vicious woman. But I think I'll take my chances." Kattie sighed and shook her head giving Jack the darkest look she could give him, "Don't think that your charm will get you out of trouble. You two made me really mad." Jack smiled. George looked serious. He didn't want to face Kattie's fury. Not one bit.
Chapter 17: August 18th Going Back to the Castle and Facing the Consequences
Kattie's hands were still tied to the bed when George walked in. Jack walked in behind him. Kattie asked, "When do I get untied and out of here?" George answered, "Today. We just got done talking to the doctor and he said you can go home today. And Jack said that I could live in an extra room until all this is over." Kattie looked at Jack and smiled, "Well how thoughtful of him. Now I can punish both of you without having to leave. And when I get home I'm not going to bed. No, sir. So untie me." George looked at Jack, "Jack are you sure we should untie her now? She looks like a woman who wants revenge." Kattie yanked on the rope that held her tied to the bed, "George if you don't untie right now, I will find a way out of this rope and you will get it worse than you two already are. And besides I don't hold grudges. You know that. Remember what happend after I beat you with a bat? What did I do? I got stuff for you so you could rest. I did all the chores so you could rest. So get me the hell out of here!" George looked at Kattie, "Kattie. What happend to that mouth of yours? More foul words coming out of it everyday. Alright. Let's get this done and over with." Jack went over and took out a knife to cut the ropes. When Kattie's hands were free she brought them down and rubbed her wrists. Jack took her hands and kissed her hands as if to kiss the pain from the ropes away. Kattie smiled, "Oh now you want to kiss up to me. Well it isn't going to work." Jack backed up a couple of spaces next to George who had his hands behind his back preparing for their punishment. Kattie went over George and looked at him. He smiled as he looked at her waiting for her to do something. Then Kattie brought her hand up and slapped him in his face. George's head turned to the side when she did. There was a red mark where she had slapped him. George brought his face back over to look at her and rubbed his face, "Damn woman! You haven't lost your touch one bit. That hurt." Kattie smiled and kissed his cheek where she had slapped him, "Well I didn't have a bat with me. I love you." Kattie then moved over to Jack who was waiting for her to slap him in the face as well. But Kattie didn't slap him in the face. Instead, she punched him between his legs. Jack bent over immediately and yelled. He hollard so loud that George put his hands over his ears. Jack remarked, "That's not fair! He gets slapped and I get punched down there! What is it with woman hitting down there?!" Kattie brought him back up to where he was standing up. Kattie kissed him passionately, tongues swirling around in each other's mouth. When Kattie pulled back she whispered in his ear, "I'll take care of that later tonight. Don't worry." Jack closed his eyes as a chill ran down his spine. When Kattie looked over George was leaning on the wall laughing. Kattie smiled and left the room. Jack went over to George still holding himself down there, "How funny is that, huh? I get punched in the worst place ever to get punched and you're over here laughing so hard you can't even stand. I can barely walk now." George turned to him and replied, "I told you not to underestimate her fury. When her fury is locked up inside, it isn't at all pleasant when it's let out. And trust me my punishment isn't yet through. She's probably done with you because that was pretty bad, but you can never tell with her." Jack left and George followed him. They met Kattie outside who was already in the carrige waiting for them. Jack sat next to Kattie and George sat across from them. Kattie held Jack's hand, "Well let's go home. I'm tired of seeing this doctor's office." The carrige was off and they were going back to the castle.
When they arrived at the castle Kattie got out and streched her legs. Jack and George got out and stood behind her. Kattie just stood there, "It feels good to be standing after some two men had me tied to the bed to keep me there." George and Jack walked around her but Kattie tripped George. George landed on his hands and knees. He would've landed on his face if he didn't put his hands out in front of him. Kattie helped him up, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? Good. But now let's see you go sit in bed for a whole week. See how you feel then." George dusted himself off, "You're loving this aren't you?" Kattie nodded and walked inside and went straight upstairs. Jack and George followed. Kattie stopped in the hallway, "Jack. Which room will George be staying in?" Jack looked around, "How about the one next to ours?" George looked at the room. And he didn't like the fact that they shared rooms. Kattie turned and showed George to his room. George smiled and put his stuff down. Kattie and Jack left him to his new room and went into theirs. Jack shut the door behind him and went over to Kattie who was now looking out the window. Jack put his arms around her, "I love you." Kattie looked up and kissed him, "I love you too." Jack rested his chin on her shoulder when there was a knock on the door. Jack went over and answered it. It was Mr. McNight, "Sir, sorry to disturb you. But there a few angry farmers waiting for you downstairs in your office." Jack nodded, "Thank you Mr. McNight. I'll be down in a minute." Mr. McNight bowed and left. Jack went back over to Kattie, "Unfortunately, it looks like I have to go downstairs and deal with a couple of farmers. I won't be gone long. Alright." Kattie smiled and nodded. He kissed her and left leaving the door open. Kattie looked back out the window and silently cried. George saw the door open so he went right in, "Kattie." George went over to her and realized she was crying, "Hey. What's the matter? Does your chest hurt?" Kattie shook her head, "No. It's just that all this time I thought that you were dead. And now you're standing here in front of me. It's just a lot to take in after everything that has happend." George hugged her and just held her there, "I know how you feel. Sort of. When I regained consciousness I thought you were dead along with everyone else. So I went after Victor. I was going to kill him. But I heard him talking to this guy about where you were. So I decided to follow him. It's not exactly the same. But I felt over-joyed. I had hope in finding you here. And I did. After I saved Jack's life when he went after him." Kattie pulled away irritated, "Wait a second! Jack went after him? And what happend?" George knew he had just gotten Jack into trouble but he couldn't stop now, "Well I'm guessing he got angry that you got shot so he went after him at your house. And it back-fired on him. If I didn't show up when I did he would have been dead. Victor was choking him." Kattie kissed George on the cheek and went downstairs. She leaned on the wall beside the door to his office. She waited there for Jack to come out.
The farmers had came out with Jack following them. When the farmers were gone Jack went over to Kattie and went for a kiss. But Kattie turned her head. Jack was confused, "What's the matter?" Kattie looked at him with her heart thumping hard in her throat. She looked at him with a look that let him know just how ferious she was. He was about to say something but before he could Kattie slapped him. She slapped him with all her might. Jack was even more confused, "What was that for?!" Kattie replied, "Go ask George I'm going for a walk! Don't follow me!" Kattie left with her hands on her hips. Jack ran upstairs to find George standing in front of his room. Jack looked at him, "What the hell just happend? She just slapped me and walked out. She told me you knew why." George answered, "She found out about how we met. About Victor almost killing you and if I weren't there." Jack cursed under his breath, "Of course she would have to find out that." George replied, "Sorry Jack." Jack shook his head, "No. It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've told her. I should have never lied to her." George walked over to him, "You lied to her? I thought you just didn't tell her. What did you tell her?" Jack responded, "I told her that I just bumped into you and you told me your full name. But I better go get her before I get myself in more trouble." Jack ran downstairs and outside. He looked around, "Kattie! Kattie!" Jack didn't see her. He ran down the drive and got on a horse. He rode out through the town looking for her. He couldn't find her. He went back to the castle hoping that she had returned. He went up to George's room and pounded on the door. He pounded on the door until George opened the door, "Jack. What's the matter?" Jack answered out of breath, "Is Kattie here? She's no where to be found. I looked all through the town and in the castle." George got a worried look on his face, "No she's not here. I'll come with you. If Victor got a hold of her I'm going to kill him." Jack followed him downstairs, "This is all my fault. I'll never forgive myself if somethings happends to her." George and Jack got on the horse, "Don't worry about that now. Let's just go and find her." They left and looked all throughout the town and her house. They were out for hours and hours. They didn't find her. No one has seen her in the town. They finally went back when it was seven at night. They went and looked in the library. She wasn't there. George looked in his room while Jack looked in his room. He looked out his window. He saw someone laying on their back behind the castle on the ground. He couldn't see a face because it was too dark to see from a distance, but he hoped that it had been her. Jack ran to George, "George! I think I found her. There's someone laying on the ground out back. I can't tell who it is though. But who else could it be?" Jack ran outside and around to the back, George followed. When Jack got to the person he saw that it was Kattie. She wasn't sleeping, but she was in pain. Her chest was hurting. Jack picked her up and took her in up to her room. He layed her on the bed and got her pills and a glass of water. She took it and turned on her side. She faced George on one side of the bed and turned her back to Jack. Jack put his hand on her back and Kattie moved away, "Don't touch me." Jack sighed and brought his hand back, "Kattie. I'm sorry. I shouln't..." Kattie cut him off, "Please. I don't want to talk about it right now. Just please, just go away for now. Please." Jack sighed, but he left leaving her with George. Jack shut the door behind him and went to sit in his office. George sat on the bed next to her, "You know you shouldn't take it too hard on him. He didn't want you to get upset. And I would've did the same thing if I got the chance. And I believe if Jack was in the right state of mind that he would've killed him. Instead of the other way around. He loves you. I can tell. I know you love him too. But, next time at least let us know where you're going. We searched all through the town for hours. We were afraid that Victor had gotten to you. Jack was blaming himself for it. He said he wouldn't forgive himself if Victor got a hold of you." Kattie just layed there and cried silently. George sighed, "Come on Kattie. You can't stay mad at him forever. Look I'm the one telling you that you should forgive him. You know me. I wouldn't say that about anyone if I didn't mean it. Especially after everything that has happend. I didn't trust him at first. But he's earning my trust. I still need time, but I'm getting there. Look I'm going to sit here with you. But please. Forgive him." Kattie sat up and pulled her knees up to her chest, "Why? Why didn't he just tell me? Why did he go in the first place? I don't want him to get hurt. I already told him that I didn't want him to die like our family because of me." George stood up and looked down at her with a stern look on his face, "I don't ever want to hear you say that again. It is not your fault. You were getting beat and you had to get away. Now let me hear you say it's not your fault." Kattie replied, "I can't say that because it's not true." George repeated, "Say it." Kattie let out a breath and quietly said, "It's not my fault. But I only said it because you made me. It is my fault." George got angry, "Kattie! Damn it! Can't you listen for one minute! It's not your fault! It never was! He's just a bad man that you just happend to meet. That's all." Kattie got up and hugged him. She still believed that it was her own fault that her family was dead but she wasn't going to dwell on it. Kattie said, "I'm sorry. I just can't help but to think that. Why don't you go get some sleep. I'm feeling better." George asked, "Will you forgive Jack?" Kattie rolled her eyes, "I don't know. I'll think about it." George kissed her cheek and went into his room. Kattie went downstairs and walked past Jack's office to the library. She sat on the couch and brought her knees up to her chest. When she looked over to the door she saw that Jack was standing at the door way. She sucked her teeth and looked away. Jack asked, "Is your chest feeling better?" Kattie replied, "I'm fine." Jack went over and sat next to her. When he did Kattie looked the other way. Jack put his hand in her hair, "Kattie. Come on. Please let me explain." Kattie sighed and looked at him waiting for an explaination. Jack continued, "I was angry, ferious, and upset that you were shot so I went for a walk. On my walk I saw Victor sitting on the steps to your house. I lost my temper and went after him. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to upset you. I didn't want you to worry or anything. I'm sorry. I should've told you." Kattie said, "But it hurt me even more when I had to hear it from my brother and not from you." Jack began to cry at the fact that he hurt her, "I know. I'm sorry. I love you." Kattie moved closer to him, "I love you too. That's why I want you to promise me that you won't ever do that again unless you really have to." Jack nodded, "I promise." Kattie put her hands on his face and kissed him. Jack kissed her back passionately. He was upset that he had hurt her and relieved that she forgave him. Kattie got up and sat on his lap. She leaned back on him resting her head on his shoulder, "Can we please not do this again?" Jack looked down at her, "Do what again?" Kattie replied, "Argue. Not talk to each other." Jack kissed her, "No we don't ever have to do that again. And I won't make you upset with me again." Kattie smiled and closed her eyes. Jack layed down on the couch with her on top of him. That's where they slept for the night.
Chapter 18: Caught in the Fire
It was August 19th and Kattie, Jack, and George were all at the house getting Kattie's stuff. They never left Kattie alone for a second while they packed. They were with her at all times to be sure that Victor didn't try anything. Jack was upstairs in the bedroom packing her stuff that was in there, and Kattie and George were downstairs packing the little things that she had around for decoration, etc. George asked, "Where do you want go?" Kattie looked at it, "Oh just put it in the box on the right." Kattie got up and picked up a box. George went over to help her but Kattie stopped, "I got it. I think that I'm quite capable of taking this out to the carrige myself. I may be a little sore and pregnant, but I can do this." George sighed and went back to packing. Kattie continued to go outside to the carrige. When she got half way to the carrige a man came up behind her and grabbed her. Kattie dropped the box and screamed. George heard her and ran for the door. But two other men lit the house up on fire. Blocking the way for George to get out. Jack came running down, "What happend? Where's Kattie?" George answered backing away from the flames, "They got her. Victor has her. And they put the house on fire so we couldn't get out to save her." Kattie was fighting Victor and managed to get his hand off of her mouth by biting it, "Jack! George! No! You bastard! Let me go! I need to get them out!" Victor had the two other men gag and tie her. With the gag around her mouth she wasn't able to scream anymore. But she was still kicking as hard as she could, even though her legs and feet were tied together; as well as her hands. Victor told the one guy, "Hey, make yourself useful. Grab her legs. She's putting up much of a fight." The guy did as they put her in the carrige. Before the carrige pulled off Kattie looked out the window at the house that was burning down. The house where Jack and George was still in. Kattie cried as they rode off. Victor sat next to her. He put his hand on her head and she moved away as far as she could. Victor than took both his hands and pulled her over to him, "Look. I can understand that you're a little upset at the moment, but don't take it out on me. If you would've just came back with me like I said they wouldn't have had to die. Now, you're going to listen to what I say or I'm going to make you lose your baby." Kattie gasped and cried even more. Victor continued, "I'm glad you're okay. I didn't mean to shoot you. Now we will be going to this place just by the river and we can talk there. Just lay your head on my shoulder and rest." Kattie relunctantly did so. She cried all the way there.
Jack and George weren't dead like Kattie thought they were. They had escaped through the back door. When Jack and George finally got around the house they couldn't see the carrige anymore. Jack yelled, "Damn it! This is outragous! I promised I wouldn't let him take her back! I promised I would keep her safe!" George said, "Don't worry we can get her back. I know where they're going. Or most likely going. I followed him every where he went. There's this cottage just by the river where he's been staying. That's probably where he'll be taking her." Jack nodded and followed him on horses that they detached from their carrige.
Victor arrived with Kattie at a little cottage just by the river like Victor told her. Kattie stopped crying but she hadn't tried to do nothing or say anything. She would do whatever he wanted her to do. She was only thinking about one thing. Jack and George. Victor picked her up and carried her to the cottage. He put her down on a chair that he had against the wall. Victor pulled up a chair and sat in front of her, "Alone at last my darling." He touched her face, "Boy have I missed you. I know I haven't showed my love in a way that you would find it love, but I do love you. And to me, I have shown you my love for you. I've went through all this trouble to get you back in my arms again. I love you." Kattie just sat there and stared at him. She was still gaged and tied. Then Victor said, "I'm going to take the gag off. If you scream I'm going to put it back on. No one will hear you from here but you'll give me a headache." Kattie just stared at him as he removed the gag. "That's better. Now we can talk to each other." Victor kissed her. She didn't resist, but she didn't kiss back. When Victor realized that she wasn't kissing back he pulled away, "Kattie this only works if you kiss me back. Now come on. I've missed you. And went through all this trouble to get you back. Now at least reward me with a kiss." Victor leaned in and kissed her again. This time Kattie kissed him back so he didn't hurt her.
George and Jack arrived at the carrige about a hour later. Jack seen the cottage that George had been talking about. And a carrige that could've been the one that Victor took Kattie in. The men that Victor had help him were sent away. So it was only Kattie and Victor in the cottage. Jack and George got off of the horses and walked up to the carrige. They looked into the cottage and saw Kattie sitting in the chair tied up. They looked around but they didn't see Victor. So Jack went inside while George stayed outside and watched for Victor. Kattie had her head down when Jack went inside to her. Jack knelt down and lifted her head. She was asleep. Jack cut the ropes with a knife that he had on him and picked her up. He carried her outside and saw George. George looked at her, "Is she okay?" Jack shrugged as he walked to the horses, "I don't know. We'll find out when we get back to the castle." At that moment Victor tackled George from behind. Jack ran and put Kattie on the horse. After she was on the horse Jack ran back to help George. Victor was on top of George pounding on him. Jack took out his knife and slashed the side of his face and stabbed him in his side. Victor yelled and immediately got up. He ran away from Jack and George. Jack and George had no time to go after him. Jack knew that he hadn't stabbed him deep enough to kill him. If he got to a doctor or someone who knew how to stitch then he would be alright. Jack got on the horse with Kattie and rode back to the castle with George following.
Jack and George got back to the castle about a hour later. It was now 4:30. Jack told George to go get the doctor and he took Kattie inside. Jack took her up to their room and layed her on the bed. The doctor arrived a half an hour later. When he got upstairs and he went straight to examining Kattie, "Are you two always getting into trouble?" Jack got irritated but he didn't worry about it. He was only worried about Kattie. The doctor suddenly just stopped and packed his things up, "She's fine. She's just sleeping. She took some sleeping pills and she'll wake up in a couple of hours. But with the way you two keep on going and the stress she's been in, that's a good thing." The doctor left. Jack let out a breath, "Thank god. And I hope that's all he did." George agreed, "Yes me too. But we should go downstairs while she sleeps. She's safe here." Jack followed him out. They sat in the library just thinking about Kattie.
It was now 7:30 and Kattie still wasn't awake. Jack was pasing in the library, "It's been hours and she's still not awake. I'm getting worried. Did he do something else that the doctor's missing?" George was worried too, "Give it a little more time. Victor must have given her more for the trip he was planning back." Then Mr. McNight came in without knocking, "Sorry to barge in like this,sir. But Kattie's yelling something like - Where have you took me Victor? - she sounds so bad." Jack and George ran upstairs to Kattie. When they went in there Kattie had her head in her arms on her knees. Her knees were brought up to her chest. Jack sat on the bed right in front of her and put his hands on her back. Kattie lifted her head. She was already crying. She looked at both Jack and George, "Jack. George. It can't be. The fire. I saw the fire. You two were still in it." Jack replied, "We got out of the back. George knew where Victor would be taking you. And when we got there you were sleeping. We were afraid something had happend to you when you didn't wake up. But it seems that Victor had given you sleeping pills." Kattie started to cry even more and it wasn't silent anymore. She hugged Jack, "I thought you two were dead." George sat next to her and put his hand on her head. Kattie lifted up from Jack and hugged George. Kattie pulled away with a green look on her face. She jumped up off the bed and ran over to the trash can. She was having morning sickness again. Jack and George ran over to her to help her when she needed it. When she was done Kattie said, "This is what I hate about being pregnant. You get sick too much." Jack helped her back into bed. Kattie layed down and closed her eyes. George left shutting the door behind him. Jack went over and climbed on the bed right behind Kattie. They layed there together in each other's arms. They fell asleep a few minutes later.
Chapter 19: Third Trimester With a huge Tummy
Kattie was sitting on the couch in the library reading a book with her feet propped up on a foot stool. She started showing in her fourth month. But now it was May 3rd, the eigth month in her pregnancy. She was really showing now. It was like she had a big fluffy pillow under her dress. But it was only her pregnant stomach. Along with her big stomach, Kattie had devoloped mood swings. Anything could make her mad and anything could make her upset. It was something Kattie really hated. She couldn't wait until the baby was out of her and everything was back to normal. The last time Kattie saw the doctor he had told her to stay off her feet as much as possible. He said that it wouldn't be too long until the big day came for the baby to come out. Kattie was sitting there reading when Jack walked in and sat next to her, "Hey honey. What are you reading?" Kattie put the book beside her and replied, " 'Politics, Laws, and Politics'. It's not all that good." Jack put his hand on her stomach and kissed it as if kissing the baby. When he came back up Kattie asked, "Where's my kiss?" Jack smiled and leaned over to her, "Right here." Jack kissed her passionately. Kattie put her hands on his face as if he was going to pull away. They stayed there for a moment and then Jack pulled back. Kattie didn't want him to stop. But she didn't say nothing. Jack got up and held out his hand, "Come on. The night stars are out and I want to take you to our spot. Kattie took his hand, "But I can't get down on the ground and expect to get back up without anyone help me." Jack smiled, "You won't have to sit on the ground. I have chairs out there for us." Kattie smiled and followed him as he led her around to the back of the castle. When Jack got around there with Kattie he stopped and faced her, "Before we sit down I want to talk to you." Jack looked up at the stars and Kattie did the same. After a moment Jack looked back down at Kattie and met her eyes, "I brought you out here to do a special thing. That I'm nervous about doing. And I've never been nervous about being with someone like I am with you. Which is a good thing. Because you bring out the way I feel whether I want them two or not. And I love you. Very much. The moment I met you I thought I saw an angel fall from heaven. And after you showed me this spot I knew it was true. The time we've been together have been hectic and the time of my life." Jack paused and Kattie wanted to cry because she felt the same way. But she wasn't nearly prepared for what he was going to do next. Jack took her left hand and kissed it, "I know that you're fully healed from the gun-shot wound, but when I think about what could've happend to you it tears me to peices." Jack knelt to the ground on one knee still holding her left hand. Kattie began to silently cry because she now knew where he was going. And she wanted him to. Jack smiled and pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket. He let go of her hand and put it on the box he didn't open the box yet. He continued, "Well, Kattie. I can't ever imagine a life without you. I can't have a life without you." Jack opened the box to a ring with a diamond not big but a decent size. Kattie thought that was good because she didn't want a big diamond on her ring. Jack continued, "Kattie, Will you marry me?" Kattie covered her face with her hands crying in joy. Jack got a little scared that she was going to say no but he didn't let that stop him. Kattie finally stopped crying and stood him up, "Jack. I love you very much. Yes. Yes I will marry you." Jack smiled with relief and happiness. Kattie held her left hand out for him to put the ring on her finger. Jack put the ring on her finger and held her hands in his. Jack smiled and gently wipped the tears away from her face. Kattie lifted her head up. Jack bent his head and kissed her tenderly. Kattie then put her arms around his neck and just stood there kissing him. Kattie pulled back and looked at him without saying anything. Then all of a sudden Kattie jumped and held her side. Jack put his hands on her stomach, "What's the matter? Is it time?" Kattie laughed, "No. The baby just kicked me. Here put your hand right here." Kattie moved his hand to where she said it was. Jack waited to feel something. Then a moment went by and Jack felt the baby kick. Jack smiled, "It kicked. I felt the baby kick. I was never able to feel it kick before." Kattie laughed at his excitement. Jack bent down and kissed her stomach, "I love you baby." Jack stood up and put his arms around her, "I love you." Kattie kissed him. As they were kissing Kattie's leg's started to give in on her. Jack realized that she was going down and caught her, "Kattie are you alright? Here sit down." Jack took her over to the chair and sat her down. Kattie replied, "I'm fine. I'm just tired. I think I'll just rest out here for a moment. Well, since I'm going to be sitting out for a while. Could you go get George and send him out here with a blanket so I can ask him what we talked about?" Jack asked, "Are you sure you're alright?" Kattie nodded. Jack kissed her, "Alright. I'll go send him out here." Jack went upstairs and grabbed a blanket from the closet. Then he knocked on the door to George's room. George opened the door, "Hey Jack." Jack handed him the blanket, "Kattie wants you to take that blanket out back to her." "Alright." George left and went around. When George got around to Kattie he opened the blanket up and layed it on her kissing her on her cheek. Kattie cuddled up in the blanket, "Sit down. George." George asked, "Kattie is something wrong?" Kattie rolled her eyes, "No. Just sit down I want to talk to you." George sat down but he was sitting on the edge of his chair. Kattie began, "Alright me and Jack talked it over. And we want you to move in here with us. For good." George smiled, "I don't know Kattie. I don't want to be intruding in on your privacy. I mean I do because I'm your over-protective brother, but I'm not going to pry. And I don't want to do that." Kattie looked at him, "Are you listening in on our conversations? Are you spying on us?" George laughed and shook his head, "No! God no!" Kattie smiled, "Then you're not prying. And you're definitely not intruding. I want you to move in with us. Your the last living relative that I have and I want you to be close to me. You don't have to stay here with me forever, but at least stay here for a while if you're not going to move in. Please?" George smiled, "I'll move in with you. And it'll be good to be able to see my nephew or niece everyday, along with my sister and her boyfriend that I approve of." Kattie smiled, "Well, I'm glad that you approve. Because there's something I need to tell you." Kattie brought her hand out and showed him her ring, "He propsed to me just now and I said yes." George was shocked, "I'm happy for you. And it suprises me a little bit. I never seen you as a woman to settle down and get married." Kattie cast him a glance that questioned him. Kattie asked, "George can you please help my fat penguin body upstairs? I'm feeling really tired." George got up as Kattie put the blanket behind her, "Will you stop calling yourself a fat penguin?" George helped her to her feet and slowly walked her around to the front. Kattie answered, "Well look at me. I'm fat. And I waddle just like a penguin. I've never in my life been forced to eat so much. And never have I been fat." George sighed, "I'm actually starting to think that that's a good thing. Before you looked a little too thin to me." Kattie grunted. As they got to the front steps Kattie went down and sat on the ground. George kneeled down to her, "Kattie. Are you okay? What's the matter?" Kattie closed her eyes and didn't answer. George looked at her and was worried, "Kattie!" Kattie suddenly opened her eyes, "George. Can you please go get Jack? I'm extremely tired and I can't move a muscle." George nodded and ran as fast as he could upstairs to Jack. When he got to Jack's room he pounded on the door. Jack opened the door, "George what's wrong?" George shrugged, "I don't know. It's Kattie. She's sitting on the ground out front. She closed her eyes and wouldn't answer me. I had to yell her name for her to answer me and open her eyes. And I was right in front of her." Jack ran past George and George followed him out front to Kattie. When they got out there Kattie was laying on the ground with her eyes closed. Jack knelt down to her and put his hands on her face, "Kattie! Kattie!" Kattie opened her eyes, "Jack. I can't get up. I can't move. Can you help me into my room?" At that moment Kattie closed her eyes and she was unconscious. Jack went behind her and grabbed her under her arms. George immediately without having to be told grabbed her feet and helped him carry her to their room. They placed her on the bed. George said, "I'll go get the doctor." George ran out and rode out to the doctor while Jack sat next to Kattie holding her hand. Jack was tapping his foot on the floor scared. He wanted to know what was wrong.
Thirty minutes later George came running up with the doctor. The doctor checked for any signs of what could be complications. He was relieved when he found out the results. He went over to Jack and George, who were standing over by the wall waiting for an explaination. The doctor explained, "Jack. Do you have an extra room that I could stay in for a couple days until she gives birth?" Jack answered, "Yeah of course. Doctor, what's wrong with her?" The doctor answered, "She's extremely exhausted. She can't be on her feet from now on for any reason at all. This is just a sign that the baby is going to be coming within the next two days or so. And when it dies it's important that I'd be here. We can't afford to waste any time going to get me and bring me here." George asked, "Doctor, what are you saying? What exactly is wrong with her?" The doctor sighed, "I don't know for sure. This could also be a sign that there's going to be some complication during birth. Complications that might kill the baby, and possibly Kattie." Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at Kattie who was laying there sleeping lifelessly. He couldn't stand to see her like that at the moment so he walked out. He went outside and stood there. George showed the doctor to a room next to his bedroom. George went downstairs and stood at the door way. He didn't know what he was going to say to make him feel better. But he had to try so he walked over to him, "She's going to be okay. I know my sister. She's a fighter. She won't give up." Jack had his hands in his pockets. He turned over to George and George saw the tears that stained his face. Jack replied, "I know she's a fighter. But she's been through a lot. She's been shot in the chest and survived it. And the baby survived it too. But for how long? She can't keep holding on forever. What if this is the last straw? What if this one takes her? I can't deal with that. And then losing my baby as well." George looked up at him, "I know and your right. But the time that she's going to let go is when she's a old woman and has your kid. And is married to you. It won't be now. I know that. I have to believe in that." Jack nodded, "I know your right. I'm trying to believe that. But I'm just scared." George replied, "I'm scared to." Jack left George out there and went upstairs to Kattie. George went into the library where Kattie always sat and thought about things. Jack pulled a chair over to the side of the bed next to Kattie. He sat there and watched her. He couldn't help but to be afraid for the worst. He just sat there and thought back to all they've been through together. He asked himself the question why? Why was this happending to her after everything that she's been through? Why couldn't she be happy for now on? Why?
Two hours went by and Jack fell asleep in the chair. It was 11:30 at night. Kattie finally woke up and looked around. She slowly sat up and put her legs on the floor. She saw Jack sleeping in the chair. She didn't want to wake him but she saw the dried up lines where tears once were. She had to find out what happend. She shook his leg a little bit. Not hard but enough to wake him up. Jack opened his eyes and saw her sitting up. He sat up in his chair, "Kattie. Your awake." Kattie asked, "What happend?" Jack got up and tried to lay her down, "Kattie you need to lay down." Kattie refused, "No. Not until you tell me what's wrong. What happend?" Jack sat down and put his head in his hands. Kattie said, "Jack. What's wrong? I've never seen you like this. Tell me. What's wrong?" Jack looked up at her, "Kattie. I'm sorry. But you had passed out outside. We got the doctor and he found possible complications. He's staying in one of the extra rooms until you give birth. He said that there's a possibility that you and the baby might die." Kattie held her stomach, "My baby? What? Are you telling me that I might lose my baby?" Jack nodded and hugged her. Kattie buried her face in his shoulder and held him. She cried and said, "Jack. What am I going to do? I can't lose the baby. My baby can't die. I'm not ready to lose my baby." Jack pulled back and held her shoulders. He said softly, "Now you listen to me Kattie. You are not going to lose the baby. You are not going to die. Don't worry. That's not going to happend. Just lay down and get some rest. Okay? I'm going to go let George know you woke up." Kattie kissed him and layed down. Jack covered her up and went downstairs. He sat in a chair in front of George. George saw the tears in his eyes, "Are you alright?" Jack looked at him, "I just had to tell Kattie that she might lose her baby and her life. So no, I'm not. She just woke up but I made her go back to sleep." George put his head in his hands, "That's the worst thing in the world. Having to tell someone you love that they might die and lose their child." Jack asked George, "Why? Why can't she just live a normal and healthy life after everything she's been through? Why can't fate just leave it at that? Enough has been taken away from her, why this?" George looked at Jack, "I don't know. And I couldn't agree with you more. She deserves to live a healthy life with you and the baby. I ask myself the same question and never once have I gotten the answer." Jack got up, "Get some sleep. You're going to want to spend time with her tomarrow. She get out of bed and she's going to want to see you." George agreed and went to his room. Jack did the same. She layed there on his back next to Kattie. He stared up at the ceiling for hours. He couldn't get to sleep when he was thinking about Kattie and the baby. It was 1:30 in the morning when Jack finally fell asleep.
Chapter 20: She Won't Talk
It was now May 4th and Kattie woke up at 5:30 in the morning. Jack was still sleeping next to her. She sat up and looked at him. His hair was in his face so she gently pushed his hair out of his face. Jack stirred a little but he didn't wake up. Kattie sighed and just sat there. A hour later Jack woke up and saw her sitting up next to him. He sat up next to her and held her hand, "Good morning baby." Kattie smiled and looked at him. Jack kissed her and she kissed him back passionately. Jack said, "I love you." Kattie smiled and hugged him leaning on him. Jack realized that she didn't say a word to responses that needed her to talk since he woke up, "Kattie, what's the matter? Why can't you talk?" Kattie just layed there and didn't say anything. Jack started to get up, "I'm going to go get the doctor." As he went to get up Kattie pulled him back down. Jack looked at her and she just shook her head. Jack finally realized what was happending. She was depressed. So she didn't want to talk. He understood what she was doing. And why. She couldn't handle the possibility of losing her baby.
At eight o'clock Jack went downstairs to get some breakfast for the two of them. When he went into the kitchen he saw George and the doctor eating. Jack sat at the table across from George and next to the doctor. The doctor asked, "How's Kattie?" Jack replied, "Well I had to tell her everything last night. And she couldn't take it. Last night was the last time I heard her voice. Today I asked her a few questions but she won't talk. She'll motion to me the answer but she won't speak." George was shocked, "What? She won't talk? But she has to. If she gets a contraction how are we to know? Besides her screaming in pain." The doctor replied, "That's exactly how. When she screams in pain then that's how you know. And you know that sometimes contractions can feel like really bad kicks. So she wouldn't know that she was going into labor until her water broke." Jack sighed, "I have to get breakfast for her so I'll talk to you two later." Jack got the breakfast for the two of them and went upstairs to her. When he went into the room Kattie was sleeping. Jack put her breakfast on the end table and nudged her arm softly to wake her up. Kattie woke up and smiled at him. Jack kissed her, "Sorry to wake you up. But your breakfast will get cold." Jack went togive her the plate but Kattie didn't take it. She shook her head from side to side and moved the plate away with her one hand. Jack insisted, "Kattie. You have to eat. Your pregnant. You need to keep your strength up. Kattie looked away and stared out the window. The reason why she didn't want to eat is because she felt sick but she wouldn't talk. At that moment Jack put the plate back down on the end table and went downstairs to get the doctor. When he went into the kitchen George was talking to the doctor. He interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt but it's about Kattie. She won't eat." George got up and followed the doctor and Jack to her room. The doctor sat beside her, "Kattie. I need you to eat. It's important for you and the baby." Kattie shook her head and continued to stare out the window. The doctor said, "Kattie. I need you to talk to me. Why won't you eat?" Kattie didn't answer. The doctor continued, "Does it hurt?" Kattie nodded. The doctor asked, "Can you show me where it hurts?" Kattie moved her hands to her lower sides. The doctor sighed, "That's what I hoped for." Jack asked, "What is it?" The doctor looked at the two of them, "If she's having pain there it's contractions. She's getting really close to having the baby." Jack tensed up. He was excited and also scared for their lives. He didn't want them to die or get hurt. George asked, "Is that a good thing with everything that's going on?" The doctor nodded, "The sooner it comes, the better chance I'll have to be able to save them. Just hopefully the contractions don't take too long. Let me know if anything changes." The doctor left. Jack sat in the chair next to Kattie and held her hand. George sat on the other side. At times Kattie squeezed Jack's hand tightened her fave up a bit to bare the pain. Jack felt so bad. He could tell that she was in pain even though she didn't cry or scream and there was nothing he could do. George felt the same way.
It was about 4:30 in the afternoon when the contractions stopped and Kattie fell asleep. Jack went to the doctor, "How come the contractions stopped but her water didn't break?" The doctor replied, "I don't know. It's just the way contractions work sometimes." George came in and asked, "So what's the story?" Jack answered, "The doctor said it's just the way contractions work sometimes." A moment after he said that Kattie screamed. All three of them ran in to find her standing by the side of the bed. When they looked down there was a puddle of water on the floor. Her water broke. The doctor, Jack, and George all rushed over to get her back in bed. Jack asked, "Kattie what were you doing out of bed." Kattie shrugged. The doctor answered for her, "Sometimes when the water needs somewhere to go the woman gets an urge to stand up. And that's when her water broke. Now Jack, George. I need you to go out and wait in the hallway while I deliver the baby." Kattie looked at them as they walked out and yelled, "Why can't Jack stay?! I want Jack to stay!" Jack turned around and went to her side. He held her hand, "I'm right here baby. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." The doctor complained, "I can see that I'm not going to get you to go out in the hallway. Fine but George you have to go. I can't have too many people in here while I'm trying to deliver this baby. George went outside.
George pased outside in the hallway. Back and forth. From one end to the other. All he heard was Kattie screaming and maybe a few lines that the doctor was saying. He waited for hours until Kattie fell silent and he could hear Jack crying. He was frightened. Had Kattie died? Had the baby died? What happend? He had to find out. He went to the door, "Hey. What's happending? What's wrong? I can hear you crying." Jack came out with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, "I wasn't crying. I was laughing. Kattie's fine. The baby's fine. Kattie is sleeping right now and I have a new baby girl! I have a girl!" George smiled, "Can I see her?" Jack replied, "The doctor sent me out. He said that he didn't want people around the baby right now. When the baby came out the cord was around her throat. But the doctor was able to get around that." George said, "Well, come on. Describe to me what she looks like." Jack continued, "She's got my hair color and full head of it too. But she has Kattie's eyes amd mouth. Other than the hair she looks just like her mother." George patted Jack on the back and smiled, "Congratulations. After you two get married you'll be the happiest guy in the world." Jack replied, "I'm already the happiest guy in the world. I'm engaged to the greatest woman in the world. And even there the doctor said there might be complications, I have a healthy baby girl and Kattie's alive and healthy. Victor's gone. What more could I want?" George replied, "How about Victor dead?" Jack nodded, "True I do want him dead. But as long as he's staying away and Kattie's finally safe, then I'm happy. I'm going to go chasing after trouble." George said, "I know. But for some reason I don't think that we've gotten rid of him yet. It's either he's planning something big or he's given up. And it's not like him to give up bad guy or not." Jack replied, "Maybe we scared him off or got the point accross to him that he's not getting her back." George shrugged, "I hope so. But after all that's happend I'm not putting my guard down yet. It's been months but I just have a feeling. And don't worry I won't dwell on it around Kattie. That's the last thing she needs." Jack nodded, "I'm going to go get some work done in the office. Let me know if anything happends." George nodded as he went into his room and read his book.
Kattie woke up at 7:30 at night. There was no one in the room but her. She got up out of bed and looked around. Kattie didn't even see her new born baby girl. Kattie wanted to see her baby. She left the room and knocked on George's door. Nobody answered. So Kattie went downstairs. She was still a little tired but she didn't care. She walked to Jack's office slowly and knocked on the door. Jack said, "Come on in." Kattie opened the door and leaned on the wall. Jack was sitting at his desk and George was sitting in front of the desk where she once sat. When they saw her they both rushed over to her. Jack put his arm around her, "You're supposed to be in bed." Kattie leaned on him and closed her eyes, "But I wanted to see the baby. Where is she?" George answered, "The doctor has her in his room at the moment. He didn't want to wake you because you obviously need some sleep." Kattie opened her eyes and looked at him, "I don't need to go back to sleep. I'm only a little tired, but that's all." Kattie leaned her head on Jack's chest and looked up at him, "Do you think that I need some sleep?" Jack smiled and nodded, "Yes I do. And that's why I'm going to take you back up there now." Kattie kissed him, "I knew you would say that. I don't feel like refusing so I'll go but I want to hold my baby first. And I want the baby in my room." Jack picked her up and carried her upstairs. Kattie layed her head on his chest and closed her eyes, "I love you." Jack kissed her forehead, "I love you too." Kattie didn't realize just how tired she was. By the time Jack got to the top of the steps, Kattie was asleep. George, who had followed him upstairs, looked at Kattie and laughed quietly, "Looks like she was more tired than she said she was." Jack nodded as he headed for their room. Jack layed her down on the bed gently and covered her up. George went and got the baby. He brought her in the little crib they had for her. He set it down softly at the foot of the bed and left shutting the door behind him. Jack was waiting out in the hall for him. George asked, "What do you plan on naming her?"Jack thought about it for a moment, "I don't know. I was thinking about naming her Kattie but her mother said no. So now I'm thinking about Anna. But it's pronounced like Onya." George nodded, "That's a good name." Jack and George went back downstairs in his office and went back to work.
Eleven o'clock came by real quick. Jack looked at his pocket-watch, "Oh man. It's eleven. Time goes by real fast. Time for me to turn in." Jack and George went up to their room. When Jack went into the room Kattie kneeling on the floor by the baby's side. She was smiling at the baby. Jack went over to Kattie and bent over her shoulder smiling, "What's her mother doing out of bed?" Kattie replied, "I'm fine. I'm not tired like I was before. She's so small. She looks just like you. She's going to be having the guys chasing after her." Jack stood Kattie up and turned her around in his arms, "Well she should she's just like you. Thanks for giving me a beautiful baby girl." Kattie smiled and kissed him. Jack kissed her back but knew that she would have to go back to bed. They couldn't just stay there. Kattie pulled back and went over to the bed. She layed down and Jack layed next to her. Jack put his arm around her. His arm was around her stomach and it was hurting a little bit so she move his arm down on her hip, "Still a little sore." Jack kissed the back of her head, "Sorry. Goodnight." Kattie and Jack were asleep in a matter of minutes.
In the middle of the night at around four Kattie was having a dream. A dream she wouldn't have wanted to have. She walked into her bedroom to feed the baby and she wasn't in her crib. She looked around the room and saw Victor holding her baby. When she saw Victor holding her baby she woke up sweating and breathing heavily. She didn't scream but she did sit up quickly when she woke up. She went over to the crib and found her baby laying there sleeping soundly. Kattie let out a breath. She looked up at Jack; he was still sleeping. Kattie was relieved that it was only a dream and that she didn't wake up Jack from her dream. Kattie went over to the side of the bed and sat on the floor leaning against the wall. She brought her knees up to her chest and put her arms on her knees resting her chin on her arms. She didn't want to go back to sleep. And she couldn't, she was thinking too much about her dream. She definitely didn't want that dream to come true. About 15 minutes went by when Jack realized that there was no one laying next to him. He woke up and looked around and didn't see her. He got out of bed and walked around to the baby. He saw that she was sleeping soundly and continued for the door. But he saw that Kattie was sitting on the floor by the wall and he went over to her. Jack knelt in front of her and brought her head up. He seen tears in her eyes, "Kattie. What's wrong? What are you doing on the floor?" Kattie wipped the tears away from her face, "Nothing I'm fine." Jack replied, "You're not fine. You were just crying and you're on the floor." Kattie looked away, "I don't want to talk about it. But I'm fine now. Go back to bed." Jack sighed, "Alright I'll stop asking for now. I'll find out in the morning. Come on." Kattie asked, "Come on?" Jack stood her up, "Yeah. Come on let's go back to bed." Kattie shook her head, "No. I can't go back to bed." Jack asked, "Why? Did you have another nightmare?" Kattie looked at him and a tear ran down her face. Kattie didn't say nothing. She just hugged him. She didn't cry loudly but she cried. Jack held her in his arms, "Hey. Talk to me. Tell me what happend." Kattie replied softly, "He took her. Victor took my baby. And there was nothing I could do to stop him." Jack closed his eyes, "Where was I?" Kattie shrugged her shoulders, "You weren't there. You were gone. And I was left alone with him. And no matter how much I tried to get her back I couldn't." Jack said, "Well, don't worry. It was only a dream. And I'll always be here. He won't even get close to the castle yet alone to you or the baby. But you can't stay up all night. You need your sleep." Kattie pulled away, "I can't go back to sleep. I'm staying up." Jack brushed her hair out of her face with his fingers, "Alright. Just give me a call." Jack layed back in bed and Kattie sat up in the bed next to her. She stared at the crib, at her baby.
Kattie fell asleep sitting up. When Jack woke up at seven he layed er down so she wasn't so uncomfortable. Then he went over to the baby. She was laying there awake. She wasn't crying at all. She just layed there. He picked her up and hugged her. He gently rocked her in his arms. He kissed her on her forehead and went downstairs. He got a bottle and fed her. She ate it fast and she finished every drop. Her skin was soft like every baby's skin. Jack burped her and took her back upstairs. He layed her in her crib and watched her as she went back to sleep. Kattie wasn't sleeping as soundly as the baby did though. Jack went over to her. She was twisting and turning in bed. The look on her face was a look of fear. Jack couldn't stand to see her like that. He knelt down and gently moved her arm back and forth. When he did Kattie sat up breathing heavily. She looked around and saw Jack. She plopped back down on her pillow, "Jack. Why am I having these nightmares?" Jack combed her hair with his fingers and looked into her eyes, "I don't know baby. I mean he's been gone. He hasn't been back ever since he kidnapped you and I stabbed him and cut his face. I don't know why he keeps coming back in your dreams. I'll tell you what. I'll talk to the doctor about it and see what he can do for it. Okay?" Kattie nodded and got up, "How's the baby?" Jack held Kattie in his arms, "She's sleeping like a baby." Kattie asked, "Does she need to be fed?" Jack answered, "I just fed her and burped her, and layed her down, covered her up, and now she's sleeping." Kattie smiled and kissed him. At that moment Jack just realized that she was shacking a little bit. He pulled back, "Kattie. You're shaking." Kattie looked at her arms and hands, "Oh. I didn't even realize. I guess it's just the nightmare. It scared me to death when I saw him holding our baby and leaving with her." Jack hugged her, "Well, you need to relax. It's extremely bad when you're shaking over a nightmare. It's not good for you. Especially after just giving birth." Kattie looked away at the baby, "I can't take these dreams. They're going to drive me crazy." Jack put his arm around her and led her downstairs, "Come on. Let's go get some breakfast." Kattie nodded, "Okay."
When Kattie and Jack arrived in the kitchen the doctor and George were already in the kitchen eating. Kattie had stopped shaking and sat in front of George. Jack got their breakfast and they started to eat. Jack asked George, "So how was your night?" George answered, "Jolly. A new niece is nothing but great news. So Kattie how was your night? How long did the new baby keep you up?" Kattie looked up at him. She wasn't mad at him, but she was mad at the dream she had had. Kattie got up. As she walked out she said, "I can't do this. I'll be sitting outside" When she was gone George looked at Jack, "What was that all about?" Jack sighed and answered, "She had this dream where Victor came back and took her baby. And then she went back to sleep she had it again. She didn't get much sleep last night." George sighed, "Doc. Is there anything you could give her to stop those dreams?" The doctor shook his head, "Sorry no. Dreams are apart of what you're feeling. In Kattie's case, she's dreaming about her inner fears. There's no medicine that can stop that." Jack sighed. George got up and walked outside to Kattie. She was sitting on the front steps. She was just looking out to the road and the grass. Whatever that was in front of her. George sat next to her, "Sorry." Kattie answered, "For what I'm fine." George continued, "Jack told me about the dream you had twice last night." Kattie just acted as if there was nothing wrong, "Alright. So the dream frightened me. But it's no big deal. It's just a dream." George put his arm around her, "Kattie. I understand that you don't want to talk about it, but it's bothering you. And when something bother's you you have to talk about. It sometimes helps." Kattie replied, "Bothering me. Everything's bothering me. Everything he did, everything I feel as if he's going to do, everyone we've lost. I just can't take all that. Victor has been gone for months and still I can't stop being afraid that he's lurking around every corner just waiting to get me back, and this time I feel as if he's going to try to take my baby as well." George could agree with her there. He too felt as if Victor was still here and planning to take her back once more. And if they weren't careful, he would get her. They needn't forgert that he's not dead and that he's determined. For him, those two qualities put together can only lead to dangerous things. George broke the silence, "Kattie come on back inside. Please. I didn't know what happend until after you left and I had already said what I said." Kattie responded, "You didn't do nothing wrong. I'm not mad at you. And I'm just going to stay out here for a moment longer. You go inside I want to be alone." George kissed her forehead and got up, "Alright. I love you sis." George went inside and up to his room. When he went upstairs he saw Jack holding the baby. Jack asked, "Is Kattie still outside?" George kissed the baby's head and answered, "Yes but she said she wants to be left alone for a little while." Jack answered, "Thanks." Jack went outside and sat next to Kattie. Kattie got up and walked around to the back of the castle. Jack followed, "Kattie come on. I know you want to be alone but I thought that you would want to see your baby. We still have to name her you know." Kattie replied, "You name her, I'll help you with that later, but right now I would like to be alone. Thank you." Jack continued to follow her. They stopped when they were out back and they both sat down on the ground. The baby started crying. Jack rocked her in his arms trying to calm her down. But she wouldn't stop crying. Jack looked at Kattie, "I think she needs a mother's touch." Kattie took the baby and cradled her in her arms. The baby stopped crying a moment later. Kattie smiled and looked at Jack, "Men truely are hopeless. They can't get the baby to stop crying so they hand them over to the mother." Jack smiled and kissed her, "You think I'm hopeless?" Kattie shook her head, "No you're not hopeless. But you just did what all fathers do when the baby's crying. I love you." Jack replied, "I love you. Now lets go inside, I think the baby needs her diaper changed." Jack got up and helped Kattie up. They walked back around and went upstairs. Kattie changed her diaper and layed her down for a nap. Kattie layed down as well. Jack kissed her and left. Kattie fell asleep a few minutes later. She was really tired. She would have to deal with the dream if it came back again. Kattie fell asleep and about 15 minutes later Kattie had the same dream again.
Chapter 21: What Happends in the Dream
Kattie was walking with Jack in the hallway up to their room. They were returning from a ball that they had attended. They were laughing and kissing, until they got up to the room. When they got to the room they both stopped in their tracks. When they both looked into the room they seen someone standing over the baby. The light was on and they saw it was Victor. Victor was smiling at Kattie. Kattie looked at Jack, "Jack. Get him away from the baby." Jack looked at her and shook his head, "I'm sorry baby. I can't handle him this time. You're on your own." Jack walked away and Kattie yelled, "Jack! Don't leave me alone! She's your baby too!" Kattie stopped and turned back around to Victor who was still smiling at her. It was as if he controled everything that had happend. Kattie looked from him to the baby. Victor then picked up the baby. Kattie went over to him, "Put her down! Leave her alone! She's just a baby! Leave her alone!" Victor pushed Kattie and she fell to the floor. Kattie sat up to her elbows and tried to get up, but it was as if her legs were paralized. Victor put the baby down and went over to Kattie. Kattie tried to move away but she couldn't. Victor got down to the floor and kissed her on her neck. He continued to kiss her on her neck and whispered, "I'm going to make you sorry that you left me. We could've been happy together. I would've raised her as my own. I still will. But you are coming back with me this time. I'll keep you happy. Unlike that prince who just left you to someone he thought would hurt you and the baby. I won't ever leave." Kattie cried, "Please Victor! Stop! Stop! I don't love you! Leave me and my baby alone!" Victor stopped and stood up, "Fine. But you'll want me later. 'Cause you'll want something that I have." Victor looked at the baby, "Or someone." Kattie tried to get up but she couldn't, "Victor you leave her alone! No! Don't you touch her!" Victor picked up the baby and walked towards the wall. As he walked towards the wall he disappeared. When he disappeared Kattie was able to get up. She ran to the empty crib and screamed. She fell to the ground screaming. Her heart was broken. Her love had abandoned her and Victor took her child. She felt as if her life was over.
Chapter 22: Waking Up From The Terrible Nightmare
Kattie was still asleep when she stood up screaming. When she did Jack and George came running upstairs to her. When Jack came in Kattie was standing beside the bed with her eyes closed tight and her hands gripped in her hair pratically pulling her hair out. Jack went over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. Kattie was screaming, "Jack don't leave me! No! Victor leave me alone! Don't touch her! Leave my baby alone! No!" Jack shook her a little bit to wake her up, "Kattie! Wake up! It's only a dream!" Kattie then popped her eyes open and looked around. She saw Jack holding her and George standing right beside him looking at her. Kattie breathed heavily crying and sat down to the floor. Jack kneeled down sitting on his knees, "Kattie. it was only a dream." Kattie said, "You left me alone with him. He took our daughter. And I couldn't get her back. Jack don't leave me." Jack hugged her, "I'm not ever going to leave you. I'm not going anywhere. And Victor's not coming back. He won't get our baby." George said, "I'll take care of the baby. I'll leave you two in here to talk." Jack nodded. George picked up the crying baby and left shutting the door behind him. Jack pulled back and made her look at him, "Kattie. I will never leave you. I need you to know that. I won't ever leave you or our daughter. I love you." Kattie replied, "I know that and I love you too. It's just the dream scared me. That's all i'm fine now." Kattie wiped the tears away from her face and stood up. Jack stood up and looked at her, "You're not fine. This nightmare scared you and that matters. It matters to you and it matters to me." Kattie looked at him, "Jack. I'm fine okay. I'm just not going to sleep so I won't have the nightmare again." Kattie kissed Jack and left the room. She went to the library and sat on the couch. Jack stood in the room and sighed. He went into George's room. The baby was sleeping on the bed and George was sitting in the chair next to the bed. George got up when he walked in, "Is she alright?" Jack shook his head, "No. She's not okay. And she won't let me help her. And now she's saying that she won't go to sleep anymore. At all. How's the baby?" George answered, "She's asleep. Kattie will get over it. She always does. She's strong. She won't let this get in her way." Jack sat on the side if the bed and looked at his daughter, "I hope you're right."
The baby was hungry and Jack was feeding her. Kattie was still in the library reading a book. George went into the library and sat next to Kattie. Kattie put her book down and smiled, "So brother, what brings you down here to the library?" George answered, "Your dream. Kattie..." Kattie cut him off, "George I don't want to talk about it. I'm fine. The dreams over. I'm fine." George grabbed her hand and held it in both of his, "Kattie. Now just listen. You need to let him help you." Kattie frowned and raised her voice a little bit, "How can he help me huh? He can't help me. No one can. What's he going to do tell my dreams to go away and just expect them to?" George replied keeping his voice down, "How can he help you if you don't let him? Look. You've been through a lot. I know. I know better than anyone else what you've been through. Because I'm gone through pain too. Not as much as you but I still got a little taste of it. And yes it hurts. But I have to keep myself together. I need to protect you. I love you. You're my sister. You and the baby are my family. It hurts to see you like this. And the only way that you're going to get through this is if you let him help you. You can't get past this alone. Please let him help you. Let us help you. We need you to get past this." Kattie replied, "I don't need any help George. Like I said, I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get some fresh air." Kattie stood up and went to leave but George went over to her and grabbed her hand bringing her around to him, "Kattie. Come on. Look at yourself. You're not like yourself. You're irritable. I came down here to help you and you raise your voice at me. Kattie I love you dearly. I'm just trying to help you. Please let him help you." Kattie looked away and continued walking out. George was suprised. Kattie was never like this before. George went upstairs to Jack and the baby. Jack was burping the baby when he went in there, "Hey George. This one burps a lot." George smiled, "Jack. I think Kattie's finally letting the reality of what happend to her sink in. She's not like herself. She's trying to hide it by getting an attitude with everyone. I just went down there to talk to her about it and she stormed out of here. She said she had to get some fresh air." Jack kissed the baby's head and layed her down in her crib, "Maybe it's about time. I mean think about it. Yes she's been emotional and upset about everything that has happend. Maybe now she can really get the anger out of her. It's never good when someone holds all their anger inside of them and never lets it out. She needs to get it out. Just don't get mad with her. She doesn't mean it." George replied, "Oh I know that. It's just not her. That's all. She's probably out front sitting on the front steps if you want to talk to her. I'll watch the baby." Jack nodded and went downstairs. He went outside and went around to the back 'cause Kattie wasn't there. When he got around to the back he saw Kattie sitting on the ground crying. He went over and sat next to her. When Kattie seen him she cleared her throat and wipped away her tears, "Damn pebbles. Wind blew them right in my eyes." Jack put his arm around her, "No need to hide your feelings Kattie. Besides I saw you crying before you saw me sitting here." Kattie replied, "Well I'm fine now." Jack took a deep breath, "No you're not. You've been holding in your true anger and pain about everything that's happend and now you have to let it out. But you're trying to hide it. That's probably why you're having these dreams. Your body's giving you them to make you so mad that you'll finally let it all out." Kattie blew out a breath, "I'm not angry. I'm serious. I'm not angry." "Kattie. I know you better than that. And even if I were a stranger I could tell that you were angry." Jack told her. Kattie got up and walked a couple steps away, "I wish everyone would stop trying to tell me that I'm not okay when I'm fine!" Jack got up and walked behind her, "See. You're raising your voice at me and I'm trying to help you." Kattie replied, "Because everyone thinks that they know how I feel. But I'm telling you I'm fine!" Jack put his arms around her, "We're not trying to act like we know how you're feeling. But we know when something's wrong." Kattie hugged her arms around his, "You say that you're not trying to act like you know how I feel, then why do you keep on telling me that I'm not fine?! And if something's wrong then let me figure it out!" "Because we want to help you. I want to help you. You're not alone in this. Please let me help you." Kattie moved away and turned to him, "I'm fine! I don't need you're help! I don't need yours, not Geroges help, not anybody's help! I'm fine!" Jack moved closer to her but she backed up. Jack started raising his voice but not in anger, but in pleading, "Kattie. Please. Stop trying to hide your feelings from me. I'm stupid and I'm not blind. I can see it in your eyes that it's bothering you. But you won't let it out and you won't let me help you. Please." Kattie shook her head and walked away, "I'm fine! I don't want...I don't need your help!" Jack grabbed her arm but Kattie yanked her arm back and continued walking, "Leave me alone! I don't want to be bothered with it anymore!" Jack stopped, "Kattie!" Jack was hurt. He didn't want to ever have an arguement with her. He wasn't mad at her, he just wish that they hadn't argued. Jack went back to the castle and went upstairs. By the time Jack got upstairs tears were coming down his face. He walked into the room and saw George holding the baby. She was quiet and just laying there. George looked up at Jack and saw the tears, "Jack. What happend?" Jack answered putting his hands in his pocket and leaning against the wall, "Kattie got mad and started yelling at me. I pleaded with her and did everything I could to convince her but she just got mad. I'm not mad at her but how can I help her if she won't even let herself realize that she's hurting? I can't help her." George layed the baby down and walked past Jack patting him on the back as he went by reassuring him that everything's going to be okay. Jack sat where George was and watched the baby.
It was 4:30 and Jack was feeding the baby. George was walking past the door when he heard this loud smashing noise and small hollars coming from outside. The hollars were so quiet that George was suprised that he heard them. George frowned and went outside. When he did he stopped in his tracks. Kattie had a bat and was smashing a couple of barrels that were out on the porch. George went over to her and grabbed the bat as she was about to swing again, "Kattie. What are you doing?" Kattie was crying. She let go of the bat and just stood there crying. George put the bat down on the ground and pulled her away from the broken barrels. Kattie started crying histerically. George hugged her historically, "Kattie. Kattie. It's alright. It's about time you let your anger out, although I don't think that that was even half of it. You only opened the bottle a little bit. But that's good. One step at a time. Now will you let us help you?" Kattie cried, "You can't help me. Nothing can get me through this. He killed everyone in my family because of me. And I know you and Jack think otherwise, but it's true. And then he tried killing Jack and you. He won't leave you alone until he has me. And I don't want you getting hurt because of me." George pulled away, "Kattie. It's not your fault. The man is just out of control. There was nothing that you could've done. Nothing. And I'm glad that you got away from him. You needed to get away. If you didn't then you would've been dead." Kattie interrupted before he could say anymore, "One life. My life. Not no one else's. And it was more than just one. It was all of them. Every last one. Except for you." George replied, "But it wasn't your fault. And I know that you will one day realize that. But let us help you." Kattie wipped away her tears and hugged him, "I'm sorry for jumping at you earlier. I didn't mean it." George chuckled, "Don't fret about it. Now why don't you go talk to Jack. You two haven't talked since the arguement. Every time that he tried to talk to you you left the room." Kattie shook her head, "I can't." George asked, "Why not? You can't go on forever not speaking with him." Kattie replied, "I can't. I yelled at him earlier for no reason so I wouldn't blame him if he hates me now." George laughed, "Kattie! Kattie! Jack doesn't hate you. He loves you and I can see that. After the little arguement he came upstairs with tears in his eyes. But not because he was angry with you. He was hurt because you wouldn't let him help you. Now go talk to him. Don't you love him?" Kattie's face grew grim, "Of course I love him. With all my heart. You know that. You don't even have t ask that." Damn it. Would she jump in front of a bullet when she's pregnant if she didn't love him? Kattie was suprised he had the nerve to ask her that. George replied, "Then go and talk to him." Kattie nodded, "Alright. I love you." George walked back inside with her. George went into the library while Kattie went upstairs. She went into the room where she thought he would be in, but it was only the baby sleeping soundly in her crib. Kattie left and went downstairs. She saw Mr. McNight. She asked him if he had saw Jack and he told her that he's in his office. Kattie went and knocked on the door. Jack called for her to come in. Kattie let a tear come out and run down her eyes. She took a moment before opening the door. Then she opened the door slowly and shut it behind her as she walked towards the desk. Jack stood up immediately when he saw her. He met her at the front of his desk. He put his hand on her shoulder, "Can we talk now?" Kattie replied, "Jack I am so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you earlier. I was ignoring and holding in what I was feeling." Jack smiled, "Will you let me help you now?" Kattie hugged him, "I don't know how you can help me with this. Oh and I destroyed your barrels that were outside on the porch. I let some of my anger out and smashed them with a bat." Jack chuckled, "That's okay. They're just barrels. And I'm here for you. I will find a way to help you. I love you." Kattie pulled her head back and he bent down and kissed her. Kattie loved him so dearly and was exhilerated that he wasn't mad at her. She felt as if she would die if he didn't forgive her. Kattie hugged him and loved how he held her. Jack just stood there holding her in his arms. Jack said, "How about we talk about what we are going to name our daughter. It's been a couple days now since sh'es been born and we haven't got a clue. I was thinking Kattie?" Kattie smiled and shook her head, "No." Jack rolled his eyes, "That's what I thought, so I thought that we could name her Anna, but pronounced as Onya. What do you think?" Kattie kissed him, "I think that's perfect and it's got a little ring to it." "Alright now that we've gotten that down, why don't we go to dinner?" Jack asked. Kattie nodded, "Okay. Does Anna need to be fed or anything?" Jack shook his head, "Nope. I took care of all of that. She's sleeping soundly up in her crib." Kattie smiled and they went to dinner.
It was going on ten and George was sitting in Jack's office with Kattie and Jack. They were chatting away about everything that they had to tell that would make them have laughs. When George looked at the clock he realized how late it was, "Oh my god. It's ten o'clock. Time really goes by fast. Jack agrees, "Yes it does. We need to go to bed and get some sleep." As George and Jack were leaving they realized that Kattie was still sitting at the desk. Jack asked, "Kattie are you coming?" Kattie shook her head, "No. I told you earlier that I'm not going to sleep." George went over to her and stood her up, "Come on. Kattie you can't mean it." "Yes I do. I'm not going to sleep until I'm sure that I'm not going to have the dream again." Jack walked over to her and put his arm around her. He started walking with her leading her to out to the stairs. George followed on the other side of Kattie. Jack said, "Kattie. You're going to bed. You can't stay up all night. You need to sleep." Kattie stopped, "No! I won't! I won't go to bed!" George reminded her in a warning voice, "Kattie don't make us do what we had to do at the doctor's office again." Kattie looked at him, "The hell you will. I am not going through that again." Jack replied, "Then you'll go to bed." Kattie looked at him, "Alright. Alright. You want to be like that. Fine. But see the next time we have 'fun' together." Kattie emphasized the word fun letting Jack know what she meant. Jack laughed as they walked upstairs, "You wouldn't be able to do that. 'Cause then you'd be out of 'fun' as well." Kattie smiled, "I think I can handle it." "I hardly doubt that." Jack retorted. George was grossed out, "Will you guys keep that talk to yourselves. I don't need to hear anything about your little 'fun' life. It's so sick to her that from my sister." Kattie burst out laughing, "Wow. George. You really need to find a woman." Jack held back a laugh about the way the two of them were going at it. But he wouldn't be able to hold it in for long if they kept going at it. George left them as he went into his own room. Kattie and Jack went into their own shutting the door behind them. Jack went over to her and kissed her neck. Kattie pulled away, "No what did I say to you downstairs? It's time to go to bed." Jack groaned, "You're cruel." Kattie smiled as she changed into her night clothes, "I'm not cruel. I can be punishing just as I can be rewarding." Kattie layed in bed and Jack layed next to her, "I think I like the rewarding side of you better." Kattie layed on her back and Jack leaned over hovering like a bird over her body. He kissed her. Kattie kissed him back moving her hands up to his chest. She thought that maybe this would keep her awake through the night, besides she wanted to do it. Jack pulled up and lifted his night shirt off over his head and got fully undressed. Kattie did the same. When they were finished Kattie layed down on her back again and Jack hovered over her kissing her. He cupped his hand around her breasts and circled his thumb around her nipple. Kattie wrapped her arms around him caressing his back as she kissed him passionately. He then moved away from her lips, "I thought that you weren't going to do this?" Kattie smiled, "Don't make me change my mind." Jack smiled, "I'll make it to where you don't ever want to stop." Kattie incouraged him and dared him to try, "Oh really? Prove it." Jack took the challenge to the full. He kissed her and then moved down kissing her body as he did. He kissed her neck, her breasts, her stomach, her hips, and her legs. Kattie tensed up waiting to see what he would do next. Jack opened her legs and kissed her legs where the legs connected to her hips. Then Jack moved to her womanhood and kissed her there. With every move of his tongue Kattie moaned and closed her eyes. She couldn't move. She was paralized to the bed. Her eyelids were to heavy to keep open. Maybe she had been wrong. Maybe this would make her fall asleep.At the moment she didn't care. She was feeling good. Jack looked up at her to see her response. Her eyes were closed. She felt his gaze on her but had no strength to look back at him. Jack was pleased that she was feeling good as he continued to taste her. He tasted her and concluded that she tasted like strawberries. And he loved every moment of it. After a while Jack stopped and worked his way back up to her breasts. He kissed and then moved back up to her lips. He kissed her and she kissed him back, but Jack knew that he had made her weak with pleasure. That her strength was giving way. Jack lunged into her going in and out making her moan. He moaned as well. They both kept their voices down as low as they could so they didn't wake Anna. Jack and Kattie rode each other for the next hour. Then they both had absolutely no strength left so Jack pulled out and layed next to her. Except Kattie didn't curl up into his arms like she usually did. He was curious why but he was too tired to ask. Kattie layed there tired and relaxed. She watched him as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. When Kattie was certain that he was asleep, she gathered her clothes and quietly got dressed. Kattie left the room shutting the door behind him without making so much as a squeek. She went downstairs to the library and read a book to keep her awake. But the words became to blurry to read. She was so tired. She didn't know how she was going to do it, but she was staying up. She wasn't about to let herself have the dream again. She got up and went into the kitchen. Kattie got a cup of the strongest coffee they had and drank it down without taking a break. Her mouth burned with the heat from it but she ignored it. She waited about fifthteen minutes but she didn't feel awake enough to trust that she wouldn't accidently fall asleep. So Kattie got another cup of coffee and drank it. She drank cup after cup until there was no more coffee for her to drink. After all that coffee Kattie was feeling energetic but she couldn't make much noise or else she'd risk waking somebody up. She didn't want to be rude and, most importantly, she didn't want them to make her go back to bed. So she tapped her foot on the floor. When she got tired of that she tapped her fingers on the table. When she got tired of that she got up and walked from one end of the kitchen to the other. That seemed to keep calm more than anything else. So that's what she did.
Jack rolled over expecting to land on Kattie a bit, but she wasn't there. He felt that she wasn't there and woke up. Jack looked around and still he didn't see her. He thought for a second and then looked at his pocket watch on the end table. It was only 5:30. Too early for Kattie to be up for the day. "She didn't. I'm going to get her." Jack said to herself as he got dressed. He went downstairs and looked in the library, she wasn't there. He looked in his office, she wasn't there. So he looked in the kitchen and saw Kattie pasing back and forth. When Kattie turned back around she stopped and asked in a hyper tone, "What time is it?" Jack frowned, "5:30. Too early for anyone to be up. Were you up all this time?" Kattie looked around as if to hide the fact, "I might have been. But I had to. And I drank lots of coffee to keep me awake. That's my solution. I'll drink coffee to stay awake. I won't ever have to sleep again." Jack looked at the table and saw an empty cup and an empty coffee pot. That would explain why she was so hyper. Jack went over to her, "Come on. You're going to bed. We'll talk about this in the morning." Kattie pulled back, "I'm not going back to sleep. I'm not having that dream again. Besides, with all the coffee I drank I couldn't get to sleep even if I wanted to." Jack knew she was right. She drank all that coffee and now she was too awake to sleep. There was no way that she would. He decided to let her go. The remedy called coffee would go away and she would be tired during the day. He'd make her sleep then. Jack said, "Alright you can stay up now. But you will get some sleep." Jack went back to bed as Kattie continued to pase the kitchen floor. Back and forth. From side to side. One end to another. Wall to wall. Again and again. It was boring her but she had to do something to occupy her time.
Morning came soon enough. It was eight in the morning when everyone got up. Since the doctor has been away and Kattie wasn't in danger anymore everyone was sleeping better, except for Kattie of course. George and Jack went down to the kitchen to find Kattie drinking a cup of coffee. Jack frowned and took the cup away from her, "What did I tell you? No more coffee." George asked curious, "Why?" Jack answered still looking at Kattie, "Because she wanted to wait until I was asleep to come down here and drink coffee all night to keep herslf awake. She drank an entire pot to herself and god knows how much she drank after I went back to bed. I told her she was going to get some sleep. One way or another. The coffee will give out and she'll be even more tired than she would be if she hadn't drank it." George sat beside Kattie and just looked at her. Kattie looked at him, "What? Don't look at me like that." George's voice sounded irritated, "Kattie. Staying awake won't help you. It'll only make you more tired. Why won't you listen to us?" Kattie got up and went to the library without saying a word. Jack sat in front of George, "I can't wait until this is all over. I hate to see her like this." George agreed, "Me too." Jack and George ate breakfast while Kattie was reading a book. After breakfast was over Jack went into the library to find Kattie sitting on the couch tired. She was almost falling asleep when he came in. Jack took her book, put it aside, and put his hand out for her to take it, "Kattie. Come on. You're going to bed." Kattie took his hand and stood up, "But I'm fine. I don't want to go to sleep." That was a lie. She wanted to go to sleep more than anything at the moment. Jack picked her up and headed for the stairs, "You're going to sleep. I'm going to sit in there with you and make sure you do." Kattie would've tried to stop him from putting her to bed but she was too tired. When Jack got upstairs and into their room he set her on the bed. Kattie stood up, "Come on. I don't want to sleep. I can't have the dream again." Jack layed her down in the bed and covered her up, "You're going to bed. I'll be here don't worry. If I see you having a bad dream I'll wake you up." Kattie could go with that. She looked up at him, "Promise?" Jack kissed her, "I promise. Now go to sleep." Jack pulled a chair to the side of the bed next to Kattie and sat down. He watched her as she layed in bed. She fell asleep immediately. Jack watched her every breath. Every movement of her chest as she breathed. Jack wondered why she had to go through all of this. She didn't do nothing to desere it. She was innocent. He knew that she wasn't a regular girl but she wasn't a con or anything. Jack didn't understand any of it. All he understood was that he loved her and he had to get her through this. He had to help her to forget about it. Not really forget, because she won't ever forget it, but to move on past this. He thought about it for the next two, three, four hours. It was now twelve in the afternoon and Kattie was still asleep. Jack was still sitting in the chair watching her every move. Kattie started to stir. Jack got out of the chair and kneeled next to her by the bed, prepared to wake her up if it started to look like she was having the dream. But Kattie was smiling. Jack smiled knowing that she wasn't having that dream, but he wondered what she was dreaming about. He would ask her when she woke up. As he was watching her her smile slowly turned into a frown. And a tear ran down her cheek. Jack waited a moment to think. Kattie started to toss around in bed. She moved her feet back and forth on the bed. She squeezed her hands into fists. Jack shook her lightly waking her up. Kattie opened her eyes and looked at Jack. She sat up and leaned on Jack's shoulder hugging him. Jack asked, "What happend this time? You were smiling at first, but then you cried." Kattie pulled away and wiped her face with her sleeve, "Nothing. I'm fine now. I don't want to talk about it." Jack put his hands on her face and she looked at him. Jack said, "Kattie. Tell me. What happen? I know it was something different. I could tell. And you would've told me that it was the same dream. But you didn't." Kattie looked down and replied, "It was the same dream as the last one." Jack put his forehead against hers and held her hands, "Kattie. Don't lie to me. I can tell that it wasn't the same dream." "I know. But I just don't feel like talking about it with you right now. Please not now." Jack nodded, "Okay. Alright. But you will tell me?" Kattie nodded and stood up, "Yes. I'll tell you." Kattie walked over to Anna and picked her up. She felt her bottom, "She needs a diaper change." Jack asked, "Want me to do it?" Kattie shook her head and layed her on the bed, "No. I got it. You do it too much for me." Jack put his hand on her head and kissed her forehead, "That's because I love you. I'd do anything for you. Whether I wanted to or not." Kattie smiled and changed Anna's diaper. When Kattie was done changing her diaper she picked her up and just held her, "She looks just like you. She's going to be a charm when she grows up." Jack walked beside her, "The only me I see in her is her hair. The rest is you. Which I think is perfect." Kattie kissed him and replied, "Jack stop flattering me. She looks like you and you know it." Jack shook his head,"I can't stop saying what's true. Besides, I will always try my best to flatter you." Kattie laughed, "Try? You never fail." Jack held her and the baby in his arms gently, careful not to squish the baby, "Well, I'm glad that I've succeeded. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Kattie kissed him, "Well, then you're a very happy guy. Because I am more than happy here with you." Kattie pulled away and layed the baby down in her crib.Jack came behind her and put his arms around her, "I love you." Jack kissed her neck. Kattie smiled and closed her eyes, "Jack stop." Jack whispered, "Why? Doesn't it feel good?" Kattie laughed, "Of course it does. You're making me weak in the knees. But I'm saving it for tonight." Jack kissed her neck one last time, "Alright. I love you." Kattie turned around and kissed him, "I love you too. I'm going to go read my book and why don't you go get done whatever work you have to do so we can have the rest of the day to ourselves?" Jack nodded and Kattie left. Kattie went to the library and read her book.
Before Jack went to his office he went and knocked on George's door. He opened it and let him in immediately. George asked, "So did Kattie get some sleep?" Jack nodded, "Yes, but she had a dream. And that's what I want to talk to you about. This dream was different then the others and she won't tell me." George asked, "Do you want me to try to find out for you?" Jack looked at him, "Would you?" George nodded, "Where is she right now?" Jack answered, "She's in the library reading her book. Thank you so much. I'll be in my office when you find out." George and Jack left the room. Jack went into the office and George went into the library. He put his hand out for Kattie to take it. Kattie took his hand andstood up, "I slept don't worry." George walked with her and took her outside, "I know you went to sleep. Jack told me about that." George and Kattie were outside and they just kept on walking slowly. George asked, "So did you have any dreams? What was it about?" Kattie stopped and looked at him, "Did Jack send you out here to ask me it so that you could tell him? He honestly couldn't wait until I was ready to tell him?" George replied, "Kattie. We both know that he would have to keep asking you about it for you to tell him since you don't want to tell him. And he cares about you. He's worried about you." Kattie sighed, "I know. I know. But I can't tell him about the dream." George said, "Then tell me. You have to tell someone. I won't tell him. It can just be between you and me." George was lying. But for a good reason. Jack had to know what it was about. He loved her. Kattie went back and sat on the steps. George sat on the steps beside her. Kattie put her head in her hands. George rubbed her back, "Hey. Come on. Talk to me. What happend in the dream?" Kattie sat up and looked at him, "It started out as a good dream. I wasn't worried that it would turn into something that I know would never happend. But yet it still scares me. Me and Jack were together in our room. We weren't doing nothing we were just kissing. But then something made him angry. And he hit me. Jack hit me just like Victor did. And I know he would never do that. But still it scares me. I don't want to be scared. It was just a dream that shows nothing of what Jack is. And I have no clue why my dream would show me that." George grabbed her hand, "I know why. You're scared of getting hurt again. Your heart was hurt before and now your heart is afraid of being broken again. You're afraid that the guy who healed your heart will just break it again. And I can understand why you would feel that way. And so will he. I know hwe will. He won't be upset with you. He loves you too much. The onl thing that he'll do is reassure you that he won't hurt you." Kattie replied, "I'm just scared. I don't want to walk in the same path I walked before. I love him so much. And I already know that he won't ever hurt me. I don't know why I'm still scared." George answered, "Because you thought that you could trust Victor. But you couldn't. And you think you can trust Jack. And you can." Kattie interrupted before he could say anymore, "I know I can trust Jack. Alright I don't want to talk about this anymore. Remember, don't tell Jack." George shook his head, "I won't. You go back inside and read your book or whatever." Kattie kissed him on the cheek and went back inside. George waited a while after she went in to go in. He stood outside of Jack's office and thought about how he would tell him. Then he knocked and went inside.
Jack stood and walked around his desk and sat on the end of the desk. George sat down in the chair in front of his desk. Nobody said anything for a moment or two. But then Jack asked, "Well, did she tell you?" George nodded and looked at him. Jack asked, "What happend?" "Are you want to hear this? It's not what you'd expect it to be. She was even suprised at what the dream brought to her attention. At what her dream showed her she was afraid of." George warned him. Jack tensed up, "What happend? I need to know." George continued, "Victor wasn't in her dream at all. It was just you and her. You two were kissing and something made you mad. She doesn't know what made you mad. All she knows was that you were mad at her. You hit her. Just like Victor did." Jack was shocked. A tear came running down his cheek, "I would never do that. If I'm mad at her or not, I'd never do that." George replied, "She knows that. But she still fears another broken heart. She had trusted Victor. And although she doesn't care to admit it, she did indeed fall in love with Victor. She doesn't love him no more but she did at one point. And that's what's scaring her. She's so in love with you that she's afraid that she's walking the same path that led to what Victor did. She trusts you. she loves you. And she didn't want to tell you because she knew that you are nothing like that. She didn't want to hurt your feelings." Jack wipped his tears away from his face, "I understand why she's scared. I just have to reassure her that I won't hurt her. Is she still in the library?" George nodded, "Yes. i'll be upstairs in my room if you need me." They both left. George went upstairs and Jack went into the library. Kattie was reading her book on the couch. Jack walked over and stood in front of her. He softly said, "Kattie. We have to talk." Kattie put the book on the table next to her. She had a feeling that George had lied to her and told him about her dream. Kattie asked, "About what?" "About your dream." Jack replied. Kattie shook her head and looked away, "Not now. I don't want to talk about it." Jack sighed, "George told me everything. I already know." Kattie looked at him with tears in her eyes. She stood up, "I told him not to tell you. He promised." Kattie went to leave to yell at George but Jack stopped her, "Kattie. I'm glad he did. I asked him to tell me. We need to talk now. I need you to know that I won't ever hurt you." Kattie looked him in the eyes and knew he was telling the truth. She didn't doubt him. She didn't think that he would. She was scared though because of what happend between her and Victor. Jack continued, "You're scared because you loved Victor and he betrayed you." Kattie's voice got stern and she looked away, "I don't love that crazy bastard. I despise him." Jack continued, "The reason why someone hates someone so much is because they were able to get so close and touch the person's heart. He touched your heart and then he betrayed you and made you hurt. I can see that. George could see it. He was there when you were with him. Stop denying the fact that you did, in fact, once love him." Kattie looked at him and softened her face, "That was long time ago. I don't want to dwell on that anymore. I love you. Not him. Jack replied, "I know that. But you're scared of going down that road again. I won't hurt you." Kattie hugged him, "I know. But why does it still scare me? I know you won't hurt me. I know that you're nothing like that." "You've been through a really bad time. I understand why you feel the way you do. And I'm not upset with you." Kattie chuckled, George said that you wouldn't be upset and that you'd understand." Jack said, "Don't be mad at George. He wanted to help you. That's all." Kattie shook her head, "I'm not mad. Well, maybe just a little bit because he lied to me. But other than that, I'n not mad. I'm going to go talk to him now. Okay? I love you." Jack bent his head down and kissed her, "I love you too. He's in his room." Kattie left and went upstairs to George's room. She didn't even knock. She went right in and when she did George stood up and walked over to her, "Kattie. I know you're mad at me for telling but let me explain..." Kattie interrupted him, "Don't even think about explaining it to me." George stopped and put his hands in his pockets. He knew what was coming. A good slap in the face. Kattie looked at him in the in the eyes, "I love you." Kattie hugged him, "Thank you." George replied, "I love you too. And your welcome?" George was suprised. He thought that he was in for it, but yet she hugged him. Kattie pulled back, "Thanks for telling him for me. Even though I told you not to. You've lifted a little bit of the weight off my shoulders." George straightened up and itched his head, "I thought I was in for it. Thought I was in trouble." Kattie laughed at that and then turned her face to look at him sternly, "You're not in trouble this time. But please don't do it again. Oh and even though it's true, don't say anything about me loving Victor. I don't want to remember that." George was confused, did she just use present tense? Did she still love him? George asked, "Kattie. Did I just hear correctly? Did you just say that you love him still?" Kattie sighed and answered, "I don't love 'him'. I fell in love with what he used to be. You have to remember, he wasn't always a monster. But I'm trying to get over that and forget it. Don't tell Jack. He doesn't need to know that. That he wouldn't understand." George looked at Kattie, "I understand. I think he would." Kattie looked at him and walked towards him, "If Jack finds out then you will be in trouble. This is something that's unneccessary to tell him. And I won't make you feel better." George put his hands up as if to surrender, "Alright. I won't tell. But he would understand." Kattie hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you." Kattie left and went into her bedroom. She sat on her bed and put her head in her hands holding her ears. She felt like someone was yelling at her right in her ears. Her head was pounding with a terrible headache. Her emotions were all mixed up. She didn't want to feel anything for Victor. Not anymore. She definitely didn't love who he was now. She just felt something for the guy he used to be or pretended to be. But all of her mixed emotion made her head throb. George walked out to go downstairs and seen the door open. He looked in and saw Kattie sitting there. He went in and kneeled down in front of her, "Kattie what's wrong?" Kattie's eyes were shut and she whispered, "My head's throbbing and it feels as if someone's yelling in my ear at the same time." "Well come on. Let's see if Jack has any medicine in the castle for a headache." George said and tried to stand her up but she refused. Kattie whispered, "No. I can't move. It hurts. If I just stay here I'll be fine." George got up and went downstairs to Jack's office. He went right in and Jack stood behind his desk, "Ah, George. Kattie didn't give you..." George cut him off, "No, she didn't give me a hard time. Do you have any medicine for major headaches? Kattie's head is throbbing and she won't come downstairs. She says it hurts." Jack nodded and got some from his desk, "Get a glass of water. I'll take these up to her." George did so and followed Jack up to the room where Kattie was holding her head. Jack kneeled down in front of her, "Kattie. Take these." Kattie whispered, "Shhh! And thank you." Kattie took the pills and drank some water that George gave her down with them. Jack moved Kattie's hair out of her face and whispered, "Lay down here. Take a nap. When you get up the headache should be gone." Kattie didn't move at first but she did in a moment. Jack covered her up and left with George. "Man. How she'd get the headache?" George knew why. He looked past him and thought about what Kattie had told him. He couldn't tell him. Jack knew that he knew something, "George. What do you know?" George looked at him and shook his head, "Nothing. I don't know nothing." George tried to go into his room but Jack grabbed his arm, "George. What made her have a terrible headache?" George looked at the door where Kattie was sleeping and sighed, "Come in here and I'll tell you. But you're going to get me in serious trouble with Kattie." Jack followed him in paying no attention to the last thing he had said. Jack sat at the table by the wall on the other side of the bed. George sat across from Jack. George hesitated on telling Jack Kattie's little secret. Jack insisted that he'd go on and tell him, "George. Tell me. Don't worry about what Kattie's going to do. I need to know what's causing it. If I don't know what's causing it I can't help her get rid of the headaches." George chuckled, "I'm afraid with this niether you or me can help her with. I think her emotions are getting all mixed up. And not just because of her dream. Well, she still feels something for Victor." Jack was confused, "She made it very clear to me downstairs that she didn't love him anymore." George raised his eye brows, "She still loves him. She doesn't love what he has became. He wasn't always like he is now. She may not have told you, but she almost married him. He had propsed to her and she said yes. That's when everything changed. He started to get controling and abused her when she didn't do what he wanted her to do. She loves you to death, but there's still something there. And she'll never go back to him so don't worry. That's why she had the dream that she had. Everything changed after she said yes. And now she has said yes to you. She's scared." Jack went into a deep stare at the floor and didn't say nothing. He hadn't realized how serious their relationship was until now. She almost married him. She almost married Victor. Jack couldn't ever picture Victor being nice and a gentleman, but he had to have been for Kattie to say yes to his proposal. George asked, "Jack. Are you okay?" Jack looked at him, "Yes I'm fine. I just can't picture Victor ever being nice enough for Kattie to agree to marry him. Or even nice at all. I never realized how serious it was between them. I knew they had something but not something so serious as marrige." George nodded, "And it made it so much harder for her to get past it. And so much harder for her to handle it now. Don't be upset with her about it. She won't ever go back to him. She doesn't love who he is now. She just have feelings for him because of who he used to be. Pretended to be." Jack shook his head, "Of course not. I'm not upset with her. I'm just starting to understand it more clearly." George nodded. It did make things more clear for him. Now all he had to do was confront her about it and make it clear to her that he would never change. Jack walked out and went into his office. George read his book in his room.
About 5:30 Kattie woke up. Her headache was gone. She got up and went over to the crib where Anna lay sleeping. Kattie smiled and left. It seemed that Jack or George has been taking care of the baby while she slept. Kattie went into George's room. When George saw her he stood and walked over to her, "How's your head?" Kattie smiled, "Better. Thank you." George thought it would be better to tell her himself that he had told Jack about her secret now and suffer the consequences, than to have Jack talk to her and then she get mad at him then. George smiled, "Good. And Jack knows why you've gotten that terrible headache." Kattie frowned, "George. What did you tell him? Tell me everything that you told him." George hesitated, "He knows how serious you were with Victor and he know about your feelings for him." George stood there and waited for her to do something. Kattie's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. Why? Why had he told her secrets to him? She told him not to. Kattie raised her voice but not too loud so she didn't wake up the baby, "Why the hell did you tell him?! I told you not to!" George answered, "He made me tell him. He could tell that I knew something of why you had gotten that headache and he wanted me to tell him so he could try to help you. Anyways, he deserves to know." Kattie snapped at him, "Yes he does! But it was unneccessary for you to tell him! I didn't want him to know!" George was about to say something but Kattie slapped him in the face. She hit him so hard that his cheek felt numb. Numb and stinging. The cheek she hit was as red as a cherry. Kattie turned around and walked out slamming the door shut. George sat on his bed and rubbed his cheek. Kattie went downstairs and seen Jack at the bottom of the steps. "Is your head better?" Jack asked when he saw her. Kattie walked past him, "Not anymore." Jack followed her outside, "Kattie what's wrong? Does it still hurt?" Kattie replied, "No. And could you please stop following me. I wish to be alone. I need to think." Jack grabbed her arm and swung her around gently, "George told me about everything." Kattie's frown grew and she looked away, "Yeah, I know. Now leave me alone. I need to be alone." Jack looked at her, stared at her. Kattie felt his gaze and tried not to meet it, but Kattie couldn't resist it. She met his gaze and tried to read what he was thinking, what he was feeling, what he was feeling about how she felt. But she couldn't see nothing in his eyes. She felt as if he might understand, but she didn't want him to know because she didn't know how he's react to it. Jack finally said, "We're going to talk. I'll leave you alone for now. But some time today. We're going to talk." Kattie swallowed, "Alright." Kattie turned and walked around to the back, to their spot. Jack went back inside and just sat in his office. He didn't do no work. He sat there thinking. Kattie was just sitting there thinking as well. How could her George, her brother, do that to her? How could he lie to her on a matter that was none of his concern. He had nothing to do with if she told Jack that or not. That was a life before him. A life before she met him. And she definitely didn't want him to know that she still had feelings for the creep. Would she lose him? Would he leave her because she hid that from him? Because she still loved him. Because she still loved who he used to be? Kattie cried silently. She would never forgive George for telling him. For lying to her. And if she did lose him, she would do all she could to make George miserable. If she had to be miserable, so would he. She would be nothing without Jack. She loved him. She wanted him. She needed him. Kattie was out there for about an hour. She went inside at 6:30. When she walked in the castle George was sitting on the stairs. She stopped when she saw him and then continued walking. George ran over to her and stopped her, "Kattie. Look I'm sorry." Kattie cut him off, "I don't care if you're sorry. It's too late for that now. The damage is already done. I'm not speaking with you. And let me tell you this, if he leaves me you are going to be as miserable as I will be if he does." With that said Kattie walked around him and on to Jack's office. When she opened the door she looked around, but she didn't see him. She shut the door and headed for the library. Jack was sitting on the couch where she always sat when she walked in. She went over and sat next to him. Jack sat up and turned to her, "Are you ready to talk?" Kattie looked down and fiddled around with her finger. She nodded, "Yes." Jack could tell that she was afraid of what he might think of her now that he knew her secrets. He moved closer to her and grabbed her hands. She looked up and saw his eyes on hers, "I'm sorry. Are you going to leave me?" Jack's eyes widened and he wanted to drop his jaw, but that would be too much. Jack replied, "Kattie. Kattie. I'm not ever going to leave you. I understand that you still love and care for who Victor was pretending to be." Kattie felt relief run through her. She said, "I love you. Not him. The only reason why I still have feelings for him is because..." Kattie paused. She didn't want to admit that their relationship was deeply serious. It hurt too much. Jack finished the sentence she didn't want to finish, "because it was so serious." Kattie looked at him, "No. It wasn't that serious." Kattie got up and walked away a few steps. Jack walked over to her and turned her around to him, "Kattie. Stop trying to hide from me how serious it was. Marrige is serious." Kattie corrected, "No. Our marrige is serious. The engagement that I had with him was nothing." "You want it to be nothing. But the fact is, it was something. Something that means a lot to you. Why are you trying to deny that it was serious?" Kattie answered, "Because I don't want to feel nothing for him. I hate the fact that I still, after everything that has happend, have feelings for him. I hate that he was apart of my life. I hate the fact that I will never forget him. I don't want this to affect our relationship. And it is. I don't want him to ruin my happiness with you. And he is." Jack replied, "Yes, it's affecting us. But it's not tearing us apart. We love each other. Nothing and nobody could get between that. I just need to make you see that I'm not going to change who I am. George told me that that was when everything changed. But I'm not going to change like he did. The only change that you'll see in me is happiness. I will be overjoyed that I'm marrying you and that we have a beautiful little girl together." Kattie closed her eyes and rested her her head on Jack's chest. He wrapped his arms around her, "I love you. And I'm not upset with you. I understand." Kattie held her hands together around his waist, "I love you too." Afte a moment Jack pulled back, "Come on. Let's go eat dinner." Kattie wipped her eyes and walked with him. When they entered the kitchen George was sitting at the table eating. George glanced at Kattie trying to see her expression towards him, but she acted as if he wasn't even there. Kattie sat in front to the left of George. Jack sat next to him. George tried to get Kattie to talk to him, "Kattie. Is your head alright?" Kattie ignored him and looked away. Jack looked at her, "Kattie. George is talking to you." Kattie replied, "I know. I heard him." "Well aren't you going to answer him?" Kattie shook her head and took a drink of water, "Nope." George got up and left. Jack was getting upset, "What's the matter with you? Why aren't you talking to him?" Kattie didn't want to answer him but she did, "Because he lied to me and got into my personal life. He put his nose into my personal life after he promised not to." Jack stood up and walked over to her standing her up, "Kattie. He didn't hurt nothing. I'm not upset with you. I'm not leaving you. I'm staying right here with you. Why be angry with him? He's your brother." Kattie didn't have an answer for him. She was still ferious with him. But she couldn't put it in words. Kattie looked away. "Why do you still have to be so angry with him?" Jack asked again. He didn't raise his voice but he was getting a little irritated. Kattie went to leave the kitchen but Jack grabbed her arm, "Kattie. Why can't you just put it aside and move on? He's your brother." Kattie retrieved her arm back, "I can't put it in words but I'm still ferious with him. I'll get over it but just not now." Jack stared at her for a moment and then walked back to the table. Kattie left and went into the library and looked out the window. George walked in and stood behind her with his hands in his pockets, "How did it go between you and Jack?" Kattie didn't answer. She just stood there. George nodded and turned around, "Okay. You still don't want to talk that's fine. You know where to find me if you want to talk." Kattie sighed and turned around, "George. Wait." George quickly turned around and walked back to her, "Yes?" Kattie hugged him, "Sorry. I was just angry. I just didn't want Jack to know about my feelings toward Victor. Because truth be told, I didn't want to fell anything for him." George smiled, "I know. I'm sorry I told him." George was so happy that she had forgiven him. Kattie pulled away and walked with him upstairs. They chatted about the good old times about when they were children.
Chapter 23: The Wedding - June 27th
Kattie was in the dressing room in the church getting her ready. She was really nervous. She wanted everything to be perfect. Her dress was white with long sleeves that were tight to her arms. Not real tight, but they didn't leave any leverage. The front was low cut and her breasts were showing. She was panicing. She was scared. She only had ten minutes left until the ceromony started and she didn't even have her hair done. She put her head down and cried.
Jack was waiting in the front and the music started. But George came running down the asle to Jack and the music stopped. George asked Jack, "Have you seen Kattie?" Jack replied, "She's not back there? She was getting ready in the dressing room when we got here." Jack and George ran back to the dressing room. George knocked on the door, "Kattie are you in there?" Kattie sat up and replied, "Yeah. You can come in." George came in and Jack followed. When Kattie saw Jack she ran behind a curtain that she used to get dressed, "Jack! Get out! You can't see me right now! I'm not ready!" Jack asked, "Are you okay?" Kattie demanded, "No! Get out!" George turned to Jack, "I'll talk to her. Just wait in the hall." Jack went outside and got worried. George told Kattie, "He's gone now. You can come out now." Kattie looked out and saw that he was gone. She came out and she had tear staind on her cheeks, "I can't do this." George raised his brows and questioned her, "Why? You love him." Kattie replied, "Yes. Of course I love him. It's me. Nothing's going right. I can't even get my hair done right. I almost ripped my dress. My head's getting all mixed up. I can't think. I just want everything to be perfect and I'm ruining it." George sighed, "I think that's about normal with every woman when they're getting married." Kattie protested, "Not mother. And neither did Cindy. Or Lisa." George laughed, "Where have you been. Me and father were in there with Cindy and Lisa trying to get them to hurry up so they wouldn't be late. They were having this same thing. Well, not exactly. Okay I won't lie, not at all. They were just scared of getting married. Are you scared?" Kattie hesitated and thought about it. Then she shook her head, "No. I'm not scared. Why would I be scared? I love him. I want to marry him." George went over to her and chuckled, "Those words are familiar. And you hesitated before you said it. You're scared and you don't want to admit it. It's perfectly normal. I think if you calm down that you'll be able to get your hair done nicely and be out in what...five minutes?" Kattie hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thanks George. Please tell Jack that I'll be out. Have him go back to his spot. You wait out in the hall for me." Kattie cleaned up her face and started working with her hair. George went out in the hall and closed the door behind him. Jack asked him, "So, what's wrong? Is she backing out? Is she feeling alright?" George laughed, "Quit worrying. She's not backing out. She's just having a couple minor difficulties and a little cold feet. That's all. She said to go back and she'll be out in five minutes." Jack let out a breath of relief and went back. Five minutes went by and Kattie came out. She looked amazing. Her hair was put up nicely with white roses. George asked, "Ready to go? We're running late." Kattie smiled and took his arm. They walked into the hall that led to the main church room. She stood behind the flower girls and everyone. George ran in and yelled, "All right. We're ready." George took his place and the music started. The flower girls came in and took their places. Everyone was waiting for Kattie. The music kept on playing, but they were wondering where she was. George was about to go see where she was when she walked in. She came in smiling looking at Jack. She was looking at Jack and no one else. He was also looking at her and no one else. When she got up to him she took his hand and the music stopped, "Sorry to kepp you waiting." Jack smiled and the reverend began the ceromony. They both smiled and looked into each other's eyes. Kattie said her vowls and then it came Jack's turn. That's when the reverend said, "Jack has written his own vowls. Jack." Kattie looked at Jack. Jack could see the suprise in her eyes. He grabbed both of her hands and held them in his, "Kattie. The first day I met you I knew that you were different. I knew that you were the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I love you. The way your eyes sparkle. The way your blonde hair just brightens the room. The rose lip that I love to kiss and touch. How your skin is soft and smooth. I love everything about you. You have touched my heart in more ways than one. We've been through a lot together. And it has only made us stronger together. When I'm alone I'm weak. When I'm with you I'm strong because I have you by my side. I'd rather die right now then to spend an eternity without you." Kattie silently cried. Tears ran down her face. Tears of joy. Jack continued and wipped the tears away from her face, "Kattie our daughter is going to grow up with a mother that is strong. And that'll make her strong. I promise to love you, care for you, protect you for the rest of my life. I won't ever hurt you. Whatever you need, I got it. whatever you want, I got it. I'll be right here for you, by your side, always. I love you." Jack kissed her hands and looked up at the reverend letting him know that he could continue. They got the rings and put them on. Now here came the words Kattie was waiting for him to say. The reverend asked Kattie, "Kattie Mannel, do you take Jack Tucker to be your husband?" Kattie looked into Jack's eyes and softly replied, "I do." "Do you, Jack Tucker, take Kattie Mannel to be your wife?" the reverend asked Jack. "I do and always will." Jack said. The reverend ended the ceromony, "I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jack put his hands on Kattie's face and tilted it back. Kattie put her arms on his chest. Jack bent his head and caught her lips in his. They kissed and everyone stood up clapping. Kattie pulled back smiling. If she didn't pull back Jack would've stayed there. Jack led her back down the asle and outside to the carrige. George was their driver for the day and they went to the ball to celebrate their wedding.
Everyone was having a good time. Kattie walked around with Jack. People congratulated them as they walked by. The music started and Jack danced with Kattie. As they danced Jack asked, "So how does it feel to be Mrs. Kattie Mannel Tucker?" Kattie smiled and answered, "It feels great. It's the best feeling in the world. How come you didn't tell me that you were writting your own vowls?" "You should've seen the look on your face and the tears in your eyes. Why would I want to ruin a surprise like that? Did you like it?" Jack asked. "I loved them. They were very flattering. I love you." She answered. "You know I meant every word of it." Kattie's smile deepened. The music stopped and Jack moved her off the dance floor. Jack asked, "My lady, would you like something to drink?" Kattie nodded but before he had left a guy that was big built and taller than Kattie came up and bowed, "My lady, my lord. Congratulations on your marrige. My lady, may I have this dance?" Kattie looked at Jack. Jack inclined his head, "I'll be waiting here with your drink when you come back." Kattie smiled and took the guy's hand. He escorted out to the dance floor. The music started playing a moment later and they started to dance. They danced for the next three minutes. When the music stopped the guy asked, "My lady, may you walk with me outside? I have a matter that I must discuss with you." Kattie nodded as they started to walk back. Kattie looked back at Jack but she couldn't see him. Jack saw them though and he watched them. He didn't like what he was seeing. Something didn't seem right about him taking her outside. He put the glass down on the table and walked over to the side door. He walked slowly and had little discussions with people who stopped him.
Kattie and the guy walked a good distance from the ball room. Kattie stopped, "Excuse me, but who are you? And what do you want to discuss?" The guy looked around as if to see if there was anyone watching him, "My lady, my name is Carl. Carl Walters. And I'm sorry for this." Kattie backed up and looked at him, "I don't understand. Sorry for what?" At that moment a guy came up behind Kattie and grabbed her. Kattie screamed and the guy covered her mouth hoping that no one had heard her. Carl put a bag over her head. Kattie was kicking and trying to use her arms to swing at them but it was no use, they had her. They were going to take her to where ever they were taking her.
Jack was just walking out the side door when he heard her scream. He went running through the grass and past the fountain where they had first kissed, "Kattie!" Kattie had heard Jack and started to scream through the bag, "Jack! Jack!" The guy who was holding her smacked her in the face so hard that she got knocked unconscious. Carl complained as they started moving quickly, "Now why did you have to go and do that?" The guy answered, "Just shut up and let's go before Jack gets here." Too late. Jack came and tackled Carl. He pounded on him and put him unconscious. The man carrying Kattie began to run, but not before Jack hit his shoulder into his knees making him fall. Kattie fell as well and Jack fought with the guy. The guy hit Jack in the mouth and Jack hit him back. They wrestled around in the grass. Both very strong, both determined to win. Finally the guy stopped and was in a deep sleep. Jack got up and went over to Kattie. He took the bag off her head and seen that she was unconscious and her forehead was bleeding. Jack cried, "No! No!" He picked her up and took her back to the ball room. When he walked in everyone saw him. Everyone gasped and started whispering. George came pushing through the crowd, "Out of my way! Out of my way! Oh my god!" He stopped when he got to Kattie and Jack. The doctor was already at the ball and he heard the whispers and came through. When he got to Jack he said, "Alright let's take her upstairs. George get everyone out of here." Jack called for four footmans, "Go outside through the side doors. You will find two unconscious men laying on the ground just past the fountain. Get them and put them in the prison." They nodded and left. Jack and the doctor went upstairs and set her on the bed in their room. George came up about five minutes later, "Everyone's gone. How is she?" The doctor answered, "Just a bump on the head. She'll be awake in a bit. I'm going to try to wake her up." Jack sat there next to her and stared at her lifeless body. George put his hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry Jack." Jack muttered, "Why? And why today?" George had no answer for him. The doctor tried one of his remedy's and Kattie woke up blinking. Kattie whispered, "Where am I?" Jack held her hand, "You're in your room honey." Kattie looked over at Jack, "Jack. What happend? Where's Carl?" Jack replied, "I don't know what happend. Don't you remember?" Kattie thought back and remembered what had happend, "Yes. Where's Carl?" Jack answered, "If you're talking about the guy who asked you to dance with him, he's in the prison. So Kattie. What exactly happend?" Kattie sat up at the edge of the bed, "He said that he had a matter to discuss. And that he wanted to go outside and talk about it. I didn't think much of what he wanted. I wanted to know who he was. I recognized him from somewhere, but I can't think of where I saw him before. Then I stopped him and asked him his name. He said Carl Walters. It's like the name rang a bell but I still don't know where I seen him before." Kattie stopped and thought about what he said afterwards. He apologized for trying to kidnap her. He was sorry. She could tell that he didn't really want to. Jack said, "Go on. What happend next?" Kattie looked at Jack, "He apologized. I don't think that he meant to do any harm. I don't think that he wanted to go along with it. Then someone came up behind me and grabbed me. When he did he hurt my stomach. And I screamed. He put his hand over my mouth and then a bag. I can't say the same about that guy. 'He' meant what he was doing. Then I heard you yelling my name. I yelled for you and that's when the guy holding me hit me. That's the last thing I remember." The doctor went over to her and Jack moved back. The doctor asked, "Kattie. Could you please lay down for a minute?" Kattie did so. The doctor gently pushed down on her stomach and Kattie flinched bringing her knee up a bit. The doctor stopped and turned around to Jack amd George, "I'm going to need to ask you two gentlemen to wait outside. I have to check her stomach." Jack kissed Kattie on the forehead and left with George. The doctor turned back around to Kattie, "I'm sorry Kattie but you're going to have to remove the top part of your dress. I have to see how bad your stomach is." Kattie sighed and did as he said. She undid her dress and pulled it down to her waist. She was now bare on top. The doctor looked at her stomach and saw that she had bruises. Her stomach had black and blue a few inches below her breasts. The doctor examined her bruises, "Alright you can get dressed now. I'm going to go outside and talk with Jack and George." The doctor left shutting the door behind him. Jack and George turned towards him and questionly stared at him. The doctor said, "She's fine. She just a couple bad bruises. She doesn't have to stay in bed if she doesn't want to, but she can't be running or anything that involving using her stomach muscles a lot. They will heal within the week." With that said the doctor left and Jack went in the room followed by George. Kattie was standing by the bed dusting off her dress, "Look what they did to my wedding dress." Jack went over and hugged her, so did George. Kattie flinched, "Hey. Can you two stop hugging me so much? You're putting pressure on my stomach." They both backed away, "Sorry." Kattie said to Jack, "Where is Carl's prison?" Jack asked, "Why?" Kattie answered, "Because I need to talk to him. I think I remember him now. From when I was about 15. We grew up together. I need to talk to him." George stepped in, "Hold on. You mean the Carl we used to always call Speed? Your highschool sweetie Carl?" Kattie nodded and looked at Jack, "Look we broke up years ago. But I need to know why he was trying to kidnap me." Jack nodded, "Okay. And for the record, I'm not jealous. I don't need you to tell me that you two broke up years ago." Jack walked Kattie down to the cell that held Carl. Kattie stopped at the door and turned to Jack, "Can I talk to him alone?" Jack jokingly said, "Now I'm starting to get jealous." Kattie smiled and looked at him. Jack looked at the door and thought about it. He sighed and turned back to Kattie, "Alright but if he starts any trouble you scream and I'll be right there." Kattie nodded and kissed him. Kattie opened the door and walked in. She shut the door and leaned on it. It was only Carl in there. When he saw her he stood up and stared at her, "Ms. Mannel. I didn't expect to see you down here." Kattie corrected him, "It's Mrs. Tucker. You know you ruined my wedding day. Today was suppost to be perfect." Carl looked down, "I'm sorry." Kattie walked over to him but in arms reach. His ankles were chained to the wall by a manacle. She said, "See that's the thing. You say your sorry. Why? Why are you sorry? Who do you work for? I think I know who it is, but go on." Carl looked at her, "Victor. I work for him. I had no choice but to. He threatened to kill my sister if I didn't. So I did. I regret it every time. But I have to. My family is away now but now I have to save myself. I'm sorry." Kattie nodded and walked to him a little further, "I figured that it was Victor and that you weren't doing this on your own free will. So Carl Walter. The last time I saw you I was 15. We dated for at least, what, four months? I caught you with another woman and that was the end." Carl sighed, "I've regreted that. I didn't mean that." Kattie chuckled, "Don't even start trying to justify what you did because I don't care anymore. That was a long time ago. Are you married?" Carl shook his head, "No. I'm not." Kattie looked him in the eyes. Carl moved closer to Kattie making her move back a little bit, but Carl didn't pay attention to it. He put his hand on her face and went for a kiss. Kattie slapped him and backed away. Kattie had a feeling that he would try to do something like that before. Kattie raised her voice a little bit but she wasn't yelling, "What the hell were you thinking? I'm married and you have no right to put your hands on me! I don't like you anymore! What on earth were you thinking?" Carl raised his brow, "You haven't changed one bit. Sorry. I guess I thought that we still had something." Kattie rolled her eyes, "We don't have anything! There ain't even a 'we' anymore!" With that stated Kattie left and shut the door. Jack was waiting outside, "Are you okay? I heard you raise your voice." Kattie looked into Jack's eyes and he saw her irritation. After a moment Kattie replied, "Well, what I found out was that he was only working for Victor to save his family; mother, sister, and so on. But he got them safe and he only tried to do what he was to save himself. Which I would excuse it for him . . . somewhat. But then he's the same guy I left. Knowing that I wasn't interested and married he tried to kiss me." Jack looked just as irritated as her. He looked at the door and Kattie could tell that was she left he planned on setting him straight. But Kattie interrupted, "But he found out the hard way that I, as well, haven't changed. If I was nice enough to him, at the moment, he would be needing ice for his jaw. But he can do without. You can get him later. I want to spend what's left of my wedding day with my husband." With that stated Jack calmed down and put his arm around her leading her back upstairs to the ball room. Although there was no one else there Jack had the music put on. Jack bowed, "May I this dance?" Kattie smiled and took his hand, "You may." Jack and Kattie danced across the dance floor freely, not having to worry about bumping into anybody. Kattie's stained wedding dress moved back and forth against Jack's legs as the moved and twirled. Kattie's stomach was bothering her a bit but she hid it for a while. But the pain got the best of her in the next minute or two. Kattie flinched just a bit but she made it a short flinch so that Jack didn't see. Too late. Jack saw her flinch and stopped, "Kattie. You should've told me that your stomach was hurting. I didn't realize until just now that dancing had anything to do with your stomach." Kattie looked up at him and put on a fake smile, "Jack. I'm fine. My stomach doesn't hurt." Jack studied her eyes for the next few moments. She looked away but she caught his gaze a couple times. She couldn't look into his eyes, she knew that he would be ab;e to detect her lie that way; not that he couldn't tell from the way she couldn't just looking at him. Jack gently put his hand under her chin and brought it up to look at him, "Kattie. Look at me." Kattie did and she kept that smile on her face, she wasn't really smiling and she knew that he knew it. Jack continued softly, "I can see it in your eyes. I could see it when you didn't want to look into my eyes because you knew that I'd be able to tell. There's no need to hide it." Kattie closed her eyes and reached her head up to kiss him. He bent his head the rest of the way down and kissed her back. They kissed passionately. They kissed for another moment or two and Kattie then pulled away. She looked up at him, "I know. I just wish that today would've went by swiftly and fine. That our wedding day could've been perfect. And if it couldn't be perfect then at least peaceful. Normal. I wish that you didn't have to deal with this today." Jack smiled and pulled her hands up to his chest where he knew that's where she loved to put them. He put his arms around her waist and gently pulled her in to him. To where they were breasts to chest. He softly said, "Kattie. I'm sorry that you had to deal with this today. You're the one who got hurt. Not me. And as long as I'm married to you. Today was perfect for me." Kattie moved her arms around his neck and layed her head on his chest. They just stood there and swayed back and forth together. They couldn't dance but they could sway. They stayed ther for a good five minutes but then Jack pulled back and took her hand, "Come on. Come with me." Kattie hesitated for a moment and smiled, "Where are we going?" Jack smiled and led her to the stairs, "Upstairs to make you feel good." Kattie smiled and went with him. He led her upstairs and into their room. Jack lit the lantern and went over to Kattie. He took off her dress, "Lay down on your back on the bed." Kattie did and looked down at the bruises that the guy had left on her stomach right below her breasts. Jack kneeled beside her and looked at them. He closed his eyes thinking about what they did to her. Then he opened his eyes and smiled at her. She looked at the bruises and then back at him, "It's not as bad as it looks." Jack looked down at her bruises and lightly, without putting any pressure to them, brushed his finger across her bruises. Kattie loved the feel of his skin against hers. It put loving chills going down her spine. She fought to hold back a shiver and he saw it. He took his finger away, "Did that hurt?" Kattie shook her head, "Just a shiver." Jack smiled and put his lips to work. He caressed his lips gently around her stomach. Kattie closed her eyes and enjoyed every stroke of his lips, every stroke of his tongue on her bruises. Kattie suddenly whispered, "Stop." Jack stopped and went up to her face. He put his hand on her cheek, "Did that hurt?" Kattie sat up and started to take his jacket off, "No. I just wanted you to stop so I could take it further." Kattie got to his shirt and Jack stood up and took it off setting it on the chair by the wall. He kneeled back down again. Kattie set her hands to work on his bare chest. She studied his chest, "How come you have no hair on your chest?" Jack shrugged, "I don't. I wish I had some for you." Kattie smiled, "No. I love your chest like this. I just never knew a guy that had no hair on his chest. Every girl I knew was dying over a hair on a guy's chest. Not me." Kattie stood up and stood him up with him. She walked around to his back and kissed his back. She kissed his back and put her arms around him touching his stomach. Jack turned around to her and kissed her. Kattie kissed him back and moved her hands down his chest. Down his stomach. Down further. To his belt line. She unfastened his pants and slid them off. She came back up and kissed him again. Jack picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his hips. he took her over to the bed and put one knee on the bed. He layed her back and got on top but not like he usually would. He had to be carefull of her bruises. Kattie's legs fell to the bed as Jack lifted from the kiss and feasted on her breasts. Kattie had to catch her breath. She was moving her hips against his to ease the aching she felt within her. Jack reacted and pulled his head back from her breasts. He spread her legs more fully to him and she immediately wrapped them around his hips, that's where she locked her legs and planned to keep them there. Jack entered her inch by inch. Slowly inch by inch. He finally got all the way and repeated. Except Kattie started moving her hips faster to let him know that she wanted to go faster. That she needed to go faster to ease the aching. Jack was trying to be careful not to ache her bruises but she was insisting so he lifted her hip to him and thrust deeper and faster into her. She moaned and squeezed the pillow that her head rested on. Jack bent down and kissed her keeping up the speed. Jack and Kattie made love and kissed for as long as they could take the fire that they both sparked in each other. Jack fell to the bed next to her and, as usual, Kattie climbed into his arms, but she layed on her back because her stomach was aching. It was aching a little bit when they were making love but she hadn't said anything. Now she could relax and let her stomach calm down while she slept.
Chapter 24: Finding Out Who The Other Guy Was
Jack and Kattie were in the kitchen eating breakfast with George. George said to Jack, "Jack. Me and you should go down and see who the other guy is. Ask him questions." Jack nodded, "I was going to ask you about that this afternoon." Kattie interrupted, "I'm going too." They both stopped eating and looked at her. George answered, "No you're not. This man is dangerous. He's not like Carl. He wouldn't have cared if he was sent out to kill you. You're not going." Kattie looked at George with determination in her eyes, "I'm going. You're not the only one with questions. Besides, I want to be there too." Jack shook his head, "No Kattie. George is right. It's too dangerous for you to go down there." "Then if it's so dangerous then I'm not letting you two go down there. You won't get hurt then." Kattie focused her eyes on her plate. George said, "Kattie. We know that you're no weak girl. Believe me. I know more than Jack. But you're not strong enough to take up a guy of his size. Me and Jack are . . ." Kattie finished his sentence off for him, " . . . are men with muscular man muscles. I know. But he's manacled to the wall. He's not even going anywhere. And it's not like I'm going anywhere near him." Jack put his hand on hers, "Look. Kattie. I'm sorry. But I can't let you go down there." Kattie looked at Jack right in the eyes, "Jack. I'm going down there. Either I go down there with you two or I go down by myself. Which one do you think is safer?" Jack seen in her eyes that she wasn't lying. He looked at George, "George. We have to let her come. You know as much as I do that's she's telling the truth. We can't let her go down there alone." George nodded, "I know." He looked at Kattie, "Kattie. Please. Just listen and stay up here. You would make me feel so much better knowing that you weren't downstairs with him. He's not the least bit friendly." Kattie rolled her eyes and sighed. She looked at Jack and then to George. They were both looking at her. Waiting for her to make her final decision. Kattie sighed again and then sat back in her chair, "If I were to stay up here. Will you tell me everything that happend? No matter how bad it is?" George nodded, "Of course. Does that mean that you will stay up here?" Kattie nodded, "Yeah. I'll stay." Jack kissed her on her forehead, "Thanks baby." They continued to eat and hold a discussion about what they were going to ask him. Kattie, on the other hand, just listened and thought. She thought about what would happen if he didn't tell them the answers to their questions. Thinking about it distracted her from everything around her. Even when Jack was talking to her. "Kattie. Kattie." Kattie snapped out of her thoughts ,"Huh?" Jack and George looked at her. Jack asked, "I just got done asking you if you had any questions that you wanted us to ask that we weren't already asking. Are you okay?" Kattie nodded, "I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking. That's all. And no, I don't have any questions for him." George asked, "Are you sure you're okay? You seem out of it?" Kattie stood up and smiled, "I'm fine. How many times do I tell you two that I'm fine?" Jack answered, "Until we're truely convinced. It would be otherwise if you didn't try hiding your pain from us." George asked, "Is your stomach hurting you?" Kattie looked at him and sighed, "If you must know, only a tad bit. Just a little soreness that comes with healing. Otherwise I'm fine. But I'm going to go lay down. Wake me up when you two are done questioning him." Jack grabbed her hand and held it in his, "Sure we will. You just go and get some rest." Kattie bent down and kissed him and left. Her stomach was indeed giving her some pain, but that wasn't why she wasn't paying attention. No. She only used that as an excuse. She was thinking about going down to the guy by herself if the guy didn't give up any information. She went upstairs and held the baby. She wasn't crying, but she was indeed in need of a diaper change. Kattie changed her diaper and rocked her in her arms. She rocked her in her arms for the next 15 minutes until she fell asleep. Then she, careful not to wake her up, layed her down in her crib. Kattie then layed in bed and looked up at the ceiling. And thought. Would they find out his name? Would they find out where Victor was? Would they go after him if they found out? Would they find out who else was going to come after her? Would they find out when? Would they find out where? Would they find out anything at all? Kattie wasn't really going to go to sleep. She just said that before they insisted. To get them off her back about how she was feeling health wise. But Kattie was thinking about it so much that she drew sleepy and let sleep take her.
Jack and George went downstairs to the prison cell that the unknown guy was in. They stood on the other side of the room leaning against the wall facing the guy sitting on the floor. They stared at his dark eyes for a while without saying anything. Both having a irritated look on their faces letting him know that they itched to hit him. Then the guy broke the silence, "Well, are you two going to hit me or just stand there like a couple of fools?" Jack left the wall and walked forward a few steps, "You don't know how much I want to. But first, we have a couple questions to ask you." George walked forward next to Jack, "Now . . ." The guy waved his hand to silence him, "Don't waste your breaths. I won't talk to you two. See. This is what my boss told me. If captured. Only speak with Kattie and no one else. I've delt with a lot of torture in my life so I must warn you that I won't talk to anyone but her. Alone." Jack bent down and gave him a look that would kill, "Well let me warn you. You are talking to us. Not her. Us." The guy just sat there and shrugged his shoulders. George continued the question he was going to ask before he cut him off, "As I was saying, What's your name?" The guy didn't answer but just sat there looking at him. Jack didn't like what he was seeing and he got irritated, "Answer the question or you'll give me great pleasure in letting me hurt you." The guy still didn't say anything. Jack went over and put his fist in his jaw. The guy just sat right back up and spit on the floor, "Is that all you got? If that is, then I'm going to have fun here." Jack really got irritated and kicked him in his face. The guy fell back on the floor and hollard. He got up and his lip was bleeding, "Now we're talking. That was a great kick. But now the question is, if I were free, and me and you fought fairly, who would win? I think I'd wager on me. I have more experience than you. I'm stronger. I'm smarter." George went over and pulled Jack away, "That's enough for now. We can't get nothing out of him if you knock him out cold." The guy sat on the floor rubbing his blood away from his lip. Then he licked his lips. Jack looked at the man on the floor, "Sorry, guess I'm still ticked at what he did to my wife." The man then suddenly stopped and looked at Jack, "Your wife? That's not what my boss says." Jack replied, "Well you can tell Victor that he isn't going to get her. She's not going anywhere with him." The guy continued, "I never said it was Victor." George replied, "You didn't have to. We know very well who sent you after her." Jack and George left him with that and went upstairs. They sat in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. George said, "Jack. I know how much you want him dead, I do too, but we have to control our tempers. We need to get answers out of him." Jack nodded, "I agree but it's so hard to have control of my temper when around him. It's like I'm looking right at Victor. And he drives me crazy." George grinned and agrees, "Are you going to go tell Kattie about what happend? She'll be ferious with you if you don't wake her." Jack nodded and left. He went upstairs and kneeled beside Kattie. He lightly rocked Kattie's shoulder waking her up. Kattie smiled at the sight of him and ran her fingers through his hair. Jack smiled and hugged her. Kattie sat up and Jack sat next to her. Kattie asked, "So, how did it go?" Jack shook his head, "The only thing he told us was that he would talk to you and you only. Alone. But Kattie before you go arguing with me, I am not permitting you to go down there." Kattie put her hand on his face and kissed him, "Jack. I no longer have any intention in going down there. And besides, if I wanted to go then I go without asking." Jack was suprised, "Wait. You're not going to argue back with me?" She shook he head and went downstairs and Jack followed. He couldn't believe that he didn't have to argue with her in the least bit. Maybe she was starting to realize the danger in him? No, he didn't think so, but he wouldn't ask her about it. Jack and Kattie entered the library and sat down. Kattie began reading her book as if nothing had happend. As if she wasn't insisting on going down there this morning with them. Like it didn't matter to her anymore. Jack stared at her and thought about it. Kattie looked over and met his gaze, "What?" Jack moved his fingers through her hair, "Nothing. I'm just wondering what's wrong. You seem to be acting . . . different." Kattie shrugged and went back to her book but she didn't read. She answered, "I'm just tired of fighting. That's all." Jack turned her head towards him, "Kattie what do you mean fighting? We don't fight." Kattie chuckled and replied, "I'm not talking about between me and you. I'm talking about Victor. I'm tired of trying to get out of his grasp. So now I'm just going to forget about it. I'm not going to worry about it until the time comes. I give up." Jack now understood. She was giving up. She no longer cared what happend. She just wanted to move on with life. Jack brought her closer to him to where she was leaning on him, "Don't worry about it honey. I'll take care of it. He's not going to get you." Kattie layed there and fell asleep in his arms. Jack gently got up from under her and covered her up. Jack left and went to George who was still in the kitchen thinking. Jack sat in front of George and sighed, "She's asleep in the library. George she's giving up." George shook his head, "No. I don't think that she's giving up." Jack insisted, "She is. She already has. She told me herself. She's going where ever life takes her. She's not fighting back." George sighed, "This must all be so hard for her. I mean, why wait all this time to come after her? Why wait months to come for her?" Jack shrugged, "I don't know why. I don't really care why. I'm just concerned about the fact that he's coming after her again." Jack and George held a conversation for the next ten minutes. Then Jack left and and went up to his room to feed Anna. George went up to his room and read his book.
Kattie woke up about ten minutes after they went upstairs. She looked in the kitchen to see if Jack or George were in there. They weren't. At that time Kattie went downstairs and stood outside the door to the guy's prison. Then she went in and stood in front of the guy but out of his reach. But if he really stretched then she supposed that he could reach her. She didn't care at the moment. The guy looked up at her with a crooked smile, "I'm suprised they let you come down here alone. They were keen to keeping you upstairs away from me." Kattie replied, "They didn't. They don't know that I'm down here. What's your name?" "Looks like some little lady is going against her man's wishes. Name's Cole. Cole Benit. Victor sent me. He wants me to give you a message." the guy stood up and walked out as far as the chain would let him. Kattie didn't move at all. She didn't even react to the close distance between them. They were close almost touching. He didn't have to stretch to reach her. He just had to move. She had miscalculated. Kattie asked, "Well, what's the message?" Cole put his hands on her face and kissed her. Kattie was so out of it that she didn't care. She didn't kiss him back but she did let him. Kattie was in a depression she hadn't yet known that she was in. Cole pulled away and backed up, "He says he loves you and he told me to do that if I were to get captured and speak with you alone. Now any questions?" Kattie sat on the floor, "Where's Victor?" Cole answered, "He's staying in this church down on Melton street." Kattie asked, "Why does he want me after all this time?" "He says because he will never stop loving you. Although you're in trouble when he gets you back. But don't dwell on that." Kattie then got up and walked a little closer to him, "Why are you working for him? What's in it for you?" He answered, "Money. That's why I do this. For money, not to mention that it's amusing." Kattie then slapped him in the face. A moment later Jack and George came running down the steps and startled Kattie. Cole quickly grabbed Kattie and turned her around to where she was leaning on him. He had his hands around her throat. Jack and George stopped in front of him scared of what he might do. Kattie calm and swiftly said, "Cole. You know that this is not what Victor is paying you to do. Release me. You know that that's not the purpose Victor had in mind. Don't become his target." Cole looked at George and Jack and didn't pay attention to anything Kattie had said, "You know it would be so easy to just choke her. Or better yet, I could snap her neck." Cole moved his hands to her head. Jack firmly said, "Let her go now." Kattie said as she looked at Cole from the corner of her eye, "I don't think that he's going to do. He's only messing. He doesn't want to get in trouble with Victor. Besides, he would've done it already." Cole looked at her, "Smart girl." Cole pushed Kattie making her fall on the ground. Jack helped her to her feet and took her upstairs and George followed them. Kattie went into the library and sat on the couch. Jack sat next to her and George sat in a chair in front of her. They both stared at her. Kattie asked, "What?" George answered, "Kattie. When will you learn to listen? We don't want you to get hurt. And look at what happend. He could have snapped your neck." Kattie shrugged, "He wouldn't have done so. Victor's men are always loyal. And he wouldn't have hurt me." Jack said, "You don't know that for sure. Kattie, why did you go down there after we told you not to? After you said that you wouldn't?" Kattie turned to him, "I needed to find out the answers for the questions you had." George sighed, "Alright we'll talk about what you did later. But, what did you find out?" Kattie answered, "As we already know, Victor sent them. He's staying in a church on Melton street." Jack nodded, "Alright well you stay here. Me and George will be back. We're going to finish this once and for all." Jack went to stand up but Kattie pulled him down, "No. Don't go. I don't want you two to go up against him. Besides, he may be lying." Kattie hung on to his arm as if he were going to move. Jack rubbed her arm, "Kattie, we'll be fine. I love you." Jack got up and George left with him. Kattie went upstairs and sat in front of the baby. She watched her sleep. Anna slept so swiftly. She was thinking of Jack and George. She was worried that they would get hurt.She had no idea if Cole was telling the truth or lying. Kattie went downstairs and went out to the back, to their spot. Kattie sat there witrh her knees up to her chest. She buried her head in her arms and knees. And just thought and worried.
Jack and George came back an hour later, empty handed. George sat in the library while Jack went upstairs to inform Kattie that they were home. When he got upstairs Kattie was no where to be seen. Jack ran downstairs and into the library, "Is Kattie in here?" George shook his head and followed him to the prison cells. They looked in Carl's cell, but she wasn't there. They looked in Cole's cell but he was the only one in there. They left and ran upstairs. George asked, "You don't think that she lied to us and then went to him herself do you?" Jack said, "She's depressed. Anybody would be able to tell you that. Depressed people do stupid things. I wouldn't be suprised if she did. But we have to go fine her." Jack and George were just about to untie the horses when they found footstep coming from the side of the castle. They both turned around. It was Kattie. Kattie was walking slow with her head down. Jack rushed over and gave her a hug. Kattie exclaimed, "Jack. What in the world did you come running to me like that for? I should be the one running to you like that to you. Are you okay?" Jack backed up, "We couldn't find you anywhere in the castle or in the prison cells so we were about to go looking for you." Kattie smiled and kissed him, "You never check our spot do you? You need to start checking there." George said, "Well. I'm glad that you're okay. And we're okay. There was nothing to find at the church on Melton street. He's not there." Kattie shrugged, "That's good. Now you two can stay here and not get hurt." Kattie walked into the castle with Jack and George following her. Kattie said, "I'm going to go talk to Carl. I'll be up in ten minutes." Kattie went downstairs and Jack followed her. Kattie stopped at the door and turned to Jack, "I'll give a call if I need you. Alright?" Jack kissed her forehead, "Alright. The only reason I'm trusting you with him in there alone because it doesn't seem like he's out to hurt you. Don't get too close." Kattie kissed him and went in. She sat on the floor in front of Carl. He could walk over to her and grab if he wished but she knew he wouldn't. Carl asked, "What has brought you down here?" Kattie answered, "Tell me everything that you know about where Victor is." Carl shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sorry. I can't help you with that one. He wouldn't tell me, he only told Cole." "Then how do you work for him if you don't know where he is?" Kattie asked ferious. "He would always come to me. I never went to him." Cole answered. Kattie layed down on the floor and held her stomach. Carl went over to her and knelt next to her. He put his hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright? Who's standing outside the door?" Kattie answered, "Jack but don't call for him. I'm fine." Kattie sat up but still held her stomach. Carl sat in front of her and watched her intently. He wondered what was wrong. "Kattie. What's wrong with your stomach?" Carl asked. Kattie answered, "When your friend grabbed me he wasn't very gentle about it. He gave me a couple good bruises on my stomch." Carl looked hurt, "Sorry." Kattie didn't say anything. She just layed back and closed her eyes. Carl went over to her and put his hand underneath her head, "Kattie. Kattie." Carl shook her a little bit but she wouldn't wake up. Carl then yelled, "Jack! Jack! Come quick it's Kattie!" Jack came running and saw her laying on the ground unconscious. He knelt beside her and looked at Carl, "What the hell did you do?" Carl looked up at Jack, "I didn't do nothing. She started having pain in her stomach and then she collasped." Jack picked her up and left. He took her upstairs to her bed and summoned the doctor.
It was going on 5:30 when Kattie woke up. Jack and George were both sitting on the side of the bed. Jack on the left and George on the right. Kattie sat up and looked at them, "What happend? Why are you two looking at me like I just came home from the doctor's?" Jack answered, "You passed out down in the cell with Carl. It seems that you have been overdoing it. You're aching your stomach and your body made it to where you would sleep and get some rest. How are you feeling?" Kattie closed her eyes and the opened them looking at Jack, "Tired. I'm tired. But I'm not in pain." That was a lie. She was in pain. Not much pain, but she was indeed in pain. Jack kissed her hand and went to leave with George. Kattie called, "Jack." Jack turned around, "Yes honey." KAttie moved her hand to him telling him to come over to her. Jack kneeled beside her, "What?" Kattie asked, "Can you sleep with me? Or at least lay here for a while with me until I fall asleep?" Jack smiled and climbed in bed with her. He layed on his back and Kattie layed beside him half laying on him. Her head rested on his chest. Kattie unbuttoned his shirt and rubbed his chest with her hand. She whispered, "I love you." Jack closed his eyes and drank in the feeling of her touch, "I love you too."

Chapter 25: What Happend During Their Lives
Well, for starters, Cole was hanged and Carl was returned to his family out of the reach of Victor. No one has seen Victor and he hasn't made another atempt to get Kattie back in his abusive arms. Anna was growing wonderfully. She started to crawl and say little words like "Mama" and "Dada". Then she started to walk and she got into everything. Kattie and Jack were chasing her around the castle all the time. But then her teeth started to come in. Anna was crying all the time. Both Kattie and Jack were happy when all her teeth had came in. They hated to see her in pain. And they also hated hearing her cry. Anna's hair grew to be very long just like her mother's hair. And she was just as stuborn as her. Jack and Kattie loved her with all their hearts. George also loved his little niece. You can say that they lived happily ever after. But nobody ever does. And this isn't a fairy tale. Life goes on and they were happy. Until Anna was eight years old. It was January 8th.

Chapter 26: January 8th

Anna was at school and it was friday. Jack was in his office working while George was out. He was out for a long walk. Kattie was in the library reading a book. Kattie finished her book and closed it. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. A smile shown on her face. She was savoring the end of a great book. After a moment Kattie put the book aside and went to Jack's office. She knocked and walked in without waiting for a response. Jack looked up, "Hey honey." Kattie closed the door and locked it. Jack didn't see her lock it. Kattie went over behind him and rubbed his chest, "I won't be going to pick Anna up from school in about four hours. I was thinking you could keep me company while I wait." Jack grinned and put his hands on her arms. He winned, "Ohhhh, I wish I could baby. But I got work to do." Kattie started kissing his neck and whispered, "You can take a little break." Jack stood up and held her in his arms, "I really can't baby. This work is hard. And I have until Saturday to get it done." Kattie kissed him, "Then that's all you need. A break. I can ease your mind. Give you a clear mind. If you let me." Jack gave up. He surrendered and let her do as she wished. Jack pulled back from the kiss, "Come with me." Jack held Kattie's hand in his and led her out and up the stairs to the bedroom. Jack shut the door behind him and went to unclothing himself. When he turned around Kattie was already unclothed and laying on the bed waiting for him. He finished getting fully undressed and climbed on the bed with her. Kattie pushed him over onto his back and got on top. She lightly brushed her lips on his and then moved down to his neck. She moved from his neck to his chest and from his chest to his stomach. Jack whispered, "Kattie come here." Kattie paused and looked up at his smiling face. Then she went up to him. He put his hand around her head in her hair and pulled her down for a kiss. Kattie kissed him back. They kissed passionately. For the next five minutes. They let the fire build up in them until they couldn't take it anymore. Kattie pushed back from the kiss and moved down to where her hips sat on his hips. She then put his erection inside her and rocked back and forth. Jack moaned and put his hands on her hips giving her the speed. Kattie lowered down to him and kissed him. They rocked in the bed until the feeling of completion, of fullfillment filled their bodies. When completion claimed their whole bodies and Kattie fell on top of Jack. She could hear and feel his heart pacing beneath her. He felt hers. They layed there. Neither able to move. Kattie managed to lift her head to meet Jack's gaze, "I love you." Jack ran his hand through her hair pulling out any small knots along the way, "I love you too." Jack kissed her and closed his eyes. Kattie rubbed his chest as she let sleep capture her.
Kattie woke up at 2:30. Anna get out of school at three. She got her clothes on and went downstairs to Jack's office. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Jack called, "Come in." Kattie came in and walked over to Jack, "Have a clear head now?" Jack smiled and rubbed her arm, "Yes. Thank you." Kattie leaned down and kissed him, "No need to thank me. It was totally my pleasure. I'm going to go pick Anna up now. Be back real soon." Kattie kissed Jack and left. She didn't take the carrige this time, she walked. She got to Anna's school about five minuted after three. When she got there Anna came running from the school door to her. She immediately hugged her legs, "Mommy! Guess what!" Kattie looked down at her and smile, "I can't guess. What?" Anna answered, "I'm the leader of the line of my class! I'm in front!" Kattie kneeled down in front of her, "Really?! That's an important job you know. Think you can handle it?" Anna smiled showing her white baby teeth, "Yes! I can do it! I'm a big girl now!" Kattie kissed her forehead, "You bet you are. Now how about on our way home we stop off at the store and you can get some candy." Anna jumped up and down, "Yes! Yes! Thank you mommy!"
Anna held Kattie's hand and they walked to the candy store. They arrived and picked up a bag of candy for Jack and herself. Kattie asked Anna, "Alright Anna. What kind of candy do you want?" Kattie listened and grabbed as she pointed out what types of candy she wanted. "Alright Anna. Let's go pay for the candy and then you can eat them when we get home." Kattie said as she put the candy up on the counter. Anna tugged on Kattie's hand, "Mommy. Who's that guy that keeps on making faces at me?" Kattie looked up at the guy and the guy waved at her. The guy had a scar on the side of his face. The sight of him made Kattie's face lose all color she had. Her face went pale. "Mommy. Who is he?" Kattie returned to looking at Anna and smiled, "Nobody. He's just a guy. Don't worry about him baby." Kattie paid for the candy and left holding Anna's hand firmly. Kattie and Anna walked all the way home. Anna had to walk fast to keep up with Kattie. Anna asked, "Mommy. Can you slow down. I can't keep up." Kattie stopped and smiled at her, "Sorry. I just want to get home. It's cold out here." Kattie continued walking with her but at a slower pace.
Kattie and Anna arrived at the castle about ten minutes later. Jack was still in his office working when they arrived. Kattie knocked on the door and went inside. Jack looked up and smiled, "Hey baby!" Anna went running over to Jack and jumped in his lap, "Daddy! Daddy! I'm the leader of the line! I'm a big girl now!" Jack hugged her, "You bet you are! What's that you got there?" Anna held up her bag and gave Jack his, "Mommy went to the candy store and got all three of us candy!" Jack took the bag and looked inside, "She knows what candy to get. It's all my favorite candy." Jack put her down and went over to Kattie. Kattie looked at Anna, "Anna. Why don't you take your bag of candy upstairs to your room and eat some? But don't eat too much of it." "Okay!" Anna replied as she ran out. Jack sat on the edge of his desk and brought Kattie to him, "What's the matter baby?" Kattie sighed and looked down. She whispered, "He's back." Jack didn't hear her. He lifted her head, "What? I didn't hear you." Kattie replied, "He's back. Victor's back." Jack's eyes widened, "Where did you see him?" "At the candy store. He was making faces at Anna and she asked me who he was. And when I looked over to him he waved at me." Kattie answered. Jack asked, "Could you have mistaken him for someone else?" Kattie shook her head, "No. He had the scar on his face where you had sliced him. There's no way that he was someone else. Where's George?" Jack answered, "He's still out walking." Jack hugged her. Kattie rested her head on his chest and whispered, "Jack. Don't let him get Anna. I don't care if he gets me. Just make sure he doesn't get Anna." Jack closed his eyes and ran his hand through her hair, "Don't worry. I won't let him get her. Or you. I promise."
George came in about a half an hour later. He walked in all sweaty. Kattie was sitting on the steps waiting for him. George sat on the steps next to her, "Hey Kattie. You should go on those walk with me. They make you feel great." Kattie chuckled and cleared her throat, "George. I need to talk to you." George took his handkercheif and wipped his sweat off. He turned to Kattie, "About what? Is something wrong?" Kattie nodded, "Yeah. There's something wrong." George stood up and took her hand, "Come on. We can talk in the library." Kattie followed him to the library. She sat on the couch and he sat in front of her on a chair, "Now. What's wrong?" Kattie looked at him, "I saw someone at the candy store today. Someone I shouln't have. Victor. He came back. After all these years came back. He had the scar from when Jack sliced his face." George was shocked. He stood up and walked over to the window, "Are you sure that it was him?" Kattie looked over to him, "Yes. It was Victor. If anyone can point him out I can. I wouldn't say that I saw him if I didn't." George walked back over to her, "I'm not doubting you. I just wish that it wasn't him." Kattie let a tear escape her eyes. She was trying to hold back her emotions and feelings but she couldn't no more. Kattie's voice was uneven but she calmly said, "Me too. What's going to happen if he comes after me when I'm with Anna? He can't have her. If he gets her I will have no choice." George stood her up, "Kattie. Don't worry. Jack and I won't let him get you or Anna. You know we won't." Kattie nodded and wipped her tears away, "I know. I'm just worried." Kattie hugged him and left. George sat on the couch and thought.
Kattie, Jack, George, and Anna were at Jack's aunt house chatting and letting her spend time with Anna. It was Sunday January 10th. They were there for a while. Around 4:30 they decided to leave. Jack helped Kattie and Anna up into the carrige, "I'll be back home right after I'm done talking with some farmers." George asked Kattie, "Are you sure you don't want me to go back with you? You know since you know who's back." Kattie shook her head, "No. You go help Jack. There's no way he got into the castle." George sighed, "Alright." Jack kissed her and kissed Anna on the cheek and shut the door. Jack and George left to go speak with the farmers. Kattie and Anna arrived at the castle about fifthteen minutes later.
Kattie walked in with Anna holding her hand. Anna asked, "Mommy. Can you play with me up in my room?" Kattie nodded, "Alright. Come on." Kattie followed Anna up to her room. Kattie told Anna, "I'm going to go put my jacket in my room. I'll be back." Anna ran up to her and grabbed her hand, "I want to come with you Mommy." When Kattie and Anna got into the room they stopped. Victor was sitting on the side of the bed looking up at them. Kattie moved Anna behind her, "Anna go to your room. And just play with your toys. I'll be in later." Anna asked, "Mommy, what's he doing here? He's the guy from the candy store." Kattie replied not once taking her eyes off of Victor, "Anna. He's just an old friend. He's came here to talk to me. Now go. It's important Anna. Go." Anna ran to her room and sat on her bed. Kattie tensed, "What do you want?" Victor stood up and walked over behind her. He shut the door and wrapped his arms around her, "Isn't it obvious? I want you. I need you. Can't you see that. I waited all these years for you." Kattie moved away and, to her suprise, he let her. Kattie backed up as he moved closer to her. Kattie could see that anger was stirring up in his eyes, "Victor. Please. Don't do this. Just leave me alone." Victor stopped and started to turn towards the door, "Fine. Let's go see how Anna, is it? Feels about this." Kattie ran and leaned against the door, "No. Alright. I'll do whatever you want. Just leave her alone. She's just a little girl." Victor stopped and raised his hand, "That could've been my little girl." Victor hit her in her face making her fall to the floor. When she got back up she was crying and her lip was bleeding. Victor halped her to her feet, "Oh you're bleeding. Let me fix that." Victor wipped the blood off with his thumb and then put his hand on her face, "I love you." Then Victor leaned in and kissed her. Kattie relunctantly kissed him back. She wished that she had let George come back with her. Kattie moved from between him and the door, "Victor. You don't really want to do this here." Victor moved closer to her and grabbed her, violently. He picked her up on his shoulders and put her on the bed. Kattie was squirming trying to get her hands free, "Come on Victor. Not here. Why can't we wait until we leave?" Victor whispered and kissed her neck, "You didn't make him wait." Kattie closed her eyes and continued to try to get her hands free from his grip. He held her hands at the top of the bed. Kattie managed to get her one hand free and she used it to move his head from her neck, "Victor. Not here." Victor took his hand from her other hand and stood her up. He hit her in her face again. Kattie held her face where he hit her. After that Victor went over to her back and undid her dress. Kattie wished that she could do something to make him stop but she couldn't. He pulled her dress off and layed her on the bed. He stayed clothed but he unfastened his pants and climbed on top of her. He kissed her and a moment later she could feel him inside of her. She felt the invasion. It went on for the next ten minutes. Victor then got up and fastened his pants back up, "We'll finish this later. But I want to talk with you. Get dressed." Kattie got up and got dressed. Her bones were shaking and she was scared.
Jack and George returned to the castle about five minutes later. They went in and went upstairs. Jack and George both went into Anna's room to find her sitting her on the floor crying. Jack rushed over to her and kneeled by her side. George did the same. Jack asked, "Honey. What's the matter?" Anna answered, "Daddy. There's a guy in the bedroom with Mommy. And I can hear her scream sometimes. Why is she screaming?" Jack turned to George, "George. Stay here with Anna. I'm going to go get Kattie." George sat next to Anna and held her in his arms, "Don't worry honey. Daddy's going to go get Mommy and make that man leave."
Jack opened the door to find Victor picking Kattie off the floor. Victor seen Jack there and pulled her back against his chest, using her as a shield. Kattie's face had bruises on her forehead and her lip was bleeding. Kattie saw Jack, "Jack. Get Anna out of here." Jack answered still looking at Victor, "George is with her. Victor let her go." Victor acted as if to think about it and then said, "How about no? I'm going to take her with me when I leave and you're going to let me. Unless you want to see her with a broken neck. Which is it?" Jack looked from Kattie to Victor he couldn't let her go back with him and he couldn't let him snap her neck. Kattie said, "Don't worry about me. Go take care of Anna. I'll be fine. Just make sure he doesn't get to Anna." Jack didn't respond. Victor moved his hands to her head and was ready to snap. But Jack held his hands up and yelled, "No! Dont! I'll let you go. But this isn't over. This isn't over for a long shot." Victor moved his hands down to her stomach. He guided her over past Jack. Kattie touched Jack's hand as they moved past him. Victor moved to the top of the steps and Jack moved a little closer, but not too close. If Victor felt threatened by his closeness then he would indeed snap her neck. But before Victor could get down the first step George came up behind Victor and pulled him back by his throat. At that moment Victor pushed Kattie and she went tumbling down the stairs. Jack bent over the banister, "Kattie!" Anna came to the door, "Daddy. Is Mommy okay?" Jack yelled, "Anna go back inside your room and shut the door!" Anna ran back in and shut the door. Jack went over and help George with wrestling Victor. They wrestled and fought. Victor managed to get out from under them and back away. Jack and George were cornering him back into the bedroom where Jack first found him and Kattie. They backed him up and got it to where Jack was behind Victor and George was in front of him. Victor went after George and Jack grabbed him and stabbed him with the knife he had gotten out of the dresser. He stabbed him in his side making him fall to his knees. But he couldn't just stop there. Not this time. They had to make it to where he would never be able to come after her again. He took his knife and put it around his throat, pressed, and pulled. Victor fell lifelessly to the ground bleeding out. George and Jack caught their breath. Then they remembered about how Kattie took that dreadful tumble down the stairs. Jack dropped his knife and ran down the stairs with George to Kattie. Kattie was lying on the floor with her face down and her legs and arms all spread out. Jack kneeled beside her and carefully rolled her over onto her back leaning on his legs. He cried, "Kattie! No! Kattie! George go get the doctor." By the time Jack had told George to go get the doctor he had already got up to do so. Jack carefully picked her up and took her upstairs to their room. He layed her on the bed. Jack went into Anna's room and found her hidding under the bed. He pulled her out and hugged her. "Daddy! What's happending? Is Mommy okay? Why was Uncle George fighting that guy?" Jack wipped the tears away from her face, "Anna. That man was a very bad man. He hurt Mommy. That's why he was fighting him. Uncle George is okay. We made the man go away. He can't hurt Mommy no more. Uncle George is going to go get the doctor for Mommy. Are you okay?" Anna nodded, "Yes. Mommy sent me in here the moment she saw him. Is Mommy going to be okay?" Jack answered, "I don't know honey. I hope she will be. Now you stay here and play with your toys. I'm going to go sit with Mommy." Jack got up and went to leave but Anna clung to his side and held on to his arm, "Daddy. I'm scared." Jack picked Anna up and walked into George's room.
The doctor and George arrived about twenty minutes later. They rushed upstairs and into the room to Kattie. "Anna. Stay here okay? I'm just going to go talk to the doctor." Jack told Anna as he went into the room with the doctor and Kattie. The doctor went right to work, "What on earth happend to her?" Then the doctor caught a glimpse of the man laying dead on the floor, "Who's that over there?" George answered, "That's Victor. He's the one who did this to her." The doctor asked, "How did he get in here?" George and Jack were speechless. They didn't know the answer to that. George said, "I'm going to go look around the castle to see where all the workers are." George left and went downstairs. Jack asked, "Doc. Is she going to be okay?" The doctor answered, "I don't know yet. I need to find the extent of her injuries. Go wait outside. If I need anything I will call." Jack hesitated but then went and sat with Anna. "Daddy. Can I go see Mommy?" Jack picked her up and sat her on her lap, "No. I'm afraid not baby. Not right now. The doctor's taking care of her." George came up a few minutes later. "Uncle George are you okay?" Anna asked as she ran over to him. George picked her up, "Yes I'm fine. But I need to talk to your daddy for a moment." Jack stood and walked out to the hall. George sat her down on the chair and followed him out. "I found them in the library. All of them." Geroge started. "And?" Jack asked. George continued, "They're all dead. Everyone of them. How can one man do that?" Jack shrugged, "I don't know. But we got bigger problems to worry about. The doctor's still in there with Kattie." Jack walked down the hall into Anna's room. George followed. Jack sat on the side of the bes and silently cried, "What'll happend if she dies? What will I tell Anna? How am I going to tell her that she lost her mom?" George sighed, "I don't know. Hopefully it doesn't come down to that. The doctor's still in there. Which means he might be able to fix this." Jack said, "I should've never let her go home alone. I should've waited until tomarrow like I was going to. She would've never been in this situation if I would've just came home with her." George interrupted, "Stop. That's not true. I feel the same way. I offered to go home with her and I should've gone no matter what she said. But I can't let myself keep thinking that. And neither can you." Anna came in and saw her daddy crying, "Daddy. Why are you crying?" Anna walked over to him. Jack picked her up and put her beside him, "Daddy's just a little sad. Don't worry about it." Anna hugged him, "Don't worry Daddy. Doctor's can fix anything." Jack closed his eyes. The words hurt him. He knew that wasn't true. And if it did come down to that, how was he going to explain that to Anna? George sighed, "If you can't stop thinking that for yourself. Do it for Anna." With that said George left and sat in his room.
Two hours later the doctor came out to find Jack in the hall way. "How is she?" George came out of his room and looked at the doctor for the answer. The doctor sighed and shrugged, "I don't know. I was able to mend her broken leg and her cuts. But she's uncconscious. I've done everything I can do for her. Now it's up to her. The longer she stays unconscious, the less chance she has of coming back to us." Jack closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, "May I see her?" The doctor nodded, "Yes you may see her." Jack went in and sat next to her. George sat with Anna and talked to her to keep her mind off of how her mommy was. Jack sat next to Kattie and held her hand. He cried as he look at her still body. He felt as if Victor had just ripped his heart out of him. His heart was aching and his lungs felt like they were they were going to seize, to stop working all together. He loved her with all his heart. If she died, he felt as if he would die.
It was wednesday, January 13th. In the morning when Anna had to go to school. Jack was sitting in the chair next to Kattie, who was still unconscious. George walked in, "Jack. I'll take Anna to school today. You just stay here with Kattie." Jack whispered, "She just lays there sleeping. And everyday she gets paler. Her face is so white. There's absolutely no color to them." George replied, "Try talking to her. Maybe she'll hear you." George shut the door and took Anna to school. Jack leaned forward and held her hand. Jack whispered, "Kattie. If you can hear me, I want you to know how much I love you. Anna loves you too. Don't die on us. We need you here. There's no need to worry about Victor anymore. He's dead. He can't hurt you no more. So please come back to us. Kattie I can't live here without you. And neither can Anna. She can't groe up without a mother. Without you. Wake up Kattie. Please wake up." Jack put his head down on her hand and started to cry. Then Kattie's hand started moving her hand and ran her fingers through his hair. Jack opened his eyes and slowly brought his head up to look at her.Kattie was slowly opening her eyes. Jack got up and kneeled beside the bed, "Kattie." Kattie looked at him and tried to speak, "Jack." Her voice was so scratchy. She licked her dry lips and tried again but Jack stopped her, "Here. Take a drink." Jack lifted her and sat behind her so she could lean on him. He put the cup to her mouth and tilted it so she could drink it. Kattie took a drink and then pushed the cup away from her letting him know that she had enough. Kattie's voice was much better when she said, "Jack. What happend? I don't remember exactly what happend?" Jack got up and layed her back down. He kneeled beside the bed and held her hand, "Well Victor came back. He was waiting here for you. And . . ." Kattie interrupted , "I know what happend then. What happend when he tried taking me downstairs?" Jack continued, "George pulled him back by his throat and Victor pushed you down the steps. But don't worry about Victor anymore. He can't hurt you no more. He's dead. Kattie, can you tell me what happend before we got here?" Kattie looked away and sighed, "I came in here to put my jacket away with Anna. And when I saw him I told her to go in her room and play. Then he kissed me and . . ." Jack squeezed her hand gently, "And? You can tell me." Kattie looked at him, "He made me make love to him. And then he 'wanted' to talk. I got dressed and that's when he started hitting me. And that's what happend before you came in." Jack layed his head down on her chest and wrapped his arms around her, "I love you. You don't have to worry about him no more." Kattie ran her hands through his hair, "I love you too. Thank you. Where's Anna?" Jack whispered, "George took her to school. But once he comes back he's going to go back and get her." Kattie shook her head, "No. Don't do that. She likes school. She can see me after school." Jack lifted his head, "Are you sure? She's been worried about you." Kattie nodded, "Yeah, there's no need to bring her hom from school until it's over. Kiss me." Jack smiled and moved up. He kissed her and she kissed him back. They kissed for the next three minutes. Jack pulled back but Kattie reached up and brought his head back down for another kiss. Jack chuckled as he kissed her. They continued to kiss for the next two minutes. Then Kattie finally let him pull away. Jack laughed and looked into her eyes. Kattie said, "I love you. I needed more of your kiss. The last kiss I got was from a guy I absolutely hated. It was terrible. Your kiss is much better. I almost got sick after kissing him." Jack's smile deepened, "Kisses never taste good or feel good when kissing someone you don't love. That's why my kisses are more appealing."
George arrived at the castle about an hour later. Jack met him downstairs. "Hey Jackk. How's . . ." Before he could finish talking Jack smiled and gave him a hug. Jack pulled back, "She's awake! She's going to be okay!" George's face lit up, "That's great!" George ran up to her room and hugged her. The doctor came a little later and confirmed that she was going to be alright. She was on the road to recovery. When Anna came home she was delighted to see her mom awake and smiling. A few weeks later Kattie was moving around in a chair and she was feeling much better. Life for them was better. Anna grew up nicely and married a blacksmith from town. They had two kids of their own and they grew up; so on and so forth.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.03.2010

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