
Chapter 1

Hey my name is Izzy i im 15 years old i have a nutty brother an thats all. My parent seperated when i was little so i dont know much about my dad. Im a softmore an high school. So im not popular i hang out with normal ppl i have no enemys exspet shirece armstrong she the most popular girl an the most meanist. She doent really like me because im prettyer then her an her boyfriend is my brother but doesnt care . She was my best friend but one day at my birthday party when i was 13 we were swimming an she through up in my pool an everybody laughed include me so know she hates me but i dont really care cause everything on her is fake an her parents allowed her to get all of it so my mom wont let me hang out wit her. so i got to panther high right a stupied name but its real close to my house so i can walk. My brother drives to school to look cool. But i dont like all the attention so i would rather walk . As i wake for school get dressed in a minni skirt that is black in pink an a pink shirt wit a black skull with some pink an black flats. As i waqlk to school i see a whole bunch of kids surronding a car i go see whats going on i new kid steps out. He is very handsome im in front with my cute outfit an he looks at me an smiles. His teeth looked very sharp i duck my head an blush. Then here come Shirece an said hey izzy u already like the new boy. Everybody laughs i just walk away an she's like were u goin are u imbaressed i tured around in said bitch who is u talkin to what u need to do is get out my face an step of my brothers cock. Everyone looked shocked i walked away an rolled my eyes. Second hour i had class with the new boy which name was chris he had pretty hazel eyes brown hair an had olive light skin complection. an curly hair i almost melted an my seat cause he sat right next to me an asked my name i said iz-izzy an studderd i felt imbaressed. He was like soo i liked the way u steeped up for ur self it was cool, i said thanks. The teacher had everyone interdu e thereselfs i stood up an said hi my name is Izzy franks my brother goes here his name is jr and im 15 years old and my favirote colors is pink and black then i sat down an he just kept staring at me. It made me very uncompertbale so i asked to go to the bathroom. I was so happy to getr out when i got up he watched me two. when i got back he wasent there i was like thank u lord an out of now were he pops up.

Chapter 2
After class was lunch we walked togather pepole was staring. An i was blushing when we got to te table were me an my friends ate. There eyes were as huge as a grape fruit an i was like all yall alright. An my best friend was like yea are u crazy can i talk to u. I was like sure an we walked to the side an she was like wat is ur problem going out with the new boy i was like i dont go out with hem an just wanted to talk to me an eat lunch with me. What is ur problem u acted like i just kissed hem. She said are u planing to i just sat there an was shocked. An was like this conversation is over come on or are u still tripin. ?When we sat at the table i sat next to hem. An we were all talkin when here comes shirece she wlked over with my brother Jr. She was like so izzy u takeing the new boy from the rest of us. I stood up an was first of all im not taking anyone he choose to sit with use an second of all u might be with my brother but u dont talk to me like your a fucking queen cause ur not! Jr was like a new boy how bout u stay away from my little sister. You cant tell hem wat to do Jr ok back off why do u walk around here like your a king but ur not im out come on Chris. An we walked out the luch room i was steming he said you now u dident have to stand up for me i can do that by myself. Well excuse me for tryin help u out next time i'll let Jr hit u. He said, i can take care of my self, well then why are shadowing me he said because like u your a nice girl an specks ur mind. Thanks but u shouls stay away from me if u dont want to run into Jr, ohh i can handle ur brother well its ur face. You know he said u are very cute, thanks ur cute ur self. He walked me to 3 hour an i said ill see hem later. The rest of the day i dident see hem but during my classes he is all i could think about when i got home Jr an Shirece was making out on the couch. I just walked past them Jr was like were is ur boy friend i tured around an was like he is not my boyfriend he is a friend an if he was it's nun of your business. Aww dont get affence of shirece said i said girl your my house its best if u shut up i went to my room an slamed the door.

Chapter 3

Out of know where he phone rings she anserd it an got shoked by the voice it was Chris she said how the hell did u get my number. He just chuckled an said meet me at the park so she got dressed an a tight fited shirt an some pants as she walked down stairs her brother asked where she was going she said nun of dame business an walked out the door. When she was at the park she was wondering wat he wanted from her when she saw hem siting on the swing with his head down she went to go see wat was the matter with hem. As she approched hem his face looked very sad she said wats wrong he looked up an smiled an said i think i really like u. She was really stuck for a while in till she said i really like u to. It started to get dark so he asked to walk her home she said yeah as the walked he tolded her about hem is his family his has a older brother in sister but they are still in london. He said the reason why they moved here is because his mom wanted to strt over as they approched the house she talked about her life which was not interesting to her but he was fastenated. When they were on the front porch before she could say anything he kissed her she staggerd back but kissed hem back then the door flung open. An there was standing Jr an Shirece stood there stuck on silence Chris leaned in said he would call her later an walked away, she walked pass them in the door in went to the kichen.

Chapter 4
As i sit an my room doing home work waiting on his call. Jr busts in and said wat the hell is wrong with why were u kissing the new kid. What i do with my mouth is nun of ur business Jr. Well ur not to see hem again i dont want u around hem anymore don u understand me! Jr you are not my dad i dont have to leason to u know i was all in his face. Well you wouldent have to worry about me an your face if wasent kissing a guy u just meet today like some dame whore.That ticked hir off she slaped hem an accidnety scrached his face n made hem bleed he looked at her before she could say a word he punched her an she feel. He was so mad he kicked her three times in the ribs she struggled to ansker her self phone but when she did she was crying out of voice, the person was so shocked that she was crying but when she heard his vocie she cryied harder.
He told her she was his way when he got there the door was open an her brother was gone when he got to her room she was on the floor trying to breath he picked her up an caryed her to his car an set her down an raced to his house he carryed her to his room set her on the bed pulled her shirt up and gasped at the purple and black bruse on her side. He left to get an bandge thing an a ice pack before he put it on her he kissed he brused an told her evrthing was gonna be alright. After he got dun she was fast asleep sweating he put the ac on and put a sheet over her. I woke up an looked around an thought i was dreaming it was hot in my dream so i took off my pants an drefted back down. When Chris's parents got home he forgot she was in his room when his mom went in there an saw here she scremed, Chris an his dad came runing and thats when his dad saw her. An said son how couldu bring her here why would u do that dad u act like i had sex with her an did not ok her an her brother got into a fight he busted her lip an brused on of her ribs.I started to wake up i dident see them standing there the sheet slid of an i heard a gasp an looked up there were three eyes on her she hurryed up an grabed the sheet an blushed an looked down. Chris started walking towards her an whisperd in her ear an the kissed her neck which caused her to tremble. After his parents left she asked hem to hand her her pants he smiled an said sure an handed her a pair of blue basketball shorts she put them on an asked if he would take her to the bathroom an he did he carryed her they went passed his parents room laughing an his dad stoped them an told her she can sleep in the guess room she said thank u. An they went to the bathroom he wated for her an he asked if she would like to sleep with hem tonight she said yeah. An when they got to his room he layed he on the bed an they talked but he sat on the floor. When she started to fall asleep an told hem to come laydown with her an he layeddown next to her an stroked her hair intill she fell asleep.

Chapter 5
As she woke up she was snuggled up with Chris on his bed he was sleep so she kissed hem pastionaly.An he woke with a smile an kissed her bac lefted up her shirt an kissed her bruse. She asked for some pain killers. An i gave some to her a cooked for her an bandaged her with a new banage two days later they went to school toagther everyone was staring. Jr furious and marched away everyone saw her busted lip an thought Chris hit her but she said he dident she got into a fight with a nobody an was at Chris's house the last couple of days. Evereyone stared at the couple like they were alliens but the really dident notice but one day her best friend came an asked he she was ditchin them for chris. She was heart because her friend was buggin on her. When she got home she had to exsplain where she was an why she was go so long to her mother. All she said was that she went to spend the night at a friends house for a couple of days. Mean while Chirs was having a hard desiion weather to tell izzy the truth or lie to her. But he thought how would she take it. In there rules it was eligale the penalty for that was death but he loved her but he dident want his family to die.But if she neew the only thing to do was to make her one of them but he dident but then again he did. He made he mind up he will tell this weekend and bring her to his house. That falling night after he made his dission he called an asked if she would come over this weekend. Izzy was shocked but she said yea after school he picked her up. On the ride there everything was quiet but she could feel the tension cuming of his body dho she asked wats wrong he said nothing. Izzy starter to get paranoyed but she new he would neva hurt her so she stayed calm. When they got to his house they went strayet to his room they start talking about school an then secrets. An then he said Izzy i have a secret an he said i was born in london at the age of sixteen i got heart cancer so i was in the hosptail when i feel asleep but when i woke up i was an another room an someone bit me. i screamed form the pain for two hours an cause i was scared do get what im geting at. Bout time she said something they were in his room, she sat on his bed she leaned in to kiis hem he kissed he back. They started making out next thing she new she was on the pillow with her hands behind her head he start kissing her cheeks an her neck then she felt pressure on her an she screamed he put his and over mouth. After two ours of the tourture she woke up crying he kissed her told her everthing would be alright. That night his parents came back an saw her in the kichen while he was in the shower. At first they thought she was normall but when she tured around with milk an her hand they both gasped. She just looked at them like they were crazy an she said, what are you staring at. Then that same moment chris walked in the kitchen with just a towl on once he saw his parents he tryed to turn around but his mother caut hem. She said chris what the hell is your promblem why would do this to this bueatful girl. Chris said ohh mother dont be such a pest i love her an she loves me why not. His mom says because she is so young an she dosent have a exscuss to her family why she is always thirsty why she's never home, an boy is you dont put no clothes on im slap yours ass so hard u gonna wish you was alive. Izzy looked around an left the room with tears in her eyes as she walked to Chris's room she could her them still aruguing ten minutes later he walked in still half naked. An he said dont worry about them they are just peranoyed Izzy said thats it i dont want to stay here if your parents dont condeme it. An then at that your mother cant stand to look me an the face without saying something so you about me i just feel like im unwelcomed.Chris leaned over an kissed her super pasonily she layed back on the bed he kept kissing her then he sliped his bath towel off, an his mom walked in Izzy an Chris wasent paying attention as he sleped her pants off. They herd the door close an they tured around an heard his mother sobbing going down the hall Chris jumped up put some boxers on an said i'll be right back after he left she sleped her clothes on an sliped under the silk covers when he retured he looked tired so she just tured around an tryed to goto sleep. But she felt something touch her calf she tured around an Chris was smiling an said you dont think i would let you goto sleep next to me like this do you Izzy replied an said yes an tured around. Chris said whats wrong izzy said i dont know maybe your mom saw me in you bout to do it an she was crying when she left, Chris shook his head an chuckled she was crying but she was crying because she is happy to see me happy for once. She kissed am he kissed her back then he sliped his boxers off an asked her was she sure se nodded her head the whole night they made passionaly love intill moring.

Chapter 5
The next week she went to the doctors an they said she was 1 week pregnat she just sat there an look afraid what to tell Chris. As she walked into his house his mom was siting on the couch reading she said, i know what your problem is your just useing my little chris so that his stuck with you. Izzy looked an just walked to his bedroom an two minutes later she went an ate almost the whole kitchen. An when chris go back he was wondering what was up with herr he saw her run to the bathroom an puke. So when they were going to bed he asked her whats the matter she just shook her head an said you shouldent worry its get taking care of in a couple of days, an he said Izzy what are you talking about she stoped an said Chris im preganet.

Stay tuned to read lover of the dead 2


Texte: This book was made by Princess church
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.10.2010

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