
I woke up earlier than my normal schedule, only to make sure I wasn't late on my first day of work. Today I will be teaching high school seniors my favorite math subject, Trigonometry. I pulled
my hair into a nice bun and had on a button down shirt with a pair of regular jeans and some boots.

I looked at my outfit to make sure everything looked okay. My chocolate skin was nice and soft and my light brown eyes were shining with happiness. This was my first job of becoming a high school teacher and I couldn't wait. I finished looking in the mirror, grabbed my bag and walked out of my house. I headed to my car, when I saw the friendly widow next door checking her mail box.

"Hello Ms. Gram," I waved at her.

"Hello dear," she smiled.

"I'll tell you all about my first day when I come back." I told her.

When I moved here, she and I have become very close after her husband died of a heart attack. She was a nice old lady, and she was like a grandma I've never had.

"Okay good luck" she said walking back inside her house.

I got in my car and typed in the GPS the directions to the school because the town was so different from New York. In New York, everybody knew each other. And if you were an outsider you would probably find only one person you know.

I got to the school with in my time and walked to the principal's office. I saw a lady sitting behind a desk.

"Hello how can I help you?" She asked with a warm smile.

"Hi, I'm the new teacher." I replied

She started to type something on the computer and I watched as paper came out of the printer.

"Here you go Ms. Brooks." She handed me a piece of a paper."That paper has the schedule of your classes and lunch break."

"Thanks," I smiled and left.

I headed to my first period. I entered the empty class room and looked at my surroundings.
It was a big class with a lot of desks and some of the desks had writings on them. The windows had a perfect view of outside. I saw some students walking across the lawn, I guess going to lunch. I went back to the front of the class and smiled at the huge green board. After everything that happened to me I still pulled through and followed my dreams.

I turned around quickly when I heard the classroom's door open.

A boy about 6'2 entered the classroom. He was taller than me and that was quite good for I'm tall myself,5'9. He chose a desk at the end of the classroom. He seemed like he came from a poor family from the way he dressed. He had light brown hair, a boyish cute face and a nice body. I wonder what's he doing here so early?

"Excuse me?" I said.

His head popped up when he heard my voice.

"Yes?" He said quietly while looking me up and down. I walked over to his desk.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders and went back to writing. Well rude much? I just walked back to my desk because it seems the boy did not feel like being bothered. I picked up a chalk and wrote my name on the board. The bell rang and more students walked inside the classroom.

When everybody was seated and quiet I introduced myself.

"Hey guys I'm your new math teacher," I said.

"No duuh!" someone said sarcastically.

I ignored and continued talking "My name is Ms. Brooks or you can call me Ms.B," I smiled.

I walked back in front of my desk.

"I'm going to take the attendance so when you hear your name just say here" I said. I started to call out names and they did what I told them. I was almost finished and just had to call one more name.

"Kaden Knight?" I said. Nobody answered me so I glanced around the room and said the name one last time before I marked absent.

"Hey man she's calling your name!" A boy said.

"Here.." The boy who came in class early said.

I finished the attendance and started to write exercises on the board. They had no problem with solving them at all. The bell rang and everybody left the class.

I waved bye to some of the students and erased all the answers from the board. I sat down and got ready for my next class when I noticed Kaden was still in class.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. "You know class is over," I raised my eyebrows at him.

He looked up at me, cursed under his breath and raced out of the classroom. I shook my head and waited for my next class to come.

After I finished, it was time for my lunch break. I went to the cafeteria and looked around. It was kind of crazy in there. People screaming, jocks throwing a football to each other, and girls laughing out loud to get their attention. I went to the line, pulled a tray of the rack and slide down the aisle.

There were so many choices, but I just picked a simple cheese burger, French fries and a bottle of water. I took my lunch back to my room so I can eat before the bell rings.

I taught my next class AP Math, and they finished all the problems before the bell rang. So I told them they can have free time if they talked quietly. Instead they said they wanted to ask questions about me, and I agreed only if I can ask them a question back.

"How old are you Ms.B?" Alice, one of my students asked me.

"21" I replied.

"That's young" someone commented.

I just nodded my head.

"My turn," I smiled at her. "So are you and Stan here a couple?"

I got a few laughs for that.

She blushed and nodded her head. I chuckled and the questions kept coming. After a few more questions the bell rang and everyone left the classroom. I looked at my schedule again and saw that this was my last class. I grabbed all my stuff and made sure I didn't leave anything behind. I went my car and drove back home.

I put everything down and changed my outfit before I went over to Mrs. Gram's house. This was a routine for us. She was a nice lady when I first moved here. She came to my house and bought over some homemade cookies.

I guess that's how our friendship began. I let my hair down and went across the street to Mrs. Gram's house. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. She cracked opened the door, before pulled it wide open when she saw it was me.

"Hey Mrs. Gram," I hugged her.

"Hello Harmony," she hugged me back.

We walked inside her kitchen and sat down at the table.

"So how was your first day" she said handing me one of her famous cookies.

I thanked her and took a bite before saying, "Good".

"Were he kids nice?" she said taking a sip of her tea.

I smiled, "Yes."

"That's good! You don't want troublemakers in your class," she replied.

I laughed. "They are very good kids," I reached for another cookie.

"You should get out more Harmony," she gave me a sad smile putting her hand over mine.

I gave her hand a squeeze "Mrs. Gram I'm fine" I tried to reassure her.

She ran a hand through her hair. "Just making sure your living today to it's fullest as if tomorrow you'll die."

We talked for a few more hours before she asked me about buying flowers.

"Buying flowers for wha--"I didn't finish my sentence because I knew what she was speaking about. Next week would be the anniversary of her husband's death.

We talked about what kind of flowers she wanted and what time we were going to go to the cemetery. After we finished I told her I had to get home early for I had to get to school early so I can cover another teacher class. We hugged goodbye and I went home.

Chapter 2

My ringing alarm clock woke me up from a good dream that I had in many years. Leaving my warm bed I walked over to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. Too lazy to straighten my hair I left it in its natural curly state. I dressed in another button up top, only this time I decided to go with pink. I slipped on my boot cut pants along with my white flats. Sighing I walked out of my home to be greeted with Ms.Gram who was checking her mail box like usual.

"Good morning Ms.Gram" I spoke loudly so she can hear me over the guy

who was mowing his lawn. Who does it this early in the morning anyway?

"Hello Harmony have a good day at work," she waved goodbye.

I drove off not needing my GPS today, for I had memorized the way to school. Finding a parking space I made my way into the school's building. As I walked inside my class room I couldn't help but notice how it was the same how I left it a day ago. I approached the tall chalkboard, writing the problems that I wanted the class to do today.

I was about to put up the last problem when I saw a shadowed figure out the corner of my eye. I dropped my chalk, startled, and turned around quickly; noticing that it was just Kaden coming into class early once again.

I placed a hand over my heart, trying to slow its accelerating pace down. "You scared the crap out of me" I said breathless.

He turned around, making me notice that he had his hoodie on and sunglasses as well. I must admit he looked cute today; but why wear such a thing in this nice of weather?.

"Sorry." He mumbled. Walking towards the back of the classroom. I shook my head, about to ask why he was early to class again but the bell ran. Making students pile into the small classroom. I did my lesson, helping the students who needed it, not getting the answers.

After the period ended I walked around looking for one of my shirt buttons that had managed to escape from it. I gave up after ten minutes of searching the floor, figuring that I will have to buy a new shirt. Glancing at the back of the classroom I noticed a pile of crumpled papers.

Curious, I straightened one out, seeing that it was a drawing and they were pretty good one at that. It was of a woman who had blonde hair that seemed to be blowing in the wind, while she was looking straight at me with a beautiful smile that reached
her eyes.

Picking up the other papers I looked at them. Who ever did these could really draw. I glanced up at the clock and saw that I was late for the class I was suppose to cover. I rushed down the hallways I tripped and tried to manage to catch my footing. I almost fell, looking around I was glad nobody was there to see me. And this time I took my time not wanting to fall again.

I finally reached the classroom. Opening the door, surprised at the sight that was before me. Students were throwing paper airplanes and balls around the small classroom, there were students sitting on top of desks, standing even. And I caught some of them on their phones. My teacher instincts took over, I had to get this class under control, and fast. I strode up to the front of the class.

"Excuse me" I said loud enough for the class next door to hear. To my disappointment nobody stopped what he or she were doing. I needed more then my voice, I thought. Looking around my eyes fell on a heavy Spanish book that had been lying on the floor. I picked it up and banged it against the side of the desk. The class got quiet, staring at me. That's better I smiled. I let go of the book, letting gravity push it back to the floor with a loud thump.

I smiled, introducing myself. "Hello class I'm Ms. Brooks your substitute teacher, can you please get off the desks and sit in your seats and put your phones away." I ask politely.

They did what I ask, all eyes on me as the waited for what was next. "You can keep talking but please do it quietly" I walked around the teacher desk and sat down in the comfy chair. I glanced down on the magazine that the previous teacher had left; picking it up I started to flip through the pages. Taking in the colorful pictures.

A few minutes had pasted when I heard footsteps approaching the desk. Putting the
magazine down slowly from my face, it allowed me to see who was blocking my reading light. My eyes fell on a girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes.

"They told me to give you this," she said handing me a piece of paper that she had been holding. Taking the paper and read it. It notified me that I had to cover another
class after this one. Sighing I handed her back the paper and then thanked

The bell rang, standing up I walked to over another class. What's with all these teachers being absent? Walking inside the gym and saw students sitting on the bleachers talking. I told them they could do what ever they wanted it was a free period. Some of the boys played basketball and the girls sat around watching the boys, talking about which boy was hot. I sat down looking to my right to see one person who was still sitting on the bleachers. I turned my whole body around so I can get a better look

at this person. It was a boy that I had seen before, I knew because of the way his body had been built. I walking over to get a better look, I noticed that it was Kaden! Closer observation told me that he was writing something in a book. I moved, walking slowly as I approached him, careful so that he couldn't hear my steps.

When I was close enough I looked over his shoulder and saw that he was not writing but drawing, I squinted, noticing it looked like the drawings that had been in the back of my classroom earlier. I stepped a little closer to get a better look. I was so close to my goal, only to step on something that made a loud enough sound for him to look up at me.

"Hey Kaden." I smiled guiltily. He looked at me with caution in his eyes.

"Hi Ms. B." He said finally. I smiled because that was the first time he looked me in the eyes as he said my name.

"Did you draw all of these?" I pointed to his book.

"Yeah." he smiled blushing a little.

"Can I see more?" I asked.


"Can I look at one picture?" I said pushing him.

He finally nodded and handed me the book. I couldn't help but notice how he had drew all the kids in the gym. The detail was amazingly accurate.

"Your drawings are really good" I complimented him.

"Thanks." he says shyly, blush returning to his soft cheeks.

The bell rang, with that Kaden took the book out my hand, putting it back inhis book bag as he left the gym. I followed him out, walking out of the large gym and towards my next period class; thinking about Kaden and his drawings. He seemed like a loner. I went back to my homeroom class;excited it was the last one. All I had to do was teach this next class and then I get the freedom to go back home.

Chapter 3

The rest of the week went passed fast, It was fun teaching and getting

to know my students and there personalities. I couldn't help but think that John Glenn High School was 2x as better as mine. Great clubs and mostly great students.

Today was the day I had to accompany Ms.Gram to the cemetery.we decide on white roses. The ones we chose were especially beautiful.

But right now was in class making sure everything was going okay. I heard someone call my name. From the far side of the room. And I guessed his name. Hopefully I will remember everyone's name by the end of this marking period.

"Yes Jacob" I said.

"Ms.B we need another work sheet paper" he answered.

I went over to my desk to get more work sheets. Okay, where are the papers? I looked in the draws of the desk and everything.Guess I'm not the most organized. I guess I'm going to have to make more copies.

"Class I'm going to have to my copies I'll be right back" I rushed out the classroom and went straight to the teacher's lounge where the copy machine was.

This was my first time going in there since I started this job. The room was small but not an I can't breath small , they painted it blue and in the corner have a white couch , there was posters on the wall, and used coffee mugs on the tables. Beside from me there was a woman there using the microwave, she had long brown hair that stopped at her shoulders and a black skirt that stopped at her knees, on with a white button down shirt and black high heels, I looked up in her face to see
she was wearing glasses, she turned and looked at me I gave her a small smile.

I walked over to the copy machine and placed the paper on it. I tried to see what button make the machine start to work but I had no luck.

"Do you need help" a friendly voice ask.

I turned to see the woman who is using that microwave smiling at me.

I smiled back "Yes I seem to have trouble working it" I laughed, she laughed with me and showed me how to using next time I need to use it again.

I picked up the copies and she made me a lot "So your new here"she statement less than a question.

"Yes this is my first week working here" I replied.

"Do you like it so far?"

"Yes" we were now walking back towards our class.

She pointed to a classroom "Well this is my homeroom see you around"

"See you around" I couldn't wave goodbye to her cause my hands were full of the work sheets. But before I walked to my class I called out to her.

She turned around "Yes?" she ask.

"I didn't get your name" I said.

"Ashley" she answer "And yours? she ask.

"Harmony" I answered

"Cute name"

I smiled and kept on walking when something bumped into me. The papers went flying everywhere. Everything was on the floor messed up. Who knew? maybe in about a few minutes a bunch of people are going to walk all over the pages, only to leave dirty footprints. I put one hand over my eyes and groaned I got on the floor and started to gather all the pieces of paper together.

"Oh I'm so sorry" a male voice said. I looked up and saw the most beautiful man, yes I said beautiful not handsome. He was wearing a suit that fit his body just right, his hair was jet black waves, gray eyes, and a sexy smile with a dimple in each cheek.

"It okay" I said still staring. He chuckled and I looked down and try not to blush and try to pick up the paper faster.He bend down "Here let me help you" he smiled.

I nodded my head, there was one more paper to pick up I reached for it and didn't see he was doing the same thing so our hands touch, I pulled my hand back quick and raised to my feet, he did the same, and handed me the last paper.

"Here you go"


"It was nice meeting you" he said.

"You too. I have to get back to my class"

He looked a little disappointed "See you later?" he ask.

"Yeah"I walked back to class thinking about the new mystery man and what he was like, and why was he in this school? Was he picking up his son or daughter? Or maybe he was a teacher too? So many questions and no answers.

For the rest of the day I wore a smile on my face, some of my students thought I was crazy, but I just laughed them off. I was young enough to understand them, its just that they're to young to understand me.


After school was done I went to the flower shop so I can get theroses. It didn't cost me that much, Me and Ms.Gram started this tradition last year when I walked inside her house on her husband anniversary to see her curled up in a ball. I told her it would be better it she visit his grave and tell him things that's going on in her life.she thought it was a good idea.

I drove to my house and got ready to leave with Ms.Gram,I had on a black dress that reached my knees with a pair of black high heels. I put my in a ponytail and put on a little make up. I really didn't like wearing it but I wanted to look nice. When I checked in the mirror I looked cute, I picked up the flowers and went over to Ms.Gram house,and knocked on her door. I gave her a small smile when she opened the door.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

She nodded her head and locked the door "As ready as I'll ever be" she gave a sad smile. I lead her to my car and drove to the cemetery. The New Concord Cemetery. I'm guessing the owners tried to make it look as nice as possible. But sometimes, even red roses and a frilly sign couldn't make death an easy subject to talk about.The ride was quiet, not the uncomfortable silence but nice.

We got to the cemetery and went straight to his grave it was to your left with the old flowers we left there before. Engraved on his tombstone was loving husband, Caring friend. They found out that he couldn't have kids and he didn't want to adopted for some reason so the only thing missing was loving father.

Ms.Gram placed the flowers down and started to speak" Hey honey" she smiled. She started to say more but I blocked her out and thought about my own parents, I never did go to their funeral. I was to young. I just got put in a foster home. Ms.Gram called my name and took me
out my thoughts.

I walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" One tear excepted her eyes and rolled down her cheek, I squeezed her shoulder lightly." Everything is going to be okay" she looked at me and gave a small smile.

"I'm ready to go" she kissed her hand then placed it on her husband's
tombstone and we left. I knew it was a hard loss. I know myself. I can barely even remember them...

On the drive home we were talking and laughing trying to lighten up the mood. Ms.Gram looked over to me "Harmony I have someone special you should meet"

I looked at her confused" Who?"I ask.

"You'll see tomorrow'

"Ms.Gram you know I don't like secrets" I pouted trying to see if she tells me.

"That face isn't going to work this time I won't tell you and you won't find out until tomorrow." she said sternly.

I laughed"Hey it was worth a try" I shook my head.

We finally got home around 9.00pm.She didn't want to be alone so I said I would stay the night with her. Thank god today is Friday and I didn't have work tomorrow. I was in the guest room getting in bed when the door opened and walked in Ms.Gram.

She kissed my forehead." Okay night Harmony"

I smiled" Goodnight Ms.Gram" she left the room and walked down the hall to her room. I was focused on helping Ms.Gram but my mind always ended up drifting off.

Who was the person i was supposed to meet? Or even who is he/she???


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.03.2011

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