

She was born in this world sick no one knew what she was  she didn't even know she was and no on thought she would turn out the way she did and now its costing her, her life and the people around her just tell her everything she is doing wrong but she wont listen she will be forever doomed in the life that she lives now.She is short with long  pink hair skinny light sight skinned with a  prefect figure and eyes that are sharp and piercing  she is 15 years old . This is Janae’s Story.




he walks around her friends house and realizes that their a large amount of boys in the house .she had been invited to the party and had a crush on her friend alexis brother Marcus she wanted so bad for him to like her that she had already made up in her mind she was going to do everything to get him the naive  girl thought this was the way for him to show some profound love for her. Upon her seeing all these boys she was scared she just didn't show it she smiled at them in a flirtatious matter she didn't even know she was showing. She walked in the back room and changed into her pajamas and Marcus ran in to the room and got behind her ,she was confused at first about what was going on around her but she thought if  she stopped him he would no longer show interest in her at all , He told he how bad he wanted her and she thought of it as  he loved her like she loved him when he left the room she couldn't stop smiling at what just happened the rest of the night he would look at her and smile and stare.





When it was almost time for everyone to go to bed Marcus cousin Jordan came into the living room with her and he asked whats wrong she answer truly and said nothing he asked her did she want to go to the back with him so she thought about it and after thinking it through she got up and fallowed him to his room. Once they were in there he instantly started removing his clothing she told him that she couldn't have sex and he didn't ask her why he just stopped and sat down with her and slowly he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips once she was use to the kiss she started to get rougher she was nervous even though she had kissed a boy before this was the first time she was actually alone with a boy in a room and actually had a chance to have sex.






He lifted her shirt and she was surprised she didn't want to stop him. He was so gentle and caring with the way he treated her she never wanted to be out of  his touch  she melted with ever kiss and touch from him and she never wanted it to end but she knew she had to. When they were done with their make out session she kissed him once more and left his room, but as she got into bed and drifted off to sleep in her bed all she could think about was Marcus  yes she liked him and she liked Jordan but she knew her heart belonged to Marcus. 





When she woke up that morning she did her usual routine and then walked into the kitchen ,Jordan had left early with his mom and some of the rest of the boys where gone to, everyone was their except Marcus so she went to go see where he was When she found him she sat by him on the couch and asked him what was wrong it seemed as if he didn't have an answer for any of her questions she wanted to get up put how he smiled at her made her want to stay. She slowly leaned  in and kissed him on his lips and he greatly accepted her kiss. She trailed her kissed down to his neck and when he moan she sucked harder and flicked her tongue against him when she pulled back he still had his bright smile on his face which only made her want to kiss him more, but she had to get up and get ready for the party when she was done changing everyone was ready to go.


They had pulled up to an unfamiliar place and Alexis mom had told her that they were going to play laser tag. She had never played before but she knew it would be a good exercise and she would have a lot of  fun doing it . After they played about 7 games of  laser tag and played with everything else there possible was in the arcade It was time to eat. She had meet one of  Alexis friend and they were actually getting along very well when they saw where everyone was sitting they had the same thing on there mind  it was to many people in one little space to their left they saw their were two more empty tables away from everyone else but not to far that they couldn't see us they were literarily 5  feet away.





When they sat down 3 boys came over and  sat at the second table One of the boys was Jordan he smiled at me and i lightly smiled back at him after she turned around and talked more to girl she had just meet. They had school in the morning so and her sisters Aaliyah and  Justice mom came and got them they all truly enjoyed their time but when Janae got in the car  her and questioned her about what happened over the weekend  she said that Alexis mother had told her  that i had done something bad and She told her nothing because other than kissing Jordan and Marcus she didn't to anything that Her mother would know about and she wasn't about to tell her mother what happened between them. When she had got home her  had  mom dropped  the conversation. Her sister Aaliyah who she thought was sleep during her mothers conversation pulled her into the bathroom to talk to her she had told her what was going on and why mamma would think she did something bad that Alexis mom would notice. She told the that Alexis mother was saying she was alone with 5 boys when she was over at the separate tables she said that she was trying to be fast .






The one thing that caught her ear  is when she said that Marcus had said she was a HOE. When her sister uttered those words  her heart broke into tiny little pieces they boy she loved had not defended her but signed with all the negative comments being thrown on her he didn't say she was smart, talented, beautiful ,innocent, cheerful, confident, and loving  but instead he called her the worst name that anyone can all a female and it got worse to hear that Alexis had said it to. Her friend and her love had hurt her to her core and  with all the emotions going through her she did not know what to say? what to do? how to feel ?  she was sad, mad, angry, confused, hurt, manipulated, and used. In heart she had thought Marcus felt the same way about her but clearly he had other things in mind and to think about it he was never really nice to her unless the were alone together she had came to the conclusion that the one had fallen in love with was a harsh and curl man who should never be trust. After her sister told he with pity and sorrow in her eyes, she knew how she felt about Marcus, she didn't want her sister to be hurt  over a boy that was no good anyway but she had to let her have her moment and cry it out but in her head she knew it would blow over that all her older sister had to do is cry it out and then move on from the situation. 



Janae had locked her self into the room and cried her self to sleep but keep waking up to the dream of Marcus screaming out her name  so instead of  torturing her self she listen to her favorite song Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran when he listen to the slow love song and just thought about who her love story would never the on that he describes to her in his song she cried and cried to his song on replay before she finally feel out due to her tiredness. When she checked her clock it was her time to wake up and get read for school she got in the shower and did her morning routine.She looks in the mirror and she cant even recognize her own face she  feels dirty and used the one she loved for years had betrayed her trust. With every glimpse of her self she seemed to drift of into her mind she looked broken like the world around her had stomped on her heart and tore her into oblivion. She turned away from the mirror with tears in her eyes  and continued to get ready for the day ahead.





She walked into to school with all black cloths and makeup all of her friends were stunned by her new look she had always been colorful and bright. They walked up to her and asked her what had happened she just  blankly stared of into space and tried not to think about what happened.She  had liked Marcus since she was 10 when they were little she always played marriage with him the would stand over the door entrance with fake flower in their hand and say their vows to each other in her head she knew it was just a game she just thought since they had such a good connection throughout the years but how could his feeling change so fast one minute he was saying how much he wanted her then the next he would call he a hoe. It was never her goal to be promiscuous she just wanted love all she ever needed was the love that no one would give her she wanted to be wanted by someone else she wanted to be held and have someone claim to the whole world their love for one another she thought Marcus would be the line to provide her with that unconditional love  that she had been yearning for her whole life  but at last she was wrong the one she had given her heart to shattered her very soul. she was quiet the whole day she  wold smile here and there so the teachers wouldn't think anything was wrong with her her plan was successful.



When she went home she still had the same throbbing pain in her chest  she went in her moms medicine cabinet  and grabbed the pain killers she took out 2 then 3 then 6  she stopped when she had 10 pills in her hand she went into the kitchen and  got a glass of orange juice  and took all the pills at once she slid down the counter and counted  to 100 to distract her from the pain that was soon to cook when she was at 60 her heart stopped hurting and the pain moved to her stomach in a matter of seconds she had foam coming from her mouth and a large spread pain all over her body but soon she knew all her pain would go away Marcus would no longer be able to hurt her he had already shattered her heart with one awful  word uttered from his lips one word that haunted her throughout the night and he was the only thing her heart could manage she liked no better Yet she loved him even more then she had loved herself . As more and more pain ran through her body she blacked out as soon as her eyes closed she knew her pain was soon going to come to an end.


Her mom was just getting of  from work and walked into the kitchen to see her daughter laying their lifeless. She instantly got up and helped her daughter and got her to the car and drove to the ER to help her daughter once they were their the nurses but he on a table and pumped her stomach until she began to react to the medicine the doctors where giving her. Janae woke up with an IV in her arm and  the biggest headache she had ever had in her whole life  she wad happy and mad. she was mad because her mom just couldn't have let her die  but happy because she wasn't really sure it she wanted to die maybe it was just her or everything around her that made  her feel that way she was lost and the only thing he could say about her was to call her promiscuous which had confused her Marcus and Jordan where the only two boys she has had that much contact with even the boys she dated before never got on such an intimate level . When she Thought of Marcus her blood boiled  he did this all she gave him was real unconditional love and he spit in her face like some rabbit animal. She still had little pain so she laid back down in her hospital bed and  drifted of  into a deep sleep.

Pictures of characters



















































































Chapter 1

Chapter 1 (Jordan P.o.v)


I woke up at 9am to a call saying my love was in the hospital from over dose you may not know it but i loved Janae since i meet her 3 years ago and i always wanted her the day she was in my room yes i wanted to have sex but something in my heart was telling she wasn't ready and when she said she wasn't i stopped all i wanted to do is have her in my arms. I just don't know why she could have done this to herself i hope its not over what Marcus dump ass said . Over the years he developed a crush on her but he never wanted anyone he was in love with her me on the other had i wanted to scream it out and tell the world but i knew she liked him back so their was no chance for me until the night we kissed  then i had a chance to show her how much i love her.







I knew her sister Aaliyah was faithful towards her so Marcus calling her a hoe wasn't going to just go by her and if she didn't tell her i sure would have even thought he is my cousin we will always be family bu i only have one chance to be with the girl i love. fro real he had the most beautiful girl to love him and he just gave that up like she was nothing. Right now I'm on my way to the hospital to check on her i hope she is ok. As i walk in i ask the receptionist for a Janae Hope and they tell me room number 432. When i walk in i see her laying on the hospital bed lifeless. I walk over to where she is and kiss her forehead. I watch here as her eyes flutter open. 



(Janae’s p.o.v)


I felt a light kiss on my head and i opened by eyes to see the very handsome Jordan holding my hand and starring in my eyes, and i instantly ask him the much needed question




“What are you doing Here”

“I wanted to make sure you were ok”

“Why would you do that”

“Because i care about you everyone else will be here shortly”

“I don’t want to see them especially not Marcus”

“Did you do this because of him”

“Yes and no, i did it because when he said it everyone backed him up on his option is that what i am a hoe do you think of me that way”

“Not at all when is kissed you i could tell you were nervous i Knew it was your first time and yes i wanted to have sex with you put i knew you wouldn’t let me because unlike all the other hoes out here you got morals and that why i love you”

“What did you Just say”

“I said  that i love-” 

Before he could get his sentence out Marcus, Aaliyah, Alexis, My mom, and alexis mom walked in the room with flowers and cards and Marcus had a big teddy bare in his hand and a card that said i love you. That fucking lier. As soon as i seen them Marcus and Alexis and  Their mom walked up to me ready to apologize but i stopped them 

“Save it” i said 

“Janae just let us explained” Marcus said

“ There is no need to explain” i said

“ Please” Alexis begged 

“No no no i never want to see any of  you ever again you just don't call someone a hoe on accident and i thought you guys were my friends forget you just get the fuck out of my hospital room and don’t ever come up to me with any of your bullshit ever again” I  screamed at them Marcus seemed hurt by my actions but i didn't care.He deserved it so did his mom and his sister. Jordan  looked at me with sad eyes and i cried into his chest i had so may emotions running through my body i just couldn't take.



(Marcus P.o.v)



I know our thinking that im the bad guy but i love deajia with all my heart i miss her touch her smell the way she loves me i miss just having her heart and i will do anything to get that back 



Chapter 2


Chapter 2 (Janae’s P.o.v)


I sat in the hospital with Jordan for hours i Just couldn't help it.  I  loved  Marcus and everything about him and now he tore my heart into pieces, he thinks he can just come in here with some roses flowers and a teddy bear and think that everything between me and him was going to be fine. Jordan looked down at me  and  with sorrow in his eyes 


“Im sorry you had to go through this ma you don’t deserve to be miss treated” Jordan said

“I know it just hurt you know”

“yeah i know i remember a girl did something like this to me it hurt me because i loved her and all she did was break my heart but over time, even tho it hurts,  you'll find some on else and forget about this and maybe even forgive Marcus and his family”

“Maybe … why did you come”

“what do you mean”

“why did you come for me”

“Because i care and i would never want you to be hurt even if  u don’t like me i will always love you till the end of time”


With that he leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips unlike the first time we kissed this one was soft and passionate, like he was pouring out his soul to me in one kiss it took me a second to respond to him but i slowly did. Then he pulled away 

“Im sorry”






He began to get up but i pulled him back down and kissed him hard on his lips he kissed me back instantly . I pulled away looking into his hazel brown eyes feeling as if i have melted into existence. Why didn't i see this before i had someone, someone that is perfect in ever way and i almost let him slip away from me. I smiled profoundly at Jordan and leaned in for another kiss when the doctor walked in and began to speak

“Hello Mrs. hope you were in serious condition but since we got your stomach pumped everything will be just fine and we can release you in the morning”





I turned around and thanked him as he left my room. Me and Jordan continued talking about how school was going and that Jordan and Marcus parents are moving them to a different school. I hope he isn't far away , but now all i need to do know is move on from the situation that consumed  me and forgive the ones that hurt me. That last part will be hard.


Jordan P.o.v



Im so glad that we finnaly talked i didnt tell her where we are moving to because i wanted to suprise her me and Marcus mothers thought that it would be a good idea to move From Atlanta because the schools and neiborhoods are better in flordia. I will get be be around the girl i love eveyday. All i got do is keep Marcus away from her 

Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 (Jordan P.o.v)





I got up this morning and did my regular routine. Marcus and his mother are coming over to day to help us pack our things for the move. When i walk in the kichen and see  Alexis eating toast, Her mother on the Floor folding cloths,and Marcus on the counter starring at her phone. When i walked in eveyones eyes darted on me but one one said a word all i got was guilty looks and Marcus Mean mugging me like i killed his bestfreind. I kept quiet and made my plate untill i heard Alexis mother ask me a qeusiton eveyone in the room wanted to ask




" How is Janae"

"She's perfect she is being released today i got to call her when she get out"

" Did she say anything you know when we left"

" No all she did is cry and when i tried to stop her she cried harder"


When is said that Marcus stood up and cornered me








"Why did you say anything to her your supposed to be my boy the one i lean on and you do this to me you take away my love just so you can have her"

"look i didn't say shit to deajia her sister told her and you didnt love her i did i always loved her all you did was treat her wrong you never talked to her around you werent even nice to her she loved you and you let her slip away from you not me dont blame this one me YOU YOU IT WASS ALL YOUR FALT ALL SHE DID WAS LOVE YOU YOU FUCKED THAT UP"


By then Marcus had walked out leaving me in the room with mixed emtions and one of them was guilt


(Marcus P.o.v


I walked away because i knew he was right i should have known Aaliyah would be faitful to her sister before she was would be to me. I just ugh i dont know what to do. I fucked up and now im trying to place my problems on other people i just want my love back but i have a chance to make it right when i move to her school and her neiberhood i will make it right and we will be in love again now all i need to do is get jordan out the way and she will be all mine 

Chapter 4


  Chapter 4(Jordan p.o.v)


We pull up to our brand new house its only 13 blocks away from Janaes house so i can go over anytime.

I run into our new house and start unpacking 




"Your excited arent you"My mom said

"I'm trying to get finnish so i can go see Janae i miss her so much"

"You know i always like her but i thought she liked Marcus"

"She did before him and his family called her a hoe"

"she isnt a hoe she just dont fuck with most girls and i was their she didnt even talk to one of the boys so how could she be a hoe"




"i Know mom its the same thing im trying to understand but you know they messy they like that type of stuff"

"yeah i know and you better treat that poor girl right she dosent deserve another heartbreak"

"I know mom and i would never hurt her i love her she is my heart and soul"

"i can finish unpacking for you just go over their and spend time with you girl"


I ran to Janaes house and Knocked on her door

when she opened it she had on boy  shorts a tank top and her knee high spongebob socks

 Lord help me!!

Chapter 5

 Chapter 5 (Janae P.o.v)


*warning this chapter has some sextual content*


I had just got home from school and walked into an empty house again since my mom is a doctor she is almost  never home. Sometimes she doesn't come back for days so she leaves me money for food and the bills. I kind of like being alone but sometimes I just want someone to keep me company. I go to my room and strip out of my cloths the only thing I have on now are my blue  lace boy shorts, my white tank top, and my spongebob socks on. I run down stairs and place a pizza in the oven for my lunch, while my pizza was cooking I decided to watch some tv. I changed the channel to Jersey shore and began to watch snooki dance on a bar table. Thirty minutes later I heard a knock on the door so I got up and answered it mom probably just forgot her keys again. When I get up to answer the door I see a very handsome Jordan before me.


"Hey handsome"

"hey beautiful"

"Come in"


Damn he looked good he had on a white muscle shirt and blue basketball shorts he looked perfect hey we're matching  today awww how cute.


"where is your mom" Jordan asked with his million dollar smile 

"she's at work"

"awe i just came here to tell you some good news"

"You came all the way up here to tell me some good news haven't you heard of an email or maybe even a text"

"ha ha ha very funny janae but i thought you would like to hear this in person other than  on the phone"


I sat on the couch and motioned for him to sit with me 

"Ok so what do you have to tell me thats so important"

"Im moving down here so now we can be closer and we will be going to the same school"


I jumped of the couch with joy the Jordan was going to be with me every step of the way no one could stop my happiness now. He stood up trying to get me to stop but all i did was jump into his arms and kiss his soft pink  lips 


"mmmh i've been waiting forever to taste you again" Jordan said 

" Me too love"





He gently placed my on my pack and began to grind his lower half into mine I knew that he was hard because I could feel it through his shorts. He began to kiss my neck and suck on my sweet spots he always knew the right places to touch. He began to guide his hands down to my boy shorts and suck harder on my neck. With one swift motion he tore my shorts clean off my ass and started to suck on my pearl I began to moan and scream his name I knew it was turning him on because he would twirl his tongue inside of my wetness. He grabbed my hips and motioned me to grind on his face i began to moan louder and louder until i remembered i had my food in the oven i pulled my shorts up and ran to the kitchen


"Damn Jordan you made me burn my pizza"

"not my fault you cant handle all this sexy"

"boy please don't start "

"ok bae ill help you clean up and then you need to get dressed because I'm taking you out to eat since i burned your precious pizza"

"so like a date"

" yes a date"


He walked towards me and kissed me on my lips.  I can't wait for my date!!!!!!! 


Chapter 6

 Chapter 6 (Marcus p.o.v)


*warning this chapter has sextual content*


I walked into my new house. Its right down the block from Jordan's house , Maybe later I will go apologize to Janae hope she understands that I'm truly sorry I want to start over and get the love of my life back in my arms. I hope and pray every night that she hasn't fallen into the arms of another man I want her to love me and only me I know I sound possessive but thats just how I am she was mine is mine and will always be mine.


"Wow it's so big and pretty ohhh look Care-bear theirs a pool OMG ITS HUGE'' My sister Alexis gleamed 

" ha ha ha I know little sis but we got to unpack so we can start our new lives"

" have you talked to Janae yet"


" no but we both need to we were horrible friends"


" i don't care about her i said what i said and I'm not apologizing for shit" Alexis said 






"You should be ashamed you looked her in the face and laughed with her stayed up with her late at night told her all your secrets and shit you fake as fuck Alexis I'm out"


" please don't leave me this is what i didn't want to happen"

" you did this to yourself Alexis this isn't my fault and I'm not ever leaving you but you know what you did and just said was wrong i just cant believe you"


With that i left out the house and got my shit so i can go for a walk and make some drops don't get me wrong i only sell weed not all that other shit not that big of a drug dealer and i will never be that just doing this helped me get popular and now that I'm in the game i cant get out but i will find a way soon so i can be a role model for my sister and make my mamma proud.



(Alexis p.o.v)


I stood in the kitchen stricken with anger how is he going to choose this bitch over me yeah you can call me fake or whatever but i didn't like her from day one my mom just thought she was a good influence on me so i played nice until i found out she was trying to get to my brother i kind of felt used like the only reason she hung out with me was to see him. I know what y'all thinking and yes i did loose my virginity at 12 but i don't even remember who he was all i remember he was fine and we were making sweet love when my brother walked in and beat the shit out of him. Then I made him promise not to tell mamma which he didn't.



All he did was give me this long as speech about respecting myself and my body blah blah blah right after that day i had sex with Marcus bestfreind and his cousin Jordan no me and Jordan aren't related i was adopted. i ended up getting pregnant but i didn't know who the daddy was and so i hide it from everyone and before i could tell anyone had a miscarage I'm and I'm glad to i cant take care of no damn baby and wont be taking care of nun no time so they either getting aborted  or adopted like me and i turned out just fine


I grabbed my phone on off the counter and since no one was home finally I can bring someone over because I'm horny. I called my boy Darius and told him to come over.


an hour later i heard a knock at the door and jumped up to get it 

"it took you long enough"

"sorry i was with the fam"

"awe ok"

"so what did you want girl" he said licking his lips 

"you know what i want come up to my room and lets get started"


When we walked into the room i threw him on the bed and started to undress him  kissing  all over his body and watching him moan and squirm under my body i loved how i can make his body tremble 

"ugh baby don't do that you" he said 

" what"

"you know i like top"


With that he flipped us over and began to undress us both. We laid their naked as he plunged his fingers into my wetness he started to go faster and faster until i came on his hands he stuck his fingers in my mouth then stuck him 10in dick in me thrusting going faster and faster my screams began to get louder and i felt it coming again but before i could release he took it out and began eating me out his tongue twisting and Turing flicking and sucking at my pear harder than he did before when i came in his mouth he turned me around and lifted  me ass up and and began to thrust into me with all him force making the head board squeak we came together this time and laid cuddled up for an hour thats what like the most of sex having some one hold you after its done but that never last long for me, but this time was different he held me tighter and rubbed my head and kissed my forehead and we stayed like this until he had to go.


" i love you Alexis"

after that he walked out leaving me stunned no one has ever said that to me other than my family members 

does he really love me or did he just say that? ugh .... i laid back down and fell asleep and dreamed about Darius 







Texte: Deajia wadley
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: deajia and latisha
Übersetzung: deajia wadley
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2014

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i dedicate this to all my readers

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