
A Note

Hello everyone, 


This is just for those of you who might care. I wish for this to be the first book in a series of four. I plan for it to be pretty short. I wanted to basically introduce my characters, to show you who they are and what they do. Although I have wanted this to be an adventure story in which the couple, that I hope you'd ship, are going to save the world from an evil plot, I still wanted to show that they are humans. They have lives, flaws, and feelings. They suffer, and they have a hard life but they still make a choice. 


Liam and Emily, which are my main characters, have no superpowers. They are not choosen nor are they a God send, just people who were given knowledge in the time when ignorance is a bless. 


They become part of a war, one that has been going on for so long. It was away from the huan eyes, it should have never affected them. However, now this war is edging closely to the destruction of humanity. And they have to fight.


I would love to know what you think, and I absolutly respect criticism. 

This is my third time trying to write a novel, but this time I am taking it as a learning experience. So, I will really appreciate your help.


PS: Please excuse any spelling or writing mistakes, this is the first draft so it is uneditied. It will be subjected to various changes, so kindly bear with me <3


All the love in the world,

Nerdy Cat



Chapter One

I sat there watching as all those cars passed by. I sat there watching all of those people raced to get to a destination they know. Perhaps sitting there didn't help my questioning mind. How can you ultimatly know that you are headed to the right goal? How could you possibly know your way? I wonder if all the people think the same way or is it just me? 


My sigh was automatic and I coudn't just place the right reason for it. It was already 1.30 in the morning, and I have been sitting in this small coffee shop near my house for over three hours. The place in itself was very cozy, always gave me a sense of nostalgia in a way. Through the big glass window I could see the few people, who are yet to resort to their homes and the warmth of their beds, walking aound the streets. 


'Hamlet', a strange name for a coffee shop, but it was comforting all the same. It was pretty small, but very popular. The walls were fading rosy brown, and with the reflection of the warm orange light that illuminated the place a certain sense of comfort always engulfed me. I started coming here six months ago. I had just broken up with my long-term boyfriend, I had just moved out to live in an apartment of my own, I couldn't really find a stable job. So all in all, you could say it was a messed up phase of my life. I rememeber the first thing I had seen were the different paintings hanging on the walls. The most obvious being that of Shakespear, while the others were of different famous sites from around the world. 


I held my cup of coffee between my fingers, and I enhaled the smell. It was always comforting in a way; it gives me the sense the all will be well. I couldn't help my mind drifting to a memory that isn't very far. The memory of the last fight with my family, which its ugliness still hunts me until this very day. 


"I cannot believe that you are actually my daughter, so ungrateful, so cruel. I ask God every day what have I done in my 50 years of living to be punished by a daughter like you. Maybe you are but a test, a test for my patience and faith" 


Those were my mom's words, and just playing them in my head hurts deeply through my heart. She never knew, I assume, that she had always held the greatest kind of power over me. I could never look at myself the same way after that day. I became heavy with too many emotions, negative emotions, which kept and will keep, weighing me down. Sometimes it is even hard to breath, just like now. I felt it, that traitorous tear slipping from my eye. I saw it fall to the wooden table as I tried to put my head down slightly to avoid being seen. 


The place was empty but for 5 other guys, all sitting together. They didn't look older than twenty, but somehow they kind of looked alike. I mean they all had the same style, the ripped Jeans, black sweaters, messy hair, and the tattoes; there were a lot of tattoes. 


"Em...aren't you a bit later than usual today. You usually leave by ten or so?"


The ever caring Mark Harold asked. Mark is the current owner of Hamlet. He is 40 years old, married, and has two beautiful daughter. He amited to being a bit of a player but all with good intentions. He had this olive skin, and brightest green eyes I have ever seen. They looked like the grass when the light of the btight-midday sun falls upon it.

The first time I came here I sat by a table that was very close to the counter and that's how Mark and I started a sort of friendship. You know those kind of people you know for a quick laugh and short conversation,  but you'd never go out of your way to contact them? That was Mark and I. 


"Ah, well I'm feeling kind of rebillious today" 


I answered with a mocking mischievous smile. His statment has been true though. Since I moved here, and despite the complete freedom I enjoy, I seldom went home after eleven. It was one of the many rules that I had to follow back home. It took me around a month to actually manage to stay out late. I think when you do a certain action for so long it, somehow, it carves itself into your being. 


"Looking a bit off the mode today. Tough day at work?"


I shook my head slightly, and I knew that my whole face has changed. I try to control it I swear I do. I work every day on putting up a smile, and wearing those bright optimistic eyes. However, there is a certain point where your body can take no more. It becomes exhasuting to even put your daily smile. I wasn't about to have a heart-to-heart with Mark though. 


"I guess...I think I havent been sleeping very well"


I replied and messaged my temples with my fingertips. Lack of sleep had and will always work as a great excuse when you look like you're mourning the death of your dog, although you're just hit by unpleaseant emotions that you are not willing to share with the public. 

I think Mark was satisfied with my answer, because he nodded his head and gave me this sweet smile of his then walked away to the counter. 


October has always been a cold month around here, the wind is usually very strong and sends a shiver through your body. I knew since I was fifteen that I prefered the coldness of winter over any kind of warmth. Winter has always held a certain place in my heart. And somehow I find solace in the cold air of the winter, with its skies that are mostly condensed with clouds. 


I have felt it beofre hearing it, the door to the shop has been opened. I felt a gust of cold air ruffling my short hair, then I heard the sound of the door closing. My back was to it, so I turned my head slightly to see who came and it was him. Liam Watson. We were not friends, only aquaintances, one of his friends turned up to be my college in my not-so-newly found job. She is also the one who more or less introduced me to Hamlet. 


All I know about him is that he is a part of some big family that have all forms of power, basically money and autority. He, however, decided to kind of build his own empire. Well, at the moment he doesn't have an empire, but he has a company and it is fairing quite well. I think Diana, my colleague, told me that they do security softwares or something along those lines. We rarely talk and when we see each other, it is either a curt smile with a nod, or the short Hi, how are you? kind of conversation. 


His eyes fell on mine, and he walked straight to me, with the same curt smile. he extended his hand for a shake and I did the same. 

"Emily, how are you?"



Chapter Two

 Do you know this loud thud that resonates deep within your chest? I believe at that moment that was how I felt. People usually associate rapid heart beats with good feelings such as; adoration and love. However, the human heart can react the same way to various other emotions that are not necessarily good. I say fear is one of them, shock maybe and many more. I wish I could place the feeling I have at the moment which caused this resonating thud in my heart. 


I put on a smile, one that I have practiced for so long, and shook hands with him, "Liam, I'm good. What about you?" I think I was a little bit surprised to see him. I thought I wouldn't actually meet anyone that I know. He nodded his head, "I'm good, thank you" After his reply came the moment of absolute awkward silence. We were both just there looking at each other and none of us knew exactly how to end this situation. He gave the place a quick scan until his eyes fell on Mark; they both just greeted each other with a nod. 


I looked down, staring back at my cup of coffee. My connection to Liam is limited to 'Hamlet', because we both come here almost daily for a cup of coffee or just some relaxing time and of course Diana Marshall. You know what I have always found strange though? I have been coming here for the past six months, and I see the same people every day here. I can even count them in my hea with their names and shapes. Dare I say I even know their orders?


My hair fell slightly on my face, very close to my eyes. The first time I cut my hair this short was when I first came to the city. I remember going to the Salon even before I go to my new apartment. It was something that I have always wanted to do, like some sort of a desire that has always been forbideen. I had my hair so long that it covered my whole back. My natural hair is curly, but my mother somehow put the idea in my head to keep it straightned and long. I rememeber her saying that girls should always have their hair long and straight, if not then they are not pretty. Beautiful girls should have small noses, heart-shaped faced, wide eyes, perfect figures, and the list kept going until I reached the point of hating myself. I think that is why, I never straighten my hair any more. It was the same reason for cutting my hair the moment I arrived here. 


"...I think he's been busy lately" 


Those were the first words I caught from a conversation that seemed to have been going for some time. Both Liam and Mark were standing next to my table. Liam hasn't moved an inch from where he was before, so I assume that Mark came to him. Mark words were light and I could hear his smile. I looked up and yes it was there. 


"Well he always say he's busy, with what that's what I'd like to know"


Liam replied, and I wasn't really sure who they were talking about. But I think Liam was not taking the conversation as lightly as Mark. I found him turning his glance to me, I put my smile back in place and tried to joke, "I have no idea who you're talking about" I put my hand up in mock surrender. 


"Have you heard from Arnold lately?"


Arnold wakefield, a man I didn't really want to talk about right now. He is a man of many problems, and when I say problems I mean psychological ones. We became friends when I first arrived here, and we managed to keep the friendship for two months. It might not sound like a lot of time, but for me they sounded like a life time. We had a sort of attraction going on and we went to only one date, but that was it. We could not even maintain the friendship we've had. He was, for lack of better words, consuming. 


'why on earth are you doing this? I am really trying to help you Arnold. She cheated on you, and you loved her. But as a friend I have to face you with the truth. You are not throwing this tantrum right now because you still love her, you are doing all of this because you wanted to see a copy of yourself in me. Guess what though? I will never be you. Because I am stronger, I can fight and I win. I don't let myself drown in alcohol and drugs to forget my pain. I embrace it, accept it, and use it to push me forward.'


Those were the last words I exchanged with Arnold. I remember this day very clearly, although it was four months ago. We were sitting in a small bar that he went to all the time. I asked to meet him after I'm done with my work. I think Frank Sinatra was playing in the background. I even remember the song, 'I've got you under my skin'. It was so fitting for the situation. Arnold in two months had consumed me; he was somehow leeching on my energy. His situation was bad I admit, he found his fiancee cheating on him, and when I say found I mean he caught her red-handed. But I couldn't find it in me to put an excuse to him trying to morph me into someone else. He tried to change my habits, my routines, my style, and everything else that is me. 


I think my smile flickered slightly before I said, "Well, I haven't heard from him in months"


Liam and Arnold are also friends. They met through 'Hamlet' years ago, I think around 5 years or so. I heard from Arnold that they are quite the good friends too.




Someone from another table called his name, and so he turned to us and rollled his eyes slightly while wearing a scowl on his face then said, "I'll talk to you later" And with that he walked away. 


I heard Liam sigh slightly as he looked down to the floor, which looked wooden but I am sure it was not. 


"I keep calling him every day but he wouldn't answer. Every year on the 15th of October We'd meet up and talk. It is an anniversary of sort." Liam explained still standing where he was. 


"You never know what might be going on with his life" I said in what I had hoped to be a comforting tone. 


"It doesn't feel that way at all" 


I don't know why, but I kind of felt bad for him. In this life I have learnt that people are just phases in your life. I have gained many friends thoughout my years, and lost just as many. I have got myself the occasional boyfriends and the serious partner and I have lost them as well. It is very hard to find someone stable within your life. I thought that blood relations are stable, and for many they might be, but i think it didn't work out with me. Maybe the problem is in finding that person who will accept the whole of you. The person who can accept your flaws just like they love all the good in you. Perhaps what people are looking for is not love, but acceptance. 


"Why don't you have a seat?"


I offered with a smile, and I think he was quite surprised with my offer. He nodded his head though and sat on the chair opposite me.



Chapter Three

 Well, it was total silence. A silence that has befallen both Liam and I. The chatters of the other group has died down as well. I think they were about to leave. There was now only another guy sitting on the high table all alone with his headphones in place. I think the song playing in the background was for Sam Smith. I didn't focus much on the lyrics but it sounded sad. Liam, for a reason or another didn't say much. I excluded the possibility that he was nervous sitting with me, because well he's him. I mean, even his walk radiated confidence and perhaps to someone who doesn't know him at all, they's think his arrogant. 


"So, what have you been up to?" 

It was my miserable question in an attempt to break the uncomfortable silence. I could have asked about the whole Arnold situation, but I didn't want to pry. I didn't want to sound too eager too. He looked at me with a smile then took off his suit Jacket and hanged it on the back of the chair next to him. 


"I'm good, the work is a bit hectic though" He replied then started rolling the sleeves of his white shirt up. Once he was done; he turned his head to me and asked, "What about you? How is it going in your new job?"


I rolled my eyes and shoke my head as an answer. I wasn't unhappy with my work. On the contrary I quite like it. "I'd say it is hectic, but I am sure not as hectic as you Mr. CEO" I replied in a teasing tone to which he laughed. I don't think I heard him laugh loudly before. 


"Believe me all work is hectic, but it is true. Being a CEO is not as easy as it seemed" He said in a light tone. And here is Mark again coming our way with the black cup in hand. It was Liam's cup. I don't remember who told me the story, but I heard that Liam had bought a cup and asked Mark to serve him, and only him, his coffee in that cup. It was all black and I assume it is ceramic. 

Mark Placed the cup on the table and Liam mumbled a quiet 'Thank you'.


Another moment of silence, which I took to look through the glass window. The streets looked quieter and emptier. I don't know if it is just me but you could see winter. Sometimes it feels like it is more than just a passing season; it is more like a state, calm and comforting. 


"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Liam asked and when I turned to him, I saw him looking through the glass window as well. 


"What is?" I asked, although I could form an idea of what he was talking about. Maybe the almost-empty street, or it could be the pale lights in the streets. 



He answered turning back to me. I cannot really say that I was shocked, maybe a little bit surprised though. It was not because the strangeness of his thought, I dont believe it was strange at all, it's because I had been thinking about the exact same thing just few minutes ago. 

"It is ..." His face contorted in thought, perhaps he was looking for the right word. I refused to help though, I refused to offer a word that would describe a feeling. It would be my feeling. "Calm" He finally said with a relaxed expression on his face. I smiled giving him an approving look, then we both turned to the glass window one more time. Another moment of silence, but this time it felt soothing. 


He turned his head, held his cup of coffee and took a smal sip. "Does it ever feel wrong?"


I turned to him with a raised eyebrow, "What is it that feels wrong?" I asked.


"I mean...Does it feel like you don't fit in sometimes?" He asked with a bit of a stammer in his voice. 


His question has perhaps hit to close to home. I never felt like I belonged. I never fit in anything, anywhere, or with anyone. I couldn't fit with my family, nor did I manage it with my friends. It was even too hard at work. I have always had this feeling; the feeling of being caged or imprisoned. I couldn't fit in any category, and it seemed that there were too many. It is like I have to be either good or evil, nice or a bitch, beautiful or smart, and so many other things that you have to choose from. A choice that would condemn you, and then put you into a small cage. Because after your choice is made you have to act in a certain way to fit in the group of people who are like that. 


I couldn't say all of that though, maybe I didn't want to. "You don't feel like you fit in?" I countered his question with another. 


"Like I don't belong" He replied then took another sip of his coffee. I saw him then look for something in the pockets of his Jacket, and he got a pack of cigarette out with a balck lighter. "I think I am being too sappy, maybe I am really tired that I am hallucinating things" He said with an awkward laugh. He offered me a cigarette and I took it.  


"Or it could be the truth that you're hiding deeply into the depth of your heart?" I asked as he held the lit lighter for me to light my cigarette. I smiled at him then said, "You know sometimes we tend to hide our feelings, not from the people but even rom ourselves. So we bury them so deep within us and try to cover them with other things...Things that might not be as important"


Liam was about to say something, I am sure of it. However, the group sitting on that table started to make a commotion. I couldn't understand what is it exactly they were saying, but I couldn't help but focus with them. Liam turned his head to look at them as well. 

"This is crazy, it is the third one this month" A tall blonde guy exclaimed in a loud voice and a slight stammer. He didn't look older than eighteen.


"Wow, this is so cool" Another said with a wide smile, and the excitmenet was all over his face. There was a girl holding a phone; she was looking at something. She had long black hair, and had a dark blue lipstick on which formed an extreme contrast with her pale skin. She was staring at her phone, and the other hand covered her mouth. Her expression was that of fright... terror. SHe didn't say anything, but the other continued talking among themselves and I couldn't make a word again. 


The tall blone guy walked to Mark giving him the check, and he stood in front of their table listening to their conversation. I saw Mark going to them and I could hear the question that I really wanted to ask, "Hey Matt, what is this all about?" 






Chapter Four

Somehow everything happened at the same time. the blonde guy, now known as Matt, was about to answer Mark question. The girl with the dark bluelipstick stood up at that same moment, and another gust of the cold wind ruffeled my hair as the sound of the door to the cafe being opened hit my ears. A shiver ran through my body, and Liam looked at the direction of the door, my eyes following his, and we both were shocked. 


It was him...a coincidence maybe? I don't know and I fear dwelling on the matter. Arnold walked in with a sinister smile on his face. His eyes immediatley fell on me, almost as if he knew I'd be here. He walked the few steps to my table after he had shut the door. Goosbumps ran through my body, and for some reason I feard him. Arnold was never a physically harmful person, but I can't really understand that feeling I have. "Emily Webber" He said my name is a slow whisper, like he was tasting its letters on his tongue. The smile didn't fade from his face, and he grabbed a chair sitting own. I was so absorbed in the staring contest that Arnold started. His ocean blue eyes looked very different, maybe more menacing, or diabolical? He extended one of his hands and slightly touched my hair, "You've been filling this little mind so much"


I didn't have the time to dwell in his words, my first reaction was to pull away from him, "Arnold, it seems you're doing well" I said with a scowl. People touching other people just like that ater months of not even contacting them was not really something I would accept. He pulled his hand away and then sat down on the chaiir that Liam used to hang his jacket. I heard quick footsteps and the girl started running to the door. It seemed like she was running from death itself. Matt followed her and grabbed her by the elbow, "What the hell is worng with you Donna?" He shouted at her and her face, Oh God her face, it held pure mortification. 


"We can talk outside, not here" Her words came in a whispered stutter. She, in spite of her situation, gave me a quick glance. Her eyes travelled quickly between Liam and I then they landed on Arnold's back, maybe a bit longer than necessary. 

Matt followed her out, and that was the end of a scene I understood nothing of. 


"It's been a while Arnold" Liam said in a stiff voice. His tensed shoulders were obvious even from where I was. Arnold gave an eerie chuckle turning his gaze to Liam. "Oh good friend Liam. It sure has been a while" I noticed a slight twitch on his arm, but i thought nothing of it. I heard Liam sigh, his face was full of concern then he asked, "How have you been?"


A long, loud, thudding laugh came from Arnold. He stood up streching both his arms widely and stood up straight, "I have never been better" He then walked away. Not another glance, not a single word. He just walked to Mark and embraced him in a strange hug, and it is true that I wasn't wearing my glasses but I could swear I saw him sniffing Mark. "I think I should...uhmm....Leave" I said and I know the hesitance was ovbious in my voice. I felt so uncomfortable, scared, worried, and this ominous feeling wouldn't go away. 


Liam looked at me, "You see this too, don't you? There is something wrong with him." The worry that was evident on his face made me wonder, was he worried about Arnold or from him? 


 I knew what he meant. I could sense that there was something off about him. I sighed and put my elbows on the table and said, "Liam I haven't seem him in a long time, so maybe my judgment won't be really accurate. Moreover, it could be one of the medications he takes. I heard they can be quite strong you know"  

Well, that was the only logical excuse that I could give, and I had the tiny hope that it would comfort Liam a little bit. Even though he never showed it before, but that whole Arnold ordeal was affecting him. I remembered Diana telling me some time ago that Liam, in spite of his appearance and confident demeanor, had always had a good heart. 


'Sometimes I feel like he is so sensitive for a guy in his age. I remember when he used to tell me about his girlfriend and how much he loves her and he would have that goofy smile on his face. And oh lord let's not start talking about him after the break up. It was around a year ago or so. Although he doesn't show that many emotions around people, he does feel more than your average person at least' 


 I recalled Diana's words from few months ago. The conversation just popped up out of nowhere; he had come that day to see her in the lunch break, and I commented afterwards about how he looks arrogant and cold. She went on explaining about how much of a great guy he is, and how he is easily misunderstood. 

It is really strange how we, as humans, work. I know all too well that what we show isn't necessarily what or who we are. We all use facades and masks to deal with the world, with life, and with people. Unlike many other people, I see nothing wrong in doing so.


The door opened once again, and Matt entered the place. However that conversation with the girl ended, his face said it was terrible. I saw him looking at me and the moment our eyes met he started walking to my direction. "Hello Miss, uhmm..can I have a word with you?" 

His question was met with a raised eyebrow from my end, and nodded my head for him to say whatever he wanted. He looked around and his eyes lingered on Arnold and Mark for a bit longer, and then he turned back to me and said, "Outside if possible" 


The guy was fidgeting badly, and his voice was very low. It was a mere whisper for me to hear, he sounded scared and guarded, both I couldn't find a reason for because just few minutes ago he was joking and laughing with his friends. Maybe I felt bad for him, or perhaps it is my overwhelming curiosity is what drove me to nod my head and mumble a quiet okay. My eyes found Liam and he asked, "Want me to come with?"His voice was so ... Manly, maybe gruff? All traces of the previous emotions were long gone. I stood up and grabbed my cell phone from the table, looked down at Liam and said, "Yeah, sure thing" 


Although my agreement was automatic and I didn't give it much thought, but as he stood up and walked with me an that other guy, Matt, I knew my automatic reply was the best course of action. The night air hit me straight away and a shiver ran through my body. Matt walked few steps ahead still looking around him as if he was being watched or afraid to be caught. Both Liam and I looked at each other, and perhaps my face gave away my worry for I found Liam walking a bit closer to me. We didn't exchange any kind of talk for the walk it self was very short. We just stopped into an ally that is next to 'Hamlet'. 


Matt stopped and his eyes seemed wider, and he looked straight at me "How do you know this person?"

Chapter Five

 I always get this queasy feeling when worry strikes my heart. Sometimes certain feelings arouse within our hearts for no exact reason, and the logical explanations are futile to achieve such a goal. Perhaps my situation was a bit different. I had all the logical reasons to worry, to be scared even. Standing in that dark ally with the sound of the cold wind blowing around us, and a quievering guy trying to ask me about another guy who I haven't talked to in a long time, of course we let's not forget how the said guy looked rather alarming. 


"He is my friend. Is that the reason why you brought us here?"

Liam answered in a laid-back tone, but there was this sound of confidence, assurance, and a little bit of menace in his voice. He had both his hands in his pants' pockets and his sleeves were still rolled up. Perhaps the thought which passed through my mind was completely irrelevant considering the situation we were in but it was there nevertheless. 

'Isn't he cold?" 


Matt strated fumblig in his jeans pockets getting out his cell phone. "Look man this friend of yours is really dangerous. Take a look at that" He unlocked his phone and held it in front of us. A black and white image of Arnold was there; it looked like it was taken from a survilance camera in a supermarket. He was staring straight at the camera with the same appalling smile I had seen earlier today. "It's all over facebook" 

The young man explained, then turned the screen to himself and scrolled through something. He turned the phone back to us and the the same black and white image was there, it looked like it was in the same place as the earlier image. The picture was different, there was a man lying on the floor with several products scattered around him. The blood was everywhere, the pool that he had drowned in, the shelves, the wall, the fridge, and basically everything else. 


Matt pulled his phone away, "It gets even more gurosome than that with the other victimes" His broken stutter was an enough indication of his fear. I turned my head to look at Liam; I just wanted to see his reaction. However when I did, there was nothing. His face was empty. I could feel the goosebumps rising within my body all over again and the feeling I had had a moment ago is now fully explained. "I already called 911"


I have always been slow in everything. I am a slow thinker, and I take my time to react properly to any given situation. SO I wasn't really surprised with myself when I stood there not saying a signle word. Part of my mind refused to believe what I have been told; I was in denial that I have known so well. I came to the conclusion that I am always in denial. My mind did what it does best most of the time, which is shutting out the world. It feels like I no longer exist within this world; I don't hear nor see anything of it. I believe that was exactly what had happened at that moment. My mind wasn't making a coherent thought, but I could feel a buzz in my head which turned later into a noise that I could make nothing of. 


"...I think it's best if we go back to Hamlet, I don't think it is safe to leave Mark and Arnold alone anymore" 


Liam's words pulled me out of my trance; he was brooding with his thinkng face and his furrowed thick eyebrows. The wind blew stronger and its howling broke the silence around us. It was then that the gravity of the situation setteled in me; it was then that I had come to the realization of the prospect we were facing. My friend...Our friend could be a killer. "I totally agree man. I mean that lunatic could have already killed him" Matt replied fidgeting still, and the stammer is still also there. "I am not going though. I called 911 and they should be on their way there" Those were his final words and his face held the most authentic contrite look I have ever seen. After a mummbled appology he ran out of the scene. 


I heard Liam sigh lowly, then he started walking. "Come on let us go back" He said with urgency in his voice this time. Looking at his face, I saw a fleeting terror that only lasted for a second but an ovbious distress. I nodded my head and I tried willing my body to move but it just wouldn't. An image of Arnold kept hunting my mind. The imaged we had seen and ones that my own mind has created. I felt someone holding my arm and pulling me, so I looked up to see Liam. He was walking me out of that alley,"We have to hurry up already" and with those words our walking turned to running. 


Liam was ahead of me, still holding my arm though. I think on the very short distance we ran, my mind managed to imbibe the exigency of the situation. If Arnold was what we assumed he was, then every single person that had been in Hamlet must have been in great danger. Another part of my mind tried to deny it though, it kept nagging me with excuses and possibilities. 

I've known him for so many months, if he had some sort of a psychotic serial killer in him I would have known

Maybe there is someone who looks exactly like him

The photoage was black and white, maybe there is a mix up.

A lot of other thoughts followed those, but I decided not to give up to them. They were all the more reason I should go. I started pushing my body to go faster and I became side to side with Liam. I felt a burn in my lung with every cold breath I inhaled. 


Our run had come to halt as we reached the doors to Hamlet. We both stood in front of the door. I was trying to catch my breath, while LIam just stood there like he hadn't ran it here. "You stay here and I'll go in first" Liam said, or rather ordered, then he extended his hand to push the door open. Was it really that easy to order me around? 


I know it wasn't the right time, and I know he meant well, and I also know that there was a bigger situation at hand. Despite all of that though, I couldn't help but get angry. He opened the door and entered, the door was about to close behind him, so I held it. 

I might have expected so many things but not what I saw then. The first thing that really had hit me was the warmth of the place, a great difference from the temperature outside. The second thing I noticed was the quietness. A strange, perhaps and eerie silence, engulfed the place. The background music was playing softly still; it was a Frank Sinatra Song, I believe it's called strangers in the night? I am not sure. 


"This is not exactly what I had expected, not that I am complaining" I muttered still slightly breathless from our short run. My head turned left and right looking for anything or anyone but there was nothing. "I thought I told you to wait outside" He said in a very calm voice, but I could see his eyes still scanning the place. His steps were very cautious and he walked around. I huffed, perhaps feeling more at ease that I had felt before. I think I might have overreacted a little and my over active imagination made me think of a masacre or some mass murder scene. "I don't know who died and made you my boss" I sassed and followed his footsteps. 


Liam was standing behind the counter, with a strange look on his face. "I think Mark just did"

Chapter Six

 This is in the third point of View.


Both Emily and Liam stood still for part of the second until the reality of the situation downed on them. Perhaps Emily took longer time than Liam. The music in the background, albeit romantic, sounded very wrong with the situation in hand. 

"Oh my God, Oh my God. He's dead" 

Emily whispered the words with her hands covering her mouth. Her eyes kept darting between the body and the blood trying to find a way to deny the facts seen. She wished within in herself, perhaps a tiny part of her even believed that this was nothing but a bad nightmare that she would wake up from soon. 


She took few steps backward from the scene, finally the counter high enough to hide the body and veil the splatters of blood. Athough she could no longer see it, the image was engraved in her memory. When the image of Arnold ran through her mind, her terror has increased even more. 'How could it be that Arnold did that? Is it even possibe'  The thought passed through her mind really quickly, "He had children, two beautiful daughters that he was so proud of. He had a wife that loved him all the way to the moon. He had a life." She started pacing back and forth, her hands moving frantically as she said those words, finally resting on the hairline on her forehead. 


Meanwhile, Liam decided that the best form of action was to call the police. He started thinking fast of possibilites and logical explanations. He knew that Arnold is the one who had committed such a terrible crime. They had left the place and Arnold was talking with Mark. Even when he was talking with them he didn't sound natural, he was so unlike his usual self. It pained him to believe it , but it seemed like the most probable explanation especially after what this boy, Matt, had shown them earlier. He didn't know which friend to grieve first, Arnold or Mark. He had known them both for so many years. Did he even have the right to grieve now? 


He finally turned to look at Emily who was still pacing relentlessly, as if the this would bring Mark to life, as if the movemnt will solve it all. He put his hand in his pockets and got his cell phone out. Dialing 911 and reporting the incident should be their best course of action. Perhpas it was best for Mark, for them, but was it best for Arnold? He ignored the question and dialed them nevertheless. 


"Arnold did this Liam. Can you believe it? Is that even possible? He our friend. You have known him longer then I have, how? Just explain to me how such a thing could happen?" 


Liam heard Emily's questions after he hung up the phone. She stopped talking to herself and now she's asking him the questions he didn't have any answer for. He walked the few steps seprating them and held both of her shoulders in a firm grip. Her hazel irises were moving frantically in a lot of directions. She was not looking at him, he even thought that she could be seeing things of her own at the moment. The wind whisteled outside as the next song started playing in the background, this time it was Nina Simon I put a spell on you. 


"I called the police and they are on their way" His words finally grabbed her attention. Without even blinking tears started to fall down from her eyes; she stopped her crazy movement, and her eyes were finally focused on Liam's forest green eyes. "We have to tell them what happened, so I need you to calm down before they come. Everything is going to be okay I promise" 

He said in what he had hoped to be a soothing voice, but somehow it still ended somehow comanding, ordering and a bit stern. 


Emily pushed her body away from him, "nothing is going to be okay. Take a better look at this mess Liam" She said and anther wind whistle could be heard over the music. "Mark is dead, Arnold might have killed him. How could any of this be okay?" Her hands starting thrashing around as she talked, and more tears fell down. After a complete minute, in which Liam wasn't sure how to act or how to comfort her, she took a deep breath and raised her head a bit high trying to gain back her composure. Her face was stained with tears and her hair was disheveled but she willed herself to breath and to think logically. 


"Once the police is here we will explain to them exactly what had happened. We will tell them about what we have been told, about the situation with Matt...Explain to them that there were other people around with Mark and Arnold when we left, but when we came back no one was there. We have to make sure that we mention everything in details exactly as it happened" Emily said then started walking to the table they had been occupying before. She grabbed her cell phone and looked at the time. 


She looked up to find Liam right next to her, "Can you believe that it is already 12 in the morning?" She excllaimed a little surprised, then her face contorted in thought, "How long do you think it took with Matt?" She asked, and stood quietly for a seconf remebering the order of events. 


"I don't think I can recall all the details, but I remember we got out of here at around 11.15 give or take" Liam said and before they could continue their conversation, they could hear the sirens of the police approaching. They both decided to wait in silence, untill the door of the cafe opened revealing to police officers in their uniform. One of them was a bit on the chubby side, while the other was tall and thin. They entered the place cautiously, with their guns held down with both their hands. The chubby one kept the door open with one of his feet as their eyes travelled around the place. Once they made sure that no one was there but us, they walked in putting their guns in place. 


"We recieved a report that a suspect might be here somewhere. Which one of you made the call?" The very thin officer asked with an annoyed look. Emily looked at Liam in wonder, and he shook his head at her silent question. He then faced the officer and said, "I made the call, but for murder not the presence of a suspect" 


The other oficer started walking around and in a bored tone he said, "I see nothing h..." but before he got to finish his sentence he had reached the counter and saw the dead body lying there. "Lewis" He called the thin officer who walked towards him with no delay. They stood their for a couple of seconds. It was a sight to behold you within it for a while. Mark's face was unidentifiable for lack of better words. It was covered in blood, swallowings and brusies. There were what seemed like stab wounds in his face as well. His shirt was also covered in blood. The walls next to his head was full of blood splatters, same thing for the cups and the coffee machine. 


"The hell happened here" Lewis muttered in utter shock. The frown that had been on his face changed into one of disgust and a bit of shock. The other officer kept standing there not analyzing the scene. "Jells report the situation" Lewis gave the ordered in a more somber voice. He, then, started going to both Liam and Emily who were both still standing in place. He directed his words to Liam first, "What is your name sir?" 


"I am Liam Watson and this is Emily Webber. We are the ones who found the body" Liam stated in a stoic voice. Emily nodded her head slightly, and went on further. "When we came the place was entirely empty, we couldn't even see Mark around. It was when we walked to the counter that we saw the body" He voice held a certain shake to it, but she remined collected nevertheless and not a single stutter could be found in her voice. 

"I see, well..." before he could go on further the door to the cafe one more time and aa certain click was heard. A man who looked to be in his late 20s with chesnut hair and forest green eyes, he was around 1.8m high, and 78 Kg in weight. He was bulky with a lot of muscles. Behind him with a woman in her forties, short blond hair and dark blue eyes. She was 1.68m and around 59 Kg.  They held guns in their hands "Chicago PD" they announced. Both Emily and Liam were by the table closest to the door, upon seeing them they lowered their guns after a quick look aound. They looked at each other communicating silently. They have been partners for two years now, and they both cared greatly for each other, Kate even considered Thomas to be part of her family now. 


Lewis walked with long strides toward them, "detectives, you came quite quickly. We have a dead body, the features of the victimes are unclear however we suspect the cause of death to be stabbing. We don't have potential suspects, but we came here based on a call from a young man who reportd sighting of Arnold Archer. Those two are the ones who found the body. Emily Webber and Thomas Gibson, Mr. Watson here claims to have called once they found the body" 

Emily heard him and she was quite shocked that he knew as much. For a reason or another he didn't strike her as a man of a lot of knowledge, or someone who knows how to do their job to begin with. 


The detectives, Thomas, nodded in understanding. Kate moved forward, "Arnold Archer, as in the suspect for the murder in the supermarket?" She questioned her head turning between Lewis and Thomas, who both nodded their heads in confirmation. Thomas added a grunt to his silent confirmation though. 

She sighed tiredly then walked with small steps to Emily first, "I'm detective Kate Johnson" she then pointed to Thomas, "and this is my partner detective Thomas Gibson. Can you please tell us what happened?" She asked kindly. Emily collected all her self control and started narrating to tem what happened. 


"Ms. Webber we understand how traumatizing the situation is, yet I can see that you are extremely collected" Thomas said and his voice held a tone of accusation. Emily tried not to let her anger flare at it as he didn't voice them in words. Kate coughed slightly amd stepped forward in front of Thomas and said, "Excuse my partner here, What I'd like to know is where is The person you left the place with, Matt, I remember you said was his name right?" Her tone was very soft when she asked and her eyes held a motherly softness in it. 

 Liam interefered, "We don't know, he left the ally in a rush. He looked really petrefied and scared. He saw pictures of Arnold on facebook, pictures of the incident in the supermarket and he showed it to us" 


Thomas hummed and he looked at Kate with a raised eyebrow and Emily understood the silent assumption they have made. They both believed that Arnold is that one who did it. Everything pointed the accusation at him. Logically perhaps it made perfect sense, but she has known him, she believed that she had known his heart, "I know you think Arnold did this, but I find it very hard to believe. I know him, we know him" she moved her hand between her and Liam frantically, "I just don't understand how would he be able to commit such a horrible thing" Her voice dropped to a certain whisper and all of a sudden it felt like her legs wouldn't carry her anymore. She tried to reach with her hand for the table to help carry her weight. Liam was quick to suppert her though, he was quick to hold her from her back. She looked up at him and her eyes were filled wih tears. 


Thomas looked at the exchange with a nonchalent look. He really didn't care; all he cared about was solving the case. He gave her a bothered look and tsuked, "Evidence points to him so far we will know more once the CSI and our forensic doctor is here" He stated coldely. "We will know more later. For now, I'd like to know more about Arnold Archer from you. Why don't we sit down and talk a bit" Kate said again with a soft tone. She then turned to Thomas and signaled him to the door. "I will just talk with my partner for a second and be backk" she said then left with Thomas. 


"They are witnesses, stop dealing with them like they are suspects" she said once they were outside. Her angry whisper aggrivated him and his face contorted in annoyance, "I'd like to believe they are suspects untill otherwise is proved". He said and put both his hands in his leather jacket's pockets. Kate shook her head at him and replied, "There's nothing on them so far. Go examine the body and let me talk to them" Without another word she opened the door and enetered. Meanwhile Liam had bene trying to sooth Emily who seemed like she was still in shock. Kate came and sat down in the chair facing the window with both Liam and Emily on her both sides. 


"Okay Mr. Watson, Ms. Webber, Can you tell me how do you know Arnold?" She asked kindly and Liam was the first to talk, "I have known him for around 5, maybe six years. He is a good guy you know. Perhaps a lot of baggage on him but he is good nevertheless. Uhm.. he works in the NCE Bank, he's been there since he graduated. I'm not sure what exactly you want to know" 


The door opens once more time and it shows an african american man, who looked to be in his 50s. He had white hair and dark black eyes. He took a quick look at the place, once he spotted Thomas he walked straight to him.

Chapter Seven

 Kate and Liam's attention was drawn to the man who just entered, but his eyes focused on Thomas and without a word he walked to him and glanced down to the body. Kate sighed slightly then explained, "This is Giuseppe Adelman our forensic doctor, one of the best might I add" She turned back to Liam, "Did he have a girlfriend that you know of?"


"None the I know of. We haven't been exactly close for the past few months" He explained. Kate the turned her head to Emily and asked, "Are you an Ex?" Emily looked up, "I..." She took a deep breath, "I was his friend, mainly that. I met him when I moved her, it was around 6 months ago. I was in a very dark place, and I don't know how or if he did it intentionally but he somehow helped me through it" She sighed slowely then asked, "Is it okay if I smoke?" 


Kate nodded her head at her, "If it will help ease your nerves"Emily only nodded and got her pack of table that was still sat on the table. Her mind wondered back to how this night started. She had a bad day at work, recieved a nasty call from her mom afterwards, and then she went home. A strange lonliness had striked her while in there and the lunch she had placed on her small dinning table suddenly felt revolting. She opted for a long hot shower while a symphony of Beethhoven played in the background. She went out. got dressed and tried lazing around on the sofa, but the lonliness wouldn't go away, the memories and the pain that had always accompanied them stayed stubbornly there. That's how she found hereself in Hamlet sitting there, and during her second cup of coffee Liam came in. A boring night ends with a murder case. She laughed with dry humor in her head. 


She lit her cigarette, "We went on one date" She let the smoke slowly out of her mouth, it was a shaky breath. "We decided it wouldn't work though; he was in a very unstable period of his life. And we agreed on being friends. In spite of that, I didn't see much of him later on. Another friend of mine, George Miller. He was my friend from back home and also a friend of Arnold and we kind of became friends because of him in the first place...George told me that Arnold got himself a nice girlfriend a month or so, I don't know her name or anything about her" She resumed her tale with a low voice, her eyes not catching those of Kate or Liam. She found the scratching lines present on the brown table much more interesting. 


"I see" Kate said, and turned her next question to Liam, "You said he was going through an unstable time in his life. What do you mean?"Emily gave a dry low laugh and said, "When has he even been stable?" Liam sighed for the milionth time and reluctuntly said, "Arnold, despite him being a grown man, he had always struggled with himself. He couldn't really figure out his place in the world. He struggled with the knowledge and lack of it. His beliefs or lack of them turned him into a skeptic person"


"Have you noticed any strange behaviour from him recently?" Kate asked in wonder, or some reason she started playing with the idea of him joining a cult in her head. "Detective Johnson, Arnold is strange. His behaviour has always been..." EMily struggled to find the proper word to describe him, she swallowed slightly then said, "Peculiar" 


'I find it hard to find my place in this world. I never felt that sense of belonging. I don't belong to my home, to my family, and I never felt like I belonged to any of my ex-girlfriends. I might be considered a recluse. I am not sure'  


She remebered his words to her, one of their first time having a heart to heart talk. They were in a pub and she could still remember the smell of his breath mixed with alcohol and her the smoke of her cigarettes. They had been waiting for George, who as always found himself with a girl and decided to ditch them. They spent the night talking her told her about the depth of his heart that day and somehow she found herself connecting with him. She found herself relating to his feelings. He voiced what she had always felt but could never put in words. 


The memory was interupted with another, a one that was rather a relaization of the true situation of Arnold. At irst she thought that they were pretty similar and that was why she find solace in being around him, but later she figured out how wrong she had been. She had met his family, she got to know his mother, and she found how the problem was originated from his own mind. There were no external factors to lead him down the road of depression; it was all him. At that point she couldn't help but judge him, perhaps envy him a little bit. They were not similar, where her lonliness and slight depression originated from all kinds of external factors, he was the total opposite of that. 


"Arnold had become rather distant in the past few months. I think once he and Emily kind of gew distant he somehow started to drift away" Liam said as an answer to Kate's question. "We didn't really end things on good terms. Arnold needed someone to agree with all his actions, he needed someone to ollow him blindly and find him excuses for whatever bad deeds he does. Emily, however, had too much of a backbone for that" 


Kate seemed to be curious as to what he meant and she wanted to ask more questions, the door opened again and this time more people came. Apparently the CSI team has arrived and in a second the place was crowded and buzzing with so many people. Kate stood up and both Thomas and Guisepee started engaging them in a conversation.  Both Liam and Emily stayed were they had been, "I cannot believe that this is actually happening" Liam stated to no one in particular. Emily put out her cigarette and started collecting her things. Once she stood up Kate was at her side straight away. 


"I'd like to get your phone numbers and addresses, we might need to call you for further information if needed" Kate said kindly and both Liam and Emily gave her their details which she wrote in a small notebook. "I can drive you home if you want. It is pretty late" Liam offered Emily as the detective walked away. EMily shook her head slightly and refused, "I think I'd like to walk a bit before going home" She put her bag over her shoulder and was heading for the door, while Liam was still gathering his Jacket. 


"Ms. Webber, if it is okay we would like to take a DNA sample and perhaps your fingerprints. It would make our job a lot easier" Thomas said with an emotionaless and rather stoic tone. Emily nodded her head, "Of course, anything to help" she mumbled the words and fought the tears that were gathering in her eyes. Instantly two men came to her with plastic boxes, they placed them on the table she had previously occupied and started gathering their samples. "You too Mr. Watson" Thomas gave Liam a knowing look, to which he also nodded. 


Thomas walked back to the place where the body of Mark Harold lied. He took another look and his face was one of disgust at the scene. "A lot of anger here I see" Guisepee stated with a calm tone. "So what is the cause of death?" Thomas asked the man, his eyes never leaving the body. "Stab wounds as suspected earlier. However, it was the lose of blood that had cost him his life" He took of the white gloved he'd been wearing and hummed slightly under his breath, "Somehow it's like all the wounds are not meant to kill, none of the stabs  hit a vital least that is what I have got from the primary inspection. The estimated time of death is between 11.00 Pm to 12.00 Midnight" 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2019

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