
Introduction & Chapter I Close Inspection

Cheering On The World

The New You

Written By Cheyene M. Lopez

 Copyrighted (c)January 10, 2013

Written By & Copyrighted By Cheyene Montana Lopez

 Note Of Interest....This book is based on my own life's experiences of what I have found to work everyday.I warn you I am no way a licensed psychiatrist or therapist nor am a counselor. But I write this book as a book of positivity and self-help that I truly think can help you out. I write this book to help you know that having a super good attitude goes along way in life, that and having a smile going through life knowing you did it all for yourself and only you. I give you advise to bring hopes and you can transform the old you into a new positive you.Go out in life with a bog smile on your face and knowing you were happy with what youJust be yourself that's all you need to do and impress only you. That is what life is all about and having a positive outlook on living.

 Introduction:This is one of my truly favorite self-help books that I am truly enjoying writing. I feel that because I have lived through the experiences I can thus write this book. Yes indeed I am not a licensed psychologist nor a professional advice expert. But it’s just me a person having lived and been through firsthand experiences that qualifies me to write this book which perhaps can be some kind of guidance book for you.

Acknowledgment:I give this book most of all for ability and blessings of talent to my savior Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for me forgiving me because he loved me and you. I give this book to everyone friends, family, foes, or those over the world who need positivism and better outlook on life. I give this book to my wife Patty for love, friendship, encouragement and faith to stand with me. I give this book to our children: Andrea, Jonathan, Jasmine, and son-in-law Eric. I also give this book to our grandchildren: Devin,Donavin, Gavin and our newest edition to our family our Grandson Sylvin. We're so blessed in all we have. I also give this book to my mother Pluma in Alabama and friends, former classmates and teachers all there somewhere back in old Alabama.. Hello from Michigan to my old south Dixie and in Alabama. Be sure to buy my books.

Dedication :I give this book to all who feel they need help to know attitude and positivism is everything we do in life. So this book is to those of you whom need the help.


Chapter I

Close Inspection

In thought, good and bad, is creative and tends to lead to a material thing. That is why we must learn to be more positive. Positive thinking can improve your life. Positive thinking is an attitude that brings happiness, health and results. We need to come to an acceptance agreement with ourselves. If you go out as a fan at a football game you go out cheering for your team to win the game. We need to cheer our selves better to wake up and say I like myself and I am happy with me the way I am. Go out everyday with attitude knowing you're good at what you do and know with surety that you can do anything in this world. Attitude goes a long ways in what you do, it says who you are. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror everyday and smile. Do not go through your life being negative nor putting yourself down. Look in the mirror with confidence knowing you're a beautiful person. Be proud and set your aims high to expect to achieve. Always reward yourself in awards. Have morals and standards with decency. Never make things to difficult for yourselves. Do not take on more than you can chew off. If it rains outside know that inside you it is all fair and blue skies. Know you may have problems arise but you can conquer anyone of them, finish any task before you go onto the next one. Never bet on others or self, for you are equal to those who think they are better or more smarter or prettier than you. Those are the ignorant ones. You need to be the power of optimism, and manage the stress you have. As we live life, we are thronged with tensions, worries and many other difficulties which make us to have a negative attitude towards life. Positive thinking can improve life and success. You'll find success when you find yourself happier. Be encouraged and more inspiring. Change your life and supercharge it. In fact happiness is a lifetime of peace. I know being positive is easier said than it is done. But face it being positive is a miracle in a miracle. Always have access to thinking positive. The mind is a never ending evolving rotation of thoughts. Look for the positive sides. You be the pioneer of positiviness. Create and manage. Empower yourself to motivate. All answers to life's problems comes from a positive attitude. Being positive in attitude can give you growth spiritually as well as mentally. Think of having a new positive outlook and a new attitude as a rebirth to a whole new you. Positive attitude is being certain and to do this one must possess affirmation and make specific real and clear qualities. Have positive benefits. Always smile and laugh with the world and the world will smile with you. The purpose


of Positivity is to provide an outlet for high quality. In psychology and cognitive science, the positivity effect is the tendency of people. Also the positivity comes on the back of knowing that we're heading in the right direction. Concentrate for what you have, you'll end up having more, be thankful. Every living cell in your body reacts instantly to every thought you have. Think happy thoughts. What you think, it rubs off on other people. Happy thoughts show how you are. Positivity is like a charge in you, a kind of supercharge of an electrical charge. Positive thoughts makes the reality of you, for having a positive you leads to positive actions plus positive feelings with content which equals to a positive outlook. Expand your mind, for your mind is the soul of you and thus as such it is your personal strength. Going through life day in, day out being negative can drain your energy. Aim at clearing your mind of negative thoughts and re-wire your brain towards positive thinking. Boost your attitude and promote self growth. Positive thinking can help control depression. To boost self- esteem means happiness and a brighter future. You say to your self you are worthy of the praise. Being a positive thinker can help you make better decisions. You have nothing to risk and lots to gain when you try to have the best possible state of mind. Obviously you are going to be going through life sometimes when it may seem unfair to you, but keep yourself positive, have an embracing positive approach. Visualize your goals and ideals. Friends you can overcome adversity, and realize your Having a positive outlook is a choice. You can choose to think thoughts that elevate your mood, throw a more constructive light on full potential. Positive thinking is based on research that shows that you can change. A treatment called positive activity interventions, which includes counting one's blessings and practicing optimism, is a successful, safe effective therapy to practicing self worth and positive thinking. Take your life to the next level with the Power of Positive Thinking. Positive Thinking refers to individual self-development. Whether you are thinking positively or negatively, it is the internal machinery whose sum is expressed in your external attitude. Studies show that a positive mind-set can have a measurable impact on performance. Positive thinking, in its most simplistic form, depends on your attitude. Positive thinking means also putting effort in order to fulfill your true potential. If thinking positive thoughts isn't bringing you the healing, comfort, or happiness you seek, try down shifting into "realistic thinking" and discover encouragement. Subliminal messages immediately and positively impact sense of self, creativity, and the dynamic expression of your power in the world. Overcome negative

self-talk by recognizing it and practicing with some faith in your self. Think about things the way they are by eliminating the paths to non thinking that are so much a part of our living. Thought power is the key to creating reality in believing the way to feel or think a certain way because of their circumstances. The ideas that can help you think flexibly and act decisively in a multivariate world. Universal wisdom is limitless and immeasurable, and we can only absorb it in small fractions. It's always nice to day-dream and think up many wonderful things in our mind that we wish we could have or what we wish could happen. Whatever exists is created by our thinking. What you think and believe about is the reality you become and live. Much of the time we observe the world around us and pass judgment on it. Something we observe what may appear good, bad or neutral. Matter is an illusion, one can change reality simply by changing the thinking into reality manipulation. We need to understand that reality is a variable under our control. Manifest a thought into physical reality, hold on to it and concentrate your intention for it to be so. Observe the point of view you want and hold on to that consistency of thinking. The theory of reality is the effects of positive thinking. The keys to positive thinking is what we see, how we think, and what we do. We need to believe in ourselves. You can be the model to yourself and others in your power of thinking. The brain impacts the processing of memories according to their relations. Your reality creating skills, and others' thoughts impacts your reality. What we see with our eyes is a three-dimensional space, and this makes us think everything is three-dimensional. We can interact with reality in a dynamic and continuous manner. You can make the objectively right decision. Have belief and confidence in your reasons. Contemporary science leads us to a complete understanding of reality. If you want to change to a better person, you have to change, supercharge the brain. This may come as a shock to you, start thinking more on the good. When you progress to levels, you know, you believe you are intelligent. Now advance and focus on how deep your life has structured to a new you. Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hopes help support your positive attitude and positive thinking. People seize the power of hope to improve your situation. You can have a positive outcome. Hope therapy aims to teach people with depression to use positive thinking to their advantage. In real life it's your decision on how you handle it, a chance to make mistakes and successes without consequences. The concept of hope and setting goals go hand-in-hand. Our level of hope impacts the type of goals we set and how


many goals we are working toward. After ups and downs, positive hopes gives you consistency to look forward to that is uplifting with much confidence. You have a triumphant testament of human resilience and an uplifting truth of hope and survival. It's not always bad decisions that leave people unprepared in decision and outcomes of the inner self person, its bad breaks that leaves you with an empty feeling. You need to try at least to take a closer inspection of what you see on the inner to be on the outside of you to avoid any negativity. Have a plus factor a plus ratio of you at all times in high levels. Be an optimist, for the sun never stops shining even when it rains. Always have hopes to finish first in every season. You can achieve a permanently happy spirit, make this a habit. And this can have a lasting impact on others to want to follow in your steps to help to want to achieve a change. Make this as your double feature film in you of heart and mind both. Each and everyone of us has thousands of thoughts everyday. Positive mind is dedicated to the promotion of expressions and experience. Adopting a positive mindset towards a personal and professional life can lead to positive change, during challenging times. All we need is an attitude adjustment in applied ideas in order to make things better in life. You are a very important being, and you are far more than what you think you are. Every so often a truly groundbreaking idea comes along. The mindset is the fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations. Attitudes affect the way that people view themselves. A mind set is a way of looking at something or a way of interpreting the world. The human mind is subject to, and limited only by, our individual beliefs. An old proverb goes be careful what you wish for, you might get it. You will learn about the brain and its main areas and the functions in regulating. The mind and what we think are the key parts to who we are. It makes us truly different to any other person, man, woman or child. And remember this we as individuals must learn and say we are a unique person but different and I like me for me. And its very interesting to where our minds takes us everyday. Learn this too of point, for we are but that of a single most complex creation. Our minds guides you through the most electrifying. The mind will take you on a journey of your life and puts you in touch with your inner self. The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The brain is like a computer that interfaces with a conscious entity. The mind and soul are explained by a physics theory that addresses the subconscious mind, soul, healing, afterlife, and much more. How integrated our mind, emotions and the will of our soul to interact with the spirit and body. The mind body & soul connection & you will inspire to make a spiritual quest.


The mind produces our intellect and thinking thoughts. We need to use our reflective thinking that is aimed at deciding what to believe or what to do. To my thinking, this is not a good idea to go without practicing or thinking and to have confidence in the self you. To think is your source. The thoughtful you is the reflective you that you either plan to be or reject. The mind is you and I the way we think and act, sense or actions. The mind thinks what it is and what to do for us. But see you need principles to think with and out of this you need all abilities to have clear and sound critical thinking provided in you. Think of the mind as a perpetual machine in motion, always on the go. And certainly by having a good feel and new attitude about yourself, you will get positive results. Think about that shiny red apple that hangs from that tree limb and you are going to get it, its all yours, nothing is going to stop you from reaching for that apple and pulling it down into your hands. Now when you have achieved that new you, the way you feel good about yourself, you are sure to have gained respect and people will notice the changes reflective in you, it will show either in facial expression, smiles or body language. People will envy you what you've now become, in fact some will cherish you while some will be jealous. But don't let that get in your way. Stay elevated to the new you. Once you've accomplished this and more you are gifted and wonderfully amazing, you surprised even your own self. End results you're quiet pleased with yourself. Inspection- you've now come to close that door on the old you, past and gone, the past lessons history of you fades. Highlight the new you the best of you inside and outwards. Thoughts you now have powerful feelings and actions from thinking skills. Thinking with a positive attitude is more interesting than knowing, it helps in communication with other peoples, thus you are now able to say what you feel and express it . For you were quiet before and shy. Final close inspection of you, you've got what you seeded a new you which you designed and styled your own self. Accomplishments- your new positive attitude is your new found thinking and new happiness. Your logic and ideas now develops full throttle. You have gotten operation go. Amusing fact of interest to think, focus on this. Interesting is your mind and attitude to be positive in thinking skills like a big puzzle highway to travel always going to its very next levels. We always want to maintain this new path gained which we need to keep on improving the good ideas and loose those of the bad ideas. Be inventive what you have this life for its your being positive that gets you somewhere in this world where you want to be. Think this, the brain as one huge long map to have never ending roads constantly giving and keeping information coming. The more you've gained time is that you should declare and defend your assertion strongly.


Confirm you fallacy to be true in validity and converse on the statement to back it up. The formal inferring affirm to the new you your loyalty. Ratify that all is well with you in complete dedication. For in definition you are that individual and you are very important to yourself. Now more importantly recognize that you are you the whole and complete new person, you will be strong, you will survive. Make it your own policy guide. Next develop a developed statement a story of you, the new truth of you, more than importantly of all life you've had thus far. Plain and simple, you re the new ordinary you, the heart of the new you. In this believe in yourself with absolute compassion. The occurring- you have come established and proven. You are not something or someone expendable, fact is its that you are durable, permanent. You are now passionate in a world of exclusions and consequent injustices. Now to reinforce an individual(the you) self-perceptions of competencies, traits, and values. Constantly growing while you keep in self spirit. In the close inspection of events include to receive positive feedback from others and the inspection reflect of the inner self as a core value of knowledge, envision in the glass looking deep inwards. Next be encouraging to your self and others. Live a full life, as an experience and of a will, as lifelong, day-by-day journey. In this one you'll look back at this as being insightful to you and hopes. Lastly revealed is you're prestigious. Come up with new ideas to move ahead. Be idea-centric, inventing a creation within to be that person you have peeked to be. Resort to this as being your mission. Use your exploration of creativity in everyday life, resources to awaken creating everyday daily using your innovation and imagination. Your list- list all the recent changes in you that reflect. Make you a list out like a grocery list, write down all you seek to change to become new inside and once done with that part mark each one off one by one till completed. In this you become like a museum. You exhibit what shows now displays outwards and inwards. Be sure while you do create the new you to create leads that leave open new avenues in career and journeys. Spark influential spectrum's of ideas no mater what in your personalities that surpasses to any other and showcase it, its your persona. Your a whole new you a product you all nice and shiny smooth finished. Otherwise you have brought into existence something new, definition- you, interesting, is you. Final grade- you've now graduated, final graduation day- one hundred per cent changes the real and new you all totally done. Now time to go out in the world- time for the real test to see if you really pulled it off and blend into the rest of the world. From people like you and me, living, working, being courageously changing, always have courage. Keep on enhancing and being exciting, you're very intelligent and you


know it. Possessing creativity is knowing you are dynamic, feeling good about ones self. Your creative soul, a mover and a shaker. You're full of cheers, you're vibrant with life in the world- your peers look at you as a leader. You've come to blossom like a cotton bloom on a stalk in a field fueled full of life and raring to give, ready to go take charge right away. And yet you're a discover in the world, you are very talented. You are a independent thinker and problem solver who uses his or her imagination that others have not used or thought of yet. In this perspective you've come something of a mighty powerful storm brewing on its way to strengthen. You're strong, not weak anymore. Aim your agendas high in regions and paths wide, for you know you're sustainable, and unique. Generate and nurture, you have skills, for your future is quiet bright. Your growth begins in a expanding and changing world, the opportunities are there and are fresh. Emerge super charged like a full sunlight filling. Use the freedom of thought and will for actions to come into the world. Inspire and be surprising, go from there. Brush off all negativity on every side. Make your day, every day, a best in the world. You as leader and peacemaker, you have come to the table to succeed, you are the power, you're the painter, now you can paint the picture on canvas the way you like it, you're the one who bargains. You hold the power. You do not want to flow down river, you want to flow up the river. Learn this, rejections can turn into motivation and mindset can create a dramatic boost. Focus changes into resources and ideas inspiring into advancements and understanding. Skills equals to abilities and abilities equals to knowledge rewarding successful. Performance equals to edition in promotional and encouraging personal. Your operation resource is your mind vision. Follow your hearts not your doubts. One can never be to skeptical. Never be undecided about what you do. There is no room for doubts nor distrust. Always consider what to believe as it is before the eyes, also use instincts. It's okay to be uncertain now and then but consider the likely answers. You need to stay with confidence. never hesitate to do what you seek, for opportunistic time comes but once in a lifetime to achieve the golden key to a whole level out there that awaits you. For people who distrust and fear are weaker people. I know you do not want to be weaker in spirit, heart or mind. Don't get me wrong many of us are going to go through critiques and humiliations somewhere in life. Proceed ahead in goals full go and never leave one door open behind you. When you're confident, you will feel like you can be on top of the world and nothing will stop you to get what you want out of life.


Celebrate and enjoy moments. It's time to shed fear and doubts in favor of self confidence and success. Every morning and evening balance out your life and make it fresh. We will see tremendous changes that reflect and light up from inside to outside. Self-confidence in one's abilities helps meet a goal he or she has set for himself. Now none of us are perfect and granted it we're all far from that. Self-confidence does not come naturally to everyone. The good news is that it is possible to gain self-confidence. Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits. Self-confidence gives the courage to try despite your mistakes. Self-confidence has a huge effect on one’s subconscious. Confidence is a state of the mind control. To gain some confidence is to figure out what areas of your life you are lacking confidence. You need to have confidence in yourself and know that you will succeed no matter . Everyone of us have a tendency to make poor decisions. The only sure thing to boost one's self confidence is to focus. To have self confidence one needs to belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities, self-confidence, self-reliance, assurance. Confidence is the belief in ones own capacity to meet challenges in a certain area of life. Confidence proceeds achievement. You're going to have to be confident, or learn to fake it. For us to improve self confidence, we first have to recognize that we are worth a million dollars. You are a beautiful, unique individual person. Belief in one's abilities to perform an activity comes through successful experience. You'll soon be able to express more and more confidence and the whole thing will get easier. Low self- confidence or low self esteem is a problem that can be overcome with a little help or believing in one’s own ability to accomplish things. Overcome negative self-talk and a poor self-image. Confidence is a tool you can use in your everyday life. Having a healthy amount of self-esteem and self-confidence is one of those things that will help make your life happier. A Negativity effect can be disastrous to one’s level of self-esteem and self-confidence. One thing that leads to a lack of confidence is doubt in one’s self. When you are constantly unsure of everything you do, those doubts feeds on itself. Just recognize what thoughts help you and which ones hurt you. Ones personality in general, empowerment ,will power, positive thinking and readiness in capacity for hard working, etc. are factors boosting ones confidence. For instance winter has been here on and off everyday of March. I talked yesterday along with my wife with a driver which we talked about winter. He referred to last year of 2012 of March then. He got me to thinking. Especially when he said this time last year at this week we were having 70 degree temperatures. Which he was saying that time then we had an early spring. And here this year 2013 has been the worst winter we've known since being in Michigan from whence we arrived in 2007. This month in March of 2013 we have one day or two or three days back to back when its warm and then three days its cold in a row. I look forward to warm temperatures because I can deep clean our hose or get out and be able to go places. I do not have to worry about wrapping up and warming the car to which uses more gasoline in the winters. Well now March is almost up, now we're approaching only one more full week to go.


Positive thoughts, focus and keying in on what you want to think about the most makes the day brighter. Having a positive attitude will adjust your thoughts. Plus positive attitude and thoughts indicate that positive outlook you have. Trust me it works every time. It is what makes you. You can be in complete shambles and be unable to move forward. You'll find yourself right back in that same old rut and not being able to pick yourself up. Often case and point you'll not want to get up out of that old bed and move around. You'll forget what day it is or what time it is too. Believing in yourself and cultivating a positive attitude help to improve and move forward and relieve that uncertainty and fear of doubts. Attitude is ones state of minds. Sometimes it may bleak and dismal but the ultimate prize is helps you look at the bright side of things and thus helps you to evaluate better. We all seek to be happy in life and feel better about ourselves. Some steps to feel better and happy about being true and the new you: 1) Changing perspective- Ignore the bad even when struggling, remind yourself over and over.2) Have inspirations-amazing experiences to be positive. 3) Personal Development- Surround yourself with supportive people. Choice is to be happy or unhappy. Believe happiness is the choice. Stop blaming yourself for the all kinds of outside forces such as fate, experiences, parents or relationships. Think about it you have to choose to be happy. You'll find then and there which you used to feel like you were a jinx to yourself or everyone around you. You will find then when you choose to be happy all this will disappear. You'll see the differences and not only will you see the differences, you'll feel them too. Sure that's always going to be options. You'll always face challenges and its never going to be easy. It's up to you again to be happy. Stop pointing fingers at yourself or anyone and stop the blame placing. Realize you are important and make happiness for you happen. No one can take away from you other than you yourself. Rid all negativity out of your life and even if you have to eliminate friends who are negative or any other negativity. Get rid of all negative influences. Step back and examine what makes feel good about yourself and what does not make you feel good about yourself. Negativity in your life prevents you from living a truly positive existence. Sure emotions effect you day in and day out and it effects you in all aspects of living. Learn to be mindful with internal dialogue. Internal dialogue helps you to recognize thought patterns and the way you handle situations of living. Thinking thoughts like I could never die and what if I fail can seriously impact the you behave. Stress is negative dialogue. And this can affect every aspect of life. Worth the effort is a effective development, you can develop emotions to liberate you. Use these steps:1)Look within. 2) Realize and attain. 3) Know the realization. 4) The tendencies. 5) Potential and journey. Your mental openness has the association of fully knowing and the ease of alertness. When you feel better about yourself, you'll have greater and better functions and motor skills. Try these techniques over and over with daily: 1) Listen and practice. 2) Communicate with yourself through brain to heart and vice versa. 3) Keep eyesight and be helpful to others. 4) Get to the basics. 5) Have spirituality and be satisfied.Remember and learn, you'll have positive attitude then and forever. Laugh at yourself and find humor in the simplest of things. Laughter is a powerful mood elevator. You have to learn to disconnect yourself from emotions such as fear, depression, loneliness, guilt,


attachment and anger. Use this in your self-help and say to yourself over and over with again and again things like I will think of myself as successful! I will have positive expectations for everything I do! I will remind myself of past successes! I will not dwell on failures, I simply will not repeat them! I will associate with positive people and ideas! I will maintain positive thoughts for others! I will persist until I achieve results! I will let myself feel love and joy! Focus on overall self-improvement with thoughts of selflessness. Focus on enhancing the apparent self-realization is a seeing through what appears to be, including the "I". For you are life and life living are as you. Life is as is as it is. Beginning is solitude of you inner peace in spiritual life ongoing like you have a garden of meditation within risen from fresh silence of insight deep and the inevitable basis of the spiritual life. Realize the ultimate meaning of life in each moment by seeing through all notions of ego identity. It asks that spiritual seekers wake up to their true nature, which is already enlightened. Focus on positive things to do with your precious moments. Manifesting a positive attitude makes life happier and more successful. Positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. Having a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing. A positive attitude is a key factor in achieving success in life. Those with one have an easier time creating lives of joy and abundance. Positivity contributes to better health, increased energy, enhanced self-esteem and many other qualities. A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you, and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious. Benefits of a positive attitude include: It helps you achieve goals and attain success. More happiness, more energy. Greater inner power and strength. The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others. Fewer difficulties encountered along the way. The ability to overcome difficulty more easily. Life smiles at you. More respect from other people. Negative attitude says: you cannot achieve success. Positive attitude says: You can achieve success. If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Look at the bright side of life. Choose to be and stay optimistic. Find reasons to smile more often. Have faith in yourself. Read inspiring stories. Read inspiring quotes. Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you. Visualize only what you want to happen. Learn to master your thoughts. Learn concentration and meditation. Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, especially when you are going through a difficult time in your life or you are trying to get past years of habitual negative thoughts. Positive thinking is the key to having an optimistic outlook on life. You can keep a positive attitude, even when things aren't going smoothly in your life. Learn something new or take up a new hobby. Get out and do things you love to do and enjoy yourself. Decide that you will only think positive thoughts while driving in your car. We believe that we need different circumstances to have a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude will adjust your thoughts! Happiness is an attitude. Think big thoughts. Positive thinking shines a light on life so bright that it draws happy positive thoughts. Close inspection its never to late to change and you cannot ever start nor is it to late to become a


Positive Thinker of thoughts to be your own super hero of changing to have positive benefits from the positive outlook. You be the beneficial benefactor from zero all way up to point high. It again is never to late to start to having positive thoughts to a positive charge and away completely from any and all negative. After all you are what you make yourself, your life, you are what you say about you body language and talk. It's your choice to change to a positive or to stay where you're at now in misery, guilt and the negative. You can make your room either in the red or be in the blue and free from it all. You need to do what you need to do before it has your heart and soul and you all alone and lost in it the sadness of it all darkness. Why would you keep it lagging and sinking deeper when you could have the light and you can control both your minds thoughts and the conscious. Close inspection examine your self and the outlook all and very well. See if your're balanced and have new energy within you. Positive thinking shines a light on life so bright that it draws happy positive. Having and maintaining a positive Thinking and attitude is vital for success in life. In a team environment, a positive attitude and thinking encourages a team to work together with individual styles and personalities. Positive thinking, can bring better health and greater happiness. Some people have a positive attitude towards life only when all is well. Positive thinking creates a blissful spiritual energy. It's been said that positive thinking can boost your attitude and motivation, decide right now to be happy. Only think positive. Positive attitude is more than thinking good thoughts. Positive attitude is not just the thoughts you think nor is it just being happy or having good feelings. Developing a positive mental attitude through positive thinking. Positive thinking is the key. Think about happy memories or things. Reprogram yourself for happiness and success. One can start to change ones thinking one thought at a time. Thinking positively can help you in understanding true happiness .As you begin to feel negative thoughts and energy, change them to positive thoughts. We can lead a happy life. Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, have peaceful thinking, and develop happy thoughts. Happy thoughts are like a seed that you plant in the ground only you plant them in you mind conscious of concentration and heart. It's possible to always create a wonderful life through the power of positive thinking. It just takes time, awareness, acceptance, amusement, and of course, new thinking habits. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts. Man is but the product of own his thoughts when he thinks. One should always say and think “I can or I know I can or I can do this, or I will not fail and I will win. Or I will not be defeated.” Positive affirmations reflect positive attitudes and thoughts and promote ones positiviness. I'm always reminding myself of an old proverb I used to come up with and say over and over with time again and again which is to, “Laugh at the world and the world will laugh back with you.” We need not to worry about being accepted by people we need to worry about being accepted by the self person. We're as good as we can get and no one is better than anyone else. We need to reinforce our behavior with new tasks. Positive reinforces are rewards that entice you such as praise. The most positive aspects of your thought will always come from a place of self-love. You must learn to utilize the masterpiece to higher levels of self-discovered values to see the silver lining in daily life. Friends take this or leave it and I am about to tell you something smart and sensible. You need no counselor at all. You only need to have yourself as the counselor. No one can counsel or know their own selves but you. You are the greatest counselor you ever need at all, for you know what you need. No one needs professional counseling but you and only you, after all what you seek you gain for yourself only. All that matters is what you seek and do is for your skills and after all only you need to believe in your own self.


In order to change all you need from negativity is to find it and you have positive thoughts and thinking deep in your soul. Shockingly as it may seem is that you are in absolute control of fate. You own your own ambitions and life's dreams. You should never listen to any negativity from anyone. The good news is be tactful and all you have to do is to ignore the effects. Be pessimistic and optimistic about the future. Instead be glad you're not negative and be tactful. Simply put you enjoy feeling the emotional intensity that comes from being positive in thoughts. Never be disappointed in your outlook and emotions. You just might be surprised at what you feel in feeling which might be a supercharged energy, a high you've not felt ever. Be excited and enjoy. You be quiet excited about you discovery in being positive. Your attitude tells a lot about who you are and you make your statement to everyone regardless whether its actions or body language. A solid sense of self-worth is the single most important factor in determining our happiness in life. Having self-esteem means having faith or believing in yourself. Belief in yourself is the foundation of self confidence. Self confidence is having faith in yourself and your ability to handle whatever situations are presented to you. You need to always maintain levels of high self-confidence. Close inspection believe in your God given abilities and talent. Close inspection know that you are a great person with tremendous personality. Close inspection time to think this thought of thoughts, know and present your fullest potential. For the two single most important factor keys to your close inspection is to have faith and believe in your aim of goals aims and success. You'll be fine and dandy. Trust me you are going to make it all the way to the top. You will have no problems at all. Now final step of close inspection, the suns down, now its time to close the door for good the rest of day through and now its all your time to kick off the old shoes and relax. Now last step is its all about closure time. Have good thoughts the rest of the days you live. Live long and happy. Now the close inspection is all done and finished, now you can say so long and goodbye for the night and good sweetened dreams.

Chapter II Transforming To Be Positive

Chapter II


I know its hard sometimes and its true we all have downfalls in this the transcripts of life living and no its never a pretty picture. But we have to as individuals draw the image of the way we want and ought to be in life. And granted it no matter how we see things in this old world everything seems to follow right along with a path of chain reactions. One chain sets off another upon another which many of us avert to stay away from. But we have to let our positive attitude transform the soul and we can set our mind to the new attitude. See the mind soul has to transform in each and every aspect of the new energy field of this our new attitude of self inflictions of complete awareness of the positive thinking thoughts and it has to start at some revolving point deep within us even if step by step. That door has to remain open solidly in the transforming soul the carnal you. If the speech in you that comes out alive and full of energy strength its transformed into soul what comes out of you motivated and passionate. Therefore then you've come out inspiring. You can say then you are not some brood standing out on some frozen solicitude tundra mass of ice and snow alone in the harsh cold. But see here we've come to a new age of certain lassitude. Wherefore each and every part of us has stored some kind of vaulting positive attitude energy. At this point we anticipate the revolution of categorized every whim of anticipated happiness of some equitably that comes storming like some strongly sharp pointed reef. The way our minds thinking are some shrew that applies on that right rotating pivot. We transform the soul by some opportunistic point which really takes effect. What is the transforming to the soul positive mean you ask? Let me clearly define it as the deeming dexterity of the inevitable charged energy, the conformity union of electrified and magnified in solid gratitude bursting full of joys revolutionized. Lets take a new spark plug. Its the man igniter of any engine that gives the spark of new life to which keeps the engine going. See if you have a dirty unclean spark plug it can foul out and thus use more gas or perhaps quit starting. If you're going down the road and you have no gas you cannot go further for a car will just stop in its tracks. You need gas to keep on going. One has to have something to eat to be fully charged in new energy or we tire out easy. The transforming therefore is that which fully takes over to keep us going to that new light of the soul making us light up. The experiencing excitement waiting that initiates the new inner you facing outwards. Now for the enhancing transforming positive chains within the deep spirit that fills you ordinary. The igniter you. You need to recognize the potential you have in which you are very creative. Listen to the active fundamental positiveness that really makes a difference that you see results which enlighten you in your training thinking. Think of this positive thinking development as an adventure. Focus on results that are measurable. You should be going around to saying to yourself and the world “I'm positive.” Any negativity stress you need to turn it into positive energy and absorb the changes. With this power you can turn failure around into success and take success and drive it to a whole new level. Your positive attitude is the fuel for your success. A beginning is made to an entirely new life the body and the soul conformed into a transforming attitude transition. Reinforce yourself with a transforming healing mind. Start everyday fresh with vibrant energy. You and only you have the power to turn failures into success and drive in on a new level. Fuel your positive attitude into positive success. Truth is transform the way your mind and subconscious thinks. Truth is success is determined by your positive attitude. Know this you can overcome any negative thoughts. Appreciation is so powerful in transforming when its coming from the heart and soul of the minds thoughts in your attitude levels.

Mother Teresa once said, “ If we have nopeace, it is because we have forgottenthat we belong to each other.” And the great poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that, “Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” Have faith in yourself and transform your thoughts with belief and new habits. Good attitudes come from being positive with encouragement, being humble, loving and wisdom that is taught. Remember the old proverb that tells “ For with every good deed done it comes with an evil seed.” Open your eyes to the possibilities which are unlimited and I'm sure as you go along further in life you'll find even more. Be sure to be grateful and count your blessings being renewed to a true knowledge. The mind of man has to be renewed of true knowledge. The sooner you embrace an attitude of curiosity, the more you have the power to provoke new thought. Transform positive vibes, of your positive mental attitude spirit, soul, and body. Everyone needs to be new in the attitude of minds; and to put on the new self. Whatever the situation, you always have choices. Your core choice is how you react to what is going on. You can choose to react positively, negatively, or even not to react at all. You can incorporate positive thinking in everyday life by choosing to react positively. The key to use positive thinking in everyday life is to be aware of when negative thoughts come to you, and rather than running with the negative emotional response they create, choose to focus on a thought that makes you feel good. Just be aware of your thoughts. Breathe deeply. Resolve to replace the negative thoughts for positive ones. If you are a Christian you may want to have a way to use positive thinking in everyday life that combines your Christian beliefs. The key to use positive thinking in everyday life is to be aware of when negative thoughts are developing in your mind. All thought, good and bad, is creative and tends to lead to a material thing. That is why we must learn to be more positive. The environment and all the experiences in life are the result of habitual and predominant thoughts. Negative thoughts can tell us about something that needs attention. So, thoughts lead to discovering what needs to be done, and one can think positively or negatively to take care of it. Many people fail to see a negative occurrence as a learning experience and continue to feel victimized and helpless, ultimately blaming others for what they drew to themselves. If we do this long enough, it will become habitual, and it will make a tremendous difference in improving our positive thinking skills. Say "I can!" more than "I can't!" Remember, everything can be framed positively; make a relentless effort to do so. Even when we don't get what we want, we gain valuable experience. Experiences are often much more valuable than material things. Material things slowly waste away; experiences stay with us, growing, our entire lives. There are both positive and negative aspects to most situations. We get to choose which ones we will focus on. We can try to catch ourselves when we're being negative and try thinking the opposite. There's no sense in worrying about the negatives if they cannot be changed. Some parts of life are "unfair." That's because life just "is." If we waste energy and happiness on the things we can't change, we'll only make ourselves more frustrated. Many studies have demonstrated that even a forced smile can lift one's mood! We may also share positivity with others by flashing them with a brilliant smile. Smiling is a reward, not a risk. The only thing we risk when smiling is a giving ourselves a little more happiness. We all need and deserve time to recharge. If we just got out of a bad relationship, or we simply need a break from the hustle and bustle of your life, we mustn't be afraid to take some time off and recharge. It can be stressful being with other people, even people that we really like. Being independent can help us regain our perspective. One simple thing to do to recharge is to take a short trip somewhere. Communing a little bit with nature if we can, provides a

wonderful tonic. Some people accept positive thinking as a fact, and believe in its effectiveness. Others, consider it as nonsense, and scoff at people who believe or accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health, and favorable results. If you adopt this mental attitude, you teach your mind to expect success, growth and favorable outcomes. When our attitude is positive, we enjoy pleasant feelings and visualize what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even our health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice is more powerful, and our body language shows the way we feel. All of us affect, and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or another. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through our words, thoughts and feelings, and through body language. People are more disposed to help us, if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity. Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment. Positive attitude, positive thinking, and optimism are now known to be a root cause of many positive life benefits—the good life and well being. You'll live longer and be healthier and happier with a positive attitude toward life. In addition, you're more likely to be successful. Learn to use the power of thinking positive, adopting positive attitudes, and affirmations to gain important life benefits. Positive Thinking Empowers You And strengthens Your Resolve To Create Your Ideal Life! Start Positive Thinking Today and Enjoy A Better Tomorrow! Maintaining a Positive Attitude is by far one of the most powerful means of controlling the outcomes in your life. Let your mind go free and fly with the eagles. Taking total control over the thoughts that go on inside your head can help you to live the life that you may have only dreamed of. Your entire life is controlled by the thoughts that carry on inside your mind. Every action you take is based on what you are thinking if you find yourself in a distraught, unhappy mood you hold the power to change your situation completely. Negative thinking holds the power to destroy your life and all your ambitions. A Positive attitude on the other hand can literally change your entire life. When you look upon life in a positive nature you are bound to find the good in every situation. You determine your thoughts so ultimately you determine your life and all of its outcomes. By asserting total control over your thoughts you are taking control of your life. Positive thinking shines a light on life so bright that it draws happy positive people to you like flies are drawn to light. Maintaining a strong optimistic attitude is a common motivational method used to boost one’s attitude and promote self growth. Creating a positive attitude allows you to experience a new and wonderful day each and every morning. When you focus your mind on the good things in life you will have the strength of character to move forward despite any challenges you may face. When you develop an attitude built on positive thinking you will draw many favorable events into your life. The changes you could experience would be everlasting. Don’t cheat yourself out of the pleasure you deserve, you have the control to affect the events that surround you. Positive Thinking is a necessary tool in the improvement of your entire life but it can be even more amazing when it is coupled with the power of your mind to visualize. When you use the power of visualization the achievement of your goals is almost assured. If you would like to learn more about the practice of visualization and the incredible effect it can have on your life then please visit the following page. The power that

visualization can have over the achievement of your goals is unmatched by any other force. When you are making a conscious effort to better your life and improve upon your personal development, there is no stronger tool than the use of positive thinking. When you decide to live your life based upon these positive beliefs you will experience completely new outcomes in your daily living. Sometimes it takes some real effort to maintain a positive mental attitude and one sure way of keeping yourself and your thoughts on track is to take control of your inner dialogue. Positive thinking can be strengthened through the use of positive affirmations. When you repeatedly fill your mind with positive affirmations you will undoubtedly see some wonderful outcomes in your life. Self-talk is the endless stream of thoughts that run through your head every day. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. If you make yourself aware of the self-talk going on in your mind you can direct it towards positive constructive thinking. However, there will be those times when your inner voice takes over and all logic and good reasoning skills are gone. A person that may be described as a pessimist is most likely tormented with negative self-talk and one who is described as an optimist has control over their thoughts and they focus their self-talk on positive, exciting aspects of their daily lives. Positive Thinking Can Help You Live Longer and Live Happier! Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on people’s health. Decreased negative stress, Greater resistance to catching the common cold, A sense of well-being and improved health, Reduced risk of coronary artery disease, Easier breathing if you have certain lung diseases, such as emphysema, Improved coping ability for women with high-risk pregnancies, Better coping skills during hardships. It’s unclear why people who engage in optimistic and positive thinking experience these health benefits. But one theory is that having a terrific outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. Take a quantum leap toward leading a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life, believe in yourself and your abilities and watch your creativity shine. Positive Thinking Is NOT Wishful Thinking Positive Thinking Requires Action. There are so many obstacles we all must face on a daily basis, yet you see some people handle them with such ease and others just seem to fall apart. Well this all goes back to how well you control your thoughts. Those who have a strong hold on the thoughts they allow into their mind and they base their life on the grounds of positive thinking will certainly be able to handle life’s challenges with much more ease. Those who chose to allow their mind and thoughts to be dictated by the events around them will surely have a more difficult time in life. The very act of saying you are taking back your mind and that you will only focus on positive thinking, will change the outcomes of every event in your life. How often is it that you here someone complaining about their career, the job of their choice, it has to be their choice as no one holds the power to make you do anything against your will.If you despise or worse yet “Hate Your Current Job” learn how easily you can turn things around with the power of positive thinking. Fate is what life deals you. But see we are what we make of it and not life making it for us. We have to do the soul cleaning, for we as mankind only have will power to transform. You catch the fever to make the change into something realistic. Live in the world of reality and never stay a sour puss. Never let people stand in your way nor stop you from changing for the better. I tell you what when you are positive it will leave you to have a lasting impression of deep thoughts. I know this means well and sounds like some crave of madness. But you can sure bet that it will help rid you of all those negative thoughts you have been harboring onto. Try to transform the deep inner soul part of you. What else have you got to loose. You cannot

get worse than what you were before. It’s simple as this. Just start each day off with positive thoughts and be thankful. Be inspirational on life. Think about the blue sky and the warm sunshine and just relax and enjoy it all. I love nature, I believe it’s the garden of life. I love to watch outside and see how many flocks of birds fly high up in the vast sky. I'll try to transform this intake of what I've viewed and place it into my souls journey of today for tomorrows inspiring. I know that's the purity of life and all, but its deep in subjects of indexes of the imagination knowing and looking. You will encounter many distractions and many temptations. Highlight the positive experiences in your life. I'll keep telling you this as long as I live, positive thoughts works, always has and always will. And trust me being positive you'll never suffer any boring moment. Use deep thoughts and positive thinking as the power to penetrate through the thickest barriers of the mind. Deep breathing and relaxation exercises also help manage your thoughts easily. Remember though the mind equals to the body and body to the spirit side and spirit side of you to the world what you feel best to the self. Point step body of surrealistic always refreshes constantly into thoughts of positivity. Look deep into the body soul and heart, its then and there you find the real true feelings you have out of the new positive attitude you have developed. Remember for you have the power to want too change. Seek to develop a happily settling into the routine that is now your newest habits. Make it the common traits of your velocity. For you own the license property of you and no one else. When the transformation is complete you are the denominator of the numerical you period and case evolved. For instance you must think positive at all times to win the battles over any and all negativity. For if are constantly sick or ill and you go around constantly thinking negative then only the bad and negative will continue to sprout from you. You are what you think. And if you are sick and want to really get well or even overcome it, you'll need to think positive at all given times. This is the common sense God gave and made inside you, the ability of the power of him, God in you and you in him also) to heal both the physical and soul part of you. Or else you will stay sick, but the golden key is you must stay positive each and every day and night. You cannot go back or be weak once you start any positive attitude transformation. More keys stop the worrying, never anticipate troubles, and always do your best and make a mental path to the way you want to survive. Keep this as your goals in perspective through opportunities. See nature and everything around us has a way of transforming its the beauty of it to remember the hopes of transforming attitudes into something that will help you to appreciate your new hopes and dreams meaningful into the very positively energy. Learn to have gratitude to what you have thus come so far to have accomplished. Always keep faith and belief in the self to have vision of the hopeful positive to focus and think on building that positive dream. For remember it will take all your affirmations to change and influence others to want to follow you into changing to make a positive. Think about this hope is the process of creation and transforming hopes ensures creation identity of the individual success and change into our heart worthy to praise about. This would be called a believers transforming. Focus in on this and bring it to a fun like an art. I know it sounds easier said than done. But we must submit ourselves and be dedicated about the changes we want. We have to evolve to stamp out the bad and bring all the positive puzzle pieces to neatly fit together into place and know this its hard work, but as the old saying goes, nothing is impossible to accomplish or do to fulfill our dreams and desires. We're but unique as a person. Everyday we need to expand our living environment into a haven of positive thoughts. Ponder to navigate the challenging transformation to the enjoyable learning experiences.

Manifest the learned style of a goal-directed thinking pathway. Begin the day each morning thinking what you mean. Strike to improve your recovery from the negative world to pledge to the hopeful and develop this as a powerful mindset tool. Transform the hope and joy into a power of hopeful energy and motivation. Award yourself with an innovation to the point where massive positive change can happen. For you are the fine product of proof positive of the remarkable talents of wish and remarkable function essential to you and no one else. And this is a sure natural analogy of any much needed creation to transform anyone’s attitude to higher energy and it’s the whole of transforming creation to super positive forces of all that resides in your inner spirit. Imagine this the new changed you like a flowing river that smoothly flows along in the soft winds. One thing for sure is that you are a fine inner product of the inner beauty of you. In the grand prize you'll find you are contagious energy for everyone else to want to change. Thus the movement supports to appreciate the texture. Reflect the take, you look in the mirror and you feel super good about yourself and you like this new creative attitude and you smile slightly at yourself as you look and you notice this new you are as a canvassed portrait. The old you passes on to none existence and you come to a realization of total peace in all your hopes and feelings like you are a fresh flower that has opened up to a life of blossoming in spring times. By now, okay you are a positive energy of love and as you intend yourself now to be the author to infest others with this positive attitude you've now found. No matter what or where ever someone's going to judge you anyway, but who cares who does what. Only you matter the dreams your sole heart to blend into. However its like I said in the first chapter of this book, your feelings redefined is what you maintain that you have wiser and now deal with to face measurable. Only you know the plus information about you and no one else does but you. Today you can transform the new you in a clear conscious choice to begin with today just by transforming the new attitude into something positively. It is the mental attitude of the subconscious you that expects positive results. See we need to train our mindsets habits transforming the attitudes behavior guides that operate similar in vital roles of persuasion and reinforcement rewards. This is a self transformation that we need to put in all parts of our lives positively. We've got to change what often increases in development of mental attitude by doing what’s to achieve. Let's just take a moment to survey our providing attitude that will result. We do not need to be naïve to our proven positive attitude reinforcements. Reinforcement is not just a theory but it needs to be motivational and substance empowering the maps of our minds. Not only this it needs to be strengthened and emotional. Encourage in your everyday tasks that you create from. Always have peace at mind. Never go to bed at war nor quarrels with the inner self. Never go to bed debating, instead make resolve to inner peace in a series of steps that produce happy thoughts. The best thing to do is to use reinforcements. Key is to give the real true you your real life the boost what you need. One can communicate with the spirit and thus the mind and spirit of you work together in one super being. For instance when sick or with a broken leg its a proven medical and scientific fact that our mind which is the spirit in you at work tells the heart what to do. For instance the mind controls every single part of you. If its time then the mind can tell the heart to shut down or the mind can shut the body functions down. Imagine your body and mind as one huge telegraph center that constantly sends one telegraph after another throughout the entire body. Our mind and body functions as one huge highway of information. See you need to rest. The mind needs rest too with the body. Or else the mind will suffer a burnout, thus case and example we can suffer from one form of Alzheimer’s or another in some way.

We become emotionally drained and worn out. Our bodies immune system becomes weakened in the process delivery. One can nix a bad attitude to lose all or nothing in order to transform the enthusiastic and supportive to the new attitude positive by sculpting attitudes and values into endless reinforced fundamental sound of positiviness supercharged attitudes both mentally to enjoy. Work to monitor and apply the improved new to the model you. I have always thought and believed the solid key to this is to find and have constant confidence. Let most people understand the positive reinforcement without limitless effects given. Do this and face it so that in terms people truly understand the terms you mean in positive definitions. Target this the attitude and motivation positiviness thoughts. Another evolving step is to know your feedback by you being your page created that is contingent and motivated. Never yield to the negative effects. Instead have the goal in strategy by shifting your thinking perspective to develop this the best behavior possible in a good attitude. Ask yourself this are you going to be going through life half full or half empty or would you rather be full all around? Think about it for a second or two what is your outlook on life? Friends without any consistency you're only going to be three quarters active or at 75% throttle. We need to be a total of 100 %. Set in motion to manage the self you in the motion of self positiveness. Now I would like to talk about the looking mirror glass attitude from within outwards approach. Enhance and condition. Encourage to provide ideas. Operate everyday in which to follow into the future. Sometimes the person outwards isn't often that person of beauty you see from the inside outwards. You must see on the inside in order to be able to see what’s you to reflect on the outside branches. Next you want to always be lively, fresh and alive full like the green leaves of life on a tree. Next increase the response you need future wise the occurring presentation of your everyday ordinary tasks that grow on you and bring out even more. To you this can be a great stimulus reward for you without you even knowing, but I assure you this, I can bet you'll feel it though because you'll feel much lighter and less in burdens. Things will seem to come easy then for you in experiences you will have received. And then you'll want to boast and praise about it. Sometimes what we see today is not what we see tomorrow. It’s a mirage. In other words often what you see in the reflection in the mirror is not true, it’s a lie. What you see underneath you is the truth. For if you cannot see what’s hidden and you cannot bring that truth to the surface, then its only a mirage. Meaning the truth is deep inside you waiting to be discovered and exhaling to come out. Anything otherwise is just a fantasy of an illusion what you see that is not the new you what you see in the glass. Plainly putting it well what you would be is having doubts and fears then moreover its not the new you but rather the old you which you have not totally yet erased or let pass away. Now what you do want to offer is the desirable, the wanting and needing and certainly not the consequences. You never want the dividing. Now even if you get down sometimes don't fret just yet, don't fumble the old ball loose but pick up that ball and keep on going. When you score that touchdown of life, it'll make you feel on top of the world. So don't be discouraged at all. Get up and keep going on regardless of how bad things may seem to be. For as long as you are confident and positive in attitude, it will get you through. For your attitude, your positiviness transformation is the strength of you. Another key factor is actions that support good attitudes. We must at all times strive to maintain a high level of 100 % confidence in which this process is generated through results of fusion power. For a second I'd like you and I to imagine that deep in us is a mass of clouds of magnetic electrons that macerates and propels us back and forth while it catches the negative and confines it in some

containment trap and thus holds it like a prisoner. No one can ever see inside the heart but you to spiritually say. We all have tremendous amounts of energy. We're wired together in the production column however it may be, we have to keep faith to deal with the anxiety everyday on a constant basis in our daily thinking path. Remember though you are the single most important being in your present state of the plasma matter. Try to increase in balance, energy and stamina. The verdict you have a unlimited supply of circulating power. On the positive side you've now gotten a jolt of fusion power with the solid ability to transform how your spirit turns in the given opportunity in ups and downs. I know we can't change the past, but we can change the future course of our thinking patterns. Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that individuals experience. When fear becomes life disabling, it is important to know how to change the negative fear. To change the negative to a positive takes practice and consistency. We have the power to change negative thoughts into positive, but we can not do it by resisting the negative. Change your attitude and gain some altitude, change for the better. Change your world with positivity and perspective what inspires you. See no matter when there seems to be no hoping there is always a miracle. No matter how rough life is stay focused for there is always a breakthrough. The spiritual outlook always tells you that the positive is coming in your choice to not to give up. Never go through life without a compass in your heart to bring you back to the goodness of you the positiviness. Do the best in life you can and life will be good to you. Losers are for people that never tried to do the impossible. We need to focus on the positive to overcome fears to try to climb the higher steps. Never be afraid to try what you believe in. For we can use every ounce of time of every second of every hour to make it or let it all pass us by. Loose all the negativiness so you can move forward with the positive. The more you show in life the more you are going to gain. The impossible is possible. Always go through life to encourage not discourage because you want to be a helper of changing. Be the teacher and inspirer. People have to be the driver of positiviness. For there are two doors in life, to enter, one that has nothing to offer you and the other doors is the one that has everything to offer, its your choice which door to choose. Nothing comes easy but in the end all the hard work pays off because you didn't give up. One has to use right decisions before they act on them like planning it out. There's always an alternative to have as an option. The doors always swings open for a design ideas. It might be a bit shabby in the first. Example a window glass in the house can break and you have a choice to either replace it or to live with it and have cold air coming in from the outside. When see the other people in your life most likely you see what exists within you. Understand that its not hard to realize when other people continue to come into life with either good or bad attitudes. Change in the outside world will not occur until we change what is going on with our attitudes within our own selves. The quality of traits that exist within people around us directly relates to us as individuals. We attract people in our lives of the mirror of who we are. When people see what you are in being positive that usually attracts the same from others who want to be around us. In this mirror of reflection traits we usually see the goodness that resides within us from the change we have developed of our new transformed attitude. With attitude to say I can instead of I can't for instance comes a new outlook with this new inner positiviness. When we see negativity in others we see what used to be within ourselves. And that is the part of us that we hate and do not intend to have to come back. Mirrors are for us to look at our selves. We analyze people because we

see a lot about us and this influences us to seek to be more positive and thus to transform these traits into the self we want to be. And this though sometimes it is difficult to possess those qualities. Remember, the habits, attitudes and behaviors of others are closely linked to our own conscious and that of the unresolved issues that still challenges ahead. See when you are searching for your soul mate you usually look for someone with most of the same interest as you have. So therefore you exhibit characteristics. But you always look for your own reflection identity. Looking at what other people exhibit is the experience and often is humbling because this helps you cultivate your own appealing as your own developing traits. You can be respectful and loving to others and some might give you the same back, but this doesn't work unless you have self positivity to go along with what you want to be successful. You have to let all this goodness you see transform so that others see what you have gained. The world today is constantly negative and exposing ones inner being and ones self-esteem which can hurt. It'll make you feel rejected and feel like crying tears or staying in and hidden from everyone in the world. Just look around and you'll see no one being positive anymore. Even the news on Television is filled with negativity. We need heroes and leaders to influence. The world needs a healing from all the negativity. Instead of bad influences we need to realize that attraction to what makes positivity and nourish it like a tiny baby. Do you wish to see what you want to transform in the reflection mirror that you can control and this will be the light of you the door for growth and understanding. We are all here to evolve through the betterment of ourselves and the world. I believe that reflections, whether it be our reflecting on our own lives through recorded snap shots of time past or using reflections in the present as some sort of guide mark to know ourselves even more clearly. If we were to stand in a room encircled by mirrors, we would see multiple images at multiple angles giving us a pretty great scope. The focal length of a concave mirror is always positive while that of the convex mirror is always negative. We spend long hours drawn to the mirror trying to figure out where we meet in life. What we're doing is finding the beginning point. Most of us keep our feelings bottled up. We need to discover our awakened aspects and promote our self-image, self esteem.

You in the positive dream mirror. First of all you are the mirror. By this we mean you are the subject figure in this mirror you are gazing out. The mirror can be either cracked or it can be one whole solid mirror. Its all up to you in your frame of mind the way you feel and look at what you see in the mirror image. Next you the one who are now looking at yourself are interesting and enlightening. Your choice you can be enslaved into past and present you or enhanced into the present future you coming. You can be your own enemy or your best friend, you can choose absolutely to be dead and depressed all the time or you can get up, change from negative to positive and a whole new inner person you and thus feel very much alive. Ask yourself now. Have you ever thought of being just you a new wonderful you and hoped all the negative to ever come to an end? Now you can have the power to hit that ground ball or foul out or hit that so much needed home run. The pitch is yours right now and it’s all the perfect pitch thrown to you. Hey listen careful and very carefully to this,“Miracle’s happen because of everyday power of the mind through which flows in this door sure positive attitudes and positiviness adopted to which one changes for the betterment.” Think of this niche as liken a rainbow when you see it has many colors and seems to touch the ground which you try to chase after it but you cannot find no end because its endless this rainbow, meaning like thoughts they go on and on in our mind and dream sets. But wait more good news, miracles happen due to the positive thinking and

belief effects one has. See the brain in functions processes the truest wish and thus supports what is really nullified. Meaning what you are thinking is what you are saying. See your change is the impact considerable what is fearful and jealous in others that many are fearful of what may happen good unto them also for the best possible changes one could ever have in resolving. Next self miracles happen because of developed positive affirmations. For this to say is that positive attitude brings about an inspiring motivation in a peaceful quiet time all brought about because of your positive thinking. Every single one of us are unique and created for different reasons. As such you and I together are living miracles everyday and lets not forget we're very intellectual beings. Everyday you wake up, just be thankful for the beautiful day for which you are alive. For everyday that you live and breathe it is a miracle in a miracle. You can't deny that every single day is a miracle. When you think of miracles, you remind is one of the greatest miracles of all. Changes in seasons or weather are a sign that a miracle is about to take place. A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder. Miracles implies the direct opposition of the effect actually produced to the natural causes. Think positive and believe in miracles, and other life goals. A positive attitude will create more miracles than you'd ever thought of or seen. Embody a spiritual change you want and vision it, work slowly one step at a time to make it happen. Decorate your mind with colors that brighten life and dreams mixed with attitudes throughout aptitude and adaptations which will multiply in the key processes that opens the swinging doors. You'll soon find the avenues to your mind stake filled with every positive emotion set in thoughts. In the transforming process you'll want to keep your positive ideas in your lifestyle and mindset. For you want to be sure of yourself more than anything at all. What you allow into your problem solving methods changes your mind power approach. Your positive thinking lowers stress levels and improves physical and psychological well being. The mental and emotional development is an exciting resource. You must to be adopted to break the shackles of negativity. Negative thoughts are catastrophic to all the aspect of a human life. Deep, thought provoking questions on positive attitude helps us re-examine what it means to cultivate a truly positive attitude for life. Learn to say no when someone asks you to do something that diverts your focus from positive thinking activities. Learn to make the positive thinking process a habit. I think positive thinking is the only way you can ever have success in every aspect of your life. Of course, it isn’t always easy to keep an optimist view. The increased awareness you can gain of your own thoughts and feelings is one of the many benefits of positive thinking activities. When you find yourself in a negative spiral, you need to start developing positive thoughts and feelings to get yourself back into a uplifting swing of living again. The mind knows how to keep going. Harness the power of optimism to help with stress management. One positive thinking exercise that is simple to do every day is positive affirmation. There's no better way to start your day than by participating in a few positive thinking activities. Most of us follow a routine in the morning when we wake up. Positive thinking activities give us the ability to change the way our whole day turns out, and even how we look at the world. Understanding the positive values help make us a better person from the negative attitudes. Attitude transformation will take you on a journey of a hidden potential through your development growth in creating this new inner you which one day you may just wake up and see this new presenting person in that mirror in which you look throughout that time and that new day.

Now I will share the positive training attitude of the mind training- the spiritual depth analysis of the path. We enable new approaches to the new attitudes. How? We must develop the factors towards the obvious reasons. Next we have to balance the outcomes striking the physical resemblance. Remember however it is very important that you plan out a transformation peace, a road of routines that speak for you. This is because the heart speaks for you. We do this by bringing a discovered unique attitude by having an inspired experience of life how we see it to be. Let us place this into mind like we're placing our favorite and most delicious recipes in one particular order as a book which we keep stored. We can ignore feelings or we can understand inner feelings and thus understand how they connect to our mind and soul. When we feel someone bringing negativity you need to take control and walk away from it before it brings you down and to depression again. You can be the weapon of destruction to get rid of negativity once and for good completely out of your life. Take the time, study and investigate the old you just to see how you once were before you let that old you pass out of the mind. Soon a whole new you will be unveiled and then dashing, be wildering your friends who will accept you unconditionally or they walk away and were not really your friends to begin with. An old proverb goes, a true friend will stick with you through sour and sweetened. The key to gaining confidence, feeling good about yourself or the aim to achieve anything is positivity. You cannot progress in life if you continue to be negative. Stressful situations makes from negativity and attacks. Our every thought we have is our reactions to our trials and errors even in trying to move ahead. We as individuals need to proclaim positive thinking as the destination link to achievement. Stress is like a drug addiction, it'll try to hang on and on, not letting go till it pulls us down. But we wear the armor to fight against it strengthened. For we are the warriors to go out and do battles. See where thinking positive comes in, we need to feel good about ourselves and aim to continue the positive treatment. Absolute positiviness is the key to life which we must be adequately prepared for any adjustments. You must have extremely powerful meanings to address the negative world. Don’t let your happenings determine your happiness. Happiness and destiny are things we create, not positions of circumstance. The key to gaining confidence is the quality of your thinking about whom you see in the mirror largely determines the quality of your life. Its kind of like a formula to thinking. Believe the future is at a crucial crossroads which you realize you do not need to wait any longer to change the outlook on your life. Therefore you must not wait any longer before it gets too late before you change and transform your life in perspective for the betterment .Exercise your goals, or whatever is important in your life. How many of us go on not trying to apply the truth of being positive to our life? Positivie thinking is the key to winning or loosing the game of life. Thinkers are congestive benefit abstainers. Indeed, some studies show that personality traits like optimism and pessimism can affect many areas of your health and well-being. The positive thinking that typically comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management .Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst. Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head every day. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information. If the thoughts that run through your head are mostly negative, your outlook on life is more likely pessimistic. If your thoughts are mostly positive, you're likely an optimist

someone who practices positive thinking. A positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations. Forgiveness transformation. Full self-awareness and presence in the moment require awareness. Confronting and assimilating the initial realizations that accompany self-awareness takes tremendous compassion and the ability to observe neutrally, without condemnation. Our patterns run for cover into the unconscious instead of remaining available to view unless we are able to bring forth love in the face of them. Once we are able to do this for ourselves we can also view the same behaviors in others without withdrawing love. Considering this list you can see the role authenticity and humility play in Awakening. In a very real sense, full authenticity IS personal power. The power to be fully one’s self is far greater than false power associated with domination and control. Authentic power includes awareness of what we are serving from moment to moment. Unconscious patterns allow the Shadow (unconscious) elements to drive. we pursue understanding to better our life, using a rational approach to feeling and motivation, often by looking for answers in our personal pasts. We are, however, much more than the sum of our pasts. In spirituality, we seek to expand awareness through heart-centered, intuitive and energy-based methods of connecting with the Greater Whole. The Self-knowledge of Awakening transcends distinctions and categories. Transformation causes and is caused by self-awareness. This circular aspect makes it massively powerful, again relating transformation with power. Awareness confers a greater range of choice—an element of power. Transformation occurs as we become more Awake to who we really are. As we Wake Up our interior contents begin to come to light. The process of Waking Up can and will reactivate unresolved traumas. Being awake includes familiarity with and deep acceptance of our inner wounds. Whatever we resist seeing in ourselves is a pocket of Sleep. No doubt you have heard of supposed-spiritually-advanced persons who abuse power in one way or another. It is a daunting challenge to fully know ourselves and to achieve a significant degree of mastery over our baser impulses. Judging ourselves and holding ourselves to perfectionist standards makes the issues we need to accept go into hiding, giving them power. Gradual, compassionate awareness over time is the best plan. Right now the world is Waking and shaking us. The positive psychology of transformation is beyond stress and coping. Maintaining your family's positive transformation in any direction, you will see mistakes you or a friend may have made. To keep from making these mistakes again. The first thing you must on your transformation journey is drop all of the negative instinctual thoughts you may be holding on to about change in a relationship. Whether husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, boss and employee, or parent and son, the two parties come to the table with the notion that they will only change after the other person changes. This belief has to change. Stagnation. Someone has to be the catalyst for change. Someone has to be the responsible party. Someone has to decide enough is enough and make things better for the whole. If you have ever thought this way or if after reflection you can see your actions have shown that you have behaved in this manner, do your best now to stop it. From this day forward you must transform first and you must maintain that progressive attitude. You cannot quit. You cannot quit. You cannot give up. You cannot say, "Well I did my part, but he did not do his." That way of thinking is no longer acceptable. Unconditional living is your new lifestyle. The second thing you must do in order to cement the transformation process in your family is practice forgiving each other immediately, all the time, every day, for every mistake, no matter what, because you are family. Your son cannot change the mistakes he made in his past. You cannot change the mistakes that you

made in the past. The past is done and over with. The mistakes the two of you will make along this journey will be many. You may step on each other's toes and come into disputes about which way to go. Regardless of what may happen, practice forgiving each other for your shortcomings because there is no authentic communication or interdependence without forgiveness. In order to sustain any dramatic life change, you often must continue to improve on the original process that got you to your level of current success. The old saying goes, "Today's knowledge is only good for today." The same can be said about today's strategies. A good coach would never take his game plan that worked last week and use it the next week. He would get clobbered by the other team. The same applies in your parental coaching strategy. The same communication, strategic decision making, and confidence building approach you took to get your family moving will need to evolve to keep your family moving. Create a checklist of things you still need to improve and look at it regularly. As you and your Team clear a hurdle, look ahead towards the next stumbling block in your path. Approach your family's transformation as a long-term pursuit. The fourth guideline to embrace is that of continual learning. Your willingness to focus on improving your current level of understanding will serve you well throughout your son's teenage years and for the rest of his life. Think bigger than just parenting books. Read and learn about everything. Avoid settling for an average child by staying up to date on current affairs and current trends. There are four of key areas that I recommend you focus your continual learning on. Relationships-continue to educate yourself on the intricacies of human interaction. Communication-continue studying works on communication in all its forms. Strategic thinking-continue learning the best approaches towards thinking long-term. Societal evolution-continue to update yourself on the changes the world is taking. The fifth and final component to maintaining the progress you and your family have made is to avoid getting lazy and thinking your job is over when your son's behavior turns for the better and his grades improve. It is at this phase that your job has only begun. Now you have to push forward. Use this momentum. The best way to avoid getting lazy is to constantly measure your family to the greatest families in your community and in history. Establish or join networks of actively engaged parents and use their dedication to spur you on towards even greater accomplishments. These five guidelines, if followed, will ensure that the progress your Team has made and will make will endure. You are more than capable of achieving your dreams. You’ve completed all the preceding assignments and action steps you will have experienced more growth and improvement than people typically go through in a decade or more. Now you have a profound opportunity to reflect upon and expand your awareness of just how far you’ve come. The more you actualize the lessons learned and insight gained, the deeper and more profound your transformation becomes. With that in mind, let’s now take a look at your life in transformation. Now this the new found you are aware of your new strengths and improvements and now its time to move on. Now your intentions are good and the now narrative affirmative person mean what you say and do. You can back it all up being positive, transformation completed. How you feel on the inside, and outside without denial you can stand firmly by. Now all is transplanted and grown fully inside you. The fact now becomes you enjoy this new you and you like it, you're certain and consistent and vigorous which has dramatically improved the condition of your spirit and mindset. You've now come to recognized you've totally improved in every way with new energy and consciously too. Now supportive and encouraging with a tremendous advantage you've come ready to accomplish the things that you was never able to on your

own before. Now you are to stay and follow through on the achievement of your every goals. Given the considerable thought to what your life is all about, what your purpose is and what you feel, If you're meant to accomplish while you're here in this world. You recognize that it’s hard to do the right thing in the wrong environment, despite how much you really had to do to change for the better. You now support your happiness and transformation objectives you've accomplished. Each day make an effort to see areas where I’m making specific, objectively verifiable progress, measure your success by what you have accomplished, and not by what you haven’t done yet. Success means completing the daily work which moves you closer to the achievement of your transformation intentions and goals. You're now an unconditionally forgiving person. Recognize that resentment is a toxin to the mind and body. You are now aware that letting go of grievances allows you to enjoy life more. You ’ve now begun to accept that you are responsible for who you are am now and what you’ll become in the future. Thus you're no longer giving all of my power away. Your life on the outside is very much a reflection of you very state of mind. You choose to be energizing, inspiring and have positive words more often than ever before. You also discovered that each time you follow through and take action toward the achievement of your objectives, it lifts and strengthens your mindset. increasingly more courageous and honest with myself and others. You’ve become aware that repressing uncomfortable feelings and trying to hide embarrassing mistakes from your past has a detrimental effect on your mental and emotional state of being. Now you no longer let the unresolved issues with family, friends and others weigh on my heart. Now humbly and honestly you admit when you're wrong and recognize more quickly when your behavior has hurt someone else. Even though you recognize that your transforming is serious business, you are more lighthearted than ever. You are aware that laughter really is good medicine, so you make time each day for a healthy dose. You're now the kind of person who courageously faces and works to rise above unhealthy habits. You are discovering that you can turn negative habits into positive lessons which help me live a healthier, happier life. You're becoming more and more aware that beneath your thoughts and thinking is a reservoir of wisdom. You're now learning to trust the still, quiet voice within, which gently, quietly, and wisely is always there to help guide you through your transformation journey and life. You are the kind of person who is grateful for what you have, rather than being bitter about what you don’t. You count your blessings to start every day and write them down in a journal. You also put gratitude into action by sharing a sincere and heartfelt ‘thank you message’ with at least two people each day. You are making a difference in the lives of others by the way you are living. Being the change that you want to see in the world is a way that you can be of service to others every single day. Your life energy or soul voltage goes up when you unselfishly share what you have to give. You are now the kind of person who sees and appreciates just how far you’ve come and how much you’ve improved. You understand that true transformation takes place within, at the level of my thoughts, perceptions, intentions and motives. You're proud of the fact that you’ve made great strides to fulfilling the highest potential in your life. To be happier, you have to think about feeling good, feeling bad, and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth. As you begin to ponder and write out your goals, you want to encourage. To have happiness bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. Believe in the unlimited potential to attract the powerful positive thinking. Transformation takes place when we take responsibility as well as care of our physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual well being.

As we reflect back on the many events of the past year, we might notice that many seeds of transformation were planted along the way. Believe in positive transformation and inspirations for the better. We need better ideas to make the world better. Everyone needs to get positivity in them. You can be the leader to bring forth positive changes to bring about changes. Be a motivator, sometimes we have to take risk, we can't sit back in the dark room of life. Embark upon something that is the beginning of the results. We are what's the weak link. We're pronged to be vulnerable. When negative the results will be predictive of an increased reaction. Each of us develops to transform one way or another to stabilize our spirituality and meaning. Everyday living within itself is a experience of some teaching story we go through which we'll never forget in some point of our life. If you were a teacher you would not go to the classroom without the book you teach the class from and you sure would not go without being prepared to teach the class without being prepared. And I know you would not go with you sitting in that chair behind that desk and just sit there looking at an empty desk. Our spiritual side of us we've got to understand and others have got to understand us. The self has got to be found. No recovery is to impossible overcome from any negativity. The on-going process of meaning transformation is an isometric figure that carries distinct connotations. We need to be fueled by positive emotional changes with instilled positive transforming. Your souls dance is one of great joy and by acknowledging its beauty you foster the awakening spirit. Life's experiences involves resistance to any and all negativity. In un-certainity negative doubts are out of trauma. Resilience is pestilence from influenced negativity which causes regression and confines you into a backsliding mode. We need radical changes that will take us to a new direction. We need to integrate bringing the right-brain functions which is remarkably powerful and which means that all transforming information including the negative can grow to encourage us to want to be positive. Negativity is a mask of painful emotions that changes in nature confined to a introversion of fears most often founded by others or self opinions. See lets take one final look into the mirror of transformation. See the theater of life is always changing in form, appearance, nature , or character on center stage. Positive self-transformation within narrates difficult experiences. The statue quo things begin to get better and you experience positive transformation. Transformation is a process of moving from darkness into the realm of the light to the changes for the best and healing. You cannot experience positive transformation until your mental model is changed. Dreams and vision in meaning, purpose and joy are our birthright and by dancing our sacred dream we create a richly woven tapestry of positive thinking. Let the deeper meanings of Transformation in Dreams unlock the truth behind your personal life and experiences. For dreams are every bit a part of the transformation, it's the contradictory thought that disallows the energy from flowing. Self-transformation will bring an end to the conditioning and fragmentation resulting in a completion of one self. This may be our true purpose in life. The importance of our life is defined by the number of lives we have touched in a positive manner. The human life force or energy flows throughout our lives, Imagine that life force flowing throughout our body, blocked by events from the past, causing blockages. This course will give you numerous practical tools for empowering yourself and improving everyday life. Imagine yourself as master over your mind and emotions. The positive goal. Rely on the positive people around you for support, and insight to meet your Transformation goals. Transformational goals are

your cure to help you find joy in life and give you the tools you need to make positive and lasting change. Positive pressure can be a great ally in your quest to achieve your gains. There is a spiritual component at hand guiding you toward your positive goal. Success promote positive self-image and experience a positive transformation, and other life goals. Self-acceptance is the golden key to life. Change and continue to achieve this transformation goal. Shift your thoughts and beliefs to powerful goals in your life from the negative to the positive, acknowledge the choice you chose the positive choice, keep in mind the consequences from anyone jealous who tries to keep you in negativity. It has become integral to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Transformation skills can be used to find the behaviors in the positive goals, imagine your goals you attempt to accomplish to achieve the anticipated benefits of the transformation efforts. I've learned there's always reverb in our lives. Tangible differences we provide are improved. Develop an empowering positive mental attitude that will strengthen. Adjust your frequency wave patterns so we resonate with our positive goals and intentions to the healing modality required to effect the transformation. Personal transformation is the key to reinventing yourself into a more positive and successful person. Your being positive goal-oriented will help you succeed at reaching your goals to strive for positive transformation and the desired you've made in your life's approach to ensure the goals you've desired . Transformation is essential if we are to see society change. One’s beliefs, one’s energy and one’s life are common goals these days. So take charge and achieve an exceptional transformation choosing and refining, assessment and measurement. The only hope we have left before it is to late is the power of positive thinking to experience the transition. Become a magnet for positive energy by being positive and optimistic. Make it your goal to become the most positive person that you can be. The end results you can and you will overcome barriers that to thwart your ultimate goal achievements. The mirror gaze last time. Positive affirmations really work to change your core beliefs. Put out positive thoughts and words to the Universe and watch what happens. Support your positive attitude and positive thinking. Believe positive evaluations to be influenced by their appearance from the inside to the outside, for the heart makes you the beautiful person that you are. Expose the negative self-statements that led you to creating an extraordinary life of peace and purpose you've now found. Congratulations you've now graduated to that first step away from that image of negativity from that mirror you once looked deep into every morning when you stayed hidden and how’ve come to that light and heaven now shines adorations upon you absolute positive.



Chapter III The Transformation Mirror

Chapter III

The Transformation Mirror


We all need hope, we need constant encouragement from those of our loved ones around who surround us daily in a none ending day and night. See we need our own positivity in this magnet of this transforming inspiring experience of transition. But we can not do it alone in this slight multitude world that goes on nullifying and voiding. It is important in some kind of form that we hear and stop to listen and see what goes on in this mild articulating circuses world of mild gesturing. Though everyone partakes to the pertaining. We oft think on and on in disdaining altitudes of longing attitudes of negativity that only pours and drifts in driven droplets. Its an unforgettable astatine of experience vaguely remembrances and tear drops from worlds of eyes and settling emptiness of tombs. Think we see a spider crawl and inch its way on the ground trying to get out of the way. We see a deer loaf in its own tracks. We hear the ongoing rains drops devour in everyday downpours from the above spouts of gray clouds. Now learn this in your keeping rights to which you seek to become a matter of the natural processing of positive thoughts. We must learn to cheer our own selves on before we can and are able to cheer on the world. Once complete the world then will be the cheerleader for us and then and only then we can cheer on a smiling world that carries on as the world will cheer for us hugely and largely so. See we believe in the plain and ordinary. We see a four leaf clover and instantly we pick it thinking it will bring instant good luck. So we keep to astatine that it constantly brings about our lucky charms. We plow a field and harrow hit smoothly and then makes furrows so we can plant. It takes time but the plants come up pretty, nice and all green in neatly planted rows. We're proud of it what we've done and worked so hard then to have accomplished without thwarts. A tree first has no new buds from winters thaws but when springtime comes out all nice and warm the buds first appear in noticing those lifelong walks. The world today and its people in it are in a bitter giant rivalry ongoing in complete madness of jealous envy trying bringing down what of those of us who seek zany changeable tarts to be the better of hopes. For then and only then when the world and all her peoples will have wanted to changed will we have come to live a better place. Only then when tomorrows sunrise comes up mountains and rivers when we'll have an all smiling world. Surely then and there will there be a massive people of this world who look up and smile to say well now we've come to overcome barriers to finish the miles and smile together. It is then the world will have strongly come together to achieved. Us as individuals share this aim though, we are the ones who'll dream today’s dreams for tomorrow. We are the ones who shall dream and have tears many and yet we set back to gaze in the mirror what may or may not transpire transforming in hopes all comes best. For only dreams are of a vision and a vision of the eyes from ones heart straight forward. For we can never bend, fold or wrinkle in any moment for its seconds gone by. We can face tomorrow’s seeds poverty and homelessness through the positive hopes to eliminate in our very steps. We now need to join together every link of the chain bonded, we need to light the very fire of our souls to change as the seasons and be filled the spirit of all of us throughout mind and soul with longevity of a positive world. We need to be as quickened that we not be weakened before the seeds that wither away in the dried soils. Or else we fall divided and spoiled. Its high time we start to dig up those positive thinking vibes and become a better person to enjoy a better quality of life. Now is the time to transform and start stirring up those ideas to have a better outlook on life. Would you run a car on a battery that's out of charge? A car would not run then. We have to charge up the old battery and make sure it has positive charge in it to crank it every

time. Would you write on a piece of paper that is torn up and ripped into? I doubt if we would do so. In fact we would want to write on a piece of paper that is nice and neat. Now lets figure out just how we need to work on being self improved, and more self positive. We need to first of all make room for self improvement. Next keep and maintain the motivation structures. Always keep things going on in your daily life like functions and events. Its easy to be suckered into negative thinking and pessimistic attitudes. You'll need to build a positive energy. Sure life is complicated and nobody said it was going to be easy. Think like a strong person. The true test of an individual to remain positive is when challenges become difficult. Be conscious of your thoughts. Exclusively we need to use our minds like a computer to memorize and create like a genius library. We're an intricate folk and being as such as magnificent as are as human beings, we need to become as spiritual intellect of inspirational library of quotes. Next step to being positive is that I recommend you be committed to giving back what you accomplished. Do not be afraid to work tirelessly. Never be prideful or to hasty. And yes of course do not even be afraid to share any impact of the outreach resources to any others who might to perhaps want to change their ways to. For what you have gained in benefits they to will have gained as well. If anyone asks how did you do it, for enquiring minds want to come to know. Let others reap what you have now. In the end the benefits will be gold to you. But be ware and for certain, ask these people if this is really what they want to have for the better? For you are now the leadership and ruler of this person of the you. You are the leader to influence others to have come to that certain point of their lives just as you did also to changes. Say to them it’s their time to modernize as you have done. For where there is a will there is a way also. You should be deeply grateful the role you played on others lives. Sponsor someone to change, go right ahead be their coach to teach any person, man woman or child the procedural process to modernize the behavioral mood changes towards the positivity attitude theatre stage. Direct them to the pathway. What you do today is for tomorrow’s new peoples a generosity precursor. You are procurator and silence judge. Never be harsh on yourself anymore. For this only exists to maximize. You are involved in the exploring and outstanding either good or basic. Among self and of others you'll see an outpouring only natural. You shall see you will have honors provided in outcomes and many thanks. Now think about the investments of the benefactors given in your mandate. Now the world answers you outstanding through all the controversy translated. The mind, isn't it a wonderful amazing thing? Its a tremendous map to explore in all its complexities and the nerve centers that control it all. Now continue to strive to the positive steps taken to increase the representation to help others make positive changes. You learn roles and obligations from steps taken to show others your positive experiences. Spread and promote charity ideas among other people your wealth of information you can help them with in awe. Be persistent that others around you including any friends you may have to change before its to late for them too. Launch this as a period of blessings and benefactors demonstrated gratitude of the power of staying on the positive side. Be a teacher inspiring. Gratitude may also serve to reinforce future prosaically behavior in benefactors. Grateful people have more positive ways of coping with the difficulties. Positive results are from ones going commitments. Determination will see one through the positive life changes. Lets take stress a moment or so. Stress- lets think we're in some big field that has nothing but weeds. Constantly we're ongoing and going pulling the tallest weeds out by hands. Everywhere you turn, every where you gaze there's nothing but weeds and more weeds. We do this day in and day out for weeks and weeks on ends. There is no

breaks. People this is exactly how stress is with us to. Stress bleeds us till we're fatigued and worn completely out. Believe me you it'll make fools gold out of us all. Believe this if I could sit and watch all day the clouds floating by everyday I would do so. For it relaxes me to see. I'd watch every bird of every kind flopping his tiny wings and flying higher and higher, free and more free. Now this is how to relax amidst the mind and soul deep inside let your spirit wander away to something you know of worlds away a journey looping just as the tiny little innocent birds go all the way up to clouds and sunshine where breath is fresh and winds gentle. To think of it for a brief period there is even a looking mirror that reflects life the way you and I know it way up in the soft blue sky only creations of the vivid imaginations. Just close your eyes tightly so and wonder off and go to a relaxing wander aloft flying with the birds and soaring above the earth in the day. My how the birds sing away. Now look deep into the mirror and tell me what do you see? Now gaze and look into the mirror capturing that certain look of you. Now capture that spirit image of you just the way you see it inside you. Now watch that spirit image of you in a gazing mirror. Now your conscious is in touch with the inner you, now you smile slightly so. Now let that nature you go back into a time as far back as can and if you can do so beyond that. This is where you'll find that once happy part of you, the used to be. In the medium, this is interesting which its timeless and widespread the space of past and present relaxing even to the future you where in a world down and out you want to be much more and that is a good person the way you like it and have earned it to be with a super positive attitude confident of every ounce of you. Mirror gazing is both a valuable way for finding emotional targets and for stimulating altered states of awareness. Myths are mirrors of the soul which can only reveal to us what we already have in ourselves. The Mirror Gazing Meditation is done by meditating on your own face while looking in a mirror. You have mentally prepared for this moment and are now ready to begin mirror gazing. Ask this to yourself what are you really searching for when you gaze into the mirror ? Throughout history there are examples of people attempting to communicate with their spirit self. Narcissism is taking ourselves to be what we are not, then at some point we might ask. Are we the image that we have of ourselves. Truth is when we see into a mirror we see a reflection of ourselves. It was once said that beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. Throughout history, mirror gazing, or crying, has been used to look into the future, answer questions, solve problems, find lost objects and people including but not excluding the inner self to where you see your self going in life. But see truth is the mirror on the outside always looks smooth as we do on the outside of our own self does. Try to sit in front of a mirror and gaze into the reflected you person. In the end the looking glass will make it clear of the new transition of you transformed when you have that big old bright smile upon your face. At this point the shadows have since long gone and the light of life and world are now descended upon you, thus hailing upon you from all directions. The new since changed you will be gazing through the mirror all decorated and so bright too. As you look into this mirror your attractiveness enhances increases stashed in the mirror glass. You look for that deep reflection about the direction of life and what you can hope to accomplish while living it. You will often notice beautiful orbs of shiny iridescent glass, often set on top of a pedestal close to you. Take notice of the sun at sunrise or right at sunset before dark sets in for the day. You will soon find yourself into another state of mind which you daydream of what you search and lone to be in positivie attitude inside you. This point is the consciousness state or altered states of awareness at work in you. You cannot be indecisive to grow in life or whether to move forwards. My advise never

wait too long. We're never to old to change. See you've got to have a healing from the past or else old wounds will haunt you. We've got balance life out. One has to find that spiritual part of them. See one thing I've learned from living is that life is far to short and beautiful not enjoy. Life is a beautiful thing. And you can't put a price on that. Or else it'll just pass you right on by if you keep sitting and not doing anything about it. Nothing comes for free. We have to work hard for everything we get in this world. I've not let it pass me by ever at all it allows me to rush through living. I'm going to take it one day at a time. For its not sure we'll be around tonight or the next day or so. Breath is everything God given instilled inside us that he created us to have. Anyway we go deep in thought for a reason and that is to collect into our goals. Its the importance of the internal goals and how we feel that really counts. We really are a rare and kind of unique bunch of folks here on this planet earth we reside and live on, for our present state of mind and body are but temporary. When we go to the world of the waiting beyond next in journey, we'll have the perfection body in spirit. The unconscious is not really unconscious, rather it is less conscious. At this we're all in some kind of Para cultural side. One should never go without thinking thoughts. Thinking is a big part of reasoning and attitude towards a positivity. For to think is a source of creativity. Thinking is a reflective thought. Any action of the mind is the thinking thought. Every time we use the mind it is a judgment plan. This technique is production thoughts. Yes somewhere another we all use opinions to express projective acts or version ideas to improve or help positive theory productions. Einstein once said, “ Science is nothing more than a refinement of fine thinking.” Good or bad decisions we always end up getting reflective rational thoughts. Positive thinking always brings successful results. In this we have two types of thinking 1) Higher order thinking. 2) Critical thinking. These are natural resources created of the conscious inner spirit. Critical thinking is that of reflective reason thinking based on beliefs and actions. It is a way of deciding if a claim is always true. The mind is what it is thinking. Higher order thinking is that of which is pertaining to thoughts. It is the bright, contemplative and best of joys in which one is to consider. This point is a improved learned performance. Case and point- a business has to advertise to get customers. Thus a business has signs and business cards printed. When you go into a business you would not go into a business which has no sign out in front of it which case is that you would not go in without knowing as to what kind of business it is and as to what products they market. Or else you search in the yellow pages to what you need in the particular product you have got to have. We have to empower the new fine thin line of the product you which you have become in actions earned. Each day is the total antiquity of a given open book of life from whence we learn from more and more. It is a concept through which thinking is the positive attitude which equals quality residual and dividends promenaded into tribunal intellect and rich developmental beliefs with ability of proven visions and absolute positive hopes. The mind conscious and deepened thought connect together in constant thought waves to go on and on. Its a never ending pattern series. Would you go on a vacation trip without knowing where you'd like to go to or the place you have never seen before ? Everyone uses a map to travel by when on the highway for directions. See we never go on a vacation without knowing where we're going to or what we plan on doing for that vacation. The heart keeps on beating with every rhythm. We need to find some sort of way to have relaxation time. One perfect way is to listen to some kind of classical music or another one would be to sit down and read a novel. Trouble is we have got to realize our breathing or at some point of what we're thinking of. Keep an open mind

that people will insist on you trying this or that their way creating anxiety. Increase your reasoning and decision making to strengthen that you become stronger against transgressors who might seek to try to bring you down to their levels. At any point your thinking style could be your strong point. At any given point in time someone could be thinking exactly what you could be thinking. To think is all about life and the issues. Thinking and feeling are you and just that you, what you're thinking, how you actually feel deep down inside. Let me put it to you this way, thinking and being positive is your individual teaching and learning skill to improve upon. Overall its the lessons of reflections. Just think of this, thinking and postivity go hand in had at which they are the emotions and experiences of dreams which you dream to be, the kind of person you are. Remember there is no one like you are. You're special as you are already created and made. And one day that part of you will be resurrected to pull and tug at you. Thinking is your harness that connects your beliefs and practices. Know your understanding and know what you need to understand. Thinking is being positive about what you go after and getting it. Thinking is discovering information and ideas to create conclusions. All in all its a taste of perfections picked. To become the best leader you can be, you must truly recognize, acknowledge and value who you are. The topic of leadership style is an important one. Personal thinking skills including creative thinking, strategic thinking and mind. Thought generally refers to any mental or intellectual activity involving an individual's subjective consciousness. Thinking is the active process by which we develop understandings of ourselves, others and our world. We're all strategy thinkers. Ones thinking power is out lining creative visualization, spiritual growth, inner peace and meditation. Become positive in life by understanding what the power of positive thinking can do for you, and how you can invoke this positive power inside of you. Think clearer, smarter, faster. Habitual ways of thinking and feeling form the foundation for how you act, express yourself, relate to others, and achieve results. We've been conditioned to think small, simplify, not to be greedy, and to overall expect less and demand less from life. We’ve been taught that we should be happy. The real power in the power of positive thinking comes from you. All thought has power, it is up to you as to what kind of power you are going to put behind those thoughts. To truly understand this power you need to understand thought vibration and how it works. Shine a little light onto your every day actions and what those actions are saying about your attitude. Most of us probably think we do a lot of it, but we don't.. True, for most of us, there is an endless stream of chatter drifting. Learn how to control your negative thoughts and create a more positive life where you only attract good into it. Replace your mind's negative thoughts and images with positive ones. Thinking can help you attract success in life. Positive thinking power will create a positive attitude that will help in your happiness. Thinking power includes your ability to focus, reason, concentrate, and remember. When we get older, our brains get slower and we tend to lose our memory. Even in our youth, we can tend to be slow because of our sedentary and deskbound lifestyle. Our brains are like muscles, if we don't harness it, we can lose it. But like muscles, we can make it be more powerful. Your mid-brain controls the amount of awareness and alertness. Increasing stimulation in this area, actually stimulates nearly all the areas of your brain because all the signals will have to travel through this section of the brain. Deliberate thinking is actually the manifestation of deliberate use of will power. Make decisions more effectively by increasing creativity and memory. Mind power of mind mapping enhances clarity. Your thinking ability and brain power throughout your life, of your mind’s overall capacity. Society today has focused too

much onto the negative and not enough on the positive. Your brain is a gold mine of ideas and abilities. The power of the mind is so underestimated. Anyone can do it by bolstering the emotional health. All thought, good and bad, is creative and tends to lead to a material thing. That is why we must learn to be more positive. The environment and all the experiences in life are the result of habitual and predominant thoughts. Negative thoughts can tell us about something that needs attention. So, thoughts lead to discovering what needs to be done, and one can think positively or negatively to take care of it. Many people fail to see a negative occurrence as a learning experience and continue to feel victimized and helpless, ultimately blaming others for what they drew to themselves. Being positive requires a conscious move toward optimism and away from pessimism. We must recover from problems and maintain the negativity recovery. A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. The power of positive thinking is immense, the value of a positive mental attitude is priceless. It is a value everyone must have. External factors can be dealt with by taking positive steps to repair or at least address the root problem as best as you can. We need assurance of positive, especially of our selves. We pride ourselves in being able to provide meaningful surety. Do not be arrogant or to selfish. Attitude. It can be the one thing that can make you or break you. This is a key part of your abundance and personal growth journey. It's when you face your greatest challenges that you have to respond in the most positive ways. Breakthroughs. Well lets look a bit closer at this mainstay. Personal experience is important in keeping a positive attitude to pulling through and making things better. A positive outlook in life causes positive things to happen. With a positive outlook you see much more. Everything involves a reflection mirror. Lets go over a few of them. We have the people mirror which is what you really feel such as being annoyed or angered. Then there’s a different side of mirroring which I think is much more fascinating. It happens when people are showing you your own innermost beliefs. Beliefs that you may not even be aware that you have. It can be the key to understanding yourself in ways you've never thought of before. With this type of mirroring you won’t find that people think like you instead you will find that they will treat you exactly how you feel about yourself. Then there is the morning mirror. That is your deepest sincere feelings. The morning mirror is more of defensive feeling. This mirror is where the negative can come in when you first wake up and stretch but then you have this self- centered attitude of being hateful, rude, and the happening. We have this curious mirror – the wondering kind of thought where you think about involvement and if others like you. This is the eye opening moment when you spend valued time with yourself. If people had time for you then they would see you but not if they had to make any extra effort to do it. People are simply mirroring the belief. A belief which you hadn't known about yourself. It is a life altering experience. Last but least and most importantly there is the dramatic change mirror. You discover how amazing it is that you've noticed how want to make some room for big improvements and make some big time changes in your lifestyle and the inner you self. You have this resolving awareness as if something needs to be completed. You come to a creating point and you write down what you lack and the finer parts of you. You being mirrored is always instantly obvious. You come to understand. You discover you have a gift a key to you to be open the door to a whole new you. You've probably come to the realization that you have some core beliefs that may be causing you to constantly seek approval from others and are basically hindering you from achieving what you really want. You're not alone. We all have some deep thought processes that we'll come

to realize are no longer relevant to our current lives. Sometimes, the core belief you think you have isn't really the one that's causing the problems. You might think you're a really positive person but in reality what you're saying to yourself and those around you could be quite negative. One way to really determine what your true core belief is to notice what you say to yourself during times of great stress. That's the core belief you need to change. Awareness is the next step to changing core beliefs. Simply observe how you behave and you'll soon see the results that you're creating for yourself. Changing those old patterns becomes much easier when you see it's been due to how you were thinking, reacting, and behaving. Sometimes, just the sudden understanding of why you react the way you do, is enough to let go of old thought processes. It's a matter of being aware of when you have your old thought and replacing it with your new one. If you can, also be aware of what triggers your old thought. Remember, these old beliefs were originally created to keep you safe. You no longer need them to do that for you. One other thing to remember is that nothing has any meaning until you give it a meaning. You are the only one who gives meaning to anything and everything in your life. You have the power to put a new meaning on some aspect of your life. This will change your life because you're seeing it in a completely new way. A very effective way of working on re-programming this core belief is to use a mirror. If you feel like you don't deserve money, you could try writing yourself a check and hand it to yourself in the mirror. At first, you may not even be able to look at yourself in the eye and it may feel really, really uncomfortable. Keep trying. Every time you do it, it will get easier and each time, your subconscious begins to believe it a little bit more. For some people, changing core beliefs like this happens quickly and for others, sometimes it can take a few months. It does work though. Discover who you know with the core belief you want and then hang out with them. The goal isn't to just copy them or pretend to be that person, it's more about learning from the experts, listening to new ideas, seeing new ways of thinking and then working to incorporate those ideas into your own beliefs. You'll still be you but you will have grown your mind to include this new thought process. At first when you're working on changing core beliefs, you may find it hard to believe your new thought. Remember that it's your past experiences which have provided you with this core belief. Many times, it was created in order to keep you safe and to protect yourself from more pain and suffering. Know that this isn't true. You're safe without that old thought. It doesn't serve you anymore and you can change it. Have the courage to embrace positive beliefs and get on with your life. You attract to yourself those experiences that match your existing belief system. You may even fight it when someone else tries to show you that these beliefs have a positive side, until you begin the process called balancing and transformation. Balancing negative and positive core beliefs is a better way - use your grown-up self-awareness and self empowerment. Core beliefs are the ideas we hold as the truth. They are the source of thoughts, feelings and actions. These beliefs are the foundation of our personality. Positive beliefs set no limits on what you believe you can achieve, and therefore do not impose any limitations or restrictions on your thoughts or actions. And that may be your starting point. As long as you can recognize that you do have positive beliefs, it won't be so hard to assume that you can have more. Develop a deep and natural belief in your ability to succeed at anything - Rewire your mind for positivity and a winning attitude. We need to condition ourselves to have positive beliefs about ourselves. You need to create strong beliefs about yourself and what you believe you can become. It is because of your belief system that you are where you are in life right now. You have created your success or

failure with the beliefs that you have. You are growing and changing, we find ourselves face to face with beliefs that just are not working in our lives. Positive affirmations are designed to challenge those negative beliefs and start to stem the flow of negative thoughts and words that seek to bring out your belief. See povitive thoughts start with the thoughts of what you bring out. Daily positive thoughts encourage you, they are profound insights of inner strengths. Today’s daily reflection to meditate on is that peace is the great gift of serenity. Let’s focus on some points. It’s just started to rain here tonight in the dark. We see it is warm outside, it is springtime. We think wow we'll be so glad this rain is over. Now we'll all soon go off to rest in that deep sleep for the night thinking well maybe it'll stop raining if we go to sleep and when we wake up it was just a dream or it'll be daylight soon enough and the sunshine will be up and pretty and all nice and golden sunny. No matter what there's always an answer inside us, its just that we've got to admit that we need to change. Just by searching you'll always find an answer inside you somewhere whether it is from certainty to assurance on into positive confidence. And we're characterized by measured positive criticism arbitrarily set and definitely without doubts. Every minute somewhere, every single one of us will encounter people or situations at one point or another. It'll take certitude of our confidence, credibility, persuasion and faith to bring guilt enough of us that we'll want to change. Philosophy - knowing strengths-flatterer and worst enemy. The state or concept of being lighthearted and positive, the environment characterized on surrounding yourself with all thought, good and bad, is creative. A formally laid down expression clearly real life incident which makes us realize the false positive environment. It’s pointless to re-energize the tendency to take the most favorable and influencing views. Negative thinking is very akin to pessimism. But then the force of living itself is an element all together. Your philosophy of teaching statement should reflect your personal values, this way you get more positive feedback from others around you every day. Know these to be your strengths, you'll need to have opportunity, enthusiasm, expectations, management and organization. These with faith connect to show you as favorable in assurances, you should feel gifted with this flattery. With new attitude and positiviness. The positive environment should be all about learning. More or less it should also be your guide your decision-making and to help remind you of any positive benefits. This will come naturally as an addictive to you. The Positive self-motivation factor. The key we need to have is the objective is to facilitate to learn. Our best situated role can be as role models to influence and encourage. To get a dog or pet to obey our commands it has to be trained to our voices on every command we ask of the pet. If not trained the dog will not obey or trust us. Once trained the dog has to be rewarded. We have to train ourselves. Thus the results we have is to reward ourselves. See the overall new attitude we've come to achieve is the self-reflective statement of your beliefs and engaging experiences. I believe this all comes about through our expectations. Positive emotions can help build resilience and increase a person’s happiness. Happiness a composite of life satisfaction, coping resources, and positive emotions predicts desirable life outcomes. It’s about being satisfied with life and experiencing more positive emotions than negative ones. Happiness is a basic human emotion. Feeling positive emotion is important, not just because it is pleasant in its own right, but because it causes much better commerce with the world. Joy is feeling great delight, happiness or even elation. It may seem that everything is happening exactly as it should be. Happiness is a notoriously difficult thing to pin down. For us to experience well-being, we need positive emotion in our lives. It is also generally accepted that happiness is an emotion and that hope and optimism are not. Take a moment

to think about the things that trigger your positive emotions. We need to spend less time focusing on buying the material things which are not so important as it is spending time on those experiences we go through in life and being there as an emotional support person whether it be friend, mother, father, brother or sister or just a friend when they need you. Give someone a shoulder or ear to lean on by listening to him or her. In most of the personal growth advice you will read, positive emotions are considered the goal. Positive emotions, however, used to be considered too subjective and difficult to study. positive activities can boost your happiness increasing and sustaining happiness by creating bursts of positive emotions. Emotions your positive attitude and positive thinking. The key to happiness is inner peace. Happiness encompasses a whole range of emotions from certain. Positive emotions are powerful emotions that have the ability to affect you and those around you in good ways. Expand your awareness of the emotions you feel in this life. As you learn to name your emotions, you grow. Sometimes we feel that nothing can make us happy and we even forget how to smile. But we need to be surrounded with positive people that are content for what they have. Where is happiness? Happiness is from the heart as a result of what you make yourself steeling everyday in front of you another day. It’s the well being of health or to laugh and dream with a feeling of principals and emotional resilence as well as knowing you're loved. And let me let you know the signs of happiness have been in front of you all along. And these emotions help transform into happiness and peace from inside you right beneath the sunshine. However often times we only experience a very limited number of emotions. The implications sustain the power of harnessing happiness to transform lives. However emotions are very important reasons in our lives which has a remarkable ability to conjure up strong emotions in people that even help cheer us up when we're down and out in any adverse outcome. For instance if we see a huge rubber ball sitting still we're one way or another going to roll it or spin it thus watching it turn over and over till it finally spins to a sudden revolving stop at a point, in this we'll keep our eyes on the turning ball as it rolls and spins. In a world of negativity there are so many debates of the pros and cons considerable on through to its distinctions. I say it like it is, what's going on inside the brain is like a soup, that is what’s happening in the brain itself that its building a meaning of life along with what people are experiencing. Happiness is a pleasant emotion made out of contentment from ones state of mind. All emotions are pure which gather you and lift you up. Consider this, negativity comes with anxiety, depression, constant weakness and fatigue, mental illnesses, and anger. Simply negativity is the outline of very simple exhilaration of attitudes. Problem is we need to get more motivated more often and get out of that dark dungeon fortress to which we have placed upon us. I know that it seems like a confrontation and perhaps it is to those of us whom only let it be so in our present state of awareness or state of mind. See when we go to buy that tag yearly for our cars we need to rid the old ones and place a new tag decal on the tag for the next year. See you wouldn't wear a new decal on that something you of the old past. See the new you wants to be whole and a solid new person in phase. We must phase out the old in order to have the new. We want to shine that we wear and have that new decal upon us because we're transformed into a whole new outlet function of a new person and let is shine from inside outwards good friends. We want to start out as young seedling but we want to grow and nourish into many branches that perch out. Yes it may look like a giant mega load. But I assure you that the price is well worth it all to have better. Please do not go to have yourself exiled and tormented. You'll see you'll have so many blessings to which you will

cherish what you did and went throughout to resolves out of the blooming transformation. The mirror will be all nice and cleaned onto which it will reflect all is completed a whole new you. Glow with the flow and the flow with the current upstream and not you downstream. Emotions changes has no season and seasons no reasons. A leaf falls in autumns and it comes rebirth in the springtime to a swing of full life. Think of it all this as an old photograph in an old scrapbook, picture that into mind and you will put new photographs and articles in front before the old. The old should last and the new next to the first. Ever noticed a tiny bug how it crawls and slowly inches its way along the ground among the grass and brown leaves as if it has nothing in way of any worries. That bug or tiny insect never lets anything get in its way or no hurdles are to big for that bug to overcome. See the bug gets along with everything in life and world. It transforms over a time. We should be as the bugs and insects and transform to be inspiring as all that is around us as the bugs and insects are with us beside them and that friends is how you're going to get along in this lovely world to with everyone exactly as it all goes step for step, mission for mission on into destiny. See we're creations magnificent to and creations made us as well all in all God's little perfect world of mystery and involvements developed and carried. I have always said that we're none perfect at all and we're never gonna be, in fact no one in the entire world is perfect and we need to stop trying to be so perfect at all. That will never happen. We're not some masquerade in some chalet of antiquity. Let’s now focus in on the positive recharges. See we do not want to be the negative terminal of life, we want to be the positive terminal post of the battery that resides in us to start us up on everyday living when we are awaken and up for the day every time. We want to be right on queue never missing a beat. We want to be a multi-color imaging apparatus utilizing a recharge step between two image creation steps, the device used to recharge us. All of us possess an inner reservoir of positive energy, some call it inner fire, the consciously healing. Limiting the recharge within reason, positive range will tend to stabilize flow rates. But only where negative pressures are still expected. You will need to locate the positive and negative thoughts and convert these negative thought waves to the positive charges. In other words fine the negative, focus and get what you want today and everyday you live each and every moment. Remember you seek to have a higher potential, clearly this will be you that is ever present and deserving. You never again want to have the quantity of unbalanced polarity inside you to carry the flows. For you are in charge of your attitude, efficient and enthusiastically. The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice as it is a positive attitude we choose to express. Your call will become clear as your mind is transformed. Attitude is that positive charge that will catapult your life. Age is an attitude of the mind. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance for generations. Very little anymore is it that we forget to have little of fun, to bring a joyful attitude, or to notice the funny things out of life. Life is lifeless and no price can be placed upon it. Let’s get some people positively charged for taking action and achieving positive results. Insight can transform the negative into neutral or positive. My attitude and outlook has become so positive and I have become such a cheerful person. One may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results. Selfless action without expecting any results or return is vital. To perform well, you need to know what is expected of you. Develop a program to meet your goals and guarantee the results. You'd be surprised of your effects on others. People's actions can have surprising results. The results of actions matters more than the intentions. The results of actions performed by us can never be obliterated. A body

in motion will continue until its acted on by a force. The principle is that karma brings back the results of actions to the person. Think of life liken a field where it is planted and grown in. Reflect on results of actions and decisions. The concept of action is to understand what causes the cycle and affects of negative poisonous effects that enclave when the forces of people are generated. The body and the mind act as one thus translating what’s seen or heard. No matter how sever or how each act is done the impacts are equal in all aspects from beginning to end. Peoples existence offers details from ones heart on a daily basis for achievements. Karma to sum it all up actions of a persons destiny or fates from his or hers viewed existence. The most basic karma is ones virtues and a kind of raw spiritual navigation through vigorous drives from the actions and conduct during the successes. Try to capture the core essence of karma where every thought of every action carries energy into the world. This concept to grasp begins and is explained in spiritual reality. It is possible to have unstable bound states with positive interaction energy provided that there is an "energy barrier" that has to be tunneled through. Study the existence, multiplicity, and nonexistence of positive solutions for multiparameter semipositone discrete boundary value problems functional dynamic equations on time. Have you ever had hopes to change but find yourself not able to follow through? Well hopefully these steps can help you to change your lifestyle. Identify the price of maintaining the status quo. Not making the change you know you need to make is as human beings, we’re creatures of habit. No wonder making a major life change is so hard! But it can be done. Follow these steps to get your change in motion. Create a reserve of everything. We don’t always have to make a difficult change from where we are now. If we have issues with money, time, space, emotional support, skills, etc., make a plan now to get more than you need in these areas, creating a stronger foundation from which to launch in your new direction. Forgive self-judgments. Guilt is rampant in our culture. So is the vendetta against selfishness. Suffering is supported and nurtured by friends, family, religions, etc. So it's not surprising that many of us, deep down, don't feel we deserve to have what we want. Stop complaining. You are playing the victim and you’re forfeiting your power to make the change you say you want. Even if you're blaming yourself for not being happy or for not having the courage to make the change, then part of you is beating up on another part of yourself, hence there's a victim in there somewhere. To the degree you play the role of victim, you lose power you could be using to move forward. So get behind yourself completely and own your full power to create the life you desire. Give up analysis that breeds paralysis. We are so conditioned to figure things out before we leap, that sometimes we become paralyzed to take the actions our bodies are directed to take from the beginning. This is particularly true if you’re an engineer, scientist, or other type of technical person who experiences the world more through analysis than through feeling. If you’re stuck in a thinking pattern rehashing the same ideas over and over, trying to figure out what will happen if, then you're stuck in a mind-loop. It's time to quit thinking and start doing. Feel in your body what it wants to do, then just do it! The information you're seeking may only be available after you take action anyway. Wisdom often comes from experience, not from analysis. Develop a compelling vision. Leaving a longstanding relationship or a long time career can be very frightening. This is because if what we have is all we see, then to give it up means we’ll have nothing left. This is a terrible illusion. New opportunities, relationships, resources, connections, and ideas always rush in to fill space in our lives. But first, you have to make the space for something new, and second, create a clear vision of what your life will look like once your change is complete.

The vision of your new future eliminates the fear of the unknown—which can keep you stuck for a long time! Your vision will form the matrix on which you will create your new life and give you the inspiration and courage you need to move on. Risk failure. You've got to learn to remove or rid the word “failure” from your usage of vocabulary once and for all. Realize that actions yields results. Use this as feedback from the universe and take the next logical step. From this perspective, mistakes are just indications of a course correction and not to be taken personally. Give up the concept of failure and take flight. Recruit your inner warrior. Within each of us there is an instinctual aspect built for bold, decisive action. It looks out, not only for our survival, but also for our soul's mission. It sends messages in the form of feelings in your body. They may come as "gut" feelings, or just a sense of "knowing" that has no rational foundation. If you’re facing a difficult change, and have "contemplated" yourself into a corner, it may be time to let your inner warrior take over for a while. Just act “as if” you "know" what to do, then do it without thinking about it until after it's done. Get support to help you through the change. Big life changes can be overwhelming. There’s no shame in asking for help from friends, relatives, or from a coach. In fact, enough of the right kind of support can make a seemingly difficult change, relatively easy. Do whatever is necessary to make change easy on yourself. You're worth it. Don't go to your deathbed wondering what would have happened if... It's easy for us to forget how short our lives really are. Many of us live as if we'll never die. We waste away our hours and days working jobs we hate, living just for the weekends, or "putting in time" until retirement, living most of our lives like zombies. We may live in a relationship that is draining and disempowering thinking it might magically get better somehow, someday. We deny our feelings or make excuses for frittering our lives away. This is insane. Stop it now! Our lives are so precious and so short. I challenge you to project yourself forward to your death. It's real and it's coming for you! See yourself on your deathbed and ask yourself if the life you're living now is all you dreamt it to be. Write your own obituary today. Let this vision be a motivator to get off your butt and follow your dreams. We need to dream a dream or else we're nothing at all. We might as well hang it all up if we cannot be happy and peoples accept us the way are for whom we are and that is as fellow human beings for our individual self happiness. How many of us can say we took the lead and followed through. And yes it is true that changing is hard to do, but it can be done, guaranteed. Change is inevitable and lets be honest we have to face those life decisions one tiny step at a time paths. Consider what you gain and what you loose. Be proud of whom you are and all that you done in so short of time. Never look back. You've got to phase out any and all the old residue. We can always go back to the old ways if you decide you do not like the new. Just give it a shot, what else do you got to loose but too gain? Try to use the imagination of the mind and the soul's experience, just let it all hang loose and feel freely to travel the world. For this is one of the greatest events the mind can do and that is to use heart, and imagination to picture what it all would be like. After all you can only be responsible for you every aspect of your world. Take it slowly one step at a time one day at a time this process to the transition mirror of changes to transform the energy. Remember you have a higher power that believes in you in which you are reaffirmed. Listen to everything this world around us including the precious beauty and such awesome heavenly sounds of the birds that sing happily. You're receiving for making the changes you want or do not want. See the world we have is set in nothing but one huge maze. We're always trying to find that opening to get out of. But really where is it at? Have standards that relate to your values to which you

believe in. Practice creating over and over till you find soon that you have mastered this the circuit of interactions. Know this and that is that living is so fast and all things in the world can be spurred at any one time. Control your life, keep your good qualities and never turn your world upside down. Its how you react that makes you so very dear and special in entirety. For every good thought comes about a shining everlasting blessing through that transformation of the reflection of what you see of yourself to be thought of highly by just you to be that inspiration strength. For today is as it is and the rest a laying of fools gold. But the true gold is that which is you given one special and very unique gift of serenity. God thinks highly of you and so should you of yourself to. You should not be out to impress no one but you and only you for keeps. What worlds awaits tomorrow your smiles to what brings unto others. For you're but the leader for generations to flow. Keep that your gates which to enter into lit fully for the bundling glories of you. You sing the song that others could follow suit of. I think about all that is going on in the world. The animosity, the arguing, no appreciation of supporting enthusiasm. All in all a constant barrage of put downs and attacks of us all the good people in a world that wants to bring us those of us whom have always been positive down to their levels of anxiety and miseries. Just unbelievable. I've come to this conclusion. No one wants to look into the mirror of reflection’s and see what they have really become in this world of uncaring. Perhaps this is why people are depending on medications or mans way to solve things or to change rather than using common sense to realize how much these people who deny hurt us rather than a wanting to the point of wanting, seeking to change for the better. These kind of folk are brutal negative forces of examples of bad seedlings or rotten fruits that stink and smell. These kind of peoples seem to want to stay so negative only on and on in a hashing burned out world so distant. We have to pray for these kind of peoples to change, we're the leaders of positivity and God's helping us this world, the people have got to want to change and transform in the spiritual new realm. Or else they have no hopes but to stay in the dark. I hear them say well I have bad health, or I'm sick or they do not feel the pains I have and these are bullies that try to imply their roles upon us because of jealousy. I tell you now I have seen and heard this only from the people who do not want to use the mind which God gave us to heal faster. These people crack the mirrors around us and are of the devil with their walking legs, and those are the ones who will not get any better, they are only going to get worse in health as long as they stay negative saying to themselves “stick it” or “I hope something goes wrong with them” or “I have bad health” or if someone says to you, “Aw they are not in pain” and why is it this? It is because they believe positiveness is voodoo when they are casting curses of witchcraft upon themselves of us. They are jealous. These same peoples are cold handed, foolish constantly bitter and complaining. I say this in order to get well you have to say I can win, I will not let this health get me down, now that's the spirit of mind to win. The excuses and their blindness of negativity is only going to get them worse. I say this now and one time only people you ain't never gonna get any better in prosperity, in health unless you use will, unless you change your state of mind and stop using that gravity of negativity to have be inspiring, to have hopes and know there is unlimited possibilities. You can not drown us the positive. You cannot bring us down for we are children of God protected with his shield, his seal upon us and you whom are miserable and using excuses to try to force upon us the good and hopeful, you have not been to the recent Boston site of the bombings to see those who lost legs, lost eyes or lost arms. ou have not seen their tears, and smiles, and yes you have not seen them as our heroes laying their in the hospitals even suffering and how bitterness and complaining is not getting them down. And yet you seek to bring your cracked mirrors never to change and your reflective darkness of destruction upon us the good. You will not win this against us the positive ones.

1) Cheering Thoughts as a family can influence others to have positive attitudes.

 2) A Whole Positive Attitude in you shows on your face in look and rubs off on others what you do today encourages others to follow suit. It shows in the way you glow or smile. Love and romance or relationships grow closer and stronger.

3)Always take the time to go out and have a few moments to yourself everyday. This helps you to be able to keep that thinking ability and thoughts. This is a truly relaxing way of life to enjoy whether it is waves of the rivers or oceans, fresh mountain air, a walk or just to sit and gaze off into the wayward sky whether it is the sunrise or sunset.

4) Relax what you feel and this is anger or joy. Do not take it out on others in violence or angry outbursts. Go outside and scream aloud if you have to or jump high in the air. Laugh with the world and the world will laugh with you. Cheer on the inner you for what you do or cheer on the world and the world will cheer for you back. Release the tensions.

5) The time to go somewhere to rejuvenate and bring in a newer you.

6) Best part to be energized and think positive day and night. In the end you can transform into a new you which everyone will like. Impress yourself first and last. Don't care what other people think of you. Let nothing get in your way of life and dreams.

7) Go to work smiling and enjoy what you do. For what you do in life means pleasing only you, no one else. Look into the mirror and reflect and be happy. What you do in life is your happiness. Jump with glee and jubilation to the highest you can do in the world. You be at the top of the world.


Chapter IV The Positive New You

Chapter IV

The Positive New You


Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst. When your mind soars you notice more and more positive things. This unleashes an upward spiral of positive emotions that opens. Our brains are not hardwired for optimism or pessimism, so you can learn to accentuate the positive. It's a way to change your attitude toward a more optimistic outlook. A positive attitude can help you overcome even some of the toughest person. There is not on-off switch for positive thinking. Even if you are a natural-born optimist, positive thinking can take effort in the face of challenging situations. Like any goal, the key is to stick with it for the long-term. Even if you find yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, you can look for ways to minimize negative self-talk and cultivate a more optimistic outlook. Optimists tend to view bad or unfortunate events as isolated incidences that are outside of their control, while pessimists view such things as more common and often blame themselves. By taking a moment to analyze the event and ensure that you are giving yourself the credit you are due for the good things and not blaming yourself for things outside of your control, you can start to become more optimistic. Learning to think positive is like strengthening a muscle; the more you use it the stronger it will become. Researchers believe that your explanatory style, or how you explain events, is linked to whether you are an optimist or a pessimist. Optimists tend to have a positive explanatory style. If you attribute good things that happen to your own skill and effort, then you are probably an optimist. Pessimists, on the other hand, usually have a negative attribution style. If you credit these good events to outside forces, then you likely have a more pessimistic way of thinking. Self-talk involves the things you mentally tell yourself. Think of this as the inner voice inside your mind that analyzes how you perform and interact in the world around you. If your self-talk centers on negative thoughts, your self-esteem can suffer. When you start thinking critical thoughts about yourself, take a moment to pause and assess. You have probably heard a thing or two about the benefits of positive thinking. Positive thinkers have better stress coping skills, stronger immunity, and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. While it is not a health panacea, taking an optimistic view rather than ruminating on negative thoughts can benefit your overall mental well-being. A few common strategies involve learning how to identify negative thoughts and replacing these thoughts with more positive ones. While it might take some time, eventually you may find that thinking positively starts to come more naturally. Consider putting some of the following tips into practice. If you really take the time to look, you will usually find something good, something genuinely positive .It's a way to change your attitude toward a more optimistic outlook. A positive attitude can help you overcome even some of the toughest .Our brains are not hardwired for optimism or pessimism, so you can learn to accentuate the positive. When your mind starts soaring, you notice more and more positive things. This unleashes an upward spiral of positive emotions that opens. The truth is only positive thinking is able to determine your good actions. And those actions will bring you wonderful results. You can train your brain to focus on the positive even if you're wired. When you feel good about something you've done, you get more. It's the positive action that gets you back on track as you reinforce. Complaining is a habit that's very hard to get rid of. Even if you recognize that you have fallen into a pattern of seeing the negatives in every situation. If you often feel unhappy and negative, here are seven ways to turn thing’s back in control, and that's bound to make you feel more positive. Positivity is not something that always comes naturally. Be positive and act positively as often as you can. Starting

today, begin the process of doing more of what you love. Expect some set-backs. In time you will find that the more positive you are as a person, the more positive people will be. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. Think of the beginning of each year as an opportunity for growth and positive change. You can do it .So the world looks more like something you can affect to get what you want. The less positive you are feeling, the fewer possibilities you see. More often than not, the difference comes down to just one thing thinking. Look around you. You'll discover that they are positive thinkers than optimists. Positive thinking can be a very important element to implement into your daily life. It helps you to create a more productive atmosphere at work, in school or at home with the family. In today's life when one is thronged with worries and tensions all around, it is very difficult to maintain a positive attitude. We need to know several ways on how to be more positive rather than being. Thinking negatively will be a hindrance to have a happy living. Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst. Expressing gratitude is one of the best things that you can do to make your life more positive. As more of your thoughts and words become positive, you'll start attracting more positive people and circumstances. It is extremely hard to stay positive, but the more we practice the better we get at it. If you have developed very negative thought habits, it will take a bit of effort to change them to more positive habits, but it can be done if you simply work at it . The surprising step forward will change your life. Choose to live the positive side of life. Negative thoughts can affect you mentally and physically. The key is to be more positive, not to have a big head. If the stress in your life is more than you can cope with, get help right away. I believe we can improve our life with faith, hope and strengthening. The biggest concern of problem is conditioning the mind and spirit to the degree of the carnal spirit. To dream is to believe and to believe is to encourage by what you see and learn in wisdoms knowledge. Yes believe me its hard to do so, but nothing is impossible to finish. You must jump over every hurdle and cross first place to the finish line. You never want to be a looser. Being in last place is not fun. Would you like the world without rain or sunshine? How would it feel to constantly be in darkness? Or to have it reversed with night as daytime and nighttime as daytime? Would you know your way around in the dark lets say if you were blind? We would have to feel our way. Have ideas to help you create a happier life. The goal of this positive thinking is to give yourself a more positive self concept. Positive Learned optimism can be beneficial, helping to minimize any negativity strikes. Like me right now, there is so much evil and trust me anyone who is negative or puts down any thought of anyone being positive is purely evil. It’s not Christian nor the Godly way to be negative. For its like this. When I was growing up and going to church, I learned that God was always a loving and merciful God. God was not a God of hate to any sinner. But jealousy and anger is from sin and sin equals the devil. Because I am strong in being positive whether to heal sickness, whether its praying, whether its writing a book about ideas and positivity on through to my trying to help people with my experienced there is always a annoying person trying to downgrade my thoughts and self esteem in every way possible right now. Everywhere I turn I got this person real close to me trying to pull me down with the negativity influence. It hurts me as hard as I try to encourage her and help by teaching her to be positive that its very much real and could absolutely improve her health. If only she open her eyes from this emotional choke hold to the light. This devil of evil has his seeds upon her and is not losing her from his bondage chains. It has got to stop down

pouring this bad trails of negativity around me really soon now. I pray God helps me too. Today I mean its like sometimes so much goes wrong and I say hey to myself I just want to give it all up and say to hell with it all. If only everyone out there in the world knew what I have to go through on a daily basis. Some mornings I do not even want to getup out of bed. Usually for most parts I am always a cheerful go happy lucky person. But of late I've been dragging and tiring so easily. But hey what am I going to about it but get up do the best I can and try to live the next day for that day and enjoy. A time to get up go and fight on. Right? Right I have to because it is a must to live as long as I can possibly do so. I think well maybe tomorrow this person close to me will change the way and realize what they can throw away. Most of all they are throwing away anything good, moral, of value and a big improvement to their life. That is what attitude is all about to make you want and to show you a need you leave out of your life. See with you being positive you develop and grow. See and yet the entire world around us changing as we know. One criticizes among the other. I have found quiet often we're to hard on ourselves. In fact we're constantly judgmental of others to much to really know this present tense of what's going on with this self person which is you. We're too intimidated to do something about the forfeiture to come to senses to have the desire and willingness to see that we need to change our ways. But many are too selfish to consider this needful occurrence of sequel of events. Truth is you're yourself not assured of another time to live and neither am I for that fact. We need to come some kind of conclusion rather than postponing the tragedy of tragic and horrors that daunt us unforgiving. What else do you to loose but to win folks. Come on and try positiviness, it isn't going to hurt or harm you and you sure have nothing to fear but the fear factor your own self. Change before you realize the hurts and harms you can cause others before its too late. Please change. Either the hitter in baseballs either going to hit the ball, walk or strikeout. Do you want to strikeout too? I feel this fear only of the world of people right now, we're doomed to miserable downfalls and drowning of epitome if something does not happen soon for everyone that does not change their attitudes into positiviness transforming. Would you not like to finish first rather than be in last place? I think and I sure hope everyone wants to be a winner in the race. I hope someone wants the trophy of life reward. You can't tell me this isn't true: Someone in your life wants to bring you down everyday thus pinning you down constantly. You need to view this group of the world of changes around you friends. I am a firm believer that you can believe that you can, you have the power to do so right now. Come on change that rut you feel stuck in. You've got to believe in yourself first and foremost of all. I constantly am always saying to myself, believe in the world to change and the world will change with you. Yes I know its got to be whole heart and courage to want to move forwards to change. See downfalls and negativity are much like a snake, which usually strikes and bites with its powerful venom without warning. Using today wisely will always help you create a more positive tomorrow. Live and breathe the truth. It's the most positive, stress-free way to be. With every challenge more easily and wisely, you are more motivated and believe that you will a positive influence for tomorrow and the next days beyond. You're the hope God sent, God inspired, God gifted. You're born for this reason and that is being positive. Begin with positive thoughts that float in and out of your mind all day long. In the end it is that for every positive thought, every positive thing done, people will follow suit of your super changes. Example anyone who see negative, thinks negative, it will rain down on them nothing but the bad and solely negative thoughts till they will feel they're jinxed as if in some sort of witchcraft spell that possess them till they believe it. You

have to try and try really hard to make something positive and something good out of your life. God wants us to be healthier, God wants us to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest. God does not want us to go around being depressed and miserable every minute, everyday. Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst. There are always tensions that surround us like right now today North Korea is placing tensions on the world with the threat of Nuclear War on the United States and South Korea. But we can't worry about this, if it happens it happens, no one can stop it. It would be a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. It’s the world’s way of thinking. Its sheer negativity influenced by hate and negative leaders that are jealous filled. Make sense? It’s the bitterness of sour puss and the elements of daily life. Negative thinking is a hindrance to happy living. It'll weigh you down. Negative people want to downgrade you none-stop. You have to rid all this including fear, doubts, depression and poor thoughts. I have long thought that one has to be passionate about what they do and say in not hurting others. See the brain makes these patterns clearly, its proven in theory and not just theories alone but both the medical and scientific communities have proof that positive thinking connect with our spirit intellect and our spirit with body. See the spirit and body are as one equal whole being created and made living together in this our none-perfect world. Anything other than this being said is a pure simple lie. Anyway body and spirit connect together to heal quicker and faster. It is proven in many cases where one has broken back, arms or legs, one has healed as little as two or three weeks and been out of a cast well before the required normality of six weeks. See surprises can come in at any moment. Its the way we think mentally and physically that’s truth. In my case I choose to be on the positive side of thinking and there is not one single person I will let drag me down on this issue, I will fight for it because I have been there experienced it and had miracles. I have witnessed this from first hand basis. I will fight tooth, hand and nail for this. Good is with me and I know I am on the good side as well as the fact I know without doubts I am a good person who is on the positive side of thoughts. I like me for me and that is all that matters even though negative folks try to bring me down. I will not nor will I let these people win. And let it be known from me to the world, I will always try to manage a frown or some kind of smile somehow one way or another. One more fact I know without doubts I shall forever be a optimist. Let me tell you something if the entire world and the people were a little more optimistic and confident it would be a lot better place to live in. If one thing I've learned in this old world is to have a better outlook on their life and the world. It would be a safer place to live in that's for sure. A positive atmosphere can make a more pleasant place to be and, in turn more fun place. One thing I tell you to do is to hang around with some funny people and you can bet your spirits will be lifted. One always needs to focus on the positive qualities he or she has, the answers are always in front of you. The more negative you are the less hopeful you have in feel and you are sure to not to be positive. That would be an empty bucket without any drop of water in it. Its like trying to send a bucket down a well to get water and there is not any water in a dry well. See when we walk we use the left foot most of us do anyway to take that one step and place that foot out front of the other foot so you can walk. That's the way its always been and probably will be for the most of us anyway. That to is how we must maintain those positive thoughts keeping them ongoing to go on and on in a none ending persuasion inside the mind. A setting sleepy world cannot cheer others on to be happy when it’s idle and nothing is passing by to take place life or events. We're a mainstream set of peoples. See

positive thinking is more than just the thinking, its the images of the way you see it what you want to be filling or emptied. But is it a convey on some belt? We need to believe and believe in all we can do with full heart. Its like I said earlier, the way you experience life and events true and tested is the real way you see events unfold. I know it seems a dreary way. But what can we do about it other than try to pray about it and hope for the best. The Appreciation Factor-being blessed and thankful. The more you give appreciation, the more likely it is that you'll receive back ten fold. It make a person light up when someone says “thank you” or “ You're welcome” and just watch and see how many smiles you'll get. It may seem like flirtations or someone winking at you. But the truth is that in reality no one is at all in fact flirting or winking at you. People are plain out thankful. Yes there are still many good people left in this world. Many will still help you and support you. People will lend you the helping hands that you need. We shouldn't never feel like we should have to flex our muscles and push out control to forcefully dominate people. The negative should be neutralized and thus no one should be partial to another. We need to think before we take actions and ask is being violent worth it all to end up being punished. The positive self-deception is more common because, ironically, it's good for you. It leads you to exert more strenuous efforts because you deceive yourself. The simplest and most beneficial way to completely turn your life around is to become a more positive person. We need to rule ourselves before we let in troubles and negativity. When you believe you can accomplish whatever you try, you're much more likely to reach your goals than if you have a negative attitude. A positive outlook can get you through most anything and lead to many successful roads. If you think and feel positively, you will attract back positive events. Brain teaser. Life is beginning to return to something approaching normal, and you may be growing more positive with the results. And admire your commitment to positive thoughts. Remember the only person who can bring you down is your own self. Self belief is a positive tonic that helps people grow beyond their dreams. Belief is the foundation of self confidence. We need self consistency with efficiency as the foundation to confidence. At the early stages of life is our development to which you start developing self-esteem and believing in yourself. Practice believing in yourself to combat doubts and fears, because this lays out your foundation for your dreams, for your positive transformations. For doubts are the results of a constant ongoing barrage of consumptions. Next learn to believe in yourself through faith. Use the power of suggestions to keep positively. Self-esteem is tied to our spiritual beliefs in which your beliefs soars when acted in a harmonious way with your belief system. There is an old saying seeing is believing and believing is seeing. Now you need to place emphasis on your attitude to the right positive transforming belief system. Now again, I remind you that you're still not going to have a perfect system. But you can be as close as you can be. It’s the image of you that counts and shows. But you have choices too. Occasionally you have to take risks that are necessary or else sometimes self- doubts may cloud your mind. For a person who lacks confidence is a doubter and a doubter lacks faith to try and has no esteem. If you are at a intersection or a four way stop even a red light and you're waiting to turn right, you have the right of way. Let's just say that there are many cars or heavy traffic coming from your left and no lane to turn in. Are you going to sit there all day long waiting for your clearance to see your way clear to turn. Or are you going to take a risk in a small clearance chance it and go ahead to turn. See the point is you cannot sit there all day to be late for work or for any appointment. You have to be on time. You have to travel on to that destination or else sit there all day and be late. You can be slow or you can be fast. And it

takes a strong-willingness to want to create and change to build on. Building self esteem of positivity changes to transform on is not something painful or agonizing. If a person holds a self-contradictory belief, then his belief cannot be rational. Self-Image. Designed to help you develop a fair and accurate self-image with a clear picture of your strengths, and an awareness of the transformed positive you- the self exposed you bringing out displays. Self-efficacy reflects an individual's momentary belief in his or her mind and spirit subconscious. Influence your environment by your state of mind on your way to becoming successful. Then we need to examine the self you. Sometimes we are clumsy or we slip up and fall down. Or we act foolish and we slip and slide. Let us imagine a river. Now a river has many things including bacteria, molecules, fungi or varieties of fish and plants that are deep inside the water. See fish like bacteria eat off the plants and so does bacteria. Now inside the human mind it’s flowing in either direction just as the waters of the rivers do either upstream or downstream. Our minds flows constantly with ideas and stored information of a super highway. We're a walking computer with ideas flowing on and on. See we're most healthy inside our mother’s wombs. But the very minute we come out we're used like some appliance thus our health starts to going down hill. We age. We've transformed to transpire the older we get to which we develop from youth to adulthood. But we're sort of like that appliance we've just bought which when inside the store is still inside a box, its still new, but the very minute we purchase it and bring it out the appliance is now used and has some sort of dents or scratches on it thus bringing down its values. In other words the older we get the more our personal wants, desires, passions, the mind, the heart, the spirit and health deteriorate. You and I are at a park. We see a swing and slid. We get on the swing which is the full throttle to that swinging door to life, you and living, we just sit there swinging back and forth in the swing high up in the air. Its fun for a while till it slows and stops, halting to a complete stop. Now we go over to the slid part of the swing. We discover its a steep climb, going uphill till we get to the very top. Same way by life and mind. Sometimes we come back energized and charged as we get to the top of life's slid and are ready to slid down very fast, its at this part again its fun for seasons till we tire out ,the old body is used up and starts to fail and generate till it can't go on anymore. The self image you presents a real sensed detail of you. And we wonder is this what life is all about. The vision of today, the dreams of world tomorrow and the day after. Believing in yourself is a key factor in staying positive and developing self esteem. The power of believing represent important aspects of creating positive. Self efficiency plays an important role in your awareness that you need a conclusion to turn an about face to that which effects you negative wise and run away from it. Negativity needs to be pushed into the white sands of any beach and covered up to whither away or in this case to wilt away like the weeds of the beach just left to die out. You'll need a fresh start and new agenda on the horizon. We sit and watch the sunset and sunrise come up day in and day out. But actually we cannot touch it or see it for the sun we see is only a reflection. The sun is way somewhere deep out in space somewhere to far away. We need to have a solid sense with a determination to handle and perform with hopes that sincerely affect happiness and success. Most of us believe that we are an independent, coherent self–an individual inside our head who thinks, watches, wonders, dreams, and makes plans. And yes life and negativity often presents us with various problems from time to time that try to halt us. Something or someone is always going to try to throw you for a loop. But although we do indeed believe that the future will be like the past, the truth of that belief is not self-evident. In fact, it is always possible for nature to change. Self is the

knowledge of abilities, and limits to which one draws upon to discover answers for the self of which truthful inspiration gives information to transform that which you are capable in life and achievements. Self sufficiency is the body, heart and soul of our entity inward and outwards. Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. Introspect- the thinking to grasp. This part the self you to view the past, present and future to which we can recall ourselves. The goals, philosophy and consequences of blind spots highlighted to learn more about our own unique personalities experienced in anon-judgmental way from the mind. This is our nature and wisdom the facts you can find out the self. The sorting out. Which is separation venting of the old from the new, the curiosity to acquire, learn and master. The bad is seems like no one wants to step up to the plate right now and be the leader to help to want to lead the world in changing towards positivity. We need a person in the pulpit to make a stand. Then we think is in the pits bringing negative affects. The shocking- right now we face many dangerous prudent that catches us sitting by the red light watching and daydreaming. If want to watch something then go watch the salt pouring through an hour glass. That will get you to deep thinking and reflecting. Do not ever prod to long while you brute. Never be over compulsive. Broaden the quietness of the reflection actions. Recover to go with the directive flows. Reflections will be the guide to who you really are. After all what lays beneath the surface is who you really are. For precious are your thoughts, No one should interfere with your thoughts, for they are private and not meant to be heard or listened by anyone. We learn to look for that reflection in the mirror rather than to project within us all what lies in the deep yearning. Our deepest fear is knowing how powerful we are. Deep reflection informs further action. We can only know when to take actions when we see the worst that is hidden when it tries to take over. We only need to amplify the image of us as individual people. We need to be more open and speak up how these people who are negative and fear their shadows as to what he or she might accomplish it only they tried with getting rid of saying to themselves things like “ Well I am in bad health now and its not like it used to be” or “ I hurt” or on to the old “I am in pain” the fears O my gosh darned it, I am so sick of these I could scream. If only they knew how bad it hurts us, that they would change. I want to live not die. These are the same people who lay in bed and do not want to improve and lack willingness to fight on. Now we find to be committed long term. In this specialize in a friendly attitude that is helpful. You are a beautiful person and that makes you one of a kind. Feel it and enjoy. Deep reflections parts we perceive in life that is in conjunction of understanding that which delivers a perfected finish. We're an advance bunch of peoples this human mankind. We need most importantly mobilize any feeling of loosing, no one is a looser, in fact everyone is a winner. We want to be considered to be a fair and suitable equivalent for something else, a fair return for that which you first thought was the impossible. One needs to feel highly regarded. When we witness others choosing to maintain a good attitude in the face of personal loss, illness, or setbacks, they teach us how to react with grace and purpose. In many ways, we’re alike however, one little difference almost always makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. Winston Churchill once said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Attitude is so important and has such an enormous impact on the level and quality of success. Attitudes are contagious. An Attitude is a mixture of belief and emotion that predisposes a person to respond to other people. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. “That old saying of your attitude determines your altitude is worth

keeping in our brains at all times.” “The infinite is in the finite of every instant.” Some may not be aware that spiritual awareness is an attitude or state of being. Self-worth is all about seeing oneself in the whole context of reality, keeping in mind the basic human values. It is an attitude towards seeing oneself. Now we shall focus on maturity-Maturity is more of a manner largely reflective of rational, logical and responsible decision making, whereas attitude is more of a point of view. The relationship of faith maturity and religious attitude to academic performance and satisfaction with life. Your attitude is vital to your leadership effectiveness because it impacts everything you do. The only disability in life is a bad attitude. Pessimism Attitude and Emotional Maturity signify the generational differences. Generally, as one matures attitudes can change. A selfish attitude and behavior can keep us so wrapped up that there is very little room for caring. Attitudes give goals for the level of maturity. The person who desires to be intellectually and socially mature must be willing to change his or her attitudes. Emotional Maturity. It is possible to become more emotionally mature. Maturity is a matter of degrees whereas spirituality is always an absolute. Faith being able to develop the proper attitude toward stress. This is the realistic attitude toward life. Emotional maturity is, closely related to the popular concept of emotional intelligence. We must possess securities. Emotional maturity brings happiness and fulfillment no matter what we are doing. Improving emotional maturity to grow, body should just keep living with righteousness, love for truth, positive attitude support to build emotional maturity. Emotional healing is related to emotional maturity, attitudes, and become a better person. The mature person has developed attitudes in relation to himself and his environment which have lifted him above "childishness" in thought and behavior. Emotional maturity builders of any generation are human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind. Emotional maturity is a requirement for starting and by maintaining an attitude and functioning but also the ability to enjoy them fully. Attaining this level of maturity means an individual has attained self-awareness and a morally responsible attitude towards others. Attitudes and behaviors result from the two inner conditions may vary from individual to individual. While emotional maturity is reflected in the quality of our relationships with people, we must realize that we are in need of a attitude approach. Now let’s approach that old one of a kind attitude- the realistic attitude. Most of us are either optimist or pessimist, but we tent to forget that there something called reality in between these two. I very well believe in realistic attitudes. It's only realistic to accept that there will be some problems and if you are struggling with how to have confidence in your life, you are not alone. Every emotion, every mind state, every expression of being is valuable. Cultivate your realistic optimism by combining a positive attitude with an honest assessment of the challenges that await you. And yes have a cautious, careful, realistic attitude toward life and know you are highly responsible. Having a realistic attitude about baby sleep habits will go a long way to maintaining your sanity. Have an optimistic view of the world. We can have a realistic attitude as well as empower our self-confidence and a sense of our own worth. The importance of having a positive attitude and realistic expectations are important when embarking on a new plan to achieve. Inspiration comes from many places. Know your talents and gifts. Recognize the ability what you can do best. You can build a positive mindset and end any mindset of defeats. Absolutely have a fascinating positive aspect that attitudes can change. This means that the meaning associated with the attitude has changed. You can learn much about your mind by being aware of how it reacts to praise and criticism. We need to tend to the awareness of things as they really are. The emotional

perspective needs to be depicted in every attempt visual throughout which we changes from negative afflictions to the positive mirror image you see of you. As you change step by step you will need to have a willing to see things as they really are and deal with them sensibly. Attitudes are the evaluations and associated beliefs and behaviors towards some object. They are not stable, and because of the communication and behaviors. Attitudes have a powerful influence on behavior. Learn more about how attitudes form, how they change and how they influence the way we behavior. The way we do and say things shapes the world and the way it evolves. An Emotional Component: How the object, person, issue or event makes you feel. A Cognitive Component: Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject. A Behavioral Component: How the attitude influences your behavior. Attitudes can also be explicit and implicit. Explicit attitudes are those that we are consciously aware of and that clearly influence our behaviors and beliefs. Implicit attitudes are unconscious, but still have an effect on our beliefs and behaviors. Attitudes form directly as a result of experience. They may emerge due to direct personal experience, or they may result from observation. Social roles and social norms can have a strong influence on attitudes. Social roles relate to how people are expected to behave in a particular role or context. Social norms involve society's rules for what behaviors are considered appropriate. Attitudes can be learned in a variety of ways. Consider how advertisers use classical conditioning to influence your attitude toward a particular product. In a television commercial, you see young, beautiful people having fun in on a tropical beach while enjoying a sport drink. This attractive and appealing imagery causes you to develop a positive association with this particular beverage. Operant conditioning can also be used to influence how attitudes develop. Imagine a young man who has just started smoking. Whenever he lights up a cigarette, people complain, chastise him and ask him to leave their vicinity. This negative feedback from those around him eventually causes him to develop an unfavorable opinion of smoking and he decides to give up the habit. Finally, people also learn attitudes by observing the people around them. When someone you admire greatly espouses a particular attitude, you are more likely to develop the same beliefs. We tend to assume that people behave in accordance with their attitudes. However, social psychologists have found that attitudes and actual behavior are not always perfectly aligned. Changing your attitude can be done with patience and perseverance. If you have a negative attitude, you can take the steps to change your way of thinking if you really want to. Your attitude has an effect on your life. When you feel down about yourself, that can severely effect everything around you in the most negative way possible. “Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves.” Gandhi. Changing a negative attitude can be tough, especially if you don't see relief anywhere in sight. Strategies will bolster your emotional fortitude. Attitudes are predispositions towards action about people and things. They are evaluative and emotional. People fear change because it pushes them into the unknown, and one of the greatest fears in the world is the fear of the unknown. People fear breaking promises because they fear habits. And if you fear breaking your own promises, no one is alone. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering the changes.

Chapter V Cheering On The World

Chapter V

Cheering On The World


We have to be the cheerleaders for our ownselves before we can cheer on the rest of the world. We have got to want to change our ownselves before we can improve the rest of the world. But there has got be a need and a sense to begin at some point somehow. It might as well as be now. After all why wait too long to proceed to the venturing. However the supporting cast, the world is yours for the taking. Just look out there outside your window and see in your imagination. Think and wonder what lies out there in a world so wide way out there in the wide open. One day the cheers of the fans will fill the stadium cheering you on. Just when you think you have no cheerleaders cheering you on soon as there were no one you'll find fans and shouts of encouragement and congratulations will come your way. To think about it one day you'll be able to look back on the inspiring, the confidence you had, all that was promising and the hopeful and finally you hit that grand slam of home runs. You laugh and likely frown from the heartening and likely you're to think I've finally accomplished that goal of all goals I won and now the applauds come in your way. Now onto those the rest of your dream of dreams. Now your spirits lightened and your joys with approvals while you sing a song of a different tune of happiness these days, you've gotten comfort now while your life has filled sincerely with cheering moods, the skies over you now clear faint blue all day long. Now the celebrations begin and you start competing and modeling your life professionally and more ovations that make you feel more happier.

Now soon you can brace up for all that you have long anticipated to come your way and that is the brightening that can long remember and the fallen negativity now forever imprisoned. Welcome to the life's cheering. And now to cheer someone or something on the rest of the way on home. Now to continue on to cheering your life on with your new found foundational cheering swing. Now alas the team you won and while the rest of the world cheers your home team on to win and the home team again is you. And now you one feel to good inside, filling with gladdening, gratifying as well as heartwarming. The key is you stay strong even in the most extreme. Soon you realize everyday is a beautiful day viewing and not a single cloud lay around or near you which you now value life and its worth to which you are so very thankful for. You’ve now run the historic marathon of life to have come a long ways to change to the positive and you are living. In as much you discover you're no longer hidden beneath the waters surface. You are on top and looking all around life and world tomorrow and the day after. Soon you'll find that illusive cheering charm a spell which makes another person happy. If laughter is contagious applause must be too, or least there's something in every crowd. I believe firmly in life and meaning. I believe life's meaning point is that it's what we all strive to find and keep, even when it's as elusive as ever. Granted not everyone is happy all the time. Sometimes, people just need to feel sad and it's not always a good idea to try to jolly them out of it. All we need is cheering to be happy. Only you can make yourself happy in life. Sometimes we need to enjoy the little things in life to be happy. Truth is life is far too short to enjoy rather than to be sad and miserable all the time. Everyone has the capacity for happiness, even if it doesn't seem that way most of the time. A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles." Good cheer is the happiness state of mind. You could give the gift of happiness just by being happy.

Happiness has to do with reason, and only reason earns it. Some of us who have the happiness and good cheer of the gospel can lose it by becoming involved in iniquity and deceit. Our own troubles sometimes weigh heavily upon us. You'll feel a lot better when you share your happiness with someone else. Happiness blooms in the presence of self-respect and the absence of ego. The few of us that are happy are fortunate. Happiness is the successful state of life, pain is an agent of death. Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of ones goals and hopes. Happiness is being wise and content. You can choose to be happy and fill your daily life with happiness. Open the doors to the absence of stress. Happiness is a prolonged or lasting emotional or affective state that feels good or pleasing. Happiness is a condition to which one can have or not to have. Its the emotion of how you want to feel. The feeling of constitute towards an emotional ally that opposes stress. There is but one success and that is the only way to life, and that is your determination to whatever or whoever you want to be. Its a lasting prolonged emotional state, the beginning of things. Happiness is the expert you are, the sustaining condition to come out whom you've defined your parameters inside and outwards to what you to live. Happiness the practice of the spiritual you. Happiness defining you as harmless and your greater well being. The promotion of your being extremely intelligent and knowledge at various levels, the serious logic side of you. Happiness is what you think, take the time and see it, you can find it all around. When in tough times, happiness is knowing that others have also gone through difficult experiences and found happiness can give us hope that life can improve. Happiness makes you whisper, Happiness makes you love, Happiness takes command. Happiness makes you calm. Happiness is to flourish with other like-minded people who have gone through difficult experiences knowing that life can improve for everyone like you have. Happiness does not lie in objects of enjoyment because happiness is a state of mind. Happiness is your measure of strengths. Overall it’s creating and enjoying happiness around you and piecing together what makes you really happy. Its your fulfillment of pursuit. Happiness is the dedication to empower and inspire with resources with the self and thoughts. Happiness is the spiritual part of you finalizing and preserving in the absence of doubts to which to you can create. Happiness more than all is the learning you get from experiences past and coming just as an old stored book of memory you have inside the mind. Just commonly it is debating and improving upon. Another thing happiness is the gift you have to receive and know to be thankful and blessed with all you have. It is the fulfillment we find life and more. And if you want to know just listen to sounds the morning. In the end the happy transformation is knowing you and that everything works. Happiness. It's something that we all want, we really a need to appreciate it too. The concept of happiness is perhaps best that we understand it. It's a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive emotions than negative. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness is knowing that you are going to do everything in your power to live a simply beautiful life and live your life to the fullest every day and you will find happiness. Happiness comes from the inner workings of your own mind. Different people interpret happiness in different ways. True happiness is such a rare commodity that the whole of the world is continuously seeking it and failing to find it. Everyone wants to be happy but not everyone knows how to achieve this. The first step to finding happiness in your life is to become more aware of it. Take your first step on

the path to being positive, having abundance, and achieving the most important thing of all. Happiness is something most of us aim for, how we define it has important implications for how we conduct our lives. Happiness is the pursuit of the positive effects on your side of life. Happiness is an enduring positive psychological stage of mind. Happiness can be attained in numerous ways, even through virtuous living, and love. Happiness is but a belief, with an idea, with which a theory; with beliefs, and ideas have possibility. Increase positive moods and capitalize on your strengths. Happiness is about how to reap the benefits of a happier and more positive mind-set to achieve the extraordinary in our work and in our lives. Action for Happiness is a movement for positive social change. People who are grateful tend to be happier, healthier and more fulfilled. It increases how much positive emotion we feel and decreases negative emotion. The happiness set point idea is that most people return to an average level of happiness or a set point. One key of how to be happy is to stop searching for happiness. Happiness is and has always been right in front of you to begin with. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. Many people are afraid of being happy because every time something happy happens they feel something bad is going to be taking place. Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong ones. It is beautiful when, on certain mornings, you wake up smiling for no apparent reason, simply for the joy of another day. Being resilient doesn't mean going through life without experiencing stress and pain. People feel grief, sadness, and a range of other emotions after adversity. You may think it's impossible to be happy being yourself. Every day, it's easy to wish you looked like or acted like someone. You may discover that certain attitudes were a result of early conditioning. That positive result is achievable. If you are new to applying positive thinking. It also involves taking the initiative to seek answers and solutions. This might be a good time to re-involve yourself with you. Having a positive attitude can translate into a new outlook on life by enabling a person to gain power over his thoughts and emotions, thus changing his outlook on life. Negative and positive attitudes can affect the workplace. A great deal of learning involves acquiring or changing attitudes. Participate in new physical and mental activities to improve confidence levels. Developing a positive attitude involves investing time and commitment. A positive attitude involves an overall optimistic state of mind, dedication and patience to see all of the positive results from your hard work. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with a high spirit. A positive attitude comes from doing the same thing over and over again, expecting new results. A positive thinker is free to think of new ways to solve problems. Your new positive attitude will improve your mood and also help those around you be more positive. The power of positive thinking manifests every new dimension to individual life. It involves the inculcation of a attitude that generates favorable results. We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger. Every action has a reaction so when you do good things you will gain a good result. Your mind is very powerful and yet many of us do not fully utilize the magic we can do. Everyday we are creating new experiences with our mind. We change because we want to change not because anyone forces us to change. Whether or not positive thinking has any benefits is a question that science has been interested in for a number of years. You always had a choice. We need to get those many blocks out of the way that cause you to stumble and act without thinking. We'll find that we're shooting without aiming. Or else what we're shooting for whether in

goals, to accomplish, resolve or willing. Positive Action is an integrated and comprehensive program that is designed to improve. Positiviness is to transform individuals, schools, families, and communities by teaching and reinforcing positive actions. We're on a mission that allows those who seek to redress past with opportunity those measures through equal pertinent. You will feel much more confident in the value of silence, the value of a willing, listening presence. Your positive thoughts and actions of noble influence can greatly add purpose and meaning in your life, and others around you. Contrary to many existing theories of emotions is the concept of specific-action tendencies, the idea to prevent the past consequences from repeating over and over with again and again. This is where progressive discipline comes in. Thus these benefits come from being renewed into the idea of being alert for negativity and of true positiviness are nevertheless endless. An action potential is a spike of positive and negative ionic discharge that travels along the membrane of a cell. Efforts to achieve equality of opportunity for women and men may include, where appropriate, the development of positive action measures. Positive action is undertaken with conviction and effort. The power of positive influences in your life may be much stronger than you ever realized. Choosing the people you decide to surround yourself with may play a role. Positive influences plays as important factor as our role models. Influence can be likened to a liquid that flows into and out of all of us. The character of what flows into us directly affects our internal state. Positive Influences can make a difference in our lives from day to day. If we surround ourselves around positive influences each day then we will feel better. Like my wife Patricia Ann Lopez, she plays a important part as the role model in my life. One who has true influence has grown exponentially. We all can use more positive friends. Hanging out with people who are negative can actually influence our thinking and bring us down. Where ever you go or where ever you look all around you is a positive influence. For instance my wife and I went out to eat breakfast on Tuesday morning. We parked into this parking space. While we sat there out of nowhere a bird, it must have been a baby or at least to me it was because the bird was small in size. He landed on our cars windshield and hood. He flew away a second or two only to come right back to the same spot on our car. My wife and I talked a while. So the bird went on and on staying with us. It was like this bird knew us or something. He would never leave. It must have been something sent from God. I mean the bird set there looking around so quietly the entire time we was eating till we finished. It was like we were being followed. It was an inspiration to us. This bird seemed so smart. Let me just say this that there are many ways to create, to instill, and to view life and to transport all this data to help us. The self esteem factor is important to our self efficiency motivation factor as this is the single most important emphasis to well being and psychological sensation. That is a determination to the paths of implication optimism and characterized summary defined as one that makes internal or dispositional. Confidence is important that we invest in independence, and the objective physical performance the sense of control over the circumstances in ones own lives that a person needs everyday. The science of positive psychology influences and shapes the climate while providing a sense of well being, balance, creativity and self-worth. Self-verification is presumed to be a fundamentally adaptive process. Positive Psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the strengths and virtues that include family relationships and work peers have been found to influence a person to be able to practice self-control and foster better a better report to exemplify personal growth. In this we need to start out young

by learning as this is where parenting comes in to encourage, teach and lead to which children need everyday positive role models, skills, positive attitudes and morals. These need to be both active and intentional. For instance violence. Today our society learns to be violent. We depend on violence. Instead of being the peacemaker we go out and say it’s okay to be violent and fight back. Perhaps this is the reason we have killings and the world labels America as it is now. And we need to take the weapons away from kids in gangs. We ought not to have no fear factors to go out and take back our streets and homes again to make streets safer. One problem I believe America has is not enough time spending together as family in doing functions as a single family unit. We spend to much time working and on material things and not enough time seeing how fast children grow up today and friends this is why we have latchkey kids or kids raising children up rather than parents, adults teaching correctly. Let’s take the gangs out of America and put families back where they belong. Be pacemakers, not war makers. Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. The self-concept is what we think about the self self-esteem, is the positive or negative evaluations of the self, as in how we feel about it. Self-esteem is also known as the evaluative dimension of the self that includes feelings of worthiness, prides and discouragement. One's self-esteem is also closely associated with self-consciousness. Why is it that motivating is so important? No matter I think many of us are not yet to the point of where we are that we need to get really motivated everyday. We spend time dragging, lagging, procrastinating or just plain out pretending the day out rather than not going through with our plans. The first step towards getting motivated of course is the hardest and most important. And yes its hard to do I know. Motivation is the core of all action. Whether a person succeeds, fails or leads depends upon this variable. Get to know the intricacies. Doing stuff that makes you happy is a sure fire way to stay motivated. The first step is finding out where you are right now and where you want to go. Getting motivated is about finding your will power, disciplining yourself, getting up off of that couch and doing what you know you need to do. Redesign your day everyday and not go doing the same old things over and over with. We all want to look good before we go out anywhere whether to school, work, grocery shopping, or to the doctors. But none of us hardly do anything about it. Here is where resistance comes in. Resistance is the defense to fighting against that which is foreign to which impedes and tries to invade to keep us from doing what must be done. Resistance is our mechanism defense against that which is foreign to us. Getting motivated doesn't have to be the worst part of the day. Sure you're going to have challenges everyday especially in the morning time. It is about having the incentive to get up and going. You'll need energizing ideas to get motivated. We all have goals and aspirations if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be human or we’d be vegetables on life support. Get motivated to accomplish the most challenging goals on your list, and learn how to stay motivated when the going gets tough. Get motivated every day for the rest of your life. The end result is always so satisfying and instills a true sense of accomplishment. It is hardly a secret that the key to successfully accomplishing one goal after another is staying motivated. The easy part is once you're motivated, you can keep it going and never let up. Its progress you want to happen, not two steps back. I give you something to think about, “ You should never be lost, where you need to be at.” Once motivated you'll be totally filled with enthusiasm, fired up for achieving

something new. It is easier than you think once you discover your motivation blueprint.Fnd ways to recharge those batteries to uplift the spirit and redirect that focus. Absorb the secrets of self motivation and learn how to get motivated and motivate your mind to be at its most productive and creative state, motivating your self will. Motivation comes from what you do your obvious inspiration. Sometimes, you need a little extra inspiration to get motivated. Get advice and support on how to get motivated, and other life goals. You are the heart and soul, the vibrant you, to motivate where it all is in the arrival. Every goal, every dream, and every success that we achieve comes about by action. Most people want success and have a plan on how to achieve that success. To improve your life often means making changes. For instance if you struggle, you need to boost your willpower, such as make a sales pitch for yourself, that is upbeat. Selling is the emotional uplifting you need in spirit, in willpower, that is your ability to get motiivated and to do accordingly to the best of you, all that you can be. The cover is you and the beat in your heart passionate and the content full of knowledge. Many of us find ourselves in motivational slumps that we have to work to get out of. Sometimes it's like a continuous cycle where we are motivated. Be inspired. Fight the blahs, lower stress, and be happy. Truth word- “ When you do nothing about something, you've lost everything.” Now open the door easily to see what you may see ahead of you. Now no one ever said this road is going to be an easy one. Often, when we get ourselves ready to do something, we are not happy to do it. No matter how hard we try, the task just seems difficult, boring or both. Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. We’re living in a time of unprecedented knowledge. You know that you have had, and still have, a lot of beliefs. Being negative is an obsession, its rhetoric from those who are unhappy and do not wish anyone to be happy. In hope there is truth and in truth there is faith for the now and the future in a world where there's concern. There is happiness in the future for those are the ones likely to find it. Without doubts there are consequences for those who are negative. And in consequences you have fears. An inspiration has to be universe. Thought the woods and forest are covered in briars and weeds out of control. Meaning we can control or let our life out of control. Tonight you can dream away the dreams of a lifetime. However dream all you may. It is your attitude that counts measures. I think many of us catch ourselves in some sort of bind to which we feel obligated to. I Therefore we try to find some last minute tactics or schemes to which we can at least escape with in recluse of the repulse immediacy scare trimming like a cursive evasive. See we put fresh flowers in a vase full of water so the bouquet lives a while longer before its wilt. It would be a javelin thrown amidst us smeared. Seems like storms dark clouds hung over us. How sun streaks out and from between clouds the afternoons bickering. Towers the oft clouds strays wayward skies where sweetened sunshine loathes of foreplays scenery and scientifically speaking. Ode to applaud such magnificent days plundering when masking. Now the frosted sky goes dancing on. How placid into thoughtless planting patterns. I believe so much is misunderstood these days. People need to change so much. Or else everyone who is not positive in attitude will be left out in the dark being known as losers. Negativiness needs to go folks. Just as much as anger is a sin. With anger comes violence and killings or people being hurt or even more violence. Present or absent we now must resolve the differential what could lead to depression and the dramatic energy that can boost you in the anti- toxicity of depression negative effects. It’s a tremendous deceptive connectivity of failures that result from sustained chronic exacerbations. And I think none of us want to be in a state of depression. Its an obstruction that has to be treated. I have come

to think this day and age that negativiness is some sort of infectious disease that if we're not careful of in which it plots to stay around us to long in which it can be contagious or on catching. I mean at this stage on us it grabs hold, tugs and brings us down thus weighing in on us if we give in or fail to rid it completely out of our system membranes. It focuses in to allure, deceive and hang on to us. See this thing called depression is a state of frame to which it keeps sagging you till you just want to give up. You need some sort of new balance booster to phrase independently allow in you that spreads like wild fire but passionately and candidly give you that immune you need to escape the depression disease. Depression can be fatal to the mind and heart. Not necessarily causing death but to move forward with living and accomplishing. It will totally bring you down without a care in the world left in you. In fact you'll never want to come out in the light of the world but sometimes only a brief shimmering seconds otherwise you'll stay in a safe shelter from among the outside world. You seek to stay hidden and feel unsecured about yourself, it'll make you withdrawn altogether from society. Look all I am saying is that you need some sort of positive aid to give yourself long-term effects which is like giving yourself a shot in the arm to make you all nice and well again. I know in the end its ultimate and formidable. But nothing is against the odds to overcome. Look think of it this way that positiviness is that drug which you need to have a cure all. Its like wearing a band aid over a bleeding scratch or wound you have. First of all you have to give a defensive mechanism or mode to ward off and fight off any stages of depression. Or else it can find some slick way to maneuver around you and still get inside you to weaken your drives. Depression can short change you into some of your life's greatest ambitions and exploitation to where you really want to finish your journeying. To have positiviness is a super rush or a nova that refreshes your energy and morals all the way to your beliefs. See that positive result is really the highway you really want to travel on and stay on. It can help you rise to any occasion and thus stand on your own two feet. Put distances between you and any world of negativiness that tries to take you. Get rid of all that which brings you to being negative. There isn't anything in this world or life worth you having negativity around. It is better to not to have than to have negativity at all constantly ongoing and going on in any day of your life. Get rid of it all friends before it causes your dreams to die out or even the spiritual part of you to die away. See negativity triggers depression and depression brings a major similar dark world of a tomb of emptiness and sicken spiritual fogs that clouds you in every turning point. In every direction you see there is nothing but stop signs that emotionally holds and drains you in every whim or breath’s gasps. You'll soon forget what it is that you want or where you want to go to. Sidewalks may seem filled but in actual reality sense every sidewalk is empty. That is not any pretty picture to have. Just imagine that you stare and stare on and on at some blank piece of paper and its all in front of your eyes. You are your own enemy or you can be your own winner. You're the beholder in this lonely lonesome rag tag world on all levels that you play. Some people call this positive world you seek and yes it is very much real out there, some say it’s hocus pocus or some pervasive coo doe jalopy. But without you in your life, you can dream, you cannot have good health or accomplish or believe in anything. To have negativity is nothing but droughts of bitterness that sours and opens nothing but cans of worms. Think of negativity as spiders crawling all over you, its uncomfortable. You have to go through life as looking as at everyday as having fun. You have to go to work with smiles and you have to know that to have positivism flavors brighten you like colors of rainbows in clouds. With being positive you will know that the sunshine may not shine on the outside but emotionally and spiritually it’s always shining inside you where ever you go in life regardless of choices or

paths you choose to follow. Positiviness can be good to you in all living. Its a wheel that continues to turn for you even when you sleep. Remember this if you stay down an doubt constantly in fears and constant negativity when you are sick or have bad health, then if you choose in your mind to not to believe in positiviness then you ain't going to get no better. You'll only get worse. For God gives us the mind to use, and with it he gives light of spirit and intellect. Now I'd like to speak to you a moment or so about false hope results and assertion the really important key factor to what you really need to have to keep on going even when the rough is there. False hope results are a term to which I shall describe to which says you have the conditions which are problematic but really is invisible to the eyes and yet really is not there at all or as I have come to learn it to be the blockage stoppages. This is particularly important to know. You have to be aware so that can detect. Test yourself, be alert as to the finding that suggests for it’s the apparent you need to know most about. In all it’s the findings you have to worry about when it comes to false- positiviness. Because it’s you the individual that is affected in this state of minds absent conditions. You do not want to end up being surprised by any conflictions of irregular fears thrown to the wolves what have already come so long to have gotten nor do you need some kind of static confusions that leaves amidst toiling and debating in some quarrelsome questionable doubts. In these cases you'd end up secretly wandering for accurate results and lost from where came from to begin with. This would be like some cancer sticking to you. More to say it’s kind of mystical and something of a terminal ill disease. Advise, do not let prior harms screen you for frequent consequences that seclude you the efforts. After all you want more than the probable. You want the real deal show you alive, living and well fulfilled your works and ambitions. You want only the positive, the best results. You need no damage control and spend all your time wasting going over what just happened instead of the look what I did. You need only the true occurring the now and future coming. Now realize just how many roads you traveled thus far to get to this point of life. That which can relate to individuals can mislead erroneously gauge the negative psychological according to new surveys recently conducted. False positive can happen for various reasons. To determine, it’s by both knowledge and attitudes. Yes researchers have looked into the long-term effects too. Anxiety is that of nervousness which causes turmoil in an unpleasant state of inner rumination that sways back and forth. See negativity can perhaps cause anger and frustration within us. Making you feel stressful and constantly tired. However it is, we need to deal with the situations and more importantly stay focused on the self-help positiviness normality. To find positiviness is our natural list of resources. This is excessive and not just that it needs to be mandatory of everyone’s crisis agenda. Yes may of us dread the changes. But why be fearful? You do not need tensions, worried thoughts, concerns and some intrusive thoughts. What needs to change is to have a comprehensive discovery to accommodate the correct self needful venue like renovations of your life, a soul cleaning and deep thoughts. You need to find those deep convictions that penetrate motives. We all need to do a little soul searching somehow I think. Soul-searching is the act of facing one's inmost self with courage and determination to bring every unconscious thought, emotion, beliefs, and motives. It’s a close, honest examination of one's true feelings with courage determined to bring every ulterior thought when examining carefully the self you exposed. Soul Searching tells the definitive story of the spiritual side of you. The mindset, the great spiritual thinker you are now and forever to be. Of introspection I think everyone needs a gut wrenching, heart-searching, meditation, a reflection of self-analysis, self-examination, self-questioning. See its not the way you do things in life's battles but the silent battles of

life's everyday daily most important facts we self examine in the chambers of the soul we fight daily. See life begins with hopes and frantic reviews of attempts you enjoy. When deciding to take some soul- searching you'll search long and hard to find yourself. See the ongoing thought we proceed to have that is a turning of the wheels of emotions itself is a spoken series of motivational innovator related to positive thinking on how you achieve your goals. Its collection of thoughts settled back in you reminds as passages forwards. Or collection of positive motives, agitated. Therefore while negative motivation is a good thing on very rare occasions, such as the alligator sighting it is not very useful in everyday life. Positive motivation should be the reason to do just about everything. You give because it makes you feel good, you eat because it taste good and makes you feel satisfied, you smile because you enjoy life. Try being only positive for just one day. Block out all negative emotions and feelings. Avoid people and situations that cause you stress. After the day is over, you will feel so good that you may even try it for a second day and then a third. Being positive and using positive motivation will change your life for the better. I find that the world and we all need to get motivated. Motivation helps success . We go by sheer guts or I should say our instincts. We must submit ourselves most definitely to look further all need. Ina word or two everyone goes by vibes. We all need to wake to motivation. Discover your motivation and the roads to positivism to let it loose and flow where ever it may lead you. The key is we all need to firmly believe. We all need a cheerleading system in place rather than being in some dark tomb without a light. We need support to steer us onto recovery. You need to be sure of what you follow or who inspires you. Motivation is what a person expects in morale and rewards when recognized. He or she has resources to change to what can be beneficial. It’s the exploring and explained part in action steps improving, the self-fulfilling. Finally in cheering, the active in your life, you’re cheering from the world, your achievement soars. And so now begins to accomplish tasks to do. Mission the technique is great to keep. Affirmed and started. Finally your new goal completed. Summary, you took it all and alas you did it all your way. Now you cheer and the world has cheered you on, you're now revamped and current. You started the race you ran and went all the way from something bad going all the way from negative to the positive and you ended up point first place. And yes of course you struggled to begin with but you picked it up very fast those learning stages. So now at last free from the old ways, you've now gotten the best results in hands. Now your features aroused to a desire sustained your goals are for certain. Now you have self learned how to discover to motivate yourself. Now you have emotional treasures pleasant. Now curious, you are going to always be, but granted you are now the best you can be. Now you've licked.

Now you've kicked the old pot out of the way. Yet sometimes we reject growth and responsibility. You are now energetic and inspired, striving to learn, extend yourself. You've now mastered new skills and apply their talents responsibly. Such non-optimal human functioning can be observed not only in our psychological clinics but also among the millions who, for hours a day, sit passively before their televisions, stare blankly from the back of their classrooms, or wait listlessly for the weekend as they go about their jobs. Motivation provides you with messages of what it takes to succeed in life, delivered with the passion that only music can provide to sink into your mind for every day use. Each one of us go through difficult times in life. The road may be very long and rough but it becomes shorter & easier to tread upon. We want to spread positivity to the world as want to go through life with having inspirational & motivational thoughts. You were created to have a life totally fulfilled. You were also created for a specific purpose in this life. Motivation is an internal thing that drives us to achieve our goals. See the reasons that motivate and thereby take action towards a desired goal. Learn to improve your confidence and self- motivation. The fullest representations of humanity show people to be curious, vital, and self-motivated. Motivation is literally the desire to do things. Positive thinking gives you the ability to see the positive possibilities in every situation. Have a healthy and positive attitude is important to improve yourself and the achievement of individual life. Every person has different motivations for working. The reasons for working are as individual as the person. Self motivation and positive attitude are almost intertwined. A positive attitude is a prerequisite to self motivation and therefore it is essential that if one wants to succeed. Everyone needs to appreciate the concept and importance of motivation. There are many things which distinguish motivation. Mornings can be particularly tough time I know, especially when waking up and you know it’s going to a busy one at that with hectic lifestyles and yes determination is hard I know it can really be. Many of us just want to skip school or work to play hooky and stay at home between the sheets not wanting to get up out of bed. But see the first part of your day is the most important, you are at your most energetic being, the relaxed you. But wait now let me clarify the true part meaning. In the morning time you are at your highest in peek time from your positive attitude, personal productivity, goal setting, time management, stress management and balanced living. Motivation can be defined as the driving force behind all the actions of an individual. The influence of an individual's needs and desires both have a strong impact. Intrinsic motivation, without rewards and punishments really consistently works, and it is of course the main motivational logic. Inspirational wise, people lift you and inspire you to build a positive attitude and to increase performance levels. Stages build skills and skills help us understand motivational positive and yes we know that everything or everyone is not going to be perfect. We're only human. And we ain't expected to ever be perfect. I firmly believe we battle ourselves ongoing every minute of every single hour of the day and night. But like I have expressed before we have to step up and move people in a direction that they'll want to be positive. And your ability depends upon you what you want, what you need. If you play darts you're not going to sit there all day long staring or throwing darts at some blank dart board without knowing where the points are or how to play the game. Go ahead can it or make it, it’s your ideas and yours only to carry to move forwards or to stay in that same old neagative rut you're in now or began with. Your choice clearly. And choose to stay negative your cycle will never change, for you'll only continue to stay in the sour and rot away thus continue to get more wrinkled and fragile. If you want to make things happen the ability to motivate

yourself and others is a crucial skill. You and only you have a talent to get highly motivated. No one else can do this for you. Progress is our goals to keep going and the ultimate prize. See I know you as I do my self. And we want everything life has to offer us. The spiritual setting of you is developed and fulfilled now, the outlet you plugged into the wall raring and gifted in a unique way. Plain and simple it is the secret of you on how you've developed and just how far you've gotten. Self-motivation is that important tool you've reached made sure. Positivity motivation is the surefire way to inspire growth mystic and the character affirming from your choosing. Self-motivation, the essential skill intuition on the path to your self improvement and personal conscious you the inner fairing spirit of you sewn and brought together leading. Yet its like I'll tell you bluntly many of us do find ourselves in some continuous cycle of slumps, but we have to work hard to get out of it. Like yesterday which I reflect back on it looked as if was gonna rain for a brief time. But soon the day came to be all nice and sunny with heavenly blue skies. The guy came to mow our lawn. We had weeds around this mobile home we live in. And many old yellow dandelions throughout the entire yard. While out there I saw some wasp flying around the shed. I knew not too stand there or else I'd get stung. I swell from wasp stings too. See I knew to run and get out of those wasp way till they had finally left to where I could pull the grass up. It was all but super hot the rest of the entire day outside. Just as today Sunday is so beautiful as well and not any single cloud not even a puffy white cloud up in the blue either floats by. It makes me want to be outside more to enjoy living. See God made sense to resolve and solve problems. He expects us to use to the maximum of our God given talents and abilities. This is what life is made for. For us to solve in using senses it is and has been right in front of us right along. Just we need to search within and trust me it'll hit you like a ton of bricks. You will know the answer to be right when it stops you there. There will be even clues as well. I mean like right now I am sitting here listening to the many different birds out in God's wild singing and happily chirping away in songs and I think wow what a way of life, what motivation life gives in spirit and all of natural natural cheering me on. I am even cheering myself on as I write each and every part of this book into thoughts. It is all based on what I need and what I feel that the world needs to change to be a more better safer place to live to where we all can get along, to where we all can live in perfect harmony neighbor to neighbor helping one another out the way God intended it to be to begin with. I know deep in my heart God is up there somewhere in heaven looking down on us cheering us on exactly step for step the way he created mankind to be. Let us create now our own individual one of a kind cheering system to influence and encourage other folks to that they to will want to have changed to positivity and motivational leading tomorrow the new generations before hopes disappear in storms and our footprints vanish without a trace so that they to can live knowing we made it all better. Now we need a world of cheering us all on into crossing the finishing line to the finishing mile distances. Let’s make resolved for a world of love and peace enclaves upon cherishing to which we can solve. Make the boost right away what you need so that you can be a better person as that one ordinary individual so now you to can jump high and leap into the air cheering none stop for yourself the person you have found what you like of yourself and are now to be. Like yourself for yourself and no other way. Please no one other but only yoursellf complete and whole.

Chapter VI On Top Of The World

Chapter VI

On Top Of The World


I do not know where life may or may not lead today’s sunshine shun upon the world for me, but only that I know to live life for today what it is this moment given me every opportunity. However I shall cherish it always my breaths. But sometimes I think the world laughs and other times not. Sometimes life is but a bucket of nails. But is it that the world is enough for us or do we seek more on that trolley to the unknown that begets us so differently. But our individual drives goes on and on and so do we too. We sweat and we perspire to what amounts like a picture on a brochure. We speak and we write thoughts. Every single word is us each and every person out there in this mess of this gigantic world. We sing and we dance, we applaud in aroused cheers and the birds goes on flying all the way up to heaven and sunshine. Think are we but really on top of the world to where we really want to be. The ceilings either to low or its too high for us to get too. Now the answers lay before us gallant in pageantry. Now shake off the dust and find your gold spots in that cool rushing stream that slow thaws and melts your heart warming to bring you that smile that you seek. Now you can glow and feel what you feel life and in feelings. Now you can breathe that fresh air that you so desperately need refreshing. What is it that you really want to possess while you yet live life to the fullest. Where do you seek to travel in your car for vacations? For only you know. Where is that special river flow to for you? Now you plant those flowers that fill out blooming in that flower garden. You have finally won that game of life to change for the better to be a leader and to be more positive in which you finally scored that winning touchdown of the game. Now smile for you are on top of the world at last and you finally can leap for joys high to the sky. Now everyone cheers for you what all you have accomplished. Now the new you begins in journeys. What better ways to enjoy it all it life’s finest hours. Now go and enjoy the dawns of sunrises and sunsets while watching the oceans tides rise and come as they softly smash the beaches. It’s all about you and no one else. However God has made it all. It is so important that you know this too. Believe me I know firsthand God does really exist and not just for me, but he does exist for you also. I know without God I wouldn't have made it this far in my life. God is truly my inspiring hero wounded, hurtful, living or even dying to being shattered and teary eyed. Yet I know in common sense wise God gave me the tools I need to change my every desire, passion, outlook and motivation to being positive. I give God all my credits and thanks to what I do for talents and abilities. For if it was not for God I definitely know I surely would not be here now as he makes me feel special and on top of the world. Like I'm saying all my blessings I owe it all to God and God only. Don’t let anxiety get to you because you are in operation recovery. Its okay to dream all your dreams tonight and every night thereafter. Remember though it is important that you keep up your every hopes. Let what you have achieved become your monument and keep your chin held high. The meaning of life—its significance, origin, purpose, and ultimate fate—is a central concept and question in philosophy. Life relates to existence and consciousness, and on related issues such as life stance, purpose. No matter all the reward of life it is what functions spectacular. Life in its utmost excellence is really indescribable. Now and in the years to come, you can have a life that is not so difficult anymore. You can have the freedom and sunshine. Make a flower in your life so that you are full of life everyday just as the birds sing daily. And you know something we need the courage and tenacity to carry with us the motivation to which ones attitude is very important and granted it that sometimes life is quiet often very demanding in its primary urgency for auxiliary onslaught. It’s stupendous too. Affirmations give you

confidence and motivate you to carry to every point of life. Imagine you are on a rocket and its booster systems filled with rocket fuel to carry us energized on into journeying to space. And friends it’s very important that you stay on top of your focus on the pathway to your journeying to the top of the world. Its not that we need to ask God is he watching over us but we too need to ask ourselves are we carefully watching over our own self in our own daily steps and not falter. It’s the center of your thoughts and how you feel in new feelings now that amounts to counting. It needs to be stressed that you are that special one important person that God created you that way to be. Man cannot create God. You need improvement and encouragement to aim for. See when we cut down a tree in the woods we plant a new one to replace it. Would you pick up a giant squid without knowing where it bits or stings first without checking it out informational wise. See life is created, but we invent what we make that goes along with it. Case and point just as a rubber tree is used to make tires. Its that very inventive thought that gives off what we think. For mankind is a thinker. We sew our own seeds as to what expectations we expect of ourselves best and what God expects of us pleasing him most importantly. Man motivates his fate and own control. We have to give ourselves a daily dose of motivation to keep confident and I think that's vitally important too have in arbitrations acclaiming to progress. How we all need digest thru progress motivation progress in manifestation. We need to sit back and think about things before doing, we need to sit and relax about it in the mindset and not rush into the flows. Rectify any situations. Do not go on reprimanding yourself or being the punishing seeker. Revenge is the wrong way to go against those who are negative rivals from whence they try to downplay all you do well for the self exploring you. You only need to be a humble polite meek person is all. You need not to be an alligator to go out biting. You need to sit down instead at the table to neatly fold what you see into mind. In other words imagine you at a table. Now have servings of goodness to go all around plentiful and you'll keep your stays wisely so. You will have no blemishes left dirtied. Your slate is then cleaned totally. Now all you need to do is to fill your plate full of goodness and surety. It bonds deeply inside you for life. See then you will get respect back at a time when people try to take advantage of the new you. Your thinking sinks in purified without hesitations. Your season will be year around. For your personal changes affect you critical. And do know this your story of life is your very own, it tells all about you, you are the center of you the person. Discover you yourself. For you know you best. For there is a great deal of truth always powerful short and inspiring to which it empowers you to tell all about it. You and only you are a beautiful person the way God made you everyday. Improve your world and what you change is for the obvious. I really know if had the ability to inspire already, I would change the world and everyone in it to be positive and more motivated to be confident, then I would choose to improve the world in a big way. See when walk on a hot surface, we would not walk it knowing it would burn our feet, we would wear shoes. Common sense tells me this much that I need to keep safe. See its like this, if you are thinking negative and think you cannot climb this mountain, then you aren't going to climb that mountain, but if you think positive and think you are going to climb this mountain, then you'll climb that mountain to the very top or else you'll fall face down every step. Negativity you'll certainly almost every time will lose and have constant mental errors. But by being and staying positive every time, you'll almost every time get and earn respect you deserve and so have properly earned. Another bit of advice I'd like to share with you all, and that is to never give up. Like I've said earlier please understand the scheme of life. That's universal too. Everything we do and all that is surrounding us is made up of energy. Thoughts constantly are jumping in and out

of our minds. So pump up and inspire to move on with life. Wisdom provides us with what we need to ignite us in heart and in spirit. The powers of the thoughts stay dormant in our minds. Be sure to spread your dreams in every single tread of resources, make them work for you. For attitude is everything. If one thing I have learned is that if you go to work day in and day out with a sour attitude and not smiling, then you aren't going to be able to keep any job much at all. Instead everyone needs to go to work everyday with a positive attitude, being motivated and knowing that your work day each and every day is going to be fun. That way you'll keep a job or if unemployed this will get you a job quicker than anything. Just think of the exalting effect that positive thoughts and attitude has on not just you but others as well. Think about it all as you can inspire and motivate others on days when they need it. The natural outcome, the consequences of greatness of that which occurred. Negativity can strengthen or weaken you and even others around you. You can either reinforce or punish yourself. But with being positive in attitude you can have that stimulus package all in what you so desire. Friends stop running away from yourself, or else you'll never know what went well. It’s better to face than to run or hide any day of the week. Standing tall to face problems makes you more of a man or woman than running does. I have always heard that to run makes a coward out of a person, and in the end no one is proud. It is such a feeling to have know you won and that can have such excellence in heart to face anything that storms in your paths. Go ahead you have the green light to take what you long for a while as that is a new persona and outlook from you in spirit and heart all the way up the mountain to the lowest valleys and prairie. Once you have it all nothing can now divide your conquering the world. Not one hurdle will break or fall now. So now you stand upright and the overview looks very promising to you. Now your feedback will surely be positive from others including friends and family. As you have come the miles you know your own space. So now your own worth is all beautiful. Now your life has been redefined and you're on top of the world the rest of the way while everyone cheers you including you, except in the now and then that old sometimes seeps out a time or two but you sweep it all away. So you say to yourself from no own there's no way the world can bring you down ever again. So now your life the old has since long passed away and this the new person you is fully measured and you're exposed to the world in the most amazing heights you've not felt in so long of time. Self esteem issues and the desire to be accepted often crossed those many major barriers to your new motivation. On top of the world you now let the whole world recognize this your best accomplishment of all. You are this idea of the introduction of this something new and you have everyone wandering what it is about you that something is different to before, it is because you smile all the time now. You now develop new values for all those solutions. The old you would of not done such accomplishments, it would've just not gotten in the way and let things pass it on by, the old you feared and doubted. Whereas this new you has no doubts or fears which you conquered it all without blemishes. This new you which you like and are impressed with from top to bottom is now very inventive and aspired. The possibility for you to achieve in life is within your reach when you decide are optimistic. You are aware of the results you can have when you only trust your instincts and put a wide smile on your face. It is so important for you to take into consideration how your attitude can affect you. It's essential to be aware of how your positive thinking is able to put you on the straight path to success. You know, when you tend to be the kind of person who loves developing positive thinking in yourself, you are really lucky. For becoming optimistic

helps you to take risks that you need in order to enrich your personality. You can't accomplish much in your life if you make a decision to play it safe. And you will always try to be too safe and careful to achieve great things if you are afraid to welcome the new day with positive thinking in your mind. You see, optimism has the magic strength to improve those around you while pessimism drags them down. By implementing positive thinking, you automatically have the ability to attract other people who are willing to see the world in brighter colors. If you always complain about everything and think the worst, remember that choosing the optimistic attitude and positive thinking is the change in the right direction. It will only make you happier and more successful. A quick way to integrate optimism into your life is to begin your day with a positive thought. Strengthen your goals to pursue them. Constantly preserve your goals to reinforce them and never look back or down. Positive motion is a passion to helping people to change and feel better about themselves. Do this and you win too. It’s a motion that influences to others what transfers in function drives without slipping. You should be conditioned mentally and strengthened in spiritual aspects. You have to think on a daily basis and many of know this. Its a necessary requirement of epilog chronology for rest of life that requires. To me its important as a key element factor which is through unyielding intermediate pieces, or by direct contact, and not through connections. The friction directive. We all take risk like it or not. When you walk across the road you take a chance going to the other side. Or if I may say when we get into a car and start driving on the road our minds are constantly on thinking about accidents and not to have one to begin with. Therefore it helps a tool to keep us focused and driving straight on the roads or else you weave like you are some sort of drunk. It’s about the chances you take simple and to the points. All about that development risk comprehensive which is the aim to deliver first and last. Old wounds that hurt the past negative whether friends or family or by passing’s, we have to self-bandage up to compress over and over with again and again. We repeat this process over and over with. So why do this when you can ignore and go on to be positive, have a shield up against it never to influence you anymore, when you can do this all in one process which is to have solid booster attitude to be most positive. This will make others see that you are a special one of a kind person which is what I want to lastly share with you in these last few minutes of the book and that’s the ego. Your ego enables you. It’s the personality of you. Your ego is often the only thing you have that holds you together. Your ego helps support your positive attitude and positive thinking. The Ego Positive and Negative Life can be exactly as we want it to be, full of love, joy, success and abundance. The opportunities are there, handed to us. Its a proven fat that ego makes many fear you and doubt you. Folks its not what you have but what makes you that counts. Ego is what makes us as individuals. We are all born neutral. We learn as we grow up, it is at that point of life what we determine that makes us good or bad and how we apply it. It all depends on you and the way you express your feelings. It is amazing how many people actually believe that ego is a bad thing. Because when you help somebody, the ego feels very good, very, very good, because you are a great helper and the master of it. But truth of matter is that ego help you stay focused on pursuit of creating, and brings you to the clear situations of problems. It’s you the trait expressing. For some it’s a wish they would rather have which is not there except they get positive. Mode is the affirmations of ego and attitudes, affirmations will help you develop a natural and healthy self confidence. Your ego is the super structure model you either down or up in moods. Please do not be showbizistical or a show out. Stay as pleasant as you are now and in the long run you will

find yourself being the good person God created you to be. All children have dreams for their lives, and yet as adults we tend to forget those dreams and settle for doing things as adults. In old days, ego was seen as the cause for many of life's negative results or situations, but today that is no longer the case. In most spiritual traditions, the role of the ego-personality in the process of reaching enlightenment is, to a great extent underestimated and misunderstood. Unless we see clearly that the ego in itself is something absolutely positive and, as such, the only tool for arriving at higher levels of awareness, we have no way to understand the process of awakening. We tend to think that our being is simply divided into the mind and the no-mind. This is far too simplistic. Even when we go beyond the gross level of thinking, the mind is still functioning and the ability for self-relating is retained. This thing called ego is constantly accompanying the process of meditation and, allows us to create clarity and understanding. The art of resting within the stillness of our being, and the self-conscious movement of our intelligence are not separated from one another. Without the gentle checking of our state during meditation and cultivation in general, we would be unable to make any progress in the practice. This is the function of the ego. This concept is missing the elemental understanding that our body-mind operates as an alive and coherent organism of intelligence in a purposeful and meaningful way. The ego cannot be found anywhere as such, for the one looking for it - is the ego. It is too close to be found, but certainly it is always there. To define what the ego is, for it is not anything substantial. We would define ego as a self-conscious function of individualized consciousness capable of relating to its surroundings and itself in a centralized and intelligent manner. The ego is not an entity, but rather a unified field of identity - it is not fixated on a point, but operates within a spatial consciousness. It has many layers and many aspects. Ego, attitude, your thinking, your willing, the thinking and distinguishing which separates each part. In my experiences, I write this book because I believe what I know to be true. I know that I am not a social worker nor am a counselor nor am I a licensed Psychologist nor do I contend to express that I am one nor will I ever be. But for most part I do firmly believe that we spend to much money on going to such places and to psychologist too often when it is unnecessary to go to these so called professionals. I believe these are the two most wasted careers ever created. A complete waste of time. Ask yourself this friends why would you need the help of counselors and psychiatrist to get over problems when you have the power to heal yourself and the power to resolve by simply using the will power of your mind to resolve and turn your life around completely from worst to the best. That’s all you need. You are the ones who possess and hold this power no one else, no psychiatrist, no minister, and no counselor. Often these people for most parts make you worse off then when you went in there to begin with. See why do you waste this kind of time to have others do the healing, when you can heal yourself. Think about it? Ask yourself? Then search. The answer is inside you all along . See our ego can be divided into the positive and negative aspects of our identity. Imagine that your ego is a wheel you steer, you turn to any point breaking or holding together solid as a rock. If you hold it calmly ann focus it would bring you to save in a clear situation, but if you cannot choose the right way. In experience, think of your ego as the design process that's always present in that unanticipated difficulty to everyone, delaying production and introducing interpersonal stresses. You can sometimes feel extreme feelings in volume and less involved as the self-person being negative. The ego belongs to small-mindedness to be unable to bear either

honor or dishonor, either good fortune or bad, but to be filled with conceit when honored and puffed up. The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves. Don't get me wrong and I'm certainly not trying to get you confused and to even create a distortion of changes, I am though a neutral person in matters. I don't think it is good for your ego to be bigger than your shoe size. It is good to think good about yourself, and believe in yourself, and not let others hurt you. But see you can be better than you already are, in fact way improved in goals, aims, purpose, passions, desires, belief, accomplishing, career, and health. The list goes on. In fact in distinction, you are the division of the psyche that is conscious and spirit all of which are you not separated but equally living and breathing created as one unique ordinary individual, the total spirit person of you. Value yourself what you are today for tomorrows living. For you are the net worth every bit personal and soul mind too. You clearly make the lasting impressions of those affirmations of this new guidance you in paths and steps journeying throughout the ego as the part of personality that mediates between the demands of the id, superego, and reality. And yes there are numerous ways to improve on not just a seldom advance, but on a daily basis as well. See a positive you can influence on what should help your ego. A person with a good ego strength is able to effectively manage the pressures even from anyone trying to down you in negativity or jealousy for what you personally have cleansed out to be new in positivity and attitude. Yes it takes lots of courage to do and lead. Ego integrity is the result of the positive resolution of the final life crisis. Ego integrity is viewed as the key to harmonious personality development. Ones ego is the integrity viewed as the key to harmonious personality development, the results of life and end. You know our positive ego is the concept effect of the quality of life. It’s like an application analysis that impacts others. Ego integrity has a connection that is the process of finding meaning in life and death. Everyone has a sense of self despair in reviewing life the lack of a positive correlation, the positive resolution. I know for fact we have to be optimistic about everything we do or say or even trying. Ego integrity, an acceptance of self, both successes and failure. It implies a healthy psychological state. Despair often precedes ego-integrity. We have integrity when we are the good person we appear. Ego can help a person persist in spite of adversity. We expand our sense of identity to the soul, while maintaining the integrity of the ego. So go ahead feel good about yourself. Look in that once cracked broken mirror, sure you'll see what you see. But is it real, really you where and what the kind of person you want to be? Are you the positive person you need to be all the time everyday? Is your attitude Good or is it negative? You judge that. But remember the mirror deceives what you really are inside which is that beautiful person you are, the goodness you have to show for the positive person. You can accomplish anything you want out of life. The mirror always doesn't show what’s real, but it is only a reflection. So smile joyfully. Be happy for you are cheering the world on as the world is cheering you on while you are yet on top of the world at your highest prime. Ejoy life and always stay positive in attitude, spirit and heart. For you are just you. I hope many of you enjoy my books and especially my self help advice books. Chang remember is but a good thing as long as it’s for the better. You have to like yourself for you and that too is very important.

The Mirror not Always what you see Just reflects what you desire to be.

Then truth the inspiring what you really have. Love.

This is me the author of Cheering On The World, Cheyene Montana Lopez

Authors Retrospective Biography

I was born on November 8,1959 Piendmont,Alabama. I know not if it was it cold nor warm nor if fall or winter I was born of. I only know I was born in a house somewhere deep into the farmland valley areas. I know there was rolling hillsides and mountains is all. For most of my life I was raised up in a foster home where I loved and respected with values my foster parents who raised. My foster has since passed away back in October 1991. My foster mother bless her heart who I still love and cherish even today still lives and resides back in Gadsden Alabama at the age of 90 which I hope she lives many more years to come. I am Cheyene Montana Lopez. I was raised up on Lookout Mountain in the tiny farming community of Pleasant Valley on a small hundred acre farm with cattle and rolling hills where I felt forever free and became an avid advetnure. I love to hear nature with sounds of birds and soft winds blowing. I went to school at Collinsville High School in Collinsville Alabama where I played football, was most talented of my senior class in 1979 and graduated from. I went to college some. I also updated my education. Most of my living life, I worked mostly labour jobs. I have always tried to do my best at what I do because I believe in it. I feel honored to write what I write about as I put great pride and feel into my works. I hope you enjoy this my newest book a self help book about positivity and attitude as to how important it is for us to possess. I feel very fortunate that God has given me this opportunity to have written this book Cheering On The World so that I may be able to change any person who needs to be helped motivated or even inspired to change for the better before its to late.


God Bless,

Cheyene Montana Lopez

“ Thought For the Life”

“Positivity and worth in attitude should be your every desires aim to improve and learn day to day. Having this will get you into doors you seek and carry you through living in purpose. Your only reason you should need is for you and no one else. For only you matter.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.06.2013

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I give this book to all who feel they need help to know attitude and positivism is everything we do in life. So this book is to those of you whom need the help.

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