
Chapter 1

Taryn's P.O.V. (Reddness)
We were making breakfast, and Mika was smiling the whole time.

I nudged in the rib, "Stop smiling, you look like a clown!" Her face turned red.

"You know you look like a tomato!" I said in a loud whisper.

Hiro and Ky were carrying on a conversation looking back and forth at us. Mika was falling for him which not good. Just because they saved us, doesn't mean that they're on our side. They might know who we are, and they're just playing us.

I looked back at them they were obeserving at our hoverboards with awe-stricken faces.

"Hey, don't mess with those!" I yelled at them.

"Where did you get those?" Hiro asked, "I never seen a solar-powered hoverboard before."

I could tell that Hiro was into technology by the look on his fac. Mika had an expression on her face literally telling me, Here's your chance.

"I made them myself," I said with no emotion. Mika elbowed me hard.

"You made these!?" he said surprised.

"Yeah, why?" I was getting quite annoyed.

"I didn't know a fifteen-year-old could make such a thing. I thought you were just uneducated children who had fun all day." Hiro said.

"Actually we're pretty educated so think before you speak Mr. Hiro." By the time I was down finishing my lecture I was a few inches from his face. I smirked.

Mika called from behind me, "How do you know that I even have an education?"

I answered back, "I'm not a fool. I do my research before I do something as drastic as what I'm doing now!" Hiro and Ky were staring at me amazed.

"Well I'll ask next time before I ask something like that," he said putting his hands up.

"That's all I'm asking for."

Mika pulled me away from the group. "Your messing up your chance for a good boyfriend!" she cried.

"Look I'm not going to try to fall for someone I don't even know!"

She stared furiously at me. We walked back to the group.

"Why are you guys out here in the wild anyway? Don't you city kids know any better?" Ky asked. I glanced at Mika, and she sent me the same look.

Ky's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)

"Is it any of your business?" I asked in a rude manner.

"Woah," putting his hands up, "we were just wondering. It isn't normal just to see two girls out in the woods." Hiro walked in front of me blocking my view of Mika.

"We use to live in Province 1. We were transfered to Province 10 to perform a mission."

I walked back in front of him and said, "We live here now because we were trying to go back to Province 1, but our hoverboards broke down."

"How come you can't just walk?" asked Mika.

Then Hiro walked in front of me again and answered, "We would, but it's too dangerous. The government has censors for any run-aways."

"They're ignorant not to know we have any hoverboards."

"Because it is mainly the Infractions who run away. You have seen how hard there lives are." I said running in front of my brother.

"My dad was Infraction," Mika said looking sadly at the ground.

"What happened?" all three of us said in unison.

"He didn't commit anything! He just...," her eyes started to water, "I'm sorry I just need a little fresh air." Then she walked out of our "campgrounds".

"You know you are in fresh air already." Hiro pointed out.

Taryn snickered and, I sent them a "shut-up" look. I walked out where she was crying and sat down with her. It was three minutes of complete silence until Mika spoke up.

"You didn't have to save us you know," still staring off into the clouds.

"Maybe we wanted to,"

"What do you mean?" Then her face turned to me. Her hazel eyes staring into my soul.

"Because we know you."

Chapter 2

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
When I arrived at home I bolted to the door and went inside. When my eyes spotted Shimmer I ran up to her and nearly tackled the poor thing. She had more of my dad's features; dark brown hair with chocolate eyes.

"Mika! Are you trying to kill me!"

"Long story short but I am going to run away with a friend I just met. She has no love for the government. We are planing to travel to Province 10 to inform their government what horrendous things are happening here. On the way we will cure others that have been brainwashed," I said this all in three seconds.

"And when is this event going to happen?"


"Now?! But.... wait... you can't just go all of a sudden!" Shimmer creating a crescendo with her tone.

"Shimmer, we need to do this as soon as we can before Province 1 crumbles into ashes!" I cried.


I was taken back. Shimmer never yelled at me before. We have always had our fights but one like this before. Everything just shattered inside me. Then my answer finally came out.

"Yes." And then I fledged out the door.

Taryn's P.O.V (Reddness)
I rushed to my closet and packed all my stuff which included: two solar-powered hoverboards and forty dried food packets. All I had to pack is water, rope, and a solar-powered water purifier. I put everything into my backpack.

The first thing that popped into my mind was to make an illusion for others to think I'm here, when I'm not. I grabbed a body pillow and laid it under the covers. Then I put heating pads under pillow so they would see heat with their heat detector. I ran over to my dresser and got a brush and a pack of hairbands. The only thing in my head was for Mika to get here soon. I only had to wait a couple minutes before my whole body was shaking. Then I remembered that I could find her in the hologram book. I walked over and looked up Mika.

"Wow! that's a lot of Mika's" I said under my breath. I typed in Mika, Province 1. It popped up two results. I found her photo and clicked on her name.

Name: Mika Fitzgerald
Province: 1
Hologram number: 6509

"Got it," I mumbled to myself.

I hologramed her. "Hurry up I got everything. I even made you a solar-powered hoverboard so don't bring yours. Oh and don't try to contact me on this number for I'm going to destroy my hologram. Just be ready for a long and dangerous adventure. Bye!"

I finished my hologram and waited for what felt like days.

Finally, I heard a knock on my window.

"Ready?" she asked.

I looked her straight in the eye. "Ready."

I handed her a solar powered hoverboard. We flew and flew until we got to the edge of the Province 1 border. We crossed over it and the alarms went off. Four officials appeared behind us on hoverboards. Hoverboards that were so... perfect!

No one had ever seen an offical crew before because no causes trouble here. They looked so different. Like beautiful beings from another planet. Like you felt guilty causing trouble. We got so far out of their reach they gave up on chasing us. They have thought we would be back begging for their forgiveness, but no. We weren't coming back for anything.

Chapter 3

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
As we soared through the cloudy, polluted skies. I said goodbye to Province 1 and Shimmer. All I could think about was my horrible fight with Shimmer. I wonder what she is doing right now? Probably reading one of her romance books.

"Look, I think I can see the forest border!" Taryn pointed out.

I'm finally glad to see some good come out of this. The sun was just about peeking over the horizon so we both knew we would have to camp out in the woods for tonight.

Once we landed Taryn said, "We need to start a first, but it has to be small enough for it to be unrecognizable for the officials."

I gathered some firewood. Taryn had already laid out our tent and sleeping bags.

"I guess that will be enough for the night," she said smoothing out the wrinkles in the sleeping bags.

She took the firewood and made a pile. She took out two sticks and rubbed them together.


Her wrist started dripping blood. I snatched the two sticks out of her injured hands, broke them in half, and threw them in the pile of cold firewood.

"What did you do that for?" she said while trying to stop the bleeding with her sleeve.

"You'll see." I said displaying a clever smile on my face. My eyes went straight to my cell phone. How would a cell phone even get service out her.

I took the battery out of it and grabbed some lint from my pack. I placed the lint on the very top of the pile and took the negative side of the battery and gently danbbed it on the lint. It only took two seconds for a fire to start.

"You may be the smart one, but I know some things about the wild too," I said putting my hands by my hips. She scowled at me and warmed her hands by the fire.

Shimmer's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
"Wait... Mika... I didn't mean it."

I nearly ran after her, but my instincts told me not to. I sat down on the couch and flopped to my bookmarking in "Romeo and Juliet". After reading the first two pages, shock hit me.

Mika is gone.

Chapter 4

Taryn's P.O.V (Reddness)
We decided to stop and go to sleep. We sleepily went in the tent.

"Did you bring me a sleeping bag?" I asked. "No. Gosh you get everything but something to sleep on!" Mika cried.

"Well I'm sorry I can't think of everything" I stated back.

We didn't talk about anything that night. We should probably get along more because who knows how much time we will be together. Finally, we went to sleep. I slept akwardly against a tree. Mika feel asleep in the tent curled up like a baby. I had an endless sleep. It was wonderful.

The next morning, Mika and I woke up to a muffled cry. I snapped my eyes open quick as lightning. I found two-mouth watering guys fighting officials. I looked at Mika, and she looked at me. My eyes went straight to a taser.

I mouthed to her "Tase the official!" She shook her head no. I grabbed the taser and carefully crept up to one of the officials. As if a lighting bolt went through the official, he fell to the ground.

One of the boy quickly got off of him. I saw one of the boys go over to Mika and helped her up. I was too busy watching the both of them to notice another boy in front of me.

"Hi, my name is Hiro!" he said putting out his hand. I tenderly took his hand.

"Oh," I said coming out a trance, "I'm...umm... Taryn."

He helped me up. I turned and look at Mika who was blushing her head off. It was pretty funny!
"What are you looking at?" Hiro asked. He caught my gaze. "Oh yeah! He's pretty good with the ladies."

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
There he was, standing right there. A hero I should call. Dark brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. I liked him. And here I was, sitting on the ground like a dork as pink as bubblegum.

He walked up to me and said, "I could use some help next time you know."

I nodded. Really Mika! All you do is nod.

"You have a great smile."
Instead of nodding I spoke up," Thanks, but I don't even know your name."

"Ky." he said. His voice as smooth as silk.

"Ky." I whispered back to myself. "My name's Mika," I said putting out my hand.

He shook it and then a shock wave went through me. This was something that I have never felt before. I have liked other guys but not like him. He was so gentle and sweet. Was this something more than liking him? Before the thought processed through my brain, I noticed Taryn standing by the other guy.

She seemed a little awkward. Almost if she liked him but not like, like him.

Finally I blurted out, "Shouldn't we be making breakfest. You two seem like you could be hungry."

"We are starving." Hiro said jokingly falling to the ground.

"Oh come on Hiro, get up." Ky called to Hiro. As Taryn and I were making the breakfast I couldn't stop smiling. Is he the one?

I tried not to think about it too much so I wouldn't jinx it. Was this too good to be true? Will we grow up and get...

I stopped myself and just concentrated on producing a good breakfast.

Chapter 5

Taryn's P.O.V. (Reddness)
We were making breakfast, and Mika was smiling the whole time.

I nudged in the rib, "Stop smiling, you look like a clown!" Her face turned red.

"You know you look like a tomato!" I said in a loud whisper.

Hiro and Ky were carrying on a conversation looking back and forth at us. Mika was falling for him which not good. Just because they saved us, doesn't mean that they're on our side. They might know who we are, and they're just playing us.

I looked back at them they were obeserving at our hoverboards with awe-stricken faces.

"Hey, don't mess with those!" I yelled at them.

"Where did you get those?" Hiro asked, "I never seen a solar-powered hoverboard before."

I could tell that Hiro was into technology by the look on his fac. Mika had an expression on her face literally telling me, Here's your chance.

"I made them myself," I said with no emotion. Mika elbowed me hard.

"You made these!?" he said surprised.

"Yeah, why?" I was getting quite annoyed.

"I didn't know a fifteen-year-old could make such a thing. I thought you were just uneducated children who had fun all day." Hiro said.

"Actually we're pretty educated so think before you speak Mr. Hiro." By the time I was down finishing my lecture I was a few inches from his face. I smirked.

Mika called from behind me, "How do you know that I even have an education?"

I answered back, "I'm not a fool. I do my research before I do something as drastic as what I'm doing now!" Hiro and Ky were staring at me amazed.

"Well I'll ask next time before I ask something like that," he said putting his hands up.

"That's all I'm asking for."

Mika pulled me away from the group. "Your messing up your chance for a good boyfriend!" she cried.

"Look I'm trying for fall for someone I don't all the way trust." Mika looked at me really mad at me. We walked back to the group. "Why are you guys out here in the wild anyway, don't you city kids know better" Ky said. I looked at Mika, and she looked at me.

Ky's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
"Well is that any of your business." I asked in a rude manner. "Well you might as well tell us since we are the only one's you have
met out in this forest." My brother walked in front of me blocking my view of Mika. "We use to live in Province 1. They sent us to Province 10 to work there." Then I walked back in front of him and said, " We live here now because we were trying to go back to
Province 1, but our hoverboards broke down."

"How come you can't just walk?" asked Mika. Then Hiro walked in front of me again and said, " We would but it is to dangerous. The government has censors for any run-aways." "There stupid enough not to know we have any hoverboards." "Because it is mainly the Infractions who run away. You have seen how hard there lives are." I said running in front of my brother. "My dad was Infraction." Mika said looking sadly at the ground.

"What happened?" all three of us said in unison. "He didn't commit anything! Okay! If anyone has anything against it I will fade your heart out!" she said threateningly holding out the taser in her quaint, little hand. "What am I doing!" she said dropping the taser, " I am sorry I just need a little fresh air." Then she walked out of our "campgrounds". "You know you are in fresh air already." Hiro pointed out.

Taryn laughed at him and I sent them a "shut-up" look. I walked out where she was crying and sat down with her. It was three minutes of complete silence until Mika spoke up. "You didn't have to save us you know." Still staring off into the clouds. " Maybe we wanted to." "What do you mean?" Then her face turned to me. Her hazel eyes staring into my soul. "Because we know you."

Chapter 6

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
My eyes widen opened a mile wide. "How?" I asked. " Remember in 6th grade, we were paired up to lab partners." Ky answered. I thought back.

"Class I will now pair you with your partners. Xander and Aeron, Ky and Mika..." " I looked at Ky and he smiled at me. I smiled back. "Okay now run along to your partners and work on the next class assignment." "Yes Mrs. Lavender. " The class said in unison.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Well ever since I first laid eyes on you, I couldn't stop thinking about you." He leaned in closer. " Okay." So much for a reply. And right before our lips touched an official tracked was flying in our direction.

Chapter 7

Taryn's P.O.V. (Reddness)

Great Mika just left me alone with Hiro. What else can go super bad. I don't maybe that Mika is with Ky alone, and we all know that she has a major crush on Ky. "Uhg can any thing else go wrong!" I said in my head. "What?" Hiro asked. "Oh sorry that was supposed to be in my head not out loud. Hiro just chuckled. He walked closer to me. "Why don't you like me?" I was quite shocked. I always have been the girl that was no computation for any of the other girls. I always have been the tough wallflower in the orphanage.

"I don't know maybe I barely know you!" I screamed at him. "You want to know me." he said calmly. I don't know how he is talking so calmly. If I were him I would be freaking out by now. "Here you go I was born in Province 1, Ky is my brother, my dad is dead, and I'm in love with you." he said. I was completely shocked. "Why are you trying to go back to Province?" I asked. I was trying to avoid that he said he was in love with me. "We're were going back for a better life." I was shocked do they not now about how horrible they are? I wondered.

He must have saw how shocked I was. "Why are you so shocked I thought Province 1 was the best place to live?" he said questionably. "Are you kidding me." "Oh well its been a while since Province 10 got any news from any other Province for a while." "I don't care about that anymore." he said, getting closer. I stepped back. He kept on walking towards me. I kept on walking back. He grabbed my shoulder, and sparks flew threw my body. Mika and Ky came back. Thank god.

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
Right before I could even think, Ky grabbed my hand and we flew to our campgrounds. "Guys, come on! The officials are coming our way!" Everyone started their personal belongings. I grabbed my hoverboard and turned it on. "Come on, come on, come on!" O said while banging my hand against it. "Ky you can ride with me!" Then he stood behind me and held on tightly to my shoulders.

"All is for himself Taryn! Sorry!" Taryn was still trying to turn on her hoverboard. "Shouldn't we go help them?" asked Ky. "She knows how to handle it." When we found a place safe, we set back up our campgrounds and waited for Taryn and Hiro to arrive. An hour must have gone by and they still weren't here. "They've been taken." claimed Ky. "No. We just have to wait patiently until they come. I started furiously biting my fingernails. Another hour flew by and it we knew that Taryn and Hiro were taken by the government.

Chapter 8

Taryn's P.O.V (Reddness)

My hoverboard wouldn't come on. "How come it's not working?" Hiro asked. "It hasn't charged. I used it all yesterday." Officials started to surround us. Ky and Mika's is brand new." All of the official surrounded us. Hiro's first reaction was to push me behind him. "We found you Hiro, and we have a bonus guys the little orphan that ran away, where is Ky and Mika guys. "We don't know!" he said with venom in his words. I was shocked by Hiro he has always been loving and caring. I never heard him be so mean. "Take them!" the same official screamed! I just let them get me, while Hiro was punching and kicking them.

I knew they were going to get us at some point, but I never expected it to be Hiro. I thought it would be Mika. All I care about
is I know that Mika and Ky are safe. They put us in a floating car and took off. I was closer to Hiro as I could get. Right in the middle of that moment I realize Hiro didn't run off and leave me when the officials came he stayed and protected me. I realize he does love me and I have been a jerk to him, and that I love him. Maybe Mika was right, we should trust them. Hiro put a arm around me. Hiro is very protective I thought to my self. The leader I'm guessing came over to Hiro and I.

"So Hiro what are you doing with that little rat of a fugitive?" he evilly. "Oh let me introduce my self my name is Adrian" he said. All I did was stare at him. They couldn't arrest me, because all I did was leave the border. I haven't done anything totally wrong. We finally landed. The side doors came open. Adrian grabbed Hiro and I by out arms. They lead us down a hallway. I had no idea what Province we were in. They took us in a metal room with two chairs right beside each other. The put Hiro in one and me in the other. They tied us with rope to the chair. Adrian had my hoverboard. "Too bad this wasn't charged, you could've of lead us to the others" he said with a smirk. He threw my hoverboard across the room. It didn't even get a scratch. He got mad. He was trying to destroy it, but to bad it's indestructible.

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
"Well we can't go after them now because one: we don't have enough energy, especially if we have to fight off some officials and 2: we don't know where they are," Ky said intently. "You are right on that part. Maybe if my sister Shimmer were here she could help us." I
said. Then I thought of what I packed. "Wait! I may have packed my hologrammer!" Then I ran to my pack and furiously searched for my hologrammer. I began just throwing stuff that wasn't my hologrammer out of my pack.

Ky had to dodge a few items then and now. "Be careful woman or you are going to injure me!" "Sorry!" Then finally I found it. I typed in Shimmer's hologram number and waited, patiently, for an answer. Her faced popped up. "Who is it!" she said grumpily. "Shimmer I don't have much time, but I need to know how I would find another person." "Mika is that you oh…" I stopped her, "Shimmer we don't have time!"

"Okay," she began to put her thinking face on, "do you have anything similar, something connected. "Our hoverboards. They are bother solar-powered." I said excitedly. "Well if you hold it in a certain position you should be able to feel some magnitude." I noticed Ky was already holding it in certain positions. "Oh by the way this is Ky. His brother is with Taryn who are the people we are trying to search for." "You better get off or the government could track us again." "Bye Shimmer." I waved heartily to her and closed it.

"Wait I think I have something!" A smile began to form on my face. "Wait no." Then it sadly faded away. "We better eat some dinner and then go to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Then I winked at him. So we both are going to sleep in the tent?" Ky asked. I nodded. "Together?" "Unless you want to sleep outside." " Tent is fine." Then we both ate dinner and slept together like babies.

Chapter 9

Taryn's (Reddness)

Adrian got mad, and walked out the door. Hiro looked at me, I was looking at the floor. "You ok?" Hiro asked. "I'm fine," I said. I was still staring at the floor. I was lost for the first time I had no idea what to do. "Your not. Okay, trust me I know you," he said. "No you don't! I screamed. "Hey you remember those to shy kids in the back of class in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, that was me and Ky. You always got yelled at by the teachers, and Mika was like a perfect angel. You were the bad girl in class, and you still are," He chuckled.

I looked at him funny, he was there the whole time. The whole time was growing up. "When the teachers said you need your parents to sign a hologram, you would yell at the teacher saying, "I don't have a parent!" He looked over at me, and smiled. Adrian walked back in the room with two big buff men. "Untie the fugitives, and make sure they don't escape!" Adrian said walking back in the door. The big buff men untied us and walked out. I'm pretty sure they are outside the door so we don't escape. Hiro and I looked at each other. "I hope Mika and Ky get here soon," I whispered to Hiro. He nodded in response.

Ky's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
I woke up in the morning to the smell of breakfast. When I crawled out of our tent, Mika was sitting there by the holographic grill cooking sasauge and eggs. "How long have you been awake?" I said trying to keep my eyes open. "I don't know? Maybe a few hours or so." Mika said. "Is that what I smell?" "Yep. Sasauge and eggs." " I haven't ate that in ages." I said. "Neither have I. But before we left
Taryn snuck some of the officials food packets." "Sweet. So are they almost done?" I asked. "Now they are." Mika said and then turned off the holographic grill.

She quickly grabbed some plates and evenly divided the food amongst us. "Woah, woah, woah. Hold up there. That is not even." Then I accusingly pointed to the "uneven" portion of eggs on my plate. "Yes it is." she said. "No it is not give me some." Then I tried to appoint somemore eggs on my plate with my fork but then she ran away laughing. "Oh no you don't!" Then I ran after her and grabbed her. "No stop, stop!" she said practically in between laughs. We both fell down laughing and her food stayed right in place as if they were glued on there.

We realized that we were on top of one another looking into each other's eyes. "Sorry..." Mika said while blushing and then got off me. We ate in silence together. "Well I guess we better get back to finding the magnetic direction again." "Sure." I said in agreement.

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
I grabbed the hoverboard and started putting it in directions." "I got a little more magnetism doing this." Then we put his hands over my hands on the hoverboard and helped me. "Yes. I can totally feel a difference." I said while lightly blushing. Ten minutes later we were left with nothing until... "Wait what is the hovernoard doing?" It was pulling toward a direction. "I think we found our signal." Ky said while holding on tightly. Our feet were dragging on the ground trying to keep the hoverboard still.

Then it flew out of our hands into the air and pointed towards the direction we held it in. It came back down in our hands and pulled up a holographic sheet reading:

Direction: Southeast
Location: Province 3
Time: 1 hour

"I think we found it." Ky whispered in my ear. I nodded.

Chapter 10

Taryn's P.O.V. (Reddness)

I woke up to yells and a lot of hits against the door. I poked Hiro trying to wake him, then I shook him. He still didn't wake up. I pulled his hair. "Ow, ow, ow!" he said over and over. I laughed at him. We both got serious when we heard a lot banging on the door. I got up and yelled, " Who is it!" I heard Mika laugh at the other side of the door. I opened the door. "What a surprise to visit us at this hour" I smiled. Mika and I hugged. "Nice to see you again Taryn." Mika said so happily. Ky walked in with bloody knuckles. I could feel Hiro resting his chin on my head. It sent tingles through me. "Aww, look at you two!" Mika said very loudly. Ky just stared at Hiro like he was a different person.

I left the small group, and walked over to the hoverboard that Adrian threw across the room. I put the hoverboard on charge mode without him noticing. I got picked it up and walked back over. "Ok I'm ready," I said. We all ran out of the door. We got out of the building, but there were two officials and Adrian. Adrian was smirking at me. "Who is that!" Mika screamed. "Oh him he is just my new best friend" I said sarcastically back at her. Hiro and Ky were trying to be the protective boyfriends they wanted to be. I got out of the grasp of Hiro. I ran toward Adrian, and kneed him in the side. Since I am small, I have a advantage of being fast. Adrian screamed in pain. I got to his back before he noticed, and elbowed him. He fell on his hands. Hiro and Ky looked at me amazed. Mika just looked very shocked. I got on my hoverboard. Hiro got on there after me. He squeezed my side so hard.

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
Right before we were going to take off into the clouds we heard someone call after us. "Hey over here." We all turned around at once and before our eyes laid a girl, almost like a rag doll for the way she's been treated. "Please... take me with you. I will do anything. Just, please, take me with you." Ky walked over and examined her closely. He looked up at us and said, "She seems harmless to me."

"What's your name?" I asked as gently as I could thinking my voice could break her fragile body. "Amaya. I have been here for two years. I was an infraction in Province 1 and I tried to run away. They caught me right before I could cross the border to freedom." I felt my eyes welling with tears, but I blinked them back before they could escape my eyes. We just looked around at each other and decided our answer. "Yes Amaya, we"ll take you in."

Chapter 11

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
"Do we have enough room on our hoverboards for her to ride?" I asked Taryn. "Yes. I made the hoverboards to retract," Hiro started playing around with her hoverboard trying to retract it, "just in case we picked any little memebers along the way." "And you didn't tell us 'til now." Hiro said pouting. Taryn gave him a little push still keeping her eyes on me. "Hey I'm sorry. It was just a little
crowded." he said putting his hands up.

I saw Amaya had come back with some valuables of hers. "You don't mind, do you." My eyes felt wet again until I shook them away. "No. You can bring anything." I wanted to give her a hug so badly. "Here you can ride with us." Hiro said. "Make sure she is in the middle." I wanted her to be safe.

Chapter 12

Taryn's P.O.V. (Reddness)

"Hey she looks like me!" I said happily. Everyone stared at me. "You literally just got kidnapped, and your so happy that I have never seen anybody like you!" Mika said trying to explain to me. Amaya laughed at me. "You two act like sisters!" she said laughing while trying to talk. Mika and I looked at each other and smiled. We finally got back to the cave Mika and Ky were hiding in.

The boys left to get more water. "I know you two." Amaya said. "What do you mean?" I asked her. I was very confused. I know she is from Province 1, but Province 1 is huge. "I'm a year younger than you two, I was also an orphan." Then I remembered an orphan had tried to escape. I looked at Mika like "Does she know our plan?" She looked at me too.

Chapter 13

Mika's P.O.V.
It was this feeling of this "Amaya" that I couldn't recognize. I never discovered that it was love. A sisterly love. Something that I have never felt of Shimmer. She almost represented the sister that I never had. "Do you have name of this group." Amaya said making quotations with her fingers of the word "group". "Unfortunately we don't." Ky answered. "Well maybe I can think of something." Then she turned to the fire and warmed her delicate hands.

I turned to Taryn and Hiro playing around. Taryn was throwing toilet paper at him while Hiro trying to make a shield with his
hands. "Ha ha ha!" "Oh no you don't!" Then Hiro tried to grab Taryn by the waist..... but failed. He fell down in a five foot wide mud puddle. Taryn laughed so hard at him she went limp and the mud puddle with a plop. Hiro grabbed her and gave her a "mud-
bath". "Stop it Hiro!" Taryn said practically between laughs.

"Guys! We need that toilet paper! For personal reasons!" Ky said intently. Hiro and Taryn's mouths shut instantly. They went to go wash off trying to keep in their laughs. They let out a few snickers of two, but when they were of sight they let it all out. I looked at Ky and we both thought the same thing.

Chapter 14

Taryn's P.O.V (Reddness)

When Ky yelled at us we were both covered in mud. The toilet paper was soaked in mud. "What do you think your doing ruining our toilet paper!" Ky yelled at us. Wesat down like we were toddlers getting scolded. To me, both of us were right. We were acting like toddlers. I looked over at Hiro. He was trying to hold back a laugh. Ky pushed Hiro over.

I burst our laughing. Ky was fuming. I got up, and ran over to the bags. "Look," I said, "More toilet paper!" Ky looked at us, and then the toilet paper. He stomped off. Hiro and I were still laughing. I walked back over to him, and he tripped me. I wound up on his lap. He stared at me. I looked away and blushed. He turned my head and kissed me. I was shocked, but I didn't stop him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled apart. He smiled. "So you do like me?" he said. I looked him in the eyes, "I like you a lot!" He looked at me, and smiled again. I wiped the mud that was on my hand against his check

By that time Mika, Amaya, and Ky walked right in. Mika raised her eyebrows at us. At first I didn't know why she was raising her eyebrows at us for, but then I realize the position we were in. I slid in his lap, and blushed.

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
I was jealous. Jealous of Taryn's and Hiro's "moment". I tried to act like it was nothing. I ate dinner in silence. I washed the dishes in silence. I went to bed in silence. The very next morning Taryn and Hiro were playing around, again. Hiro was tickling Taryn and then Hiro grabbed a hold of her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Even that hurt me. I looked at Ky giving Amaya her breakfast. He looked over at me and smiled.

I smiled back, but not genuinely. Not that I didn't like him. I was almost... mad at him. For not making "a move". If only the officials never came. Just one kiss, one little kiss. That's it! I ate my breakfast beside Amaya and asked about her. "Well I am 11 years old and I don't know my parents at all. I had a sister though! But she died of hunger." My smile that formed on my face melted away. "Oh and I figured out a name for your "group"." She again said group making quotations with her fingers.

"What is it?" I asked. "Universum." "Universum?" "It's German for nature." Then all made sense. "Attention everybody! We are running out of food!" Ky said. "What!" everyone said at once. "We news to get to the nearest facility or such to get woke food." We packed everything and searched.

Chapter 15

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
"Hey look! I can see government headquarters! There is bound to be food there!" Hiro pointed to the left. "And don't forget toilet paper!" Ky reminded. "Will you just stop on the toilet paper issue!" Taryn said annoyed. "Well we..." Taryn stopped him. "Yeah we need it for "personal reasons"." "Oh just shut up Taryn!" I yelled. She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. "I'm sorry Taryn I didn't mean it." But she flew away in the opposite direction. "Wait up!" I was about to turn but Ky stooped me. "Just leave her alone. She'll come back." We landed behind a thick brush of trees and sneaked in through the window.

I was going through the stash of their "stuff" when my eyes met the ones of another. I turned red and went back out the window with nothing. "Did you get toilet paper?" One look at him told him that I was not successful. Later we turned to where Taryn was. She didn't speak a word. Suddenly something landed from the sky. It was a packet of food and toilet paper. There was a note that read:
"Looks like you forgot something."
"I think we've made a new friend." I said out loud. Then I smiled.

Chapter 16

Taryn's P.O.V. (reddness)
I left them without saying one word. I ran to a tree, and sat under it for what seemed like forever. Somehow they found me siting under a tree. Mika looked at like she was about to speak, but a bag of food fell from the sky. I realized that I had eaten mushroom. I looked at Mika funny. "Looks like we made a new friend!" she said. Then a man fell from the sky. "Wow why is there so many peopleand things falling from the sky!" I said smiling a little too big. Everyone looked at me weird. "Taryn are you okay?" Hiro asked. "I ate a mushroom" I said giggling. Ky looked beside me, and saw that there was a big match of mushrooms beside me. He looked me in the eye. "You ate a mushroom that make you a little to happy" he said starring at me. Hiro smiled at me. "I told you this is why we don't leave her alone" Mika explained. The new guy smiled. "I think we are going to be good friends" I said in my head smiling in my head. Well I think I said it in my head. He smiled. "Taryn!" Mika said snapping at me.

I stared at her in shock, I giggled. "What?" I said looking at her funny. "You don't just go up to somebody, and say we are going to be good friends!" she said scolding me. "I think we should go know" Ky said. Hiro picked me up, and put me on his back. I giggled again. "You have muscles" I said feeling his arm. Everyone looked at me. Hiro just chuckled. We left on our boards. The dude brought two boards. Amaya road on one of the new guy's board. You know I should really learn his name. "Hey knew guy whats your name!" I screamed over the wind. "Aerek" he said chuckling. "Ahhh nice name" I said sighing.

We finally got back to the cave we have been in. We all got in to the cave. I noticed we didn't have enough sleeping bags. "Hey Aerek you can use my bag tonight" I said. My vision started to get less blurry. You could tell my eyes were still focusing. "Hey I think she is coming back" Mika said. "Whats going on." "You ate a funky mushroom!" Hiro said. I noticed that Hiro had a roll of toilet paper in his hand. I eyed him suspiciously. He gave me a cheeky smile. Mika was watching us. Ky was talking to Aerek about some computer talk. Even though I understood everything that they were saying I didn't let them know that. I got up, and so did Mika and Amaya. We walked over to the toilet paper. We both picked up about two rolls in each hand.

We tried to be as quite as we could be. I screamed, "toilet paper fight." Aerek seemed shocked. He had that face like he was a lost puppy. Ky looked at us like we were crazy. We started pelting him with toilet paper. When were done. Ky gave us an extra long speech about how misusing toilet paper is going to be against the rules. We all looked like we were getting a speech at school. While Aerek was watching us very amused. "Gosh you guys are like a family Mika is like the mom, Ky your like the strict dad, Amaya and Taryn are like the two kids, and Hiro is like Taryn's boyfriend" he said so surprised. "You got one of those right" I mumbled under my breath, but some how he heard me. He starred at me in shock. "You two are sisters" he said eying us suspiciously. "No," I stated, "Me and Hiro are dating!" He was caught off guard.

"I think we should go to sleep" I said. We all nodded. I noticed that Ky and Mika snuck of some where. I smiled to myself I had idea what they were doing. 'But I don't have a bed" Aerek said whining like a baby. I threw my sleeping bag at him. I went over to the bags, and got out a cover. I walked back over to Hiro's sleeping bag. He looked at me. I smiled I unzipped the sleeping back, and pulled it out to get it as long as it could get. He smiled at me. I lied down on. I looked around everyone was asleep. Well everyone but Ky and Mika they were gone some where. There was only one lantern on, and i was mine beside the Hiro's sleeping bag. Hiro came over, and laid beside me. I put the cover over us. He pulled me as close as he could get me to him. We feel asleep like that. The last thought that came to my head was "I hope Mika and Ky come back soon."

Chapter 17

Mika's P.O.V. (porcelainedoll)
Before my body laid down for sleep, Ky took my hand and ran to where, I don't know.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked laughing.


I let him lead me to whereever he wanted. I trusted him. I tried to keep up with him as much as I could. At times I would trip over a rock or branch, but his speed got me back on my feet.

"We're almost there." he called back to me.

We ran another five minutes until he stopped in front of a big boulder.

"Ummmm... what is this?"

He pushed his hand in the very middle of the boulder. A shining light blinded me as we walked inside. It took me only a second to realize where we really were.

Chapter 18

Taryn's P.O.V. (Reddness)
I woke up facing Hiro. He was smirking like he took another step to me liking him. I punched him in the arm. I got up, and looked around the cave. I couldn't find Mika or Ky. Ironically, Ky walks in with puffy eyes and red checks.

"Are you ok?" asked Hiro. He looked Hiro in the eyes like he committed murder.

"Where is Mika?" I asked getting worried.

"You didn't," Hiro said, "I thought we were going to wait for that." I was very confused.
"We might as well tell her."

"When you and Mika escaped, Hiro and I were sent to find you to gain your trust and send you back. To face your punishments," Then I remembered my field trip to the slave facility. I shook all over. "We realized we were in love with you two."

"You're Province 1 spies how can we forgive you!" I said with tears coming from my eyes. I jumped on Ky, "You monsters!"

Aerek woke up.

"What is going on in here!" I kept on pounding on Ky's back. I got off of him. I ran over to Hiro. I pushed him hard in the chest.

"You lied to me. You cheesy, little skunk bag!" Aerek pulled me to his chest. Even though I didn't know him that long I felt a life-long connection with him. I was sobbing in his chest.

"Again, what is going on here?" he asked like a father. Aya was wide awake wondering what the heck was happening.

"We're Province 1 spies, and Ky gave up Mika," Ky said with watery eyes knowing she would ask.

Everyone's eyes were looking straight in my direction. I hate this feeling.Where you feel like no one has any love for you. I've had it so many times. That's what I feel like.

"Are you going to save her," I looked up and looked at Hiro and Ky with hatred.

Hiro's P.O.V (Reddness)

I hate this look that I'm getting from Taryn. I love her, and Ky ruined it with his stupid work ethic. Every time she looks at us, all we see is hatred

"We are going to save her," Taryn demanded. But she is still the same strong-willed girl.


Texte: M.E. & T.O.
Bildmaterialien: T.O.
Lektorat: Judy Collela
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.01.2013

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