
Chapter 1

Ariana P.O.V

Ever since mom's friend Tanya son died,she's been here every day of the week! And i don't want to be mean and say leave cause i mean her son just died. She had 3 before but when older one got shot in a drive by shooting she left New York and came here to Georgia to preserve her two others. I haven't met them yet but mom said one is around my age. I herd mommy's car drive into the drive way. It was Sunday so she probably just came from church. I don't go to church. I lost my faith in god a long time a go "Hey baby" my mom said with a smile as she entered the house * Tanya right behind her :( *. i glanced at her and turned my head back to the TV. She sighed then spoke " do you need anything for school? or are you hungry?" aww my poor mother thinks i actually need something from her! "if i needed something from you i would of asked, but then again your not that important to be on my mind" i said walking out of the room. Okay,Okay that was cold but she deserved it. I mean if she thinks she walk out of my life and come back like shit sweet she got life fucked up. I went up stairs and went in my closet. I began to choose my outfit for school tomorrow . i chose a white tank top that showed of my chest a little with a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans with my white air forces.Simple. i changed in to my pajamas, laid in my bed and fell into an rest lest sleep.

Chapter 2

Jamal P.O.V

I woke to the smell of my moms pancakes.I swiftly turned my head to the clock and saw it was 7:21 "shit" i said to my self .this new school stated at 7:45. i quickly showered and got dressed in a white V-neck t shirt with grey baggy jeans.i put on my shoes before rushing down the hall and in to the kitchen. "Hey sweetie" my mom said through a forced smile. I could see the sags under her eyes from not sleeping and her eyes were red and bloodshot from crying. I wonder if mom really thinks moving here would solve things. I mean people die every where and you can't do shit about it. The thought of death reminded me of my brother, Jaelyn. I looked up to him he was like my hero.... and even though we were only 2 years apart, I always thought of him as my dad because.... i never had one. I cried for days when he died and i still do. I glanced up to my mother then nodded.We wouldn't want to break my perfect record for not speaking to her in over 2 weeks now would we? It's easier not talking because if you don't talk people won't here the sadness in your voice so therefore you won't have to here their stupid, fake, pity. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair. Before i could feel guilty and speak i walked out the door and headed to school.The walk was long and i missed the bus but i wanted to walk anyway and get a look at this hell hole. It was a nice community that i could admit but i would never tell mom that- that is if i ever speak.

Chapter 3

Ariana P.O.V.

I walked in to

school hearing whispers and rumors about some new boy. I turned to my best friend Ashlee and spoke " Who's this new kid every body takin' 'bout??" i asked pushing my thick black hair out of the way. I have long hair that flowed pass my back and a little bit pass my butt.If you looked at me from a far you would probably think i'm just a black girl with a lot of hair- that is unless you saw my eyes which where a bright green from my dad who was Brazilian and Jamaican. My hair on the other hand came from my mom's side who is Puerto Rican and black. Which makes me a mutt. My skin was light or 'RED-BONE' as ashlee put it. " Oh girl i heard he fine and he from Brooklyn!!giiirrrlll you know that's where the big ballers be!! okay!!!" Shalonda said butting in to our conversation. I never really liked her but decide to put up with her since we go way back. I began to wondering my own thoughts as my friends giggled and gossiped about who this new boy could be.but i on the other hand could actually careless about another addition to the countless players at Broad View Academy or BVA. Just then the bell rung interrupting my thoughts. I picked up my bookbag and headed to my first period class which was Honors english with Mr.Morgantusial but er'body call him Mr.Morgan. I walked in class and made my way to my seat. as i walked down the row i felt hands grab my ass . I turned swiftly to see Quincy Rowland. The star quarterback for 2 years running. He and his 'crew' smirked ass my face turned a sickly red and i began to raise my fist to punch him but i heard a throat clear behind me.I looked to see Mr. Morgan behind me i sighed and sat in my seat and made a mental note to get Q back later.Mr.Morgan began to lecture about his rules and requirements for this year. "And i do not expect tardiness from anyon-" the he was cut off by the class's laughter.

Chapter 4

Jamal P.O.V

I came to school late but frankly i didn't care. no im not a slacker. in fact i've had straight A's since grade school but when jaelyn died...I mean what was the point? that bullet should've been for me but now he's dead and i'm roaming the world freely.I walked and began to look for room 813 which was honors English with Mr.Morgantisual? I stopped in from of a room which had the numbers 813 plastered on the top and opened the door.when i walked in a man(im guessing is the teacher) was giving a lecture about being late which caused the class to burst out laughing at the irony of me walking in in the middle of his speech.the man calmed the class down before turning to me and asking my name "Jamal" i mumbled only loud enough for him to hear " well Jamal have a seat wherever you like." He said warmly. I walked to a seat in the back and tried to ignore the bunches of girls gawking at me.I can't lie this school got some fine ass girls but they didn't look like girlfriend material.But i assume they could make good play toys.Me and jaelyn were known for charming the females back home but not enough to be called hoes. i Remembered how he preached on youth nights.Yea he was a youth minister-a good one at that.After minister mike died of a stroke he replaced him and was doing a pretty good job.But the thing that kills me the most is he had a future.He was going to go to Harvard law and gonna become a good black lawyer for all us African americans.But now it was just a dream...that will never be lived.I shook my self out of the depressing thoughts and began to survey the class. Now that i realized it- these girls ain't all that. i looked to see a girl i hadn't noticed before her hair was thick black and wavy and her eyes were a piercing green.She was stunningly beautiful and blessed in all the right places,she was sitting pensively as if some thing was on her mind. she met my gaze then spoke "I'm not a fucking mirror" she spat i frowned then said "i know cause if you were i wouldn't see the Grinch" I retaliated just as mean.she rolled her eyes " i can do it too" i said referring to he eye rolling she didn't pay me any mind though.Instead she pulled out a book and began reading.

Chapter 5

Ariana P.O.V

So the new boy was cute.OK not cute he was fine but he was way to cocky.I could already tell his type, Jock,Popular and a man-whore.And we have enough of those at Bva. Ashlee turned to me "He is Finer than a bitch!" she whispered.I rolled my eyes at her." He aint all that" I said bordly. "Ugh sometimes I think your a lesbian" she whispered back. Alot of people thought that because i don't date.Not the boys here wasn't cute it was just they all either Lie,Cheat or Just wanna get in your pants.I glanced back at the new boy to see him talking to melinda but er'body call her linda. She and her lil 'Clique' thinks they run the school 'cuz they slept with everyone in it.She was all ready all over him and it was his first day!I mean seriously?!!I rolled my eyes and began to read my book again."oohh somebody's jealous!!" Hannah exclaimed.

Hannah and Ashlee are my best friends.I met Ashlee when i was 5 and Hannah in the 6th grade, But I'm closer to ash.Just then the bell rung releasing us to lunch. "yo ima go to the library aight?" Ashlee said i simply nodded as her and Hannah walked away. I walked the halls alone and began reading my book.It was pride and prejudice, my favorite. I was right at the good part when i bumped into something hard.I could feel my self falling until i felt muscular arms wrap around my waist.I looked up to see the new boy.I quickly took my self out of his grasp " Ever heard of personal space" i spat at him. "well i was just tryna save you from bustin' your ass but since you wanna be a bitch about it how bout we try this aagain but this time you fall, and besides you bumped into me" he spat back.uh-uh no he didn't." I didn't bump into you" i said indignantly "yea you did" he said sounding like my 8 year old sister Neicey. "No i didn't" i said "Yea you did" he said. we were going back and forth untill i heard a throat a clear. I looked to see Quincy and there was this a look in his eyes.Jealously?Anger?i dont know i couldn't tell. "so newbie just came and he already snatching up all the good hoes?wow you gotta have guts and a bat to talk to little ari" He said sharply.Yep definitely jealous. "1 im am NOT a hoe 2nd don't call me that or i'll cut off your balls and staple them to your throat" i growled at him. He laughed and once he realize i was pulling out my scissors he stopped. "whatever i ain't wanna talk to you anyways but new boy come and hollaa at me for a minute" Quincy said gesturing new boy "It's jamal" new boy said. and with that him and quincy walked off as if they were bestfriends which made me wanna throw up my breakfast.

Chapter 6

Jamal P.O.V

I didn't really wanna talk to that Quincy dude but i needed to get away from the grinch before i punched her in the throat.She irked me in every way possible.I escaped Quincy and his jack ass friends in the cafteria and began to amble through campus. I was making my way to the portables when i saw a group of boys smoking and vibing on the bleachers.One of them saw me and called me out "wassup young blood!!" he had braids that reached the middle of his back and a really gold tooth.He dressed like a real Triple O.G. which ment his swag was on point."wassup" was all i said in response trying to walk in the other direction."What you doing in our territory young blood" a big blacck dude spat angrilly at me." This your territory?reall?cuz i aint see a sign that said ghetto nigga territory" I said sarcasticly.I know it was wrong to be provoking these dudes but i couldn't resist.It was hillarious how shocked and angry he was at my response.He got down from the bleacher and now we were toe to toe."oh you think you got balls young blood?" he said mockingly "well according to my birth certificate yea i do" I said jut as smooth.Now him and his goons was all up in my face.I knew how to fight and these pussies ain't look like much competition so i stood my ground." you got a problem homes?" a Mexican dude with a nappy fro said to me."naw but y'all look like y'all got one"i said calmly. One tried to swing on me but black dude held his hand up." Naw he right so whats your name blood?" blackness said. wtf!didn't he try to beat my ass like ten seconds ago? ole bipolar ass Nigger!"Jamal and you" i said keeping my guard up." Tyree. and dis is Frankie-"he said gesturing towards the Mexican boy with the fro."that's day-day" he said gesturing towards dude with the braids i nod my hello to them before turning back to Tyree."where you from Jamal" he said sitting down and taking a long drag of a joint. "Bronx" I said keeping my answer short. The rest of them sat too but i stood my ground. "sit with me Jamal and have a smoke" Tyree said offering me the blunt. I have Never smoked in my life and i didn't want to.but after the last few weeks i've been having, smoking sounded like a good idea. i took the joint from his hands and took a long drag before sitting next to him & passing it back.I could see the colors swarming around my head and i felt like i was on cloud nine.Yup this was exactly what i needed...."so Jamal what brings to Georgia" Tyree asked after a few silent minutes of smoking "brother got shot,died and moms moved me and my brother here" i said boredly before taking a long drag of the joint. Tyree shrugged before saying "Shit happens." I smiled before saying "yea it does".That was the realest thing anyone had said to me all day. I was tired of all the sorry for your loss's

and the we'll keep you in our prayer's

finally I could relax.

Chapter 7

Ariana P.O.V

I opened the front door and kicked off my shoes.I hated riding the bus.My house was quiet.too quiet."Mother?"i said as i walked in the kitchen. it was empty."Neicy?" i called. The living room was empty as well.I walked in the den and there they were.ALL

of them.It was My mom,Tanya,a little boy,Neicy,and...o my god why is he

in my house!Jamal looked up at me and frowned."Mother..."i started slowly "Oh honey these are Tanya's boys!aren't they gorgeous?" she said enthusiastically.I stared at everyone in the room and then walked out.UGGGH!!!!!!why are there random people in my house!I felt someone grab my arm.I looked up to see jamal,I snatched my arm away. "what!"i said huffily at him. "your moms told me to get you" he said stuffing his hands in his pocket "watever" i said walking away "Wait!" he called after me.I turned around."I think we got off to a bad start...truce?"He said sticking out his hand.I contemplated it a little bit before shaking his hand."One question though"he said "what?"i replied "Are you always this bitchy?" he asked I laughed "yes"."Will you tone it down for me?" he asked doing puppy dog eyes at me."ugghh fine but if you tell anyone i was nice to you I will shove your finger so far up your ass that it'll come out your esophagus"I said grinning.He laughed and i lead him up to my room to hang with me.He sat on my bed and eyed all my 2pac posters."you want to ask about the posters?" I asked"Naw i decided Either Your a fan of 2pac or an extremely obsessed hormone crazed girl." he said "I'm a fan"I laughed."cool. i never really heard any of 2pac songs"He replied.I put my hand to my chest as if i were having a heart attack "O my goblin!!!You poor soul!!you have been deprived of the greatest music of all time!!"I said exaggerating.He chuckled"do you have any cd's?"He asked "Of course"I said walking to my dresser and grabbing my collection of CD'S/DVD'S and picked out one and popped it in my stereo.Tupac's 'how do you want it' blasted through the stero and i began moving my hips to the music.Jamal sat there with a look that said 'god this music is awful'

p.I grabbed his hands, pulled him off my bed and began dancing off beat with him.He started laughing at my horrible attempt to dance. i giggled and laughed as we went around my room swaying and moving to 2pac's lyrics.I finally got tired and turned off my stereo."Damn girl where did you learn to dance"He laughed.I put my hands on my hips "Why you like"I said with fake attitude "No i think you should sue cuz you cant dance for shit"He replied laughing uncontrollably .I giggled and threw my pillow at him "Shut up"I said playfully."No lie,your nicer than people give you credit for"He said once we sobered up."Naw don't let this act fool ya,i'm gonna chop off your balls later"I replied.He chucked and sat on my bed.I joined him."Soooo...i kind of heard about your are you?"I asked.He sighed "I'm living".There was awkard silence afterwards."Were you guys close?"I asked.He looked my in the eye before saying "Yeah we was real tight".He began staring off into space as if reminiscing on the times they must of had together."How old was he?"I asked again."look, on the real i really don't wanna talk about this"He replied."ok sorry for asking"I said back softly.The tension between us was thick and the awkward silence killed me.My mouth was dry.I couldn't speak.The little boy, which i'm assuming is his brother came through my door.Without knocking.I hate when people don't knock -__-."Molly mom said its time to go"he said.I giggled at his nick name.He gave me a confused look."Do your brother always call you molly?"I chuckled.He smiled "Yea but i think Jaden is purposely starting to say that around every pretty girl i talk to"He said finally looking me in my eyes.I raised my eyebrow."You talk to a lot of pretty girls don't you?"I said playful smile working its way on to my lips."That my dear"He started as he stood up."is classified".I smiled as he walked out my room.I sat up on my bed and listened to his footsteps fade.When they were gone i layed on my bed, closed my eyes and drifted to sleep contently.

Chapter 8

Jamal P.O.V

Tyree, Frankie,day-day and i were cool now.I separated my self from my usual crowd of jocks and populars and hung with the thugs and delinquents.But that didn't mean every one stopped trying to hang with me.Girls practically threw them selves at me especially this girl named Linda.She wanted to hook up with me on the first day i got here!I was really tempted to say yes but momma ain't raise no fool and i refuse to catch some shit from somebody.Ariana and i were get close too.She smiled alot and seemed happier around me.No lie i forget about everthing when i'm around her.About Jaelyn,my moms,the move, just everthing.I feel like i ain't got no worries. Mr.Morgan has been giving us lectures all week and my hands hurt from writing notes.I don't even know why i take notes anyway since i don't do any of his homework.Guess it was a habit.The bell rung releasing us to lunch.I gathered my books and headed out the door.I waited my the water fountain for my boys.They all had lower level classes so they were on the other side of the building.We usually skip lunch and get high.I was about to walk away when i felt someone jump on my back.I was surprised but i still held whoever the person was.I smelt Ariana's sweet peach scent and knew automatically it was her."Ari you could've broke my back"I groaned."Sorry molly"she giggled.She's been calling me that ever since Jaden said it in front of her two weeks ago."And stop calling me that"I snapped."OK molly" she giggled getting off my back and facing me."You never have lunch with me"She whined."Like i told you before I am a vampire. vampires don't eat food and if i see all y'all eating its gonna make me hungry and drink somebody's blood.Do you want me to kill someone Ari??!"I explained.Ari rolled her eyes at me "Seriously molly, please?"She said pouting.Her bright green eyes were in a puppy dog mode.She looked so cute, i felt guilty."ughh ok you win.But when there is is 8 dead bodies on the flo-" i was cut off by her hugging me "Yay!now you can formally meet Ashley and Hannah"She smiled.I groaned and she dragged me to the cafeteria.I've seen her friends before but never really took the time to meet them.One was a white girl, she was cute i guess.She had deep dimples and brown eyes.The other was black who had deep hazel eyes and a very

curvy body."Jamal this is Ashley" she said pointing to hazel eyes, "and this is Hannah" she said pointing to the white girl.They both smiled and waved, i did the same.Ari dragged me in a seat next to her and seemed content that i finally would have lunch with her.I would always make up an excuse or blow her off, I mean its not like i can just say 'Naw i'm gonna go get high but thanks for the offer'.They began engaging in girly conversations that didn't really interest me.Ari would occasionally try to involve me in their conversations, but i wasn't with all that.I was day dreaming about Jaelyn when i saw Tyree standing by the cafeteria entrance.He waved me over and i gave him a look that said hold on."Ari i'm leave ight?"I said trying not to look at Tyree so she didn't ask questions.She frowned a bit but shrugged and turned to her friends again.She was obviously annoyed.I gave her a small hug before walking over to Tyree and them."Dats your girl?"He said gesturing towards Arianna.I shook my head no "Naw that's my home girl".He sized her up and licked his lips "I would fuck".Day-day and Frankie agreed.They began getting into a deep conversation about her body, salivating over her booty and breast.It kinda agitated me because they were talking about her as she was a piece of meat."Where the ,blunt at man?"I said attempting to change the subject."No blunts today buddy,I got some harder stuff that i want 'yall to try before i sell it"Frankie said with a grin glued on his face.He pulled out a white baggie."Is it crack?"Day-day asked "Naw boy this is ten times better"Frankie said with pride "Well let us hit then" Tyree barked and Frankie gave him the baggie. Tyree dipped his index finger and sniffed it.His eyes instantly became watery and red.He passed it to Day-day who did the same, then Frankie.He extended the baggie to me but i declined."Come on bra don't be a pussy"Tyree said."I ain't being no pussy i just don't trust it"I said defending myself."What could go wrong?"Frankie said. Lots of things of things actually.I had health class last year and i knew all about what could go wrong, but then again what does it matter?I shrugged and repeated what they had done.My head hurt like a bitch! It kinda felt like when your swimming and you get water in your nose and you can't stop that throbbing feeling in your head.I didn't feel anything for a few minutes and i was about to tell Frankie that shit was weak when I felt it.It was waaaayyy better than weed.If i was on cloud nine before then i'm on cloud sixty.

Chapter 9

Ariana P.O.V.

"Jamal, we are not watching that, I said i want to watch lottery ticket"I growled snatching the remote out of his hands for the fourth time.I was already agitated and Jamal was working my last nerve."I'm not bout to watch that now give me the damn remote"He snapped back before snatching it again.I hit him in the jaw before grabbing the remote again and switching the channel.We were on my

bed in my

room so it made no sense why he was arguing with me on what to watch when its my


T.V.I was enjoying my victory when i was tackled of the bed and on to the floor."O my fucking gosh Jamal!"I screeched angrily before rolling on top of him and hitting him repeatedly.I was so mad all i could see was red."Arianna calm the hell down"He yelled trying to get me off of him.But i couldn't stop.I was angry not at Jamal but my brother.Today his birthday.I never talk or think about him because i end up all angry and confused.When my mom abandoned us,He took care of me and Niecy for a few months but left us.I hate him for leaving almost as much as i hate my mother.Jamal finally got me off him and pinned my arms down to keep me from punching him."Fine ok,we'll watch your stupid movie just stop crying"He said softly.I pushed him off me and locked myself in the restroom.Yup I was crying o lord,he just saw me cry!He probably thought i was a wimp now."Ari come out"Jamal commanded "leave me alone"I snapped "I'm sorry ok!I don't know what i did but i'm sorry"He snapped back.I opened the door (after i washed my face) and gave him a fake smile."I'm cool , you know me i just get worked up over nothing"I said with a fake chuckle."You getting worked up is snide comments and threats not temper tantrums and crying"He said touching my face "Whats going on?" he asked.I stared up at him "Nothing lets just watch the movie"I grumbled pushing through him and laying on my bed."Ariana" he said seriously.Jamal never called me by my full name, so I knew he was serious."Jamal, just drop it , OK?"I said pulling him on the bed along with me.He stared at me for a while but complied.I stuck in his stupid horror movie and leaned against him as the sinister sounds and voices came from the T.V. I hate horror -_-.Millions of thoughts ran through my head but one stayed.Where was Chris?Chris is my brother.My now twenty-six year old brother who abandoned me.Hot tears filled my eyes again and i wrapped my arms around Jamal and buried my face deep into his chest.He held me back and continued to watch the movie unaware of how i was soaking his shirt with my silent tears.I don't know how long we laid cuddled up like that but all i knew is i fell asleep to his beating heart and the sound of his breathing.

Jamal P.O.V.


Linda Serpent.The sexiest, most flexible girl I've ever seen and definitely NOT


girlfriend material.She been blowing up my phone for three days now meaning she wanted to fuck and i did too but I didn't know this place enough to know where to buy rubbers.Most boys my age don't believe in protection, but not me, if you ain't my wife, I ain't hitting it without a rubber.No exceptions made.I told Linda that but she won't stop sweating me, which is a big turn off, I'm the chaser not the chasey. She kept bragging about how she was 'good in bed' which basically meant she was a certified ho.I'm not one to bad talk girls but the truth is the truth.Ariana cried all night yesterday.I pretended i didn't notice so she could vent without feeling like a wuss.But there was a part of me that wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be OK.But the other part told me Ari would have a heart-attack if did that.Everyone who knew Ari knew she was NEVER


emotional, I was OK with that though.I shook myself out of my thoughts and got ready as quick as possible.I  was supossed to meet Tyree and them an hour ago but, my thoughts got the best of me.I rushed down stairs and didn't even have to look upto know my mother was in her usual position at the table stressing over bills.I  know the movve was hard on us financially but it seems everytime i come in the kitchen, the stack of bills get higher.I tried my best to ignore her as I made my way towards the door until I heard her quietly sobbing.I let out a low sad sigh before slowly walking over to the table."Mama, please stop crying" I said unable to meet her eyes."I thought I was doing right by bringing you boys here" She stammered."Mama, you can't keep letting Jaden see you like this...I can't keep seeing you like this"I replied trying not to make eye contact."Yeah, I know"she sighed wiping her face with her hands.Slowly, all the pent up anger I had towards my mother faded and I wrapped my arms around her.Something told me that Jaelyn wouldn't want me ignoring my mom when she needed me the most.He would also want me to help out with the bills instead of watching mom cry over them.I needed money fast.And I knew exactly who to go to.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.10.2011

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(P.S if yu steal my book i will hunt you down and sue you)

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