
I yawned as i woke up, rolling over to check the time, 6:25am the clock said.i rolled back to sleep. " dude, wake up!" my inner wolf said to me. "UGH. why, i still have until 8am" i groaned,telling her in my mind still eyes closed. "!" she said though clenched teeth while growling. i groaned even more but got up noticing that my brother left early and so did my mom. yes. my dad died in a fire accident, i loved him so much... single tear dropped down on my face. i wiped it and put a small smile on my face " well time to get ready.." i said to myself. i walked to the shower staying in there for 15 or 10 minutes, finally i was done and walked out the shower didn't really mattering about if i had a towel or not. When i was young i would run around the house naked in only a pantie and a training bra. i know it was very strange for me yelling "I'M SUPERWOMAN!" around the house without a cape. i put on a green striped bra on white panties, a plaid colored green shirt, shorts that barley covered my butt, and my favorite neon colored green converse. yes, green was the best color in the world! some people say that it is the color of barf, but to me its a summer green, a grass type of green, you know the one that you run in when your in a "Dramatic" movie and your running to your boyfriend in slow-motion and you and the guy ending up being retarded and hitting each other in the head my accident. yea that's me, but with out the boyfriend part. never had a boyfriend cause there a bunch of players running around in there undies saying " hey! i like girls as my sex toys". i rolled my eyes at the thought and put on my very large glasses and grabbed my neon colored green bag. i ran down the steps almost tripping but managing to keep balance and grab a pop tart form the shelf. checking the time and then running out the door. the time i left was 7:39am as soon as i reached the bus stop the bus came driving in while my friends where running like maniacs waving and running to catch the bus but also smiling at me i rolled my eyes and smiled back. hah,what idiotic friends i have considering that i'm one of them, i laughed in my head. we found a 3-seat in a 2-seater bus. strange right? well anyway,when i hopped off the bus and waved good-bye to my 2 bff's, i ran to class before the bell rang as soon as i came in i saw this really hot dude! i heard my wolf feeling like she wanted him. " shut up its just a dude" i told her trying to do a mind kick. she whimpered and i sat in the seat next to him was was apparently next to MY seat. i nodded my head at him saying hi, he nodded back and when class was over it was lunch time. its strange how they start lunch so early i thought. I felt something grab my hand and i felt a shock or lighting burst into it. what? my mate? psh naww i thought a turned around. "what?" i said to him staring into his so beautiful green eyes and Pitch black hair EPP MY FAVE COLOR i said in my mind but i felt like i said it aloud."Hey,whats your name?" the strange but beautiful boy asked. "oh,uh my names Jerna, Jerna Roselyn, and yours might be?" i asked trying not to smile because i didn't even know the dude why in the world would i smile?? " oh my name? it's Daniel (Dan-el its pronounced :O) Scouter, but call me Danny" he said with a small smile. wow. i felt like i was gonna pop, melt, or explode from his sexy British accent. " your have a VERY sexy British accent" i told him. oh god! did i just say that? He laughed on how i said it. " thank you, well i was wondering can i join you at lunch with your friends? i saw them this morning" he said.psh, What a stalker i know him for a day and he's already a stalker, well i can't trust him just yet Jerny (my nickname) remember all boys are players, i said to myself. i nodded at him, he pulled my hand giving me electric signals through my hand again. i blinked thinking it was a dream. " lets go!" he smiled and walked me hand-to-hand to the lunch room. What's wrong with this kid doesn't he see that i'm a total geek,freak,nerd,etc!?


It felt like over a million people where starting at me glaring whispering and gasping at the fact that i found someone to like me.we were at my lunch table with my 2 bff's Taylor and Lona, Lona had blonde hair a few freckles on her nose spreading to her cheeks and light blue eyes,While Taylor had really light blonde hair with braces and blue eyes. sometimes i thought that they were twins form a different dimension. Lona is always the shy but happy sassy one, while Taylor is outgoing, and is REALLY! hyper(see pic). Both their eyes widen when they see Danny. " oh, um Taylor, Lona, this is Danny the new student he wasn't to sit with us" i said trying to ignore their large googly eyes.Danny just smiled and sat down opening a seat next to me. i sat down and Taylor and Lona's eyes went back to regular size." so uh, this is Lona and this is Taylor" i said pointing at them. they both gave a loving smile and started talking to me.after lunch Danny came over to me " Mind coming to my place?" he asked. i was shocked at this answer " uh? why? i don't even know you that well" i back fired making my wolf,daydream whine telling me to change my mind.yea, my wolfs name is daydream, it strange but after a while you'll gt use to it. " ugh fine!" i told m wolf. " okay sure, but don't you dare leave me, right after school COME STRAIGHT TO THE COURTYARD" i said making out the last words very slowly. He rolled his eyes and let out s little chuckle,noticing that i was smirking. wait a minute why did i smirk!? okay from now on i will NOT go any further with this friendship no one can ever trust a dirty perv boy . Well that goes the opposite for the sluts in this school speaking of one here comes Mellisa the schools best slut. " Congratulations!" i ran up to her and gave her a hug. " uh ew. get off and for what?" Mellisa said pushing me off her. " oh for me the most greatest slut in this school!" i said fake smiling she rolled her eyes. " whatever i only came here for one reason ugly girl." she turned to Danny who looked like a lost puppy. " hey, I'm totally free if u wanna ya know hook up?" she winked at him in her seductive voice and start touching his arm. i rolled my eyes know what he was gonna say, sure your hot enough. " uh no ew no! your too ugly im sorry, find someone else" he said with a small chuckle. My mouth was wide open! O-M-G did he just turn down the school slut?? no one does that! something tells me that i can get along with this guy after all i said smiling in my mind. " what did you say!?? wait no! your suppose to be like oh ya totally i would go out with you not that!" she literally seemed like she was gonna have a seizure which made me start bursting out laughing! Mellisa glared at me before Danny could respond. " hah, well congrats i'm the first that turned you down " he smiled pulling my arm to our last period. behind me i heard Mellisa having a panic attack saying something like " NO! THIS IS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN MY REPUTATION!" or something like that. i felt like my organs where going to bust out. " your laugh is beautiful" Danny chuckled, which caused me to blush a bright red. " o-oh thanks, don't get the wrong idea though!"i said, oh gosh this dude is like magic one minute i hate him next minute i'm blushing. after last period Danny grabbed my hand and drove us to his place the song " This is a part of me" By Katy Perry i turned out the volume and started singing.

Days like this I want to drive away Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade You chewed me up and spit me out Like I was poison in your mouth You took my light, you drained me down That was then and this is now Now look at me
This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no
I just wanna throw my phone away Find out who is really there for me You ripped me off, your love was cheap Was always tearing at the seams I fell deep and you let me drown But that was then and this is now Now look at me
This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Throw your sticks and stones [ From: ] Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no
Now look at me, I'm sparkling A firework, a dancing flame You won't ever put me out again I'm glowing, oh woah oh So you can keep the diamond ring It don't mean nothing anyway In fact you can keep everything Yeah, yeah Except for me
This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no (away from me) Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no
This is the part of me, no, (away from me) This is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, no Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me no

Copied from

"aw its done" i said turning to Danny who was amazed by my singing. " well were here" he said Turing off the car and walking over to my side to open the door. i smiled at his kindness and he smiled back. " wow big house dude" i said gawking at his house. "yea well i live with a bunch of guys and a few of their girlfriends." he said opening the door and see this guy about the same age as him jump on him flying Danny to the floor. "ow.." Danny mumbled. i let out a small laugh and Danny glared at me making me step away his eyes softened. the guy got up from Danny Turing my direction showing his abs. "Whos this?" the dude asked eying me with my every move. I heard Danny growl which caused him to jump and look confused. " oh well um. this is my friend Jerna i met her today." he smiled at me introducing me to tall muscular dude. " and Jerna this is Leon one my my um....friends?" he said, that's when i notice how his friend " Leon" looked he had Big brown eyes. and blonde hair. "Hey whats going o-woooooow. who's the seriously hot chick with nerdy glasses?" one guy looking the exact same as Leon except he had longer hair. Danny was about to growl again but i glared at him made it come into a medium growl. " this is um my new friend Jerna, Jerna this is my very perv like friend Austin" Danny said trying to stop his growl. Austin looked very surprised to see that Danny was growling. " is there more..?" i asked feeling that i was gonna get tackled one day. " uh yeah actually 10 or 6 more.." My mouth almost felt like saying well got to go bye! but that would be rude. i thought " o okay can i meet them? considering i might move in?" i said he was shocked and excited to see i was moving in and didn't care for my reason but the truth was a few hours ago in my last period class i got a text from the police that my brother and mom died in a car crash getting to her work place in the morning. a tear fell down my face making Danny look like someone stole his cookie " are you okay?" he asked me " y-yeah i'm fine" i said nodding to go meet the other boys. " okay this is Jacob,Peta,and Jake" he said pointing the first one was Jacob. he had he had Jet black hair, and was the whitest out of all of them and had dark brown eyes. he then pointed to Peta, Peta had dirty blonde hair that seemed like it should just have been black and tan-ish skin. Danny then pointed to Jake, he also had black hair, mostly half the people there had black hair, i think he had dark brown eyes i couldn't really see his eyes much. "then there's ,Samuel,Mirah and Sarah" Danny said pointing again. Samuel seemed like the one who would jump on peoples back, be hyper, sweet and funny. He had dirty blonde hair and looked like he was 15, his smile was so bright and adorable. he gave me a smile and nodded. i gave him a smile showing that its nice to meet you too. Then there was Mirah, she was so beautiful, she had dark brown hair and eyes, her smile made me want to jump like a jelly bean,then there was also Sarah, she looked like a prissy bitch with a whole lot of attitude, but there was something about her that made me smile back." Hi. nice to meet you Jerna" she said. and nodded and smiled even bigger.When we were done with the family reunion crap i ran inside and jumped on the couch. "DANDAN CO MERE!" they all laughed while Danny came slopping over to me. " What do you want?" he said slopping on the couch next to me. " hi" i said smiling playfully. i was just happy to find a guy to trust, well i hope. Danny smiled at me and turned to change the channel to football, i groaned and whined flopping like a fish on the couch, he rolled his eyes and changed it to sponge bob " YAYYYY" i said clapping my hands like a child." You got a tough one Dan Dan" Shane laughed. " Ha ha, waterva man" Danny said taking a quick glance at me the child on the couch giggling at sponge bob shows. I saw someone take Danny by the hand and whisper something in his ears. i didn't know what but was really curious. " What???" i said Danny nodded and pulled me upstairs." YOU GONNA MOLEST ME!??" i yelled thinking that everyone hear cause i herd small giggles form downstairs. Danny laughed as well " No chill ur tits were just gonna have a simple chat. We sat on a large sized bed and Danny started speaking " Have you ever heard of wolfs?" Danny said " uh duh i am one!" I said pointing at myself. He sniffed me and realized my scent. " wow, that was easier that i thought, well anyway...." he paused for a moment and said the next line really fast. " i think i'm you mate and by the way i am Alpha" " i'm sorry i don't think you are." i said about to leave.He grabbed me by the arm and i felt like lightning sparks went through my arm, i gasped at the feeling turning to see Danny, his eyes full with love towards me. " Please i think i am will yo accept me?" i paused for a moment " well...i guess so then but if i find out your just a phony i will literary cut ur dick of and feed to your future children" i thread tend dead serious. He nodded looking really happy, like peeing his pants, He held my hand gently walking downstairs. " Oh so you knocked her up huh Dan?" Shane said " Shane do you know your mouth is really big? and no he didn't" i said following Danny to the couch while he put me on his lap. Shane made a pouting face " i was just joking" he said.We were in silence watching SpongeBob until a cute little girl came running in she looking exactly like Danny except she had green eyes and black hair she was so adorable. " jDWANYY jDWANNYY" she came running up to him hugging his legs. " AWWW this is superfreakingadorable!!!!" Danny took me off his lap and picked up the little girl. " whats up lil Kay?" he said cooing at her She giggled at started pulling on his hair " ow!" she frowned and stop imedeitley " AWW!" the little girl named "Kay" looked at me smiling " my nwames Kayles (Kay-lees) r Wu my sisy?" she said hugging me. Danny smiled at the thought of marring me, but shook it out of his head. " Kay this is my mate Jerna" she glistened at my name. " PERRTYYY!" She screamed and hugged me tighter " oh gosh i think" " kays let her go now" Danny said laughing she let go and ran to Shane kissing him on the cheek and running upstairs yelling. Danny laughed " She always had a crush on u Shane-boo" Shane rolled his eyes and slunk ed back in the chair.I got up and walked to my "new" room. it was so awesome! It was all orange and green! i flopped on the bed, this is the life was all i could think of rite now. i herd a knock on the door. " come in!~" i sang It was Danny. " is it sexy time?" Danny asked me with putting eyes. " Dude, i just got this room no time to mess it up!" I said while covering my face with the orange scented pillow. who knew pillows could have a smell. " okay fine." He pouted and jumped on the bed next to me. For a second i was just sitting up next to Danny with a bored face on, and then he started moving closer to me. " so.." "Danny no means no" i said looking strict. " but whyyyyyyy " he said turning to face me " your such a baby" i said crashing my lips onto his. he looked shocked but then after a while started to enjoy it. I felt the burst,love,and lust in it feeling like wanting more, at this moment i wish i never had to breath. It wasn't one of thoes like a lustful one but it was a slow passionate one,he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and without doubt i accepted. That's when there was a knock on the door...the person got impatient so he/she just threw the door open and just started snickering i knew who that was from the start he/she started snickering. It was Shane i groaned at the voice of his laugh, and put my to hands on Danny's chest notifying for him to stop, he pulled away, both of us gasping for air." Okay love birds i understand, now Jerna go cook me food bitch." " excuse me, but I'm not a maid in this house." i said turning to a smirking Shane. " okay fine you highness, i'll make food myself." he said Turing around to dissapar in the hallway.

A/n:Okay im getting lot of request to finish the book but im a such a lazy ass and it's difficult for me to think up ideas :I, so i might stop the book or continue and make it short to get it over with or make it long and you guys will probably have to wait one year before the whole thing is done .-. well anyway heres ch.2 ^.^

A house i was meant to live in?

I decied to go to bed even though it was pretty early."Okay out of my room now Danny" i said pushing him out to the front door."AWW, i thought we where gonna go to the next level when he left" he said pouting, " no im tired and i need to think". he sighed and nodded kissing me on the forehead and closing the door gently, as soon as he closed the door i ran to the bed flopping my poor head on the little pillow, sighing i closed my eyes entering my thoughts. wow. its only been one day and I've already gone through a bunch of things....


Texte: uhm..
Bildmaterialien: er...
Lektorat: hi...
Übersetzung: me?
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2012

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