
Boy Crazy.

"Oh my gosh, Harley! Jake Miller is looking at you!" Mandy stated. You see Jake was and is the cutest boy in Middle School. Everyone loved him, super popular,invited to all the great parties, even if he wasn't invited he'd still get in. His hotness got him everywhere. But there's one problem, he's 15, I'm 13. "Well, it's doesn't matter he's way older than me anyways!" I replied back. We ended up having a arguement about that. She quickly got over it when i snapped her into line. "If Jake was looking at me, I would sooooo date him" She mumbled under her breath. We walked out of the lunch room and into our 5th period class, Texas History.

As the teacher was speaking, Mandy slid a note onto my history book.I quickly looked up to make sure Mrs.Grouch(as i call her) wasn't looking. I skimmed over the note which read:

"Harley, meet me after school at City Fro Yo."

I quickly looked over at her and nodded. She smiled in pleasure that she had got me to go.
Now let me fill you in on what City Fro Yo is. It's a Frozen Yogurt place that EVERYONE at school goes to. In the mind of a 13 year old it's a great hang-out/date-taking type place.
I was in deep thought about Jake when the bell rang. I quickly snapped back and slammed shut my History book.The rest of the day went by suprisingly fast.

After school Mandy and I walked up to City Fro Yo. Before we even walked in I saw Jake Miller sitting at a table alone like he was waiting on someone which turns out he was. "What is Jake Miller doing here?!" I screamed. Mandy smiled her O-Forgive-Me-i-was-just-Trying-To-Help smile. We walked in and my heart started pumping fast, i suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. I felt the way I felt only when around or looking at Jake Miller. That My friend is called Boy crazy. Every girl has it, as of some girls just don't care enough about them to even try to go out on a date with a decent one. But Jake Miller was way more than decent, he was perfect. Perfect hair, perfect smile and even a perfect tone of voice. I heard Mandy talking and say "Right Harley?" I looked at he in confusion because i had not been paying a lick of attention. She rolled her eyes at me and filled me in. "Like I was saying....Mandy continued,.....Haven't you had a crush on Jake since he first came here?"

I stared at her in disbelief. I couldn't believe she had told him! At first i was stuttering which made him laugh. Finally i collected myself and said "ummm,I mean I wouldn't say since you've been here, I mean for a year or so. He smiled and said something that i couldn't understand because i was to busy starting him in his deep hazel eyes. He smiled one last time and walked away without getting any yogurt. "Harley,did you even here one word he said?!" i replied with a quick no. Yet again, she rolled her eyes at me again. She explained to me that THE Jake Miller wants me to come back next week same time for a date between Him and I! Oh Goodness, what will I do?!


Never in my life have I ever seen so much drama in one week, heck, not even in a Year! It was so crazy between this he said she said crap,the boyfriend and girlfriend drama,and this oh no she did not stuff.Every once in a while when one of my friends are telling me about this girl and what she did,I kinda think to myself "shut the hell up, you knew that was going happen." I'm not saying that i don't get into drama because i do. Sometimes i get pulled into something that has nothing to do with me. Hell, this one time i got pulled into something that my best friend and her boyfriend were fighting about. Which of course, i had to calm down the both of them. Sometimes i think i'm Dr.Phil with my advice.I got into drama with my best friend Mandy because i accused of something she didn't do. I thought she really did because what everyone was saying. But anyways Drama is addicting. Once you here something juicy (like gossip) you wanna know more. You want to know every detail, every last made-up detail too. You can't help but sit there and say "Oh my gosh! REALLY?!" Well there's not much to say except for the fact that it's addicting and it makes life hell.

The First Date With Jake Miller

My heart was beating fast while i was waiting that long wait for Jake Miller to get to the frozen yogurt place. Butterflies were flying all around my stomach. My leg was shaking very fast. I thought I'd die of a to fast heart-beat. I wore a pair of old shorts and a neon pink tank-top with another(Thinner) white one.My dark brown hair was pulled back into a ruff ponytail.

At Last, Jake entered The Fro Yo place. His walk was smooth and careful.He wore an old t-shirt and ripped up pair of jeans. He looked directly my way and smiled, which wasn't helping the fact that my stomach was churning, but I smiled back anyways. 1.....2.....3....i counted to myself. Breathe,Harley,breathe. It seemed forever until he finally got to where i was sitting. "Hey" Jake's smooth voice said. "Hi" was my only reply. We had a short conversation before we went over to the ordering area. I pulled out a $10 bill and tried to hand it to the cashier. Jake pulled my hand away and whispered to me "I got it" I felt my face get hot and put the money back in my pocket. I ordered a chocolate yogurt and put gummy bears on it. He ordered Chocolate with sprinkles. He laughed when I asked for gummy bears. My heart was still pounding hard though. After a while, I got really comfortable and was laughing and talking up a storm. It was amazing how much we had in common. He liked Basketball,hanging out,heck,even playing and making music. We lost track of time,i looked at my watch. It was 9:30p.m. I looked up at him disapointed that it was time to leave.

I told him I had to go. He looked at me as if i was joking. But i knew and he knew as well i wasn't. He smiled as best as a fake smile he could and asked if he could walk me home. I nodded. There was a awkward silence while walking home. Finally, I said "I had a really great time tonight." He smiled. He looked down and looked back up and said "This You?" I looked over and nodded. He walked me up the steps, and Something that I didn't plan happen. Out of the blue he kissed me. Which, I didn't but out of the blue like that. WOW!

Boy Crazy Alright

The next day was really quiet, I mean quiet between Jake and I. Every time i would wave and smile he would act as if he didn't know me. I thought he was embarrassed about the kiss. So i went up to him and told him that it was O.K. that he kissed me. A sign of relief went across his face. He explained that he didn't mean to alarm me, he thought it was the right time to kiss me so he did. I smiled and said we should hangout again, he just smiled and nodded. I wrote my number on his hand the pen i happened to had. He looked down and smiled on last time. "So, how's tonight?" He asked. "Well, i got nothing so yeah, I'm free." I replied. He asked me how's the movies sound and i nodded and told him maybe 5:30? He nodded. "I'll text you later!" He yelled after me.

I quickly went through my contacts and found Mandy's name and pressed talk.

*Phone Ringing*


Guess What?


Jake asked me out on another date!

Really?! What Time?


I'm coming over to help you with your outfit!



*Hangs up*

An Hour later, Mandy banged on the door, yelling, "Hurry up!" She screamed when i opened the door and gave me a huge hug while jumping up then down.I laughed and told her that he kissed me too. She yelled at me why didn't i tell her sooner and hugged me again.We ran up the steps and rushed into the brightly colored bedroom. As i Rummeged through my closet Mandy asked me how was the date last night. I turned around with the cutest dress i had and said " It was magical, We laughed, we talked as i twirled around with the dress pressed up against me. I fell on the bed laughing and saying "and ended the night with a Kiss!" I looked at the time. 5:15P.m. I thought to myself i better be getting ready! I Pulled a pair of jeans and skirt. I put them up to get some approval from Mandy. She Picked the jeans, of course typical Mandy. She hates skirts. I choose a lime green shirt with pink wording on it saying "Fight For The Cure!" and a Plain navy blue low cut v-neck with a neon pink tank-top to go underneath. She Picked the navy blue shirt. I took down some lighter jeans just when the doorbell rung. I gasped. Mandy ran down the stairs to answer the door, I was trying quickly to get dressed and fix my hair. I went over my hair with the straightener and pulled it back. I grabbed a jacket and ran down the stairs. I met Mandy and Jake downs stairs at the front door. He smiled at me and i smiled back. He motioned me to get going. I walked forward then looked back at Mandy, she held a thumbs up at me. I smiled even more. How Could this get any better?!

We walked and talked on our way to the movie theater, every once in a while he would smile and look me straight in the eyes. Now this Is just amazing. Just then i saw Jazmin across the room with David from her Algabra class. I smiled and yelled their names and they waved and came over to Jake and I. Jake looked directly at me and looked up at David and a a "Guy" talk with him. Jazmin and I went into girl mode, which means that we started whispering about Jake and I being together at the movies. We four decided to see the same movie and sit by each other. Of course, sitting by our dates.

While the movie was half way through I was sitting there thinking to myself "How could this night get any better?" The movie was finally over and Jazmin,David,Jake,and I bid our farewells and slpit apart. Jake and I headed towards the right while they headed to the left. We got to my house which seemed like only a minute or so, but really it was 30. He walked me up to the stairs just like last time. But this time he didn't kiss me. This suprised me. he told me he has a great time and walked away. I was thinking to myself "What did i do wrong"

Oh What girls go through......there called Periods

Girls go through alot. What i mean is it happens every month and "Tom" or "Mother Nature" hits. Oh, the mood swings we hit. No it's not because what guys think. We just don't like to be around anyone and can't take the drama as much as well usally do. I ignore anyone and have no contact with any guys what so ever. I don't know why girls do this but they do. Mandy,Jazmin, and I have are very sensitive when it comes to this. Sometimes I don't want to eat very much, and sometimes i don't eat at all. Cramps, that's why. They hurt so badly, they have me up all night. Sometimes while in class I have to be excused to go to the bathroom to deal with it. Bloating, another one of the symtoms of our menstral cycle. We girls feel fat all the time and feel the need to ask "Does this make me look fat?" all the time. Though, i don't have much to say about this all i have to say is this the painfulest thing i've been through.

Trying To Avoid Jake Miller Because of Stupid Mother Nature


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.11.2011

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I dedicate this to every 13 year old girl and whoever once was one. I know you've been through the same things.

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