
Cool Autumn day, she's looking out the window of the bus. She sat alone like usual. She was the weird awkward girl who was just a little to loud for everyone. She wore different style than anyone else, I mean it was different. Nobody paid any attention to her, she was invisible to the rest of them. She got pushed around in the halls,shoved into the lockers,& got picked on for the way she looked. Her name is Harley.

She walked quietly to class trying not to get into anyone's way. She heard names being called after her, rude names. Before her eyes she was being crowed around into a big circle with The girl that always made fun of her the most. She was being shoved back and forth between each person in the circle. She was laughing, she looked down at her phone and started a video. She taped her until Harley got away and ran to the bathroom. Harley stared at herself in the mirror. She thought to her self "What did I do to make them hate me?"

Here's the back story on the girl who is making fun of Harley. Well her name is Liz short for Elizabeth. She too is picked on because the way she looks. She takes it out on Harley for pleasure to make her feel good about herself. She's been called ugly just like Harley. She was online one night and there's a hot or not thing. She was always put as Not, she even got texts that said 'Hot or Not? Definatly NOT :P'' These texts are the reason why she is shoving her and making fun of Harley. Liz cries every night because of what people say about the way she looks.Well there's her back story.

Harley was in the hallway reading, sitting down in front of her locker. Liz was coming and saw the chance to get her. Liz kicked the book out of her hand. Harley looked up at her, Liz smiled her Ha-I-Just-Made-A-Fool-Of-You smile. The same thing that happened just a day ago was happening again. Harley was being pushed and shoved around the whole circle, people laughing in her face and calling her a loser. Just then, Liz got another one of those hateful texts. Liz ran away into the bathroom, she opened a stall door and sat right in the opening. Harley ran into the bathroom also, but went to look at herself in the mirror. Harley saw Liz's reflection sitting in the opening of the stall crying. Harley turned around and walked over to her. Harley bent down and looked straight in Liz's deep blue eyes.Liz mouthed the words "I'm so sorry" to Harley, who nodded her head which meant "It's O.K." Harley put her hand on her shoulder and helped Liz up. They walked out with each other.

Now every time they see each other in the hallways or out of school, they smile and wave. They both set aside there differences and realized that they were alike in so many ways. No one could believe that they were friends. But they didn't care and went on.

Remember, No one is alike and we all have our differences but we also have a part of our personalities that IS alike.


Texte: Yes Copy Right Laws DO Apply!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.11.2011

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I dedicate this to every person who has been bullied or picked on because your different or to loud. That goes out to me too because i have also been picked on.

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