
Chapter One

Chapter 1

I stood in front of the only thing I did not miss about my town for the past 2 years and a half, thinking why the hell I came back here if I hate it this much. My high school, it’s not better than the military school, except there, you have to wake up extra early, go through that stupid military training, and live by their rules, blah blah blah. I will stop talking now because I hate talking, it takes a lot of effort to express your thoughts and feeling in words, sentences and paragraphs. For me it is anyway.


I shook myself from my thoughts before I drift to another world, and headed to the main office to get my timetable. Man this school hadn’t changed much since freshmen year, I thought while walking through the hallways leading to the front disk. I opened the door to the office, and saw that the secretary didn’t notice me yet so I walked up to her desk, put my left elbow on it and put my fist under my chin to support it.


“Hello Candy, missed me?” I greeted quietly. Candy looked up startled and came face to face with me.


“M. . . M... Miss Rodriguez y…you are back?!” the old lady stuttered in a panicked jumble before she composed herself, “Ahem I mean welcome back dear we’ve been waiting for you.” She said in a fake caring tone.


As you can tell Candy and I are best of friends! Note the sarcasm.


I smirked “Aww Candy I missed you too” I cooed, “so where is Williams?” I asked.


“HEADMASTER Williams is in his office Miss Rodriguez, do you want me to notify him of your arrival?” she asked.


“No need Candy I would like to surprise the old man” I said with the fakest smile I could ever muster. Candy just looked at me weirdly and pointed to the office door.


I rolled my shoulders back and prepared myself to face the young principal who got all the female teachers falling at his feet, unfortunately for them Jake Williams was devoted to his wife and couldn’t care less about them.


I wore my innocent face on and knocked the door formally, you know the light three knocks style. I heard a muffled “Come in” and opened the door.


“Good morning Principal Williams, may I come in” I said politely, I heard Candy gasp at my tone and saw the shocked and surprised look on Williams face and snickered mentally. Man are they easy, I love messing with them.


“Ah… yes Esmeralda, please come in!” he said awkwardly still stunned at my polite behavior. “Thank you sir” I replied politely.


I walked in after closing the door behind me and sat on the chair in front of his desk which was in chaos as usual. How this man can work like this is beyond me. “So Esmeralda, welcome back. How was military school?” he started, “I hope it was of benefit to you.” He smiled at me.


“Thank you sir, military school was really an eye opener for me.I mean, it showed me just how wrong I was living my life and how wrong I was in treating people the way I did” I replied with fake passion enough to fill the whole town.


The Principal had a smug look on his face and said “That’s very good to hear, I am very happy you were able to change so drastically.” Of course he is, the smug bastard was the one who suggested it to my equally if not more bastard of a father, I growled to myself. Well one final scene and we cut the bullshit.


“It’s all thanks to you sir, I couldn’t have righted my ways without you” I smiled at him and he puffed up his chest proudly and replied “Oh dear no need to thank me, I only did it to help you and you kn….” the Principal didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence because I started laughing quietly.


He sat there with a dumbfounded expression on his face as he watched me laughing, which I rarely do because I stopped laughing genuinely after the accident. Really I only laugh every blue moon and with people who are really close to me.


“Don’t get your hopes up too high Williams” I started in a bored tone “If you think that you would take the credit for changing my ways then you are being delusional. I am not known to be weak and am not easily changed Mister-I-can-change-her-ways-just-fine.”


Williams looked at me with a blank face for about a whole minute and sighed “I really thought I could at least make you see things from another perspective, I am rather disappointed” he said “I don’t know what would he say if he saw what you’ve become now”.


My blood started to boil and I wanted to take his face and smash it on the table, but I opted for standing up and leaning toward him until our faces were level and looked straight into his eyes with the coldest glare anyone have seen. I could see a panicked gleam in his eyes and I felt the darkest monsters satisfaction from the emotion I caused in Williams.


Still leaning with the glare in place I seethed with a voice that dripped so much venom it could burn more than the strongest acid “Exactly, you don’t fucking know what he would feel so don’t you dare speak of him like you’ve got him all figured out.” I straightened myself and masked my anger\pain upon his mention with a blank cold face and said “you don’t need to worry about me this year I’m not going to cause any trouble, well not as much and as extreme as usual. I have my eyes on certain people this year and you, alongside your beloved staff, are not among them, don’t hold yourself that high you are not that important to me.”


With that said I exited his office with my head held high and a slam of his door that made Candy fall off of her chair.


And that ladies and gentlemen is how you go out with a BANG!


Now it’s time to let my targets know am back.


Chapter Two

Chapter 2


After my dramatic exit, I took my schedule and locker combination from a frightened Candy and headed to my first class, History.


That’s gonna be fun!


History is taught by a teacher who told his students to call him Mr. D. Why didn’t he want to reveal his whole name? No one knows. Do I know? Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. That’s not important now. Mr. D was a young teacher who made everyone, from teachers to students both female and male-who swings that way- drool at his sight. Why?


One word's used to describe him, Italian!


I opened the door without knocking and everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing. Gasps, groans and colourful language ensued. “Oh yeah, am back bitches, miss me?” I announced with a raised eyebrow and a cold hard tone and a matching smirk that got them dreading the rest of their school year. Their own personal tormenter is back.


“No need for that language in my class Miss Rodriguez, and not on your first day back either” Mr. D interrupted me. “Aww come on Mr. D, I know you missed me” I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at the stern look he gave me. I walked to the back of the class and took my seat next to my first childhood best friend who was deep in sleep and drooling on the table.


Martin was my childhood best friend by default. I know it’s harsh to say that, but he is my cousin from my mom’s Italian side who was raised here and not in Italy. He is the same age as me, so we were raised together and spent all of our time with each other. Martin has dark brown hair, light brown eyes, the typical Italian tan and face structure. Also, he has a cave man body build that would make you think he is older than his real age from the heavy training he started doing since he was 15 years old and I started teasing him by calling him Java (A real cave man from the cartoon Martin Mystery). He’s a nice guy at heart, but you don’t want to anger him.


Once I was sitting next to him I reached out and slapped the back of his head, hard.


“Who the fuckface is looking for a reason to die?”


Oh did I forget to mention that he has a sailor’s mouth?! Ooopes My bad.


He turned around to look at the poor soul who was going to get a beating of a life time when he spotted me instead and froze. “Principessa (Princess) is that really you?” he questioned with a bewildered tone.


“Do you need a bitch slap to assure you?” I said in acting bored while checking my nails. In truth I was really happy to see him, because he is one of the few people who know the real me.


He let out a loud whoop and crashed me to him in a strong bear hug that I didn’t mind. “Dio Principessa (God Princess), I fucking missed you so damn much that I can’t fucking express it”

I hugged him back and was just about to talk when a throat being cleared interrupted us. We both pulled back from the hug to glare at whoever thought that they could interrupt us to see it was Mr. D. Martin wiped the glare from his face and smiled sheepishly where my glare stayed put.


“What?!” I snapped at him.


He narrowed his eyes on me ,“I would appreciate it if you waited after class to great each other, now sit down and let me actually do my job” he scolded and turned to continue the lesson. Martin grinned at me and sat back in his seat while I mumbled a “Whatever” and sat with my legs propped on the desk. Martin rolled his eyes at my actions and silently removed my legs from the desk and put his arms around my shoulders.



When the bell sounded to indicate the end of first period, everyone got up and out of the class fast to make it to their next class and defiantly spread the news of me coming back. Martin and I took our time and we were about to get out when we were stopped by Mr. D calling me.


“Miss Rodriguez can I talk to you please?” he asked and then added "alone", giving Martin a look. I stared at him blankly and said “Anything you want to say, you can say it in front of Martin” Mr. D smirked and in amusement “Well then in that case, I just wanted to say welcome back Bambina” he said smiling.


I smirked, “Thanks Zio, but say, why did you look so unhappy when I came in” I asked. “I have a job to keep Cara, I can’t mess it up” he said with a knowing look on his face and a tone that suggested that the conversation was over. He is such a weirdo.



Finally it was lunch time and I was hungry considering I skipped breakfast. On our way students were whispering no doubt about me coming back to finish what I started freshmen year, but I didn’t get the chance to finish.


“I never thought that the rumors in this school could be true” I heard someone behind me speak “but low and behold you managed to prove me wrong again Es” I turned around and faced the speaker.

I felt light and happy when I saw who it was.


“Hello Leah, Lucian” I greeted the Acardi twins. Both had blue eyes and chocolate brown hair, which was the only indication that they were twins. Other than that Lucian was tall with board shoulders and a lean but muscled built, while Leah was of average height and a curvy body.


In a split second I was suffocated in a bone crushing hug by a sobbing Leah who was spurting words that were hard to understand from how hard she was crying. “Easy there Lee am here and am not going anywhere” I cooed hugging her back and reassuring her. Leah took the news of me going to military school hard because I was the only real girl-friend she had, and the other girls were jealous of her looks and personality.


Suddenly Martin shouted "Group hug!" then he and Lucian warped their arms around the two of us and we stood in the middle of the hallway celebrating the completion of our little tight group.


“Ok people, that’s enough emotions for today, let’s go eat am hungry” I announced as I pulled away from the hug. I am not one for showing too much emotion, and today have been all about that, and I know that's not the end of it. Lucian smirked lightly and raised his fist to bump with mine; he understood why I did that because he is the same when it comes to dealing with emotions.


When we entered the lunch room, it was so noisy you could hardly hear your own thoughts, but the moment our group walked in it became deadly quit and damn did it annoy me to the extent of it bringing a much darker than usual scowl on my face.


“Oh come on people can you be any more original here? I know you don’t get to see drop dead gorgeous people like us every day” Leah began “but for the love of Satan stop embarrassing yourselves, it’s really immature you know”. Only Leah will swear on Satan’s name.


I shook my head smiling slightly; I missed her and her crazy antics.


Some student went back to what they were doing, but other continued staring, but I gave them no mind because something caught my eyes at the teachers table.


“Hey guys,” I called to get the attention of my friends “Who’s the new prick that’s chatting up Zio’s ear?” I asked. They turned to see who I was talking about and they started laughing like they have some kind of inside joke and I looked at them unimpressed. “Scusa Principessa,” (Sorry Princess) Lucian, who was the first one to stop laughing, provided an explanation “That ‘prick’ as you call him is Mr. Eric Hudson the new Economy teacher” I nodded and looked back at the prick. He is good; I have to admit, to get under the local mafia’s nose unnoticed. Or so I thought.


Because when I observed the lunch room from my spot, I noticed that they led him to believe that he has got in successfully. I laughed quietly to myself when their in-man subtly winked at me.

Looks like it’s about to begin. Confused? Don’t worry you will understand in time.



The rest of lunch wasn’t that eventful, we caught up with each other about what happened the past 2 years and stuff. Although, some people who were hypocrites and knew that I came back for a reason were trying to get on my good side stopping by the table to say hi, but they were met with cold silence and no sign of interest.


No one will get hurt in my business unless they were directly involved, but I didn’t tell them that, I could use the fear to my advantage.


After lunch, classes passed by as boring as ever and I didn’t have Economy class today so I didn’t get to meet that prick. When the bell sounded for the end of school we got out of our classes and headed to our lockers, the three had their lockers next to each other, the lucky bastards. When we got to my locker, a group of 4 guys were blocking it; or rather a guy was leaning on it and the rest surrounding him.


Now, I am not going to lie and say that he wasn’t one fine Latino man, and yes I didn’t say boy because damn me if there was anything boyish about him. Lo juro por Dios (I swear to God) just looking at him made me want to squeal like a cheerleader, but I kept it in. From what I could see, he was quite tall, as tall as Lucian maybe even taller and let me tell you, I am a sucker for tall men. He had charcoal black hair that reached his ears and curled at the end, but I couldn’t see his eyes because he had them directed to his phone.


I stepped closer and cleared my throat; “Excuse me, you are blocking my locker and I need to use it” see I can do polite, ha. The guy looks up and we lock eyes, electric blue (hence the middle name) and stormy grey, a shiver went down my spine and something flashed in his eyes, but I didn’t get to read into it because as fast as it appeared it disappeared.


“Sorry about that, here you go.” He replied in a deep manly voice -that gave him an additional golden star in my book- and moved out of the way and started leaving, but then I heard “Yo guys, how is it going?” Martin fist bumped with the guys then turned to us “These airheads are my detention buddies” Martin started “Hey! You are the only airhead here idiot” a guy with blonde hair objected.


Lucian and Leah laughed at Martin, he glared at them jokingly and then started to introduce the two groups, but I wasn’t interested and turned to open my locker just to inspect it. Come on am not going to put anything in it and it’s my first day back, I didn’t even bring my bag I just wanted to waste some time.

“These are my friends, Lucian, Leah and…” he got cut off by one of his ‘detention buddies’, “Hey aren’t you Esme Rodriguez?” he asked. I studied him and another guy who had similar features to him closely and recognised them from my first year in military school.


“Yeah, and you guys are the Caffrey brothers right?” I answered, “You remember us” the second gasped “Cool, the Ice Queen remembers us” then high fived his brother and laughed while I just smirked at the nickname I was known by in military school. “How can I forget the guys who set that copycat/ attention whore’s hair on fire” I told them and they grinned proudly at that.


In my second semester at the military shit hole, there was this chic who was so desperate to fit in. she started copying me and tormented the others saying I asked her to. She got me in a lot of trouble, but I managed to clear my name. However, one day she picked out the wrong people to bully and ended up having a burnt hair cut curtesy of the Caffrey brothers.


“Oh yeah, you guys were in military school” said the gay with the blonde hair and light green eyes “am Eddie Hart by the way” then he gestured at the Latino bestia (Latin beast) “and this is my man Axel Mendez”.

“Mendez?” I questioned with a raised eyebrow. He looked at me and nodded “Yeah, you’ve heard of me?” he replied smirking slightly.


“If you’re Tony Mendez’s brother, then yeah I did” I countered, he ground slightly and let’s just say HOT.

“If you heard of me from Tony then it is nothing good” he shook his head with an amused little smile “How do you know him anyway?” he asked.


“Just tell him I will stop by to get my car” I told him then shut my locker and turned to leave while waving my hand “See you at Carters guys.” A group of “bye Es”, “Ciao” and “Later” sounded and I left the building.


It’s time to Face Daddy dearest and Mama.

Chapter Three


Chapter 3


As I was walking out of the school I saw a black limousine with a driver holding the back door open waiting for me.


“Frankie,” I started “nothing goes by without you knowing huh?” I asked my father’s driver who beamed at me looking genuinely happy at seeing me.


“Well Miss Esme, I have little birdies everywhere” he answered when I reached the car and he warped me in a fatherly embrace.


“Looks like I have to buy a new hunting gun soon” I said semi-joking, and he laughed then asked “Don’t you have some already?”


“No,” I smirked and then continued “They are not suited for bird hunting anyways” with that I turned and entered the car, but stopped and turned back to him “Does Father know too?” I asked, “No Miss he doesn’t, not yet anyways”. Frankie closed the door and got in the driver’s seat then took off towards home.


On the way I kept thinking of my parents’ reaction when they see me back.


Oh you wonder why?


They don’t know that I left military school and registered myself back at my old high school. I am such a rebel.


Soon we arrived at the mansion my dad bought after his first 1 Billion. I know Billion?!


Yeah he’s a douche, but also he’s one of the most successful business men in the country.


Frankie opened the door, I got out of the car and thanked him, then proceeded to the front door inserting the key and opening the door, “Amor, am hoooome!” I imitated my dad’s usual greeting once I stepped inside.

“Esmeralda is that you baby girl?” my mom’s voice came from the kitchen and minutes later she appeared in the doorway. Mamma stood there looking at me with disbelieve and tears in her eyes.


At that moment, all my tough badass girl-self vanished and I returned to the sweet 2 years old girl that I used to be. “Mamma, sono a casa” [Mom am home] I chocked through the lump in my throat and ran to hug the light of my existence, the only reason am still partially a good person, my mother.


Sicilia D Rodriguez, a beautiful Italian lady with a light tan skin, long gorgeous brown hair and the most beautiful light blue eyes that she inherited from her mother’s Greek side, and where I got my electric blue eyes.



After hugging the life out of each other, it registered in my mom’s mind that I am back and I am not supposed to be here in the first place.


Uh oh!


“Esmeralda Elektra Rodriguez, Cosa diavolo ci fai qui [What the hell are you doing here] when you should be in school young lady?” she scolded me.


My shoulders dropped knowing I am going to get it now “Baby girl I know why you’re back and I was wishing that you would forget about it and let it go” she finished with worry in her voice.


I sighed heavily “Mamma Per favore [Mom please] I can’t let it go, you know that it’s too personal to me, to just forget about it” I tried to convince her, but seeing as my mom knew how stubborn I was and nothing could possibly change my mind once its set, she said “You know how much I don’t approve of it, but am not going to stop you”. I grinned and whispered yelled “Yesss!”


“HOWEVER,” she raised her voice to gain my attention “You have to promise me to be careful baby I don’t want you hurt again”. I lowered my arms and gave her a soft smile “Don’t worry Mamma, I promise”.


At that moment, we heard the door opening. “Amore, am home” my father’s voice greeted. The second I heard him I tensed, our last conversation wasn’t that pleasant…. Ok it wasn’t pleasant at all.


Let’s just say words were flying around unrestricted.


My father, Miguel Rodriguez is a handsome Mexican man with tan skin, salt and pepper hair, and hazel eyes. I remember seeing a picture of him when he was younger and his hair was so dark it was almost black and I got that from him and maybe his stubborn personality too.


He was standing at the entrance of the living room where Mom and I were talking. Dad looked at me with his face changing to different types of emotions, from surprise to joy and finally it hardened in disapproval.


Mamma got up and went to greet him, when his eyes fell on her his face softened and he wrapped her in a hug then gave her a kiss. The one thing I respect my dad for is his love to mom, he is not afraid to admit that she got him wrapped around her finger.


Dad kept her at his side with his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist then turned to me with his hard expression back. “Esmeralda, I see you did just as you promised” my father said in a bored tone.


The day my dad told me that they are shipping me to military school I promised on my grandfather’s grave, who died a couple of months before the accident, that I will come back and make every one responsible pay with their blood, soul and life.


“Well Papá, one good thing you taught me is to keep my promises and never break them” I said in a challenging tone “And I promised that I will come back and claim what is mine” I continued through gritted teeth.


Father now has an unimpressed look on his face, but I could tell that he is somehow with me in my payback plan however not fully. “I am not going to stop you, but if you don’t want me to send you back to military school you have to promise me that we won’t hear anything from school about you being in any trouble” he bargained.


I sighed in frustration and thought deeply about it. He is asking me to promise him something that is physically impossible for me to do, because there are people in my school that I am going to give hell to. Hmm, looks like I will have to do it secretly and behind closed doors.


I locked gaze with my father and said “I can promise you that you won’t hear anything from the school, but I can’t promise that I won’t wreck some havoc” I finished with a raised eyebrow.


My dad smirked knowing that whatever promise he will make with me; I will find a way to do what I want without breaking it.


“I will accept that, but am keeping eyes on you missy” dad said with a stern look on his face, then continued “Now let’s shake on it” and he extended his arm for me to shake. I looked at it and then up at him with a disinterested look and chuckled lightly in disbelief. I knew what he was trying to do and just because I somehow agreed to his promise it doesn’t mean he is forgiven.


“Just because I agreed with you on something,” I started with a dark and angry tone “it doesn’t mean that you are forgiven you Bastardo” I finished yelling at him. I heard my mom gasp and saw my dad’s face darken with hurt then anger.


“You don’t get to talk to me like that young lady” my dad scolded me while pointing his index finger at me. I gave out a sarcastic laugh and said “You don’t get to tell me what to do either, not after you betrayed me and left me to fend for myself when I needed you most” my father opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.


“Oh don’t you dare say I had Mamma and that am a big girl and I could take care of myself you asshole” I breathed hard and felt the tears gather in my eyes ready to fall at any moment.


But no, I am not letting him see me so weak and fragile am not giving him the satisfaction of that.


I said yelling “I just lost three of the most important people in my life in the span of three months and you fucking sent me away to deal with it by myself you selfish undeserving man and you didn’t even consider what I needed” I took a deep breath and said in a whisper “I just wanted my parents, both of them” I finished softly.


My mom was crying silently having witnessed the pain I’ve been through, while my dad stubbornly held his head high, but you could see the shame and guilt in his eyes. However that was not enough for me to forgive him, he let me down in a time where I needed him the most and that made him lose my trust.


I went to my mom and wiped hear tears with my thumbs and kissed her eyelids gently then smiled softly at her “Non piangere mamma non capisco per niente” [Don’t cry mom I don’t blame you for anything] she gave me a sad smile and patted my cheek, she turned her gaze sideway to look at dad who was looking back at us but I didn’t acknowledge him and just to spite him I said “You know Mamma, for a long time I didn’t have a father figure maybe I should go and find me a man who can…” I didn’t get to finish my sentence because dad lost his calm composer and yelled at me.


“Esmeralda Rodriguez, you can call me all the names you want and I know that nothing I do will make you forgive me” he shouted “but for the life of me I will not let you ruin your life with someone who doesn’t see you for what you are. I am warning you, if you do such thing I promise you, life won’t be all rainbow and glitter”


Whoa! Looks like I hit a nerve there.


I did it on purpose; I knew he would react that way. As bad as he is, he still is protective of me, he IS my father.


Sigh, what a life.


I smirked at him and went up the stairs “I am going to unpack and then I will be going out with the guys” I threw over my shoulder “Don’t wait up Mamma”.



He was in the family house back in Italy, which was basically a farm. The library had a ceiling to floor window that overlooked the lake a few meters from the backyard. The scene gave a calming feeling and he was enjoying it while reading his book of the month. Somewhere, in the spacious library, he heard the door opening and footsteps coming his way.


Fratello [Brother], we’ve received a letter from D.B” His younger brother told him. He lifted his eyes intrigued by the news. “What does it say?” he asked in anticipation.


His brother gave his usual mischievous grin and announced “We are called in, it’s time for business”. He smirked and said “Looks like D.B is onto something finally”.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2014

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