
Book Cover

Prologue: Full Moon

RIPPED ONE NIGHT HOWL and as an agonized lament, is

full moon rose into the starry sky presiding. A howl

shocking, that seemed full of sadness, fear, pain and hatred.

The stranger stopped to hear him and listened intently, as if

could understand his message. It sounded very close, but this does not

seemed to scare him. When the voice of the creature became extinct, the man

smiled slightly and lifted the lantern high, went out of his way to

go to him.

I knew it was an intruder in that wild land, but had

crossed the mountains without paying attention to the warnings that brought

the howling of wolves.

That, however, was different, and the stranger knew. And while

the dark regret not repeated, this also seemed


He sensed the presence of the creature lurking in the shadows, but

nothing in his actions showed that he had detected. And when,

finally, the wolf jumped on him with a snarl of triumph and eyes

burning like coals abroad reacted calmly,

speed and accuracy, raising his hands and saying a few words in

arcane language, closed to most mortals.

There was a flash of light and a yelp of pain, and the huge wolf was

thrown back and fell to the ground. Even tried to sit up and stood up

man, growling menacingly. But the download was repeated, and the

wolf howled in pain and collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

The stranger stood still for a moment, watching

the creature with a mixture of curiosity and fascination. When, finally,

steps approached, the flickering light of the lamp did not light body

a beast, but that of a young slender, brown hair matted

copper. He lay face down on the grass, naked, but the stranger

could see his face. He nodded, as if he had expected, but furrowed

frown to see that the figure was not human: the features of his face

were too delicate, her eyes were large and almond and

ears, protruding between the copper strands of her hair, had just

pointed. Although wild and disheveled appearance, did not look or shadow


The stranger took off his coat and wrapped it around her naked body


Then sat down to wait.

When the elf opened his eyes, a cheerful and warm fire crackled

beside him. He reacted quickly, squatted and gave a sullen

look at his companion, quietly watching him from the

depths of the hood of his gray tunic. The elf growled and prepared to

jump on it, but abroad calmly pointed to the sky. The other looked at

the direction indicated and saw only the full moon, white, round, perfect.

Instinctively, he groaned and covered his face with his arms, trying to

protect its soft glow. However, suddenly stopped and

contemplated his hairless arms, his hands were claws, fingers,

thin and long.

The stranger smiled at him looking in disbelief, the full moon and their own

hands over and over again.

- You see, the spell will not last long, he said softly, startling

the elf, who turned to look at him cautiously. You will soon

back to being a wolf, so I hope we have time to keep ...

one civilized talk.

The elf looked at him a long time, trying to understand what was


- Who are you? Finally asked.

- I've attacked in the dark and I have returned your form Elven

Replied the other curtly. I think for me to do

questions: Who are you?

The elf looked up. The fire was reflected in her large eyes

Amber, who had nothing human. Although he could not see the face of

abroad, I knew I was holding her gaze. Finally, down from

head back and let out a little sigh.

- They call me Fenris said, his voice was pleasant and melodious like

all elves, but there was some wild and menacing. And I'm

a lycanthrope.

- I had noticed, observed the stranger. I did not know that elves

guys could have lycanthropy.

- I've returned my true form Fenris replied. Have you ever broken the


- I'm afraid not. As I said, it is a spell

limited duration. Only temporarily protect you from the effects of the

full moon. Three hours, probably, though by then there will be

about to dawn.

- You're a wizard, he realized the elf.

The man nodded.

- And I think I can help.

In looking at Fenris appeared a gleam of mistrust.

- I met other magicians. No one could help me. Also

nobody gives anything for nothing.

- You're right about the wizard admitted. I have an offer that

make, and I suspect you'll be interested, as both can go

benefit. But first I need to check that you really are the type of

I am looking.

Now was Fenris who remained silent, but his eyes sullen

and suspicious was eloquent enough.

- I need to know who you are, where you come from and how you got


The elf gave a dry laugh that sounded almost like a

bark. The wizard smiled.

- Or do you want to undo the spell so you can return to

hanging around here like a hungry wolf? Not far away, near the river, there

a farm where two children live healthy and plump. Have you navigated toward it

when you jumped on me to devour?

Fenris paled and shuddered violently.

- I sense you'd rather talk, 'said the magician satisfied.

However, the elf said nothing.

- I know you killed your eyes before insisted the young elf

wizard. Innocent Blood, right? You can not control the wolf

full moon and horrifies you become a beast, but you have

value to end your life. I I can rescue you from all this.

Fenris shot him a look of dislike and wrapped in

layer, then realized that it was the magician cloak, and

that this was the only garment that covered him. However, that did not seem


- But we were talking about your past, dear friend 'continued the

wizard. You were going to tell me how you got here.

- Who wants to know? A man who hides his face? Replied the

elf grumpy.

The magician laughed softly and pulled the hood. The flames lit

the features of a middle-aged man, however, seemed

consumed prematurely. Her gray hair fell on either side of his

dry face thin lips, straight nose and dark eyes, encouraged by a

strange feverish glow.

- Satisfied ..., Fenris? Smiled the wizard. An odd name for a


- Long time no one calls me by my real name

The elf murmured, looking at the fire thoughtfully. The name I

put my parents when I was born, makes one hundred forty-four years.

A wolf howled in the distance, but neither of them paid any attention.

Immersed in the memories of the past, Fenris the elf began to relate his


Chapter I The Attack

 THE SOUND OF A HORN spread over the tops of the

trees and rose to the majestic full moon shone in the sky

night. The Sentinels were quick to put in place and

loaded bows. South El Paso, one of the few entrances to the Kingdom of

Elves, was under attack.

It was not easy to enter the land of the elves, surrounded by what

called the Ring, a circle of lush and intricate forest, almost

impregnable, which protected it from outsiders. The Sentinels, managers

vegetable monitor border that were wild half that elf

move more comfortably in the depths of the forest than in the

Heart álficas elegant cities of their land. While other elves

the wild and unrefined considered to be of elves, knew

also that no one knew the ring like them, and they could know

that his kingdom would be safe while the watchful eyes of the

Sentinels encompass everything.

That night, the danger was very real. Were times of

scarcity, and the lands surrounding the Kingdom of the Elves had

withered. Many animals had come to take refuge in the leafy

forest-border, retaining its freshness and exuberance through

care of sorcerers and druids, and all had been well

welcome. However, the Sentinels had orders not to let

no human, unless you bring a pass signed by King

of the Elves.

But they were not quite human, nor animal exactly,

which that night tried to storm the South Pass, a gorge

I opened a gap in the ring and took up a trail that led

the heart of the Kingdom. It was defended by a rampart composed of two

strong but elegant towers, among which was a locked gate

jealously guarded the Sentinels. Eilai, a young Sentinel

amber eyes and long honey-colored hair, scanning the horizon from the

battlements, with his bow ready. A dozen dark shadows running

towards them, barking and howling.

- Do not you ever give up? Muttered irritably.

Beside him Anthor frowned.

- Werewolves! Spat with disgust. I hate them.

The werewolves were people who could transform into animals,

but in most cases the word referred to werewolves.

It was an anomaly that was not between the elves, and those who

despised humans considering them inferior to them, not used

use the term "werewolf", since they found

certainly insulting to the wolves.

Eilai not respond. These creatures had some time trying to

enter the Kingdom of the Elves. The previous month had split and had

tried to enter the ring for several fronts and separately, since

not allow the intricate forest they entered all at once. The

Sentinels lords and masters of the Ring, had repelled the attack but

those beings were hard to kill, and now, a month later, they returned to

load using the opposite strategy: a frontal attack on one of

the main entrances of the kingdom.

The attackers approached. Anthor and drew their bows still Eilai

more but not fire until the captain gave the order. Then a

shower of arrows fell upon the assailants, a group of huge wolves

and were about to charge at the door. All arrows were in

white, but the creatures not noticed more than if it were

simple mosquito bites.

- At the heart! -Captain heard screaming. It is the only way to

kill them!

- It is not only someone murmured softly. Eilai understood by

what it said. The werewolves were physically very strong, and the great

regenerative capacity of the body made it almost invulnerable, by

so the only way to stop them was hit directly in the

heart, producing them a wound from which they could not recover. Without

But the legend also stated that silver was deadly for those

beings. But it was true or not, equip weapons sheet Sentinels

Silver was spending too high that the King was not willing to


Signal rang again, and the Sentinels fired again. Only

werewolf fell, killed by an arrow that pierced his heart, and

quickly began to transform into a human.

- So we will not stop Anthor said, loading the bow again.

We can not hit them in the heart from above.

- We should be back to defend the door Eilai said, shooting

when the signal sounded again.

The sound of broken chips in his favor. The werewolves had

come to the door and charged at her. His enormous claws

wood scratched furiously and had managed to open a couple of gaps.

- Yes Anthor said. Not down there long endure.

Captain also had realized. He ordered half of its

Sentinels to come down to secure the door, while the best shooters

remained on the battlements. Eilai Anthor saw Captain said something.

This nodded. Then, the Sentinel turned to her.

- Stay here, 'he said. I will not be.

Eilai wanted to call, but the signal came back and had to shoot

again with the other archers. This time there were more fortunate, and

that some of the werewolves had risen to its feet

rear to attack the door, leaving bare chest.

Fell two more.

Eilai loaded the bow again, but his sharp eyes saw something elven

moving westward in the dark. His momentary Distractions

prevented while shooting others. He put a new arrow

on the rope, shook her head and bit her lower lip in indecision. The

shadows were gone, but she knew that had


Down in the tunnel between the two gates of the fortress, the Sentinels

had problems. When Anthor and the others arrived, his companions

were pushing what was left of the door leading to the outside, but

the fight seemed to have opted for the other side. Huge and

terrifying claws poking out the gaps that had opened in the

heavy wooden door, and across the growling of werewolves

were loaded with hate, death and madness.

- We can not hold much more! Someone shouted.

Just had to say when the door finally gave way and

two huge wolves leapt into the stronghold, in a cloud of

chips. One of them was thrown on the elf next. His companions

heard him scream a moment, and then ...

The other wolf, however, was to meet his death at the hands of a

Sentry fired point-blank at the last moment. At that

distance could not miss: the arrow stuck in the heart of the creature.

Elves charged the first wolf, but there was more going on

the opening. Anthor shot an arrow that pierced the neck of one of

them, the werewolf shook it off and kept running. Throwing

a curse under his breath, Anthor left the bow aside and drew a dagger

from his belt.

- I wish he muttered to work getting ready to defend himself,

as the wolf lunged at him.

With a savage war cry Anthor raised the knife high and, when

huge wolf body fell on him, he plunged the dagger into his chest.

And, although he did not hit in the heart, the wolf howled in pain;

Anthor saw the blade of his dagger was eating the flesh of the creature,

smoking causing him injury, like an acid burn.

He pulled the gun body to sink wolf and back again, this time in

the heart.

He shook off the body of the man-wolf, who returned to

metamorphose into man, and watched his dagger in surprise.

- So, it was true! He muttered to himself.

He saw that his companions had problems. They were still trying to

defend the door. Fortunately, the werewolves could only get two in

two but were formidable foes lay dead and several elves close

entry. Brandishing his dagger, Anthor prepared to meet with the

resistant, when someone grabbed his arm.

- Eilai! Cried the elf to recognize. What are you doing here?

- I saw something from the battlements, Anthor. The herd has

split. A group is westbound. I think they will try to get

in the forest across the river at the ford.

Anthor shook his head in disbelief.

- A red herring? There are so smart.

Eilai's face was now stone.

- That's what I said when I told Captain, but I know very

well what I've seen. And gave me the feeling that these three knew

exactly where they were going.

Anthor frowned. Another werewolf had just entered the

opening, and the elf loaded his bow and shot several arrows followed. Eilai it


- Are you suggesting that we should go to ford? Anthor said when the

werewolf finally fell, struck down by an arrow from Eilai. It is here

where we have problems!

- Do not you understand? All the southern border Sentinels

we are focused on this place! The others have lost access


- But we can not go to the ford! That would disobey

Captain's orders!

- He has not seen how the three were separated from the group! I do not think

allowed to cross the border, Anthor. I'm going to defend the ford, I

no matter what happens next.

Eilai fired a few more arrows and retreated to the door

gave the Kingdom of the Elves, and that the werewolves had not yet

achieved. Anthor again raised his dagger, but saw from the corner of the eye

how Eilai bulwark slid off, leaving behind the terrible battle

death was proceeding there, between elves and beasts.

Anthor hesitated. Finally, swore under his breath and followed.

He caught up and in the woods, but did not try to stop it. He knew that

Eilai intuitions used to be successful, so that was at her

sullenly hand and led her through the thicket toward the


The couple came to the river for a while after and hid among the trees.

They prepared their bows and waited with tense muscles. Yes

indeed, the werewolves tried to enter there, although the two

elves were excellent shooters, maybe just have a chance of

take them by surprise and hit them in the heart.

Before long they distinguish three pairs of eyes glowing in the

darkness, across the river. Eilai rope tightened his bow, but Anthor

I motioned him to wait a little longer.

Three big wolves came out of the trees and headed for the

shore. The larger, black and starting with one ear, seemed to be the

leader. He stepped forward and sniffed at the air, but the two elves had

sure placed so that the breeze from blowing toward them, and the

Wolf did not notice the smell. He groaned and leaned satisfied to drink. His two

companions should have him much respect, since it came

to drink until the black wolf was over.

Eilai Anthor and pointed to the two largest. The leader went into

ford and lifted his head.

Anthor dropped a little bow and frowned.

The black wolf seemed to be looking in his direction.

He had discovered.

- Eilai, no! He whispered, but it was too late.

The arrow shot out, whistling crossed the river and went to dig into the

side of one of the wolves, which fell with a groan, as his

body began to change rapidly. Eilai had given in the


Anthor shot his even knowing it would fail, the werewolf

starting the ear saw it coming, so dodged, leaping aside

with a bark angrily. The elves charged again and shot bows

a second arrow. Eilai wolf hit the third leg, but this

just seemed to feel the impact, and ran towards them, following his

leader. The black wolf had also received a crush, but continued

forward as if I had not noticed. I knew exactly where

were and ran across the ford, with a twinkle in his murderous madness

look. Eilai and his partner fired more arrows, trying to strike him down.

They are all locked on the target, but that did not stop the creature.

The wolf jumped and disappeared into the thicket. The two elves

and joined back to back, looked around restlessly

with bolts placed in their bows and tense muscles. Both are

had realized they faced a formidable enemy and more

intelligent than usual.

- Where is he? Anthor whispered.

Eilai was asking the same question.

There was a whisper and shadow of a wolf leaped toward them from the

bushes. The two elves turned with the speed of lightning and

fired simultaneously. They heard a yelp and the sound of a body falling.

Anthor ran for the kill. Eilai followed.

The creature had been transformed into a naked man hair

dark, dirty and disheveled, and crafty face, now frozen for

always in a grimace of pain and surprise. He was dead, but Anthor

leaned over him to make sure. He discovered that he still had an arrow

sunk in the leg, apart from that which had just hit the

heart. Anthor frowned. They had nailed many other arrows

while crossing the ford. His gaze lingered on her small,

rounded ears and the blood froze in my veins.

Both were whole.

He jumped up and turned to Eilai to warn.

Too late. With a yelp of triumph, the huge black wolf

starting ear jumped on her from the darkness. The elf launched a

exclamation of surprise and instinctively raised his arms to protect themselves.

The creature fell heavily on her and her jaw closed over the

Eilai right forearm, which screamed in pain. They rolled on the ground.

Wolf's Fangs now hovered over the neck of the Sentinel.

Anthor ran toward them, had the bow ready and, although it was

easy to hit a moving target, shot. The arrow stuck in

the hindquarters of the creature, but that's not even distracted. Eilai managed

throw a jab with his hunting knife, but his wounded arm and

not struck him in the heart. Anthor swore softly, pulled out his own knife

and, with a wild cry, threw himself on the wolf. He managed to plunge the dagger in his

back, and this time the werewolf threw a horrible scream of pain and

elf shook the top, trying to push away the weapon that

seared his flesh like fire even could do. Anthor

immediately stood up and turned to him, holding his knife in

high. The wolf growled menacingly, but turned away from Eilai, which

also wielded his knife ready to use, and not to fail in this


Before disappearing into the thicket, the werewolf stuck in Anthor

a look of hate, too intelligent to be animal

too wild to be human.

Anthor not move. He had been paralyzed momentarily

by that look and knew, for sure, would never achieve


In other circumstances would have gone after werewolf up

kill him, but Eilai was hurt, and both knew very well what it


The two stood motionless, but the wolf did not return. Anthor breath


- They're disgusting she said, avoiding looking at the body of the werewolf

had been lying on the ground.

Eilai said nothing. Anthor helped her up.

- Let me see that dagger she whispered, when handed Anthor, Eilai

examined in the light of the full moon. It is silver. Where did you


- An old family heirloom.

- So it's true what tradition says ... Silver makes them


- Now is not the time to think about it, Eilai. 're Hurt.

She nodded, pale, and both were launched, back to

South Pass. On the way they heard the horns announcing victory and

knew that the attack had been repulsed. But neither smiled.

- With a little luck, the warlock will have reached Anthor murmured,


The witch living deep in the forest, but it certainly had

heard the warning horn, which also revealed the nature of the


Finally reached the fort, but Captain blocked their way. Its

face was a mask of stone.

- Said demand an explanation only.

Both stood at attention. Anthor went to answer, but it Eilai


- It was my fault, Captain. I watched from the battlements to the herd

divided. I thought the group would try to enter through the ford and convinced

Anthor accompany me. I take full responsibility.

- Killed two and we run the third-Anthor added.

The Captain said nothing, but her almond eyes narrowed.

He had discovered that she was hurt Sentinel.

- She's been bitten, sir, 'said Anthor.

The Captain, without saying a word, he turned and started toward

the bulwark, aware that time was running out. Eilai Anthor and what


At the foot of the tower was waiting for an elf white hair, more

lower than the others. He covered her body with a blanket of green and

leaning on a cane from which hung various beads. His eyes

reddish dug into the bloody arm of Eilai, and frowned


The elf was taken to a room on the second floor. The sorcerer came

with her and the door closed to others.

Anthor waited outside for a long time. The wait seemed to him eternal

but when he began to fear the worst, the warlock left the room and


- You're her husband, right?

- Yes.

Anthor blushed slightly. They had been married a short time and

had not yet been used. The witch gave him a strange look.

- Enter.

Restless, Anthor followed him inside the room. Eilai slept

on a cot. His arm had been carefully bandaged, and the

gauze brownish stain could be seen, a product without doubt

the witch ointment was applied to the wound. Blonde Hair

Sentinel, now loose, fell in waves on the pillow. His face was

pale and covered in sweat, but his expression was calm.

- Do not lose the arm said the sorcerer. Although it will take years to

fire again as before. Still ...

He paused and looked at him gravely.

- What is it? Anthor asked nervously. Not going to tell me that

become one of them, right? The elves that does not affect us

loathsome disease!

- We are not affected witcher granted because many millennia ago

know a cure, which is completely effective when

applies to time and the victim is not an elf especially weak. Your wife

not transform, Sentinel.

Anthor breath, relieved. But something in the face of the sorcerer

disturbed again.

- Despite this, he continued, nothing we can do when it comes

of victims sick or very young children. Their bodies have not

infection repelling forces, and in most cases the antidote

not effective.

Anthor looked at him, wondering where he was going. The sorcerer posed

his hand gently on the forehead Eilai wet.

- Did you know that your wife is pregnant, Sentinel? He asked


Anthor felt his heart stop for a moment. That

revelation hit him like a sledgehammer, and was slow to react. The

implications of the words were so terrifying witch decided

clinging to his last chance.

- No ... not possible, warlock. I would have said.

- I suspect that even she did not know it yet.

"So how do you know?" Anthor wanted to ask, but do not

made. No one knew better than the wizards about the secrets of the world

Nature, life and death. Wanted to say something, but found


- I would congratulate the sorcerer he added gravely, but do not know

whether it would be appropriate, given the circumstances.

Anthor sank into a chair and desolate, buried his face in


- Do you mean ... my son will be a monster?

- Oh, no, the witch smiled. In fact, I dare say it will be a

very beautiful creature, given the bearing of their parents.

- But ...

- But there is every chance that, upon reaching the

adolescence, begin to transform into wolf full moon.

Anthor closed his eyes. "This can not be happening," he thought.

"It is simply the product of a nightmare ..."

- I understand that, for a young couple like you, have

stem would like a burden. If you will not take risks, I know

a human woman who can help.

Anthor raised his head and looked at him with a flame of hope in their

violet eyes, but could not help but frown and ask, not


- Did you say a human?

- Oh, yes, but it makes no distinction between races when it comes to

money. They will be just a few hours and you can save you from the creature before

anyone being aware that your wife is pregnant.

Anthor paled.

- Are you suggesting ... we get rid of the baby before birth?

- You can do it later, if you easier replied the sorcerer,

indifferent shrug. But I doubt it: you are very young and

this will be your first child. You will not have to kill him or leave value

if you look at the eyes once.

Anthor felt his head spinning. All this was

too awful to be true. He looked at his sleeping wife and tried to

imagine what her response would be. He had a glimpse of a

baby Eilai traits, his amber eyes, that smile biased

his that he had learned to love.

The witch saw hesitated.

- What do you know of the werewolves, Sentinel? He asked.

Anthor frowned.

- Little thing she admitted. They are violent and savage and become

wolves full moon nights. Silver is deadly to them. Devour everything

living thing in their path and ...

He was unable to say any more, and the witch noticed.

- I'll tell you what I know, 'he said softly. They are wild beasts one

night of each month. And the rest are normal people time.

Human. Elves. Who cares. Everyone has a bad day. They have twelve

terrible days a year.

Anthor reflected.

- We could enclose the full moon he ventured. In addition ...

There is also a small chance that the bite is not

affected, is not it? He asked anxiously.

- Minimum replied the sorcerer, but yes, there.

Anthor breathed a sigh of relief.

- Are you willing to let this creature live? Asked the witch.

Are you aware of what will be your life? If discovered, they will kill him. Y,

even if not discovered, will hiding from centuries

conspecifics full moon nights. Is that what you call living?

- It's better than being dead Anthor replied, but without much

conviction. I do not understand, warlock, what do you mean? What do you want

to do?

- What you do shall be solely yours. But it is my duty

make sure you consider the consequences of all

possibilities before deciding. And another thing you should know.

- What?

- It is said that some werewolves, called Lords of the Wolves,

can learn to control your changes. Required, however,

centuries of personal mastery and self-control, so this skill

generally not available to ordinary werewolves. But of

some elves.

Anthor shook his head.

- There are no elves werewolves. You can not know.

- If there will be only a handful worldwide. But not for me

who go looking for those legendary Lords of the Wolves and, from

then neither should your son.

- Why not?

The sorcerer's eyes flashed ominously.

- If a werewolf is transformed into a murderous beast once

month ... What kind of creature would be someone who has the ability to

do so at any time?

Anthor paused, reflecting on the words of the sorcerer.

- Well? Asked this after a long silence.

The Sentinel thought what would become of her child if she reached the curse of

lycanthropy. They would be forced to lock him once a month and

keep it away from other elves, so it could happen. Never

could lead a normal life.

But a werewolf was a person most of the time.

They were but twelve days a year.

Twelve days.

Anchor looked again Eilai the serene face. It

consult with her before making a final decision, but it

suspected what would be your answer.

- The child will live she said.

Chapter II The Son Sentinel

BORN CHILD and her amber eyes of his mother. It was a baby

beautiful, healthy, and all Anthor and Eilai congratulated for it. But only

creature they appreciated the little details that were

disturbing, as the strange gleam in his eyes in the light of sunset, or

the fact that his auburn hair did not grow straight like the

other elves, but rebellious and messy, like I was always


He spent the first full moon without incident, and, although the wizard will

had warned that lycanthropy probably not manifest

through adolescence, parents breathed easier.

Only then gave it a name.

They called Ankris.

As the son of Sentinels was, his home was in the forest, away

of high gold and crystal palaces that stood in the heart of the United

of the Elves. But it soon became clear that Ankris was, if anything, much more

wild and solitary than any other Sentinel. His first decades of

life were spent wandering alone in the woods and just frequented the

company of other elves. His parents did not mind this

out well. They seemed to think that the less to get used Ankris

company would have fewer problems in later life if he were to suffer

the curse of lycanthropy.

The time he was forty years old, few knew Sentinels

really the son of Anthor and Eilai, and absolutely none of them would

been able to find it forest if he refused to be found.

His skills caught the attention of the Captain, who one day suggested

to Anthor that Ankris was old enough to enter the School of


- With all due respect, my Captain ... She hesitated Anthor. We are not

Ankris sure you want to be Sentinel.

- Nonsense. It is traditional for children to follow in the footsteps of his parents.

My Toh-Ril is the best of its kind-he added with undisguised pride. By

other hand, your child moves through the forest with enviable ease and

stealth creeps. It would be a shame to waste his talent.

He recalled that a week later the ceremony would take place

inauguration of three new Sentinels.

- You and you should attend Eilai he said. And your guy.

When Anthor said, Eilai not considered a good idea. I was

educating your child to be kept away from other elves, and

I was not sure I knew Ankris behave in a social act of

that caliber.

During the ceremony it became clear that was not far Eilai

misguided. The child did not feel comfortable with his new suit, and gave the

feeling that repressed the urge to shake his head to mess

back her hair, carefully combed back and glued to

head. Watched with caution and distrust anyone who

approached, and ran into the woods frequent glances, wishing no doubt

again run to hide in the trees.

But pretty well behaved.

In addition, the Captain was right. From that day, the child wanted

with all their might be a Sentinel, like their parents. But not due

anything you see on the long, boring ceremony, but something happened


Ankris came with his parents from the fort, considerably

relieved when he noticed a luxurious carriage that had

stopped before the door closed the Paso, hoping that this will

opened to leave the Kingdom of the Elves.

They used to come and go many chariots and horsemen through the South Pass;

Ankris had seen before but never had the opportunity to

contemplate a carriage so large and so closely watched so that


Then satin curtain covering one of the windows was removed

to make way for sapphire eyes lingered on him a brief


Ankris swallowed. The owner of those eyes was a girl her

old, elegant porcelain skin and eyebrows. Her hair

Brown was neatly tied back and trimmed with

little jewels shining like stars. The only thing that clouded his

beauty was a grimace of boredom and disdain slightly twisting


Ankris not notice this last detail. The face was the most beautiful

I had ever seen.

The elf's eyes were not looking, however, it

Sentinels group toured with some interest.

- Shi-Mae! Then said a stern voice from inside the

car, the girl sighed, and the curtain closed again, hiding her face

sapphire eyes.

"Her name is Mae Shi, 'thought Ankris, smiling stupidly.

He ran after the car. Her father tried to catch him, but he

got. Ankris dodged likewise one of the Sentinels

guarding the door, but the other managed to retain it. The child was discussed

uselessly, watching helplessly as the carriage away from the

Kingdom of the Elves.

- Where are you going? He demanded. Where are you taking?

- That does not concern you, young man.

- Let me talk to him when a voice said.

Ankris turned curiously. Behind him was the sorcerer, who is

approached leaning on his cane. Ankris often seen him

while exploring the forest, though he suspected that on such occasions

the sorcerer had never notice him.

He felt uneasy, however. She had never met him

face to face and also when his parents always spoke of the witch

were whispering so that he could not hear them, while

appeared on their faces a shadow of concern.

- So you're the young son of Anthor and Eilai-said the sorcerer.

Ankris not answer, but looked challenging. The race was

back her hair tousled and the struggle with the guards had

disrupted the elegant suit. In addition, he had lost a shoe by the

way and already had muddy feet.

- Come, 'said the witch.

Ankris hesitated. His partner turned to get away from

guards, and the child finally decided to follow him.

- You'll never see it in a while then said aloud witch


Ankris's heart sank.

- Why? Where are you going?

The sorcerer took a quick look at the closed doors of Passage


- His name is Shi-Mae and heir of the Duchy of Rio. It

akin to royalty.

"You probably do not know, Wolverine, but the Kingdom of the Elves passed

by a delicate political situation. The King still has not given us an heir

and many nobles vying for power. The Mae Shi's father sends her to

study away from our realm to save his life, because blood flows

actual veins that girl, and River House aspires to the throne


Ankris only retained a long speech thing Warlock: that

Mae Shi marched away because his life was in danger.

- But where are you going?

- At a School of High Sorcery located in a distant kingdom. Me

small cub, this girl has the gift of magic, but her father

dare not enter it in the Golden Wood School, which

in our kingdom. Too many young people of the nobility are

dying under mysterious circumstances in these difficult days.

- So, it will not? Ankris asked, disappointed.

- Yes, it will return someday. But by then and have forgotten.

Because ... see, Wolverine, highborn maidens do not look at the elves

wild like you. She will marry some important aristocrat. And, if your

father plays his cards and our King is childless, Shi-Mae

could become our queen someday.

Ankris said nothing, but a flash of rebellion lit his eyes. The

sorcerer glanced Anthor and Eilai, that restless, waiting a bit

further, not daring to approach.

- Your parents are waiting. Go with them, Wolverine.

Ankris took a few steps and then stopped to look at the sorcerer.

- Why do you call me that?

- You'll understand in a few decades, small-answered

Warlock ominously. And when you do ... come see me.

Ankris looked at him quizzically, shrugged, said goodbye

him with a gesture and returned to his parents.

- Do not forget ... Whispered the sorcerer, knowing that the child no longer

could hear. When the wolf wakes up, you little son of the forest ...

come see me.

Mae Shi again someday. And the high-born maidens do not look at

wild elves.

With this idea in mind, Ankris began regularly attending

School Sentinels. Or at least, so he thought. It dropped once in

as for classes and when I explained that he should be there every

day, morning and evening, was so horrified that came in from the

school in three weeks. Then again presented, apparently

willing to follow the rules, and tried to go daily.

The thing was in the attempt. Ankris still missing a lot because there

could help it, but gradually, in fits and starts, he learned some

things: to handle the bow, to use the secret language of signs of the

Sentinels, to follow tracks, to face a melee opponent,

with knife or not ... But also learning history, geography, botany,

zoology, grammar ...

Because of his frequent absences, Ankris was much more

delayed than their peers in almost everything, but, despite receiving more

a reprimand, he was not expelled from school. It was said that Captain

felt a soft spot for him, and that earned him antipathies between their

companions, Toh-Ril, the son of Captain, and especially hated

did nothing to hide.

Basically all envied not only freedom he enjoyed Ankris,

but also their ability to blend in with the forest and move it

being almost completely invisible. He knew every inch of the ground without

need to learn boring flat and was also able to

distinguish one from another poisonous herb or other just

edible, but did not know to call them by name. Did oriented

under the stars without having studied the names of the constellations and

climbed trees faster than any.

For all these things, Captain considered him one of the elements

most valuable of his school. But not everyone shared his affection for


He did not care. The school had become more sociable, but not

to the point of worrying about what others might think of him.

And so, one night, when I came home after school, is

found a nasty surprise in the woods.

Toh-Ril and some of the bigger guys at school were


- Hello, Ankris Toh-Ril said, smiling darkly.

- What do you want? He asked cautiously. Shone upon them

fantastic full moon and, fascinated by it, the boy had left

foolishly surprise. In other circumstances, would have been much

before they even suspect approaching.

- Just curious-Ril Toh said, shrugging.

Since you're so good at all, I was wondering what would you do if

five elves will attack you at once.

Five surround started. Ankris was unsure how


- You do this because this morning I beat the body fight

body? He asked carelessly.

The Toh-Ril face darkened. He was bigger and stronger, but

Ankris, more agile and fast, he had made a fool this morning. Not

was right to remind him.

- Get him, guys, 'he said. We will teach you not to be such airs.

Ankris back and turned around.

- Scared? Scoffed Toh-Ril.

Ankris saw an escape route: a gap between two of the boys.

He ran toward it.

- Hey, who escapes!

Ankris cleverly shook off the first and, with a shove, unbalanced

the second he had started to run towards him. He ran at full

speed toward home, dodging tree trunks, while

Toh-Ril and his chasing him. And maybe it would have come, if not

because their feet tangled in a root treacherous made him fall to


- It's ours! He heard the voice of Toh-Ril behind him.

Ankris tried to get up, but could not. He hurt his right ankle. It

leaned against the trunk of a tree to sit up and turn to their

pursuers, who had already achieved.

- Do not you run, small? Scoffed one.

Ankris, knowing cornered, growled menacingly. The boys


- Do you not I tell you? Toh-Ril smiled contemptuously. It is only

a small wild animal.

He threw his fist into the face of Ankris, this attempted escape, and the blow

struck him painfully on the shoulder.

- Is elusive-Toh-Ril said. Hold him.

Two of the elves obeyed and this time, Toh-Ril not fail. He struck

Ankris in the face and the boy moaned in pain, tried to escape again and almost


- What is it? Do not tell me you can not bear a child who has not

has turned fifty years.

- It's ... Ayyy! I was bitten! What a beast! If blood has made me

and all ...

Toh-Ril looked at him, irritated, and started to say something, but stopped.

The taste of blood had been a subtle change in the face of

Ankris, now made in a menacing gesture of rage. The child's

looked with a strange and unearthly yellow glow in his eyes as

growled under his breath just like an animal.

- What the ...? -Started one of the guys.

He did not finish. With a howl of rage, Ankris jumped on him and

knocked him to the ground. Both rolled on the grass. Ankris nails are

fixed on the arm of his hand, as his mouth sought his


- Sacádmelo off! Sacádmelo off! Cried the

boy, terrified.

Toh-Ril reacted. Ankris He lunged and pulled him back,

but the boy squirmed and scratched him in the face. Toh-Ril back with a cry

and looked at him. The full moon lit Ankris traits, and the son of Captain


His face seemed more bestial than elven, and his eyes ...

Toh-Ril recoiled even more, her hand to her cheek

bleeding. His companions also fell slowly to

join him watch while Ankris, that looked alert and the

muscles tense, as if to jump on them at any


- Let's go, Toh-Ril whispered, terrified.

The five turned and ran.

Ankris pursued for a while, feeling the soft glow

full moon filled her spirit with a wild force that he had never

experienced. The ankle did not hurt and brand-Ril Toh fist in

his face was barely noticeable. Finally, tired of the game, the left

march, climbed a huge rock and watched him flee like rabbits

scared. He was strong, powerful and free.

He heard the wolves howling in the distance. His parents had

instilled the idea that the wolf was the most dangerous, fearful, hateful and

negligible existed, but now its remote call will

seemed the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, and wanted


He threw his head back and howled. It was a scream filled with feelings of

wild triumph and joy. And the wolves responded.

Drunk with freedom and joy, Ankris down from the rock, ready to

meet them.

But a figure expected to foot, and remained paralyzed Ankris


Eilai It was his mother.

Suddenly Ankris back to reality. The moment had passed, and

suddenly the boy was no longer a wild beast, but a very young and

very confused elf who had many problems remembering what

just happened.

Yes remembered howled, and was extremely ridiculous

it. He approached his mother with an apologetic smile, uncomfortable and

disturbed by the strange expression of her face. He wanted to apologize for

his absurd behavior, but before he could say anything, she


- Do not ever do that again-said, very pale.

Ankris said nothing. I was too stunned to speak.

Anyway, Eilai expected no answer. They dragged him to

back to his house, an elegant cabin built, like almost all

Sentinels housing on the top of a tree, and locked him in his


Ankris went there all night, crying and cursing in equal

and thinking that her mother had been terribly unfair to him. If

had paid attention to what their parents whispered across

the door would have understood many things, but at that time only

I could think excessive punishment received, without understanding

exactly what had happened that night, not realizing that

that would have serious consequences.

When at last, exhausted, he felt sleep overcame him, a spark of

rebellion and pride was kindled within him, and he vowed to himself that

never again mourn.

Although the next day everyone could see the marks of

Ankris nails in the face of Toh-Ril, this did not denounce what

occurred, nor his companions. In the light of day things looked

different, and that disheveled boy seemed not nearly as

threatening as they had thought the night before. On one hand,

embarrassed and did not want to confess that he had overcome them by

Moreover, since they could not help him with a fearsome

respect, although the flame of hatred burning in their hearts, especially

in Toh-Ril, more intensely than ever.

Ankris was aware of it, however, as he remembered the

conflict-much later would remember and understand

many things, at that time was not able to understand what had

motivated this change of attitude.

Also, once had other things to think about: since then,

full moon every night felt strangely exhausted and slept

a stretch well into the next day when he awoke with

headache and too late to get to classes

morning. No one seemed odd; Ankris skipped school to


The boy fought with all his might against the strange tiredness

chronic, but failed to stay awake one of those nights.

It was still too young and innocent to suspect even that

their parents mingled a sleeping pill in his dinner every night of

full moon.

Chapter III Shi-Mae

A LONG LINE OF GIGS waiting on both sides of the

South Pass door. Ankris watched for a while, perplexed, the comings and

comings of the footmen, dressed in different liveries, which required treatment

preference for their respective lords, aristocrats worshipful

impatiently protesting from inside their vehicles. About

wanted to leave the Kingdom of the Elves and others tried to enter. Always

had been well on the border, but that day the traffic was

surprisingly dense, even though they tried Sentinels

by swiftly dispatching the eternal formalities required to move to


Ankris saw a little beyond Aefeld and his friend joined him.

- What is happening today?

- Do not you know? -Aefeld was the only guy in school who seemed

appreciate it a little, though, at ninety-three, Ankris still

being a loner. The Kings have had a daughter, Princess Nawin. She

will be the new queen when I grow up.

Ankris suddenly remembered that many years ago, the sorcerer had said

Shi-Mae, the girl with sapphire eyes, could become queen

someday. Despite the time elapsed, Ankris had not forgotten and

was often approaching the border crossing to spy the carriages

entering the kingdom, hoping to see inside one of them.

- Is that why so many people in and out?

- Sure. Those who had conspired to take the throne

now you have no chance, so many into exile, but again

when everything is calmer.

"Moreover, many went in harder times, and now

returning after having proclaimed their loyalty to the new heir,

taking advantage of the political landscape has stabilized following its


Ankris's heart sank. "Shi-Mae" thought. "Shi-Mae

again. "

- I pity Aefeld princess sighed. My father says,

while a child is vulnerable, many will try to kill her to keep

options taking the throne. Others will approach her and flatter for

gain privileges. Probably grow without trust anyone.

Ankris considered the comment of his friend. Finally he shrugged


- I do not see any advantage to it being declared king. Not

understand how anyone would want to kill or die for it.

Aefeld smiled.

- You're a weird guy, Ankris he said, but quickly fell silent.

As usual, Ankris had left without saying goodbye and

had disappeared in the thicket.

In the days following the traffic in the South Pass intensified.

Ankris redoubled their vigilance, to no avail. It is also accustomed to

sneak into the room where they kept the book that recorded the

inputs and outputs through the Pass. However, the names of the Duke

River and his family were still not reflected in its pages.

I was beginning to fear that he would never return Mae Shi when

something happened. One night, over dinner, told Anthor Eilai:

- The Captain asked me one of the two go to Step this


- Why? Just another high-born nobleman secretly want to cross


- And all a big fish. Nothing less than the Duke River.

Ankris's heart sank. He raised his head to listen


- Must have many enemies in the kingdom Anthor he continued, as

has requested a special escort to protect his carriage Sentinels

while crossing the Ring. It seems that fear being victims of a

ambush in the deep forest.

- But tonight the moon is full-Eilai hesitated.

- I've noticed Anthor growled. Of course, if they wanted to

anyone to know of their arrival, they have chosen the wrong time. Any

could see them. The Captain tried to make him understand his emissary, but the

Duke apparently did not alter their plans. How can you be so


- Anthor, you know what I mean.

Both went to Ankris quick sideways glance. The boy used

pay attention to the conversations of their parents, but at the

time was attentive and clearly caught the look. He was so

surprised he did not say anything.

- I'll go, decided Eilai. You should stay here with Ankris.

- I want to go 'said the boy quickly.

They both turned to him and looked at him as if for the first time

who saw him.

- Another day, son ... Anthor he began.

- No, it has to be tonight Ankris insisted, saw in the faces of

parents who did not think to let him out, and begged: Please ...

Anthor frowned, would reiterate its negative terms

firm but Eilai intervened, gently:

- Ankris, son, you could not get if you tried. You never know

feel good full moon nights. If I do not you to stay asleep

facilitarías surveillance.

A wave of panic washed over Ankris. Your mother was right.

He felt that the world was collapsing around him. Had waited

for decades the return of Shi-Mae, and that stupid Duke River

chose a night of full moon to cross the border. It was not fair.

A flame of rebellion ignited his heart.

- This time will be different, he said. I will not be overcome by sleep,

I promise.

"It's too important," he thought, but dared not speak. He

himself had not succeeded yet explained why I was so keen

again see Shi-Mae, which not even know, so it would be

useless to try to make him understand his parents.

Eilai Anthor and exchanged glances.

- Whatever she conceded. But just before dinner, and drinks without

touched your drink yet.

Mad with joy, Ankris obeyed and took a spoonful of soup.

He was drinking, but suddenly felt the expectant gaze of their parents and

looked up.

- What is the matter?

They already looked the other way.

- No, son, baby quiet.

Ankris returned his attention to the glass, but he had an intuition.

- I have not sed-said, staring at his mother.

She paled visibly. And according appreciated the boy, also

her father's face seemed to lose color.

- It's all Eilai said with a forced smile. I will drink more


- I said I have no thirst Ankris repeated, slowly.

- How dare you talk to your mother? She chided him Anthor.

- I just said that I have no thirst. Since when is that a crime?

His father looked at him a moment, a flash of anger in his eyes.

Then he said, slowly but surely:

- It's over. Tonight you stay at home, young man.

- What? Ankris blurted, stunned. Why? For not wanting to drink?

That is absurd!

- Do not be impertinent! Anthor blurted. If your mother wants you

drink will be for a good reason, and you are not the one to discuss! Hast thou


- No, I do not understand! -Almost shrieked Ankris, trembling.

Never before had faced their parents that way.

I still was not sure what was happening, but I sensed and

although the explanation that came to mind was alarming, justified in

much of the strange behavior that was detected in his parents

in recent times.

Despite her anger, she realized that they too

shaking ... and, above the angry gesture of his father, he discovered a

shadow of fear in his eyes.

What were scared? Do it?

- Enough, Ankris! Cried his father. Do not answer me or ...!

- Or what? The words came out of his mouth before he could

stop them. Or drogarás also not to leave food for the nights

full moon?

He was said.

He had intended to print a sarcastic voice, was not serious,

but the faces of their parents froze a moment, and

Ankris read the truth in his eyes.

- Nonsense Anthor mumbled.

But Ankris knew. He threw the glass down and listened with sinister

pleasure as it broke into pieces. Anthor moved toward him. Ankris


- It's okay, son Eilai said, close to tears. Do not be afraid.

But Ankris afraid. Suddenly, his house no longer seemed a


- No, he told his father. Stay away.

Anthor moved on. Ankris turned and ran

to the window. He heard his father ran after him, but he had caught

unprepared and could not reach it. Ankris jumped out the window and

engaged in the branches of a tree. It was the first time I went and of

his house. He climbed up the tree and got lost in the dark without

to ignore the voices of their parents, who called him. He still had

fear, but I was in their world and the full moon shone upon it,

inviting him to freedom and to madness.

The River Duke's carriage crossed the Paso, and Anthor and Eilai

were there. Ankris hid among the trees and watched. By the way

his parents searched the shadows, the young elf guessed that

had come there only to protect the Duke.

They were looking for him.

Ankris gritted his teeth and shook his head. I would never go to his

home, never, never ... But I had to see Shi-Mae again.

So, quiet as a shadow, continued through the carriage

the forest. None of the Sentinels of the escort, among which

were his parents noticed his presence.

The road snaked through the forested ring was narrow and

uncomfortable, and the carriage moved slowly and with difficulty. Access

the heart of the Kingdom of the Elves were difficult and were strongly

monitored. No one could pass that way without him Sentinels

warned, but it was a perfect place to ambush because

vehicles and horses were forced to move very slowly. Thus,

the elves were protected from any external threat, but the enemies

Duke came inside and, if they wanted to keep him to return to the

capital should take the path through the ring, then it would

more difficult to make an attack.

The Sentinels of the escort remained alert and realized Ankris

that it would be impossible to approach the vehicle without being seen. I was

beginning to entertain the idea of ​​following up the very capital

leaving the forest I had seen grow, when something happened.

Several arrows emerged from the woods, whistling, looking for

bodies of the Guards of the entourage. Four of them fell, killed

by the arrows.

- Ambush! Ambush! Anthor cried.

Very confusing, Ankris looked around. The Sentinels had

hidden behind the trees, and scanned the undergrowth. Ankris wanted to help,

but he realized that in his hasty flight, had left at home

his bow, his quiver and his hunting knife. He moved cautiously on

branches. He found an elf crouched a little further, armed with a

crossbow. He crept, hoping to unexpected

behind. When he was almost upon him, saw with horror that the elf

had shot his mother, hiding in the bushes just beyond. An

wild cry, Ankris lunged at him. Both lost their balance and

fell. The crossbow and arrow was shot to cut into the

haunch of one of the horses, with a terrified whinny, reared

and ran, dragging the cart behind him. The driver lost

balance and fell off the box, so that the vehicle went out of control, to

mercy of the terrified horses, which soon lost him in the


Ankris was struggling with the attacker and, initially, it was

aware of what was happening. Eilai ran to help and the two

reduced the aggressor and grabbed the crossbow. The boy entered a

little and met her mother's gaze.

They were only a few seconds, but Ankris and understood Eilai

many things.

Ankris knew his mother loved him and that he had only tried


Eilai realized he could never hold his son beside her or

turn it into something it was not.

Without a word, Ankris grabbed the crossbow, turned and began to

chasing after the runaway carriage. His mother tried to stop him.

The boy found the vehicle a little further. He had lost

two wheels on the road and one of the horses had managed to break free. The

another pawed nervously and tried to move, but the carriage had

been wedged between two trees and the animal could not drag after


But what made you hasten Ankris was to see that one of the

assailants had reached the vehicle before him and, armed with a

dagger, was opening the door.

Ankris howled and jumped on him. His opponent turned in time to see his

silhouette, silhouetted against the full moon, and shine savage and bestial in his eyes

amber. Paralyzed by surprise, was not able to defend themselves. Ankris

fell on him and attacked him with his bare hands, tooth and nail,

like an animal. Terrified, not knowing if it was attacking who was

elf, human, beast or demon, the attacker fled without looking back.

Ankris jumped into the carriage roof and howled. In the distance, other wolves will

answered. And felt again that wild sense of power and


Increased carriage of a leap and opened the door with a sudden jerk.

Mysteriously, his strength seemed to have multiplied, but he did not

noticed it. He stuck his head inside, looking for Shi-Mae.

People who looked at occupied vehicle, terrified. Its

silhouette, frizzy and unruly hair, stood out against the soft light

night outside, and the sparkle in his eyes was still supernatural

threatening. A young elf, probably his age, screamed

terrified. He had brown hair and blue eyes, and wore a tunic

light blue.

The boy growled, but stuck his head out of the carriage.

The Sentinels and the Elves of the escort of the Duke had just

reach out and ran toward them. The Captain, who was leading, stopped

Dry and looked at him, surprised.

- Ankris? Are you? What are you doing here?

The boy did not answer. He looked at his father, who had just arrived;

This gave him a horrified look, as if not seeing his

son, but a monster.

- Are you all right Ankris said, his voice much harsher than


I was not aware of wildness that had now, but

caught the expression on the face of his father, and knew that a barrier is

had arisen between the two, a barrier that would fail to knock ever. Y,

in case you still had doubts, at that time understood

finally it was time to leave home.

- Get away from there! Shouted one of the guards of the Duke, running

to him. I turn away, I say!

Ankris smiled darkly and separated from the carriage. He turned

toward his father. His face was pale, and looked as if it


- Goodbye, Father said.

He turned and disappeared into the woods, away from the

Guards, Sentinels, their parents, and the carriage road.

Anyway, I had seen what I wanted to see.

May succeed in deceiving another rum that trick, but not him. The girl

blue tunic Shi-Mae was not.

Confused and lost, Ankris wandered through the forest for a while longer. The

howling of the wolves sounded closer and found itself Ankris

same listening intently. I've never seen a wolf up close,

but soon realized that he understood what they were saying.

"Come, brothers," howled. "There is a single elf in the forest."

Ankris had an intuition and ran toward it.

Although he had always liked to hear their howling in the

distance, the wolves inhabiting their worst nightmares. Since I was a child, his

parents had told terrifying stories featuring wolves and

had taught that these were the most horrible creatures existed.

So hesitated before approaching more, but a shriek of

horror echoed through the night and ran Ankris again.

He found the wolves surrounding a trembling girl

fear. Ankris was wondering how come, when she made

something that caught him completely by surprise. Muttered a series of

nonsense words that sounded like a litany, made a curious gesture

hands, and when he finished speaking, something like a flash of

light illuminated the clear ... and the three wolves closest to her became


That (or maybe it was the light) intimidated remaining wolves that

receded somewhat. Admired, Ankris began to think that maybe,

after all, the girl needed help, but then appreciated

she leaned against the trunk of a tree to keep from fainting, apparently, the

spell had exhausted his strength.

Do not hesitate anymore. He loaded the crossbow he had taken the assailant

with the only arrow he had and moved cautiously, still looking to

wolves. His first thought was that it looked so terrible. Y,

when they set their eyes on him, Ankris was shaken by a

strange sense of familiarity ...

He drove his crossbow ready, but, to his surprise,

Wolves head and fell down, as if afraid to face

it. Ankris nearly a laugh stunned. But,

other hand, something inside told him that the wolves would not harm

because they were his equals.

His brothers.

He lowered his crossbow and moved safely among wolves. All are

away in its path, except the three that the elf was petrified. Ankris

came next to her and looked at her.

Was Mae Shi. Would have recognized those eyes anywhere.

The largest wolf advanced a little and growled, unwilling to

Ankris took office. The elf turned to him and stared at him. The

wolf moaned, cowed, and stepped back.

- Go away Ankris said simply.

And the wolves, one by one, they turned and were lost in the


Ankris felt exultant, and a little ridiculous at a time. What were these

the creatures he had feared?

- Who are you? He demanded Mae Shi.

Ankris turned to face her. He recalled the words of the guards, of

the occupants of the carriage dropped, his own father, when he had

seen that night. But Shi-Mae did not seem scared. I looked

with suspicion, yes, but also with curiosity and ... Fascination??

- My name Ankris, and I'm a Sentinel.

This was not entirely true. Shi-Mae must have realized, since

flashed a teasing glint in his eyes.

- So young? If you are a child still. Sure you're not older than me.

- He scared off wolves, he said, a little hurt. And no need


- That's true, 'she admitted. Do you speak your language? No one can

communicate well with animals unless they possess magical powers.

- I'm a Sentinel. We know the forest and its creatures

better than any elf bowed with the three wolves petrified and

stroked, feeling her heart breaking. What have you done?

He asked, his voice, perhaps due to nervousness, sounded a little tougher

what he intended.

- Is one of the toughest spells of the Book of the Earth said

she very proudly. Of course I, as I am apprentice third grade, and

I control ...

- Can you undo it? -Cut him sharply.

- Of course I can-Shi-Mae seemed offended. But I will not. Those

animals have tried to devour.

Ankris felt angry without knowing why, but tried to hold back.

- If I get to safety ...? Would free the wolves?

- I just need my horse to get out of here, 'she said coldly. Already

that you talk with the animals, you could bring him back.

- Does your horse? -Ankris suddenly remembered that there was Mae Shi

crossed the border into the carriage. Is that how you got here?

I thought that the ford was guarded.

- And I was, but not too much. Besides, I'm an apprentice

third grade, and I can do some tricks ... Magic can hide from the

Sentinels look.

- Did you come alone? Why not crossed the South Pass in the

Duke coach of River, Shi-Mae?

She froze.

- What ... how do you know my name?

- I know he answered abruptly. The carriage of your father has suffered

an ambush.

Her face showed no emotion. It was as if he had

been waiting for this news.

- Do not you want to know if your father is right?

- My father was in that carriage-Mae Shi said finally.

It takes several days waiting in the city. He crossed the border in the east.

Ankris looked at her, puzzled.

- That gig was just a decoy, had to explain it,

exasperated. We pretended we were going to cross the border in secret by the

South Pass. But we gave enough clues to our enemies as

for carriage divined false path. We assumed that

would use the trip through the ring to attack the vehicle, and while

So, I would cross the border at the ford, accompanied by an escort.

- A ... escort?

- One of the trusted men of my father. Unfortunately,

it turned out that was not exactly confidence-'s face-Mae Shi

hardened. After crossing the ford tried to kidnap me.

- So what happened? Ankris asked, impressed.

- The stone became she said rather coldly.

- I think you abuse your power Ankris said a


Her face suddenly became serious.

- No more talk sternly replied. Bring me my horse

immediately. And do not you dare talk to me again in that tone, commoner.

- I'll get your horse Ankris replied, annoyed, but you in return

life goeth these wolves.

Shi-Mae did not answer. Grumbling to himself, Ankris was to

for the horse.

He quickly find and bring him back. Mae Shi-mounted with

Queen gesture and turned to leave.

- Wait! -The Ankris stopped. What about the wolves?

- I'm too tired to do spells.

- You promised!

- I have not promised anything!

- What happens is you do not know because you undo the spell only

one apprentice.

Mae Shi turned red with anger, but finally uttered the

despetrificó magic words and the wolves.

Ankris told not to leave. Almost without realizing what

did, put his right hand on the head of one of the animals.

None of the three made a move to attack him or Shi-Mae.

- Satisfied? She growled.

But Ankris shook his head.

- You could thank me for saving your life.

- I've destoned wolves.

- That would have made you change your horse returned.

The Mae Shi eyes showed a new shine.

- Oh, you want a reward ... you're not as dumb as you look. Very

good. Introduce yourself in the house of Duke River, my father, and he will give you a

award for saving the life of his daughter. Goodbye, boy-wolf.

- Wait! Are you going to go alone to the city?

But she walked away into darkness.

Ankris sighed as he watched her leave. Looked after

to watch the full moon. One of the wolves howled, and he seconded with

another howl, feeling free, wild and happy. He bent down to pet the

wolves and at that moment he knew he had three new friends.

- We will not let him go alone, right?

One wolf growled in disgust. Ankris smiled.

- Do not worry, we will approach too. The monitor,

from afar.

"Well, Shi-Mae" thought. "Of course I'll come to your house

father. And there I'll see you again. "

The wolves howled again and Ankris howled with them.

Chapter IV Changes

Ankris Chamberlain looked like a louse. Then drove the

seen in the wolf followed him and raised an eyebrow.

- You say you want to see the Duke? Do you?

The boy was conscious of his ragged appearance. There

took several weeks to reach the capital of the kingdom, since once

Ring left the forest which was the home of the Sentinels, felt

much more uncertain and walked only at night, hiding in the

barns and stables of those strange houses built at ground level.

However, the city managed to reach about the same time that Shi-Mae, but

this did not detect its presence at any time, although

he had followed closely.

It had been a couple of days wandering the city stealthily,

between frightened and amazed. The needles of the tallest buildings of

marble, gold and crystal, delicately rose into the sky, shining

under the sun. That dazzling and exquisite city was surrounded by

forest and, somehow, seemed part of him.

Nevertheless, Ankris understood immediately that the other elves

wolves liked. That particular day, however, had decided

that one of them would accompany him.

I knew it was not fancy or refined, and was well educated, as

elven capital. I knew it was dirty, barefoot and disheveled, and that the

Wolf company not very flattering image. But his gaze was

determined and defiant. "I am what I am", I thought obsessively. Y,

though he knew exactly what it was, yes sensed that her parents had

tried to hide their true nature and rebelled against it.

So calmly replied:

- Yes. I want to see the Duke.

- And who shall I say? Chamberlain asked sarcastically.

- A Ankris.

- Ankris, what else?

He seemed to be enjoying it. But, if he thought humiliated

Ankris talking that way, of course I was wrong.

- Ankris, He-who-saved-the-life-of-your-daughter-Mae Shi said very

slowly. Take note.

In Chamberlain's cheeks were two separate rosettes.

- How dare you?

- Y add ye:


-Said. Please, concluded with the most innocent of smiles.

Rosettes Chamberlain cheeks became more


- But ... how ... you ... dare? -Could articulate.

- What is it? My last name is not long enough? Add ye

then ...

- Do not add anything more, little savage. Get your dirty feet that

valuable carpet and go the way you came.

- I have no intention of doing so.

Chamberlain nodded and approached two guards.

- How did you get here this shameless rogue?

The two seemed confused.

- Well ... has not gone through the front door and the courtyard,

sir. We would have seen.

- Get him out of here immediately.

The two guards moved forward, but the wolf came between Ankris and

them and growled. The guards hesitated a moment, however, no

stopped, so that the wolf jumped on the first one, which had

pulled his short sword. The second guard tried to catch Ankris, but

this slipped with insulting ease.

Finally, all ended up on the floor, in a chaotic heap. The

two guards were shot down Ankris, and the wolf had bitten viciously

the leg of one of them, screaming in pain.

- Enough! Then a voice-ordered. Let go the boy.

Ankris could see an imposing bearing elf approaching

mounted on a superb horse chestnut. Seeing this, the chamberlain

bowed so servile and overly almost brushed the ground with the tip of

nose, and he released Ankris guard him free. The boy stood up,

somewhat surprised, but let out a low growl and the wolf released

second leg immediately guard.

The rider watched all this with great interest.

- Who is this little barbarian?

- My lord Duke, quickly replied the chamberlain, is no more

a thief who has entered the enclosure and ...

- Oh, really? So how has entered the room, if you can


The guards seemed embarrassed. Ankris said a tree

grew across the wall.

- I climbed up there to that branch that sticks out a bit, 'he said,

and then I dropped into. It was simple.

- Impossible blurted Chamberlain. You can not climb that tree.

It's too high and no low branches.

Ankris shrugged.

- Any Sentinel could do so without difficulty he said coldly.

Duke's eyes twinkled in a strange way.

- I see. Did you also know your pet climb trees?

- No. But know crossing gates patrolled by guards who look only

forward, and never back down.

Duke's eyes twinkled again.

- And for what reason you wanted to get into my house? What do you expect


- If I wanted to steal something, would not have led to your

goalkeeper. Obviously I climbed the tree because the guards did not have

missed. From the first time I have made it clear that what

wanted was to talk to you.

- Really? What do you want from me?

- Request allow me to work for you, sir.

Chamberlain groaned at such impudence. The Duke narrowed

eyes dangerously.

- What makes you think you need?

Ankris be shrugged again.

- So far I have shown that I'm smarter than your

guards. But do not come here empty. Work as a reward request

for saving your daughter-Mae Shi to die in the woods a few


The Duke gave him a long. Then dismounted from his horse and

dismissed the guards. Then moved away from the door and made

Ankris a sign to follow him, away from the prying ears

Chamberlain. Once alone, the Duke said:

- You dared. How do I know you're telling the truth?

Ankris was first puzzled.

- She will not tell you?

- Of course not.

Ankris hesitated. But then he raised his head, determined, and looked at Duke


- No lie, 'he said. Mae Shi I found in the woods near the

southern border. The attacking a pack of wolves.

He related his adventure in the forest, but only spoke of the

conversation he had had with Shi-Mae, and also mentioned that

at that time had discovered his strange affinity with wolves. The

Duke did not ask about it. Ankris had realized that the

City elves arrived unaware how far the skills

Sentinels, and they attributed all sorts of fantastic capabilities

related to the forest and its inhabitants. Moreover, neither the

Sentinels had done nothing to bring them out of their error.

Ankris perceived that the Duke was studying now with a renewed

interest, and her heart beat faster.

- All right, boy said finally. You'll enter as a soldier

on my guard. Although now you're too young, I'm sure

that you will soon be useful to me.

Ankris had to cut their hair and wear the uniform with the coat of

River House. The rules in the palace of the Duke were much more

stringent than in the School of Sentinels, and the boy, who was not

accustomed to obey this rigid protocol, it went really wrong to

beginning. But hope to see again soon gave Mae Shi

forces to try to adapt. I knew that the Duke had given him a

opportunity but also knew that he and officials

guard watching him very closely.

For a time was an exemplary soldier. Never skip a

turn, always wore his uniform spotless and never were out

from office. No one imagined how much it cost him to obey the

orders, rules and schedules.

To make matters worse, he soon realized it was not so easy to see

Shi-Mae. She studied at the School of Forest High Sorcery

Dorado that although there was relatively close to the edge of the

city ​​had a policy of keeping people to their youngest learners.

Shi-Mae came home only when given a day off or called for a

special permit.

Ankris bear it was running into the woods in his time

off to meet his friends, the wolves. The full moon

were particularly savage. Ankris running with wolves through the thicket,

howled with them even hunted with them, and sometimes felt as one

more. As elf had always respected the lives of creatures

forest, but when he was with the wolves seemed perfectly logical

natural and to hunt deer, deer or any animal that crossed

in his way, if he was hungry.

Maybe that's why it took a long to notice the subtle changes

produced in his body the full moon. Her senses

sharpened, his strength is multiplied, his teeth seemed more

sharp, his desire to hunt grew stronger and the smell of the blood

increasingly disturbed. His eyes lit up with that wild shine

primary had frightened both Toh-Ril and his friends years ago. And

He must not feel in danger or participate in a fight for

they occur those changes, invariably, every night of

full moon, whatever he did, something was transformed inside.

From the beginning he managed so that the full moon

never touch him to guard. No change was concerned, they did

feel strong and powerful. But he sensed that the other elves perceived that

transformation and did not want to draw attention in the house of Duke. By

Therefore, never tell anyone what he was doing at night. By day was limited

to be the perfect soldier, or even more gossipy maids had

come to discover glancing toward the windows when Shi-Mae

was home.

Ankris had not said anything to the haughty daughter of the Duke, and she did not

seemed to have noticed that the new Guardsman was one

jovencísimo Sentinel who had saved long ago.

Once, when he crossed the yard full of volumes and

scrolls to return to school, he fell to the ground a couple of

rolls. Ankris front of her and bent down to pick them up.

- Do not Shi-Mae said softly. Are my spells

advanced and should not touch the uninitiated. Things could happen to you


Ankris said nothing, but looked into her eyes and, very slowly,

bent to pick up the scrolls despite all ... staring at her.

Mae Shi made no move to stop him. He held her gaze with a

mixture of interest, mockery and defiance in his sapphire eyes.

Ankris's hand caught the rolls and raised them up.

Nothing happened.

With a short and rigid tilt, the boy returned them to their

owner, who picked them up without a word.

- If you allow me, madam, for you take that burden Ankris said.

- But do not allow it, 'she replied. Do not even let the son of

Marqués de los Alamos touch anything that belongs to me. Why should

afford you?

- Because I touched your rolls and nothing has happened. Because

no one should allow a maiden like you bear much weight. And

for I'm asking.

Shi-Mae looked, among bewildered, shocked and amused.

After shrugged.

- Why not? He said finally.

Ankris spent his books and continued his way to the carriage that

waiting at the entrance. Chamberlain, who was holding the door, looked at

Ankris reprobation, walking behind her loaded with their things. With

a charming smile, Shi-Mae turned to Ankris to collect their

books before the carriage.

- Thanks, kid-wolf whispered softly.

The door closed behind her and the vehicle departed toward the

Golden Wood School, but Ankris stood there still

good time, risking being late to his post for the first time.

Mae Shi remembered him, knew who he was. I had not forgotten.

That night, in addition, the wolf of his pack gave birth five

beautiful puppies, and Ankris and his fellow wolves held on a

run in which the young elf, drunk with happiness, was abandoned to the wild

forest madness.

The next day he woke up at the foot of a tree, shivering with cold, and with

difficulty remembering what had happened. There were traces of blood

under his fingernails and around his mouth, and he guessed that the night before would

killed a deer to feed new puppies. But, why

not remember?

He was afraid for the first time, fear of increasingly resemble a

beast. And he promised himself he would try to moderate in the future.

There were more encounters with Shi-Mae. Sometimes not saying anything, and she

I looked between mocking and haughty, but I watched, no doubt. Every time

most often was asked to be part of his escort, and

once accompanied her to the very gates of the School of Forest

Dorado, an impressive building whose towering structure

towers and slender spiers, rising on a central

defying gravity, reminiscent of a giant tree. But never

allowed to enter her.

Just spoke because he had always other people do, but

on more than one occasion her hands brushed against him as he collected

books she held, and on more than one occasion their eyes

had found a room full of people, at parties organized

by Duke for his daughter was entering high society. Most

worshipful young noblemen and ask her to dance, however,

Her blue eyes were crossed with amber eyes of one of the

guards guarding the entrances, so undaunted that anyone would

thought that they were statues.

The years passed. Both Ankris as Shi-Mae grew up and met

hundred years, an important age for an elf, and what at first had

been a warm feeling was now a blazing fire that was intensified

every time he saw her. At one point he could no longer endure

as calmly see how she was courted by some and by others,

while he had no chance to do the same, because

knew he was a commoner.

However, Shi-Mae did not seem interested in finding a partner or at

least not currently. His father complained that he cared more

his studies of magic that his duties as eldest daughter of one of

major noble houses of the kingdom. And so it must be, since

in just ten years the blue tunic-Mae Shi became violet,

indicating a meteoric rise in the school, to be a

elf. Nobody was beginning to prepare for the Test of Fire, the last

review, prior to one hundred and twenty years, but she began to do the

hundred and five. Because elves were longer-lived than humans and,

Thus, their lives were at a different pace. Thus, Shi-Mae had over

hundred years and yet was still very young.

But despite apparently went to the holidays of obligation, it

truth was that his cold blue eyes studied him all calculatingly and

without losing detail.

Also Ankris, wearing long watching, he

aware of it. He realized then that he was ambitious and therefore never

settle for someone like him. But by then I also knew, without

doubt that he loved her.

That situation was increasingly frustrating.

And one moonlit night, a night when the wolves howled with

force from the woods, the herd had grown and prospered Fenris

in a shelter in the mountains, not far from the city, but safe from

-strange looks, the young elf was about to join them when he saw

a white shadow on a balcony.


A Ankris her heart sank. He thought he had never

seen as beautiful as now, in her nightgown, under the full moon. And, forgetting

all basic rules of caution, climbed up to that balcony.

Shi-Mae was startled and stepped back a bit. Then he recognized and


- Ah, it's you.

However, she felt somewhat uneasy. Ankris had squatted on the

balustrade, and his eyes had a certain glow amber wild. The

She looked at him in silence, torn between fear and fascination.

- Good evening, my lady, 'he said, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

I uploaded to warn that this moon and on this balcony you offer

an easy target for anyone who intends to secuestraros.

- You think so? She replied coolly. Well you're wrong;

anyone trying to kidnap will get an unpleasant surprise.

- Really? -Ankris smiled ominously. What if that someone

it was me?

He moved toward her, quick as thought. Shi-Mae backed,

raised his hands and said a few words in arcane language.

A gust of wind came from nowhere and pushed Ankris back

throwing him against the railing with incredible violence. The boy

grabbed at the last minute not to fall, managed to regain balance and

shook his head, trying to clear it. When he looked up he saw before

yes to Shi-Mae, triumphant, serene and terrible, but more beautiful than ever.

- I warned you, she said.

Ankris is hopped, but still felt a little dizzy and had

to lean on the railing to keep from falling.

- I stand corrected, my lady, 'he murmured. Forgive my boldness.

Shi-Mae smiled and leaned on the railing beside him. Arm

brushed her bare skin Ankris and this shivered, as if shaken

by electric shock. The wolves howling in the distance.

- Why do wolves howl at the full moon? Shi-Mae whispered.

Ankris smiled.

- Wolves do not howl at the full moon she said. Howl at night

because that's when they go hunting. Usually, to communicate with

other pack members who are far away. Although sometimes howl just

to express their joy of life.

- Really? What do they say now?

Ankris smiled again.

- We'll see, said only, and howled.

Shi-Mae backed away, frightened, and looked around, but in the palace

everything seemed quiet.

- What are you doing? Whispered irritably. If someone sees us together ...

- Listen, he interrupted quietly.

A chorus of howls answered his call from afar.

- Do you hear? They come from there, he hesitated, then said: It is my


- Your ... pack? Mae Shi repeated; Ankris not seem to mind that the


- Remember the three wolves that became a fifteen stone

years? Two males and one female.

- Are those the ones you have answered?

- No, those long dead. The wolves do not live long. But

these are their descendants. Survived three of his sons, who in turn

had new puppies, and we are joined by four more. Two

females are pregnant again. The family grows-added, with a


Indeed, one group of animals had become his

second family, but it was for him as a gang of friends with

who share the wild nights of full moon. Ankris saw them birth,

grow and die, since their short lives could not be compared with the

long existence of it, but not sorry, because the moments

spent with them were so full and wonderful that every second was worth

for an eternity. Wolves had accepted him as a leader, even though

was not one of them, perhaps because they were used to it, and also

by the fact that the elf had been with him almost since its


- You're a strange boy murmured Mae Shi.

- I had been told he confessed.

They locked eyes. Maybe it was the full moon, or the howling of the

wolves in the distance, or brightness in the eyes of Shi-Mae, or that nightgown as

gleamed white in the night ...

Ankris could not help it. He leaned over and kissed her.

Mae Shi stiffened at first, but then abandoned the first

kiss, awkward but full of tenderness, the young forest elf. She wrapped

with arms and fingers caressed her auburn hair, finding

surprisingly smooth.

However, when the two parted, panting, she looked with


- But how dare you! Go away from here or I'll call the guards!

Suppressing a smile, Ankris bowed to her.

- As you wish, my lady. Good night.

He climbed over the railing of a jump and disappeared into the night,

crazy with happiness. Despite the offended maiden ways had

Mae Shi said, Ankris had read in his eyes the promise of new


He ran into the woods to meet with the wolves. With the taste of your lips

Shi-Mae still in his mouth, he led a hunt Ankris as not

remembered in that place. They found a group of deer and attacked the

copy which appeared weaker, an old female who moved with

slowly. As he ran after her, remembering eyes and that Mae Shi

kiss under the full moon, Ankris noticed something fresh yet strangely

Family ran their veins. He felt stronger, leaner, safer, and

dropped to all fours to chase prey.

And then, suddenly, came the pain.

I walked up and down, torturing, searing the bowels.

Ankris froze and yelled, but the pain was still shaking for

inside. He dropped to the ground and rolled in the grass, while a terrible thing

ate, which transformed it from the inside out, which

elf destroyed nature slowly but surely.

He rolled to the river, screaming in agony, but not the water could

relieve pain.

And that which was consumed inside finally came outside and

began to transform it out.

The skin was covered with thick auburn hair, teeth

I stretched, hands made him claws and his face

transformed into a snout.

The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was his image in the water,

the image of a huge wolf eyes glowing like coals, full of

murderous rage.

Chapter V Impact

That night, the sorcerer later returned to his cabin. I used to go after

nightfall to collect plants needed for his potions,

concoctions and remedies. Some multiplied their property if the collected

under the moonlight.

Before entering the house knew someone was waiting hidden in the

weeds. From the corner of the eye discovered a pair of red eyes that

peering from the darkness. He could not help a quick glance at

heaven, even though he knew that the moon was not completely round

that night. He turned toward the intruder with caution.

- Ankris she called softly. Sal

The young elf left his hiding place. In the moonlight, the witch could see the

brightness, primary and brutal, in his eyes, and also found on his face,

beyond his puzzled expression, a deep footprint


- How did you know it was me?

- I waited for a long time. Spend.

He entered the cabin. Ankris hesitated, but finally followed.

He waited while the witch lit the fire and prepared an infusion.

When they were both sitting by the fire, the witch took off the

lips to say:

- It has already started, right?

- Did you know?

The witch nodded.

- Since before you were born.

He spoke of the night he had bitten werewolves Eilai. You

recounted the conversation he'd had with his father, and how this

had finally taken the decision to let him live.

- Would have done better killing Ankris said bitterly after a

brief silence.

The sorcerer looked.

- I know you do not think well in the background. You're too young to

wanting to die.

- You do not understand, warlock. At first, when I was not yet

transformed, it was an exciting feeling. I can not explain, but

I felt full, free and invincible. But now ...

- The transformation is painful, right?

- A agony. But that's not the worst. There is a moment, you know, in that

lose the sense that your consciousness is absorbed by the animal mind,

and is ... terrible impression. You feel down, like a pit

background, and desperately looking for something to grab before

wallow in darkness. It is truly frightening. P. .. like you

forced to sleep without knowing if you're going to wake up. It's like my mind

die each time to resurrect the next day. And that moment when the

beast overcomes the elf is much worse than the pain of transformation.

Because you never know if I have defeated forever.

- How long ago did it start?

Ankris hesitated.

- I've been noticing symptoms while but did not know it was

lycanthropy until I became completely for the first time. Of

that seven months ago.

- Your parents had you not said anything?

- No.

- I guess until the last moment hoping maintained

that I had not touched.

- I narcotizaban full moon nights Ankris-expressed with

a grudge.

The witch laughed softly.

- Yes, I know. I gave them the potion they needed. But

deep down you already knew that, right? So you come to me.

- And because you told me to come to you.

- So remember ... But I can not do for you anything you do not

has already done so. I can follow suministrándote the concoction you got your


- Will it prevent me become?

- Of course not. But I will harmless until you exit the


Ankris hesitated.

- You've already killed, right? Muttered the witch.

Ankris lowered his head.

- I do not know, 'he confessed. I never remember what I do when the moon

full. But ... I heard that a large wolf has killed a

Elder in the hills north of the city. Is my pack territory, and

I have not in the group with a copy so big ...

- ... But yourself, is not it?

Ankris buried his face in his hands.

- What have I become? She whispered. Why did that happen to


- I have no answer to that, Ankris. But I do know that you have a

ability to lead a fairly normal life ... if you leave the

city ​​and come back here to the ring.

The boy looked up quickly.

- Never, he said.

- Think it easy, kid. In the deep forest will be safe from

people's eyes. You will have more places to hide and we have

near me and your parents, to lend a hand if needed and justify disappearances your full moon nights. In addition, you need

periodically provide the potion.

- I do not mind coming from the city to pick it up when I

Ankris end-assured.

- You're stubborn, right? If you do not want to consider what would happen if

I discovered, receiving at least think that living in the city put in

danger to many more people. Including her.

Ankris looked up quickly.

- How do you know ...?

The wizard chuckled.

- Boy, I've been young. What else could

keep you in an environment you do not belong? I will not ask for

your girl, because it's not my business. The only thing I want

say, with sincerity ... is whether she knows it or not.

- Yet Ankris whispered softly.

- What are you going to say?

Ankris had not decided yet. Since the night of the kiss in the

balcony-the night of his first transformation, recalled the young man with a

shudder, the relationship between him and had advanced-Mae Shi

surprisingly fast to be a couple of elves. They had

followed seeing, always hidden, and yes, there had been more kisses and

more touching. Ankris had said he loved her, but she had not

answered. The boy knew what the problem was: she and her happy

blue blood. Shi-Mae could be in love too, but never

confess, because Ankris was a commoner and she was too proud. Y,

however, the boy still had the hope that, someday, all

that does not matter.

But what if Shi-Mae is learned that, last but not

recently, he was a werewolf?

- I understand, 'said the witch, correctly interpreting his

silence. But you see, Ankris, if yours with this girl goes through, she

know sooner or later. What will you do then?

- How do I know?

There was a brief silence. The sorcerer rose with a sigh and headed

one of the shelves in the cabin. Picked up from there a vial

dusty, full of a thick liquid.

- He kept it for when you came back she said. Toma. Take it. A

sip before the moon rises in the night of full moon should suffice.

I estimate that with this you have ten shots or so. Ie ten

months. When you finish, go back for more.

Ankris grabbed the bottle, relieved.

- Back-promised, and stood up to leave.

- Will not you go to see your parents?

Ankris hesitated.

- I'm not ready yet. Maybe another time. Now I

leave, witch. Thank you very much for everything.

- Do not do it for you growled the sorcerer. In seven months you killed

many elves, and that you do not remember it does not change the fact that they are


Ankris stared at him, horrified.

- That's not true, he murmured.

- Yes it is, and you know it. The wolf in you is a murderer. And you've

let loose seven nights. Accept the reality, boy: you are a

werewolf, a monster. You took too long to come to me. I have

given a chance because no rational part of you, and because I feel

appreciation for your parents. But do not make any slip, because there

'll protect you. Do you understand?

Returned to the city Ankris very confusing. The witch was right there

been giving back to reality, thinking that while

encontrase in the forest could not hurt anyone, but as soon as he

a free afternoon made inquiries and found that over the past

months had mysteriously disappeared several elves, always at

outside the capital, in the majority of cases were people

marginal or elves who were passing, so that almost no one had

missed in the city.

But now, Ankris was seriously worried. One night he went to

forest to try to trace their own tracks, and came to a small

half-hidden cave behind some bushes.

What he saw in it populate their worst nightmares for the rest of

her life. At that moment he realized exactly what the witch had

meant, and wished with all my heart to be dead, or not

been born.

Not that cave again, but never forgotten.

After that, he took a decision. He spoke to the Duke for

leave home and stop being at your service. The Duke was sorry, but

failed to change his mind. Ankris longer a soldier of his

bodyguard and settled in a small cabin in the woods, to the

outskirts of the city. I knew that would not stop him if he ever go hunting

a night of full moon, but the potion given him the sorcerer

was still there, in the cupboard, hand.

One afternoon, Shi-Mae was presented at the cottage, in a rage,

demanding to know why he had left the palace. Answered Ankris

with a pair of vagueness about returning to his roots, but not

dared to look into her eyes. What could I say? What nightly

had a nightmare that was transformed into a wolf when he was with

her, and killed, and devoured, and then took his remains to that

dreadful forest cave where he had found the bodies of the

other elves disappeared?

- You're with another, right?

- You're the only girl I want, Shi-Mae. How many times I have

to tell you?

- So what happened? Why are you so changed,

Ankris? And why did you go on a trip without telling me? Where'd you go?

- You're acting like a jealous girlfriend, Mae Shi, and do not know what gives

entitled to that. You've never talked about commitment to me.

- Commitment? She blurted out, shocked. With you? But if you are

one ...!

"Werewolf" Ankris thought, though he knew she had meant


- Do you see it? Snapped. My place is in a dilapidated cabin and not in a

elegant palace. With a humble girl, and the daughter of a duke.

This was not the reason I moved away from Shi-Mae, but neither

was all a lie. For years the frustration that

tortured inside.

Shi-Mae backed, pale, as if he'd get slapped.

- You think so? Well, bit her lower lip thoughtfully. Perhaps

you're right.

He left, and Ankris thought would not return and that he had lost

forever. His despair was such that many nights howled

to the moon, longing to Shi-Mae, lamenting the misfortune that had

befallen him.

Only saved him hoping to control the beast nights

full moon. When he finally reached the full moon, the young elf, very nervous, he

prepared to take the test. He locked himself in his cabin and locked the door and

the windows to make sure it would not be able to get away without

destroy them. And shortly before sunset, opened the bottle with hands

trembling and sipped.

He could not suppress a bitter smile. Did like the 'juice

berries' prepared by his mother every night as a child.

The moon rose, and, like every month, Ankris was transformed. Was

eighth time he suffered horrific torture and felt that he would never

used to. He screamed in pain and closed his eyes as he felt the wolf

took hold of his body and molded in his image. He cried when he

grew fangs and nails, cried when his face Elvish

transformed into a beastly hairy muzzle, cried as she felt her spine

bowing and forcing him to get on all fours while the hair

covered all her slender body. Shouted before losing consciousness, and remembered

Shi-Mae, and felt distant and cold as the most distant star


He woke up the next day with a sore head and looked

around somewhat dazed. He saw the strips of her clothes on the floor, but for

Otherwise, the cabin was intact. The doors and windows were

fully insured with tables, and did not present a single scratch.

- It worked Ankris murmured. Last night I went out hunting. I was


He hastened to remove the boards and go outside. He let the sun

elf stroked her body and said aloud:

- I have overcome, wolf. My body will be able to appropriate nights

full moon, but my soul is still mine. Do not force me to kill


He smiled, feeling optimistic for the first time in many months.

To finish things better-Mae Shi returned. He said he

better and thought it was a good idea Ankris lived in

forest, since this could be in secret without fear that his father

the discovered. In another time, Ankris have regretted having to be the

shameful secret Mae Shi-but, given the circumstances, not

seemed so serious. He had a much more terrible secret to hide.

Made peace, and reconciliation was sweet and passionate at the same time.

When, at sunset, Shi-Mae returned to the city, ran into the woods Ankris

to join his flock to celebrate that, although he continued loving the

wolves would not be one of them.

Ankris also went hunting the following full moon nights. The

disappearances ceased, and he felt safe for a while. Furthermore,

encounters between him and Shi-Mae became increasingly frequent. Its

hut not far from the School of the Golden Wood, and often

went there to get her, hidden among the trees, because their relationship was

remain secret.

And so it was for a few years. Ankris became accustomed to the

transformation, the pain was still unbearable, but he trained for

stifle the cries and suffering silently changes. Every ten months

returned to the ring to see the wizard and collect the potion that he prepared.

Sometimes his steps took him near his parents' home in

top of the tree, but never dared to appear before them again.

Every time I tried it went to his memory the expression

horror of his father the night he had run away from home, and not

could not help wondering how he would react if I saw him completely


No, I do not belong there. His home was in his

cabin in the woods surrounding the city of elves, with their wolves,

with Shi-Mae.

However, I still did not dare to confess the truth.

Ring justified saying his travels returning to visit their

parents, and had hitherto managed to put all sorts of excuses

not have to meet her one night of full moon.

Nevertheless, Ankris beginning to think that might become

happy someday.

One evening, when the two were together in the woods in one of his

favorite places, sitting on the grass beside a stream, Shi-Mae

rested her head on his chest, sighed and said:

- What have you done?

- What? -The boy looked at her blankly.

- I should marry a young man of good family, 'said her voice

low. Inherit the Duchy, perpetuate the noble blood of my race. And there

good candidates, do not think. But then you came and ...

Ankris's heart began to beat faster. She noticed and smiled.

- Never thought I'd say this, he whispered. But I've fallen for you,


Ankris gasped. They looked, and he saw in her eyes what

said was true. They kissed. When they parted, he gave her a sad


- What I supposed to do when you marry a young

good family, Shi-Mae?

In her eyes appeared a flash of defiance.

- I'll marry whoever I want, what do you think?

- And you want me?

Shi-Mae hesitated. She hugged him and said he was Ankris


- You're so different from all the elves I know ... I realized

soon, the night we met. There are ... something strange about you, something

fascinating that attracts me and makes others are frightfully

boring compared to you. Yes, Ankris, I love you, and love you

ever, I swear. But my father would never approve of our relationship.

- So Let's run away together, proposed Ankris, carried away by

enthusiasm. We'll go far away, where we are. We will live in the

forest and ...

- Are you going to take a girl like me to live in the forest as a

wild? She smiled. Do you know of anything that would have to resign?

Yes, I can live without luxuries, but I can not live without the magic.

- Ah. Your exam-Ankris recalled.

- There is a test either, is the Trial by Fire,

See? It is the last stage before becoming vested as

sorceress class. And not granted to anyone. Therefore, all

presented should know that not only play red robe that

marked as enshrined magicians, but also ... life.

Ankris shuddered. Shi-Mae had told him that the test

Fire was a very dangerous test for trainees who

presented to him, no one knew exactly what it was because the

magicians who had passed did not like to talk about it, but he knew

some had come to die trying.

- I do not understand why it is so important to you, Shi-Mae. How

risking can you even think that?

- When you start is just a game, but then becomes

more exciting, and increasingly want to know more and more ... But there is another

thing. You see, small me away to study. I was in the School

Lake of the Moon, but when I reached the third grade, my results

were so bright that I decided to change my school teachers and

send me to the Tower to study.

- Tower? Ankris repeated.

Mae Shi nodded.

- The Tower is a High School located in a remote Wizardry

valley. And it is the most amazing place I have ever known. It is full of magic

Earth, powerful and ancient. So while Forest School

Dorado collects from its hundred towers of Heaven Magic, subtle and

delicate, suitable for more complex and elaborate spells, the Tower has

coarser magic and simple, but much more powerful.

"And this place is run by a human Archmage. The call

Mrs. de la Torre. His fame has reached every corner of Seven

Kingdoms and their power is unrivaled.

"I admired her from the first moment and I wanted to be like her. If a

humans can become Archmage and get everything she has

achieved ... What I could not get? But then came a message

My father said we could go home, that the Kingdom of the

Elves had a new heir and our exile, therefore, was over.

And I obeyed, but I could never forget my short stay in the

Torre, nor to which was to be my Master. My dream has always been

become like her, the Lady of the Tower and even surpassing in magic and

know. Do not you have a dream, Ankris?

- Yes, the boy suddenly became serious. Lead a quiet life,

be happy with you, raise a family.

- Is that it? Is that all your ambition?

- Given the circumstances, I think no small thing murmured


Mae Shi thought he was referring to the fact that they belonged to

different social classes.

- Do not worry, I think I can fix that. Just give me some

of time.

Although Ankris was intrigued, Shi-Mae did not elaborate.

Days later entered the hut with a heavy volume left

down on the table.

- I found it! Look at this. It may be the solution to our


- What is? -Ankris came and read the book spine. Genealogy of


- I knew your name sounded familiar-Mae Shi said,

turning pages. I have not had much time to work on this

because I've been busy preparing for the Test of Fire, but I finally

I found. It says that a few millennia ago An-Halian Count,

youngest Barcelona House of Robles, left the Kingdom of the

Elves and ran various adventures around the world. When he finally returned, he

refused to live in the palace of his family and joined the Sentinels who guard

the borders of our kingdom. Her father, furious, would not hear from him.

How is your father?

- Anthor.

- An-Thor, you mean. And you are An-Kris. The first syllable of your

name suggests your family name. My father is Shi-Yun, and I'm Shi-Mae.

All of our family names begin the same.

- Do you mean that descended from earls?

- Not exactly. You see, I do not think yours is a surname as

strange, so it could be just a fluke. But, in any case,

we'll take advantage of it. The old Count of Robles lost his

only son as a child. You'll love knowing you have a young

distant relative he did not know. And as for my father, I think he likes you

well and, in addition, always does what I want. The only excuse that could

get is that you are not of noble birth, but you see, we can arrange


- What if it is true that descended from An-Halian?

- But did not you understand? That's not important!

- So ... is fooling everyone?

- And why not? What's wrong with that? It could be true, right?

Mae Shi spoke of a future for the two, a future in which not

missing anything, in which he would be a handsome nobleman and she a powerful

Archmage. The boy, who loved sincerely, was carried away by his

illusions and fantasies and deliberately forgot witch warnings.

That beautiful future that lay before him was too bright

to pass up. And the fact that Shi-Mae was included in it

had to lie about their origins not pose any hindrance.

Chapter VI The Test Shi-Mae

- HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU WILL MARRY said the wizard. Nothing less

that the daughter of a duke. The same from which, if I remember correctly,

stayed hooked when you were just a brat and you saw happen in

his coach, exile.

- That's right.

- Of course, if you're stubborn yet achieved.

Did you tell the truth?

- Not yet, but ...

- How long will you wait? Are you going to confess night

weddings? I warn you now that I have heard in the capital's fashionable

married in a full moon night.

- I thought you'd be happy for me, 'said the young man bitterly.

- Have you told your parents, Ankris?

- An-Kris-corrected him, separating the syllables exaggerated.

- Your relationship to the Counts of Robles has not been tested

still, An-Kris-pronounced the name with some sarcasm, but the young man did not


- Yes, I talked to my mother. My dad does not want me. I have not

seen since the night he ran away from home.

- I always hated with all his might to the werewolves. You

you went to the School of the Sentinels. You know they teach you to shoot

a werewolf as soon as you have a shot. Not amused realize

the man-wolf who could not kill him won the game,

by becoming to you, your only son, in one of them.

There was a brief movement in the window, but neither the


- Take-the sorcerer held out a bottle that was less crowded than

usual. I'm out ANAGALIDE flowers and I can not prepare

more until the summer, when appear again. Do not forget you have to

come sooner than expected. Seven months this time. Do you understand me?

Ankris nodded, keeping the vial in the bag. When

preparing to leave the cabin, the sorcerer called his attention again.

- Ah ... An-Kris ...

- Yes?

- Congratulates the girlfriend from me, 'said the witch sneered.

- Tomorrow I present to Fire-Test-Mae Shi said.

Ankris looked at her with some trepidation.

- Are you sure you want to?

- Yes. But I'm nervous. I can stay here tonight?

- No.

The reply was too sharp and immediately regretted Ankris of

have been so abrupt. "Tonight is a full moon," would say. "I

will transform into a giant wolf and wild and I'll have to take a

narcotic and senseless murder anyone. " He shivered. Not

could tell him so, but would have to confess at some point,

before the wedding. Not now, though. Nothing must disturb it on the eve

the most important exam of your life.

- No, he said more softly. Do not want to distract. I do

forgive myself if something went wrong. In addition, you must rest, and if you would stay

here, there'd sleep. This bed is very uncomfortable.

Although many people seemed strange, Ankris still living in their

cabin in the woods. Soon he and Shi-Mae have their own in-house

city, but for the moment he wanted to remain faithful to their customs, the

least until the wedding.

She relaxed a bit.

- You're right, he said.

- I want to give you something then said Ankris.

He pulled out a small drawer velvet lined case it


- I thought give it as a gift for passing the exam, but I can not

wait and can additionally give you luck-explained, with some shyness,

while the open-Mae Shi, excited.

He took from the box a thin gold chain glistening in the sun

sunset. From the chain hung a gold pendant in the form of heart,

A.K. initialed and S. M.

- Oh, An-Kris ... She murmured, with a twinkle in his eyes. This is

beautiful. It must have cost a fortune.

Either Mae Shi jewelry cost at least ten times more

that this simple pendant, but still did not possess Ankris more money than

which had saved while working for the Duke, and she knew it.

After the wedding, dowry Mae Shi-sufficient so they could live

comfortably for two centuries at least, but although she had

said it was not seemly that a noble working, it he had already expressed

its firm intention of finding a job.

Meanwhile, however, all he had was still in

that cabin.

- Had long wanted to do Ankris said tenderly,

as he fastened the necklace around his neck. From the first time

I saw you.

- Are you referring to the night of the wolves in the woods?

- No, he smiled. Long before.

When Shi-Mae walked away, leaving him alone, he wondered if he Ankris

it would be able to sleep, despite the sleeping draft. His bride was a

skillful apprentice, but would not be considered maga until

Fire Test exceeded. Her years studying the Book of Fire,

his last spell basic manual and Ankris had witnessed what

was capable of. But the Trial by Fire was still a test

very risky, even for the most promising apprentices.

With a sigh, Ankris sat next to the window to see how

the sky darkened gradually. He heard the howling of wolves in the

distance. "Not tonight, friends," he thought, with a smile. Still thinking

in Shi-Mae, rose to take the bottle with the narcotic, while

beginning to feel the beast awakening inside. "When Shi-Mae

is sorceress, before the wedding, I'll tell. I need not

see transformed. I can always come to the cabin nights

Full Moon and ... ".

His thoughts froze a horrible moment.

The bottle was nearly empty.

Horrified, recalled that seven months ago, the sorcerer had

warned that the phial had less of that time because the

ANAGALIDE harvest was lower than the previous year. Should

have returned to the ring weeks ago, but had forgotten


"Last month I was surprised almost nightfall before reaching the

cabin and, in the rush to take the sleeping pill, I did not realize that

the jar was almost empty, "thought the frightened young. "And I never

crossed his mind would be absent from the city now that Shi-Mae

will be submitted to the Trial by Fire. " Panicked, drank the

left in the bottle, just a few drops, and waited a good time with the

bottle up, waiting to fall a few more drops. He closed his eyes

despair. "That is enough, sufficient ...".

By the way, decided to block doors and windows. Since the

sleeping pill worked as well, had long since stopped.

He went to the door, staggering, and managed to nail some boards. Repeated

operation with both windows and when he was assuring the last

table, a sharp pain shot through him like a thousand knives of fire

question. He dropped to his knees on the floor and gasped. It was more painful

than I remembered, and thought with horror, maybe that was because the

acting narcotic was not as effective as usual.

He closed his eyes and lay on the floor, shrugging on itself. Out

was night. The light of the full moon seeping through the cracks of the


The pain returned. Ankris refrained from shouting, and growled softly.

He realized that his fangs had grown back. "Please,

to take effect, to take effect ... "he thought desperately. But he was

clearer than usual, and I noticed that in the depths of his

mind, the beast struggled to go outside and make up for many months

of confinement.

A new spasm shook Ankris body, which threw his head

back and moaned in pain.

And then, someone knocked on the door.

- An-Kris? Said the voice of Shi-Mae from outside. I ... I

changed his mind. I do not mind sleeping in your bed. I could not sleep, and

I was wondering if ... An-? Kris?

Ankris deep breath, horrified. This could not be happening.

He decided not to answer, and wished with all his might-Mae Shi

leave before the conclusion of the transformation.

- An-Kris? She insisted. I know you're home. What is it? Why

do not you open the door?

A Ankris let out a low growl.

- An-Kris! What are you doing? What, are you with another?

- Shi-Mae, please, 'he murmured huskily. Márchate, so

sake. I beg you.

- What is it? -Her voice was now worried. Are you okay?

- N-I can not open the door, Shi-Mae.

A new seizure again altered his features. Moaned Ankris

pain. He looked at his hands and saw them covered with hair and fingers

turned into claws.

- I promise I'll tell you everything tomorrow. But now trust me

and go home ...

- An-Kris, I'm not leaving. If you're sick, I can heal with

my magic and ...

- You can not do anything for me! Go, I beg you!

Ankris last words ended in a prolonged howl.

There was a brief silence, for a moment, the young man thought, relieved that

Shi-Mae was gone. But then she heard his voice again to another

side of the door.

- An-Kris, I'm coming.

He heard her whisper a few words in arcane language, the language of the


- Shi-Mae! She managed to scream hoarsely. No! Nooo!

There was an explosion, and the door flew destroyed by a ball

fire. When he re-look Ankris saw the smoke, the slender

Mae Shi figure leaning against the remains of the doorway,

breathing hard, exhausted from the effort to ward off fire. The

heard coughing and ask:

- An-Kris? Where are you?

And though a part of him wanted to scream at him to leave, he left

fleeing, his animal instinct urged him to jump on it and devour it.

He tried to get up but the pain came back and knocked him to his knees

the floor.

The lantern light bathed Mae Shi-Ankris figure.

- For all ... She whispered. What the ...?

Ankris looked up and the light illuminated his features.

- Go, Shi-Mae! Yelled.

She stepped back, mute with terror, unable to look away from his face


- An-Kris? -I realized suddenly and his eyes widened in

terror. No way. No way. No, you do not ...

- Go Ankris growled and leapt at her.

In midair transformation was accomplished, and the rational mind

elf was buried under the instinct of the beast.

Mae Shi screamed.

Ankris woke up in the woods, huddled under a tree. Light

sun filtered through the leaves of the trees and caressed his face. The

She blinked, confused and disoriented. Then, suddenly, he remembered what

I had spent the previous night and jumped. He looked

around, but everything seemed in order.

- Mae Shi? Murmured.

The last thing he remembered was jumped her to devour.

She ran back to the cabin, not wanting to even imagine what would have

happened if their worst nightmares have come true. When it came

there, breathless, he found the door shattered, and recalled that the Mae Shi

was cast down with his magic. That calmed him somewhat. She was not

helpless girl, knew defend ...

Although Shi-Mae was not there, nor was there any blood on the

ground. Ankris took to dress as he thought his next


The first thing I'd do is go to the home of the Duke and see if Mae Shi

was all right.

Along the way came that if Shi-Mae had said that he had

attacked, the Duke guard immediately apresaría. But should

risk. Needed to know if she was safe.

He found the palace of the Duke strangely silent and empty. The

Chamberlain told him that Shi-Mae had not returned home. The

Duke had match tomorrow, serious and pale, and had not told anyone

where he was going.

Fearing the worst, Ankris traced back to the forest and the area

Mae Shi-looking but not found. It took a while to decide to

approaching the horrible cave where, long ago, had discovered the

victims of their bestial side. If he had killed Shi-Mae ...

Made his way, praying to himself not find her there.

However, when just lacked a stretch to reach the cave,

realized that it would be valuable to peer into its interior. He stopped and

breathed deeply, trying to think. Although he was physically

Well, that did not mean that Shi-Mae had not tried to defend himself.

He knew that while he was transformed there was little to

could hurt him. But Shi-Mae, she thought again, was a magician and knew

control the fire. He had shown the night before ...

Suddenly remembered Ankris. Fire Test! How had

have forgotten?

Obviously, if Shi-Mae was alive, there was only one place

could be: the School of the Golden Wood.

Not allowed to see Shi-Mae. The young wizard who received

Ankris patiently explained that she was conducting the

Trial by Fire and, of course, he could not disturb. Ankris insisted,

but to no avail. Wizards seemed accustomed to that

family concerned for apprentices that were presented to the test

tratasen of information about young people. Ankris saw the Duke

walking restlessly up and down, in a waiting room, but not

dared to come to greet him. He turned and left the building.

They did not understand. It was not only the test of fire.

The night before, Shi-Mae had been attacked by a werewolf. Its

promised, for details. Needed to see her at all costs, talk to her,

know how he was, though, apparently, she was alive and

well enough to take the exam, leaving no

be a relief.

Surrounding the immense building took longer than I had

course, but finally discovered a possible entry. Some

vines climbing up the north wall of the school and came to a

outgoing to that with a little effort, could eventually climb. Not

would be difficult for him to climb from there to the nearest window.

The first part was easy. But when his fingers brushed the

stone of the building, something like a download shook his body and

became loose. Ankris react in time, again subject to the

vine for support. After several years of engagement with a

sorcery student, had learned enough to deduce

that the school was protected by a spell. Gritting his teeth,

shook his head. Nobody was going to block your Shi-Mae. Nobody.

She took a breath and jumped into the wall. He held on to the ledge with the

both hands and protection spell hit him again. Ankris is

overcame the pain and trying to ignore it, up to the next ledge

and continued the climb.

When he reached the window was sore all over, but,

other than that it was fine. She slipped inside the school, with

caution, and looked around. He was in a carpeted hallway

covered walls and rich fabrics. Before him was a series of

doors, but they were all closed. There seemed to be no one around.

Unsure of where to start looking, walked Ankris

down the hall cautiously.

He toured the building and, fortunately, no one came to see him. He still

possessing the skills they had drawn the attention of Captain

Sentinels as a child, and could be quiet as a shadow and

extremely fast if need be. He met with several apprentices and

even with some magician, wearing red robes, but in all those

Sometimes time managed to hide behind a wall or within an

empty room. Something told him to go to the heart of the school,

and therefore increasingly moved inwardly away from the


Finally, his boldness was rewarded. When going through a huge

and elegant living room, he heard a commotion further down and hid after a

Skin. Then entered the room two magicians who accompanied one

stretcher levitated several feet from the ground. On the table was a

elf girl seriously injured, which had various burns

on the face and hands. Ankris watched from hiding when

passed before him, and refrained from screaming.

She was Shi-Mae.

He was about to go to the party when someone else entered the

room. Ankris, devoured by impatience, went into hiding, just

time to prevent would discover the two wizards who had just

through the door.

- It's been a hard day, 'said one of them. I remain

convinced it was a good idea to let him submit to the test


- Certainly, 'said a female voice. Fortunately, it is a young

very talented. I wonder, however, why he was so upset today.

Ankris frowned. The person who had spoken had a

voice soft and calm, but very strange accent, coarse and somewhat

unpleasant, compared with the melodious voice of the elves.

- So have you also noticed. I've been about to

suspend the test.

- That would not have been proper to you, Archmage. As much as

appreciate our learners, it is necessary that we treat all

equally. When one of them decides to have no Fire Test

no turning back.

- You are right, 'sighed the Archmage. 'll Go down and tell the Duke that

his daughter has passed the test of fire and he'll be fine as soon as he

we have applied the relevant healing spells. Do you wish

join me?

- I'd rather wait for you here, if you please. Today I feel a little

fatigued. Rejuvenating spells work only to a point.

- I forgot that you are no longer young, according to the canons of

your race. I'm afraid I've been too long without leaving this

School, and often tend to forget that decades pass not equal

to humans. Wait here, then. I will not be.

Ankris heard the rustle of a robe and held his breath away. It

was wondering if it was worth the risk of appearing, when,

suddenly, the tapestry that hid him disappeared without a trace, and he

met, face to face with a human woman dressed in a glittering

golden robe.

The two exchanged glances. As Ankris knew, was the golden robe

Archmages symbol, the most powerful wizards. Ankris not know

human who the woman was or why he was there, but what was

was clear that he had failed to deceive or hide from it.

- Excuse me, ma'am, 'he murmured. No. .. not intended to spy on. I know it

should be here, but ... was looking for someone and ...

- This school is protected by a powerful spell she said

gently. How'd you get in?

- Climbing up the wall.

Her eyes darkened slightly.

- You should be dead.

Ankris lowered his head. I was so tired and so scared he had not

forces to invent a convincing lie.

- I ... I'm not an elf as others.

- I know. Look at me.

Ankris obeyed. The Archmage was much shorter than he, but his

majestic presence as self-conscious to the point of making a child feel

small and helpless before her.

- You're not like the others, young elf, for two reasons. One I

you know, the other not. I can feel the beast that beats within you, but you

assure you that what helped you climb the wall of this


- What do ... what you mean?

- You'll soon find out. But now, dear boy, you must

leave. Soon return the Archmage, and I doubt he is as

benevolent as me. Before leaving, however, I will say one thing:

if at some point in your life you have no place to go, come to the

Torre, in the Valley of the Wolves' He paused, and then added: Asked

by Aonia, Ms. de la Torre. I'll be waiting.

Ankris, surprised, opened his mouth to say something, but the Lady of the

Torre waved his hand and suddenly, everything began to spin ...

That evening the Duke went home to talk to Shi-Mae. Yet

still confused about it that morning. After his

foray into the Golden Wood School had awakened in the forest,

stunned, and he was not sure he had lived that experience

really. Since then, thought-Mae Shi ask if the Lady of the

Torre, the powerful Archmage, whom she admired, had been

present in its review, but that was not the main reason that

wanted to talk to her. Above what had happened in the

School Ankris wanted to know what had happened the night before, in the

forest, when the wolf within him had possessed him.

Contrary to what I expected, Shi-Mae agreed to talk to him without

demur. When he came in the room where the expected Ankris the

boy could not help shuddering, she was

completely refreshed from burns-no doubt that the

healers mages had done a good job, and wore the red tunic

identified as the sorceress. But in his eyes there was something like a

ice breath.

- Let the backyard, she said. You owe me an explanation.

And Ankris realized that although Shi-Mae was afraid of him, the

pride was stronger than fear.

When leaving the building were crossed with an elf that looked Ankris with some

antipathy, but this did not notice it. I was too conscious of

the vital conversation that would keep with Shi-Mae.

Moments later, they were sitting under a leafy tree,

next to each other. But Shi-Mae was careful not to brush to Ankris in

any time.

- Congratulations, 'he said. You have passed the test of fire. He knew that

'd do it.

But she did not answer. There was an awkward silence until Ankris


- I thought to tell you.

- When? 'After the wedding?

Ankris suppressed a bitter smile, remembering the words of the sorcerer.

- No, before. But after the fire test. Do not want that

distract you.

Mae Shi said nothing. Sensing that it was best to be honest, you Ankris

recounted its history. He spoke of the killing of the first seven

nights, fearing that she looked horrified, but the eyes of Shi-Mae

were lost in the horizon and her face was showing a

impassive expression between absent.

She told him what had happened to the witch's brew. and how

just last night had failed to control the beast.

- But not me, Shi-Mae. You know I'm not like that. And I can

control the wolf, if only ... if I'm just more careful in the future.

Shi-Mae did not respond. Stared Ankris distressed.

- Please look at me, tell me, tell me something. I know you hate me now,

but ... He shivered. Shi-Mae, I need to know ... if last night ...

He could not finish. Finally, she turned to him.

- If you hurt me? He asked softly. No, but not because

no you tried. I tried to escape, but ... He sighed, the spell

Teleportation does not work if the mage does not have a calm mind. Me

defended with all attack spells he knew, but your body's

resisted all. I ran through the woods. Were chasing me, I threw several

spells to stop but only slow you down and delay got what was

inevitable when I would reach and would end up with me.

Then I remembered the petrification spell.

- I petrificaste? Ankris blurted, stunned.

The Mae Shi's eyes flashed.

- What would you do? Let you devour me? I returned to

dawn she went on, more calmly. I knew werewolves

recuperáis your original form under sunlight, so you

despetrifiqué and you transformed back into elf. I left there ...

It seemed to add something, but ultimately did not. Ankris

suddenly realized that something was irretrievably broken between


- Oh, Shi-Mae, sorry, so sorry ...

She did not answer. Do not even look at him.

- I can control myself with the witch's brew, but still had

decided that I would leave the forest full moon nights. Never

'll come back to me in the form of the beast. We forget

all this and I promise you ... I swear I'll never hurt you.

Mae Shi said nothing.

- But he added Ankris with deep sadness, if you want to break our

commitment, would understand.

She held her breath.

- I then said Shi-Mae, and Ankris heart broke into

thousand pieces. Do not get me wrong, Ankris' she added, pronouncing

together the two syllables of his name. I still love you and always will.

But I will not marry you. Not anymore. You can not understand, but have

spent too many things in one day. I'm not the same person who

yesterday wanted to marry you. I changed, and ... and not just about what to

last night, but ...

- Fire Proof Ankris whispered. Was it as hard as


- Do not wanna talk about it.

Ankris not insist, but stared imploringly. Mae Shi-he


- This is my last word, Ankris. The best thing for them is not

we meet again.

Ankris welcomed those words with a pained silence.

- I understand, 'he said finally.

He'd been stupid. In happier days had come to believe that

Mae Shi accept it as it was, with all that that entailed. Do not

consisted of that love?

- I'll walk you to the door of your house, said, rising.

Then I'll leave and you'll never hear from me.

He expected her to change her mind, or at least say something like "what

feel ', but the face of Mae Shi-stone remained.

They parted at the door. Ankris swallowed.

- It's been ... the happiest time of my life, Shi-Mae.

She fixed him with her sapphire eyes.

- Do not look hurt and offended boy snapped with

harshly. You have no idea what it has meant to me to collect

all the pieces of my broken dreams. And never understand. If I

had killed last night, I would have done more damage than I already

've done.

And with these words, Shi-Mae entered the palace. Ankris sighed and

turned to leave.

She had not taken a dozen steps when someone shouted to his


- It's him! Seize him!

When he turned around, half a dozen guards fell on him.

- Quedas accused of lycanthropy and murder of An-Kris Robles

Cried behind him the voice of the Duke River.

With a mixture of disbelief and deep pain in the face, Ankris

turned to the Duke, who was watching from the doorway, his expression

stone. But with him not discovered, as he had feared, Shi-Mae, but

robust elf smiled with deep satisfaction.

Toh-Ril was the son of Captain of the Sentinels.

Chapter VII The Judgment

NOBODY VISITED Ankris during the three weeks he was in jail

in jail, awaiting trial to be held soon.

Nobody, except for Shi-Mae.

The elf entered the underground calm and confident, and failed Ankris

help but notice the flaming red of his robe, which indicated that

was already consecrated a magician.

They looked a moment. Ankris's heart was pounding, but

was too time consuming on negative thoughts

to be able to show some joy.

- I thought you never wanted to see me.

- I changed my mind.

There was a brief, awkward silence.

- It's funny Ankris finally said. I am now locked

completely harmless. But within a few days will be full moon and no

even these bars may stop.

- I know Shi-Mae said softly.

He brushed a finger lock, and it opened with a slight click.

Ankris looked at her, stunned.

- How did you do that?

- I'm a magician she answered simply.

- But ... guards ...

- Now sleep.

Not quite understanding what he meant, Ankris saw her enter his

cell. They locked eyes. Mae Shi dove into the elf's amber gaze,

as if to get to immerse yourself in its essence. A Ankris he thought

his chest was moving almost imperceptibly, shaken by a sigh.

- Shi-Mae, what ...?

He could not finish the sentence. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him

passionately, as if to merge with him. And drifted Ankris

hugged her, very confusing.

So Shi-Mae broke away from him. His gaze was again ice.

- Never warned him.

He turned his back and left the cell.

- What the ...? Mae Shi, wait!

Ankris wanted to run after her, but the door closed to their

noses, with a loud snap, no need to touch-Mae Shi.

Furious, the young man shook the fence.

- Wait, Shi-Mae! What do you mean?

But she was gone.

And did not return.

The next day, Ankris was brought before a court of elves severe

and circumspect, among whom was the Lord of the Forest

Dorado, the Archmage School governing Mae Shi. The young man looked

around him, searching his eyes, but did not see. Yes found to

old king of elves sitting in a box, protected by two powerful

guards. The Queen had died years ago of a disease that

had no known medical cure. On the knees of the monarch was

sat a large creature emerald eyes: Nawin, the

elf princess, still a little girl.

The fact that the case had drawn attention of the sovereign

the elves did not provide Ankris a different expectation with respect to

outcome of the trial. I knew you were going to condemn, and saw nothing in the

stone face of the king to make him think otherwise.

Anyway, I did not care. After spending those days

locked in his cell, pondering his situation had reached the

conclusion that it was best for him. If he should die, so

out. The beast would die with him.

I knew there was no hope for him. Shi-Mae had been

rescue and he had not. He still did not fully understand their

behavior of the previous evening, but had come to understand

that the kiss was a goodbye kiss.

Never again, she had said. And he knew that he meant it.

Now he had lost-Mae Shi, none of this had


Like a flash, heard the voice of the Lady of the Tower: "Unless

have to go, come to the Tower, in the Valley of the Wolves. I'll be

waiting ".

He shook his head. What for? What could Aonia for him? What

what would, if he knew that ever regain the love of Shi-Mae?

- An-Kris Robles started for the judge. You are accused of being a

werewolf. What have you to say?

Ankris not respond. He had nothing to say.

- Let's hear the person who accuses you: Step Toh-South Ril.

Toh-Ril stood and, with evident satisfaction, recounted how he had

Ankris seen grow and how a child was shown a

wild behavior. He told the court his encounter in the forest, not

mention that he and his friends had tried to hit the boy, but

offering all kinds of details about Ankris backlash. The

young listened with some interest. So that was what had

happened that night. At that time, while Toh-Ril spoke,

Ankris suddenly remembered everything. He suppressed a sinister smile. Yes, it was a

monster, and had been since childhood. I could not do anything about it.

I had not done on purpose, was his true nature and, even though

fight against it, would not be able to defeat it.

Toh-Ril spoke Ankris's escape and subsequent visits

witch house. He told how he had once spied through the

window and had heard the sorcerer who Ankris was a werewolf. After

explained that, later, had followed him to the city and had

spied on full moon nights. And he had been lying in his cabin,

asleep under the influence of narcotics, transformed into a beast. To

that one night, he was too late: the door had flown in

Ankris pieces and was not inside his cabin. He had seen

return to it the next day and later register the forest to

approaching a half-hidden cave at the foot of the mountain. No Ankris

got there, but it was enough to approximate to a

while later, Toh-Ril could find itself where the

werewolf hid the bodies of his victims.

In other circumstances, would have enraged Ankris Toh-Ril by

have spied. But at the time it was all the same. "Seen this way"

thought, "he's right. I'm just a monster. " He was glad, without

But that Toh-Ril had not arrived in time to see how attacking


A specialist said he had examined the cave, and stated that

bodies that were there had been killed by a beast of

large, probably a wolf. Also called to testify the sorcerer,

and this would only say that supplied Ankris a narcotic because it had

trouble sleeping some nights.

- You said it was a werewolf-Toh-Ril protested.

The witch looked at him with his red eyes.

- I doubt it. I have not seen this boy transformed into a wolf, of

So I can not have accused of such. What I said was that their

parents killed several werewolves with his bare hands, which is

completely and utterly true. Probably not understand well my

words. This is what happens when one peeks through the windows in

Instead of asking directly, sometimes you hear things


The Toh-Ril face contorted with rage, but Ankris suppressed a

smile. The sorcerer trying to protect him, despite everything.

The fearlessness of the young man stumbled, however, when two elves

Sentinels rose to testify, called by the court.

His parents.

- Step Anthor and South Eilai said the judge. I'll ask one

time: Is your son a werewolf?

Anthor hesitated and looked away. Judge Eilai cu nailed his eyes

Amber and said:

- No.

Ankris could not take it anymore.

- Enough! He exclaimed. Do not lie about me anymore. Yes, it is true, I am a

werewolf. I become wolf full moon.

A shocked murmur ran through the room. Ankris perceived the

Princess huge Nawin eyes staring at him, wide-


- But I do not voluntarily she continued. While I love wolves

and wildlife, not to the point of wanting to lose my rational consciousness

to attack my peers. I can not prevent the transformation, and believe

who would do anything to be a regular elf. If I went to the sorcerer was because

I do not want to kill anyone. Because, believe it or not, I'm not aware of what

I do the full moon. The wolf is there the me who I

becomes a murderous beast. An elf? Condemned for acts of

a beast?

- Twelve people have died Toh-Ril hissed.

Ankris looked him in the eyes.

- I did not kill. I do not even remember seeing. And, let

sincere, Toh-Ril: you do not care about those people. You just want

is me dead.

A murmur ran through the room again.

- Control your tongue, reo growled the judge. Are you avoiding your

responsibility in all this?

- No. I'm just asking for help, looked around. My parents and

witch saw what was good in me and tried to save me. I only know

a curse that transforms me into a beast full moon nights.

I know it is a terrible disease and the elves is even more

feared and hated for being so foreign to our nature. But here and

Now ask ... beg ... if anyone knows a way to help me,

to destroy the curse, to control the wolf in me ...

He sighed quietly. There was a long silence.

- Help me Ankris whispered finally. Please help me. Single

want to be a normal elf ...

He voice cracked and she could not talk anymore. Glimpsed the eyes of his

tearful mother. His father also seemed moved.

He felt angry and humiliated for a moment. He was proud and hated

have to be demonstrated that way. But inside

there was something desperately yelling for help, and in that

moment he realized that the voice had been there from day one and,

for some reason, had not wanted to hear. It was that voice that

just talked about him at that time. That voice that Aonia, the

Lady of the Tower, he heard screaming without words when I had

looked into his eyes at the School of the Golden Wood.

Suddenly feeling more insecure and vulnerable, lost and

impassivity that armor that had covered his heart,

Ankris raised his head and looked around. He realized everyone

had turned to the Lord of the Golden Wood, who had been in

foot, obviously uncomfortable.

- Not even magic can cure a werewolf said.

Ankris breath. He had said "cure". That meant that

admitted he was sick. Maybe ...

- I've heard of spells that return to the werewolves form

Original 'said the witch.

The Archmage glared at him. Magicians never had

gotten along with the witches; these had no real magic power, but

as nobody knew the secrets of the natural world, and so most

people preferred to rely on them before doing a magician

consecrated, whose powers resulted unexplained in the eyes of the non-

initiated. The wizards knew and while sorcerers despised for not

be able to perform spells, they were also well aware that

them, despite all his power and wealth, they had lost the battle of the

popularity in favor of sorcerers.

It was not thus in human lands where he had heard

Ankris, wizards and witches were hated alike.

- Spells are temporary and last only a few hours, he said coldly.

It would require a place of extraordinary power to increase the strength of

these spells, and I fear that even our school is appropriate

for this. We can get your body resist without transforming

several more hours. And that's all we can do for him.

- Really? -The witch raised an eyebrow. Well in that case, I'm afraid

I can do more. My narcotics have mired for years in

a deep sleep every night of the full moon.

- Are you saying that your concoctions are above our magic more

Advanced? I remind you that you have failed to prevent it from becoming.

- But I was prevented from killing-the sorcerer smiled mockingly, which

I find much more practical and effective than halving its

hours beast. But in any case, that's where he was going.

What I would like to point out is that the young man took the narcotics Ankris

voluntarily-cast his eyes on the audience disturbing. We are

as we are, and in many cases we can not fight our

Nature. I've seen werewolves closely. I can assure you that for

them is extremely difficult to stand up to the beast that devours

inside. Here is a boy who has the courage to fight, because he wants

be like everyone else. A boy with sufficient integrity to

try to beat the beast, instead of surrendering to it, as does the

Most. Do not think you should punish him for it. Control, yes. And avoid

to continue killing, too. But that is precisely what he wants, what

us is crying. Let us help you.

There were murmurs of assent. Ankris looked around,

unbeliever. Until the Archmage seemed to regard the words of the sorcerer.

The judge frowned and looked up at the king. Ankris not

dared to imitate. But the judge hesitated saw and felt, for a moment,

I had a glimmer of hope.

The judge cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak.

- I do not agree then said a voice as clear and cold


Ankris not need turning. Would have recognized that voice in


Shi-Mae had just entered the room and made his way through the crowd

to come before the judge. The whispers grew louder.

- Shi-Mae, heir to the Duchy of Rio-proclaimed, but not

was necessary. All had recognized her as the young beautiful bride

the accused.

- Do you have something to say, Shi-Mae? Asked the judge.

- I note it know this very well-elf began


The room was completely silent, hanging on his words.

But if expected-Mae Shi continued the speech of the witch, talking

in favor of Ankris, were surprised.

- I know him-Mae-Shi continued, because it was my fiance and we would

married. Our relationship lasted ten years.

- What? Snapped the Duke River, helplessly, barely made

two-year-Mae Shi had spoken for the first time of their courtship

with Ankris.

Mae Shi deliberately ignored his father's outburst and continued:

- However, in all this time he never told me about his

transformations. I hid that turned into a wolf murderer the

full moon. And I discovered by chance for only three


Mae Shi recounted his visit to the cabin Ankris and everything that happened

later. The audience listened, awestruck, as the girl

recounted how her fiancé, whom he loved more than anything in the world,

had become a beast in his eyes and tried to kill her

and devour. He described in detail the horrible persecution through

forest, during which Shi-Mae had fought to exhaustion,

trying to stop the formidable creature that tried to kill her. "Oh,

Shi-Mae "Ankris murmured to herself, crying silently,

first sensing how terrible that night had been to

her. "Sorry, sorry, so sorry ..."

- But I would not kill him, did not want, because Ankris was my

promised ... She whispered. Finally turned it into stone and managed to stop it

until sunrise. Then I despetrifiqué and ... She took a breath, I went to

Golden Wood School to introduce me to the Fire Test.

There were murmurs and exclamations of admiration. Everyone had heard

speak Fire Test, but only mages who had

exceeded understood all the implications of the words of

Shi-Mae, and paled. Face the Fire Test without

rested the previous day, having exhausted almost all magic energy,

was practically a suicide.

Many looked to Ankris almost hatred, but he barely noticed.

Only had eyes for Shi-Mae, who stood like a hero to a

audience gazed admiringly.

- Now I see everything differently, she continued. If I do not

had been an apprentice of witchcraft, if it had been any other

elf Ankris have killed me that night. You may count on that

concoction that renders it harmless, but, of course, when I saw it was a

bloodthirsty beast. The next day he said he had been an oversight,

that at the last moment he realized that he no longer had

She took a breath and continued: If you really want to control the beast, ever

would have made that kind of slip. We can help, says the witch. But

Do you really want to be helped?

- You know I do, Shi-Mae! Ankris cried.

She turned to him and stared coldly.

- So you have told me. If you can not trust me, how

expect me to trust you? You're a monster, a beast killer. Not

're one of us.

The judge leaned Mae Shi.

- Are you aware of what you say? I remember you're talking

elf to marry you thought.

- No. It is the elf who thought married. The Ankris I

there is known. It was all a lie, an illusion. That night I saw her

true face, a face that has since pursued me all

nights in my worst nightmares. I dread to think what would happen

if another girl fell into the same trap as me. It may seem nice and

good person at first, but ... What would happen if I were to have ...

carelessness full moon night?

- Where are you driving at, girl? Growled the sorcerer.

- I say that you can not control the beast, 'said Shi-Mae,

challenging, looking around. You have to destroy it. And, if for that

we kill the elf ... so be it.

Ankris gasped, startled. Everyone started talking at once, but

suddenly a cry echoed about the room.

- Dirty manipulative bitch! Eilai shrieked, her eyes full of

tears, trying to pounce on Shi-Mae, while her husband

barely retained. How dare you talk about my son!

When the judge was able to return to calm things down, asked


- Do you have anything to add?

- Yes, 'she said, looking into her eyes Ankris. This creature is a

monster that should never have been born. And so must die.

Ankris felt her without air and dropped to the bench,

not wanting to believe what I just heard. The room revolutionized

again. They all spoke at once, and had to restrain Eilai three

to not throw on Shi-Mae.

- Leave me! Shrieked the Sentinel. Let go! I'm going to kill that

traitorous bitch! How could you sell my son that way, poor


Finally, Eilai took dragged and removed it from the room. Ankris

suddenly realized that her mother knew exactly how he felt.

It had infuriated whether anyone else had asked her

death to the court. But Shi-Mae ...

He closed his eyes wearily. "Okay, kill me now," he thought. "Neither

even the person you think deserves more love live ".

He sat on the bench and buried his face in his hands. He felt the

look-Mae Shi triumphant about it. "So much hate me?" He thought. Opened

eyes and looked, and read the truth in his sapphire eyes.


Just heard nothing of what happened in the moments following.

Other elves spoke, but he did not listen, and he was sure that the

rest of the room did not. The Mae Shi's words were

like a stone weighing on the minds of all. When finally the

jury made a decision to Ankris not surprised at all to hear

the judge announced:

- The An-Kris Robles, this court considers you guilty of

Lycanthropy and elves twelve murder. The sentence is death.

Ankris sighed. "Finally," he thought. He had finally done all,

rest and forget-Mae Shi forever. Even heard the cry of his

mother while the king's guards had dragged him to the

Death. He turned his head to look at Shi-Mae for the last time, and instead

triumphant expression I expected to find on his face, surprised at

his eyes a look of deep and desperate sadness.

The guards pushed him away, as the crowd

booing, and Ankris thought she had imagined.

No judgment executed immediately. He was thrown back to

dungeon, and left him there for a few hours until sunset.

At night, when the crescent moon shone high in the sky, the

guards went looking for Ankris.

- It's time, they said.

The young man rose and followed obediently. He was killed by

inside. The execution would not change things much. They dragged him to the

outskirts of the city. As it was late, they found no one by the

way. Ankris had heard that in human lands, the prisoners were

paraded in carts by the people for the mob, enraged, the

insulted and humiliated spitting and throwing things. The elves, in

however, were much more discreet. The execution is carried out of

night, in the woods, and nobody but the executioners and an official of the king

was allowed to attend.

However, when Ankris was thrown to the ground in a clearing

forest, he saw the officer anywhere. The guards who

guarding made no move to charge their bows or draw his sword.

- What does this mean? He murmured, stunned. What are you

waiting for?

- They're waiting for me, 'said a quiet voice from the darkness.

Ankris tried to locate the voice. For when his owner left

between the shadows and the moonlight lit up her face, the young man knew of

who it was, but even so, his presence there surprised him.

He was the Captain of the Guards of the southern border.

Ankris went to ask something, but no words. The Captain

smiled and moved away to talk to him away from the ears of the


- I plead for you, 'he said. Despite the hatred that you have my child,

I sincerely appreciate your parents and I trust the word of the witch. And

Moreover, I have had in my school and I know you're not a monster, son.

Ankris felt he had a lump in his throat.

- I did not get you lifted it, but commute. Not

are sentenced to death ... but stay forever banished from

our Kingdom. If you dare to come back, nothing can save you now.

Ankris was so relieved not otherwise have been.

- You have until dawn to leave the Kingdom of the Elves

-Captain concluded. When the sun rises, you will officially be an outlaw,

and the king's soldiers have orders to shoot to kill.

Ankris reacted.

- What? Snapped. But if the nearest border is two weeks

of here!

The captain shrugged.

- Nobody said it was easy, boy, but at least you have a

opportunity. The soldiers begin to chase you until dawn. That

means you have a night of advantage. And knowing your

Sentinel abilities, I doubt you are able to get you. But do not


The young man tried to assimilate all the information.

- Captain-said, looking earnestly, I can not leave.

Tomorrow is full moon. I can not allow ...

- It's all planned. Take-handed a vial of colored liquid

Ankris reddish knew well. Warlock is a gift. Looking for a good

place to hide during the full moon. At least for a time not

causarás damage.

- What will happen next? With this amount only I have for some


- Take this too, handed him a scroll. Here is written the

sleep aid formula so you can prepare yourself. The witch says

you know all the plants described here.

Ankris unrolled the scroll and read elf eyes without

problems in the light of the moon.

- That's right, nodded, feeling a flame of hope

fed his heart.

- I forgot, 'said the captain. Your parents send

memories. Your father gave me this for you, gave an elongated,

carefully wrapped in cloth. She said she is a gift

family. But do not dawdle to open it now. Now you will look later.

- Thank you, Captain. I'll never forget.

The captain gave him a look of seriousness.

- It is a way to pay my debt murmured.

- Does your ... debt?

- The night the werewolves bitten your mother ... she and your

father had to face three of them completely alone, because

I would not listen ... If I had listened and had sent a

group with them to defend the ford, perhaps you would be now a boy


Ankris immediately understood what she meant. His mother had

told the story, but had never seen him like that. Do not know what


- However, I want you to know, the Captain concluded that although you

appreciation, never let a werewolf on the loose, even in lands

humans. I trust you. Promise me you will fight against the beast.

- I swear, my Captain, promised Ankris with all his soul.

Moments later, undertook the flight of the Kingdom of the Elves. As

faithful friends who had always been, the wolves of his pack as

accompanied, making the game less painful.

Ankris not paused all night. He ran and ran

to exhaustion, but even when the sun ran for

the forest, avoiding the haunts. He still wore advantage to

king's soldiers, but I knew that these would reach soon.

Especially because unconscious happen overnight.

As the full moon, Ankris found a good place to

hide a crack at the bottom of a cliff, and there took the sleeping pill

shortly before the transformation to take place. When she woke up

Next, in the same place, did not linger: there was still much

way to the border.

Despite their haste and their precautions, the soldiers reached,

and for several days Ankris desperately fled them, and some

times were about to bring him down with his arrows. At a time

determined almost caught him; several shots came to impact

his body, but fortunately not given in any vital. At that

occasion he escaped by wolves, who helped him during his flight,

distracting the soldiers, attacking from the woods and forcing

to fall behind in pursuit. In addition, a new flame burning in the

young elf's chest. Do not want to die, not anymore. Survive. And destroy

the beast. He must do so by their parents, by the Captain, by the sorcerer, because

they believed in him.

But above all, for himself. To show the world that Shi-Mae

was wrong and that he was no monster.

After several days of hiding advance through the forest,

runaways desperate to hold his breath, trembling, in some hole

while the soldiers searching the area looking for him, Ankris finally arrived,

almost creeping exhaustion, the Ring. And he felt free.

For though he was injured and that intricate circle wooded

still belonged to the Kingdom of the Elves, the young man never knew

catch him there, in the place where he grew up.

The arrows of the soldiers were successful in the thigh and a

shoulder, and running through the forest had kept the wounds

open and bleeding despite the makeshift bandages and tourniquets

that had been applied. So I decided to stay a few days to heal and


Days later, before leaving for ever the Kingdom of the

Elves recalled his father's gift and opened the package curiously.

It was a silver dagger.

Ankris knew that silver was mortal to him, but only under his other

form. Nevertheless, picked carefully to examine,

wondering why his father would give him something, knowing it was the

any weapon that could kill him. Is it that he was saying to

so he should end his life?

But when I turned around, he realized that it was not. The message

his father were both finely intertwined letters, centuries ago,

had engraved on the handle of the dagger whoever had

tempered, the two letters were the initials of his first

Owner: A. H.


He breathed deeply. So it was true. He had noble roots.

Was related to the Counts of the Oaks.

He smiled bitterly. Long ago, would have received the news with

joy. Now it was exactly the same, was an outlaw and not matter

name. In fact, I had thought seriously about getting another call

hereinafter shape. Knowing its origins and it did not help at all.

Except for one thing: with this gift, his father was not

suggesting that suicide. He had revealed his origin, giving

an object that was a family treasure.

She was saying that he accepted and recognized him as his son. Although

of the beast.

He sighed and smiled at heart for the first time in many

days. Carefully put the dagger and put in motion, limping,

as the sun set.

When he reached the edge of the forest, he turned to his fellow

herd. Wolves looked at him, uncertain. Ankris knew he could not

ask them to accompany you wherever you take your steps,

but even so, it was hard to say goodbye to those animals with

I had shared so much. He leaned with one of the males,

perhaps not the strongest but the most sensible, and whispered in her ear:

- Now you're the boss. Take care of them. Do not let him out of trouble.

The wolf looked at him and seemed to smile. Ankris stood up and yelled to the


And the wolves of his pack howled with him one last time.

When the elf walked without looking back, the wolves continued

howling, crying his departure, but did not follow. And so, in the light of the

stars, Ankris left the Kingdom of the Elves for good.

I did not know that, far from there, also another person had been in

up and went behind his steps. His pursuer was relentless and knew his

office, and, what was worse, he had no feelings and not stop until

meet its goal, which was none other than him dead.

Unaware of this fact, believing at last safe, Ankris

took his journey.

Chapter VIII Humans Land

INSIDE THE TAVERN was full of individuals of all

lackeys, classes and, yet, a high elf auburn hair and clothes

old could not help but attract attention. Everyone turned to look at him.

- What do you look here this eared? Someone murmured, his voice enough

high enough to be overheard by the newcomer.

Ankris sighed. It was starting to get used to that kind of

situations. Since land had landed in humans,

months ago, he had often suffered. Ignoring those who looked

brazenly walked to a table occupied by a group of

people, including a guy who was wearing a red robe.

That pledge reminded Mae Shi and felt a stab in the heart,

but he overcame and went anyway.

- Already Kaltar the magician? He asked, had studied the language of the

human Sentinels school, but had been in the past

times, dealing with them, when he had actually learned to speak it.

- Yes, 'said the tunic, watching him suspiciously. And who

are you?

- My name is not important. I need to talk to you.

- About what?

- I heard that you studied in the Tower.

- Yes. But that was long ago. So what?

Ankris conceal his joy. He had seen several magicians from

starting the Kingdom of the Elves, but all had been formed in other

Schools, and neither could tell I needed to know.

- Can we talk?

- No. Not even know you.

Ankris forced himself to be patient. I hated that city and

appreciated just humans, so distrustful, aggressive and

unpredictable. But I needed that information.

- All right, he said, shrugging his shoulders and sat next to them;

everyone, including Kaltar, he was regarded with antipathy.

- Can we know what you want?

- Like I said, talk. I need you to tell me how I can get

to the Tower.

- That's funny. Why would I do that?

- For pure and simple kindness. Or is that that word is

lands unknown in humans?

Kaltar I scowled, but one of his companions left

out a laugh.

- I like him this elf; has guts.

- For me, not the wizard growled. What do you want to get to the Tower?

- That is my business.

- Well, if you're a magician, they will not let you.

- I'll think about it when you arrive. I know it is in the Valley of the

Lobos. Which way is this valley?

- Far away, take long time if you are walking, or even


- I do not care, I have much free time, 'said the elf

a weary smile.

The magician stared. Ankris held his gaze.

- All right, man sighed finally. Do you have a map?

- Yes, but the valley is not in him.

- Let me see.

Ankris out on the table the map he had obtained weeks

back in the city market. Kaltar leaned over to


- Here is the Valley of the Wolves said, pointing to a distant point,

almost at the margin of the map, in the middle of a mountain range.

Ankris frowned.

- Where?

- Here. See? It's a lost and tiny, so remote that

no one would get in there on purpose. The only access is through a

gorge that leads nowhere else, and all that is there,

plus the Tower, is a village consisting of one street and four houses.

Ankris nodded thoughtfully as his amber eyes roamed the

map by calculating the distance between the city would in which

was tiny and remote that lost valley in the mountains.

- Seriously, what do you want to go there?

- For the Lady of the Tower.

The entire table burst out laughing.

- That woman is a myth, one of the parishioners laughed. Does not exist in


- Shut your mouth, cut Kaltar, seriously. The Lady of the Tower there

and it was my Master. No disrespect him or I'll see to lend a

Curse of the most unpleasant, I assure you.

Dumb and Ankris Joker smiled inwardly.

- Despite that he continued the magician, watching the elf nothing assures you

she will receive you.

- I have to try.

- For good luck, then. And say hello from me, if you see her.

- I will, promised Ankris.

He left the tavern, and the magician and his companions soon forgot.

However, days later somebody memory refreshed. A

man clothed in skins, strong and stony gaze constitution came into

the tavern and asked for an elf amber eyes and hair color

copper. Kaltar, who had a few drinks, took a while to remind the

young man who had asked for the Valley of the Wolves but, as soon as

did, the man of stone eyes did not cost anything get all the


And, with a gleam of triumph in his eyes, left the tavern in

pursuit of prey.

Ankris had no money to buy a horse, so that

continued their journey on foot. He headed north, always north, by

forested and sparsely populated areas. He knew exactly how to survive in

the forest and also preferred not to mingle with people. Moreover, the

potion will end soon, and the forest was the perfect place to

find the ingredients needed to prepare more.

The first time I took sleeping pill made himself feared

until the last moment that something had gone wrong: he could have

wrong proportions, or an ingredient, or

temperature of the mixture. Therefore chose a very remote place, several

days away from any road, in case something went wrong, but,

Immediately after processing, fell asleep, and day

next woke up in the same place.

The following month, however, something happened.

He had chosen to hide a small cave beneath a

mountain. When he opened his eyes, just before dawn, sniffed the

presence of a stranger. He looked around, confused. The beast is not

had removed his body still, but his rational mind began to

wake with the first light of dawn that filtered under a

heavy blanket of gray clouds.

Before her she saw a girl who looked at him. The wolf in him growled and

wanted to move towards it, but was still under the influence of sleeping pills. The

elf, awakening, would smile.

Ankris felt transformed back into elf, and the beast

disappear until the next full moon. He sat up, a bit dazed, and

groped their clothes, in full moon nights took them off before

sunset, it always shattered when transformed.

He got back his shirt and looked around, and more

clear, but saw no one. He shrugged. Surely

had been a dream.

He continued his journey north, but found string

mountains that blocked his path. According to the map, there must be a

pass by, but for most that ran up and down, the foot of the

range, but found none. He retraced his steps and came to a farm

late afternoon, when the wind picked up and the gray clouds had

become dark clouds announcing storm.

Usually used to avoid all sorts Ankris inhabited places, but

now need to ask the way to follow. The woman who

opened the door stared at him as if he had seen a


- Good afternoon Ankris said. I was wondering if ...

She slammed the door in his face.

The young man sighed. It was clear that in a place as remote as

that no one had seen an elf. He tried, anyway.

- Excuse me, 'said through the closed door, I'm lost and I

wondering if you could help.


- I tried to cross the mountains, but have not found the passage

as indicated on my map.

Another silence. Ankris shrugged and turned to

leave. But then he heard a click behind him, the creaking of the door

that opened and a man's voice said:

- Last winter there was a collapse and the passage was closed. Not

you can cross out there, stranger.

Ankris turned to him. The farmer was huge, not higher than the

elf, but much more robust. She looked him up and down with a glow

strange look.

- You come from far away, I see.

- The Kingdom of the Elves, across the sea.

Lightning lit up the evening sky. Almost immediately, one

Thunder rumbled over the mountains.

- You better get in, 'said the farmer. He'll drop a good one.

- Do not want to bother. Just need to know how to cross the mountains.

- Are you going to continue your journey in the storm?

"Not the first time," thought the elf, but something in the look of

Farmer said he would not like to refuse, so that with a

words of thanks, entered the house.

Then it began to rain heavily. As the woman

preparing a soup sullenly, the farmer and his guest sat

around the table, under the watchful eye of a boy's

watched from a corner.

- So you're an elf?

- Yes, that's what I am.

- I've never seen anyone like you. You're weird.

- Me, on the other hand seem strange humans. I guess

depends on the viewpoint of each.

The farmer looked at him in silence.

- I suppose, finally said, then added, changing

topic-: There is a road that crosses the mountains. It's just a way to

goats, but it can happen.

Ankris showed him the map, but the farmer told him he could not read or

understand the plans, so that explained it verbally. While

man spoke, Ankris listened intently, trying to hold

all the information in his memory, perhaps because it did not realize

the boy, in a gesture of her mother, she slipped out of the kitchen

and, moments later, a horse shot out of the farm, challenging

the storm.

- If the people had asked, I would have said.

- I passed through the village.

- No? Then comes your way to get here.

Ankris shrugged, somewhat uncomfortable.

- The truth is that I usually avoid people.

The farmer looked at him questioningly, and the elf said softly:

- I'm an elf. In this region, so far from my country, I think

a being very strange, and not everywhere so I welcome

friendly as here. I do not want problems.

- I understand, 'said the farmer, but he continued to stare at him.

Yes I've been in town this morning.

He paused and continued to stare at him as if expecting an

reaction on his part. Ankris began to suspect something was wrong.

- Must be a nice place-said, to say something.

- Today mourn the farmer said, and turned to face him.

Ankris did not quite know how I was supposed to react.

- I'm sorry. Was it someone very dear?

- A very young boy. A disgrace.

- Sorry Ankris repeated.

- Last night I came home, went on the man. All the people

began to mount for him. They found his body in the early morning. There

been eaten by a huge wolf.

Ankris froze. It could not be true. The sleeping pill ...

A gleam of triumph farmer's eyes lit up when he saw the

terror in the face of the elf.

- I knew it was you. damn demon just said.

Ankris sensed movement behind her and only had time to

turn before seeing a furious farmer unloading a heavy

pan over his head.

And everything went black.

When he opened his eyes he was bound hand and foot, lying on the

dusty soil, and the farmer was watching pointing the chest with a

huge rake.

- You're a demon, right?

- I'm not a demon Ankris moaned, still headache. Am

an elf.

- Lying. You are a demon and a murderer.

Ankris closed his eyes again, trying to think. There could be

been him. I had woken up at exactly the same place where he had

transformed and, on the other hand, there was no blood found remains in its


- It was not me. I swear.

- You're a liar. I have been transforming you this morning.

"The girl" thought Ankris. "It was not a dream." He cursed his bad luck.

At any other time no one would have believed. But just now ...

No point in denying it.

- But it was not me she insisted. I have a potion, you know? You can see

I keep a bottle in my bag. It drives me harmless and, although I

transform, I stay asleep and not hurting anyone. The

proof is that I have not attacked that girl or ...

He stopped suddenly, realizing that every word

worsened the situation. I watched aghast Farmers.

- Monster! Said the woman.

- I'm going to the Tower Ankris explained. I am told that there may be able

heal. I swear I did not ...

The farmer walked toward him and hit him with fury.

Ankris lost consciousness again.

- ... He has confessed. He said he is a werewolf.

- But it's not even a man. Look, it's all skin and bones.

- Is a demon.

- A goblin.

- He said he was an elf.

- You, shut up. The elves never come here.

- The boy is right: it's an elf. I've seen a few and I can

sure that this is rather like them.

- So what's the problem?

- That the elves do not suffer from lycanthropy. Unaffected by bite

werewolf or, if it does indeed know how to treat it.

- A transforming saw this!

- Oh, a girl with too much imagination!

- What more proof do you need? Last night was a full moon and a wolf killed

Yani. And then comes the girl saying she has seen a wolf

became a strange creature with pointed ears ... Comes to call

my door!

Ankris slowly returned to reality. The voices were talking about

it. He recognized a few: the farmer, his wife and the voice of someone else

young, probably the boy he had seen upon entering. But

was a fourth voice, a shrill voice replied impatiently:

- Yes, but it is an elf, and elves no werewolves, I say.

- It may be a magician 'said the boy. I have heard that

Some magicians can turn into animals.

- Nonsense, 'said the farmer. And, yet so fierce, what does that change?

- Of course it changes! It can not be this creature who was

looking for that man. And if it is, then it is a be

exceptional, perhaps a mutation. I'd like to investigate.

- Investigate what? It is a monster! However when the Hunter

end with him.

- But what if not this? Replied the guy shrilly. What if

kills him, takes his body and we were left with the true

monster roaming around? For when he returns to kill in the

next full moon, the Hunter will be long gone and will not come to us out

one hand.

- It is taking a long-intervened farmer nervously. Would you be

something happened?

- Quiet, woman. They have come to look to the forest, and with this

storm ...

- I hate having that thing in my house.

- I think, before it comes, we must check whether

really looking creature. But I bet you what you like not.

Ankris managed to open his eyes. Along with the family who had captured him was

to a pointed beard old man watching him through the lens

round dancing on the tip of his nose.

- Have you seen those eyes? Elven, no doubt, adjusted his glasses and

nodded to himself. Color ... Gold?? No, rather it is a color

honey-like. Or to amber. Curious, very curious.

- Who are you? -Could articulate Ankris.

- Wise Fulgus call me cheerfully replied the little man.

You're lucky I chose this town for years as a retreat.

Because only I can get you out of this, friend elf.

- What?

- I will show you are no werewolf.

- But ...

- Tse, tse tse! Fulgus interrupted. I do not have to give me

explanations. Long time study werewolves-are beings

fascinating-I can recognize a werewolf when I see one, and I know that

you're not one of them.

The farmer snorted skeptically. The sage turned to him.

- As it happens, I brought a bottle with a concoction of my

invention requires the werewolves to transform even when

full moon. We only have to give a little and ...

- What? Farmer-broke. Would you like to become a

monster here in my home?

- There will be transformed, as I told you.

- So how do you know that your concoction works? Snapped the


The sage looked very offended. He adjusted his glasses and said, very


- If you think it does not work, do not mind if you try it, right?

The farmer opened his mouth to say something, but the wise and headed for

Ankris with a vial containing a reddish liquid.

- Open your mouth, friend elf, and drink this as a good boy.

- What? -Ankris struggled, but he was bound hand and foot. To!

Do not know what you do!

- Come on, do not resist. It's for your own good.

Ankris turned away. He saw the farmer's son neared its

father and said:

- Here, just in case. I've taken out of your bag.

The farmer took the knife and examined it critically.

- It does not seem very solid.

The sage turned to him.

- No-no-no, the guy is right. That dagger is silver. If this elf is

a beast-which, frankly, I doubt, 'that dagger will be the best

weapon against him.

Ankris felt seething with anger. He had already been humiliated enough.

- Put it back! -Snapped. You have no right to ...!

But he could not finish; Fulgus had used to introduce the

spoon in his mouth, and the elf, caught by surprise, instantly swallowed.

The wise man stepped back and looked, very satisfied.

- Do you see how nothing happens?

Ankris was suddenly awakened something inside. Something that,

unfortunately, knew well. Fulgus nailed a glance


- What do ... have you done? -Could say.

The transformation was much faster than usual, and

infinitely more painful. Ankris screamed as her body

metamorphosed before the sage and farmers, who looked dumb

of terror. When he broke the ropes that held him and looked at his face to

transform means, eyes glowing a wild light, the woman screamed,

and Fulgus only said, unable to look away from him:

- Fascinating.

A new spasm. Shouted and transformation Ankris consummated. The

beast had awoken again.

With a grunt, the wolf was to jump over them, but the farmer

finally reacted and jumped on him, knife in hand. The dagger stabbed

shoulder, the pain was intense, and the beast groaned and stepped back. The

Farmer launched another thrust that hit him in the stomach. The wolf howled and

sought an escape route.

- Top it off, father! Cried the boy, but the farmer raised

hands ruefully: the dagger had been plunged into the meat of the


Mad with grief, the wolf jumped through the window, destroying it, and

off into the night.

Hunter arrived moments later. He surprised the farmer trying

strangle the wise, while the woman and the boy tried to separate them,

but that did not bother him. A brief look at the scene was enough to know

that his quarry had escaped again. Without a word, he turned

and went in search of the beast, venturing in the pouring rain.

I knew that the dam was not hurt and was far ahead.

Chapter IX The Hunter

Ankris WHEN TURNED ITSELF, did not like what he saw.

Fortunately, the effects of the concoction of sage and did not last long and

had recovered his body elf. But here ran out good


I was in the woods, alone, wet and wounded, with the remains of their

clothes close to the body. It was still dark and still raining

intensely. He tried to sit up, but quickly dropped with a

groan of pain. He could not move his left arm and he had a severe

stomach wound. Paled even more when he saw the knife was

stuck in his abdomen. Gritting his teeth, I yanked. The

pain was so intense that Ankris, stifling a scream, dropped back

on the wet ground.

He soon realized that the wound was serious, very serious.

Bleeding heavily and looked like silver leaf would have burned the

meat in that area. It also had a similar injury in the shoulder

left, and was this the reason why he could not move his arm.

Gasping in pain and fatigue did straighten a bit, resting

back against the trunk of a tree. I did not know where he was or what

direction were the mountains, where I could try to find a

shelter until the storm to pass.

Ankris vaguely remembered what had happened in the house of

farmer since he had transformed into a wolf. But after jumping

out the window, the beast had completely mastered his mind and no longer

knew nothing more. He fumbled around looking for his backpack, but do not

found. He cursed his bad luck for the umpteenth time. All things are

had stayed home from the farmer. Everything. Including the bottle with your

potion and-what was worse-the parchment with instructions for

developing it again. The only thing was, ironically, was the dagger

silver from his father, that dagger would kill you.

He tried to rise and reached walking a few steps, but his legs

failed and fell to his knees. At that moment, lightning lit

the sky ... and the figure of a huge and imposing man who, standing before

him, staring at him, pointing a loaded crossbow.

- H ... elp, please, Ankris could say. I'm hurt ...

The man's eyes showed no emotion. Ankris not

know then, but that face long populate their

worst nightmares.

His vision of Elf, which allowed him to see better than humans at the

dark, saved her life this time. Because he saw clearly how the

Man shot crossbow, and only had just a second to roll

on the floor and dodge the arrow, which is stuck in the muddy ground,

dangerously close to his face.

Ankris horror, felt that many questions came to his

mind. But instinct and desire for survival forced to jump

hiding in the bushes. He heard the man growl behind him and, by

gathering his last strength, stood up and ran in the rain.

The chase was brief but horrible for the elf, who, without strength,

mortally wounded, he crawled as he could through the woods, looking

desperately shelter. No one knew who he was human in

relentlessly pursued, but did not want to stay and find out.

Panting, feeling his life slip away drop by drop and weak

to stand up and fight, the only advantage he had over his pursuer

Elven was his vision that allowed him to orientate better at night. Was the

the only reason why some arrows dodged more. But

finally one stuck painfully in his right leg and

brought down, full length, in a puddle.

Exhausted, Ankris no longer had the strength to move. He was face down

on the floor, bleeding, holding the knife in his hand, but he knew that

silver dagger that would not save him from his ruthless persecutor, and

that, feeling defeated, and did not move.

- At last I have you, vermin growled the man.

Ankris heard above the murmur of the rain that was still falling

without mercy on the two, how human carrying his crossbow. Closed

eyes and waited.

But death did not come.

There was a sound like a hiss, and a cry of pain. Ankris opened

eyes and saw a shadow over it, and also the night lit up with a

strange greenish light seemed supernatural.

- Come on, 'said a dry voice in his ear.

And Ankris and saw and heard nothing more.

The following days were spent consumed by fever, riding

between nightmares that mingled farmer, Shi-Mae, the wise,

Aonia, the sorcerer, the king's soldiers and, above all, the face of eyes

man stone heartless enough to

chase a wounded and helpless elf throughout the forest, as if

was an animal.

It took a while to open his eyes, and when he did, he found himself in a

messy but warm hut, lying on a bed of herbs. A

cheerful fire burned in one corner and thought he saw elf projected

on the wall the shadow of a wolf. But he quickly fell back into her

delirium and quickly forgot what he had seen, likening it to the images

that appeared in his dreams.

Once he opened his eyes and found himself in the cabin that had believed

see in dreams. Only this time I was aware of being awake.

It was daylight and sunlight filtered through the small window. Beside

him, preparing something in a cauldron, was a man of hair

gray, brown robes and wearing a hat that covered almost

whole head.

- Where ... I? -Did mutter Ankris.

The man turned to him and looked at him, and felt a strange elf

sense of familiarity, of empathy, although it was

fully convinced that he had not seen before.

- You're in my house, 'he said. Safe.

- I ... pursued.

- Do not worry about the Hunter. I took care of him.

The Hunter ... the face of the man who had been about to

murder came back to his mind, and the elf could not help


- Have you ... killed?

- No. And not for want of trying, believe me. But for now you're

safe, so rest, you need it.

Ankris wanted to thank you, but fatigue overcame him and returned to

fell into a troubled sleep.

The next time I woke up, the man was still there and was

changing shoulder bands.

- Fea wound about said saw with open eyes. Very ugly.

Silver, huh? Poor thing. You were lucky to find you.

- Who are you?

- A friend. But, if you prefer, you can call Novan.

- I am Ankris.

- Ankris, huh?

- No, Ankris.

- That's what I said: Ankris.

The elf did not insist. I had noticed, for some time, that the

pronounced human music very rudely the Elvish words.

One in particular did not seem to be an exception.

Ankris spent the following days between sleep and wakefulness. During

times when he lay awake, he learned more.

Novan was a magician, but not wearing the red tunic with which they used

adorn their kind. The cabin that was home stood on a

inaccessible place on the other side of the mountains. By intervening to save

the elf had used a spell to attack, but, although it had achieved

hurt the Hunter, his magic did not cause as much damage as expected.

- I could not entertain more, so I quickly pulled away,

using the teleportation spell, which allows travel

instantly ...

- ... to a place you've seen before Ankris nodded. Yes, I know.

Donovan gave him a strange glow in his eyes.

- What are you, a wizard?

- No. But it was someone who was very close to me.

He smiled sadly, remembering how he had seen practicing Mae Shi

that spell. It was a very useful spell, but only skilled magicians

managed to do it in any situation required a lot of concentration

send the mind to the destination, and if the magician was scared, nerves

or anxiety, the spell did not work.

So Ankris Novan looked with new respect. Or was a wizard

very experienced or had nerves of steel ... or simply not

Hunter feared.

- The teleport far Novan he continued, 'I have made the

Hunter lost your trail. Take long to find you.

Ankris asked the Hunter, but the wizard did not want to talk about

until the young man felt better. When it looked like the wounds

Ankris would heal well and regained some of its lost strength, both

remained a serious conversation on the porch, in the light of sunset.

- Look at this, 'said the wizard, showing an arrow.

The elf took it with caution.

- Is the Hunter?

- Yes. Look at the tip.

Ankris watched closely.

- Silver.

- For the best quality Novan nodded. That guy is a professional.

- What do you mean?

- Somebody hired him to kill you, boy. No Hunter

wasting their arrows for nothing. While this is especially sadistic. Me

mean about chasing through the woods and all. Most

Hunters kill werewolves only the full moon. It is like

a kind of code of honor, you know? Although, all things considered, is a

nonsense, because killing the wolf killed the man anyway. But

abatirían not in principle a werewolf in human form. Or Elvish, in your


Ankris had been watching him with his mouth open.

- You do?

The magician laughed softly.

- Chico, of course I do. At another time we'll talk about that. Now

I want to know who has hired a hunter to kill.

Ankris shuddered.

- Not looking for me.

- Of course, came to the region shortly after you did. In fact, in

people already knew of his presence when you called to the door of that

farm. They went to look for as you got caught.

- How do you know ...?

- I have made inquiries. Tell me, have not you seen it before?

- No. And, to my knowledge, no one knew human lands so far

I'm ... I am. So it is possible that I'm chasing

Me. There can be following from the Kingdom of the Elves.

- Why not? Nobody hates you there?

Ankris squinted, the Mae Shi's words in court yet

echoed in his mind. But ... Do you hate her so much as to send a

murderer on his trail?

- I understand, 'said the magician to see his expression. You and I have

much to talk about. You have much to learn, Ankris.

- You say bad-elf repeated for the umpteenth time: it Ankris ... you should

vibrating the 'n' ... and «s» more whistling ... and do not pronounce the 'k' as

strong ... and ... I do not know, it also has to do with the tone, you say all the same,

when in fact a syllable has a higher pitch than the other ...

Do you understand? Ankris.

- Rectified: you have much to learn, elf.

That day did not tell her more, but soon found out Ankris more

things. Days later, the magician returned to the cabin after an evening

in the forest and threw at the feet of a deer bloody elf.

- What is this?

- Dinner.

Ankris bent to examine it. Something had driven large

its huge, sharp fangs in the throat of the animal.

- What killed him?

- I said with a crooked smile Novan.

Ankris thought it was a joke. Still not quite capture the

quirky humor of humans, let alone the wizard with which

shared the cabin. But just two days later, again sitting

on the porch, watching the sunset, they maintained other

important conversation, and then realized that the elf was not

a joke, much less.

- Soon it will be full moon Ankris explained.

- So what?

- That I will transform. And I have not my potion. I'd better

I walk away, to make sure you do not harm.

- Do you? Me? Novan scoffed. I want to see you trying,


Ankris felt anger filled him inside.

- You do not understand, magician. I am a murderer. I am a wild beast

every full moon. I you do not joke about that.

Donovan gave him a sinister smile.

- I do not joke about such things, elf. And it scares me anything

you could do. Because I assure you, my friend ... I'm hundred

times worse.

And, still with that smile, and rose Novan

stepped back.

And then was transformed.

Ankris is jumped, startled, as the body of the magician

was covered with black hair, his face transformed into a snout and

hands into claws. And when, in the form of an enormous wolf turned Novan

to look at the elf, seemed almost as if he laughed.

- Surprised? He growled.

- I am a Lord of the Wolves, he explained later, and

metamorphosed into man, when both sat back in the

porch, staring at the stars. That means that I am a

werewolf able to control my changes.

Ankris remembered what his friend had told the witch about it.

- But it takes centuries to achieve self-control both said.

- Well, I needed only one hundred and twenty years-to see that it Ankris

looked with surprise, Novan smiled. And now I have two hundred and fifty

three years. You see, I'm older than you, despite being human. What is your

age? Just over a century, right? Do not look at me like elf: I'm a wizard

and I know spells rejuvenating prolong life. Even so, I am

immortal, and you see that I'm not just a boy. Instead you,

when you're my age, you will still be young, am I right?

Ankris was silent for a moment, taking in the information.

Then he said:

- Does that mean that you can turn when you want it?

- That's right.

- Then, why do you become? If I had done what you,

would never be a wolf.

- You think so? -Novan chuckled softly. Well you're wrong. The wolf

is our power and our strength, boy. Licantropía not a

curse, but a gift.

Ankris looked horrified.

- But you do not kill, right? I mean ... killer not to

other human.

Novan laughed again.

- What fun you are, my dear elf. What makes you think that?

- But you can control your changes! Ankris almost shouted. You

choose to stop being a murderer!

- I can choose ... Like have you done? He sneered. Yeah, boy,

You are not a murderer and everyone will be convinced that you have

good intentions. Like those farmers who attempted to assassinate

Even though you made sure they were not dangerous, and you killed the

village boy, right?

Ankris realized suddenly.

- It was you. You killed him.

Novan shrugged.

- I went hunting. And if I had not, you'd be dead now.

Did not you think? Hunter came looking and went into the forest the

full moon last night. And he spent hours chasing my tracks,

thinking they were yours. Thanks to that found you not sleeping in

your cave, absolutely helpless. What would have happened then, eh? And

Make no mistake: though I hate the Hunters, do not blame them: they exist

because there are people who hire them. No matter what fight the

beast and the master, for they will always be a monster.

- Not true Ankris muttered, pale. You horrible, Novan.

The magician laughed softly.

- I invite you to go hunting this full moon, what do you say? Do you


- Of course not immediately Ankris said, horrified.

Despite his words, Novan back to town at the request of the elf,

to try to get her things. When he returned, bringing no news

were exactly encouraging.

- The sage tried to stop, 'he explained, but ignored him: have

burned all your belongings in a bonfire in the square, as if

were apestadas.

- Oh Ankris said only, while a dreadful feeling

gloom fell on him.

- Rejoice, the Hunter is still there, in a rage because he knows

where to look.

- Have you seen him? Have you not known?

- A magician has its own methods to pass unnoticed, young


- Good Ankris replied, moody.

- I can lock you up-he proposed the magician suddenly. In jail

magic, I mean. That will become harmless night of the full moon.

- Would you?

- Oh, yes, but I think it's a good idea. You're going to lose all the


- Better than being a monster.

- Boy, you are already a monster, like it or not. Not worth it

fight it.

- That's not true.

- Let's try then. Contrary try the method.

I know a spell that can wake: conservarías your conscience

rational even after transformation, and both minds, the elf

and the beast, dominate your body while wolf. If such interest

you have to defeat the wolf, dare to face him. In equal

conditions, who do you think would win?

Ankris not answer.

The first full moon happened at the cabin Novan chose the

solution magical prison. The sorcerer drew on the ground signals

around him and performed other transactions Ankris was not able to

identify, but when the circle is closed, the elf was completely

unable to leave it. It was as if an invisible barrier will close the passage.

- Shalt thou set up a fuss when you try to transform and

escape from there, 'he warned the wizard. Luckily, we are far removed from

any inhabited place. Even so, I think this is a good

solution. The Hunter still looking for you, and if by chance approaches

around here, you're at their mercy. Because ... can we forget to mention,

but, though you can not leave the circle ..., anyone could enter. And no

I'll be here to protect you, it is a night too pretty

to stay home.

Laughing softly, Novan morphed into a wolf and, before leaving

through the door, told Ankris:

- Until tomorrow, puppy. See you at dawn.

The elf tried to say something, but then the beast began to

awakening inside and had to concentrate to overcome the

dolor.Por Fortunately, all went well, and the next day woke locked

still in the magical prison. Novan also slept on the cot,

but woke up when she heard that Ankris moved.

- Good hunting, eh? Yawned, stretching. Oh, sorry,

forgot that you stayed at home last night.

- Get me out of here Ankris growled.

The following days he remained silent and thoughtful. Inside

throbbing feelings. For one, hated and feared all that

Novan was and represented, on the other, the magician had saved his life and,

also was the first person who had accepted as it was.

Because even her parents and the sorcerer were horrified to that part of

Novan himself that was so natural.

He found that, despite everything, he felt comfortable with the magician, in

that cabin in the mountains, and that scared him.

However, his body wounds were almost healed now, and this

meant that he would soon be ready to go again.

Novan He told an afternoon.

- And where are you going, pray?

- To the Tower, in the Valley of the Wolves.

The wizard's face darkened.

- Have not you heard the news?

- No. Why? What is it?

- The Valley of the Wolves is cursed, boy.

- What? That is nonsense. The Lady of the Tower never allow it.

She ...

- The Lady of the Tower is dead.

Ankris received the news with an incredulous silence.

- Not true, finally stammered.

- Yes it is. Nobody knows what happened, but it seems that

betrayed someone. Now the tower is abandoned and say a

curse hanging over her. Pity. Of the four High Schools

Wizardry was in ancient times, now only two remain.

- Can not be true. She can not be dead. I saw it ...

It took a while to get the accounts. It had been almost a year since

meet at the School of the Golden Wood, the day-Mae Shi

had stood the test of fire.

- If you have much interest in it, we can check-offered


That afternoon made a magical seeing spell, and so, in a basin

enchanted waters containing the magician conjured the image of the


It was a scene of desolation, because, even though it was a

building nestled between mountains, big and majestic, crowned by a

tall spire, presented a gloomy aspect and abandoned. Wolves

howled menacingly from the forest and even Novan is

shuddered to hear.

- Can not you hear? She whispered. Not like other wolves howl. Are

damn, boy, cursed, and will not allow anything or anyone invading their


Ankris nodded awe. Also he had understood the message

Valley Wolves.

The magical water showed them at the request of the sorcerer, an image of

inside the Tower. Both toured the rooms and corridors without moving

Novan's cabin and saw only silence, solitude and desolation.

No one lived and in the Tower and there was something sinister that put the


- What happened here? Ankris whispered, terrified.

Novan sighed and shook his head.

- Do not know. But now I'm sure that Ms. de la Torre

is dead. Because never have allowed to happen something.

The basin now showed them a picture of the ground floor of the

Torre. A Ankris thought he saw, suddenly, a shadow glided downward

down the hall, but it disappeared quickly, and the elf thought he had been

fruit of his imagination.

- Have you seen enough?

Ankris nodded gravely. Novan knew not deceived and that the

vision was true, because he had seen performing spells Mae Shi

like. He felt a twinge of pain. It was assumed that what I learned in

School was secret, but she loved to share with him their new

findings. They had been close. Again, wondered Ankris

how it was that she had betrayed that way.

The image shivered and disappeared, and the water in the basin was again

only water.

- If the Lady of the Tower is dead Ankris said quietly, and

nobody can help me.

Novan shrugged.

- I told you not worth fighting.

During the following days, locked himself further Ankris itself

same, considering all the alternatives and trying to find a

out of their situation. Was slowly regaining strength, but not

had nowhere to go. And so, when approaching the next full moon,

Ankris himself was surprised Novan asking:

- When can we prove that spell were telling me about, for

awaken my consciousness during the full moon?

The wizard smiled.

Chapter X Memory of the Past

It was a strange feeling.

The transformation was just as painful, but this time he felt

the mortal fear that pervaded his consciousness ever fell in that

dark bottomless pit from which he never knew if he was going to escape. This time was

very aware of everything that happened, he realized that the beast awakened,

but they threw him out of his body. For a moment, the mind

elf and the wolf were observed, cautiously and with suspicion.

Then Wolf consciousness, insecure, he retired to a corner, from

where he continued watching, alert.

A little suspicious, Ankris tried to get in position. He was

within that strange wolf body. Her years transforming,

but I've never experienced that way.

Beside Novan, metamorphosed into a huge black wolf, what

observed chuckling.

- It feels good, huh? Only said, and his voice sounded like a growl.

Ankris wanted to respond, but only barked.

- Do not think it's so easy Novan said. Need some practice.

Come on, follow me.

Novan nimbly jumped out of the cabin. Ankris followed, unsure

still on all fours. Nevertheless, it felt good, and when

went outside and the light of the full moon bathed his body, a wild

sense of power through his veins. There was stronger, more agile and more

awake than ever, as if all his senses will capture new shades

I had never experienced. Intoxicated by this

discovery, threw back his head and howled.

Donovan joined him. Both howled under the full moon, and when other

Wolves answered them from the mountains and the wizard ran to

there Ankris followed with a bark of triumph.

That night was special. There was a hunt and learned Ankris

use your wolf body, teeth, claws, powerful legs.

Among several, killed a deer and it was like old times, when

the elf forest roamed the land leading his own herd,

before transforming completely into a wolf. However, and despite

he felt very comfortable with his new teammates, his

rapport with Novan was much higher. Ankris was discovered themselves

same admiring his movements agile and safe behavior,

as identical to a wolf, although still maintaining that gleam

intelligence in his eyes which showed that there was a wolf behind

rational consciousness. Novan was a wolf, yes, but also a man, and

Ankris realized that I envied. Because the wolf was part

him, and everything was perfect until the beast had begun to

dominate the full moon.

"Maybe I could be like him," thought Ankris. "As Novan. Follow

being me even when I transform. So never kill anyone. "

However, a shadow that clouded newfound joy.

Because, when the teeth of the wolves tore the neck of the deer, the

smell of blood the beast went crazy.

Ankris felt I was losing control. With a feral growl, is

rushed over the dam and sank her teeth into his neck, and a strange

bloodlust went down her spine. He wanted more, wanted to

hunting ... and killing.

'Only a deer "thought his rational part. However, somewhere in

his mind, the beast growled, pleased.

During the following months, came out every night Novan

full moon and learned what it was to be a real wolf. But in the long

summer evenings, the elf and wizard sat on the porch and


- It may not be so bad to be a werewolf Ankris mused one

day. Maybe I'll get used to it.

- You're not a werewolf. You're not even a man.

- So what am I?

Novan thought about it.

- You could say that you are an elf-wolf. Yes, it is. An elf-wolf.

- For some time I have thought about changing my name. Seek a

name that was related to my new condition, and the

Humans do not prove to difficult to pronounce. But I can not think

none quite appropriate.

Donovan gave him a long.

- That would mean giving up your roots. I know, right?

- I do not care. In my country and I want.

Novan not respond right away, but when he did, he said:

- Do you know why you keep using your Elvish name? Because, despite

what you say, have left much behind. While you are not able to look at

past pain, never forjarás a new identity and a destination


Ankris not respond. Do not quite understand the words of the magician,

although they sensed their meaning, and in the following days pondered


Not all conversations were so profound. On one occasion,

Ankris asked how he managed to appear completely

dress when transformed back into a human.

- It's a handy trick I learned a while. It's actually a

summoning spell variant: call your clothes to materialize

around your body when you want it.

- Sounds very complicated.

- Nah, just a matter of practice. At first you have to

really concentrate to remember the spell just as you transform,

but eventually becomes automatic. I just

imagine back in human form ... and clothing.

- I like to learn.

- You'd have to be a magician, puppy. And do not think that there are many

magicians in the world.

So the days passed, weeks and months. The Hunter not

had returned to show signs of life explained to Ankris Novan had

protected your home with a number of spells of concealment that although

did not invisible did reduce significantly the chances of

be seen by someone.

However, he did not forget the Hunter Ankris. Just in case back,

decided that it would find unarmed, and was made his own net.

One morning I saw carving Novan arrows with silver dagger and

stared at him.

- Silver-said, as if spitting. Why are you wearing that top? Not

a good material to work with wood, is too soft. Not

mention the fact that it is mortal for you under your other form. Y. .. I

aspen ... is not that the thing that drove the Hunter in the belly?

- Yes, but I nailed it. This dagger is mine.

- You stabbed yourself the then?

Smiling, Ankris told the story of the dagger. A brightness of interest

looked into the eyes of the sorcerer.

- Let me see.

When he touched the knife, all he shuddered visibly, and when

looked up, the elf thought he saw a flash of deep hatred in his

look. But it was only a moment, because then laughed some


- It's funny. Yes, it's funny.

Ankris looked as if seeing it for the first time and shook his head.

- Much grace, self-repeated and still chuckling, stood up and

went back into the cabin.

The elf did not ask him what he found so amusing. I was

becoming accustomed to their mood swings.

And so, over time, the young elf-wolf began to feel serene and

except for the first time in many years. Every night of the full moon

Novan out and hunting with others, the transformation was becoming

less painful, and now beginning to regret not being able to metamorphose

whenever I wanted, as did the magician. He was very proud of

itself because, after all, your rational mind was cornering

the beast in a dark recess of his consciousness, because it could be a wolf

hunter, but would not be a murderer.

Or at least that's what I thought until one night when the moon

full, something happened.

Following Novan and wolves of his pack, came to a

way. Ankris wondered where they were, he was sure that

lived far from any inhabited place. But the magician turned to

him with bright eyes and Ankris knew he was planning something.

- Take these two and wait here in the bushes he said.

When I give the signal, attack.

Ankris nodded. Barked a couple of times and two of the wolves in the pack,

one male and one female, followed him into the bushes.

Not take long to hear the howl of Novan, with a bark of

joy, Ankris jumped in the road and the wolves followed.

But what came running was not a deer, or a deer, nor

a moose.

He was a man.

Ankris stood still for a moment. He was a pastor who ran

terrified, stumbling, trying to escape from wolves pursuing him

relentlessly. Ankris wanted to stop, tell them to let him go;

but the man was wounded, and the smell of blood went wild wolf

lurked inside.

"Enough!" Wanted to scream, but a muffled growl came from his throat and

before he knew it, the beast took control ...

Like so many other nights ... admitted Ankris, terrified, as his

wolf body jumped on the pastor. Like so many other nights when

had been driven by his lust for blood, thinking it was something

Natural and controlled at all times the situation. And realized that

was not so, that the beast cornered the elf during slaughter, and that

it made no difference between a moose and a man.

Ankris screamed and struggled to master the wolf, but it was useless. And as

fixed his teeth in the body of the pastor, he heard laughter behind him dry

Novan, who watched the scene satisfied.

The next day Ankris withdrew into a sullen silence. Novan not

tried to start a conversation. In the afternoon, the elf could take no more and


- You should have stopped.

- Why? You've killed before. I do not mean to animals.

- I did not willingly. It was not me, was the beast.

Novan nodded to him and looked into his eyes.

- The beast and you are one. Is that what you learn.

Furthermore, the animals you kill without remorse. What makes you think

that a human is better than a moose, or an elf is better than a


- Of course they are!

- No, puppy, are not. You're an elf-wolf and wolves are those who

I agree, no elves or humans. Why do you insist on protecting

so much hate?

Ankris opened his mouth to respond, but found no words.

- They do not feel any love for your life, added elf mage

quietly. I'm telling you from experience. Look.

He took off the shirt he was wearing and showed her full torso


- Most did to me when I was still

hard to be a human like everyone else, when I wanted to

accept me, when screaming for help. And this was the response of the

humans. Imagine what it must have been the shock when, despite the

great capacity to regenerate my body werewolf, let me

these marks. Could have made them disappear with my magic, but the

keep in my body not to forget my hatred towards them. You see those

scars appear acid burns? They would not leave and with all

the world's healing spells. Weapons were produced by


Ankris nodded gravely. The same had two similar, one in the

shoulder and once in the abdomen.

- Do you know Novan mused, 'but I prefer to hunt rather than be

hunted. Yourself to the idea, elf, you're not like the others and never

will be. Those humans who try to protect not deserve your

compassion. And do not feel inferior to them, because you're not. The contrary.

You have a power that puts you above mere mortals. Use it;

do not repress.

Ankris quivered then repaired a disfiguring scar

Novan's back, between the shoulder blades.

- That almost killed me growled the sorcerer, warning her gaze. But ...

nevertheless ... I overcame.

- You ... killed?

Novan turned to him and stared at him with a strange expression

in the face.

- No. It was much better than that, believe me. Then do not know, but

now I know how far you got my revenge.

Ankris looked at him blankly, but in his mind were stirred

veils deepest memory.

For fear of the beast, the next full moon would spend locked

at home.

But it was an agony. He heard the call of the full moon, the howling of

the other wolves, and felt that he would die of despair if not out of that

cabin. By now he no longer cared if it was the elf or wolf which

choked in there, because I felt that the two were one. Y,

when Novan entered the hut at dawn, with a smile

sly on the lips, to release him from his magical prison, to Ankris longer

It seemed a werewolf murderer, but the brother who came to the rescue of

a horrible and painful confinement.

That was how the elf and the beast became one. Ankris and Novan is

became the scourge of the region, and the elf-wolf and had no qualms about

get nagged human victims when hunger. And when the

chased through the woods, the mountains or the roads, remember how

the hunter had chased him to bring him down as vermin. And no

felt remorse, but a deep and unforgiving contempt for

human race. Sometimes, when it was more clear, you

hated himself for having become a murderer, but a part of

yes he said that the world had not left him no choice. At the end of the day,

was significant enough that a werewolf murderer was the only person

he understood and accepted it as it was. "Because I am like him"

often thought, "and as I try I can not escape my

destiny. " Sometimes, however, wanted to shed a river of tears

each person who murdered, but had long since forgotten

what it meant to mourn.

Novan watched all this and smiled to himself. The beast had expired.

However, a full moon night something changed forever

Ankris believed immovable destination.

The young elf wandered through the forest under his wolf form, the other

howling pack members from the mountains, warning that

had found a group of goats clueless, but doubted Ankris

about whether to go or not to meet. Pretty soon, they had lost sight of

Novan and did not know whether to go look for it, wait there or go to

call of the other wolves.

I had almost decided to join the rest of the pack when

Novan appeared. Dragging a heavy pack behind him, and his eyes shone

satisfaction. He dropped the bundle before Ankris and said:

- Look what I brought for dinner. It's cool. Breathe yet.

Ankris smiled to find that it was a girl.

- Where did you get it? He growled, delighted.

- He had run away from home to go hunting crickets. How innocent,


Ankris was chanting his friend's laughter when he saw the face of the

child and recognized him in the dark. It was that same girl that was

months, he had been transformed at dawn, in the cave.

- What is it? Novan asked pouting. Do not have entered

scruples again, right?

- Lord ... Then the girl whispered.

Ankris looked down and saw that she was staring at him,

pleading, his eyes filled with tears. Also she had


- Lord ... He repeated. Help me, please. Save me.

Donovan gave him a blow and threw it back. The girl fell on the

grass with a shout.

- What are you waiting? Novan cried. Finish her!

The girl was bleeding from his temple, and the smell of blood was crazy to

beast. But the elf could not forget the words of the girl.

She had called him "sir."

He had treated her like a person, he, who was a murderer, that

was now transformed into a wolf. "What you have seen in me?" He

said. "How did you know it was me? '.

- Kill it! Novan yelled again.

Ankris hesitated. I was hungry because I had not eaten yet that

night. The wolf growled inside and tried to take control over their

body to pounce on its prey.

But she had not spoken to the beast, but to be rational

had seen crouching in his eyes. That meant that the elf still

was inside the wolf, somewhere, even though the full moon

shone in the sky, even though the dam was bleeding and hunger nagged

the predator.

And, if the elf was still there ... meant that the beast had not expired

yet. Understanding this, for the first time in a while your hand

rational tried to rise again and confront the wolf.

There was a brief and intense struggle and for a distressing and

eternal seconds, Ankris thought his fate was sealed. An

sigh, walked toward the girl.

- That's it! Novan whispered.

But Ankris stood between him and the girl, looked into his eyes and growled


- What does this mean?

- To this girl, not Ankris said. You'll have to kill me first.

- Wow, the puppy has made me picky 'said the wizard with a

dangerous smile.

- There are other prey-Ankris said. Let go of this.

Novan said nothing. She stood before him jumped up and looked him in the eyes.

His face was so close wolfish of Ankris that this could feel his

breath on her face.

- It is not that, puppy whispered menacingly. I

be impertinent. You do not want to challenge the leader of the pack.

- I have not replied Ankris, but at that moment he realized

yes, that was what it was. I you bring to me. I will decide what

do with it.

- You're a hungry wolf and pretend to pass up. That will

becomes a bad hunter, and I'm not interested in guys like you

in my pack. Endanger us all. Do I make myself clear? So

to turn from it, puppy ... or regret.

Novan eyes showed grim and menacing brilliance, and Ankris

knew he was serious. A part of him hesitated. What else was a girl

more, after all he had done? Was he going to fight for it with

Novan, his best friend? Would he risk being expelled from the herd

it was now all that was left?

The beast was about to take control again. Ankris hesitated.

He looked at Novan and was reflected in his eyes, a wolf face

glare. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. I knew, deep down,

I was doing something I did not want to do. And something inside told

which, if not face-planted at the time, the opportunity never again

to appear. Her body of the girl behind him, inert but still warm,

and fought with all his might against the instinct of the beast. He raised his head

and stood proudly.

- No, Novan. You will be the leader of the pack, but I have yet to make my own decisions.

Novan growled, baring his teeth.

- Small ungrateful ... Said.

Ankris stood guard. The two wolves moved in a circle with

slowly, watching each another. Novan growled again. Growled Ankris


And were launched against each other with murderous rage.

Ankris had fought against other wolves, but not usually serious and

moreover, as was much larger than any normal wolf, never

had encountered a rival to its height.

Novan was different. It was a mature wolf, yes, and did not have the force of

Ankris, but it was more clever and more experienced. And on the other hand, if

Ankris had thought at some point that this was a game, Novan

I immediately took out his mistake.

The werewolf fighting seriously, was trying to kill him. When

Ankris understood this, and had no time to ask again if

worth risking your life for a human child. He bit and tore,

jumped, moved to and fro, but always seemed to know Novan

advance what to do next, after a while, Ankris had

managed to throw a few bites, but it seemed clear that it was Novan

who had won the fight.

She jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. Ankris, wounded, gave a

yelp. Novan placed his front paws on it, preventing


- You lost puppy he growled. Never should have challenged your


- You're not my father gasped Ankris.

Novan smiled, showing all his teeth.

- I'm over that elf father of yours that you gave that stretched dagger

someday kill you, boy. Do not believe me? I'll tell you a secret:

almost one hundred and twenty years ago I tried to enter the Kingdom of the Elves, yes,

puppy in the land from which you came from. A couple of elves very

prevented me flippant step and I dug a silver knife

whose brand still in my back, but before I could bite the

female ... Who knew they were expecting a child. I did not know until

fate brought you to my door.

Chapter XI Death and Revival

NOVAN BE LAUGHED while Ankris listened aghast.

- Do you see, boy? All that you are you owe it to me. They I

marked forever, but I snatched them his son.

- Ankris lie stammered. The wolf bit my mother had a

starting ear.

Novan's eyes twinkled again.

- That? Yeah, I bit off a wolf that I played the

leadership of a herd and I killed that day. But it does much

I managed to make it grow long again.

- Ankris repeated lying, but knew it was true, and he read Novan

in his eyes.

With a smirk, the magician leaned over to

tell the ear:

- You're one of us. Long before birth and were like me.

Ankris closed his eyes as the truth penetrated his whole being,

painfully revealing. His friend had told the warlock years ago

what happened the night that a werewolf bite to his mother's own Eilai

had given more details later: black wolf, the fight, the dagger

Silver ... He cursed himself for not having connected the dots before. Always

had thought that werewolf must have died long

time ago, but the same Novan had revealed that he, as a magician,

had lived longer than any normal human being.

Novan, the magician, the werewolf who saved her life and to

had taught to enjoy their wild side.

Novan, the werewolf who had turned him into a murderer.

As in a flash, his life came to him in a series of

Chained images. He remembered the face of his father's horror at seeing him

under the full moon, the words of Shi-Mae at trial, the cave where the

beast had hidden the bodies of their victims, that escape

nightmare in the rain, with his heels Hunter ...

Now, trembling with anger Ankris.

- Do you take pride in what you did? He hissed. You wrecked my life,

son of a bitch.

He tried to rise, but Novan stopped him.

- Do not mess with my mother warned.

Blind with rage, Ankris shifted to shake it off. Maybe

Novan not expect that reaction or perhaps underestimated, but the

Anyway Ankris managed to get up and turn against him. The two

again embroiled in a fight. But this time, driven by the

hate Ankris had no doubts: he wanted to finish him once and for all. And

finally managed to close his teeth on Novan furry neck, which roared and

struggled, trying to escape. After a brief struggle, the man-wolf

managed to free herself and stepped back, panting.

The two exchanged glances. Novan eyes showed the brightness ice


- You go too far, 'said the elf mage, seriously. I do not

like you. Keep that in mind because I will soon kill you.

He stepped back. Ankris growled and took a couple of steps toward him.

- Not now Novan said. See you at dawn.

He turned and jumped up, disappeared into the bushes.

Ankris wanted to follow, but stopped short when something strange

began to happen inside. A kind of murderous rage filled his

be, devouring his rational consciousness as the beast again take the

control. Horrified, Ankris recognized that feeling: it was that

experiencing the change into a wolf, when his hand began elf

to fall into a bottomless pit to sink into the darkness. It had been

Novan forever until that spell had applied awakening

your rational mind full moon nights, equaling that of the beast. The

fact that he felt fall back into that abyss of darkness

meant only one thing: that Novan had withdrawn the spell.

- No Ankris gasped, trying desperately to stay


But fell and fell, and with his last thoughts looked around

in search of the girl. Fortunately, she had long fled, taking advantage

the fight between the two big wolves who had kidnapped her. His last

conscious moment he dedicated himself to pray for him to run it

sufficiently fast for the beast did not achieve reach.

When he awoke, he discovered that he had no blood between the nails and

sighed with relief. Surely dawn had caught before

that would achieve kill again.

Limping, he went to the cabin. The fight had left him exhausted,

but deep down knew that what he had done more than


Novan showdown was postponed until the next day to

have advantage. He knew that he could fight like a wolf almost

invulnerable while Ankris should wait for the next full moon

to transform. And then not even retain control of

their actions, as Novan was not going to help him with his magic.

However, Ankris not think giving up. He had not forgotten

what the magician had told him the night before, and still seething with anger. By

once in his life, really wanted to kill someone.

A Novan.

No one was in the cabin, so decided to wait Ankris

there. He said all the windows with boards, leaving only the door

as an entry. Prepared arrows, but knew that if Novan is

presented under her wolf form, it could hurt. But

kept in his quiver hunter's arrow, the tip of silver, and

lit his own dagger at his belt.

Then he sat at the door to wait. Donovan could not

surprise from behind, will have no choice to go by the

front, and the elf's keen eyes would discover when he was still away.

Fortunately, at the door of the hut lay a small

meadow and the forest began behind.

Ankris not move from there all day, but Novan not appear. To the

dusk, Ankris realized that attack at night. The Lycans

saw in the dark like elves, so this did not mean

no advantage to Ankris. He redoubled his attention, tense, searching the


Novan came when the moon shone high in the sky.

And despite all your precautions, the magician surprised Ankris

attacking from behind. Luckily, the fine elf ear caught the

movement after him and managed to turn in time to see how the huge wolf

jumped on him from inside the dark cabin.

Ankris shot an arrow hastily, but she was right in the

heart. Novan fell on him, and both fell on the floor. While

patted his belt frantically in search of silver dagger, Ankris is

cursed himself for not having come to realize that Novan, as

mage could teleport perfectly into the cabin and

transformed there. That mistake had nearly cost him his life.

The elf finally took the knife and plunged it mercilessly in the back of

Wolf, whose body spasmed in pain. However, closed Novan

his teeth around Ankris arm. The elf moaned, but did not release the

dagger. Nor the wolf released his grip on the contrary: even teeth sank

more Ankris meat, which gasped in pain. He turned his head to look

to Novan and saw in his eyes that the money lodged in his body was

causing terrible damage, but also discovered a savage brightness

challenge in his eyes, and knew that however much pain it felt, their

teeth would still clutching the arm wrest Ankris up.

They could be so until both die, but that was not enough Ankris.

With a roar of rage, tore the knife from the back of Novan and him away

a push-the wolf released his grip, and felt it would Ankris

fainting with pain, he managed to leave his belly exposed. No thought:

plunged the dagger into the side of the werewolf.

Novan howled in pain and released Ankris arm. The two separated

and looked, panting and hateful.

Novan growled. Growled Ankris also teaching clients and

leaning forward in aggressive attitude. Still gasping in pain,

Novan walked cautiously to the side while staring at

its opposite. Ankris followed him with his eyes.

Novan jumped him. Ankris raised the knife high. The two collided


The elf did hurt him several more times, but the werewolf was not

certainly stronger, and soon the fight in his favor. Severely wounded,

knowing that only had a chance, grabbed the dagger Ankris hard.

Novan him to the ground and lowered his head to bite into his neck.

And then Ankris drove the knife into his neck. And there he stopped.

Mortally wounded, Novan howled. Ankris advantage for

shake it off, cursing under his breath. That blow should

having produced instant death, but he had done, which

meant that the knife was not nailed exactly one point

vital. However, it was apparent that silver body housed in the Novan

was killing him quickly. The elf's sharp eyes could tell that

the wound was smoking in the dark, as if the shaggy wolf back

had been burned with acid.

Deprived of his dagger, Ankris quickly charge your bow with arrow

silver tip.

Then, smiling, Novan again became a magician and

took the silver dagger back as if nothing had happened.

- You missed only said.

Ankris the bowstring taut, suppressing a wince. The

bite wound on his left arm Novan burned like


- At this distance I can not fail.

- Then why do not you shoot?

Ankris hesitated. Just had a silver-tipped arrow, and now Novan

it was not a wolf. Also, just discovered that the body of Novan

gave off the faintest red glow. I recognized it as a spell of

protection up a magical shield around the body

sorcerer, a shield that protected him from physical attacks. While

Ankris desperately wondering how to deal with an enemy

formidable, Novan spoke the words of a spell.

Ankris saw it coming. He jumped aside and the fireball

launched by the wizard crashed into the nearest tree line,

carbonizándola completely. Ankris fell on his wounded arm and moaned

pain. Novan's shadow loomed over him, menacing and triumphant.

- You see, puppy? You can not nothing against me.

- If you are as powerful as him gasped magician, why hast thou

attacked as a wolf?

Novan smiled again.

- Because, unlike you, he said as he transformed back-,

I like to be a wolf.

Metamorphosed into a beast again, Novan was on him. Ankris

waited. When the powerful legs Novan threw him to the ground, the elf

pulled his hand from behind his back and swung the arrow with the tip of


And Novan stabbed in the chest.

The werewolf howled and backed, eyes full of hatred and pain.

- But as a wolf have a soft spot Ankris said, with a grim

smile. Now do not you dare to transform into a man again: the

arrowhead is too close to the heart and human body

not survive the wound. Under your wolf form could hold the arrow

stuck in your body ... if it had the silver tip. In one way or

another going to die, Novan.

The wolf growled and tried to pull the arrow with his teeth. Era

evident that he was suffering a lot. Mad with grief and hatred, Novan is

Ankris finally returned to.

- Sea, elf said. But I'll take you to hell with me.

Ankris not have time to react. Novan jumped on him and knocked him to

ground as he tried, again, to sink his teeth into her neck. The

elf turned and Novan jaw closed over her shoulder.

Ankris screamed.

Novan eyes showing insane brilliance. The werewolf would

die, yes, but die killing.

Ankris tried to get rid of him. Suddenly, his hand grazed something that was

fallen on the grass. Something cold and sharp.

The silver dagger from his father.

Ankris smiled.

- Wait for me in hell, magician whispered, and buried the blade of the knife in

the body of the werewolf.

Novan a howl that sounded like a scream. Ankris him away from

other in a push and moved away, crawling as he could by the

ground as Novan was up.

He failed.

The werewolf's eyes sought the elf's amber gaze.

- Ca ... jet only whispered.

And life faded from his face.

Trembling, Ankris stared a moment, feeling in his

Inside a confusing mixture of feelings: hate, joy, mercy,

resentment, peace, fear and a deep sadness.

Then slowly approached the body to regain Novan

dagger. Death had returned to human form and seemed now

fragile and harmless man. Ankris reached for the dagger, but

thought better of it and withdrew.

- You may not think I was going to use the knife for this, Father

He murmured, but now I know that this is the real reason was

end up in my hands.

He paused, confused. He himself quite understand the strange

thought. But, for some reason, I felt that this dagger was

belonged to their ancestors had done its work, and must, by

therefore be buried beside the body of a werewolf that was destined

to kill.

Now hated that cabin, but was badly injured and

needed to regain strength, so he stayed there for a few days.

I meant to think about his future and the direction they would follow their

steps now that I had nowhere to go, but his mind remained in

be left blank. So, spent hours lying on the mattress,

looking at the sky through the window, thinking of nothing.

After a while he felt better and was able to get up and go hunting for

morning. At night, went for a walk through the woods and meditate

about what to do next. Novan's cabin was no longer safe.

After the death of the wizard, the spell had faded protecting the

home of the strange looks and now anyone could find. But

if he left, where would could go? An idea began to germinate in

mind, and how many more I thought, the more it seemed that this was the

only solution.

One night during one of his walks, he felt he was being followed and

listened. Whoever the person who was behind him, was,

then very quiet and, for a moment, Ankris wondered if there would be a

elf. He hid in the bushes and waited, holding his breath and his

bow ready. He missed the dagger he had buried with Novan and

get one set as he could, a dagger of truth,

no silver jewel. In any case, his eyes looked perfectly at the

darkness and bow handling was still excellent.

He waited, but the person who followed his steps did not appear. Intrigued,

Ankris was beginning to wonder if he would have imagined, when

someone jumped toward him from the darkness and threw it down. Both

rolled to the ground, as the elf, panting, trying to rid your

attacker. A hand gripped his throat, threatening to strangle,

while the other stood over him holding something sharp with

safety and precision of a professional. The blade of a knife flashed under the


Hunter had found. And this time, it would not appear Novan

of nowhere to save him at the last moment.

Fortunately, although the Hunter was much stronger than Ankris,

this, as elf, was faster and had better reflexes. He saw the

crossbow hanging from the side of the Hunter and reached toward her, almost

at the same time the mercenary was to download the dagger on

elf's heart, he planted the crossbow Ankris in the chest.

- Let go of me gasped, barely-o shot.

Stone's eyes flashed a moment Hunter.

He withdrew his hand elf's neck, but not the blade of the dagger, still

touching his chest.

- Looks like we're in a dead end, 'said Hunter.

- Apparently. Who hired you?

- That's not your business.

- I want to know the name of the person who wants me dead.

- Given your status beast, I'd say around the world.

Ankris deep breath, but said nothing.

- No matter the name, the Hunter elf continued, 'for you

die anyway. No dam has ever escaped me.

- Try and shoot Ankris growled. At this distance I can not fail.

- Neither do the Hunter smiled.

Quick as thought, lay aside and downloaded the dagger

on Ankris, but this time reacted and managed to avoid it and tighten the

crossbow trigger simultaneously. The arrow was tipped on the shoulder of

Hunter, who stepped back and tore it from his body without a single complaint.

But when he went to cast on the elf, he discovered that this, with

surprisingly quickly, had recovered and had his bow and an arrow

prepared and pointing to his heart.

- Do not want to kill me, elf. Otherwise, you would have fired that


- Do not push Ankris growled, 'because, if you insist on irritated,

could remember in detail how I chased like a dog by

the forest and attacked me without a word. And not a memory

nice, believe me.

- What will you do with me?

- Kneel.

- What? To you?? Never.

- Throw the knife away from you and kneel on the floor, hands

behind the head.

Hunter's eyes flashed, but eventually complied.

Ankris moved toward him, still holding the bent bow, and walked around to

placed on his back.

- How does it feel when you stop being a predator and you become

in a dam? The elf said softly.

- Do not know what to play, elf. I know you will not kill me.

- Oh, really? Are you sure you know how the

mind of an elf?

- What is it you want?

- Swear that you'll never chase.

- Never fail to comply with a contract.

- What if I hire you to kill the person who ordered

kill me?

- You take me for? That does not change the fact that there is a

previous contract. I have to kill you anyway.

- In case you have not noticed, you have an arrow pointing to your head.

- Go ahead, kill me. I will not humiliate me more.

Ankris squinted.

- You asked for it said.

But not shoot, but Hunter hit his head with a

stone. When the man fell to the ground, unconscious, Ankris

deep breath and walked over to his bag to register. He pulled her a

rolled parchment. He opened it, but did not read it.

He did not need. A brief look at the letterhead had told him that

needed to know.

The shield of the Duchy of Rio topped the document.

Again, Shi-Mae.

He wanted to break the parchment into pieces, but had no strength.

Neither wanted to take it with you. Put it back in the haversack


Knowing he did not have long, rifled through the belongings

of his enemy and kept his dagger with his crossbow and with all his

arrows, except the silver tip. I had seen-and suffered-enough

silver for the rest of his life.

Then, tied hand and foot to the Hunter and turned to


He hesitated a moment. Good sense told him to kill him. But

was tired of his life was stained with blood and death without

sense. He did not want to kill anyone else, not even the man who had

so relentlessly persecuted. And besides, maybe he did not dare

follow him to the place he planned to visit.

On the other hand, maybe the Hunter had a chance to rid the

world of other beings as Novan.

This argument convince finished. And so he forsook Ankris

Hunter, handcuffed, in the woods and prepared to resume

your trip.

At first he had thought a few more days rest

before continuing the march, but the arrival of Hunter had made

change his mind: he had to leave immediately. No doubt that the Hunter

would follow, but this time Ankris could get several days of

advantage. On the other hand, the elf knew very well how to move forward without a trace

behind. If the hunter had found the first time, it was because

Ankris did not know I was following and therefore had not

concerned about covering his tracks.

Then there was the fact that few men would be able to

follow him to wherever target thought.

Did not take long to prepare. He picked up some useful things from the

Novan hut and set off at sunset.

As he walked away in the gloom, past the cabin

had shared with the magician, Ankris felt something died inside

with him. Novan's death transformed him inside and had

Indeed rethink many things, but so had affected

deeply see with their own eyes the Hunter's contract, which was the

symbol of the rejection of his own people and the hatred of the girl he

had loved.

But he realized, not without surprise, that there had been

sorrow as the shield Shi-Mae at the parchment. Only had

felt terribly tired, eager to forget all that and start

a new life elsewhere, without looking back. And he remembered what

Novan said: "Until we are able to look back without pain,

never forjarás a new identity and a different fate. "

Had the time come? As I walked towards the north,

to his final exile, Ankris himself said so. No longer

Mae Shi-longed to no longer felt that anguish in the heart to think

in it. Too much had happened since then, and he was no longer

scared boy who had left the Kingdom of the Elves,

trusting in the background, in order to return some day.

Now had seen human passions, had experienced

fear of death, had lost his last hope, had explored its

wild side and killed the closest thing to a friend who had had

ever. Nothing would be the same.

And now he knew that the Hunter was right: never walk again

among the elves.

And he also knew that the young Ankris, the boy who had loved

Shi-Mae, was dead forever.

For several months he headed north. It became the

full moon, but that did not matter, since there was

assumed that he could do nothing against it. However, as the

climate was becoming harder and more arid land, the elf felt more

again refreshed. Would soon come to the wastelands, a place

wild and unexplored where civilization had not yet reached a

place where only some animals managed accustomed to extreme cold

survive. They planned to spend the rest of his life, as elf or a wolf,

but without ever killing anyone.

There was no further word from Hunter. Presumably not

had managed to track him.

Finally, when he crossed the ridge that separated the lands inhabited

the frozen wasteland where he planned to live, he felt free for the first time

in a while. It was true that the landscape does not look anything like the

beautiful and lush forest in which he had grown up, but that does not

care. The loneliness and aridity of the wastelands fit to the

perfectly with your mood.

It was very hard to survive the first few days. He had brought clothing

coat, but that was not enough to protect your body from the bitter cold.

Moreover, the few animals that lived in the wastelands had the

white fur, which made it difficult to distinguish between snow when

hunt, even for the watchful eye of an elf.

At night he slept in a cave at the foot of the mountain. First

moonlit night killed a great white bear, and fortunately, the awakening

as elf next morning, he discovered that the remains were still there.

Layer was made with the animal's skin and still had some left over to cover

part of the floor of the cave and make it more habitable.

Gradually he learned to survive there. At first I ate

much, but the full moon the beast, hungry, never failed

to hunt something, and the elf finally able to hunt too.

I had become accustomed to their new, austere life when a

full moon night something happened.

The beast roamed the west of the mountains when it was

known odor.

A human.

With a grunt of joy, the beast followed the scent to a figure

skins cover walking on snow. It was a girl, one

human girl, and despite that hung from his belt a knife and a

sling, the beast did not feel at all intimidated: neither

silver smelt objects, and the girl was still very young.

So the wolf ran towards her, snarling, convinced he

found easy prey. She turned and saw him, and launched a

cry ... Warning, not fear. The beast should have realized

that this was no ordinary young woman, but it smelled too good and he

I was too hungry.

Something whistled through the air and hit a huge stone wolf head;

This paused, stunned, but quickly returned to the fray.

Teaching all teeth, eyes murderous encouraged by a flame,

the beast jumped on the girl, fell on it and threw it to the ground ...

And suddenly, the wolf began to change rapidly and, despite

that the full moon was shining in the sky, the elf woke up.

He found himself shivering, metamorphosed again

in elf, lying on a human girl who looked with a

mixture of curiosity, fear and fascination in his dark eyes. The elf

wanted to say something, but suddenly, she hit him in the head with a

stone, without ceremony, and everything went black.

When he awoke, he lay on the floor of a huge cave. He looked at

around, confused, and saw the girl not far from him. He wore a

lighted torch in his hand, examining something on the wall.

Many questions came to mind the elf, but was not able to

respond to any of them. That girl had returned their form

Elven ... Or maybe I dreamed it? How had it come to that

cave? Was it she who had carried him throughout the


- Who are you? He asked.

She turned toward him and studied with interest. It seemed

I understand the question. Also he looked. He wore his body

furs, led the tangled dark hair tucked behind her head

and his forehead and cheeks adorned with tribal paintings.

- What's your name? 'Said the elf.

Nor this time she answered. However, he began to speak in

a language he did not know.

- Wait, do not understand, the elf stopped. Who ... are ... you?

He asked slowly, looking into her eyes and pointing directly

with your finger.

The girl seemed to understand. He smiled and pointed to herself.

- Ronna said.

- Ronna repeated the elf.

She smiled again. Then she pointed to him and said:

- Fenris.

- ... Fen ris? What is that?

- Ronna Fenris insisted.

- No, listen, I ... not my name.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

Then he led them to the wall he had been studying. The elf

followed, intrigued, and then saw what he had called

much attention. The wall of the cave was covered with wall paintings

showing small anthropomorphic figures in various scenes


- Fenris she insisted, pointing to the top of the drawing.

And the elf realized.

On the human figures, watching them or protecting them, or perhaps

two things, the anonymous hand that had painted mural that had drawn

Also the shape of a huge wolf.

- Ronna Fenris repeated, pointing to the painted wolf, then placed

finger on the elf's chest. Fenris said again, smiling.

Chapter XII The wolf tribe

WALKED DURING IN A PAIR OF DAYS, always towards the

this. By late afternoon of the second day, caught in a snowstorm,

Ronna but did not seem to bother her. The human was small and not very

high, but his body fibrous and muscular legs indicated that

was a strong and tough girl, used to walking

on the snow, running to hunt and live in extreme conditions.

The elf took quite keep up. He could have refused to

with her, but I was curious to know where it led and

above all, wanted to know how she had managed to restore its

way the night elf had attacked.

When my hands and feet so cold they did not think

could keep walking, his piercing gaze perceived in the distance, behind the

curtain of snow, squat shapes that seemed half oranges

they grew from the earth. They had to get even a little more

so I could recognize them: they were curious dwellings

hemispherical leather coverings.

They had reached a village.

Crowd of questions crossed his mind. He understood that

no human being lived in the wastelands and yet, there

had an entire population, judging by the number of stores, not very

large, made perhaps a dozen families, but it was

a population, the end of the day. Ronna launched a powerful guttural cry,

using hands as a horn, and then several people

out of the cabins and went to meet him. Shivering, the elf

looked at. All of them were low, rugged, dark-haired, as

Ronna; also had painted his face with tribal motifs very

it looked like the girl, ranging in some cases, so

the elf concluded that the paintings had some kind of meaning,

perhaps as indicative of rank or function of each within the group.

Also wore white fur, mostly bears, and carried

spears, bows and slings.

Ronna talked to them, pointing to the elf and pronouncing the name of

Fenris. The men and women of the group looked at each other,

amazed, and murmured among themselves. Then walked Ronna

to the village and motioned his companion to follow her. The

others were behind them.

Unsure, the elf found that what looked askance and maintained the

distance. However, there seemed to be afraid. Rather it was

a strange awe.

He was taken to a hut that was something apart from the

others. Ronna penetrated her, but before the elf motioned that

entered after her. He had to bend down because it was too high for the

door and, in doing so, said that around the entrance of the housing there

strange symbols painted more complex than ornaments

wore those on your skin.

The interior of the hut was lit by the warm glow reddish

a brazier placed in the center. The ceiling of hemispherical shape was

higher there than at the sides. The walls were covered with skins

white, plus isolating the cold outside stay were

painted with images of wolves. The elf had been placed near the

brazier, because she was cold and because that was the only place where his

no head brushed the low ceiling of the house. But seeing the skins

painted approached them, bowing his head, for examination. One

they showed a group of men and wolves surrounding another wolf

much larger than the rest. It seemed as if to bow before him.

- Fenris suddenly said Ronna's voice next to him, with respect and


He winced. Looked at the girl and noticed that she

Wolf pointed to the large image.

And then he understood.

That they called Fenris wolf must be a god

to them. This would explain that Ronna not afraid of her, even though it

had been transformed into a wolf days earlier. The elf had heard that

primitive human tribes worshiped some kind of animal and

considered their father and protector. The paintings of the hut and what had

seen in the cave appeared to confirm this: these people were considered

somehow akin to wolves.

"Can I have confused me with your God?" He asked. If it was

that, of course was out of their mistake. Act as a god to the

long could only bring trouble.

He turned to Ronna to try to make him understand, and

then he saw that they had approached a young man whose appearance

small and fragile made him look older than he was. His mantle was

adorned with the same symbols as seen drawn around the

entrance of the house, and covered his head with a feather headdress.

The elf stepped back. The man had all the appearance of being

a wizard or a witch-some humans saw no difference between

each other, and he, after his experience with Novan and Shi-Mae, had

learned not to trust the sorcerers. Ronna's hand rested

reassuringly on his arm. This puzzled him. If you believe one

kind of god, why it was the girl with many trusts?

- Log-said, pointing to the man's headdress.

- Log-elf repeated uncertainly.

The sorcerer, or whatever it was, it was noted to himself, nodding. Then

approached the elf without the slightest worry about the suspicious look that

this gave him. Fixed him with her dark eyes and muttered a few words in his

own language. He reached up and touched it to his forehead. The elf wanted to go back,

but was paralyzed by her gaze. Log fingers grazed his forehead

and awoke inside something wild that had been dormant

since the last full moon. He felt the beast inside roar and launched a

cry of alarm, but when the wolf tried to take control over their

body and initiate the transformation, the man withdrew his hand, and the beast

went to hide in the darkest corner of your being.

Trembling, the elf leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, exhausted and

sweaty. When he opened them again, staring at him Ronna and Log


- Log Fenris said simply.

The elf, weakened after the hard trip and the infighting that had just

fight, felt his eyes clouded and fell fainting on the floor

covered with fur.

It took several days to recover, and then realized the

had caused havoc in your body those months of life

rigorous and austere in the wastelands. The people of the tribe cared

him and, when he found a little better, felt that the younger

often used to spy from the entrance, when adults

looked. It was evident that he felt curiosity. But did not appear


Ronna not left her side. It was difficult to communicate by signs of

So the elf tried to learn a few words of their language,

although it seemed crude and rudimentary compared to the beautiful language

Elvish, was something that touched the heart without knowing why.

One afternoon, Log entered his hut and sat next to him to try to

establish communication. He had brought several pieces of leather

which had various painted images. The elf recognized them: many of

they reproduced the mural paintings of the cave that had shown

Ronna. Through them, sign language and how little he had

learned their language, the elf could understand a little better the story

of those nations.

They had a legend that their ancestors had come to

that place fleeing a terrible disaster. They were about to die

hunger and cold when wolves chased them, but then a huge

wolf, larger than the others, had come to his aid.

The wolf and humans became friends, the wolf taught

survive and in return, they taught him to speak. And when he was able to

talk like a human, the wolf also acquired the ability to

will become man. One day left to go

away, but before he swore that his spirit would always protect the tribe and

no wolf ever the damage. In return, they must promise not

never would hurt or kill any member of his species.

He left and never came back, but they never forgot their name:


Those men and women were called, hereinafter, the Tribe

Wolf, and had been awaiting the return of Fenris from

then, longing for the lost brother who had both. The blessing

Fenris was still with them, since no wolf could attack, but

had never been heard of him.

"Fenris is not a god to them," then the elf thought. "It is a

mythical hero, but also the member lacks the tribe to feel

complete ".

He tried to make them understand that he was not the person they were

waiting. He even revealed his Elvish name, although abandoning the

Novan cabin had sworn that he would never use it. Ronna began

laughing. It took a while to make him understand that, of course, they

knew that he was not Fenris, but it was probably one of his

descendants and thus, you could call it that.

Before this, he did not know what to say. The story of the people seemed

a legend, but the figure of enormous wolf that had become

man had caught his attention. Could it have been one that Fenris

licántropos early? They came? Werewolves, in their origin,

animals had become human, and not vice versa? What

time the animal kind and protective of the legends had

transformed into a murderous beast? Why?

In any case, even if it were only a legend, had

something about her that soothed him immensely. Fenris had not been a

murderer. He and his tribe, the Wolf, had lived in peace.

And, secondly, that myth also explained why trying to

Ronna attack elf had become again. Could have been

Fenris protective hand, lost brother, who had saved

girl's life at that time?

He felt a flicker of hope fueled his heart for the first

once in a while. If that were true, could not hurt to those

people. Perhaps I could even find a gap between them, if

accepted as one. Because, even though his mother had

educated to be endured loneliness, this had heavy as a

slab from Novan death.

Looking from Ronna and Log, the elf told yes

same, hesitant, and said the word he used those people to

refer to members of his tribe. He did shyly, expecting a

refusal on his part, since he was well aware of the elven features

that made him so different from them.

Log did not smile, but his face shone with joy Ronna.

Impulsively, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him like a

brother, and the elf felt his heart, frozen for a long

time again to beat the heat of it.

They had a sort of rite of acceptance into the tribe. He was dressed

with one of his skins suits, more tailored to the rough mantle

he had done it himself, grabbed her hair with a band

leather, style clan, and decorated her face with tribal paintings.

Then solemnly, publicly gave him his new name, and

Fenris definitely renamed. They danced all night around the

Fenris fire and participated in this savage joy. When at last,

exhausted, he fell on the floor to see how they danced the

others, Ronna went with him and sat beside him. He was soon asleep, with

a smile on his lips, his head resting on his shoulder and his elf

arms around her waist.

It took a while to know the customs of the Wolf, but what

encouraged by the fact that they accepted it immediately as one.

Some regarded him with suspicion at first, but all attended his

processing the next full moon, and as none had another

doubts about your relationship with your totem animal.

Something must be true legend of the Wolf, as

that the beast did not attack any of them.

A new life began then to Fenris. He struggled to

learn the language of their new friends and adopted their customs.

Men and women went hunting together and brought food for the whole tribe.

When women became pregnant, remained in the

populated until the children did not need much attention and could

remain in the care of the elders of the tribe.

Therefore, Ronna also joined hunting parties, and almost

always chose the group that was Fenris. The elf was accepted

as natural, just like the rest of the tribe. It was she who

had found and taken him to the village, with his brothers

lost, and so it was logical that the two had a link

Special. Both older brothers as the mother of the girl

Fenris accepted with joy and proud that the newcomer

join his family as a member.

They were happy days for the elf-wolf. We finally felt loved and

accepted not only by one person, but by a group. Still no

to maintain control of his actions the night of the full moon, but the

least I knew it would not hurt to those around him. On such occasions,

Ronna went hunting with him, mounted on its back, and the two together

roamed the valleys and gorges ice cream. Both the beast as the elf

sincerely appreciated the girl, and she only allowed the wolf mount

on its back the full moon.

When Fenris was able to speak with some fluency the language of their

new friends, Log remained an important conversation.

It was not really a sorcerer or at least not in the strict sense

of the word. Nor was a sorcerer. Members of the tribe was called

shaman, and his power was related to the spirit world. Era

able to recognize the true nature of a person with only

look carefully at the eyes and sometimes, when he went into trance,

his spirit went out of his body to merge with nature. Ronna

explained that the great shamans could introduce their own conscience

in the body of an animal, and so see and hear through them. No one knew if the

shaman of the Wolf had done something similar, because

kept secret what he learned when his spirit was leaving his

body during trance.

In other circumstances, would have been skeptical Fenris. But

day of his arrival had seen the wolf discovered crouching Log in

inside just by looking into his eyes, and so went to his appointment restless and


They sat on the floor of the log cabin next to the brazier,

emitting a sweet, aromatic odor. They talked about trivial things up

the shaman asked:

- How does it feel when you become a wolf?

- Pain Fenris replied immediately. Pain and fear.

- Do not you feel better, more powerful, stronger?

- That's after. But my mind is asleep and can not appreciate it.

When I turn, I can only think like a killer beast.

The shaman nodded, but Fenris gave the impression that he had not


- You do not realize that the blessing of Fenris, the

First, it protects you. But no one is safe with me nights

full moon.

- Where do you get your power? Were you born with it?

- There is a power, but a curse-corrected Fenris.

- Nothing that we get so close to our brothers the wolves can

be a curse Log said, looking at him sternly grim.

I want to know why the gods have appointed this power to you, a

abroad, while we, faithful servants of the wolves, not

we can be like them.

Fenris should have detected the strange fire that fueled the eyes

the shaman to utter these words, but he was too

correctly expressed concerned. Long after

warn the true meaning of those questions, but then it

be too late.

He spoke of lycanthropy, and explained that in the place they came

was considered a curse or a disease, not a gift. He told

how, in his case, had said upon reaching adolescence. You

spoke of the murders, the rejection of their peers, of hatred and

fear, of his long journey in search of a home. When he finished

speaking, a heavy silence ensued. Then stared Log and

solemnly declared:

- Your days of grief are over, friend, and also your long journey. By

You've finally found your family.

Fenris had long felt as a member of the tribe, but hearing it

tell the shaman, the most respected man clan, made her feel

much better.

When going out, however, asked Log:

- How do you become a werewolf? You say you were born this way. Do

your parents were too?

Fenris would reply, "No, my mother was bitten by a werewolf

when I was pregnant, "but that Novan reminded him, and they were

pleasant memories.

- I do not like talking about it-he said softly. I think not yet

I'm ready.

The shaman's eyes flashed briefly, but was limited to


- I understand. That wolves keep your way, brother, and

Fenris blessing, the First, with you.

Time passed. Weeks, months, years. Fenris was adapted

perfectly to the rhythm of life of the tribe. Eventually became Ronna

his companion. Fenris never asked if it was okay for a elf

emparejase with a human, it was no longer considered an elf, but a

member of the Wolf. Together, Ronna Fenris and explored their

icy world, out hunting, roamed valleys, mountains and gorges

his daring expeditions, climbing rushing torrents in

spring and winter across frozen lakes. On nights

Full Moon was frequently seen in the distance, high on a promontory, the

figure, silhouetted against the moon, a human woman mounted on the

back of a huge wolf.

- You are a strange, Ronna told one day. Still like

first time I saw you, you have not changed anything.

- Of course I've changed, 'he said. I have become stronger and more

resistant. And I'm not the person I was. Now I am one of you.

- I do not mean that. Still as young. You have not aged.

Fenris looked at her, and realized for the first time that the girl

I had met was a mature woman, and wondered, amazed,

how many years had passed without noticing. He opened his mouth to say

something, but no words came out.

- Why did not you tell me, Fenris? She asked. Why not me

you said you're immortal?

- I am immortal, Ronna. You've been hurt myself over

Once, after a hunt. I also grow old and die. Just ...

it may take longer.

- Is it because you're half wolf?

- No, it's because I'm an elf.

He had spoken of the elves long time ago when you Ronna

had wondered about his strange appearance. But he had not

mentioned the extraordinary longevity of the elven race, for which the

human lives were barely a whisper.

- How much time?

Fenris hesitated, not daring to confess the truth.

- How much time, Fenris? She insisted.

- The oldest living elves can live for a thousand years, 'he said

finally, uncomfortable.

A shadow of pain crossed his face Ronna. Her eyes filled

with tears.

- Why did not you tell me? Wailed.

- Ronna, I ...

He wanted to approach her, but she shook her head, gave the

back and ran. Fenris was after her, but soon lost sight of.

He searched every place where he thought it might be, and

finally found her sitting by the river, in a heap, his face buried

between the arms. He approached her cautiously, afraid to scare her, but

Ronna not move. Fenris sat beside her and put shyly


- Ronna, sorry.

She looked at him. She was not crying, but her eyes were red.

- This is why we do not have kids, do you? Said.

The question caught him completely by surprise. I never

thought. Never had raised the idea of ​​having children, was too


But clearly Ronna was not no girl. He looked for

again, wondering again how he could spend so much time to

it without him noticing. All women of the tribe, age,

already had one or two children.

- I never had raised-confessed.

- If that's why Ronna said, 'if it's because you're an elf and I'm a

human, then we can never have a family.

- Do not know, Ronna. I've never heard of half human beings and

half elves. It may be true that our two races are incompatible.

I never thought of.

- How old are you?

Fenris said. Ronna's eyes filled with tears.

- You look so young ... You look much younger than me. If this continues

well, soon stop doing good match.

- I do not care.

Ronna looked him in the eyes, very serious.

- Will you think like thirty years from now, when I'm an old lady and

you keep being young? Will I'll look like? Or your eyes will turn to

younger women and more beautiful?

Fenris felt his heart was breaking to hear her say that. He picked

Ronna gently down her chin, looked into her eyes and said:

- You'll always be beautiful, Ronna.

- You say that now. Oh, Fenris, what have you done? Why not me

you tell me? I wish you were an elf! I wish I had not found that day

in the mountains!

Fenris recoiled as if slapped. He sought

her gaze and saw hatred in his eyes, as he had feared, but a

deep sadness and above all, love, love.

She later apologized for his words and did not speak again of

issue, but nothing was ever the same. Although the Wolf in the

elders were honored and respected, Ronna developed a terrible panic

to age. Fenris often discovered contemplating his face in the

water with an expression of deep sadness. One afternoon when

bowed the two together to drink, saw his reflection in the water: hair

Ronna and showed dark gray streaks and her eyes looked sad

and tired, surrounded by wrinkles. His figure, despite not having

children, no longer as before.

Beside him, the elf appeared very young. Wicked young

understood immediately. He quickly put his hand in the water to

undo the image, but Ronna had already seen and the sparkle in his eyes

weakened a bit more.

Fenris did not know what to do to resolve the situation. Not

matter what I did to try to show that he cared, because she

still felt miserable. Their raids full moon nights

were increasingly scarce. Ronna and had no desire to eat the

world. Now he liked to sit and watch the full moon, supporting the

hairy head on the back of the wolf and letting out a few tears of


Fenris felt increasingly confused. A Ronna did not like

was an elf, and what I loved about it was precisely his share of

wolf. Shi-Mae, however, hated the wolf and fallen in love


One evening he spoke about it with the shaman, while the two strolled

near the town. Log trotted behind Shan, a young wolf

adopted long ago, when he was a puppy, and had

become his inseparable companion.

- I would have agreed with you if it had been an elf


- Of course not replied Log with a disturbing smile,

stroking the furry head of Shan. You descend from our

Fenris revered, the First, and this is what entitles you to a post

honor among us.

- But I'm just a wolf Fenris muttered increasingly despondent.

I am also an elf. How about that?

- An elf who does not age and can not have offspring with a


- Have you noticed?

- All it says tribe. Believe me, if it were not a big

Ronna honor to have you as a companion, many will hate. You

took the bravest young and lovely and obviously clan

you have not been happy.

Those words were a blow to the elf. He had long

sensed it, but nobody had put so bluntly.

- I understand he murmured. What do you think should be done?


- Oh, no. Your place is this, son of Fenris, the First. But maybe

might consider designating an heir ... someone who could convey your

legacy to future members of the tribe, and you're not going to have children.

- What do you mean?

Log leaned forward, put his hand on the elf's arm and

whispered confidentially:

- I know that your gift can be transmitted. If you will turn to someone from the

tribe, a human who could have children, the heritage of First

stay with us. I, for one, would feel very proud if

look over me worthy of such honor.

Fenris turned away from him in horror.

- What are you saying? Would you like biting?

Log eyes flashed with a gleam of triumph.

- Ah! Only said. 'So this is how it is transmitted?

Fenris have regretted not silent, but it was too late. The shaman

spent years trying to coax the way to become

werewolf and, with excuses and evasions, until then the elf they had

managed not to reveal it. At that time had come to know

Log and he realized that he felt inferior in relation to the

other members of his tribe, because he was weak and sickly. Fenris

suspected that in her trances had failed to complete fusion with

any animal, and was this the reason seemed obsessed with

elf transformations ... On the other hand, was Log longer young as when

Fenris knew him, and was increasingly eager to realize their

desires. No matter how you describe the crimes graphically

committed by him and by Novan, the shaman was still just get in the

wolf head that could be transformed into something negative or dangerous.

- I could not if I wanted to bite finally she managed to mumble. You

protects the blessing of the first. No wolf can attack.

The Fire Log eyes faded as he realized that the elf had


- I'm sorry Fenris added. I still think it is a good idea.

- You like being the only one able to transform the tribe, huh? He hissed

Log with rancor. Well find out one thing, elf: not deserve the gift with

has blessed you first because you can not appreciate it. And,

like it or not, find a way to be like you.

The shaman turned and left, followed by Shan, leaving

Fenris very confusing. I never entirely trusted him, but had

come to regard a sensible person. And now I discovered that Log

openly envied.

However, at that moment their relationship with him Ronna

jealousy was more concerned that the shaman, and it did not grant him

due to the importance of this conversation. Because Ronna loved him,

yes, but that love was doing much damage, and was beginning

further appreciate the elf wolf in him.

For the first time since coming to town, Fenris wondered if

really fit in that place.

Chapter XIII Delirium

THE NEXT DAYS Log avoided as far as possible to meet

Fenris. This tried to talk to him, but the shaman had withdrawn

word and not concealed. Some in the tribe began to wonder

what he had done to upset Log Fenris, and someone even it

asked openly, but the elf could not answer. What would he say?

What the shaman wanted to be like him, and never allow Fenris?

I could explain that I did not want anyone else to have to suffer the

lycanthropy, but probably they would react as Log, believe that

wanted to be the only one capable of being converted to be above the

others. But Fenris, who knew what would become really could not

let that happen. Too appreciated the Wolf

as to turn them into murderers to them too.

For a while nothing happened, but the shaman was still

talk. Spring is here and to celebrate, like every year, is

organized a hunt under the full moon. The best warriors

Fenris and Ronna accompany an expedition through the mountains, in

bear looking fresh from the lethargy. That winter had been

especially hard and had led several members of the clan,

So the arrival of spring was received with great joy,

as if she could finally forget the hard stage they left behind.

He breathed in the air euphoria; hunt would be the first three of the

young people, and their joy and excitement had infected adults. One

boys was Rasloc, Ronna's nephew, who admired

especially Fenris and I was willing to join his hunting party.

His enthusiasm which made even Ronna smile for the first time in a long

time, encouraged by the prospect of a special night.

As each evening before the full moon, Fenris sat on a

small hill to see sunset. Ronna sat beside her, and Rasloc and

several men and women accompanied them. It had been many

years but still were fascinated by the metamorphosis of the more

peculiar to the members of his clan.

Shortly before the last nail sun hid behind the horizon,

a boy came running from the town:

- Fenris! She called. The shaman wants to talk to you.

Fenris was surprised. Log was many months not

said a word.

- Be right back Ronna told.

He walked toward the village. He greeted a group of warriors who

were near the shaman's tent, but they did not respond.

Someone gave him a sullen look. Fenris wondered what had made

to offend, but did not stop.

He entered the house of the shaman and immediately noticed something odd. Miró

around, but saw nothing strange. Log was waiting, sitting

on the floor next to the hearth, as so often. There was nothing to

is out of the ordinary, except ...

He sniffed the air. Yes, it was: it was a strange smell, a smell

I knew who made the beast stirrings inside, but was not

able to identify.

I should have suspected that something was not quite right, but

what he did was shrug and say hello to the shaman. Surely

stated, the smell come from the brazier: a cast liked herbs Log

aromatic in it. The collected in spring and summer, allowed to dry

and then kept in leather pouches. His skill in the use of

plants was far from equal to that of the sorcerer who had been a friend of

Fenris in the Kingdom of the Elves, but it was not negligible.

Log corresponded to his greeting. Fenris sat before him.

- I'm glad you speak to me again.

- Maybe I was too hard on you Log said, shrugging

shoulders. I just wanted to tell you. And to tell you something more.

- Whatever you want. But would not you expect? You are leaving the moon

full. I'm about to transform.

- Oh, so what's the problem? I am a member of the Wolf. Not

You hurt me, do you?

- You know that Fenris growled.

- So what do you care? You distrust me??

Fenris hesitated. There was something in everything that did not quite

like it, but I was not sure what it was, and logic told him not

had reason to worry.

- Of course not, he said finally.

- Then prove it. Transform here before me.

Fenris frowned. His senses were more acute increasingly

and now began to see clearly that strange smell, but still

unable to identify it.

- Do not trust me-Log concluded. You know you could not bite

if you tried. Why are you hesitating now?

Fenris did not respond. He stood and turned to leave the

cabin, but two steps Moon claimed him as his possession and

began to change. He stopped, gasping in pain and fell to the floor

knees. He tried to crawl to the entrance ...

But then the smell became more intense and this time

I recognized it as the aroma of death.

He turned to Log in surprise, the shaman was standing there,

gazing in silence. Fenris wanted to say something, but only managed to issue

a grunt. While his body morphed into that of a huge

wolf, Fenris began to feel a terrible thirst for blood, and his instinct told him

Log him to attack, he was next to him and would be easy prey. She gasped,

surprised. He had not felt that feeling in

presence of a human being. He struggled with the desire to move against Log and

tear his throat and, as her back hunched and his skin

covering of hair, looked at the shaman and whispered with a snarl:

- What's going on?

Smiling, she reached up Log plenty of skins that had

behind. He pulled the first one, revealing what it concealed.

A dead wolf.

Shan, the giant log.

At first, Fenris did not understand. But then, with his last

conscious thoughts, where the beast and jumped on the shaman,

realized in horror what this had done.

To kill a wolf had broken the pact primitive, the oath

their ancestors had done to Fenris, the First. He had killed the

sacred animal, the totem of the tribe. Therefore no longer belonged to her, and the

Fenris blessing had been withdrawn.

Her last thought before passing the elf in the dark and let

step the beast was that Log was crazy, I could not be otherwise,

because he had violated a covenant ancestral, which he believed with all his

soul, and had risked his life to become a werewolf in

a monster.

He woke up the next day with aching body and a strong

headache. When he tried to get up, he realized that he could not and

soon discovered why: he had been tied hand and foot and was

lying on the floor of a small, dark hut was not hers.

He shouted, calling Ronna, and a young warrior peered through the

door and gave him a look of contempt. Fenris, surprised, not

was able to say anything. I knew him since he was a baby and always

had gotten along.

The warrior left without saying a word and after a while appeared

Ronna, who ran to embrace him.

- Oh, Fenris sighed. Why did you do that?

- Do what? He asked, surprised.

Then suddenly remembered everything that had happened the night

above. He tried to rise, but the ropes held him and discussed


- What happened? Where is Log?

- So, remember? -Ronna gave him a shadow of fear

in his eyes.

- I remember every moment I was transformed into a wolf and jumped

on it to kill the elf murmured softly.

- Yelled for help. Shan, his wolf, leapt to his defense-shot

a look of reproach. You killed him, Fenris. How could you?

- What killed him? Fenris repeated in panic. To Log?

- No, Ronna Shan moaned, horrified, to a wolf! One of

our brothers! Fenris, how could you? You're one of them!

- But ... Log? Okay?

- Yes, there was a group of young nearby and went immediately to

rescue. Fortunately, they arrived on time.

- And ... Do you bit?

- No ... I'm not sure. They say he's hurt, but it's not serious.

Unfortunately, it was too late for the wolf. Fenris, you killed

a wolf and you attacked our shaman. Do you realize what that


- One moment, one moment. I did not kill that wolf. I was


He related what had happened the night before. He was also the

conversation he had long ago with the shaman and how

this had reproached him he wanted to gain his "gift" to himself.

As I was speaking, better understand the trap they had laid


- He did it on purpose to bite you! He knew these guys

were there and could defend him, because they were still

tribesmen and, standing between the two, I could not

kill him. In fact, it is quite possible that they were not there by chance,

He had called! They had said they were alert, because I

try to attack him!

- And did not you? Ronna replied somewhat sharply.

- Of course I did, Ronna! He almost shouted. I tried to explain

many times that I am a cruel and murderous beast full moon night!

The only thing that protects you from me is the blessing of the first, but Log wanted

I bit him to be like me, and so killed Shan, you know?

Broke ancient pact on purpose so that I could attack him. And

probably now has become a werewolf, a murderer!

Ronna listened horrified.

- How dare you talk like the shaman? He would never do anything


Fenris wanted to respond, but she left the hut with eyes full

with tears.

In the following days, the elf learned many things thanks to

Rasloc young, who came to see him in secret and told how it was the


Not good for him, of course.

- Log says you have deceived us Rasloc said-and you're not one of the

our. He also says that, as a man has attacked and killed a

Wolf, you no longer belong to our clan. And it also shows that there

you are a real wolf, because, otherwise, you could not hurt him.

Says you're a creature of evil and strange powers, you can

take on the appearance of a wolf, without actually being one. And by

that you must die.

- What about the others ... you believe?

- Some do and some do not. I do not believe you, Fenris. I trust you. And

see how everything is resolved soon.

But despite Rasloc unconditional faith, Fenris knew the

shaman's words have much weight in the tribe and would not be as

easy to prove his innocence. The elf believed to be living a nightmare.

Again his werewolf condition snatched love and

confidence of others. But this time, he knew, was innocent.

Log had attacked because he was forced to.

One night, Ronna went back into the place where it was

held and looked him in the eyes with suppressed excitement.

- I believe you whispered.

It was a relief for him, but could not help asking:

- Why?

Ronna sat beside her. His gaze was now stone.

- Log has announced that the first spirit has appeared to

reveal which appointed him as his successor, and that will manifest

through his body at the next full moon.

Fenris felt her blood froze in my veins.

- Then I got he muttered. I bit, as he wanted. Has

become a werewolf.

Ronna looked.

- That's not important, Fenris. Do not you understand? If it becomes,

demonstrate to all that the first favors him and gives the reason. Everyone

believe his words. You will be executed as a traitor.

Fenris sighed. Again his world broke into pieces. Of

would again have to choose between escape or die like a rat executed as

a criminal. She looked at her companion's eyes.

- Never run out, right, Ronna? Maybe I should give up. Maybe

should let me die. When the whole world agrees to

wish my death, it is because my birth was probably a mistake.

He voice cracked. He had thought much about it since the death of

Novan, but never dared to say it out loud. He was a

creation werewolf, a monster. Novan had been right in

proclaim their father. It was like he wanted it or not.

- No, Ronna said flatly. You are not a mistake. You are a

extraordinary creature, Fenris, whatever you are. And if we have to choose between

Log life and yours, I choose yours.

Fenris wanted to hug her, but was handcuffed. She did it for him.

He remained a prisoner for the rest of the month, attending powerless

to preparations for the night of the full moon in which the First

Log manifest through.

The shaman himself was an afternoon to visit. As appeared in the

door, Fenris felt that familiar feeling of familiarity that had

Novan experimented with. Definitely Log was like him, had

become a werewolf. There was no turning back.

The shaman stared a moment and put his hand

unconsciously arm bandage, which concealed the wound certainly

Fenris had occurred to bite. Then he said:

- I feel like a new power through me inside. And it is magnificent.

I feel stronger than I ever have been. Tell me, why you would not

share this with me? Why I had to arrancártelo by force?

- Because it is a gift, Log Fenris replied huskily. You've

said many times. It is a curse. Think you control the beast,

but it's the opposite, it controls you.

Log eyes shone feverishly.

- I'm dying to know how it feels.

- You're crazy Fenris said, disgusted.

Log leaned next to him and whispered in his ear:

- We can still fix it. Let's make peace, Fenris. If you join

me tell everyone that the first has forgiven and

will remain with us. When you see me transform me, who is going

to doubt my words?

- Never, Fenris said fiercely. I once believed in beautiful words,

I stopped cajoling and I became a murderer. I will not be complicit

of someone trying to convince me that it is good to be a werewolf.

Log's smile disappeared.

- Then you'll have to die. It will be the best for the clan. At the end of

out, you were always a foreigner.

The day of the full moon, Rasloc went to see him at sunset and,

hastily whispered that things were getting difficult,

but that he and Ronna had a plan to release it. He could not explain more

because the arrival of one of the warriors made him rush out of

the store, but Fenris felt better. At least I knew I had

not abandon friends.

Shortly before nightfall, Fenris was driven to the outskirts of

village. There, on a hill, majestically Log awaited arrival

of the night, dressed for the occasion and decorated with an imposing headdress

feather. The whole tribe was gathered there, but did not see Ronna Fenris

anywhere. By sheer rebellion, was discussed when tied to a

post they had planted at the foot of the hill, but it was useless.

Log raised his arms and gave a long speech, proclaiming the

First greatness as a father and creator of all. Fenris heard

speechless. How long mythical wolf that had become

a god? Log How long was your priest?

But what surprised him was how I heard the

tribesmen. "I believe," he thought bitterly. "They were

willing to believe him, because my version makes it a sacrilege, a traitor

and a fraud, and they do not even want to think that the shaman, the symbol of his

tribe, is such an individual. "

Log finished speaking and turned to the horizon. All followed

the direction of his gaze: the full moon began to emerge after the


Fenris felt awakened the beast within, like so many other

times. While transformed, he saw the corner of his eye that the shaman

also began to morph between howls of pain, and heard


- I am a wolf! I'm the real Fenris, the Lord of the Wolves!

And then there came the voice of Ronna whispering in his ear:

- Fear not going to leave here.

He began to untie the bonds, but Fenris was already half

transform and broke them in one sitting.

- Come on, 'he said hoarsely.

Log saw them leave and howled with rage. Fenris turned to him

just in time to see how the shaman, and almost completely

transformed, running toward them with a glint of madness in his eyes wild.

- You will die, elf! He growled.

Fenris had not accomplished entirely her own transformation;

always been somewhat slower than Novan, but had attributed it to

fact that the magician was a Lord of the Wolves. Now he found that,

probably all werewolves were faster in

werewolves transform the elves, if there was more

like him. Fenris's body was almost completely covered with

hair and his teeth were sharp, but it was still a full wolf;

however, for when Log leaped on them, the shaman was no longer

than a beast.

Fenris uttered a cry of warning, but two figures were filed

between him and the werewolf, who fell back as if struck by lightning.

Ronna and Rasloc.

The two had been planted to Fenris as a shield, and after a

first moment of panic, the elf praised his decision. Because they were

protected by the blessing of the First and Log, which seemed to have run

against an invisible force, began to change rapidly in

man again, as had happened to own Fenris in his first

Ronna encounter.

A new internal jolt made him howl in pain as his own

body was undergoing metamorphosis. He got on all fours and Ronna

jumped on his back.

- Add, Rasloc! -She urged.

The boy hesitated, glanced at his father, who ran to


- No, I'm staying, I trust you, but this is my clan and my

people. Ronna not insist, the two fled, leaving behind the rest of

Tribe, who dared not intervene, Log, which as going away

Ronna, again recovering wolf traits.

The figure means transforming the shaman was the last I saw Fenris

before ending his own metamorphosis and lose consciousness to give

step the beast.

Woke up in a cave, and looking around him, he saw

Ronna asleep beside him. He tried not to wake her move, but the

Her dream was light and restless, and his eyes widened.

- Already awake murmured.

Fenris looked at her. She was very pale and haggard, and her hair was very


- What happened?

- Log-simplified escaped her. I rode on your back and run away

southward, ever southward. We have not slept all night.

Before dawn we seek refuge for you will become, and ... here


Fenris paused, confused.

- We can not go back, she added. They'll kill you.

- But, what about you? You can not leave yours.

Ronna's face hardened.

- I do not want to live in a clan ruled by Log-said simply.

Fenris did not argue.

They rested a bit and continued their journey south, looking

more benign land. Days later came to a small grove

at the foot of the mountains and decided to settle there. There had been away

much of the village, but did not expect to find them log off. As

Fenris commented sarcastically, I wanted the shaman was losing him

seen again, and he certainly was not going back.

The couple lived quiet for a few months. Despite their escape,

Ronna still respected the wolves and the blessing of the first still

protected, so that Fenris could be transformed with the peace of mind

it would not hurt.

He spent time and Fenris started to think that I could recover the

lost happiness. But one day a group of people showed up at the

forest. They were members of the Wolf, and at first, the elf and his

companion did not dare to come out of hiding from the

spying, for fear that it was sent by Log. But they were almost

all women, elderly and children, and seemed exhausted and hungry. To the

Rasloc front of them was pale and much thinner than

remembered. Leaning on his arm hair walked an old woman

white. Forgetting all your precautions, Ronna cried at her:

- Mother! -And ran.

The two women in an embrace rundieron. The newcomers the

watched in silence. Fenris, uncomfortable, waited a little further,

not knowing whether it would be well received if approached. Ronna's mother,

called Rua, separated from her daughter to stare at the elf.

- You have to help us whispered. Log gone mad.

Went hunting and brought food for roasting at the stake. When

all were hot and filled, the newcomers told their


After the Night of Transformation, as it should call

glorious moment when the Great Log Fenris had merged with the

First, to be renamed Fenlog, things had changed a lot in

the Wolf. The shaman was surrounded by a group of young people

idolized him and were completely convinced that he was the

reincarnation of ancestral wolf. Fenlog Log-or, as he called himself

now, had quickly declare that friendship with the wolves had

finished. The man was clearly superior to Wolf and therefore this

must be mastered, not idolized. And, therefore, only those

demonstrate their value killing a wolf would be given the honor of

become part of the Chosen.

Tribe members listened in horror, but some

Young drank his words with fervor. Soon they were

held on full moon nights a macabre initiation rites

which the neophyte had to kill a wolf with his bare hands. Once

done, could Fenlog under his wolf form, bite and transform you

in one of the Chosen. Apparently he had discovered that, if it was he who

biting a human and turned into a werewolf, had some influence

about it.

Fenris Novan shuddered to think, and how he had

admired even after learning that he was a murderer.

At first they were a few, continued counting Rua, but soon

some of the strongest warriors envied those

transformed into a wolf full moon nights. So, little by little, the

group grew ...

- The village is hell, 'said an old warrior. The werewolves

govern and Fenlog running on behalf of anyone who dares to

oppose them.

- But as wolves can not hurt you Ronna said.

- But I like men.

- I escaped long Rasloc murmured, 'when my

life was in danger because all my friends joined and I refused Fenlog

to follow.

- The last full moon went hunting and took the opportunity to escape

Rua he concluded. We found Rasloc in the woods and decided to come to

find you. We figured you would have gone south since the

journey to the west is hard, to the east are the mountains and to the

north there is nothing. We came in your search. We wanted you to know,

Fenris ... that sorry I doubted you.

Fenris felt a lump in his throat and turned his head


- What will you do now? Ronna asked.

Rua's eyes shone like steel.

- Log has brought disgrace to our clan. Must die.

- No, it was not him speaking softly Fenris. It was me. Wear

death and misfortune wherever I go. I fooled myself into thinking

I could live among you without harm. All this happened

my fault.

A silence ensued. Rua then approached him and looked him in the


- If your fault, fix it, 'he said. Destroy the monster that has


Chapter XIV Date with Destiny

There was still a little to the sun, but all had gone

and the agreed place.

On one side, Fenris and his men, led by Ronna and Rasloc. They were

Just a ragtag group who had lost everything except the

hope, and, despite their pale countenances, showed a

clean look and a look serene.

In the other hand, now calling himself Fenlog, surrounded by a

arrogant and powerful group of warriors among whom were

Also some women. They all dressed in the skins of wolves, which

Just a few months ago would have seemed horrible and disgusting, and

outlining a smirk. On the other side of Fenris, more than one

eyes welled with tears when he saw what had become the


"It's my fault," thought the elf, eaten by remorse. "And I

I have to fix it. "

At first glance, anyone would have bet on the side of Fenlog. The

hairless and delicate countenance contrasted sharply with elf

bearded faces fierce male warriors, who were

undoubtedly much stronger and more muscular than the people of Fenris;

but this I knew it was them, especially children and youth as

Rasloc, who held the key to the future of the Wolf.

They would not fight everyone. Fenris could have attacked Fenlog in

any other time, perhaps shooting an arrow from a distance,

at night, taking advantage of his keen elven vision. But then

would be a murderer. As Novan, who in a similar situation, what

had attacked him by treachery and back.

No, they would face in a battle of equals. The elf had

been sent a challenge to the shaman and the two fight like wolves when

come out full moon. It would be a long and grueling battle, given the large

regeneration capacity of both, but Fenris was willing to

to. And Fenlog could not respond to the challenge because if you

rejected, would look like a coward in yours.

So there they were, waiting for sunset, looking at

each other, challenging, but at a safe distance. Fenris only

sorry it was to lose consciousness after being transformed. Not

doubted that the beast would attack Fenlog because he hated almost as much

like him, but would have wanted to be present during the fight, especially

because shaman warriors and also transformed, although he knew

they could do damage to Ronna and yours, and that in principle there is

entrometerían in particular its chief duel was not sure what

happen if he was victorious.

There were too many questions and yet, the elf knew that

that could not be solved otherwise.

- You know why you're here today, elf? Fenlog suddenly said with a

smile. You came here to die. Today you have a date with your destiny.

There was laughter among the warriors. Fenris did not change.

- It is possible he admitted, but in this case, you will die with me.

Fenlog sinister smiled.

- We'll see.

The two both turned toward the horizon. The last ray of sunshine

set behind the mountains, and slowly cover of darkness

dotted with stars began covering the wastelands. Even had

to wait a little longer until the full moon appeared, sovereign and

magnificent, behind the mountains.

All werewolves began to transform, it was a terrible

show because, even though it seemed clear that the metamorphosis will

was horribly painful, their faces were lit by

a flurry of ecstatic expression, as if they were experiencing something

infinitely wonderful.

Fenris also began to change, but quickly realized

that, as suspected, the process of metamorphosis was slower than the

the rest of the werewolves. He felt a brief panic attack to occur

realized what it meant: Fenlog be ready to attack before

He had been converted completely, and thus, may surprise

when he was still vulnerable.

It was the only one who noticed it. With a grunt of triumph,

Fenlog, completely become wolf, turned to him and jumped

forward with eyes full of murderous rage.

Fenris, still half turn, prepared to defend himself. But

Ronna shouted:

- Caution!

And ran at him, pushing him aside. The two fell to the

ground. Instinctively, Fenris covered her body with his own

when Fenlog heavy body fell upon him. A new spasm will

made her moan of pain, and struggled a moment the beast struggling

master while trying to understand what was happening.

Fenlog had caught, yes ... but he was dead. An arrow

protruding from his chest, an arrow had hit him in the heart,

inflicting a terrible wound that burned their flesh as if it were



Fenris knew then that there was intervention Ronna

been aimed Fenlog protect but it out of the path of

that arrow, which was intended for him.

- What's going on? Ronna gasped.

Fenris convulsed again and his body was transformed

definitely that of a wolf.

- We gotta get out of here, 'he growled.

Ronna jumped on his back and ran Fenris. More arrows

pierced the air, skewering the bodies of werewolves, which

howled in pain, terrified, unable to understand what was going

meat seared them that way. Nobody in the Wolf

Silver knew, and therefore those werewolves had no way of knowing

that was fatal to them. They had been invincible on the way

Wolf and now fell killed by those damn arrows. Many

died there.

In his last conscious moments, Fenris got to see at the top of

a hill, silhouetted against the full moon, the figure of a man

carrying a crossbow.

But then he heard a hiss and a groan, and the wolf felt elf

Ronna slid from its back to crash land. He paused, perplexed, and

saw a little behind, lying face down on the floor. An arrow

protruding from his back.

Mad with rage, Fenris ran to her as his rational consciousness

woke up again, as if for once the beast and the elf had

agreed on something and had signed a truce to save


All around was chaos. He was not a man but a number, which

attacked the Wolf that night, and the clan had joined the

of Fenlog werewolves to fight them. Fenris distinguished between

Raiders to two or three warriors with swords, a couple of archers, to a

magician, who was noted for his red robe, and someone who seemed to be very

skillful throwing knives. Even he thought he saw a dwarf brandishing a

huge ax, but was not sure. "A group of adventurers"

thought the elf. "Swallow them," said the beast.

However, the vision of Ronna lying on the floor with the arrow

dunk put back again agree. They forgot the battle

unfolding around him to go with her.

But a shadow came between them, and the wolf was hit

an arrow struck him in the shoulder. He howled in pain, trying to

tear it with his teeth, while silver tip gnawed his flesh.

- We meet, elf said a steely voice.

Fenris looked up, ignoring the pain. The man who had

spoken had gray hair, and the time had chiseled and a

number of wrinkles on his face of stone, but, moreover, was the

Hunter himself he remembered. He had reloaded his crossbow and

pointed to her, and Fenris was torn between the urge to jump on it

to kill and prudence, he said it was better to sit still.

- You should not have shot Ronna he growled. She has not

done nothing.

- You're wrong. I snatched my prey, and I want to re-

stand in my way. I have a contract to fulfill.

- You've been looking for all this time? Fenris gasped, trying

to keep the beast under control.

- I am the best at my trade-Hunter said gloomily. I

amassed a small fortune killing werewolves, vampires, demons

and the like, but you're the only prey that has escaped me. On that day,

in the forest, I underestimated you. Maybe because you remembered helpless and

dying in the rain, when that damned magician stole my

prey, and did not think it would be resisted. You surprised me like a

rookie, I was in your power, I let live. I have not forgotten.

"When I regained consciousness and saw that you were gone, I thought

I would be easy to re-find, now that the wizard could not

hide from me with his spells. But you're handy erasing your footprints. You

I lost track.

"I've been looking for you for over twenty years without a break, but

seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth. If I get here,

until this accursed place, it was because the world was looking to the limit,

already convinced you'd pierced.

- Who are these that you brought with you?

- I came here a few months ago and did not find, but I discovered a

whole tribe of werewolves. As you will understand, in all this time I

learned to hate you with all my heart. I need no longer offer

money to kill werewolves, hunt for pleasure now. But in this case

were many, so I went back to the civilized world to recruit some

He smiled allies. Imagine my surprise when I saw among these barbarians this

Later, elf. I could hardly believe my good fortune. Although there should be

imagined that you were behind this.

Fenris gritted teeth.

- I made a mistake to spare your life, but I will not do

He growled. Leave my people alone.

And leaped on him with an angry bark. Never know if it was the beast

only, or even the elf, who decided to attack, knowing that

playing life.

Hunter shot and the arrow stuck in the chest of Fenris, but

this was too angry and deliberately ignored the pain. The

the wolf man and violently collided and fell to the ground. For a few

confusing moments, grappled on a matched battle. The

Hunter was still a strong and sturdy man, was

used to dealing with similar situations, and also had

dropped the crossbow to defend himself with a silver bladed knife. Fenris,

seriously wounded, feeling that the arrows lodged in his body

gradually killed, fought with murderous rage, trying to tear the

throat of the man who, so long after, returning from

martirizarlo past and destroy what he loved most. Wolf Claws

dug into the man's body on more than one occasion, but also

achieved silver dagger sinking into the hairy body of Fenris,

shaking with pain much more intense and excruciating than it is

believed capable of supporting.

Slightly parted and observed each other, panting.

- Not lost faculties, Hunter said Fenris.

- You, however, are no longer the same as before the Hunter growled.

Now you're more beast than elf.

Fenris smiled darkly.

- That's not true, 'he said. How many speakers had seen wolves


The Hunter launched a war cry, and Fenris, a bark of anger, and

two collided again. A ray released by the magician a little beyond

lit up the sky and landed on the nearby trees, setting them on fire,

but neither paid attention to that fact. No Fenris

Hunter forgotten how he had relentlessly pursued that

rainy night. Meanwhile, his opponent could not help but remember that

lanky elf that had mocked him twice, and that the

second had humiliated.

The right claw tore Fenris Hunter's chest, producing

a deep wound. But this drove his silver knife in his side.

Fenris let out a yelp, and the two parted again. The

elf-wolf knew he was mortally wounded, but the wounds of the Hunter

also were deep and not replenished them.

- I knew this would happen, Hunter elf said. It was our destiny

meet again. He knew he would die killing you.

- Then why did you come? Fenris gasped.

The Hunter smiled.

- Because I wanted you dead.

Fenris growled, showing all his teeth.

- Do not give him the satisfaction.

He tried to move towards him, but the legs trembled and fell.

The lethal effect of silver on its body it was tearing by


- You are dead, elf. Say goodbye to life.

Fenris saw Ronna fallen body on the corner of my eye and knew that

could not die, not now, nor there, much less that way.

He gritted his teeth.

- Never.

With his last strength, jumped on him and threw him to the ground. Its

memory reminded him of Ronna falling to the ground from his back,

crushed by the arrow. The man had not only killed, but

also prevented him from going to her. The beast demanded to be released, and Fenris,

gladly relinquished control of his wolf body.

He was vaguely aware, between pain and rage, that their

teeth tore the flesh of the Hunter. When he felt his heart

stopped beating, repressed barely beast and stepped back.

Slowly, back to reality. Hunter lay dead on the floor, in

a pool of blood. Fenris, depressed, could not help thinking that all his

life had been an accumulation of blood, death, pain and sorrow. Feeling

that life is extinguished within his being, as he crawled to the

Ronna body and lay beside her. He managed to pull out the knife that

Hunter had nailed to the side and instantly recognized him: it was the

silver dagger from his father.

He smiled bitterly. He himself had buried that dagger next to

Novan body, but it seemed clear that the Huntsman, following his trail,

had found the tomb and had dug, trying to figure out,

surely, if the body buried in it belonged to the elf who was


They went to his memory Novan words "... the dagger

someday kill you, "he had said. "How right he" thought Fenris.

"And Fenlog, when he announced he had an appointment today with my destiny.

But he was not my destination, but the Hunter, and this dagger has written

my birth and my death. "

Around him, the werewolves and the people of his clan had

managed to beat the mercenaries, at the cost of heavy casualties. Fire

death, blood and desolation. "It's the story of my life," thought Fenris.

"I've the misfortune wherever I go. Surely I deserve to die. " Even

beast was so exhausted and dejected seemed not rebel against these

bitter thoughts. With his last breath, Fenris howled at the full moon.

Howled by Ronna, by Novan, for Log, Shi-Mae and probably

also for the Hunter.

After he dropped beside the body of Ronna and closed his eyes. Felt

it still pounding the breath of life, but had no strength to

up again and try to save her. Novan's voice was

ringing in his mind, but was increasingly unintelligible. Fenris took

a bit to realize that what I was remembering were the

words of a spell. Almost without realizing it, while his memory

kept remembering obsessively spell that he had heard

ever pronounce his mouth began to repeat the words, praying

for a miracle that would save the lives of Ronna.

Then the pain flooded his whole being and Fenris lost consciousness.

And transformed into elf woke and looked around, disoriented.

Rua was healing the wounds with poultices of herbs.

- What happened?

- We beat the old woman smiled.

In a clearing in a grove of conifers which had met

left of the Wolf. Pale, tired, hungry and injured in

many cases, members of the clan showed in their faces one

expression calm and relieved. It had been hard, but it was over now and

were ready to start a new life. Fenris found among them

some of Fenlog werewolves, almost all very young.

- The blessing of the first they have been removed to warn Rua said his

gaze, but they have repented of what they did and have asked

will accept them back into the clan.

- And what have you done?

Rua shrugged.

- I accept you, right?

Fenris smiled, but quickly became serious again. He hesitated before

daring to ask:

- And Ronna? Are you ...?

- No. It has survived, and now sleeps.

Fenris was so relieved that it was not able to say anything.

- It was a very strange-Rua went on, 'because she and

you you had mortal wounds, but when we got to your cries were

almost closed, and the body of my daughter was expelled, by itself, the arrow

who had gone through. The first blessing hath protected.

Fenris smiled, wondering if that was the reason why yet

were alive. He could not forget that even if they had accepted the

tribe, he was not actually related to them.

- I want to see said.

He got up and had to lean against the trunk of a tree, because

Still weak. Limping, followed Rua to the other end

the clearing. There, lying on the ground, Ronna lay covered by a

fur cloak. Fenris leaned next to her and stroked her hair. The woman

opened his eyes, he saw it and smiled.

- Hello, 'he said softly. How are you?

- You saved my life, she said quietly.

- It was not me ...

- Yes, it was you. I was dying, I felt I was going to

not return, but then you came and set me up the hand, and I

brought ... back.

- It was only a dream.

- It was-I looked at him. Really, are you ... Fenris, the


- You know I do not. But now rests, Ronna.

She smiled and closed her eyes again. Fenris looked at her. The face of

Ronna still looked very beautiful, but even he could not ignore

footprint that suffering and sorrow had left behind along

recent years. And at that moment he knew what he was

hacer.Acarició her hair again, got up and ran the makeshift

camp. Rasloc, with a bulky bandage around his head and

leaning on a branch that served as a cane, was pacing

to another, trying to bring order to the place. "It will be a good leader," thought

Fenris, smiling proudly. One brave boy had been for him

like the younger brother I never had, I knew him since I was

a baby, but I knew that it was now time to let

flew alone.

By late afternoon, came back to Ronna, but she slept and

decided he did not want to wake her. Carefully deposited silver dagger

beside her.

- If this dagger has to kill me someday, Ronna, I want you to keep

you whispered. And I want you to be happy with a man who can live

life with you and heal the wounds of your heart.

He sat up, smiling tenderly, but with a glint of sadness in


- Farewell, dear Ronna murmured. I'll never forget, but

also swear that I will not love a human female.

Because it had been too painful for her, she thought. Because

Ronna had given him all his life, while for him the relationship

had happened in a flash.

And it was not fair. They had put in play the same things. Ronna will

had devoted his youth and he had not even been able to give the

family she wanted.

"But there's still time, Ronna" thought.

He got up and walked toward the depths of the forest. Nobody

paid attention because everyone had something to do. 'Better', he told

Fenris. "That will make it easier."

When they had gone into the woods, he heard a voice from


- You walk away, right?

He turned. It was Rua.

- How do you know?

- Because I know you love my daughter. And you leave to give you a

chance at happiness. Do you think is right?

- It's not what I want Fenris confessed, 'but I know that's what I


The old woman nodded gravely.

- Legend has it that he said then, in times of need,

Fenris came and saved us from the wolves. And then he left without saying goodbye, but

gave us his blessing and we twinned with animals before

had been our enemies. Remember the story, boy?

- That was long ago.

- But history repeats itself. Within a few

generations, the Wolf People remember your name and become

a legend.

Fenris nodded and smiled ruefully, but said nothing.

Rua then handed him something.

- Here. It was that man. I do not know what it is, but maybe it means something

for you.

Fenris took it. It was a scroll.

- Maybe. Thank you very much, Rua.

- Bon Voyage, Fenris. And the wolves howl for you when the moon


The old woman disappeared into the dark forest. Fenris was saved

the parchment without looking and went on.

He did not stop until he was far away. Ronna and suspected

Rasloc would come looking for him and did not want to meet them;

above all, never wanted to look at Ronna's eyes, because he knew that,

if he did, it would not be able to leave again.

One night he judged he could afford a fire and relax

a few hours. Then, sitting by the campfire, unrolled

the scroll and glanced at it.

Hunter was the contract. The paper was old and worn,

but the shield River House was still there, and also clearly read

description had to kill werewolf, a young elf eyes

amber and copper-colored hair, whose name was An-Kris of

Robles, or Ankris the South Pass.

Fenris took a deep breath and felt a lump in my throat.

The firm had printed at the bottom of the scroll was not to

Shi-Mae, but that of his father, the Duke River.

Smiling, Fenris brought the document to the fire and let it

devouring flames. And while that last link to her past

disappeared into the fire, the elf-wolf raised his head, looked at the stars

and howled.

I did not know if howling at the moon, the stars or waiting had

someone somewhere who could hear and understand, but he knew

that if he was still alive after all, it was because he had not yet

found the answers he sought and destiny awaited him in another

part, perhaps far away, for, perhaps, reveal the secret and the reason

of its existence.


- NEVER COME BACK TO HAPPEN ME -concluded Fenris.

- What? Asked the man in the gray robe, as if waking

of a dream.

- That of my rational mind to awaken the full moon.

I do not know how I did the night he died Fenlog, but he has not

happen. Two years have passed since then and I am still a beast

killer. Rondo almost always uninhabited places, but I can not

prevent the beast take full moon night to find prey


The stranger laughed softly from the depths of his


- What's so funny? Elf growled, frowning.

- You, dear friend.

- I told you I'm not your friend. You know the reasons why

I do not trust you, the wise men.

- It also has its charms, Fenris. Because ... see ... is that you

're one of us.

Fenris shook his head.

- What nonsense. I've been around most of my life magicians. I

would have said.

- You devoted almost all your energy to fight the beast that

in you and you have not allowed the gift to develop within. But what

you, I have no doubt. I am convinced that this guy gave Novan

account as well. If not tell you was because I wanted to have you controlled. But

if all you've told me is true, there was someone who revealed

indirectly and you did not understand his words.

Fenris mused silently. Finally he said, including:

- The Lady in the Tower.

- The Lady in the Tower, 'said the magician, and his voice was like the

menacing hiss of a snake. I said there were two reasons why

which were special. You are invited to come to your school, where you will definitely

would have become apprentice under his tutelage.

- No. No, that's not true. I'm not a magician. If capable of

work wonders they have seen done by your kind, my life would have been

completely different.

- Do you think you have not done wonders? You came secretly in the

Golden Wood School. No one who did not have a natural talent for

have survived the magic spell that protects that place. Furthermore,

the night he killed the Hunter were able to play two

pronounce spells that you heard long ago. One was

which kept her awake your mind elf during transformation. The

another ... a healing spell so advanced that saved your life and your

companion. And believe me, Fenris, anyone could learn the words of

a spell, but the real wizards only be able to make

come alive.

- I do not care, 'said the elf finally. Not to be a magician. The

Wizards bring no good.

- Really? Do not you want to learn magic ... and stop being a


- That's not possible. I know that I can awaken my rational consciousness,

but still could not control the beast.

- I do not speak your mind but your body. Transform stop.

As you know, because you once said, there are spells

anti-lycanthropy, but to work well it is necessary to run

in a place of great power.

- But there is no such site. The Archmage said that even the School

Dorado Forest ...

- Oh, yes, there, dear friend, is no longer a very

nice and it is not easy to get to him. But it was a

famous School of High Sorcery, and the magic that fed still there


Fenris stared at him, beginning to understand.

- Do you mean ...?

- The Tower, 'said the wizard.

- But it is a cursed place and abandoned. It has its own

guardians, powerful guardians whose strength is fueled by hate

of a curse that makes them invulnerable. I know because I've seen and I

heard his message.

- Yes, but those guards are delighted wolves, and I am convinced

that, with your help, it would be possible to get there. This is the deal you

propose: you take me to the Tower and agree to keep it

safe from the wolves. And I, in return, you adiestraré in magic and the power

de la Torre, will strengthen the anti-lycanthropy spell to not again

transform the full moon while you're there.

- Sounds too perfect Fenris muttered. Where is the catch?

- There is not. I will not hide it: I do all this only because

my favor. But on to you, and that's what makes this

pacts such work. If I somehow betray you, you, you

have power over the wolves, would have them unclean me. If you

traicionases me, I would remove the anti-lycanthropy spell and come back to

become a wolf when the moon is full.

- What will happen when I myself learn how to do the spell?

The wizard smiled.

- What makes you think I'm going to teach?

- I understand. I'd have in your possession.

- But I'd be at your mercy if you really can control

those wolves. I also know what betrayal and, believe me, I do not like

trust my fate to such abstract things as friendship, honor or

mercy. I'd rather know that both fulfill the agreement because

each of us holds the noose around the neck of another. If one strip,

we're both dead.

- I would be trapped in the Tower.

- But do not come back to kill anyone.

Fenris paused, confused. After a moment he raised his head

to look at the wizard:

- Why do you want to go to the Tower?

- I studied there long ago. After the death of Aonia, there is

no one to collect his legacy. I intend to retrieve all that there is

Tower stores and convert again in a School of High Sorcery

active to welcome young talents like you, my dear friend.

- I told you I'm not your friend.

- I know. It's just a manner of speaking.

- But that place is cursed. Wolves do not allow anyone to


- That's why I need you. And you need me. See?

It's what I like about the whole thing.

- How can I trust you?

- Who said anything about trust? I have proposed a deal that we

benefits both. If any of the two break it, no more

benefits ... for both.

- Simple and brutal ... but effective Fenris muttered. All right: I agree.

The wizard smiled.

- You will not regret.

- Well, and ... Now we're going to be partners ... what is supposed to

I call you?

- Of course, boy, you must call me Master and treat the

due respect, 'said the wizard. You, who have had a relationship

so closely with a sorcery student should know that.

- Oh. Yes Fenris growled, remembering that indeed there was a

very rigid hierarchy of the Golden Wood School. I forgot.

The Master smiled again.

- Well. You accept me as Master, I accept you as a trainee. The

pact is sealed. Now only a small detail. Look at me.

Fenris obeyed almost mechanically. The look of gray eyes

Master stuck in amber eyes elf, who became

immediately as if something has invaded your consciousness.

- What are you doing? He gasped, unable, however, aside the

eyes of the magician's hypnotic gaze.

- Track your memories. Believe me, it will be better for both. To

our ... future alliance.

Fenris tried to resist but could not. The consciousness of the magician

explored every corner of his memory, selecting and deleting

memories. The elf tried to scream, but could not.

When, finally, the Master looked away from him, Fenris gasped and

closed his eyes for a moment. The opened almost immediately, shook his head and

frowned, confused.

- What happened? Asked.

- You fell asleep, 'said the magician gently. Tell me

one thing, Fenris ..., have you ever heard someone mention called


- Aonia? -Fenris frowned again, trying to think. No.

Never heard of anything. Who is?

The Master nodded.

- I thought so. Do not worry, it's not important.

Just two days later, the two were penetrated by the way

toured the Valley of the Wolves. The curse that hung over the Tower not

allowed the magician to teleport inside, at least not before

had taken possession of it, but managed to move them both to

people that opened the entrance to the valley. The locals looked at them with

fear and distrust, but dared not refuse them anything. When the

By late afternoon, the wolves began to howl from the mountains, the two

were put back on the way to the Tower.

They did not talk the whole way. There was nothing to say.

Finally, the Tower came into view like a huge needle

rising into the heavens, but whose foundations were solidly

settled in the land from which it drew its power. It seemed dark and sinister

in the light of the moon, but Fenris was, more than ever, a symbol of


A group of wolves blocked their way, growling. The Master spoke

arcane language words and a spark came out of his right hand

to crash into the first wolves, however, continued


- Do you see it? Sighed the wizard. Unaffected by magic. Not even

could stop a silver dagger she added, smiling.

Fenris saw him no grace, but said nothing. He moved toward wolves and

stared at them.

One of them growled, baring his teeth. Fenris replied, his

time, with a grunt, and her amber eyes flashed menacingly. The

wolf stepped back.

Fenris kept going, serene and safe, to the entrance of the


Wolves away in its path. With a smile of triumph, the

Master followed.

And when the two entered the building, the Tower Fenris felt it

housed in its bosom like a mother, and knew that would be his home for

long, long time.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2013

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