
Chapter 1: Getting to know me

To understand me you have to understand that I'm not human. My name is Mike Thomas I was born into a world filled with death. Where if you wanted to survive you had to kill if you don't want to be killed. I was always the outcast even when people tried to get close I'd push them away. When I was young we moved a lot, my parents said this was a safe place for us. Not long after we got moved in i was put in a "speacial" school for people like me. But it was the same here I didn't want to know people i just wanted to be alone. When i reached my teens i started changing my parents said it was a normal thing. I had to change how i lived i had to start drinking blood, had to start using sunblock during the day, and most of all I had to be careful not to let the humans know what i really was. At the age of fourteen my parents where murdered by one of the few remaining wolves they where almost wipped from the world. Now only a handful remain. I promised myself I would find and kill them all with my bare hands if it takes the rest of my life.

Chapter 2: Welcome to the City

I woke up in my appartemt to sound of a buzzing noise. I forced my self out of bed put some flip flops on and walked to the door. While walking to the door i looked at the clock and thought what the fuck! its only 2:19 in the god damned morning who the fuck is it. When i reached the door i pressed the button and said "Who the fuck is it and what do you want?" no responce "Hello who's buzzing me?" after a few seconds someone says "Yo Mike its me let me in i got something to show you." I buzzed him in and went to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffie. After a min the door opens and my annoying cousin Brandon walked in with a huge bag over his shoulder. At that moment I said "Let me guess, your girlfriend dumped and you came here to crash?" He looked at me as if to say Don't ask. When the coffie was done I opened a blood pack and poured a little into and mixed it up. Afterwards i let it sit a while before i poured us both a cup full. I sat down next to him at the table. Me and him have never been close in fact we have even been able to go a month without fighting at least ten times. I sat there for a few minutes just looking at him its been long i didn't know what to say. After a minute I said "How have you been? I haven't seen you since you FUCKING STABED ME IN THE BACK WITH A GOD DAMNED STEAK KNIFE! I DON'T EVEN KNOW I DONT PICK YOU UP BY THE THROAT AND THROW YOU OUT MY FUCKING WINDOW AND WATCH YOUR HEAD GO SPLAT AGAINST THE FUCKING SIDEWALK!" I expected him to get upset but he just sat there looking like he was about to break into little pieces of glass. "Why did you come here you know i hate you i know you hate me. So lets just skip the bullshit and get right to it cause i got to work in the morning and i'm not going to be up all fucking night with you not saying a word."

"Well for starters the Wolves are gaining in numbers again and they are getting stronger by the day. They even have found a way to make humans like them also."

"But thats imposable Wolves can only be born just like us most humans die from a attack from a Vamp or a Wolf."

"Well someone needs to tell them that cause not two days ago i seen it happen. I saved a man from a female wolf had him in my basement next thing i know he started to change."

I looked at him not knowing if i should believe him or get the widow ready for his fall. He was always one to mess with a person's head but something about how he was acting just seemed off like this someone flipped a switch inside him.

"Look lets say what your saying is true then why hasn't any of the higher ups done anything yet?"

"Actually that's why I'm here they need you and yours skills. Nobody can track those things like you can. We need you and you know it."

"And you also know why i have say to tell those old fucks to shove it up their ass the last time i helped them they left me for dead... and her also."

"If we don't take action they will have out numbered us a hundred too one and they will kill everyone. Look i know you lost Mary the last time you did something like this but we need you."

He went too far saying her name in a moment of pure rage i grabbed him from the chair and held him a few feet off the ground.

"Don't you ever say that name to me you son of a bitch! You told me and her it was a simple mission 'In and out its piece of cake' you told us and look what happen the only person i ever opened up to THE ONLY PERSON I'VE EVER LOVED IN MY FUCKED UP HALF ASS LIFE IS DEAD CAUSE OF YOU THOSE OLD FUCKERS WHO THINK THEY ARE BETTER THEN EVERYONE I LEFT BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT ANYMORE PAIN AND SUFFERING!"

Before i knew what i was doing he was in the stairwell rolling down a few flights of stairs. I threw down his bag hoping it would land on top him for a final fuck you blow. I walked back into my apartment and stopped and said "Until you bring me something that says what you say is true don't even think of coming here again."

With that last statement i closed the door and locked it. But little did i know i should have listened sooner.

Chapter3:The Nightmares

Going to back to sleep wasn't any helpful i called out sick for the day and just slept but hearing Mary's name just brought every painful event that i had to witness.

The last mission i went on for the elders was by far the worst it was to find a small pack of wolves hiding in the sewers and kill them. Everything was going great until we found them. Tracking in the sewers is a real pain in the ass all you can smell is shit, all you can see in darkness. Once we found them everything went wrong their were at least a dozen maybe more. The first few we took down in silence but then they caught wind of us. We fought and we fought but their were too many.

They could have killed us but instead they wanted to have their "fun" they held us for days. Trying to make us spill anything we might know we never gave them anything. After the tenth day i lost hope and knew we where alone and nobody would save us.

"God will see us though this" she always said but at that moment i didn't think even god was looking out for us.

We were in hell and no angel was coming to save us.

Finally they no longer needed us the time i seen her face she was being dragged away into the pitch black sewers.

I was helpless I cried out for her so much i couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything as the woman i loved the woman that was pergnant with my child was killed.

When they came for me they made the mistake of getting to close to my mouth the first one i ripped his throat out. The second one i snapped his neck with my legs. Once i found the keys i just ran and ran i knew she was dead and it was my fault. I was too weak to do anything.

After that mission i left and never once thought about going back into the field I lived a simple life and i liked it but now something was wrong and i knew i couldn't stay hidden.

I had to become the hunter i once was even if it leads to my death.

Chapter4:The Wolf in the Night

The night after Brandon showed up I went for a night on the town. I jumped from roof to roof trying to think about what he saying to me. Humans have always been unable to deal with the changes of the races.

They have always tried to make more using humans but it almost never worked and when it did the person never lived more then a year afterwards. But if the wolves have it working then all vampires are in danger.

After a few dozen leaps i stopped to catch my breath i was out of shape. Thats a few years of a part-time self stocker will do for a vampire warrior after all.

It was hard to believe that a bunch of mindless beasts that turn into huge overgrown wolves and howl a rock in the sky have been able to do something the vampires have been working dozens of years to perfect.

Every bone in my body was wanting to believe it was a trap. That the elders were fianlly trying to get me back for doing everything i did after Mary died.

 Something seemed wrong about Brandon he was afaid and every is taught never to give in to fear.


After about an hour i started walking home. I took my time i was never in a hurry to go anywhere.

Along the way i smelled something that was a huge part my past. It was no doubt a wolf.

I walked slowly the smell was very close but so i had to move slow or he would know i was there.

Finally i caught up to it he wasn't alone though he was with a woman. She smelled human so that was a good thing if i had to fight it would be a fair one.

She had long black hair that she had thrown over her shoulder she had to be at least in her early twenties.

She was white with almost a pale emo look to her but she wasn't dressed in black or anything.

They turned down an alleyway and i followed them keeping my distance.

I didn't know what the wolf was up they never went around humans unless they wanted something to hunt but this was different he would have changed by now if that was the case.

They made it halfway down alley when his mood changed he threw against the wall she yelled something at him but she cut herself short when his fangs started growing out.

Then he threw her to the ground and pinned her down. He then grabbed a syringe from his pocket and injected her with something.

Once he was finished he sniffed the air and yelled "Come on out leach i could smell you before we even got near the alley!"

I stepped out from the shadows and asked "What are you doing dog you mutts aren't the smartest  animals but you know better then to attack a human."

"Well leach i could tell but i'd like to see if you can make."

With a smile i simple said "If that want what."


The thing working on his side was strength. For me it was speed. I was too fast for him but the few times he did catch me off guard he didn't hold back it felt like getting hit by a ford truck.

After I got used to how he was moving it was over i was moving so fast he could barely see me.

I landed the perfect blow when i get behind him and broke both his legs in one kick.

He dropped to the ground yelling out in pain.

"So now that we're done here are you going to tell me what you were doing?"

"Bite me bitch."

I stomped on his nose and he passed out. I checked for a pulse and he was still alive. Good i can use him later maybe get some answers if i'm lucky I thought.

"You can come out now he's out cold won't wake up for a while."

The woman poked her head out from behind a dumpster.

"Who are you, WHAT are you, and WHAT THE HELL IS HE!?"

"Well my name is Mike, I'm not human and neither is he, and i believe i saved your life. Now who are you and how did you meet him?"

"I'm Amy i meet him at a bar he... he seemed so nice. Oh god i thought i was going to die and what was that he shot me up with?"

"Wish i knew lady."

"Well thank you for sa..." she didn't get to finish before she passed out.


Chapter5: Breaking the Rules

I dropped the wolf off at an old safe house that nobody uses anymore. I locked him in the cage in the back it was made of silver so he couldn't get no matter how hard he tried.

Afterwards i carried Amy back to my place. When i got there i layed her on my bed and i went and watched some tv in the living room.

First Brandon showing up starting shit now a woman that was attack by a wolf. My life was that fucked up some days.

After an hour i fell asleep for a few hours it was the same dream as the night before so i woke up feeling even worse.

When i woke i smelt wolf all over myself so i knew i needed a shower. Walking into the bedroom felt weird seeing a woman lying there.

While taking a shower i heard someone moving around i guessed my guest was up. Next thing i know she's running in the bathroom and vomiting into my sink.

I stuck my head out and said "Hey what the fuck. Do that in the toilet not the sink!"

She looked at me like i was on fire or insane, maybe both.

"Oh god so it wasn't a dream that man he... your not... i need to get out of here!"

"Wow wait a minute."

I grabbed the towel next to me and rapped it around myself. I followed her and cut her off at the door to the stairs.

"I can't let you leave. It's not safe out there now that you've seen them. Or even me now that i think about it. Look just calm down make yourself something eat, make coffie, whatever just don't leave until i explain things to you ok."

She looked into my eyes and my heart may have skipped a few beats she was breath taking beautiful.

She had light blue eyes that match her perfectly. No under eye bags or anything her face was perfect looking.

"Listen there's a lot you need to know before you can go so please just calm down and relax your safe here."

"Fine ill stay but your cooking not me."


After we ate we had a game of twenty questions. She wanted to know everything about vampires and werewolves. I knew that i may be killed for even letting her know i was a vampire but what the hell my luck couldn't get any worse. She asked all the normal things about us. Do vampires burst into flames when in the sun, do vampire need to drink blood to survive, do werewolves only change during a full moon, and so on and so on. There were more no's then yes's. Then she wanted to everything about me.

"How old are anyway you look like your really young."

"Well in human years i would be 109 but yeah as vampires go i am young, about 23 in humans years. After about 18 years we age much slower. I slowed down at about 16. So we vampires hold our age great."

"Holy shit your old." she said while laughing really hard. I let myself laugh also its been so long since i have.

"Do you have any family."

"I have a cousin my mother and father were killed by a wolf when i a teenager."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. I lost my mother in a car crash and i never knew my dad."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Okay last one have you ever been in love."

"Once... i did love someone but she's dead too. Her name was Mary and she was pregnant with my child when the wolves..."

She reached out and held my hand and she looking she was going to cry.

"All i have to say is my life has been one fucked up event after another. And everyone and everything i have lost is because of them. If i had my way i would kill them all."

I got up from the kitchen table went into my room and fell asleep.

Chapter6: I should have listened

I woke up later in the day I got dressed and grabbed some of Mary's clothes from the box in the closet. Amy was sitting in the living room watching one of my dvd's when i came out.

"Here i don't know if these will fit but you can try them on if you want."

She smiled at me as she took thenbefore going to the bathroom she said "Mike i'm so sorry i asked you all those questions i didn't mean to make to upset or sad."

"Its not that i was sad or upset i've never been good at anything other then killing. Even being with Mary i just made it up as i went along i didnt know what i was doing. Even when it does work the wolves fuck everything up they are evil thats the only way i've ever seen it."

"What if i was a werewolf living just like you alone not wanting to fight just wanting to live my life would i also be evil?"


I knew she didn't deserve that but something inside me snapped the wall of every painful thing that had ever happened to me broke and everything came flooding back at once.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to snap on you. I just want to be alone go ahead. Take a shower and ill order us some food."


I didn't even eat i just grabbed a blood bag and sat in living room drinking it until there was not even a drop left inside. She on the other hand had ate a whole meat lovers pizza, a bag of french fries, and was now eating some ice cream she demanded i go buy.

When she was done she sat next to me on the sofa and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Please don't tell me your still hungry i'm not a millionare just so you know." I laughed becuase she looked at me with an expersion that i took as NO SHIT.  

"So what now i'm full, you've drank some blood, and now we're both just sittimg here watching... what the hell are we watching anyway?"

"Its the Hulk why you don't like it?"

"Oh yea i remember it know the guy gets upset..."

"And turns into a giant green man that is super strong yep."

We sat there watching watching the movie for about an hour i started to notice Amy was really warm. When i looked over at her she looked like was going to vomit again. Plus her skin bright red like she had a sunburn.

"Are you alright? You don't look so good."

"I think i ate to much. Can you help me to the bathroom?"

"Sure no problem."

We reached the bathroon just in time. She started another vomit round like in the morning. I held her hair behind her head so it didn't get any in it. When she was done i picked her up and carried her into my room.

After i laid her on the bed i was about to leave when she said "Please don't go i don't want to be alone."

I flipped the light off and laid down beside her and slipped into sleep.


I awoke to the sound of Amy screaming in pain i jumped to my feet ready to attack someone. I flipped the light on and couldn't believe what was going on. Amy had rolled  off the bed and was on her hands and knees screaming in pain. I ran beside her and grabbed her by the shoulders. Then i seen what was wrong with her.

Her hands began to grow thick claws. Her bones kept making snapping sounds like they where in a clap. I knew what was happening but i couldn't believe it she was changing into a wolf.

The whole time she yelled "Help me please. It hurts so badly please make it stop."

All i could do was hold her down so she didn't hurt herself by crashing into something.

Towards the end her cries for help became a mix of moaning and a howl.

I kept whispering "I've lost everything and everyone but i'm not going to lose you. I can't live with myself if another person i care for dies."

Before the change was finished Amy passed out and i was left holding a pure black wolf in my arms. I checked her vitals she was breathing and still had a pulse. My god Brandon wasn't lying the wolves are making an army and they using human to make it.

Chapter7: Claws and Fangs

I sat there holding her, she was covered from head to toe in a thick black fur. Her was head had grown into of a wolf's snoat and all. Her arms and legs were also different, not to mention the tail. After a minute or so i laid her flat on the floor. I sat on the bed and called one of Brandon's many cell phones.

"Do you know what time it is fucker i was in the middle of... something." he said sounding pissed off and i heard a woman moan in the backround.

"I'm sure this is more important that whatever woman you were having sex with this time. I'm got a human woman that just turned into a wolf lying on floor passed out."

"I'll be there soon... bitch get dressed your leaving." he said as he hung up on me.


He banged on my living room window so loud it made me jump a little. I walked from the bedroom into the living room. He was standing on the fire escape kicking the window. I unlocked it and opened it for him. He stepped in and looked around like he thought someone was about to jump him.

"Ok so where is it?"

"SHE is on the floor still." i said surprising myself,i sounded pissed about him calling her an it.

"Whatever i need to study it before it dies." he took off the bedroom and i grabbed his shirt and pulled him back towards the window.

"Ok lets get something staight that woman in there is not an it she didnt ask for this,and she will not die you get samples and you start working on something that will help her and if its possible human again, do i make myself clear."

"Perfectly now do you mind putting me down." he said his feet hanging in the air.


"Ok i need to draw some blood i need you to hold her down in case it... i mean she comes to, if you dont mind."

"Whatever just make it fast." i said sitting next to her on the floor i could barely look at her without wanting to to break down.

Brandon pulled out a syringe and drew a many vials filled with her blood. After that he checked her vitals when he was finished he looked at me and said, "She perfectly healthy, her breathing and heart rate are perfect for that of your normal wolf. Whatever did this works like a charm. Try to move her i need to get her to my home so i can run more tests."

"NO! Not until she changes back."

"You mean if she changes back for all we know she may be trapped like that for the rest of her life."

In that moment every training i ever learned about fighting came flooding back and i jumped at him and began to choke the life out of him. He brooke free of my grip started to attack me but stopped dead in his tracks focused on something behind me. I turned around in time for Amy's new claws to tear into my chest and her fangs to rip into my throat.

Chapter8: Awake

Time seemed to come to a stand still second felt like hours, hours felt like days, days into years. The pain made everything feel like my every soul was being melted away from me, what was i saying i didn't have a soul. All the things i've done in my life time all the people i've killed because i thought i was doing the right thing. The vemon from that bite felt like someone poured acid into my brain and made me relive every horrible deed i've ever done. I felt the pain i've caused over the years.

I knew i was going to die and i knew that i had it coming. If there was a hell i would be going to the deepest darkest part of it. But then i remembered the promise i made to Amy that i would do everything i could to help her. And then what few good and kind deeds i've done, it was a short list so i had no problem remembering. And little by little i fought to hold on to life, barely but holding onto it with everything i had.


When i forced myself awake the first thing i seen was Amy sleeping with her head resting on my leg. I sat up slowly trying not to wake her up. She looked so peaceful her hair was in knots she had dark circles under her eyes like she was barely sleeping. She had a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees and a Nickelback shirt on.

I reached down and ran my fingers though her hair lightly trying to get the knots out. After a few tugs she started moaning and slapped at my hand. I did it a few more times and she sat up, rubbing her eyes she looked behind herself and stood up. Then she caught my eyes, she cried as she jumped on top of me yelling "Oh my god your awake!"

I made a groaning noise as she landed on top me, i had to bite my lip to keep myself from yelling out in pain. She must have remembered i was still wounded cause she got off real fast and checked my chest and neck to make sure they weren't bleeding again.

"Be right i need to get Brandon let him know your awake he needs to... he needs to tell you something."

She disapeared down the hall and i looked around the room, there a vitals monitor and and iv drip filled with blood next to me. I felt my chest the wounds were still open there was wrapping around me in case it started bleeding, the same with my neck only it was much worse. I heard something like a box being dragged in the hallway.

"I'm telling you that there's no way he's away your just seeing things again understand!" Brandon sounded pissed if i wasn't in so much pain i would have laughed.

When they came in Amy let go of his shirt and said, "Look he's awake i'm not going crazy, well maybe a little be i know he's awake."

I sat up again and flipped him off with smile. He sighed and said, "Great now i got to deal with another annoying person in my house."

He gave me a blood pack and once i finished it i said, "Nice shirt Amy." she blushed a little and i just smiled. 


A few hours and a dozen bags of blood later i felt good as new. I was still healing but i could walk around a little. Plus my voice was slowly coming back it hurt to talk to much so i had to keep thing short. After a shower and something to eat Brandon pulled me off to the side.

"Look there's no easy way to say this but i can't cure her without whatever they put into her. Whatever it is has bonded into her cells completely right now there's is little to no difference between her and a normal wolf. And on top of things from what i can tell its not even making her sick."

"So she's fine? She's not going to drop to the floor and start vomiting blood?"

"No but still there's way to tell that it's not going to kill her one day."

She walked into the room and she looked like she was going to cry. I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. She feel to her knees and balled up while she was crying.

"Um ill just be going now." Brandon said closing the door behind him.

"I'm a freak now, i'm not human i'm no more some beast." She said between sobs, "I can hear and smell things far away,  i can lift things no one my size should be able to. And worst of all is i can't control when i... change into a wolf."

"Hey look at me your still you, everything about you may be different but as long as you don't let who you are slip away you'll never be a monster."

"You say that now, you said it yourself all werewolves are evil monsters that need to be killed."

"That's how i felt until i meet you." i said as i kissed her she wrapped her arms around me and we were lost in each other.

Chapter9: Answers

That night me and her went to slept together that night, but i woke up alone. i looked around the house going from room to room. One door was locked, on the other side i heard scratches noises. I rammed the door the door trying to force it open.

"You don't wanna do that." Brandon was standing in the doorway behind me, "Well unless you really do have a death wish that is."

I stood there knowing that this was his way of saying she changed again while i was asleep and had to lock herself up.

"How many time has she transformed since all this?" i said looking down at floor.

"This makes five and each time it seems to last longer and longer. Ask me she needs to be put on a leash."

"I told you this is not her fault she never wanted this." I said as i turned around and looked at him.

"Look Mike you may not want to see it cause your falling for that mutt, but she almost killed you if it wasn't for me you'd be six feet under right now!"

"ITS NOT HER FAULT!" i yelled making a fist ready to attack him but i didn't if he really did save my life that night i owed him.

"Blame whoever you want me, her, yourself the fact is she is a danger to both of us. One day she's going to kill someone and their blood will be on your hands."

He walked back into his room and slammed the door behind himself. I stood there thinking on those words i needed to find a way to make her human before it was too late, and i could think of only one person who might know how.


I woke up early the next morning, i drank a few blood bags and got dressed. On the way out i opened up the room where Amy had locked herself. She was passed out naked, i found a blanket and some of her clothes in the room i was in.  I put the blanket over top of her and brushed the hair out of her face. What God would let someone like her go though this. And what kind of monsters would be willing to destory someone's life in this manner. I left the clothes on a chair next to the door and left.

It was a fourty minute walk to the safehouse i took my time seeing how if you tried to run anywhere you got hit by some asshole not keeping an eye on the road. I had a bag full things that i knew i would need to get any answers out of the wolf. I was hoping it would be easy and he would tell me everything i needed to know, but if it didn't work out like i wanted i'd do whatever i needed to for Amy to be normal again.

When i reached i went inside and flipped all the breakers, it took a minute but the lights flickered to a dim life. It smelt like mold and rat piss in this place but i didn't need a five star hotel for this kind of work.

When i went into the back where my guest's cell was he was asleep snoring loudly. I placed the bag on the floor and got a bucket of cold water. When i poured in on top of him he jumped from the floor and started punching the air like a mad man. He calmed down and wipped the water from his face and looked at me.

"I may not get sick but go easy on the cold water."

"I want to know what you did to that woman from the alley."

He smiled and laughed a little. "From those scars on your neck i'm guessing you already know that answer."

"True enough but i want to know how you did it."

"Okay fine ill tell you. It was magic, i snapped my fingers and poof, new pup for the family."

"Fine you wanna play games thats ok with me," I said pulling a silver knife out of my bag, "I always liked the hard way."


 I placed him on a chair and put a pair silver handcuffs on him. I pulled a table next to the chair and layed all my 'tools' on it.

"Here's how it works i ask a question you answer, you answer correct i won't use anything from the table here, but if you don't well... lets just say its going to be a long day. Understand me?"

"Okay sounds simple." she said with a smile.

"Let's begin then. What did you inject the woman with, and where do you get it?"

"I injected her with my piss and it comes from my dick." He said laughing

I picked up a small knife and stabbed him in the leg. He screamed in pain as his skin turned a greenish color and started to smoke.


I pulled the knife from his leg and he sighed in relief. I placed the knife back on the table and pulled a chair in front of him and sat down.

"Okay next question how many of you are?'

"About two dozen of us were born werewolves, but i dont know how many humans we've turned i swear, just don't do that again."

I picked up a hunting knife with a jagged side and stabbed him in the knee.



"Tell me where i can find what you beasts have been using to turn the humans."

He was breathing heavily and his skin was turning pale there was a good amount of silver in his blood by now he wouldn't last more then a few days without help.

"There's some in my pocket still i swear, please just stop with the silver."

I reached into his pocket and pulled out a clear bag there a vial inside with a clear liquid in it.

"Okay last question better this one right the first time. What are you planning why make all these humans into wolves?"

"Like you don't already know we want to destory every last leach but we needed power in numbers to do it."

"So you started making more of yourselves using the humans."

"And soon you'll all be dead." he said laughing.

I pulled the knife out of his leg and was about to cut his throat when someone yelled, "Mike don't!"

I turned around and seen Amy standing there looking afaid. She was sweating like she ran here.

"Amy what are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you were okay you still haven't healed completely i was worried."

"Well there's our new pup good to see this leach hasn't killed you yet. Tell me do you enjoy your new gifts, you'll never get sick, never get old, and you will be stronger then most people in this world."

 She ran out of the room crying. He started laughing, i cut his laughing short along with cutting his throat.

Chapter10: Rejoining the Clan

I chased after her it took a lot of energy and when i caught her i was ready to pass out. She was right i wasn't healed yet and it was dangerous for me to come out here alone, i did it for her. If only she could understand what is at stake here. I grabbed her arm and she turned around and smacked me on the face.

"How could you do something like that, you killed him and don't lie i can smell the blood from here."

"I killed him because of what he did to you, for what he would have done to someone else if i let him go."

She started crying, and i hugged her, holding her in my arms felt so good, but she pushed me away.

"I'm not crying because of what you did. I'm crying becuase i do enjoy this, besides the pain when i transform, i love it."

"Amy listen please don't let your humanity go if you do you'll be no better then any other wolf. Look," i pulled the bag i got from my pocket, " with this Brandon can get to work on a cure you can get your life back."

"What if i dont want my old life back? Will you still try to make me human even if i don't want to be?"

"That's your choose all i ask is don't lose who you really are... like i did long ago."

"Look i don't want to go back to my old life it was boring but ever since i met you everything is so full of excitement. That and... i love you and i dont want to become human and grow old while you look the same year after year."

"You know a part of me wanted you to say something like that." i said as i kissed her over and over until we both fell to the floor and began taking our clothes off.


About an hour later we had both desided to call it quits well me more then her because my neck was beginning to hurt. It took some talking she kept saying "come on one more time its not going to hurt anything" but for me it was hurting. We walked to my apartment together taking our time since we had an almost unlimited amount of it. She wanted to go back to Brandon's but i told her i needed to pick some things up, it wasn't a lie i needed clothes and a few other things, but i needed to make a call one i thought i would never make again.

When we got there i took out my keys and opened the door for us to get in as we walked up the stairs she kept pinching my ass like she was trying to make me have another go with her, which trust me if my neck wasn't hurting so much i would have. When we got to my floor i unlocked the door and walked in and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. The place was destoryed like a hurricane had blown though the place. My sofa had been ripped apart, my movie stands had been knocked over, pretty much everything was on and in pieces.

"Oh um yeah about this... when i changed the first time i may or may not have gotten lose and destoried your stuff." she said looking red in the face and holding her hands behind her back.

"You... did... all this?" i said trying to keep myself from sounding mad.

"Sorry." she said with a chuckle.

"Well then your going to clean it grab a broom i need to make a call, and see if any of my clothes didn't become chew toys as well."

"That's not fair this is YOUR apartment." she said from somewhere in the kitchen.


I filled a bag full of clothes that weren't completely ripped apart and placed them on a bag. I turned on some loud music and crancked it up on high so Amy wouldn't hear what i was talking about i needed this to be a complete secret. I stepped onto the fire escape and went to the roof. I punched the number in and a woman answered, "Hello this is Wal-Mart service center how may i help you?"

"Mike Brown, retired hunter, number i.d. 329761582." i said and there was a long pause after i was done.

"Ok one moment ill put you though."

I waited about a minute listening to some old ass opera song that i didn't know. I stood there waiting the song repeated over and over. Just hang up and forget about this rn away with Amy go where nobody, even the clan elders could find us. The thought replayed over and over in my mind as the music kept playing.

Until someone finally said, "Mike is that really you or is this another prank?"

"No this is not a prank Tom its really me."

"Holy Shit you got some balls calling us after what you did you know."

"Yeah i know but i need to come and talk to you it's important trust me."

"Ha trust you you've got to be shitting me. If it was up to me i would have had you killed years ago. But since your grandfather has taken over we can't touch you."

"My grandfather?"

"What you didn't your grand daddy runs things now?"

"No, anyway i need to talk to you about something. And while your at it take the retired stamp of my file i'm coming back to work."

"Great looks like i'm going to need to start buying bottles again."

Chapter11: Taking it easy

The next few days were a blur. Tom told me it would take a few days before i could come in he said 'i already have enough to deal with and now i have to worry about you, well i'm not pushing everything to the side for you'. So me and Amy crashed at Brandons place while we waited. During that time Brandon began trying to make sence of the whatever that vial had inside it. Brandon gave Amy a few tips to help control her transformations, and so she began to training trying to learn how to control her transformations. And me i was forced to stay in bed. Brandon made it clear the wolf venom was still inside me and if i didn't take it easy i might slip into a coma.

The days seemed to last forever with Amy around and i enjoyed having someone around i had been so long since i had been happy. But there was still the feeling that something wasn't right. Everyday more and more people were disappearing over night we had the uneasy feeling that it was only going to get worse. But there was really nothing we could do.


One day Amy laid down next to me one day and asked, "So when are we going on a date?"

"A date? Are you for real?"

She punched my chest and i laughed, "Okay, okay what you want to do?"

"Make it a surprise i dont want to know until we get there."

"Okay how about a hint?"

"There is a new romance film that was released a few days ago maybe we could go see that one day."

"You maybe i will think of something on my own and surprise you."

She laughed and we kissed again then she laid her head on my chest and said, "You know before we met my life was going nowhere but now i have something to live for." then she fell asleep and i whispered, "I know the feeling."


The next day we snuck out before Brandon woke up. We 'barrowed' Brandons car because i didn't feel like walking i left a note saying Hot date ill bring it back in one piece... hopefully. I took her to the movies and we seen the remake of Winter's Tale. It wasn't bad, i didn't understand any of it but it wasn't bad. Then i took her out for lunch, the waiter looked at me a little weird when i said i wanted my steak completely raw but he told the chief not to cook it. We ended the day with a walk at the beach, we were amoung the few people there and it seemed better that way we didn't have to try and walk over or around anyone.

"You know this is the best date i've ever been on hands down."

"The first of many best dates."

"You better be right about that." she said pinching my arm.

"By the way how's your training coming? I mean it must be doing something you haven't changed since the other day."

"Its going good Brandon said 'try focusing on something that makes you who you are something that makes you want to stay yourself' and anchor yourself with it, its worked so far."

"Mind if i ask what that is?"

She blushed a little at looked at me for a second.

"Oh. So i had that big of a impression on you huh?"

She pinched my ass and we both laughed a little. She looked around like we were being watched and said, "And also i've learned how to turn it off and on to a point."

"Off and on what you mean?"

She held out her hand and within a second her nails began to grow but then stopped and became normal again.

"Oh that, its rare but some wolves can do that with years of training. Its amazing how you learned it so fast."

"I'm special that way." she said as she kissed me.


Brandon was sitting at the table drinking blood out of a coffie mug when we walked in. He looked at me and then her and sighed.

"I swear if you guys fuck each other and i have to listen to it all night i'm kicking you both out."

"Don't be upset that you can't get this fine ass of mine because Mike has already claimed it." she smiled and waving her ass in front of his face.

I laughed so hard i couldn't breath he just sat there looking so pissed that i thought smoke was going to come out his ears.

"Whatever anyway i need to show you both something i found out about that stuff you brought me. Unless you both plan to steal my car again that is."

"Okay Brandon just give me a minute i need a shower."

Me and Amy both went in the room before closing the door she shook her ass towards Brandon once more and then closed the door.


We each took a shower i wanted to take one together but she said she didn't feel like it. When we where both finished we went and told Brandon we where ready for whatever he wanted to show us. He walked down into the basement of his house and we followed him. It wasn't much, it had lab equipment all over the place and it was kind of weird he had all this. I sat at a computer i pulled a chair out of the corner and sat down and Amy sat on one of my legs since it was the only other chair down here. He typed in something and a video diagram from his studies began.

"Okay this is me testing how it works on human blood."

As we watched he added something into the blood and from there it began attacking the cells turning them into copies of inself but not destoring them. And the ones that became like it began doing the same

"So that's why it happened so fast it uses the cells against themself like a virus."

"Correct now this is the video of the prototype cure i made."

He clicked a few more buttons and another video played. In this one the cells from the last video where there again. He added the cure onto them and they began dying.

"They have made something that if we try and remove it they begin to die before it even begins to treat the infection."

"So there is no way to make a cure."

"Sadly no. But thats not all i have one more to show you."

He pulled up another video this one didn't have the same kind of blood on the screen but some other kind. Then he added something into then the blood began to change only this time something else happened when it reached the cells they began to morph changing into something altogether new.

I jumped from the chair trying to get a closer view.

"What the hell is that."

"That is vampire blood and that was what you brought me. From what i can tell they just formed something completely different. A hybrid blood type so to speak."

"And that is?" Amy asked from behind me.

"That could be a new species in the making."

Chapter12: Family "Reunion"

I got a call from Tom about two days after that saying he set up a meeting for me to come in at 3:30  It was following day in the evening. Amy got pissed when i told her she couldn't come with me she kept throwing things at my head and yelling "You just don't want me to go because you think i'm going to embarrass you!"

"You don't understand if i bring you there without them knowing what happened to you and that your not a threat they will kill you the moment you walk into the door. In fact they might do that to me because of what i did after Mary died."

"What did you do?"

"Long story, lots of gasoline and matches."

"Um okay..., but maybe i can still go have living proof of what your telling them."

"How about this ill drive you to someplace close by ill talk about what happened to you if they promise they won't kill you ill call you and tell you where to come. Deal?"

"Okay thats good enough i guess but if your lying i swear." she punched a hole in the wall and Brandon looked though it.

"God damnit that's it you both need to get out. I can't even take a shower without you breaking something."


We packed our things and went to my place. When we got there the landlord run out of his office and yelled, "Its about time your rent is late again plus we had complaints of people hearing a dog or something up there last week."

I handed him a roll of bills and just kept walking and Amy whispered, "I thought you said you weren't a millionare."

"I remember but that didn't mean i don't a good bit saved up."

"How much is a good bit?"

"Well a few ten thousands here and there."

"God you get more interseting more and more every day."

We got to my floor when i paused and Amy looked at me like i was crazy.

"What's wrong why did you stop?"

"You can't smell that?"

"All i smell is the axe you have on."

"There's a vampire in my apartment. Stay here."


I walked inside slowly and turned into the living room sitting there was an older looking man with gray hair and a business suit on he was reading a book on my sofa he must not have minded the the springs sticking out because was sitting on the part Amy ripped up. He put a book mark in his book and turned towards me.

"Hello Mike its been too long."

I gritted my teeth and faught the need to punch this man in the face.

"Hello... Grand Father i didn't know you were coming or i would have cleaned up."

"Don't try to play me Brandon called and told me you have been spending the last week at his place."

"Yeah then you also know what's happening with the wolves."

"Yes i do know i also i know you have one in the hallway listening to us right now. So why don't you tell that little were-bitch to come here."

"Don't talk about her like that you old fucker you may be my grand father and the new leader of the clans in L.A. but think you can talk about her like that."

"Ah i see you have feelings for that wolf  is that it? No matter i didn't come here to fight with you i came here to give you a warning. The other clans plan to kill you after all this and i won't be able to stop them so if what my advice leave tonight and find somewhere they won't follow you."

"This is my home i'm not going to leave."

"Well then once all this wolf business is cleared up you better get your will in order."

He put his hat on and walked out into the stairwell.

Amy came in and said, "So you have a lot of family problems then huh?"

Chapter13: Leading the Attack

That night Amy seemed on edge, like she was just waiting for something bad to happen in the blink of an eye. I took her out for dinner she didn't anything big or fancy. So we ate at a Pizza Hut she seemed to like pizza a lot. When we got back to the apartment she asked me, "If you have so much money saved up why do you still live in shitty apartment building?"

"Because this was mine and Mary's home we lived here until... you know. I was going to sell the place but i couldn't do it."

"Oh." she said looking like she wanted to slap herself for asking.

"Don't worry i don't mind anymore. You know that saving its to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"I happy to have at least known her she may be gone but ill never forget her." I said with a smile.

"What about me will you forget me if something happens?"

"Nothing is going to happen to you i promised nothing would and ill make sure i will keep that promise."

She looked like she was about to jump all over the place at those words then she kissed me and said, "If you make it to the room before i do ill give you a reward." Then she ran up the stairs with me right behind her.


The next morning i woke up smelling smoke. I got a pair pants on and ran out to the kitchen, Amy was there waving a rag at the smoke and yelling, "Oh god not again."

I ran beside her and poured some baking soda on top if the frying pan and the smoke stopped.

"What were you doing?" I said trying not to gag at the burning smell all around.

"I was trying to make you breakfast sorry i almost started a fire." she sad looking ashamed.

"Its ok. It wouldn't be the first time this place place caught on fire." i said with a slight laugh.

She kissed me and ran her hand over my chest, "Looks like these have healed."

"Yeah but you have to go easy with those claws next time." i said and turned around there were light scratches on my back from where she got worked up a little too much last night.

"Oh sorry." she said blushing.

 I kissed her and then seen that it was almost 3:30pm and yelled, "Holy shit i've got to get ready!"

"What time did to have to be there?"

"At four."


I didn't get there until about until almost 4:30 traffic was backed up more then it normally was i called ahead and told them i would be late. When i got there Amy refused to wait outside she didn't like the idea of me going in alone besides hopefully Brandon would be here and tell them she wasn't a threat.

When we walked in there was a lady sitting there doing her nails, she seen me and Amy and said, "Its about time its rude to keep people waiting you know."

Amy laughed a little at her hair it was bright purple and had been pulled up into a bun. I tapped her with my elbow and she stopped.

"Sorry traffic was backed up."

"Whatever they are waiting for you in the back, but she is not aloud back she has to wait here in the lobby."

Amy took a seat and looked a little pissed that she couldn't go back i kissed her on the head she smiled and said, "Be careful."


I walked into the council's office inside there were 12 tables in a circle at each table there were older vampires that had been alive hundreds of years. At the head table was my grandfather he didn't look happy but i don't think he's ever looked happy.

"Please Mr. Brown take a seat." one of them said.

I took a seat in the middle of the room.

"We all know why your here and frankly we don't care what you want but we do know we need every last bit of help we can find."

"Well that's why i'm here i want to do whatever i can to help."

"Strong words from someone who couldn't deal with one woman's death."

"Enough!" my grand father yelled as he stood up.

"If he wants to join us we won't turn him down. He is the best warrior our clans have had in the last two hundred years and everyone in this room knows it to be true. If he wants to help let him, but if you mess this up in any way we will kill you, do i make myself clear?"


"Good we wil provid you men to attack the wolves at their sourse. We will have them ready in four days. You may show yourself out."

Chapter14: Training

Amy was glad to get out of there she said the lady at the front desk was trying to dye her hair into some odd color much like her's. She said, "I'd kill myself myself if i ever had hair like that woman did."

Halfway back to the apartment she looked at me and asked, "Are you sure your going to be okay doing that kind of stuff again?"

"No i won't be,but i need to or else more people will be hurt and have their lives destoryed."

"But why maybe someone else could do it, why do you have to?"

"Amy i'm the best at this kind of stuff you seen how i was in the alley that night right?"

"Yeah he only hit like four times, what about it?"

"Five, but anyway i wasn't even trying in that fight and that wolf didn't stand a chance."

"Hmm maybe one day ill be that good." she said with a smile.

"That'll be the day." i said and she slapped my arm.


The next few days i went to my old training spot many vampires went there so I made it clear to Amy that there was no way she could go and for once she didn't seem to agrue i figured she just wanted to rest after everything that's been going on the last few days.

When i got there i got a few nasty looks everyone knows who i am, but i didn't care what they think about me.

A few of them said, "Who smells like wolf when i walked past them."

I began training at a lower level i knew i was out of shape and it was going to take some doing to get where i used to be. After the first day i felt like shit my limbs hurt so bad i had to sit in a ice bath before i could even lift my arms above my head.

The second day was a little easier i was able to dead lift four hundred pounds and hold in above my head for two minutes. People looked at me like i was superman while i did they tried to copy me but they all failed in their atempts.

Later in that day i worked on my speed i knew i was fast but it never hurt to work on it again everyone was amazied at me and my speed after that they seemed to have a level of respect which i liked a little.


On the last day i just relaxed with Amy at my apartemt she seemed bored like she didn't like sitting around doing nothing all day. She had a Hello Kitty t-shirt on all day and i tried to make a joke about maybe she should get a Hello Wolfie shirt but she didn't laugh at it.

"Why do you seem like your hate it here?" i asked her about halfway though the day.

"Its not that i don't love you or not like being here with you and all it's just... nevermind its not important."

"Come on tell me."

"Your about to go against a large amount of wolves tomorrow and you seem to be completely calm."

"Well there's no point being worried i'm going to have a team of trained vampires with me."

She sat there looking like she was about to flip out of her mind.

"Oh um i also have to ask you something."

"Yea what is it?"

"Um can a vampire and a werewolf you know... have a kid together?"

"Um i don't think its ever happened before but yea as long as everything is healthy they may be able to. Why do you... wait your not... you don't think..."

"Well i'm about five days late and this morning i um took a test and well," She pulled the pergnacy test out of her back pocket and showed it to me, "It came back positive."

Chapter15: Expecting

After hearing Amy's big news i drank about a dozen blood packs down in twenty minutes she called Brandon and asked him if vampires can have a nerviest breakdown he must have said yes because she kinda went crazy and ate a mess of ice cream. After about a half hour i calmed down and called Brandon asking if we could come over he answered, "Fine if you break anything though your going to pay for it."

I drove in silence she kept poking her belly which seemed kind of weird but she didn't look like she was holding up any better then i was.

"Maybe we should have someone remove it if you don't want to have a kid."

"I never said i didn't want one but i'm worried we don't know if you body can handle carrying one. It may kill you and if there is chance it will then yes i want it removed."

"And if i can then what?"

"I don't know."


 When we got to Brandon's house we filled him on what was going and why we were here. He nudged my arm saying, "Got another one knocked up huh?" we both slapped him at the same time which was kinda funny. Amy looked at me and said, "We act to much alike."

"Look you should have it taken out whether she can carry it or not because if the clans learn of this then they will have you both killed. You what happened the last time one of us feel in love with a wolf. I'm surprised they still haven't killed you both by now."

He's right about ten years ago a vampire named Marcus feel in love with a wolf they made it to the fifth day of dating and they where both captured and killed to make an exsample of.

"Anyway if they find out about this you didn't come to me."

He ran some tests on her and after about an hour he walked up to me and said, "She should be able to survive though the term but as far as birth i can't say that her or the baby will survive. Sorry i couldn't be more useful."

I put my hand his shoulder and said, "You've been more helpful in the last week then you have in your whole life. Thank you for everyhing."

"If you tried to make me feel better you just failed but thanks."


After Amy got dressed me and her sat in Brandon'd basement and looked at the ultra-sound he took. She was pregant for sure. She tried to act happy but i knew she was trying not to cry.

"Amy i love you. I would give my life to make sure you had one. And nothing would make me happier to raise a child together. If you want to go though with this we will."

She smiled and began to cry, "I love you too."

We kissed each other and hugged we sat there for what seemed like forever.

"I'll never leave you." i whispered in her ear.

"And ill never leave you." she whispered back.

Chapter16: The Fighting Begins

We made Brandon promise not to tell anyone about Amy being pregant and that i was the father. He didn't seem to happy about the whole thing but he promised not to tell anyone. She kept looking at the ultra-sound and smiling and she kept saying, "I hope its a girl, I hope its a girl." Then she asked me if i wanted a boy or a girl all i said was, "I'd be happy with either."

That night neither of us could sleep i was given a lay out of where the wolves had been hiding out it was a small lab which might explain how they made whatever was turning people into wolves.

Amy came out of my room with nothing put one of my t-shirts on she sat on my lap and rapped her legs around my waist and said, "You better come back tomorrow or else ill never forgive you." Then she kissed me and pulled me into the bedroom and for the first time in ten years i slept without having a nightmare.


In the morning i made breakfast myself Amy seemed hurt when i told her i didn't want my apartment to burn down. After we finished i opened up a small hole in the floor where i kept all my old hunting weapons.

I told Amy to be careful most of everything in here was silver and would hurt her if she touched it. I put on a bullet proof vest and a gun belt around my waist. I put two 9mm semi-autos on both sides of the belt and filled 10 clips with silver tipped rounds in each of them. Then i picked up about ten throwing knifes and put them into a sleave in the vest.

"I swear you better come back alive or else." she said putting a picture of herself in my jeans pocket.

"I'll be home before you know it just say here today don't leave unless you have to. Oh one more thing." I pulled out a small knife made of pure silver and flipped it so the grip was facing her.

"If anyone that's not me Brandon or human comes here you know what to do."

She looked at the knife like it was evil and then said, "No thanks, i have claws remember?"

"Ill leave it on the table ok."

I gave her one last kiss and left.


I got a call saying to meet them at a building that was three blocks from the wolves' base i had an hour before i had to be there but i still headed there and relaxed.

I looked over the lay out over and over trying to remember every last room in the place. It was a simple plan half us would go in from the lobby the other half from the roof. The plan was to kill any pure-blood wolves and capture any humans turned wolf if we could. But something seemed wrong there would only be twenty of us. It was a good amount but most didn't have more then a few years in the field.

When they arived they looked at me and said, "So you must be our leader."

"Yeah your late lets get a move on i want to be home in time for the Colts game tonight." i said as i pulled both my guns out and loaded them.

Chapter17: Outnumbered

"Remember there may be humans down there so check your fire we don't kill them unless given a reason to, also the humans turned wolf are to be captured alive do i make myself clear?" i said before we slipt up into our teams.

"Yes sir!" they all said at once.

"Ill be leading the team entering from the roof. You there, what's your name?"

"Kevon sir."

"Okay your leading the ground team. You hold the lobby if any try to escape cut them down. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok lets do this then."


We all jumped to the roof i told one of the men to say here and keep it clear in case we needed to make a quick exit. Once inside we made our way down a few floors this place smelt like wolf everywhere we went but we didn't see anyone wolf or human. And we reached a floor and heard someone speaking over a microphone. I put my hand up and they all stopped moving i looked into a doorway and my heart sank.

There was at least two hundred people inside and from the smell of it they were all wolves. There was another dozen on a stage in the front of the room.

"You are all more then human now we have giving you you a new life. And all we ask in return is that you help us defeat the vampires that wish to kill all of us. Its not that hard they are weak they have gotten soft. And now they keep us as pets."

A man came foward with someone with their hands tied behind there back and a bag over their head. He pushed them to their knees and removed the bag over their head. The man was old he had almost white hair and he looked like he was in a great deal of pain.

"This man is one of us yet he has been working for the vampires cleaning their houses, making their food, the list goes on and on. He is weak and has made a fool of himself and us all for this the punishment is death."

He dropped the microphone and cut the old man's throat. Everyone in the crowd cheered as the man's blood flew out of the cut.

I turned to my team and said, "Call the ground team tell them to get their asses up here we need all the help we can get there's more then we thought."

One of them did what i asked i went back to looking though the gap. The wolf on stage went on about making a new world were they controled everything and how everything was aready in motion. I listened to him go on and on for a few minutes before the ground team joined us.

"Okay here's the plan we need to block them inside this room most of us will enter right here in front while the rest look for any other exits if you find any do not let them out if you can't find any rejoin us here at this door. Lets do this fast and clean understand no firing unless you have to most of them used to be human and may not have wanted this 'gift' as the pure-blooded wolves have been calling it. Lets do this people be safe and good luck."


Once everyone was in place we entered the room we ddn't blow the door of or kick it, we just walked in and pushed though the crowd.

The wolf on the stage laughed and said, "Looks like we have some last minute guest here people, and from the looks of it they're vampires."

A lot of the people in the crowd looked like they wanted to run but most looked like they wanted to kill us. One of them even tired to attack me, but i just raised my gun at put the barrel on his nose and he backed away.

I once i got to the middle of the crowd i yelled, "We didnt come here to kill all of you just the ones that may have forced this on you. As long as you stay out of the way and don't try to harm us we will not harm you. We can help you all get your lives back if you choose it. The only ones we came here to kill are them." and i pointed to the people on the stage.

The wolf that was talking started laughing like what i said was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

"You think you can come in here and act like god or something. You have no power here to think you can talk like that."

He waved his hand downward and most of the people in the crowd began to block me in the center as for my team they began attacking them i heard a few gun shots go off but it didn't seem to help. So i did the must natural thing i could i began firing. I didn't want to kill them they may have been brain washed so i just shot legs and arms to slow them down but it didn't help much. It seemed hopeless i keep firing until i didn't have any ammo left at that point they crowded in around me pinning me to the floor.

The man from the stage came up to me and smiled, "Don't worry kid we may have some use for you, after all evolution always needs to test subjects."

Chapter18: Experiment

They kept me and my team in a small room with no beds, no toilet and only one little light on the ceiling. One of them was bleeding from a cut down his face that also hit his eye he didn't seem bothered by it. The rest had small wounds that looked like paper cuts to his. I was the only one that didn't seem harmed though which kinda seemed strange. They brought the man i left on the roof also he seemed in bad shape also he had four fingers missing and his arm was broken in a few places. We made him a sling from his jacket but he was still in pain.

After about an hour the door opened two people with guns came in and grabbed one of my team. I ran forward trying to maybe get one of the guns but once i got close they fired a bullet over my shoulder as a warning. I backed away slowly. Then they pushed him out the door and slammed it shut.

We could here him screaming from the next room over that made my men freak out a little i just sat in the corner  and looked at the picture of Amy that was in my pocket. If only i had listened to her and left the city with her and started a new life. Now god knows what they will do to me.

Then the door opened again and instead of the armed men coming though it was their leader from the stage.

He pointed to me and said, "May i have a word with you in my office?" I just sat there and looked at him like he was crazy but after a minute i stood up and followed him out of the room.


We walked into a large lab there were many people in it they didn't even look up as we walked by. He led me into a room and i seen the team mate they took from the room not long before. But he didn't look anything like he did before. His body was half mutated into a wolf and he was dead by the looks of it.

"What the hell did you do to him?" i said putting a hand on his body how could they do this it seemed like only someone with pure evil in their soul would anything like this.

"I know who you are Mr. Brown, in fact i knew your parents."

"What did you say?"

"I know everything about you. I know your parents died when you were young, i know you lost the love of your life that was pergant with your child fifthteen years ago. And i also know you've been, oh how do you young kids put it 'banging' one of our new family members."

"Who the hell are you? And what the hell are you going to do to us?"

"My name is Alexander me and your parents began to work towards making a new race, niether vampire or wolf. We tried to bring both races together but then the clan leaders you have so blindly followed had them killed."

"Your lying my parents would have never trusted a wolf."

"Oh real think about it they always moved from place to place never staying in one place for more then a year."

Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and held out a picture of him and my parents and me as a baby in my mother's arms.

I stood there looking at the picture unable to rap my mind around those words how could my parents have done such evil in-human things.

"I wasn't sure it was you at first but you looked so much like your father i'm sorry about what happened to them. Join us help us finish what we started so long ago."

I looked at him, he made it sound like it was something that had to be done. I ripped up the picture and threw it in his face.

"I wish you would have accepted my offer." he called his men over and told them, "Clear this body off of here and prep him he is our next test subject."


They threw the body into a room that already had a pile in it and slammed the door. Then they forced me onto the table and staped me onto it with metal bars over my arms and legs. They were cold i tried to lift my arms but they were held down tight from the bars. Amy i wish i could just hold her one more time. But i knew there was no way out of this i would die and she would be alone. This time i was helpless to defend myself and Amy would be the one to suffer though the years knowing i was dead.

Then a woman in a white coat walked into the room carring a tray with a two syringes both about a foot long. She rubbed my arm with some brown looking stuff and then injected me with the first syringe.

The second she pulled it out my body felt like it was going to expolode, ever muscle felt on fire, ever bone felt like jello. Then she injected the second the syringe into my arm and it only got worse.

I looked at my arm it was beginning to change it didn't look like anything i've seen before.

It looked like a normal arm only my skin was almost pitch black and had a light amount of fur growing from it. My hands also looked normal only that my fingers were getting longer and had sharp pointed nails almost like Amy's at the end of both my fingers.

Then my face began to change also it grow outward and from my best guess looked like a wolf's. My teeth also began to grow into large fangs that grew out and went over my bottom lip.

The woman beside me screamed, "Its working, its working!"

I looked over at a mirror on the wall i looked like something that came straight out of hell. Rage grew inside me until i couldn't hold it back anymore. I lost control of my mind and began to try and break free.

The woman beside me yelled for someone to help her but it was to late. When the first bar on my one arm broke i reached over and crushed her skull with my bare hand.

Chapter19: Escape

She fell to the floor her skull was in pieces and her brains fell out the gaps. By the time the guards had entered the room i was ripping the last bar off my right leg. They shot me five times in the chest, to my surprise they didn't hurt and on top of that the holes they made closed up in the blink of an eye. They kept firing but it didn't make a difference they didn't even faze me. I picked the first man up and ripped his throat apart and drank all his blood to the point where the color drained out of his skin. Then i turned to the second man he dropped his gun and began to ask for me to forgive him. But i didn't i ripped his chest apart with my claws and he dropped the floor in a pile of his own blood.


I stood there for a minute trying to remain calm. Whatever they did to me it had also made it hard for me to think clearly. But then i remember how Amy said she did it. Focus something that makes you who you are really are and use it to anchor yourself. And so i did i focused on everything that made me who i was. But most importantly i focused on Amy. I thought about her eyes, her hair, her smile, and most importantly the promise i made to be with her until my last breath. And the life that was growing inside her. Then i began to change back into myself slowly i began to look normal. The fur on my arms fell out and my skin and everything began normal bit by bit. I stood there breathing heavy thinking how happy i was to be myself again. I found some clothes in a drawer slipped them on and grabbed the guns off the bodies on the floor.

I found the room where my team was and kicked the door in they looked like they had just seen a ghost when i walked in with all the blood over me.

"Long story ill tell you you later but for now we need to get the fuck out of here."


 On the way to the roof i almost passed out a few times my body was burning from the inside out and i kept vomiting. The last two floors the team carried me the rest of the way. Not only was i fighting the transformation but also for my life. An alarm went off, i guess they found what was left of the bodies i ripped up.

One of the men carrying me said, "Just hold on sir we're almost out we'll get you help."

Help? What help? I'm part of no clan or pack i'll be a freak among freaks now. I thought even if they let me live ill be an outcast.

Once we got to the roof we ran into some company there was about two dozen or so wolves all armed with guns waiting for us. Everything seemed hopeless at that point. The one that said his name was Alexander pushed though the crowd of wolves.

He pointed his finger at me and said, "Leave him alive but the rest you can kill."

I pushed my men away and said, "Run."

They started to argue but then i forced myself to transform they looked at me like i was monster.

"RUN!" i screamed and they all took off leaping from building to building.

 Alexander began laughing, "You have no clue why you of all people survived that experiment where dozens have not. Your parents began giving you cell enhancements since before you where born. They wanted you their 'daring boy' to lead a new race of beings into the future."

"I don't care what you say all i know is i'm going to kill you. Before you can ruin more people's lives."

"Such a shame you held so much promise. Kill him."


They all opened fire at the same time hundreds of bullets slamed into me at once. I put my arms in front of my face to protect my head from of them. The bullets hurt and they were coming so fast my body couldn't heal fast enough to keep up. When their clips emptied they seemed surprised that i stood up and began to charge.

I was a beast no real attacks just wild uncontroled rage fueled my attacks. They couldn't react fast enough to keep up with me. Alexander tired to get them to do something but they were  scared i could smell their fear as i cut though them one after the other.

Soon it was just me and him. He stood there shaking on the edge of the roof with no where to go.

"Please i only wanted to help both the races and ensure their future. Please don't kill me i beg you." he said trying to keep from falling over the side.

I slowly walked up to him he kept saying, "Please don't."

Once we were face to face i grabbed his arm and broke it. He yelled with pain and almost fell over the side but i grabbed him and threw into the center of the roof.

He began crawling for the door that led to the stairs. I came from behind him and stepped on his leg digging the claws on my foot into his bones. He yelled in pain again and rolled over onto his back and looked me in the eyes.

"It seems that you have become no better then us wolves you hate so much that you hunter for most of your life." he said laughing.

I was about to kill him when i seen Amy running from the door on the other side of the door.

I looked at her and she took a step back. I put my hand out but she just looked at me strangely.

Then Alexander looked at her and said, "Ah just in time for you to see what we turned your boyfriend into young lady."

She looked into my eyes and said, "Mike is... is that you."

"Yes that's him. Go ahead Mike show her what you are, show her the monster that you have become. Show her what you'll be until the day you die."

I looked down at him and wanted to rip his throat out so much it hurt. But then someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and me and Amy where face to face now. She was crying when she said, "Don't let go of who you are."

"Young lady that is who he really is he just tired to hide it from you. Deep inside he's a monster just like me."

She kicked him in the face and he passed out. Then she held my hand and said, "If you are in there please come back don't give in."

I feel to my knees trying to push myself to the surface trying to bring myself out of the rage that had taken control of me. She held me in her arms and saying it over and over. Slowly i began to transform back into myself until she was holding me in her arms. She rapped me up in her jacket and we sat there.

"How did you know where i was?"

"When you didn't come home i got worried. I seen the address on your lay out sheet and came here. When i heard all the shooting i thought it was you."

"It wasn't me it was all them. I couldn't stop myself i was consumed by rage and couldn't stop," I looked at her and asked, "How did you know i wasn't gone?"

"I didn't but love always finds a way."

Chapter20: Epilogue

After the whole wolf thing calmed down me and Amy moved into the country. I was no longer welcome in the clan seeing how i seemed more wolf then vampire I didn't mind it though. Brandon moved with us i believe his words were 'someone has to keep an eye on you both'. Alexander was killed do to all the crimes he did. The humans turned wolf were aloud to live their lives as long as they followed the rules given by the clan. Me and Amy still deal with problems from time to time with our transformations but we deal with them together as a team.

Not long after moving we got married it wasn't much just me, her, and Brandon my grandfather stopped by for about an hour just so he could hold it over my head.

He pulled me off to the side and told me he was proud of the man i had become and if i ever needed anything he would do his best.


About seven months after the wedding Amy gave birth to two healthy girls, about a year later she also gave birth to a boy. We named them Mary, Cheyenne, and Mike Jr. we try to give them a normal life but it doesn't always work out. When they transform and start ripping apart the couches its a job in its self to stop them. Brandon loves having them around he says 'its easier to deal with them then it is you two' but me and Amy don't mind. Every weekend we all go out for picnics near a lake and enjoy the water.


Every day we go out walking in the woods everything is always so peaceful in the woods. Now and then they bring us weird things they call "gifts", like snakes, rabbits, and once a dog that they wanted to keep as a pet which to me seemed kinda funny given we were all part canine. But we made them return everything they ever caught.

We always tell them that all life is specail and everything should live where it belongs. Which also means us we belong together as a family.

But i'm always on guard because i've known all to well that something may happen when you least expect it to.

 That there may be someone looking to destory me and my family.

The End.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2014

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