
Chapter One

Tess Pov


“Tess!” I looked to see who was calling me


“Hey Tori!” I stood up from my stool and hugged her, which by the way I’m at a food place I don’t know the name of it


“Hey! So whatcha doing here?” We both sat down but right when I sat down again I got a text message


"Well I was here to hang out with you and Jules but I gotta head home. Tell Jules sorry for me but…. (Kiss On The Cheek) we’ll all hang some other time, ya?” I got my purse while pushing my stool in


“Ok, but we don’t get to see you a lot because of your parents”


"I know! and I’m sorry for that but they pay half of my tuition for college and I pay the rest, Bye, I Love You!” I yelled towards her


“I know and I Love You Too!”


………....At Home……......


“Tess come and sit down” my father said when I came through the door


“Yes? Did something happen?” I said a bit scared thinking that my grandparents health is bad again


"Yes but you don’t need to be scared or anything like that” mom said


"Then? Why did you call me? Cause I was busy when you text me and it sounded like it was urgent” I was getting a bit upset


“Well I-”




"We don’t need you anymore” my mother said looking at me more differently


“What do you mean by that? That you don’t want me as your daughter-”


“(Scoff) Tess you could never be our daughter because we’re p-”


"Harry! Don’t! Spoil it. Now Tess we liked you but like your father said we don’t need you anymore. So in other words we’re putting you in a shelter for children starting tomorrow so they're gonna pick you up bright and early tomorrow. Now don’t give us that face. This is best for us all and besides your birthday is coming soon so think of this as your early gift from us. Hope you like it, bye Tess!” Mom saying my name at the end


“(Sigh) Whatever” I said and just walked away and walked down the hall towards my room to start packing my stuff.


"Wake up you lazy wimp” I Then got poured freezing water on my body


"Hey! What was that for!” I yelled and jumped out of the bed


“Don’t yell at me. I am your mother-”


"Well not anymore and why did you wake me up at….” I looked at my nightstand that had my alarm clock


“.... Six in the morning! The shelter does not open until nine?!”


“Yes and I know but they will be picking up the newbie’s at seven so get ready”


"What?! This is so like you! Always waking me way to early or actually like right now way to late” I then slam the door shut


“TESS!” I ignored her and finished packing up


………....At The Shelter………..


"Hey there Tess, I’m Mr. Ernesto and I work here so you’ll be seeing me a whole lot” this young middle age man came up to me when I walked inside


“Ok show me my room” And I know that I’m giving him a bit of an attitude and I also know it’s not his fault that I’m here but in my defense I am not letting anyone feel sorry for me and that includes Mr. Ernesto. We stopped in front of a door


"Here’s your room and-” he said while walking in


“Shana! Give me my shirt back this…..uh? Oh! Hi Mr. Ernesto” these Two girls were in MY room


"Annabella. Girls, I want you to meet Tess. She'll be your NEW roommate. Tess, I would like you to meet Annabella and Shana. You’ll be sharing rooms with them for now on”


"Hi I’m Annabella and this is my twin sister Shana” A very cheerful and smiley girl came closer to me “Hi.”


“(Clear throat) ok before I head out. Tess, I’ll come get you around ten o’clock, ok?” Mr. Ernesto said closing the door and I nodded towards him


“Hey Mr. Ernesto we’ll gladly take her so that way you won’t have to walk all the way up here again”


"You sure, Annabella?”


"Yeah totally!”


"OK. Bye now!” Shana closed the door


"Ok so in order for you to officially stay here in this room you got an answer a couple of questions” they both turned around so quickly and started walking to me while I walked backwards


"One, what is the reason why you’re here and two, what are you? Because you don’t smell like a human?”


“My parents, I'm a vampire. I could say the same thing for you both, what are you both?-”




“I wasn’t done so don’t cut me off and where are we going at ten o’clock? And also I don’t want to talk about exactly why I am here” I stopped talking and look at them


“You done?” I just nodded


“Well like I was saying before, is that both me and my little sister here are half werewolf and half vampire we’re going to the legends meaning cafeteria room to eat breakfast, ok? Oh! And by the way don’t ever talk to me or especially Annabella like that, understood?”


"Ok geez sorry” 


"Hey Tess you don’t need to be this mean towards us we’re not the cause of putting you here and also we only wanted to know so we swear to you that we WON’T tell anyone” Annabella said coming next to me while Shana went to go sit down on a bed


“Ok sorry then at least tell me yours then and how will I know who’s Annabella and who’s Shana?”


“Ok and that’s easy Shana has shorter hair than me or if that’s not too easy then I have this…..” she then showed me her mark on her wrist


“......and Shana has it on the opposite side (right side)”


“Ok so how did you both end up here?” I said sitting down next to Shana


“Well well I’ll tell you if you tell us yours”




“Well there’s not much to say besides that we were left at the front door here at the children’s shelter”


“Oh! Well how long were you both here then?” I said feeling sorry for them, For acting mean towards them


“Since a baby”


“To be exactly four months old“


“Wait Shana, how do you know?” Annabella looked at her sister


“I went through Ms. Tara‘s files when you and Cara went to the south wing the other day”


“Oh! Wow so it’s been like sixteen years now” Annabella just sat down next to me and looked like she was going to cry


"Hey! Don’t you dare start crying again you know how much I hate when you cry for a stupid reason like that and don’t give me that look Tess because you don’t know how hard it was to be taking care of your own sibling while still being a kid”


“My bad didn’t mean to. So you’re both sixteen years old and y’all haven’t been adopted yet?”


“Who wants two siblings that will always ruin their Choose day and also it’s been too late for that because no parent will ever choose two teenagers and you’re wondering ‘Why not?’ Well a couple wants five-year-olds or younger then a bunch of teenagers that don’t listen to anyone”


"Oh! Well, What’s a Choose Day?”


“I forgot that your new but Choose Day Is like when a couple come here and have an appointment to meet you and They like you well you already know what comes after that”




“Get So tell us your story if you don’t mind because you promised me Anna came and sat down next to me


“Well I was living with my stepmother, stepfather and their son that I don’t see a whole lot so basically it’s just me and my step parents because my parents died when I was a baby” They seem so confused so I explained it another way


"When my father died my mother married my stepfather and a few months later my mother became ill and passed away on her birthday so then my stepfather married my stepmother who had a son. So when I turned sixteen yesterday my supposed to be stepparents told me that they didn’t want me anymore so I was forced to come here” I shed a tear not for the mean horrible step parents I had but for my real parents 


"I am so sorry if I’ve known then I would’ve stayed quiet-”


“Annabella it’s ok this is why I don’t talk to anyone about my past because I don’t want people feeling bad for me, Hey it’s o-ok come on it’s almost ten o’clock let’s go to this so-called legends and eat some food, I’m starving I haven’t ate at all” I walked out and followed the twins down the stairs


Chapter Two

Tess Pov


………. Two Years Later………..

“Tess, ready? The Benson family is here to pick you up” Ernesto said, knocking at the door. Well twins left with a young couple that adopted them. I guess they just needed to wait a bit longer for that right family, right? A couple weeks later I met Mr. and Mrs. Benson, a couple who can’t have babies. When they came me and two other girls met them they decided on me when I came through the door the first time I came to meet them and you’re probably wondering why not boys? Well they don’t want boys or elementary kids they wanted a teenage girl


“Yes almost done” I put my last shorts in my packing bag


“Meet me downstairs in the adoption room, ok?”


“Ok” when I finally got my suitcase to close I got out and headed to the adoption room. I knocked and waited to be called in


"Come in Tess” I walked in and Mr. and Mrs. Benson were there with Mr. Ernesto


“Hi Tess we are both very happy to see you again come sit down” Mr. Benson said standing up and offered his chair to me


“Thank you Mr. Benson”


“Alright now that Tess has arrived let’s get this adoption paperwork done”


……….. Hours Later ……....


“Here’s your room and hon you don’t have to call as Mr. and Mrs. Benson anymore just mom or dad is fine but if you’re not comfortable telling us that than anything-”


“Sarah leave the poor child alone let her get used to being here and then from there We’ll move on” Mr. Benson said coming in and stood behind Mrs. Benson


“Terry, I'm not pressuring her into doing anything or am I Tess?” Mrs. Benson looked at me a bit worried


“No ma’am you’re not like Mr. Benson said let me just get used to living here” I said unzipping my suitcase


“Ok well…. we’ll be in the kitchen preparing dinner, oh! And that reminds me why I came here. What would you like? We have homemade pizza that Terry (Mr. Benson) made last night, some Caesar salad or we can order something or anything you like?”


“Um” I looked at her and smiled


“Anything. Whatever you both want is fine”


“Well, are you sure?”


“Yeah I’m sure”


“Ok well Terry let’s get going we have lots of cooking ahead of us” she then grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door and he smiled and waved goodbye to me.


It’s been a couple of months and I love living with my adopted parents and yes I call them mom and dad now that I see they won’t treat me like my step parents did but they still don’t know that I am a vampire but today I’m going to change that so my plan today is to tell them before I turn eighteen in a couple of weeks why, You’re asking? Well when a vampire turns eighteen she or he will find their mate but what I’m trying to say is that a vampire will fully become a vampire once they turn eighteen on their birthday so that is my plan to tell them and I know it’s pretty dumb but I’m still trying to figure it out so give me some slack


“Tess what’s wrong I got your text and came straight home from my meeting?” My dad said walking in with my mom


"Well, if you go sit down because what I’m gonna tell you might meet you both pass out”


“Okay…...ok now we’re sitting tell us”


Here it goes....


“I am a vampire and to prove it, here” I let my fangs come out and show them


"You’re joking with us because it’s almost Halloween, right?” I shook my head


“Sorry but no mom I am a vampire If I had to do something else to prove it to the both of you then I will” I then began thinking and went into mom’s head


‘Hi mom don’t get scared it’s me Tess’ I then got out and concentrated on dad


'Dad can we order steak and shake for lunch today?’ I got out and looked at them both. They both look like they’ve seen a ghost or something


"Are you both OK? Did both of you hear anything in your heads?" I looked at them hoping it worked because I’m still trying to work on it. The twins said I could only stay in peoples heads for at least two minutes and the more I practice the better I’ll get


“That was weird I thought I heard you in my thoughts”


"Yes that was me and can we?”


“Yes. Sarah, you Ok? Did you hear that too?” My dad scooted closer to my mom


“Yeah. Tess, did you just say hi to me without speaking to me?”


“Yes. Do you both now believe me?” I looked at them




"And I don’t care or do?”


“No and we just need to get used to it, that’s all.”


“Ok thank you for not acting out and thinking that I am a monster” I ran in my human speed and hugged them


"You’re welcome sweetie but you’re not a werewolf or anything like that, am I right or wrong?” Mom said looking at me


“No just say vampire and I don’t drink blood dad” I looked at him with a ‘Seriously’ look


"What?! How did you do that?" He looked at me shocked when I let them go


“Well I can hear what you’re thinking too. So you won’t be hiding anything from me unless if you don’t think about it then you will. So who wants the bacon lover burger?”




“That makes two of us. I'm gonna go call them. What about your mom?”


“Nothing. I’ll make a salad for lunch”



Chapter Three

Tess Pov


……….. Weeks Later……….

I woke up to the smell of my favorite breakfast. I went to the bathroom and did my business then afterwards got ready for the day. I walked in the kitchen and saw mom cooking pancakes while dad was chopping up strawberries


“Good morning!” I say happily standing next to dad


"Good morning and happy birthday sweetie” my dad said putting down his knife down and gave me a hug


"I didn’t think you know-”


“Honey, why wouldn’t we? You became our daughter since the day we adopted you and didn’t you celebrate it with your stepparents?” My mom said while turning around to look at me while dad did the same


"Well Yes but that changed when they died and I started living with my step parents. They were horrible step parents so I just don’t mention my birthday anymore. Just wishing that my parents never died but the great thing about it is that I would've never met you both because ....” I then gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek


“..... Both of you came into my life and I will always cherish less important seats in danger” I smiled at them with tears in my eyes


“Well thank you and forget about those stepparents of yours because we will always be there when you need us in the human world or vampire. Just remember that we will never replace your birth parents. We just hope that you count this as your second parents, OK?”


"Ok thank you dad”


“Now today is your special day so we have a busy day ahead of us so eat up and then we will leave” mom said getting plates out and serving the food


“O-ok. What are you both planning today?” I am just getting my plate from her and sitting down


“Well that’s for us to know and for you to find out now hurry up or will be late” mom said sitting down too


“Ok” The whole day went super awesome because my parents took me to the movies and we watched (Reader chooses the movie they watched). That I was dying to see, after that we went to the ice rink and there we met the twins and their parents then we went to my favorite place to eat burgers which the twins came and ate with us. We walked along the beach. That was when I said bye to the twins and we departed our ways. To end the day we just got out of BJ’s and we’re heading home now.


“Thank you for this wonderful day. I enjoyed it very much. which…..” I sense that something wasn’t right


“Dad, turn right at the upcoming street” I said well I turned around to look behind our car


“Why? Our house isn’t down Pittsburgh Road” I turned to see dad


“Just do as I say and I’ll explain it later” once we turned the street I looked at my parents but notice that the two cars behind us have been following us since we left the restaurant (BJ’s)


“Alright don’t freak out and also don’t speed up either but we’re being followed….. DAD! What did I just say! Don’t speed up you just told them that you know that they are following us”


“I know! It’s my job to keep you both safe and sound” “I know but I need you to leave-”


"Absolutely not! you are my daughter and I am your father I am the one that has to protect my family so we’re gonna go to the police-”


“How? If it’s 9:45 pm in case you have not noticed, it’s closed. Also their my kind because I recognize the driver he’s a vampire so let me find out why they are following us, please dad?!”


“Ok but only if we stay and watch you-”


"Dad, I don’t want you or mom getting hurt and remember that I am also a vampire not a human…… hey you know I didn’t mean it like that, OK?“ I say right away when I notice that he gave a sad face


"Ok but I still stand with my answer”


"Terry, please listen to your daughter and stand in her shoes. Do you want something bad to happen to your parents?”


“No but Ok, Tess I want you to call me at 10:30 pm not a minute late, understood!? So that way I know you’re ok and that you’re on your way home if not then I will be a very unhappy dad” Dad said well stop in the car


“Ok but I only have like 20 minutes before it’s 10:30 pm”


“I know so you better hurry. If you need help then you can call me-”


“Ok bye, now go because they are around the corner” I said while getting got out


“Be careful” mom said before they drove off. I watched them drive away. I stopped when I saw headlights right behind me


“Well, well, well who do we have here, Sam?”


"I don’t know Bob?”


“Well I see Tess an old friend of mine and my step-”


“I was never your friend. Now why are you following me and my family-"


“Family?! (Scoff) you call that human family your family?! Their weak and pathetic just like every human in this damn world-” I used my vampire speed to knock him down but didn’t get the chance to hit him because Sam grabbed a hold of me




“Bob, remember!”


“Oh! Well I guess I didn’t need to right? but I do need to do this!” He then punched me in the stomach


“(Cough) what are you (cough) talking about?” I forced myself out of Sam’s arms but couldn’t so I used my vampire strength to get out.


“Well my mom your stepmother thought we should kill you but then thought that she will later on-”


"Ok. But what does my family have to do with this?” I said while grabbing something sharp from a truck that some idiot left open


"Well their human right? Anyway me and my parents-”


“Bob, don’t ruin the plan she’ll find out later” while they were talking I got this bottle from my pocket that has poison inside. I always have it on me just in case if I ever need it


“Ok well your parents are-”


“Don’t put my family into this! They have nothing to do with this-”


"We’re not talking about your nasty human-”


“Then who? Because you know about my birth parents-"


“Well your...never mind I wasn’t gonna tell you anything” he was walking away while Sam was walking back too


"Yes-you-will” with that I jumped on top of Sam from behind and we fell to the floor. The weight of my impact shoved him forward and he immediately tried to take me off, so I flipped him with my vampire strength knowing that my human strength won’t work, So that way I was on top of him. I saw Bob run away and drove away so all I had was Sam to deal with.


“You know you can’t really kill me with that unless-” he said


"I know!” I didn’t want to use my poison just yet I wanted to wait for the perfect moment. We were now facing each other


"Looks like your scary cat friend of yours ditched you!” his red eyes looked at mine while he narrowed his


“What?......Bastard!....” At the end he whispered to himself


“.... We’re not anymore” since he hasn’t attacked yet I risked asking another question


"Tell me what your ex-friend was talking about?”


“About your parents?”




"Well you have to kill me first before I tell you (spit)” he spit right on my face, gross!


"You’ll regret that but I’m leaving” He laughed a hiss between his teeth


“I claim a grand prize for bringing you to your step parents” at the same time we tried to get Bob’s knife, the one he left behind which was by the way several feet away from us Sam reached to it first rolling into his knees and putting the knife towards me. I ducked throwing myself at his midsection before he could swing again we fell to the ground I took the advantage of his shocked face and took the weapon away from him


“Tell me, NOW! Before I kill you”


"Ok I’ll tell you but this what I’m about to tell you is all and I’m telling you all the truth. Is what i know-”


"Shut-up and tell me already!”


“Ok well your birth parents ARE alive and they're the queen and king of all vampires. They live in Victorville and…. (groaning)” he immediately started shaking like crazy. I quickly got off wondering what to do


“SAM! SAM? Wake up, what else is there? SAM!” It was to late I couldn’t hear the other part, I left before someone caught me

Chapter Four

Tess Pov


Last night I got home pretty late and my parents were pretty damn scared, especially dad who was walking back and forth in the living room. When they saw me walk through the door they immediately hugged me. I told them exactly what happened But not the ending and what happened to Sam. I just made the ending up So that way I won’t scare them that much. I’m in the kitchen making breakfast for me and my parents and I’m also thinking about how to explain to them that my birth parents are alive and they live in Victorville only a place that vampire’s live because I’m sure no human has ever heard of that place before


“Mmm. What are you making? It smells really good” Mom said walking in


"Waffles, eggs, sausage and right now I’m making my secret recipe for what goes on top of the waffles” your wondering what’s the secret recipe? Syrup? Honey? Well I guess I can tell you. You won’t tell my parents my secret, it’s called… ready for it?....... none of your concern because it’s called a secret recipe for a reason


“What do I help you with?”


“Go wake dad up and then both of you sit down and wait for me to finish up what I am doing”


“Ok but you know that today is not Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, my birthday or your father‘s birthday, right?”


"Yeah I know”


“Ok well I’ll go wake your dad up” when she left I finished up with the cooking. I know they’re telling them I’m leaving tomorrow and will be sad but this is why I am going to hang out with them all day today and then tonight I will tell them even though I'm feeling sad about it I still did my best to act happy. I spent the morning cleaning the kitchen while my parents were trying to kick me out of the kitchen, then the afternoon came and I was with my dad in the garage helping him fix my car that hasn’t been working for three months now. We never did manage to get the damn thing running but that didn’t really matter to me all I wanted was to hang out with him. While he got cleaned up I helped mom make supper, dinner felt nice we were truly a real family with no vampires to divide us from the humans. We all laughed and talked and enjoyed the rest of the day.


“Mom I can get it” I offered as mom began loading the dishwasher after dinner. Dad was to stuff steak, rice, veggies, and smashed potatoes to help us. So me and mom stayed behind In the kitchen. I had to put the leftover food in a container while mom cleared the table


“No, I got it. You’re putting dinner away” she went to rinse a plate in the sink before putting it in the dishwasher then gave me a look


What’s going on with you?”



"This..” she waved her hand at me, accidentally flicking a few drops of water at me.


"You’ve been very helpful since last night, and today you’re certainly happy and helpful?”


"I’m usually happy aren't I?” I asked as I put the leftovers in the fridge


“And I am helpful but I guess it’s time I tell you and dad about something”


"Okay?!” Mom raised an eyebrow as if she didn’t quite believe me


“What is it?”


“Let’s finish up with the kitchen”


“All right”


……….. Done Cleaning…………..


“Terry please turn off the TV your daughter has something to tell to the both of us” me and mom walked in the living room


"Sure, OK. What is it?” dad said looking at me when he turned the TV off


“Well…” I told them and they seemed pretty happy but also sad because now they realized why I was acting like this and they understood why


…………. The Next Day………….


"Bye!” I hugged my parents one last time and looked around to see if there was anyone close by. That was when I turned into my bat form and flew off


…………… Victorville ……………


I finally arrived and saw that lots of people were looking and pointing towards me


“Hey you!” I called to a guard that was walking past me


"Me?” He looked around and then pointed to himself.


"Yeah, could you show me where the palace is? I said to caught up with his handsome face


"Why do you need to go to the palace?” He looked like he was about to take his sword out


"Because I am the princess that’s missing”


“Sure you are. What’s your name, shorty?”


"First of all my name is NOT shorty it’s Tess”


"Is it really you? WAIT! What’s your last name?”


"Tess Braxfield”


"So it’s really you then you’ve been missing since you were born and it’s this way, I’ll take you. I’m also on my way there”


“Ok thank you. What do you mean I was missing since I was born?”


“Well from what I know is that you were taken away when you were at the hospital and since then we haven’t seen you till now”


"Oh! Well I used to live with my step parents before they kicked me out and sent me to a shelter”


“Oh! Sorry what your step parents name-”


“Tess?” I looked to see who called my name and I didn’t realize that we were already at the palace and a woman came out with a man behind her. They came running to me


“Open the gates” they said it opened


"My beautiful baby girl look how big you’ve gotten your eighteen”


“River, let her go….” He said then looked at me


“..... Come here and give your old pop a hug” I was still stands I can’t believe they are alive this whole time when dad realized I wasn’t gonna move he reached out and hugged me


"Daddy!” I felt like a little girl again


"My little Tess. I’ve missed you so much. How did you find this place?” When dad finally let go of me I answered


“My friends who are half vampires told me how to get here”


"Ok who are these so-called friends?”


“Annabella and Shana”


“Thank you for telling me I’ll have to do something very special for them one day”




"Your majesty?”


“Thank you for showing your princess to the palace I’ll speak to you later about the other thing, you may leave now”


"You are welcome your majesty, have a great day and Tess I hope to see you around?” He looked at my direction for a answer


“Yes. I would like that”


“Ok Tess let’s get inside and talk. I'm sure you have lots of questions to tell us?” My mother said turning around and walking back inside. We walked into the palace. It was so stunning. We walked to the living I guess and sat down.


“When you were just born a nurse came in saying that she’ll be cleaning and will be coming right back. So she took you from my arms but never returned. We’ve searched and searched but couldn’t find your the nurse so we thought worst-” my mother looked so sad


“But where were you living this whole time?” Dad said


“living with your sister, ….” I pointed to dad


“..... her husband and their son”


“Mal, Harry and Bob?” My dad looked a bit confused


“Logan, I thought you said that your sister died during the attack last year with Bob and Harry?” Mom said also confused


“Yes she did. I saw her with my own eyes when they cut her head off. Plus Jonathan also saw that Harry and Bob died”


“Uh? What’s going on?” I looked at them both


"Tess, Are you sure it was Mal, Harry and Bob and not someone else that looks like-”


“No dad I’m sure. Who has brown and curly hair with light blue eyes?" I said describing Mal features


"That is her, how could this be?”


“I don’t know but what is going on?” I said running out of patience


"Long story short they attacked my kingdom and I was running looking for Mal but I saw that she was about to get her head chopped off. So I ran to her but it was too late” My dad had anger in his eyes


“Why did they attack?”


“Because they wanted to take over Victorville” I looked shocked, so it’s true what Bob said his mom (Mal) does really want to take over Victorville. So then that means my parents won’t rule anymore if they do. I can’t let that happen and I won’t


“Tess, are you Ok?“ I snapped back to reality


“Huh? Oh! Yeah can someone show me to my room” I said standing up


“Yeah, Clara!” I heard footsteps coming


"Yes your majesty?”


"Please show Princess Tess her room”


“Yes sir, right this way” she gestured to me to follow


“And Tess, are you sure you’re Ok?”


"Yes dad when I find out what I know I’ll let you know, right away, may I go now?” I said pointing to where Clara was waiting for me


“Yes. Good night”


“Good night!”


…………......Next Day…………......


“Are you ready for the next round?” Brandon said ready to attack again


“Ready!” I am at the courtyard training with Brandon, yes that guy! He’s showing me how to defend and attack the enemy and so far I’ve learned the snake and the shield. So he’s about to teach me the secret attack move


"Alright ready?”




“Ok. attack me first”


“Uh? I Thought you said not-”


“I know what I said but I am teaching you, am I or am I not?” Brandon questioned me




“Ok then attack” I stepped towards him and I aimed for his heart in which I did but that was quite to easy but the next thing I knew I knew is that he fell to the floor touching his heart where I pointed with my sword again I was confused did I kill him for real or is he playing around again? I was about to kneel in front of him but everything came at lightning speed that I didn’t get the chance to back out. He knocked my feet off from under me and I fell down he quickly got up and grabbed my sword from the floor and had his sword on one hand and mine on the other like an X with my head in the middle


"Never fall for a trick. Always keep an eye on your enemy” Brandon moved the swords away for me and helped me up. I quickly did the same to him


“Very nice! You’re a quick learner”


“Thanks!” I helped him


“Princess Tess!” I turned to look who called me and it was a servant




“Someone is on the phone who wants to talk to you“


“Ok. Do you know who it is?” I asked while grabbing my towel of sweat and my bottle of what Is hot water now


“No princess they wouldn’t say”


“That’s all right” I nodded then looked at Brandon


“Same time tomorrow?”


“Yes” I left the following to servant


“Here” I got the phonem



Chapter Five

Tess Pov


“Hello?.......Who's calling?” I asked with madness and hatred


“Well I’m sure you already know because I sent Bob and…..Sam you remember him?”




“Good because you’ll regret killing-”


“I didn’t kill him! He-”


“I don’t care about your excuses. All I called is for you to hear…..” it was quiet for abit


“Tess, did they get you too?” My adopted dad said


“Dad! Dad, is mom there?!” I said panicked while pacing back and forth and I covered the place where you talk into


“You! Go get my mom and dad, the queen and king, NOW!” I yelled to someone that was passing by me


“Yes princess on my way"


“Mal don’t you dare hurt them please” I said mad


“Well I’m not too sure. If you don’t do what Sam and Bob told you then I might have to take measures that way-”


“(Scream)” I screamed in frustration


“Oh hon looks like someone is upset about something but it’s so easy to do what we asked her or is it to difficult for her” Mal said to who I believe is my ex stepfather


“Hey!” I said through the phone when Mal was talking to someone else




“How will i know exactly where you are?and I’ll meet you there” I said


“Alright and if you don’t do the promise you made me then-”


“What promise are you talking about?”


“Bye, talk to you when you get to the place where you were born”


“(Sigh) ok whatever'' I hung up and saw my birth parents coming to me when I walked into the dinning room. I explained to them about Mal’s plan and that my adopted parents are being held hostage. My birth parents told me to at least take a hundred guards with me, yeah I know they are exaggerating but I told them at least ten. That did not make them happy but they allowed me to go


“All right Brandon let’s go but the rest of you stay here and make sure that my step family don’t get out, understood?” I said when we arrived to what used to be a hospital and now it’s a abandon


"Yes princess” we walked in and everything was dark but the only thing that we heard is some classic music playing we followed it and there was my parents with a bag over their heads


“Mom! Dad!” I ran to them while Brandon checked the room Tess!? Is that you?”


“Yes hang on a second” I took off their bags


“Tess there’s no one here besides of them” Brandon said referring to my parents


“Tess, who is this?” My dad said


“Well that’s not important, where is Mal and Harry?” I said looking at them while Brandon tried taking the knots off their hands and feet


“Who?” they both asked looking at me like ‘Who are you talking about’ look


“That’s right sorry well long story short Mal and Harry are my step parents who were the ones that put me to Kid’s Shelter and the one that kidnapped you”


“Oh! Well now I hate them even more” my mom said while my dad agreed with her so


"Where are they?” Brandon said when he finished untying mom


"They said they were going to the top-”


"Hello Tess!” My ex step brother came out from the ceiling


“Hello Bob, where are your parents?”


“Right here, miss me already?” My ex step father and mother came out from the floor


"No!” “Well it sounds like you did-”


“Enough talking let’s get down to business so do you have the answer from the talk from earlier?” Harry said


“Yes and the answer is a big fat bold words N-O spell-” I got slapped on the face that made me fall to the floor


"Tess are you Ok?” Brandon said while looking at me and tried getting closer but couldn’t because someone trapped him with both arms behind his back


“Oh! Look Bob we have Brandon the chief of the guards here and also you slaughtered the guards that were outside a while ago to” Mal said sarcastically


“Yeah that’s right mom, would you like me to kill him too?” Bob said while moving his knife down to Brandon’s neck


“Hmm? ….no I got a better idea….. you both get the Humans” Mal said all of a sudden two men came out out of nowhere and they got my they got my parents and they did what Bob did to Brandon


“Let go of my family!”


“You were right when you told me she counted these filthy humans as her family” she went towards them


"What will happen when I do this to” she stabbed mom




"Sara!” My dad said running to her and I did the same


“Tess, so are you going to give me the ‘yes I will let you become the queen of Victorville’ or no?” Mal said while grabbing my dad who was trying to get free time sticking in your pathetic human that you call mom is dying-”


“Mom Why don’t you kill Tess right now?”


“No. Well Tess cause you’re not answering me I’m gonna kill your father to (gunshot)”


“Noo!!” I screamed I was about to get her but she in every one except for Brandon left the room I went to both of my almost dead parents


"Don’t you dare close your eyes and leave me, mom” But she just shook her head at me and looked at Brandon


"Take good care of her, (cough) please”


“I will” “Thank you goodbye (sigh)”


“MOM!” I screamed


“Tess, I don’t have much time but take care and make those people pay for what they did, yes but please don’t leave me just (sniff) like mom, please I wanted you and mom to meet my birth parents…..Dad?..... No! No! don’t you even think about it! Don’t leave me alone!”


“Forgive me….”


"DAD! Not you too” I yelled then whispered the ending to myself I started shaking him


“Tess” Brandon said from behind me touching me with one hand on my shoulder


"They’re not coming back. They are in a good place, heaven”


"I know thanks now let’s go kill those b**”


“Mom, I need you and dad to go look for Mal and Harry…. Yes, that is why I’m calling you…. No, I’m getting out of the place I met them…… he’s right here hey I got it got to go, bye” I hung up with my mom


“Tess, where exactly are we going to put them?”


“Right here” I said while digging a hole


……….Five Hours Later………..


“Let’s go!” I said wiping a tear off my face


“Let’s go back to the palace because Josh just mindlink me telling me that they spotted Mal who was going towards the castle-” Josh is a guard who is in second in command if Brandon is not there


"What are you waiting for let’s go” I immediately changed into my bat form when I heard her name come out from Brandon‘s mouth


"All right let’s go” he did the same and we left


“Mal!” I yelled at her


“Tess, I’m gonna go check on your parents to see if they’re Ok?” Brandon said we’re running ahead of me


“Ok” I said but stopped when I saw Mal getting closer to me


…...……… Brandon Pov…………..


I was running towards the throne room but stopped when I heard the king’s voice trying to mindlink me


'Brandon, can you hear me?’


'Yes, what can I do?’ I said


‘I need you and Christiana to go to the weapons room so that way the poison will come out just like we planned that this day will come but also remember that the suit that protects you from the poison there is only one while I go and get the potion that will take away the poison’


'Ok on my way is she there?’


‘Yes she’s waiting for you at the throne room’




.........On Our Way To The Weapons Lab........


me and Christiana were running and shoving people along the way. I thought to myself ‘We are going to make it’ but


“STOP!” a voice shouts sounded behind us…...No!

Chapter Six

Brandon Pov


“Stop or I will shoot!” Ana is scared. I could tell by how she lifts her hands. I lift mine and look at her. I feel everything slowing down in me but at the same time I don't. It's weird I know but that is how I feel right now looking at her in this situation. When I look at her I don’t see the same cowardly young girl who betrayed me and our parents to join Mal and I don’t hear the excuses she tells me after. When I look at her I see the girl who held me tight in the funeral of our parents and told me it would be all right. I think of all those nice things/memories we had together of how much of a big sister she is to me watching over me then the bad things she has done. I love her no matter what even though I forget to tell her how much she means to me. She thinks that I have a suit that protects us from the poison but I don't. I love her! All I can think of, all I can hear in my mind are my words to her a few days ago when I figured out that she betrayed me again!


“ANA,” I said


“Give me the backpack” in the backpack are the things that Ana has to open the doors


“What?!” She said I slipped my hand from under my shirt and grabbed my gun that I got from the floor on the way to meet Christiana


“Give me the backpack”


“Brandon, no.” She shakes her head at me


“No I won’t let you do that” I half smiled at her


“Put the weapon down!” A guy that works for Mal and Harry screamed at the end of the hallway


“Put down your weapon or I will fire”


"I might survive the poison I say even though we both knew I was lying but I had to continue my lie in order for her to live


“You almost died last month because-”


"I’m good at fighting the poison and last month Vic gave me a truth serum which is totally different from this. So there’s a chance I’ll survive and also don’t you remember when you and Vic gave me the truth Serum last month too?” I got a nod knowing I almost had her convinced


Yeah the day I killed them” she said with a sad smile


“So there’s no chance you would survive. Give me the backpack or I’ll shoot you an arm and take it from you” then I raise my voice so that the guard can hear me


“She is my hostage come any closer and I WILL kill my sister” in that moment she reminds me when she wanted to do what people were telling her to do like pleasing everyone and when she couldn’t she will give you a sad smile like saying sorry I couldn’t or can’t do it so I can tell she missed to do her makeup because she did half of her right eyelash on the left that does not have no makeup on, sorry I’m not good at this girl stuff but I think you know what I mean anyway she hands me the backpack was shaking hands and I quickly grab it and put it on I keep my gun pointed at her and shipped so she is in front of me I had to down to your height so that way the guard won’t shoot me


“And Ana….” I say


“..... I’ll tell our parents hi for you in case I don’t-”


“No! Please come back to me don’t leave me”


“No, Christiana let me finish….make it alive, okay?” She smiles again with a very hurtful look on her beautiful face while tears falling down


“I love you Bran sorry for the trouble and horrible things I did to you and our parents” she said meaning it like I never heard her say before because she isn’t that girl that apologizes to people


“I Love you too big sis Anna” I tell her knowing she’ll remember when I was a five year old that a teacher was asking me who she was and that is what I told him. That’s when she lost it she fell to the floor crying so loud that I think the guard thought I knifed her or something because he was slowly walking toward us with his gun held high ready to fire


“Ana listen before I leave if I don’t survive,” I tell her hedging down still looking at the man who’s getting closer by every minute


"Tell Tess I didn’t want to leave her” when I get a nod coming from the corner of my eye I get back up and back up again aiming over Christanana’s shoulder at the guy. I shot the guy not sure where but that was for sure I wasn’t going to stay to find out. I hear a pained yell and I run in the other direction away from Ana and the guy. I ran a zigzag path so he wouldn't have an easier shot to shoot me like the way Jason taught me when I began working as a royal guard. I ran around the corner and a bullet hit the wall right behind me, putting a hole in it. As I take the backpack off and open it….I’m here…. I hear a spraying sound like when you spray water on your hair to comb it down well it’s not water spraying it’s the poison floating in the air waiting for it’s victim. I also keep telling myself ‘I CAN and WILL survive this!’ Even though deep down there might be a chance I might not make it. I step into the hall. The poison smells like smoke and pumpkin spice. I immediately want to throw up with the smell of the room when the doors open up. I cough and I am swallowed whole by darkness. I bent to my knees. That’s When I feel an invisible thread tugging me towards the darkness again but I imagine that tug as my parents want me to cross over to them. That thread tugs harder this time but I start naming names in my head ignoring that tug Mom, Dad, Ana, Tess, Alex, Jason, Jake, Josh I LOVE YOU ALL, Don’t Forget that! I can’t fight off the poison anymore. I thought I could but I was wrong sorry Anna please forgive me ‘But it would be nice to just leave and not worry about anything anymore’ I thought to myself but the war! The desire to live I’m not done yet, not yet just a couple more minutes. I twist and lunge towards the Device. A gun goes off and pain runs through my body I don’t even know where the bullet hit me but all I know is that I black out


…..…...Ten Minutes Later………...


I hear a beep and a loud sound. I wake up feeling something warm on my neck and under my rib cage and when I touch my rib cage with my hand I see that my hand is covered with blood. That’s when I saw two figures walking towards me, my parents. A million questions came into my head, ignoring what I had to do. The reason why I came here. Are they alive? They were alive this whole time and they never once came to see me or Anna? They walked out from behind these strange white doors I have never seen before. I immediately answered my own questions. No, they're dead. That's why they didn’t come to see us because they’re dressed in the same clothes they were the last time I saw them before Ana killed them in their church clothes. They still also have the iron bullets that kill vampires in their clothes. Though I could see their own blood it looks like it doesn’t hurt them or they might be ignoring the pain. I don’t know but I’m happy to see them again. Mom kneels next to me while dad stands next to her still smiling at me “Hi Brandon” mom says and she wipes away my tears while cupping my face with her small hands I smile at her and to dad I’m happy to see them


“Did I do it? Did I save them or not?” I asked, hoping I did my best to save the day and to win this war for my family I made there. Hopefully they’ll remember my name, right? But I’m not sure if I actually say this or if I just think that I am but I know this is a dream that will never end.


“Yes” dad says his eyes bright with tears


"My dear little boy you’ve done so well that they will remember you as a Big hero, son” I smile with teeth and close my eyes for the last time. I feel the threat tugging at me again and this time I know that it isn’t some devil dragging me towards my grave. This time for sure I know it’s my parents hands drawing me with them to heaven, can I be forgiven?


...………. Christiana Pov ………...

The guard that was with me and Brandon left me to go chase after him. I was walking out of the Castle when I saw Tess


“Christiana? I thought Jared said…… where is Brandon?”



Chapter Seven

Christiana Pov



The guard that was with me and Brandon left me to go chase after him. I was walking out of the Castle when I saw Tess “Christiana? I thought Jared said…… where is Brandon?” “I’m……” ……….End………….


Tess Pov


“I’m sorry Tess”


“Sorry? No, no that can’t be” she started to shake her head while covering her ears so she won’t hear me but I know she still hears me


"Brandon went into the weapons room instead of me. I am so sorry”


………. Later On The Day………...


Dad talked to Mal about her fake death but he won’t say anything to me. Also right now I’m trying to hide from Ana so that way I won’t be able to talk to her and the war between Mal and Harry is still going on but it’s happening on the east side of the castle. While I am at the west side


“Tess” I tremble a little. It’s Ana. how did she find me I turned away from the voice, searching for an escape route I am in a room I was heading towards the window just cause Anna is standing by the only door in this damn room


"Wait. Please!” She says I don’t want to look at her. To measure how much or how little she suffers for him I don’t want to think about how he died for such a miserable coward that never liked her little brother and just wanted him dead from the beginning. How did I know this? I heard her say that to one of her guys she hangs out a lot. Still, I do look at her wondering if I could see some of him in her face. Still wishing he’s alive even though now that I know he’s gone. I can’t do anything. Her sweaty hair, her gray eyes and her mouth twitching into a frown. She does not look like him.


"I don’t mean to bother you" she says


"But I have something to tell you. Something….. he told me to tell you, before……-”


“Just get on with it!” I say before she tries to finish the sentence


"He told me that if he didn’t survive I should tell you….” Ana Chokes then pulls herself back together fighting off tears


“That he didn’t want to leave you” I should feel something hearing his last words to me shouldn’t I? but I don’t feel nothing I feel away farther from him


“Yeah?” I say partially


"Then why didn’t he? Why didn’t he let you die? I heard what you told Cameron that you wanted him to die”




“Yeah you heard me right!” 


"Ok fine, yes I wanted him to die instead of me but you know why I am jealous of him. He got everything: a job at the palace, lots of money, friends, and I don't have the same rights as him. So yes I am jealous so what!?! Why would you care you weren’t supposed to be here anyway and I don’t care if you’re the princess or whatever”


“Well as the princess of Victorville I can banish you and I will. You don’t deserve to be here, you don’t deserve him as a brother, you don’t deserve anything that is his. I want you to leave immediately. I don't care if you’re his sister, you don’t deserve to live here, good bye!” I walk away without letting her respond back to me. I walked into a different room making sure she wasn’t following me because it’s probably better that way I can’t think of anything else that is equal to my anger to tell her I blink away the tears and sit down on the ground crying myself out right in the middle of the room I push my palms of my hands into my eyes like I can push my tears back into my skull


‘No crying’ I mutter to myself if I let a little tear come out again I will cry all over again


……..Later On The Day………..


I hear my parents talking nearby when I opened the door they talk to each other and my dad waves at my direction and I do the same then he walks the opposite direction while my mom walks towards me and walks into the room I just came out from and sat down I close the door and walked inside again and sat down next to her I’m not sure how much we’ve stayed there but I know for sure it’s been a while. Once we were done relaxing in the room we were heading back to where dad I think mom said he was where the war was. He wanted to introduced me to someone


“Sharlet this is my daughter that Mal and Harry took away from me and River” dad said when me and mom got closer to where he was and by the way the war stopped i forgot to mention that earlier and Mal,Harry and Bob were tied up on the floor sitting


"Hi” I said not knowing what else to say “Hello Tess, do you know who I am?”The lady said


"Uh? No, are you supposed to be my aunt or something?" I said looking at her then At my parents


“No I’m not I am the vampire goddess and I’ve been trying to catch your aunts and un-”


"Sorry to interrupt you but I don’t count these two as my uncle or aunt, especially him..” I pointed to Bob


“Even though Mal is my father sister”


"Ok now I see where she gets it from, Logan”


"(Chuckle) Yep! That’s my Tess well as I was saying I was looking for these two for about….mmm I think for twenty five years thanks to you I finally found them and I’ll be taking them off your back and as a reward you could ask me for anything, that is my gift to you-”


“Ok, but first why thanks to me?”


"If it wasn’t for you my daughters wouldn’t have told me where I could find them”


"Oh! What's your daughter's name? If you don’t mind me asking?”


“No I don’t mind but you know them I was the one with my husband to adopt them”


“Annabella and Shana?” I got a nod


"You are their mother? WHAT! Where are they?”


"They’re at home packing because I would like them to live here in Victorville so that way me and their dad can go drop these three at the vampire jail once and for all and besides they both can’t stop talking about you”


“Really?!” Another nod


"Mom and Dad, can they live with us at the palace?” I looked at them with hope


“Of course BUT YOU ALL have to-”


“I know we will behave and do our schoolwork plus attend school”


“Tess what will your gift be?-”


"(Whistle) What about us?” Bob said


"I’ll whack you on the head if you don’t shut your mouth up!” I turned to look at him with a warning


“Can you bring back Brandon and my adoptive parents back to me plea-” “(Scoff) Are you that dumb!”


“That’s it!” I turned and slammed Bob to the floor and punched him in the face until there was a pool of his blood on the floor


“Don’t you ever call me that again!”


“Tess come here” I got off of him and stood next to my parents


“I’m sorry Tess but all I can do is tell them whatever you want”


"Alright” I said sad and hurt


“Tell them I am really going to miss them. Also that I love them”


“Ok but I think I can bend the rules just a bit” she said and smiled to me I did the same but I was not understanding what she meant by that


"What do you mean?”


"River, Logan may I take your daughter?” They smiled at me with tears


"Yes." With that I felt myself being lifted off the floor




……...Three and Half Years Later……..


The gift that the vampire goddess gave me is to visit my parents and Brandon for one whole day before my parents died. They told me what kind of funeral they wanted before I came to Victorville. Their funeral was last Friday I am in the car with my mom and we are on our way back to the castle from visiting Brandon‘s grandparents


“How are you?” Mom said




“Are you ready?”


“No but I want to be (sigh)” The remaining of the car ride was quiet and I’m thankful for that


………Later On The Day………..


“Hi,” I see you standing next to Brandon‘s grandmother and grandfather who smiled at me


"Christiana is already there waiting”


"Ok,” I say I can’t be around her for long because the truth is I’ve made my peace with her it’s just that I can’t look at her or be in the same place as her or never mind I think you already know. When we got to the top of Charles Mountain. That was Brandon‘s favorite place to hang out because of the amazing viewer has . I turned and looked at everyone, I got a nod from them. That was when I opened the lid and yelled his name out with his family while I threw his ashes ahead of me. Brandon’s family stayed for about three hours but I stayed behind until it was already night then I went home.


……...Ten Years and Half Laters…….


it has been ten and a half years since Brandon and my adopted parents died now that I accepted that they're dead. It kind of doesn’t hurt me that much but I still have a bit of pain and I know they would want me to continue my life (sigh). So with that said I can move on well to tell you the truth I’ve been dating different guys I mean prince (annoyed sigh) but ALL the prince’s are ALL the same! And, how? You're asking? Because every prince are looking for one thing and one thing only and that is that their wanting to marry ANY princess to get us girls to do whatever they ask us to do for them and they want a land to call theirs AND to top it all off regular boys that are not royal want rich girls so that way they can take away their money. So in other words their just thinking of us as a freaking slave! So any way when I decided to just become queen without a king and I’m sure that Brandon could’ve been a great king everyone in the village knew and loved him but he’s no longer with me =‘(. So that is why right now I’m fixing my hair and I know what you’re thinking. To answer your question? I know I could tell other people to do it but I’m just used to doing it by myself usually my mom will do it


“Knock, Knock” I taken away from my thought


“Who is it?” I said still putting a Bobby pin in my hair


“It’s Claire”


“Come in!”


"Princess Tess your dad wants to start now”


“Thank you Claire you may leave…..wait!”




“Could you help me out? Can’t get the last strand of hair in place?” I looked at her through my dresser mirror


“Sure.” She came towards me


“May I?” I nod giving her permission to touch my hair


“You know you look exactly like your mother. When you have your hair like this”


"Thanks” I said sad, oh! That’s right, you don’t know my mother died a couple weeks after I went to Charlie’s mountain for Brandon’s Ashes. We had mom‘s funeral and invited the whole village. We buried her in the courtyard, part of her with us and the other in heaven. She died from some kind of sickness that she never told me or dad about. I know I haven’t gotten to know her a whole lot but I feel like I met her my whole life, you know? The other question you're wondering is how? How did we find out? Well I caught her one day coughing up blood and if your not believing me then ask my father he has another story that caught my mother but I didn’t think it was true either until I found out myself


…………...Later On……………...


“Queen Tess of Victorville” I walked out of the palace greeted by flower of petals and some silly string that some little kids threw some at me but got in trouble by their mother and some royal guards


“Thank you I am truly honored to become your queen like how my mother was…..” I continued to give my speech and walked down to talk to my people.


Tess Pov


"Ready or not, here I come” I called out. I started walking out from the place I was counting out. I am playing hide and seek with-


“Giggle” I stopped and walked towards the sound “Hmm? I heard a little sound coming from under this table. Who could it-”


“ROAR!” Little Brandon yelled ok hang on for those that think that he is my son….. you’re wrong. He’s my nephew and I know what you’re thinking now. Yes I don’t have any siblings but he is the son of Annabella and Connor. I’m taking care of him for four weeks. The reason why? Is because they’re both on a business trip that will take up to four weeks and so far I had him for two.


“AAA!” I pretended to be scared and I started to run slowly away from him and he ran after me we continue to run until I saw Shana walking into the castle


“You’re back from the village?” I said when I was closer to hearing distance


“Yeah. Why are you running away like that?” Shana said looking at me a bit weird


“Because of the little lion who wants to eat me” I say using my eyes to show her Brandon who is getting closer by the minute


“Oh, aah!” She also started to run with me so we both ran away from the little lion


"Hey, what happened earlier today?” Shana said while we were running through the ballroom


“About king Jeffrey?” She looked at me to see me my expression


“Oh! I thought you were talking about Prince Ben-”


“No. I’m talking about today not about yesterday”


"I don’t know. But we had a great conversation but he’s four years older than me-”


“So? You’re about to be thirty one and he's thirty four plus Connor is two years older than Annabella”


"True” I said, stopping when we went inside Brandon‘s room. He came panting


"Both of you run so fast”


“(small laugh) well you know what that means naptime so come to bed” I said patting his bed when I hedged down


“Aww I don’t want to. I’m not tired (yawn)”


"Ok then how about you lay down while Auntie Shana read you your dinosaur book from last night, yeah?” I say with Shana giving me daggers


“Auntie, can you?”


“My turn was yesterday” I said


"What! no it wasn’t it was Kali’s turn yours is today and Saturday and Mines Monday and Tuesday-”


"I know but I got a d-a-t-e with you know who” I said while handing her the book and walking out


"You owe me again!”


“I know I’ll take Tuesday for you”


"Ok….Wait! you won’t be here that day you have the princess retreat…..Oh!......Tess!” When she figured out what my plan was I immediately turned into my bat and hid 3…..2…...1……


“I need someone to come to Brandon‘s room, NOW!”


………....Three years Later………..


"Charlene, come at this instant!”


"Yes mama?” I pointed to my favorite shirt that had little hand prints of paint


“Can you explain this to me?”


"Oh!...uh? TOMMY DID IT!” She pointed to our dog that was just chilling on my bed


"Oh! I see then-” I was interrupted by Jeffrey


"“How are my two wonderful girls doing?” Jeffrey said walking into the room


“Daddy!” Charlene just ran past me and ran to her dad’s open arms then he came towards me and tried to give me a small kiss but I put my finger on his lips before they touched mine and shocked my head.


“Jeff, I was talking to our daughter about something” I got in response a ‘About what?’ Look


“Look!” I stepped to the side but that wasn’t necessary because of how tall he was from my short self


“Oh!...” and I gave him a ‘Yeah!’ Look


"Char, do you know what you have done?” He put her down and she didn’t look at either of us but just at her toes 


“Char?...” I said a bit nice


“...Can you please look at me?” I hedged down to her height I got a nod from her and she looked at me




"Yes what?”


“I know what I did wrong and I promise I won’t do that again, mommy”


"Mm, come here I can’t be mad at you for long (kiss)”


“(Giggle)” “Do you know who gave me that special shirt?” I asked Charlene who I picked up


"Me!.....” Jeff grabbed me so that way he was caring the both of us


“..... on the day I met your beautiful mommy-”


“And that is a story for another day now Jeffrey put both of us down please”


“Um Char, what do you think should I put you down or Mommy?”


“ME!” She didn’t think twice before saying it


“Ok go to the kitchen and Auntie Shana, Brandon, Auntie Annabella, and everyone else are there eating dinner” Jeffrey said putting us down but right when Charlene got off of me I didn’t get a chance to walk away from him because he immediately grabbed me so that way I was laying on my back in his arms


“Ok bye mommy! bye daddy!”


“Bye! But be careful on the steps sweetie!” I say trying to get out of Jeffrey‘s hold


“Yes mommy I am a big girl now”


“(Small laugh) Jeff put me down, so that way I can make sure Charlene will be Ok”


“Ok,” why is he…? He took us to the bathroom and put me down. When he did I started to walk towards the door to get out of the bathroom. When he noticed where I was going he immediately blocked me so that way I was trapped


“Jeffery?” I looked up at him


"Magic words?” Is hooked my head smiling at him


“(Sigh) please?” He said looking down at me while carrying me so that way I was his height


“Hmm?....” I pretended to not know


“Tess, please” he gave me a pouty face


“Ok.” I kissed him but I broke apart before it got heated


“More please”


"No, now put me down” while arguing with Jeffrey dad was trying to mindlink me




‘Where are you both? Charlene said that Jeffery was acting weird’


'Yes he is. He won’t let me go for some reason but when I get the chance I’ll head over there’


‘Ok’ when I was done stalking to my father I acted that something was wrong


“Tess what’s with the face?” Jeffrey looked at me worried


“My father told me that Char-” I didn’t get a chance to say what I wanted to say because he used his vampire speed to get to the kitchen. When we got there he put me down and started to walk towards Charlene but stopped when he saw her eating dinner


"Daddy are you ok?” Charlene said looking at her father worried


“Yes. I am ok” he smiled at her but then looked at me and told me through mindlink


‘I’ll get you back for that’ and then he winked at my direction…...Oops!


The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.03.2022

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