
Chapter 1

John Hudson
Charlie Hudson
Hazel Flynn
Trevor Long
Gretchen Gracie
Pierre Francis
John Astor
Margaret Brown
Daniel Warner
1st Officer William Murdoch
2nd Officer Charles Lightoller
3rd Officer Herbert Pitman
4th Officer Joseph Boxhall
5th Officer Harold Lowe
6th Officer James Woody
Captain Edward Smith

1 INT. The Hudson Home – Southampton - Day
The scene begins in Southampton, England. The day is April 10th, 1912. It is 10:43 A.M. It’s a nice and sunny day outside. Charlie is sitting in front of the kitchen table, fixing a vase. He looks concentrated.
-Charlie calls out to his father.
I’m almost done father! Just a little more glue!
-He squeezes more glue on the edge of the vase.
The Father
-The father walks out of the room and enters the kitchen. He looks at the broken vase in front of Charlie.
It doesn’t look almost done.
But it will look better than new! Please father, believe in me. I will fix it. It will make me money.
-He looks down at the broken vase.
The Father
-The father chuckles sarcastically and looks at Charlie.
This is a joke right? You can’t possibly expect that this child made piece can make you enough money for anything.
-He laughs foolishly like a crazy person.
Don’t waste your time son.
-Charlie looks down at the broken vase, upset like something tragic happened.
Alright father.
-The father enters the other room and leaves Charlie alone in the kitchen.
-Charlie pokes the broken vase and sighs.
2 EXT. Outside The Hudson Home – Southampton – Day
John is standing and leaning against the brick wall, smoking a cigarette and looking up.
-The man walks up to John and looks at him.
Bum a cigarette?
-He takes out the cigarette out of his mouth.
This here’s my last one. Sorry about that.
-The man walks away.
-John looks at the man walking away and makes an awkward expression.
-He then looks the other way and smiles.
-John reaches down to his bag and digs through his stuff in the bag.
-He takes out 3 Second Class Titanic Tickets and looks at them and smiles.
3 INT. The Hudson Home – Southampton – Day
Charlie is peacefully sitting in front of the kitchen table looking down at the broken vase.
John enters the kitchen and runs to Charlie.
-John yells into Charlie’s ear.
Guess what?!
-Charlie quickly covers his right ear with his right hand.
Ouch, that stings.
-John sits down in front of the kitchen table across from Charlie and smiles.
Guess what I have! Something you’ve wanted for a few days!
Tickets to the White Star Line Titanic?
-He chuckles sarcastically.
What is it?
Second class tickets to the R.M.S Titanic! Isn’t this cool?!
You’re lying.
-John pulls out 3 second class Titanic tickets out of his pocket.
John. How?
-He leans back in his chair and smiles.
Let’s just say they were really hard to get. I never worked so hard in my entire life to get them! And now you are definitely coming with me and father.
Wait, father? John please, I can’t do this. I can’t deal with papa. Not even on a journey to America. He always puts me down; please don’t tell him anything about the tickets.
-John looks away.
Well Charlie, I have 3 tickets. What am I supposed to do with the one left over?
-Charlie at the window, disappointed.
I don’t know. We can’t miss a chance of boarding the unsinkable ship.
-He looks at John.
This may never happen again John! Remember how you told me that they’ll probably have colored moving picture boxes in probably 1950? Well it won’t be as exciting as boarding an unsinkable boat. There’s just no way.
Alright, look. I’ll ask father when--
No, don’t. I already said he’s always puts me down.
-Charlie sighs.
-John walks up to the window then turns around and looks at Charlie.
Alright. I won’t ask him. I won’t. But, we’ll have to leave now and go to the port.
Without father’s permission?
-John crosses his arms.
Well, you said he’s always putting you down with no support. Now am I right or wrong Charlie?

-Charlie sighs with discomfort and looks at John.
You’re right.
-He claps once and walks to the door then looks at Charlie.
Great. I left my bag downstairs. So just gather your things and meet me out by the door.
-John opens the door and leaves, closing the door behind him.
4 EXT. Outside The Hudson Home – Southampton – Day
John picks up his bag holds it over his right shoulder.
Charlie opens the door and closes it behind him.
-He smiles.
Hey man.
-John turns around and looks at Charlie.
Great, you made it.
-He nods in agreement.
Yup. Anyway, when is the Titanic departing?
I don’t know but we better hurry.
-John points his right index finger up.
But, we will race to the Southampton port. Deal?
-Charlie looks at John as if he said something disgusting.
What? No. This isn’t a race John.
-He smiles at Charlie.
But I am your older brother. You have to do as I say.

-Charlie sighs.
Alright, you want to race? Let’s go.
Alright, you have your stuff right?
-Charlie picks up his bag.
Yup, I got it.
Alright, let’s race. Remember, I get top bunk if I get there first. Deal?
-The father opens the front door and yells at John and Charlie.
The Father
What are you rats doing?! Get back inside now!
-John runs away.
-Charlie looks at John running away.
John, but…
-He looks at his father.
Father, I think we should just…
-Charlie runs away.
The Father
Hey, hey!
-The father runs after Charlie.
Get back here! Hooligan!
-Charlie is still running away from his father. He then looks behind him and sees his father chasing him.
The Father
-The father is chasing and yelling at Charlie.
Charlie! Stop! Stop at once!
-The father slows down then stops, hurls, and breathes heavily.
-Charlie is still running. He breathes heavily.
5 EXT. Different Blocks – Southampton – Day
John is excited like never before. He continues to run. He then bumps into some people in the way but continues to run towards the Southampton port.
6 EXT. Different Blocks – Southampton – Day
Charlie looks worried but still continues to run.
7 EXT. The Southampton Port– Southampton – Day
The White Star Line R.M.S Titanic is at dock of the Southampton Port. The view is beautiful. As the screen moves down along the cheering crowd, a car arrives and parks. After the car parked, a handsome man, Trevor Long, opens the car door then gets out of the car. He looks at the Titanic with pride and talks like a host.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre Francis.
Now this is luxury, the unsinkable Titanic.
-He looks at the Titanic with no surprised expression.
It’s not very big. I’ll give it a few years.
You can say what you want but not about the Titanic, it’s the largest ship in the world. God himself could not sink this ship.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
Sir, do you have the tickets?
Ah, well yes I do my good man.
-Trevor reaches into his right pocket and takes out 2 first class Titanic tickets.
-Pierre looks at the tickets.
Very nice sir, where’s your lady?
-A car arrives and parks. After the car parked, a beautiful woman, Hazel Flynn, with a purple and red outfit comes out and looks at the Titanic docked.

-Trevor walks up to Hazel and smiles at her.
Hello my lady.
-Hazel looks at Trevor and nods in agreement.
8 EXT. John Hudson at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
John looks at the Titanic and smiles.
-He takes a deep breath.
America, here I come.
-Charlie runs to John and stop on the left side of him, breathing heavily.
-Charlie rests his right hand on John’s left shoulder.
Well, I’m assuming you have top bunk huh?
-John smiles at Charlie.
Isn’t she a beauty Charlie?
-Charlie nods in agreement.
9 EXT. Trevor and others at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
-Trevor hands Pierre 5 pounds.
You’re my best man Pierre. Take our stuff to our suite when we come aboard.
-Pierre looks at the money in his hands, surprised.
Yes sir, yes!
-Pierre runs to the back of the luggage truck.
-Hazel looks at Trevor.
I think Pierre had a point; this boat is not as big as I imagined.
-He looks at Hazel.
It’s not a boat; it’s a ship, an unsinkable one as well. Look at our tickets and see what our suite is.
-Hazel looks at the tickets.
Um, I can’t find the numbers.
-She looks at Trevor.
-Trevor walks up to her and takes the tickets out of her hand.
Let’s see.
-He smiles.
Aha! Our suite is…
-He looks at the numbers carefully.
Oh, here we are. Our suite is on B deck, B58, B59, and B60.
-She looks at Trevor with excitement.
Trevor, this is going to be fun!
-She hugs Trevor.
-He puts his left hand on her lower back and chuckles.
Yes, it will dear.
10 EXT. John and Charlie at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
John looks at the Titanic and cheers with joy while Charlie plays along and laughs.
When is she departing?
-John turns around to Charlie.
I don’t know, you’re the one that’s supposed to keep track.
-John looks at the Titanic.
Alright you know what? We’re going to board the Titanic now. America awaits Charlie, America awaits.
-John and Charlie race to the second class entry bridge and laugh on the way.
-John pushes through some people and finally reaches the bridge and looks back at Charlie.
Come on Charlie!
-Charlie reaches John and breathes heavily.
John I still think this is not right.
-John looks at Charlie with concern.
So you want to turn back now?
-He closes his eyes and nods in disagreement once then swallows heavily.
No, no, I just don’t think it’s right to abandon father like that.
-The man pushes Charlie aside.
Move it or lose it pal!
-Charlie looks at the man walking away and then looks at John with concern.
-He looks away.
Charlie, I’m going on board. Tell papa I’m in America. Bye now.
-As John is walking away, he turns around and looks at Charlie and waves at him 4 times.
-Charlie thinks for 3 seconds then runs to John. John looks smiles at Charlie.
There you go!
-As Charlie walks with John towards the doorway, he explains.
John, I’m only doing this because mum said that you have to keep an eye out for me.
11 EXT. Trevor and others at the Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
Trevor looks at Hazel with pride and picks up his briefcase.
Well, no time to waste.
-Trevor turns around to Pierre.
Mr. Francis, are you coming?
Yes sir.

12 EXT. View on Titanic, Southampton Port – Southampton – Day
The Titanic gives her warning horn with smoke coming from the 1st funnel. Many people are bumping into each other. Many people are racing towards the Titanic, trying to get in. People on ground and on the ship are cheering to wave a goodbye to their close ones.
At a close up, we see John and Charlie cheering and waving to the people on the ground while there are many other people waving their goodbyes.
-John looks at Charlie.
This is going to be a memory to remember forever.
-Charlie chuckles and smiles at John.
-Charlie smiles down at the people on the ground.
I feel sorry for papa. He’s missing out on this!
-John laughs then smiles down at the people on the ground then shouts with excitement.
Bye! I love you! You see me, yeah, I love you!
-John then looks at Charlie.
Well, let’s look for our cabin.
-John walks away with Charlie tagging along.
13 INT. John and Charlie – Titanic – Day
John and Charlie are wandering around the B deck looking for their cabin. John sees his cabin and enters it with Charlie.
-John drops his bag and drops himself on the lower bunk and smiles at Charlie.
Now this is luxury.
-Charlie smiles and throws his bag on the top bunk.
We don’t have any roommates?
-John sits up, looking at Charlie.
I guess these cabins are all solo huh?

-Charlie looks at the other bunk bed.
But there is another--
-Ben Hartley walks in and smiles at John and Charlie.
Hello gentlemen.
-Ben puts down his suitcase.
-John smiles at Ben.
Hello my name is John…
-John turns around and points at Charlie.
And that’s my brother Charlie.
-Charlie waves his right hand at Ben.
-Ben smiles at Charlie.
-Ben looks at John.
Well, my name is Benjamin Hartley. But you can call me Ben.
-John shakes Ben’s right hand.
Nice meeting you Ben. You can call me John.
So what brings you here?
I was born in America. I world travel and write what I see and experience into my journal. My father works for New York Times.
-John chuckles.
Hey, I heard of New York Times. That’s where we’re headed.
-Ben grabs his suitcase then looks at John.
14 INT. Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre – Titanic – Day
Pierre is talking to the butlers and pointing out the suitcases and boxes while Hazel is folding her dresses into the shelves. Trevor opens the door and approaches Hazel. Trevor then hugs her from behind.
Your dresses look astonishing Hazel. You know, I do have something for you.
-Trevor turns around and walks to the end of the room and unloads a suitcase.
-Hazel turns around and smiles at Trevor.
What is it?
-Trevor takes out a small box and walks towards Hazel then stops right in front of her. He then opens the box, revealing the ring inside. The ring made Hazel look stunned.
Trevor. It’s, it’s beautiful.
-He smiles at Hazel.
It is isn’t it? It’s a 34 carat diamond ring with a 40 carat gold finish. It is only for the ones that deserve it. And you Hazel, you are the only one who deserves it.
-She’s in tears.
Trevor, I love it.
-Hazel gently takes the ring out of the box and puts it on her left ring finger.
It’s perfect.
-He smiles at Hazel.
Just like you.
-Hazel and Trevor kiss for 2 seconds.
-Pierre walks up to Trevor.
-Hazel walks away.
The safe sir, where do you want the safe?
-Trevor looks at Pierre.
Just place it in the other room under the bed.
15 INT. Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre – Titanic – Late Afternoon
Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre are at the first class saloon dining with Margaret Brown, Gerald Clarence, Mabel Fleming, and Colonel Archibald Gracie. With other first class passengers around them, they seem to be having fun dining and chatting.
-Gerald picks up his glass of water and sips it then puts it down next to his plate. He then looks at Trevor with interest.
So, Mr. Long, it’s time for you to tell us your life story.
-He chuckles.
Alright, well first of all, when I was a boy, I was taken care of my mother. I started visiting my father when I was turned 18. But that was the time he got stomach cancer. The doctor’s announced that he had about 2 weeks to live.
-Everyone at the table look at Trevor with interest.
I remember him telling Mr. Francis to protect his fiancé if he had died. Sadly, he died early. Mr. Francis then started protecting my father’s fiancée. But she said she didn’t need him, so she just left home one day, leaving Mr. Francis and me. After a few years, I met my fiancée, Hazel. We then loved each other so during our engagement, I booked first class tickets for the finest ship in the world, meeting you wonderful people.

That’s very interesting Mr. Long.
-Margaret looks at Trevor.
So how did you become a businessman Mr. Long?
-He looks at Margaret.
I went to a well educated school.
-Archibald smiles at Trevor.
Well, congratulations Mr. Trevor. Good for you.
-Trevor smiles at Archibald.
Thank you Colonel. Now, the money that I receive from being a businessman goes towards Hazel.
-Trevor gently grabs Hazel’s hand and smiles at her.
-Hazel looks at everyone at the table.
Isn’t he just a gentleman?
-Margaret smiles at Hazel.
I wish you both, health and love for as long as you shall live.
-Hazel smiles at Margaret.
-Gerald smiles at everyone at the table.
Who’s ready for dessert?
16 INT. John, Charlie, and Ben – Titanic – Late Afternoon
The 3 boys enter the second class library and look around, amazed. They approach an empty bench and sit on it.
-He looks at Ben and Charlie.
Well, it’s official. We died and went to heaven on the sea.
-Ben smiles at John.
This is marvelous. I’m going to pick out a book. I love books.
-Ben gets up and walks to a book aisle.
-Charlie looks at John.
So, a library is heaven?
-John nods in disagreement.
No Charlie. I’ve never been on any ocean in a library. This isn’t something you see every day.
-A library butler approaches John and Charlie.
-The butler looks at John and Charlie.
Could I interest you gentlemen with tea and crackers?
-John and Charlie smile at each other.

17 EXT. Bow – Titanic – Late Afternoon
On the bow of the ship, people are relaxing and wandering around. The person leaning against the railing is John Jacob Astor. He is staring at the horizon whilst smoking a cigarette. He looks calm and patient. A servant of the bow approaches him.
-The servant looks at Astor with a blank expression.
Would you like any tea sir?
-Astor turns around and looks at the servant and smiles.
No, that’s quite alright.
-Astor smiles and looks away while slightly nodding in agreement.
Carry on.
-The servant walks away and approaches other people.
-John, Charlie, and Ben approach the bow and walk around slowly.
-John smiles Charlie.
Do you regret coming aboard and ditching father?
-Charlie is ecstatic.
Hell no! You don’t find luxury like this back in Southampton.
-Ben looks at the horizon.
You guys loved it in Southampton?
-Ben walks over to the railing and looks overboard.
-Charlie smiles and looks at Ben.
Ben, what are you doing?
-Charlie walks up next to Ben, John follows. Charlie then looks at Ben.
I bet you feel pretty great right now huh?
-Ben stands straight and looks at Charlie.
Yes, because I met you 2.
-John takes a quick glimpse at Charlie and then looks at Ben, confused.
What do you mean? Are you saying we made your life better?
-Ben looks down slightly and nods in disagreement slightly. He smiles partially.
Well. I’d say yes. Back at home I didn’t have any friends. My mother and father died. And of course, my baby sister died. So what I’m saying right now is that my life wasn’t so perfect back at home. I hope you understand.
-He rests his arm over Ben’s left shoulder.
Of course we do Ben. Wait; didn’t you say your father works for New York Times? How is he dead?
-Ben looks down.
Well, I say that to make myself feel better. So I can feel like my father is alive and healthy, working for New York Times. I’m only a kid that writes what I experience, I also world travel to prevent myself from crying for my dead family.
-John looks at Ben.
How old are you Ben?
-He looks at John.
I am 16 years old and you John?
I’m 19. Charlie over here is 15.
-Ben nods in agreement.
Well, you guys should understand how my life is.
Yes, and it’s alright. Our lives weren’t so great either. Our mother died and we were left with our abusive father.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Yes. We’re not saying our lives were worst than your life because they weren’t. But we understand.

18 INT. Trevor and Pierre – Titanic – Night
Trevor and Pierre are lounging at their cabin.
-Trevor puts down his mug of tea on the coffee table next to him and looks at Pierre.
So tell me Mr. Francis. How long did you serve my father?
I would say 4 years. I was the best servant for your father and his fiancée during their honeymoon.
-Pierre sips some tea out of his mug.
-Trevor looks at Pierre, interested.
Well, it’s interesting to know the past relationship you and my father had. He never really told me much about his relationship with you; I guess he was too busy. He really looked at you as a great butler, did he?
-Pierre nods in agreement.
Yes sir. I then heard from you and now here I am, being the best servant I can be.
-He smiles at Pierre.
Well, it’s an honor Mr. Francis.
-He sits up in his chair.
Thank you.
-He picks up his mug and sips from it.
-Hazel opens the door and enters the cabin. She then closes the door behind her and looks at Trevor.
What’s going on Trevor?
-He gets up and smiles at Hazel.
Not much. I was here, talking with Mr. Francis.

-Hazel looks at Pierre.
Well alright.
-He smiles at Hazel.
Well there you have it dear.
-Trevor grabs a nearby blanket and puts it over Hazel.
Look at you, you must be freezing. Come on.
-Trevor walks Hazel to the other room.
-Pierre leaves the cabin.
19 EXT. Pierre – Titanic – Night
Pierre is walking down the promenade deck on the Titanic. He then stops when John walks up to him.
-He looks at John, awkwardly.
May I help you sir?
-He nods in agreement.
Yes please. Do you have any cigarettes? If so, could you please spare one sir?
-Pierre reaches into his right coat pocket and takes out a silver cigarette box. He then opens it and takes one cigarette out, giving it to John.
Here you are.
-John takes the cigarette out of Pierre’s hand.
Thank you so much. Have a good one.
-Pierre walks away. John then lights up the cigarette and sits down on a nearby bench.
-Charlie approaches John.
-Charlie sits next to John closely then looks at him.
I thought you were sleeping but when I checked, you were out of your bunk.
-He looks at Charlie, worried.
Anyway, aren’t you concerned about Ben? I mean he must feel sad and lonely.
-Charlie looks at the dark horizon.
I know. I’m just happy we can help him and make him happy for being his friends.
-John smiles at Charlie then looks at the dark horizon.
Yeah, me too Charlie. Me too.
20 EXT. Captain Smith – Titanic – Morning
It’s a beautiful morning with the sun out. Captain Edward J. Smith is standing on the bridge and smiling at the bright horizon. Officer Lightoller walks up to Captain Smith and hands him a cup of warm tea. Captain Smith takes it from him then continues to look at the horizon.
Officer Lightoller
-He looks at Captain Smith.
He you are sir.
Captain Smith
Thank you Mr. Lightoller.
Officer Lightoller
-He looks at Captain Smith.
Would that be all sir?
Captain Smith
-He takes a small sip from the cup.
No thank you sir. That would be all.
-Captain Smith smiles at Lightoller.
-Lightoller smiles back then walks back to the wheelhouse.

21 INT. First Class Dining Saloon – Titanic – Morning
The Titanic and is playing, and every first class passenger is eating breakfast. There are smiles, laughters, and enjoyments filling the saloon. Waiters are walking around, and everyone looks like they’re having fun. The camera shot moves to Trevor and the others.
-He looks at Hazel.
What’s wrong dear?
-Hazel looks at Trevor and smiles.
I’m sorry. How will you get your business back in America?
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel.
Don’t worry Hazel. Everything is fine. My boss called New York and asked about the business job. He said everything will be fine.
-Trevor looks at the ring on Hazel’s finger.
The money that I’ll get in America will be all for you.
-Hazel smiles. Then Trevor and Hazel kiss once.
-He smiles at Trevor.
Take it back to your cabin Mr. Long.
-Trevor smiles back at Gerald.
I’m sorry Mr. Clarence.
-Trevor looks at everyone at the table.
May I please have your attention for a moment?
-Trevor holds his glass of juice up slightly.
I want you all good people to be at our marriage when we arrive at New York.
-She smiles at Hazel.
You have a very nice fiancé there Hazel. This relationship between you both should really be kept forever.
-She smiles at Margaret.
-He looks at Trevor.
Well, after the marriage, we all will be going our separate ways.
-Everyone at the table chuckle.
-He smiles at Archibald.
Oh Colonel. You always have something humorous to say.
-He smiles at Gerald.
But it’s alright; his humor brings joy to everyone present here.
-He smiles at Pierre then looks down at his plate.
I couldn’t agree more sir.
-She smiles at Trevor.
Mr. Long, I believe there’s a dance today after dinner.
-Trevor looks at Mabel, interested.
Is that so Mrs. Fleming? Well.
-He smiles at Hazel.
I could take my love out to a beautiful ballroom dance after dinner.
-Hazel chuckles and smiles at Trevor.
Aw, thank you Trevor.
-She smiles at Mabel.
Isn’t he a gentleman or not?
-Trevor smiles at Mabel.
I do my best.
-Everyone at the table chuckle.

22 EXT. Bow – Titanic – Morning
People are lounging and relaxing on the bow of the ship. It’s still a nice and shiny morning.
-John puts down a poker card on Charlie’s right lap.
This is my solid evidence that I played poker.
-He looks at John, confused.
A simple card will not convince me to actually think you gambled.
-Ben looks at John and Charlie arguing.
-He looks down at the card.
But it’s solid evidence. Where else would I get cards from?
Father’s closed box.
-John looks away.
I never even got to open his box. And maybe we should focus on how we’ll survive in America. Forget about father.
-Charlie looks at John.
Easy for you to say, you’re the oldest one here, make the rules.
-John nods in agreement.
Alright. My first rule is to forget about father.
-Ben chuckles.
You guys are funny, especially when you two argue. It’s priceless.
-Charlie chuckles.
-He smiles at Ben.
Thanks Ben.

-He looks away and then chuckles.
I still can’t believe you two ran away from your father. You’ll probably never even see him again.
-John smiles then looks down.
Eh, I’ll get over it.
-Ben looks at Charlie.
-Charlie is looking down with his mouth against his right hand.
From the looks of it, your little brother won’t.
-John looks at Charlie.
What it is Charlie?
-Charlie looks at John with concern.
It’s just… It’s just wrong that we ran away from father.
-John looks away and rests his left hand on Charlie’s right shoulder.
Charlie, our father was abusive. He never gave a shit about us, and yet you feel like you did the wrong thing. Who knows, if we would’ve never came on this voyage, father maybe would’ve just gave us each a black eye. Think about it Charlie, you should get over it and just meet newer people. You’ll get the hang of it, trust me.
-Charlie smiles at John.
Yeah, you’re right. I should just enjoy every second of this voyage.
-Ben smiles at Charlie.
This once in a life time voyage.
-John looks at Ben.
-Ben looks back at John, clueless.
What, this ship is something that can’t be missed.
-Charlie chuckles. Charlie then looks over John and Ben and sees first class passengers coming to the bow.

-Charlie points at the first class passengers.
Who are they? And why did they come so suddenly?
-John leans back on the bench with comfort and looks at Charlie.
They’re first class passengers. The bow of the ship is really reserved for them, not for us.
-Ben looks at John.
But we’re second class passengers, there’s really no difference.
-Charlie points at Ben.
-John looks at Ben.
Yes, but it doesn’t matter. I mean, look at the way they’re dressed, it’s their free little world on this ship. They technically have the right to own this part of the ship. It’s reserved for them, like that play we saw a few years ago.
-John looks at Charlie.
The play that had reserved seats for us, remember?
-He looks at John, confused. Then suddenly remembers.
Oh right! I remember. Good times john. Good times.
-John claps once and smiles at Charlie.
You said it.
-Ben looks at John then Charlie and smiles.
What play did you see?
-He looks at Ben, confused.
I don’t remember. Wasn’t it at the Globe Theater John?
-Charlie looks at John.
-John looks at Charlie.
You wish. I don’t remember. But the play was about some old guy building a time machine.
-Ben swallows heavily.
A time machine?
-John looks away.
Yes, it was rather silly than scary.
-Ben chuckles.
It was supposed to be scary?
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Yes. But, the play was pretty boring I’d say.
-He looks down and chuckles.
This talk about plays got me interested into reading a book.
-Charlie smiles at Ben and points at him.
-Ben smiles at Charlie and nods in agreement.
Count me in.
-Charlie and Ben stand up.
-Charlie looks down at John.
John, are you coming?
-He looks up at Charlie then looks at the horizon.
No thanks. I’ll be here if anything.
Well alright.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Come on.
-Charlie and Ben leave the scene.
-John looks at Charlie and Ben walking away then looks away.
23 INT. Trevor and Hazel – Titanic – Morning
Hazel and Trevor are in their cabin. Hazel is digging through a drawer, looking for something with concern while Trevor is sitting in a chair behind her, drinking a glass of wine.
-Trevor stands up and takes a small sip of wine.
Is everything alright Hazel?
-She turns around and looks at Trevor.
No. No, I’m fine.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel.
Well you look concerned. Is there something bothering you?
-She looks down.
No, nothing is. I just need some fresh air. I’ll be at the bow.
-Trevor takes another small sip and swallows heavily.
Alright, Pierre will be around if anything.
-Trevor hugs Hazel. Be alright.
-Hazel then kisses Trevor quickly then leaves the scene.
24 EXT. Bow – Titanic – Morning
People are still lounging and relaxing on the bow. The weather is beautiful. Meanwhile, John is sitting on the bench and looking at the horizon, minding his own business. Gerald then walks up to John.
-John turns around and looks up at Gerald, awkwardly.
-He looks down at John.
You don’t look like a first class passenger.
-John looks up at Gerald, confused.
I… I’m not.
-Gerald takes a quick glimpse at the horizon and then looks down at John.
Look, this side is for first class passengers only. What are you doing here anyway?
-He looks at the horizon.
Oh, I figured. Anyway, I’ve been sitting here for awhile now sir and no one said a word.
-Gerald looks away.
Maybe because they thought you were in first class?
Then how did you know I wasn’t in first class?
-Gerald nods in disagreement and looks down at John.
I know how people dress around here. Look at me, I’m in first class and I’m not dressed like you.
-John leans back on the bench then looks up at Gerald.
Alright fine, maybe I’m not in first class and maybe I don’t dress like a wealthy man, but I was minding my own business sir.
-Gerald chuckles and then looks down.
I was just helping you, so that a crew member won’t bother you and kick you off this side of the ship.
-Gerald looks down at John.

-John looks away then smiles up at Gerald.
Alright, I’m sorry for not listening.
-John stands up and looks at Gerald.
There, I’m up. I’ll go now.
-Gerald nods in agreement.
Farewell. Oh, they’re also restricted about the grand staircase. I believe the stairs are only for first class passengers.
-He looks away then slightly smiles at Gerald.
Alright fine.
-John shakes hands with Gerald.
I’ll be on my way now.
-John starts walking away.
-Gerald looks at John walking away then calls out to him.
-John turns around and looks at Gerald.
You earned my respect, I’m sorry for bothering you.
John nods in agreement.
Look, you could stay on this part of the ship. But if a crew member asks, just say you’re borrowing clothes from the rag shop. This excuse seems to work all the time.
-John nods in agreement.
Sure. Thanks.
-John walks up to Gerald.
And also…
-John looks over Gerald’s left shoulder and sees Hazel, looking at the horizon with her fiancé, Trevor. John is speechless.
Are you alright sir?
-John looks at Gerald.
Yeah, I’m sorry. I can tell that first class is full of beauty.
-Gerald chuckles then smiles at John.
Yes, yes it is. I myself, see many.
-John nods in agreement.
Well, um.
-John fakes a cough then looks at Gerald.
Who is that?
-John points at Hazel in the distance.
-Gerald turns around and looks at Hazel and Trevor.
Oh, over there? That’s Ms. Flynn and her fiancé, Mr. Trevor.
-He looks at Hazel in the distance.
She’s beautiful.
-He taps John’s right shoulder twice and looks at John.
She is engaged to her fiancé.
-John looks at Gerald.
Could you, could you introduce me to her? I mean I don’t want to seem like I am trying to push her fiancé out of the picture. I just, I just don’t know how she’ll react to a lower class passenger.
-Gerald nods in agreement.
Alright, come on.
-Gerald looks at John.
I didn’t get your name.

-John chuckles.
My apologies sir, my name is John Hudson.
-Gerald holds out his right hand towards John as if he was going to shake with him.
-John looks at Gerald’s hand then shakes 3 times.
Nice meeting you Mr. Hudson. My name is Gerald Clarence.
-John smiles at Gerald.
Nice meeting you Mr. Clarence. And please, call me John.
-Gerald chuckles.
Alright, please call me Gerald.
-John nods in agreement.
Sure thing Gerald, now could you please introduce me to that woman?
-Gerald chuckles.
Alright, come on.
-Gerald walks away.
-John follows.
-Gerald and John are walking towards Hazel and Trevor.
-Gerald stops with John and smiles.
Ms. Flynn. It’s lovely seeing you here.
-Hazel turns around and looks at Gerald.
Hello Mr. Clarence. I was just here with Trevor, watching the horizon.
-Gerald smiles at Hazel.
Well, I want you to meet a new friend I just met.
-Gerald looks at John.
-John smiles at Hazel.
Um, hello, my name is John Hudson.
-She smiles at John.
Hello Mr. Hudson. I would like you to meet my fiancé, Trevor.
-Hazel smiles at Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Hello Mr. Hudson. It’s a pleasure meeting you.
-John smiles and shakes hands with Trevor.
It’s a pleasure meeting you as well Mr. Trevor.
-John looks away.
-Gerald whispers.
Mr. Long.
-John looks at Trevor with sudden.
Mr. Long.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Well, it’s pretty clear you’re not from around here Mr. Hudson. Steerage tickets?
-John looks at Trevor, confused.
-Trevor looks at John mysteriously.
Did you buy steerage tickets?
-John looks at Trevor, confused.
-John then looks at Gerald.
-Gerald looks at John.
He means third class.
-John looks at Trevor.
Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Long. No, I’m in second class. I’m not in third class.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Well good to know Mr. Hudson.
-John chuckles then smiles at Trevor.
Please, call me John.
-Trevor looks down.
Well do.
-Hazel looks at John.
So what are you doing here?
-John looks at Hazel.
Oh, I’m just, I’m just traveling. Honestly, I joined this voyage to escape my father. I also took my little brother, just to save him.
-Trevor looks at John and chuckles.
Well good for you John.
-Gerald looks at John.
I can tell you’re into this conversation John.
-John smiles at Gerald and then looks at Hazel and Trevor.
Yes, I am. I really am. Well once again, it has been a pleasure meeting you.
-He smiles at John.
Thank you John, it’s been a pleasure meeting you as well.
-John chuckles and looks away.
Alright, well. It’s best if I should be getting back to my cabin right?
-He looks down.
-He smiles at John.
Nonsense John, would you like it if I gave you a grand tour of first class?
-John looks at Gerald.
Thank you sir, but I don’t really belong in first class. My tickets aren’t appropriate.
-Gerald puts his right hand on John’s left shoulder and smiles at him.
Come on John. Are you interested?
-John smiles at Gerald.
Well, it would be an honor to get a tour around here.
-He smiles at Trevor.
Would you like to join us?
-Trevor nods in disagreement.
-Gerald smiles at John.
So when do you want a tour?
-Trevor looks at Gerald.
Actually, let us all tag along.
-Trevor looks at Hazel.
-She looks at Trevor.
Alright, I’ll join you men.
-Trevor kisses the top of Hazel’s head.
See? I knew you would tag along dear.
25 INT. Charlie and Ben – Titanic – Morning
Charlie and Ben are sitting at a table across from each other, reading books at the second class library. On their right side, there are 2 cups of tea.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
You have found the book you were looking for?
-Ben flips his book to see the cover and then flips it back and smiles at Charlie.
Indeed. I found the book I was after.
-Charlie smiles at Ben and then looks down at his book.
Well, I’ll be reading now.
-Ben flips a page and begins to read.
-Both are reading.
26 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
John is given a personal tour by Trevor, Hazel, and Gerald. They stop by every detail to show how luxurious first class is.
-Gerald walks to the railing and then smiles at John.
And here’s a good sight.
-John walks up next to Gerald.
Here you can look at the horizon, turn around and watch the funnels, or just walks up these stairs and lounge on the deck beds, pretty relaxing huh?
-John smiles at Gerald.
Well, it is a pretty sight. I’m impressed.
-He puts his arm over Hazel’s neck and smiles at John.
You can also socialize in the smoking room. You should really take a look. The band is playing, the air is clean with a fireplace. It’s luxury. Do you smoke John?
-John smiles at Trevor.
Yes, yes I do.
-Trevor takes his arm off of Hazel’s neck and looks at John.
Come with me.
-Trevor walks away with John following him.
-Hazel looks at Gerald.
They really enjoy smoking, don’t they?
-He smiles at Hazel and nods in agreement.
Yes. I am only saying that smoking and men do not really go well together.
-Colonel Archibald Gracie walks by, noticed by Gerald and Hazel.
-Gerald calls out to Archibald.
-Archibald turns around and smiles at Gerald, saying with excitement.
Well Mr. Clarence, good to see sir!
-Archibald looks at Hazel.
And you Ms. Flynn.
-She smiles at Archibald.
Thank you Colonel.
-Gerald looks at the horizon and then smiles at Archibald.
Where were you headed to Colonel?
-He smiles at Gerald.
I was heading to the Grand Staircase to meet with Mr. Astor.
-Gerald walks closer to Archibald and smiles at him, interested.
Mind if we join you sir?
-Gerald looks at Hazel.
-He chuckles and then smiles at Gerald.
Why not Mr. Clarence, the more the merrier, come along.
-Gerald and Hazel walk with Archibald.
27 INT. Smoking Room – Titanic – Morning
The band is playing and the room is filled with many people. The camera moves to Trevor and John sitting at a table, smoking cigarettes.
-Trevor puts his cigarette on an ash tray and looks at John.
So you’re in second class?
-John nods in agreement while looking at Trevor.
Yup, it’s very fancy there but not as fancy as in here.
-John looks around.
I mean look at this place. I say, this is luxury.
-Trevor looks down and smiles.
Around here, manner is held a responsible way.
-John turns around and looks at another table and then looks at Trevor.
Everyone is fancy.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at John.
Why yes of course. This is the fine side of this ship. It is far more luxurious than any Ocean Liner.
-John looks at the band members playing their instruments.
Neat culture and music. I didn’t know first class provided the passengers with music.
-Pierre Francis walks up to Trevor and looks down at him.
-Trevor looks up at Pierre with an awkward look.
Francis, Mr. Francis, you’re supposed to keep an eye out for Hazel. I don’t want Mr. Clarence trying anything funny.
-Pierre pulls the chair and sits down on it then looks at Trevor.
Mr. Clarence? He’s completely trust worthy sir.
-John looks at Pierre.
I’d give my hopes up for Mr. Clarence.
-Pierre looks at John.
He’s a nice and trustworthy guy.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
Who is this lad?
-Pierre looks at John, John looks at Pierre.
-Trevor looks at Pierre.
Well that’s Mr. Hudson, or as I should pronounce him John.
-Trevor looks at John.
I’m giving him a personal tour of the ship.
-Trevor looks at Pierre.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
You know you shouldn’t be doing this to lower class passengers because you’re not a crew member. Yesterday, I gave him a smoke.
-Pierre looks at John.
-John looks down uncomfortably.
Gentlemen, I think I should just go.
-John slides the chair backwards.
-Trevor smiles at John.
Aw, come on John. What could possibly be wrong, you know we’d love to hear more from you.
28 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
Gerald and Hazel are walking around the promenade deck, side by side, along with other passengers walking around as extras.
-Gerald smiles at Hazel.
So, starting all over in New York?
-Hazel looks down and chuckles.
No, Trevor just wanted this to be a honeymoon. Since England was our birthplace, we should go back to England within a few weeks.
-He looks at the horizon to his right and whistles then looks down and chuckles.
Why would Trevor want to have a honeymoon in New York? I mean it’s New York, there’s not a lot of job opportunities.
-Hazel looks at Gerald.
Well he has his business company, and his men said they can move it to New York up until he returns back to England. Now, are there anymore questions Mr. Clarence?
-She smiles at Gerald.
-Gerald looks at Hazel with wonder and then looks down and continues to walk with her.
No, not at all Ms. Flynn.

29 INT. The Grand Staircase – Titanic – Morning
John makes his way into the first class grand staircase. He looks around with joy and a smile. He’s amazed by the beautiful looks of the staircase. But shortly after John’s look around, a steward approaches John, John looks at the Steward.
May I help you with something?
The Steward
-The steward looks at John’s jacket then looks back at John normally with suspense.
Why are you here? Where are you from?
-John looks around then looks at the steward for 3 seconds before an answer.
I’m here to have a look around?
The Steward
What was your ticket number sir?
-The steward looks at John with wide eyes.
-John looks at the steward, confused.
I don’t know. Could you please not stare at me like this?
The Steward
-The steward grabs John’s left forearm and walks for the exit door.
Come along you.
-John tries to pull his arm away from the steward.
Come on, let go of me!
The Steward
-The steward opens the exit door and pushes John out.
Stay out you third class filth!
-The steward then slams the door in front of John.
-John grabs his left forearm with his right hand and looks at the door, disgusted.
-John walks away.
30 INT. John’s Cabin – Titanic – Morning
Charlie and Ben are sitting on the floor playing poker. John enters the cabin and looks down at Charlie and Ben. Charlie and Ben look up at John.
I thought you 2 were in the library?
-Charlie looks away.
Not anymore. We just decided to play poker instead since we seen a book about poker, it inspired us. So here we are. And how about you John?
-John looks down at Ben and then Charlie.
Everything is alright. I was just kicked out of first class.
-Charlie gets up and smiles at John.
You were in first class?! How? You can only be around here.
-Charlie looks at John, interested.
-John looks at Charlie, calmly.
Alright, alright, let me finish the story.
-Charlie sits down on the floor and looks up at John.
Alright, finish your story.
-John looks down at Charlie awkwardly.
Alright, well there I was, talking to a first class passenger. His name was Mr. Clarence and he had a friend which gave me a little tour of the smoke room up at first class. I then wandered off because I thought Mr. Long’s friend hated me. I then, somehow, got into a staircase, but not just any staircase. That staircase that I saw was beyond luxurious, and it was like rubbing gold into my eyes. I felt so alive at that moment. But then, some crazy guy approached me and kicked me out.
-John looks away and swallows hard.
I think he worked on this ship.
-Charlie and Ben look up at John speechlessly.
-John looks down at Charlie and Ben, clueless.
-Charlie looks down at the floor and chuckles.
There’s no way.
-Charlie looks up at John.
There’s no way you saw such an amazing sight.
-John sighs and then looks down at Charlie.
Charlie, I swear I did. We just will not see it though.
-Ben stands up and looks at John.
That’s bogus John. This is just a ship, big, yes, gold, no.
-John looks at Ben.
Ben, I never said it was go--
John. If it’s located up in first class, let’s just go.
-Charlie looks away.
-John looks at Charlie.
I was grabbed and kicked out by an aggressive ship owner. It won’t do Charlie.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
Ben, are you interested?
-Ben rubs the back of his neck with his right hand and looks down, smiling partially.
Well, since John said it was the best thing he’s seen, I say we go.
-Charlie takes a glimpse at John and then looks at Ben.
He never said it was the best thing he’s seen.

-Ben looks at Charlie.
It’s just a staircase. I can always go out of this cabin and make a turn then see a staircase.
-John looks away.
Yes, I white one.
-John looks at Charlie.
But I mostly want to go there because I saw a woman. But not just any woman, I’ve seen a woman filled with beauty. She has a fiancé though.
-John looks at Ben.
But there is a lot of beauty and majesty all over the women up in first class.
-Charlie looks at John.
John? Let it go. You’re a lower class passenger, relationships from this never happen.
-Ben looks at John.
He’s right John. Chances of her loving you are… Well, consider them low.
-John looks away.
You never know Ben. And I never said I love her. She’s just really interesting to me.
-Charlie sits down on the lower bunk then looks up at John.
You could try. But the result will be a fail.
-Ben chuckles.
-John sits down next to Charlie.
Yeah you’re right. Who am I kidding; I can’t just love a woman who already has someone she already loves with all of her heart.
-Ben looks down at John.
How would you know? Give it a shot.
-Ben leans against the wall.
-Charlie looks up at Ben.
Ben, he can’t love someone else who already has a fiancé.
-John gets up and then looks at Charlie.
Alright Charlie, just stop it. Please. I never said I loved her, and I will try. So thank you very much for supporting me.
-John opens the door and leaves the cabin, closing the door behind him.
-Ben looks at the door for 3 seconds quietly.
That didn’t make him very happy.
-Charlie looks up at Ben and then lies down on the lower bunk.
You got that right Ben, you got that right.
31 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
John is walking on the promenade deck and he looks as if he was looking for someone. He is looking everywhere to find Hazel or at least Gerald. John then walks down towards the bow and looks around, but he can’t find Hazel or Gerald anywhere. He then walks away from the bow and walks towards the first class entry, leading to the Grand staircase. He looks at the sign and swallows heavily, and then he takes a deep breath and enters first class. He’s in the grand staircase and looks around. The music is playing calmly. He then walks around and begins to look for Hazel or Gerald. Meanwhile, a first class passenger, Daniel Warner, stops in John’s way and smiles at him.
-John looks at Daniel awkwardly.
Excuse me.
-Daniel smiles at John.
How are you mate?
-John looks past Daniel’s right shoulder then looks at him.
I’m fine sir. Now if you could please move, I am looking for someone.
-Daniel smiles at John interested.
Oh yeah? Who mate?
-John walks around Daniel but Daniel runs up to John’s way again and smiles at him.
I don’t have time for games sir, I really need to go.
-Daniel looks away then looks at John.
Yeah, well maybe you’re in the wrong part of this ship. As you can see, your kind does not belong here, you’re poor. And obviously, this section is for wealthy people. Now go away.
-John looks away and then looks at Daniel.
Look, sorry if I’m invading your space but I need to talk to someone…
-John walks past Daniel and looks around.
I just really need to find them.
-Daniel runs back into John’s way again.
-Daniel smiles at John.
Really? Well who’s so important?
-John nods in disagreement as if Daniel was dumb.
You don’t really know them, I can assure you that. And now, if you can please just let me—
Why won’t you go back to the bottom of the ship? You’re not allowed to wander around like this.
I’m not wandering, I’m just—
You’re just looking for the rich. You’re not allowed near any of them, especially me. Out you go.
-Daniel grabs John’s arm and starts walking towards the first class exit.
-John breaks free and looks at Daniel.
Listen, if you let me look for the person I need to see, I won’t bother you.

-Daniel nods in disagreement and reveals his handgun to John by opening the side of his coat.
Now, you should run off to where you belong before you start a problem.
-The steward that kicked John out earlier sees John and walks up to him.
The Steward
-The steward looks at John strangely.
What do you think you’re doing? You’re not allowed up here, this is first class property!
-Daniel holds a 5 dollar bill towards the steward.
Sir, please escort this man out of first class and make sure he does not come back.
The Steward
-The steward looks at Daniel and takes the dollar and puts it into his right pocket.
-The steward then looks at John.
Come now.
-The steward grabs John’s arm and leads him into the first class exit.
-While John is exited out, he looks at Daniel, mad.
32 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Morning
John is pushed out of the first class entry. The door closes behind him, although some first class passengers enter it. John turns around and looks at the entry then walks away. While John is walking away, he sees Gerald. John walks toward Gerald.
-John looks at Gerald.
Mr. Clarence?
-Gerald turns around and looks at John then smiles at him.
Hello John.
-John walks up to Gerald closer and looks at him.
Am I even allowed in first class?

-Gerald looks at John, uncomfortably.
Well, sorry if you have to hear this but no, anyone lower than first class isn’t allowed in first class sections, such as the promenade deck.
-John looks away.
That’s not too good then.
-John looks at Gerald.
Anyway, do you know where Ms. Flynn is?
-Gerald looks away.
Actually, I really don’t.
-He then looks back at John.
But I do believe she’s in her cabin with her fiancé.
-John looks away.
Damn it.
-Gerald looks at John, interested.
Why do you need her so suddenly? I mean she is with her fiancé right now at this moment. You know what, she’s at her cabin. Of course, I don’t think you can check. You know how strict they are about lower class passengers.
-John looks away.
That cop, ugh, tell me about it. Anyway, do you know when she’ll be out?
-Gerald looks at John, confused.
Why do you need to talk to her? You can’t just steal her away from Mr. Long, that’s not right.
-John looks down and takes a deep breath then looks at Gerald.
You’re right Mr. Clarence. What was I thinking? Times like this lead to trouble. You’re right, I should just forget about her. Silly me, thank you anyway Mr. Clarence.
-John starts to walk away.
-Gerald looks at John walking away.
Wait a minute.
-John stops and turns around then looks at Gerald.
First of all, call me Gerald.
-Gerald smiles at John.
-John smiles back at Gerald.
Second of all, you shouldn’t feel blue. You’ll be in America within a few days; you’ll find plenty of women there. Trust me.
-John looks away then smiles at Gerald.
You’re right Mr. Clarence. Thanks.
-Gerald smiles at John and points at him playfully.
Ah, ah, ah. Address me as Gerald now. I can accept the fact that we’re possibly friends now, and you should feel the same way.
-John chuckles and continues to smile at Gerald.
Alright, Gerald, thank you anyway. I’m going to be heading back to my cabin now.
-Gerald raises his right hand up slightly then puts it down. He looks at John walking away.
Take care.
33 INT. John’s Cabin – Titanic – Morning
Charlie is sleeping on the lower bunk and Ben is sleeping in his own bed. The environment in the cabin is peaceful and silent. Both of the boys are sleeping, with no interruptions. In a bit, John opens the door and enters the cabin, closing the door behind him. He then looks at Charlie and Ben sleeping, so he smiles and throws his jacket to the other side of the room.
-Charlie opens his eyes and looks at John. Charlie whispers.
-John quickly looks at Charlie.

-Charlie whispers.
I don’t want you waking Ben up john. Whisper.
-John whispers.
Alright, how did you 2 fall asleep?
-Charlie sits up and looks at John then whispers.
It’s a long story. So how did your talk with your secret admirer go?
-John sits on the lower bunk and looks at Charlie and whispers.
Not so well. I mean, I didn’t even talk to her.
-Charlie smiles at John and whispers.
You know the point of this trip wasn’t about winning a woman’s heart. It’s for adventure, a new life in America.
-John sits up and whispers while looking at Ben sleeping.
You have a point there Charlie.
-Charlie lies back down and looks up at John.
Alright, well…
-Charlie yawns and closes his eyes.
It’s still morning, I’ll take a nap and you go do whatever it is that you need to do.
-John looks at Charlie sleeping and gets up and heads for the door.
-John opens the door and leaves the cabin, closing the door behind him.

34 INT. Trevor and Pierre – Titanic – Morning
Trevor and Pierre are in the first class smoke room, smoking cigarettes and talking to each other.
-Trevor drops his cigarette on the ash tray and looks at Pierre.
When did you begin smoking cigarettes?
-Pierre takes the cigarette out of his mouth and looks at Trevor.
About 2 years tops. I don’t find it rich in taste but it does smooth my emotion. It should do the same for others. Right Mr. Long?
-Trevor looks down at the ash tray.
No, I just believe that it’s a normal routine I perform in my life. I shouldn’t really smoke when this ship docks in America. Hazel will not like it.
-Pierre drops his cigarette into the ash tray and looks at Trevor.
You know your father did the same thing; he was a smart man Mr. Long.
-Trevor chuckles.
Almost as smart as my mother.
-Pierre chuckles.
Mr. Francis, could you bring me tea, perhaps with ice?
-Pierre looks at Trevor and nods in agreement.
Yes sir.
-Pierre stands up and walks away.
-Trevor looks at the painting over the fireplace.
-Thomas Andrews approaches Trevor.
-Thomas smiles at Trevor.
Hello Mr. Long.

-Trevor looks up at Thomas.
Mr. Andrews, it is a pleasure seeing you. When I boarded this ship, I really wanted to tell you that you have built a masterpiece.
-Thomas smiles and looks away.
Oh Mr. Long…
-Thomas looks down at Trevor and smiles.
It’s an honor hearing your kind words.
-Trevor chuckles and looks at the chair across from him.
Please sit.
-Thomas walks to the seat and sits down. Trevor smiles at Thomas.
Everyone has been saying that this ship is the ship of dreams. And I must say it really is sir.
-Thomas smiles at Trevor.
Thank you Mr. Long, it means a lot. Anyway, before this ship departed from Belfast, I had one of the workers take a picture of this ship and her sister, Olympic. I must say that the picture came out very well.
-Trevor looks away.
Oh really? Why, satisfied you must be Mr. Andrews.
-Trevor looks at Thomas.
-Pierre walks up to Trevor and looks down at him.
I brought you tea sir, with ice.
-Pierre sets the cup of tea on the table and sits down.
-Trevor looks at the cup of tea for 2 seconds then looks at Pierre, interested.
Mr. Francis, do you know what I love about the thing you just did?
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
What is it?
-Trevor chuckles and looks down at the cup of tea, smiling.
You set the ice aside due to my choice if I wanted it with ice or not.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre.
My father always said you were brilliant sir.
-Thomas smiles at Trevor.
It’s nice to know you have a brilliant servant Mr. Long.
-Pierre smiles at Thomas.
Mr. Andrews, I’m right here.
-Thomas smiles at Pierre.
Right, my apologies Mr. Francis.
-Pierre and Thomas shake hands for 2 seconds.
Keep up the good work Mr. Francis.
-Trevor chuckles.
-Trevor smiles at Thomas.
It’s been 22 years of loyal service.
-Thomas chuckles and smiles at Pierre.
-Pierre smiles at Thomas.
I get the point here.
-Thomas stands up and smiles down at Trevor and Pierre.
Well, I should get back to work. It’s been nice talking to you gentlemen, I hope we talk again soon.

-Trevor smiles up at Thomas.
Well it’s been a pleasure Mr. Andrews.
-Thomas chuckles and smiles down at Trevor and Pierre.
Well, you 2 have a great day.
-Thomas turns around and walks away.
-Trevor sips some tea and puts the cup of tea down. Then he looks down at the cup of tea.
You don’t like him, right?
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
I never said I don’t like him. He seems like a good man.
-Pierre looks away.
35 INT. Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel – Titanic – Morning
The music is playing, with first class passengers walking around the grand staircase. The camera shot goes up the stairs, towards the clock. Then to the right, Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel are walking down the stairs. As the 3 women walk down the stairs, a steward walks up to them.
The Steward
-He smiles at Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel. He’s holding a plate full with small cups of warm tea.
Hello, may I interest you fine women with tea?
-Margaret looks at Gretchen, and Hazel then looks at the steward.
No thank you.
-Margaret walks past the steward, followed by Gretchen and Hazel. Margaret then stops and turns around to the steward.
But we would like a small meal served to us at the saloon.
The Steward
-He turns around and looks at Margaret.
Coming right up miss.
-The steward smiles quickly then turns around and walks away.
-John Jacob Astor walks past the steward.

-Hazel sees Astor and calls to him.
Mr. Astor.
-Hazel walks up to Astor.
Mr. Astor.
-Astor turns around and looks at Hazel.
How is your wife doing?
-Astor sighs and looks at the grand staircase then looks at Hazel.
She’s fine. Why do you ask?
-Hazel looks around for 2 seconds and looks at Astor.
Because I haven’t seen her since yesterday and I know as a fact that she’s always by your side.
-Astor looks down then looks at Hazel.
She hasn’t been feeling well. But I had her maid keep a look out on her in case. Personally, I think it’s common. She’s pregnant.
-She calls out to Hazel.
Hazel, are you coming?
-Hazel turns around and looks at Gretchen. She calls out to her.
I’ll be right there.
-Hazel turns around to Astor.
Tell her I said hello.
-Astor smiles at Hazel and nods in agreement.
Alright, thank you. Now, go along with those women.
-Hazel nods in agreement then walks away, joining the other 2.
-Astor looks at Hazel walking away, and then walks away.

36 INT. Margaret, Gretchen, and Hazel – Titanic – Morning
The 3 ladies are having at the first class saloon, having small meals. As they are enjoying their time at the saloon, other first class passengers in the background look like they are having a great time. Light music is played while some first class passengers are enjoying small meals served to them. As the camera moves to the left, Margaret is at the table with Hazel and Gretchen, laughing.
-Margaret laughs, smiling at Gretchen.
No one had a clue what went on.
-Margaret leans back and picks up a napkin then wipes the right side of her lip once then drops the napkin in front of her on the table.
-Hazel chuckles then looks over to the window by the entry door. There, she sees Pierre walking through the door with Trevor.
Trevor and Mr. Francis…
-Hazel looks at Margaret beside her.
Are here.
-Margaret looks over at Trevor and Pierre walking slowly towards the table.
-Trevor and Pierre walk up to Hazel, she looks up at Trevor.
-Trevor looks at the 3 women at the table and smiles down at Hazel.
You’re hungry?
-Hazel takes a quick glimpse at Margaret and then looks up at Trevor.
I’m sorry; Mrs. Brown and Ms. Gracie wanted to have a small talk and a small meal.
-Trevor chuckles and looks at Pierre.
A small meal, she wanted a small meal.
-Pierre walks over to Trevor’s right side and looks away.
Women and small meals actually fit well together Mr. Long.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre then smiles down at Hazel.
Come on, save your appetite dear, we’ll have a wonderful dinner tonight.
-Pierre looks at Trevor for a moment then looks down at Hazel.
I don’t think you’ll be very hungry tonight miss.
-Hazel looks up at Pierre.
I assure you I will Mr. Francis. I’ve been feeling hungry a bit right now.
-Hazel looks up at Trevor.
But since you want me to save my appetite for something decadent tonight, then I respect your word my love.
-Hazel smiles up at Trevor.
-Trevor chuckles and sits down next to Hazel and smiles at her.
You know, I’m very grateful we’re engaged dear.
-Hazel smiles at Trevor.
So am I.
-Hazel kisses Trevor quickly.
-Gretchen smiles at Trevor.
Mr. Long, why won’t you, Hazel and Mr. Francis go along and socialize, I have catching up to do with Mrs. Brown here.
-Margaret chuckles and smiles at Trevor.
No, she’ll kill me.
-Margaret laughs.
-Pierre looks down at Trevor.
I also have something to tell you Mr. Long.
-Trevor looks up at Pierre.
What is it sir?
-Pierre sits down next to Trevor and looks at him.
Well I spoke with one of the officers on this ship, and they gave me papers. Not just any papers. They were papers in this nice looking glass box. Those papers represented my career in America. I’ll need your help Mr. Long. You’ll have to take some of those papers and fill them out on the behalf of my great work for you.
-Trevor chuckles and looks at Pierre.
Alright, but you’re an excellent servant Mr. Francis.
-Pierre smiles for a short moment at Trevor then begins to look at him normally.
Thank you sir, but they’re important. If you fill them out, and the comments about my work for you are positive, I will work as a servant for a rich family, which will be great for the rest of my life because it’s a career I’ll be able to have with good pay.
-Trevor takes a quick look at Hazel and then looks at Pierre.
Alright, I’ll take some of those papers and write positive comments Mr. Francis. Where are they?
In our cabin sir.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel then Pierre.
Well let’s fetch ‘em Mr. Francis.
-Trevor and Pierre stand up. Trevor smiles down at Hazel.
Coming dear?
-Hazel looks up at Trevor and smiles.
-Hazel lets Trevor take her left hand gently and stands up.
Hazel, Trevor, and Pierre walk away.
37 INT. Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre – Titanic – Morning
Trevor, Hazel, and Pierre are in Trevor’s cabin. Trevor and Pierre are sitting on the couch. Trevor is reading some papers while Pierre is sitting next to him holding the box and observing the papers in Trevor’s hand. Hazel is sitting on the chair across from the couch.

-Trevor reads the paper carefully in his right hand.
It says that they need my signature along with other references.
-Pierre sits back and looks at Trevor.
Yes, they want your signature to make sure I’m working for you, any positive comments sir?
-Trevor looks at Pierre and then looks at the paper in his hand.
Yes, of course Mr. Francis.
-Trevor grabs the nearby pencil and begins to write on the paper.
Pierre Francis is a loyal servant with great manner. I recommend, actually that’s not right.
-Pierre looks away and chuckles then looks at Trevor.
You were great Mr. Long.
-Trevor looks down at the papers carefully.
No, they’ll just think I’m making this up. Alright, let’s see here.
-Trevor sits up and continues to look down at the papers.
Let’s see here. Ah, Pierre Francis is a loyal and honest servant that I recommend only for the best.
-Pierre looks at Trevor.
Mr. Long, I don’t think that would be necessary. How about writing something more honest?
-Trevor looks at Pierre with suspense.
Well this is honest. They really need the proof on these papers?
-Pierre looks away.
It’s a tradition for them, they need honesty. If I get positive comments on these papers, I will become a wealthy servant.
You’re already wealthy—
Not wealthy enough sir. Now, just finish what you have already started.
-Trevor leans back and begins to write on the paper.
Farewell then Mr. Francis.
38 EXT. John and Gerald – Titanic – Morning
John and Gerald are standing outside of the first class entry which leads to the Grand Staircase.
-John looks at the entry.
Well, wish me luck going in there.
-Gerald chuckles and smiles at John.
Just because there is some random stranger kicking you out, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any privileges to first class.
-John tosses the coin up then catches it and looks at Gerald.
Yes, but it’s not too easy for me. Yes, honestly, I do have the clothes of a poor man, but I don’t know why wealthy people aren’t very understanding, other than you Mr. Clarence.
-Gerald chuckles and smiles at John.
John, I said before, call me Gerald. It’s quite alright.
-John looks down and smiles.
I’ve seen things in there Gerald, things that I have never seen before.
-Gerald chuckles and leans against the wall and looks at John.
They’re not special John. How did you get your tickets?
-John takes a deep breath and looks at Gerald.
Well, I bought them. I bought with money my father has collected. I have an extra ticket back in my cabin. I doubt that it will have any value after this voyage.

-Gerald looks at the ticket in John’s hand carefully then looks at John.
You should really save that. Maybe if you have a few tricks up your sleeve, you could change the date on this ticket.
-John looks down at the ticket and then looks at Gerald.
Yes. If only I had a few tricks up my sleeve Gerald.
-John chuckles.
-Gerald smiles at John.
Come on, we’ll walk around in there.
-John looks at the first class entry door.
I can’t. My ticket’s not valid in there. I’ve been warned by an officer I think.
-Gerald chuckles and smiles at John.
Officers don’t mind. They stay outside or in their headquarters. Come on John.
-Gerald looks at the door.
-John chuckles and looks at the door, speechless.
Well, alright, count me in.
39 INT. John and Gerald – Titanic – Noon
John and Gerald are walking around in first class. Gerald is showing John around and how everything works around. There are other first class passengers walking around and looking at John, knowing he doesn’t belong there. Gerald then walks John to the elevators.
-Gerald looks at the elevators and then smiles at John.
We have elevators.

-John looks at the elevators and looks at Gerald.
I’ve heard second class has elevators. Things look familiar around here.
-John looks around then sees Daniel Warner talking to someone in the distance.
Oh shit…
-Gerald looks at John.
What? What is it?
-John still stares at Daniel.
It’s this guy, with the gun. He hates me…
-Gerald looks around John’s direction then sees Daniel.
Oh, Mr. Warner, the man with the gray suit?
-Gerald looks at John.
You’re talking about him, right?
-John looks at Daniel without any emotion.
Yes. Yes, I’m talking about him.
-Gerald looks at John.
I think it would be preferable if you stayed out of his way. He’s tough, tough, tough. They say he’ll kill any man who opposes him.
-John looks at Gerald.
He hates me, and I think he’s going to try to kill me if he sees me here again.
-Gerald looks at John awkwardly then looks at Daniel.
-Daniel laughs and sips from his glass.
If there’s one main thing about him, it’s that he’s not a very nice guy to people he dislikes.
-John looks at Gerald.
Well thanks Gerald.
-John looks at Daniel.
Do you think he’ll kick me out if he sees me around here?
-Gerald chuckles and looks at Daniel.
Yes, well that’s just him. You know, some people aren’t very friendly these days.
-Daniel chuckles and looks around. Daniel then sees John and Gerald staring at him, and then stops smiling right away.
-John looks at Daniel with suspense.
I think I’ll be on my way now.
-John starts to back away slowly.
-Daniel looks at John with a suspicious face and starts walking towards him.
-Gerald looks at Daniel but whispers to John.
John, follow me. I think he hates me as well. Just follow me.
-Gerald turns around and walks away with John.
-Daniel starts to walk faster to follow them.
-Gerald turns around whilst walking away.
He’s not buying it.
-Gerald starts speed walking away. John follows and does the same.
-Daniel starts to jog after them with a suspicious look.
-Gerald starts to run away from Daniel.
Come on John! Follow me!
-John follows Gerald.
-Daniel starts running after John and Gerald.
You! Stop! Stop now!
-Gerald and John continue to run from Daniel.
-Gerald then makes a quick turn on a corner with John.
-Daniel stops all of the sudden and runs down the corridor.
-Gerald reaches the corner and stops.
Alright, alright, I think we lost him.
-Gerald looks at John and breathes heavily.
-John chuckles and smiles at Gerald.
That was quite an adventure. Anyway, you sure know your way around here.
-Gerald smiles at John.
Thank you.
-John walks to the other wall and leans against it.
That guy’s not going to give up so easily now, is he?
-John looks to his right and sees Daniel reach the wall on the far right side.
-Daniel looks at John.
-John runs forward with Gerald following him.
-Daniel runs the other way.
-John quickly runs for the door with Gerald.
-John opened the door and ran out with Gerald. Then both of them stop at the railing and breathe heavily.
-Gerald smiles at John and breathes heavily.
This is the last thing a man like me would do.
-John looks down and breathes heavily.
Well, he’s probably angry about the fact that we think this is a game.
-John chuckles and smiles at Gerald.
Did you see the look on his face? He wasn’t very happy.

-Gerald leans his head back and takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
Now I’ll have to wait before going back to my cabin.
-John looks at Gerald.
Let me tell you something Gerald, you made this trip more interesting.
-Gerald looks at John.
Thanks John. I never knew lower class people are interesting. I would’ve never ran from that jerk alone John.
Yeah but I just have a bad feeling about him.
-John turns around and looks at the horizon.
I bet I’ll never see him again.
-Trevor and Hazel walk past John and Gerald.
-John looks at Trevor and Hazel walking away.
And without an absolute—
Mr. Long.
-Trevor stops and slowly turns around to John.
-Trevor looks at John and chuckles.
John, I almost didn’t recognize you!
-Gerald smiles at John.
-John looks at Trevor.
Yeah, anyway, have you ever seen a man around first class just walking around, probably trying to find trouble?

-Trevor takes a quick glimpse at Hazel then looks at John.
A man in first class?
-Trevor chuckles and then puts his index finger on his bottom lip.
Um, I’ve seen many men there, just walking around.
-John looks away then looks at Trevor.
Allow me to rephrase the question a bit sir. Have you seen a man, with a gray suit on, just walking around in style, looking for trouble?
-Trevor chuckles and looks at Gerald.
Mr. Clarence, do you know what he means because I really don’t.
-Gerald looks at John and then looks at Trevor.
Yes, we were chased by that guy.
-John looks at Trevor.
He showed me his gun in his holster, under his jacket.
-Trevor looks at John awkwardly.
I don’t know what you’re talking about John.
-Trevor looks at Hazel.
Do you?
-Hazel looks at Trevor and nods in disagreement.
-Hazel looks at John.
Why did he chase you?
-John looks at Hazel confused.
That’s the problem, we don’t know.
-Trevor smiles at John and Gerald.
Well, one man can’t ruin this voyage for you! Let’s grab a drink gentlemen.
40 EXT. Stern – Titanic – Noon
Charlie and Ben are looking overboard whilst leaning against the railing on the stern of the ship.
-Charlie spits down then quickly looks at Ben.
You want to find John?
-Ben looks at Charlie.
John? Why all the sudden?
-Charlie sighs and looks at the horizon.
Because I was supposed to stay with him on this trip since he’s my older brother.
-Charlie looks at Ben.
He got the tickets for us, but I just don’t know where he always goes.
-Ben chuckles then looks down at the water.
He’s probably on an adventure to find that magical part of the ship again.
-Ben looks at Charlie.
-Charlie looks at the horizon.
That’s what I think as well. Come on, let’s go find him.
41 INT. First Class Smoking Room – Titanic – Noon
The musical band is playing; everyone there looks like they’re having a good time. The camera goes over to Trevor and the others at a table.
-Trevor lays down a card and grabs another one from the separate deck. He then looks at Gerald.
Mr. Clarence, now you. Which do you call?

-Gerald looks at the cards in his hands then looks at Hazel.
Ms. Flynn, perhaps you’d like to go? I’ll skip my turn.
-Gerald leans back and looks at Hazel.
-Hazel looks at her cards then looks at everyone at the table. Everyone at the table are laughing silently at her.
-Hazel smiles at Trevor and the others.
What, you don’t think a woman like me can play cards?
-Hazel puts down all the cards from her hand. All the cards appear to be aces.
-He smiles at the cards.
The young lady has won!
-Trevor looks down at the cards.
Well that’s absurd. I am supposed to win!
-Hazel smiles at Trevor.
Well now I know you’ll remember this Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at Hazel.
Good job dear, yes I’ll remember it.
-Trevor chuckles.
42 EXT. Promenade Deck – Titanic – Noon
Trevor and the others are walking out of the smoking room.
-Gerald smiles at Trevor.
Great game today Mr. Long.
-Gerald and Trevor shake hands.
-Trevor smiles at Gerald generously and walks away.

-John walks up to Hazel and taps her left shoulder for her attention.
Ms. Flynn?
-Hazel turns around and smiles at John.
Well hello Mr. uh…
-Hazel has a hard time remembering John’s name.
-John smiles at Hazel.
John. Please call me John. It’s just a name, no need to have a hard time about it.
-Hazel looks away.
Well thank you.
-Hazel smiles at John.
-John smiles at Hazel confused.
I feel we should talk more, but since I’m from the lower class, we should just set up an arrangement to meet somewhere, sometime…
-Hazel turns around then looks at John.
Sure, sounds great. You’re right; maybe we should just know each other since you’re a friend of my fiancé.
-John nods in agreement and smiles at Hazel.
Right, right.
-Hazel smiles at John.
It was nice talking to you Mr. John, John. I’m sorry. Bye Gerald, John.
-Hazel walks away.

43 INT. Hazel’s cabin – Titanic – Afternoon
Hazel is in her cabin, looking down at her jewelry. She is not sure which one to wear before John showed up. Suddenly Trevor enters her cabin and looks down at her.
-Hazel turns around and looks up at Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at her and looks down at her finger, which is where she’s wearing a ring.
You love that ring, don’t you?
-Hazel looks down at the ring on her finger.
Yes Trevor. It’s…
-Hazel looks up at Trevor.
It’s beautiful.
-Trevor chuckles and smiles at Hazel.
Yes, I suppose.
-Trevor walks over to her right side and smiles at her through the mirror.
It shows my feelings for you. Doesn’t it?
-She glares up at him. He looks back down at her.
Don’t be silly, of course it does.
-Hazel looks down at the ring.
-Suddenly, there are 3 knocks on the other side of the door. Hazel looks at the door quickly.
That must be John.
-Hazel looks up at Trevor and stands up then walks for the door.
-Trevor looks at Hazel reaching for the door and swallows heavily. Hazel opens the door and smiles at John.
-John looks up at Hazel and smiles at her.
Hello Ms. Flynn.

-Hazel turns around and looks at Trevor.
I’ll be back, Trevor.
-Trevor smiles at Hazel and walks away without a word.
44 EXT. John and Hazel – Titanic – Afternoon
John and Hazel are wandering and socializing around the decks of the ship. Clearly on the outside, since John’s ticket is not appropriate for first class. The weather is cool, and the sky is not dark but not light.
-John looks at Hazel and smiles as he walks with her.
You’re enjoying this ride? Aren’t you?
-Hazel chuckles as she walks with John.
Yes, Trevor and I have been keeping up since this is our honeymoon.
-John takes a quick glimpse in front of him then looks at Hazel.
Your honeymoon?
Well yes, but this is a bit absurd. Trevor booked this voyage as a honeymoon, yet we’re not married.
Well you’re engaged aren’t you?
-John looks down and continues to walk forwards, waiting to hear Hazel.
-Hazel looks at John then looks towards her.
Well I suppose. He gave me a ring.
-Hazel shows John her ring.
-John looks at the ring.
Whoa, how’d you get this?
Trevor gave it to me, as an early gift of marriage.
-Hazel puts her arm down.
-John looks at Hazel.
So, how long were you with him?
-Hazel looks at John confused and then looks down whilst walking.
I’ve been with him for… 2 years.
-John looks up.
2 years. Wow, that’s a way to start a great marriage.
-Hazel sighs in relief.
I know, I know.
-Whist walking with Hazel silently, John takes a quick glimpse at her then looks ahead.
You know, I’m not a married man, nor am I man—
-Hazel looks at John and interrupts.
-John looks at her.
-John nods in agreement.
Yes, I’m a boy. Anyway, like I was saying, I’m not in a relationship but I do have a close brother, a younger brother. His name is Charlie.
-Hazel looks at John then looks away.
Right, I always wanted a brother. I never did. I never had one.
-John looks at Hazel, depressed.
Oh I’m sorry.
-Hazel looks at John and smiles.
-Hazel chuckles and looks away.
Nothing, John. I’ve just never heard Trevor say I’m sorry. You’re sweet.
-John chuckles and looks away.
Why, if it’s any of my business miss.
-She sighs and looks at the horizon.
I don’t know. It’s that, Trevor might not be much of a loving person.
-John looks at her awkwardly.
Why is that?
-Hazel sighs again and looks away.
Well, I felt mostly appreciated by him whenever he asks me for my money. But that couldn’t be it.
-John looks away.
So, Trevor doesn’t use you for money?
-Hazel quickly stops and looks at John, shocked.
John! That’s just absurd.
-John looks at Hazel, worried.
You’re right, I’m sorry. Things tend to slip out of my mouth whenever I talk to women.
-Hazel looks at the lights coming from the first class passage.
I have to go. Dinner is almost…
-Hazel looks down.
-He nods in agreement and looks at her.
Yes. Go on. It was nice talking to you.
-Hazel walks to the first class entry door then turns around to John.
Goodnight John.
-Hazel leaves.
-John turns around and looks at the horizon then quickly looks over the railing, staring the water.
45 EXT. Charlie and Ben – Titanic – Afternoon
The 2 boys are on the stern of the ship. They’re both playing with a ball.

Now here’s a good one!
-Charlie throws the ball underhand to Ben.
-Ben catches the ball and smiles at Charlie.
No, Charlie, it must bounce before I catch it.
-Ben throws the ball at the floor, bouncing once to Charlie.
-Charlie catches the ball with his hands.
Got it.
-John walks up behind Charlie.
Hey, Charlie. Hey, Ben.
-Charlie turns around and looks at John and smiles.
John, where were you? I never see you.
-John walks over to Charlie.
Yes, I was caught up. Um, I upset a woman, I recently met.
-John swallows heavily and looks at Ben.
So, what are you guys playing?
-Ben looks at John.
We’re playing with a ball, little game from New York.
-He chuckles and smiles at Charlie, whilst holding his hands as if he was going to catch something.
Charlie, toss it over here.
-Charlie tosses the ball to John. John catches it.
Alright, let’s play triangle.

46 INT. First Class Saloon – Titanic – Evening
Music is playing and the saloon is filled with many people from first class, as the camera rolls over to Trevor and the others at their table.
-Pierre raises his glass of wine slightly up in the air, whilst looking at the people at the table.
I’d like to make a toast to the son of the man who has given me everything I ever needed, Mr. Trevor Long.
-Everyone at the table claps.
-Pierre smiles at Trevor.
Congratulations on the behalf of your engagement.
-Everyone at the table claps.
-Trevor smiles at Pierre. He then kisses Hazel.
-She smiles at Trevor.
You both should have a happy marriage, right?
-Trevor looks at Margaret and chuckles.
Oh please, we’re not married yet. We long to marry after this voyage.
You couldn’t do it before this voyage?
-Gerald chuckles.
-Margaret looks at Gerald then smiles at Trevor.
I couldn’t agree anymore.
-Trevor looks down at the table then to Margaret.
I wanted something interesting before the marriage.
-Gerald smiles at Trevor.
You 2 are just free to do anything you want.
-Gerald looks at Hazel.
Have a happy and safe marriage.
-She smiles at Gerald and puts her left hand over her left chest.
That was a great way to wish someone a great marriage.


Texte: Luke Kubiak
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.02.2012

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James Cameron has inspired me to write this script and use it to become a director one day!

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