
The Seekers

As I fell into my own black abyss, I could hear the laughter of the light that pushed me. It attacked me and my darkness barely protected me from being injured. I kept falling but I didn’t scream. I did the last thing they expected. I spread my pitch black wings out and I flew towards them while laughing my sinister laugh. I hit them with hell’s very own fire and watched them burn. I enjoyed the sight. Then I sat up really fast and I knew that it was just a nightmare turned into a beautiful dream. A dream that I killed the Seekers that were hunting my family and me. If only it was real and actually happened.

My name is Elena Magi. My sister is Katherine, my brother is Storm, my other sister is Phoenix, and my other brother is Em. We are the elemental children. From the name, you could probably guess what we have. Powers. Elemental powers. I have fire, Kat has water, Storm has lightning, Phoenix has air, and Em has earth. Storm and I are filled with darkness, while Katherine and Phoenix are filled with light, and Em is a neutral. He is like a ying yang symbol. Equal amounts of light and dark. The others are like ying or yang. They have a dot of darkness while Storm has a spot of light. I'm filled with only darkness. We are hybrids. Half dragon and half human. Are parents are dead but we never really knew them. People think it is sad, but it doesn’t seem to affect us much.

Anyways, as I fly over the mountains, I’m on my way home when I hear Kat scream. I fly down and I find her leaning over her familiar.

“Kat! Kat! What happened? What’s wrong with Aqua?” I said in a worried voice.

“I was flying directly above the water when a Seeker tried to grab me. Aqua jumped out of the water and attacked them. They hit her with lightning. She fell into the water and I had to dive to avoid getting captured.” she said “When I dived down to her, she was bleeding. They almost killed her Elena. They almost killed her! They will pay for this. I WILL MAKE THEM PAY!!!”. A huge wave formed in the pond and shot in the air.

“WHAT! They found us! We have to get to the others and fast. We have to let them know. It’s time. We have to leave. Before they get us.” at that moment, I heard screams. “Come on. We have to hurry Katherine. They might have just found out. The hard way.”

“What about Aqua? We can’t just leave her here. We have to bring her.”

“Make a water vortex. We will have to transport her in that. She can’t be out of water for too long. She’s a Sea Dragon. They need water to survive. Come on! Make it fast!” then I felt it. Their presence. The Seekers had returned. “Kat! Get under water. NOW!!! They are back!” As she dove under water with Aqua, the Seekers came out of the woods. That is when they knew why my name was Inferno. I started to spin in the air. I spun faster and faster and then I started to glow outwards. Not like a glowing in the dark type glow. A black-like glow. Black flames flowed out of my body in different directions. It was as if Hell’s very own black flames were reaching out and trying to pull the Seekers into Hell so the will burn for an eternity but will stay alive during the whole time. The only difference, these weren’t Hell’s flames. These were my flames. Flames that I controlled. Flames that I wanted all of the Seekers to burn in. My flames of sweet revenge. They took everything that we loved from us and forced us into hiding. I wanted to take everything they loved from them and make them burn in Hell. I would have done it to these Seekers if the others hadn’t stopped me. I start to hear the crackling of my flames and the screams of the Seekers and I laughed a pure evil laugh. I was letting my darkness consume me and transform me into an evil so intense that I could have been Death itself, but then I heard it. Love. The love of my family calling my name. Then I blacked out. I went somewhere else. It was pitch black and I thought I was alone. I thought that I finally fell into my own Hell-like abyss. I looked up, but could see nothing. Just darkness. I tried to scream for help. I screamed so much that my throat hurt so much that I couldn’t make anymore sounds. I was really alone.

All of a sudden, I saw a light. Not the end of the tunnel light. A light that gave me hope. I opened my eyes. I was laying on the ground with a circle of burnt ground around me. I tried to get up but I couldn’t. My head was bleeding and the blood was running into my eyes. I must have fell out of the sky when I blacked out. It made sense that I’m injured because I was four hundred feet above the ground. How did I not die? It takes a lot more than a four hundred foot fall to kill me and my family.

I started wondering if the Seekers died or ran off. Then, I started thinking that when I blacked out they took my family. I dismissed that thought because it wouldn’t make sense if they took my siblings, but didn’t take me. Then I saw it. My family running towards me. I realized I couldn’t hear anything because it looked like they were screaming my name. I made out the words help but it was so quiet that I don’t know if they even heard me. Finally, they reached me. They dropped to their knees beside me and tried talking to me. I was starting to be able to hear again. Storm was yelling at me.

“Why can’t you ever listen?” I started to lose consciousness again.

“Elena! Stay with us Elena. Don’t close your eyes Elena. Please! Don’t close your eyes.” screamed Phoenix. Kat started crying. Em just looked at me with a look in his eyes. A look as if he could save me. I faintly hear him asking everyone to back up. I see him get closer to me. He puts his hand a few inches above my body. They start to glow a leaf green color and I can feel my wounds healing. I am able to sit up.

“Thanks Em, but, where did you learn that and how are you doing that? You have Earth.” I said with confusion.

“We can all do it. We just have to use are powers. That is why my hands had a leafy green glow coming from them. I was able to heal you because we came from the Earth and we will go back to it when our time was up. So we are part of it. Just like what happens when a tree’s bark starts coming off. The Earth heals the tree and the tree goes back to full health within time. The only difference is that I sped up your healing process.”

“I still don’t understand. How did you know that we could do that? Have you healed someone before?”

“No, I haven’t. At least, not on purpose. I was healing a broken tree branch because I can heal that type of stuff with my Earth element using grow. Phoenix fell and hit her head and I helped her up. I was looking at the cut on her head and I was trying to wipe off enough blood for me to see how bad the cut was. Well, when I touched her cut she closed her eyes and braced herself for the sting. Right before I touched it, I was thinking that I had to bandage it so that I can make sure it heals properly. When I thought that, my hands started to have that glow to it and her cut started healing automatically. She opened her eyes and saw my hands glowing, saw me look at them with confusion, and she said in a very, very, very, annoying excited shriek and told me that I was the one healing her. When my hands stopped glowing, I used water to wipe away the dried blood, and I saw that the cut wasn’t even there anymore. I completely healed her. Then, I knew how to do it. I already taught Phoenix and Storm how I did it and told them just to fully connect to their element and think heal. The glow will be the same color as your element. Mine was green, Storm’s was lightning yellow, Phoenix’s was a silverish white, Kat’s will probably be blue, but I don’t know if your glow will be black because of the color of your flames or red because of your element.”  he said.


The Unseen Power

When we got back to the fort, all of us made a small, but deep, cut on our arms. Em healed Phoenix, Phoenix healed Kat, Kat healed me, I healed Storm, and Storm healed Em.

“Woah." I said.

"What?" replied everyone at the same time.

"Look at that!" I exclaimed while pointing directly at the lake.

Everyone looked at the lake. It was glowing a blue silver glow. Then I turned my head towards the different parts of nature. The trees and grass had a green glow, you could practically see the wind because of its glow, the storm cloud was glowing a very bright yellow, and the fire had a dark, almost pitch black, glow around it.

"What does it mean?" asked Kat.

"I have no idea sis." I replied.

All of a sudden, I felt myself collapse and I drifted into unconciousness. I saw our mother and father smiling at me as I sat up.

"Mom? Dad? Is it really you?" I whispered.

"Yes. It is us Elena. But, why are you here? Did you die?" mother said.

"What do you mean?"

Father answered me on that one. "This is the spirit realm."

"I'm dead? I don't want to be dead. I need to get back and help them. They can't fight the Seekers on their own. How do I get back?" I said in a panicky voice.

"You can't." they replied together

And then it happened again. I felt myself collapse and once again I was drifting into unconciousness. Though, when I sat up this time, I was surrounded by my siblings once again.

"What happened?" I asked. They told me that I was perfectly fine one minute, but the next I just collapsed. I had been unconcious for a week. They thought that I might have actually been dead. I told them what I saw.

"So, you saw mom and dad?" Em asked.



"I don't know. Mom asked me if I died and when I asked her what she meant, Dad said that it was the spirit realm. When I freaked out saying how I needed to get back, they told me I couldn't. That once you are dead, you don't return. Then I blacked out and next thing I know, I'm here."

"Well, you scared the hell out of us. What were you thinking? You used to much power at once. It took to much out of you. You aren't allowed to use your powers for a long time." said Storm.

"What!? You can't tell me what to do, we are the same age. Or did you forget that, twin? Also, I am perfectly fine. I just lost control temporarily. I was trying to protect you guys!"

"You should have also tried to protect yourself!" By now, we were in each other's face screaming. Then a wall of earth seperated us and an air and water dome went around each of us seperately.

"CALM DOWN AND STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!" our little siblings screamed at us in unison.

"I'm sorry guys. And you're right Storm. I'm sorry." I said in a low voice, all the fighting going out of me. I sunk to my knees as the wall and domes disappeared and we all just hugged each other and sat there.

"You guys do realize, we have to leave now. They know where we live. They will come back and finish us off the first chance they get. We have to run again." stated Em.

I looked at my family, I looked at our home, and I looked outside where the scorched ground was.

"No," I said. "No more running. We will stay where we are and fight. Let them come. We have been running our whole lives. Mom and Dad aren't here to protect us. But we can still fight. Together."

They all looked around, looked at themselves, and looked at me.

"I'm in." Kat replied

"I'm in." said Em

"Me too." "As am I." agreed Phoenix and Storm

And so we started preparing for battle. For, indeed, there would be one. But no matter the outcome, we will stick together.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.12.2017

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I dedicate this to all of the dreamers and believers in the world...

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