

I looked in her eyes and remembered all the time we had spent together and the times we laughed the love the hate then, she pulled the trigger, there was a loud bang, then nothing. Then a wave of came over me a scream pierced the silence, only after I collapsed to the ground did I realize that the scream was my own. I shut my moth to silence the scream, I touched my chest were I had been hit the pain throbbing through me and I knew it would end soon, then i saw nothing i knew my eyes were open because i blinked and opened them again, but everything was red, Blood Red, then I began to feel light as a feather, i began floating away, the pain gone and so was all the red everything was now Wight it was amazing then i saw something walking towards me, it was a person, a man, he had Wight tightly fitted clothing on, and on his back these amazing things, pure Wight, feathery, they were magnificent they spread wide and amazing and then he folded the magnificent wings to his back, and spoke...

The only ones...


(5’3, Blond hair, choppy medium length, skinny and confident, but full of deep dark secrets.)
“Order up!” the rough familiar voice of Michael chimed as he set a platter of his world famous food in the order window ledge still stemming, just waiting for pick up. His food always smelled great and having to work in a small dinner just full of all the aromas it was like torture in itself, but I don't mind I’m not the type of person to eat out much.
“Mk thanks Michael you’re the best.” I told Michael in my usual cheerful tone, I swept fluently past the order window grabbed the platter and brushed by tables four and five and set the 3 platters down in front of Mr. and Mrs. Weber an elderly couple and their granddaughter, Anna. “Here you go Mr. and Mrs. Weber, hi Anna.” I told the three of them. I used to work up at the nursing home that they live at, and I see them every Sunday for breakfast with their granddaughter, Anna, she has always been a sweet girl and I loved taking care of her grandparents before I got framed for stealing Advil, and then they fired me.
“Thank you Alex you’ve always been so sweet we are terrible sorry about the incident with the Advil from Jinee,” Mrs. Weber’s frail voice so familiar she said in an apologetic tone, then she lowered her voice ”Personally we don’t believe for a second that it was you.” She winked her wrinkled eye at me.
“Thank you I’m glad someone believes me.” I said with a smile and brushed my bangs off my face. I turned and walked back to the order window picking up the next order for table six. Ding the bell hanging frailly to the ceiling above the door so it would ring when the door swung open. I turned to see two men I had never seen in the dinner before; she went over to seat them at table 1 that had just become vacant. They were both tall but one was still taller than the other and it felt like they were the only ones in the dinner, the shorter of the two was good looking had a buzz cut, long arms and legs but I couldn’t tell much else about him he was wearing baggy clothes. The taller one was a beautiful, he had blue eyes like the sea that could go on forever and never find the end it was impossible to describe just how beautiful they were, he chocolate colored hair in a bowl cut, he wore a weight hoody, jeans, and a DC hat. When he noticed I was looking at him he turned toward me an smiled a bright weight smile, ashamed I dropped my gaze and got the menus from beneath the podium, I peeked through my eyelashes and he was still smiling but he had turned to his friend. Pull it together Alex, I looked at them squared my shoulders and said…
“Hello, my name is Alex; I will be your waitress today.” At least I remembered that much of what I was supposed to say.
“Hello, Alex.” The taller one said with a smile.
“Right this way to your table, please.” I said waving my hand towards the corner where table one stood and the three old chairs that always sat almost always empty. When we reached the table, I had them sit down I set the menus in front of them.
“All right what can I get you two to drink?” I asked them.
“I’ll take a Dr. Pepper, thanks.” The taller of the two said.
“Make it two.” The shorter one said with a halfhearted smile.
I came around the corner to the soda fountains, I grabbed two glasses off the rack were they had been placed just a few minutes ago with a few water droplets still clinging to them. I filled them with 4 ice cubes each and added soda, then Jamey did the last thing I had expected.
“Hey I’m taking table 1 so I’ll just take those.” She said walking up hands out stretched for the glasses of soda in my hands, Jamey had always been so shy never out spoke never did anything wrong and here she was trying to steal the table of hot guys from me! This wasn’t like Jamey at all.
“No, that’s ok I’ve got it, thanks anyway.” I told her turning to deliver the sodas looking down at myself as I walked I looked great for someone who had been working in a dinner all day. When I reached the table the taller one looked up and smiled at me, his smile was beautiful it made me lose my breath every time, the shorter one quickly followed his friends example, I set down the two glasses and said “All right, two Dr. Peppers and a side of smiles” all three of us laughed at my joke they knew what I was talking about.
“Hey I’m Mason, Kurt here calls me Mas though because-” he stopped mid-sentence and looked straight at me “you don’t care do you?” he said looking down and then peeking through his lashes.
“No I mean Yes I mean I don’t mind.” I said feeling my cheeks getting warmer and even pinker.
“Ok well he calls me Mas because of how often I get pepper sprayed and pepper spray is also called-” he began and I interrupted.
“Mas, oh” I laughed at the stupid joke that I still didn’t really get. “I get it” I lied.
“Yeah.” Mason said then took a swallow of his soda.
“We were both just out at a party one night-” Kurt began then Mason interrupted.
“Do want to sit down” Mason asked waving to the empty seat next to him.
“Sure just let me go talk to Jamey” I said pointing over my shoulder not knowing if she was really there. I turned and walked up to Jamey sure enough she was right around the corner spying on us. “Jamey cover me on tables four, eight, seven, and one, please, Thanks” I said grabbing myself a soda and walking back over to the table sitting down and settling in.
“Ok so we were at a party one night and we were all messing around in the front yard of a friend’s house when a girl came walking by, we had a contest of who could freak her out first I went first nothing Mas went up to her grabbed her shoulders turned her around and went ‘BOO’ and she Pepper Sprayed him” they both cracked up I finally got the name joke and started laughing with them. Mason leaned back in his chair and stretched when we had finished laughing and then he took in a deep breath and then took another drink of his soda.
“So what are you doing this weekend?” Mason asked when he had set down his glass again.
“Well Friday I have work, then Saturday I have to go to the jeweler my ring is in and I have to go grocery shopping in the morning, and Sunday I have to open up the dinner.” I told him thinking about what I really did need to do this weekend.
“Okay would you like to come to this party with us Saturday night?” Mason asked eyeing me carefully.
“Um what time does it start and end?” I asked curious to know then Jamey came over to take their orders all too excited to serve this table she was smiling really big right up till the moment when she saw that I was sitting with them, she instantly put two and two together and she looked a little peeved that I had asked her to cover tables for me while I sat and talked with the two hot guys from table one.
“Hello I’m Jamey and I’m filling in for your waitress she is being lazy, so what can I get you two to eat?” she asked Mason and Kurt totally ignoring me.
“Actually I’m eating too you can just put it down as my one meal here today” I told her and she looked furious but she took a deep breath and put on a halfhearted smile just for the boys.
“Ok so what can I get you three?” she said a little frustrated, gritting her teeth.
“Um I’ll have the French toast” Mason said looking over the menu quickly and then folding it once more and handing it to her, she took it brushing his hand you could tell she was happy about that.
“I will too.” Kurt told her folding his menu and handing it to her also.
“Make it three French toasts.” I told Jamey, she glared at me quickly then snatched the menu from me and stormed off to the kitchen to place the orders I wouldn’t be surprised if she spit in my food.
“Where were we? Oh right the party is from 7-10 Saturday night.” Mason continued our previous conversation about the party before Jamey had come over to flirt with my game.
“Okay think I can make it but where is it?” I asked unsure.
“Grand Rapids. Why?” Mason asked though I wish he hadn’t for I dreaded that questioned every time people wondered why it mattered where the event would be taking place.
“Well I don’t have a car so I walk and I can’t walk that far sorry.” I told him solemnly.
“Oh don’t worry about it, we’ll pick you up.” Kurt told me relieving my fears.
"Oh okay, thanks" i said taking another sip of soda.

A new Reles

~Saturday 6:07pm~

“No don’t leave not yet please.” I begged him he was about to get up off the couch and leave and I couldn’t let him not yet I still needed something from him…a kiss one kiss…my first…
“Why not?” he looked down at me laying on the couch I fell over when he got up and I was now sitting up on my elbow reaching the other hand out to grab his hand and lightly pull on it so he would sit back down. He leaned toward me we closed our eyes and leaned…
My eyes shot open and my alarm clock on my night stand swam into focus it was light outside and the clock said I had 45 minutes to get ready for the party. I leaped out of bed ran down the thin hall of my apartment and turned left into my bathroom and turned on the shower hot and ran back down the hall to my bedroom grabbed my towel. I ran back down the hall to the bathroom, once there I quickly closed the door and undressed and jumped in the hot water. After my shower I looked at the time and yanked a brush through my hair and blow dried it. When I finished blow drying my hair I curled it and pulled it back into a ponytail. I rushed down the hall to my closet, I flung the doors open and found my yellow and pink two peace bathing suit and grabbed my cover up and some shorts and flip flops I through it all on and ran back to the bathroom swept on some eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and lip gloss, when my phone rang, I flung my make up back into the drawer and ran to catch it the caller id said it was Mason.
“Hey there.” I answered the phone putting it to my ear.
“Hey we are running late, we’ll be there in five” mason answered me.
“Perfect I am running late too” I told him not so embarrassed now.
“See you in a few”
“k, bye.” I hung up and set the phone down and ran down the hall to my room grabbed my sweet shirt and my purse when I reached my room again there was a man in the corner leaning against the wall casually, he was about my height probably a little taller, light brown hair some dirty blond mixed in, bleached from the sun, eyes green and beautiful but withheld many secrets. He stepped towards me now and I saw all his features.
“JORDAN!” I ran up to him and leaped into his arms thronging my arms around his neck, my legs raped tightly around his waist in a vice. He put his arms around my waist not letting me fall. “Oh Jordan your home you’ve been gone forever!” I said burying my face in his shoulder tears flowing now Jordan was my Best Friend in the whole world but he had left 3 years ago he had left so he could fly under the radar, see Jordan’s a drug dealer and he is best with the most dangerous type of drug there is…Angle Dust…it makes one person almost invisible and inhuman strength and speed, it also causes dilutions.
“Yes I’m home and this time I am here to stay.” He said with a smile.
“You are that’s great Jordan!” I finally had him back and he being here to stay was even better. Then my cell phone rang from my back pocket. Jordan moved one hand so he could keep me up then used the other to fish in my pocket for my phone then I realized it was probably Mason and he would see that and it just wasn’t a good thing. He found it I tried to get it but he had already read the caller ID. Mason.
“Who is Mason?” he asked watching me carefully.
“Oh a new friend” I told him reaching for the phone so I could answer it. “Hello?” I asked into the phone breathless I hadn’t realized I had been holding my breath until I clicked the little green button that said talk.
“Hey we are waiting down stairs do you need more time we can wait?” he asked you could tell he was a little worried he had probable been waiting for a few minutes.
“Um I’ll be down in two minutes I have to finish up.” I said shutting the phone. Jordan looked at me curiously.
“Am I keeping you?” he asked raising one eye brow.
“Yes. I mean no I mean I have two minutes.” I said shoving my phone in my back pocket, and then clung to him tighter.
“Ok well I’ll do a summary of what has been going on with me.” He said look at me in his arms, “well I left, I met some new people specifically this girl named CeCe, she’s very pretty, smart, my girlfriend, talented, and more.” He said the word girlfriend hoping I wouldn’t notice.
“You have a Girlfriend that’s…great I’m very happy for you, J.” I said solemnly.
“I know you hate it you are in love with me you hate this but you try moving on but you can’t because you know you’re never going to find anyone as good as me.” He said staring at me like I was a crown jewel like there was nothing more beautiful, more precious than I. He was right I then quoted him on something he told me long ago. “Like an open book so easy to read, not easy to please.”
Then he said it my favorite line he would always say. “You’re like an open book so easy to read, not easy to please.”
"I love you too now i really do need to go will you come lock the door on my way out? And then you can climb down the fire escape." i said as i walked down the hall towards the front door. He caught my arm and turned me around to face him. He looked at me with appreciative eyes.
"I love you Alex." he said then leaned in and kissed my forehead, i was dazed for a minute, then i regained composure and turned to walk out the door, i called over my shoulder a quick good bye and then i was gone, i never looked back.

New faces

I bounced down the stairs of my apartment building, seeing Kurt and Mason and there was someone else, a girl, her back was to me so i could see her hair it flowed down her back, in beautiful curls of auburn, then she turned as mason pointed towards me and said something looking at her admiring her beauty once she turned all the way to me i saw that she had beautiful cobalt blue eyes that were simple amazing, her lips were full but still small, her eyelashes were flared out and gorgeous, her makeup was not heavy so much as it was dark.
"Hey guys what’s up?" i said reaching them i looked at Mason now peeking to my right at the girl, Mason noticed.
"This is my beautiful girlfriend Sydnee." he waved to his left at the girl putting one arm around her shoulder, she smiled up at him automatically putting her arm around his waist, then she turned to me and smiled and reached out her hand for me to shake.
"Hi I’m Sydnee, feel free to call me Syd." she said as i reached out and grasped her hand smiling too.
"Hi I’m Alex and I’ll-" i stopped mid-sentence almost resisting my Waitress introduction that the boss had drilled into all of us the first day on the job, “sorry i do that sometimes." mason and Kurt laughed and so did i we got why i did it, but Sydnee didn't understand she looked at us like we were a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.
"Am i missing something?" she asked looking at all of us.
"No not really sweetie you see Alex is a waitress too." oh hey maybe Sydnee is a Waitress to.
"Oh i see she was going to say her intro, it's okay i do that sometimes too." Sydnee laughed
"You know me and Kurt met Alex the same way I met you."
"Really? Oh how weird." Sydnee said looking around at the circle of people around her, then back to Mason.
"Well let’s not stand here like we are stupid there’s a party out there to go to." Mason announced, and we all whooped and hollered in unison. We all piled into Masons Red 2010 Chevrolet Avalanche, mason and Sydnee in front holding hands, me and Kurt in back, i sat being Sydnee, and Kurt behind Mason. Our drive to Grand Rapids was long but me and Sydnee giggled and gossiped through the whole thing, while Mason and Kurt talked sports and hunting.

When we got to the party it was Amazing twinkly lights, and paper lanterns were strung up between posts, a juice/food bar under a little cabana, the DJ was blasting my favorite song My Hearts a Stereo by Maroon 5

the sun would be setting in an hour it was amazing. I grabbed Kurt’s hand.
"Dance with me?" I shouted over the music, he smiled at me wide and we ran over to the dance floor.

Me and Kurt had been dancing for an hour when all the sudden the music changed a slow song.
"This song is from Mason Angora, to all you couples out there <3." i had been looking at the DJ when all the sudden Kurt took me in his arms and spun us in a circle then we went into a more steady beat to the music back and forth, 1-2-3 1-2-3

, I chanted in my head.
"You know I've been meaning to ask you something." he said he peeked through his lashes at me.
"Oh and what is that?" I asked as he turned us in another full circle.
"If you would like to be my girlfriend?" he said, he blushed then presenter a simple silver ring, a silver band with a little design on it, and a circle on top and in the center of the circle was a small jewel, a sapphire, my birth stone, it was gorgeous. "It’s a promise ring, a promise that you’ll keep my heart safe , warm and will love it forever, i know you will."
"Kurt, i don’t know what to say." I took the ring from him and slipped it on my right hand. Thank you i had been waiting for a moment such as this dating masons best friend would mean I would be around Mason more and I could be close to Sydnee too.
"How about Yes

"Yes!" then i through my arms around his neck, then in a flurry of light I saw myself in Jordan’s arms in my bedroom like this just earlier today then i opened my eyes and i was dancing with Kurt again.

The Supprise

~Later That Night~

Kurt and I had finally decided that we should stop dancing so we took a break we walked through he sand holding hands over to were Mason a Sydnee were siting.
"Hey guys what’s up?" Kurt and I said in unison, we all laughed when they said "Not much how bout you guys?" in unison too.
"Oh hey I'll be right back make sure you listen Sydnee." He said jumping up and running then disappearing into the crowd.
"Okay?!" Sydnee shouted after him half question half not. We all laughed again.
"Save our seats Kurt and I are going to grab some Food." I said standing up and going to the food stand Kurt in tow.
"Sure." i heard her faintly over the blaring music.
When we got back from getting food there was a tap on the mike, and the music paused and Mason’s voice came through on the mike
"May i have your attention every one I have an Announcement to make, Sydnee Bogard, I love you, and i promise to love you like it’s the last time for the rest of my life, if.. You’ll just marry me." Mason sure did have an announcement to make I sneered to myself. "Sydnee are you out there?!" Mason called looking through the crowd then i looked behind me were Sydnee was siting, she sat there resting her face on her hand but not lazily she had a frozen shocked look on her face, I nudged her she came back from her lifeless pose she stood up.
"YES!!!" she screamed and I sighed. she ran up to the DJ stand were Mason stood, rushing by the crowd, and into his arm, he was still holding the mike and it was close to her face when she whispered to him. "Yes, I love you too." she blushed when she realized that she had been over the speakers, then Mason presented a ring I couldn’t see from back here were I sat at the table. we spent the rest of our night there Kurt and i in the sand on the beach Me sprawled in his lap drifting in and out of sleep, Mason and Sydnee to our left, Sydnee doing the same as I, This night was quiet the surprise.

Thes Times...


Finally after drifting in and out for hours I felt the black consume me.
A bright Wight light shown through the dark, then it faded away becoming a pale day there was a little girl in a light blue sun dress and her red hair pulled into curls around her face, and a little boy in blue jeans and a red T-shirt he had brown hair long but still short, they were under a weeping willow that was by a pond, they were talking, then i remembered that was me and Mason as kids. I walked closer to them, little Mason got up and walked straight to the very edge of the pond and looked down at one of the coy fish in the pond, little me walked up behind him and wrapped my little arms around his waist put my chin on his shoulder and looked into the pond at the coy fish to. As i stood there watching them I realized that this was the day that I realized I was in love with Mason. Little Mason turned his body around and little me dropped her arms Mason bent over a little to reach my face and he kissed me on the cheek.
"Sydnee would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" little Mason said, Mason always talked like that when he asked me about love, he was always sweet to me.
"I will do you that honor." little me said with a smile then the smile faded I closed my eyes and lead in and kissed him on the lips and then went back to where they had been laying before an laid down again, Mason quickly composed himself once more and went and laid beside me again. All the sudden the pail light turned black and then the pond the weeping willow the grass blowing in the trees little Mason and me were gone, someone was whispering in my ear, "Sydnee it's time to go you need to wake up." it was Mason, I half opened my eyes and I saw the ocean it span out in front of me going for miles dark blue almost black in the night.
"Ok i need to talk to Alex anyway." I said half conscious.
"Ok well let’s go home and you can talk to her there, ok?" Mason said. "What were you dreaming about you had a smile on your face the whole time you were sleeping?"
"I was dreaming about the day you asked me to be your girlfriend, remember?" I asked him turning my head in his lap to look up at him.
"By the weeping willow? And the pond? When we were about 8 years old?" Mason asked looking down at me fondly.
"Yes, that exactly." I said looking up at him.
"Well I would love to stay here and reminisce with you but we need to get home." Mason said starting to stand up, I get up to we all start to walk back to the truck me and Alex climb in the back and Mason and Kurt close our doors for us, and then climb in the front.
"Alex?" I asked in the near blackness the only light was coming from the dash board, which wasn't much.
"Yeah?" she answered, as my eyes adjusted to the new kind of black I could see the outline of Alex’s' figure, the truck started with a roar Alex and I both jumped, then laughed at ourselves.
"I want to see your ring, may I?" I had noticed Kurt had given her one and I decided I would look at it on our way home.
"Oh sure! May I see yours?" She asked excited. I handed her my ring and she handed me hers, I loved hers so simple so elegant yet still understated, I handed her the ring back, and she gave me mine, I looked at My intricate flower blooming with a small pink diamond in the center, the flower was on top of a vine of silver and leaves of silver on either side of the flower, I loved it. After a few minutes my head fell against the window and I fell asleep.





The unwanteds...

~ September 11th~

I hadn’t slept much I was having lots of nightmares that made me restless but for some reason last night I didn’t dream at all it was just black it was odd, I usually tossed and turned all night but this morning I woke up exactly how I had fallen asleep curled up on my side, blankets pulled close to my face.
“Happy Birthday, I’m going to go downstairs and make breakfast, don’t forget we are leaving at 1 so don’t take too long.” Mason had whispered in my ear this morning before I had gotten up. Today is my birthday tomorrow is Alex’s, so tonight from 11-1 we were having a beach party to celebrate we were both going to be 25 and in a month so would Mason and Kurt.
“Sydnee you awake?” Mason called from the bottom of the stairs I assumed.
“Yes I’m awake I’ll be down in soon I’m going to get a shower.” I called down to him as I got out of bed and grabbed my towel off the back of the bed room door, then crossing the room to go into the pent house master bathroom.
“All right just don’t take too long I made bacon and eggs and I want you to eat before it gets cold.” Mason called up to me right as I closed the door behind me, I laid my towel on the side of the huge bath tub and put the cork in the drain and started to draw hot bath water I put my hand under the faucet and while the water filled the tub I undressed and pulled my way too long of hair into a messy tight bun, I waited about 2 min till the tub was ¾ s full of steaming water I climbed in, it was nice just lying there in the huge tub, there very relaxing, I brought one hand out of the water and rubbed the knots out of my neck. After I had finished relaxing my mussels I grabbed my sponge and body soap and scrubbed the stress away, I kept telling myself that it was my birthday I shouldn’t be like this I should be over joyed who doesn’t like birthdays (Me) I thought to myself sulking like a child.
“Sydnee we have to leave in an hour better hurry. “ Mason called from the other side of the door.
“Alright I will.” I called through the door to Mason and I stood up and pulled the plug I grabbed my big blue towel off the side of the tub I towed off then stepped out and dressed myself in my navy blue ruffle dress, I didn’t want to look at the long Wight dress bag on the back of the bathroom door that held my party dress, I slipped on some black leggings underneath my dress I put a black sash on and my black sweater on, and went down stairs to find my black leather boots or Mason witch ever came first, hopefully my boots. When I got down stairs my boots were right there at the bottom I slipped them on zipping them and went to find Mason in the kitchen I sat at the place at the table set for me with a plat of eggs and bacon, when I finished I went back up stairs and pulled my hair out of the messy bun and yanked a brush through it and then curled it, I looked at the clock, I ran out of the bathroom grabbing the Wight dress bag, my keys, a change of clothes off of the top of my dresser, and my purse off the floor at the end of my bed, and rushed down stairs. Mason opened the door for me and we rushed out together when we got down stairs to the underground car garage I through mason the keys to his Avalanche I through the dress bag, and the bag with a change of clothes for later in the back and jumped in the front. We made it to Alex and masons apartment on 83rd street in time. Mason came around to my side and opened the door for me and then grabbed the Wight dress bag and the change of clothes out of the back for me and we went to the elevator and pressed the button for floor 20 the button glowed yellow around the edges and then the doors closed and we started to go up and we watched the dial count from 1 to 20 slowly ticking by when the doors opened again we were in a short hallway that lead to one door the pent house door we walk to the door, and knocked on the door, a few seconds later Alex opened the door.
“Hey guys come on in.” she said stepping to the side and waving her arm towards the beautiful living room that went to the terrace that opened to the city.
“Thanks” Mason and I said together. They owned a pent house too just like Mason and I did they bought it about a week after they started dating. Theirs wasn’t as big as ours but there’s was prettier with a better view. Alex took my hand and grabbed my bags from Mason who gladly gave them up to her, and then she led me up the stairs down the hall and into a huge room then led me through another door that went into a huge bathroom there was a counter full of cosmetic supply’s and I assumed were we would be doing hair makeup and getting dressed here.
~4 hours latter~

Alex and I did have a lot of fun doing each other’s hair and makeup then it was time for the dresses, I slipped my simple Wight dress over my head and Alex zipped me. Alex slipped her dress on and you could tell she liked playing dress up or pretending to be a princess anyway it was this huge ball gown, lime green, it had a line of gems across the length of the sweetheart neck line and then streamed around under her arms then streamed down her back and flared onto the short train.
We left for the beach at about 10 and were going to be there at 10:45 approximately I don’t like party’s especially when they are for me, but I had to admit I was a little excited I never got to have a boyfriend with me or a boyfriend at all.
Later once we had driven the 45 minutes to the beach we were all standing in the sand staring at each other mason appreciating my gown and the dip in the halter.


Texte: None of the photoes in this book belong to me in any way shape or form.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.11.2011

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To My wounderfull family and amazing friends your the best.

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