
Let the games begain

Akuma sung as her feet and hands were chained up, she wanted to be free and play with some big brothers and sisters’ .She had been here in this darkness for centuries now.

Mei woke up from the same dream again , it was a dream where a girl was standing over Mei’s friends and her ,bodies laughing, covered in blood but what made her more scared was she said “I’ll be seeing you soon big sister, Mei got chills form just thinking about it. She got up and turned her television on to cartoon network call her childish or whatever for being sixteen watching cartoon’s but when you had a dream like hers you just gota clear you mind .After a while she finally she went back to sleep and woke up at seven thirty to get ready for school. She first took a hot shower, bushed her teeth and put of her clothes. She then bushed her short brown hair and put on some make up and then she stared at herself in the mirror, Mei didn't think she was pretty, her hair stuck up even when she brushed it and her green eyes didn't look right on her .Finally she put her glasses on and hurried out the door when she heard a horn beep. When she came out she saw all four of her best friends, Nami, Jess, Takeshi and Souta. Nami was a sassy girl she had brown eyes and black hair. Takeshi was Mei’s childhood friend, he had brown hair and hazel eyes but he didn’t talk very much, he only listened, now Shouta on the other hand was different he was childish and was a lady’s man, he had orange hair with blue eyes. Mei hurried into the car as everyone said “Hello” to her but she could barely hear them over Shouta yelling “hello’ to her as he smiled.

“What’s wrong“ , asked Nami ask she looked deeply concerned at Mei, “I had that dream again” choked Mei, “Gezz how can a person have the same dream over and over again since kindergarten”, asked Shouta? Nami quickly smacked him in the head, “Hey watch it are you trying to kill us, I’m driving here”, said Shouta as his smile disappeared. Even though Mei knows Shouta didn’t mean anything by saying that she felt he had a point something big was about to happen to them all but what? Class went by fast and the gang mat up at lunch to chat. “O yeah guys said Nami were meeting tonight at my house six o clock don’t be late”, said Nami, “why what’s the big deal” questioned Takeshi? Nami was taken back by this “well I bought this cool board game form this shop and I kind of wanted to try it out”, said Nami excitedly. Lunch then ended and it was decided that they would meet at six. The day went by so fast to Mei; it was so fast that by the time she blinked it was time to go home.

Six o clock hit faster than a bullet. Everyone sat at Nami’s table as she pulled out the board. “Ok here are the rules read Nami

1“Once you play there’s no turning back”

2 you must play the game fairly

3 you are only aloud to invite the maximum of ten people in the game {in other words they can help you beat the game]

4 you have the option to join Akuma in darkness, die or defect her.

5 Good luck players

Everyone looked at each other,” maybe we shouldn’t play this”, said” Mei shaking, something doesn't feel right”. "Y-yeah" , said shouta i agree with Mei somethings diffidently strange", he said. Nami rolled her eyes "shut up ",she said ,while taking the plastic off the board. Takeshi stared as she did. " 'What the there's nothing written on this board"," there's only these weird doll that look like us"

Akuma first appearance

Akuma jumped up and down she was free at last now she was going to pay her big brother and sisters a visit and play some games. She got excited just thinking about it.
Mei couldn't believe what happened last night but they all vowed to never speak of it again. Mei laid across her bed, she was fully awake since her nightmare stopped. Mei got up and went to the bathroom, she looked at the mirror and then she looked down and washed her face, she then heard a sing. ”Poor big sister all alone but don’t worry because pretty you will be with Akuma for-e-v-e-r” sung the voice. Mei jumped back when she saw women in her in her mirror trying to say something.

Mei came closer to the mirror as she tried to make out the words the women said. But the women grabbed Mei, as she screamed .Nami ran to Mei and shaked her. ”’Mei wake up Mei “, yelled Nami. Mei eyes flew open, “Nami “, cried Mei, “clam down Mei whatever you saw it wasn't real”, said Nami as she hugged Mei, “there, there I’ll make sure to save big sister for last” ,said the impostor as they shifted form looking like Nami to a girl with a blue and red eye she was dressed in black. Mei quickly pulled away from her who are you she questioned. “Who me I’m Akuma said the girl while spinning around and thanks to you and your friends I am free tehehe laughed Akuma. “This time will be different she while stepping closer to Mei, then she stooped oops looks like it’s time to head back bye, bye big sister “,said Akuma as she jumped into the mirror and waved good bye. Mei covered her face with her hands as she sat on the cold bathroom floor, “this can’t be happening", she said as tears dropped down her face.
The next morning Mei woke up on the bathroom floor, to her phone ringing, she quickly ran to answer the call. “Mei”, said Nami ,” we meeting now at subway”, Mei was about to question Nami but she hung up before she got the chance. It took Mei six minutes to get ready and walk to sub way. When she arrived everyone looked restless. She sat down in the chair but no one spoke for a moment. “Judging by the way you guys look you saw the girl to I mean Akuma said Shouta as he sipped his Mountain Dew. Everyone sat quiet and shocked that they saw the same girl. This is bad thought Mei , really bad , Jess just looked at them strangely because he had no idea who this Akuma girl was.

Mei ran as fast as she could,then she stopped when she saw Nami with a girl. Mei started to panic.

'Nami " screamed Mei as she rushed to her side. The girl with white hair slowly turned her head with a smile.

"Come on big sister you can come to ", said the girl as she held out her other had to Mei.

"Get away form her" ,screamed Mei back.

"Now. now big sister, other big sister wants to join Akuma , said the girl.

"But your not Akuma", said Mei.

The girl then dropped her smile and twisted up her face. "Only special people get to see Akuma and live through it, said the girl as began smiled again."Ahh she's calling well see you later big sister, she said as she began to pull Nami, then she stopped I'll let your friend go this time just because it will give my master more joy to watch late". Then the girl disappeared. Nami came to after five minutes , Mei had to comfort her, on the way home neither girl's spoke.

"You did very well today Cher", said Akuma as she patted the girls head.
Then Cher smiled as AKuma started to braid her white hair,"I really like the big sister with the glasses said Cher happily.

Akuma tighted her grip on Cher hair and Cher screamed in pain "you are not to lay a finger on Mei understand", asked Akuma? Cher nodded and kept quiet, Akuma then started to sing a lullaby.

When she finished Cher yawned , when will you use Kei in the game" ,asked Cher.

"Soon", said Akuma as she got up and walked to a couch she then laid down and fell asleep in the darkness.


Mei and Nami sat on Mei's Hello-Kitty bed spread with out a single word,then the two girls jumped when they heard a knock, knock on the door. Mei's mother came in to the room wearing a gray shirt and blue jeans ,Mie's mom had blonde Sandy hair with blue sea eyes.

"What is wrong with you girls',asked her mother with a worry look, but both girls shook their heads and got dressed and went to bed.

Shouta was at his band gig getting ready to go on stage. He ran his hands throw his hair and began to scratch his arm because he wasn't going lie he was scared as crap with all of the things that were happening with his friends and him. Sweat started to drip down his face as he wiped it away with his black sleeve as the man called his band onto the stage. Everything went better than he thought as he played his red guitar and sung as his notes right. The performance came to an end as a smile found its face onto his face. When the gig was over Shouta ran into a near by bathroom and threw up in a toilet , he then flushed the white cold toilet and slide down the gray boring wall and sat on the cold dirty ground to smoke, it was his own addiction that no one knew about. He Then started to hit his head as voices started to speak in his head.

"Leave me alone ",he screamed as they started to talk louder . Shadows then began to run past his bath room stall as he closed his eyes and cried like a baby.

Takeshi laid on his bed rubbing the black and purple bruises on his arms , he didn't know where they came form or how he got them. He sat up slowly because they hurt whenever he moved, when he got up his eyes widen as he saw a little girl siting on his rug watching his television. The girl soon turned around with a smile, just that creepy lop sided smile scared him as she got , she was covered in blood with red eyes, white hair and she was bare footed.

"Cher came to play with big brother", she said as she took small steppes towards him.

Takeshi got up and grabbed a lamp and threw it at her, with a Crush it hit Cher in the face and she fell towards the ground and Takeshi ran the hell out of the room down stairs and out of the door with out looking back, he was in pain but he forced on trying to get away.

Mei heard a loud knocking on her window on her window, she yawed and went to open it to find Takeshi breathing heavy as he climbed through and fell to the hard wood floor with a tump .

"I'm staying here to night", said Takeshi as not so much as asking but saying.

Mei didn't question him in stead she gave him a pillow and a blanket and went back to bed.

Shouta began to feel chills down his spine and he began to laugh like a mad man as the bathroom stale door opened slowly. Coming form the bathroom where screams of pain but no one heard as they passed by without a worry.

Mei, Nami threw on clothes in the bath room since Takeshi was in Mei's bed room , when they were finish they walked out to find him standing by the door waiting.

"We're having another meeting ', said Nami as she ran to Mei's house phone and called Shouta.

They gang meet again at subway Shouta was there first, he smiled as he saw them and moved over to let Takeshi sat by him.

"What are we going to do", asked Mei ?

"We should just play the game it's that simpy",said Shouta as he played with his straw.

"Mmm Shouta are you okay", asked Nami ?

"Yup I'm perfectly fine , I just never felt so alive", he said as he laughed.

"Any ways do you guys still have those dolls ",asked Takeshi ?

"Yeah replied everyone as they showed their 's".

Everyone doll looked like them , but Shouta's had pitch black eyes, everone then looked at his with questioning looks.

"What I just got bored and thought that it need a little makeover", said Shouta with a smile.

His smile then disappeared as everyone looked like they didn't believe him,"O what you guys don't trust me well then fine I'm out ", said Shouta as Takeshi let him out of the sat and he left.

"Wait Shouta ", said Mei as she got up to go after him but Takeshi grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"Don't you guys see she's trying to turn us against each other "yelled Mei upset.

"She's right", said Nami as they got up to go after Shouta.

When they caught up to him he was standing in front of a food cart.

"Look Shouta", said Takeshi with his hand up "We are sorry man".

"OKay forgiven if you guys but me some of these's little chicken snacks, he said as he pointed to them.

"Done', said Nami as she pulled out her wallet and bought five little chicken snacks.

The gang began to move to go to Jess's house, on the way they had to walk by a huge glass building and for a second Mei she saw Shouta reflation, he was wearing a black shirt with a collar around his neck with black ripped jeans with red eyes, but what made it more strange was he wasn't wearing those clothes today, he had a red shirt and blue jeans. Mei wiped her eyes thinking she was still half a sleep.

Shouta turned around seeing Mei with a worried look, he then smiled " Something wrong, he asked?

"Nn- no" she said I've just had a lack of sleep ", said Mei as she turned her head quickly. She didn't trust him , but all she could do was keep a close eye on him.
They soon arrived at Jess house to find the door opened with blood stains on the wall, They all quickly ran up stairs to find no one.

"This isn't Jess's house", said Nami screaming .

"She's right just look at the old furniture", said Takeshi as he put his hand on the corner of a couch which caused it to disintegrate in front of their eyes. Nami started to cry and ran up stairs, Mei tried to run after her but the stairs crumbled before she could, and everything went back to normal , they were in front on Jess's house.

"It was a trap ", said Mei as she smacked her self in her head for not noticing it earlier. Takeshi hugged Mei , she'll be okay remember she can bring a player into the game if she needs help.

Nami looked back to see that the down stairs was gone, all there was left behind was a pitch black hole, she wiped her tears but the kept coming down.

"Don't cry big sister Akuma will take good care of you forever", said Akuma form the shadows.

Nami ran into the dark to find a place to hid.


Nami found a desk which she crawled under to hid, she silenced her crying as she pulled out her creepy doll and thought of who she wanted to invite into this fucked up game as foot steppes came closer to her.

Jess didn't know where he was but the last thing he remembered was he was at home eating cereal and watching the game, and then poof he was here, where ever here was. This where ever he was dusty and smelled like old people, he then rubbed his caramel skin and sighed, what the heck did those idiots get him into he thought. Jess heard a noisy and dropped to the floor , he then crawled out of a door. When he was out he got up he shook the dust off his jeans and continued to walk.

Nami was about to scream when she felt someone grab her, but the person covered her mouth. She then looked up and saw the outline of Jess face, she then hugged him tightly.

'Mmm it's all nice and all but we really need to get out of this place" , he said as he pulled her off. Nami calmed herself and nodded.

"Well this just got more interesting", said Akuma ," I guess I could give you a hint, thought one of these's doors lies the way home, there are three door that are blue the question is which one is your way home".

"Who just said that ", questioned Jess as he grabbed Nami's hand and began to look for the way home.

"Akuma" whispered Nami.

Jess didn't really understand what was happening but his main goal was getting out of here alive. The first door blue door was on the right by a sign that read "This could be your last", Jess swallowed hard and turned to look at Nami who looked about as scared as him. He turned the knob slowly and the door opened with a loud creak, Jess looked inside to see a teenage boy siting down watching a television and at meditatively closed the door, he watched to many scary movies to know what would have happened next.

The next door was up stairs with these's creepy pictures that seemed to be looking at you, but than again it could be his imagination getting to him. they found the second door with a rusted sign that read "die", now that was just plain crazy to go inside so they pasted that one and keep moving. The tricky one was the last door it wasn't any where to be found.

"Jess ", said Nami.

"Yes", replied as he keep looking.

"I have to use the bathroom", blushed Nami.

Jess turned to her and sighed in a time like this she really wants to use the bath room he thought as they then looked for one.When they found a bathroom it looked something out of a scary movie, Nami was about to go inside but Jess stopped her.

"We should go to gather he said"

Nami blushed even harder"No you stay out here ", she said.

"Look if we get separated then this will give that Akuma chick the opportunity to attack one of us", said Jess getting annoyed. Nami didn't reject anymore and both of them went inside.

This kid was really making Akuma mad , if he wasn't here this air head big sister would've been dead by now, she bared her face in her pillow as the game played out in front of her.

Jess and Nami soon emerged out of the bath room and rezoned looking . Jess soon saw a blue door that read "Home" , he smiled at it and began to run towards it but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a girl.

Nami started to shake "Cher", she said so quiet it sounded like a whisperer.

Jess really didn't care who this girl was he was going to get out of here one way or another"okay this is the plan we both attack together and run like hell to the door and don't look back". Nami nodded but wasn't sure if this was a good plan but as soon as Jess said,"go' , she ran. They both punched Cher and got so close to the door that they could touch it.

"O, big sister ",called Cher as she rubbed her head.

Nami slowly turned around to look dead in her eyes and stopped running.

Cher then started to walk towards them both "Come Here", she said as her voice got deeper.

Jess knew he would regret this later but he knocked Nami out cold and ran with her in his arms to the door. The last thing he saw was Cher's red eyes coming towards they fast.

When he woke up Nami was on top of on his bed with this strange doll. He then heard a Ding dong and jumped up quickly to answer it leaving Nami on his bed.

When Nami opened her eyes she saw she was in Jess bedroom, she then lifted her body up.

"You really thought you where going to escape me" , said Akuma , as she came toward Nami with her face red.

Nami was about to scream but something black covered her mouth. she tried to pull it off but it was no use.

Akuma then dragged her by her hair into a black hole .

"Mmm mm mm ", said Nami trying to call out.

Akuma laughed 'this should be fun seeing you in pain".

Jess opened the door to see Mei, Takeshi and Shouta Faces, "Hey guys he said as he let them in , Nami's up stairs."

Mei didn't waste anytime and ran up stairs to see Nami gone. Everyone soon came up after.

"She was just here" ,said Jess.

Everyone looked around the room for clues only to find the doll with an x over her face. Mei picked the doll up and tucked it into her pocket.

She then turned around to face everyone "If Akuma wants to play let's give her a game I'm sure she'll enjoy' said Mei with a side smile.

Info on Akuma

The gang ended up at the library where they each had five stacks of books to research about Akuma.

"Do we have to look through all these stupid books", complained Shouta as he laid his head on the brown desk he was sitting at.

"Please, fucking stop complaining and just look through the books",said Jess getting annoyed with Shouta.

Mei looked at the boys as they began to argue, she then glanced back at the thick black book she had been reading for hours.

"I think I found something", said Takeshi as he waited for everyone to gather around before he read the book out loud.

"If your reading this you must be fools for releasing the worse possible nightmare a pone your self's", read Takeshi.

"Is that all", asked Mei?

"No, there's more", said Takeshi as he turned the page and began reading again.

December 4, year xx

To day a little girl was born she had black hair pale white skin, he eyes were two different colors one was yellow and the other was red. I was afraid because it is sad that if a child born with different color eyes are witches.

August 15, year xx
Akuma is now six years old, I am afraid even more than ever, I walked into her room to wash her dirty clothes to find her siting in a corner talking to two people, when I asked her who she was talking to she told me she was talking to Cher and Keil , at first I thought it was normal but it turned out I when one night my husband said he say a girl with white hair running down our hall way, that's when I decided to call my mother for advice. When I told my mother she came to our house in the after noon with six other people I didn't known and they took Akuma, all I could do was watch her scream and cry my name.

October,2,year xxxx
I visit Akuma every once in a while, today I deiced to go see Akuma. She sat quietly on the ground , she was sixteen now.

"Takeshi finish the diary",said Shouto.

"I-I can't it's nothing else written", said Takeshi worried.

"Just great another mystery", said Jess walking away from Mei,Shouta,and Takeshi.

"Well it's getting late", said Shouta as he yawned and walked towards the front of the library to leave.

Takeshi also followed him. Mei grabbed the book Takeshi had read from and read the title The Diary Of Musaki. After reading the cover she quickly put all of the books back on their shelf's and walked up front where she saw Cassie, a brunette with blue eyes form school and waved as she went out the door.

I feel numb most of the time
lower I get higher I'll climb
and I will wonder why
I got dark only to shine
looking for the golden light
oh it's a resemble sacrifice (song by Marina& the Diamonds, song Numb)
sung Akuma as she smile lightly at what her brother's and sister's have discovered about her.

Akuma then let her smile sink as she heard Nami wimpier,"I think it's time to let Keil come out in play", said Akuma as she turned to face Cher who was smiling showing white teeth.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2012

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