
The End and The Beginning

12;00 am
Daich woke up to find the light's in his house going in and out, he yawn as he took his time letting him self wake up.He than got off his bed and wondered down his hall way to the bath room until he heard a scream come form his mother room, he began to ran fast to his mother room only to see he was to late.Something started to tearing his mother to piece as blood splattered onto the walls as his very mother head rolled towards him, Daich screamed. He turned to run but something grabbed his foot and pulled him in the dark room, Daich fought as hard as he could till he was out of strength as he blacked out.

12;30 am
Ankia cut the monster in half, he wasn't in a hurry to die totoday. He looked to see if the other's were ok, with him he had his little sister Hanna and his two neighbor's Hiroshi and Horuki , they had manage to escape theses dam monster's somehow thought Ankia as he dropped his cigarette to kill another monster. After killing the monster's that had tried to attack them , they kept running down ally's and avoided main streets. Ankia tuned his head to pee down a corner to see the sheets' crowed with these huge ugly monsters with huge teeth. " alright guys were going to have to wait it out", said Ankia sliding down a wall to sit.

Hiroshi stared at his twin brother Horuki until finally he just asked," what was on his mind "brother what's going with the world , first it's a normal night but then these wired monster's appeared and then my hands started to glow and..." "shhh be quiet Hiroshi i don't know what s happening all i know is that your power saved us second we shouldn't, talk about these things in front of people we don't know if we can trust yet",said Horuki, Ankia looked at the twins as they whispering to eath other "what's the matter big brother", Hanna worried, Ankia just hugged her " no thing Kido" said Ankia.

1;10 pm
Daich woke up with a terrible head ack , he didn't know how he was alive but he wasn't, complying either. He slowly got up and tried to walk to the bathroom, everything was bury but he got there and looked the door.

1;20 pm
Ankia and the other still sat waiting for a chance to get to the other side of the street, Ankia was about to tell them they had to camp out inside someone's house until he heard a gun shoot go off , he then turned his head to see three people fighting off the monster,s "there's no way they can take them all ",said Horuki as they watch a boy with brown hair slice a monster with his sword, what was strange was his sword was covered in yellow stuff, two other people kept shooting the masters'. Ankia griped his own sword "let's go", he said as they ran towards the fight.When all of the monsters disappeared there was only blood stains and black decaying skin.Than one of the shooters came up to Ankia and his group ,"thank you for the help my name is Yuki and that guy with the sword is Rin and that person standing there is Eri", that sall great and what not but we gotta keep moving before more of these dam things come", said Ankia

Diach started to sweat "I'm the only one left everyone else is dead laughed Diach, hitting his head, then he heard a bang on his bathroom door as he prepared himself for the end.


Daich stared at the door as it begain to open he knew than that we was about to die."Hey kid are you all right, asked a man with blonde hair and blue eyes? Daich was shocked he had thought he was the only one left alive but there were severn people standing right infront of him, then the man's voice bought him back to reality "kid are you ok", asked the man again?" Yy-eah ", said Daich as he stood up "Can anyone tell me whats happening", he asked? "Sorry not now kid everyone gather around he gota find a way outa this town",said the man."Mmm can i aleast known all of your names", aske Daich.Daich later learned the man name was Ankia , he also learned everyone else name to.

During this time everyone decied on a plan and got some sleep, they took turns on watching out for any moster's,their shifts went inorder form Ankia,Rin,Eri, the rest got good sleep because they where going to need it for when they were going to ecape the town.

Yuki didn't like being in a group with a whole bunch of people but she would make an exception for these people besides non of them seemed like bad people except this Daich person the moment when she saw him something didn't sit right with her.She stood up and walked over to where Rin was sitting stareing of of the window and layed her head on his shouder's and closed her eye's.

As crazy as it might have seemed Rin enjoyed the view form Daich's apartment, he could almost see the whole town.He then looked down at his shoulder and saw he quietly sleeping her brown hair was all over the place, if Rin didn't known any better he would've thought she been in a fight, he than laughed to himself.


Hanna woke up with her head on her borther lap, she was still tired but she had to wake up the other because they had all ready been in Daich's house to long and she didn't want to risk the chance of a ton of monster's ambushing them in a small place. Hanna quikly woke eveyone up.

Everyone woke up and gathered there belong's "Here", said Ankia throwing a sword at Daich,"I would have gave you the gun but you don't look like you've handled one before". Daich nodded it was true he never had handled such a weapon, he thought to himself but before he could finish he had a flash back of him standing over some one 's body.who he thought to him self what was that. "Ok ready to head out everyone", asked Rin as everyone nodded except Daich. "Ahh wait a minute i gota get something" , said Daich as he rushed to a bed room and grabbed a pill bottle out of his dresser."Alright I'm ready now ",said Daich as he ran after the other's. The group then walked out of Daich's

When the group walked out and ran down the fire escape they saw no monsters in sight. The twins cheered until they saw a huge foot print," woo" said Houki as he ran towards the foot print followed behind him by Yuki, Hanna and Diach .

Eri looked at Ankia and the others "something is strange about that kid, he gives off a strange vibe", said Eri. "Yeah", said Ankia,"you feel it two huh", "what about you", to said Ankia directing his question to Rin and Hiroshi . Rin looked at Hiroshi and both soughed their shoulders. Eri looked away what could have happened last night for the world to become like this thought Eri. Ankia looked around and called everyone to gather again"ok were gonna separate into two groups so we can find a trunk and some fuel faster,r if we can find some food that would also be great" , said Ankia.
Ok the first group will be Hanna,Houki, Daich and Rin the second group will be Eri, Yuki and I". The second group will go for the car the rest will get fuel and food ",said Ankia,they than separated.

5;00 pm
Houki thought it sucked being away form his brother big time because he got stuck with Mr. silent to good to talk to anyone, the annoying brat and the kid who just was there.

Rin wasn't about to talk to any of these idiots to be honest he rather help find the truck then this easy job, plus Hanna kept talking non stop and it was seriously getting irritating.

Hanna thought the boys were boring so she deiced to talk to Rin just to be nice but after a while she saw him getting irritated ,so she just kept talking to bug him until she head Houki scream "Daich are you okay Hanna looked at Daich horrified he had blood dripping out of his mouth.

Daich felt his heart beat speed up and blood flowed out of his mouth then his eyes went blurry the last thing he saw was Hanna's face in fear as he fell and hit the ground.

The monster with in

Rin ran to Daich’s side and checked his pulse but there wasn't one.
“Hanna I need you to find a medical kit “, shouted Rin. Hanna nodded to him as Horuki and he carried Daich into a store named Uncle’s Bob Hair Cuts. Hanna ran fast to find a nearby Conner store as she passed by building she say many cars left on the sheets, the building even had this bazaar brownish pink stuff on them. She finally found a store and stopped in her steps because she saw something red with yellow eyes moving in a trash can. She quietly kept taking steps back until; the monster stopped eating trash and looked at her. It then made a crying nosy and Hanna tried to ran only to find several other red skinned monster’s behind her. They were small but had razor sharp teeth, they then came at her she kicked one and it went flying. The others started to then come at her together.
Hanna was about to scream but then someone pushed her back and cut the monsters up, blood went flying with black fluids. “It looked like you need help little sister “, said Ankia with a smile. Hanna ran up and hit him. Then she told him everything that happened and he gathered Eri and Yuki as they made their way back to Rin, Horkui and Daich.
Rin pulled Daich’s shirt up and looked at the black ink on his body as it began to spread.
“What the heck is that stuff “, said Hourki as he stepped up and pointed to Daich’s body. Then all of a sudden Daich’s body popped up and his eyes glowed blue. Hourki took one look and ran like hell. Rin stood there watching him as Daich gave him a hungry expression. Daich then grabbed Rin and hissed but Rin punched him and Daich ran off.

Ankia, Hanna, Eri , and YuKI arrived at the store to find Rin with a horrified look.
Eri ran towards him “What happened where’s Daich’s body”, asked Eri.
“He’s gone” said Rin .Horki returned several hours later while everyone was discussing what had happened.
8; 00 pm
Daich felt so hunger, he tried eating bread and fried chicken but he just throw it back up. What made him even more wired out by the fact that when he saw a human he thought the smell was delightful. He wonder around the town , when he looked in a glass window of a shop he saw his eyes glowing blue and his hair spiking up, his body was covered in black ink writhing from his chest till his toes his nails had even grow longer. Talk about a bad day he thought as he continued to walk around.

The Monster With In
A Chapter by pinky1500

Daich keep wondering around town until he read a sign that read Fine Furniture, he then walked form form street to street until he fond the shop, it was a bright color red with clean windows and surrounding it were yellow flowers. Who went and vomited on this place thought Daitch as his insides began to hurt terrible again, he then dragged him self to the door of the shop and busted the door nob off with his bare hands. He quickly found a bed with a brown sheets and two fluffy pillow , he then throw him self on the bed and fall asleep.

Yuki felt bad because no one new where Daich was at let alone what had made him sick and go crazy zombie like I'm going eat your brains on Rin. She laid her back against a bottom cabinet uncomfortable, everyone had deiced that they would wait at this old broken down ugly hair shop,she then slowly closed her eyes only to be bothered by non other than Hanna , Yuki sat up and mumbled under her breath as Hanna let words fly out her mouth.

Rin chuckled as he looked over to see Yuki get annoyed with Hanna, Rin then turned his attention back to Eri and Ankia as they continued to talk about the main situation.

Hirosh and Horuki both looked at each other as they examined the others.

"What do you think of them", asked Horuki?

"Their very interesting people",said Hirosh as a wide smile crossed his face.

"The question is can they be trusted", asked Hirosh?

"I don't know they seem like they can be but for now we still watch each other's
backs", said Horuki patting his brother's head.

Ankia looked over at the two sneaky twins, he wasn't gonna lie seeing them over at the corner with smiles on their faces was creepy ."Ok so tomorrow it's deiced we go look for Daich until then it's time for bed everyone", yelled Ankia, everyone then went to bed.

Eri had a hard time trying to go to sleep, all she could think of was how Daich must be feeling right now because he was alone and it was raining heavy outside. Crush, Eri sat up fast and looked out od the window to see white light hit the ground, o great thunder thought Eri as she laid back down and closed her eyes.

1200 am
Daich woke up to find the ink stuff on his body had moved to his neck, he then screamed in pain as blood started to gush out of his mouth,then sharp fang like teeth shot through his mouth and his human teeth flew out and landed on the covers on the bed in blood.His long black nails reached for his throat as huffed to catch his breath,he then laid back on the covers. What is wrong with me thought Daich as his stomach started to growl, he then jumped off the bed and ran out of the store so fast that the poor sucker he found with his new vision hiding in his apartment didn't even see his death coming. After Daich finished his meal he was all covered in blood , so there are a few left in town people thought Dach to him self as he began to transform in something beyond human.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2012

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