
A Morning in the society


Projectxxx12 was a boy who had mid-night blackish blue hair, with deep blue eyes he was dressed in a small white shirt and small that he out grow shorts. He was about nine years old and was extremely aggressive, he had genes of human and of a shadow monster, he was also an experiment to be proud of by scientist. They also kept him caged as an animal. Aiden was twenty years old ,he was the youngest to have ever secede on being of the society council. When Aiden first mat the boy, the boy tried to kill him. As time passed on the boy started to open up to Aiden and Aiden taught the boy new things that amazed him such as how do new tricks with his powers. Then one day Aiden decide he would take care of the boy and named him Sky. Sky personality changed when he became part of the society, he became more cheerful and friendly. He then made friends his age their names are Nathan, Lucas and Alice.

Sky was dressed in a black trench coat; he had his hood covering his face. He had snook out of the society for a late night walk. He was minding his own business humming when out of the blue a huge creature covered in black misty stuff attacked him. Sky he tried to dodge its attack but the monster bite his arm, he screamed in pain because the monster’s fangs pierced his arm deeply. Sky than punched the monster twice, the monster cried in pain and ran into a black hole. Man what an unlucky night thought Sky he didn't bring any of his gear with him and his arm was turning a different color. His shadow part of his genes then started to heal his arm. Sky sighed all he wanted was some cake and ice cream. He then jumped on the houses roof tops and made his way back to the society. When he got back he quietly snook back into his room when someone grabbed his arm. Sky jumped “well, well what do we have here”, said a deep voice. Sky turned around to find Aiden behind him “I mm was just getting a late night snack “ he said, “and you’re getting a snack dressed like that” questioned Aiden. “Y"eah”, said Sky, “and guess what your grounded and by the way at least next time clean up the blood on your arm and jacket”, said Aiden walking away. Sky frowned as he walked in his room and closed his door behind him. He then removed his coat and cleaned up the dry blood off his arm. Then he took a shower and decided to take a long nap.

It was six thirty in the morning when someone busted through Sky’s door “wake up you good for nothing society member”, said a deep rough voice. Sky peeked open one eye to see a guy with blonde and black streaks with yellow eyes coming near him followed by a guy with silver hair and blue eyes. The boy with blonde hair pulled him out of bed.

“Wait a minute Nathan stop I’m trying to sleep here” yelled Sky while kicking,” Lucas don’t just stand there help me”, yelled Nathan. Lucas shook his head no and stood watching the two boys fight off each other.

“Will you just give up already”, asked Nathan.

“Never “, screamed Sky. Then a girl with two long ponytail busted through the door “will you all please shut
up”, she yelled at the top of her lungs.

“It’s his fault” both of the boy said together.

“Will you please stop you annoying thing, Nathan asked?

Lucas sighed as the conversation worsened, in the end everyone woke up grumpy at the society and Lucas, Nathan, and Sky ended up having to clean the whole society.
” This is so unfair”, cried Sky.

“This wouldn't have happened if someone would have just woken up “, said Nathan while pinching up his face.

Lucas just nodded in agreement. Then the girl form this morning appeared “that’s what all of you get for being such an eye sour”, said the girl. “Of course I mean expect Nathan”, she said while blushing. Sky tuned his head to face her direction.

” O I thought it was someone important but it’s just you Alice”, said Sky while making a face.

Alice face than turned brighter than it did when she was talking about Nathan, then she said something under her breath and ran off somewhere. The boys then finished cleaning until everything was crystal clean, then a bell rung to let the children in the society know their classes were about to be gain and the three boys ran to class together laughing and joking.

Out of control

When the boys arrived at their class everyone was taking their seats, so Nathan, Lucas and Sky rushed to their seats. Then their teacher Mr. Powell came through the door and started to talk about how the shapes and sizes and the different powers the monsters can have. Then the teacher pulled out a small cage that made growling noises as he slowly pulled out a small monster covered in black mist, the monster reminded Sky of the one from last night expect when it hissed its fangs were missing , for some reason Sky felt bad for it.

“Now if you ever come across this little guy don’t be afraid all he can do it bite “, said Mr. Powell calmly.

Sky instantly raised his hand.

“YES”, asked Mr. Powell.

“Is it possible for there types of monster’s to grow bigger and to infect you with black poison if they bite you “, asked Sky.

“I at sure you young man that is impossible”, said Mr. Powell trying to figure out why would Sky ask that.

The Bell than rung as the students packed up their books and materials as they left and made their way to the lunch room. Lucas then walked over to Sky and put his hand on his shoulder with a worry look. “I’m okay he said turning towards Lucas with the best fake smile he could. “If you guys don’t hurry up and come I’m leave you behind said Nathan with annoying face .The two boys ran after Nathan in a hurry to catch up. When they caught up they saw two girls were talking to Nathan as he smiled. As they got closer the two girls waved to them.

“Hi” said both of the girls would you three like to join us for lunch “? Sky stared at them then finally asked “will you buy me cake”, he asked with a smile.

“Sure”, said the girl happily. “My name’s Ashley”, said the girl with brown hair,” and my name is Kristen”, said the girl with black hair. The boys and two girls then enjoyed their lunch as Alice joined them.

Everything was fine until three guys walked there way. “Look at the freak experiment and his two idiot friends “said one dude “Ha-ha and one doesn't even talk”, said another one. The third guy just laughed as Lucas looked down at the ground. ‘” you don’t mind if we take your girls do you”, said the first guy. Sky was boiling with anger, “and you don’t mind if I punch you in the face do you”, mocked Sky. Nathan quickly grabbed Sky‘s arm. “Nathan “said Sky wanly . “STOP” yelled Lucas. Shocked Sky turned and looked at him then a punch came out of no where and hit Sky knocking him far back into a wall! Now if you ever been in a fight you know that when some one hits you your mind slows down and you cannot think right away,So when Sky was down his mind went blank. He slowly got up land form with in him something started to stir up form his anger. Everyone in the lunch room looked at him like a monster because half of his body started to look like a shadow monster.The half that looked shadow monster was misty and black with strange writing all over his body his left eye had turned white.Sky hissed as his fangs pooped out as he went on a rampage. From deep with his mind Sky didn't know what he was doing but he liked the power, Then a voice started to talk in his head it was rough hissing voice, he couldn't make out what it was saying or even if it was a voice.The society council made way towards Sky as they tried to stop his rampage.

"Aiden you known what must be done if you can't stop Sky", said an old man everyone called chief. Aiden didn't know but he wasn't about to accept that option. Sky was like his little brother and he was his responsibility ever since he decried to take him away form that rotten laboratory.

When they finally reached Sky, he had destroyed everything in sight, thank goodness people had the since to run. The conical members were shocked, Sky was only sixteen and he was able to do this much damage to the society building, it was so bad that it looked like a tornado did it. What made it more fighting was the boy wasn't even using any of his powers. Akira nearly killed them all until conical quickly jabbed a blue substance into Sky’s body, that made him faint .

Sky woke unchained up on a white be and screamed while trying to break loss. Aiden then came over to his bed " your all right " , said Aiden in a clam voice." You can release him now' said ,a women in a lab coat .Sky knew that voice form any where it was Doctor Moore ,she was one who the doctor's in charge of his health at the laboratory. Aiden quickly unchained Sky. Sky touched his wrist where he had bruises form the chains being tight. "Sorry about that we didn't know if the medication we gave you would stop your shadow genes' ,said the doctor with a creepy smile. As she handed Sky a bottle of piles. "What's', this asked Sky ?"It's your medication that will control your shadow genes , it seems they have gotten stronger" , she said while going back to sit at her desk. Sky and Aiden then walked out of the nurse office, the walk all the way back to the main wing of the society was quiet.

Long dream Memories

When Sky and Aiden arrived at the main wing , Aiden was the first to speak "you should go check on your friends" ,said Aiden as he turned to walk away from Sky."Aiden, said Sky"
I'm sorry." I know", said Aiden with a disappointed look. Sky then made his way to Lucas room where he found Nathan with him, both had deep scares on their arms. Sky then felt afraid he didn't want to loss his only best friends ever because it's hard to find friends who accept you when you're an experiment that human's and the society natural enemy. Nathan was the first to speak " are you just going to stand there and say nothing or are you going to apologies to us ",he asked? Sky took a minute and yelled "I'm s-sorry for getting you guys hurt." Lucas smiled as well as Nathan. Then someone knocked on the door. Sky opened it to see Alice, Ashley and Kristen at the door with a smile. Alice than handed Sky a cupcake,"gees don't worry us like that ",she said while punching him in the arm.The other two girls said they just came by to see if everyone was ok and said their good byes. Then Sky said his good byes as well and went into his room on his. When Sky arrived at his room he had this horrible head ack that felt like someone was stabbing him. As he tryed to make his way to his bed he fainted on the floor.

Sky's first arrived at the society no one would speak to him he, he would always get into fights and hurt the other kids badly with his shadow powers. Sky said Aiden one evening you can't use your shadow powers anymore, this was the very first time he ever saw Aiden angry at him.Then on one specific evening a boy with blonde hair called Sky out of his class to fight him the two boys then entered a fight to the death , but two their suprize the fight didn't last long the two boys ended up fainting and having to go to the nurse office where they both got scolded, the two boys laughed and became friends and Sky learned his name was Nathan. Sky and Nathan mat Lucas when they were both eleven, Lucas was very smart he all ways had the best scores on test on shadow monsters but he had one problem he rarely talked at all and that's what made people not like him. But Sky and Nathan thought differently and they became friends when they mat Alice she would just follow Nathan around.

Sky woke up off the floor and looked at the clock it was October the second two thousand and thirteen , he had been sleep for two and a half days. Then everything went black and that creepy rough hissing voice came back again ,ok,he said to him self something is really wrong with me but what?
"Hello again my friend" ehehehe it ",said as it laughed.

Not dreaming

Sky felt like he was still dreaming until he could actually feel the black mist on his body.What was happening ,he thought."Don't you want to play with us ", spoke the voice.Sky jumped on his feet and looked around but he couldn't see anything because it was pure dark.He than felt chills going down his spine,something was definitely really wrong.Sky started to walk as he made his way through the darkness he keep going deeper and deeper until Bam he ran into something , Sky then reached out with his hands , and felt something with tough texture.Sky felt relaxed it was a tree and than something gabbed a hold of Sky's face and pressed its fingers into his head. "Awe poor little half shadow monster", said the voice laughing "what will you do next". Sky started kicking and swinging."Let go "yelled Sky as he pulled the thing fingers off him, whatever was holding him screamed in pain because Sky was a lot stronger than it." Well , well your a lot stronger than you look", said "the voice now let see how you handle this one". Sky was about to ask the voice what was it talking about but before yet again he was about to say something he got attacked again."Can this day get any better", Sky said yelling at the voice , the voice sounded familiar but he couldn't think about that right now.Then something made a noisy Sky didn't know if they had killer bunnies or something but he ran like hell.
But no matter how hard he ran it seemed whatever was chasing him was right behind him. It soon cough up to him and pined him to the ground Sky tried to punch and kick as hard but it was no use."Sky" called a voice as whatever was on top of him stabbed him repeatedly "Sky come one man fight back", said the voice again. Sky kicked and punched even harder than he did and the thing let him go and he ran faster and faster as his knuckles were bleeding.

Sky really wished his shadow genes would go out of control right now."That's it your here now grab onto my hand said the voice.Sky trusted the voice and reached his hand forwarded a hand grabbed his and pulled him in to a hole.The last thing Sky heard form the creepy voice was "I'll never let you leave " screamed the voice. On the other side of the hole the sun was bright and Sky was glad to be back home. Then he looked at the person who saved him. The person who saved him looked like a really psycho, he had long light red hair and pink eyes, Sky knew then that this boy was like him.
"The boy then spoke with a smile long time no see", spoke the person."Huh" said Sky "O yeah of course you wouldn't remember me we both changed", he said while laughing, "it's me Ian" Sky was shocked Ian was sort of his brother since they were born form the same shadow genes but they had different human genes. Sky shook his hand and thanked Ian and got up to go , "wait where are you going", asked Ian with a sad look," home ", said Sky , he didn't want anything to do with Ian, but then again he need him to explain what just happened.
The two boy's journeyed back to the society together when they got back the first thing to come out Aiden was" that he was glad he was okay "plus the shook of Sky having a brother.

"You haven't escaped us yet eheheh", said yet again yes that weird creepy voice as Sky groaned.

Sky was really getting tired of the creepy voice. "Sky" yelled Nathan as he began to put his hand on his shoulder, Ian rudely slapped a way Nathan's hand.
"No one's allowed to touch my brother", said Ian pointing his finger at Nathan.

Lucas than ran up to Nathan to hold him back, Sky did the same to Ian.
" What did you said ",said Nathan . "Let me rephrase that for you I said don't touch Sky with your filthy hands,said Ian breaking out of Sky's grip and landing a punch to Nathan's face, Lucas slowly backed away and walked to where Sky was standing.

Nathan then pulled of a weapon,"now your really going to die",said Nathan calmly. Sky looked at Lucas to make sure he wasn't the only one thinking where did Nathan get that weapon, Lucas spoke ,"your aren't a lone my friend", "but shouldn't we stop them he asked?"

"I'm afraid that's impassable", said Sky as they watch as Ian smiled as black mist surrounded his body.

Ian hissed at Nathan as his fangs pooped out, Ian was faster than Nathan and landed pouches one after another. "
"Your different than Sky", said Nathan. "Your right Sky is the true finished product of the shadow and human gene experiment, me on the other hand my genes are ninety- five percent human and my shadow genes are four percent, for Sky said Ian putting his finger up his shadow genes are ninety eight and well you get the rest of what I'm saying" ,said Ian. Nathan then got up and kicked Ian in the face and he flew back and hit the way. Aiden then came running towards us. I bet you can guesses what happened next, yep you guessed right we had to clean the whole society again.

"You know I'm getting really tried of cleaning this place", said Sky , Lucas nodded in agreement."It was that idiot fault", said Ian,"O, yeah bring it on" said Nathan while pointing a mop at Ian . Yes you all ready know what happens another week cleaning.

That afternoon Sky finally got a chance to ask Ian about the things that attacked him and what was that place he end up in. Ian took a minute to answer."First, the place you where in was the shadow realm, the things that attacked you where shadow monster's that are a higher class than the one's we usually see." But what i want to know is how did you get there",asked Ian. "A voice bought me", said Sky "A voice", said Ian , "I wonder what didn't want"?


School at the society was out for a week so Sky took this time to relaxed in his room and listened to life boat by Early Morning Rebel as he thought. Sky had been loosing sleepy due to the pills he had been taking and from the stupid voice.Sky started to feel so horrible after taking his pill now,it was like his insides were slow disintegrating he then bite his lip form keeping himself from screaming.
His lip began to bleed as he kept biting it,he knew sooner or later his shadow genes any time could take over. "So you finally realized it now huh it to you soooo long",said the voice.
"Who are you I no your not a human or a shadow monster or like Ian and me ",choked out Sky.

"Mmmm what makes you so sure of any of those thing said the ',voice, because shadow monster's cannot talk and Ian and me are the only half shadow monsters, said Sky confidant."That might be perhaps true but i a sure you I 'm a shadow monster I'm just not a low classed one laughed the", voice.

Sky sighed, "great another problem , my life cannot get any better"." O but it is ehehehe till next time", said the voice.

"Hey wait I'm not done talking to you ", Sky throw a pillow "what the heck man stupid voice only answered one of my questions and it didn't even answer all of it" he said ask he laid his head down on his bed. Sky looked at ceiling why was I made, if i wasn't made Aiden wouldn't be so troubled along with everyone else at the society he thought to himself. It wasn't that he wasn't gracefully to everyone, he just felt like he didn't belong here no matter how hard he tried to smiled or joked it hurt him everything he tried to hide it some times he just wanted to ran away but he knew he couldn't run away from the Darkness it would follow him fort he rest of his life. He had to either fight it or let the darkness consume,
but then he would Manifest Into Darkness forever and his shadow genes would destroy his human ones. Sky thoughts faded as he quietly feel into a long rest sleep. "Yes you will rot away said the voice quietly", and become darkness", "in deed you will", said the voice as a figure touched Sky's face.

Akira was having the best dream until Ian jumped on his bed and Akira went flying off the bed with a thump. Akira slowly creaked his eyes open and rubbed his head, then he got up. Ian then started to laugh pointing at Akira's face.
"What", asked Akira'
"You've got a huge red bump on your forehead"Akira then rushed to the mirror , he was right, in the center of his fore head was a huge red bump.
"Gezz's man what did you do to your self" asked Ian?
"You gota be kidding me are you an real idiot or what, you did this when you made me fall off my bed just now"said Akira while starring at his head, Ian just frowned.
"I can't believe my own brother would accuse me of some thing I didn't do",said Ian
"Yeah, yeah",said Akira as started to get his school books to gather, he then put his black and red uniform on. Then the day went on as usually for everyone expect Akira who kept getting asked what happened to his face. At lunch time Akira sat with his usually gang.

Alice was the first to ask," sooooo Akira what the heck happened to your face it looks like someone got you good in the face"

"I heard Nathan punched you", said Kristen

" No you got it wrong I heard Aiden beat the crap out of him and he was spitting up blood", said Ashley. Nathan and Lucas just laughed at the girls.

"No, no , no I'm afraid all of you are wrong , I heard he got beat up by some freshmen, said Nathan with a smile. Ok , now he's just doing this to annoy methought Akira.

"You all are wrong Akira just fell off his bed this morning", said Ian looking at Akira like a I got you look. Then everyone started to laugh so loud the whole cafeteria to got silent. Talk about embarrassing thought Akira , he really wished Ian would stop trying to help.

The lunch bell than rung and ever kid got up to leave and go back to class, the next class Akira had was combat battle practice, it was an class were you fight monster's using your knowledge and power's. Akira, Ian and kristen arrived at their class less than four minutes. The battle room was like a stadium , the teacher made the students get into groups of four. Akira ended up in a group with Kristen,Ian and David. David was a strange kid not that Akira could call any strange but David was really strange he would talk to people who weren't really there.

The teacher then deiced the order the kids would go in ,Akira's group got to go last, they watched as kids fought shadow monsters.Some kids broke bones others had successfully beat the shadow monster's easily. It was amazing to see the different powers these kids had with their weapons. After the eleventh group the teacher called Akira's group, I gota bad feeling something bad is about to happen thought Akira.

"Yes it's time to test you again my friend ", said the creepy voice.
Not again,someone please help me", said Akira.

Battle and the shadow realms

Sky braced him self as the students and teachers around walked back to an area that was protected by a their teachers power. Then a small monster no bigger than Sky's hand crawled towards Kristen,Ian and him.

"This should be a piece of cake ", said Ian happily.

"Something doesn't seem right", said Kristen as she looked around.

Just when Sky thought Kristen and Ian spoke to soon a huge head covered in black came out walking on two legs , it seemed the small monster figure was just a part of the shadow monsters power to trick shadow hunters into falling into its trap and kill then,(By the way shadow hunters are society members who are top ranked). The monster then sprang out some tinticles came out and started to reach for Kristen and Ian. Ian at meditatively saw it coming and doge the attack with out breaking a sweat, Kristen waited a couple of minutes to react and only dogged the attack by a second. Sky only stood in place he didn't know why but his legs wouldn't move and his nose was starting to bleed.

"Humans",hissed and screamed a voice so loud it made Sky wanna cry. Sky looked to left to right to see who had something. Sky then tried to move hiss feet again but they wouldn't budge one bite.

"KILL HUMANS " ,screamed the voice louder and louder,said a voice, Sky then kept looking to find where the voice was coming from until a hand grabbed his arm.

"Man you can't just stand around in a battle flied", said Ian as he jumped into the air with Sky arm in his hand.

"Nah Ian did you hear someone say kill humans ", asked Sky when he finally snapped out of his thoughts.

"No I'm afraid not but man this shadow monster isn't one of the ones we usually use for training it's like this one was purposely pick for the reason to kill us", said Ian with a happy yet angry smile. Ian and Sky landed gracefully on the ground as Sky wonder how could a shadow monster talk,it was impossible. Kristen was busy trying to land punches and kicks on the monster to try to care about what the boys were talking about, after ten times trying to kick and punch she then deiced to use her power.

Kristen took a deep breath and spoke two words out of her mouth then a big blast of yellow light came from her hands and landed smack on the monsters body, the shadow monster cried in pain as the light wiped the darkness out completely. Kristen then fell into someone arms its over she thought. Sky had ran to catch Kristen when he saw her about to fall he knew she thought it was over but she didn't no how wrong she could be, she only made the monster absorbed her light .

Then in a split second the monster started to regenerate it self Sky then turned to see Ian stepping closer to the shadow monster .

"Why do you side with humans they'll only betray you when your shadow genes completely take over wh--", said the monster to Sky as Ian used his own bare hands to kill the monster. Sky stared in shock what just happened thought Sky.

"Well this didn't go as planned, ha-ha either way you well sooner or later have to relay on the other part of you besides you won't be able to maintain that form forever" , said the rough voice.

Sky then balled, "his face up we'll see about that ",he said as he looked up at the sky.

When the battle ended everyone came rushing to Sky's group side as nurses came to check bones ,the teacher then said sorry for having such a high rank monster on the field,then everyone returned to their dorms as Sky sat down on the dusty flied , deep down he felt sad for the shadow monsters because just like them he would soon become just like them if he dint find a way to stable lies his human genes.

Sky kept wondering in his thoughts until he finally got tired an of to drag his lazy but into his dorm to fall asleep on his blue bed spread surround by his black wallpaper and punk rocker photos.

Sky woke up to his same crappy life, he was really getting tried of that crappy creepy voice in his head. Sky threw on a pair of white jeans with a gray shirt and some converse shoes, then he brushed his teeth and played with his hair till he just couldn't take it anymore. Sky then looked down to wash his face,when he looked up he didn't see his reflation in the mirror talk about scary,thought Sky as he checked his jeans to make sure he didn't wet him self . Okay it's just my eyes playing tricks on me he said as he walked away and then turned around to see still no reflation so then he took small steps towards the mirror and repeated the same thing over twice.

"Well you please stop you making a fool out of your self", laughed the voice.

"O yeah well at-lease I don't hind behind shadow monsters ", replied Sky.

"Mmm you have a point there my boy but do not fear I'm not hiding you are just not worth the time to let a weakling like you actual see me but I at sure you we well meet soon ehehehe ,now step into the portal so that your test can began", said the voice

"I think I'm good but thanks", said Sky as he turned around to leave.

"Hhh fine have it the hard way",said the voice as a big black hand came out and grabbed Sky. Sky tried to hold on to something but that was the worst idea he had, the hand drug him in to the dark realms where he soon was surrounded by darkness, it soon began to try to corrupt him but Sky keep himself composed.

"Well, well, well look at this the dirty dog has learned to control some of his powers but that won't be an of for whats about to come for you laughed the voice, but since you have stayed alive for this long I guess I could tell you my name, people call me Zouo", said the voice. Finally some answers thought Sky as he ran his hands through his hair. Sky then started to wondered through the darkness but this time he could see a little bit better, he was in a forest and up a head was a lake with brown water. Sky kept going until something cough his eyes.

It was a little girl wearing a red jacket crying, Sky knew this scene to good if he went over to her she would try to kill him so he kept walking until he reached a tree and started to climb because something in his gut told him he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. When he reached the top of the gray tree he laid on the hard bark the only thing good about these tree's were that they were so huge a house could fit on them. Sky closed his eyes something was making him really tired but he keep fighting it as he blinked every second as he then saw a face coming towards his, he kicked and threw slow punches as his body collapsed on the tree. When Sky woke up he was surrounded in a dark place with no gray sun or anything , he slowly moved off of what he guessed to be a couch and tried to get up but something was holding him back something huge and warm. Sky eyes then adjusted as a bright white light was cough on in the room. Sky then saw a girl with pink hair laying on him , she was light caramel wearing a black tutu and a white shirt. Sky eyes the flicked up as he saw a man coming towards him.

"Good evening", said the man as he looked away from Sky.


Sky's mouth hung wide open, he would have never thought to see people in The Shadow Realms. The man then smiled as if he could read his mined," I can at sure you young man we are not human", said the man with pale skin and black shaggy hair.

"Then what are you", yelled Sky louder than what he had meant to be.

"I wish I could answer that but master would be angry if I did , so why don't you ask him your self?", said the man.

Sky then looked at the door as he heard foot steps, then walking into to the room was a man with short blue hair, blue eyes with scares on his pale skin. He wore a black top hat and a trench coat with boots.

"Welcome, welcome, to our dear beloved home", said the man spinning around with his hands in the air.

"Who are you people", asked Sky getting a little annoyed that no one ever answered his questions.

The girl on top on Sky then lifted her head as she rubbed her eyes,then when she fully opened her eyes she smiled sheepishly at him.

"Nana get off our guest , it's not polite to violate their space", said the man with the brown hair.

"Ash, stop ruining my fun, beside Sky doesn't mind", said Nana as she got off of Sky's body.

Sky sighed as he watched these couple of weirdos fuss.

"Haha", laughed the man with the blue hair.

Sky frowned as he looked at the old wooden floor.

The blue headed man looked at Sky with an amusing look,"I suppose your ready for your questions to be answered, yes?', said the man.

Sky than shook his head slowly.

The man then raised an eye brow and then spoke"You've heard the voice I'm I right?'

"Yes", said Sky.

"That voice I'm afraid is someone trying to start a war between shadow monster's and The Society", said the man.

"Why would someone do that, and how are you people",said Sky.

"You can call me Blood and to answer your second question we are just normal shadow monsters", said Blood.

"No, your not normal shadow monster's don't resemble humans it's impossible", shouted Sky getting up from the couch.

"I'm afraid It's very possible, you've seen right, the way how shadow monsters were first getting bigger and now talking", said Ash.

"Not to mention if you get the blood of a person who is half shadow monster and human with strong shadow monster genes", said Nana as she grabbed Sky's hand and smiled.

Sky mind then started to flash back to that first night when he was out late and a shadow monster bite him. What have I done thought Sky to himself.

"Don't worry, were not on the other's side where gonna help you learn to control your other half", said Blood.

"Others",said Sky?

"He means the other shadow monster", said Nana.

"In three months you will be able to control your shadow monster half and you will become a official shadow monster hunter", said Ash.

"Wait why are you helping me and whats in it for you", asked Sky?

"Lets just say we don't quiet like being told what to do and besides it'd be fun ticking off the other shadow monsters", said Blood.

Sky sat back down on the couch to soak all the information an, as he saw Blood whisper something into Nana and Ash before they left the room.

"Sky",said Blood.

"Yes",asked Sky?

"Don't trust anyone", said Blood before leaving the room also.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2012

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