
It was a Tuesday night, and Haylie was picking out her outfit for picture day to tomorrow. Haylie wanted to wear pink to school. " Hmmm, should I wear my dark denim jeans with my pink butterfly shirt that came with the free belt or the pink dress with the accessories," she said to herself. She thought for a second. " Definitely the dress!" she said. Haylie can hear her mom screaming, " Haylie, hurry up it is almost time for you to sleep!" " Ok, I'm almost done," she replied. Haylie was done picking her outfit and went to sleep.

It was picture day, and Haylie woke up with a very tired looking face. She heard someone come up the stairs, it was her mom coming to tell her to get up.
" Good morning mom," said Haylie. " Your up and ready," replied her mom. Haylie was all ready for picture day and off to school she went!

The End!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.09.2009

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