


Weavile is an awesome Pokémon! Who wouldn't want to see it have a Mega Evolution?! Here are my ideas for a future Mega Weavile!

I know that Weavile's Dark-Ice dual typing fits its description, but I'd like to emphasize more on Mega Weavile's claws by giving it a Dark-Steel dual type. Weavile's claws are some of the sharpest out of all Pokémon, able to carve and leave marks in ice, stone, and tree bark among other substances to signal its companions.

Its ability should be Hyper Cutter, as it is translated out to Superpowerful Claws in Japanese. The ability prevents Mega Weavile's Attack from being lowered; a good deal when stacking up Attack stat boosts!

Speed and Defense should be the peak stats to raise. This way, Mega Weavile will have better protection from Physical attacks as well as great agility.

 The perfect moveset for Mega Weavile? Go with Metal Claw, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, and Avalanche. Metal Claw has the chance of raising your Attack, Night Slash has a high critical-hit rate, Aerial Ace is a move that is fitting when considering Weavile's Speed, and Avalanche can attack with twice the power if Weavile is damaged in the same turn before using the move!



 Anyone who uses Azumarill in online matches knows that this Pokémon can dish out some power! I think it'd be awesome to have an even more buff Mega Evolution of this bunny!

Mega Azumarill should be a dual Water-Fighting type. Although Fairy-types do have their advantages, the skill most competitors use is quick and heavy-hitting for the knockout, which somewhat idolizes the Fighting-type.

Its ability could be called Sprighter, which would give priority to Fighting-type moves.

Its highest stats should be Attack and Speed. Again, most Azumarill users likely go for the first hit and deal a hard blow.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Azumarill? Try Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Play Rough, and Superpower. Although Superpower lowers your Defense and Attack by one stage each, it's almost a guaranteed knockout! If you don't feel comfortable with this idea, Brick Break is another good idea, seeing as the move will also break a foe's Reflect and Light Screen in the process! Play Rough is the strongest Physical Fairy-type move and, most likely, your opponent won't be expecting this type of move coming from a part Fighting-type!  Belly Drum will cut your HP halfway, but your Attack stat will reach its max! It's a good idea to give Mega Azumarill a Sitrus Berry before the match for this purpose. Aqua Jet will always move first, regardless of both Pokémon's Speed stats. Most competitors use Belly Drum to maximize this attack's power, so watch out if you're on the receiving end!



Luxray is one of my favorite Electric-type Pokémon and I think it would have an awesome Mega Evolution if given the chance! Here's my idea for what it should be like!

Mega Luxray should have a dual type of Electric and Psychic. Sure, this Pokémon has no psychic abilities itself, but its ability to see clearly through anything seems like that of a paranormal power. Mega Luxray would also be the first Electric-Psychic Pokemon to exist outside of Pokémon Black and White 2's Pokéstar Studios!

Its ability should be Keen Eye. Seeing as this Pokémon is described to see through everything to pinpoint its opponent, this ability seems very fitting. It will also allow you to ignore any accuracy-lowering moves or evasion boosts by the opponent!

Its highest stat should be Speed, seeing as it will have to move pretty fast to catch its opponent off guard. Both Special Attack and Attack values should be close to the same, since Mega Luxray would be cool with Special moves, but we don't want to nerf down its bold Attack too much.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Luxray? How about Electro Ball, Flash, Eerie Impulse, and Zen Headbutt? Although Luxray can learn neither Electro Ball nor Zen Headbutt legitimately, Electro Ball would be useful, especially with Mega Luxray's increased Speed. Zen Headbutt still allows Mega Luxray to put use to its Attack stat and can also cause its foe to flinch 20% of the time!



Yes, there is already a Pokémon that is somewhat a Mega Greninja, but that is only with one specific Greninja. Wouldn't it be cool if we could use a Mega Greninja in the games?! Of course, the actual Mega species would have to differ a bit from Ash-Greninja, like the picture above depicts.

Mega Greninja should probably keep its dual Water-Dark type, seeing as not many others can be used to describe a ninja. 

 Its ability should be Protean, which will change the Pokémon's type to the move it is currently using. This will come in handy against supereffective moves your opponent will try to aim at you.

Its highest stats should be Defense and HP. While heavy blows at lightning-fast speeds give you a clear advantage, a ninja still has to stay on the defensive should this method not be enough to take out an enemy straightaway.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Greninja? Let's go with with Acrobatics, Scald, Calm Mind, and Ice Beam. Along with protecting Greninja against most of the types it's weak against, its moveset is still fitting for a ninja. Although Greninja can learn neither Acrobatics nor Calm Mind legitimately, their definitions are very fitting for this Pokemon.

Acrobatics: The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage.

Calm Mind: The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.

Sheer power doesn't make a ninja. Agility and focus are key methods in ninja training.



 With Pokémon Sun and Moon coming out, it'd be cool to see Umbreon and Espeon Mega Evolutions! Espeon happens to be my favorite Eeveelution, so I'm bias for this Pokemon's side. It's not likely that we'll see Eeveelutions have Mega Evolutions sometime soon, but it's still an interesting idea nonetheless!

Mega Espeon should be a dual Psychic-Fire type, seeing as leveling an Eevee up with a high amount of happiness during the daytime is the way to gain this Pokémon. Also, Espeon is meant to represent sun in this context.

Its ability could be Drought, which summons harsh sunlight to the battlefield when this Pokemon is sent out and fades away when the Pokémon is returned to its Pokéball.

 As for stats, I think HP and Defense should be top priority, since Espeon isn't very resistant to Physical attacks.

What would be the best moveset for Mega Espeon? Psychic, Solarbeam, Morning Sun, and Dazzling Gleam. Although Espeon cannot legitimately learn Solarbeam, it would be a perfect move match for Mega Espeon's sun theme. Dazzling Gleam would also fit as well, seeing as the move "emits a powerful flash of light." Psychic is a powerful Psychic type move that can really damage your foes, along with the fact that it can lower their Special Defense, which lets Mega Espeon's Special attacks deal even more damage than before! Morning Sun can be used to heal Mega Espeon's HP when it runs low and restores more when either sunlight or harsh sunlight is the current weather condition.



 We all know that Flygon deserves a Mega Evolution. It is undoubtedly one of the coolest Dragon-types out there! So here's my take on a Flygon Mega Evolution!

Mega Flygon should still be a Dragon-Ground dual type because its Pokédex entry states it as the Desert Spirit. They aren't many other types that fit the bill of this description.

Its ability could be called Desert Storm, causing it to whip up a major sandstorm upon being sent out. This type of sandstorm deals damage to opponents who aren't Ground, Rock, or Steel type. Fire and Ice-types will take an extra 10% damage when buffeted by this sandstorm. This weather will keep up unless Sunny Day is used or Mega Flygon is removed from the field. In addition, the evasion and accuracy of Ground-types will be increased.

As for stats, I think Speed and Special Defense are the way to go. Flygon already has a good amount of Attack, so raising its Speed even more is going to be very helpful for dealing the blows before your opponent. Pokémon are more likely to use Special Ice-type and Fairy-type moves than Physical. Since Flygon is extremely weak when targeted by Ice, having a bigger wall of Special Defense may help you withstand at least one hit from your opponent.

 What would be the most fitting moveset for a Mega Flygon? I've got to choose Bug Buzz, Whirlwind, Spikes, and Sand Dune. Bug Buzz is a sound-based move. In Flygon's Pokedex entry, it states that its wings creates a series of notes when flapped that make it sound as if it were singing. Whirlwind would be an example of it flapping up sand and works great when combined with the use of Spikes! Lastly, Sand Dune is a move that I made up specifically with this Pokemon in mind. The Pokemon flaps its wings and a huge wave of sand crashes into the opponent. It's a powerful Special move, but the user's Special Attack stat is lowered sharply after use, similar to Draco Meteor, Overheat, and many other moves.



Who would've known that the awkward-looking Feebas could evolve into the beautiful Milotic? And what could be better than an even more majestic Mega Evolution for this Pokémon?

 It could be a dual Water-Fairy type and its ability could be called Mitolis, which lets all Pokémon on the field heal more HP than usual when they use recovery moves.

As for stats, I think Defense and HP should be Mega Milotic's highest. In general, Milotic usually doesn't have much defense against Physical attacks and, with its new ability, it would be good to have more health on your side.

What would be the most fitting moveset for a Mega Milotic? I would have to choose Aqua Ring, Recover, Disarming Voice, and Scald. Aqua Ring would heal more damage than usual and Recover could be used if you somehow got into a pinch. Scald can burn your opponent and halve their Attack stat, which is great when you have a weaker defense against Physical attacks! Scald is most likely has the best chance of burning your opponent, excluding status moves like Will-o-Wisp. And if you're worried about accuracy loss, Disarming Voice is a move that never misses its target!




 Roserade is a strong Special Attacker and pretty sturdy in terms of Special Defense as well. Imagine how much this Pokémon would benefit from having a Mega Evolution!

Its typing would be the same; a dual Grass-Poison type. Its ability could be Natural Cure, which is also Roserade's first ability. Natural Cure heals all of Roserade's current status ailments upon switching out.

As for stats, I think it would be best to raise Mega Roserade's Defense and HP a bit. Roserade has an awfully weak amount of these two stats, proving that it doesn't fare too well against Physical Attackers. Defense should be its peak stat overall.

What would be the most fitting moveset for a Mega Roserade? Well, my choices would have to be Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, Rest, and Petal Blizzard. Roserade will need to learn Petal Blizzard from Roselia, its previous form. It's a great match for Roserade's theme in general as well! Dazzling Gleam will help out in battles with multiple opponents and Sludge Bomb is a strong move that may poison your foe.  Rest will heal Roserade fully if it sustains too much damage and, with the help of Natural Cure, it can get rid of its status ailment when switched out!



Clefable is one extremely defensive Pokémon if you use it right! And having a Mega Evolution that could raise this beast of a sheild's defenses even higher? It would be completely overpowered!

Clefable is a pure Fairy-type; originally a Normal-type. Its Mega Evolution should probably have a Flying dual type, since its Pokédex entry in Ruby, Sapphire, and their remakes, along with Emerald, states:

Clefable uses its wings to skip lightly as if it were flying. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water.

This would also make Mega Clefable the only Fairy-Flying Pokémon in existance.

Its ability would be Magic Guard, protecting it from indirect damage taken by weather conditions and status ailments.

As for stats, Defense and Special Defense should be Mega Clefable's highest. As I stated before, Clefable is a very sturdy wall when used right. Having a good amount of HP on your side will help as well.

What would be the most fitting moveset for a Mega Clefable? Well, three moves in my chosen moveset for Clefable are required by first having a Clefairy; Stored Power, Cosmic Power, and Moonlight. The last move is Minimize.

Stored Power deals more damage the more Mega Clefable's stats are raised. Using moves that raise your defenses (like Cosmic Power) and evasion (like Minimize) will increase this move's power drastically! Let's do a bit of math. Stored Power has a base damage of 20 already and raises by the same amount every time a stat is raised. Multiply 20 by 6 when that stat reaches its max. When we raise one stat to the max and add the original base damage onto it, this move's base damage becomes 140! That's almost how much impact a Hyper Beam would have on you! Now, let's look at how many stats we're raising. If we raise Defense, Special Defense, and evasion stats to their max, we'll be multiplying 120 by 3, then adding 20 onto the sum. By maxing these stats, Stored Power will deal a whopping 380 base damage! And if you're concerned about the move's power decreasing when an enemy lowers your stats, no need to worry! Stored Power's current base damage will stay the same! You hear that, kids? Show your teachers and college professors this when they tell you that you're wasting your time reading this in class! Unless your opponent has taken the time to max out their Pokémon's Special Defense, they might as well forfeit the match! And by using Moonlight to heal your health, you can avoid the worst! The only problem with this moveset is that it's useless against one type; Dark.



One of my most favorite Pokémon is Ninetales and why shouldn't it have a Mega Evolution? This Vulpix evolution is awesome enough already, sure, but there are still ways we could make it better!

I know there's already a whole evolution line of Fire-Ghost types, but it would make sense for Mega Ninetales to have this typing since it's based off of the Japanese kitsune fox.

Its ability could be called Thousand Year Curse, which would surround the area in an eerie purple fog that powers up Ghost type moves and adds 6% to their flinch effect rate. This will work with Ghost type moves that have no flinch effect as well!

As for stats, I think Speed and Special Attack should be Mega Ninetales' highest. Most of Ninetales' attacks are Special attacks, so it would be fitting for the Pokémon to have a high Special Attack stat. And being able to move faster than your opponent doesn't hurt either.

What would be the most fitting moveset for a Mega Ninetales? Well, my choices would have to be Curse, Secret Power, Heat Wave, and Hex. Although Ninetales cannot currently learn Curse legitimately, it would be a cool idea, especially if the move had a different effect than normal.

Normally, with pure or half Ghost types, your Pokémon cuts its own HP in half to place a curse on the opposing Pokémon that damages it heavily between turns. Other types of Pokémon have their Attack and Defense stats raised and their Speed lowered. But I think the side effects of Mega Ninetales' Curse should be different, giving opponents a stronger Burn status ailment that deals more damage and cuts their Special Attack down to 75% as well as the usual effect of halving their Attack. This would give Mega Ninetales a huge advantage over its foes and would definitely be a force to be reckoned with.


Mega Weavile: Some Weavile are able to Mega Evolve on their own, but it is a very rare occurance that one can be encountered with this ability. A Mega Weavile is usually the leader of the pack, which will consist of nine or ten instead of the usual four or five. Since their claws have become even sharper, Mega Weavile are able to claw warnings or signals for its pack into even sheer steel. These markings are clearer to decipher, as they will leave more advanced messages for its pack to read by adding a few more scratches than normal. It is considerably the most devious as well.


Mega Azumarill: A Mega Azumarill's ears can detect the slightest difference in the sound of running waters, making it nigh impossible for invaders to sneak up on it. The Pokémon has an internal water organ that stores up the water that it will spray out at maximum force and will dive or duck only its ears underwater to refill. Despite this fact, Mega Azumarill's tail is still light enough for the Pokémon to either sit right on top of it or stand on just its tail and still be able to balance steadily on the water. Not that it would have any desire to sit on the tail in the first place; the spikes that grew from its tail during Mega Evolution are sharp enough to puncture large holes through stone! The new pattern Mega Azumarill sports on the lower half of its body makes it easier for the Pokémon to camouflage itself in the water.


Mega Luxray: Mega Luxray's sharp eyesight not only allows it to see through anything and spot its prey hiding behind objects, but to read other Pokémon's heat signatures to identify their weak points as well! This ability comes in a lot of handy when it loses one of its young. Like Weavile or Houndoom, the Shinx evolutionary family will travel in packs that consist of approximately four Luxio and a Luxray leader. Shinx are hard to come by in a pack, because the only time you'll see one in the bunch is if it's a child that was borne by the leader. Luxray that can Mega Evolve at will are extremely rare to be found in a wild pack.


Mega Greninja: Mega Greninja cannot be found in the wild at all. The only way that one can exist is if the bonds between Greninja and its master overflow. Mega Greninja will commit everything to protect its master; even at the cost of its own life. The compressed water that forms its shurikens contain a mass quantity of metals, making this attack as pricey on the market as it is powerful in battle! When thrown at high speed, these advanced tools can now slice thick slabs of steel perfectly in two. Mega Greninja can vanish and reappear several feet away from where it was before, courtesy of its ability to create a smokescreen by excreting water vapor from its pores. This makes it very easy to perform heavy counterattacks before its opponent has any chance of noticing its disappearance!


Mega Espeon: Mega Espeon's fine and velvety hair can sense any change in its environment. The tips of its tail wave while it predicts its opponent's next move. This Pokemon also absorbs the sunlight that acts as its energy through its fur, which it can fire off into powerful beams through the jewel on its forehead. Sunny days make this Pokemon quick and limber, but it will start feeling sluggish should the weather turn bad. It is extremely loyal to worthy Trainers and will never accept someone who is only beginning to travel.


Mega Flygon: Mega Flygon will usually surround themselves in a powerful sandstorm that travels for miles to prevent intruders from entering its territory. Those who manage to do so are likely never sighted again, earning Mega Flygon the title, "Banshee of the Raging Desert." It soothes intruders by rapidly beating its wings, emiting a series of notes that sound like that of a beautiful woman's serenade. Mega Flygon's eyes are protected from the rough sands it whips up, thanks to the red visors that shield them.


Mega Milotic: This gorgeous Pokémon earns its title of "Most Dazzling Pokemon," but this beauty isn't just for show. Just setting your eyes on this creature will cease all tension and terrible thoughts, replacing them with lightheartedness and peace. Many ancient castles were home to Mega Milotic, which used pulsing waves of energy as a beacon to help prevent negative emotions and war urges. It is rarely seen nowadays, so there are little to no works of art depicting one.


Mega Roserade: They spend much of their time dancing, starting at the crack of dawn and continuing on throughout the afternoon. They do this exercize for battle training, making the physical strength, agility, and durability of their leg muscles stronger. The bundle of flowers around its thorns are identified by biologists as Hellebore, and the thorns themselves are similar to the arrow poison, curare. When stabbing prey at full force, the result is fatal. Mega Roserade release a sweet aroma to attract their prey. People describe the most occuring scent to smell like roses.


Mega Clefable: This Pokémon's wings have grown stronger, allowing it to fly higher for longer periods of time. Despite this fact, Mega Clefable will live in areas far from cliffsides. Its ears can pick up every sound in almost a mile's radius and will often scurry for protection if it feels endangered. If their territory is threatened, however, they will stand up and fight without much hesitation.


Mega Ninetails: Mega Evolution makes Ninetails smarter and more spiteful than it was before. Its nine tails represent the saints that formed the Pokémon and the fire at the tip of each one can trap the souls of unworthy challengers for eternity. Grabbing one of its tails can result in a variety of deadly curses, such as famine, constantly hearing voices in the mind, hallucinations, blindness, insomnia, permanent paralysis, and even curses as far as physical pain or torture. One look into this creature's eyes will completely hypnotize you into obeying its every command. However, if a Trainer treats it with compassion, Mega Ninetails may offer to them gifts such as food, good fortune, and even eternal life!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2016

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