
this story is called the book for children

chapter 1 the meetting of the little red house and blue-winds

there was once a tree called blue-winds he lived next to a little red house that was allways a little agitated because she was lonely without anyone at the house. so blue-winds tried to talk to the little red house but it did not work at all .

chapter 2 when the little red house starts talk

Blue-winds was allways lonely so she said i am allways lonely if you can could you talk to me so i am not lonely. suddenly the little red house said i am allways lonely too, because i have no one to keep me company sorry i was being so rude and ignoring you.

chapter 3 blue-winds and the little red house start to be friends

i dont know how i should say this but how old are you blue-winds as a tree because i am a tree i can tell you my age but do not tell anyone else .
i am telling you because you asked me a question and i am anwsering it. i am a hundred years old now you dont have to ask that question

chapter 4 when the owners come home and keeps the little red house company

the next day the little red house woke up she said to blue-winds good morning but the little red house was in a very good mood because she could see the little children coming home from the countryside

chapter 5 how blue-winds would be able to talk to the little red house

blue-winds and the little red house thought now the children were home blue-winds could not talk to the little red house.otherwise the owners could catch them talking say anythingand listen to everthing they are saying .

chapter 6 when the owners leave the little red house with blue-winds for a whole week.

blue-winds thuoght now the owners of the house were leaving again for another week that her and the little red house could talk again. both of the owners went out but one of the children came home after a day so they thought they could not talk .

chapter 7 when one of the owners hear blue-winds and the little red house

blue-winds started to talk to the little red house and suddenly the little girl heard blue-winds and the little red house talking so she came out of the house. the girl who stayed said who is that talking and the little red house and blue-winds said it is us emily because we know your name.she was very frightened because it was them


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2010

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