
Chapter 1 - Weird me

I am not a person that enjoys sex. Don’t get the wrong idea, I do have several sex partners from relationships but none really can trigger out my most inner self and made me the holy queen of my own. Not until I met him – Gabriel Leydo (one of the top best dancer from the playboy club.

I guess normal people should have at least 3-4 sex partners in their whole life, some can have just one man and one dick throughout accessing to their holy cave.


With beautiful looks and sexy body, you can have tons of sex partners as you like. One wink and all the guys from the dance floor will look at you, eye rapping your body and thinking ways to impress you and lay on you.


So, sex can be really interesting if you really study them. In terms of positions and the way you fck, the greater knowledge you have, the sensation is greater and you will let your partner to be the happiest man in his whole life. And for me, I have only did the basic ones.


With him on top of me, fondling with my breasts and nipples, thrusting him with his might to make me moan louder and he will feel like he’s the king of sex.

Or rather I am on top of him, riding and he becomes my submissive. Sucking my nipple, gasping for his breathes, reaching his climax and explode. Well, these are the common and usual position that one session can have or must have. I seldom do oral sex even though the other party wishes to eat my pussy like a happy meal. I would reject him and get straight to sex instead.

In addition, I would like to confess something. I have never ever reached my climax from the sex(s) I have before and release my orgasms.. Hmm.. How weird am I? This is what I would like to find out and I will find out eventually.

Chapter 2 - Party animal


“Laylea Miller, hurry up would you? We are going to be late for the party!” my best friend – Maggy shouted out. We are going to attend our common friend – Sherry’s bachelorette party at this famous stripper club they found. It’s my first visit there even though I heard of it many times.

“Coming! I am almost done!” I put on my dazzling ear rings and rush out to wear my heels. “Omg sissy, you look fabulous!” Maggy said.

“Well, thank you! You are one sexy fox too! Now lets go! Sherry is gonna kill us if we are late”


We alight from the cab and all I see is a huge old brick building showing “Playboy Dance Club” adding on “Women only”. We paid for the admission and enter the place..

Loud party music is playing, women on the dance floors and of course with some strippers they eyeing on. Private booths and rooms are at the corner, bar counter right in front and the DJ stand is at second level. We are being led to one of the rooms where we found Sherry and her gang of friends inside drinking and singing.

“Hey bitches! You are late for my party! She shout and pout her lips at us.

Without a word, both Maggy and I went and hugged her so tight that she has to gasp for air and told us to release her or she will shout. Sherry is getting married next week with a guy whom she has a relationship of 1 year long. And tonight, is her last night to party hard, and play hard before she becomes the virtuous wife of her man.

I settled down and pour myself some wine, while Maggy went to sing with Sherry.

“Alright gang, now is the time for the exciting part. First, I must thank you all for coming here and celebrate for me. And of course, I would like you all to enjoy as well. So, please do not hold back and release yourself!” Sherry exclaimed in the mic that she’s holding. She holds up her hands and gave 2 claps to signal something.

Suddenly, I saw muscular looking men walking out one by one wearing with just their boxer only standing in a row like some kind of displays for you to pick. 6 of them, all well looking and some fine ass body.. Wow, I can feel my saliva drooling out of my mouth.

Those standing in front are the top strippers of the club that they are normally the most wanted ones from the top shots who visited here.

“Boys, it’s show time. Please give them what you got and pleasure them with your might.” A lady dressing in her lavishing gold dress, full makeup on and look incredibly hot. Guess she is the in charge here..

Chapter 3 - I found you


Music started playing, and the guys are dancing with rhythm with their own moves.

Then, one by one stepping out to the crowd for their special move - hand hops, head spinning, and those crazy moves that you can really see from movies like Step Up and Dance Off! After finishing, the ladies in the room are cheering at the top of their lungs, flashing and throwing money at them. Wow, that’s how they actually earn their money?

“Laylea! Take your pick! Choose a guy.” Sherry shouted.

“What? Do I really have to?”

“Comeon girl, this is gonna be awesome! Just enjoy yourself! How about the hot one who’s been staring at you for quite some time already?” Maggy said.

I looked out for the guy she mentioned, he’s really staring at me as if he wants me that badly. Not that creepy enough and so I pointed at him and he came over to me..

Seeing the ladies getting a guy each and I guess this is normal?

“Hi, I am Gach. I will be your pleasure for tonight.”

Before I can introduce myself to him, music started playing again. The guys started dancing and… OMG, they are doing personal lap dance to each lady in front of them!

Maggy and Sherry are giggling and touching the stripper, and also they are actually putting cash inside the boxer.

Gabriel, my pleasure of tonight, are as well giving me off the lap dance. Dancing along with the music and rock on. He held my hand to his body and gosh.. his muscles are so firm and he’s really the hottest guy I ever seen. He rocked his dick in front of me, sitting on my lap and whispering something. “Would you like to have something extra?” I shivered. He looked at me with his glazing eyes, my hands are still on his body touching him and I can already feel my wet pussy underneath my g-string.

I looked away at others, they are leaving the room one by one with the guy to the private booth behind. “Have a great night sissy! I will see you tomorrowwww!” Maggy shouted before she left. “What the…” before I can finish, Gabriel pull me up to his chest. I looked at him up close, both of us are gasping for air to breathe as if we can’t wait to get the room alone. He led me to the private booth with bright pink-red decorations in it.

There’s a pole stage and a sofa in it. Gabriel get me seated down on the sofa, handing me drinks and we drank it in one shot.

Then, he took out a whip cream can from one of the mini cupboard and start spraying on his body. Places like his chest, nipples, and his navel.. Shit, this is turning me on. He played the music and start dancing on me again. Two of us in the room, ambience are perfect, us staring at each other and yes I am getting high and kind of drunk. So fck shit, I am gonna enjoy this pleasure of mine.

I kissed Gabriel on his soft tender lips, I licked off his whip cream parts by parts. My hands are on him everywhere.. He too, began to make a trail from my lips, and down to my jaw, kissing and licking me. His hands are down at my butt, getting in and touched my breast. Then I heard him whispered to me, “This is way over my limit but I can’t control myself. You are too beautiful for me to resist.”

“Then don’t hold back and give me what you got.”

Shit just got real between us. He started removing my dress and I am standing in front of him with just my black lacey bra and matching g-string. “Gosh, you are so fcking hot and I can’t wait to get inside you.” He put me down on the sofa and kissed me madly..

His hand on my breast and followed by his mouth. He went down to my wet pussy and said “This is so perfect” and plunges his tongue into me, I moan out softly.

Two of his hands on my breasts, fondling it while his tongue is inside me and his tongue 

sucking my clit. Gosh, this is so good. I can feel the sensation from my orgasms and I found myself whispering, “Don’t…stop…”

“Come for me and I will have every drop of you in my mouth.” He started licking faster and I came, hard. He came up to me and continued kissing me till I recover.

Chapter 4 - A secret


I cleaned up myself in the tiny bathroom and got dressed back to my dress. I can feel my pussy is still trembling from the release earlier on. Can’t blame it on her, this is the first for both of us afterall. I came out of the bathroom and saw Gabriel pouring two glasses of wine on the table. I kind of felt embarrassed and shy from earlier on so I tried to leave the room and got stopped by him.

“Hey.. are you leaving already? Comeon, have the last drink with me.”

I walked back to him and sit on the sofa.

“I hope you enjoyed earlier on. But please do not tell anyone about tonight. Can you?”

“Why not?”

“Well, we worked here as stripper. Entertaining clients like you and your friends is our job. Mostly what we do is to give lap dance and let the clients touch us as they please. They can do anything to do except for one thing. Sex. No orgasm is supposed to take place between us and you ladies. Yes, we do earn the easy cash, but there’s a rule and regulation for us to follow too. Perhaps some other guys did give the extra service outside the club to get the extra cash but some are not. And to be honest with you, this is my first time.”

I stunned and looked at him blankly. I have never heard of this before anywhere else.

“Alright, I won’t be telling anyone about us. This is a secret between you and me.”

Gabriel came close to me and whisper, “I enjoyed every bit of you.” And he lands a kiss on my cheek before leaving the room.


Thereafter, I met up with Maggy at my house before we go out to do facial together.

“Hey sissy, how’s your night? Do you like it?”

I paused for a while and think of what to answer her.

“Yeah I guess, but what exactly are you suppose to do in the room?” I asked curiously.

“Anything you like! They gave us their service and they will do anything for us. Like mine, I ride him on his back and I have fun from there. Sherry paid everything for last night. Did you actually do something in the room?”

“Uh nope.. We just drank and play some games. That’s all.”

Chapter 5 - Be my fate


-A week later-

“Ladies and gentleman, thank you all for coming here tonight to Sherry and Gordon’s wedding ceremony. Please help yourself with the refreshment and the event will be starting soon.” The emcee on the stage announced.


The ceremony is held in the famous white church in town. Sherry told us to wear either pink or white for ladies and blue or white for guys in order to match their wedding outfit. I wore a lacey white dress with low v cut at the back, along with a pair of big earring and heels. The guests get seated down in the church and I saw Gordon standing in front with his bro of honor standing behind chatting. The couple has know each other for 3 years and dated for 1 year long. Time passed faster when you are in a relationship with the man you love. Maggy sat beside me and talked to me.

“Laylea, take a look at the guy in the blue suit. He looked hot..”

I took a glance at the guy and he reminds me of Gabriel. I have been thinking of him throughout the week. He’s on my mind all day long. What’s wrong with me?


The ceremony ended, we wishes Sherry all the best will catch up with her soon again after her honeymoon from Maldives. Maggy and I decided to go for a drink before going home. My parents are often travelling to overseas for their business purpose, they are required in most of the meetings and exhibitions that the company organized. Basically, I am alone at home all the time. Lucky thing is, I have Maggy with me. Been friends with her for as long as I can remember since we were a child and she used to be my neighbor as well.

We reached the bar and ordered some martinis for ourselves.

“Let me go to the bathroom for some touch up on my makeup and be back with you soon!” Maggy said. Intending to get herself laid to night.. That cracks me up. I sat at the bar counter while waiting for her and here I saw a familiar face at the other corner. The face I have been thinking non-stop – Gabriel Leydo.

Why is he here? I got to hide from him and quickly turn my back around not to face him. But before I realized, he has already noticed me.

“Hey. Its you.. Remember me?” He stood in front of me and asked.

“Heyyy, yes I remembered.” I smiled back.


“It’s such a coincidence to see you here. I really look forward to see you again since the night we had.”

I blushed and not sure what to do, hoping Maggy can come back quick and get out of here.

“I hope I did not startle you that you can’t even talk now. Are you alright?”

“Yes I am. No worries, I am perfectly fine and I was about to go right now.”

I stood up and tried to walk past him and again, I got stopped. He pulled my hands and I turned around. “Look like I really did made you nervous back there and I wondered why…” He gave off the smirk smile and I can feel my pulse getting faster and faster.

He laughed at my response, “Alright I am sorry about it. Let me make it up to you.”

He took out a piece of paper and pen, writing down his contact number and hand it to me. “Call me up when you are available. I would like to take you out.” He gave out the charming smile and I got smitten over it. I nodded and stood still while watching him leaving the bar, leaving me hanging here.


While lying on my bed, I stared at the piece of paper for a long long long time.

Well, I can’t stop thinking what he said to me the other night that he enjoyed every bit of me. I blushed just by thinking of it, so I decided. I sat up and dial the number on my phone.

“Hello?” He answered without 3 rings and got me by surprised that I am not prepared what to say.

“Hello?” He said again

“Hi, it’s me.”

“Oh, my pleasure lady.. and I am glad that you called.”

“Yes. I called and I am surprised that you picked up that quick”

I can hear him laughing at the other end, “Well, I am looking for any unknown calls anytime and hoping it’s you.”

Gosh, I can instantly melt right now at his words.

“And, I should be apologizing for not asking your name earlier. Can I have the honor to know your name?”

“Laylea Miller.”

“That’s a pretty name. I like it. And too, I am Gabriel Leydo. Stage name Gach as of you know.”

Wow, I can imagine myself releasing orgasms moaning his name. My pussy is wet right now and I am sure she missed him as much as I do. 

“Laylea? You there?”

I shake myself off from the fantasy thoughts and go back to the conversation.

“Yes, I am.”

“Would you like to meet up for a dinner tomorrow night with me at my place? I can go pick you up.”

Is he trying to ask me out right now? I can’t wait to say yes but still I got to maintain myself and I replied “Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow then”

Chapter 6 - My desire


I heard the door knocked. I open and found Gabriel standing outside with a bouquet of flowers. “It’s beautiful, thank you.” He smiled, still as charming as ever. He led me to his car and opened the door for me.

On the way there, he has asked me tons of questions that he can think of.

“How long have you been staying here?”

“Which type of cuisine do you prefer?”

“What’s your favorite color?”

Its like he’s doing an interview with me and I kept answering his questions. It’s rather funny and yet I am enjoying this moment.

We have reached his apartment. He told me that he lived alone and his parents are remained at the hometown taking care of his baby sister. Shocking thing is, they have totally no idea what he works as. He has told them he is working in an office building as a clerk.

“Take a seat, and dinner will be serve in no time.” He led me to his couch and I took a seat. I was texting Maggy that where I am and briefly told her stuffs that happened the other night. “I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU TMR!! PLEASE SHARE WITH ME ;)” she replied. I laughed at my phone and thinking how much I love her. She and Sherry might be the only ones who will know my secrets and all.

“Dinner is served!” I heard from the kitchen. There’s a simple round table with several chairs around it, on top lies with the dishes that he whipped out in an instant. Home-cooked meal is definitely what I need the most at all times.

We chatted and share a lot about each other. Turn out that his baby sister is ill and he’s earning the money to pay for her treatment back in hometown. My heart ached when he mentioned this out, I wish to care for him more that I ever imagined.

After the dinner, he brought out a bottle of red wine.

“Care to have a drink with me? This is a reward I got from my work place. I won a bet with the bartender.” He gave that cheeky smile, and it’s adorable.

Till almost 3/4 of the bottle we drank, I can feel myself getting drunkish.

“You know. I have been waiting for the day to see you again. After the night I saw you, I can’t get you off my mind. I thought you would return but of course that’s not the place that I will want to see you the next time. But still, I am so so glad that I get to see you at the bar the other time.” He said.

Without saying a word, I went up to him and kissed him on his lips. This brings me back the memories that we have in common and he understood me by showing his reaction back, returning me the kiss. This is no longer an extra service that he mentioned, this is purely out of lust and desire that we both wanted ever since we met the second time.

We kissed, his tongue in me meeting mine. He led me to the bedroom wall, and broke the kiss to remove my dress, gasping for air and continued. Then he brought me to the bed, getting on top of me... removing his shirt and unbutton his jeans. I missed touching his muscles, this time.. I need to get him. He removed my bra, and panty, leaving me naked right in front of him. “You’re the most beautiful girl I ever met.” And he came down to suck and lick my breasts. I am getting aroused and my pussy is wet, wanting him to insert in me badly. I helped him to remove his jeans and his dick is hard at highest point right now. “Gosh, I can’t wait for this. I can’t wait to taste you again.”

He went down on my, opening my lips slowly and insert his tongue in me. Licking and sucking my clit while I moan out. This feels so good, that I feel myself reaching the climax, moaning louder which I did not realize.

He pulled out his tongue, remove his boxer and put on a condom. Slowly he insert his dick in me, thrusting slowly while cupping my breast. I want this so badly, and moan out, “please make me come, hard.”

“Needless to say, I will. Be patience and enjoy my pleasure.”

Then he thrusts harder, and got me moaned out a loud one. I am climbing to the peak and releasing my orgasm in no time. “Come for me baby, let me have every bit of you.” And I came, moaning his name. He too, came after a few more thrusts and moan my name. He lay next to me and kissed me, cupping my breast and gosh. I feel myself getting ready for the next release. “Tonight, you are my holy queen.” His hand went down and massages my pussy, circling my clit and inserting his fingers in me, one by one. When he know that I am nearing my release, he get his head down and licking me while finger fcking me. “I am coming…” I let out a small moan, he put his tongue in me in time when I release my orgasms into him. He sucked every bit of drop and waited till I am done. “Gosh baby, I can’t ever get tired of your taste. This is rather addictive…”

I laughed it off. “Shall we go to the bathroom and clean ourselves?”

I nodded and followed him.

He put the soap and cleans me up while massaging my boobs at the same time. I can already feel his dick at the hard point and now is my turn to return the flavor.

I went down on him, circling my tongue at the head. Hearing him moan turns me on and I went on putting his dick in my mouth, sucking it while his hands are behind my head guiding me the pace to his pleasure. He gently tap me to signal that he’s coming.

“Baby, turn around and let me get inside you” and I did. He insert in me and came soon after a few hard thrusts. Omg, I just want this to continue forever… 

I spent the night on his bed with him hugging me to sleep, wishing me to have a sweet dream tonight.

Chapter 7 - Sweetest addiction


Maggy met up with me at our usual café spot for lunch.

“Hey sissy!! Hurry! Tell me about your date last night!” She said the moment she saw me. We ordered the food and she just can’t keep her patience, kept nudging me and poking me. I told her about it, and her eyes are getting bigger and filled it with awed as I continued.

“Holyshit, I got to meet this guy who made your first orgasms.”

“Maggy!” Omg, I am so embarrassed right now when she said that and the people sitting around and turned their attention on us. Both of us laughed naturally together..

I have been going out with Gabriel for about 3 months and I’ve decided to pay a visit to his howntown. We are going for a week since we need one day each for travelling to and back and he wants to show me around the area where he grew up.


While he’s driving, I asked. “May I ask what kind of illness does your sister have?”

“Leukaemia” He said.

I kept quiet after hearing his answer. I shouldn’t have asked this question.

Gabriel seems to catch my thought and held on to my hand, “Don’t worry, everything is okay.” And he brought my hand to his lips for a soft kiss.

It’s a 10 hours drive and so we decided to drop by one of the café along the way to grab some bite. We ordered a burger each and I noticed that he frowning over something.

“What’s troubling you?” I asked.

“Nothing much. I just worried that you might get uncomfortable when you reach my hometown, my house.”

“That perhaps I will run away from there and you?”


He looked at me with the worried face.

I went to his lips and land a kiss there. “This is a seal between us, and I will never lift it off from you.” Then he looked at me with the lustful eyes and knowing what we should do next. We went to the handicap bathroom in turns after paying for our food.


The moment I entered, Gabriel pulled me to his chest and looked at me. “I can’t wait for this. I can’t wait to get inside you…”We kissed, hard. Him biting my lip, putting his tongue in my mouth and I too meeting his and we did a mad greeting. He cupped my breast in his hands, fondling and circling around my nipple. Moving down to my neck,, putting his head into my shirt and licking my breast.. I moan softly to avoid any attention from outside, not wanting this to stop. He turn me behind and fck me hard, and we reached our climax together.

Chapter 8 - Sister


I took a nap for the rest of the trip and the car came to a stop. Gabriel woke me up, “Baby, we’re here.” I opened my eyes and saw a row of houses down the road. It’s doesn’t seems huge from the outside though. Gabriel opened my door and led me the way.

He took out a key to open a red white apartment, I noticed that this unit is slightly smaller than the others.

“Mum, Dad, I am home!”

“Gabby!” a woman in her mid 40s came out and hugged Gabriel.

She noticed me and gave a huge smile, “And this must be Laylea.” She turned and gave me a big hug as well. “I have heard a lot about you my dear. Thank you for coming with Gabby.”

“No problem, Mrs Leydo.”

“Please, call me Anna.”

She is so nice and friendly. Bet Gabriel got his character from her… I smiled looking at them, catching up with each other.

“Where’s dad and little sis? I would like them to meet Laylea.”

“They are in the room, your dad is reading the bedtime story for Gera.”

Gabriel took me in his hands and walked to one of the room. He knocked on the door and I heard a man’s voice saying “Come in.”

Inside there’s a bed with a little girl lying there sleeping like a baby. Beside there’s a man sitting and holding a storybook.

Gabriel went up and hugged both of them and I greeted with a smile.


Four of us are having the dinner together. I get to know a lot about Gabriel from Mr and Mrs Leydo, they brought out the laughter by mentioning how mischevieous Gabriel was since young.

Here I am lying on his bed with him, in his arm. This man, I adore.

“Thanks for having me here. I enjoyed the time with your families…” I said.

“I should be the one who says thank you. It’s been a long while since they ever laughed like that.” He kissed my lips, sucking them.

“Shall we take a shower together?” and without further ado, I followed him.


The next morning, I get to meet his little sister – Reylie. She doesn’t seem to like me and the reason I said this is because she did not smile to me at all the moment she saw me coming out from her brother room. She hugged her brother and rejected mine… We sat beside each other during breakfast and she has “accidentally” spilled coffee on me.  Gosh, I would have got mad at her if I have not forgotten that she is Gabriel’s sister and she is sick.

“Laylea, could you please help me to my room?” She asked in front of everyone.

I hesitated, but seeing how happy Gabriel is that she has talked to me and so I agreed.

Once we are in the room, she shut the door and gave me the creepy smile.

“So… have you and my brother sex yet? “

My jaw almost dropped to the ground that I can’t imagine her attitude change dramatically fast.

“My brother used to stay around me all the time. I know he has to go out and work but he would still return every now and then for me. But now, he return lesser and long from each time. I bet the reason is because of you.”

I stayed quiet, not knowing where this could led to next. I tried to control my anger hidden inside me but can be trigger out anytime now.

“I loved my brother. I want him to stay here with me. And you, I want you to get out of our life and not disturbing us anymore. Do you get me?”

“Reylie, I won’t be leaving your brother. Not now, not ever. We both love each other, and that’s nothing that you can understand.” I said.

“Don’t ever regret saying that.” And the next thing I know, she started shouting and crying for help. I got shocked and went to her to find out what’s wrong. Gabriel and his parents came rushing in and check on Reylie.

“Laylea hurt me!”

OMG, did she really said that? I looked at everyone’s face with my innocent look to defend myself. In the end, they ignored me and helped Reylie get on the bed to rest.

Chapter 9 - I am staying


I am so angry. They actually believed that I would hurt this little girl? I stormed out of the house when I heard Gabriel shouting for me behind. I just kept running and tears are falling down my cheek. I came to the lakeside, staring the vast sky… How can I get past this in order to stay with Gabriel? Does Gabriel believe his little sister too?

“Laylea…!” I turned and saw Gabriel walking towards me.

“Baby, why did you leave the house? I am so worried for you as you are not familiar with this area and you might get lost easily.”

“Did you really believe what your sister has said? That I have hurt her?”  I asked.

“No, I don’t believe that you, my angel would ever hurt anyone. However, there’s something I need to tell you.” He frowned.

“The reason that I has moved out of that house to earn the money for Reylie, partly is also because my parents asked me to.”


“There’s one night when I was sleeping in my bed, Reylie came to my bedroom. She crawled on my bed and slept beside me. I woke up and found her half naked beside me but I swear to got God I did not touch her at all. I asked her what happened and she said she loved me.”

Holyshit. She has a crush on her own brother?

“I told my parents about it and they shook their head in disbelief. And they found out that Reylie has been keeping my shirts in her room and wore them to sleep at night. That’s why they would suggest me to move out for the time being and not to upset Reylie when she’s getting her treatment in the mean time. When I realized what she has done to you, I got upset for not telling you this earlier. My parents as well, do not wish to reprimand her and that’s why they did not say anything about it. I am sorry baby, I don’t mean to hide it from you.”

I looked at him, still in the shocked mode.

Gabriel hugged me in his arms, letting me to process what he has just said.

“I understand it. I am sorry that I have run out and got you worried.”

“I love you Laylea…”


I have been having a hard time the next few days with Reylie. She’s just making things so difficult for me.

She knocked Gabriel’s door when we are having some smexy time, she wanted him to take her to the bathroom and wait outside.

She always shouts and said I hurt her when I just want to comb her hair or help her out in the bedroom.

She would just act all she wants in front of everyone. I can’t wait this to be over…

Finally a week passed, we are returning tonight. I have packed my bag and ready to go… Gabriel went to bid goodbye to his parents and Reylie. She been crying all night long wanting Gabriel to stay back and even asked me to return on my own.

I waited Gabriel for getting her to sleep so that we can sneak off and leave. Mr & Mrs Leydo played along as well to end this whole drama and it got success.

Chapter 10 - Long night


We are on the way back and things will definitely get better between us. I followed Gabriel home and the moment we entered the house he princess hug me to his couch, kissing me and caressing me. I climbed on top of him and straddled the erection in his pants. I start removing his shirt and unbutton his pants while rub myself against him, damn his body is just too hot for me to resist. 


I start stroking him with both hands, massaging his balls, turning myself on and can't get any wetter than ever. I went down and put his dick in my mouth, using my tongue to do small circles on his head, teasing him. I wanted him so badly and fastern my pace feeling his dick swell in my mouth and boom, he came. I clean him and crawled back to him for a sweet kiss. We switch position with him on top of me, he plunged a finger into my pussy making me moan. Then another finger went in and he massage my walls, giving me as much pleasure as always. "Baby, I am about to come..." and I came, soaking his fingers with my juices. He removed his fingers and suck it as if he has just finish a gourmet meal. 


"It's a long night for us baby." He said, sending the heat wave through my body and ready for more. We stood in the shower, washing and touching each other like neverending. I see he's at full attention again, "turn and put your hand against the wall and spread your leg". Both of moan as he slipped his dick in me, hitting my spot and I gasp for air. He came in me not long after my release and I can feel my knee were giving out after all these mind blowing orgasms. 

Chapter 11 - Evil thoughts


I am getting prepared to meet up with Sherry and Maggy for dinner. Yes, Sherry has returned from her honeymoon. I missed her like hella.


“Heyyy! Over here” I heard Maggy shouted when I arrived at the restaurant. I gave both of them the biggest hug I ever gave and almost got them suffocated in my arms.

“Laylea! Heard that you have found a guy of your own! Tell me! Who is the lucky chap?” Sherry asked.

I eyed at Maggy for blurting out without telling me before and she giggled.

“What?! The stripper guy? But why?!” Sherry exclaimed. I hate it when they despised what Gabriel work as, making it sounds like he’s a gigolo or something.

I have briefly explained about the rule and regulation that Gabriel told me.


“But Laylea. Are you not worried at all? He worked there, and you should know what their job is like. He gets to see all sorts of women he wants!” Sherry said.

And yes, I did thought of asking Gabriel to leave his job and I will get him working under my father’s company. But that require a lot of travelling plus he needs to return to his sister if anything can have happen. And his current job has the flexibility to allow him and take time off every now and then if needed. And what they have said troubles me for the rest of the night.

We chatted the whole 3 hours non-stop over the meal then we parted our ways. I decided to drop Gabriel a visit after his work shift. It’s been a while since the last time I came here. The place where I met Gabriel, where’s he working as a stripper giving lap dances to woman. I hesitated for quite a while before entering the club. I sat at the bar counter ordering some drinks for myself. I did not see Gabriel anywhere on the floor, remembering he’s one of the top choices of this club then he should be inside one of the private rooms. I felt the sadness in my heart, when a guy in his boxer came to me. I rejected him and told him to leave me alone. He did not leave and come closer to me, with his huge dick grinding on me. I got irritated and pour the drinks on him, making a scene out of myself.

“You bitch, you pour the drinks on me?! If you don’t any service, why did you come here in the first place huh?!” He shouts at me.

Yes, all the guys worked here to earn the easy money. So does Gabriel..

“Laylea?” I heard someone calling. I turned around and found Gabriel standing there with his boxer only. He led me to one of the private room and get me seated down. This room was different from the one we came last time. There’s a bed in the middle, handcuff and leash hanging on the wall. I stare at it and return back to reality when Gabriel holds my arms.

“Laylea! Are you alright? Why are you here?” He asked.

“I came to find you.”

“You could have dropped me a text and I will go find you after my shift. This is not a place for a girl like you to enter alone.”

I looked down and my tears came out naturally.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I am sorry. I just feel that, I might get uncomfortable with you working here. I am afraid that …” I just can’t continue my words, my voice is trembling as the thoughts in my mind passing through.

Gabriel sat down and looked at me.

“Are you afraid that I might leave you for other woman? Gosh Baby, why do you have such thinking all of the sudden? I worked here purely for the money. I have absolutely no intention of hooking up with anyone else. I just want you in my life and that’s all.”

He wipes away my tears and lands a kiss on my lips. This kiss is all that I need, an assurance, a safety spot where I can turn to. I returned the kiss and he got back harder.

I felt empty when he has break away, “Please remember that I love you. That’s all you need to know.” I nodded and smile at him..

“Since we are here in this room already, let’s not waste the chance.

Chapter 12 - Pleasure


Gabriel took the handcuff and eye mask out..

“Do you trust me?”

“I do as you love me.”

He put the eye mask over me and blind fold me. Holding my hands up and cuff me to the bed side rails. “Now.. I shall give you the pleasure of mine.”

He stars removing my dressing, leaving me naked on the bed.

He put his tongue in me, making the trail down my jaw, neck, to breasts as he licked and kissed. I moan, I feel myself getting aroused and wet down there.

“Gabb” I moan out

“Hush baby, I am here. Always here… Now, just relax and enjoy.”

The feelings when you’re getting touched without knowing what’s next, sensation is higher and your whole body got so sensitive from it. I can feel him sucking my nibble while the other hand drawing circles on my body and slowly down to my pussy. Gosh, this is so… exciting.

“God, I am so glad you’re mine. So beautiful and pure…

He put his tongue in my mouth, exploring every corner and bite my lip. His finger went to my nipple, rolling over. Making me moan and arch my back. "Gabriel, I..need" 

I am so honry right now and he hasn't fck me yet. " patience as I am still enjoying myself." He suck on my nipple, flicking his tongue over it teasing me as I moan. 


"I am going to taste you baby, cum for me." I can feel his tongue inserting my pussy and licking my clit, his hands spreading my leg and plunged deeper causing me to moan loudly. I was topping over the edge and about to come. He fasten his pace and I came, feeling the power of my orgams, trembling from it. He came back to me and kissed me madly, I can taste myself from his mouth. The feeling we have, is so strong and unbreakable.

Chapter 13 - Mad love


Today is our one year anniversary. Gabriel is bringing me out for a formal date, asking me to put on my best dress. And I chose a black tube dress which is just fit to my breast nicely and show my booty in the best shape.

I heard the knock and found Gabriel standing outside with his most lavishing style, charming smile. He’s sooooo god damn handsome! And too, I bet he feels the same way about me too as I can see him drooling when he saw me.

“Baby, you look fantastic!” He kissed me and whisper, can’t wait to take this off you.

I sense the tingling wave is running through my body when I heard him saying this.

“Shall we?” He put up his elbow and I hooked it and here we go!


Gabriel brought me to this Italian restaurant for a candle lit dinner. While I am working on my steak, I heard the tune and melody from violin nearby. I thought that it’s someone birthday and they prepare this for them but I am wrong. They are walking towards me and everyone’s attention is on me already. I turn to Gabriel and give the curious face. He smile and stood up, walks towards me and took out a ring box from his suit. No wayyy, is he trying to….?

Omg, Gabriel kneels down and looked at me. Opening up the gift box and I saw a diamond ring in it! “Laylea Miller, you are the only woman that occupies a place in my heart. You are true, pure and beautiful and I can’t wait any longer and shall give you my last name. Are you willing to marry me?”

Omg, I must be dreaming. Before I can react, my tears are rolling down my cheek.

“Laylea baby? Why are you crying?”

I quickly wipe off my tears and keep nodding my head to Gabriel, “YES!”

Gabriel put the ring in my finger and carried me up in his arms, everyone around us are clapping and cheering.

I went to the bathroom and clean up myself, my makeup is slightly ruined and gosh.. the moment when I saw the ring on my hand… still can’t believe this is happening! I texted both Sherry and Maggy about this and they are so thrilled and happy for me, wanting to find out how he did it.


After several orgasms (***6 holy times***) in different positions that you can ever imagine. (Try google-ing it!) – Wheelbarrow, Stand and deliver, Magic Mountain (my favorite) and of course the missionary style. I slept at Gabriel’s in his arms, having the sweetest dream in my life.

Chapter 14 - Brother


Next day, both Gabriel and I got woke up by a call at 7.00am, it’s from Reylie. She said that she’s not feeling very well and need Gabriel to go back. She did leave a last comment on the phone telling him not to bring me along or her mood might get worse and affect her.

How childish she can be at times, I wondered.

However, Gabriel said he wants me to go back with him and break the good news together to his family. So yeah, I followed him.


“What?! You’re marrying her?!” Reylie shouted the moment she heard us saying.

“Yes sweetie, I am marrying Laylea and she is part of our family now. So try to be nice to her okay.” Gabriel said.

Both his parents are happy and so excited about the wedding ceremony asking us when we are going to hold the ceremony and etc. Everyone is chatting and laughing except for Reylie. All of the sudden, she said “Laylea, would you mind sleeping with me tonight? Please?”

Seriously? She might accuse me for molesting her the moment I lied beside her. What’s she up to? I thought.

“Sure, why not.” I smiled to Gabriel as he’s kind of agreeing to what Reylie has suggested. This is the chance for her to like me.

After changing into my pyjamas, I lied beside Reylie carefully. Nothing happen…

She does not speak to me or look at me and I fell asleep the next second.

Early morning, I woke up and found nowhere of Reylie. I went to Gabriel’s room wanting to tell him Reylie is gone. And to my horror, I saw her lying beside Gabriel on his bed. The thing is, she is actually touching Gabriel!


She turns and got shocked when she saw me standing at the door.

Gabriel woke up and realizing what is going on and he’s surprised as much as I do.

Reylie’s face seems mad and embarrassed at the same time, she stepped down and ran out of the room. She locked herself up in her room, and no matter how much we tried to get her open the door, she would refuse. Oh shit, what should we do now.

I got so worried that all these are my fault that caused her to react this way. I am worried that her illness might get affected from the shock that I gave. Gabriel tried to 

comfort me and calm me down, he took me to his room and rest while he continue to persuade Reylie to open the door.


“Reylie, open up. It’s me Gabby… Don’t lock yourself in there please, everyone is worrying about you. Let me in please…” I heard Gabriel said.

“I only want you alone to come in. no one else!” Reylie replied.

She opens the door and Gabriel slipped in after assuring his parents everything will be alright, he will take care of it.

After a long while, Gabriel opened the door and came out with Reylie.

I am sitting down in the living room with their parents when Reylie came to me in her puffing eyes. I looked at Gabriel and he signal OK to me.

“Laylea, I am sorry. I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble for you at all. I just don’t want Gabby to leave us here… I know that I am sick and he has to earn the money for my treatment. But I am glad now that you are with him and taking care of him. I just want to see him more often and give me his attention. Please don’t get mad at me.” Then she turned to Mr & Mrs Leydo, “Mami and Papa, sorry that I acted this way. Please forgive me.” After she finished, her tears came rolling down, holding Gabriel’s hand to make her feel safe. “Sweet heart, we will never ever get mad at you. Please do not blame yourself over this.” Anna said.

I hold Reylie hand in mine, “Reylie, I am not mad at you at all. Perhaps you might did a slight mistake back there, but it’s totally fine. I am not snatching Gabby away, and he will always be your loving brother. And I am fortunate to have you as my sister.”

Her eyes lit up and smile to me. We hugged and everyone is clapping, joining us.

Chapter 15 - End


-3 months later-

Gabriel and I got married in his hometown. I appreciate Sherry and Maggy for turning up and even my parents. They came here especially for the ceremony before travelling back for their important meetings. Promising me that they will return and catch up with me soon. They like Gabriel the moment they saw him, and entrust me in his hands giving us the blessings.


After the wedding, I am officially Mrs Leydo. Gabriel decided to quit his job to work under my dad. He doesn’t have to travel around and holding a stable job.


“Baby, I am so glad that I met you.” We lied on the bed, looking at each other passionately.

“It’s my pleasure” I said


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2016

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