
Chapter 1 - Ordinary me

My name is Laylea, age 23 and I got married last month - 12 December. I met my husband, when I was 16 years old. Yes, the age where other teenages party all night and hang out with cool hunks and find someone to entertain them for a period of time. The sad thing is I am not a very attractive woman I can say, I don’t have a pretty face nor a sexy body. My social life is pretty boring too, I went to school and hang out with my girls then went back home to on my computer. So yes, my memories / childhood / teenage years are not that fantastic compare to others.

I met Gabriel through the online site, he was attached when I met him. BUT I am not a third party! Like duh .. we chatted a while and we click right away. We will try to get online everyday and talk, with him tell me how’s his day like at work and me sharing my school days. 

We did not exchange contact number immediately as we just merely know each other and he was attached at that time too. About one month later, Gabriel asked for my number and I am not sure whether to give.. In the end, I gave him a incorrect number which is just 1 digit wrong to the real one. A few days later, he found me online. He said that he tried to call me at the number I gave. Ops, I confessed for my playful mistake and he forgave me right away. He asked for the real one this time and called immediately after I typed out. Weeks passed, and we communicate by both phone and computer.. Gabriel will share with me his problems at work and girlfriend thing and I became the advisor somehow.

About 1 month later, I am attached to a senior in my school. His name is Micah, age 17. We knew through the club activities that we both joined. He asked me out one time and told me that he liked me for quite some time. Thereafter, we got together. Micah helped me in my academic and taught me a lot too. Like graffiti, he would show me how to do it and I would try under his guidance. It was awesome! I am happy around him and he cared a lot for me. It’s been months after we started going out, everything is smooth for us. We try not to let others know that we are together, we tried not to behave intimately in school and meet at club activities.

Chapter 2 - Butterflies


One day, when I am having dinner with Micah for our monthsary, I received a text from Gabriel asking if I am available to meet him. Something happened he said. I told him I am outside with my boyfriend, and asked about what happened. No reply from him back.

After the dinner, Micah sent me to the train station and went home. I called Gabriel and he picked up. “Hello.” He sound sad and drunkish at the same time.. Oh this is not the first time we spoke on the phone.. So yes, I asked him about what happened.

“I broke up with my girlfriend.”

“Sorry to hear about it, where are you now?” I felt worried at that moment, he’s not that kind of guy whom will mention a break-up in a relationship. Several times we spoke on the phone, he will bring up his girlfriend at times and told me about their quarrels.

“I am at a bar near Smith street.”

“Are you even old enough to enter it, that’s fine. Send me the address and I will be right there.”


So I hang up, and alight from the train, took a cab to the address that he sent me.

I reached the entrance of the bar (Drink Your Sorrows Bar), “Ya right, drink your sorrows” No wonder he chose here. So I called him and asked him to come out, this is the first time we met each other in real life after all the chatting, laughing, and being his advisor. We do saw pictures of each other before from the online site, but things can be different you know. He can be a psycho or turn out to be a freak too..

The door opened, a young tanned looking guy came out. He looked at me, “Laylea?” he said. I stood still and don’t know what to do. He’s like so adorable and handsome to me at that moment. He poke me and asked “Are you Laylea?” And I came back to reality and nodded my head. He laughed, “And you really turn up when I mentioned that I am in a depressed mood outside a bar at this hour” It nearly midnight, the streets are empty and I have school tomorrow. I did not think about all these at all, I just feel that I need to be here. He saw me standing like a log and not saying anything.


“Alright, let’s get you home safe now shall we. We should be able to catch the last train! Come on!” We board the train, and I am still not saying anything. I am not sure what to say, this is my first time meeting a guy who I met online. “Hey, are you okay? You have not been saying a word since just now.” He asked in concern. “Yes, I am fine. I can’t belived that I am here now.” “Oh yes, this is our first meeting. Now I get why you were so stilled earlier. But that’s for coming, I appreciate it.” He smiled back and made my heart fluttered.

“What happened to you and your girlfriend?” I can’t helped but ask.

He hesitated for a while before answering me. “Well, I caught her with another guy at a dining restaurant. I was shopping for her birthday gift which is coming next week.”


“She was shocked when she saw me, she tried to explain that it’s her mistake to betray me.

She kept talking and none of her words get in to me at all, I shoved her away and give the guy a punch. The guy got back at me and we fought in the street. But thanks to my usual training with friends, I am not hurt anywhere and protect myself from his hits.” He smirked.  “I pushed him away from me, and he went to my girlfriend and took her away. Leaving me behind in the middle of the crowd.”


I listened attentively and waited. “So I was wandering around, sitting at the bar I found then thought of you. Feeling the urge to talk to you” He looked at me. My body felt hot and don’t have the courage to look back into his glazing eyes.


“Kovan Station” I heard, I stood up and thank him with a bow for sending me home.  He told me to be careful and continue the last train home. When I was on my way home, I felt a vibration from my phone. I saw 2 missed calls from home, and 5 from Micah. I have totally forgotten to let Micah know I reached home safely. I gave him a text to let him know that I was bathing and drying my hair, yes I lied. But I can’t possibly tell him I went off to meet another guy whom I don’t know at all. Then a text came in, Gabriel.

“Heyy Laylea, thanks for making the trip down. I really appreciated your showup. Even though this is not what I imagine for our first meet up but I would definitely make it up the next time!”



Chapter 3 - Sparks


When I reached school, I saw Micah talking with a girl from his class. I interrupted and greet Micah with a hug. We found a place in the caferia and talk before the class start. “Sorry that I forgot to update you last night, you must be worried.”

“Is alright babe, as long as you are fine.”

At that point of time I felt guilty towards Micah for hiding the truth about Gabriel. So I asked him out after school and catch a movie in town.

After school, I met Micah at the school gate, and we went to town for the movie. We had lunch first and chatted about school and mutual friends we have. So far, Micah and I have reached stage 2 in relationship goals. To me, Stage 1 – holding hands, Stage 2 – Kissing, Stage 3 – Getting into pants and last but not least – Sex.

During the movie, Micah put his hand around me. I am okay with it since he was my boyfriend and this is what couple do. Sometimes he will kiss me and we basically miss out half of the movie.


June is here, the holiday period that everyone is looking forward to. I scored well for the examination so I do not need to stay back for the remedial classes.

Micah is going away to visit his external grandparents located in Indonesia Bali for a week. My parents decided to stay back in Singapore and not going anywhere as they have major project coming up in office recently. Yes, they worked together at the same office. So they leave and return back at the same time. We do travel the last time when I was younger and they are not that busy though. 

So I guess I am gonna be alone til Micah return. It’s been a month since I met Gabriel. We do exchange texts but he did not ask me out at all. He is currently working at some IT company in town.


Then a text came in. “It’s holidays for you right! Any plans during this one month break for you?” – Gabriel

“Nah, my parents are busy with their work and my boyfriend is out of town this week.”

“How about meeting me? We could go catch a movie!”

Hmm, I am considering this. Would it be weird if I agreed to his offer? But I can’t possibly cope up at home the entire day.

“Okay!” I replied


Gabriel came pick me up at Kovan train station. I did not specially dressed just to meet him but I did tried to put on some light makeup. We board the train and alight at Punggol, two stations away. “Where are we going? I don’t think there’s any cinema here.” I asked

“Well, you will see later.” He gave that smirk with the silly face that make me blushed.

We reached an apartment after 10 mins of walking. I saw him taking out keys and open the door. We are actually going his house all this time? Oh my god, I stood outside the door watching him to remove his shoes.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.


“I didn’t expect that we would be coming to your house.” I muttered

“Sorry, didn’t think that you would be in a shock like that. But don’t worry, I won’t be doing anything to you. Just that I find watching movie at home is much more comfortable compare to cinema. Are you scared  of coming in?” He looked at me with the curious face.

Well perhaps I should trust him a little after these time, I gathered up my courage and enter his house.

His house look normal to me, some typical paintings and photos hanging on the wall. I sat down on the couch while Gabriel went to the kitchen and prepare tea. In the pictures that I saw, it’s just Gabriel and his parents. So I assume he’s the only son in this family..

“I hope you like horror movie. I rented The Boy from video store.” He came back with the teapot and two cups.

“I guess that’s fine with me. I read the review online and have been wanting to watch myself.”

“Well, now you have a companion and we shall watch together.” He smiled at me

Somehow I am excited about this home movie thing. My mind was like a butterfly, fluttering back and flo in my brain. Gabriel draws the curtain from the window, wanting to make the whole environment like a cinema. I laughed while watching him putting much effort for all these.

He sat down with a distance between us on the couch. And here we go, second meeting at his house alone watching a horror movie under man made theatre.

There are some parts of the movie are rather quite scary that I jumped in shock when the sound effect got me. Gabriel just kept laughing at me and tease me that I got him jumping from my shock too. Somehow or rather, the distance between us got closer and I did not feel any uncomfortable there as I am so engross into the movie. “Reargwwwww….” I took the cushion pillow from the couch and cover my face. Gabriel patted me on my back and laughing quietly. Suddenly, the ghost came out with the eerie background sound effect, I totally jumped to Gabriel and lie on his chest. I just lay down with my eyes close while I can feel his breathing getting shorter and heavier. Only then, I realized what I have done and got up immediately and back to my original seating. I can hear Gabriel is coughing hard to suppress a laugh, turning his face away. I glared at him and stay quiet throughout the movie.

Soon later, the movie ended. I let out a relieve sigh and relax my body on the couch. I asked for the bathroom direction while Gabriel is trying to remove the disc and put back in the casing. When I came out of the bathroom, Gabriel is waiting for me outside. He looked at me with this tension that makes my pulse raced faster.

“Shall we grab some dinner before I send you home?”

Chapter 4 - Confusion


Gabriel brought me to this Italian restaurant with a private booth seating. I stared into space while thinking back the moments that we have earlier, words just can’t describe the vibe that I got from him. So much desire and wanting then I felt a shake by Gabriel.

“Are you alright? Still in the shock from the movie?” He laughed it off

I am so embarrassed with the way that I behaved in front of him just now. I stay quiet and earn a worried face from him.

“Seriously, are you alright? Why are you not talking? Is it too much for you? Damn, I should not rent that movie after all. It’s just that the person keep introducing me and I thought you might like it. Sorry Laylea”

He looked cute from my angle, saying all those that made me laughed. 

“I am fine, don’t worry. The movie is not bad at all, apart from the parts that made me jumped and embarrassed myself.”

He laughed back, and continued chatting with me.

The food is served and we start eating. Somehow I felt that Gabriel has been looking at me after my first bite and I shot the What Face then he said “you got something on the side of your mouth.” Omg, and he just stared at it without telling me? I quickly took the napkin and tried to wipe off the stain then I realized he got closer and his hand is reaching out for me. “It’s here, silly.” His finger touched me and wipe off the stain from my mouth, he’s so close to me that I can feel his breathing. We looked at each other for a few long seconds, and got interrupted by the waiter asking if we wish to refill our empty cup with ice water.


When I got home, I went straight to my room and lie on my bed. Thinking back about what had happened today, not while later..Micah called.

“Hey sweetie” He sounds happy.  

“Hey.. How’s things for you? Is it fun there?” I asked.

“Yeah, things are good. I talked a lot with my grandparents and even mentioned about you.” Somehow or rather, I felt kind of guilty. Though I didn’t really betray him but my reaction to Gabriel is way different when I first met Micah. Suddenly I heard a voice of a girl in the background “Baby, time to go.” Then there’s a silent on the phone with some shuffling sound.

“Alright Laylea, I have to go. Talk to you soon ok?” Micah rushed to hang up. This is the first time he trying to end the call that fast. “Okay, love you” I replied reluctantly as I wanted to find out about the girl in the background with him.


Chapter 5 - Mind free


My phone vibrated, it’s Gabriel. I have been sort of ignoring Gabriel the past few days. He called several times and left me quite a message.

“Why aren’t you picking up my call or return my text? Did I do something wrong?”

My heart felt the sourness and upset when I see it. So I decided to reply him.

“No.. is just that I needed some time alone after all these”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I am attached, and yes my boyfriend is away for a week but that doesn’t mean I can fool around like some slut looking for fun. I am not that kind of woman you think I am.”

I began to get agitated at my phone.

“Laylea, I guess you misunderstood me. I did not take you for fun nor would I. I am very sincere to be your friend.”

Omg, now I sound like an idiot. Perhaps I really mistook him after all.

“Sorry about that. Is just that there are some things going on and I got confused for a moment.”

“Would you like to share it with me?”

I met Gabriel at the park nearby my house. I used to come here with my parents, riding my bicyle, have a mini pinic with them.. Gosh, I missed those times.

“Laylea? What’s bothering you?” Gabriel asked.

“Nothing in particular”

“Is it about your boyfriend?”

We stood by the lake, staring at the sunset. It’s beautiful and warming..

A moment of silent took place between us, we sat down at the bench looking out the lake.

“Laylea, what’s your ambition?

“Hmm.. I guess it’s teaching. I used to teach my younger cousin for their primary school”

“That’s sounds great, perhaps you can start out in this line as a career in future”

I smiled at him, “Thanks. Perhaps, some day maybe”

We spent the evening together and Gabriel sent me home.


Chapter 6 - Honeymoon


Finally, Micah is returning home tomorrow! He told me he will come and find me straight when he came back. He’s been on my mind these few days and of course that’s including the girl from the phone call some time ago. I spent my time at home, catching up with my parents updating them about my school. I went to bed earlier as usual as I wish for tomorrow to come.

It’s 10.00am, no call or text from Micah. Just when I decided to go out for a run, I opened the door and saw Micah with his backpack. “Laylea!” He rush straight to me and hug me tightly under his arms. “I missed you.” He said, and I missed him too. “There’s a huge jam from the route we are taking, we literally stuck for three hours in the car. There was no reception at all, I wanted to call you and tell you in case you are worried for me.” He put down his bag in my room and sat down at my mini sofa. I prepared some tea and put on the dressing table, without a word I hugged him again.

He went to his bag pack and bring something out. It’s a gift with a beautiful wrapping paper. He hand it to me and said, “Hope you like it. I spend some effort in it!” He gave that goofy smile like always. I opened it up and there’s this mason jar with full of saga seeds. On top of it, there’s a heart-shape like saga seed. Gosh, this is so beautiful. I loved it! “I spent quite sometime under the tree to look for the heart shape. That might be the most similar like to what I have compared so far. Do you like it?” Comeon, which girl in the whole world wouldn’t like this? They must be crazy in mind to reject this. “Yes, I loved it. Thank you!” I kissed him on the cheek as an appreciation for how caring and awesome he is. 

Micah pulled me to him, and I am land sitting on top of him. We kissed, more passionately than usual. I am so glad he’s back. He hugged me tight and close, and greet me well enough using his lips and tongue. Slowly shifting down to my neck and I felt a sudden sensation in my body. His hands are into my shirt, touching me and hugging. Perhaps it’s time for Stage 3? We are both aware that we can’t possibly go for the last stage as Micah is a Christian and definitely no sex before marriage, well I guess that’s fine with me. He unhook my bra and remove it gently and lay it on the floor. He removed my shirt and lay me down, and now I am half bared in front of him.

He caress the tip of my breast and got me shivered. His tongue showed me how much his desire is and I returned what he wants. I gave him a hand job and he reached his climax and release. This is not our first time but not many as we always hang out outside and seldom have the private space to do all these.

I sent Micah off since it’s quite late and he still have a big bag to unpack.

The next day, I met Micah and we went a lunch at town.

“So where shall we go tomorrow? J” I asked.

“Sorry babe, I can’t make it tomorrow. I promised to meet up with my buddy – Eric, when I returned from my trip.”

“Oh.. that’s alright then.” I sulked.

Then, Micah received a call with an unknown number. He excused himself and pick it up outside the café. He looked tensed while talking, he took the chance to look at me inside the café and smiled. I wonder who’s that. 



Chapter 7 - Back away


Next morning, I woke up at probably 7.00am, I made some coffee for myself and switch the computer on. Surfing through the internet, facebook, watched some video and login to the online site. “Hello” a message came through, it’s Gabriel.

“Good Morning to you ” I replied.

“You’re up early. I am surprise”

“Yeah, can’t sleep much”

“I see. So what’s your plan for today?”

“Nothing much, hanging with my computer and probably do some homework”

“Right. You should probably get on that in order to become a teacher.”

“I smiled, and he remembered what I said.”

We chatted for a couple of hours online.

“I have to go. Talk to you soon Laylea”

“Okay, bye!”

Micah left me a message saying that he and his bud are going to town and get something for his parents wedding anniversary in three days time.

-Knock Knock-

I opened the door. “Ta da! I figure out that you did not have a full breakfast and I came to deliver you one ” Gabriel said, raising his two hands with two paper bags in front of me. I stood there with the surprise face. He actually turn up here just to send me the food?

Well yes, I gladly accepted the food since I am starving from the coffee this morning. It’s American breakfast from Macdonald. Wow, my favourite. The thing is..there are 2 servings of it when I looked inside the bag.

“Oh.. 1 is mine, perhaps you might eat alone and I shall accompany you!”

“Serious? You just chatted with me online a couple of hours ago and you came here to bring me breakfast AND you are staying back to eat with me. That’s so not creepy at all.”

“Well, technically yes. I talked to you a couple of hours ago, and I thought that you might be hungry from all the chatting. I am starving and might as well giving you this surprise visit.”

Yes yes, I gave that fake smile trying to buy his reason and sorting out the food on the table. He laughed and came to help me with it.

We sat across each other and ate quietly, not knowing what to say but eat our food.

“Don’t you have to work today?” I asked

“Yup, I am on the afternoon shift. Don’t worry, I am not here to scare you or whatever you think I am going to do. I would be leaving after this.. so relax and enjoy the food!”

So I am the only one here who paranoid that much that he would say this.

After the breakfast, I cleared up the table and Gabriel cleaned it.

“So, what shall we do now?” He asked

“We? Now?” I replied

“Yeah. Let’s go out to the park to cycle!”

“Well, it’s 11.00am right now and I guess it’s gonna be really sunny out there. Today’s my lazy day” I tried to brush it off and it did.  

“Hmm, okay then. I shall not disturb you to rest, we will catch up later”

I sent Gabriel to the door and thank him for the food again.

-Bzz Bzz- My phone rang – Micah

“Hey lovely, how are you?” I feel comforting and happy when I hear Micah’s voice

“Hey, I am fine. Cooping up at home, where are you now?”

“I am at an antique store with Eric. Would you like to have dinner with me once I am done?”

“Of course! Let me know the time and place”

“Awesome, see you later!”

Micah came to pick me up at the train station where he wish to meet me. He brought me to a museum nearby which just open these few days. I am not a person that knows how to appreciate those drawings and pictures. I have totally no clue what the artist trying to portrait out. But Micha likes it. He loves to draw.. Sometimes he will ask me to pose and be his model. We spend some time in the museum before the dinner.


Chapter 8 - Queen Bee


Argh, the time passed too quickly! Without any knowing, tomorrow is the school opening day. Micah has been teaching me the new chapters that I am going to learn in new semester. And tonight, he is bringing me to his house to study and have dinner with his parents too. This is my first time there and I got to dress up appropriately and leave a good impression.

I bought a fruit basket along the way to meet Micah. When I enter his house, a classy type of feeling came to me. I didn’t know he’s that rich, even though he’s the one who has been paying for my expenses while we hang out. I did insist to pay but he rejected. His house is huge, and there are a lot of famous drawings and status on display.

“Mum, Dad, we are home~” Micah shout out.

His mother came out wearing a dress and accessories. She look elegant and classy even thought she is at home. And his dad is wearing a suit. I suppose they are those kinds of busy people that even have meeting at home and perhaps expecting guests at any point of time.

“Welcome Laylea, it’s nice having you here. Make yourself comfy all right? J” His mother said and hugged me. “Hi Mrs Beckon, thank you for hosting me tonight.” I smiled as bright as I can. “Dear, you’re one polite girl that we have met so far. Lucky Micah”

“Yes, I am the lucky one J” there goes the goofy smile on Micah’s face that melts my heart.

We sat down at the dining table for dinner, I have a good time chatting with Mr & Mrs Beckon. I helped out with the cleaning and Micah brought me to his room to prepare for the studying.


“Laylea” Micah said

“Yes?” I looked at him while getting prepared and taking out my textbooks

“Would you like to spend the night here?”

“But it’s school tomorrow morning, and I did not have my clothes with me”

“You can wear one of my mum’s dress since the size is just fit.” He pleaded  

I am considering this. So if I were to stay here, and not letting my parents know. How should I bring up to them. I dialed the phone and called my mum that I will be spending the night at the class party before the holiday break end since the school start in late morning. She agreed since she understands that I do not socialize that much and this is the time to mingle around.

I told Micah and he’s so happy like a baby.

He handed me some clothes and it was huge and like a dress to me. I came out of the bathroom with him staring at me.


“You look beautiful.”

I blushed by his words. I hope he did not notice that I didn’t have my bra and panty on as I am wearing those home tomorrow morning. Keep it clean you know

We sat down and began with the revision. Me doing some research with my leg-crossed and taking notes while Micah preparing the bed and his mini mattress on the floor.

After a couple of hours of studying, I am feeling sleepy. I rubbed my eyes and yawn loudly. Micah laughed and told me to go to bed. I move my lazy ass to the bed and lay down on his bed. It’s so comfy and has the smell of Micah. Micah went to bath and lie on his mini bed that he made.

“Micah, are you comfortable down there? Would you like to come up and sleep with me?” I asked.

“Is okay, I wish to control myself for the night and let you have a good rest after all the studying.”

“Silly ass. The bed is big enough to accommodate both of us, come up”

He stood up and snuck under the blanket beside me.

“Laylea, I am really glad that you are here.” He kissed me and I returned the kiss.


Micah put his hand on my waist and slowly move inside the big shirt that I am wearing. I can feel his hand is shock enough to realize that I am not wearing anything inside.

He moved his hand around my body and hug me closer to him. He is working his tongue well on me and my body seems to love what he’s doing. He moved slowly from my mouth to my neck and follow by my breasts. I moaned softly and I can feel his dick hardening. I put my hand there and feel his body stimulating.

Should we go stage 4? I am thinking. This is a perfect moment and I don’t wish to break it though. Does he have a condom or something? Should I ask? But I am a girl and I don’t wish to let him think that I am too easy going with this. Whatever, I am going let my body take control on its own.

With Micah teasing me by licking my tip, touching me all over and patting me down there. I return the favor and tried to make him feel good too. He’s a man after all, it’s simple. I gently stroke him, and he moaned. He moved his tongue down to my tummy and follow by navel. 

I felt so high that I can feel it. Something is coming out of me in a fabulous way. He went down on me and I moaned, grabbing the pillow. This feel awesome that I want it more..

I reached the climax and release my orgasms while moaning Micah’s name. I lied in his arms and fell asleep right away. 


Chapter 9 - Lavishing


The next morning, Micah woke me up. I saw him he carrying a tray of food in and put on the table.

“Good morning beautiful”

I looked at him blankly, and felt so touched that he actually did all these for me.

I blushed, and when I look down on the bed. OMG, the stain.. I gave the shocked face and looked at Micah.

“Don’t worry about that, I will clean it up later while you get bathing”

“Oh my, I am sorry that I fell asleep right after that. I have no idea that I would be that tired and I wanted to … you…” I stutter, and my face is definitely redder than the tomato on the plate. “No worries, I am sure there will be next time and more” he kissed my forehead and winked.

We went to school together but separated at the school gate. Both Micah and I are going to be busy. Micah wish to aim for the University College located at the east side which is far and would take 2 hours drive to reach. We have discussed about the busy schedule ahead and how we are going to mange our time for each other. So whenever there are club activities, we would go earlier and stay later than other members. This way, we can to talk more and spend time with each other.  


“So, the prom night is coming in a month away” Micah said, we are in the library storage room to help pack the old books and those that have torn pages in boxes.

“Yeah, are you excited?” I replied.

“Somehow, definitely will be happier if you could go as my date” he looked at me.

I blushed and nodded. “Of course I will be.” He kissed me, and I returned it.. He pulled me to lean on the wall and makes me feel vulnerable under him. Like some badass he is.

I am happy to have Micah, he protects me from everything. He put me as his priority most of the time and respects me.

1 week go by. I need to get a dress from the prom night! I wish to make Micah proud to have me as his date. It’s a major thing to the senior guys after all, before their last appearance for school prom night from graduating. I need to go shopping!!

Sunday afternoon, I decided to head to the town for some shopping when Micah is staying at home to study. Totally no idea for what I am dressing. I asked Micah the color and type of dress that he think I should be wearing. He just replied doesn’t matter, I look pretty in everything. Argh.. I just need some honest and useful opinion! Of course he is sweet by saying this. But then..

I passed and saw this shop name Dressora Thoughts so I went in for a look.

There are tons of dresses in here, all so beautiful and I love it. I walked around the boutique shop to search the ultimate dress. –Knock Knock- I heard from the window and there stands Gabriel. Apparently he is looking at me and smiling, so I waved to him. He saw that I am alone and walked in. “Hey Laylea, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Ermm.. shopping for my prom dress. But I have no idea of what I should be wearing..”

Gabriel did a scan through of our surroundings and pick out a blue dazzling dress in front of me. “Try this on!” and push me to the changing room without hearing my comments.


I came out with the blue dress on, this feel comfy in it and it suits to what I have imagined. How can I not notice this dress earlier? I looked at Gabriel whom is staring at me from the moment I stepped out. “Damn, you look awesome girl! The prom queen position is taken!”

I flushed and laughed at his comments. I changed and paid for the blue dress. Gabriel walked with me, “So who is your date for your prom night?” “My boyfriend – Micah.” “What a lucky chap he is!”

We sat down at a café for a coffee before he went off to work. We chatted a lot, ever since we met up the other time. He totally dissolved the awkward-ness which he might notice it in me whenever we are together.


“Woah, the time passed this quick? I have to go for work man. Bye Laylea! Nice seeing you again, and don’t forget that you look absolutely perfect in that dress! Have fun on your prom night!” He rushes off and crossed the roads after shouting what he has said.


Chapter 10 - Prom night


Today is the day. PROM NIGHT, Micah and me have been discussing about it. He would come and pick me up with his rented car and we are going for a light bite before the party starts.

-Ding dong-

“Coming!” I went down the stairs and opened the door. Micah is wearing a white tuxedo with a black shiny shoes. He looked so charming! I almost fainted but he caught me.

“Man.. you looked fanstatic girl.” “Back to you, prince charming” we giggled. So I wore my heels and we left the house.

Along the drive, Micah’s phone rang. “Are you not going to pick up?” I asked.

“Nah, sure it’s some prank calls from my buddies. They have been teasing me not going with them to the prom. Of course I have to take my lady as my priority”


I smiled at him.. We arrived at the café nearby the school, Micah ordered some snacks while I get seated. He came back with the order, “Give me a minute to return a call and I will come back soon. You can start eating without me, before you have a hunger strike while waiting.”  He winked. He went outside to make the call and I start squeezing the chilli and tomato sauce. Seeing him from the inside, makes my heart flattered that he’s such a charmer to be with me. I can see his face frowning and the expression doesn’t look good. He hang up the call looking pissed and walked back in the café. He came back and stay quiet.. “What’s wrong Micah?” I asked.


“Nothing, how’s the food?” He changed the topic quickly

Obviously he doesn’t want to speak about it. Alright, perhaps I try again later.

After a short while, we walked to the school. There are so many students arrived and they looked awesome too. Some even went to the hair salon to set their hair just for tonight I can see. Micah took me in his arms, tight. I am worried about his sudden behavior but I dare not to ask in case he get mads and leave me here alone


We settled down ourselves and find a spot to sit before the dinner starts. “Micah” a girl called out. Both Micah and I turned around and I saw his face went stern.. I remember this girl as Ivy. She is in Micah’s class too.. “Hi Laylea, you looked pretty in that dress.” She said. “Thank you, and you too.” Micah did not said anything and turn back to the table.. Ivy sat down at our table beside Micah. “Laylea, you are a lucky girl to have Micah tonight. There are a lot of girls eyeing him for quite some time. Isn’t him charming tonight? ” She said. Micah glared at her and I noticed it. “Yes, definitely. You can’t imagine how happy I am.” “Certainly I do. Sometimes..” She looked at Micah, and I didn’t catch what she meant.

Later Micah went to take a drink for me, Ivy is gone too. I looked around watching people praising each other, laughing and taking we-fies. –Bzz Bzz- I received a text message.

“Hey pretty, how’s your prom night? Does your boyfriend drool when he saw you?”

- Gabriel.

“Hah, it was fun. We are waiting for the party to start actually. Everyone here look awesome!” I replied.

“Sure they do, but not as awesome as you!” Okay I gladly accept that compliment. After all I did asked my mum to teach me how to put on some real make up as a lady.

Micah is still not back yet, so I decided to go look for him. I went to the drink counter, he is not there. Weird, I looked elsewhere and I saw Ivy.. pulling Micah to the storage room. I followed them, not sure where this might lead to but definitely something’s wrong.

They came inside the storage room, while me standing nearby.

“Baby, you looked piss. Did I do something wrong?” Ivy said. I was shocked by her words..

“Why did you come? You are not suppose to meet Laylea at all.” Micah replied.

What is he saying? Oh my god, my heart is beating so fast that I am about to cry

“I missed you a lot. Did you forget the times we have at Bali? You and me, staying in the bed all day long doing what we love to do in the past..”

Wth am I hearing right now. Micah and Ivy? Bali? My heart ache so much and I ran off. I left the school and kept walking. I cried so badly and obviously my makeup is ruined or rather my first prom night is ruined.

My phone rang, its Micah. I rejected it, can’t possibly that I answer his call in this state.  How could he do this to me.. Micah has been calling me non-stop. I stayed in a park and left my phone ringing.. Everyone who past by would take a look at me, sitting here crying like a pathetic fool.

I took my phone, 21 missed calls from Micah. I ignored it, and dial for Gabriel.

“Hey beautiful, what’s up?”

“Are you free now? I am at the Alexandra park”

“Yeah, sure. I will be right over” he hung up the phone.

I not sure why am I calling him at this moment, I am not sure what to say to him. Perhaps I just need someone by my side who can understand and listen to what I want.

“Laylea!” someone shouted for me. Its Gabriel, he ran to my side immediately when he saw me. He saw my puffy eyes and merged mascarar, “What’s wrong? Did somebody hurt you?” I feel like crying again after I hear him saying these. I said nothing, and looked at him. My tears just let it out on her own and won’t stop. He sat beside me and hugged me to his chest. He pat on my back and said nothing. After a while, I felt tired and sleepy. His chest is so warmth, without giving a damn what happen next. I fell asleep..


Suddenly, I opened my eyes. I checked my phone, it’s midnight already, 2 hours have passed?! I looked at Gabriel, he was dozing off. OMG, did I just fall asleep here for 2 hours on him? I tried to get up slowly without disturbing him. But then I did and he woke up looking at me.

“Hey, are you feeling better?” He asked.

“Yes, thank you and sorry for sleeping off just like that.”

“Yes, my butt hurts actually. But is okay, don’t have to apologise.” He stood up slowly to stretch himself. I am feeling so guilty right now, I checked my phone and its out of battery. I sat still and not sure what to do next.

“You must be hungry right?” Gabriel asked.

Yes I am starving. “Not really, I should go back home right now”

“Are you sure? With your ruined makeup and puffy eyes? How would your parents react to that?” I hesitated. Definitely I do not want my mum to get fussed over this and maybe threaten to call the police before she can find out what happen. It’s a no for me to go home in this state.


Chapter 11 - Sex


We reached a bar nearby, which is the only choice we have since all other cafes are closed already. Gabriel ordered some snacks and drinks for me while he ordered beers for himself. The food came, and I am drooling. He giggled when he saw me staring at the food. “Go on, eat it.. We can order more if you like”

There are pizzas, nuggets and fries. I started out with pizza, it was heavenly delicious. I gobbled down the food like a hungry baby, ate one piece and another. “If you feel like telling me what’s wrong, I am always here to listen” Gabriel mentioned it out to me.

What should I say to him? I caught my boyfriend cheating on me? And I ran off without saying and end up crying like a water tap in the park.

“Yes, I will tell you once I am ready. Don’t you want some food? You are hungry right?” Gabriel shared the food with me and we chattered.

“Do you know beer could solve your troubles when you are depressed? It makes you forget what have happened.”

“That’s call drunk dude, stop drinking so much” He laughed.

“sometimes drunk is good, you don’t have to face anything when you are drunk. Everything else doesn’t matter to you.” He has a point though, I don’t wish to face or think of anything right now. I wish to forget tonight and Micah. I took over his beer and finished all in one shot. He smiled, and ordered more for us.

It’s 1.30am, we are still drinking at the bar. Both of us in the drunkard state, talking loudly and laughing at each other. Then the bar owner came to us, telling us that they are closing in soon. We would have to settle the bill and leave now. So Gabriel stood up, walking wobbly and settle the bill. I waited for him, and we leave to

gether. We board the cab together, and head to his house. We landed up in his room and I lied on his bed.. He took off his shirt and lay down beside me. I kicked off my heels and mumbling all kind of words I can imagined.

“We should drink more! Forget everything, the people the reality” I exclaimed to him.

“You silly girl, you are drunk. Go to sleep right now”

“Are you down? You are weak..”I teased

He looked and me, putting his hand on my face.. “Did I not mention that you looked beautiful tonight.” I looked at him back. I went up to him and kiss him like I give a damn about what’s going to happen.

He unzip me gently while we are exchanging the kisses like mad. We lied naked on the bed with him kissing and touching me everywhere and I do the same back. This urge and desire is so strong that I can’t hold back, knowing that he’s Gabriel, knowing that I just had a bad day with my boyfriend, knowing that I don’t give a damn to all these. I need some comforting right now, I am at a high peak that I need somebody to catch me when I fall. Gabriel assured me by kissing me gently, cupping my breasts like a trophy he have never won. He cherish my presence and he rise to his hardest point. I can feel it between my leg, and so he went in slowly and I accepted it.

He is so strong yet gentle, he desire for more without hurting me, he made me a holy queen at that very moment.. I gave myself to him. As my body wanted it badly, everything was perfect. I can feel his warmth body on me, he embrace me like nobody else did. Not even Micah, I know I need this.

Chapter 12 - Mistakes


The next morning, I woke up from a hangover. The feeling sucks, my head hurts like hell.  I looked at my surround, the reality still came after all.. I looked at Gabriel who is sleeping soundly like a baby. We had sex last night and I remembered everything.

This might be the first time I have the chance to look at Gabriel closely. He has a clean face with chubby cheeks, adorable is the word I guess? Then, Gabriel opened his eyes and caught me looking at him. He smiled, “Good Morning” stretching his body like some sexy wolf.

Gabriel hand me a set of outfit for changing. I looked like crap, ruined make up and I smell like alcoholic. How could anyone stand the sight of me looking like that?!

Gabriel sends me home and I saw Micah standing and walking around. I froze, Gabriel looked me. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

I not sure what to answer his question.. “Would you like to have some breakfast before going off?” I asked him

“Sure, why not.”

I brought Gabriel to the café nearby. We ordered some food and I am dazing, thinking what to do with Micah if he kept waiting outside my house. “Would you like to share your problem with me?” Gabriel asked.

“About last night.. the reason why did I end up in the park and called’s because something happened at the prom.” I can tell that he’s listen patiently with full of concerned and worries. But I continued, I wanted to say out everything. I need a listening ear and advice..But I too, don’t wish to hurt his feelings. “I saw my boyfriend – Micah with one of his classmate – Ivy hanging out at one of the storage room. I followed them and heard their conversation.. Apparently he is hooking up with her.” I looked at Gabriel after finish saying. His expression is so stern and mad, I can tell that he is controlling himself from exploding, he clenched his fist under the table. “I saw him outside my house earlier, and I have no idea what to react if he saw me. So I asked if you to have breakfast with me. Sorry about it”


“Don’t have to. I don’t feel offended from what you have done, I am glad that you called me out. Can’t even imagine what would happen if you stayed there alone the whole night. That fcking bastard.. I can send you to your doorstep later, I will not let him get close to you a single inch.  

Woah.. he looked damn serious in this. If I paint him in green, he would look like a hulk right now. “Don’t have to. I am sure he is gone by the time I go home later.. Don’t worry about me, I will be fine.”

“Are you sure about this? I can just take a day off and accompany you”

“Nah, I am fine really. You should go for your work. I would call you if there’s anything happen”

“Okay, and Laylea.. about last night”

Here it comes, another reality that I need to face

“Yes, last night.. I am grateful that you took me in. I enjoyed the time that I spent with you, but don’t worry. I won’t make you responsible for something that we did when we are drunk” Should I be saying this?


“I am serious in this. I enjoyed my time with you as well, and I want to cherish this moment between us. How would you feel about that?”

“I am sorry to say, but I have not on a total break off from Micah. I don’t wish to hurt you by using you to forget Micah. I hope you understand that I need some time in this.. I am 

grateful for what you have done for me, but I wasn’t ready to make any move yet.” My heart ache, I just hurt Gabriel which I said I wouldn’t want to.

“I understand, perhaps I am too anxious about this. But you don’t have to feel bad that you are using me.. I want you to know that I would always be there for you.”

I nodded.

After the breakfast, we are separated. Gabriel went home and prepare for work. And I walked back slowly thinking about the conversation earlier, feeling bad for Gabriel and mad at myself. On the way back, I keep a lookout for Micah.. He is not outside my house anymore, I fasten my pace to my doorstep wishing him not to appear and prepared my key in my hand opening the door.. “Laylea!” I turned, Micah came out from nowhere!

“Where have you been? Do you know how worried I am? I waited here the whole night and I did not see you at all. What happened? Why did you leave the school without saying?” He bombard me with all these questions when the answers are too hurtful for me to say out.

“I saw you with Ivy last night. I heard your conversation too”

He stunned at my words, and that explains a lot to me.

“I was heartbroken enough to stay any longer there, and that’s why I left” I can feel that my eyes are feeling watery and tears might fall any moment now.

“Laylea, you have to hear me out. Would you give me a chance to explain myself? Please..”

I asked him in to my house and we sat down keeping a distance away from each other. Here goes the moment of truth, he might be ditching me here and forever after explaining.

“Ivy is my childhood playmate. We grew up together and she is very close with my family. When I went to visit my grandparents during the summer, my parents did not mention to me that they invited Ivy as well. I was surprise when I saw her at my grandparent’s house. She is staying with us for a week too. My family always assumes that Ivy and I are going out in a relationship. I don’t want to disappoint them and that’s why I did not say anything. I do not want you to get misunderstood that’s why I kept it from you. I have been reminding myself not to get involve with her and let the week be over quickly.”

My tears are already falling and I grabbed the tissue not wanting to interrupt him.

“One night, after the dinner.. Ivy and I are hanging out by the lakeside drinking. Everyone is asleep and we chatted for a while. Ivy suddenly took off her clothes and jump into the lake, she urge me to join her and if I refused.. she will wake everyone up knowing that we are drinking. So I did, I jumped down to her naked. We are both so drunk and giggling at all kind of shit. She swam to me and hugged me, we kissed. And from there.. we did something wrong.” Micah looked up at me, checking my reaction.

“Go on.”

Micah looked sad and continue to “explain”, “the next morning, I realized that Ivy and I are 

n the same bed.. She said we have sex the last night and she asked me to be with her. I rejected it and she cried on the bed. I am not sure what to do, I have to keep her calm before anyone start knocking and seeing us in that state. After we came back, Ivy has been texting me and I ignore her. I wanted to be with you Laylea, but I don’t wish to hurt you and that’s why I did not bring up these. I am terribly sorry, please forgive my wrongdoings.” Micah came to me and hugged me in his arms. I kept on crying, and pushed him away.

“What you did is wrong, and that applies to me too. I need some time to cool off, please go home.” I did not wish to say anymore in this state..

Micah kept apologizing while on the way out.. He asked me to call him as soon as possible once I have cool down and we can talk about this relationship again.

Chapter 13 - I have decided


I stayed in my bed the whole day, sobbing and using the whole box of tissue. In my mind, I am thinking what am I crying for? Micah or myself? or Gabriel? I am so confused. After a night, I have decided andI called Micah for a meet up..

We met at the café outside the theatre where we have our first date.

He looked happy seeing me, perhaps thinking that we are getting back together.

“I am happy to see your call, and even happier that you chose here to meet up” He said

“Micah.. I wanted to tell you I am glad that you chose to explain yourself over what have happened between you and Ivy. Which meant that you still care about me.. I am thankful for what you have did for me so far, but sorry that I can’t stay with you.”

Micah stared blankly at my mouth, didn’t expect that coming from me.

“We both have fck up moments, you cheat on me and I did something wrong too” He frowned at my words. “In any case, this is over between us. Just stay out of my life”

I stood up and get ready to leave. “Laylea! Wait a minute, I can’t believe you are saying these. And what do you mean by you did something wrong too?” Micah asked. To me, I feel no point in explaining any further since I am letting him go. I walked away from him, and never turn back.

In school, whenever Micah see me, he would try to approach me and talk to me. But I walked away from him. I don’t wish to affect my studies.. the whole school might already know of our break-up. There are girls that begin to approach him, talking to him.

Gabriel has been dropping me a text every now and then, wanting to know my current situation how I am doing, asking me out.. I rejected it. To me, after being separated with Micah, I don’t want to have a new relationship that soon.


2 weeks later, my parents decided to go for a holiday – Paris. Hooraaaaayyy! It’s a week trip. I been talking with my mum about this arrangement, and she is glad to see me getting cheerful again. She know about Micah and Gabriel, I shared with her everything that happened and she understood as well.

-Bzz Bzz- Text Message

“Hey Laylea, how are you? I just got promoted at work and my company has deploy me to Paris and work for a month!” 

Woah, Paris too? That’s coincidence

I told him I am going Paris for a holiday with my family too.

He called immediately.

“Hello” I answered

“Wow girl, you are going Paris too?”

“Yeah, I leaving at next Tuesday. What about you?

“Cool! I am leaving this Friday though.”

“Wow, that’s fast. Congrats to your promotion anyway!”

“Thanks a lot! I can go pick you guys up and perhaps we go for a dinner?”

“Hmm, I should probably ask my parents about this and get back to you. But if it’s not convenient with you it’s totally fine with it. Thanks for your offer!”

We agreed on the meet up and hang the phone. 

Chapter 14 - Starry night


Today is the day! leave here and enjoy myself for the week. I am sooooo excited!!

After checking in, I received a text from Gabriel. “Hey! What time is your flight reaching? I am free today to fetch you! ” I told him about my flight number and etc then I switch off my phone and get ready to board.

It’s a freaking 13-14 hours flight on air. I ate, watched movies, and slept all the way.

“We are here!” Mum exclaimed when she alight from the plane.

When we came out from the luggage belt, I saw Gabriel standing right there with a signboard “Laylea Greenwood & Family”. So I signaled my parents to go over and introduced Gabriel to them. “Hi Mr & Mrs Greenwood, it’s my honor meeting you. Please allow me to guide you to your hotel.”

Apparently my parents are pleased by his actions by helping to carry the luggage, joking around and praising him. I kind of feel happy there, knowing him as a friend.

Gabriel droved us to our hotel, communicate with the hotel staff and assist with the check in. “He’s a sweet guy baby.” My mum said to me while watching Gabriel’s back at the counter. I smiled, yes indeed.

Once all the procedures are done, I bid goodbye with Gabriel and went to my room.

I went out with my parents, shopping and eating our dinner nearby. The buildings and all are amazing and spectacular. The sky is so clear that you think you can touch it by just raising your hand. I told mum that I wish to explore the area alone and they can return back 

to hotel first. I walked further down a street to find some stalls selling handmade souvenir, from woods carving to handmade greeting cards. I bought some and walked back to the hotel. It’s about 9.00pm, and I have showered and preparing for bed. Gabriel called my cell,

“Hey lovely, are you sleeping soon?”

“Yeah, about to. What’s up?”

“Oh, not wanting to disturb you but I am actually nearby your hotel. So wondering if you would like to go somewhere with me, bet you wont regret it.”

Woah, tempting. I asked my mum for her permission and saying that Gabriel will be taking me out, surprising she agreed. Perhaps Gabriel made them feel secured by today’s action. So yeah, I quickly change and went to meet him at the lobby. He led me to his car and not telling me where we are going, acting all sort of mysterious.

He is driving towards a hillpeak, and I am admiring the view along the way and we reached the destination in no time.

“Close your eyes” He asked.

“Are you pushing me off the hill?”

He giggled, that’s cute. “No silly, I won’t ever hurt you. Trust me”

I closed and he put his hands on my shoulder and telling me to walk slowly upwards.

“Be careful, one step at a time”

We walked quite a distance and came to a point where we stopped.

“Alright, open your eyes now”

A sky with full of stars right in front of me.. “OMG. This is … beautiful”

I can’t stop gazing and admiring. This is definitely top beautiful nightview I ever seen.

Gabriel took a jacket from his car and put on me. Also, he was carrying something else which I can’t bother too much as I am busy appreciating what I am looking at. It’s a basket with hot tea and some light snacks. Wow, a picnic here? We sat down on the bench with the hot tea in our hand. It’s chilling out here, and the tea is just right suitable to what we have now.

“Amazing huh, I found this place when I am trying to explore the town while driving. When I am watching the stars, I think of you. I wanted to share with you the moment you got here. And so here we are! By seeing how you react, I am glad that I found here.”

“Yeah, thank. If it weren’t for you, I could never find here during this trip. It’s really amazing and beautiful.” I looked at him and smile

We sat on the bench, without speaking and looked up at the sky.. This moment does not need any communication but yet it fill with words and appreciation for what we have in this world. A gust of wind flew by and I shivered. Gabriel came beside me and hugged me.. Again, lying on his warm chest reminds me of the night we spent. After a while, the weather 

is getting colder. We packed up and he drove me back. I fell asleep on the car due to the jet lag.. “Laylea, wake up..” I sensed somebody shaking me and I woke. Omg its daytime already?!

“Why am I here?”

“You fell asleep in my car remember? But I couldn’t bear to wake you up so I let you continue sleeping. End up, I too fell asleep. You should go back to your room now, I am sure your parents are worried.” Gabriel actually accompanies me through the whole night? Yes,  I have to go back now and check on my parents. Gabriel let me off and I exit the car after saying goodbye. I went back to the room quietly and slowly, seeing my parents are still sound asleep. I knew I am safe.. I went back my room and think back of what happened yesterday.I have accidentally took Gabriel’s jacket with me. Shucks, I have to return it to him.. so I text him:

“Hey, thanks for yesterday. You made my trip here worth it. Anyway your jacket is with me, how should I return it to you?”

“I can come fetch you after my work for a dinner. How do you think?”

“Okay, see you tonight.”


Chapter 15 - Stay with me


I went out for some sightseeing tour that my parents signed up for. We went for the cruise for dolphin viewing, and lucky enough we managed to saw a herd of dolphins after half an hour on the sea. We returned back to hotel after the coordinator dropped us at the market nearby. –Bzz Bzz-

“I am coming at 7.” – Gabriel

I went to my luggage and find the dresses that I have packed here, realize none is to my liking for tonight. So I decided to head out and get a new one. With light makeup and the new dress, my mum wowed when she saw me and told me to enjoy.

Gabriel arrived wit his car, he looked stunned the moment he saw me.

“Damn, you look good girl.” He said

I laughed.

“How can anyone not noticing you here and ask for your number”

“Yeah right, here’s your jacket.” I handed it to him

He usher me to his car and opened the door for me.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“You will know when you get there”

“Acting mysterious again? Hope this time you are not throwing me in the sea..”

He laughed.

We reached the place. I alight and saw a building with art statues outside displaying. 


Gabriel start walking and I followed behind. He opened this door and I went in, it’s a studio apartment. It’s spacious, with the basic necessary furniture and a nicely down kitchen with bar counter. “Welcome to my humble home” He smiled and look at me. “How do you think?”

I stepped in and look around “It’s nice and spacious! You live here?”

“Yes, the company provide me the accommodation for a month while I work here.. Make yourself at home and the dinner will be ready in an hour time”

“You are cooking?”

“Yeah, are you afraid?”
I giggled.

“Alright, do you need my help with anything?

Gabriel came to me and hold my hands. Leading me to sit down and stare at me.

“Just stay here and look pretty will do”

The close distance between us is making me nervous and breathing faster. He went off to kitchen and start cooking.

I stood up and look around the house.

There’s a huge bedroom at the corner, 1 study room then follow by the living room and the kitchen. While I am watching the movie I found from the local channel, I smell the fragrant of the food and heard my tummy grumbling.

“The food is ready!” Gabriel called out.

“Wow, looking good! Still can’t believe someone like you know how to cook these”

“This is one of my hidden talent” he winked and got me shivered

He removed his apron and sat down across me.

“Go on, try it”

“I not sure where to start”

There are – Flour-dredged and butter-fried sole fillet, served with lemon slices and topped with chopped parsley, potato salad which he took out from the fridge, assumed that he made it yesterday already, Veal shoulder stewed with mushrooms, pearl onions and celery; topped in white cream sauce; and served over white rice.  

We chat and talked about his job here, he mentioned that he might be staying here for another 2 months before returning back to Singapore. And the people that he working with, by describing it in a funny way and made me laugh to my hearts content.

After we are done eating, I helped him with the cleaning. He stood beside me and take over the wet plates and wipe them dry.. This whole dinner thing is great, with the feeling like home to me even thought I am not. He prepared hot tea and we sat on the sofa getting ready for a movie session. He chose a comedy movie name “The Click” by Adam Sandler.. He dim the light and the whole room is like the cinema.. Looking familiar with the same people, same environment. I felt embarrassed by thinking back the first time we sat down like that.. The movie is so funny that I can’t control myself and burst out laughing and tearing. Gabriel handed the tissue box to me just in case. We shared the blanket and sat beside each other.. I laughed and cried at the same time, totally losing my posture and even grabbing his hand to look out for the funny part. The movie came to a part where Adam Sandler became old, and sort of abandon by his family. He fell down while chasing after them and the whole thing look tragic and depressing. I felt pity on the scenario and cried out.. I lied on Gabriel shoulder and cried, BADLY.. He just want to have them back as a happy family, why can’t they understand! Gabriel seems to see through my thoughts and he took a tissue and wiped away my tears and hugged me. The movie came to an end where Adam Sandler realized that everything was a dream that he imagined. He go back to his family and make it up to them with a happy ending.

I can’t bring myself to think that I actually like what we doing today, I like Gabriel’s companion, I like talking and laughing together at every small thing we can think of. Even like that, lying quietly in the dark watching a movie and spending the time. “Laylea?” Gabriel said. So I look up at him.. “I was thinking if you would like to stay over for the night. I can sleep on the couch and you can have the bed. Since you are going to return back soon and I just wish to have the night with you. You know, we could have a movie marathon and I will go and get some dessert for you and anything that you need.”

I am considering.. How can he actually read my mind that I too wish to spend more time with him like that. Serious.. Can’t say that I spent the whole trip mostly with him and surprisingly my parents did not mind at all. What’s wrong with them? We are returning in 2 more days! Can’t believe how time flies.. “Laylea? What do you think? I will fetch you back first thing in the morning.” Gabriel brought me back from my thoughts.

“Ermm.. okay. Let me inform my mum about it.” I went to his room and called my mum, she agreed. I came out looking at Gabriel wearing his coat and shoes. “I am going out to get some dessert, you stay here and choose the movie J”

He is leaving me alone in his house?! “Erm.. Okay. Be back soon alright”

“I will, always for you” He mumbled and went out.

Didn’t totally catch that, but whatever.. I went back to the couch and pick another movie. 


Chapter 16 - Be mine

Gabriel came back with bags of tibits and ice cream.. I laughed, he actually think that we can finish all those in one night? He prepared the tibits in a snack bowl and we share together. I click START on the screen and here we go.

Both of us taking the snacks and I often felt his touch in the bowl. Blushed, I reminded myself to behave properly for this movie and not like the madwoman earlier on.

Bwaaaaaah! I got startled by the sound effect and jumped, several biscuits spilled out and I quickly apologized. I picked up and cleaned the couch then I heard Gabriel laughing. “Perhaps I should put away the snack bowl for a while” He teased.

I pout, and he is laughing even harder. So he put the bowl on the tea table, and we watched. He hugging me like how we used to, protecting me from the sound effect, me hiding under his arms and grabbing his hand. He pulled the blanket higher so that my body is mostly covered. When the moment come, I know the monster is about to come out anytime, I grab his hand tighter and squeezing my eyes like a mouse. His hands on me are tighter too..

Bwahhhhh! AGAIN, without the snack bowl I jumped higher. This time, nothing is spilled. But I actually landed on Gabriel’s lap. OMG. I tried to move away but his hands remain on me and hugged me. “Stay like this, I can’t guarantee the next spot for you to land safely when you jump the next time” He looked at me passionately, I felt my body getting hotter and my face looking like a tomato now. Lucky that we are in the dark and he can’t see me clearly. So I remained on top of him and watched. Gabriel put his hands around me on my waist, me lying on his chest listening to his heartbeat. At last, I survived through the movie session. I am not sure what to do now, feeling slightly awkward afraid that I am making him uncomfortable to support my weight. His hands didn’t move a bit even though the movie ended, I remained lying on his chest.

“Laylea” He spoked


“Can I actually use this opportunity to kiss you? But if that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me.”

Everything went still, I hesitated and I sat up to look at him.

I went closer to him and kissed him. Fck, I know I want this. I know I want more of us, he’s too far greater to what I desire. I kissed harder, and he reacted back immediately.

Me sitting on top of him, exchanging the kiss like the world is ending. Like we are not going to see each other again that I am going to lose him anytime.

He hugged me and moved me on to the couch laying down gently. We break the kiss and breathe, catching for air as this moment is too suffocating that we didn’t want to let go at all. And we continued. I feel his hand move slowly from my thigh to my butt, going in and touching me. My body getting the sensation just by his touch that I know I want even more. Gabriel slowly remove my wearing one at time, making me feel exposed when I feel the clothes dropping on the ground.

He slowly went down to my neck kissing and smooching, then follow by my breast licking the tip and got me moaning softly. Suddenly he carried me up and he walked to the room with me hugging him like a koala bear, not wanting to let it go.

He put me down and took a condom out from his drawer. He wore the condom with both of us looking at each other, the tension between us is too over that I find no word to describe it.


He went in slowly, while kissing my body turning me on.

I turn and sat on top of him, taking the higher position and I start moving. His breath was coming in gaps, and I continue. His hands grabbing my breasts, licking them like a dessert.

We changed position and places after a while, from the bed to the bar counter, back to the couch then the bed. We are enjoying this, pleasuring each other not wanting to end.

From the last strike of him, we came. Thereafter, he took me to the bathroom.

My body felt the weakness from the cuming, but all I have to do is sitting down in the bath tub and Gabriel doing all the cleaning. He bathed me, gently wipping me with his towel and dressed me in his clothes. He carried me back to the bed and hushed me to sleep, and so I did right away losing the energy to stay up.

Next morning, I woke up. Noticed that Gabriel is not on the bed, I stood up and went out looking for him. He not in the house, my clothes from yesterday were nicely packed in a paper bag. I went to the bathroom and wash up myself, then I heard the door opening. I went out to have a look. Gabriel went to buy breakfast for me..

“Hey.. just nice. Come and have your breakfast J”

I smiled. We sat down at the kitchen counter and finish the food he bought. I get myself changing so that he could drive me back. While we are in the car, Gabriel said.. “Laylea, I can’t express myself much about last night. But, I really enjoyed it.. I love the time we are being together and I knew myself that I can’t let you go.”

“I feel the same way too Gab.”

“Are you willing to be my girlfriend?” He asked while holding my hand and give it a kiss.

“But I am returning back to Singapore tomorrow night. How are we going to see each from such a distance?” I let go of his hand, feeling sad that we might not be able to see other for quite some time.

Just before he can answer me, we reached the hotel. I bid goodbye to him, feel like crying out loud and run to him for a hug. But I can’t, knowing that we are going to get separated soon. He did not know how to answer me though, leaving as the way it is..


Chapter 17 - Long distance


So today’s the day that we are returning back home. Gabriel came and fetch us to airport, we did not talk at all. As my parents are busy chatting with him, but not like we are going to talk about the night we have and the girlfriend part in front of them.

After checking in, we decided to grab a bite at the café in the basement. While walking, Gabriel pulled me to walk slower behind my parents whom are looking around the airport for the last sightseeing they can see. “Laylea, I want to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“After the question that you have asked yesterday.. I got lost and not sure what to answer you. But when I went back home after work, I saw the house. It reminds me of the night we have, and I definitely don’t wish to lose those memories. Even though it’s a big distance apart, just bear with me for 3 months and I will return immediately for you. I don’t want to lose you at all, I want us to be together. I want to cherish you and to be there for you whenever you need me. Would you give me the chance to do so?”

I am sensing his sincerity from his hearts. I nodded and he pulled me into him and we hugged. I am sure that we can survive through these 3 months! I am going to miss him like hella.

After sending us off, Gabriel went for work. I promised to call him the moment my flight landed and just like that, we are in a long distance relationship.

After I returned back from Paris, I am so busy in my homeworks. I attended the club activities as usual.. Seeing Micah in the school, life goes on. The moment when I get excited is to be at home waiting for Gabriel end work and skype with me. We can actually talk throughout the night, and both of us looking like the zombie in walking dead the next day.

“This is actually working well for us right?” Gabriel asked.

“Yeah, but this can’t beat that I am still missing you a lot”

“Yes I know, but just keep thinking one day after another, 3 months will pass in no time”

“Yes, I am definitely counting down to this day” I smiled.

Two weeks passed by, we are like following the routine. Skyping everyday, telling each other how’s our day.

“Hey babe, I have something to tell you” Gabriel said.

“What is it?”

“I have a meeting with my boss this morning. He told me that the company like my performance so far.”

“Wow, that’s great! I am happy for you”

“Yeah, the thing is they wish to extend my work contract here longer before I return.”

I looked at him on the screen..

“And have you decided? How long would the extension be?”

“No, I have not decided. I wish to discuss with you the moment they request this of me. They mentioned that it will be two years long for the extension”

I stunned.

“Two years?” I questioned. 

I can tell that he’s troubled over this. It’s either the job or me, I not sure should I be mad that he’s hesitating but since he have decided to discuss with me.. I should not blow my top YET. “I can’t decide. I mean, this is a great opportunity that the company is offering. I don’t wish to disappoint you either. It’s another two years at here without you, I can’t guarantee whether I can survive through the next time I see you.” He said.

I laughed.. “Great mind think alike huh..”

“Laylea, I need you to trust me on this. I can always fly back to you when I am free.. and from the time where I return, I’m planning to marry you.”

I looked at the screen with my eyes opening as big as a goldfish.


“Yes, marry”

“Wow.. I can’t take this news in. As in, it’s not like I don’t wish to marry you but isn’t this a bit on a fast pace for us?”

Gabriel laughed..

“Yeah, I agreed. However I just cant imagine a day without you by my side. Alright alright, we can discuss this the next time. But could you trust me in this?

“Yes, always will”

Chapter 18 - A gift


-6 months later-

The school has finally ended, I have promoted up to senior year. I have three month of holidays before the brand new year starts. Perhaps I should find a job at the town to earn some allowance.

I saw this café displaying HIRING poster and I went in.. The person told me to fill up the application form and wait for their notice.

“Congratulations! You’re a senior in school now!” Gabriel said

“Yes! Thank you J”

“What’s your plan for this holiday?”

“I applied for a job in some café this afternoon.”

“Oh yes! That’s a great idea. Give me a min babe, let me find something”

Gabriel went off the screen, and came back after 15 mins later.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I have a surprise for you.. Check your email”

There’s a mail from Gabriel with an attachment. I opened up, it’s a freaking electronic flight ticket with my name to Paris with open return ticket.. OMG..

“You bought me a ticket?! And the date is like 3 days later!”

Gabriel laughed, “Yeah. Do you like this holiday present from me? To celebrate on your passing to senior year.”

“Omg gab, I cant believe this.”

After we hung. I told my mum about this and she is happy for me. She will be driving me to the airport on that day. I am so excited for this!


This is my first time taking the flight alone. I do feel nervous but on the other hand I can’t wait for the flight to land and meet Gabriel. I took a nap on flight and watched some entertainment shows.

I walked faster than anyone, picked up my luggage and queue up for the immigration. When I came out, I saw Gabriel standing right there. I ran to him, and he carried me up and hugged me. I miss him so much ~

Gabriel hold my hand while driving to his house. Upon reaching, I see the house once again after these months. No changes at all, the memories when I came were still as clear as crystal in my head. “Get changing, I shall bring you out for dinner.”

I dress up myself in my favourite dress, put on a light makeup.. and off we go!

We walked to the restaurant instead of driving. As the road is too narrow for a car to pass through, everyone else is either on bicycle or on foot. We reached the doorstep of a French restaurant and get seated down. Gab helped me with the orders since I do not understand French words on the menu. My parents just point to the picture the other time and we ate like that..

“I am glad to see you again babe. I guess this is our first date after you have officially agree to become my girlfriend.”

“Yeah, indeed. I am very happy to be here as well.”

“It’s my duty to make you happy”

After the dinner, we went to the nearby groceries shop. It’s weekend, so Gab doesn’t have to work tomorrow. I wish to cook dinner for us.. I have bought some diced chicken, carrots and potatoes. I am gonna make chicken stew! I have learnt the receipt from my mum so that I can cook for Gabriel the very next time I see him. We went back home and Gab helps to unpack my luggage to his closet. Lucky enough, my clothes fit just nice from the extra space in the closet.

I was making tea in the kitchen when Gab came and hugged me from behind.

“Does this moment feel like newly wedds in their new house?” He giggled after saying.

I smiled at him, “yeah you wish”

“Still can’t believe you are here with me right now”

“Me too”

Gab carried me up on the kitchen counter. I hooked my legs around him and we kissed.

“I am going to cook dinner for you tomorrow, but what can we do during the daytime?”

“Hmm.. we could lie on the bed the whole day though!”

I laughed

“Alright, I shall bring you out tomorrow. Are you afraid of heights?”

I gave the amused face

“We are going to wake up early tomorrow”

He’s not telling me anything again. Mr Mysterious hurh..

I changed into the pyjamas set that I brought and lie on the bed with Gab. He spoon me from behind and sleep.

“Just so you know, I am not going to tire you since you have taken the long flight to here. Stay prepare for tomorrow” He whisper to me. 

My body already getting the excitement and can’t wait for tomorrow to come.


Chapter 19 - My first with you


6.00am, we set out for the adventure. Gab is still not telling me where we are going..

We passed through the city, the seaside, and up the hill. We came to a stop where I see crowds everywhere and most of all, hot air balloon.

It’s like a mixture of rainbow up in the sky cause of the balloon design. Beautiful like hella ..

Gab hold my hand and walked to the office counter and make the arrangement. He chose a design with flowery pattern and the instructor prepare for the air burner. Slowly the flat balloon becoming the huge and gigantic floating in the air.. Gab helped me up and here we go. The instruction is explaining to us where to stand and a rough idea where the landing point is. While we are the way up, I tried to look down to the ground. It’s getting further and the people are getting tinier like ants. 

And I tried to look up, we are getting higher and I can see the other balloons flying around. Gab backhug me like titanic style.. “You like it?”

“Yes, the view is magnificent. I love it here.. Thank you for bringing me and preparing for these” I said back with gratitude. I might never have such experience for the rest of my life! We came to a point where I can see the cloud right in front of me, the instructor is managing with the air burner to let us rise higher. About 30 mins later, we are starting to prepare and land.

We landed safely, and on the perfect spot. Gab bring me to the café nearby and buy me drinks. I can feel the burn on my skin now, from the torching sun and air burner. Gabriel return back with the drinks and we decided to chill for a while here, enjoying our time here. We decided to head back home and rest, while I should start thinking for the dinner tonight. “How’s the experience? You like it?” Gabriel asked.


“Yes indeed. I love it. There’s no way we can try this back home. You are an incredible guide to bring me around whenever I come”

“Anything for you is my pleasure”

When we reach home, Gabriel go prepare for shower while I called back to my mum and update her my doings for reporting. It’s already a miracle they allow me to come here alone, so I can’t make them worry and regret this decision at all.

After the call, Gabriel called out for me. I went to the bathroom and there I see a naked, muscular tanned man standing in front of me. WOW, fantastic baby.

He walked to me like naturally in his baby suit, “care to join me?”

I nodded, and he slowly remove my clothes. We washed up together before soaking ourselves in the bath tub.

The tub just fit us nicely, with him behind me and his hands are already touching me.

Gab began massaging me slowly and gently, from my neck, my back and slowly to my front.


I closed my eyes. His hand slowly went down, while the other is cupping me.

I gasp when he insert his finger into me, I slowly lie backwards to him. I am slowly getting high and horny. I kissed him, we have a tongue fck for 15 mins long while he is still fingering me.

I am turned on right now, wanting the session to prolong but he’s too good doing me. I exploded in his arms hugging me tightly from my shivering. “You look beautiful right now, and always” he whisper into my ears. “Baby, this is just the beginning.”

My body react at his words, wanting the process again and again ready for rounds showing him that I can manage this. He stood up, cleaned me and get me clothes for changing.

Gab decided to stay in his study room for his work while I preparing the ingredients for tonight. Marinating, chopping and browsing at the noted at the same time.. Chicken stew.. hmm, not that difficult! I can do this! After the preparation, I set the ingredients in fridge and all done. I made some tea for Gabriel and bring it to the room. He was talking to his colleague when he saw me walking in. After I set down the tea on the table, Gab pulled me to him and I land on top of him. I gave the annoying face and he put his finger on my lip asking me not to make any sound. Yeah, this is my time for some revenging. My hand went down on his dick and start rubbing. He gave that amused face and make me want it more.


I took off his pants and he began to talk and stutter on the phone. That cracks me up! I feel his dick is hardening, and I went for it. I went down on him, closing my eyes and do all I want since he can’t do back to me. I looked up at him and see his face, trying to bear this  and not letting his colleague to find out what he’s doing. He talked quickly trying to end the topic on the phone and hang up but that doesn’t work too well. Apparently his colleague has other issues to settle with him at work. So I can enjoy my time to him. I can feel that I am wet already, just by doing this. Wanting him to enjoy what I am doing, I suck harder making him gasp for the air. “Okay, that should be all. I have something important right now and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Thanks bro, see you tomorrow” He hung up and put down the phone. “Gosh baby, you are doing some real crazy shit to me right now” I smile and continue, tasting him..

His dick is so hard and almost reach the tip of my throat. I feel him shivered and I know he is coming. He pat my on my shoulder to signal me to come off when he’s coming. I refused and kept doing him. His face look shocked and not sure what to do at the same time and he came, in my mouth. I swallowed and taste the saltiness from his orgasms.

I wipe him off cleanly and whisper, “This it just a beginning”


Chapter 20 - Protect me


“Dinner is served!”

He came out and look at me, smirking to his own. “You look great in that apron. You should wear it often”

I smiled and ask him to get seated so that he can have a taste of my cooking.

“The food taste pretty good.. It’s to my liking”

Yeah, I cheered in my heart. “Thank you.”

We finished the dinner and I prepared some strawberries as dessert. We sat down on the sofa, him lying down on my leg and look at me. “I enjoyed myself today” Gab said.

“Thank you for the treat here I should say. I enjoyed my time always as long as I am spending it with you.” I fed him the strawberry bit by bit

Then gab sat up and come close to me with the strawberry on his mouth, he wanted me to share with him. I smiled at his sillyness and went up trying to bite a tiny part of the fruit. In the end, Gab pull me to him and kiss me with the berry in our mouth. So sweet, so juicy..

The local news channel was showing while our session goes on.


There’s a news about a man attacked and rob a lady in the street yesterday evening. The criminal is not found yet, and the incident happened nearby Gab’s home. Then suddenly, I felt his hand hugging me tighter. “Try not to leave house while I am at work alright? I do not wish anything to happen to you. I can’t even imagine what I will do if somebody hurt you.”

I have never see him reacted like that, so I reassured him by kissing him. Wanting him to know, I will be always safe as long as he’s there with me. For this moment, we kissed harder. Not letting go and be there for each other..

We have sex on the couch, lying down together holding each other hands.

“I will show you the nearest convenient store and we can grab something from that for your lunch or something. I will be back tomorrow at 6.00pm and we can go out for dinner. Okay?”

“Okay, I will wait for you at home”

Gab carried me to the bed and we rest for the night.


-Rrringgggg- Gab’s alarm rang.

I woke him up, helped him with the dressing and followed him to check out the nearby convenient store that he mentioned yesterday. I grabbed some stuffs and tidbits for my rest of the day time spending at home. Gabriel sent me back home and rushed for work already.

So, my day alone started. 1 week before I return back home for my temporarily job. Yes, I got the call yesterday while we were outside after the hotair balloon experience. They offered me the job till my school starts and the shift work is just nice for me. Better than nothing I guess.

I did some cleaning of the house and washed the laundry.

I on the tv and search for some movie to kill time, chatted with mum telling her how I am doing here and the temp job. Then I decided to take a shower and realized that my period came. And I did not bring any sanitary pad here, thought it won’t come so soon.

I suppose Gab house did not have any and I changed myself and text Gab that I am going down to grab something “important”. He did not reply and I assume he’s in a meeting but I can’t wait. I grabbed the spare key and head down to the convenient store.


While I am paying for the stuff, I received a text from Gab. “Okay, but hurry go home as soon as you are done. I will be back soon”

“Ok, see you!”

I walked back home, and notice that there’s someone watching me from the other side of the road. We exchange eye contact and he walked away in a hurry..

I did not put too much attention on it and continue walking.

I turned into a valley and about to go inside the building. Suddenly a guy grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth and trying to snatch my phone and stuff even though he have no idea what’s inside. I tried to struggle, I am so panic and not sure what to do. I can’t able to get hold of his face, all I can think wishing somebody to save me. I can tell it’s a man, the strength and the thickness of his arm, he’s too strong for me. He pushed me to the wall to avoid anyone seeing us when they pass by. I tried to shout but he slapped me, a hard one.

“Do not shout, or I will kill you.”

My tears can’t stop rolling, I am in so much fear that I pray for somebody come and save me. I have the chance to look at this man while he’s keeping a lookout at our surrounding.. He’s a middle age guy, probably in his 40s, quite built and bulky, brown hair with a tattoo on his neck.

He caught me looking at him, he glared at me fiercely. Took out his swiss knife and walking closer.. He’s gonna silence me here. Out of the sudden, we heard somebody talking and walking towards us. The guy covered my mouth with the knife pointing my neck, by putting a slight pressure from his strength.. I know that there’s a slight cut and the wound start to hurt. “Don’t even try to report the police, or I will find you and kill you”

He grabbed my phone and ran away. The passerbys saw him running and suspect something is up. They quickly walked in the building and saw me crying at the corner and called the police immediately.

Chapter 21 - Angel


The doctor helped to clean my wound and said that it’s a slight cut and I will be fine after a few days. I just kept nodding as I don’t quite that understand French.

“Laylea!” I heard somebody calling for me. I saw Gabriel running through the curtains and look for me. The nurses and police are trying to stop him but when he opened the curtain where I am being treated in, he saw me. He paused for a few seconds and run to me and held me in his arms.

I cried again, unknowingly. It’s Gabriel this time, him coming to save me.

“Baby, are you alright. Oh gosh, I am so gonna kill the bastard who did this” He said.

Then one of the policeman spoke something, Gabriel let me go and get me seated down. He mumbled something to the doctor and went out. I saw him talking to the police and he looked really really mad. He clench his fist a few times during the conversation, the doctor finished cleaning my wound and went out. Gab came back in with the policemen.

“Baby, they are trying to take your statement. Do you think you are in the right state?

We can always go down to the police station when you are feeling better.” He frowned after saying.

“Is okay, tell them to feel free and ask questions. I wish to go home”

Gab came over and hugged me again. 

“Yes, it will be soon over. And I will bring you home”

Gab helped with the translation and I gave all the details that I have to the police. They took down my statement and we are free to go. Gabriel helped me to the car and hold me tight as if he‘s not letting anyone to touch me or talk to me.  

We did not talk at all in the car

“Have you informed your parents about this?” He asked strictly.

“No, please don’t let them know of this. If not they will get panic and even fly over here to bring me home.”

He kept quiet and continued driving.

When we reached home, he get me to sit down. He looked at me and kept quiet.. I know that he’s angry as I have never see him like this before. He give off the vibe that he’s about to kill anyone who speak up the next second.

“Get some rest, I will go down to buy the sanitary pad for you” He said

I stood up and went to him

“I am sorry for this to happen. Please don’t get mad at me” I looked at him with my teary eyes. Wanting him to calm down and talk to me again

He hold me and said “Laylea, I am not angry at you at all. I know this is an accident that neither of us wants. I am angry at that bastard for hurting you, I am angry at myself for not returning back early. I am the one who should apologize to you. I am sorry”

I wipped off my tears and hugged him. “I am okay now you see. Please do not blame yourself. Let’s just hope that the police can catch him soon.”

Gab hugged me and carried me to the bed, and he went out to get the stuff for me. I felt so tired that I did not have the last spare energy to wait up for him. I fell asleep a while later..

The next morning, I woke up with a sting on my neck. Yes, somebody attacked and robbed me. I went out and find Gabriel talking in his study room, “Yes, I                                                                      will be taking a few days off from work. Please take care of this project, I trust you in this.”

I went to wash up and found Gabriel at the kitchen preparing breakfast.

He saw me and put down the things, walked to me asking “Good morning sunshine, how are you? I took a few days off and accompany you at home ” He kissed my forehead.

“You don’t have to do this. I can manage on my own at home” I did not want him to miss his work because of me since he has just got promoted. I felt bad for this

“I am free from projects anyway. Don’t worry, everything is fine. Come have your breakfast”

I ate a bit and put down the fork.

“Whats wrong? Are you feeling hurt somewhere? Should I bring you to the doctor?” He asked with much worries.

“I am fine, just that I do not have much appetite. I will eat it later”


He nodded at me and hold me to the couch to sit down. He cleaned up the dishes and came back with some hot tea.

He looked at me “Tell me if you need anything. I will be right here with you”

I gave him a weak smile to assure him again I am alright.

Actually I do need something. I asked Gabriel to get me a new phone to in case my parents contact me. So we changed and head out to town

I put a scarf around my neck to avoid any attention in public, I also remind Gabriel not to get so worked up by protecting me too much. He insisted at first but he understands where my intention is and nodded to my requests.

We went to the town to get a new phone with a new number. So while Gab is settling the administrative stuff with the dealer, I called my mum. I felt like crying the moment I hear her voice. I missed her ~

I told them I dropped my phone in the water and it can’t work anymore. So this is my new number that they can contact me with.

After the call, Gabriel came to my side and put his hand at my waist and we exit the shop.

We decided to stop by some café for lunch and he ordered a sandwich for me.

While we are eating, I noticed the guy who is sitting behind Gabriel looking at us. I saw his face and it’s the guy who attacked me. I shouted for Gabriel to tell him, and the guy ran away. Gabriel give it a chase after him, I followed behind.

I hurried call the police, and I followed closely behind Gabriel.. Not wanting to lose the sight of him but they are running too fast.

In the end, I lost them. The police managed to catch up on me and we went on searching for Gabriel. While making a turn, I saw Gabriel fighting with the guy in a valley. I hurried stop the policeman and we got off the car. The guy is surrounded by police and end up surrendering with his hands on the wall. He dropped his knife and the police cuffed him and take him to the car. I went up to Gabriel to check on him, he smiles at me and I saw him bleeding. He got stabbed by the criminal.

The officer who was standing around quickly sends us to the hospital, and Gabriel was pushed into a surgery room. I waited impatiently, walking around and praying please not to have anything happen to Gabriel. 

Chapter 22 - Take care


3 hours later, the doctor came out and I rushed to him. He explained that the wound is currently not too serious. But Gab has to stay over for further check up.

Seeing him lying down on the bed resting, my heart ache. I can’t stop crying beside him, it’s my entire fault that he will end up like this.


Then I felt a pad on my head, Gabriel is awake.

“Heyy” he smile

I wipped off my tears to avoid him from worrying. The police took Gab statement and went back, case closed they said. I was advised to go back as the Gab need more rest after the surgery. I leave reluctantly and return back home alone.. I did not sleep the whole night, and I woke up early to prepare some congee to bring for Gabriel. I went to the hospital, found him sitting up on the bed. He smiled at me when he saw me and I feed him the food.

The doctor mentioned that Gab is recovering well, and he is able to go back soon.

I went to take care of Gab the whole 3 days. I told my mum that I need some more time at here as Gab fell sick. I requested them to inform the café to spare me a few more days before I return to start work.

I took Gabriel home, I cooked and bathed him. Not letting him to do anything but rest the whole day.


The day is here, time for me to go home. Gabriel got recovered and he’s sending me to the airport. “Please take care of yourself when I am not around. You just recovered from your injury, try not to work yourself too hard” I said to him.

He just smiled and nodded. “I will miss you.”

“Same back to you.”

Mum came to pick me up and she told me the café manager is willing to give me 2 days before I start work. I am wearing turtleneck top to cover the injury from my parents, resting on my bed so that I can get prepared for my work in two days time.

Chapter 23 - Rejection

I reported to the café at 10.00am sharp, waiting for further instruction. The bar owner instruct a senior in the shop to guide me along. I start from serving the food, cleaning the tables and throwing the rubbish. Even though it’s difficult for me in the first place, but I am slowly getting used to it and I realize the time pass faster this way. I told Gabriel about it when we got online. “That’s great, you are getting really independent now.”

“Your birthday is coming in two weeks, how are you going to celebrate?” he asked

“I have no idea, I guess I won’t have much fun without you in any ways.”

“Sorry that I can’t be there for you. I am working on this project that requires a lot of attention”

“Is okay, don’t worry. I will share my fun with you soon enough.”


It’s been smooth since I started working at the café. The staffs there treat me very well and I learnt a lot from them. I got a birthday off in my schedule on my birthday. My parents have yet to tell me if they are available to go out for a dinner. Then I guess I will stay at home and party by myself!

After work, I left to the nearby bookstore to grab some reference book for my senior year.

“Laylea. Its really you.” Someone saying beside me and it’s Micah. He looked rather rugged in some way, with his beard not shaved clean and he smelled. I have not seen him ever since he got graduated.

“Micah? Why are you here. And what happen to you?”

“I am totally fine. I got rejected by the university that I desired and I just got really down recently.”

“I am sorry to hear that.”

“I wish you are there for me. Perhaps I can do better with you around.”

“Well, you can always try for other great universities nearby. It shouldn’t be a problem for you at all. You are a smart guy”

“Are you attached right now?”

“Yes I am. I have to go now actually, I’ll see you around.”

I left the store and went home immediately.

I went online and search for Micah’s facebook page since I unfriend him after the breakup.

I can’t believe this.

There’s this comment sayings that Micah got rejected from his university and went into depression with unstable mentality. His parents are actually looking for him and get the public to contact them if anyone sees him. Holyshit, and I saw him earlier on. I called up the number from the post and told them about it. I assume that it’s his mother who picks up the call and she did not recognize my voice at all. Is it my fault that causes him to this state? I hope they find him soon.. 


Chapter 24 - Fear

I have started working for almost a month at the café now. Everything is great, at work and with Gabriel. We talk almost everyday but that has to depend on my shift work whether to fit in his schedule but most of them we would try to wait up for each other and talk a bit. After all, we are in a long distance relationship. If we did not do in a correct way, things can go wrong anytime. Other than these, there’s Micah. I am still worrying for him, there’s no news updated that he is found. I wonder how is he..

After my shift, I get changing and left the café. While on my way home, I feel someone is following me. I fasten my pace and crossed the road to confirm whether that person follows too. When I turn around, there’s nobody there. “Laylea..” I jumped. I turn back and saw Micah standing in front of me. He looked more worse than the last time I saw him. His clothes are rugged and dirty. “Micah, where have you been? The news are all about you.. Are you alright?”

“I am fine. I know for sure that you still care about me.”

“stay here, and I will call your mum to come and pick you up”

“no! you can’t do that. I don’t want to see them”

“but Micah.. you look ill. Are you hurt anywhere?”

“No I am not. Laylea, would you mind following me to a place? I wish to show you something”


“I promise to go home once you come with me”

I hesitated, of course I want him to go home and get treated. So I agreed and he led me the way. We came to a garage, Micah took out a key and open the lock.

“Micah? What is it that you wish to show me?”

He get me seated down on one of the stool and wait for him to return.

This place looks old and I suppose there’s no one else can find this place at all. How did Micah have this place? Does he live here during his missing period?

“Here, have some tea.” Micah returned back with a small gift box and a cup of tea.

I drank a bit and leave it on the floor as I have no intention to stay here any further.

“Micah? How did you have the key of this place? Have you been staying at here?”

He looked around and smile, “Yes, my father used to own this place and brought me here since I am young. He gave me the key for this place and let me have the ownership here.”

I take in what he said and no further comments. I bet his parents don’t even remember that they have this place and their son is staying at here.

“Laylea..” Micah picked up the gift box and opened to me.

It’s a ring in it. A plain silver ring

“Would you marry me?” He asked.

I am shocked at his words. I should probably pay extra care to the words coming from my mouth. But what should I say?

Just then, before I wish to say something, reject him and leave. I felt giddy and the next thing I know is I fainted.

Chapter 25 - Unstable mind


When I opened my eyes, I was being tied up on a chair with a masking tape on my mouth. I had my heart in my mouth when I saw Micah standing at the entrance and locking up the door. He’s keeping me here, this is kidnapping for sure. He had all this planned the moment he sees me. Then he saw me awake staring at him with my pleading eyes.. He walked towards me.

“Laylea baby, you are awake. I don’t mean to do this but I did not want to hear any rejection from you. I want to marry you..”

The look of Micah’s eye made my blood run cold.

“You know, the moment I realized that I can’t do well without you. My life, my studies are all being affected. I know that I am wrong in the first place for hooking up with Ivy, but I apologized! Why didn’t you forgive me? Why?”

He pick up the trash bin and threw in on the floor with all the rubbish came out.

I stared in horror, those are pictures of mine and Gabriel. He has been stalking us.

“Now I know why, you are with this guy right now. How’s he better than me? Have you both sex yet? I bet you did. This is the mistake that you have mentioned when you tried to break up with me. Am I right? Do you know how I live after our breakup? My friends laugh at me that I am being dump by a junior in school, I can’t concentrate on my studies then I realized.. I love you. This is it baby, we are meant to stay together. We shall get married, and I will modify this garage to a home. Nobody will find us, do you like it?”

I shake my head and my tears started rolling down. This can’t do, I can’t like him take his own actions like that. While he’s looking away, I tried to touch my pocket and search for my phone. I took it out carefully and dial 1 for my mum.. I put it down on the chair and looked back at Micah, trying to hide it from him.

“Do you know where I get this ring? I stole it from a street accessories shop. The moment I saw this ring, I thought of you. I wanted you to be mine, not this bastard. With you around, I can get alive again.. Forget this bastard, live with me at this garage. You can stay here as long as you want and we can start a family together.”

Micah is getting closer and closer, I saw my phone is under a calling mode.. meaning that my mum is on the other line listening. I shift the phone closer to me to prevent Micah noticing the light coming out from my phone.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable? I will take off the tape provided you promised not to shout. You understand me, Laylea?”

This is a chance for me. I nodded to Micah and he gently tear off the tape on my mouth.

“Micah, you don’t have to do this. Just let me go and I can pretend all these have never happen.”

“Baby, you are wrong. I can never let you go, I want you to stay with me.”

Micah cupped his face on my face, and looked at me.

“This is a garage which your father has gave it to you, you just can’t live here. You should get treated with your illness”


“Illness? What Illness. I am not even sick at all! Baby, I know you are worrying about me. But I am totally fine you see. I can prove it to you..” He shift his hand down to my neck and slowly to my blouse, lifting it up over my head.

“Stop it Micah, stop! Please, just let me go. I am begging you.”

He didn’t listen to me, he unhooked my bra and let it drop on the floor.

I just kept crying, there’s one person who came to my mind. – Gabriel and I cried even harder.

“Hush hush baby, don’t cry. I am not gonna hurt you.. all I wanted is you to say yes to my proposal and you become mine.”

“No! never will I say yes to you. You psycho! Help! Somebody help me! Mum!!! Please! Save me!” I shout the loudest with all my might, and the next thing I saw was Gabriel raising his hand and gave me a slap then I fainted again.

Chapter 26 - Pretend


My phone is gone! I can’t felt it behind me. Micah is nowhere to be found within the garage. I saw the pictures crushed on the ground, seeing Gabriel’s face made my heart ache.

I do not have any energy left in me, I am dying here. Just when I am so depressed, I heard the sound from outside. Has mum figured out where I am and come to save me?

But sadly, it’s Micah. He came back with some packed Chinese food.

“Baby, you are awake. Lets eat.. I know you like Chinese and so I packed some.”

“Where’s my phone? Let me go Micah.”

He came over to me, cupping my breasts and kissed my neck.

I struggled as hard as I can, whining and crying.

“So beautiful, my baby girl.. I shall ignore the rubbish religion rule. I shall fck you tonight and so you will be mine.”

This is shit. Real shit is happening, I really prayed that my mum can find me fast enough before this bastard do anything to me. I need to drag time as long as possible.. I composed myself again and I make some nice to catch Micah’s attention. He untapped my mouth and expect me to say something.

“Listen to me, Micah. I have think it through.. I don’t mind being with you at all. But I do not wish to be tied up and you doing barbarian act to me. I promised I will stay here with you, just untie me please. I am really hurting right now”

He looked at me, surprised by my words. “Baby, really? Do you really meant what you said? Staying with me?” and I nodded.

He untie me carefully, I quickly pick up my shirt and wear it with him staring at my like some psycho. Micah brought me to the wooden table with the food and get me eating it.

I need to buy some time for my mum to figure out this place so I decided to pretend as much as I could.

“How’s the food? Do you like it?”

Micah sat across me and eating happily, while me sitting here thinking what should I do. I looked around the garage, there’s nothing that I can hold to protect myself.

Micah gobbled down the food and looked at me. “Now is the time for me to taste you baby, come over here.”

I walked over, thinking of what should I do. Micah pulled me to his lap, I tried to resist from his grip but I can’t. He stood up and pin me down on the table, pulling his hand on my back and stroke down to my butt. “Are you ready?”

I struggled under his grip with all my remaining strength, I managed to shake him off me. And I got into a corner, away from him.

“Don’t get any closer, please.”

I saw a screw driver on the ground and I hurriedly pick it up.

“Dear me, you are looking so sexy. You make my body to crave for you more.”

I swing the screw driver as he got closer. He just kept closing the distance between us, and I kept swinging my only weapon. Just that he noticed my strength has weakened from the swing, he grab my hand and snatched off the screw driver. 

Micah pushed me to the ground and I tried to fight back. He hold his fist and gave me a slap. Somehow I can feel that the corner of my lips are bleeding and hurts. I continue to struggle with him and I heard the siren of the police car.

Micah got up quickly and back away from me.


Seeing Micah is losing his mind, I quickly ran and open the door. I saw 3 cars, and over 10 policemen are standing around with their guns up and pointing my direction.

“Laylea!” my mum shouted. I ran to her immediately and cried out.

The police ran in the garage and caught Micah squatting down with his hands on his head. He was being arrested for kidnapping and hurting people.

Chapter 27 - Marry me


I was being treated at the hospital and gave my statement to the police.

“Will he get jail for this?” I asked.

“Depends, his mental of health is not very well and we might send him to the asylum if things go lucky for him for not being locked up”

I thanked them and my parents are here with me, my mum crying and my dad is comforting her. Suddenly, the door went open with a bang.. Gabriel appeared.

“Laylea! How are you feeling? Are you alright?” He rushed to me and hold my in his arms.

Gosh, this is the one and only thing I needed right now. Him ..

My parents decided to leave us along while they are going home to grab some basics for me during my hospitalization.

“why are you here?” I asked. Can’t possibly he flew here when my mum inform him today.

“I was already on my way back here yesterday. I did not want to tell you as I wanted to surprise you. The moment I landed here, I got the voice mail from your mum that you are in an accident. So I rushed here as soon as I can. Baby, please forgive me for coming in so late. Please forgive me for not being there when you need me the most. This is the freaking second time, fck.”

“Gab, please don’t be like this. This is not your fault at all, I am fine now you see. Just a couple of days here and I will get discharged soon enough.”

“But baby..”

The nurse came in and asked Gabriel to leave as I need to rest. He said goodbye to me and will come in the earliest morning.

The night is so happening, and I fell asleep right away.


A few days later, I am discharged. Gabriel and my parents came to pick me up and go home.

The police wanted me to testify in court towards Micah so that there could be more evidence to lock him in jail as long as I can think of. But I rejected, I don’t wish for him to suffer alone, his parents are sad enough that their son went crazy and more over to get lock up. So I signed the paper and let the case rest, not letting them to bother me anymore.

I rest at home while Gabriel is beside me.

“I have requested to headquarters for them to let me stay here permanently. And it got granted!”

I am so happy when he told me this.

“That’s great Gab! But what reason have you give?”

“I told them I am getting married.” He laughed


Then Gab took out something from his pocket, and he kneeled down.


“Laylea Greenwood, I vow to love you with all my heart, I vow to dote on you and never let you suffer a single bit. I will stay by your side, and be there always. Would you marry me?”

Oh my god. I didn’t expect this coming, I am touched by Gab’s words and action.

I know I wanted the same back, I know I wanted him as much as he do. I know I won’t be making the wrong decision.. for saying yes. 

Chapter 28 - End


“Mummy! Look at this. I caught a tadpole” said Noah.

“Wow, honey. This is great! I am so happy that you are having fun!”

“Yes mummy, I love you.”

“And back to you.”

“And you too, my love.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.02.2016

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