
The sound of footsteps echoed through the street. Panting soon joined the sounds; a man stood there trembling out of breath hoping he was safe. A gold glow caught his eye, he panicked and ran. The glow was steadily behind him catching up with every step. He paused for a moment out of breath his heart racing at an intense rate. He examined the streets, the glow was gone. He went to step away when a hand took him by the neck.
“You will join me!” A disfigured voice came from the glow as he sucked the life out of the man.
Chapter 1
Amy woke up from a deep sleep the TARDIS was being hysterical while The Doctor was trying to keep control of his machine.
“What’s wrong now?” To her, every day was like this so it was no surprise at all.
“Now you are awake, the TARDIS has picked us energy emissions from the planet Ptolemy which is also affecting her to fly. Wait locking on hold tight.” The Doctor flicked a switch, Amy held on for dear life. The TARDIS made a few jolts then landed on the planet. Amy was a bit distressed but no bruises. The doctor ran outside the door expecting to see terror but no, it was like a normal day on earth people Saturday shopping. As she stepped out she was amazed at everything. The houses were all little bungalows 1 house to 10 people, the sky was orange with half a sun, the ground was soft but made of concrete. She quite forgot the doctor was waiting.
“Come on Amy we need to sort this out this will affect everything if we don’t.” He sounded concerned but she knew he loved it, every adventure they have had he secretly enjoyed Amy kept forgetting he wasn’t human. The day she met him she should have known but he’s hard to understand some times. They walked to what seemed the town hall, a building with an odd shaped roof like a star, not knowing someone else had their eye on them they entered the building.
In the distance a man had been keeping an eye on them he was pale skinned, his eyes were red, his hair was messy brown. As the doctor and Amy entered the building he slowly walked to their TARDIS. He was intrigued by the technology and also scared, he hatched a plan to steal the TARDIS and ran to the town hall.
Inside it was a rainbow of colours but no picture hung on the walls, the doctor knew where he was going and odd passer by looked sternly at us but the doctor lifted the psychic paper and walked on with Amy close by. They eventually entered a room; it looked like Buckingham palace with a throne, a man sat there beaming down at them.
“Why have you entered here? Are you from the shadow proclamation or unit?”
“You know unit?” Amy sounded amazed, the doctor not so much.
“That all depends on why you need a policeman, were here about the energy emissions.”
“A few were us looking for help the others are not from this world.” The man stood up. “I am the mayor of this town please follow me.” He wandered in to a room marked with an X. The doctor followed with Amy behind. The room was dark and stank; there were stone beds with bodies covered in sheets. Amy kept close to the doctor as they examined one body. The doctor took his sonic screwdriver and did an examination he was astounded by what he found. “All the energy has been drained out of them, they’ve got no organs and they’re made of stone.” He turned to Amy “touch him.” Amy crept closer and put her hand on the body, it felt cold and hard exactly like stone. A tear came to her eye. “How did this happen?” she looked at any one for an answer.
“No one knows every night one dies by the time we get there the culprit is gone all we see is a glow in the distance, nothing else.”
The doctor paused for a moment. “It does sound familiar but I don’t know where. We’ll find out who’s doing this and stop it, I promise.” They walked out of the hall and headed back to the TARDIS.
“So what shall we do now?” Amy asked
“You are staying here.” He pointed to a spot in the middle of the town. “I’m going to investigate.” He saw she was about to protest “I don’t want to lose you Amy please stay.”
Amy folded her arms. “Thanks a lot doctor I’m not a dog.” The doctor couldn’t hear her he was already gone.
Amy was about to go in to the TARDIS when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Excuse me I saw you were on your own, are you alright?” It was the man who had been stalking the doctor and Amy as they entered the hall. His eyes were now blue his skin was darker than before. He held out his hand. “Names Tailor.”
Amy held out her hand not scared at all and shook it. “My names Amy the doctor just left me on my own on a strange planet but yes I’m fine.” Her eyes locked on to his dreamily. He kept hold of her hand and took her away smiling.
Chapter 2
The doctor walked towards a house where one of the bodies was found. He knocked on the door holding the psychic paper in one hand sonic screwdriver in the other. A butler opened the door. “May I help you sir?”
The doctor showed the psychic paper and entered the building. “If you just leave me to it I’ll be as quick as I can” He held the sonic screwdriver close trying to pick up any signals. He went upstairs; the rooms were black as if no one had been up here in years. The screwdriver began to beep, he crept towards one room, and the beeping got faster and faster. In the room it was like the others dark and gloomy with one exception there was a teddy bear on the bed, he put the screwdriver away and went to pick up the bear when in the corner of his eye he saw a gold glow. He spun around his hand in his pocket grabbing the screwdriver preparing to use it. “State your species, planet of origin under section 25 of the shadow proclamation.”
This word scared the entity and disappeared but as it did so the doctor’s hand sparked and he fell to the ground in pain, his hand tightening each time he moved it. He heard footsteps on the landing, it was the butler.
“Are you alright sir?”
The doctor was dazed but coming back to reality he ran out the house thanking the butler as he left heading towards the TARDIS still holding his hand in pain, as he reached the TARDIS Amy wasn’t there.
Amy was walking dreamily with Tailor to a bar, Tailor just kept smiling but inside he hatched a plan. They sat down I a circle shaped room where drinks and orders appeared and disappeared. There was no waiters or waitresses no people staffed this bar. Amy admired Tailor as he revealed two drinks.
“I’m assuming you are thirsty here.” He handed a drink to Amy and lifted his glass. “To us I think you’ll like it.” As Amy drank Tailors smile grew bigger, she hesitated but smiled.
“Thank you is was very nice. I do feel strange though.” Tailor grabbed her hand and pulled her close.
“You will go back to the machine and get the screwdriver off your companion.” His eyes went red; Amy slowly nodded and calmly walked back to the TARDIS. Tailor walked away from the bar mumbling under his breath.
“Once that machine is in my hands the universe will be mine to absorb.”
Chapter 3
Amy entered the TARDIS to see that the doctor was in pain he had used his tie as a sling for his arm. Amy walked towards him. “What happened to you?” She touched his hand and flinched. “What’s happened?”
The doctor hesitated. “I got attacked by Tailos; I knew I had seen this before. Tailos was a soldier who tried to fight in the time war but instead absorbed everything in his path. Finally he was banished and stripped of his energy. He must have had help to get to this stage.” He stared at Amy who dreamily looked at the doctors’ coat. “Are you alright, you seem to be in a trance.” Amy snapped to attention.
“No I’m fine sorry, just a bit sleepy; I’ll leave you to it.” She strolled towards the door grabbing the doctor’s screwdriver as she left. The doctor seemed confused but continued to try and heal is hand, the pain had surged to his arm, and he now feared the worse. He decided to tell Amy and began to initiate emergency program one.
Amy wandered through out the town, waiting and wondering why her head was hurting. Tailor revealed himself from the shadows his eyes were green and his hair spiked up.
“Do you have what I asked for?” She hesitantly gave Tailor the screwdriver. “Why does my head hurt so?” A tear ran down her eye as she tried to control herself. Ignoring this Tailor tried to use the device. “It knows I’m an alien, Amy you will use this on your companion, this will accelerate his disease and will die.” Amy snapped to attention her head hurting more than ever but her love for the doctor overpowered this. “I will never let you kill him not matter how strong you are.” Tailors eyes turned red as he got angrier and angrier. He took Amy by the neck tightening his grip. “You will obey me or suffer my wrath.” His voice deepened his body began to glow. Amy started to scream her head began to explode.
“Amy!” Tailor looked up the doctor had arrived. “Get your hands off her Tailos.” Tailor looked at him. “Yes I know you nearly destroyed us in the time war, I am the doctor.” Tailos’ eyes turned a flame he let go of Amy and started to transform his hair was replaced by a gold helmet, his body in a suit of gold armour on his feet gold sandals and a sword in his hand. He stretched out his hand; Amy screamed and collapsed on to the floor. The doctor ran to her but it was too late she had been turned to stone. The doctors’ anger raged through him.
“You didn’t have to kill her, why didn’t you kill me?”
“You will be dead in a moment stone is coursing through your body with a little acceleration lets speed things up shall we. He stretched out his hand again, the doctor grabbed his screwdriver and ran towards the TARDIS but Tailos had accelerated the doctors’ illness each step was agony for him. He felt the stone surge through his body first his right arm, his right leg and through to his left arm. He limped towards the TARDIS until his left leg could walk no more, he fell to the ground still trying to get to his TARDIS the pain was unbearable. Tailos was already there waiting for him.
“I will end you doctor and take your machine no one will stop me for I am Tailos bringer of death.”
“Before I die knowing my machine will be in your hands just answer me this, who helped you get from the medusa cascade to here?” Tailos knelt down smiling as the sign of the doctors’ pain. “Your oldest enemy doctor the daleks, the helped me so I could destroy you. So if you excuse me ill just pop in to your machine and let you die happy.” He walked in to the TARDIS laughing. With his last ounce of energy the doctor took his screwdriver and pointed it towards the TARDIS. The TARDIS made a noise and disappeared, the doctor lay on the ground for a few minutes then he was able to get up the illness had gone. He walked towards Amy who still lay on the ground; he bent down and kissed her. She slowly began to move and speak.
“What happened? Where’s Tailos?” She was now able to get up.
“Is alright now Amy you were turned to stone and I was about to head the same way.”
She looked around the TARDIS was gone. The doctor pressed his screwdriver, wiring sounds came and the TARDIS appeared. They entered it with caution. Tailos was lying on the floor, frozen and stone. “What happened to him?”
“Once he stepped in to the TARDIS all I did was initiate the TARDIS to take flight. The TARDIS must have taken him to his darkest place to turn him to stone.” He picked up Tailos and chucked him outside. A phone began to ring inside the TARDIS.
“Since when did you have a phone all this time I could have phoned my mother?” She wasn’t cross being with the doctor a long time she sort of got on with everything. The doctor picked up the phone with a concerned look on his face. He handed it to Amy not a word he spoke. A voice cam through “Amy it’s your mother come back home at once you have some explaining to do!”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.11.2010

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