
Run away

Chapter 1: Run Away


Jeff's pov

I was runing and runing untill I stoped in front of a big house in the middle of the woods. The lights where on I was coved in blude, with a smile carved into my cheaks my eyeleds bunt off and my hair as blak as night so long it reached my shoulders, and my skin whiter than snow. I knocked on the door. When the door opend there was a man without a face he was tall with what looked like tinticles comeing from his back, and a tux on. The man didn't say anything he just used bodie langue. 

I told the man what had just happend to me, why I looked the way I looked. The man mothion me to come in so I did, not thinking about it. 


Time skip

Its been about two weeks since I came to this place. I really don't know the day and or time to be honest. I finly found out the name of that tall man. Other people that liver here and I all call him slnder, short for slenderman. Slender is like the dad in our weird little family. The other people in the house is eyeless Jack, Ben Drownd, Sally, and smilie. 

Even one acts like a family My favorite out of all of them is eyeless Jack. Jack and I are like brothers well not really where more like best bro's instead of brothers. Sometimes I do miss my brother Lui and my mom and my dad I miss them all. Jack kinda reminds me of Lui maybe that why I like Jack more than anyone else. 

Now thinking about it that's probably the only reason why I like jack the most. Well I'm going to stop talking about my brother because if I don't I'll cry since I was the one that killed him. Its been about 4 weeks now since I've lived here. I've started to kill for fun now because it feels the empty voied in my stomach. I loved the taste of the blood on my knife after I killed someone like my fangirls and stuff. 



Who is She?

Chapter 2: Who is She?


One night when I was out hunting the bitches that fangirl over me, I saw someone on the top of a building. When I saw her she wearing a black hoodie that covers her face she was in all balck. When she saw me and saw I was looking at her she started to run. She was jumping building to building without stoping. I chaced after her but couldn,t keep up. I passed out the last thing I saw was her walking up to me. When I woke up I was in my room in the mansion. When I got up out of bed I went downstairs and the girl was ther still in all black. She was talking to eyeless Jack I walked over to her and sat down. She asked me if I was okay I just said ya than asked what her name was. She said her name was Kaylyn. I than asked if she wanted to take down her hood and she did. When she did she had hazel red eyes that sparkled in the light. She had a dark sandy hair color that went down to her shoulders even a little past, She smiled at me and thats when slender walked in she had a scared look on her face. Slender walked over to her he than picked her up by her hoodie. He was saying something but no one knew she answerd him back though.

She was screaming okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to come here. I was now wondering who she was to him and how did she know what he was saying because no one ever did. When slender put her down I asked her who she was to him and how did she understand him? She said that she couldn't say but I wanted to know who the hell was she. She was given a room. She was living with us and everyone tried to see her naked or in the shower things like that but slender man was always blocking the way. He was like some type of sickey gard keeping us away from her.

First Time

 Chapter 3: First Time


Slender man noticed I wasn't trying to be a perv to Kaylyn like all the other guys. He got Kaylyn and me in a room with him. In the room he was talking and Kaylyn was translateing for him. He told us that we can go hunting together since he trusted me he also told me to protect her and keep her safe at all cost. So we went hunting she had her black hood on and she kept her face hiden. The weapon she had was a knife that shined in the light. When we went she showed me how to run and jump building to building. That night we wated until midnight came around so we sat on the top of a building until than. On the building she put her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed. When she was westing her head the wind blow her hood off. It didn't seem to bother her but I remeber what slender man said so I put her hood back and I held it there. 



It was now midnight and I didn't want to wake her up because I was loving this. She than woke up on her own and said what time is it I told her. When I told her she stud up I didn't there was a guy on the other side of the street. She jumped off the building and like lightning she dashed over and slit the man's throat. Se was fast so fast you couldn't see her kill people. Before we went back to the mansion we talked some. I asked once again who was she to slender man. When she told me she said not to tell anyone else ever! you could tell she ment it by the look in her eyes. I promised I wouldn't and she told me that she was his daughter and that slender never wanted her to leave her home or ever meet us. I than wonder did slender man know what she was capable of or what? I didn't say anything to the others. When everyone was asleep I was wide awake I heard foot steps on the floor that stoped right at my door. When my door open Kaylyn peaked in and asked if I was still awake I cleary said yes since I was. She walked into my room and shut the door behind her. She told me to move over to witch I did and she got into bed with me. I couldn't believe what was happening I think I was blushing. She put her arm around my torso and we taled for what seemed like hours before she feel asleep. I didn't want to make slender mad if he saw us, but I also didn't want her to feel like I didn't like her. I chose to put my arm around her and I feel right alseep.



I woke up to everyone in my room staring at us. Thats when slender walked in he didn't seem mad. The only thing he did was pick her up into his arms and walked out. When he was gone I got up and everyone was asking me how did I get her in bed with me. I told them to fuck off and go away thats when Slender walked in with Kaylyn. She ran up to me and huged me giving me a kiss on the check I asked whats going on. She told everyone that she was going to live her for now on and never go back home. That this was her new home everyone was confused not knowing the secret that she told me last night plus they all thought that she already lived here. Everyone just went on with there normal lifes and didn't care what so ever. She wanted to see me kill someone since I saw her last night and didn't kill. I took her to my old home because kids would come in looking becasue the cars in the driveway haven't left and no one came in or out. When we walked in there was 3 boys she hid esaily she was like some type of ninja. The boys didn't see her when she pushed one of them and turned on the tv. They went up stairs some how she got up there before them without being seen. she stoed at the top when they saw her she said you better run. They came dashing down the stairs I blocked the exit as she chased them toweds me. They stoped at the site of me I told them to go to sleep and I killed them all. As we lwft she kissed me saying good job. When we got back to the mansion she went to her room I wanted to follow her in but I didn't. 

What? Really?

 Chapter 4: What? Really?


When she walked out of her room she came and sat by me on the couch she than put my arm around her as she placed her head on my shoulder. Everyone around stared and asked if we were dating I let her answer them. In surprise she said yes I asked really?! in shock. She replied with ya why do you think I keep kissing you and cuddling you? I told her that would make since now. It made me kinda happy that she said yes because it ment she loved me to. Also I didn't have to deal with being embarresed trying to ask her out. 

That night we went out hunting when we did she ran into someone. I yelled at them saying watch were your going and I helped her up. When she got up she said a name and killed the guy. I asked her who that was she just said it was no one that deserved to die. Along with that she said I should have done that a long time ago and she smirked. 


Time skip

We walked into the door as we did everyone looked at us. Thats when Ben asked how our date went. Kaylyn said it was fine until I ran into my ex. I than yelled Oh so thats who he was! She than said she was going to go hope in the shower. I staed downstairs as the door closed behinde her everyone stoped doing what they were doing and ran up there. I stoped them because she was mine and I wasn't going to let them get to her espescially when shes necked. They all went back downstais as they said your no fun Jeff. I than replied with well shes my girlfriend and I won't let you guys see her necked. I also told slender I would protect her and keep her safe no matter what even from you guys. We started to talk until she walked out she was dressed and her hair was driping wet. When she walked down the stairs she was drying her hair I pated the spot next to me and told her to sit there. When she sat down she started to brush her hair I took the brush from her and asked if I could do it and she said yes. I started to brush it softly so I wouldn't hurt her and she said it felt nice when I finished she said Thanks. She than got up to put her hair brush back were it went she came back to the spot next to me and started to cuddle.

Slender walked in picked us up and took us to another room he stated to talk. When he did Kaylyn was telling me what he was saying. He was telling me that I was like a soon to him, and if anyone married Kaylyn he would want it to be me. He than said but if you dare hurt my little girl so god help me I will kill you. We all went back to what we were doing. Kaylyn and I went up to my room and watced the only movie I had witch was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. She feel asleep in my arms when the movie was playing I stayed up to finish watching it. When it went off she woke up I told her to go back to bed as I got the movie out and turned off the tv. I didn't kill her I got back in bed with her but I took off my shirt just for her. 

The dream

Chapter 5: The Dream


 As I feeel asleep with her in my arms I started to dream. Its been a long time since I actullay had a good dream. Ever since I killed my parents and brother I would always have nightmares of that night. For once it was different tonight I had a good dream. At least thats what I thought it was. 



When I woke up I was crying. Kaylyn asked me what was wrong. I told her what had happen in my "dream". When I told her that in my "dream" I killed her she huged me tightly. She said that would never happen and that would explain my dream. I asked her what happen in her dream she said the same thing but in her point of view. I than held her tightly to were she couldn't move. I wispered in her ear I loved her and she said it back. I kissed her for the first time she kissed me back and in shock her lips were as sweet as cotton candy. At this point I realized she was the best thing to ever happen to me. That night we went out to hunt when we shouldn't have. When we were hunting one guy had a gun. Kaylyn was in the way of the gun shot so I jumped in the way. I couldn't let her die when the shot hit me I fell to the ground. I told Kaylyn to run but she didn't she than ran behind the man and broke his neck. She picked me up and draged me to an alie way. She told me she would go get help and ran off. When she came back I bled out. 





                                                              TO BE CONTINUED


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Jeff the killer, slender man and meany more

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