
Is it the Beginning or the End

          Even when I notice the small things, my heart aches for You. How did I get this way? No, how did we? We were once just good friends, great even. Then You told my friend, the judgmental one, how you felt and She told me how She felt. Everything She said was rude but true. Oh, how I dreaded that day. How I dreaded not speaking up instead of listening. How I wish I kicked Her out of my house and told her not to speak, even if I did not feel it quite then, when I would stop crushing on Him. I started getting feelings for You, strong ones to boot. So I started making You mad because I lost the reaction I used to have. When I was just days from telling You everything, oh, my heart cracked when You told me you the news. You got a girlfriend but things really did not change. I became enclosed in my own little world and no person has yet to break the barrier other than two. You and Him, the guy I once liked, still like. Oh, how I hurt. The two people I cared for wanted to be just friends. Then summer came along… I ran as fast as I could to California. I could not get away from the three of you fast enough. I could not disappear the way I wanted or move away. Away from you; away from Him; and away from Her; just leaving me stuck. Between You and Her is a raging war, a never ending war between us four. Yet here I am, and there you are: closer but further apart… The days we fight, I long for it to be over. I sometimes wonder if you can see the longing behind my eyes, or maybe the pain of everything. I see it in your eyes sometimes. Some of our friends have seen it as well. Even on our bad days, I feel lost and clueless about what to do. I just want to scream it at You but I do not because it would be wrong and selfish thing to do, and now… I just do not know what to do. So now, is the just the beginning or is it the end of our friendship?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2013

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