
Freedom (September 11, 2013)

Why tell me I am free,

When in truth I am not going to be?

Why trap me here,

When here is truthfully your fear?

Why hold me prisoner of your own desire,

When I know that you are the liar?

Why tell me these things,

When I can fly and sprout my own wings?

You cannot hold me prisoner in your hell any longer,

I am already stronger.

You have no control,

I no longer have to roam.

Why do these things to me.

When I am already free?


Tempt (Jan 23, 2012)

Why do you tempt me so?

You send me to my woes.

Is the lies not enough any more?

Do you have to burn down my last door?


What did I do?

I know, nothing to you.

What did I do?

I told the truth.


Why do you tempt me so,

You send me to my woes.

Is the lies not enough no more?

Do you have to burn down my last door?


I am watching it burn,

All I do is turn,

What can I do,

Other then wait for my turn too?


Fire please be my consumer,

Water please be my partaker,

Earth please be my coverer,

Air please be my sufferer.


Why do you tempt me so?

You send me to my woes.

Is the lies not enough no more?

DO you have to burn down my last door?


My wrist is a canvas,

Nice and clean to paint,

The razorblade the brush,

Sharp and lush.


The pretty red against my ugly pale skin,

I haven't felt this way sense then,

No matter what I do,

I'll never win too.


Why do you tempt me so?

You send me to my woes.

Is the lies not enough no more?

Do you have to burn down my last door?

Grandpa's Poem (Jan 24, 2012)

Months have gone by sense I've last seen your face,

You have disappeared without a trace.

We all know your gone for the rest of our days,

People who love you change their ways.

When the night turns to dawn,

I know that you are gone.

Grandpa, I love you,

Dad does too.

He hides his tears,

Which turns to our fears.

When it turns to dusk,

He's not as strong as an elephant tusk.

A bottle in his hand,

He can barely stand.

Grandpa, I wish you could come back,

Take what Dad lacks.

Everything has become tough,

Life became so rough.

It is unfair,

It is hard to bear.

Your death was to soon,

You were suppose to live to a hundred and two.

Grandpa, I love you,

We all do.

Crazy (Jan 25, 2012)

What am I to do,

When I only get lied to?

Who am I to trust,

While it turns to dust?

Am I to smile,

And wait the long while?

Are these my fears,

As they turn to tears.

I was a quite girl,

In a crazy twirl.

Shy and happy,

Even a little sappy.

Then you came along,

Everything went wrong.

My life became a dreama,

With a bit of trama.

My grandpa got sick,

Life had kicked,

"He is dead,"

The reaper had said.

My life ends,

The world wins.

I am a quiet girl,

In a crazy whirl.

Shy and not really happy,

Not even sappy.

You came along,

Everything went wrong.

Life is a major drama,

With a whole lot of trama.

No Friends (Jan 30, 2012)

They say they care,

But they do not dare.

They turn away,

What can they say?

Trust no one,

'Cause they are done.

They are done witht he lies,

So they cut the ties,

No friends,

So it ends.

I say I care,

But I do not dare,

I turn away,

What can I say?

Trust no one,

'Cause I am done.

I am done with the lies,

So I cut the ties.

No friends,

So it all ends.

Gage's Poem (Jan 31, 2012)

It is his birthday,

His sweet sixteen today.

He is no longer a child,

But still so wild.

Another year has gone,

And the new one just begun.

I still love my little brother,

Almost as much as his mother and father,

He will always be the little boy,

Who loved his woody doll toy.

The boy who I fought,

The boy who I tought.

The boy I woke for eleven years,

The boy who made me shead so many tears.

It is Gage's birthday,

His sweet sixteen today.

Happy Birthday my little brother,

From your older sister.

Tabbitha Nicholle Hay

Mom's Poem (Jan 31, 2012)

You were there sense I was little,

You even made me giggle.

My love for you is strong,

A future without you would be so wrong.

You're my mommy and I love you so,

I never want to let you go.

There was some days you made me mad,

Even some you made me sad.

Mostly you made me smile a lot,

And showed up on the dot.

You listened to the arguements I had with my brother,

Which makes you an awesome mother.

You gave us an easy life,

That is why we are still alive.

That is why I swear,

You are the best mother here,

I love you Mommy Dear.

Own Dam Queen (Feb 6, 2012)

You say you have to,

Which makes me not do.

It pisses me off,

Which makes me cough.

I am allergic to your bullsh**,

I am tired of it.

You say you need to,

Yet you have no clue.

Never finished it yourself,

So put the words back on the shelf.

Back off and let me breath,

And sail away free.

Otherwise you will drive me insane,

Everything going down the drain.

My life barley beggining,

Yet quickly ending.

It is my life,

All the way till I die.

If you wanted you could have done it yourself,

I am trying to be my true self.

So leave me be,

Being my own dam queen.

Your Name (October 12, 2012)

Almost a year has gone by,

Time really does seem to fly.

It seemed like yesterday when you died,

Which makes me really want to cry.

In thirteen more days,

Nothing will change.

But your memory will be strong,

And people will speak your name.

Range (November 9, 2012)

My heart tries to flutter,

But all it does is shutter.

My face turns to red,

And makes me want to be shot dead.

I want my feelings to change,

But it is just out of my range.

So I close my eyes to wait on the end,

Trying to be j ust friends.

Denying that I fell,

Now I am in my own personal hell.

What can I say?

I am no sunshine ray.

You make me feel like a fool,

And that is just cruel.

You make everything in my head tangle,

I am the one who is strangled.

I wish I would change,

But that is out of my range

Shatter(March 13, 2013)

Everything is about you,

Making a competition between us two.

I hardly get a work in,

And you are supposed to be my twin.


When I try to speak,

You butt in, never weak,

Always three octaves louder than me,

So I lock my lips like a door with its key.


I act as if it does not matter,

In truth, inside, everything shatters,

My heart slowly shrivels and dies,

And I am unable to cry.


Everything you say is a trap,

You always make me feel like crap.

Like I am the bad guy,

But you are THE devil in disguise.


You say everything bad happens to you,

When in truth, you have no clue.

Why are we friends?

Why do we even say we are twins?


To me, it does matter,

Inside, everything, just shattered,

My heart shriveled and dead,

Words lost in my silly head.


You are such a “true friend,”

A “good twin,”

You asked the guy I like to be your prom date,

A soul you have yet ate.


You knew I liked him for two years,

Now you are trying to bring me to tears,

Why do I put up being treated like sh--,

‘Cause I know you are not it.


To me it had mattered,

Inside, everything, had shattered,

My heart turned to dust,

You lost all my trust.


You think you are warm and nice like daylight,

But you are cold and heartless like the night,

You make being your friend feel like one of the seven deadly sins,

My life slowly turning into the ancient ruins.

Broken Dreams (March 23, 2013)

My heart cries from shock,

And the dark figure mocks.

My dreams are broken,

Like a shattered token.

I have broken dreams,

Sent down a waterfall stream.

Hitting, crashing, pulling me,

Nothing to hold onto but a weeping willow tree.

Lost in a world of no hope,

Lost in a place with no way to cope.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.10.2013

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