
I Think He's Cheating.

Sitting in biology class learning about god knows what. I always tend to lose focus in the class. Everyone is paired up with a biology partner but since there is an odd number of kids in the class I sit and work alone. I am the kind of girl that doesn’t really like to socialize. I look at my boyfriend who is sitting in the front of the class. He sits next to one of the biggest sluts in the entire school. She does anything she can in order to get whoever she wants. Adrian and I have been together for about 2 years now I can trust him… I think. As soon as I say that Chelsea puts her hand on his thigh. He smiles an awkward smile and leans over to whisper something in her hear. He then turns around and smiles at me. I sit there not knowing what I should do. After sitting there confused for 5 minutes the bell finally rings. I make it my top priority to get out of the classroom as soon as possible. I grab my stuff and plow everyone over just to get out. Halfway down the hall to my next class I can make it. But a hand grabs my elbow to pull me back.

I turn and see Adrian. AHHH! I didn’t know what to do. How am I supposed to react? She touched his thigh and he leaned over to whisper something in her ear. I wanted to know what he said. I quickly open my mouth to ask him, “Why did Chelsea touch your thigh and why the hell did you smile and lean over to her ear and whisper something? You think I’m stupid? You think I don’t know when that whore is trying to make a move on a guy? It’s pretty obvious you’re her next victim.”
He looks kind of shocked, “You finished?” I shake my head yes and stand there waiting for an answer.

“I leaned over to tell her she just can’t touch my thigh like that. I’m with you and I don’t want her in that way she got pissed and said whatever then you will regret not trying anything with me. I said no you’re just mad because you can’t pass me the STD’s you got from hopping on every single guy in the school.”

I looked at him with a half smile. “I’m not trying to say you would try anything it’s just I know she would try something with you. That’s why I don’t like her. And because she ruined Jake and Kylie’s relationship. I hate her she messed with my best friend!”

Speaking of the devil, Chelsea walked by us and as soon as she saw Adrian she stopped and came up to him and gave me that smirk I’d like to tear off of her face.
“Hey Adrian I was wondering if you would maybe want to come to the party I’m having at my house tonight,” and then she looked at me, “I would invite you but I’m sure my parents don’t want any sort of disease lurking around the house infesting everything.”

“Alright that’s enough! First you ruined my best friend’s relationship by spreading your nasty legs open and now you’re trying to ruin my relationship. Didn’t he already tell you no. Do you not know the meaning of no? Or do you need me to get you a dictionary and fill your head with words and the definitions of what you really are or are you to busy giving blow job’s to half of the student body?”

“Aw Hunny you’re just jealous because you’re boyfriend of 2 years would rather crawl in bed with me then you. It’s ok not everyone has the kind of body or talent to please a man like me.”
“Maybe I’m not ready to crawl in bed with him yet? Ever think about that. I don’t flash my tits around school like you do and I don’t have my nasty thong hanging out like some people I know. And as for knowing you knowing how to “please” a man then you must know that you are a slut.”
“Hey being a slut is better than being some sad weird person that can’t keep their men.”

With that I dropped all my books and grabbed her big hoop earring and ripped it right out of her ear. She made a crying noise and touched her hand to her ear. When she pulled back blood was on it. Woops. With that she tackled me to the floor and started clawing at me. Seriously she’s clawing at me? Time to show her how to really fight.
I shoved her off me and grabbed a fist full of her hair and smacked her head off the ground. Then punched her in the face I think her nose might have cracked.

After getting in a few punches Adrian pulled me off of her and told me to calm down. I could feel my face burning up. I was so mad I could have killed her if Adrian wouldn’t have stopped me. I hate her so much.
I looked down to see Chelsea’s nose bleeding like crazy. She was crying hysterically. Adrian helped her up and said he was going to help her to the nurse’s office.
I had to hurry to lunch now. No way was I going to make it before the bell was going to go off. My day is going to be terrible.

During my lunch time I got called to the principal. During this meeting my Aunt who takes care of me because my parents are totally potheads. I was taken to live with my Aunt when I was 7 years old.
I did drift off into my own little world while they were talking.

“Well it seems as though she attacked Miss Chelsea. I had called her in my office before talking to you and she gave me the entire story. She said she was walking by her and Adrian Frantz and stopped to make friendly conversation with them both when Samara had reached out and ripped her earring out and then she fell to the ground and then grabbed her hair and smacked her head off the ground and struck her in the face more than 7 times. Doing so she broke Chelsea’s nose in the process. I did not believe her at first because Chelsea is known for starting fights with others and then she lie's about it. So I decided to bring in the other witness Adrian. I asked him to give me information about what happened with the two he gave me the same exact thing Chelsea said. So my decision is to suspend your niece for a week. It would only be for a couple of days if she wouldn’t have viscously attacked Chelsea for no reason and I recommend an apology is said to Chelsea she said you two are good friends and doesn’t know why you would do something like that.”

I looked at him with shock. I expected Chelsea to lie but Adrian lied. Why would he do this, “Are you kidding me? I did not attack her for nothing she started it! NOT ME! I may have struck out at her first. But she most definitely started it!”
My Aunt and the principal looked at me. “Samara 2 people saw you doing this; one is the victim and the victim’s boyfriend. That is what she told me.”

Her boyfriend, “NO way are you kidding me? What did Adrian say about them being together?”
The principal sighed and said, “He said yes that they are together that’s why he took her to the nurse. He said you have been out of control for awhile just because he broke up with you. He said you have been stalking him.”
My Aunt finally said something, “Samara? What has been going on? You didn’t tell me you and Adrian broke up. What the hell are you doing?”

I started to cry. “I am not doing anything! Adrian did not break up with me! They are both lying I swear I didn’t do anything except start a fight with her! I promise I didn’t do anything.” I quickly took the time to tell them about what happened and yet they still didn’t believe me.
“That’s enough Samara you’re going to get your stuff, find Chelsea and APOLOGIZE to her, and then we are going to go home! Let’s GO!”
I got up and walked to my locker. Tears flowing quickly. I found Chelsea in the hallway.
She looked up and smiled.

I walked over to her, “You lied! And Adrian lied to! And you lied about you 2 dating! Are you seriously that low?”

“I was told you have to apologize so I’m waiting.”
I took a deep breath, “I’m sorry you are a whore and a person that will do anything to get what she wants. I hope you die because you get sick from an STD you stupid slut! And have fun with Adrian! If he cheated on me with you. No doubt when he gets tired of you and gets sex a few times he will end it with you. Just an FYI he’s a major suicidal guy.”
I got my things and followed my Aunt to the car. This was going to be fun!

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Since I got suspended from school I did chores around the house for my Aunt. She said that she is so upset with me right now she can’t believe I’m doing anything like this. I try to tell her the truth over and over again but like always no one will listen.
One day while sitting up in my room I start to think about Adrian and why he would do this to me. Was it because I wouldn’t sleep with him? Was Chelsea right? I really wanted to know why what was up with him. So I did the only thing I could do since my phone was taken. I was going to sneak out!

Around 10 I told my Aunt I was going to sleep. I said goodnight and went up to my room. When I got my purse I opened my window. A slight breeze was going. I stepped out onto the roof. I do have to admit this made me feel like a ninja. Minus the ninja ass kicking. My next move was to jump. It wasn’t all that bad of a jump and this wasn’t my first time sneaking out.
I took a deep breath and counted to 3. On 3 I jumped of the roof onto the ground. Success! I walked to the shed and found my old bike. Boy it has been ages since I rode my bike. I felt like such a badass. Not really. The whole bike thing kind of kills the ninja look.
It took me about 30 minutes to get to Adrian’s house. I knew the way through the woods. Just so no one would catch me and maybe tell my Aunt about me sneaking out. I was walking around the shed when I heard a boy and girl talking. I froze when I saw who Adrian was holding.
Chelsea was in his arms. No way. They were talking about how much they loved each other. Then my name was mentioned. I quickly stepped behind the shed because I thought I was busted.
Adrian spoke, “you do know what we did to Samara wasn’t right. Yea it was to keep you from getting in trouble but babe it wasn’t the best idea. Everyone is talking about Samara. And it’s not anything nice.”
I tried to get a view of them. Chelsea now sat up and was looking in his eyes.
“You think I care what people say about that freak? And honestly you shouldn’t even care about what people are saying about that dumbass. She’s weird! And let’s not forget a total freak!”
Oh how I would love to just beat the crap out of her. If I only brought a bat!
“Come one Chelsea she is not that bad I spent 2 years near her. She’s pretty cool and nice. You just harass her too much. After she comes back I want you to stop harassing her.”
“HA hunny you are the last person to tell me what to do. If I want to harass her I will. You can’t stop me and remember I can rat you out if I want to and say you did some of this to. So don’t push me love.”
For the love of god how could he not hit her? Yes he is a guy and she is a girl but come on how can he like that.
“You are going to listen to me whether you like it or not you stupid bitch.”
WOAH! Oh I think I came at the right time. Hell yeah!
“Ok you don’t talk to me like that or I leave and I leave you for good. You do realize I only want you for the sex right?”
He stared at her with a blank face.
“I don’t love you. I couldn’t stand dating you for 2 years like that dumbass. So yea the truth I don’t love you. It’s just the sex I look for.”
“And you think I love you? You’re a nasty whore I screw and then dump.”
Chelsea stood up and looked down at him. She smacked him right in the face.
Adrian looked amused. Chelsea went to leave but Adrian grabbed her arm and yanked her back.
“Owww! Don’t touch me freak! Let go and crawl back to your suicidal soul mate.”
With that he let her go, “This thing is over. I’m quitting while were ahead ya know before you pass me something. Now go.” He said the words with such hate.
That was enough for me. I ran and ran. I didn’t want to go back home. I wasn’t ready just yet.

I'm back

My Aunt drove me to school Monday. I couldn’t wait to go back in there. Oh how I wanted to attack Adrian at the right moment. If he thought he was getting off easy. Well he was wrong.
I was getting ready for Biology to roll around. Oh how he was going to love what I had in store for him. During my break from school I did a little damage. I made a fake Facebook account and added everyone from school. Little did they know it was me. I made the most interesting status ever! People these days will believe anything.
I walked as fast as I could. Almost making it to the door Adrian pulled me back from the door. What the crap! He can’t leave me alone. Sighs.
“Um Hey. I’m probably like the last person you um what to talk to but um I’m sorry I ugh lied and you know cheated. If you want me to I will explain and be truthful about everything.”
I tapped my foot. Sighing a couple of times while he was talking. He looked at me with a sad face. I finally decided to say something.
“How about no. I am surprising done with you. You were a big waste of my time. You’re more or less a douche bag. And I know why you cheated Hun. I am not stupid.”
I hope he was slowly dying inside. That’s right boy take that!
I walked away and walked into biology. The teacher greeted me with a smile and I walked to my seat. In doing so I realized a new face was sitting in the seat next to mine. He looked up at me with a face of surprise.
“Hello. You must be Samara. I’m Garrett. I was told that I was supposed to have a partner but she got suspended for violent behavior in the hall,” He gave me a curios look; “care to explain what kind of violent behavior? Wild sex in the hallway?”
I gave him the look of pure hatred. What a perv. Wild sex in the hallway? EW. Oh how I hate men.
He noticed I wasn’t talking and I guess he knew how uncomfortable I was starting to feel. He looked at me and said, “I was kidding I didn’t mean that. Sorry. You look like you needed a smile. I somehow thought that would work.”
Well at least he said sorry.
“It’s fine. And no I didn’t have wild sex in the hallway. More like I bashed a preppy girls face in.”
He smiled, “Aha! So you hate preps as much as I do? Always thinking their better than everyone else. Always putting others down because they have nothing better to do. High five!”
I smiled and gave him a high five. He didn’t seem half bad. And he was kind of funny.
“Ok. Classes settle down. I want you guys to turn to page 107 in your biology books. We are going to do silent reading. Now I know how that is your favorite thing so enjoy.” Everyone mumbled as they started to get their books out. I noticed how Garrett wasn’t getting his. He raised his hand.
“Ah Mr. Garrett I still haven’t gotten a book for you yet my apologizes. I guess you and Samara can go into the hall and just read out loud. But no funny business.”
I got up and followed Garrett to the hallway. I looked down at Adrian who had that I want to kill this new kid face. Jealous are you! Success.
Garrett and I didn’t even partner read at all. He took my book and sat on it. And said that we should just talk because reading biology books are for squares. That got me giggling out of control.
“Ok now tell me why you hit this girl in the face. Share the excitement.” I looked into his eyes and my smile faded.
“It’s a long story.” I whispered. It was kind of hard for me to talk about it. I didn’t want Adrian to see that it kind of bothered me still but my feelings were starting to fade.
“Hey its ok you look like you’re going to be sick. I’ll help you out I’m pretty good at helping people out.”
I sighed and completely spilled the entire story to him. I shared my feelings and my thoughts. I’m glad at least one person had believed me. Everyone thought I was lying.
“Whoa! So this asshole named Adrian is that the douche bag in Biology? And is the girl sitting next to him the gross whore?”
I shook my head yes.
“Well he is really stupid and blind if he cheated on you with something like that. Her nose makes her face look funny and she is nasty skinny. I know I’m skinny but I’m not that skinny. She kind of looks like a bird with that kind of nose.”
“Hahaha wow I have to admit I thought you were going to be downright annoying but you’re pretty funny and cool.”
He smiled. He kind of had a smile of a little boy, “Eh I have been told different. But hey if a knock out like you thinks so then I’m cool with that.”
“Me? A knock out no way.” Adrian never told me I was beautiful. Not that I needed him to but it would have been nice to hear once in a while.
“Of course you are a knock out! You are way better looking than any other girl I’ve seen so far. You have a nice smile. The way your hair lays makes you look stunning. And your eyes are a beautiful blue color which makes me want to stare into your eyes.”
I could feel my face starting to get hot. That was the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.
“Well thanks. That was nice.” I was starting to blush like crazy.
“Welcome Hun.”
There was just a moment of looking into each other’s eyes.
“Alright you two 5 minutes until the bell is going to ring get in here.”
“May I have my book back please?” I asked looking at my poor book. He stood up and handed me my book. I only now just realized how tall he really is.
“So what are you doing after school?”
I looked up at him and thought for a second, “well I don’t think I’m going to be doing anything. Why?”
“I was thinking we should totally hangout. I have nothing and no one to hang out with so I’m going to be bored and just thought I’d ask you if you would want to go to the movies or something. I’ll pay.”
I thought to myself for a little. I guess it wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
“Alright! Sounds good where should we meet?”
“Meet me out at my car. I’m pretty sure you will know my car when you see it. It’s a camaro. Lime green.”
I smiled a sweet smile and said, “Haha can’t wait.”

Time For The Movies

Chapter 4
To the movies we go!
I walked out of the school looking for Garrett’s car. Walking down the parking lot I finally spotted his car. Damn. That car was sexy! I just noticed him standing beside it.
“So do you like the car?”
I shook my head yes.
“Well come on and get in.”
I walked around to the passenger side, opened the door and got in. He started his car and the speakers started to play Dirty, Dirty, Mess by Let’s Get It. He had an awesome taste in music.
He looked over and smiled at me.
It took about 15 minutes to get to the theater. I had no idea what movie we were going to see.
Walking up to the entrance he said, “I hope you wanted to see The Devil inside I’ve been dying to see it.”
“Sounds good!”

We walked out of the movie theater and it was starting to get dark. Garrett looked at me and sighed.
“I have to admit that was seriously terrible. It more or less made me want to laugh.”
I giggled uncontrollably, “Dude I know what you mean. Could you see me smiling the whole time?”
He shot me a wink and said, “Darn I thought that smile was because you were sitting next to the most gorgeous guy ever. That’s right me!”
He lightly pushed me and I looked over at him. I took in his features. I noticed the bright blue he had going through his black hair. He had tight black skinny jeans, A Devil Wears Prada shirt and bright green converses. I took in the way his hair surrounded his face perfectly. Every single feature about him perfect. His green eyes looked so beautiful. He surely was a gorgeous man.
Snap out of it I scolded myself. Don’t look at him like that. You barely know him Samara.
He looks at me with a soft face and opens his mouth to speak,"Hey so it's really early do you maybe want to hangout at my place? I can make you dinner. And then we can watch a way better movie."
He was asking me to go to his place? Woah! I took a couple of minutes to think about it. I then made my decision and said yes.
His face lit up and I felt my stomach get that awkward tingly feeling.
He said, "Alright! Well let's go!" he walked over too the car and opened my door. What a gentlemen I thought! He got in and turned on his radio and on came IWrestledABearOnce. Weird band but good music. We pulled out of the parking lot and drove to his house.

Something Seriously Hot

He pulled into the driveway and I noticed that there were no other cars in the driveway and none of the lights were off. He opened up the car door and got out as I did. We walked up to the door and he unlocked the door and held the door open for me. I walked in and stood at the entrance, he came up behind me and shut the door.
He said, “Welcome to my palace now you can’t go anywhere you’re stuck with me forever.” He wiggled his eyebrows around.

I giggled and said, “You’re a dork!”
“Hey ma’am I took you to the movies and now I’m willing to make you dinner! I think you should apologize!”
“NO!!! But what if I don’t? What’s going to happen?” I had a teasing smile on my face.
“Well…..” He cut off his sentence and started chasing me around the house.
After a few rounds we ended upstairs. I don’t know which room this was but it seemed like his room. He had me by the back of the shirt and was breathing heavily. I kind looked around and noticed a bed in the corner. And different posters we're scattered all around the room. A drum set, a closed door and another room which looked like it had to be the bathroom.
“I caught you so now I just have to think of a punishment. I’m thinking it’s going to involve you being my maid and doing my laundry and all my other stuff.”

“I’m not going to have to wear a maids outfit am I?” He let go of my shirt and came to take a look at me.
He rubbed his chin and said, “Ummmmm well if you do it will have to be something really sexy. To fill out the amazing curves you have. And something that matches those amazing eyes of yours.”

He started walking towards me and lifted his hand up to touch the side of my face. I was starting to feel a little weird.
"Did I ever tell you that you're really really gorgeous?", he smiled and continued, "So what do you want me to make you? I live alone so I don't have that much food but I can think of something."
I just looked at him and thought about how nice it must be to live alone.
"Oh I know I can make you-"

All of the sudden I gripped the front of his shirt and yanked him to me and kissed him hard. He didn’t seem to have a problem with it because he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. The kissing got faster and heavier. He backed up against the wall and kept kissing me. I had never felt this way with Adrian. I had never felt a spark. This kiss with Garrett felt right.

I had no idea why I did it. I mean I know a few things about him but not much. But I was enjoying every moment of the kiss.

He laid me on the bed and I slid my hand under his shirt and felt his chest. I then pulled his shirt off and looked at him. He had quite the nice body. He had a nice 6 pack and nice rock hard muscles with different tattoos over his body. They made him look drop dead sexy. I took in his face too. His snakebites, his plugs, his green eyes and his soft, seductive lips.
He was breathing heavy and so was I. He started kissing me again.
He mubled damn girl and went back to kissing me hard and fast
He took my shirt off and it just led into us taking each other’s clothing off.
"I was right you're perfect! Yor personaility is amazing and you have a sexy body!"
He started kissing my neck and his teeth gently grazed my skin making me want him closer. "Umm you're a good kisser!"

I couldn't help myself with the way he was making me feel. I dug my nails into his back.
We didn’t go very far. He didn’t take my virginity. We just fooled around a little. It’s like the way he touched me mad me feel good. I loved how his lips felt when he kissed me on my neck or any other turn on spots. At some point or another he lifted himself up and said, "try and control yourself. I don't want to go any further. And from this don't think I'm just trying to have a one night stand. I should have stopped earlier! I'm so stupid."
I looked into his eyes and said, "No! This is my fault. I'm the one that ugh grabbed you and kissed you. You're not stupid either. We both got carried away Garrett."

He sighed and looked down at me, “ Listen angel you’re a very bright, beautiful, fun person to be around. I am starting to feel something for you and the feelings started happening when I first saw you and started talking to you in the hallway I couldn't help but find you intriguing and intresting. You’ve been my only kiss. It’s my first. But I know you are probably devastated from what that douche bag Adrian did to you. I know you’re probably not going to say yes. But from the little action that just happened I think you might like me. And I was wondering if you wanted to see me. Ya know like see me as in boyfriend.”

I sighed and I know my heart was beating faster and faster. I knew we just started hanging out just today and whatever the hell just happened now I couldn't help but think that maybe he did like me for me.

He continued talking, “ I know what he did to you and to hear that he did that to you angered me. I can’t see why a boy soo lucky would do that someone so amazing like you.”

“Well I did have an amazing time with you. And I have been thinking about I have a major crush on you so umm maybe we can go out on a date and we can see where it goes from there maybe learn more about each other and definitly take things slower than what we just did ok with you?”
“Alright!” he had the biggest smile on his face. I felt my face get hot. He was so cute.

After getting dressed in his bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror. How could I have just done that! I don't even know much about him! What the hell! Does this make me a slut?! AH GOD! What's wrong with me! I turned on the faucet and splashed some cool water on my face I grabbed the towel and wipped the water from my face. Not only did this boy have good looks and a nice personailty but he smelled fine!

I opened the door and walked down stairs to find the kitchen. When I walked in I found him stiring something in a pot. I sat on a chair and asked, "so handsome what ya cooking?"

He turned around and said, "alfredo!"

"Yummy! I love alfredo!"

"Haha alright! So let's get to know each other. I'll ask you a question first! So where are you from?"

"Well I'm from here. I was given to my Aunt cause my parents couldn't afford a child I guess. But um I've lived here my entire life, I hate my Aunt so much. She treats me like a ghost and she is always rude and never understands me... But anyway what about you?"

He sighed a huge sigh he seemed uncomfortable, "I lived in Kentucky before coming to PA. As you know I don't live with anyone. I'm here myself."

"Ummm so where are your parents? What about siblings?"

He didn't answer right away. "I'm sorry if I am asking to many personal questions."

"It's cool. Its just my mom and dad died when I was little. In a car crash. My older brother and sister were killed to. I was with my grandparents. Who died previously. It's why I came here. I hate that state. It's like if I didn't get out of there I felt like I me die too."

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder I made him turn and face me. His eyes were full of hurt and tears. I hugged him and then that's when it hit.

When I hugged him he had his head on my shoulder. I didn’t know what to do because he was crying. I was never good at calming people down. It just never came to me.

So I tried it anyway, “Hey Garrett it’s ok. I’m here for you. You have me. Don’t cry.”
He lifted his head up and looked down at me and said, “It’s just so hard. I didn’t have a mother, father or brother or sister to argue with or to say I love you. I didn’t have a mother to give a mother’s day card or a father to go out and do guy stuff. I never had any of the real stuff some people do. I don’t even remember what my family looked like. I was so young! My grandparents were great believe in me, but it just wasn’t the same. They were too old to even take care of me so I was stuck taking care of myself when I got older. I just wish life was different!”

I didn’t know what to do. I was scared and confused at the same time. I knew what it was like to not know your own parents. But I didn’t know what it was like to not ever know what they looked like or what it was like in general to not have parents. He pulled up his sleeve and when I saw what he wanted me to see I gasped.
I grabbed his arm and looked at him and practically yelled, “NO! Why would you do this to yourself? Garrett! Tell me you stopped that!”

He looked at me with sad eyes. He shook his head no.
“It feels like an escape for me. To feel the heat on my arm. It feels like something new is regenerating in me. You probably think I’m fucked up but it feels nice when I press the metal to my skin I like the way it feels it helps me.”

I was too shocked and to concerned to even speak.”But you just can’t... You can’t do that to yourself. It’s wrong and not the way you handle things. You could seriously hurt yourself. You have to stop!!!! Promise you won’t do this to yourself!”
I felt like I may have been too hard on him. He didn’t seem comfortable so I said, “the only reason I’m acting this way is because I don’t want you to hurt yourself like this. It’s not healthy to burn yourself like that and I care.”

He looked over at the clock. “I think it’s time I take you home. Let’s go.”
He shut everything off and threw away what he was cooking. Great I thought. Just great. He hates me.

Maybe I was wrong to even hangout with him today! I shouldn’t have agreed to come to his house. I made two really big mistakes. One doing something sexual with him. Which I’m a complete whore for it and two opening my damn mouth. I definitely had no right to talk. I had a cutting issues before. But I stopped because I knew somewhere in my heart it wasn’t ok for me to do that. I know I could have seriously done something if I would have cut to deep… I had to find a way to stop him from burning himself. It was my job to stop him.

When he pulled out of the driveway I looked at him and told him how to get to my house.
When we go to my house I noticed the lights were out. And I didn’t see my Aunt’s car in the driveway. I wonder where she is I thought. I got out of the car and started walking to the porch I had then noticed he got out to.

We both reached the porch and I turned to look at him, “look I am sorry. Ok. I don’t want you to hate me. I just care if you have noticed. I just don’t want you to do that to yourself.”
I sighed and started searching my bag for my house key. At that time I noticed my phone had 4 missed calls, I hadn’t called my Aunt back and she was probably worried and probably pissed and I quickly got my phone out. I turned it on to find 1 new voicemail from my Aunt. I pressed the number 1 and hit call. I had then got the message. She said something about how she had to go out of town and wasn’t going to be back until next weekend! You’re kidding me. I heavily sighed, I finally got to the house key and opened up the door Garrett was about to say bye but I told him he could come inside.

I walked up to my bedroom with him following. I kind of didn’t like when people came in my room. I felt like I was being exposed for whom I really am. I know it sounds crazy but I just felt that way. I set my bag on my desk and took my shoes off.

“Um isn’t your Aunt going to flip if she sees me in your room? Cause from what you’ve told me she doesn’t seem like she wouldn’t agree with me being in your room.” He was leaning against the door frame.

I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me, “No that voice mail I had was from her. She isn’t going to be here until next weekend. So I pretty much have freedom. Thank god I hate when she’s around. So no you’re not going to get shot if you’re found in here.”
He came over and sat next to me. He grabbed my hand and held it in his. He half smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder.
For the next 3 hours we got to know each other better. He told me some things he was comfortable telling me about and I told him most of the things I did. Let’s face it I don’t have much to say I am a no lifer. He didn’t seem to have a lot to talk about either. He said he mainly stayed with his grandparents instead of going out with friends. He more or less had to take care of them.
He seemed to be responsible and a well mannered boy.

I Like You A Lot

I woke up In Garrett’s arms. Woah, I thought to myself. I couldn’t recall even falling asleep last night. It was weird. But waking up to a face like his, well that’s not a bad thing. He had his arms around my waist and my head was rested against his chest. I listened closely as his heart beat. I took in the way he smells. He smelled like he bathed in axe. The smell stuck to him like a magnet. I gently unhooked his arm from my waist. I quickly got up and went and got clothing. I hope I could make it out of the shower before he woke up.

It took about 15 minutes get a shower. When I got out I grabbed me towel and step out onto the rug. While I’m drying off I didn’t notice the door was open all the way. I stand there dumbfounded and see Garrett standing there with wide eyes! I didn’t react right away so Garrett quickly ran to the door and closed it.

I’m stupid! I forgot to close the door! Ah god! No way. That was embarrassing. I quickly got my clothing on and stood in front of the mirror and saw how red my face was. I definitely didn’t mind at his house because it was slightly dark!

I heard a gentle knock on the door, “Babe, I’m sorry. I had just woke up. I’m sorry.”
I looked at myself in the mirror and opened up the door. He was standing there in his Asking Alexandria muscle shirt and lime green boxers. He looked at me with surprise. I looked at him with a smile and asked, “What?”
He shrugged and said, “It’s just you look beautiful without make up not that you didn’t with makeup but you’re woah.”
I looked down at my outfit. I was in a cami and short black shorts with my favorite purple and grey belt. I did have pretty descent chest to fill out the cami. And I know I looked pretty good in the cami.
I smiled and touched his chest and said, “Well you looked pretty hot in your lime green boxers. Now the only thing that would make you look better is this.”
I pulled his shirt up and lifted it up and put on the floor. Now he looked amazing. His tattoo was located a few inches under his collarbone, stretching across the top of his chest. It quoted: No Sunshine Without Shadows.
He had one hell of a body for someone that barely eats. He started messing with his snake bites. I always thought about how I wanted mine done.
“So did you do your snakebites and tattoos by yourself?”
He shook his head no, “My one friend’s friend does the stuff for me. I met them a little while ago. They did the piercings my grandparents let me get the tattoo’s for my birthday. Why?”
I looked at him and said, “Do you plan on getting anything else done? Because I’m want snakebites too. I’ve always wanted them.”
He smiled and grabbed my chin, “I think you should get angel bites you’d look better with them. And I do plan on getting another piercing I want get my septum today. I’ll take you with and they can do it for you.”
I shook my head yea. “When Are you going? And how much do they charge?”
“Well I can go to them anytime I want and no worries I got it!”
“No I can’t let you pay. You paid for me to get in a movie last night and paid for the popcorn. I can pay for my own piercing.”
I hated when other people paid for my stuff. I didn’t want them to think I was using them. And plus it just felt awkward.

“No. I got it; think of it as your next birthday present. I don’t know.” He smiled and I agreed.
At that moment my stomach started to growl. We both laughed.
“Come on let’s go down stairs and get something to eat!” I said that and walked out of my room and down the stairs and into the kitchen. I pulled out some leftover Chinese and asked him if he wanted any.

After eating out breakfast/lunch I went to clean up the dishes. While doing them Garrett came up behind me and put his hands on my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.
I giggled and told him he isn’t supposed to disturb his “maid” when working.
He giggled and nuzzled my neck. He lightly kissed me and I felt all tingly inside.
I turned my head so that he could kiss me on the lips. He turned me around and pushed me against the counter. The kiss was intense and hot.
He lifted me up on the counter and kissed my chest, grazing his teeth against my skin. I don’t know what it was but the way he kissed me and touched me made me feel good. I hung onto his body and moaned slightly.
“What the hell are you doing Samara?”
Garrett let me go and turned around. I looked and found Adrian. He was standing at the doorway of the kitchen.

I pushed for Garrett to get out of the way. I walked up to Adrian and asked, “The question is why the hell are you in my house when no one opened the for you? Um so you get the hell out. And as for asking me what the hell I’m doing is a little funny because you are the one that doesn’t give a damn so get the hell out!”

“Wait! Aren’t you from our Bio class? You should know she’s mine!”
I looked at him and crossed my arms over my chest, “Excuse me but I am NOT yours! You don’t ow-“
Garrett interrupted me and said, “Alright if she were really yours buddy you wouldn’t have cheat with some nasty ass slut. You had a perfect, beautiful, funny girl with a good sense of humor. And you throw the 2 years you were together by going out and screwing some whore. Shows me how much you actually appreciate things. Don’t even talk to her! Don’t even look at her! She seems perfectly happy and doesn’t need you making her feel like dirt! So listen to her and get out. And watch who you call yours! Now go to your skanky girlfriend and go screw her some more. “
Adrian walked forward and looked into Garrett’s eyes and spoke in a harsh voice I have never heard him use before, “Who the fuck are you to tell me to not call her mine or to tell me I can’t even talk to her?”

I grabbed Garrett’s hand, “Him and I are dating. I’m over you and he’s a wonderful guy. Learning about him is nice. Not like with you where I’d get bored right away. You don’t like me nor need I so leave us alone. I like him. And he likes me for me. And I’m pretty sure if we were to become boyfriend and girlfriend he won’t cheat on me like you did. So go! I don’t want you here!
With that Adrian flipped Garrett off and turned around and left. I looked at Garrett who seemed to be really mad.
“Can I please beat the piss out of him? He’s a freaking moron! And he called you his. This makes me hate him even more!”

I sighed and grabbed his arm and told him, “No hun you can’t just leave him go. I like you and want to spend more time with you. I like you a lot.”
He gave a half smile and said, “I like you too Samara.”
I hugged him and felt some weird feelings when he hugged me back. I felt right with him, “Thanks for sticking up for me.”
He kissed me on the forehead and stroked my hair, “No problem.I'd always stick up for you no matter what!”

Garrett and I sat on the couch watching some TV. It was a rainy day. There was absolutely nothing to do. I was flipping through the channels while he was flipping through a magazine. There seemed to be absolutely nothing on TV. I sighed and let whatever was on, on.
I sighed and stood up, “So what do you want to do? I am really bored.”
“Well we could go out on a date. I’ll take you to get your piercing then I could take you to dinner and then maybe that club I know of down town.”
I tapped my foot and he lay down on the couch and grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. He held my and in his and lightly traced his fingers to the strap of my cami, “Or we can sit here make out all day.” He smiled and I giggled. I started to shiver at his touch. He pulled down my s strap and pulled my neck down to his mouth and lightly kissed me, “So does that sound like a plan beautiful?”
I lifted my head up and said yes.
I was doing my make up while Garrett got a shower. Luckily we had extra things in the guest’s bathroom. I was in the middle of putting on mascara when Garrett opened up the bathroom door. I looked at his reflection. Who knew someone so sexy like himself actually had a heart. After Adrian broke my heart I felt like men that cute only wanted one thing. But I guess all guys aren’t like that.

“I knew you couldn’t take your eyes off of me.” He said with a smirk.
“Hahahaha ok! You ready now?”

“If you’re ready then yes, yes I am ready”
When we got in his car he reached in the back seat. He pulled out a Texas In July muscle shirt and switched his shirts around. I guess he had a habit of turning his shirts into muscle shirts. He pulled out a black button up shirt and threw it on. I looked at him and laughed, “Do you have an entire wardrobe back there?”

He giggled and shook his head no.

We pulled out of the driveway and we drove for what seemed like 15 minutes. He pulled up near a sidewalk and got out. I opened up my door and followed him to the door. He knocked and we heard footsteps and what seemed like a girl yell be right there. The door opened up and a young girl who seemed to be either 19 or 20 stood there. She had purple jean shorts on and a Blood on the Dancefloor spaghetti strap on with converses on.

She looked up and smiled when she saw Garrett. She stepped out and hugged him. She looked over at me and said, “Hi I’m Brittany.” I waved and noticed her hair. She had the same purple I did. It was black and she had many different colored streaks in her hair and her hair was teased.
“Come in.” She was really pretty. She had a pair of glasses as well.

“I guess you’re here for your septum right?”

“Yea and my wonderful girlfriend would like to get angel bites.”

She shook her head and said, “Alright follow me.” We walked down some stairs and when we got to the basement I looked around. It looked like a tattoo parlor. That’s cool. Garrett went over and sat down on and she got all her materials and went to hit. It seemed so fast because in a matter of no time he got up and came over to me and asked, “So babe what you think?”
Damn did he look good, “I love it!”

“That’s good! So you ready for Brittany to yours?” I shook my head yea and went over and sat down.

She marked where it looked good and she got the needle and did them. I looked in the mirror and thought sweet! She did a really good job!

“Thanks Brittany!”

“No problem,” she smiled and looked at Garrett and said, “It’s alright no charge. On the house.”
He didn’t look like he wanted to but she told him it was fine and he shouldn’t worry about it.

“So we should get going since we’re going to Dinner Samara. Thanks Britt.” He smiled and grabbed for my hand.

She looked at us and had a smile on her face, “You guys without a doubt look adorable together! And by the way I love your name. It’s beautiful, just like you.”
“Thanks, you’re really pretty as well.”

We walked out and said our goodbyes and got in the car. I looked at my new piercing. They didn’t look bad. And I liked Garrett’s septum it made him look even hotter than he already was.
We stopped at a place I had never heard of before but he said it was good. When we got there we ordered our food and drinks while waiting I was looking at him and thinking. One I didn’t know if this was bad that I’m dating him now or not. Maybe it wasn’t good. But yet some little part of me said he’s an incredible guy! Go for it as long as he makes you happy and treats you right. My friend Anya always said that to me when I’d talk to her about boy problems.

Anya was an incredible person. She is always there for me, she is a strong person, she’s funny, kind hearted and everything you need in a best friend. She was really pretty too. She had reddish hair it looks like Auburn; she’s skinny and medium height. Her personality all in all is amazing.

“What are you thinking about Samara?” I looked up at Garrett and sighed.

“I don’t just random stuff.”

“Ah you need to talk about something? Cause you know I’m here to talk to.” He reached across the table and grabbed my hands and held them. I shook my head yes and smiled.
“I’m just shocked about the kind of you are.”

He gave me a confused look and his eyes seemed to go sad, “What kind of guy am I? If I pushed you into something to fast please tell me? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you??” He was rambling questions off.

“No no no! I meant the sweet, caring, loving, amazing, wonder guy that you are. I’m just surprised you care about me.”

He took a deep breath and his face got serious, “Well baby why wouldn’t I care about. You can believe in me I swear I will never ever hurt you like Adrian did. I really like you and I won’t ever hurt you Samara I promise.”

I looked at him and held his hand tighter. Maybe it wasn’t crazy. Maybe it was right to be with him. I don’t care what anyone says; I liked Garrett for who he was. And that’s all that matters. He’s an amazing guy and he liked me.
The server came to our table and served us our food. We didn’t really talk but we had made eye contact every now and then and it made me get the butterflies. Oh man I was starting too really like him.

We finished eating and the lady brought us our check and as usual Garrett paid for it. I got and Garrett went to the bathroom and I walked to the car. As I was getting in Adrian pulled into the parking lot. He got out and came up behind me and grabbed my waist and said, “Baby why don’t you come with me. I’ll show you a good time in the back of my truck.” I could smell alcohol on his breathe. I grabbed his hands and tore them off of me.

“Leave me alone!” I spun around smacked him in the face, “Don’t you fucking touch me!”
He pushed me against the car a gripped my hands holding them, “Listen Samara I loved you. You never gave me a chance to show you that. I always loved you! The reason for sleeping with that whore is because you never let me sleep with you!!!!!”

I was starting to get pissed so I said, “If you loved me you would have waited until I was ready! You don’t love me if you got in bed with another girl just because I wouldn’t!” As soon as I said that he kissed on the lips. He had a hold of my arms so tight I could feel his nails digging in to my skin and he barley even had nails!

I started to struggle; Adrian was a lot stronger than me. His entire body was pressed against mine, chest smashed into my chest.

I bit his lip and he pulled back.

“Adrian let her go now!”

Garrett said coming over to me and Adrian.
“Listen boy you don’t tell me what to do! I don’t listen to fucking douche bags like you!”
Garrett looked over at me with the look of, Samara I will beat the shit out of him.
Adrian let go of me and turned to Garrett, “I love her and I’m not letting scum like you take her!”

Garrett looked at him and started to laugh, “Scum like me? Hahahaha funny! Who’s the lose that cheated on her with some nasty slut like Chelsea? We are both tired of you. We’re obviously on a date so get the hell out of here!”

“Just please leave. I don’t want anything starting over me. I am with Garrett now so please just leave!” I was crying my eyes out now. Not because I was said that I wanted Adrian to stay but because I was getting aggravated with him. He continued to stand there, “Please go I’m done with you! Leave us alone! Just go. I don’t know why you don’t understand either of us when we say that!”

His face got read and he looked away and I saw tears in his eyes, “Fine, but just know I am sorry. I guess you don’t care anymore so whatever bye!”

He walked over to his truck got in and slammed the door. He sped off and I slid against the car onto the ground and started to cry harder. Garrett came over to me helped pick me up. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead and tried to assure me that I was ok.

“Come on gorgeous. I’ll take you home and then I’ll let you alone for the night.”

I didn’t want him to go. I wanted him with me. I didn’t want him to leave me alone. Not if Adrian was out drunk and unpredictable.

I sighed and said, “No, we can continue with our date. Let’s not let him ruin it for us. I’m having a great time with you. And when the date is over I want to stay over at your house. We can stop back at my place and let me get some things and I want to stay the week with you. If you want me to stay with you.”

He smiled and said, “Well of course I do I’d love for you to spend the week with me at my house.”
I smiled and told him we should get going.

We were having a lot of fun together at the club. We did a lot of dancing and we were about ready to leave the club now. We walked out into the lot and we got in his car. He leaned over and started kissing me. The kiss was intense and amazing like usual. There was a light rain so when I gripped his shirt I could feel the dampness. He pulled back and smiled at me and moved into kiss me again. He was practically on top of me now.

I pushed him back and said, “Well someone had too much to drink. You want me to drive?”
“No I’m cool I just really want to kiss you and touch you that’s all.” He smiled and put his hand on my thigh. He started the car and I said, “Well I’ll let you at your house. Ok?”
He smiled and we got back to my house and I walked upstairs and quickly with him staggering a bit up the stairs.

I threw some stuff into my bag and got some shampoo and stuff. I grabbed my phone, and phone charger. Just in case my Aunt called me and I would be prepared.

Garrett came up behind me and grabbed me around the waist. He started kissing my neck. I was hoping that he wasn’t turning into the typical male species always wanting nothing but sex. Just to test my theory I let him continue kissing me. I turned into him so he could kiss me on the mouth. He did in fact knock my bag off of the bed and lay me down. He didn’t try and push me any further than just kissing and touching.

He lifted his head up and said, “Don’t you worry I’m just into the kissing right now. I have no intention of making love to you.”

I silently cheered in my head; I rested my hand on his back, “How come?” I was hoping he’d give the answer I wanted.

He balance himself on his hands, “Because I won’t push you into anything you don’t want to do with me and besides we haven’t been dating that long so I feel it would be too soon.”
Score! “What if I said I were ready and told you I wanted you right here right now? And how long would you wait for me?”

“Well that would be nice to hear that you would want me right here right now but I’m not ready and I don’t think you are either. And I would wait as long as you needed love. And besides it’s not like I don’t think about sex because the truth is us men think about sex a lot, but for you I would wait. If I’m ready in the future and you’re not yeah I’m going to want to be with you in that way and yea I’m going to think about us and ask but it doesn’t mean I won’t wait. All you have to do Samara is say no. And I swear I will be ok with it.”

Damn that was exactly what I wanted to hear! I could tell he took that has a good thing he got up and helped me up. He picked my bag up and hugged me tightly, “Let’s go to my house now.”

What a surpising visit!

It was Morning when I had woke up. I had realized that we had Spring Break this week so I was going to be with Garrett this whole time. Speaking of the handsome devil, he came into the room and had breakfast for me. He had eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice.

“Awwww, babe thank you!” He smiled adorable smile and sat next to me. I started eating the food as soon as he set it down.
“So you sleep good Hun?” He lay back against the headboard and crossed his arms around his chest.

“Yes! I enjoyed sleeping in your bed. It’s comfy!”

He giggled and then his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket. And he answered.
I continued stuffing my face with food while he talked. When he was done he looked over at me, “Ughh my friend Aaron needs me to go over and help move some new furniture into his house. I don’t want to be rude and ask you to come with. So I told him no.”

I shook my head no, “No I don’t want you blowing your friends off just because I’m here. Go I’ll be fine. It might be weird but I can find something to do for you.”
He gave me a half smile, “You do know I was kidding about you being my made that night right?”
I said yes and told him to go ahead and do what he wanted and that I wasn’t going to hold him back from doing anything with his friends.

Around 12:30 he told me he was going to leave. I was sitting on a chair and got up and said ok. He ran back over to me lifted me up and placed me on the chair so he could look me in the eyes, kissed my forehead and said in tone that made me burst out laughing, “Now you know what to do if there is an emergency right? Call 911. If there is a stranger at the door you don’t answer. If you get lonely then just text me about how sad you are about how my presence not being here is tearing you up inside.”

“Of course master!” I saluted him and he walked to his car and drove away.
I stood in his house and sighed. What the hell was I going to do alone in his house?
I ran upstairs got a shower and then decided to explore.
I walked to the next room. There were only 3 rooms upstairs and at least 2 downstairs. I opened up the door and found some instruments along with another drum set. I looked at the guitars, the microphone, and at the other drum set he had. He did tell me he use to have a band and that they had gotten separated when he came here.

I walked into the next room. I saw random pictures everywhere. I walked to the wall to examine them. I’m guessing one was of him, his grandmother, and his grandfather. Garrett seemed to be younger in that picture. Maybe 15 or so. The next one I picked up looked like it was him, his older brother and sister and his parents. He seemed to be happier in the picture. It was sad to know that he had a family that had passed away when he was such a young boy. I got up and walked out of the room.

I went downstairs and lay down on the couch. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about Garrett. He was a fantastic boy. He had an awesome personality, amazing eyes, he just seemed really amazing to me in general.

I just kept running thoughts in my head and in no time I was out. The only thing I remember was pulling a blanket off the couch so I could cover myself.

And then that’s when I woke up to a loud crash. I sat up quickly and looked around. It was dark. I got up and yelled, “Garrett? Was that you?”

There was no answer so I walked to where I heard the crash come from. I whispered Garrett’s name over but I didn’t get an answer. I walked into the kitchen and turned the light on. Standing in front of me was Adrian.

“Adrian!? Why are you here!?”

He looked at me and said nothing.

I walked up to him and pushed him, “Why are you here?! Answer the damn question! You shouldn’t even be here it’s not your house now get the hell out!”

His head hung low and he had a tiny smirk on his face.

“What are you smirking about? I am not in the mood for any of your crap now start talking or I’m calling the police and reporting you for breaking and entering!”

He looked at me and reached behind his back. I stepped backwards. I didn’t know what was going on his mind right now. And to be honest I was scared. I keep taking steps back until he did it. He pulled a gun out and pointed it at me.

He walked forward and shouted, “Stop moving! Come here NOW!”

I shook my head no. I didn’t know how to speak. Having a gun pointed to me was draining everything out of me. And that’s when it happened. My bladder released and I had an accident. I looked down and started crying, “Adrian please put the gun away.”


“Why not? Why are you doing this? You are the one that ended us! You cheated! I am moving on like I should be. Now please just put the gun down. We can talk about this…”
“Come here now.”

I walked over slowly. When I reached him he grabbed my arms and shook me.

“Two years I gave you! I loved you for two years! And you go with Garrett! Did you and I mean nothing to you? We were everything. You meant everything to me! I love you and you don’t even seem to care! You threw it away.”

I was to shaken and scared to even respond. He let go and pushed me into a chair. He got some tuck tape from the counter and taped my legs and hands together. He then taped me completely to the chair.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.03.2012

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