

Welcome, dear ones,

This is a message from the world of light.

A message of love, coming from the heart, being the one-heart, coming from the one-source.

We are all made of that one unique spark that represents life.

Walk around and touch whatever you like, close your eyes and feel it.

Breathe the light that is in everything in nature.
Watch the clouds, the lakes, the people.
Stroke an animal and look into it's eyes.
Give a comforting word to somebody.

BE LOVE - just for one moment every day
and then extend it throughout your body,
embrace the world and spread it - for there is nothing else that we are, that we can do.


Angelic view from the heart

Did you ever ask yourself if there is more outside?

Maybe as a child you heard stories about us or were touched by an inner feeling that lifted you up. An invisible stroke or embrace maybe that you became aware of in times of despair.

Did you ever think about that there is much more in


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Petra Soreia
Bildmaterialien: Petra Soreia
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.02.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-1254-6

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