
Chapter One

"Come on Tara, you're a great singer and you know it. You have to march right on in to that record company, go up to a talent agent and sing your little heart out. You'll come out with your bags already packed for Hollywood." Sabine said. I rolled my eyes at her. She has been nagging me for the past two years to go see some talent agent at her dads company.
Me, I like to sing and all, but I get stage fright. Or so I tell her. When really, I'm scared of getting caught. No, I'm not a psychotic killer, but people who heard what I am might get the wrong idea.
I tossed my Pre-Calc book in my locker, and grabbed my science book. I heard the warning bell ring. I grabbed my notebook, slammed the locker door shut, and ran. I heard Sabine yelling at me. I smiled to myself.
I got to science just in time. There were a bunch of mirrors on the tables. Thank God, I don't have to listen to the boring teacher lecture. Mrs. English ( I know, right?) told us to pick up the mirrors in front of us, and look at our eyes.
I knew what I would see. Me with my ivory colored skin, my long, waist lenght,red hair, and my green eyes. Mrs. English turned off the light and I saw blue lightning in the far back of my pupils.
Oh, didn't I mention? I'm a witch.

Chapter Two

I heard the yelling across the hallway. Oh Jesus. Here comes the whirlwind of my best friend.
"Tara,Tara,Tara! I have the best news for you! I gave my dad that promo you did for me last Christmas, and he loved it! He has an agent all set up for you and everything! All you have to do is tell him yes! Please do it. Please,please,please?" Sabine said. She gave me her best puppy dog eyes. Despite the numb feeling in my whole body, I was kind of excited. I can't believe someone actually liked my singing! No one likes my singing. Not even my evil step dad. Figures. I could use her begging to my advantage though.
"Fine, but you're buying me lunch." I said evilly.
"Aww." Sabine complained while I dragged her to the lunch line. I grabbed a brownie too, just for good measure. Hey, I'm not paying.

Chapter Three

"Sabine, I dont think this is such a good idea. I might freeze up or something. This is such a bad idea. Take me home, please?" I was begging. That is definitely not good. I only beg when I am seriously nervous.
"Too late. I already bought you lunch. Now move." Sabine shoved me through the big doors of the twenty story skyscraper. I gulped and looked up. You could see every floor from down here. You could see all the workers walking to their, probably over furnished offices. On the ceiling there was a giant stain glassed window depicting the scene where Hades takes Persephone to the Underworld.
"Doesn't that scene make you cherish everything you have?" I asked Sabine. "I mean compared to her, our life is in perfect order. She was just picked by that man and stolen from the life she knew." I felt so bad for poor Persephone. She was special, and people knew it. She was popular and liked it. But then that stupid man had to take it all from her. Stupid. Man. Back to the present, Sabine pushed me into an elevator and hit twenty. Oh my God, I hate heights. I took a deep breath, and just looked at my reflection in the elevator door. The doors opened and we stepped onto the twentieth floor. There was a large oak door and there was a bench in front of it. We sat on the bench, and of course, it had to be up against the glass seperating me from the floor two-hundred feet below me. I was really close to hyperventilating. I kept my calm though, and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Eventually a man came out and introduced himself.
"Hello, are you Tara Peerson?" he asked me. I nodded. "Good, come on in. I'm Robert Gain." He really gave me the creeps. He also talked kind of weird. Plus he was kind of chubby. " Well come on then, molasses, I don't have all day." Man, I really don't like this guy.
"Yeah Robert, Gain any more weight and you'll fall through the floor." I muttered.

Chapter Four

"So, Tara, if you were an actress what would your name be?" Robert asked me, with a slight sneer in his voice. Man, I am seriously,starting to not like this guy. If I wasn't such a stickler on magic, I probably would of put a zipper on his mouth.
"Actress? I thought I was here for a singing audition. If someone signed me up for an actressing audition too, I'm out of here." I pushed my chair back just to prove my point, when Robert started to clap. What the hay.
"My dear Tara, you just passed the first of many tests. You tested me, and spoke up for yourself, not like those celebrities who just put their head down and run. I like you feistiness. If you can sing, you're off to Hollywood." Sabine squealed. I kind of rolled my eyes, but I was super excited. We went into a recording studio and I sang. Sabine had tears in her eyes, and Robert had dollar signs. I smiled, pleased with myself.
"Okay Tara, one more order of business. What would you want your stage name be?" Robert asked me. I thought about it a minute and I had a good idea.
"How about Persephone?" I asked. Robert looked thoughtful and Sabine was nodding her head.
"Well, okay your name will be purr-se-phoney." Robert said.
"No, that's how it is pronounced. It's Persephone. Like, oh well, I'll explain it on the plane ride." I told Robert. He nodded. I walked out of his office with a smile on my face.

Chapter Five

"Sabine, I already told you, I am not getting Justin Bieber's autograph for you. No he is a total weirdo. It's fake I'm telling you. No one has hair that perfect. No Bieber Fever for you my friend." I told the phone on my shoulder. I had my keys and my soda in my hands, so improv time. I put the keys in the lock and opened the door. I was utterly shocked when I saw my house full of familiar people. At the front of the group, was Sabine with her phone still out. She was grinning like a fool. I'm afraid I was doing the same. I walked over to her and gave her a bear hug. She squeezed me back.
"I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me." Sabine whispered. "I hope you aren't mad." She looked a little worried, and smiled sheepishly. I gave her a grin.
"I don't know, you may have to do a very back breaking favor in the future." I grinned devilishly with a wicked gleam in my eye. Then I heard the scariest sentence that will forever give me nightmares.
"Present time Tara." my mom yelled at me. Every time my mom gets me something, it is lame. I hate to fake liking the presents. I'm all 'Oh Mom, I love that scarf some homeless person made,' or 'I love the Beatles CD that you got me, even though I only like Eleanor Rigby and that song isn't even on there.' Stuff like that. Oh well, hopefully someone else in the room got me something half way decent. One could only hope. I walked into the kitchen and saw this huge mountain of stuff sitting on the table. Thank God for friends, or I'd probably get some awful handkerchief or something. This could take a while.

Chapter Six

"Thanks for coming, have a good night, see you soon, no I will not get you a Justin Bieber autograph. Go home Sabine." I was talking to everyone leaving my house. I was seriously having the greatest day of my life. I had gotten to spend some quality time with my friends, and gotten some actually pretty good presents. I got a few dozen books. Pride and Prejudice, The Hollow trilogy, Twilight, and the Marked series. I got an iPod from my mom (its a shocker, yes I know) so I could listen to my favorite artists like Selena Gomez, Christina Perri, Lady Gaga, and Jessica Sutta. I got some CD's, and a card saying how nobody would forget me and how they would buy my newest CD every time one came out. That is the present that hit the home the most. I almost cried when I read it. Later when I was eating cake by myself, Sabine slipped a little box in my hand and walked away. It was a ring with a purple butterfly on it. But what made it special was that where the tip of the wings meet, it has BFF's on it. On one wing was my name written in cursive. On the other it had Sabine on it. I had started to get moist eyes, when I saw it. I slipped it on my ring finger, and it looked like it was meant to be there.
While I was telling people bye, I saw that my mailbox flag was up. When the last person got in their car I walked over to it. I opened it up and saw a box. I grabbed it and ran inside. I practically flew up the stairs to my room. I opened the box and a note fluttered out. I picked it up and read 'See you soon' in fancy letters. There was no name or anything just those three simple words. It was pretty weird. I looked at the smaller box and opened it. Inside was a three pearl strand necklace. It was beautiful. One strand was blue pearls, one was pink, and one was a soft green. Man, I couldn't wait until I got to Hollywood.

Chapter Seven

I was sitting on the plane when I got the message from Sabine. It said 'I am so happy for you. send me an autographed picture of Justin Bieber.' I rolled my eyes and smiled. I put back 'I will absolutely not get you a picture of that dork. I'll get you one of Selena Gomez though.' I knew she absolutely hated Selena for stealing her man. The reply came in 'grrrrrrrr.' I laughed and then the captain came over the loud speaker.
" This is your captain speaking. We need you to turn off your cellular devices and electronics until we get up in the air. Thank you and I hope you have a pleasant flight. I typed in a quick bye to Sabine, then turned my phone off. I hate heights, so this would be a total nightmare. I put my head phones in and was listening to 'Please Don't Stop the Music', when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and guess who's sitting there with me in first class. Justin Bieber. I guess he was expecting a different reaction, because he tugged one of my headphones out. He did not just touch my head phones. I mean I just got them, and unlike Sabine, I do not have Bieber fever. I put on my calmest attitude and replyed in my sweetest voice.
"What do you want?" I asked super sweetly and nonchalant. I really hate this guy, but I'm going to have to put up with it for pretty much the rest of my life, so. He looked a little shaken by my response, but he pulled it together surprisingly fast.
"Well I heard you are going to be one of the new upcoming singers, so I figured I should probably say hello." He smiled his smile that makes me sick, but every other girl in the universe go all melty inside. Weirdo.
"So Justin, I have a question. What were you doing in Maine?" I asked in my most clueless voice. I actually curious, but I didn't think I would like the answer.
"I came to see you silly." he said. I knew I wouldn't like the answer. Now I was really suspicious. Did he know something about me being a witch. Oh God, I hoped not. If he did it would not be a good outcome.
"So it was you who left the necklace on my front porch?" I asked. I got a brief nod and a smile. I mentally rolled my eyes. Who did this guy think he was. I am going to have some serious words with Robert some crazy guy my address. "It was really pretty. I have another quick question. Could you sign a picture for my friend? It would really mean a lot to her." I saw I hit some famous nerve of his and he smiled real big. Jeez. He took a picture out of his briefcase. (Seriously dude?) He signed it with a fourish and handed it back to me. I stuck it in a folder and turned my iPod back on. I was listening to 'I'm Into You' by JLo, when he finally left. I was so glad. I turned my phone on and texted Sabine back. 'you'll nevr guess who i just met.' I texted her quickly so the flight attendant wouldn't see me. Even though I was about to become famous, (hopefully)I didn't like to disrespect authority. She quickly put back 'Who?' I smirked. I knew as soon as she got this next text she would probably start jumping up and down and screaming. 'Oh just the biggest jerk in history Justin Bieber.' About thirty seconds after I sent that, I heard my phone ring. I put it to my ear, and all I could hear was screaming on the other end. I smiled.
"Calm it down Sabine."I said. She quieted down just a little, but she was jabbering a million miles an hour. I heard so many questions in about five seconds it should be in a world records book. "He is on the plane with me and I think he would like to speak to you." I look over and I see him looking at me. I handed him the phone and I'm pretty sure he got a busted eardrum on how loud Sabine was screaming. I just laughed. After maybe ten minutes, he handed the phone back to me. Sabine was practically crying on the other end she was so happy. I told her that I got her the picture she wanted, and I got a happy squeal out of her. We talked a few more minutes before I hung up and turned my phone off. I slept the rest of the flight.

Chapter Eight

When I got off the plane, the bright sun hurt my eyes. You see, ever since the Salem witch trials, brightness hurts us. Badly. If we stay out in it too long, we get extremely exhausted. I ran into the airport and met up with Robert. I got mad at the sight of him. Who gives some crazy stalker dude my address. A weirdo that's who. I was fuming by the time I got up there.
"My dear Persephone, what has gotten into you? Anger is not a good look for you dear." Robert said. Since when is am I his dear? So confused.
"The problem, my dear Robert," I said in my coldest voice. "is that you gave some psycho weirdo my address, and he is leaving weird gifts for me." God I was mad. Beyond mad. Robert gave me a weird look. He looked confused for a second and then he realized what I meant.
"Oh, honey," he said in an equally cold voice. "Justin was just being a gentleman. If you don't like him, all you have to do is say so." His voice had lost its hostility, but pain filled it for not trusting him with my personal information.
"I'm sorry Robert, but he kept pestering me my whole flight, and I didn't get a lot of sleep." I gave him a quick hug to let him know I meant it. He looked at least a little bit better at least.
"Come on Persephone, I am going to show you to your new home." Oh dear.

Chapter Nine

We drove at least twenty miles. But traffic was so bad, we might as well as been traveling one hundred. I took in the sights as we drove though,(Which was probably what was causing the traffic.)I saw the Hollywood sign and Beverly Hills. At long last we reached this huge skyscraper, that had a french name on it. At first, I thought it was a recording studio.
"Here you are Persephone. This is your new condo." Robert said with a lot of pride in his voice. Holy cheese. I can't believe even a part of this skyscraper is mine. Robert took me to the eigty-ninth floor. I about had a heart attack from fright. There was a balcony that I was pretty sure I wasn't going on. Yes, you must be thinking, aren't witches supposed to fly on magic brooms really high in the air? Anybody who is thinking that, shut up. I don't even want to think about me being up that high. Robert showed me around my floor.(Yes, my floor. It is so cool.) It had a master bedroom with a master bath. The master bedroom was painted the color of a pomegranate seed. Ironic right?
Okay anybody who doesn't know the Persephone myth here it is, in a condensed version. Persephone was having fun with her friends when the god of the Underworld, Hades, came up out of the ground and snatched her. Her mom went into a rage and wouldn't allow anything to grow. That is how we got fall and winter. Persephone wasn't allowed to eat anything in the Underworld. Her mother finally convinced Zeus (God of the Gods) to make Hades let her go. Right before he did though he fed Persephone seven pomegranate seeds. One for each month. Now she has to stay down there for seven months out of the year. September, October, November, December, January, February, and March. The other five months, she's with her mom, which is why we have spring and summer. God what a mouthful. Well on with the story.
There was a living room, its walls made completely out of glass. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be looking out onto traffic anytime soon. There was a kitchen that would have a twenty four hour maid waiting for my every call. Um no. I put that idea out, almost before it started. I didn't like the idea of slavery, and I definitely was not going to own one. I could make my own food. And in every room, there was a big screen TV. I also turned that idea down. I told Robert I only needed one in my bedroom. That was it. I told him to give the others to charity. Plus I knew if I wanted one in my living room, all I had to do is point my finger,and poof! There would be a new one. Robert left a few minutes later. I went to unpack,and I realized I left my suitcase in the limo. I wasn't going to look down and see if the car was still there. I said a few words and it was transported to my bedroom. I unpacked some pictures and put them on the walls that weren't glass. I put my books into a saphire blue bookcase. I put all my CD's and DVD's under the sound system on a shelf. I put my ring on my finger, and was already unpacked. How sad is that? I took out my laptop and found a really cool painting depicting Persephone walking through a meadow. I'll bet it was right before Hades came and picked her up. I ordered it and it was only fifty bucks. I wanted my namesake to be somewhere in this condominium. Then I put on some pajama's and went to bed.

Chapter Ten

I wanted to go look around my new home. I wanted to go to the beach, so I put on my swim suit and some shorts and hit the road. I got into the limo and sped off. We got there shortly after nine. Thank God the traffic wasn't so bad. I got a chair and laid out. I grabbed my book and read. After a little bit I got up and stretched. I walked by the water and looked out. I saw something moving out in the water. At first I thought it was some kind of dorsal fin. Then I realized it was a hand. Waving for help. No one else seemed to notice it. I jumped in the water and swam like I've never swam before. I got within 10 yards when the hand went down. I hated to use my powers in public but this was an emergency. I muttered "I can't see the person down there, please magic glow their hair.' Instantaneously I saw the glow. I took a breath and dove. I got to the person and dragged them up. I pulled him to the beach exhausted. I yelled for a lifeguard, but it seemed everyone had cleared our section of the beach. I had to take the matters into my own hands. I started pounding his chest in the Hymlech maneuver. He started to sputter and cough up sea water. I sighed in relief. No sooner had I done that, there was a knife at my throat.

Chapter Eleven

The boy had flipped us to where I was on the bottom. He still had the knife to my throat. I was utterly scared. I was about to scream, when he put a hand over my mouth. I glared at him. That was when he started to talk.
"Your Persephone, right?" he asked in a bitter voice. I nodded. I bet he could see the terror in my eyes. "You know I'm supposed to kill you." I shook my head. What was I supposed to say, 'Yeah I knew you were gonna kill me, so I walked right up onto you like,here I am Mr. Killer. Guys. I could see pain in his eyes though. Like he really didn't want to kill me. All of a sudden he released his hand off my mouth. Now it was my turn to speak.
"Who sent you to do this? Weren't you just drowning? Why are you going to kill me?" I asked with rapid fire precision. I could see each question hit a mark. Again I saw pain.
"I can't tell you," he said. "I wasn't drowning. I cleared the beach on purpose because I knew you would be here. I don't want to kill you. I just have orders from my boss to." He seemed out of breath, which I guess could of been from faking to drown. No clue. "I don't want to kill you in front of a bunch of people. Tell your limo driver to take the rest of the day off. Lie about me. Come up with something." This guy is going to kill me, but he doesn't have the decency to at least come up with the lie I am to tell my driver. Again I say, guys. Such weird creatures. He pulled me up and had the knife at my back. I bet from the front it looked like he was holding me. I walked up to the driver with a fake smile plastered on my face.
"James," I said. "I just found one of my friends from Maine and was going to catch a ride home with him. Why don't you just take the rest of the day off." I said sweetly. I got a tip of the hat, and James sped off. I glared at the boy. I didn't even know his name and I hated him with a passion. He smiled cruelly. I was led to his Hummer. He left me alone for just a minute to unlock his car and I saw my chance. I dashed away from him through the freeway. I ran to the island and looked back. He was currently stopped by the Los Angales traffic. I went across the other side and through the doors of a hotel. I ran up to the front desk. I realized this just then that I was crying.
"Help me," was all I got out before I fell into a peaceful darkness.

Chapter Twelve

"Will she be okay?" I heard Robert ask somebody. I opened my eyes and saw him talking to a doctor. The doctor said I had had a heat stroke and had passed out. Beautiful. Second day here and I was already succumbing to the heat. Then I realized what had happened. Robert and the doctor left the room just as a nurse came in. She smiled when she realized I had my eyes open, and I smiled back.
"Well I'll be," she said with a Texas accent. "You gave your manager quite a scare. Thank goodness this young man was there to help you." My blood ran cold. I turned my head and there he was. Sitting in my hospital room. I nearly passed out again. The nurse continued, "What was your name again hon?" she asked the boy.
"Aiden, ma'am." he said."I just saw her fall in that lobby, and I knew I had to do something. Couldn't just let her die, her being my girlfriend and all." I about punched him right there, but that probably wouldn't be a good image. The victim punching her 'savior'. I glared at him in a way where the nurse couldn't see me.
"Well, I'll leave you two alone. I'd suggest a thank you is in order." She looked at me expectantly.
"Why of course, I will give him the biggest thank you I can muster." I shot him a cold look. "But could you send in someone. I don't like him when he has his temper." I smiled at the nurse and she nodded. I turned back to Aiden.
"My 'savior'? Who do you think I am? One minute you're trying to kill me, and the next you're saving me. What the freak?" I was ranting. I knew I was too, because he was trying to suppress a grin. I glared some more. Jeez, guys could be so annoying.
" I couldn't let my boss think you got away, so I told him I put you in the hospital. I'm sorry, but you are going to die very soon." he said. He looked so serious but so sad. I wondered if he really wanted to kill me.
"Do you want to kill me?" I asked in a soft voice. I couldn't see any emotion in his eyes now, but I could hear the pain in his voice.
"No," he said just softly."I do not. If I don't he'll kill my family. He said he needed to get you out of the way, so you wouldn't interfere with his singing career." I finally got it. It wasn't him. It was him. The him. The one I had met on the plane. The one I hadn't liked from the start. Justin.

Chapter Thirteen

I was utterly ticked off. He had to ruin my first two days in this amazing city. Why would he want to get rid of me? He could not know I was a witch. The only magical thing I had done was save my 'savior'. So weird. I was seething. I guess he could see how angry I was, because he stepped back. I now knew it wasn't his actual fault, so I would try not to glare anymore. It was probably not possible, but I could give it a shot. Or a knife. Yeah, I make bad jokes when I'm mad, so get over it. I tried to get out of the bed, but he grabbed my arm. I scowled. Like I said not possible. He laid me back down. Gently. Weird. If I would of known better, I would of thought he was trying not to break me. Which he was. I glared at him. That rule was broken before it even started.
"Why won't you let me get up?" I asked in what I could manage as a calm voice. I was really, really mad.
"Tara, you just had a heat stroke, you can't just get up and go walking around. It could really hurt you." he said. He looked worried. Why would he be worried? Less than twenty-four hours ago he was trying to stab me. Great. Just great. I guess he had a point though. I could wait. For a little bit.

Chapter Fourteen

I got out of the hospital the next day. It was a long wait for me though. It seemed like instead of twenty-four hours, it was twenty-four years. And it didn't really help that the man that put me in the hospital was sitting right next to me. It scared me to be alone with him, which is a lot. It gave me a great idea for a song though. As soon as I got out of there I wanted to walk. I mean like twenty miles if I could. Aiden wouldn't leave my side. Jerk. I thought of an awesome place to go though. It reminded me of him too, so it was perfect.
"Hey Aiden, I have an idea." I said nonchalantly. "Guess where it is." I smiled mischievously. He rolled his eyes.
"Where?" he said kind of depressed sounding. This place was supposed to be fun. He had to play along.
"It's somewhere you belong." I hinted forcing myself not to grin. It didn't work. I started giggling in spite of myself. Aiden looked out the window of the limo to see where we were. He read the sign and sighed dramatically.
"Oh ha ha, very funny Tara." he said, but his smile gave him away. Kids were running up and down the giant plaza to see the animals. Well at least they know how to have a good time at the zoo. I opened the door to the limo. I climbed out and offered my hand to Aiden. He grabbed it and stepped out. I pulled him towards the ticket counter. I paid for them both, although Aiden wanted to pay for his own, I wouldn't let him. We walked in and the first thing I saw was the prairie dogs. I jumped up like a little kid and raced over to them. They had fascinated me since I was a little kid. I was watching them when Aiden sauntered over. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. You had to have fun at a zoo. It was the law. You can see right there in the Constitution. He looked down at them and smiled.
"Let me guess," Aiden said. "these are your favorite animals?" he smiled. I nodded enthusiastically. He grinned at me. I grinned back. Then it hit me with such a force that I almost fell into the exhibit. I was falling for Aiden. The guy who had tried to kill me. I had to stop this before it got out of hand. But I didn't want to. I grabbed his hand and led him to the duck pond. I was watching them swim when I heard crying. It was like hearing a heart breaking. I turned over to see a little girl bawling her eyes out. I strained to hear what she was saying.
"Mommy, I didn't want to come to the zoo. The only reason you wanted to was to impress a guy." she said sniffling. My kind of girl. My mom used to pull the same trick, until I put a barrier on her not to do stuff like that to me. The mom was looking around, probably searching for young prey. The girl stomped on her mom's foot and ran towards us. She sat on the bench closest to us and was still crying. I walked over to her, feeling sorry that she had such a lousy mom. I put my arm around her and she started crying into my sweatshirt.
"Sweetie, what's the matter?" I asked her. She lifted her head and gazed up at me hopefully. She just wanted someone to care about her, and at that moment, it was me.
"My mommy doesn't love me. She only takes me places so she can impress the guys. I'm sick of it." she said sobbing. I had an idea that might cheer her up, though it could get me into trouble.
"What's your favorite color?" I asked looking over at the ducks.
"Purple. Not the light purple but the middle. Not too dark, and not to light. Why do you ask?" she looked up at me.
"Watch this," I said. I turned towards the duck and said a changing color spell. They turned the exact color the little girl described. She clapped with delight. She was fascinated by this. Then she turned back to me. Oh no.
"How did you do that?" she asked, a question in her big blue eyes. Oh jeez. How do I explain my powers to a little girl.
"Well, honey, I'm different than anybody else," I began. "You know how people say witches aren't real?" She nodded. "Well they are. And I', a witch." I expected for her to run away and screaming there is a witch on the premises, but she didn't. She just sat in my lap, looking up at me like what else is new.
"Your not scared of me?" I asked. She shook her head and looked over at the ducks again.
"I'm not scared of you," she said. "In fact, I think it is really cool that you are. Can I become one." If only she knew. It was exhausting trying to keep myself a secret. I was constantly doing things I shouldn't, but I did it for other people not myself. It scared me that someone would want to go through this chaos. I shook my head at her.
"You have to be born a witch. You can't become one," I explained. Only one out of 5 billion people were a witch. "You can't tell anyone about me. If you do, I'll be killed. Please don't say anything." She nodded. Then she did something surprising. She hugged me. I about started to cry. I gave her my phone number and headed off to find Aiden. Then I stopped my self cold. What if someone saw me? I'd made sure that no one did. But the forest exhibit was right over there. What if someone had been watching me the whole time...

Chapter Fifteen

Don't be silly Tara. You know no one saw you. That suspicion in the back of my mind wouldn't shut it. I found Aiden looking at the monkeys. Figures. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I had got to get this idea out of my head. It was scaring me. The rest of the day was fun. On our way out of the zoo, I saw the little girl again. I winked at her and she smiled. So did I. We got back into the limo and sat across from each other. Aiden looked really tired. I guess I did too. We got back to my house, and went inside. I was swerving away from the balcony, when Aiden caught my arm. He was dragging me towards the edge. I was frozen with terror. The sickening feeling of dropping that far terrified me. Then he did something surprising. He sat me down gently, like I would still break, then he sat down next to me. I couldn't look down. The floor was made of glass. I guess that was what he wanted. Me only to look at him. That scared me even more than the drop. Sit alone with Aiden, or fall umpteen feet. I was about to launch myself off the side. Then Aiden leaned over and kissed me. Sparks flew. I guess that was what you could say. It was. I'm pretty sure that no source of fire was around here. I was completely giddy. He pulled back and smiled at me. He saw my face and smiled even wider. I grinned back at him. We sat like that a while and talked. We looked up at the stars and just looked. There was no point in using words. Then something got really serious while we were just laying there. Aiden's phone rang.
"Hello?" Aiden replied into the phone. His whole tone had changed. He went from not a care in the world to the whole weight of the world on his shoulders. He glanced a quick look at me. "Yes sir, I'm tracking her right now. Yes, I know that I let her get away last time, but it wasn't my fault. She went into a hotel and yelled for help before she collapsed. What was I supposed to do, kill her in front of someone. I know, I'll do better next time." I was studying is face when his eyes got wider. "I will try to finish the job by Friday. Bye." He looked at me worriedly. I then understood. Justin was trying to get Aiden to kill me by Friday. That was only four days away. Oh my God. I was going to die within four days. At least it was by the man I loved. I hope.

Chapter Sixteen

"You know I have to kill you." Aiden said. I tried to hold back tears. It didn't work. I let loose a sob that racked my whole body. I sat slumped over waiting for him to finish me off. He laid his hand on my back while I continued to cry. Then I stood up and walked over to the edge. I looked down. It was a really long drop. God I hated doing magic in public. Oh well. Get exposed or die. Exposed it is.
"I hate seeing myself around trying to cover, turn the sidewalk to rubber. Then I jumped. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever went to. When I landed on the sidewalk, it was like a trampoline. I bounced up and down for a few moments then looked up. Aiden was looking down on me. He was yelling my name. I looked up and waved. Then I walked down the street. I turned towards Robert's apartment. I walked right on in, even if it was midnight. I knocked on the door, and a butler answered it.
"Good evening Tara. Robert has been expecting you." he said. That was not a good sign. If someone was waiting for me, that could only be bad news.
"You know what, I forgot to feed my cat. I should get going. Francine really hates it when I forget her precious food so..." I couldn't finished my sentence before he grabbed me and hauled me struggling into the living room. The ceiling was probably a good hundred stories up really high. Oh Jesus. At the top there was some kind of pulley system. I had a really bad feeling about this. The butler took me to an elevator and took me to the top most floor. Robert was up there waiting for me. Then he took a step to the right, and my eyes instantly narrowed. Justin.
"You know, Tara, I thought I made myself perfectly clear. Sending an assassin after you must not have got the message through to you huh?" Justin rambled. God. My last minutes of life, and I had to listen to this loser talk and talk and talk. Jeez. I couldn't catch a broom. I'm nervous, shut up. They started hooking me into the pulley system. Oh my Jesus. I looked down. There was a deep pool, about twenty feet deep. There were a bunch of tropical fish in it. I rolled my eyes. Only Justin could think of something as dumb as this.
"When we lower you down, Tara, we will hook an anchor to your feet. It will be steel. The one thing your magic can't break through. We will drop you in just like my ancestors did to your ancestors. After just a few minutes, you will be sleeping with the fishes." Justin ranted then he laughed.
"Nice one Justin," I said. "How long did it take you to come up with that one?" I got a chuckle out of everyone but Justin. I smiled cruelly. I could afford to do that. Right? Nope.
"Jones, send her down." Justin yelled. So insecure. That was the least of my problems though. They attached a really heavy anchor to my feet. I was squirming. Justin put a bandanna in my mouth. I glared at him with such intensity, he took about three steps backward. Then he smiled and waved as I went down. The pulley system dropped me and I was free falling. The bandanna came from my mouth, but I wouldn't scream. I would not give him that satisfaction. The anchor hit the water, pulling me in too. I struggled for a minute or too. I couldn't breathe. The bubbles going up to the surface would probably be my last. I gently relaxed so I wouldn't be all stiff when I finally died. It was actually pretty peaceful down there. Just as my world started to go dark, I heard a splash. It sounded like it was forever away. I felt a weird current, and then I was gone.

Chapter Seventeen

I heard the angel weeping before I saw him. It was a pitiful sound. I wanted it to stop.
"Why are you crying?" I asked sleepily. My chest really hurt. Then the angel came into view and it wasn't an angel at all. It was Aiden crying his eyes out. We were by the floor of the pool and I was soaking wet. He turned to look at me, and the tears stopped. I tried to sit up, but ended up falling back. Okay, don't try to sit up after you nearly drown. It is not good for you. Aiden lifted me up to where I could wobbly stand. He took my arms and led me out the door.
When we finally reached my condo, it was nearly morning. I was laid onto my bed, and Aiden sat behind me. He told me that he had known I was a witch all along. Which kind of surprised me because he didn't let on. I sat on the bed and took a nap for a little while. Almost dying really takes a toll on you. When I woke up Aiden was almost half of the way through my copy of The Hollow. That was surprising, looking on that is a five hundred page book. How long had I been out?
"How long did I sleep?" I asked. Aiden looked up from my book with surprise. He looked distant, like he had just come from Sleepy Hollow New York, with Abbey and Caspian. I smiled despite myself. I would be the one to pick a reader just like me. He grinned back. He understood me that well. He was so heartbreakingly handsome.
"You've been asleep for about three hours. I just picked up a book and it is really good. You sure do know how to pick a book, Tara." The compliment sent my heart into a flutter. I was surprised he couldn't hear it. I smiled shyly. Why was I so nervous? I hadn't acted like this any other time. Maybe because you didn't realize you loved him my conscience told me.
"Aiden, I have to tell you something." I said extremely nervous.
"So do I," Aiden said. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I'm in love with you." we said simutaneously. I blinked utterly surprised. Aiden laughed and I giggled.
"I didn't think you felt the same way." I said between giggles.
"Neither did I about you." Aiden said still laughing. I got out of bed and hugged him. He smiled at me and I saw sparks fly again. I knew I had picked the right guy.

Chapter Eighteen

I still got to be a singer. I changed my name to Sabine though, in honor of my best friend. Aiden was my manager. We were happy for the rest of our days.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.08.2011

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To my best friend Tiara Ashmarie Papes and my friend spellerd a.k.a J. M. Hurley

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