
To everyone that encouraged me to write this book. To my family and friends.

The Beginning
Once there was a girl named Amanda. Amanda had black hair with purple eyes. She was about 5ft 6 in. Amanda had just moved again for the 15th time. Her dad was in the military so they moved a lot. Her mom left her when she was 6. Not long after that she died. It was when she was 8 that she started having weird cravings after her mother’s death. In her blood was a special cell that had skipped her dad because it only happened to the females in the family but transferred to her. She didn't discover what the cell would do to her until her 16th birthday; their last move.
Now here’s how it begin. She had just turn 16 & moved to a new place. She was now in Ohio, in bumfuck nowhere. Her new school year started the next day & she already hated it. She didn’t want to leave her old friends behind. The next day she went off to school. As soon as she got there she went to the office. She then saw a girl with brown hair and red eyes sitting in a chair waiting for someone or something. She asked her what her name was and she said “My name is Diana and your name princess?” "Amanda"
she said.
Amanda told the lady at the front desk that she was new and needed her class schedule. She could not help over hearing Diana being called into the principal’s office with the principal and a counselor. She then took her schedule and left the office. In Mr. Rodriguez's English class, she told him that she was new. He told her to sit in the back of the room next to Harris. So she did as she was told. Harris was about 6ft with brown hair and blue eyes. Harris was the cutest boy in school, every girl in the school wanted to date him. Harris was the quarterback of the football team. After English, she had math which was slow, and then lunch.
At lunch, Amanda saw Harris and shyly smiled at him. He looked up at her, she looked away. He got up, and walked over to her and invited her to sit with him and his friends. She said "Sure." She walked over to Harris's table with him and sat down. He introduced her to his friends. That same night was when she started her cravings again. First she wanted blood, then flesh.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.12.2011

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