

"Everything will be alright honey, I will take care of you".        


"Don't you understand because of this, they would want to have him back" as Margaret rummage to fix her things.   They need to live as soon as possible in order to have a peaceful family with her husband and first born son.       


"What are you saying? I can protect you.  They need to accept that you are no longer connected with them.  Our children will live a normal life."       


"I hope so dear.  We still need to go.  Now please hurry, i don't want to encounter any road blocks" as she tried to fake a smile.  Margeret was still worried but she needs to rely on the man she loves.        


After 10 years, Ample was able to raised an empire headed by one of the richest man Dara Lyle.  He did everything he could to protect Margaret from the dark world but there seems to be no escape.  A man came into his office looking for her wife.  At first he was polite but there seems to be something out of is personality that Dara cannot put his mind to ease.  At that moment when Dara was about to answer Margaret entered the room with little Raine beside her.  She was shocked but did not dare to run or walk back.  The man looked at her with intense eyes saying "You know you can't hide especially with that blood of yours.  We may have overlooked some things but HE needs to be with the society" pointing at Raine.       


Margaret immediately cried falling beside Raine with hands folding into a fist.  Dara stood to protect but he was stopped by some force.  He was pale trying to reach his wife but no matter how he willed himself to move, it was no use.  Margaret looked at him in the eye "Don't worry they won't hurt him he is much more important" then looking back to the man with her cheeks wet with tears.       


"I'm glad you understand.  We would still allow him to be with you but he will always be under the council's supervision as his family"      


"Yes, father i understand"  Margaret submitting to His will.  




My name is Elizabeth, this is the last month of school and i am very excited.  The fact that i am graduating and soon be a secretary, i am a little bit closer to my dream.       


"Hey mom! i need to be early today i need to submit and arange my last report for Mr. Herrera" as i shout  while i put on my dr. martens and jog down the stairs to the kitchen.  I  grab my favorite toast as i saw my mom placed it on the table.       




"See that's what you get when you are always in hurry" my mom said.        


"No mom i can't i need to leave early" as i chew on my toast.           


"Liz i need you to pick up our food i ordered at Pete's tonight. Honey, I will be late again later so be sure you eat dinner ok".  She is so hardworking that she always comes home late.  I know i can't blame her, you see she loves me so much and we only have each other so i give her all the understanding and love.  Taking care of me since my father died is a lot of work.      


"Sure mom" as i smiled.  "Please don't be stressed at work.  Soon you will stay at home and i will be the one to take care of you".  She just smiled and touch my cheek by her palm.  "I love you!" and kissed her as i ran out the door grabbing my keys and jog all the way to school.        


It's like a bee hive at school, everybody was busy with all the exams and paperworks.  Some are for graduation and some busy for finals to pass this school year.  I went to my locker to put my things in and grab some of my books and some paper to write on.  I looked at my watch, closed my locker, turned and i bumped on a hard wall.  I closed my eyes and expect for my butt to hit the ground anytime soon "aaawww".  Then I open my eyes and tried to get up and a hand appeared in front of my face.  Then i looked up, it was a man not a wall i bumped into.  He was wearing a three piece suit without the tie and the top of his polo was unbutton.  He raised his eyebrow waving his hand in front of me as if to say 'hey can you grab my hand so i can help you up'.  I grab his hand with my mouth open and stand up.       


He was smiling at me with those dark brown eyes but he did not say anything.  Instead after he helped me pick up my things he side stepped and walked away.  I stared at him until he disappear and i think i was drooling.  "Hey! Liz" Terrence tap my shoulder calling my name taking me out of my reverie.  When i did not answer he snap his finger on my face to get attention.  "Oh! Hi!" with a huge grin on my face just like an idiot.        


"What was that about? Who is he?! Hey Mr herrera is already looking for you, he said you seem a bit late so he asked me to try and find you.  We still need to finish some of the other application."      


"Oh shit i totally forgot sorry.  Hurry let's go or Mr. Herrera won't help us anymore and you know how much i need to go into a good company".  Grabbing his hand running towards the room as we dodge the other student.  Terrence was one of my friends who was helping me out whenever mom will be late.  He accompany, and help me in almost everything that is why i was very happy to have him as a friend.  Some would think that it may be more than friendship but me and Terrence did not bother about it as long as we are together.  The three of us were busy submitting all the applications and report to almost all of the company within the city wishing we could land on a good company with a lot of benefits.  By just that i forget the man that somehow made me feel it won't be the last time we see each other.       


At last graduation day!  Mother filed her leave to be with me today.  We were busy fixing our dress for graduation and making sure not to forget anything.  We both woke up early as we are excited.  I wore my beautiful dress which mom gave me last week.  It was a blue one shoulder dress with beads accross from my right shoulder going to my waist.  It was just a little bit below my knee and was very beautiful.  Mom already made breakfast and we ate at the table with her serving me my favorite toast and poached egg. 


"Congratulations honey.  You were abe to finish study after everything.  I am so blessed to have a daughter like you" mom in teary eyes.       


"No crying mom or else you are gonna ruined the mascara i put on you."  i teased.  "Now once i get a job i would want you to quit so you can rest ok?"        


"Honey you know i can't.  We still need to pay our debt and you don't need to worry i can still work.  I know you are all grown up now but i'm still your mother, so as long as i can i will work."  It is really hard for her to think about herself every once in a while.  Even at that i love my mother so much.       


The graduation ceremony was a typical boring ceremony but i kept myself from dosing because of the man seating right beside the principal.  It was him, the man i bumped into and he seems to be looking at me. those dark brown eyes seems to search me, i just avert my eyes and try to focus on mom who was on the other side of the chairs.  His name was Raine Lyle, he was invited to be a spoke person at our graduation being the second son of the owner of Ample.  Most of the girls sigh when he stepped into the microphone for his speech and everybody seemed to be mesmerized by the way he speak.  After that the ceremony ends with a loud applause and bow.


    I was alone at home, as i watched tv waiting for phone calls from any of the company i passed my application to.  I was so lazy to get out of bed and my mom usually let me be lazy once in a while.  Rolling on my bed from left to right and right to left as some guy from the tv explains how make a frozen cake.  Suddenly the phone rang, at first i thought i was just hearing things but there it was again.  I immediately jump out of the bed and run towards the phone "Hello, this is Mint residence how can i help you?" i answered.  My heart almost got out of my body out of my nervousness and running to it but hopefully the caller cannot hear my heart thumping loudly.       


"I'm looking for Ms Elizabeth Mint"  said the girl on the other side.       


"This is Elizabeth"       


"Ms. Mint, this is Sarah from Bryants company and you are scheduled for interview tomorrow morning at 9am.  You can inform the receptionist that you are scheduled by me so they will give you an authorization to enter."       


"Yes, thank you." i answered courtly.  Sarah might have taken note then bid good bye and disconnected the call.  I received 3 other calls after that for scheduled interview lucky for me that none of them was scheduled at the same time.  Some are on the same day but different time.  I was excited and asked my mom about some other pointers and of course how to look for the interview.  Everyday she served me my favorite breakfast for good luck and prepare my dress for me.  I had 5 interview  for the whole week and most feedback was negative but i did not loose hope.  Everytime i get rejected i somehow get some ideas on some things that i need to change or improved which really helped me a lot on the other interviews.       


It was saturday now after all the busy interview day but seems no luck.  My mother accompany me in the living room to watch tv and she sit beside me. "You know honey you don't need to work right away.  Mommy can still manage.  Why don't you relax a bit and enjoy, let's think this as a vacation instead."       


"I can't mom, i have waited a long time for this so i can help you.  Don't worry a few interview on some company will not be able to shoot me down.  I have the best grades and i have recommendations from my professor.  I'm sure i am up to a biggest company so i will wait for my chance.  Please don't worry about me i'm ok.  How about i prepare some popcorn and continue watching movie like this. I mean we have not done this in a long time."       


"That's my girl.  Ok let's have some fun".       


Monday morning, i woke up early since i have an interview scheduled at nine at Ample pharmaceutical company.  This time all my excitement are gone and all i have are nervous and belief that this will be my company.  Since i arrived a little to early i decided to walk near the building just appreciating what it would be like to work in a such a wonderful structure.  Gathered all my courage and entered the turn table.  I was greeted by security guards and the receptionist gave me my badge and give me directions to the meeting room.  This time i was alone and no other applicants were called unlike my previous interview were in i still have to wait in line before somebody would talk to me.  After 5 minutes, a girl knock on the door stating that the secretarial office manager is on his way for the interview.       


"Good morning, Ms Mint" as he look to my application.  "I'm Dante nice to meet you.  So you are a fresh graduate so i suppose this will be your first job assuming you pass?" as he finally look at me.       


"G-g-good morning! (stop stuttering! i mentally kicked myself) Yes and i am looking forward to working with your company" as i smiled confidently after.  The interview went by smoothly and he even laugh at some point.  It was just like a normal conversation with one of my professor and i was really confident.  He asked the usual information such as background and some skills i got on secretarial duties.  Another point was given to me as my favorite professor Mr Herrera was able to sent his recommendation on time and Dante was pretty impressed.  The last question asked was, if i am willing to work at night at any day of the week.  It was weird compared to office hours but of course i answered "yes" eagerly.  He was very pleased and said to wait for the call on the result of the interview but he already said "Congratulations!".  The farewell brought me smile so i exit the building happy.


  Dreams do come true and i am loving every second of it.  After a week of waiting Satin from the secretarial office gave me a call informing that i pass.       


"MOM! i shout after putting the reciever down. 


"I can't beleive it! I land a job at Ample pharmaceutical company! Isn't it great!" as i hug her tight.       


"That's very good honey.  Why don't we go to the mall and buy you some new clothes, Work clothes."       

"Oh yes that's a good idea.  Besides i need to try on some eye glasses so i can look more mature and dependable"      


"Why do you need to get that impression?  You will be just fine as you are"       


"They say that some boss will try to hit on their girl employee but if i look nerdy maybe they would just leave me alone for work" with eyes beaming as if i really had a great idea.       


My mom just laugh hard and drag me out of the house and we head to the mall.  She said that this will be celebration day and our holiday since i will soon be busy at work.  She even faked hurting that i would forget about her once i started working.       




Well here it is, my very first job.  Looking on how high the building is and how magnificent i feel being one of its employee.  Satin greeted me on the front desk and gave me my company ID and access.  First she showed me around the secretarial office and to the rest of the building, more like an orientation.  There are 'Hi's and Hello's' and some even shook my hand as welcome.  After a coule of hours she directed me to my desk as part of the secretarial team for Deslan, the company's vice president.  The work was fun as we gather specific information from other company and compiling reports for the meeting necessary for Mr Deslan.  We are five on the team and each of us have our task assigned.  As for me, my assignment was compiling reports from different department to be compiled and reported to Mr Deslan every morning.       


For the first few days i have Mary, Sheena and Troy helped me all through the work until i get used to it.  After a month i was now on my own and doing my work was like doing my household chores.  Mr Deslan was very kind and he takes good care of his staff.  There was a time that he would send us out for lunch or give treats for desserts.  He was handsome, mature and happy to be with, though i don't know how he is when mad.  Out of curiosity i ask Sheena and the others but all they say is 'he never gets mad but he does correct some mistakes but you will never be apprehended for doing something wrong".  Yes, what great boss i have and i am falling in love with this job.


4 THE CHANGE       


It has been months since i started working here and never in those times that i was called to go to HR (the human resources department).  According to other employees, you will be called to HR if you have any violations or if you will received any sanction.  Now, that was scary and i know i have done all my handled task as perfect as i could.  In fact Mr. Deslan always appreciate my work and even praise me at times which gives me inspiration everyday and my drive to go to work. 'But why HR?' this question run through my mind as i take my time going to the Human resources department.       


I knocked on the door and somebody answered for me to come in.  I took a peak before i open the door and let myself in.  Mr Deslan and Ms Satin the head of human resources was seated on both end of the table and gestured me to seat in front of them.       


"G-g-g-good m-m-morning" the not too enthusiastic me.       


"It's ok Ms Mint.  Please have a seat, no need to worry.  We are the ones who actually needed your help" Ms Satin started.  "You have been with us for 6 months now and through those times you were able to prove yourself worthy of the job and even made friend to almost all of the staff" she said smiling.      


The speech was great but it does not actually answered my unknown question so i looked at Mr Deslan who was very quiet through it.  He just nod, aggreeing to everything Ms Satin say.  "If that is the case then why am I called here" as i opened my mouth unable to restrain the words coming out of it.  I immediately covered my mouth shocked at my own behavior but my eyes never left theirs.       


"hahahahahahaha" Mr Deslan laughed.  "See Ms Satin.  I'm very sure she will fit the job.  As you can see Ms. Mint is quite different from others" he continued.  My puzzled face lingered through the office on how Deslan sees me.  Satin was smirking and the look of excitement and a promise of surprise is trying to come out of his mouth to explain.       


"Elizabeth you said on your recorded interview that you are willing to work late at night, did you not?"       


"Yes, I did and if that's is the case that is no problem.  I could even start tomorrow if you want"       


"Very  good! That is what we wanted to hear"       


Ms Satin then stand up and grab an envelope and handed it to me.  "Ms Mint, this will be your new contract.  On monday you will be working 1pm onwards and the time depends.  You will be transferred to the care of Mr Reine Lyle as his personal secretary".       


Holding the envelope in my hand i just stared at the 2 of them and nod.  I went through the details and everything seems to be ok.  In regards with the time i'm sure my mom would understand if i need to work late at night.  What was bothering is i have never seen Raine come into the building before.  Sure most of the girls talked about him being good looking and all but nobody has actually seen him work.  He is one great mystery among the company that is yet need to be discovered.  So i went back to my desk and lucky for me the staff already knew that i was transferring.  The girls came in congratulating me and helping me fix my things so i can transfer to the new office.  When i got home, i told mom about the new work and she seems to understand and said that it is a good change for me and will grow more as a person.


  "Mr Lyle excuse me, this is......" as Charlie opened the door to introduce me to my new boss.  We stopped because there was a woman on top of her desk and they seem to be so intimate.  I was shocked that He actually behave that way and worst inside his office.  How can he be such a hot shot when he mixed his work with his personal affairs!  'i don't like him' as my thought drift.  Charlie cleared his throat to get their attention.  The woman just gave a look and smirk.  "Well i guess that is my cue to leave"  she gave one last kiss and bid goodbye.       


"What is so important that you need to disturb me?!" Raine said.       


Handing my data charlie introduced "This is Elizabeth your new personal secretary" pointing at me.  I bowed in respect but he caught my attention stating "I don't like her! Give me a different one".       


"But, i'm sorry if you do not like what you see but at least you could give me chance on how i work and you will see that i am worthy" i immediately covered my mouth realizing what i did.       


"A secretary who even oppose to her boss. hmmmm"       


"I'm sorry i did not mean anything bad i was merely...."      


"Alright, i need you to arrange those papers on the desk and prepare the materials for the meeting tomorrow.  Also send a gift to Melissa the daughter of President Vaya under my tab.  Don't ask me for stupid question you may rely on the previous documents in the computer.  Arrange and check my schedule and send it through email."       


Just that i was challenged and determined to prove him wrong.  "Yes i will, thank you".  I started my work immediately and work on all the details.  It seems that a girl visits his office every week and not just that because they are different girls everytime.  The rumors about him are exemplary wheni t comes to work but who would be attracted to this kind of guy who plays with different women and do all his personal affairs in his office.  There was a time when one of the girl i saw came out pale and can no longer stand.  The scene repeated on my mind and i decided to investigate.  Since most ladies looked like they were drug or something, i need to know if i am to stay in my job.       


One night i decided to sneek in his office just below the table and waited.  At the exact time he arrived with his girl and started with their business.  I was so ashamed of what i'm doing but i need to find out.       


"Raine come on, give it to me. now."        


What i saw next was not to be expected.  Then he bit the girls neck and there was blood, he was drinking it.  To my shock i stepped backward and knock the vase out and he caught me.  I was so scared but he hold me firm and said "Not a very good habit to peek.  Well i guess now I have a reason to keep you around."        


"What are you going to do? Are you gonna kill me just like what you did to her?"       


"Kill? what are you talking about?  Take a look at her, does she look like she is dead?"        


He let me touch her pulse and yes she is alive and breathing.  "Vampires are so noble that we don't stoop down as to killing people.  You don't need to be worried because i only drink blood from beautiful women unlike you"       


Just like that i bacame a VAMPIRES SECRETARY.


(please feel free to leave your comment here. i would really appreciate it. thank you)



  "Reading books?"  Raine said as he pass by my desk.  "You know most of those are not really true.  Sunlight can sting but only through direct exposure.  I can also eat food if needed" as he smirk before entering his office.           


'Can you also die using a wooden stake?' I ask but only in my mind.  You see i have been researching the things i need know about this situation.  Since i think i'm stuck under his wing and it has been a month since i have become his secretary.  Everyday i like to try and find out if some of the things are correct. There was one time that i choose to give a necklace with a cross as a gift to one of his girls and would you look at that, cross does not affect him and he even touch it.  I also offer a mirror to check his reflection and there is nothing different.  He begun to notice what i have been doing but all he said was "Trying to find my weakness to escape huh?"          


"I just wanted know everything since i will be your secretary" i blurted.  Then he walks off to his office.  After a few second i knock on the door informing him that we need to go to a meeting and he needs to bring me with him since it was a dinner meeting.  After getting ready we then went our way to the restaurant.  The restaurant was cozy and there are a lot of statue of different saints as decorations.  The family was christians and the wife was the one who decorated the whole place so they have a place of peace and quiet.  The meeting went well and we went home.       


Inside the car, Raine have difficulty breathing and was really weak. 


"What's wrong?"       


"Get away from me!"       


"Sir they are a family christian right? Ms Elizabeth he needs blood since it was drained during dinner." his driver Peter said.       


I touched his shoulder to comfort and ask, but before i could react he grabbed me by the waist and his other hand at the back of the neck and bit me.  At first it was painful and everything seems to melt all around me.  He said that he was having sex with those ladies  to make the blood taste better, but it did not matter to me.  The feeling of my blood being sipped was like i'm on ecstacy.  Before i even realized he withdraw and back away.       


"You seem to have a good tasting blood there missy"       


"Do you need more? Is it enough" ('what the hell am i thinking, this is not right')       


"No! As i am now i might drain your blood.  Congratulations on finding out my weakness.  Call 3 other girls for me Peter and let's send missy here home."


"Well i'm sorry for being tasty but i'll make sure that you will never taste it again!"


Since that day that feeling never left me and i long for his touch.  Raine and i did not discuss anything about it after but as much as possible we try to avoid the topic.  Other than that we have a lot of work and meeting to do so we are both preoccupied.  What i don't seem to understand is what i feel whenever he is with his meals, meaning those other girls.  I think i was just like them, to serve him as food and a plus for me since i can be useful as his secretary.  I felt kind of sad because of that i don't know if i'm jealous or what but i do know that this can't be right.




'What is this? Everytime i pass her on her table or whenever she goes to me for reports and document i long for her neck and blood.  This has never happened to me before, this thirst i felt for her blood.'  We continue our tag team on business and it work perfectly, of course having Liz as my now perfect secretary nothing can go wrong.    


"Liz this is Raine i forgot some documents in my office can you please bring them to me.  I am at Bay Hotel conference room and i need you to hurry."    


"I'll be on my way" Liz answered.    


It was raining that afternoon and city traffic was heavy, i just wish that she be ok and that she be here on time since that report is really important.  After a few hours somebody knocked and requested that i attend to someone at the lobby that they do not recognized.  I admit i was apalled by who is standing in front of me.    


"Sir i'm sorry to bother you but this guy here won't allow me in even if i'd shown my ID!"    


"Liz?" and i cant help my self to laugh after she spoke to me.  She was drenched from the rain, her hair was loose and no glasses.  No wonder the security did not recognize her because her ID picture was very a serious looking nun with glasses.    


"I'm sorry for appearing like this.  The traffic was heavy so i need to run here since you said it is important." handing the envelope from inside her coat.    


"Alright, wait for me in the car"    


The meeting went smooth and we found out that one of the manager is getting money from the company by using some project we had 3 months ago.  My pesky brother reminded me not to dirty my hands, what he does not understand is that they need to utilize all people they have for the company or they will loose the business.    


Approaching the lobby "Elizabeth is that you? wow! i did not see that you are this beautiful?" Deslan said.  Liz blushed as she was holding a towel to dry her hair.     "I will go ahead then, thanks to the both of you and see you at the office" Deslan smiled and leave.    


"Lucky that your prince notice you huh, you should have shown that face the first time" then we went inside the car.  "So this is what you look like without the mask, I see.  You never failed to surprise me after the first day that you talked back.  Looks like i really need you as my perfect secretary after all".     Her glasses were shattered when she run through the rain.  So i took the liberty to take her to an optical shop to get a much more fashionable one.  In the end she choo,,se the same kind and it seems to fit her really well. 




Day to day at the office was easy for me ever since she became my secretary.  She have been perfectly arranging everything from my scheduled meetings, report and most especially my meal schedules.  It was a weekly basis and i know i am properly filled with the blood i get from them but there seems to be something missing.  This thirst that i felt somehow holds me unto something.     


"Director, here are the documents you were asking" as she entered the room.     


'Why is he staring at me like that? Those eyes brings me to that time when he sank his teeth to my neck.  It makes me want to touch him'.  "Ehem, Director? If there is anything else i'll be outside".  She then walks out of the room and practically said nothing.  I heard her heart and her blood that seems to be calling for me.  She is just a human that i can feed on anytime but why am i so hesitant.  I should distant myself  and i need to figure this out.  Because of this urge to feed on Liz i made sure to always stay far from her and not even a glance.  Sending all errands and documents through email or through Peter is what i do.  This monday i have an important meeting at the company base, which means i will be near her again.  She brought the papers and her skin brushed on mine and there is a static but i tried to ignore.  'He did not even look at me or greet me at all. I don't care anymore but why does these tears keep falling' (Liz thought)     


'No! I can't take it anymore!'.  Before i knew, i was running towards the office searching for her.  I found her at the corner and seems like she is crying, without thinking i embraced her "I need your blood!"  Her only response is a smile and placed her hands at the back of neck letting me sink my teeth through her skin through her veins.  Since then even if i had my meals i would go to her to get my delicious treat.      


Everyday i tried to steal her blood just to sate my thirst after my meal.  What she does not know is even if i am with all those women my thought are to her and no longer take any of their blood.     


"Please sir, STOP" shoving a folder between us.     


"Why, are you scare that you mask as perfect secretary will be ruined? Besides, you are so sensitive and it's no fun at all" just waving my hand to whisk her away. What exactly is wrong with me drooling over to a mere human specifically a regular one.  She is just like any other meal i had nothing more and nothing less.     


My brother visit the office again to discuss some business.  It always irritated me to see him being human and all plus the fact that i had to lived through a different life than him.  A one difficult life under my grandfather which happen to be the king of all vampires.  Such a pain i think but at least i am at the top of the food chain i guess.  Towards the end of the meeting he was now pestering me about Liz being my secretary for the longest time.    


"What is your problem?! She is mine, MY perfect secretary which happens to know my situation.  Which is very convenient for me by the way"    


"You acting like this, is unusual.  Seeing Elizabeth as she is i can sense that you have been feeding on her.  She is not your type at all and you do not have the right to hurt her"    


"Hurt?! She is just like any other of my prey, a food at that and the only thing that separates her from anybody is her being my secretary." I snarl.  Then Elizabeth took the exact time to come inside the office. "Very good Liz, Deslan was just leaving  kindly escort him out and clean everything in this office after" then i just walked out of the room for some air. 



     I heard them talking it seems to be about me, at first i was reluctant but i wanted to hear more then... "Hurt?! She is just like any other of my prey, a food at that and the only thing that separates her from anybody is her being my secretary." he snarled.  I knocked to release the tension and enter the room.  He asked me to escort his brother out and to clean everything at his office and he left.


"I'm sorry that  you have to see that." Deslan said.  "He is a good person but you know very well how difficult he can also be.  You have been his longest secretary so far and i admire you for that, if there is anything i could help just tell me.  I can promote you or give you the position you want just ask" as he looked at me worried.


     I was confused and does not know how to comprehend.  The manager seems to know of our little secret, of me giving the director my blood.  As I realized he was protecting me and tears started to fall from the thought that I may be far from him.  Deslan touched my cheeks lightly wiping the tears and said "you really have fallen for him deep.  I just want to protect you Elizabeth you know Raine is not like us and you two can't be together"


"NO! I'm ok and i understand my situation and i am his secretary.  Thank you for the offer but i will stay, besides  there is nothing between us and i am just his secretary and a meal" I answered without hesitation.


"As you said Liz, just let me know anytime" and he exit going to his office.


     I continue with my task and arranged his office removing any memory of his brothers visit.  I came accross of his pad with the list of all the girls he is with so as their schedule.  Looking through it is piercing my heart thinking of what the manager said.  I am in love with him and i just wish he could return my feeling but i know how great his pride and would not fall for someone like me.


     The next day the office was very busy as we have a visitor coming.  I lined up along with the secretarial office when a limousine park in the front door.  She was pretty in dress with her wide brimmed hat and shoul.  The wind blew hard and the hat and shoul blown away showing her pale colored skin and fell to the ground.  The sun was up and she seems to be pained, before i realized i run toward her to cover and asked the others to prepare a room for her.  She seems to have the same condition as the director only to find out the she is his mother who is lso a vampire.  She is very weak and out of duty i even asked her to drink my blood to recover.


"Oh no dear, i appreciate what you are doing but we only drink the blood of opposite sex" as she look at me as if gauging me as a person.


     I retreat from the corner as i apologize then an awkward silence came over.  I was contemplating of going outside and leave her but i was seemed to stuck within her gaze.  The silence broke as she spoke "You are Raine's secretary are you not?" and i just nod.  There was fear as she emit this aura to me.  "You know Raine is my precious son and an heir as well i'm sure you understand that you are not of the same kind.  Please for everybody's sake leave his side".  I was shocked by how she talked to me as if i have done something wrong.  The weird part is i cannot speak or move and was just mesmerized in placed at the moment and there was feeling that someone is peeking inside of my soul.  It was broken when President Dara entered the room and reach to his wife when he notice where she was looking at.  "Honey stop it, she did not do anything wrong come sit here".  Margaret broke a fake smile and look at her husband with loving eyes asking for his blood.  When the eye contact was removed, i was able to moved and i exit the room leaving them behind seeing Margaret sink her teeth to her husbands neck.


     I was surprised by what happened and think of what they can do.  Since director Raine was out of the country for some business I ask the office to let me go home early as i don't feel really well.  Lucky for me that mom was not home and i would be abale to think through my actions.  Seems that a lot of people are against with me being with him even as his secretary so i decided that i want to learn everything about him.  The only way i could do that is if i stayed as her perfect secretary. There is no way the the director would love me but i still want to stay by his side no matter what and cried myself out until i fall asleep.


****HI! an intense chapter will be coming up hope you like the story so far.  Please feel free to put in your comments i would highly appreciate it****

10 The Council

10 The Council



     This place still gives me the creeps, it is dark and the silence was deafening to the point that you can hear each other breathe.  I was called by the council for an important meeting about  our race future as to what my grandfather said.  Today is the marked date for him to wake up and pass on the throne to a well deserve successor and since I am his grandchild who said to have great power was one of the candidate.  Mother was a princess who loved a human and bear a child, one human and one vampire.  According to my grandfather my mom fulfilled one of the oldest prohecy that is said to bring prosperity and more power to the clan and I myself do not know how i may be able to do it.

      The big door opened as if sensing my presence and 2 cloaked men gestured for me to come in and was led to a familiar room to spend a few hours.  The room was big, windows that are draped with  heavy curtain as protection from direct sunlight.  Beams lined up at the side near a closet that are full of weapons like daggers, swords, bows, arrows and anything one that can be use for fighting.  You see we vampires may have eternity but we are not really that safe from any physical harm though we do heal immediately with the use of fresh blood.  This place is where i stay most of my years for training and practicing my special skills which was mentioned to give the clan more power among humans.  After a couple of hours of pratice i was escorted back to my room to change and went to what you can compare with a board room where i was greeted by Levil the 2nd in command.

     Levil was my age but unlike me, he was born with two vampire parents and one of them was within the original blood line.  He was one  of rare talent and intelligence so he was appointed second in command when he turned 16.  We were friends as we grew together but he stayed distant when they announced me as the successor.  So now Levil looked at me as his rival and he would do anything to target all of my weakness and the situation between me and Elizabeth cannot be concealed.  "So i heard that you have this special delicacy that you can't get enough of?"  he spoke when i entered the room.  "Will you be bringing her during our feast? to share of course".

"I don't know that yet, maybe? perhaps? we'll see about that when the time comes.  So how was everything here? I'm sure he will be pleased with all the things you have done."  as i divert his attention to the topic.  I myself don't really understand the pull i have for elizabeth and her blood but i am not willing to share or do anything about it for now.  I continued to ask Levil all the plans for the feast and if there is anything i could help but he dismissed all inquiries and told me that there is nothing he can't handle.  He told me not to get used or attached to the human world as after the feast i will need to spend more time in the palace being an heir and all.  For now i  have been holding back from all my grandfather's request to take over early as soon he will need to rest and sleep for the next 100 years.

     I went home very cautious of my action knowing that all of my movements are being watched.  From now on i need to be more than careful and i need to find out what this foreign feeling is before it ruin me.



11. The Elders



     "Margaret, what do you think you're doing?  Are you trying to destroy everything!  That girl is innocent"

     "How can you say she is?!  My son is on the middle of strengthening his power to step up the throne and he does not need any distraction.  This girl is making him out of focus because of her blood, she even offered blood to me without hesitation!  I saw her emotions and she should stop or it will be disaster!"


     Dara was very stunned and was not able to react to Margaret's word; but being human he does not fully understand how vampire council work or how being drawn to a human's blood is very wrong when BLOOD is their source of life.  He stood beside her wife trying to console and calm her to avoid unnecessary harm to other employee as she is emitting a force that make others afraid.  Margaret's eyes were turning black either because of anger, hunger or fear though she said everything is alright.  Dara accompanied her out the office to go home and rest because of her sudden exposure to direct sunlight she has not fully recovered yet.  When they reach the mansion they were greeted by a veer who are servants of the high vampire who holds invitation for lady Margaret to visit the castle.  Dara was confused because he may be accepted in their society  but he was not included in this particular invitation which made him think that something dangerous may happen.  Though Dara refused for Margaret to go, she just ignore the plea and said that everything will be alright, that her father just wish to see her in private.  Margaret then kissed Dara goodbye and went to the castle with the veers.


     Margaret was presented to the king her father.  She was questioned about a certain girl who was with Raine most of the time.  Other than being the heir, Raine was also entitled to fulfill another vampire prophecy stating that his children will be the most powerful vampire of all so his partner will also be of importance.  Her mother explained that the girl was just his most trusted secretary and was very good at her job.  The king dismissed the subject and asked Margaret to find a suitable wife or partner for Raine.


     Margaret met with Levil after so he can introduce her to some of the girls the king chose for Raine.  As the mother Margaret should know what is best for her son.  The king was very strict and she knows exactly how he punish whenever his wish was not granted.


     At home....


     Raine went home and was greeted by his father "How was your day son?"

     "Everything was doing ok father.  I actually met Levil and he was changed somehow, he does not sound like the old friend i have. Anyway i need to checked my schedule and meet with Liz i'm hungry"

"I don't think that would be a good idea son" Dara stopping him from leaving again.

"Why is that father? i don't think it is a good idea to starve and i also need to hunt.  Of course you do not understand this being a human and all."

     Dara felt defeated and step aside to let Raine go.



12 Feeding

  *12. *   *Feeding*     


As expected Elizabeth was at the office doing all the paper work i sent yesterday.  I just had my meal 30 minutes before i arrived and yet i smell her as soon as i entered the building.  This is damn crazy, I only choose to drink blood from the finest woman.  Some are daughter's of a big entrepreneur, others are highly known celebrities or even daughters of politicians.  High classed women who can bring wealth to the clan and all are also candidate to be my wife but none of them have this kind of pull.  This may just be a big misunderstanding as i cannot just feed on one person alone or else i could kill her.  This has to be a way to sort this out somehow.     


"Good morning sir!"  a girl with a secretary uniform greeted,  revealing my presence to Elizabeth.  I just nod and went to her desk signaling to come and follow me inside the office.  For Liz, she is so capable the she knows every meaning of my look or expression that you do not need to tell her what to do at all.    


I unlock the door and went in to settle, after a few minutes Liz followed and i heard the door clicked as it closed.  She approached me with a smile and all i need to do is ask and she gave me her most delicious blood, my very own drug to survive.  With her i do not need to play or have sex but she still gave the best there is i could find.    


"After you fixed yourself i need you to send gift to this girl".      


Liz look at it as if questioning.  It read 'Adelina Erlitz Executive of Ruby Trade' another one famous daughter from a business mogul and she is my new meal partner. I know that i do not need to explain but there is just this itch that i have to tell her but my pride won and just send her of to work instead.  Elizabeth then read to me my schedule for this December.  We have a huge Christmas party that the company sponsored to gather most businessman or rich man from the city.  Every year we also invite some people from different charity institutions not just to share but also to spread and gather information about the environment in order to widen the societies influence.  As much as i hate attending to this type of party, it seems that i have no choice because this is also a part where i hunt and learn new things so i decided to invite Elizabeth to the said party.


"Elizabeth i need you to come with me to the party this December 25"


"I already have plan for that day"


"You do not have a boyfriend.  You are workaholic so i doubt you have the time to find one, plus it will only be you and your mother for that day.  so i believe your mother will understand.  Besides it will be for official business and of course you will be paid accordingly" She was so sure of rejecting me the first time and i know for a fact that she won't be able to resist if it is for work.




I really hate it whenever he uses work to get what he wants but it always works.  He is well aware that i need the money and my mother would really understand this type of things.  Since i have debt because of school and i also want to help my mother in terms of bill payment and such, i really need to work hard.  When i got home i talked to my mom about the party and asked if she will be alright.  She just said that she will just spend it with her friends at work as well.  With that being settled the other problem would be the dress to wear.    


I was able to find the most decent dress i can find when i went to the last weekend.  Since it is Christmas season all the shopping malls are crowded from last minute shoppers to dine in restaurants and even the salons cannot find chairs for their clients.  That may be the reason why i was not able to pick the type of "perfect dress".  The image still shows of that most capable secretary for my most demanding boss.    


Christmas day is here and i was wearing the dress i bought and i was happy about how it looks.  It is a plain v neck sleeveless dress that accentuate my curve with a brouche on the left side.  My usual hairstyle and my glasses of course and i wear my most beautiful smile.The mood change as i was greeted by my boss scrutinizing eyes "What the hell are you wearing?!'.  I did not hesitate to give him a frown and i made sure that he would understand that he is acting like an idiot that he is.  Instead of responding he just shook his head andpinch the bridge of his nose in defeat.



"Will go out a little bit early later before we go the party." Withoutsaying anything he just went inside his office and start the work.After that the day went slowly until the clock strikes 3pm.


"Are you ready to leave?" gesturing for me if i am ready.    


I just nod and grab my bag and went to the elevator.  Raine called for Peter to get the car and he then instruct him to go straight to a prestigious salon were only celebrities could afford.  He talked to the staff and gave a big box right after they fix my hair and make up.  It was a haltered red dress that shows most of my back with v-neckline that hugs my body and the skirt flows out to the back.The surprise did not stop as he also gave me shoes to wear with it.  As soon as i am ready he turns me around to face the body length mirror and i don't look like myself.  I know that my face looks like a school girl but this time I was just different.


"Not bad at all and now you are all set" Raine said leading me to the car.     


We left the boutique and I really can't believe on who i saw on that mirror back there.  The elegance and beauty she portray as if a different person.  She moves the way i do and speak the way i do, i guess i now understand why some girls loves to have money more than anything.  But i am still me and i am very grateful for the chance that he gave to me.  Even just for one night i can be me or at least be like a dream.  When we arrive at the hotel, i was very nervous and i can't seem to move.  He then touch me gently on my arm to guide me out the car.  He was very gentle like a prince, very far from the arrogant perfectionist boss i have. He guide me in to the hotel but when i remember what happen at the dinner and the occasion was of christians, i need to do something.    


Using the map along with the invitation i tried to navigate our way in, to avoid anything that symbolizes a true christian that i know can affect him in a lot of ways.  We found our safe entrance into the ballroom.  It was a big room that looks so magical to me.  Everybody was laughing as they share the spirit of christmas, though some of the guest are there to talk about work.  Among the crowds are a few individual i know because of work.  The most amazing part was nobody recognize me so he ask me to have a good time and enchant some men.  I almost roll my eyes at him but i resisted and did as he told me to do.   


After some hi and hello the host came into the mic to send their gratitude to the guests and introduce the group of children to sing.  The St. Ignatius choir singe beautifully and i was mesmerize by their voices but then i feel danger.  I left my place to immediately look for him, i was almost at a run but i can't seem to find him.  Then i went looking along the side of the room near the banquet and saw him laughing with someone.  I did not hesitate and grab his hand directing him to the exit into the hall.  "


What do you think you are doing?" he shout.


"You seem to be OK but i know better!"He begun to lean and whisper "Just like my perfect secretary" then he fell into my arms


  He was sleeping like a child without any worry and i started to stare at him.  His nose was pointed and his lips looks so soft to touch, then i remember its feel on my neck whenever he drinks blood.  My heart beats faster and i lean near to his face thinking if i could kiss him just one time.  I gently touch his cheeks to feel how innocent he is when he sleep then he suddenly open his eyes and asked "Is there something wrong?"


"Nothing!  You were knocked out. I even threatened the reception for this room.  We are in the same hotel ad you need to rest."      


He tried to sit up and i helped him,  seeing how weak he is it breaks my heart.  Without even thinking i immediately offered to call some of his girls to feed.  "No that would cause a drama.  They may start to think that they are important just because i call them during christmas".


"But you have to feed.  then i guess i will be enough for now"


"If it is alright?"


"Are you asking for a permission?" my eyes were wide because of his inquiry and i never though he would have such an attitude.  "Of course you can"  I grab my hair to my right side shoulder so he can easily access my neck.  He somewhat hesitate but hold me steady to sink his teeth on the space between my neck and my shoulder.  It was so amazing, i can hear him seeping and how some of my blood rush into his mouth.  My mind was hazy and i know i should be hurt but i'm not and i am lost completely by his touch and his lips touching my shoulder.  I did not even notice that he was done drinking and now licking some of the blood that was spilled.  His soft tongue touching and i shudder, he took that right moment to look into me then lean and kiss me.  This kiss was different i know and i also took the opportunity and i kiss him back.  When he felt that i was responding, he  shove me back and as we catch our breath he said "You can go home now, leave me alone."    


My heart shattered into pieces as i hold my tears back.  I immediately grab my shoal and purse and head out the door.  I was greeted by Peter who offered to escort me home and i refused.  I started walking and i did not even notice that i am already at a sprint, just when i though it was raining and touch my cheek only to realized that i was crying.  When i reach home my legs are numbed, hand cold and i shiver because of the pain and loneliness i felt.  Stuck and frozen i dropped on the ground only to be held up by a sturdy hands.  Surprised at the man that i did not recognize until i blinked and let the light reveal the person that is Deslan.  Raine's brother and the company's HR manager, who looks worried and know of my situation.  I can't help myself and cried in his arms.


"I'm sorry" i whisper


"It's ok, i understand.  Can i help you with anything else?  I may already have an idea of what is going on you know and i know a way to resolve this.  You only need to give me permission to do so."  


I just nod and utter a thank you without caring if he even heard it then waved goodbye.  For now all i want to do is rest and sleep the night away if i can.  I walked inside the house that is dark and cold.  My mom is still at her friends house and i did not even dare to call her since i do not want her seeing me like this.  This may already be too much but i can seem to go away.  I am like a moth who is so fascinated with fire that i didn't even notice that it was already burning me alive.  He was done feeding and the need to kiss me is not necessary.  He had sex with those women in order to make the blood delicious which he never did with me that made it very confusing.  It was like he was entering an unknown boundary that was not supposed to be there.  I curled up on my bed hugging my pillow tight and cried off to sleep.    


Since it was holiday, it means no work and it means i won't be seeing him.  I have all the time to think everything thoroughly.  Just when i thought there was time the days of vacation ended and came another Monday.  I don't know why but whenever i remember his soft lips i get lost then break my heart at his voice asking me to leave.  Really, up to now I am still not use to this arrogant boss of mine. My body seems to have a mind on its own that i react to everything around me.  My heart race at every sound of footstep getting near the office or maybe through the stairs.  Then he entered the office, same egoistic and unemotional boss with another girl in his arms.    


Seeing him with another girl seems to hurt more than it had before.  That's when i know that i had enough and this is not what i want, at least not anymore.  As i thought about it i realized that tears come running down my cheek and so i hurried to go to the bathroom in order to hide this.  It can't be right and if anyone in the office would see me, it would create a damage on this best secretary.  Once i calm down i went to Mr Deslan's office to talk to him on his offer.


 15.  DESLAN    


"What do you know about Elizabeth, how is your brother?" Margaret asked. Deslan was taken a back by the question as his mother has never taken any attention to anyone aside from the people in the family.  Margaret seems to give special attention to Elizabeth since her visit at the office for Raine and met his perfect secretary.    


"Well, Elizabeth is one of the company's best employee mother.  What exactly do you want to know?"  Deslan replied.  Deslan was actually thinking that his mother might already know what was happening and it can't be good for the family.  he is well aware that their grandfather have already requested his mother's presence at the last meeting.  The only reason why his mother would go to the council was if there was something important about his brother.  being the brother of the vampire heir is not that easy beside being human all the work load and secrecy also have its own toll.  Deslan may not be a vampire but he is one important person as he is assigned to take good care of the heir and everything around it.  That same reason is what he needed to protect Elizabeth as well.  He is quite aware of the situation and already one step ahead.    


Margaret was actually pacing, thinking and almost about to cry with the look of worry on her face.  she seems to be contemplating on something to do or not to do.  The last time she was called by the council is because she was introduced to a possible candidate for Raine to marry in order to uphold the clan and the righteousness of the species.  Margaret may have escape her fathers brutal way of handling the family and the clan by all the rules but she was pardon since she gave birth to a vampire child.


"I just want to be sure that she can be trusted. besides having other humans know of the secret is dangerous.  You know that very well."


"That is exactly the reason why we need her close to us so we can watch her closely.  is there something wrong mother?"


"No, nothing really.  It's just your brother.  He seems to play with his food and this time it might have gone to far.  Soon your grandfather may notice something.  You know what i mean."


"I've already talked to Elizabeth about work and about Raine.  I say she is pretty professional but of course we cannot let the guard down."  "What happen when grandfather called you?"


She was fiddling her hands stop pacing to look at Deslan "He wants me to meet the candidates for Raine's future wife.  You can't tell your brother about this, you know how much he hate being told"


"That's alright, i think he already know that it is a part of his responsibility.  But mother, what does it has to do with Elizabeth?"


"Remember when we met at the office and she touched me and offered her blood?  I felt something strange and sense danger.  I know that she is human but the way she look at Raine is something."


"Just trust me mother, you don't need to be worried"  He then led his mother into his room while they wait for dinner and his father.    


For vampires, it is important that they kept the ones with pure blood. Deslan and his brothesr case is rare and special.  He is older and human but because Margaret is a princess and with pure blood and high power, he acquired some intellectual abilities and perceptions.  he already know what his mother is talking about and he has been talking to Elizabeth about it.  In fact he is already one step ahead of them as he already arranged Elizabeth's transfer of office as soon as she said yes.


The Next Day at the office.    


Elizabeth woke up early and went to the office earlier than usual.  Last night she spoke with Deslan about the situation and agreed for her to transfer office.  She was greeted by Deslan and invited her inside the office to talk about what happen.  Elizabeth have taken the offer to transfer office since she can no longer contain her feelings and it is already disturbing her at work.  Her schedule was arranged for proper endorsement of 2 weeks before her transfer.    


She then went to the office to prepare the materials needed for the meeting when Raine arrive.  Just like the usual no greetings and went immediately in without even looking at her.  It made her sad but to think that she will be going away soon it gave her a little relief.  For now all she wants to do is inform Raine of her move.  The day went by slowly and the agony of saying goodbye lingers to the atmosphere.  All the meeting went by smoothly so as every transaction.  Not even once did Raine ask for her blood even after a meal, not even a single drop.    


She went home puzzled and with breaking heart but she knew that this, whatever she feels needs to stop and it will be very soon.  It was very late when she went home, walking slowly toward the house when a light blinded her stopping her from walking.  The light was from a car and she was surprised when she recognized it.  The car was owned by Raine who is directly looking at her with Peter inside the driver seat.  She was shocked but then recovered and asked "You need my blood? i thought you might since you did not asked any earlier."    


Raine walked slowly toward her and reached for her neck to hold.  Elizabeth move her head for him to get easy access and then he hear him whisper "Don't get too highly of yourself, you don't need to come to my office tomorrow."  


Raine just then stepped back towards the car and signal Peter to drive him home.  She felt weak and tears come streaming down her face before she even realized she fell to the ground on her knees crying.

This is it!



I heard my mom saying goodbye as she peak inside my room, i did not move at all nor open my eyes to acknowledge. I can already feel some tears threatening to spill from my eyes when i heard mom heading out the door. I remember that night as if it has been forever, but i don't even remember how i was able to come home. I open my eyes and tears start falling out as if a faucet without a stopper i stare at the ceiling. My body was too heavy to move that i can't even turn sideways. All i want to do is cry so i just cover myself hiding from the outside world shutting everything around. After a few minutes i heard my cellphone ring, i thought it will stop but it won't. I search for it on my dresser or the other drawer but its nowhere to be found. The sound was muffled so i think it was hidden until i came to realize it was still inside my bag. But where is my bag? The very question that hovers in my mind. Annoyed by the sound I search for it and drop to the floor very tired. The bag was under my bed as i reached for it the ringing stop for a few second and then goes on again. Opening the bag i try to compose myself so i can answer it without breaking down. Surely it is of highly importance as the person on the other line did not stop at all.




"Elizabeth, I know what happen and i'm sorry........."


 I stayed at home in my room and have not left for 3 days now.  I never felt so broken, nver felt this when i see him feeding nor having fun with his meals.  I know I am the one  to blame for giving up and giving that final decision, but i know i have to.  Maybe because i though he would stop me or come running to tell me that he needs me.  His last words kept on whisphering "You are just like them, my meal" just before he left me on the road near m ouur house.  Tears just then started to fall endlessly until there's no more left.  I can't even imagine that my eyes can shed teats that could fill up a swimming pool.  But none of this matter for i will no longer see him, soon i have to stand up and face tomorrow.  But for now i want to stay here, in the warmth of my blanket and comfort of my bed.

After what seemed foreer my mother knocked "honey, you have to get out and you have to be back at work.  A letter just came iin for your new job".

At the sound of the word "job" my ears perked like a dog sensing that i have to do something.  Fueled by despair my legs can't seem to remember the felt of the floor or the ground but my mothers voice awaken me.  I remembered the day when I promised her that after I graduate I will take care of her and this is where i am.  I muster all my strength and answered "Yes mom! I will be right out.  Can you please slipped the letter under the door.  Thank you!"

Sat up and stayed at the edge of the bed as i saw mother slipping the letter and come into my view.  There it was again "the logo of that company: Ample".  Still felt that sting but i know i have to be strong, for my mother and for myself.  I realized that i have to prove him wrong, that i can live without him, that what happened is just a memory and a past where life challenges is to be faced and learned.

It was a week that i kept everything and cried all by my self, here i am now trying to stand up and act normal n front of my mother.

"Finally you came out.  What was the letter about? You have not talked to me or left your room for a long time.  I almost forget what you look like and you seem so different?  What happen?"

Just when I thought that everything is OK that I can finally start over again, tears fell and i can't do anything to stop it or even hide it.  I guess you cannot really keep anythng from my boloved mother.  She gave me a hug and seems to understand the situation even without a word.  After i cried myself out, i told mother that there was just some problem with other branch of the company so i will be transferring.  For the week off, i told her that it was a little thank you for accepting the job and be relocated.  My mother was not convinced but she understand me very well and did no longer push for any of the story.

"So what was the letter about?" my mother asked.

"It was my new assignment.  Remember they gave me this vacation to prepare for my new role for the company.  I was assigned to the new Branch to start the secretarial office and assist the presedent there."

"But why are they relocating you? I didn't hear anything about your transfer but from what i can see you are not happy about this." here goes my worried mother.

"I was the one who asked for it mother. There is nothing wrong, really.  The manager just felt that i am the right person for the job and this is part of them commending me for doing a very good job.  i was just a bit upset as the decison came in so soon.  You see I already have friends there."  trying to conveince my mom about my situation.  How I wish i could tell the truth.

"Honey, the office is not that far and if you said that you were the one suitable for the job then it means a promotion.  With that means celebration! right?!" the worries replaced with excitement.  What can I say i don't want her to be worried but it break my heart to lie to her.  So she went to the refrigerator to search for something to cook for our little celebration.  as for me i took the time to fix myself as I think i can already smell myself ugh!

Taking a bath after 5 days is very refreshing.  I can fully understand why is it so important to take a bath frequently.  It also cleared my mind and made me realized that i need to get back to wrok and help my mother at the same time fulfilling my promise to her.  This is it! Elizabeth is back and on Monday I will go to the office to get everything that I need and go to my new office.


I woke up early and head to the office, did not eat breakfast as i felt like throwing up.  at least i was able to gather all my courage to go to the office and see the building once more.  I was greeted by the loving receptionist and saw some other secretary from the office.  They are already gossiping early this morning.  The gossip?! Of course about the very handsome Raine and i can't help but to listen.  Eavesdropping is not really my favorite hobby but the felt that you just have to listen.  It so happen that he is back to his old habits of taking care of anything about work.  According to the girl he does not want to accept help from anybody.

Upon hearing same story and i know that it does not concern me anymore so i head to my office and get my things.  After securing everything i immediately exit the building and head to my new office.


     The conversation he had with his mother was somewaht disturbing.  Deslan already know what that meant even though he is not a vampire.  For that reason alone he understood pretty well the need to protect his little brother.  At a young age Deslan learned that his mother was not ordinary and not like any of his friends mother.  He grew up with his father always on his side and his mother on the shadows.  At first he felt jealousy and rage until his parents explain the situation.

    Deslan accidentally saw his mother bit his father and of course there was blood.  At the age of 12 that made him question and his father caught him staring at them accidentally.  They could not hide much longer and explained that his mother was a vampire though his father was a human.  It is important for vampires to have children to maintain their strength and species.  Vampires may live almost forever there are still changes on genes and development of diseases tha even them cannot avoid especially their problem with the sun.

    Soon Deslan found out about his little brother being a vampire and how his grandparents have been searching for his mother.  As vampires are somewaht aristocrats their childrens are of high imporatnce even if they don't want to be associated with the clan the childrens still belongs to them.  Deslan has some of their traits being a son of a vampire but physically he is entirely human and the most fitting reason why he is the only one to protect Raine at all cost. 

    At the age of 3 Raine exhibit a strength and power that was unknown to the clan.  He was a rouge which is very rare and he was also a shield that no other vampire can read his mind or can harm him.  However Raine is so fragile and has a soft heart like his father. With that being said they locked up Raine to be trained as a ruthless and heartless borne vampire of all the clans time.  His grandfather was very proud of Raine and will do everything to keep his jewel.

Raine came into the office and went directly into Deslan's office.  "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Why are you so bothered? You said she is just like a food and she does not matter so what is the fuss about?"

"You know i don't like it when people meddle with my things!  Besides she is the perfect secretary for me so would you transfer her?!"

"I did not transfer her, she asked for my help in the first place"

"Why would she do that?!"

"Why do you think you are so work up with that girl huh?  Don't you think i don't notice?!  Maybe you do know but you are just ignoring it.  If she is what you said SHE IS then leave her alone.  She is not your type and you know pretty well she only means trouble."

    Raine was so mad that he pushed the table aside sending it flying to the wall with a loud crash.  If Deslan got scared he did not show it.  This is the very first time he saw Raine loose control and got angry about someone.  He was always calm even when giving an argument. That kind heart always shows but he kept his pride not showing anyone his weakness, but this time it is different.  Deslan felt Raine's rage through the aura he is emitting across the room and it is not really good.  The aura is already disintegrating parts of the office and he needs to calm Raine down for everybody's sake.

    Deslan did not dare come closer as Raine is now emitting energy flowing out of his body that already withers the plant across the room and the woods are starting to disintegrate.  He started talking to  him in his most calm manner.  Deslan may not be a vampire but he still share the blood of the mother vampire.  His ability to talk smoothly that can influence anyone is like a protective shied of Raine from himself.

"Raine listen to me. (in  very smooth manner). Elizabeth is a nobody.  You will forget her soon.  You are happy without her and you can find another"  Words does not seem to cross Raine's barrier of hearing as he is beginning to blank out of his anger.

"The girl is leaving and and it will be alright".

    The door clicked as if someone was trying to enter.  Deslan quickly shift his eye between the door and Raine because whoever will enter that door will surely feel Raine's wrath at the moment.  A mind link then spoke asking permission to enter.  Deslan gave the permission and tried to shield the person upon entering by positioning himself between the door and Raine.




I made myself ready as I can be to bravely face the new day and new adventure. Arrived at the office earlier than what is expected. I’ve seen the place and it is way to different compared to the main office where Raine is. Thinking about him is bad and will not do me any good but I just can’t help it.


“I am ok, I do not need anyone with me” I heard someone from a room shout. Then the receptionist calls on my name.


Someone ushered me to a meeting room and was greeted by a group of executives. Each introduced themselves and they all look like a good boss. Allaric was the head of the department to whom I will be reporting and coordinating to in order to build the secretarial team. He reminds me of someone very close to me but again I have to divert my attention or else this will be a disaster. Greeted everyone in the room and introduced myself.


“Do what you want it’s fine” then Allaric step out of the room.


The manager came up to me “Just don’t mind him. He’s not used to having someone assist him with work. He usually does the task. Let me get you to your table” gesturing me to walk first.


Manager Tray accompanies me during the day as we go to different departments for familiarity. The whole office was friendly and happy to work with me. Since we have a lot of work to do, the welcome celebration was postponed. After lunch I started with my task generating data and all the things needed to start up the office. They have hired qualified people for the job and I can’t believe that I am one to evaluate them as well. After an hour or two I started calling out the names on the list to delegate task just to gauge their capabilities and expertise.


I remember the first time I step in the office when I thought it was only just a dream. All the jitters and butterflies in my stomach just don’t rest that day and I don’t even understand how I was able to answer most of the questions. Just right after all the work for this first day I noticed the vase on the far right corner of the table. A daffodil placed in a cute vase shining like a little sun smiling down on me. It made me realize that everything will be just fine, that the changes are good and nothing can go wrong.


The next day I go to work early trying to organize things for my table and for the secretarial team. All those who are qualified for the position are to come back to day for another test just to know which specific task they are comfortable with. I did not know that getting subordinates and colleagues are this difficult. Now I realize that being a head of a department is really a tough job and you cannot just leave things unattended. Every detail is to be place into consideration for all aspect to work. Every company director also has their own personal choice to consider which sometimes does not work with the specified job description. On the other hand, my boss Allaric was a warm person. He does not speak too much or maybe because I am doing my job very well that he does not need to say anything at all. The employer and employee relationship is balance and everything is on its professional state.


The next day I was surprised that He invited me for a coffee and that alarmed me, only to realize that it was part of the business meeting set for a client. ‘What am I thinking?!’ The meeting went smooth but we stayed a little linger to fix all amendments with the contract that we offered. The contract needs to be finalized and is required to be mailed to their office by the end of the day.


Then the odd thing happened.


“Elizabeth, are you comfortable with your office?” he spoke


I was caught off guard by his deep voice, jumping out of my senses accidentally knocking the vase off the table. A loud crash came in an instant and he was already there beside me trying to pick up the broken glasses. Our hands touch slightly and the air turned heavy as if the room is getting smaller. Avoiding the scene I got wounded which started blood to drip and he grabbed my hand and started to sip the blood. I can hear clearly how my blood rushes to his mouth as if leaving my whole body taking out the warmth and my life.


“Elizabeth, are you ok? Hey!” Allaric called.


Blinked my eye to see Allaric holding my body with a handkerchief on my bloody hand. I was trying to remember what happened and I am sure that he did sip my blood.


“Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth” he called softly as he tried to assist me to sit down.


Everything was a blur but the feeling is still there. I am seeing his face clearly but he was clean and there is no trace of craving for blood like what I saw with Raine. Allaric was panicking now and I did try to answer but no words coming out until everything went black.




Did not know what exactly happen but I let myself fall into my desire with blood exposing myself. I am pretty sure she was shook by the incident that is why she fainted. Tried to alter her memory on the process, and that made her confused as I see the crease between her eyebrows and trying to open her eyes. I made one big mistake for sipping that blood, and for getting near this girl





As I lay her down on the couch to rest and call the nurse. I saw a trace on her neck which is an indicator that she is a prey to someone. I believe I am safe but I would not be sure until I talked to her. If she is another prey then it may still be a problem because of our code. She may already be a human slave and blood cannot be taken by another than the patron. I would need to investigate to make sure, this lady has already grown its place in me and I really have to know.


Just in time for a an employee to pass by and asked assistance to call in the company nurse.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.09.2014

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