



Rebellion does not start on its own, it always have that deeper meaning when you look at it closely.  Things always start on one ideal with influences to environment especially with the people that surround them wether at home, school or work.  A life where falling in love may only be her sweet escape.  Let's see what may be Yoann's reason for her actions.  


CHAPTER 1       


Living in a family of four is quite easy.  With everyday chores along with her mother and littele brother.  Yoann's father worked overseas and she and her brother was left at home with their mother.  They go to school nearby and the neighborhood was all you can ask.  Average life with extraordinary people around.  One of their neighbor was their cousin from the far side of her father's family and is older than her.  They love each other as both their fathers are working abroad, though they go to separate school they always make sure to have time to be together everyday.  Yoann was achiever, she always brings home medal but always second best.  It never bothered her being second but sometimes dreamed to be the first.  She is active at school and always get praises from her teachers.        She was always afraid to make mistakes because everytime she does, it's always a nightmare you won't forget.  Whenever she commits mistake, her mother would pinch her groin dragging her in her bedroom.  And if she does not obey commands her mother would beat her using a belt or a rod.  She and her brother would fall asleep crying till next morning.  They both go to school with bruises, whip marks and swollen eyes from crying.  You see commiting mistakes was never an option.        Still both of them manage to be top in class which they earn respects and praises from others.  Their friends are most of the time their anchor in life to be happy and be thankful still for having a beautiful life.  When she reached high school, she met her best friend Van.  Van and Yoann are alike in a lot ways that they know what others would think before things could happen.  They were the cheerleader and the non-commisioned officer that every guy and girls looked up.  They won cheerleading competition back to back.  Since yoann's mother was strict and does not want her to enter any of the extracurricular activity she would always come home without any sign of exhaustion from practice or pain from a sprain.  When their graduation for officer pinning, her mother learned what she was doing and went to her school to stop her from being an officer.  She was not able to finish the ceremony and just went home crying.        On the second year she lost her best friend. Van became a victim of rape from one of their acquiantances which primarily break her heart the very first time.  She came home crying and seeks her mothers love but instead "So what" her mother said.  That was the time that she met Vernon.  He was from a hgher class and somewhat one of the schools coolest guy.  He court her by sending gifts, flowers and chocolates.  The feeling was new to her and made her so excited.  She felt the love and longing she missed from Van but this time seems to be different.   


CHAPTER 2       


She tried to ask questions abot love but her mother just dismissed her.  Vernon was so sweet and never fails to make her heart skip a beat.  He became her boyfriend.  She always go to school early to meet with him and she was so happy that he took effort on their relationship arrangements.  Their favorite place was the schools library were they cuddle most of the time while reading.  "Is it ok if i walk you home after school?" Vernon said.  Yoann was surprised and at the same time afraid replying "Sure, i would love that. Thank you".  Vernon grab her hands and started walking.  She was so happy that time seems to stop.  The walk was long and quiet and they seem not know what's gonna happen.        When they reach the house Vernon turn and tilt her chin for their eyes to meet.  She felt like melting from his gaze and her knees begun to fail her but he held her firm and kiss her.  It was soft and full of love,  "I love this person and  wish to be with him forever.  He will be my first and my last" as Yoann thinks while they kiss that seems like forever.  After a long breath taking kiss, it was broken by a light that seems to be magical.  A shadow came over them and Yoann receives a thug from her hair dragging her inside the house. "Yoann!" Vernon shout.  "Ma'am please let her go. It's not her fault please don't do this to her" he pleaded.  He look apologetic as he searched Yoann's eyes which seems to be full of sadness and frightened.  "Mom please!' pleading.  "You should have thought about it before you did it" as her mother said before turning towards Vernon still holding her hair "You! i don't want to see you here or near my daughter! Do you understand!".  She then drags her inside the house.        Inside the house, things were in chaos.  Yoann was shouting from pain and crying hard pleading her mother to stop.  "You flirt at a young age you're doing this! i told you not to because you will just ruin your life.  Look at what you did?!  You need to study", "Mom, i am i've got good grades and still am part of the top student at school, what more do need to do?" as she cries.  "Finish school, end of story.  if you don't like it here you are free to go!"  She then went inside Yoanns bedroom and threw her clothes outside the house.  "No! i'm not gooing anywhere" she pleaded as she dropped to her knee.  She holds on to a post inside the house because her mom keeps on tugging her out of the house.  "If you stay here you'll do what i say!" then she left her on the floor.  Crying she picks up her clothes one by one.




Another day at school "I hope she's Ok, I don't want to leave her like that but i need to" Vernon said to his friend.  "It's not your fault, you did not know that her mother would be like that" Bert replied.  "Everything just seems right, i love her so much and this cannot end....."  he stopped as he saw Yoann.  "Baby...???" as he approached.  She lift her chin to meet his eyes and then burried herelf at crook of her neck crying.  "Hey.. everything will be ok, i'm just right her i will not leave you" as he comfort her.  She told him what happened when she calmed down.  "I think we need to say goodbye." she said.  "Don't say that. We can go through this i'll help you. I'll make sure that your mother will see how much i love you" as he hugged her.  Yoann was afraid to her mother but not as much as she imagined Vernon out of her life.  She then decides to keep everything their secret.  A secret where their classmate and teachers knows.




     They continue to meet each other everyday before school starts, in between classes and through their lunch breaks.  Vernon sister was their messenger to give thier gifts or letters to each other.  "This is for you" Eve said giving Yoann a basket.  Yoann took it happily and peer into the basket.  It was a basket full of flowers and chocolates and a card.








           Happy monthsary to you!  You don't know how much you mean to me and whatever your mom say i will always love you.  I may not be perfect but i will try my best to make you happy.  Please let me show you how happy i am that you stayed with me after everything.














     She was so happy after reading.  Walking with a smile and spring on her feet going to her classroom.




     Their teachers always partner them in every occasion.  For the group their relationship is like an adventure.  They meet everytime Yoann had cheerleading practice and he always cheer her on.  Being one of the smallest, Yoann always goes to the top of the pyraid representing the school.  She felt pretty and on top whenever she is at school since she has her friend and boyfriend at school.






Everything seems to fall in place smoothly.  Yoann hugged Vernon from the back while he is reading a book.  Her head was propped at the crook of his neck while he caress her forearm hiding that sweet smile at the corner of his lips.  "I love this smell, that perfume that made me think of you whenever you're not around"  Yoann think as he hugged him tighter.  "What's wrong?" as he chukled, "You seem so sweet, not that i don't like it but it makes me feel something else"  he then peck on her cheek and turned to look at her directly.  Planting a small sweet kiss on the corner of her cheek, she closed her eyes deepening the kiss.  He twisted so that she would be on his lap pulling her a little bit closer.
     One fine day, her mother went to school to check her schedules and to her surprise she saw Yoann and Vernon together.  She called her name and Yoann eyes were full of fear and pain.  Tears started to fall, color left her face and her surrounding spins as her mother approach her.  She did not utter a word but her piercing eyes says it all, grabbing Yoanns hand dragging her home.  All Vernon could do is stare, he does not have the strength or courage to protect her.  He grabbed the chair for balance as he watched his love walked away helplessly.
     "You are not gonna see him ever again!  Stay in your room until i told you so!" "please ma, i love him please..." Yoann cried.  She pushed her inside the room almost throwing her on the bed.  "please don't ma".  She slammed the door close locking it behind her.  She kept knocking on the door almost banging ignoring the pain, screaming to be free as if loosing her sanity.  Sliding down the floor crying hugging her knees towards her.  "I'm sorry," as tears kept blurring her vision "someday i will get out of this place and i will be able to live life my way" as sleeps consume her.
     "She is becoming stubborn now! She deliberately disobeyed me!  This cannot go on like this!"  her mother shouting at someone.  She might be talking to her father who is still over seas.  "If she goes on like this i will make her stop school until she learns".  "Wait! can you at least talk to her about it, maybe she explain or something?" her father answered.  Crying she held the phone shaking.  She went to the other room to attend to his brother passing Yoann's room.  She stopped reaching to the door but hesitated and moved on.
      Waking up feeling the cold floor she tried to staighten up, she was hungry.  Remembering what happened last night she tried to open the door but the knob did not turn.  She looked up the window then her clock, seeing it's still dark and it's only 1 am in the morning.  She went to her bed and tried to sleep as fatigue consumes her as the events flash back.
     Vernon went home on daze, walking along with his friends who had witnessed what happened.  He kept thinking what went wrong.  "Am i such a bad person?  Why can't she see that love her?  Should i go to her house and talk to her mom or should i just wait for the situation to cool down?"  A lot of question keep bugging him until his friend tug him to run and play silly thing along the way home.  "hey man, everything will be ok just relax for a bit.  See you tomorrow!" as they all say goodbye.  As they disappear from his view, he stopped and started walking towards the direction of Yoann's house.  He stayed in front of Yoann's house for hours but can't seem to find the courage to knock or call for her.  Everytime someone open the door, he will hide behind the bush and peek if he could see Yoann but no sign of her.  He tried to look for her through the windows but no Yoann, not even a shadow.  He then decided to just go home and wait for tomorrow.



The next day, a loud buzzing break the silence as the early morning sun claims the draped window. Yoann woke up and went straight to the bathroom trying to wash the memory of yesterday.  Her eyes were puffy and her stomach is now rumbling from hunger remembering she did not ate last night.  Fixed herself up and dressed for school as her escape from home.  About to leave the room, but when she turn the knob it was still lock.  
"Mom!" she shout as she knocks on the door to call for attention.  She then heard footstep and the juggling of the key as the door opened.  Her mother stood folded her hands on her chest, looking at her with despise.
     Her mother walked inside the room that made her step back until she bump in to the side of the bed.  Her mother gestured for her to sit down and she did.  She then started talking.  "I did not like what you did and you deliberately disobeyed me! All we ask is for you to finish studying since me and your father was not able to.  We only have education to give and we are not rich.  You're lucky to have a house and you can eat 3 times.  Do you understand that!"  Yoann just sat down with head bowed down looking at her finger and felt like her mother is taking forever.  "From now on i will accompany you to school and pick you up after.  NO! extracurricular activity NO organization practice or what so ever, do you hear me?!" she just kept quiet "DO YOU HEAR ME!" her mother shouted.  She flinched and just nod saying "can i go to school now?" as she motioned to go to the door.  "Wait for me downstairs, i'll just get your brother".
     The ride to school was quiet.  Nobody dared to say anything, even her brother.  She just stared outside thinking far, ideas to get out of the house.  Where to go? Or even if she would ask Vernon to go with her.  A lot of things are coming to her mind and all seems to be dead end. 'I need to do something.  Sooner or later i will leave and when that happened.  It
will be the happiest day of my life' she thought.  The sound of laughter and the crowd brought her back to reality as her mother is trying to get her attention about a lot of things.  Yoann seems not hear and just gestured with a nod and reached for her side of the door and climbed out.  "I'll be right here when the last bell rang, remember what i told you?!". Looking at her she managed to give a nod and walk straight to the school.
     Vernon went to school looking for Yoann.  Searched most areas where they usually go or stay, but no sign of her.  He was beginning to feel guilty and angry because he is the reason why Yoann's mother did it to her.  His priority is to find her as soon as possible 'Where are you? I promised to hold on to you and our relationship, please be ok' as he continued his search.  "Have you seen Yoann?" he asked to a some of their classmate along the hall.  Then the bell rang for the next period clearing the hallway as all the students went to their respective classroom.  Vernon continued the search and heard footstep approaching.  He stopped abruptly trying to listen to a familiar footstep.  He was about to turn around when someone tap him on the shoulder.  He slowly turned and exhaled as he realized he was holding his breath.  It was the principal, with eyebrows crossed and about to scold him but was changed with a questioning face.  "What are you doing in the hall Mr. Simmons?" the principal asked.  "Sorry i was looking for someone.....", "I'm sure, whoever that is is already in the classroom so hurry along" cutting him off.
     Vernon went immediately to his respective classroom since he does not have a choice.  This time he sat near the window and just stared outside the rain.  He saw himself with Yoann dancing in the rain and was very happy.  He was holding her face toward him 'i love you and i will never leave you' as he kissed her forehead, going down between her eye brows, and at the tip of her nose until he reached her lips.  They kissed slowly and passionately as if it was the last day of their life. Her tears fell as the kissed end which troubled Vernon and left him wanting more.  The class flew by and he was back to reality as the bell rang.  He immediately stand up, grab his back pack and ran to the doors then he hit the floor.

     "Ouch! Hey! watch where you're going!" as he tried to look at the person he bumped into. "" Yoann was trying to get her things and tried to get up when she saw it was him.  Vernon immediately went to her side helping her get up and hugged her tight.  "I've been looking for you? Where have you been? Are you ok ? I'm sorry, are you hurt?" searching her of any sign of bruises or wounds.  Yoann step back but Vernon stepped forward.  She wanted to cry and run to him but something doesn't feel right.  "Baby, what's wrong? please talk to me".




Yoann was unsure of what to feel, she wanted to run as her brain said that this is wrong but her heart clings unto Vernon.  He led her to their own little space n the library to talk and he could feel the gap building between them.  He grabbed her hands and placed it on top of his chest near his heart but she suddenly jerked away.  "What happened? please tell me" begging; "You can't leave me out of this, i'm already involved more than you think i am and i can protect you."  Yoann kept looking down her hands and this time she was not able to held back her tears.  Tears fall to her hands to her lap continously as if there is no tomorrow.  Biting her lips to at least cover the little sound of her cry.  Vernon touched her to get attention but it does not work, so he draped his arms over her shoulder bringing her to a hug as she cried her heart out.

    Few hours past and the endless crying seemed to have lessen and He carefully placed his fingers under her chin so he could see her face.  Her eyes was swollen from crying and you could tell that she was not able to sleep as well because of the black lines under her beautiful eyes.  She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, she tried one more time but all she could whispher was "sorry".  His face was questioning but he did not judge he, instead he grabbed a bottle of water from his bag and offered it to Yoann.  She took it and drank, and tried to take her ees away from him but he would not let him.  She placed the bottle on the table and take in a deep breathe as if finding courage to speak.

  "I'm sorry to have you go through this, it's my fault." she started.  "I know that it was wrong but i still went through this.  I've already seen this happening but i did not prevent it".  
"Will you please stop! i'ts not entirely your fault.  i told you I AM a part of this, i'm your boyfriend right?!  Look there is no point on blaming this on you, i will support you all the way, no matter what your deceision is I will respect it."
"I love you so much but i can't defy her anymore.  Our futue, MY future will be ruined and i may need to transfer or worst I can no longer attend school.  I don't want that, i have dreams that i want to fulfill" crying.
"If you think that breaking up is the solution i'll respect you" Vernon bowed down and wanted to walk away but Yoann holds on to his shirt which made him turn.
"It's ok, really, i understand. You do not need to suffer from this.  I love you and if this is good bye then so be it."
"But i don't want to.  It's gonna be hard but will you be there for me?.  I may need to leave home will you come with me?"

    Vernon was stunned and just stared and confused.  He can't seem to process what is about to happen or if he is ready.  He loved her but up to what extent.

***please feel free to comment. the story will end soon and i hope you liked it or send me feedback****







Yoann rubbed her thumb unto the back side of his hand seeking answer, a positive reaction to be exact.  Though she herself did not think it through but she was determined to go away far from her mother.  On the other hand he stayed quiet facing her questioning as if waiting for some follow up, but there was none.  Suddenly "so what do you think?" Yoann asked.  vernon blinked and all he could do was nod but still uncertain.  For Yoann it was enough she tackled him into a hugged as they dropped on the floor and started giggling.  She then touch his lips and started to kiss him passionately.

  For a while they just lie down and stared at the ceiling wondering if what happen was real then the clock chimed and it was already 5 o'clock.  Time for Yoann's mother to pick her up.  Yoann said goodbye and promised to meet with him tomorrow at school.  With a smile on her face she stepped out hoping for a much awaited tomorrow.  Her mother was already on the driveway when she walked out of the schools main door.  She waived at her and motioned her to walk faster towards the car as she seemed to look for someone.  Yoann' though it strange but then she realized that her mother may be looking for Vernon so she walked faster and sit on the passengers side.  Her mom said that they need to go see her brother's game at school so they won't be going home yet.  To lighten the mood she even asked her daughter what he wants for take out but she was too preoccupied that her mom snap her finger i front of her.

   She blinked fast and immediately gave her attention to her mom before she suspect something. and she was right "You're thinking about him aren't you? Have you ended your relationship yet?" "I pretty sure i made it clear last time that you have to stopped".  "I know but i did not saw him today" she lied.  Let's just go grab something to eat so we can go home"
"no, you are coming with me and i will not allow you to stay at home alone".  Then they saw the family's favorite fastfood chain and ordered pizza and spaghetti then they head to her brother's school.

    As they sit on the bench her thoughts float to where Vernon is and pictured them together.  She was mentally counting her savings if it would be enough for them to get an apartment or a house to stay and build a family.  'What?! family? maybe i am thinking too much into this, Am i really capable of biulding my own family or live on my own' as her through drift far.




     Both turn to face each other, looking into each eyes asking questions, encouragement and assurance from each of them.  Everything seems to be fast paced but both of them are determined.  They kissed passionately and agreed on their plan.  Everyday they both bring pieces of their clothes into their hiding place so as money.  A week has past and everything was going well until THE day.

     They agreed to meet at a terminal early school morning while the student are coming in and as the parents go in and out for their children.  Along with few savings and clothing they choose to go to the other part of the city where no one can identify them and they can live peacefully.  Both of them worked part time until they graduate high school.

Building the happy ending they never imagined they could have.

****THE END *****



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2014

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