
Somewhere On My Way





























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Cover image : A. Schnieden







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Copyright @ Anongnart Nirathnaparpai. Schnieden

































Somewhere. On my way. Copyright 2018 by

Anongnart Nirathnaparpai Schnieden


No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without writing permission except reviews

































Design by Anongnart N. Schnieden


Editor. Beth Mc. Auley


























A miracle doesn’t happen in contradiction to nature, but in

contradiction to that which is known to us as nature

Ian Wilson





CAUTION! PG 18. Parents strongly caution




I wanted to start with “ Dear Reader ” but didn’t actually know… how or my book is going to be… “ The Sound of Silence, version 1964! “

Well, there are so many possibilities could happen, to my book or….my readers.



This book is a fiction, based on two eyes and many good brains….. It is about thinking …. And understanding. Hopefully, it causes my readers to the state of finding something funny, but beware!!! If you are religious, traditional or … both? You might have a myocardial infarction…during…hmmm reading- time!!! My editor said,


“I think your story is being told in such a creative way and in a style that represents who you are and all that you’ve experienced. I have to say I very much enjoy your sense of wit and humour. I LOL quite often!” Beth Mc. Auley


So again, hopefully, this is a good book for reading…not burning. My groupies said, “If anyone wants to get dizzy, migraine and eventually passed out, this book is the right book to read!“ Oh…that was why they walked funny every time after they finished talking to me.




Finally, for good people I had met all over this earth, which were kindhearted to me during my trips…footing…











































Formative Adolescence



If I could actually know the meaning of human and life, it would be elementary for me to figure out what the fuck is going on. And then it would be easier for me to be a human, but it is not that simple…is it?



I could not remember my earlier life or the day I was born until I was 5, and all I could remember then was that I was in a small wooden house. It was not like teak wood or oak wood, it was unidentifiable wood! The roof of the house and the floor leaned to one side. Imagine a very old barn that had not been used for 30 years and that was what the house looked like.



Although, I thought it was beautiful architecture and how amazing the house was, the house did not have any walls or doors, only a few stairs to get into the house, where we cooked, ate and slept, all in the same area. From one point of view, I thought how nice it was that I could see outside at all time, very cool. Moreover, when the rainy days came, I could see a lot of little harmful microorganisms come out from the cracks in the wood floor or the wood poles, which were causing difficulty supporting the roof. It was amusing when those bugs were flying over my head; it was marvelous. The house held 4 people and never had any kind of break down during my stay. I cannot say…what could possibly have happened after I left, however. I called it “The Fallen Roof House.”




The 4 people were a husband, who was about 45 years old and looked pretty drunk all the time! A 60-year-old wife who had a lot of nasty words and a lot of hiding places for money! A daughter who was about 13 years old, she was black and…fat. It was a genetic matter! The last was me, 5 years old, thin and bony, and pale as milk. Therefore, my appearance told me that those people were not my origins, not associated with my deoxyribonucleic acid.



There was once upon a time that I had a visitor who came to visit me every time a dog smiled … not sure how long does it take? So that I called her “Once upon a time visitor!” The visit went fast, no time to lose! I was not spectacularly excited because I was not sure who the hell she was! Well, I was 5 and lived in The Fallen Roof House with extremely hideous faces that haunted me…for so many years. I was not sure what the hell I should have been excited about.



When I was between 5 and 6, I started to understand a lot of hmmm…shit that was all around me. For example, when the once upon a time visitor came, I learnt that she was my mother and I could hear her telling the wife about money for my food, yet all I ate were eggs and noodle packages!



Sometimes, I heard the husband talk to the wife about the daughter’s homework, something she could not read. Blimey, no one in the house could, including me…shit. I was wondering to myself, why I could not read the bloody book! Was it because I was only 5, or was it because I was sleeping on a leaning wood floor? So, I was concerned about my brain!




Was it bending to one side? Ah. That was why I could not read! So, I shook my head every morning, hoping that my brain went equally to the other side of my skull so that one day, I could possibly read. Turns out it had nothing to do with the floor, only everything to do with a baby pig’s head!



According to my meal, I had come with a plan, which possibly got me better food. Around The Fallen Roof House were ducks, chickens and something…I was not sure if I could call it a “pond,” but possibly! Manifestly, the water was blackish and I did not know how deep it would be because all I could see was just a half a centimeter, after that, I had to use my skillful imagination. It was doubtful what should have been under the half a centimeter, but I never dared to find out! Even so, the ducks seemed to love swimming there and the eggs, which I ate at every meal, were from the chickens and the ducks at the blackish pond…evidently. I did not concern myself about whether it was safe or healthy at the time; all I was concerned about was, “Am I going to make my way through my age of 5?”



Like every 5-year-old child, all I had been doing was playing while The Fallen Roof House people were out…all day. This would be against the law if I was born in Europe, Australia or North America, but I was not, so I was allowed to be alone with the chickens, the ducks and the blackish pond, and if I had gone missing, I do not think anyone could possibly find me! Perplexingly, I had no idea where my food money was, but I needed food that could possibly take me through my age of 5; therefore, I got an illuminative plan.




I was looking at the ducks and the chickens, thinking of a better meal. Well, in order to get better food, I had to kill the ducks and the chickens, but killing animals would have been an inappropriate action for a child. Besides, I had mercy on them and it was not their fault! So, next morning and after I had thought of an idea, I got up before the others and performed abortions continually, through the next day and the days after. A few days passed, there were no eggs. The investigation was initiated, but no one found any eggs or shells. I sat there, watching and thinking, how useful the blackish pond was… hmmm, for the termination and, more importantly, that day, I knew what was under the half a centimeter…awesome, I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life…feeling the uncertainty!


Finally, after my brilliant plan was affected, the meals had changed; they were much better than eggs and noodle packages and, oh, there were still no eggs.


To the end of my year 5, the once upon a time visitor came and announced that my stay in the Fallen Roof House had come to…the end and I needed to call her mother, not visitor…Oh! I had two options: do not call her “Mother” or call her “Mother” and get the hell out of the house. Well, I had no idea who the hell she was, and how she became my mother. I was confused because all my life until my age of 6, the only faces that haunted me were the Fallen Roof House people. Even though, they did not seem to care for me but treated me like their baby pig, they had not brutally treated me, either.


It was a substantial decision for a 6-year-old child, wasn’t it? While the fallen roof house people and the one upon a time visitor were discussing money and my stuff, I was feeling sorrow…? I did not know why, maybe I was just a child or maybe I was worried about the eggs, and when I thought about the eggs, I tended to be anxious, shit! “Would they come after me later?” In that moment, I took my chances with the one called mother.




Regarding my stuff, there were a few marvelous dirty coloured clothing inside a marvelously dirty coloured bag; I was so proud of it though!


A small dirt road from the Fallen Roof House was not far from the main street; I could see people walking in the distance, some people carried BBQ fish, pork, beef, or candy for sale, it was…so cool. Actually, I had never been anywhere, except the Fallen Roof House, therefore I felt like…Jack And The Giant Beanstalk, a story that the baby pig told me over and over!


When we were waiting for a particular bus, I was watching people, walking up and down on the street. I was enjoying a moment of my adventure; suddenly an unexpected scene was constructed. The mother pulled my marvelous bag away and dumped it into a garbage tank nearby. I felt disturbed, resulting from this upsetting event; however, when I looked at the mother and found that she was looking at me…too, her eyes were the same expression as when she dumped my bag. I was afraid she might dump me in the same place as my bag… never mind the bag! She did not dump me…yet, but in that moment I was thinking, I had been adopted or sold!


After another bus, finally, we reached Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand; where the population was 15 million people, living in 1,568.7 square kilometers (605.7 sq. mi).


We were walking on a sidewalk where there were shops and peddling people who carried large or small baskets, selling everything that they could possibly carry. Dry food, wet food, cooking food, kids’ toys, earings, and small furniture! Along the sidewalk were drains where everything seemed to flow in, such as rotten food, rotten vegetable, fish heads, and kids’ toys! Everything that people could not sell in a day or two went into the drains as well! I had no doubt about the smell; it was a redolent scent and if I needed to get myself vomiting for some reason, there was a good place to start! Walking for a while, the sidewalk was getting cleaner and I thought, “Finally, we are close to civilization.” Light bulbs from the streets and shops were becoming illuminated, I was stunned, one by one




they lit up, and eventually all the bloody streets and shops were bright and shiny. “Wow, I wondered what Jack would say about my adventure?”


We stopped at some children’s clothing store, just about at the end of the sidewalk; the mother was looking for some clothes…for me. Mine had been dumped at the bus station, so this was an appropriated action of hers! I was looking at the clothes; they were very pretty and colourful. At the corner of the shop, there were all kinds of skirts; I had never had a skirt before, I saw it once in some papers, so I was hoping that the mother would have picked one or two.


A moment of excitement had come; I watched the mother pick some clothes, suddenly, it felt like…when you have a lotto ticket in your hand, listening to the lotto’s radio station, announcing your first few numbers of a big win, your eyes are getting wider and the next minutes of your life, you would say “yessssss” or “fuckkkkkk!” Well, mine was fuck!


That day was the first time I was in the mother’s house; the house was a 4storey business building. The first floor was her beauty shop where she worked; the second floor was a skin care section, looked like beauty and spa this day. The third floor was for stock; and the last floor was our apartment. It was also the first time I had a bed, and it was the first time I found out I had a brother, brilliant!


Everyone had his or hers a moment of a first time. I was so lucky, I had so many moments of a first time in one damn day. A brother…wow, I could not imagine! What an astonishment! Well, he was lucky because he was going to be in….a character!


Sometime after I knew the brother, I was thinking about the definition of being a piggy and a bony, somehow it was implicated with cultures. The Chinese’s culture is extraordinarily characteristic between boys and girls. The Chinese utterly believe if a family is given a first child as a boy, it means abundance, efficacy, and fortune. The first boy is birthed upon a spirit of a dragon, especially if that year is the year of the dragon.




Even though, all boys who are not the first child or birthed in the dragon year, they still mean good fortune…Wow. After listening to that…shit…I was thinking, “I'm absolutely fucked!”"


Blimey, the brother was born in the dragon’s year so…cool! And moreover, an old lady who was supposed to be my grandmother said, “Having a son is a blessing! Having a daughter is like…having a toilet at the front porch.” Well, I was sure she had a penis under her pretty skirt…wasn’t it?!! So, I was a toilet and the brother was a dragon, but I was not sure what the fuck was the grandmother? Bitch??


According to Chinese mythological symbolism: way long and long ago in 3000 BC, the dragons were believed to ward off evil spirits. In the ancient day, dragons were regarded as the most sacred animal, and used to be the imperial emblem of Chinese emperors. It is the first of the four Divine Creatures to the Chinese. The others were the unicorn, the phoenix, and the tortoise. The powerful yet gentle “Long” that brings rain to the earth, hastens the crops and the toiling framer, and also represents the Yin dynasties, which mean happiness and heaven. The dragons’ symbolic meaning based on their colours, were often red, gold, turquoise, or white. The turquoise dragon was the symbol of the emperor, the East, the rising sun, and the rain as well, but the white dragon on the other hand stood for the West and the…no longer alive!!


I was sure the brother was a white dragon!



As we were children, the brother always had prohibited experiments. He took me out, in order to show me a specific tree, called Toi-Tring. It is a small tree, and produces small black seeds. The seeds can explode by any kind of wet and they feature little tiny brown kernels after the explosion.


“If you want to be a good sister, put it in your mouth and suck. Don’t swallow it. It tastes very good. Trust me!” The brother.




Another incident was back in 1974; most people in my country had black-and-white televisions, except some rich bitch might have had a coloured one. The television companies were excessively developing better options, such as hole-link-earphone, in case someone wanted to listen alone. Furthermore, the bloody hole-link-earphone was pricey; it must have had a good sound, according to our neighbours! I had never thought anyone would watch television with…an earphone…looked obviously odd! However, the brother was curious, particularly about the mother’s television and the earphone holes. He was concerned if one hole could cause an electric shock or, in fact, if it needed both holes to produce an electric shock that…suddenly acute medical attention! How could he know for sure? Well, making an experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, so he gave me a tiny little old wire and said,


“If you want to be a good sister, put it in this hole.” The brother.



So, I did exactly what he said with my no-safety glove…hand and my other hand was…on one of his legs…Oops! The result of his experiment was definitely an electric shock! Oh, how did I survive to this day? It was the mother’s high-heels that kicked off the white dragon, the old wire and me apart! Later on, there were so many experiments that he had made, such as putting lemon juice into my eyes while I was sleeping, or fart on my face while I was eating …nice white dragon!


Let’s get back to piggy and bony, the brother was handsome, short, and loved eating, and because he was a white 14-year-old dragon, he had a lot of acne on his face; it made him a perfect handsome and he was allowed to eat…anything! Once, our neighbour gave the mother a compliment about my bones, he said that I should have been in a model of anatomy for medical students! The mother was furious about the compliment with an anxious feeling, she went to talk to a local pharmacist, asking what he could do. He gave her some vitamins, which were supposed to be for my nutrition and the taste was unbelievably delicious, so as fast as I put them in my mouth, the faster they came out!




In general, all vitamins are colourful in order to deceive all children and, of course, some adults! All medications seem to be more and more colourful these days and I cannot wait for the black one! I thought how thoughtful of chemistry scientists, especially the blue pill which were Valium and other sleeping drugs; according to artists, blue colour means calm, cool, and emotionally peaceful…good for a checkout…like…see you on the other side!


Although, the concept of colourful pills is a wonderful idea, but I am not quite certain what the hell is happening with the taste? I was sitting in the mother’s kitchen, pitiful, miserable, suffering, sorrowful, whatever, because I had been commanded to take the vitamins until they were gone, and that would be 14 days! The commander (the mother) said,


“Take it! Or I’ll shove it into your mouth.” The mother.



While I was in the mood, which I could not describe how sad I was, the white…fat dragon walked in and he asked me,


“What is the matter?” The brother.



So, I told him about the vitamins and the order of the commander, but I did not mention about…the taste. Next thing I knew, 2 of 400 ml liquid, which were orange and purple colours, had vanished from the bottles into a natural oily mouth like in a blink of an eye and, in that moment, I thanked God for sending me a fat angel when I needed it the most!


Two weeks later, I did not hear any kind of question from the mother and she did not bring more of those shitty vitamins, so think in a good way…I was getting fat!


A month later, I was shipped to a private school.




Back in 1974, Catholic churches organized most of the private schools in Thailand and, so a private school, where the mother shipped me! It was on a river with a long large brick fence…with some holes cut into the bottom. There were two, 9-storey buildings, facing each other with a basketball field in between them. My eyes were popping out like some cartoon character when they are in shock. I thought this was more likely Jack And The Giant Beanstalk! Also, there was a 6-storey dormitory building that stood behind one of the 9-storey buildings, but it had no elevator…lucky me, I was 6 years old, I only had to climb up to the third floor.


The mother and I were standing in front of one of the buildings, waiting for someone. I was thinking about where the students were? I tried to come up with some reasons, but a nun interrupted my thoughts. She introduced herself as the principal of the school, so we followed her to her office. I was getting worried about what the mother said that I had to stay in the school…But it was no pond and…what was going to happen if I was to end up with eggs and noodles? Maybe, I had to check up on the fence’s holes; they might come to be handy! While I was wondering with my thoughts, I heard some questions,


“Do you understand what school means, Arya?” The principal nun.



I jumped out of my thoughts, looked at the principal nun and attempted to answer her question before…


“Oh, she doesn’t know anything. She’s just a stupid girl.” The mother.



And that was an aggressive inappropriate manner, don’t you think? After the answer, there was…silence. I wanted to defend myself from the mockery, but at the time, defending myself seemed like a cockroach trying to defeat a shoe coming down on its body to…deform its original figure, therefore I just shut it! I did not know that the questions were important either the school would accept me or kick me out on that very day.

However, the principal nun explained to the mother and wanted to talk to me alone! Oh…




After the mother took her leave, I felt like my blood pressure was a force exerted on me because if they had not accepted me, not only I would have had to stay…home, but I also would have had to be the brother’s experiment doll, and I could be dead sooner! I was not sure at the moment, which way was better, have the mother here, in the room, or no. Thinking about my own intelligence, how could I possibly have any? I just came out from the underworld 2 months ago!


“How are you feeling, Aye?” The principal nun asked with a friendly smile.



“Oh, I’m all right ma’am. Thank you.” Me.



“How old are you?” The principal nun.



“I’m 6 ma’am.” Me.



“Do you know what school means, Aye?” The principal nun.



“I suppose so, ma’am. School means knowledge, given facts, information and skills, ma’am.” Me.


Her expression was astonished, caused by something unexpected, I was getting nervous, I was not sure what I had said wrong, but before I could think of anything else she said,


“How do you know those words? And do you know what they mean?” The principal nun.



I looked at her for a moment. I did not know which one I should answer first…why did she ask all in one question? I was 6…hello! (in my thoughts).


“Yes ma’am. Mr. Yong, my mother’s friend, he said I’d do well in school.” Me.




“I see. You shouldn’t be in school, yet. Can you read?” The principal nun.



Bummer! Funny as hell, how could I? I had a problem with reading…hello, that was why I was there! Chance of running away was not an option better shown my stupidity.


“No ma’am, I cannot, but I would love too.” Me.



Aha, that was better, wasn’t it? Then she said,



“Well, we’ll get your mother back here.” The principal nun.



In that moment, I was even more frightened. I might have been in a considerable amount of trouble, either the principal nun would not have me in the school or I just showed my stupidity, why was I in this situation? I was just a chick for god’s sake! When the mother got back in, the principal nun was explaining that the only chance I had was to start schooling during the summer’s break and pass all of the exams.


Well, that was meant immediately, as everyone was in such a hurry and if I could not pass the exams…well, everyone could have found me at a dump truck! Furthermore, the mother had a brilliant way of encouraging me, which I could not resist!


“You shouldn’t need to worry! Most dogs can be trained in a month and you’d be the smartest one!” The mother.


That was the mother’s intelligence, therefore, if I could not learn all that shit in 2 months and 16 days, I would be worse than a fucking dog. So perfect!


When we got back from the school, Mr. Yong was waiting for the mother, he was not just the mother’s friend, but he was also our neighbour. Mr. Yong was born and bred Vietnamese; he moved to Thailand in 1960 and he had a Thai wife, and 2 children. He was very white and pretty tall. I thought he was mixing with something that was not




Vietnamese, but I did not ask him. He loved drinking, but he was not a kind of a practical drunk ass, he was a friendly drunken one. I had never seen his wife or his children; some talkers said she took his children and ran away. I liked him; he was a generous and caring person, who always said,


“Don’t let the damn world change you! And always be good.” Mr. Yong.



I was not sure at the time what it meant, and all I knew was that he always worried about my well-being. Maybe, because he lost his children from a divorce battle, which was because there was no way that foreign-born could win that battle under Thai law. One evening, he and I were sitting in front of his house; he was telling me about what he did for a living in Vietnam, that he used to work for a hydro company.


I did not know what his job was in Thailand. Sometimes he came to visit in the afternoon, and other times it was late morning and he looked like he just woke up with a hangover. Anyway, while I was watching passersby, he told me how much he missed his hometown and how fun it was when he was working at the Vietnam Hydro Company. He asked me,


“Aye, do you know, how high that hydro pole is?” Mr. Yong.



And he pointed one of his fingers toward a hydro pole; I was looking at the destination of his finger with an effortful thought, but as I had not proved myself as a smart dog yet, my answer was what a normal child of my age would say,


“No, I don’t know, sir.” Me.



“Oh, that one would be about 12 meters, at least.” Mr. Yong.



“Wow, it’s very tall, Mr. Yong. How can they fix it, if something is gone wrong?” Me.




“Well honey, they climb up, up, up, until they reach there.” Mr. Yong.



And he pointed his finger at the top of the hydro pole.



I did not know what I said or what my reaction had expressed? It was… Obscure!

Before I had any chance to say anything, he was on the pole…up, up, up, with his bare feet and bare hands! I was in a feeling of disturbed surprise from what my eyes registered. I did not know what to do except make the instinctive expressions of lively amusement as loud as a small 6-year-old could possibly do. Next thing I knew, the mother was next to me and looked at me like the day she dumped my belongings. Then she started yelling at Mr. Yong,


“Come down, you stupid old man. What are you doing? You are going to get yourself killed!!” The mother.


But there was no answer; he just held onto the pole in an awkward position that was more like a monkey that had climbed up on something that did not feel familiar…and hmmm the irony of his silence. Later, more people came, they shouted…they yelled, but he did not move up or down. I thought he liked it there…like Spiderman…felt like home again. Momentarily, I was genuinely grateful that he just acknowledged me about…the fixing and, at the same moment, I heard him…shouting, spontaneously with my thought!


“Help me. I cannot move!” Mr. Yong.



Lol crap! Did I miss something? Eventually, the actual electricians came with the actual equipment, helping Mr. Yong down to the ground with a 1000 baht ticket! (Baht or THB is Thai’s currency). When all the fans were gone from watching him on the pole, Mr. Yong walked back to the front of his house and started drinking…again! I did not care that the mother who was still yelling, because in my thought was something…so exciting, well, it was not every day I saw a simple man climb a hydro pole. While I was still entertained by what had just happened, the mother turned to me with an impossible emotional expression on her face,






“Don’t you dare climb up there! I won’t pay for the bloody ticket, and certainly I’ll leave you there without a thought!!” The mother.


I wanted to say something, but when I looked at her, the impossible expression was still there so, the best option for me, was to shut up. Literally, I would have said, “Don’t worry, Ma’am, as I haven’t proved myself as the smartest dog you’re waiting to see, I’m absolutely not going to prove that I can live on the pole!”


After the mother walked back to her shop, Mr. Yong was still looking at the pole…thinking, I did not ask him what was he thinking because I did not want him to cause any more excitement, but then he broke the silence,


“Oh, Aye, don’t feel dejected. She doesn’t like to express…love. If you climb up, she probably wouldn’t leave you there.” Mr. Yong.


“I doubt that! I don’t know why she’s always angry…at me, unlike when she’s with the fat boy.” Me.


Mr. Yong was laughing, as he knew whom I had meant.



“Aye, one day you’ll understand her. One day you’ll know how much she loves you. I lost my children, never a day goes by, I don’t miss them.” Mr. Yong.


“Why don’t you visit them? They will be very happy!” Me.



“Oh well, it’s complicated. I wish I’d had done things differently. There is nothing I can do, besides, I don’t know where they are.” Mr. Yong.


Mr. Yong was tearing, unable to say anymore…. I looked at him for a moment then I looked away toward the sky. I was thinking about my own father…feeling hysterical every




time when I thought of him. I did not know why or how, but the feeling came since I had questions about him…in my thoughts, maybe I was still a…puppy and needed…someone to protect me…Therefore, I liked to think of him a lot and when I was alone…I looked up at the sky and hoped he was thinking of me as well.


The mother never talked about him, but my aunties told me that he wanted to take me with him. He begged her several times; therefore I never asked because I was scared of the impossible expression of hers, I always thought that my father was sitting somewhere, feeling…desolate and regretful and, maybe, he looked up at the sky…thinking of me.


When I got out of my thoughts, Mr.Yong had already fallen asleep, but I did not wake him. It was getting dark…soon stars would show themselves…brightening and I was hoping Mr. Yong’s children may have looked up too!


Finally, the time of my demonstration had come; the mother woke me up about 5:00 am to get ready for the school. I had to stay there for 2 months before actual classes began. I already packed all my stuff, which were 7 T-shirts, 7 pants, 7 panties, lucky 7??... a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a comb. All of it put into a small bag, which was a brown colour with a white rope around the opening, and it was better than my old one! Although I wished it was blue or yellow…oh well, never mind.


When we arrived, we had to wait for the principal nun because she was busy with something. An old lady at the front desk informed us that it was going to be a few minutes. After we waited for sometime, the old lady told us that the principal nun was ready; I held my bag against my chest and followed the mother to the principal’s office. She welcomed us with a light smile, so I was pleased that she was on the level with her manner of greeting.

We sat down on the chairs at her desk. She gave the mother some papers to sign and…turned to me.


“Arya, are you ready?” The principal nun.




Ah…shit, ready for what? To be the smartest dog? I thought we just got here few minutes ago, oh well, better say something…


“Yes, ma’am.” Me.



That was a lie, I was not ready for any kind of brilliantly intelligent thing just yet, but I did not have any better words to say!! While I was circling my thoughts, a 75-year-old nun walked in with a little girl. The principal nun looked up and said,


“Oh, here you are. Come here Moonlight.” The principal nun.



Moonlight was walking toward the principal nun, but her eyes were fixed, wide opened at me. I was afraid she might bang into something before she reached the principal nun; fortunately, she did not.


“Moonlight, this is Aye. She’s going to stay here for this summer break. And she’ll be your roommate as well.” The principal nun.


She was still staring at me like I was an imaginary creature that was typically ugly or anything else, what the hell! Before the principal nun said anything, she broke out from whatever the bloody hell she was thinking,


“Why she’s so…awful white? She looks white like a ghost. Look at her eyes, are they going to turn yellow like the dirty shit cat behind our school, Sister Waree?” Moonlight.


“Be polite, Moonlight, and watch your language!” The principal nun.



That was very nice of her, found a perfect answer…for me, maybe something was wrong with me and that was Moonlight’s opinion.




Well, I have got to say, at the time I thought she was a little bitchier than the actual…bitch.


Everyone was silent, the principal nun started her CT Scan of me, and that was fucking brilliant because, at the same moment, everyone including the mother was looking at me, especially the mother. Aha, was something wrong with me? Before my brain started…any…ideas, I


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6382-6

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