

I found myself staring off into space, when my mind came back into reality I realized I was staring at a guy with brownish blond short hair, and amazing green eyes, I blushed seeing how he was looking back with an eyebrow raised, I blushed and looked around the cafeteria it's lunch and everyone was busy with their friends talking and eating, I took a quick glance to see if he was still looking, he was walking over. Gosh how long was I staring? I put my face in my hands and heard the chair scrape against the floor, I looked up and he was sitting across from me my face turned red. "Hey," I turned around to see if he was talking to someone behind me. "I'm talking to you," he smiled sweetly, I immediately blushed and looked down, a smile like that would light up a room. "H-hey," I replied. "So tell me, do you like what you see?" Confused I tilted my head. "You were staring at me for a good fifteen minutes," he smirked. Dammit. "Aha, yeah I guess I do," I played with my fingers as I spoke. "What's your name?" He had such a curious face he looked cute like a child. "Rosemary." Is all I said. "Mind if I call you Rose?" I nodded in response. "Mine's James," he added, it made me smile. "I like your name," ah I'm so lame. He chuckled, "I like yours too," I giggled which brought a smirk on his face. "So, where's your friends, or boyfriend?" I laughed a cold laugh. "Have none," he drummed his fingers on the table. "No friends, or no boyfriend?" I shook my head. "I don't have either," he looked back to where his friends sat and thought for a moment then turned back to me. "Come and sit with us," he smiled and his eyes sparkled. Ugh why must this guy be so damn cute? "Sure," James came to my side of the table and held out his hand smirking, shaking my head I took his hand. What am I supposed to do now this is kinda awkward.. but he seems sweet.. A girl from his table gave me despising glare. Uh oh, guess I should've asked if he had a girlfriend. He let my hand go and took a seat as I did the same as soon as he sat down the girl hugged his arm and he rolled his eyes but kept his mouth shut, as the other girls, and guy eyed me. Yup this is awkward. I just sat there playing with my hands nervously. "Dude why is she over here?" A guy asked he had brown hair and blue eyes, I slumped a little in my chair. The girl scoffed and and replied; "I know, she obviously was alone for a reason," James took his arm back from the girl. "Stop it, both of you," he looked at me apologetically, I shrugged him off. Doesn't mean much since I'm used to it. "Um, maybe I should leave your girlfriend doesn't seem very happy with me around," I slowly got up from the table the girl beamed and tried to hug his arm again but pushed her off and grabbed my wrist. "Mackenzie, isn't my girlfriend." I took my hand from his grasp, sure fooled me," sadness kinda seeped into my words as I walked away from the table. I walked down to where my locker is and opened it and got my books out. Shutting my locker james popped out of nowhere I gasped, startled. "What the-" I got cut off. "Why did you leave like that?" I put a hand through my dark wavy hair. "I know when I'm not wanted," his eyebrows knitted together confused. "I wanted you there, I invited you over," I sighed. "Your friends didn't," he took my hand and looked at me, I raised an eyebrow. "Who cares, I wanted you there," I rolled my eyes and took my hand back, just as the bell rang, I started walking away. I don't like talking to many people. "Hey wait up!" I stopped and turned to see james walking behind me. "What I'm going to be late," he took my hand again I shook my head but let him. Whats with him and holding my hand? " what class do you have?" I smiled a bit. "English, what about you?" He smirked and held my hand tighter. "Same as you," I narrowed my eyes. Oh boy. "Since when?" His smirked turned into a grin. "Since now," he began walking pulling me along to English. Even though we walked fast we still ended up late, ms. Charlotte let me through but stopped James at the door. "You aren't in this class," she folders her arms. He smirked as he answered. "Oh no? I believe I am check the list again," she raised an annoyed eyebrow as she checked, her face turned to a shocked expression. "How did you-" she got cut off. "Changed classes this morning miss,"

Just a crush

 I'm ms. Charlotte, go sit down and keep your mouth closed," I sat alone as usual so I started to draw a few pieces of hair went into my face before I could move it out of the way someone done it for me I looked up and seen James. "If you're here just to get in my pants you have another thing coming, I don't like players," I began drawing again. "I'm not trying to get into your anything, I just want to be near you," I didn't look up. "Sure you do," he sighed beside me and crossed his arms. "I'm not normally like this, not really sure why I'm acting like this," he was talking to himself so I just stayed quiet. "You seem interesting, unlike the other girls so I wanted to try and get to know you, but I guess I got a little to serious as you can see," I looked up at him and he looked a bit upset. "Don't worry about it, not many people would go as far as being stalkerish to get to know me," I laughed, he glared at me playfully. "I didn't mean to be a stalker," that made me laugh a bit harder. " no, no, I'm saying that I'm glad someone is so interested in someone as boring as me," he shook his head, "you aren't that boring," I rolled my eyes and continued drawing. He chuckled before the teacher came to our table. "Mr. Fleming you seem to be enjoying my class, why?" Ms. Charlotte asked annoyed. "Just excited to learn," I couldn't help but have a smirk on my face it was pretty entertaining, I took my eyes off them and finished my picture colored and everything, I'm not sure why but I really like drawing anime things, especially the eyes. I switched to a fresh page and started on my work I looked up and seen ms. Charlotte glaring at who else but James, I shook my head and looked over at James who also trying to do his work. "Seems the teacher doesn't like you too much," I whispered to him, he looked up and seen her glaring as well, he nodded and sighed. "Yeah, oh well," he laughed a bit. Five minutes later the bell rang indicating class was over, I closed my binder as the teacher spoke to the class I put everything in my bag. "So, what class do you have now," James smiled sheepishly as he asked. "You're not in all my classes are you?" I was joking around and he shook his head, which made me laugh a little. I honestly don't mind him being in my classes maybe I will have a friend. I smiled at the thought. "You didn't answer my question," he looked at me with one eyebrow raised. "Oh, um I have math, what about you?" He nodded. "I have gym," he made a face. "So, you don't like gym?" I had a smile on my face. "I don't like getting sweaty, ew." He cringed at the thought, I laughed but agreed. He walked me back to my locker as I went to get my stuff for math. "Can I have a hug, I mean so I can properly say sorry," his face was a bit flushed. Wait is he blushing? I nodded my head and gave him a gentle hug. honestly he smelled really good. We stood there for a few minutes then the bell rang again meaning were both late....again. "I guess I'll see you again sometime," smiling he leaned against the lockers. "How about after school, I can drive you home, but first let me walk you to class,"

"We're both late won't you get in trouble?" He shook his head. "Okay, then sure," his eyes lit up but tried not show it. "So, have any plans tomorrow?" He had his arm around my shoulders which made my cheeks burn red as he walked me to class, I shook my head. I never have plans. "Greater can I have your number?" We were at the door to my class, I gave him my number and we parted ways with a wave good bye.

I walked in and walked quietly went to my seat. Guess who was sitting right beside me? It was the girl who was attached to him at lunch. What was her name again? Mackenzie? Yeah. Poor me right? Okay maybe I'm over reacting but she didn't give me a reason to be nice to her. She was staring at me with a disgusted expression. I rolled my eyes and ignored her and attempted to do my work, suddenly a paper was thrown, but again I ignored her but a paper turned into papers but know one seemed to acknowledge it, finally class was over with a loud ring, I threw the papers off my desk and walked out of the class suddenly I was pushed against a locker a forearm against my chest. Mackenzie. "Stay the hell away from James." Then walked off, I sighed and shook my head. Now I remember why I didn't have any friends. I continued walking to my locker standing beside it was James I opened my locker and got my jacket and put all my stuff in my locker. "Are you ready?" He smiled, I nodded, still kind of shaken from moments before with Mackenzie. "You okay?" He seems to look worried. "Yeah.." We started walking over to the car but then we heard a familiar male voice calling james name. We turned to see the guy he was hanging with at lunch he looked me up and down. This is starting to get uncomfortable, maybe he doesn't like me either. "Hey Cory, what's up?" He looked back at James. "Nothing just seeing if I can come over and chill," James nodded as he spoke. "Yeah, sure just let me take rose home," The guy Cory smiled. "Yeah no problem, see you tonight," then looked over at me which made me into my painfully shy self. "Nice meeting you," the smile still on his face, I blush and whispered. "You too," maybe he's not as bad as I thought he was. James opened the door and I got in and did my seat belt on with a click. He shut the door and went on the other side and got in and started the car. As we turned out of the parking lot he looked at me. "You don't like my friend do you?" I looked confused. "What do you mean?" He shook his head. "I'm asking if you have a crush on my friend," I gave him a 'are you nuts' look. "No."

"Then why were you blushing then?" He was gripping the steering wheel a bit harder. "I'm painfully shy,"

Five minutes after we got to my house, I was small it was blue and white and had three bedrooms plus a guest room and a bathroom connected to each bedroom. James got out of the car and went on my side and opened it for me, I blushed and got out and he closed it behind me I leaned against his car. " you didn't have to do that," he shrugged he looked away. Could he possibly be jealous? "I don't like your friend that way, truth is I thought he hated me," I crossed my arms. "It's fine, I'll text you later, see what's going on tomorrow okay?" I nodded and he gave me a hug, then got in his car and I watched him drive off. Well, that was interesting. With a sigh I went and unlocked the door hoping no one was home I slowly tried to sneak up the stairs I heard my father clear his throat to get my attention. Uh oh. I turned around with a fake smile across my face. "H-hey, daddy," yes I still call him daddy, especially if I'm in trouble. "Rosemary, who was that boy you were just hugging?," he had his arms crossed. "Just a friend daddy," I said truthfully. "A friend huh, maybe I should talk to him," I shook my head. "Not that kind of 'friend' dad," gosh. I turned and walked up the rest of the stairs to my room, I took off my jacket and changed into grey sweats and a black T-shirt, then collapsed on my bed replaying the day in my head. Then I got a text and seen it was from James. Probably going to cancel.
James: Hey.
Me: Hello.
James: How about I pick you up around lunch and I can buy you something to eat, then we can go to the movies?
Me: You're making it sound like a date. :P
James: is that a yes?
Me: yeah..
James: Sweet.
Me: Lol.
James: I gtg but I'll text you tomorrow.
Me: Kay, bye.
James: bye. :)

Suddenly I heard a door slam shut, I went out and seen it was Tanners room, My little brother; he's sixteen and usually got in trouble, nothing major, our parents don't like us being in relationships, and don't know that we dated people, but when they did find out we usually got in a lot of trouble he usually stayed over at our biological mothers house which means they got into a fight. I softly knocked on the door. "What?" Tanner sounded pretty upset. "Can I come in?" We weren't that close since Tanner been taken by our mom for a while but I try. "I guess," I slowly opened the door and came in closing the door behind me. "What's wrong little bro?" He propped himself up on his elbow and sighed. "Mom found out about me and Makayla," Makayla and Tanner have been dating for a few months, I never met her but she seems nice. "How did she find that out?" He sighed before he answered. "I was walking her home from school and I thought mom was at work so I kissed her, you know how close mom's house is to the school. Well I kissed her and mom was walking up the sidewalk but I didn't see her, I think you can figure out what happened next," I shook my head. "You should know you should always take precautions, I mean you dated more girls then I have guys," he nodded in agreement. "I only dated more because you're scared of getting hurt again not all of us guys are like that," I shrugged. "Were supposed to be talking about you, what did mom do when she found out?" He gave me a look and rubbed his face with one hand and sat up. "She grabbed me into the house and broke my phone so I can't have contact with her," I looked at him wide eyed. "Are you serious, do you see why I rather stay at dads instead of moms?" He nodded and growled. "Shit makayla is going to be pissed," I took my phone out of my pocket and smiled sheepishly. "Want to use mine?" He sighed and nodded. "Yeah, thanks," I unlocked my phone and gave it to him, the convo between me and James still there. "My big sister is going out on a date tomorrow huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Ew, no we're just friends," I pushed him playfully. "Yeah, friends til tomorrow night," he winked, I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Whatever, are you going to text her or what?" He chuckled and opened a new text message and began texting makayla and explained everything, then passed me back my phone. "You have a text from your boyfriend by the way," he laughed, I put my phone in my pocket and took his pillow off his bed and began beating with him til he finally gave in. "Okay, okay your friend, geez I give," he said through laughter as he was shielding his face with his hands.

I threw his pillow back on his bed and checked my messages.
James: Can't wait til tomorrow. :)
Me: Me either.

I put my phone back in my pocket and sighed. "Alright I'm going back to my room," he picked up a comic book and started reading. "Okay," I walked to my room and closed my door. I hate when my door is open. I go to my laptop at my desk and turn it on, I put my password in and go on Firefox, and type in the anime I'm watching, Inu x boku secret service. It's like butler only he's a bodyguard not a butler, and it's a girl instead of a boy.

~3 hours later ~

I heard a knock at my door, it made me jump. "Yeah?" I asked still focused on the screen in front of me.

"Dinners ready," Dad was talking through the door. "Alright, I'm coming," I paused what I was watching and headed down stairs and sat down at the table. It was me, Tanner, dad, and Claire. Clare doesn't like cooking much so I guess dad cooked tonight, me and Tanner gave each other looks. Hopefully we're having kraft dinner, that's the only good thing he makes. He put it on the table and sat down himself. And kraft dinner was exactly what we got.

Dinner was pretty quiet til my phone made a sound to tell me I got a text. I took my phone out, my dad cleared his throat. "Must you use your phone at the table?" I put my phone back in my pocket at and got up and put my dishes in the sink. Since Tanner's here its his turn to do the dishes. I checked my phone.

James: is it okay if I come pick you up at 8 I need to tell you something.
Me: can't you say over text?
James: no..
Me: oh...
James: yeah..

I looked over at Tanner, he looked miserable.

Me: hold on I need to talk to little brother for a second.
James: okay.

I went over and pulled Tanner into the living room. "I need to talk to him he'll be back in, in a few minutes," I turned to face him. "What's up?" He crossed his arms. "Want to invite makayla and my new friend over, we can hang out in my room," he raised an eyebrow. "Why?" I sat on the couch. "Well for one you look miserable," he shook his head. "I mean why are you inviting your friend over if you're going to see him tomorrow?" I sighed and sat back. "He has something to tell me and I don't want to wait until tomorrow," he nodded putting pieces together in his mind. "What about dad, are you sure he'll let you have him up in your room?" I shrugged. "Why not, you two will be there," he thought for a moment but nodded. "True,"

Me: Do you want to come over now, I don't want to wait til tomorrow to tell me what you need to..
James: uh, sure..
Me: I know you're busy with Cory, but..yeah I was just wondering..
James: yeah no problem I'll be there in an hour.
Me: okay.
James: yep.
Me: see you soon then. :)
James: mhm.

I gave Tanner my phone so he can text makayla. Afterwards he gave me my phone back. "This'll be fun," he had a bright smile on his face. "Go hurry and finish stuff before they get here," I was pushing him back through the door to the dining room/kitchen. "Okay," he went through and I went and sat back down on the couch. Bored flipping through channels seeing what's on TV, trying to pass time until James and makayla got here.

~1 hour later~

A knock came to the door, I jumped off the couch and opened the door to see James. "Hey," I smiled, and held the door open, he walked in with a smile on his face. "Hey, I'm guessing you don't like waiting?" He smirked and I shook my head. "I don't like waiting," There was another knock on the door, meaning Makayla was here. James raised an eyebrow. I ignored it and opened the door at the shortish girl in front of me, I smiled nicely. "Hello," a realization came onto her face. "I-I'm sorry I must've came to the wrong house," I shook my head, she had a very distinct British accent. "No makayla you're at the right house, Tanner is just in the kitchen, but remember what he told you," she nodded. "I know thank you," she continued to the kitchen.

James looked at me confused. "I'll explain when we get up stairs," he just nodded. I took his hand leading up to my room but by dad stopped us on the stairs. "Where the hell do think your going," his arms crossed his face in a scowl. "Up to my room, Tanner and my other friend makayla are coming up too I think they're making popcorn," I said half truthfully, he raised an eyebrow looking at James. Oh great. "Hello sir, I'm James," he held his hand out for to shake hands James who had a smile on his face doesn't seem to be affected by my dad's glare which is weird. Dad just glared, as he spoke. "If you like your hands i suggest you make sure you keep your hands off my daughter," James nodded still smiling. Does he smile when he's nervous or something? I raised an eyebrow at him and took his hand once more leading him to my room; I'm an otaku. I had posters of my favorite anime/s like letter bee, I had a bunch of stuffies but my only plushie is of piplup. I'm not a child for liking anime. *glare*. "You didn't seem scared of my dad," he laughed, and I just stared. "I'm used to that stuff," I just made an 'o' shape with my lips. Great so he is a player. He picked up my piplup toy and glared. "Not like that, just parents seem to think I do things with their daughters," he shrugged, I shook my head changing the subject. "So what did you need to tell me?" He raised an eyebrow at my impatience, he put the toy down. "Well I thought we'd be alone," he walked toward me sitting on my bed, I was about to explain until he pulled me back onto his lap and my face turned completely red. His arms still wrapped around my waist. Makayla and Tanner walked in he closed the door behind him as makayla continued eating popcorn, Tanner wrapped his arms around her pulling her into him. "Are we interrupt something?" He raised an eyebrow. "I uh um," I blushed as he still didn't let go, I wasn't held like this for a long time and I was nervous. "Nice conversation you have going on there," he let go and sat down, and she sat right beside him. "I thought you said you didn't have friends," he sighed. "I don't makayla is Tanner's girlfriend and Tanner is my little brother, she's here to see him, I never met her until tonight," I explained, he nodded understanding. Makayla put the bowl of popcorn on the table. "So, what are we going to do?" Both of the boys shrugged, and I looked over at my computer screen Tanner caught on. "I'm not watching anime with you, so think something else," I glared at my brother, and James had a smirk on his face. "How about we go down and watch a movie, we already have popcorn," I looked at the boys, I don't mind if we watch a movie. James shrugged and Tanner agreed and kissed her head.

We all went down stairs, we all agreed on divergent, which is one of my favorite movies so I didn't mind one bit. I went to the kitchen to get some chocolate and some drinks for the movie, makayla helped as soon as I headed to the door I heard the boys talking.

Tanner: you have a thing for my sister, huh?

James chuckled as he spoke. "Yeah, but I don't think she likes me to much,"

Tanner: "She has issues but be easy on her she hasn't been through the easiest time with guys, she's a bit freaked out," my face turned red Tanner didn't have to tell him that. Makayla was behind me.

James: "well for now it's just a crush,”

First date sneaking out

 My face was heating up by the second. James has a crush on me? I found myself blinking repeatedly but I walked through the door before the could talk about me or my brother say something embarrassing, I put the snacks on the table and forced a smile I sat beside James, just to be pulled onto his lap. I stared at his hands around my waist. I sighed as everyone got comfortable, I picked up the remote and pressed play.

I found myself sitting up with James laying his head on my lap as we watched the movie eating popcorn and candy and such. Makayla fell asleep around the middle of of the movie. Were now all just staring at the black screen waiting for the credits. James looked up at me and smiled I smiled back blushing. Maybe he only told tanner that so no fights or anything happened, I don't know. He got up and sat against the couch. He yawned stretching his arms and checked his phone, which had 29 new messages, but it was eleven o'clock. "I should go home, get a good sleep for our date," he winked, I rolled my eyes. He doesn't actually think it's a date, does he? He nodded towards makayla. "Want me to take her home?" Tanner shook his head. "She can stay here tonight," he put a hand through his hair and nodded. "Alright, well I'm going to get going," I walked him to the door and went out with him on the deck. "So are you going to tell me what you wanted to tell me?" I folded my arms watching him as a huge grin took over his face. I raised my eyebrow waiting for an answer he came over and lifted my chin so I was looking at him before I could ask what he was doing his lips brushed against mine, he let me go shocked. "Goodnight Rose, see you tomorrow," a bright smile on his face as he got in his car and drove off I touched my lips still trying to figure out what happened. I shook my head and went back inside still dazed. Well all my doubts of him not liking me is out of the question. Tanner spoke taking me out of my daze. "What happened you look like you got slapped,"

I shook my head and went back inside still dazed. Well all my doubts of him not liking me is out of the question. Tanner spoke taking me out of my daze. "What happened you look like you got slapped," Before I seen dad coming down stairs I answered. "James just kissed me," I looking down at my purple fuzzy socks my face was bright pink.

"What did he do?" My father came down stairs furious. I looked between my dad and Tanner, I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door realizing fully what happened. He kissed me. Out of all the girls that liked him he kissed me, maybe he kissed all his 'girlfriends so maybe I shouldn't worry too much, I can't get all obsessive, not again. My red faced dad came in, with his arms crossed. "You're not allowed to see that boy again, got it?" I shook my head. "I will see James as much as I like and you can't stop me," I glared at him. James might have went too far but I can talk to him about that tomorrow, but he's not keeping me away from the only friend I have. "You're grounded for a month," he walked out as if it's the end of the fight. I will go even if I have to sneak out of here. I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed, annoyed. Tanner walked in with sheepishly guilty smile, I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. "Why didn't you tell me he was there?" Tanner sat on my bed and sighed. "I didn't know you'd say something like that, if I did I would have," waiting til I knew dad was gone I got up and closed the door. Tanner laid back on my bed with his arms behind his head I sighed and sat on my rolling chair. "So what are you going to do?" An evil smirk crept onto my face. "I'm sneaking out," I started browsing stuff to draw for practice. "In daylight, that's pretty risky" I shrugged. "I have a-" I was cut off by a knock on the door, I glared at it as it opened. In came Claire with a sheepish smile. "Hey, you alright?" I rolled my eyes continued to look through pictures. It's not that I don't like Claire I just don't like her much, and I'm not in a good mood. I shrugged in response. "I know your dad is a bit rough on you two, but your his kids, and he's protective," Claire was trying to get me to reason and it's not going to happen.  "Overprotective," I muttered under my breath, she nodded in agreement. "You do whatever you need to, you know I can't go against your father so keep me out of it but, do as you want," she sighed leaving closing the door behind her, Tanner raised an eyebrow as he watched the door close. "Well that was...odd," I nodded. "Yup," I got a fresh piece of paper and began drawing the outline of my picture. "So what were you going to say, you 'have a-" what?" I sighed and put my pencil down. "I have a plan," he sat up.

"What kind of plan?" Another knock came to the door, I groaned as it opened. "Sorry, I seen everyone was gone so I came up here," makayla said quietly, Tanner shook his head and opened his arms waiting for her to go over. She closed the door and sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "As you were saying Rosalyn?" How many distractions are there going to be? "Well I was thinking of driving her home and continue to go an meet James," I nodded towards makayla. He looked at her thinking playing with her hands placed in her lap she nodded. "Okay, but I did want to spend more time with Tanner," she sighed, I just shrugged. I need to talk to James, that's all that's left in my head right now."You two can be together at school, I already promised James tomorrow and I need a way out of here," I sat back against my chair crossing my arms. "What happened anyway?" Yawning she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "James kissed her and our dad found out and grounded her," Tanner was speaking casually, which in a way kinda is. " your parents are strict," Tanner and I nodded in unison.  I yawned breaking the sudden silence, I was tired and I didn't feel up for talking anymore. "I'm gonna go to sleep, makayla when you're ready there's a spot by my window you can take," she nodded snuggled into Tanner's arms. "I want to sleep with tanner," she rubbed her eyes holding back a yawn, Tanner's face turned pink as he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Fine with me," I take my PJs to the bathroom it consisted of a black tank top and black short shorts. "I'm taking a shower by the way," I close the door, the bathroom had baby pink walls and a white ceiling the tub and shower, sink and toilet were also white. I took off my clothes turned the water on making sure it wasn't too hot, I stepped in feeling the heat and water fall on me making me relax. I close my eyes and stand there for a few moments, then touch my lips as my mind falls back to James. His green eyes and short hair, his pink lips that if he was mine I'd honestly kiss him more than I should. I thought about sliding my hands through his hair if he kissed me again as his arms would wrap around my waist. I shook my head. "What am I doing, he was just playing with me," I then took the shampoo and quickly washed my hair and body, and got out as suddenly really cold I quickly got dressed and attempted to look at the fogged up mirror. I took a brush through my dark brown hair, and blowed dried it. I opened the door and seen tanner and makayla both snuggled up on the spot of my window. I climbed in my king sized bed, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


I heard a big bang which made me jump and fall off my bed, I groaned getting up. What the hell was that? I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked over to where makayla and Tanner were sleeping, they weren't there. I walked out into the the hall and passed a mirror, my hair was tangled in all directions. "I look like crap," talking to myself, I tried finger combing my hair, but not working out very well I shook my head and continued to where the big bang was.

"What's with all the banging?" Tanner had a guilty look on his face and dad and James were in the same room. Shit, I forgot to tell him I'd meet him there. "Um, I look awful I know, sorry I forgot you were coming early," James smirked and my dad's face was red and furious, his eyes turned to slits and there was a hole in the wall. What the fuck? "You're grounded you're not going anywhere," James raised an eyebrow. "Damn what you do?" James crossed his arms. "She let you kiss her, and he grounded her," he look dumbfounded and looked at me then back over to my dad. "You can't be serious," he walked over to me. "I'm dead serious, get away from my daughter, kid," James huffed and leans and whispers in my ear. "Go get ready I'll wait outside," I nodded discreetly, he quickly kissed my cheek as my dad was burning holes in the back of his head. "Yes sir, I'll leave now," winking at me my face flushed with heat, Tanner was shaking his head, knowing what's gonna happen. James walked out, closing the door behind him.

Running up stairs I quickly I grabbed my brush and dragged it through my very tangled wavy hair, when all the tangles are out I quickly get dressed, into a baby pink sweater with black writing saying 'love me' on it, with black leggings underneath I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and other morning routines then quickly put some mascara on and some light pink lip gloss. I go over to my window and get up onto the roof, James standing below with his arms out as if he thinks I'll jump. Guess he didn't see the latter. I walk a little farther over and climb down the latter with a smirk on my face. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. He nodded towards the car, we quickly went in. I put my seatbelt on and he started the car. My dad came out screaming out threats, as we sped off onto the road. We looked over at each other for a second. "We are going to be in so much trouble," I shook my head laughing. He looked between me and the road. "'We'," he raised an eyebrow. "I won't be surprised if he's waiting by the door with a shotgun," he put a hand through his hair. "I usually walk up to the girls door for a goodnight hug or something, but I think I want to stay alive for our next date," I laughed. "What makes you so sure I'll go out on a second date with you, and who said this is our first date?" He smirked and put a few strands of hair behind my ear. "I said this was a date and you agreed and besides I can tell you like me, your red cheeks give you away," I quickly covered my red colored face with my hands. Dammit. I peaked out from my fingers he had a big grin on his face. I sighed as my cheeks cooled down. "Okay, where are you taking me?" I looked over waiting for an answer. "Well first since you didn't have any breakfast I thought I could take you to Starbucks," I bit my lip, I love starbucks, but it  costs a lot of money. "I don't have enough money," he continued driving. "You  don't need money, I'm paying for everything,"  his lips turned up into a smile, which made me smile. " why would you do that?"  He looked at me with a 'duh' look. "Because this is our date," I rolled my eyes leaning back in the seat. "It's not a real date, James," I sighed and kept my eyes out the window. Every guy I dated was insane, how do I know he's any different? "Why not, why can't you go out with me?" His eyebrows knitted in frustration, suddenly I remembered what Mackenzie said. Stay the hell away from James. I shuttered. I don't want to know what will happen knowing I was around him and also on a 'date' with the guy. James parked the car, and turned to me. "What ever happened your past won't happen between me and you, I won't hurt you, give me a chance, Rose, for fucks sake," tears came to my eyes but I blinked them away. I quickly made an excuse. "I-I don't know you," he smiled a little, and leaned in close, our faces inches apart, my breath hitched as his green eyes poured into my blue ones, as he whispers. "Well make this a date and get to know me," I swallowed trying to think of a reason, a long pause before I answered, his smile left his face. James tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and begged quietly. "Please, one date?" I nodded slightly. There was no way to say no. His bright smile came back and he leaned even closer placing his lips on my forehead giving me a kiss, my face turned pink. He got out of the car and ran around to my side, with a grin never leaving his face he opened my car door and bowed a bit jokingly. "Milady," he smirked, making me giggle and I got out.

We went in and he ordered me food and payed for me, I ate in silence but he stared at me the whole time, I finished eating but he was staring at me still intensely. "Do I have something on my face?" He just shook his head. "I'm just trying to figure you out," he leaned his head on his hand watching me, it was intimidating. "So um, what did you want to tell me? He smiled and clasped his hands together. "You're clueless," I cocked my head to the side, confused. "What do you mean I'm clueless?" He chuckled but got serious. "I already told you what it was, it's that I like you," I was going to cut him off when he got out of his chair came towards me pulling me up to him, I could barely breath from how close he was standing, his arm tightly around my waist, he lifted my chin making his green eyes pour down in mine. Suddenly he was leaning closer and closer, I was looking at his pinkish lips then back into his eyes, we were about to kiss when- "James," I very quietly whimpered. Why did I whimper? It's just a kiss.. I blushed at the sound that escaped my lips, he looked at me with a smirk and let me go, and took my hand. "Hey Charlotte," she crossed her arms. "I told you to call me Charlie, everyone except you call me that why? And who's she?" She nodded toward me. He smiled genuinely. "She's my girlfriend," I, I'm - I'm his what? My face turned red. She nodded, I kinda hid behind him. "Well I have to go, I'm getting ready with my date with Carson, four years, can you believe it, we are going to the movies later," My body went stiff at his name, I was holding onto the back of James's shirt. "Hey, so are we, maybe we could go together," there's no way it can be the same person, right, I mean there's probably all kinds of Carson's around. Letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding, still a tight grip on his shirt. "Yeah a double date, it sounds fun, we'll see you two tonight," he nodded I just stood there not paying attention trying to telling myself it's okay that it won't be him. James turned around to face me, he swiped his thumb across my cheek looking confused."why are you crying, are you okay," I quickly wiped the rest of the tears off and gave him a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, he knew but didn't push on for answers. "Hey let's out at the mall for a few hours," he smiled at me and kissed my forehead, he held my hand as we left star bucks and drove to the mall.

~9 pm~

Leaving the mall James pulled me toward him, making me giggle, him grinning he leaned in and kissed me, I just stood there, I wasn't ready to kiss him back. His arms held tighter then kissed my cheek. "Come on we have to go meet the other two," I stopped smiling and got out of his arms and nodded. Please don't be Carson Kylan, I don't think I can handle it. I continued walking towards the car without giving James another look. We only knew each other for two days, and I'm falling for him why? Because I'm insane. Suddenly I felt James grab my arm pulling me back to him. "What's wrong, tell me," he had worry in his eyes, but I shook my head. There's no way I can tell him what happened in my past. I probably have nothing to worry about.  He sighed but let my arm go. I got in the car waiting for him to drive us to the movie theatre. Driving for about  fifteen minutes. I couldn't bring myself to look at James, I was embarrassed, and scared. Can I really go through this, what if it's him, should I try to stay? The theatre came into view as we entered the parking lot, my breathing was ragged and I knew I'll have a panic attack, I closed my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing. It's time to find out the truth.

The past with carson

We got out of the car and walked into the theatre, James attempted to hold my hand but I quickly put my hands in my pockets, I was shaking and my hands were getting clammy. I could see his jaw flex but kept his mouth shut as we went to the ticket booth, I guess that girl, and the Carson guy isn't coming finally relaxed I took James hand, until I hurt the toxic sound I haven't heard for three years, a voice I never wanted to hear again. "Hey kitten," he was close and whispered in my ear, I swallowed hard but kept my mouth shut. He spun me around and slammed my back against the wall, cruciating pain filled my body. "What did I tell you about ignoring me, you little bitch," he said lowly so no one else could hear. I couldn't speak I was more than scared. I don't want to remember, i- I don't ~....

~flash back~

"I told you that you will be punished IF you don't meet my needs, now you're going to pay," he grunted out as he tied me to the bed post tight enough I couldn't feel my hands, I had two black eyes from the night before when he came back drunk and pissed off. He used handcuffs on my feet as they were cutting through my skin on my ankles, my body was unclothed and naked and I couldn't move I struggled against the wire that were cutting my wrists and I couldn't scream with the duct tape covering my mouth. His cold brown eyes looked into my eye teary puffed blue ones. I'm sure I'm going to die here.

He thrusted himself inside me my screams muffled by the tape , tears running down my cheeks as he thrusted again and again I tried to pull my feet away even if I dislocate my ankles I needed to get him off he put his hands around my neck and pushed as he thruster harder I began to cough but they were muffled as well. That evil face had a smile as I coughed. He grabbed a knife from the bedside table. I panicked I screamed I struggled as he slid the blade lightly across my chest and body tears began falling faster the blade cut my skin. "Scream, now no one will hear you," He pulled the tape off my mouth as he pushed in me harder he put the knife against my throat, I tried not to scream to give him the satisfaction, but he got off me. Thinking he was done I relaxed I tried to breathe knowing I'll have purple bruises around my neck. I closed my eyes, suddenly I felt the crack of a whip against my stomach, then my legs then my chest feeling the sticky crimson liquid down my body as I gave an ear splitting scream.
~End of flashback~

Forgetting we were in the lobby of the theatre I screamed, finding myself rolled in the fetal position, tears rolling down my cheeks I was too scared to look up I was too scared to breathe. I felt arms around me pulling me up to his chest I pushed him away not knowing who it was, or caring I ran out of the theatre falling to my knees, as I cried uncontrollably. I heard my name get called but I couldn't bring myself to face anyone.

I heard a cold laugh and it sent shivers down my spine.
Should I stay for James sake, or should I go home?


James tumbled back as Rose pushed him away and ran out without a single glance. She seemed nervous ever since she heard Carson's name. James pushed Carson against the wall with a hand around his throat. "What did you to her?" He grunted out as he put more pressure against Carson's throat, he smirked and looked him dead in the eye. "She's my pet," he smirked. "Meaning?" James was getting annoyed. "Meaning she had to as I desire, and she ran away, looks like she will have to be punished again, but way worse then before, I'm her master she will comply, unless she wants to die," he smirked. James let him go and ran out to where Rose was gone, panicking he called out her name, but no answer. Finally he found her lying in a ball in a parking lot, he picked her up bridal style as she was still crying. Suddenly I heard Carson laugh. I turned around to see him with a smirk on his face. "You can't hide behind James forever kitten, I will find a way to kill you,"

~back to first perspective~

I felt safe in James arms, but I knew he was right. I couldn't hide behind James forever, because I know one day he will leave my side as well. I looked up at James face he was shaking. Did he know? Did Carson tell him? I got out of James arms but he pulled me back protectively. "I can tell by the look on your face you have no idea what he's been up to. He's been abusing me while you two been together that first year, I got away, and I suggest you never go down into his basement,"  I turned back to james, but I didn't look at him, I was too embarrassed. "Can you please take me home?" I could see he was hurt, but I didn't care I needed to get away, even if that meant screaming and yelling against my father.  He nodded and opened the door, Caleb laughed. "I know where you live, kitten, remember that," he had a sly smirk on his face. Then looked at his girlfriend who was now pale white. I swallowed hard and got in the car. With the amount of force he slammed the car door closed means he's furious. Oh no. He came around to the drivers side, but before he came into the car he spoke. "You touch her, I'll kill you," he spoke through clenched teeth, Carson laughed with a big smile on his face, shaking his head as he talked. "I'm not afraid of you, James, and she belongs to me I can touch her in any way I desire, isn't that right kitten?" I just shook my head. "I-I'm not yours Carson,"

James got in and started the car and we drove off, I played with my hands as we sat in silence, but the anger was radiating off of him. "What did he do to you," he was gripping the steering wheel hard enough his knuckles turned white, my breath was shaky. He kidnapped me, he said he was doing of out of love, that he loved me, which at first I believed because of my dad, and I was forced out of a relationship with him, but when we got back to where he lived, he took me by my hair and pushed me down the stairs into the basement. There was a door leading to the room I was forced to live in, he stripped me down to nothing, and he, he,~" I couldn't speak anymore the memories were like shards of glass pushing deep, deeper into your skin.

"Back then were you still innocent?" I looked at him confused. "In-innocent?' James looked between me and the road. "I'm asking if you were a virgin, Rose," I nodded looking back down my hands in my lap. "I'm going to kill him," the rest of the ride home was silent. Driving into the driveway I noticed the lights still on. The car stopped and I began to get out of the car, but James grabbed my wrist. "You can't stay here, at least not for a little while, Caleb is after you and I'll kill him if he even comes close, I need you to tell your father what's happening, then I want you to pack for the next few days,  I want you to call a taxi and meet me here, I'm going to go park my car a block away and come back alright?" Before I could object he was pushing me out of the car, by before he let me go he put chaste kiss on my forehead. I sighed and got out of the car and walked up to the front door, I looked back where James sat with a nervous smile. I walked through the door, and quietly headed up the stairs and into my room, to my surprise to Tanner sitting down on my bed. "You were gone a long time," I walked over to my closet and took a big bag, not very fancy but it's going to have to do, I began throwing my clothes in the bag. "I'm going to be gone for a while longer," he got up from the bed. "Don't tell me you're moving in with him, you two only had one date," he incredulously spoke. "No, actually Caleb found me and is trying to kill me, so I have to leave for a little while, and I know I said this a thousand times, but thank you for getting me out of there back then," he looked shocked mad and ready to kill, just like James did.

"Oh, talking about me already?" Caleb said chuckling behind me. I didn't want to turn around, so instead I bolted out the door of my room throwing heavy things behind me hoping they will hit me. Dad tried to stop me by the door, yelling at me, but it was too late to explain, hoping James didn't leave yet, running to the driveway. Thankfully his car was still there I jumped in the car. "Go, go, go, he's here!" I through my bag upon the back of the car and we sped quickly of onto the road. "I knew I shouldn't have taken you to that house, I knew but I wanted you to explain to your dad," he yelled through clenched teeth. "I didn't even get to do that, I got my clothes and stuff and ran,"

He sighed pushing a hand through his hair. "I'm taking the car home, were calling a taxi and going to the hotel that way, besides I need a few things as well, since school and all," I raised an eyebrow. "You're going to stay with me?" He scoffed. "You're not staying by yourself with that psycho after you," I sighed. "I hid from him for three years I think I'll be okay James ," I shook my head looking out the window. Suddenly the car stopped and James pulled my face to look at his his green eyes deadly serious. "You didn't do too good of a job if he knows where you live and can and will kill you if he gets to you, I swear to god I'll rip his damn heart out while it's still beating, now you listen to me, you're not leaving my sight, got it," he sneered venom dripping from his words, goose bumps now covering my arms from the chills that went through me, I feel safe though. I nodded, he let my face go and began driving again. His eyes on the road again, the rest of the drive to his house was quiet. His eyes were full of  rage and determination. He drove up into the driveway, he parked the car and got out and came on my side and opened the door on my side, he held his hand out to help me out, I took it and got it out of the car. He shut the door and held me against the car, his hands either side of my head. His eyes turned sorrowful but his jaw clenched and unclenched his green eyes poured into mine he leaned in and kissed me, I just closed my eyes. Could he be the one, I never felt this way before.  "Come on," he took my hand and began walking us up to the front door, he went in his pocket for his keys.
He quickly unlocked the door pulling me inside not letting my hand go, the door accidentally slammed behind us. He took me into the living room where his mother was sitting. She looked up a hot drink in hand. She gave us a smile, I kindly tried to do one back, as nervous as I am. "Mom this is Rose, were staying at a hotel tonight. Carson is after her, so we're keeping the car here and taking a taxi, I'll be back after school tomorrow, could we borrow the money? Were calling the police as soon as we get there, you should if he shows up." He explained, I thought we were keeping that from her but apparently not. The lady got out of her seat, and went and got her purse. "Why is he going after her?" She asked going through it. James hand tightened around mine. "He used her mom, abused her, before I ever met her, so now I'm keeping her safe." She suddenly stopped and looked at me. I felt embarrassed from the stare. "Carson, as in your friend Carson?" I nodded. "He's not my friend anymore," he said coldly, she nodded and passed him the money. He put in his back pocket and turned to me and kissed me on the head. "I'll be right back,"

A night at the hotel

 "Okay," I said quietly, he smiled a reassuring smile before he turns and walk up the stairs. I looked around a bit, there were all kinds of pictures around of his family, I smiled a little, then looked away. The furniture was a dark oak color and  the walls were a cream colored brown. "Who are you?" I turned to see a girl who looked like she was about fourteen; she had blonde hair and pale green eyes. She had her arms crossed. "I'm Rose, I'm waiting for James," I said hesitantly. She rolled her eyes, and shifted her weight. "What are you doing here?" Before I could answer James interrupted. "Kallie stop interrogating her," She turned towards the stairs as sighed and replied. "Whatever," He had a hockey bag over his shoulder and went and got his phone out of his back pocket. "Sorry about that,"  I shook my head. "It's okay," he quickly called the taxi, and hung up. "It'll be here in ten minutes," I put a hand through my brown hair. All the fear and anger I've been holding down these past three years is coming back again, my eyes stung by tears rolling down my cheeks. I can't keep living like this; always running. But what else can you do besides run when there's always a guy after you?
James came up to me and cupped my face in his hands, his eyes poured into my blue ones. "Why are you doing this, why are you protecting me? He's your friend right, so why do you care so much?" He smiles gently. "Haven't I told you yet?" I shook my head. He moved a strand of hair out of my tear stained face. "I'm in-" he got cut off by a loud beep from outside, he sighed instead of finishing his sentence. "Taxi is here," he kissed my forehead and took my hand once more as we headed outside to the car.
Inside the taxi the driver made small talk with James as I was daydreaming looking out the window. I wonder what he was going to say. "So, just for curiosity I hope you don't mind me asking, but what are you young couple doing in a hotel, not doing what I think you're right?" The taxi driver brought me out of my thoughts. James started laughing coldly. "Its none of your business, what we are doing, it's your job to drive not ask questions, isn't it?" I looked over to James, his eyes looked like stone, as if he was so determined he didn't care what got in his way. He took my hand and squeezed gently. "Sorry, sir. Didn't mean to make you mad." The man apologized lowly as he drove up to the hotel. James paid him as we got out of the car, he quickly retrieved to go get our things from the trunk. We walked into the hotel fast James went to the desk and talked to the women who held card keys to our room and a flirtatious smile on her face. Ugh, why does everyone keep looking at him like that? He nods over at me telling me to go to the elevators. Finally getting to our room he opens the room, I throw everything down and run and jump on the bed, James stares with an eyebrow raised. "What, you can't go to a hotel and not jump on the bed," I crossed my arms as I stood, he laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, you're right I guess," you don't have to tell me, I know I'm right," I said matter of factly. He  scoffed. "Whatever," he rolled his eyes and came over to the bed and where I was standing and sat beside my feet he quickly grabbed my legs and pulled me fast landing soon his lap, accidentally I let out a scream.  Holding me close he looks into my eyes, he lays his head on mine. "You're safe now, Rose," he whispered, a blush lit on my face from his words, he moved my hair out of my face. I smiled a little smile. "Can you promise that, James his face turned serious as he stared at me he gently grabbed my waist throwing me onto the pillows as he held me down, he leaned down to whisper into my ear. "I swear it, we might not have been together long, I mean it's been our first date, but I'll risk my life to keep you safe," my eyebrows knitted together in confusion at his words. He barely knows me, do I deserve all this care and worry, and how he's protecting  me?  I looked into his emerald green eyes. "Why, why do you care so much about a girl you just started talking to?" A smile appeared on his lips. "Isn't it obvious?" I shook my head, as he leaned over me. "I'm falling for you Rose, I swear I won't hurt you, please trust me,"~please trust me. They echoed in my head. I'm falling for you.~ my breath caught his grip tightened around my wrists gently. "We can go slow, please I swear I won't hurt you," I closed my eyes. I'm so tired. And I pass out.

I suddenly awoke from a big bang, my eyes opened wide I was in James arms, I looked over at him. "What's going on?" My voice was groggy from sleep. "Don't worry you're safe," I nodded. "Now, now don't tell her lies," I heard the sickening voice from Carson, I began panicking I knew there was no way out. James got up from where he laid beside me, I felt cold, trapped. I'm going to die here. Was all I thought, James growled from anger. "You know I can rip you to pieces, don't you?"  Carson's smile grew bigger. "You are so full of yourself, that can get you in trouble you know, and if you want to save Rose you know you need to save her from herself as well, I can see it on your face you know what she's been doing," James began walking towards Carson, but he disappeared in thin air. Suddenly I got ripped out of the bed and thrown over someone's shoulder. I kicked and screamed and hit everything I could, the person ran out the door to the room down the elevator and out of the hotel a van Came up and I was thrown in the back seat and held down again by four pair of hands I felt a sharp pain of a needle in my neck and everything turned black.

James pov.

Shit. "Shit," speaking my thoughts I turned and punched the mirror, I quickly ran out the door, down the stairs and out the front doors, just remembering I left my car at home. how did he find us? I screamed in frustration I looked around, to find something anything to get back to Rose. anything please. seeing a black camaro I ran and picked the lock, and attempted to start the car, finally getting it to run after the third try. "Aha, finally," sped off into the night, following the GPS in Carson's phone. I'm now asking myself why I didn't do that sooner. I swiped a hand over my very tired perplexion, their GPS showed they were at a garage. I'm coming rose I'll die to keep you safe. After twenty minutes I finally got there I quietly got out of the car and snuck into the garage I didn't recognize it we never been here before. a cell phone laid on a table alone no one else is in here. suddenly I felt something hard and heavy and I dropped unconscious to the floor with a thud.

new stranger pov.

walking down to  the garage, I heard the door open, it's one o'clock in the morning. I took my wooden bat down with me. I heard others footprints. Yup, a burglar. I slowly crept up behind him and swung as hard as I could. He fell to the floor hard, I quickly picked him up and pushed him on the chair and got rope and tape, tying him up as tight as I could and put tape to cover his mouth. There, now I wait til he wakes up.

The kidnapper

 James pov

I slowly opened my eyes, the back of my head ached making me wince, trying to move my hands but they were binded from behind. realizing I've been tied up, and I had tape over my mouth. looking up I see grey eyes staring back at me. "some nerve, have," the stranger spoke. confused I glared back at him not able to speak because of the tape. I played with the rope that had my wrists. No way am I staying here while Carson might be doing anything to her. "How could you come into my poor grandfather's  house to steal?" I looked at him confused. steal? I'm not stealing, not this time at least.
"You look confused, why are you here?" he pulled the tape off not seeing it coming. "I'm not here to steal anything, see that phone over there?" I  nodded towards the table, he nodded. "I was tracking it, he took something precious to me, I need to get it back," my hands were in fists. 'Never get close' is what my dad used to say. why didn't I listen? tears sprang to my eyes from pure hatred and annoyance.  That bastard. "what he take that was so precious, for a guy in a gang to cry like that," he put down the bat and had a smirk, and crossed  his arms. "How do you know that?" I shut my eyes tight, my eyes blurry, probably a concussion. "huh, hurts that you forget about me so easy, I'm apart of your gang, now you; you hand picked me out yourself," the realization hit me. "Eriel?" A smile grew onto his face. "The one and only," I nodded. We don't have time  for small talk. "Eriel I need your help, untie me." He quickly UNdone the ropes. "What do you need help with,"  I rubbed my wrists putting back the circulation.  "My girlfriend," I answered. "Oh don't tell me you're becoming soft bruh," I gave him a death glare. "She's been kidnapped by Carson," I spoke through clenched teeth. No one realizes how awful he really is besides Rose and I, I seen what he can do I swear if he lays a hand on her. I got up and picked up his phone, all of a sudden it began to ring I answered fast. "Where the fuck are you?" I yelled through the phone, getting even more angry. "It's a secret my friend," a cruel laugh coming the phone. Sounds of knives being sharpened, I heard rose scream. I have to get to them fast, taking my phone out of my pocket now tracing the phone he's  been using, which has been traced to an old warehouse.
I looked over at Eriel. "I'm on your side man, let's go," he nodded towards the door.

Roses pov

"Don't you know what happens when you run yet, you'll always get caught kitten" a sickening laugh came after Carson's words it made me cringe. I feel small, weak, powerless. "D-don't call me that," stuttering trying to act strong, but my voice betrayed me. Carson smirked and grabbed my face in his oversized hand. "Kitten, I can call you whatever the hell I want, and  considering your shackled in chains your should keep quiet pet," he had a smirk on his face of entertainment.
I ripped my face away from his hand. "G-go fuck yourself Carson," I sneered. "Oh darling, do you want to know who gave you out," he had an evil glint in his eye as he turned to look behind him, my chest was heavy as the boy came closer,  a smirk placed his face what into a murderous smile. No, no he couldn't of. "Hello my sweet older sister," Tanner.


James pov.

We got to the old warehouse where they were keeping Rose. All I can think of is her safety. I looked over at Eriel, I was full of adrenaline and determinism, I will get her and keep her safe. We got out of the car, handguns in the front of our belts. We are going to go in there with guns blazing.
Eriel behind me as we walk towards the entrance I opened the door but but as soon as it did I got kicked in the back and flew inside scraping my hands on the concrete. "Son of a bitch," I quickly got up and ran to the door. I tried to open the once unlocked door which is now locked. "Eriel what the hell open the damn door!" Throwing myself against the door to try and get it open but it wouldn't budge. "Not today man, not yet," Ariel's voice came from behind the door. I looked around to see if there was any other way out, there was another door I opened it, unfortunately for me three guys were waiting by the door, none of them I knew. Oh hell Rose what did we get into? They grabbed me but I moved fast and got away I grounded my teeth and ran towards the next door and went into the next room. What I seen tearing my heart apart. The once beautiful shy girl who I love is being held up by chains blood and tears made her hair stick to her face, cuts all down her arms and legs her head turned laid tired on her shoulders tape over her mouth, face swollen from cuts and bruises. I heard the door behind me slam shut. "I see you've come for the show," I heard Carson's voice from behind. "What did you do to her?" My teeth were clenched, all I could see was red of anger. I want to kill this sick bastard slow and painfully. "I showed her what happens when she tries to run,"
"You're a monster, and I swear I'm going to kill you," my voice low, calmness deadly. He laughed. "If I'm the monster who are you, you're not exactly a saint James, if anything you're a spawn of the devil," My hands tightened on my gun. "If I'm a spawn of the devil, why the fuck are you challenging me?" Carson shook his head. "If I don't who will, someone has to,"
My hands were suddenly chained I couldn't move the other gang members forcefully held my head in roses broken state her head rolled around on her shoulders trying to pick her head up but she was too weak. Tanner was standing over her with pure hatred and perversity over her scared and freshly wounded body he grabbed her hair making her wince up at him. He kicked her in the stomach doubling over as much as the chains let her as she threw up blood. Adrenaline and finally my adrenaline kicked in.

Such a broken girl

Rose's POV.

I can't think see, speak barely hear, at this point I just want to die. Please make this fast I can't bare it any longer. I can't even hold myself up my ankle dragging on the floor, eyes so badly swollen unable to open my breathing shallow.
Another blow to my head too weak and done to care. Bullets, that's what I heard before I got swept in the dark abyss of my mind.

James's POV.

Bullets. I put one straight into Carson's thick brutal horrible head, killing him as straight as a nail. I put the barrel on the back of of tanners head, taking safety off the gun ready to pull the trigger. Carson was exactly right, I am a monster. -
Right before I could pull the trigger I heard Rose's hoarse rough voice. "J-James, w-wait," she coughed out. I shook my head, and stared right into her swollen shut eyes. But I seen the side of him smiling. "I'm sorry I can't let him get away," And I pulled the trigger.

Rose screamed for her brother but I just couldn't let that sick bastard live, I'd never forgive myself if that ever happened to her again. I put the gun in my gun holster and gathered Rose in my arms taking the chains off her, if anyone else tries to get in my way tonight, they're all going to die. I took stray hairs from her blood-covered face, sitting on the floor rocking her back and forth gently and kissing the top of her head. The adrenaline gone and as she fell asleep I took her back to the car, laying her on her back on the backseat. I never felt like this and it's tearing me apart, Rose. Rose did this to me, her and her blue eyes, her beautiful smile, and I know for a fact this isn't lust, I knew that feeling, this feeling was completely different, it was pain, it was need to make sure she was okay, this was something I'll never feel with anyone else, and I honestly have been  with more girls then I can count. It's all her, shes all I need. I can't explain it, if I ever lost her.. it would be the end, not the end of our romance, no. That's the beginning, our story will last forever, but days as the living would end. Driving to the hospital, the satisfaction of knowing those son's of bitches can never touch her again. Carrying her into the hospital nurses ran to us taking Rose away to help her, sending her in on a gurney into a hospital room as doctors raced in. I put a hand through my short blonde hair covering my face with my hands. Dear lord save her, I could feel the stare of someone standing over me. I looked up at an ashen face of Rose's father. I got up slowly and gave him a stern look, my hands and fists trying to stay calm. "What are you doing here?" shutting my eyes so I didn't have to look at him. "She's my daughter, I'm the emergency contact. I have a right to be here," I shook my head at his words. "No, your son was the one of the people to hurt your daughter, I'm the one who saved her, and I will never see her hurt like that again," Stared at him seriously, all he did was nod, turn and walked away.  

Dead or alive

 Rose's POV

Finally able to open my eyes a little as the swelling goes down, James sitting beside my bed laying his head on the mattress, just realizing that this isn't my bed, or my room. It was a Hospital, the smell of disinfectant everywhere. I swept a hand through his hair, everything was in pain, and I knew I wasn't going to make it this time, I felt it getting harder to breath. "James, I can see now, just please, dead or alive, please just love me truly?" James's head looked up his green eyes stuck on mine as he leaned and kissed me one last kiss. "I always have loved you truly," He whispered, I smiled gently, that was my goodbye, my final confession. I realized even after a short time I really did most truly love him, I will watch over him and love him more then I will when I was well. I finally understand the words 'I love you'. I laid my head back onto the pillow and let myself go into the darkness of death.

James's POV

"Rose?" A long beep came from the heart monitor. "NO, wake up, Rose! Doctor, nurse someone, help!" Doctors filled the room getting the cardiac defibrillator. "Clear!" and shocked her, but nothing happened, they done it again. But again nothing happened. They done it one last time everything was spinning, spiraling down as I realized it was too late. She's gone.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2017

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