
How I Earn Money $15000 Per Day

How I Earn Money $15000 Per Day




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the information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his/her opinions based on the new conditions.

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About Author

Jordan is a content marketing strategist at CoSchedule. He loves the nitty-gritty on topics like video marketing, copywriting, and waffle making—the latter being most key to his work. When not creating content or breakfast food, he likes to mountain bike, play music, and travel with his family.


What is affiliate marketing?

Be it a blogger, someone into content writing services or internet services has always heard of this phrase called affiliate marketing. What exactly is it? In simple words if you have a blog or a website, then you can start promoting products and services to get a small commission in lieu for it.

This is what affiliate marketing is all about and there is nothing more to it. It is considered to be quickest way to sell products online; which is why it had been a success for many.

Why an affiliate marketer?

Reasons are many and this list will go on for sure. However to make it short, here are a few of the many ups of affiliate marketing:

  • Gives you the opportunity to reach out to a bigger audience.

  • It is cost effective for you as you do not need a storage space or staff to handle everything.

  • Most of the affiliate programs are free of cost.

  • It gives you the possibility of working from home.

  • Provides you with a steady income if not anything.

  • No customer support required.

Tips for success

Remember that success will not come overnight. You will have to work towards it by following some simple steps:

  • Start using products that you know about or you have endorsed in.

  • Choose a few products and concentrate on them.

  • Research how much that product is in demand.

  • Read about the new techniques of marketing always.

  • Choose an authentic merchant and promote products likewise.

Did you know?

  • About 60% of affiliates work from home?

  • 47% affiliates promote less than 10 products a year?

  • Around 3.3% affiliates make over $500,000 a year?

  • 69% affiliates promote only consumer based products?





Today, we’re talking to Pat Flynn, the founder of Smart Passive Income, about how to crush a $300,000 launch and keep up with publishing so much valuable content. Besides starting his own software and app businesses and Websites, Pat also helps thousands grow their online businesses by sharing his process of what goes well and what doesn’t.

Some of the highlights of the show include:

  • Initially, Pat did everything on his own. However, his team has grown over the past few years to support his mission. Now, most tasks are handled by his team. Pat handles the big ideas, not the busy work.

  • Pat has been able to output more content and not fall behind as a result, including through online courses, books, and speaking engagements.

  • Plan ahead when it comes to your content. Develop a top-down view using an editorial calendar to maintain efficiency and consistency. What topics do you want to cover? What are customers talking about?

  • Develop lead magnets associated with topics or themes. What potential incentive can you offer to customers? Incentives could include an affiliate product or offer for an online course or Webinar. Thinking ahead of time gives you opportunities to be more strategic with your content.

  • An editorial calendar makes sure all team members are onboard with the same goals and tasks. It’s about content and what teams are doing related to it. Then, they know what’s coming and what they can look forward to.

  • Pat’s team meets every two weeks to review goals and accomplishments of the past two weeks, as well as items they want to achieve in the next two weeks. It ensures that they are working on what they need to truly be working on.

  • If everything goes as planned, that’s a bonus. Fire drills are things that happen and blow everything up. So, you need to have flexibility built into your editorial calendar for unexpected issues and to put out fires.

  • As a manager, Pat is comforted to know what needs to be done and that his team members are handling tasks. It is motivational, too, because he knows his team is holding up their responsibilities, which makes him more likely to do what he is responsible for completing. It’s a cohesive unit that supports each other.

  • An editorial calendar equals freedom, flexibility, and breathing room for you. It takes the weight off your shoulders because goals and structure are developed and in place. A little time upfront means less time spent later on.

  • When implementing an editorial calendar, there are some best practices to follow. It takes iteration, experimentation, and communication. CoSchedule makes it simple.

I have the pleasure of hosting Pat Flynn. Pat, as I’m sure you know, is the Founder of Smart Passive Income, where he helps thousands grow their online businesses, and he’s also the author of best selling books like, “Will It Fly?” And “Let Go.” Today, we’re going to talk about how Pat keeps up to pace with all of this awesome content that he’s publishing. Yeah, I’m excited for this. I’d love to just start with maybe your quick backstory. For those that aren’t familiar with Smart Passive Income and your work. Bring us up to speed in a minute or two.

So, a lot of people know me from, where I teach people how to build a business online, to help save time, et cetera. But that wasn’t actually my first business. My first business started back in 2008 when I got laid from an architecture position, and long story short, I built a business helping people past a very, very niche, particular exam in that space, called the Lead Exam, and I had published a study guide, and had connected with a company to sell practice exams.

That business did over $200,000 in a year, and it really helped saved my life, really, I feel like. I’ve been wanting to pay it forward ever since, and that’s where Smart Passive Income comes from. I talk about a lot of the businesses that I’ve started. I’ve since started several others, including software companies, app companies, other websites in different niches, and I just show the process along the way. Things that go well, things that don’t go well, things I wish I had done differently, but there’s always a lesson involved, no matter what happens.

I’ve become known as this person who has just shared everything. The wins, failures, but also how much money you’re making, and what businesses are making it, and where it’s all coming from. I share that in monthly income reports on, and now I’m just fortunate to be able to have the ability to write books that people read, and speak on stages where people watch and go on amazing podcasts like this one, or just it’s amazing. I’m here to help as many people as I can and share the wisdom, because if it wasn’t for my layoff, none of this stuff would have happened, and I feel like it’s what I owe.

I love that story and I think one of the things that I’ve, as we’ve talked over the last year or two, your team has really grown in helping you build some of those things. Can you talk a little bit about that in terms of where your growth has been over the last couple of years, and what Smart Passive Income looks like right now?

so for the first five and a half years, I did everything myself. When I think back I’m like, “Why did I do that?” Because I have had so much great things happen as a result of having other team members come on to help support me in my mission, who have the same mission of helping to serve others in this space. I also think it was because there was a lot of pride involved in doing a lot of the work myself, so I would edit my podcasts myself, I would do the graphics myself, I have some Photoshop experience from architecture.

I would do the web design and JavaScript myself too, like I tried to train myself to become a JavaScript expert, for YouTube, and it’s just insane. I think a lot of entrepreneurs go through the same thing, but I had my first taste of actually what it was like to have somebody else do something for me that I could do and I actually liked to do, and that was in 2014. I came out with a podcast called “Ask Pat” and that show was not going to happen unless I had somebody also help me create that.

Because I was already producing another podcast, and “Ask Pat” comes out five days a week. So, I tested it, as I often do with these new things, and I gave it a trial run, and it was just amazing to have somebody come on to help edit the show, and really produce it to a point where all I had to do was just record and that’s it. Everything else was taken care of by my team, everything else was published on WordPress, and on iTunes, all automatically it seemed, but of course it was this person, Mindy, who was on my team doing it for me.

Then I was like, “Oh man, this is insane. What else can I now offer other people to help me with?” I just started offering everything. So editing my other podcast, helping to publish blog posts that I had actually written, and also writing some emails of mine. Still the social media, I still control and take care of that myself, but everything else, I mean, I’m only now doing what only I can do. Everything else is being taken care of by the team, and it’s so essential, because especially now, I’m a father, I want to spend more time with my family, but also I also want to spend more time interacting with my audience and coming up with big ideas versus doing a lot of the busy work. It’s just opening up so much more time and just more fulfillment.

I love it. How has that increase in output that you’ve been able to take on because of that new setup fueled your growth, and how has that factored into your growth?

I mean, it’s been the most important thing really, because I wouldn’t have been able to do these things, and that includes creating new online courses, writing books. Now, with the ability to go out and speak and travel a little bit, while still having the business continue to run and the team work on things, and still publication dates being kept up. I mean, that was another big thing. When I first started out, because I was doing it on my own and doing all these other things, when I was creating content which is obviously very important, I was creating it on the go.

So, I’d publish a blog post, which I always hated, because the moment I hit publish, I knew that I would have to figure out what I was going to do for next week’s blog post, right? It just got to that point where I was just so frustrated because I just was always feeling like I was behind. There was no way for me to feel like I was actually on top of things, even if I was publishing on time. I still felt like I was always behind.


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  1. Insightr Pro

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  3. Affiliate Funnel Clones

  4. FBEngagr PRO

  5. Omniwebinars

  6. Bing Bang Profits

  7. Videze Commercial

  8. Targeting Academy & Insightr

  9. ShopABot

  10. eSpector


Below Image This Is Earing Per Day By Pat Flynn











Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2018

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