




This book is a revelation of life, aimed at teaching its readers to improve their self worths and increase their success in life. As success is the progression in motion, the knowledge revealed in this book, if adhered to, will aid the alleviation of negativity and boost the momentum of positivity.


As I’ve always said, "Knowledge is needful, if you must make it, you must know it." Invest your time to explore and gain the desired knowledge that is destinated in this book, because no knowledge is a waste. Every knowledge documented in this material is focused on improving one’s thinking faculty and aiding a practical experience of positive change.


It is a seed, sown into the soul, to birth salvation from stagnation and help to acknowledge the world in a way that will facilitate the increase of positivity in lives and decrease negativity in the society. Please, place value on this book by reading it and your life will be validated.


Your life is your treasure, the treatment you give to your life determines the attention you get from the world. Trip through this book and receive the treatment that will trace you to the maintenance of your treasure.


"Three Things To Consider In Life", plus"Their Influencers" is free for you, and it’s a necessity for achievements. Please explore!

Ch-1 Like An Aircraft

Life is not likened to nothing, it requires certain stages and status to stand. I will liken life to an air and a man’s life like an aircraft. The air is globally accepted as the fastest means of transportation, and luxury and accommodation tends to be more desirous but the expense is complex; so it is financially impossible for a man with low living standard to access such asset, unless a miracle occurs.

The air might be accepted as the fastest means of transportation, but there are certain requirements for access and certain things a passenger must let go of; for he or she to retain access to this means. Regarding the edition of this material, I made a brief research on air transportation and discovered that the invention of the aircraft was a product of many determined minds. The aviation peoples are spending alot of expenses on, for the experience of it’s quality, had many travailing prologue, leading to the epilogue that attracts many peoples attention (including the rich and the poor, though the poor are unable to meet the requirements for it). The fact is that it took a poor start to a rich and wealthy end (that is; for the aircraft).

Definitely, someone would be wondering why I’m using the aircraft to reference man’s life, and I will not exhitate to explain in a plain format, to whoever is in question of it.

Firstly, I want you to know that a man’s life or humans lives are proportional to process and product. The process is a requirement for the reality of the product. Everyone wants to have or live a life of total satisfaction, pleasures, enjoyments, blessings without stressings, good health, success and prosperity, to mention but a few. The truth is; all these desires can only come true, when work is done. So many lives are run by many wishes and less or no works, which tends to increase the rate of poverty, as well as low standard of living. The understanding that man’s life has a lot of trials and difficulties at the starting point, and a blissful ending; if patience and persistence, coupled with other necessary qualities, are not eschewed, will aid the development of a prepared mind to pursue the purpose of life.

Secondly, with the knowledge that an aircraft is any machine that flies with the support of the air; everyone wants to fly high with the support of life, but we


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Joseph Bassey
Bildmaterialien: Joseph Bassey
Lektorat: Joseph Edem Bassey
Übersetzung: Joseph Edem Bassey
Satz: Joseph Edem Bassey
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.12.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-2398-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

It is a seed, sown into the soul, to birth salvation from stagnation and help to acknowledge the world in a way that will facilitate the increase of positivity in lives and decrease negativity in the society. Please, place value on this book by reading it and your life will be validated. Your life is your treasure, the treatment you give to your life determines the attention you get from the world. Trip through this book and receive the treatment that will trace you to the maintenance of your treasure.

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