


    Do you know that there are many people who do not believe that giving what they have will aid the provision of their needs? Like I said in my book 'Attitude Of Gratitude', everyone has a need, and there is a need to meet the need. Some people believe that the only way to meet their need is to keep what they have for future reference.

 Certainly, this book has been produced as a product of God's grace and mercy, coupled with His supernatural power to invade the life of those that will not only read or hear, but those that will apply what they read in their daily life.

 Invest a little of your precious time reading this book, and you will succeed in life, as long as you place value and adhere to what you are to discover in this book.

 With the knowledge that knowledge is needful and if you must make it, you must know it, do well to explore and discover the knowledge that is stored in this book.

Ch.1. The Concept Of Greatness


   As the greatest is one who passed a great test, the word 'greatness' describes the quality, ability that distinguishes a possessor from the company of his or her fellows. The terminology of this word is better explained in one word as superiority; the state where a person is seen to be better than other persons or peoples.

 Whether you agree with me or yes, there are certainly many persons that have been regarded with great value or importance and that has contributed in making them outstanding and most needed in their area or environment. As not everyone is granted such privileges, a person who is opportuned is given a lift above the range of others.

 Nevertheless, nothing will always arrive at nothing but anything can either arrive at something or nothing. With this in mind, no one is appointed this height without a sacrificial offering being offered. My recent research exposed me to the knowledge that according to the history of the Europeans, certain persons had the attribute 'the great" attached to their names. For example, Alexandra the great, Frederick the great, to mention but a few, were some of the rulers that had the attribute of greatness attached to their personalities to give them a valuable reputation. 

 Do you think that these peoples gained this added value as a result of nothing, if not, what do you think came about this attribute?

 In line with the main word ' great', greatness portrays a great act, achievement or worth of someone or something, resulting from certain standards or criterias being met.

 As I had earlier said that the greatest is one who has passed a great test, greatness is thereby attributed to the great, who took the major, necessary steps to achieve their goals and required standards for upliftment, knowing very well that greatness is not accorded to the unworthy but to the worthy.

 It is important to know that everyone is born great (i.e everyone was created with every gift that makes greatness), but it's up to individuals to decide whether to be great or not. Many decisions have


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-2300-4

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