
Chapitre 7 : First jealousy

  I woke up at morninig so late but still feeling tired i'm happy because i told Jack the truth i love him so mush and i'm completly sure that he will never hurt me or leave he looked like an evil demon but he is an angel from the inside so i took Jack shirt to wear it then i looked for him in the room but he wasn't here .  

i found a paper written on it ;


Good morning my love i went to run on the beach  then i will go to a friend house i will be late i prepared the breakfast for you and i asked ian to get you some clothes you will find them in dressing room 'because i told him to not get in the room' so my girlfriend if you want to get out you can ask ian i don't want you to get lost without me. 



I took a warm shower then i got dressed into a white t-shirt and short shorts jeans and i didn't find normal shoes they are all high heels so i took one of jack black nike air max they look amazing i'm the type of girls who doesn't like to wear always dresses i like shorts ans jeans more then i ate my breakfast it was so tasty then i went down to see everyone . 

"Good morning " all boys said and they look so busy .

"Good morning " I answered then i added " Did something happened why are you all decorating and cleaning the house ? "

"We have a guest today she was working with us and we all love her " one of the boys said.

"Ian can you please come with me i want to talk to you" i said looking at ian and he was looking sad then we got out of the house . 

"Who is this girl and why you look sad did something happen ? " i said in a low voice .

" It's a long story i don't think you would like to hear it ! If you want i can take to the mall and we will talk there " he asked me .

" Yeah sure " i said .

I felt something wrong with him he wasn't feeling good he was sad so we went to the mall and i got new clothes new makeup and perfum with a strong sexy smell then i felt him staring at me when i asked what he told me 

"The girl who is coming today is Jack first love she was going out with him i helped here a lot at work at home but then she told me that she love me and that she doesn't love Jack i didn't answer her at first because i loved her too so i told her that i love another person and that she was late i loved her before but now no she was hurt so much hurt ! I can't take my master and my brother first love even if i loved her so much then after a week of my rejection to her se disappeared here and Jack decided that he will never fall in love he was depressed , sad until you came he was thinking that she left him because of his work and yesterday she sent a message to one of the boys and she said that she will come to visit us today , i think she contacted Jack this morning because he woke up early and he went to the beach there were they first met but please don't tell him what i told you now he doesn't know that she loved me not him  " 

"WHAT!! that mean that he doesn't love me and he still in love with her and he lied to me and he went to meet her !! " i said with a loud voice and then i saw Ian staring at someone when i looked where he was looking i saw Jack hugging a girl i didn't see her face because of Jack hair but she was hugging him so tight i was completely shocked until tears came out .

I didn't know what to do i was hurt sad angry who is that girl why is she hugging him he played with me i felt lost in my mind i don't know what to do tears can't stop falling should i go to him or just act like i didn't see anything? then i decided to run away! I ran away i didn't know where i was going to go until a hand stopped me is it Jack ? Is he going to leave me now ? 

I looked back and i saw ian he stopped me and he was breathless he came after me then he hugged me .

"Calm down forget what you saw that's impossible he love you i'm sure about that the girl that hugged him is the one which i was talking about he don't love her he love you only you " he insisted .

I didn't say anything to him i can't i don't know why but i felt that he was hurt too then he hold my hand and took me home i can't forget what i saw we got home and i went to Jack room still thinking then i took Jack shirt that he was wearing yesterday and i hold it tight in my arms and i can smelled him.

" You should stay calm stop crying i thought that you are more stronger than that maybe that you just misunderstand  that's all he won't cheat on a girl like you trust him because Jack never cheated  " he said smiling at me then he got a call .

" Take a shower and change those clothes he is coming now with her so don't lose hope and face him we have a barbecue party so come help us when you finish sure if you want " he added and he got out .

That's right i'm stong and he love me he told me that yesterday he can't forget me easly i won't let that b*tch take him so i took a cold shower and i wore a very sexy short black dress and red high heel then i did my hair then did my face because my eyes burned from tears so i applied moisturizer , added primer , conceal blemishes , i used color-corrector to cover up dark circles under my eyes then spread the foundation outward i applied a highlighter i added depth with contouring i applied a little blush then i started by outlining the edges of my eyebrows with small dashing motions to mimic hair, and then fill in the center using the same small strokes then i applied an eyeshadow primer i putted on my eyeshadow and i applied an eyeliner finishing my eyes with a mascara then i did my lips with smooth at first then a red lip line and finishingthem with a red lipstick i look now so much better than i ever did i will make him only look at me he is mine . 

When i was ready and talking to myself i heard boys talking and laughing out loud I knew that the 'boss' and the sl*t came , i putted on a very strong perfum and i got out when i was going down stairs the boys and Jack smelled the perfum so the attention came on me Jack mouth looked like that 'O' huh what does he think i am? I'm a strong girl i can be sexy or ugly only when i want so he came to me .

" Sweety you look so beautiful amazing and sexy " Jack said smiling .

"You look sexy " Ian stated then Jack stared at him . 

"Ihank you both " i said looking at ian and biting my lips to make myself look more sexy then i felt Jack holding my hand so tight .

" Come with me " he said taking me to the girl the big surprise is that the sl*t girl is the girl who helped me the other day .

" Hi ! we met again my name is Kim " she said then she hugged me .

" Hi " i said with a shocked eyes so this girl was Jack first love and Ian love too 

" Do you know each other " Jack remarked .

" Yes i helped her the other day when she was lost i took her here " Kim explained then she added " This girl every time i see her she look more beautiful that before you are a lucky boy Jack because you have that girl thank god she love you so much " 

"Yes i'm so lucky because i have her and her heart " he said and placing a soft kiss on my lips even after i heard that i can't forget what he did  .

Then i heard the door open a lot of girls came in they were the boys girlfriends  

"guys the food is ready let's go to eat " the chef said 

we went to the garden there was a big table well decorated with food glasses cups expensive wine and next to is there was a dancefloor so everyone took their places and we ate they were all talking to kim and asking her , where she is gone even Jack he didn't talk to me and he was eating in silence i was just looking at him i want to slap him or kill him but i can't! How dare he ignore me !! then one of the boys looked at Kim and asked her to dance with him and he putted on careless Whisper of george micheal song and they went to the dancefloor i stared at them then jack came to me giving me his hand .

"Would you like to dance with me " he demanded so i blushed .

"Yeah sure " i replied then we went to the dancefloor holding each other hands we took the position of the slow dance but he pushed me more to him my heart beat so fast i became red i can't support what this boss do to me everytime he got near me i blush and i forget everything and everyone .

" Can you tell me now what's happened to you ! Staring at me then staring at Kim ! Wearing those sexy clothes in a house full of boys and using a sexy perfum and makeup ! Biting your lips and looking at Ian " he asked me with anger and a very low voice .

" Nothing " i  said avoiding his eyes i can't tell him that i saw him with that girl hugging each other i'm scared if he knew that i know he will leave ! then he placed his hands on my chin making me look into his amazing eyes i can't lie to him i want to know what happened between them so i added " i saw you with that girl hugging each other in the mall you lied to me and you told me that you will go to run in the beach and then you will go to a friend house " 

"Calm down are you jealous or you are angry because i lied ?" he said smirking at me .

" Both i know you are the boss here and you can do whatever you want but Jack you are my boyfriend you are only for me you are mine i own you! are you cheating on me with that girl ? why she hugged you? why she is here ? do you still love her? you don't love me right you played with me i hate you!!  " i said , wait i don't hate him i love him why did i said that then tears came out .

"Calm down my love i didn't cheat on you and i will never do that i love you the most in this world i never play with people and i know you don't hate me because you can't i own you too ! i know i'm yours but you have to know that i didn't lie i went to the beach for runing i found her there so i can't just ignore her then she invited me for a cup of coffee near the mall so i went and suddenly she got up and hugged me i took her off of me that's all " he said smiling at me then he kissed me passionately i kissed him back then i told him that i love him so much and he told me that he love me then he added " i left alone for one day and you thought about all that don't worry you are my life" i laughed about what he said .

" I just can't live without near me  so don't leave me alone again " i admit it . when we finished the dance he kissed my hand and he took me bride style and we went to his room he placed me on his bed then we watched a movie and i fall asleep in his soft warm arms .


if you want to read more please read it on wattpad it's better you can read it easily

Chapitre 38 : We are over !


Tomorrow my game is going to be sold in all the stores and that's thanks to drake he is the best in the business he liked the game!! I heard my phone ringing it's him I answered 

" Hey drake it's too late, I'm preparing a page for our company " I said

"Sorry I called because you are the last one he called this man is drunk he can't even move and I think he don't have money on him to pay his look so sick too " he said 

  "I'm coming, please give me the address " I said  

  I got dressed so quickly so jack got up, he was sleeping, heworked so hard since his father gave him all his companionswe didn't even have a little time for us, we were so busy, but I still didn't tell him about Drake Logan and my company I even kept my thought blocked I want to make it a surprise..  

" Where are you going now, " he said sleepily

" My mother called me and she is not feeling good I have to go " I lied 

" I will come with you " he got up 

" No no no you have to sleep you didn't sleep for 4 days you need to rest i will call you in every step I do just rest " I said 

" Okay, but don't forget to take one of my cars I love you" and he falls on the bed and slept I'm really sorry, but he won't let me go if I tell the truth and Drake need my help he is my partner and we should support each other!  

I ran to the front door, I took the fastest car BUGATTI CHIRON and I drove so fast to the pub and I found him, he was lost his hair in a mess with a lot of cups around him  

" My partner is here yay " he shouted as he saw me then he added " let's have a drink to celebrate just you and me " he got closer to me the man gave two more cups and he drank one giving me the other i refused but he insisted he asked the man to give us 4 more i refused but he begged 

"That's enough, now we are going " I ordred him so he stopped I asked the man for the bill.. it was 550$ WHAT I didn't have that money on me so I paid with my father card I took drake I helped him to get in the car he was already sleeping, I asked him the way and he replied, hardly I took him to his house I opened the door and everything was broken why would he destroy his house he showed me the way to his room

" Thank you and goodbye Anna we will meet tomorrow, " he said he looked so tired and weak shivering, he is sick, I took him to his bed I took off his shoes and covered him with a blanket  

" Why are you doing this you don't even know me " he asked 

" I don't have a reason to help a sick person " I smiled at him 

" You are stupid I think you don't know me, " he said, looking away, then he added, " Anna I was rich before someone destroy my life, my father was a video games developer, he made a big company of video games and one day someone asked to be his partner when my father refused that man made a bigger company of video games and it destroyed my father's and then my father died my mother run away I tried to build our company again but that man kept destroying me again again " he looked said as tears run down his face I hugged him  

" Don't worry, we will make it this time trust me we will win against that man every time you feel sad or weak me and Logan we will be by your side if we fall we will fall together, Ipromise you that I will make our company the best " Ihugged him tighter I felt the erection through my body Itook a few steps back  

" Go to sleep now you need to rest our big day tomorrow " I said blushing 

" I won't I'm afraid of waking up tomorrow alone in this house this cold empty house " he said

  " Well, you have to sleep " and I pushed him in the bed, he didn't resist him fall asleep, I got out and I took a look in the house there was a lot of bills, no food nothing to eat just broken pieces I saw I sofa I sat on it and I slept..  

I got up finding a blanket on me and Drake watching me 

" Good morning " he said 

" Morning " I said 

" I didn't believe my eyes when I saw you sleeping here " he said taking my hand then he kissed my check

" I stayed to make you believe that we are together " i said then i asked him about the time it's 2PM ! what !! i told him goodbye and i drove to jack's house in the road i took my phone it was off ! f*ck !! I came to the house and I found the boys they looked so nervous and worried 


" Jack is compeletly out of control go " Austin yelled i did what they asked me to do i ran to the car and i drove as far as possible finding myself in Drake's house he opened the door 

" Are you okay " he asked 

" Maybe but please don't ask me " I cried ! Why did i run away from Jack I was scared I wanted to go to my father but i know that he will never let me se him again i just thought about Drake and i came here 

" I think you have problems at home " he said wait no Amanda is still there is he going to hurt her my little angel 

" Can I have your phone " I asked so he gave me, I called Kimand I asked her to take Amanda with her I took a shower and thank god drake bought me new clothes to go with for our company opening and releasing my game, it was a long black dress with red high heels we went to the party in jack's car he will kill me if he know I draw a fake smile on my face.

Many people came even the richest CEO I was happy we got many work, now it's the opening drake should say his word he went on stage with his amazing look stealing all the woman's eyes on him

" Welcome to the hunter paradise company I'm Drake the CEO of this company my family name is Paulo I'm sure many heard about it my father was a legend and a myth is video game word I got destroyed by many people when Iwas on my own, but now no I have friends and partners who are going to stay with me we will work hard and we will fight together so please welcome my partners Loganhe is my precious best friend and finally the creator and developer of the hunter paradise game " he shouted my name so loud then clapped his hands coming over me!Oh, everyone is staring at me he took my hand

" Anna we are on AIR now so you have to say your word you game is the best trust me " he murmured with a smile so I took a breath 

" Hi everyone I'm Anna I'm addicted to video games and to everything related to the computer at first I want to share with you something I created this game in the saddest period of my life this game is not a normal one I made it with love and passion I don't WANT to gamer to live just in virtual in this game, there's many choices, choose yourself this game will encourage you to live in the real life don't run away " I said then I felt tears fall down and then all the camera on me I took a few step back then I shouted " Please enjoy " and I got out

" Look at your hand " Jack said and I looked behind me and Isaw him his sad face he looks frustrated I looked at my hand and I didn't find my ring

" Jack I can explain " I said 

" Explain what Anna! you with another man I saw you getting in his house and you didn't get out until morning I was scared to go after you and see things I don't want to see plus you hide things from me Anna you were my weakest point but not anymore we are over " he said going to his car I stopped him

" No you can't you have to listen to me I love you Jack i really love you " i said 

" Then stop loving because I will do the same " he said getting in the car i saw a sharp rock i took it and i got in the car 

" I don't want to see you again " he shouted 

" No you can't because you have to understand me " i shouted back 

" No I can't if you saw me getting in a girl house and I go out in the morning and not just that but you run away from me ! anna you see me as a selfish monster you are scared of me is that love ! " he said 

" Fine I did that, but you don't know anything drake is his name he is my partner at work and my father know I took money from him when I saw you working with nada I felt something strange I asked myself what about me everyone work and me! I met Logan in the store where Ibought a new smart watch for you to thank you for saving my father, I love working I can't stay always at house I can die and I found something I like to do " I said

" But you lied to me " he still mad at me 

" If I said you the truth you won't let me help him" I explained 

" And I can't forgive you for that you lied you spend the night at a stranger house " he said i know he won't understand even if i explain then he added " I will take you to your parents house " 

" What about your car "I asked

" I don't need it anymore " he ignored looking at me 

" Then take me to your house " i said 

" No you won't get in that house again " he said so i took the rock and i placed it on my neck 

" What the f*ck are you trying to do are you crazy? " he said 

" Yes, I am the prove that I love " I shouted he didn't care he just drove I got the rock closer to me and I was about to cutuntil he parked the house in a small dark park jack's lip, crossed mine, he was drinking I felt his cold breath hot on my skin suddenly I found myself on his lap he is really fast he took me closer to him my ear was near his mouth

" What do you think if I did that to you " he whispered as he place the gun on my head 

" Go on if you want I won't yell, I'm not scared when you are with me " I admit closing my eyes, he took it off Ilooked at him and he was looking out I asked him to lift his hands over his head, he did, I took my scarf to bind them to the headrest then I took his tie and I placed it over his eyes and I kissed him so hard and with all my passion he was cold not moving with me but I won't give up I kissed him more stroking his hair I climb on top Iopened his shirt and then his jeans! what should I do next!

" Let my hands go " he ordred so i did then he took the tie off 

" I'm sorry " I disappoint him sh*t

" No you don't, you did something I have never thought you will do, " he said he blushed it's the first time!! he kissed me, but this time it was real!

He started licking my neck, nibbling my ear and touching my breast I moaned as he got there he took me down again making the car chair fall, he ripped the dress and he got more and more down, taking off my pants licking and massaging my inner thighs, I relaxed on the back, Igrabbed his head, pushing it into my lips so he got inside me I moaned so loud then it became pleasure and Iclimaxed and he came after me then I fall asleep  ..



if you want to read everything go on Wattpad 

you will find the link 

by kaito9713



Texte: tous droits réservès©
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.03.2018

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by kaito9713 tous droits réservès©

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