

 hey sorry if everything is not spelt right and if u have any coments please leave them so i would be able to add them to the book this is the first book i have ever wrote before so please do tell me what u think and dont lie to spare my feelings plz

the meeting



Chapter 1


I was walking down the street and I felt someone following me. So I turned the corner and went into an alley. When it got so dark I could not see, I closed my eyes and when I knew I could see I went to a corner and saw him. He was like angel. He started to look around when his eyes settled on something in the opposite side of the alley.

“I know you’re here, Ella” he said in a deep voice. His voice made my knees weak “I’m not here to hurt you. Why are you so scared? I can feel how scared you are of me. I know how you feel so come out. Again I say I will never hurt you I am here to makes sure nothing happened to you.” This time as he says that voice has a harsh tone to it, like he’s mad. I made my voice sound like its coming from the other side. I learned how to project my voice when I was a kid. So I always won at hide and go seek, I was hoping I would work this time. “Why are you following me? And tell me your name.”

He turns towers me and is looking me in the eyes “stop trying to project your voice it does not work on me and come out.” He said like he was pissed he had to be here.

I said in a bitchy tone “why should I come out. When you can just make me.”

“Fine” he said and started to move closer but then stopped in mid air. As though he was thinking. Then he asked “may I tough you”

I was taken by surprise when he asked. And when I answered I said the opposite of what I wanted to say. “Yes you may touch me but only to move me.”

He moved closer. In less than 2 seconds I was in his arms as he carried me out of the alley. I asked “why did you ask to touch me.”

He looked at me with dark blue eyes and said “Because if someone touches you without your perdition. You could kill them. But if a different species touches you they will be in pain for like a year. You see we r the same. As long as we r together nothing bad will happen. But I am still able to touch you if you don’t want me to because we have the same gift to our bodies will not react”

“Then why can u tell how I feel but I can’t do the same.” I asked

“Well you have not reseved that gift. I got it on my 22 birthday. You should get it on your 22 too.”

It did not accure to me to ask him how old he was but at least I knew he was 22 years or older. So I asked with a smile “how old are you and why won’t you tell me you name. You know my name but I don’t know yours that does not seem fair.”

“My name is josh and I am 23 years old. Your name is Ella and you are 21 years old. Your eyes change color when your moods change. Your favored color is purple but at first I thought it was blue. You don’t like to wear colors, so you wear black. Your boyfriend is an ass and your best friend is cheating on you with your boyfriend for 2 years.” He said the last part like it hurt him.

“I. I. I. how do you know all this. And I knew she was. She says they r not sleeping together. And why would you tell me this.” I say as I started to cry.

“Hey no need to cry. I’m sorry I told you all of this lets go to my place and talk.” He said in a sweet voice that made me want to go but I knew that if I went I would do something I would regret tomorrow.

“I can’t I have to go” I say as I slowly stopped crying.

“What so you can go and sleep with your cheating boyfriend.” He said in a rood voice. I could feel in his voice that he was pissed I said I couldn’t go. It’s not that I don’t trust him because I don’t I only met him like 5 minutes ago and he already turned my world upside down,

“No I was going to my house so I can sleep but first I need to shop. And what I need to buy you does not need to know. Now put me down before I scream.”I said with a death look in my eyes.

He started to closes his eyes and his arms started to shake and he said “I said it won’t work on me I never said the death spell won’t hurt me. Please stop.”

“What I’m not doing anything.” I said in a worry tone.

“So you’re saying you don’t know you have powers. You don’t know who you are. And I will have to teach you.” He said like he was talking to himself. “Shit why did you mother never tells you, you had a gift.”

“My mother died when I was born. She was murdered by my father then he killed himself. And I lived with my aunt. I have no clue what gifts you’re talking about. All I know is that I can see in the dark a hell of a lot better than most people. I can project my voice but that’s it I don’t have any ‘gift’ if that’s what they are called I am just a freak. So I know u hearing this will hurt you but please just leave me alone. I want nothing to do with your world. Leave me in my world if the freaks.” I sound like an ass when I say that.

He puts me on the ground and I feel like I’m going to die all of a sudden. He looks at me and says “if you ask me to leave you alone, and I do, we might both die. we need each other to live that’s just how it is. We were born to be together. I know it seems weird and not true, but that’s why you feel like you’re about to die. I feel like that to, so ether we both die or we stick together.”

I look at him like he is crazy, but when I look into his eyes all I see is love and that he is worried about me. And that’s how I know he’s not lying. So I say “fine lets go but we r not going to my place, it’s a mess right now.”

“Ohhh, I know it’s a mess that’s why I said my place.” He said with humer in his eyes.

I look at him in horror I’m my eyes “how the hell do you know what my house looks like.”

He looks like someone just caught him spying on his parents. Then he said “well you see for the past 3 years…”

I cut him off before he could finish “have you been following me around everywhere.”

“no. no. no. I would never do that. But sometimes I can see though your eyes and see what your close family and friends are up to that’s how I know about you ass of an ex boyfriend he is. But I thought your aunt was your mom so I’m so so sorry about that. I know it must hurt I lost my mom three years ago the same day I could see though your eyes. I have been thinking for a little bit that 4maybe then both of our moms died we would be connected. You know like a spell that when keeping us apart till our moms died.” He looks sad as he says the last part.

“Ohh my god, I’m soo sorry I did not know. But if you can…” I stop because out of the blue I see me without any problems all I see is a dutiful girl standing in front of me with her jaw practically hanging open. “What’s happening” I hear and see myself say but don’t feel myself saying it. “Why can’t I see you anymore I want to go back and why are I looking at me that way it’s weird. Ohhh I’m so sorry I did not mean that I know now that’s how u r seeing me right” my eyes go big as I say that or more like his eyes go big.

“Wait you can see though my eyes right now that’s weird because women with this gift can’t see though their partner’s eye. Only the most power full ones can. Only the males are able to and what way am I looking at you. All I see is you and nothing more.” he says as he closes his eyes.

When I can finally see though my eyes again I relies he is in love with me and doesn’t want anything bad happening to me. So I start to walk to a coffee shop. He grabs my arm and pulls me into his arms in a fast but graceful way. It makes me catch my breath as I look into his eyes. His eyes darken with an emotion I have never seen anyone in the eyes of anyone who looked at me.



the break up


Chapter 2


God why does she make me feel this way. If she keeps looking at me with her blue eyes I might just have to kiss her. I don’t think she would like that if she does not want me to touch her she can just put the death spell on me. But now she knows it doesn’t kill me just hurts. She might not know how to control it yet, but I will teach her everything I know. I will not let her out of my sight.

From seeing out of her eyes for so long I have fallen in love with her. She makes me want to do things I have never done before. I don’t think she likes me much. Even when she just saw how I look at her. I think her heart belongs to that ass Charlie. Why does she love him? Why does she stay with him, when I can make her so happy? She would be happier than she would ever know possible. I will be willing to give my heart body and soul to her. We were made to be together.

I look her in the eyes and say “ok lets go before I do something I will regret”

She looks at me with her mouth hanging open again. And suddenly all I can think of is how badly I want to kiss her. Before I realize it i'm bending my head toward her but she does not back away. So I seal our lips together and I can feel her relax against me.



Omg hes kissing me. I know I need to stop it but my body is telling me not to. Wow he is such a good kisser. I can feel in my bones that things are going to get out of control. So I push him back and start to walk to the coffee shop. When I turn around I see him he is staring right at me. “oh shit” I say to my self. Charlie is staring at me that means he saw josh kiss me and me not back away at first. Then I remember what josh told me. I turn toward josh and pull him down and kiss him.



After she pulls way she starts to walk and pauses she says something to herself. Then she turns around and kissed me with force. When I think why she is doing this, I see though charlies eyes and he is watching us it makes me smile while we are kissing. To I force my self to see though my eyes again and I pull away from ella for a second.

“wow nice way to tell charlie your breaking up with him.” I said in a smart ass tone.

“I. I. I. im sorry but I rememberd that he's been cheating on me for two years and it just pissed me off. I understand if your mad at me.”

I don’t say anything I just kiss her back and as we r kissing so I pick her up and start to walk to my apartment. I know Charlie is following and that he's pissed. I stop kissing her and put her down. I turn to Charlie and say “you know she has a right to be with me because her as of now exboyfriend has been cheating on her for two years with her best friend. So if I were you I would leave Charlie. If you cant tell that was her breaking up with you.” 

Charlies jaw just dropped and he had no words. It seems like for the fist time i have known him he has been speachless. Even though i havent known him for long. While i could go on for hours just to protect the one i love. I wouls also put my life at risk for her 

"how... how do you know that." charlie asked with a shocked expressio.  

I just give him my most evil smile and say "well you see I only just met ella but it seems like I have known her for years." and ella starts to laugh like there is no tomorrow. "You ever get that feeling like you have known someone for your whole life and you were ment to be together. Not just sleeping together but like you were soul mates." after I said that ella stopped laughing and stood closer to me.

I saw that charlie was getting pissed off (it looks like his head might explode). And for some reason I feel like the world was lifter off my shoulders because of how close ella was standing to me. I turn around and kiss ella with all I am able to giver we in one kiss, as I start to grow hard I break off the kiss and ella makes a pouting noice that makes me laugh.

"what the hell was that ella" charlie practically screamed "You have only known this guy for like five minutes, WHAT THE FUCK."

"Well you see josh and I have a conection that you and I dont so why done you just go fuck my bestfriend again she see how that ends." ella says with a sweet smile.

"Fine, what ever its not like she was the only one i fucked behind your back." he said and it just pissed me off. So while he was being a dick i decided to play with his head and make him feel things he would not normally not feel. suddenly he started to feel pain like no headace he has felt before and I started laughing. Ella knew what i was doing and started to drag me away so i couldnt do anything else to charlie.



chapter 3




For some reason i knew josh was doing something to charlie, so i decided to drag him away and just left charlie there to fell like the peice of shit he is. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2016

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