

I am a member of Swom is a social network marketing site with has over 162,000 internet marketers, network marketers, home business owners
and opportunity seekers in its' system; - is ranked among the 5,000 most visited websites according to Alexa; - offers the tools to promote your business.

Swom is the ideal platform through which you can promote your business; interact with seasoned and successful networkers and on-line marketers and be educated as to the methods and strategies one needs to implement in order to be successful on line.
Of critical importance is that Swom enables anyone to establish relationships on a global basis which have at their foundation trust and integrity.

Swom has provided me with a platform through which my personal contacts have increased dramatically, as has my opportunity to achieve my financial goals and
sphere of influence.

Aside from the incredible resource, going Gold is an absolute must! Where else can one have access to such an incredible resource and get paid an ongoing residual income for using the platform? This is an absolute win-win for every member.

I cannot recommend more highly the Swom platform and the resources which it offers.

Join me on Swom today.
See you there!
Copy and paste this link into your browser.

The following is testimonials which were written by Swom members in their own words.

As you will see, Swom members are from all parts of the globe. Swom is a global Marketing/Social site. You can chat with people from India, Malaysia, Japan, United States of America. Just about every country in the world is represented.

Swom members come from all walks of life and every background.

I could have included thousands of testimonial from happy, satisfied members of Swom. But this is enough to convince you that Swom is the best.

As you read these testimonials, please consider joining the largest social/marketing site on the internet.
The link again
Copy and paste into your browser.


Mark Pompei

With the exposure Swom gives, and the income I get each month from simply interacting with other members - I just can't go wrong.

I've received so many hits and signups to my business ventures listed on my profile... it's great! Being a gold member paid for itself within the 2nd week I upgraded - I have been in profit ever since!


Carlton Facebook Successmate

joined SWOM less than a month ago and really liked what I saw. I am active on 11 social other social networking sites, but SWOM stands out above the rest. Because of the interaction with and from other members, I upgraded within the first 24 hrs after joining.

Since then, I have been nothing but pleased. I enjoy the helpful nature of other seasoned members and the
appreciation that newer members display when they receive assistance. Coupled with the potential for earning, there is genuine dialog happening and that is a great thing.

Thank you to SWOM and it's members for providing such a welcoming atmosphere!


Al King

Really Enjoying the GOLD here on SWOM !!

Especially since they implemented the new Compensation Plan, it really rewards those of us contributing value-content --- I found a good international opportunity as a result of SWOM - so I love that aspect of this community - love that we can promote our stuff on our walls; and love how it's put together --- the new comp plan means good MONEY for me to be made, just by truly networking and getting to know people; planning to meet some awesome people here on the SWOM!

Thanks for putting this site together.


Maggie Eslinger

Wow, talk about traffic. Not only am I gaining traffic, but I have also been introduced to other money making programs and traffic sites.

So far I have not earned anything directly from Swom but I have only been a member for two weeks. I already have connected with 1000 members and have some free referrals. So I will be earning within the next month.

Everyone who has been posting has been polite and I have met some real nice people.


Barry Freestone

When I joined SWOM I thought it was just another social network.
How wrong I was! It's a site of like minded Internet Marketers all looking for opportunities and programs to join. SWOM has helped my marketing efforts enormously. This in turn has increased my business by a large degree.

It is absolutely crucial to upgrade to Gold Member. Apart from all the advantages, You actually earn money while you are earning money. I will pocket an extra $100 per month just for networking on SWOM. But that is only the small picture! The extra $100 per month is great but I will enjoy many more commissions from the business I secure on SWOM and also enjoy a long and lasting residual income. The benefits will run to several thousands of dollars! The connections I have are heading towards the 3000 mark all online and happy to hear from me. I have one Group called The Association of Professional Internet Marketers which provides a platform to interact on a very personal level. Swapping ideas and helping each other to be even more successful. SWOM will be around for a very long time and I encourage all to join & benefit.


Ralph Durst

Swom is the Easiest and Most Fun way to make new Internet friends and keep in touch with them. Gives your Business wonderful exposure to the web!

Of course there is the profit side too! As a Gold member I'm making money just by using Swom - what a Deal - it doesn't get any better than this !


Ngarangi Pomare

I joined Swom to help me promote my other business that I was in, but after being with Swom with in a week I forgot all about those other business, as they did not measure up to Swom. My Gold membership is already paying for itself and those that a free members just don't realize the power of this Gold Mine.

Who in the world is going to pay you to connect with others, build relationships and have fun at the same time..SWOM.. Not even a month has passed and I am already able to pay my gold membership 4x over.

I have made many connections and many friends here at Swom, the best part about this very unique business is building relationships with members all over the world and get paid at the same time. Way to go, Swom Team!


Pavel Lepsi

Hello from Czech Republic!

I love Swom because I made many nice friends on here, and that make me happy and they use my website as well, which gives me potentially a good source of income.

I made more than 100 connection through Swom and I get experience in online marketing as well, because i need it for beta testing my web applications.


Mateo Murs

Social Entrepreneur. Dedicated helping you to achieve your dreams

Slovenia | Online marketing, website development and optimization

When I received invitation from my sponsor, I liked SWOM at once. It was 'love at first sight' so to say.


I worked in network marketing for more than 16 years. In all this time I've been searching for online possibilities where can I offer to new prospects the possibility to start generating online income without any risks involved.

I know that many people are in bad financial situations but also many of these people are not experienced online and / or network marketers. Many of these people are willing to work but would not like to risk a lot of money or even they could not afford to take risks because their families depends on them.

So, SWOM gives everybody the chance to start without risks because everybody can start to build connections - friendships on SWOM as a FREE member and he/she can upgrade when enough connections with gold members are made so that the costs are covered.

I see SWOM as great Internet Social Entrepreneurship program because it gets everyone started with online entrepreneurship without any risks involved. SWOM gives everybody not only online communication and marketing tool to 'warm market' for promoting online possibilities.

It also gives something that is very important: possibility to start new better life for everyone, even though person is completely without money - on states social welfare programs.

Mateo Murs - Psychologist, Entrepreneur Adviser


Anthony Lester of Micro Fieds loves Swom!

Experience Online Marketer and Investor

United States

I love logging into Swom and receive great advice from my contacts.. No man is an island and each contact is important to each success.

Swom provides rich thoughts from contacts to build strong relations and foundations between friends that everlasting!

Sergej Gjoshevski of sergissimo1989 loves Swom!

Online Marketer

London, United Kingdom | Online Marketing

It didn't seem like anything at the beginning when I joined... But everyday I'm learning new things here, and the funny thing is - I'm making money just by talking to people... I never imagined there could be a facebook for making money :))


Louis Harvey of Swom loves Swom!

Marketing, and Advertising, Gold Member

United States | Advertising, and Marketing

I have only been a member of Swom for a short time, and after looking over some of the features here decided to go gold.

Swom compensates every member for being apart of the network by interacting, meeting new people, referring new members, helping others, and not spamming on the network.

I see this company bringing the mass here in no time once they see what we have to offer. We are already making waves here, and the people are very positive, and don't mind helping if you need assistance with getting started.

Come on in and ride the Gold Train you'll benefit the most from your efforts. See you inside.

Louis Harvey


Tanja Andersen of Pick Up Referrals loves Swom!

The Danish BizWoman

Denmark | Advertising and Marketing

I joined Swom and was not sure what swom could do that i haven't tried before. After a day I had more connections and more sign ups to my biz, than i have tried on other social networks!

It was overwhelmingly successful!

Every day I try to stop by and say hello to my friends and to build new connections. Every day I have new potential sign ups to my business. And every day I find new friends to have fun with. Connecting is also about relationships. And you find it all here!

My estimated income this month is over the monthly fee to the Gold membership. Going GOLD is a wise decision. And if you log in and connect with friends and new members, you will see that your income will grow and your reputation too :-)


Mateo MursMateo Murs of Internet Social Entrepreneurship loves Swom!

Social Entrepreneur. Dedicated helping you to achieve your dreams

Slovenia | Online marketing, website development and optimization

When I received invitation from my sponsor, I liked SWOM at once. It was 'love at first sight' so to say.


I worked in network marketing for more than 16 years. In all this time I've been searching for online possibilities where can I offer to new prospects the possibility to start generating online income without any risks involved.

I know that many people are in bad financial situations but also many of these people are not experienced online and / or network marketers. Many of these people are willing to work but would not like to risk a lot of money or even they could not afford to take risks because their families depends on them.

So, SWOM gives everybody the chance to start without risks because everybody can start to build connections - friendships on SWOM as a FREE member and he/she can upgrade when enough connections with gold members are made so that the costs are covered.

I see SWOM as great Internet Social Entrepreneurship program because it gets everyone started with online entrepreneurship without any risks involved. SWOM gives everybody not only online communication and marketing tool to 'warm market' for promoting online possibilities.

It also gives something that is very important: possibility to start new better life for everyone, even though person is completely without money - on states social welfare programs.

Mateo Murs - Psychologist, Entrepreneur Adviser


Bob Swetz of RJS Opportunity loves Swom!

Computer Software Manager & Online Marketer

United States | Computers & Internet Marketing

I love Swom because it encourages actual communication and interaction between it's members. I have met some really great people on Swom who have helped me tremendously with my business without asking for anything in return. It's the perfect setup to meet like minded people, make friends and do business. I now have over 1,200 Connections and my income from Swom is more than covering my monthly Gold Member Fee. Thanks Swom!

Positive Outlook Tony of loves Swom!

Newbie Online Marketer

United Kingdom

I was a relative 'newbie' when I joined Swom and wasn't quite sure what to expect!

The support network from my connections is absolutely amazing and I have now started making money online for the first time!

Not enough to retire yet, but I am so thankful to Swom for being here!

You have come up with something groundbreaking!

I'm finding that I am also now able to help give tips and advice to some of the more experienced networkers in my connections list!

What an absolutely amazing experience it is to be able to contact 'experts' in the field of internet marketing and freely ask them for their help and advice!

I wouldn't consider going into another opportunity without running it by my new friends first!

And all whilst being paid to do it! SIMPLY REMARKABLE!


I just wish that I had upgraded to Gold quicker, as I now feel that I missed out on a great opportunity to earn more income last month! All of you who may be considering joining- PLEASE UPGRADE QUICKLY and don't make my mistake!


Meg Glenn of loves Swom!



Hi Jack,

I am a retired aged pensioner and joined SWOM only a short while ago. Here it all comes together.

It is so good to be able to see so many successful online marketing sites in one place.

I have been able to interact with MANY people and join programs to supplement my pension. Who knows, I may even be able to go on without the pension if this online income keeps increasing.

Thank you for a wonderful program.



Brandon Shulman of Rate Cut Electronics loves Swom!

Team Builder

United States | Network Marketing

Hi Jack,

I log onto Swom multiple times a day. I have created a number of groups to help promote a lot of my top programs. The response on Swom is over whelming. I have connected with over 400 people (and growing) interested in networking. Before Swom I used the usual social networking sites, but honestly I have had a lot more success here at Swom. Not to mention that I have upgraded my account to Gold so now I am actually being paid for my marketing efforts and I will be paid every single month for doing what I normally do on a social networking site!

Thanks again for creating this site, it is by far the most successful tool I have for connecting with likeminded people with a common goal.

Brandon Shulman
Swom Gold Member

Sam Armitage of loves Swom!

Online and offline Business Entrepreneur,


I have found SWOM to be a fabulous networking site. It has really worked for me. A social networking site for Businesses and Online professionals. A fabulous networking site - like facebook - the difference is its only made up of businesses and online professionals/Marketers..... You meet so many inspiring business people... Already getting a flood of new lead everyday as a result of joining....

Check it out Today!!! You will be thanking me...


Darryl Delatorre of RainbowTrafficSolutions loves Swom!

Internet Marketer in Training

United States | Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, Adsense Publisher

The reason that I love SWOM is because it is a place where we can network with like-minded individuals. It is a place where we can learn from each other, as well as share the opportunities that are working for us. On top of that, we can earn money from interacting with each other which is just an added bonus in my opinion.


Sue Tamani of Turnkey Success Magnet loves Swom!

Online Biz (2 yrs)


I am amazed at how easy and user friendly this site is! We can add and delete businesses at will and everyone we meet is in business - how cool is that! No more problems with spamming!

Making money comes easy on this site - and covering the first months' subscription is easily done in the first few days. And I love the opportunity for long term residual income.

Swom is an absolute no-brainer for anyone using attraction marketing for their online business. This has to be one of the most attractive sites online - LOL!


Marci Arguin of loves Swom!


United States | Marketing

I love Swom so much and got attached right away. I upgraded to Gold membership after 2 days and have not looked back since.

This is the easiest way and best way to make another stream of income while promoting your businesses. After being in Swom for 10 days I made $64.00. I haven't had to pay for my membership since then and my income has steadily increased.

There are many things to talk about but the main one is the people and the Network Marketing education. Anything we need to know about Marketing you can learn here and learn from the best of the best.

Since I have become a member I have made thousands of contacts with many people who have helped me in my marketing efforts. I have also built long lasting business and personal relationships with many. I have received several sign-ups in my other businesses while keeping my eyes open to new programs. You can find it all here.

What I like most about Swom is the "Open University". I have found all my marketing questions answered here. Any questions I have always gets answered.

Its not the Community that makes the people, its the people that make the community.

Thank you Swom for helping me the best that I can be in Network Marketing. In my eyes no other community could take your place!


Sue Tamani of Turnkey Success Magnet loves Swom!

Online Biz (2 yrs)


I am amazed at how easy and user friendly this site is! We can add and delete businesses at will and everyone we meet is in business - how cool is that! No more problems with spamming!

Making money comes easy on this site - and covering the first months' subscription is easily done in the first few days. And I love the opportunity for long term residual income.

Swom is an absolute no-brainer for anyone using attraction marketing for their online business. This has to be one of the most attractive sites online - LOL!


Colin Pocock of A Blatant Misuse of Chords loves Swom!

alcoholic miscreant

United Kingdom

Swom is sooo beautiful, the warmth and love from experienced networkers who are willing and even keen to share their knowledge to help newbies such as myself to evolve and earn is absolutely marvellous!!

I look forward to earning and mixing with so many people! This really knocks Myspace and Facebook for six! I am telling everyone I can who isn't 'Gold' to get in, get gold and get paid!!

There is such a plethora and mix of people from all over the world with three things in mind :- help each other, learn and earn. WOW! isn't enough to describe the excitement Swom generates.

The connections keep coming and Swom is simply a networking miracle!!


Alisee LaraAlisee Lara of Alisee Lara loves Swom!

Experiences Online Marketer

Italy | Marketing

I am really loving Swom because is a very quick social business netork and then I will make a lot of friends from all over the world. I am only new and I wanted to be gold soon because I felt that this is a good social network. So I think I will be remain for a long time here hopefully to have more contacts that can be able to connect me every time that they and me need. So also for this is funny to talk about everything to everyone and I also whis to know a lot of mined people and why not meet them ine the future if possible. I hope Swom will exist forever because can help me and everyone to live so very happy.


Penny Yee of loves Swom!


My name is Penny Yee from Malaysia. I'm Chinese in race I come to Swom because I really want to belong to this very large group and I know with my communication here my business can be more and well known by the more important people. I love Swom!


Sebastian Klessinger of Teamwork Revoloution Power System loves Swom!

Germany | Affiliate Marketer

Hello folks,

Making money online has never been easier before. SWOM´s Compensation Plan is as simple as brilliant: you are getting paid just for connecting with other SWOM members and interacting with them, WOW!

I personally connected with over 1500 like minded people within my first 3 days. I have 3500+ now and still growing.

After seeing my income rapidly increasing, I upgraded right away. All my contacts are making me almost $100 Residual income (not counting the money I get from those who joined my main program).

So SWOM easily pays me its Gold Membership fee + the fee of my main program and I still have money left. Can you imagine how it feels getting paid for talking? Well, I do ;) Go for Gold.

To Our Success,
Sebastian Klessinger


Deanna Swiercz of Deanna Swiercz (Dee) loves Swom!

United States


I am very grateful for Swom, it has allowed me to meet so many new people who are interested in the same ideas as I have.

I can not tell you how happy I am to be a Gold member here at Swom, I can check daily to see how my earnings are growing. Which they are - growing daily!

I am somewhat new to online marketing, that is to say not blindly, so my income is not as large as some others.

I can say I have met many people thru' Swom who have been very helpful in many different aspects.

Swom is such a wonderful tool for everyone. Not just the veterans but the newbies also.

I would just like to say again, Thank You Very Much.

Deanna Swiercz (Dee)


Eugene Nartey of loves Swom!


I have searched and looked for so many online marketing sites, yet I have never met one which has the features of social interaction as well as making some money like Swom does.

Absolutely, there is none like it!

Upgrading to a gold member has several benefits such as earning $15 for each member referred and also being paid monthly for interacting with others and getting connected with them as well.

To me, it is a whole new package and experience that brings to bear a clear distinction between other online marketing sites whose main focus is monetary.

Hurray!! Long live Swom!


Bernard Hoa Leonardoth Member of loves Swom!

Internet Millionaires Hunter | Professional Photographer | Interior Design Consultant

Singapore | Advertising & Marketing, Interior Design

If you love twitter or facebook, you will be Crazy about SWOM!
WIth SWOM, it is as good as stepping into a Goldmine!

People here are all Goldies members because they know that with Gold, you earn passive income doing what you really LOVE to do, i.e. interact and social networking. Imagine, make friends for social or business and at the same time, earn a good part time income !

SWOM is designed to help each other build their contacts, build their lists. This is a powerful social platform that earns you a revenue while connecting with your friends and associates.

You get to earn $15 for each direct referral and subsequently $5 for each monthly GOLD member that maintains their membership. At the same time, you can to earn 'Community Points' - the more you interact in your friends network, the higher your community points - at the same time this also increases your passive income!

SWOM is a fun community. Having fun and making money is just so simple! Chat with me and see how we can work out something. Cheers!


Simeon Nava of My Success is Online loves Swom!

My Success is Online

United States | Affiliate Marketing

Hi Everyone, I am sure you are happy just like me for having the best why to communicate with people and share and I'll be here beacuse this is the best way to share with you.

Thank you and keep having fun.


Sital AcharjaSital Acharja of friendshpworl loves Swom!

I am Computer online job worker. with also Social Worker.

India | IT- Devision. Bharat Sevasrham Sangha, Purkuria.

Swom is the best site to make best and decent relationship with others around the world. It help me know to more about my bussines, carriers, relationship and many more. I can say as best of my knowledge that Swom is the best site for everything.



Edmund Fellinger of Sokule loves Swom!

Advertising Manager,

Swom Is Cool! And It Pays!

You get paid for making great connections and promoting your business. SWOM is new, wide-open internet real estate. You can set up a Group under virtually any name you want.

SWOM is for action takers, deal makers and those looking for residual income. SWOM is where opportunity knocks.

I'm an upgraded Gold member, of course.

Social media networking is a comparatively new phenomenon. You have unlimited viewing of member profiles. Swom is the missing key!

I’m in everyday on Swom, the best is that you can promote round the clock! I give Swom the highest Star recommendation.

Use Swom to build your downline but it is also the Golden Gate for friendship - All over the world!

Best wishes in the future!

Edmund Fellinger


Lorri Ratzlaff of The Beyond Solution loves Swom!

Network Marketer Creating Waves

Canada | Marketing

I LOVE Swom ... the meaning, according to the creators is Super Word of Mouth. MY meaning is Smile While Obtaining Money!

Since joining Swom I have had the most success EVER with my business! It has been awesome, and it just keeps getting better every day! Thank You Swom!

Also, I have to say, the community that is building and growing on this site is phenomenal! I have felt closer to these people after two weeks time than I have felt in two YEARS on Facebook! It is really remarkable how, when you put people with the same interests and goals, into one 'room', how they can get along and learn from each other! I feel truly blessed to have found Swom!

I recommend Swom to EVERY network marketer I meet, either directly or indirectly!


Craig Davies of wenetprofits loves Swom!

Sales and marketing

Walsall, United Kingdom | Marketing

Swom, very user freindly, with a great way of making new contacts for business and freindship.

By being a Swom GOLD member you have access to many great features, such as forming Groups and inviting people to your Group.

Swom is a great asset to anyone in global Marketing!


Barry Freestone of Amega Worldwide Inc. loves Swom!

Attraction Marketing Coach. Online Marketer. Skype: NetworkWithBaz

United Kingdom | Various online activities

The improvements you just made to the Groups Messaging is superb!!

To be able to send out messages to the Group by the group will mean that everyone can see at a glance now, messages direct from the Group and not from an individual as in the past.

Well done SWOM, what a fantastic improvement in communication.

That is exactly what I had in mind when I mentioned it to Wii.


Barry Freestone.


Steve Motley of NetTrav Express loves Swom


Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Visionary, Networker, Dad (1 Son 4 Daughters), Grand Pa (3 Grandsons), Video Email Pioneer, U.S. Marine, Vegetarian, World Traveler, Animal Lover, Truth Seeker, Coach, Nutrition Expert, Public Speaker, Writer, Light Worker

United States | Internet/Network Marketing

Swom is the most amazing way to market your business or businesses on line to the masses worldwide that I've ever seen!

No serious networker or marketer will want to do business without this revolutionary, cutting edge, international cyber marketing platform!

I have personally waited many years for a program such as Swom to show up and now that it’s here, I’m telling the world about it.

Built into this unique program, is a compensation plan that pays you for sharing Swom with others and for making contacts and interacting with fellow members.

Gold Members also work together as a team to encourage those who have not yet upgraded to Gold to do so.

This is truly a Win/Win situation for all and I am convinced that Swom is “The Next Big Thing in Social Media Marketing”. Please come join us, upgrade to Gold and buckle your seat belts, because you’re in for the ride of your life. I Love Swom!


Laura Watts of loves Swom!

Online Marketer and Entrepreneuer. Motivatior

United States | Marketing, Advertising, Mentoring

I would like to say that Swom is a blessing to me. I'm a stay at home mother with two disabled girls. and I have looked high and low to find somthing that is good and true in network marketing and generating income from home. An now I have I love to meet new people and network with others from all over the world. Swom to me is more than just another social Meda Network it is a NEW FAMILY TO ME... the people here are go kind and helpful. I would like to thank Mr. Jack Whitehall and everyone who made Swom made the wonderful Network to be.. The Gold Membership is worth every penny I live on a fixed income but with Swom Gold you can quickly supplement your income and mane good money. THE MONEY IS IN THE GOLD.

My prayer is for every member to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. lets take Swom to the Next level!!!


Sue Tamani of Turnkey Success Magnet loves Swom!

Online Biz (2 yrs)


I am amazed at how easy and user friendly this site is! We can add and delete businesses at will and everyone we meet is in business - how cool is that! No more problems with spamming!

Making money comes easy on this site - and covering the first months' subscription is easily done in the first few days. And I love the opportunity for long term residual income.

Swom is an absolute no-brainer for anyone using attraction marketing for their online business. This has to be one of the most attractive sites online - LOL!


Jonathan Steyn of Darkwizard7 loves Swom!

Online Marketer

United Kingdom

27 million has a very nice ring to it doesnt it, whats even better than that is all the hits are within the first 45 days just imagine what it`ll be like in 90 days, More than double at this rate thats an Epidemic right there as I have been marketing all my Life ,the potential is absolutely mad my network has not recieved so much response ever before since now SWOM is truelly remarkable I have rated this the top marketing site 2010 and I think there are millions more out there that would agree with me Thank you Swom And Thank you to all my fellow Swom Friends out there Happy Connections = happy people which betters our economy for all, Share the Experiance with everybody as they deserves remarkable changes and SWOM does exactly that for all


Positive Outlook Tony of The Tweet Tank loves Swom!

Newbie Online Marketer

United Kingdom

I was very new to internet marketing and online business when I first joined Swom.

The support and advice I have received so far has been invaluable to helping me along the learning curve!

There are so many opportunities out there and it is nice to see what my more experienced connections can tell me about these opportunities.

My biggest mistake was not upgrading and going Gold sooner!

I have already got some great contacts and referrals for my other opportunities from Swom and am looking forward to see what else I will be able to do with my new network of connections and groups!

The thing I LOVE about Swom is the fact that if I am struggling with anything my connections from all over the world can help me within minutes!




Aussiegirl Lori of FortuneWP loves Swom!

Full-time Network Marketer.

Australia | Internet Marketing Business Builder

My time at Swom has been most enjoyable for several reasons - firstly I have connected with so many new and genuine friends.

My groups have exploded my business down lines, It is a thrill to be paid, for my influence and interaction with other members, when it is pleasurable to engage like minded networkers in conversations.

I now use Swom as the main platform for all my businesses, to be able to communicate daily with my down line through my groups is such a bonus.

Swom is my permanent internet address now, so I am getting paid for doing something I thoroughly enjoy daily!

Being a Gold Member of Swom has many advantages - any one who is a serious network marketer should be a Gold Member here. I have made nearly 4,000 new friends in just over a month, just imagine in 12 months I will have 48000, new friends, to network with.

I love Swom and I know you do too!


Teresa Van Kuylenburg of loves Swom!

Amsterdam, New Zealand | Advertising and Marketing

I love Swom, because it is a great social site. The people here are so helpful, it's about building one another up, I have not come by any other site, that allow's you to earn commission's on all level's whether it's just giving someone the time of day or just giving out online business information to all your Swomie mate's, what ever, you earn.

Going Gold is the best thing I have ever done, as the week's have gone by I have seen changes in my status, where by, it is rising every day, because I have a positive attitude, toward every thing that I do here. There is no room for any Negitive attitude.

And another big earner is referral's, the more people you invite the more $'s you earn and of course you get a residual income as well from your downline, so don't hesitate.

Join and go gold as soon as you can. Don't forget, make sure you build a great relationship with people here, before you start bomb barding them, make your presence known, be influential.

You must be a Gold member to receive the full benefits of Swom.


Lorri Ratzlaff of The Beyond Solution loves Swom!

Network Marketer Creating Waves

Canada | Marketing

I LOVE Swom ... the meaning, according to the creators is Super Word of Mouth. MY meaning is Smile While Obtaining Money!

Since joining Swom I have had the most success EVER with my business! It has been awesome, and it just keeps getting better every day! Thank You Swom!

Also, I have to say, the community that is building and growing on this site is phenomenal! I have felt closer to these people after two weeks time than I have felt in two YEARS on Facebook! It is really remarkable how, when you put people with the same interests and goals, into one 'room', how they can get along and learn from each other! I feel truly blessed to have found Swom!

I recommend Swom to EVERY network marketer I meet, either directly or indirectly!


Larry Brown of Save and Make Money on Electricity loves Swom!

Professional Salesman and Marketer - Building our Team for the Future

United States

Swom is the perfect place to meet other like-minded people looking for a great way to build a future and life for themselves and their families and friends.

People who are not afraid to try and fail and try again knowing that if we continue we will succeed. We will build a better and more prosperous life and financial future


Edward Derry of EDWARD loves Swom!

expert fly tyer and craftman

United States | MARKETING

Swom is by far the best site I have ever been to for good honest advice about getting started in an online business. The people here are the best you can find. I can't think of any place I would send someone who was thinking about starting some sort of online business, than to Swom and just ask questions and look around, this is by far the only place you have to look, and for those who don't come and check it out, you're losing out!


Bal Zs Veges of The new community site and a bit more... loves Swom!

global business community

Hungary | network marketing

Dear swom!

I like Swom, than I can make a lot of connections and all people, who registered on swom want to upgrade his/her own business.

I'm new in Swom, and am a proud gold member. I hope I could make a lot of connections and make my business global.

Thank you Swom!


Sebastian Rothkegel of Retire-Online loves Swom!

Experienced Online Marketer

Netherlands | Network-Marketing, Social-Media-Marketing, e-Commerce

Swom is really awesome!
The idea of creating a network just for advertising your business is great, you will find people who want what you have to offer in no time. I made 500 contacts within the first 14 days, so inviting a friends friend with ONE click is a great thing.

All together I earned 80% more money from my existing businesses... plus I found 3 additional lucrative biz-ops, a real money machine!

I almost forgot the Gold-Upgrade; Inviting your friends/business partners from other networks and help them to upgrade to gold will guarantee you a constant money-stream ($15 from each upgraded referral per month), what do you want more!
Being on swom is a MUST!


Sebastian Rothkegel


John Michael Delos SantosJohn Michael Delos Santos of loves Swom!

Intrapreneur, call center professional

Philippines | BPO

I am amazed and greatful at how easy and user friendly SWOM is! We can add and delete businesses at will and everyone we meet is in business it is so cool! No problems with spamming!

Making money comes easy on this site and covering the first months' subscription is easily done in the first few days. And I love the opportunity for long term residual income.

Swom is an absolute no-brainer for anyone using attraction marketing for their online business. This has to be one of the most attractive sites online - LOL! LOVE TO BE PART OF SWOMMERS :)


Kathy Keen of Freedom Team loves Swom!

Experienced online /offline marketer. Entrepreneur,Global Commodities Trader

United States | Network Marketing, Global trade and Platforms

I have never found it so easy to meet so many professionals in 1 spot.. Everyone is so friendly and helpful .... The compensation plan is unreal... Fantastic!!!!!!

I would say the minute facebook starts charging to use they will lose so many and I will be there as I am now getting people to Swom.

I did not pay attention the first couple times the Swom link was sent to me... Thank goodness Wayne picked up the phone and called...

See all do not give up on someone... I am here and here to stay....

Thank you and hope to connect with more great Swom folks soon..

Kathy Keen


Raymond Secrets of geoString loves Swom!

Experienced in Online Business

Singapore | Online Marketing

I've been struggling in online business for a few months before I've signup for swom.

Before long, I've broken the red line and its been profitable for me just by chatting.

It's potential is limitless, you get to meet friendly people, share views and make money together on different sites.

Its the best network you can join right now. Join right now to be with one of the best.


Anastasios Tazz of webmarketing loves Swom!


Greece | Healthcare,marketing

I love SWOM for many reasons, here is a few:

* it is simple to use, it is serious and fast
* I met many interesting people that I never could meet
* I came across many interesting opportunities that I could never find looking alone myself for them on the web
* I got interesting information about on-line marketing, working and advertising'
* I got many ideas about my work
* many spiritual persons in this community
and much more,and except all this SWOM is trusted site, people that worked hard in prelaunch got paid, and I like the payment plan that is based on communication


Dick Bishop of Design On Demand loves Swom!


Online Marketer, Banner Designer, Safelist Owner

United States | Retail

Why is SWOM Awesome??
Let me count the ways.

* Sharing and communicating with fellow marketers.
* Posting your best programs on your profile for all to see.
* Earning referral commissions and instant bonuses.
* Earning points just for connecting with other members which can turn into cash.
* If you need help, there is always someone there to share their experiences.
* Great support not only from members but from the Support Team.
* Join a wide variety of groups to learn, share or just chat.

You can even start your own group.

SWOM is without a doubt A WIN WIN Situation!


Fafa Alce of Rock Your MLM Business Blog loves Swom!

Experienced Internet Marketing Coach

United States | Network Marketing

SWOM is so great..I love this area, I signed up about a week ago but didn't start SWOMMING right away... But once I started ever since a day ago, I've been SWOMMING and haven't come up for air yet!

What a great way to make a stream of income just for interacting with others. It's the basic things we're already doing with other social media sites, so why not invite all your friends, family members, partners etc., the whole nine yards of your friends and make some steady income for EVER!

I encourage every one of you who join to go GOLD - don't wait. You need to be GOLD like yesterday... GOLD is where you will make it happen. You will reap what you sow, so go GOLD!


Ralph Durst of Ralphyboy's Work at Home... loves Swom!

I'm a Internet Entrepreneur specializing in Home Based Businesses.

United States | Home Based Business

Swom is the Easiest and Most Fun way to make new Internet friends and keep in touch with them. Gives your Business wonderful exposure to the web!

Of course there is the profit side too! As a Gold member I'm making money just by using Swom - what a Deal - it doesn't get any better than this !


Marci Mc Kinney of Infinity Downline loves Swom!

Jill of all trades but Master of none!

United States | A little bit of everything!!

I love SWOM because it is a great site to meet some fantastic people from all over the world. I have made many many great friends. We are all in this for the same reason. To make connections, friends and money. And I have done all three.

Personnally, I have gained 3 referrals for my online business, which is awesome. Those 3 referrals grow my residual monthly income by $75 and that $75 is not costing me anymore than I was paying before. Therefore it is total profit. Plus I am receiving a monthly check from SWOM, just for connecting with people, sharing my experiences and hearing about their's. It is all fun and interesting. We are all like minded people just having a good time. Everyone should upgrade because you are going to make money just connecting with great people. That is a win-win situation. I wish everyone success and God bless. Marci :)


Steven Shover of Local Contractors loves Swom!

Experienced Online Marketer,Veretekk Warrior

United States | SEO Marketing and Video Marketing

Swom Gold is a wonderful addition to my social media arsenal. It has allowed me to connect with many wonderful people of like interest and I can even earn while I share with them even if I have not signed them up personally. You just can't put a price on all that Swom offers. Thanks for creating such a power social platform for marketers like me.


Zach Boiko of Meiune Advertising loves Swom!

Can't Generate Income without A good Business

United States | Advertising, Marketing

I have been on this site for 10 minutes and I've already made 5+ Connections! AND THEY ARE ALL NICE PEOPLE! Another thing about Swom is that they have it set up so you don't have to work hard to find friends! THIS PROGRAM IS EASY! And with their system of building your profile it makes the job ALL THE MORE EASIER!

This site is most definitely worth your time and effrorts folks and trust me I don't say this very often about programs. In fact there's only three that I fully endorse... My own site, my host's site, and SWOM



Pavel Lepsi of Hal-Ken's Virtual World loves Swom!

Web application developer

Czech Republic

Hello from Czech Republic!

I love Swom because I made many nice friends on here, and that make me happy and they use my website as well, which gives me potentially a good source of income.

I made more than 100 connection through Swom and I get experience in online marketing as well, because i need it for beta testing my web applications.


Dr Don Yates Sr Ph D

of Founder The Internet Scams Anonymous Group loves Swom!

Founder: The Internet Scams Anonymous Group, Investment Adviser, Mentor

Malaysia | American - Doing Business Online, Skype/Twitter - drdony

I welcome this opportunity to say something About Swom.

Throughout my life, I have traveled, live and worked in 38 of the United States and 55 or more countries around the world.

Now my active career as former US Navy, Business Entrepreneur, International Financial and Business Advisory Services and Success Coach has nearly come to an end at age 71.

My typical workday and Public Service always 12 or more hours a day. You can imagine the impact of going from 12 hour days to 0 hours after a 60 plus years of working can have on a person.

I always enjoyed having the privilege of meeting and mixing at all level of life in various cultures. Although I have been on the internet since its inception for my various businesses, only recently have I really discovered social networking, for me at it best, with Swom, its instant messaging dashboard is unlike any other that I have seen.

Members freely interact on almost all subjects, freely helping each other to be profitable and building a network through its various income alternatives.

Once again, I am alive and able to mix and connect with people from all over the world. As a Gold Member, I love the people so much that I stagger my hours to meet people from other timezones and parts of the world.

I am pleased to and freely offer my recommendation of Swom - A 6 star social networking site!


Darryl Delatorre of RainbowTrafficSolutions loves Swom!

Internet Marketer in Training

United States | Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, Adsense Publisher

The reason that I love SWOM is because it is a place where we can network with like-minded individuals. It is a place where we can learn from each other, as well as share the opportunities that are working for us. On top of that, we can earn money from interacting with each other which is just an added bonus in my opinion.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.04.2011

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