
Chapter I
In a universe like this, but not this one, certainly …
A constellation similar to Crater exists - the Glass that the raven went to search for Apollo - with a giant star similar to Crateris, the same in its orange color and in being the most brilliant star of Crater …
Of them we will narrate a fantastic history, but first of all, that history come to us across a manuscript protected during hundreds of years, nobody knows exactly how many, between the rocks of some place of the terrestrial depth sea where the horse-shoe crabs meet …
In honor to the Glass of Apollo, to this constellation we will continue calling Crater and to its more brilliant star Crateris, though we know well that they are located in a different universe …
"The dark matter surrounds everything, but it is not a permanent final condition of the matter but a stage of transition in order that the Baryonic matter continues existing, as we know it" it is read to the beginning of the paper already wrinkled because of the centuries gone on it and the salt of the sea …
" Beyond the Crateris star and after making a detour in an immense black hole located to three degrees north of this star, it is found a white brilliant star that has three moons and two planets, in this part of the universe there is Crates, the dwarf planet in which the Cratenses have sheltered themselves, they have understood the dark matter that exists in the universe and have managed to create from it … it is not easy to reach this site because the black holes devour everything, nobody can travel thereabouts without feeling the effect of the energy that comes from this enormous hole, however, the Cratenses could have gone beyond that black hole by the exploration of the properties of the light: the refraction and the reflection.
They dress light clothes because of the soft wind that comes to the four cardinal points of Cratos, the three moons do an impressive landscape for whoever rests in this soil …
-Grij, frig, grij … it is listened in the environment. They are the sounds of the nascent stars; they are audible for certain species, in Crates.
The beautiful cratense woman looks at the moon and thinks about the beautiful thing that universe is, with the stars that surround it, she wears a garment of soft fabrics and seems to be human, whoever look at her might affirm that she is a terrestrial woman living in another space, in another time …
Up to her a cratense man comes and takes her hand, together they contemplate the nearest moon and do a request to the stars: That its movement never stops, that the particles in the sky continue in movement to win to the dark matter …
Love is a feeling that both share and because of this, they fuse in a passionate kiss, later, they descend up to their city that is already seen in the distance: an enormous dome of crystal protects it and across it can be distinguished the walls of a spatial material: the Yilio, which has been achieved to form by the interaction of the dark matter with an element of Crates’ rocks, formed by the powder that comes from the Sun.
The walls are of a gray soft color but they change tone and have certain cohesion that allows dividing spaces in their city.
The Cretan woman takes the long hair gathered about her head, they move away walking towards the city, and the violet light of the white star accompanies them …
Inside the city, the Cretans have divided their buildings to enjoy the life there and in the entry there is an immense sign that says: ABOUT THE DARK MATTER, DO NOT DEDICATE TIME TO WHAT LEADS TOWARDS IT, RATHER YOU USE THE TIME CREATING FROM IT, FOR THAT REASON THE CRATENSES DO NOT REST… "
Chapter II
Not far from the peace of Crater worlds in war exist, where the matter is disappearing and the systems of life that preserve it also, only one sees destruction and reigns the disappearance of the life cycle of animals and beings … The Cratenses have not come up to these worlds, because they have a little time of which to prolong the life in his universe and they have devoted themselves to study rather to atomic level the matter and to infinitely small level the dark matter, penetrating into her by means of non -Baryonic worms odd that they are really applications of light to infinitely small level, which has allowed them to analyze and to codify the movement of the dark matter …
Apollo and Rax, cratenses young men that investigate the dark matter of their universe, they know that they have two tasks: to decipher the movements in their universe that cause that the dark matter gives step to the matter and on the other hand, to take care that the systems of life of their universe do not disappear …
-Apollo, look at our white star in the horizon, it seems to light day after day all the beings who live in Cratos … - Rax said.
- The nature of our universe is preserving to itself, in an impressive form - said Apollo-, the animals and beings that live in Cratos fight always against the dark matter, they all are orientated to preserve their species and the matter that composes them …
Ellen joined this conversation there, who came dressed with in a white suit that it would remember to the terrestrial ones that of an astronaut.
The laboratory in which they were living, reminded an immense disorder or permanent chaos in this part of the planet Cratos. In it was reigning the entropy and everything was decomposing to its own time, every species was invading other one, everything what there one saw was the free evolution of the things in a system of experiments not controlled but yes observed.
-Apollo, it is necessary that they all know that what we do here helps to preserve the systems of life, since it helps us to understand the entropy - Ellen said.
- Yes Ellen, Cratos is surrounded by more dark matter than other universes and a great black hole is not very distant from us, because of it our destination is tied specially to understanding the dark matter and surviving … I am sure that the Cratenses will support us when we announce to them that we have decided to travel to Tabbi's kingdom, the place of our universe where the movements of the stars are so slow that dark matter originates more and affects us constant … - Apollo said.
And with it, the young researchers would wait there in their laboratory, for the rest of the team and later they would announce the inhabitants of Cratos that they were ready to travel out of their planet and to observe the dark matter …
Chapter II continues …
The worm
The universe in the constellation Crater was conceived as the quarter of a composer, where a man of Crater was enjoying himself while it was touching a musical instrument, there was like that the form in which they were expressing what the cratenses loved to make, interpret the vibrations of the stars, the movements of the dark matter and of the Baryonic matter and with it to help to the prolongation of the life in the planet that they had had to be born …
- Look Apollo - said with great enthusiasm Ellen - the worm is almost ready.
The worm, since they were nicknaming him to the device that they had designed to catch non- atomic particles of the dark matter and to generate white light from her, was an involved spiral composed by wheels that were going from small size to bigger, which was giving the impression of a worm with big head and small tail …
Rax celebrated with Apollo the culmination of his design and thrilled, said to Ellen:
-It is necessary that we go as soon as possible to the part of our constellation where the dark matter abounds and prove the worm, I am sure that it will please to all our planet to possess more structures of light to be able to help the alive beings of Cratos to continue living.
The white light was the base of Cratos's life, where everything was becoming from white light that was joining any molecule and existing atom in Cratos and that in turn, it was scanty since the dark matter constant was consuming the formations of white light that had managed to be given by the interaction of the stars and the movement of the same ones and of the dark matter that was surrounding them … in the surroundings of the constellation of Crater …
Cratos's cities were seeming spoiled and nobody was noticing in to dress, those who wanted to wear fresh and clear dresses were seen well as those who only were using gnawed at clothes, the walls of the buildings were seeming old equally, though of a material that the terrestrial ones would not know, the yilio … nevertheless, the beauty was all over in Cratos, the dwarf planet was sheltering many inhabitants who from immemorial times only remembered to have fought against the invasion of the dark matter in their planet …
The young persons were chatting in the avenues in the evenings, were amusing themselves running or skating in scenes that would be common to the terrestrial life, of the Cratenses having known her, clearly …
The matter was the principal topic of conversation in Cratos and on the basis of it, it was turning everything in this planet, since it was not abounding and to prolong the life was needing of the natural reproduction of the beings in a natural environment that it was needing light … This was the principal problem, they had sufficient white light that was coming from his Sun, but unfortunately for this dwarf planet, the dark matter was surrounding his constellation, black holes also and this way, the particles that were composing the dark matter were gaining area and destroying formations of light that would give place to stars in his universe, because of it the Cratenses were focused to managing to generate more light from the dark matter …
The love was a common enough topic, was a sweet life in Cratos where the beings who there were living had a pale color in the skin, almost greenish but not, was rather pale yellow, very pale, with deep eyes and hair of colors, some of them had black hair, others blond, different blue, long or shortly, loved every part of his being, since they were valuing enormously the matter that it them was forming …
There arrived at the laboratory the old man Mercus, who was dressing a great gnawed at dressing-gown but warm , he had white hair already for the years and he greeted the boys, soon more boys came, up to doing an equipment of almost two hundred, young cretenses women and men, enthusiasts and collaborators one with other one, they would remember the youth of any planet in this universe, nevertheless, the constellation Crater only had life in Cratos and had worlds in war in the nearby constellations …
In a great lounge surrounded with gray and greenish walls, there met all the young persons who were integrating the great equipment of new investigators of Cratos …
There to the front, they presented the prototype of worm robot that would support the cratenses to generating more light in the surroundings of his constellation, catching not atomic particles, and protecting them up to achieving that they were generating white light and they experimentally would protect in turn this light up to achieving that with the passage of time, stars were formed from her, and they could help to generate sufficient heat and light for the life in his planet …
The worm was an involved spiral consisted of spheres that were changing in size, a small age and the following biggest, up to coming at the head of the worm, which was approximately of 30 brestas cratenses, equivalent to approximately 40 terrestrial centimeters of diameter …
Every sphere was relying on an internal structure of triangles that some were interacting with others up to doing a complex and solid set, every part of the triangles was a receptacle of axions and other elements of the dark matter that were remaining there caught and were interacting in agreement to the programming of the sphere …
From a sphere it was going on to another certain quantity of generated and like that energy up to coming at the head of the worm, the biggest sphere, which was managing to generate the enormous quantity of: 1 point, vibratory, normal, magnetic of white light, with radiation … the necessary thing to prolong the interaction of the Baryonic matter between yes and to be able to help to the prolongation of the stars …
It was not a common evening in Cratos, this age an evening of happiness, the evening in which the worm was going to be proved in a lab scheme, in a species of giant computer, for later … to lead them to travelling to the source of the Baryonic matter …
Chapter II Continues…
The sound
There speaks the old man Mercus, to the set of Cretans researchers:
- To all of you who prepare a trip to Tabbi's kingdom where it is believed that dark matter originates more in our universe and affects us, based on the observations that you have done with our devices of vision, to you I have to say something before you leave, in Cratos our dwarf planet as you know, we have allowed to think widely without objecting a scientific beginning with other one, nevertheless, there is a truth that we have observed throughout the years, who we have studied before that you the dark matter and I have to reveal it now, in order that of this meeting, it emerges the best decision in the preparation of the trip.
The old dressing-gown gnawed at of Mercus was stretching as his arm while he was lengthening his hand up to indicate in the projection that was showing the map of his constellation and of the universe that they knew:
- The dark matter is everywhere of the universe, at least in the universe that wraps the constellation Crater, our constellation. We have observed that the dark matter always has been present, actually it is a part of the structure of the universe for which we might not want to eliminate, create from it, remember it, to create white light and structures of life from this light, but not to eliminate the dark matter so … - lowering thoughtful the head, he took value and enunciated with made hoarse voice - our universe would collapse …
The reactions in the faces of people there were not made wait, rolled over to turn some, nevertheless, and left speechless others to continue the old man Mercus, representative of the advice of scientific astrophysicists of Cratos that they had accumulated more than 40 years cratenses of study in this discipline.
(Speech Mercus)
- The dark matter is one more element of the process by which the universe that surrounds us is creating to itself and originates elements or particles for the life. Do not forget something, the sound, there is a sound that we are called the sound ' k, which constantly corrodes the particles of the universe, locates his slide in certain senses, up to generating what we know as dark matter, is an non-audible sound for our cratenses ears but that we can record it by means of applications of our Bimpe rays…
It arrived at the room in this moment, a girl apprentice of astrophysics, who was following the old man Mercus in his educations, and joined to the drawing-room.
She had a long hair of color silver to her scanty 20 years old and was very nice, Apollo's devout admirer also who always she had loved … she was called Tenea.
(Speech Tenea)
- The sound ' k is everywhere, comes from different places in our universe without we could do nothing for avoiding it, it is constant and supports in this condition to the dark matter, is its vibration the one that orientates to two particles of the dark matter in a sense, doing that do not manage to interact with other particles that form her, for which it remains nothing …
- The sound ' k that corrodes everything - said Mercus – must continue this way, if for a moment the dark matter was disappearing, it would be a total blow of a few stars against others to impressive speeds in the universe, doing that quite, even our dwarf planet, was disintegrating and collapsing.
- How is the sound 'k generated? – Asked Tenea to the public assistant - nobody knows it with certainty …
The universe would be only a great ball of compact mass, unable to generate and continue the process of life, it would be if the dark matter was disappearing … - Mercus confirmed. The first time that we realized the existence of the sound ' k we thought that it was a question of a star that had collapsed or probably it was the sound issued by some star especially, but we have explored with the rays Bimpe several regions of the universe that surrounds us and we always have found the same constant, after years of research, we finally manage to tie this sound ' k to the existence of the dark matter …
- As well they know all - it interrupted Tenea - we have managed to generate infinitely small applications of light, also in the shape of worms, as worms of certain form of light, which we send in an experimental capsule to a part near our white star that illuminates us, where there is great quantity of dark matter and where few inter-spatial bodies circulate thereabouts, this capsule was containing a nano-robot that liberated the worms - almost invisible for our cratenses eyes - in a concrete space of dark matter, the nano-robot has the aptitude to film to this infinitely small level and using these worms of light as guide, the nano-robot could film the movements of certain particles that compose the dark matter … When the sound is intensified, the particles separate furthermore, later, like for entropy, return to a normal level until again they separate, doing that the dark matter remains in this condition … - he concluded Tenea.
- The sound ' k corrodes the dark matter - they said amazed some of the people there, the sound ' k is everywhere – it was listening between ripples in the room.
It was not the first time that these young researchers were meeting Mercus and Tenea, nevertheless, for own values of the beliefs in Cratos, Mercus and Tenea only could have listened to the researchers and not to influence ideas that seemed to turn into firm theories, to prevent a truth from devouring other one …
But this time, the trip was in wait and the kingdom Tabbi where the young researchers believed that there was generated more quantity of dark matter, seemed now to their eyes, only a place in which probably there was major receipt of the sound ' k that everything corrodes, nevertheless and for beginning cratenses, still they had to wait to take the final decision of the trip, the old man Mercus still had more things that to say …
Mercus says:
- In the black holes, it is assembled sufficient quantity of dark energy, remains of Baryonic matter and dark matter, the sufficient thing for … - fixing the look in the map of his universe and in the heavenly bodies that were composing it, he did a pause and immediately, with face of marked amazed expression, said: the sufficient mixture meets there to create more Baryonic matter and to expel her, the black holes of the universe in which our constellation is Crater, at least those that we have observed for years - he said leaving place to the scientific doubt - they are actually, a great field of formation of Baryonic matter … that’s why- said Mercus - in our universe, we have come to the conclusion that when a star collapses, it does not die forever, actually, its intention is still bigger, it is to give step to a black hole, it manages to retain sufficient energy and in this way, it is a kind of lab where more Baryonic matter is formed, which will be expelled from the black hole and will initiate its interaction in the universe of Crater up to managing to create planets or moons in thousands of million cratenses years … - deeply affected Mercus said.
- We are called to be only walkers of the stars - said Tenea-, watchmen of our universe, but we cannot change what our universe is because already it is already perfect, it creates life constantly …
- Yes - said Mercus - the dark matter is necessary in the universe of Crater, in order that the cycle of creation is not interrupted …
Apollo and Rax were the first ones in there raising and applauded the old man Mercus, after everything, in Cratos the scientific truths always had treated as if they were like two parallel lines, which though they were never managing to join, were accompanied always and never able to shock one with other one, to be able to reach the final truth …
The public of young cratenses women got excited and they got up also to applauding Mercus, they were smiling between and many of them embraced each other for the happiness that this knowledge provoked them.
Ellen, the young woman laboratory companion of Apollo and Rax asked Mercus to have the right to speak and he granted it to her and Ellen went to the drawing-room where Mercus and Tenea were standing up, deeply affected by the reaction of the young public.
(Speech Ellen)
- The worm that we have designed and which we will show today, is actually a set of spheres to generate white light from the dark matter, the dark matter surrounds our constellation Crater and makes a detour furthermore closely to our dwarf planet since near our white star we have detected major quantity of it. Nothing of what they have said now interferes in our intention of travelling and proving the worm - said Ellen-, it might be a trip to another region of the constellation, but in any case, now we know that if the dark matter is constant, we can generate white light of a constant way for our planet …
Ellen was not wrong completely and it is that, in the dwarf planet, the white light was necessary for the life cycle of cratos beings but their white star in spite of being brilliant, it was not sufficiently nearby in order that its rays were reaching the planet of the suitable form, in addition, the dark matter was abundant in a region near to the star and was having the effect that his light was getting lost or it was disintegrating in this region, for that reason, the quantity of energy was not coming in sufficient way to Cratos in the shape of white light, not the one that the cratenses needed to continue existing.
- If the worm works - said Ellen - our planet might begin to generate small quantity of white light and it would be an important achievement for later to try to generate more light from it and to try to replace the energy that should come from our white star and it is not coming to us …
- It is necessary to compose, create with the dark matter - Apollo said from the bottom of the room.
It was a big room with almost rusty chairs and walls that were going from the grey to the tone of color almost mustard, changing tones because of the type of material, the yilio …
Let's remember that in the universe of Crater, the constellation Crater was only one more, with its giant orange star and after it a black enormous hole between this one and the white star that was lighting the dwarf planet Cratos and another planet that was not sheltering life and to which the cratenses had come … There were three moons there in which were life neither …
Nevertheless, the cratenses knew that there was life in some planets belonging to other constellations near to theirs, they knew it but they were not thinking now about these worlds in war, instead, they were very worried by the facts of the dark matter still and all their strength was focused to preserving the energy and the matter in their planet Cratos …
(Speech Ellen)
- We will take our spiral of spheres or the worm, as we have called to our device, up to a region of our constellation and will try to generate white light, we will travel using the abstraction of the particles Guu that surround our atmosphere, the same ones that we use when we travel for the first time to our neighboring planet and at three moons…
Ellen was making a reference to the successful experiment that it had taken place in the past and in which was achieved to abstract particles Guu in their atmosphere and to create a straight field in which it was possible to manipulate the energy that they were using to travel up to doing that these particles were allowing them to travel more rapid, using always the abstraction of the particles Guu …
Chapter II Continues…
Wayfarers of the Stars
(Apollo rises to the drawing-room and reads a text)
- " The dark matter can take from us only it, matter, but not our thoughts, our love and what always we want to do: our customs and what really we wish for the children of Cratos, it will never stop … " written by Pe-Shakji, which lives in the mountains - it stopped reading Apollo-.
-Pe-Shakji - it was listened in the room - Pe-Shakji! - They were murmuring.
The cratense that more loved the nature had sheltered many years behind in a place of the Cratos's highest mountains, where he went away to study more the kingdom of the animals and plants that were living in Cratos, to help in the measure of his forces to preserve the nature of his planet, understanding first how it was working.
- We must be going to see Pe-Shakji - said Apollo to the assistants - he will say to us what to do with the worm in the atmosphere, since the inside structure of the worm obeys actually a secret that he revealed us, which is based on Cratos's animal that has managed to retain white light in its body across the bite to a tree.
The vegetation in Cratos was light blue very pale and in some cases it was coming to the one pale gray, in this range of clear tones that were combining blue, white and grey and to which one could see them all over …
The atmosphere in the dwarf planet was diffuse, as a mist always diffuse with intermittent clarity and blue and white tones in the air, the mountains - the majority were small - were blue totally, because of the tone of its vegetation …
-Pe-Shakji it has sheltered in the highest part of the mountains of ice - said one of the assistants - where the top is a solid gigantic ice and where one can see the beautiful landscape because of the effect of the scanty light that comes even there and the blue semidarkness of tones clearly - darkly that they appreciate all over in this zone of the giant mountains … - he concluded-.
Mercus assistant went to the public and enunciated three names:
-Kire, Star-bur and Olyn - ti, all of you in company of Apollo and Rax will be going to the mountains of ice to look for this truth on the worm that we all want to hear - he said-, the prototype of worm is ready and it is necessary that Pe-Shakji sees it in order that he says to us if it is exactly what we need, to your return, we will take the decision about the point of our atmosphere to which it is necessary to travel and will prove the worm in a virtual environment in this room.
- I agree! - It was listened to the unison in the room where the young researchers were laying taken pleasure with the results of the evening …
- Our children remind us that we must go always ahead - said the old man Mercus as phrase of farewell to the assistants-.
In the mountains that have the solid ice in the top and between dark shadows, lives the cratense that loves more than anybody the nature and the researchers are going to visit him … because … Who can assure that the sound ' k will not affect the particle that is inside the worm, or will not interrupt the process of creation of the light?
The old Pe-Shakji lives between the pale blue grass and his ears have got longer permanently so it is extremely sensitive to the sounds of the nature, for which this characteristic that the cratenses have of lengthening their ears before a sound of their world, being a sound of plants or animals or only the wind, he has made it permanent in his being …
The wise Pe-Shakji has the face wrinkled because of the age and unlike the rest of the cratenses, does not have hair, carries a tunic gnawed at as Mercus, generally in white color and his skin it has become almost gray for the air that runs in the mountains and for the vegetation of which he feeds … It Is high and does not speak very much, observes and deals, ponders, annotates, recycles … but, is not a hermit, is a being full of love, long time ago he left his wife and his children in one of the cratenses cities and only they are going to see him, he has not left the mountains in many cratenses years, almost 90 …
One of the qualities of the dwarf planet is that the time feels very slowly, it is sufficiently removed from its major orange giant about which there turn all the bodies of this constellation Crater, since in order that the time opens way to the enjoyment of life, in the measure of the possibilities for the beings who live in Crater …
The constellation is seen in the distance and for the one who could spy it from another point of the universe, is estimated as an enormous dark area, with a giant orange star in some point and an enormous black hole in some another place to half a distance of her … later, 6 stellar bodies are estimated thereabouts and are: the white star that illuminates Cratos, two planets turning in an elliptical enormous orbit around it and three moons turning, two around Cratos and one around the neighboring planet to which they have named the world Tik-Tuk …
- " The visual magnitude measured up to filters Gv gives us the exact measure of the things in the space of Crater " - there scrawls the old man Pe-Shakji in his notebook… near there, plants that they have survived and have adapted to the Cratos's few light atmosphere, they fill the landscape and, with its special quality, make the Pe-Shakji's life happy … Cratos's vegetables issue different sounds in the nights, some of them are listened this way:
-algggggggg …
-garuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu …
-gijuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu …
-naaaaaaaaaaaaaak …
Everything which does of this dwarf planet a beautiful place, in spite of that the problem of the matter has existed for a lot of time. Some cratenses scientists think that in some moment of the time, the plants tried to get more light or the light to which they were accustomed to live … others, specially the poets of Crater believe that this is only a way of showing that the life is beautiful and to accompany the nights with sounds that they lull to sleep to anyone …
The children of Pe-Shakji live the sacred mountain occasionally, when they come to see his father, call it this way because the ripple of the plants in the night, comes to such a degree that seems that there is a mystical conspiracy between them to compose melodies while the wise old man sleeps …
Pe-Shakji takes on his back a table to rest where he wishes while he investigates, a cord buttons his gnawed at dressing-gown and wears two enormous shoes of made fabric of lianas of trees … what gives him a picturesque aspect though sober and magnificent to the eyes of his friends …
In the last years and while it was walking in some place near the mountain where he lives, it saw to a beetle of very long antennas and followed it, it was taking with it his notebook and wanted to begin some scientific history with his observations … the navy blue deep beetle rose to the tree and bit it of such a form with two of his beaks that it extracted of a place under his head while it was holding the bark of the tree, that the tree suddenly lost any color and the beetle developed a red point in a place of its body which became transparent, later the red point began to turn on itself, entered to a small sphere placed on the stomach of the beetle, then to other one bigger than the previous one and later to other one, like that, up to completing almost 13 Spheres, later the red point evolved to a point of white light and the beetle was illuminated completely, shone in the darkness of the blue mountains, did it in the whole night and the following day it died …
- " The life cycle of the beetles pliers of tin diminishes considerably when they do this rite, but there is no way of freeing them of it, is as if they were born for it, when this happens, they form a pair in the middle of the night and completely brilliant in its bark, until one sees like of two points of light - two beetles-, one of them parts with other one and emerges a viscous and green substance of the stomach of one of them and when this happens the beetle female already has descended from the tree and has come to the soil, where it digs a hole and there buries this green substance … which contains the eggs of the beetles pliers of tin " - it annotated Pe-Shakji …
- The cratenses maybe we are called to be wayfarers of the stars Pe-Shakji - a disciple of investigation said once to the wise old man-, since it is remembered that the time exists on Cratos, the cratenses we have fought against the dark matter and the lack of generation of matter in Cratos, against the lack of sufficient white light in order that our world continues existing, because of it I believe Pe-Shakji, that maybe the destination of the cratenses is to be simply wayfarers of the stars, some day to be able to develop ours and to leave Cratos when this one already is not inhabitable and our capacities of evolution have become exhausted …
Pe-Shakji spilt a tear before these words in that occasion and lowered the head worried by the future generations of cratenses and in turn, urged to himself to finding scientific solutions to Cratos's reality.
- We must hurry up Apollo - Star-bur-said, it is necessary to come to the place of the mountains where he lives Pe-Shakji, since more energetic particles in Cratos's magnetic atmosphere are going to appear in a few days more, when there takes place the energetic rain that happens every three periods of two moons joined in Cratos … and, I have thought that probably is the best moment to prove the worm.
Kire at the time, Star-bur, Olyn - ti, Rax and Apollo, wrapped in white cases of soft and almost silky material the device called The worm, also they put some devices more, notebooks and they were preparing to sleep, doing what they make the cratenses, which it is to take the hand to the head and with a finger to appear towards the center of his cranium and to pull towards his finger the energy of the knowledge that lives in their brain, to let them rest free of any worry …
In the distance, other buildings were spied as in that they were, with fourth equally changeable interiors of color of the yilio material, of which they were done … the empty streets were seen in this part of the city and the climate was remaining stable, for the dome that was surrounding the city that was absorbing and processing energy for those who were living in it … there were no many cities in the whole dwarf planet, since the population had centered in a part of it, only in one, making vegetation grow in the small planet, allowing that the systems of life should continue reproducing or evolving in Cratos … almost without interrupting them …
All the Cratos's cities had a transparent dome, there were about two hundred cities of approximately 3,000 inhabitants every city, the total population of Cratos was this … About 600,000 cratenses man, women and children … all, as the rest of its living beings, fighting against the dark matter and the lack of sufficient white light in its planet …
In this night, the moons that were turning around Cratos had on its bark a scanty violet light and were appreciating some spots silvered in the center of one of them, since was already habitual for the cratenses.
Many stars were not seen in Crater, because in the constellation the dark matter was abounding and really there were only two stars, the giant orange star and the white star … probably because of it, the cratenses wanted to come some day, to being able to reproduce the atmosphere of their planet in another place and after this one in other one, probably for it, their dream would be always to be wayfarers of the stars … wayfarers of these distant points of light who saw across their devices of vision and that fluttering in other distant parts of their universe.
Chapter III. The Halo
- " We cannot manage generate a star from the white light of the worm, in it they are mistaken " - he thought Pe-Shakji-the worm, which is actually an accelerator of particles of the dark matter, will manage to give us white light and we can create from it, to generate energy for our world, but generates a star like who cultivates a vegetable, it escapes to the real possibilities of the man of Cratos - he said to himself Pe-Shakji.
-The light forms the matter of which everything is done in Cratos, and gives the material the power of continuing along the time - Pe-Shakji says to his small pet Tioo, an insect that he caught in the surroundings of the mountain where he lives, the light joins our molecules and each thing that exists in the matter that Cratos forms …
In Cratos, the scientists had managed set to interact particles of the dark matter, as the neutralinos-i - it forms a of neutralinos-, with the powder of their white star that was coming to Cratos, from this mix, they were obtaining the yilio, the material of which their buildings were done and that was changing color. The powder of their star was spreading in Cratos when the brown dwarfs who were near the white star were helping to the interstellar wind to arrive in Cratos …
Kire was a beautiful cratense with golden hair that had silver and green tops, she was tall and very pale as the rest of the cratenses, with gray deep eyes and ears that were lengthened as the rest of its inhabitants, since all the inhabitants of the dwarf planet were thin and had their elongated hands of approximately 25 brestas, approximately 17 terrestrial centimeters beginning from the wrist to the top of his longest finger.
Kire and Olyn-tir were twin sisters, had studied the stars from very small age and were feeling great passion for the physics of particles, because of it when the old man Mercus named them to be going to see Pe-Shakji they were happy, for being able to speak with the wise person of the mountains. The only difference between Kire and Olyn-tir was the color of their eyes and a special symbol; since Olyn-tir had them green olive and she possessed a spot in the neck, of round form and silver.
Star-bur always had been in love with Kire and now that also was a part of the expedition was doubly happy for sharing some days with her in the trip.
Rax and Apollo were two of the best researchers to their scanty twenty-something years …
Unanimously they decided to travel for the route of the lagoon Zic-zuu that was surrounding the mountain where Pe-Shakji was living, as everything what was a water in Cratos, there was totally frozen in its surface in this epoch of the cratense year, which was very long, as the day and the winter station, all this owed to Cratos's elliptical waves around its white star.
They surrounded the lake and began to measure the thickness of the ice, introducing a small Nimpe ray, derived from the Bimpe rays, which was crossing the surface without destroying it and to be of a green intense color, it allowed them to see up to where the ray was coming under their feet, since this green light was interacting with the particles of the ice, doing that the ray was extending only across the ice. They saw that they could without difficulty put their vehicle there and did it. A triangle with three wheels each one was the individual vehicle that they would use, every researcher was taking a bracelet in the wrist and one in the waist, which they activated after putting of foot on this hoop with three wheels, then using the particles Guu - the abstraction of the particles Guu-, they moved skating, they departed from a place out of their city and came in an entertaining and rapid trip to the sacred mountain, which was to approximately 3500 brestas or 300 kms terrestrial …, the lagoon was surrounding the whole area up to coming to the mountain, once they arrived they proceeded to take out their devices of trip …
To reach Pe-Shakji's refuge in the top of the mountain they used their feet normally, they were wearing footwear with beaks that they were adapting to the area and they did exercise to come up to the wise old man.
Inside the refuge, everything was done of natural material mixed with yilio.
-Cratos is surrounded by more dark matter than other universes - Apollo said to Pe-Shakji-we have to prove this worm to extract white light from it - he concluded.
Pe-Shakji lowered the head thinking over and inhaling fresh air, he answered:
- It is the location of our constellation Crater the cause of everything through what we live. It is time for you to know that Crater is located near the halo of the galaxy of which we are a part … there are more constellations near us but they are more removed from the halo … there is something that I want to reveal you and that is important to know for our ends of investigation - he continued - the halo, in the shore that surrounds our galaxy, contains actually, immense quantities of dark matter and of interstellar gas, old and dwarf brown stars and white dwarfs, besides weakly interactive massive particles.
-The worm at the time will give us the opportunity to turn part of this halo into a great source of energy for Cratos, if we manage to develop white light from the dark matter - Olyn-tir said.
Pe-Shakji at the time extracted a former map from one from his old trunks located in the floor of his refuge where they all were sat in circle about a rug embroidered with exuberant colors.
- Of what region is it this map? - Rax asked on having seen that the old man Pe-Shakji was extending on the rug a great parchment of color coffee.
- This drawing is an inheritance of our ancestors - and saying this Pe-Shakji, he saddened up to the point of spilling a tear-, few of you know it but they before us, already had planned an enormous map of our universe, they knew before us that we were an almost part of the halo of this galaxy and what it was meaning …
- What does mean it Pe-Shakji? Say it to us now - affected Apollo said and simultaneously impressed by the news.
The young researchers always had thought that the universe that was surrounding them was entirely of dark matter and some other elements and that the stars that they saw in the distance were a part of other constellations or other distant universes – as they called them.
- It means that our constellation is located near the place where there is created the material that formed and it will form the stars that are a part of our entire spiral galaxy. Numerous constellations like ours form the galaxy Spura, of which we are a part, we are located as you can see it in this map, near the belt of dark matter that surrounds and that wraps to the whole galaxy, Crater is closely together of this belt of dark matter that is The galactic halo, and inside this constellation is Cratos our dwarf planet …- Pe-Shakji said.
- And this implies that our star is old and it will disappear? - Kire asked.
- Not, the stars that are expelled and do not escape of the halo age more rapid, for the effect of the dark matter that avoids the normal interaction of these stars with other elements of the galaxy that would provide them with life along their stage of formation - Pe-Shakji-answered, our star is near the halo but not inside it, Crateris our giant orange star around which we all turn, is almost in the line of entry to the halo, but not inside the halo and …
- And? - Apollo questioned.
- And this means that we must go to other worlds of our galaxy, we do not have a lot of time of surplus - saddened Pe-Shakji said.
- Tabbi's kingdom is in a part of the halo - Pe-Shakji continued -, it is very dangerous to travel even there because there is no certainty to return, is the place where there abounds the dark matter and nothing more …
- But we have to prove the worm - commented Kire with firmness - in Tabbi's kingdom there would be major receipt of the sound ' k that everything corrodes, the sound does that the dark matter cools and the particles separate and it is easier that they enter the worm -Kire concluded.
- Yes - Star-bur said - Kire is right, we need to go to the zone where there is the dark cold matter in Tabbi's kingdom and to prove the worm.
- There, in Tabbi's kingdom is the dark cold matter - Pe-Shakji-said, but the sound ' k is not something that we, the cratenses, could control and with this vibration the dark cold matter will be able to become warm, the particles hasten and there can be formation of matter of another type, we can remain caught forever in Tabbi's kingdom, there is no guarantee of return - Pe-Shakji finished.
Pe-Shakji was right, the dark cold matter might return in dark warm matter, with intensive particles that might form Baryonic matter that would make them caught in the halo.
- Wait! - Star-bur-said- we can prove the worm in the energetic rain that will take place in the orbit of our planet.
- The energetic rain obeys a contraction and expulsion of the black hole that is near our orange star - Pe-Shakji-said- there will be dark warm matter that will be cooled but we do not know the exact moment, anyhow, we will define it with the rest of the researchers and with Mercus, nevertheless, everything what I have said to you, you had to know it, in order that you could understand more that Cratos does not still have a lot of time, we do not know how much we have, but we must focus our life in developing our energy and our atmosphere and travelling across the galaxy, in order to some day we can live in another world more removed from the halo …
-The worm, the portable accelerator of particles, will be done of the material that more abounds in the caves of Cratos's mountains - Olyn-tir-said, we know that this material is the suitable one to process the particles of the dark matter and to experience the process of creation of white light …
- What matter is this? - Rax said questioning her thoughts-, is it perhaps the golden, conductive material of heat and incorruptible?
- Yes - said Olyn-tir, the worm will be done of gold …
Chapter IV. The past of Crater.
Normally the constellations include several stars that we can see in different galaxies … but the galaxy in spiral where the constellation Crater was located was gigantic, that’s why the constellation was getting lost in a point of this one, near to the galactic halo, which was formed in the main by dark matter.
Sat in the refuge of Pe-Shakji, the young researchers were anxious preparing their trip and for it when Kire, one of the twins cratenses, suggested to be going to Cratos's orbit to prove first the worm, Pe-Shakji answered:
-Kire, you have to know that the dark matter is everywhere, even here in our atmosphere, there is dark matter, in the depth of our lakes, in Cratos's atmosphere, do not worry now for the place where we will prove the accelerator of particles, this needs of a process, first we must prove it virtually and later we will decide the course of the investigation.
And saying this, Pe-Shakji opened one of the trunks that were near them and took a few lenses that were covering perfectly his eyes, they were made of a hard and transparent material of red color in the top part of each lens.
-These lenses are an inheritance of our ancestors - Pe-Shakji-said, they are done to detect the movement of particles of dark matter in Cratos; few people in Cratos know that our ancestors were more evolved than us, more - he said sadly - almost everything has got lost with the course of the time … you will see - he said to all that they were listening attentivly-:
"Thousands of years ago, we do not know how many, the constellation Crater had six stars, besides both planets and the three moons that exists until now, our ancestors were living normally and apparently they were getting sufficient solar light so they did not manage to worry too much for the future of Cratos, but, yes, they were doing investigation with scientific ends to understand better the universe that was making a detour … They reached big advances in the physics and astronomy principally, reason for which they could travel to impressive speeds in the constellation, this you have to know it … they before than us, have been in the surroundings of Crater and in some worlds that surround us in nearby constellations …
All that was before the great explosion, which changed the whole panorama of Crater … our constellation had the form of a glass, with six stars that were doing this figure. Now only we have the giant orange star and our white star, this is because … four stars that were nearby among them, went out forming the great black hole that is between the orange star and our white star. When exploded one of these stars it formed a black hole that reached the other three and altered the orbits of our planet - continued Pe-Shakji-, as you will imagine, all this had immense repercussions for our world, which almost was on the verge of becoming extinct for the impact of a great meteorite in one of its seas and for the changes in the climate that they came as a result of the alteration of the orbits around the white star - Pe-Shakji commented with an expression full of love towards the young persons who were with him-, for this reason, probably the best education that our ancestors left us is the enjoyment of the life with the good things that it has, while it last …
They had reached big advances and they could travel across our constellation coming as before I told you, to the nearby worlds in the nearby constellations of this enormous galaxy, nevermore far … In one of their trips of exploration, they realized what was approaching and prepared a plan to evacuate Cratos, but the time did not leave them to act since they had wished and only some of them managed to escape before the explosion of four stars that it turned aside to the meteorite that hit Cratos, they were foreseeing that Cratos was going to disappear completely to the black hole be formed, but it was not like that …
Almost everything has got lost - Pe-Shakji continued -, they took their knowledge with them, which they managed to store in big units of memory in the spaceships, but not everything was successful. They managed to develop energy to travel far from the great explosion but they could not have created an atmosphere similar to that of Cratos in another world, for this reason, they had the time limited …
What you have listened about the worlds in war it is or it was true, since it was thousands of years ago, the cratenses managed to come to them and narrated among them what they saw, without daring to write it, for fear probably that the spirit of the war was coming to Cratos … They described them as worlds with excess of matter and of white light, with beings who could not use the baryonic matter and the dark matter, worlds in which many systems of life were in danger, which they counted among them is what nowadays is known as legends of the worlds in war, though few ones in Cratos know with certainty the origin of these …
Great part of their knowledge got lost forever, the secret to travel so far away in the universe, since you well know that our constellation is surrounded by a great field of dark matter, which they managed to cross, they could not return all to Cratos after the great explosion, only a spaceship returned, 180 cratenses came on board of it and had to return to begin … some devices remained, some things got lost forever, because their means got lost, because on having come to Cratos it had nothing but chaos … " - concluded Pe-Shakji-.
The young persons kept silence and shake one to one, the hand to Pe-Shakji as a sign of consolation.
- Still there is hope for Cratos? - Apollo asked.
- After of the great explosion, Cratos remained come down to a planet with few white light, with vegetation that it evolved up to becoming blue for effect of the received light, the atmosphere rarefied a bit but later it returned to be equal, I know all that for some scientific experiments that remained guarded in these trunks when they returned from the worlds in war and began to live in Cratos … - Pe-Shakji-answered, the hope always will be there in our hearts, because we have managed to survive the great explosion - he concluded.
- And are these lenses a testimony of which they already knew of the existence of the dark matter? - Rax asked.
-Yes - Pe-Shakji-answered, these lenses are a device of vision to see Cratos's landscape as it is, formed by baryonic matter and by dark matter … It is a device that is loaded by electromagnetic radiation created artificially, the external surface of the lenses is loaded with 3x-h56 + 0m with energy and when it is by night it can turn in dark places little lit by the moonlight, it can there turns the movement of the particles of the dark matter, among the baryonic matter … certainly, each of the nano-particles is not seen, they are seen as spots darker than the darkness of the night, which they go on to irregular speeds and which they are intermittent and unpredictable …
- Is the accelerator of particles an inheritance of our ancestors? -Olyn-tir asked.
- Not, a new science was born after their arrival, almost everything what they developed got lost in the time - Pe-Shakji-said- almost all their knowledge went out …
- The material to using will be the gold - Olyn-tir-said the accelerator of particles in the shape of worm might be proved in the first virtual field, with simulated movements of neutralinos-i and of other particles that form the dark matter.
- We must look for a cold field of dark matter, the sufficiently cold thing in order that its particles move to a suitable speed for the experiment - Pe-Shakji said.
- Will it be in Tabbi's kingdom? - Star-bur asked.
- We do not know it still - Pe-Shakji-said- the future waits for us, let’s hurry up …
And saying this, he invited the young researchers to prepare their items to see Mercus and the rest of the team of Cratos's investigation, who were waiting for them in Fera's city, in the great lounge of meeting where they had been before … but now, Pe-Shakji would join them …
Chapter. V The Robot. (Fragment I )
The dusk hovers over the mortal persons of Cratos, just in the moment in which Pe-Shakji and the rest of the team travel on returning to Fera's city. In the sky, some point of the universe, an explosion is seen in the distance, in an image of a point that shines for some it is actually a great A Supernova that is formed after the explosion of a star. For Pe-Shakji, who suspects about what it treats itself, the time urges and stops the trip in the middle of the ice of the lagoon Zic-zuu and, extracting his telescope from his rucksack of trip, he observes the sky in the middle of the night that it surrounds them …
The great A Supernova in some point of the galaxy spiral Spura is full of colors, some red, blue and orange tones are estimated to the distance, inside them, points of white light remain in the sky. This makes think over Pe-Shakji on the real origin of the white light …
- The white light cannot be created only from particles of the dark matter, probably in the beginning of the universe it was like that and to find this exact formula it is a task that we owe to us themselves, nevertheless, the universe offers us another opportunity - he said to them.
-What are you talking about Pe-Shakji? - Apollo asked.
- Some particles of the star that explodes and turns in A Supernova remain as points of light in the space, about it I speak, if the mass that forms the star decomposes, it explodes and forms multiple colors, this shows us the interaction of this mass with the dark matter that surrounds the star, more … inside this mass of the star, some particles on having had contact with the dark matter, they originate points of white light or make this points of white light remain after the explosion- he said - and to these particles of mass, this powder of stars, I suspect that we have to come and introduce it in the accelerator of particles to achieve the point of white light … - he concluded Pe-Shakji.
Do you want to say that certain material of remains of stars, added to some particle of dark matter, and certain quantity of dark energy, all that in an accelerator of particles, would give us a point of white light? - Apollo asked.
- This way it is my dear son - Pe-Shakji said in a gesture of deep fondness towards the young researcher of Cratos.
-Ja, ja, ja, ja - moved Pe-Shakji laughed and doing this he took them by the hands and began to dance in circle on the hard ice of the lagoon Zic-zuu.
Some stars were shining in the distance in a part of Cratos's sky, they looked at the sky and they asked how many secrets more the universe was guarding, Kire at the time asked:
-Pe-Shakji, I wonder how it would have to be the robot that carries the worm to be able to come to this point of the universe and capture the elements necessary to introduce them in the worm and to achieve the point of white light … also question how we would realize that we achieve it, since we have not managed to come to any star with the abstraction of the particles Guu, you know that this method of trip beyond that would take us would be to the neighbouring planet and to our three moons, we cannot abstract particles Guu to go to a star that it has just exploited and turned into a Supernova - Kire said.
-To this point, I can only answer you that all the answers are near us, do not lose hope, Cratos's nature will give us the response undoubtedly - Pe-Shakji said.
- When did you begin to love nature Pe-Shakji? - Rax asked.
- It is a long history that goes back to my childhood, at home and with my two brothers, I was in the habit of catching the honey of the stem of the flowers and proving it, was a drop of a sweet liquid that I was charmed with … later, I realized that to nature it is necessary to learn to observe it to find answers, because, quite, practically everything is written in it as a code - Pe-Shakji answered.
-How a code? - amazed Olyn-tir said, one of the twins.
- Yes, like a code that guides us wisely in everything that we want to create, because the systems of life of our nature in Cratos have secrets that we must learn and because I am sure of the fact that everything what we want to design, already nature has won us in the way and has created something similar to our ideas, but something that works, slightly better … let's see … - Pe-Shakji-said inviting to see between the obscurity that was surrounding them in the shore of the frozen lagoon.
Some dry shrubs were differing near a heap of ancient stones that were surrounding them in what had been a building in another time. They were near Ampur's castle.
- It is a beautiful testimony of our ancestors - Apollo said. Now I love more their memories because I know that always they did everything in order that Cratos had a better life, in order that to our planet was not lacking anything.
- Always - Pe-Shakji-said remember it, always we have fought against the dark matter, and against the dark energy also that it seems to propitiate events in the universe, things that we do not understand completely. Our dwarf planet for fortune or misfortune is like that, stimulates us to the science day after day and takes us to an extreme way of life …
- How which? - Kire asked.
- An extreme is to live the way in we do, in cities with domes that recycle the energy towards the soil, to walk with our barefooted feet along the cities to absorb energy from the land, ours plants and vegetables develop increasingly enormous and complicated roots, in an effort for catching most of nutrients and energy from the land, that the stems of the vines are extremely thin and strain in establishing to the trees to come to the highest part and to catch more white light, that our clothes are gnawed at because we could not produce any more since we don’t possess so many baryonic matter not even sources to do more …
- In it you are reason Pe-Shakji - Kire said - since till now our interaction with the dark matter has been good but not sufficient, we have managed to create from the mixture of a particle of the dark matter and of a particle of the powder that comes to us from the sky - do not know exactly its origin-, have managed to produce the yilio, without which we would not have our buildings and cities …
- Yes Kire - said Apollo - but still we do not know what nanoparticle of the dark matter is necessary to accelerate not to what speed and with what quantity of energy, to manage to do the white light, at least a point of light.
- Patience - Pe-Shakji-said- I have told you that nature has all the answers, patience …
- How it will be the robot that takes the worm up to a point of the space that still we have not defined, to create a point of light? - Rax questioned.
- What programming will take the worm to manage to isolate a nanoparticle of the dark matter and to channel its displacement to certain speed? - Star-bur debated.
- In the morning and while we travel to Fera's city, I will show you some things that I wish to observe in the way, probably with it we´ll have a minute of inspiration - Pe-Shakji-said because only a minute of good inspiration is necessary for the big discoveries … and it is enough … -he concluded.
Doing this, Pe-Shakji at the time detained on the mound of stones and invited them to rest, not because they could not travel more rapid on the ice, thanks to the abstraction of the particles Guu, but because he was saying: to rest benefits a young mind, as those of the investigators, anxious to create …
They all sat down in circle and Pe-Shakji extracted of the purse of his tunic an instrument to generate heat, it was based on an animal of the sacred mountains that is capable of generating heat in its body in spite of just touching the ice, as response to this one … It was a minuscule device of compact metal in the shape of two water drops that are joined, he put it in the middle of the circle that they were forming and the device touched the snow of the floor, then it put on violet color and issued heat around them.
- I start believing that nature has all the answers - said Kire, who had not seen this method that Pe-Shakji had developed in the mountains to be protected from the cold that was surrounding them.
- There is nothing secret in it - Pe-Shakji-said, up to the most minimal of its details, it is inspired in what already exists in nature, and everything is programmed in agreement to the code …
They slept a placid night with the violet light that was invading them completely and on the following morning they prepared themselves to continue their trip …
- Listen!- Pe-Shakji-said- listen attentively!, the sound of the wind that wakes us up brings a melody that our ancestors knew very well because it was sung by a small bird that already has disappeared because of the changes in our planet …
The melody was diffuse but yes it had certain pace and was quite provoked by the wind of the mountain …
- The bird that was singing it was a small one -Pe-shakji-said-, of long and curved beak and it was in the habit of puncturing the flowers …
-Pe-Shakji - said Apollo - we must hurry up since we have to come to Fera …
- Wait Apollo - Pe-Shakji answered- perhaps do you think that we lose the time on having observed nature? Yesterday I have said to you that today we would have answers on how designing the robot that will carry the worm or portable accelerator of particles towards certain point of our universe …
- What is the relation with the long and curved beak bird? - Kire questioned rather impatient.
- We need the long and curved, thin and closed beak of the bird - Pe-Shakji-answered, we need a device like that as part of the robot, because only in a beak as that of the bird of silver tail that was singing the paces of Cratos's wind, only with a beak as this, the robot will be able to select a negligible quantity of dark matter and of powder of stars, the necessary thing in order that the first part of our experiment works …
- Also we need a device that could use dark energy to be able to move up to the point where the nearest Supernova is, because you have said that there is where we need to go to generate the white light - Kire said.
- The dark matter is everywhere, remember it, but we need to go even there to have part of the remains of a star that has become extinct, remains that, interacting with the dark matter continue generating points of white light before it goes out and turns into a black hole … - Pe-Shakji said.
- It is to say - Kire said - that we will use part of the white light that exists in a Supernova to generate more white light …
- Part of the powder of star that generates this white light of the Supernova - Pe-Shakji-answered we need to reproduce the equation that nature of the space reproduces in this powder of star that interacts with dark matter and dark energy that is around, and manages gleams this point of white light …
- But … - Olyn-tir said- before... you said that just by only using the accelerator of particles and to extract certain particles of the dark matter, we might generate a point of vibrant light …
- There are no unquestionable truths while there are not obtained the answers that are wished in an experiment - Pe-Shakji said.
They came to a point in the tour that they were doing around the mountains, arrived at a point in which a beetle was grasped to a kind of tree typical of this region, a tree of big leaf of a pale blue color that was mixed with the pale gray color of the trunk …
- Look there! - Pe-Shakji said- what do you see there? – He questioned the boys.
- I see a beetle that it is too tight itself to the trunk of this tree - rather sarcastic Kire answered.
- This beetle will kill the tree - Pe-Shakji-said, it is not how another beetle that kills another type of tree generating light in its body, of which I obtained the idea for the worm … this beetle kills them hereby: the galleries that its larva do disable the flow of the elements in the stems and in the branches …
- And will it be a part of the robot? - Olyn-tir questioned the twin of Kire.
- Not, - Pe-Shakji said- observe well … what provokes that the beetle kills the tree? - He questioned.
- Its larva - Apollo answered.
- Good - Pe-Shakji-said, very good, then, what do we need?
Nobody answered; they were looking each other, looking for an idea …
- Observe boys! - Pe-Shakji said to the young researchers - we need the sequence that the larva follow, the sequence that stops or disables the flow of the elements in the stems and in the branches … we need to programme our robot, in order that it is capable of stopping the sequence of the nanoparticle of the dark matter, the neutralino-i, and that could be in use inside the worm from a specific point, our program of computer has to be inspired undoubtedly in the sequence of the larva of this beetle … - he ended.
- The vehicle that leads to this robot that we will design has to be able to absorb and process the dark energy of the universe, to be able to be stimulated and come up to the Supernova - Apollo said.
- Yes - Pe-Shakji said- you are right… - and saying this he turned in hundred eighty degrees and indicated something to them in the way, which was seeming to be a kind of cactus in a frozen landscape ...-look - he said – what you see there is a variety of giant cactus in this world of ice, in the top of it there is a flower that is opened one night and dies on having been closed …
- Is this a method of absorption of energy for the cactus? - Apollo asked.
-This way it is - said filled with enthusiasm Pe-Shakji-, which the whole plant does is to absorb energy of the universe and base on this, we will design the system of the spaceship that will have to carry the robot up to the Supernova …
- It must be capable of being fed by dark energy and to sue it not to lose speed, I wonder how much time will be late in coming up to the Supernova and if we will live to see it - Kire said.
-You do badly in asking these things you - he said for any response, Pe-Shakji.
And he was right, because everything that he had indicated, was offering a solution for the problem that they were facing, but they did not have to grow sad so the genius for the creation would diminish for the spirit of the investigators and they needed it now, innovation and genius to create the robot …
- The system of storage of nutrients of the cactus in this hostile way will help us to the design of our spaceship - Pe-Shakji said-, the flower of the cactus as a receiver of dark energy for the engine of the spaceship …
The accelerator of particles in the shape of worm was going to be sent to the nearest Supernova and the spaceship would have to go there to do the experiment …
- The dark matter surrounds us - said Kire-, why we don’t do an experiment with particles of dark matter only around Cratos?
- Some particles of the dark matter on having combined with certain quantity of dark energy in the accelerator of particles Pe-Shakji-said they would give us first dark matter, later, on having done the second experiment across thirteen spheres of the worm, they would give us the point of white light … but, I have thought that it is more feasible to go towards the remains of the Supernova and to take part of the powder that provokes the white light in it and to combine it with a particle of the dark matter and dark energy … If our experiment fails we have not lost anything since the spaceship will collect remains of powder of stars and it will bring to Cratos to follow our experiment - concluded.
- I thought that we would have more scientific elements to design the robot - Kire said.
- The spaceship and the robot that will go to the Supernova will be totally technical, it will be a pure science, nothing of what I have said to you is opposed to this idea, the only thing that I have wished is to make you observe nature in order that you should see that in it, always there has been the source of inspiration to fulfill all our dreams of creating … - Pe-Shakji commented.
- The robot will have the form of a beetle of long pliers, with a worm of thirteen spheres in its stomach and a long and curved beak of bird - Apollo said.
- Inspired by this form it will be - said Pe-Shakji, made of golden. It is the processor of particles in a major scale than the real one (beetle) and whose spaceship will move with the dark energy of the universe.
- Why do not we travel in the spaceship up to the Supernova? - Olyn-tir questioned.
Pe-Shakji at the time, he knew what they were talking about, he smiled lightly, remembering that his ancestors already had had a similar idea and knew that still there was hope for Cratos because its inhabitants still were not giving up themselves before the dark matter and the fatal destination of the dwarf planet …
Chapter V. Part II. The lenses
- The lenses loaded with electromagnetic radiation will be proved in the robot that my work team has designed specially it, since to prove them on an cratense eye would be dangerous - he said Yo- oho, one of the scientists in the panel of investigation.
Returning to the city of Fera, Pe-Shakji and the investigators met their colleagues (companions) in the great lounge of gray color and mustard …
- I know that you have proved these lenses before Pe-Shakji -Yo - oho said to the elder cratense-, but still, they have not taken the whole electromagnetic load for that they were created, because of it you had not hurt yourself, this is extremely dangerous for a sight cratense normal, because it can hurt the pupil - Yo-oho affirmed.
The enormous robot of almost 5 brestas cratenses or something like 2 terrestrial meters of height was raised and walked among them.
The researchers had come from the sacred mountain abundances of new ideas that raised their companions. Now they had to hope that there was coming the moment to prove them in the scientific environment, for which they began to work hard at small equipments of 20 cratenses, little more than two hundred scientists assembled there, with Mercus in the presidium helped by Tenea. They divided the priorities and decided to concentrate their efforts in constructing first the robot that would carry the lenses which were called lenses for dark matter.
The robot had been designed specially to prove the lenses that Pe-Shakji had discovered there in the mountains, an inheritance of their ancestors.
The robot was imitating the figure of a cratense man, was made completely of metal and raised, with long hands and long ears, deep eyes and color silver, was designed exclusively to prove the lenses that were allowing to see in detail the dark matter between the normal landscape composed by baryonic matter, with “normal” they were referring to the landscape that the eye of a cratense normally was spying, composed up to where they knew, by baryonic matter.
The eye of the robot was connected by means of nano cables to a chip that was storing the images and was allowing seeing them in a kind of computer of normal size.
Yo - oho, expert in robotics and programming had been in charge of this project that they initiated as soon as Pe-Shakji came with the team of researchers.
- I wish that everything what you wish makes real - said Pe-Shakji to Yo - oho to wish luck to him in the project.
These words were a custom in the elder cratense that though he was questioned by some and debated by others, in general was respected by his contributions and much appreciated.
Yo - oho was a cratense young researcher, creator of robots of urban applications in Cratos's cities, he had black hair in a cue, black as his eyes. He was measuring approximately 3.5 brestas cratenses, which was a considerable height. He had the skin yellow greenish very pale as the rest of his team and when they were employed at the production of the robot they were feeding themselves principally of a type of alga that it was delicious to the palate.
For this mission, little more than two hundred young cratenses had divided the task of elaborating the parts of the robot designed by Yo - oho and his team, already almost two cratenses weeks had gone or little more than 10 days since Pe-Shakji was arriving … this was the time of production to see the robot concluded.
Yo - oho was in charge of the general project and he was supervising all of the advances. The robot was following precise instructions of movement and sequence of file of information, everything which was carrying in nano cables that were crossing many parts of its body.
It was necessary to construct it similar to a cratense man, because they wanted that it would be able to walk and explore in an almost normal life in Fera and its surroundings, they wanted the robot would be able to observe the dark matter across the lenses.
For the present this was mattering and all the ideas of travelling to the supernova were depending entirely on the achievements of this investigation on the dark matter that was surrounding Cratos. They had to manage to know to depth the dark matter and its elements to be able to carry out what Pe-Shakji had exposed to going to the surroundings of a Supernova to do the experiment to generate a point of white light.
Before, the cratenses had managed already to isolate a particle of the dark matter, an element that they discovered for random inserted in a cratense rock formed by lunar or interstellar powder, they isolated this element and it was mixed with other nano by particles of this lunar powder and with nano particles of baryonic matter and obtained the yilio, with which they constructed their buildings.
Nevertheless, which they were wishing now was to go beyond, to see to detail the dark matter that was abundant all around in Cratos.
- Not only in Cratos the dark matter abounds - said Mercus-, our universe is constituted by the following thing:
73 % of dark energy, 23 % of dark matter, 3.6 % of intergalactic gas and .4 % of stars, etc … - affirmed Mercus to the public-, which means that in the universe there is more dark matter than baryonic matter.
- So that way that these lenses will allow us to see the dark matter that surrounds us in Cratos, from Cratos's surface, across the steps of a robot on our territory, we will record all the images generated by the dark matter lenses, inheritance of our ancestors, which the robot carries … - concluded Mercus.
The lenses loaded with electromagnetic radiation were increasing the micro-vision of the objects … were not a few normal lenses, had been designed by a firm and hard material, which would hurt undoubtedly the eyes of a cratense man.
The day came of proving the robot for which Yo - oho had asked Mercus to start the immense machine with cratense man's form. More than two hundred scientists were following across images projected by a computer what the robot began to observe.
What they saw across the lenses of the robot made them perplex, without speech …
The nano particles of the dark matter were all over, were circulating in the air that was surrounding them and everywhere … they were not understanding completely the reason of all of this but they were been delighted by what they had detected …
They went out to the surroundings of the immense lagoon Zi-zuu that surrounds Fera and that comes up to the sacred mountain. The robot was walking along the frozen surface of the lagoon and was observing everything. Some researchers had remained in the lounge observing on the screen, the images generated by the eyes of the robot, while others had gone with the robot to whom they called Yowav and were following the images that were catching Yowac's eyes, across a mobile device.
It was starting getting dark …
Yowac at the time began to observe thoroughly the flowers of the cactus that grows in the surroundings of the frozen lagoon. The flowers of this cactus only live one night when they are opened and on the following morning they die.
The images on the screen showed the moment in which the nano particles of the dark matter were sticking to the petals of the flowers newly opened, in an effect similar to the effect Casimir, the nano particles to infinitely minor distances to an inch, began then to be attracted towards the petals of the flowers that were filling with them and they were remaining empty again, suing these nano particles of dark matter towards the interior of the cactus, at the time the researchers saw that during the whole night the flower had been used as great receptacle of nano particles of the dark matter, they only were observing without daring to generate theorems or scientific conjectures still, it was too prompt to do it and they preferred continuing astonishing with the scene that they were contemplating …
The flower absorbed millions of nano particles in the whole night and on the following morning it died.
-We believe that the flower dies on the following morning for effects of an overload of matter and dark energy, yes, of both … - Mercus said.
The hands raised to give an opinion were not stopping from the lounge of meetings. Then, a voice from the bottom said something that made all speechless …
- If the flower that we observe last night caught nanoparticles of dark matter, at the time all the trees do it and if the trees are stuck to the land, then this means that in general all the trees are big units of processing of nano particles of dark matter, and white light that they receive from our white star, taking this load of nano particles to Cratos's soil …
- Which would mean that the planet is all the time interacting with the nano particles of dark matter and the white light that receives of our star, in its interior … which keeps it alive … - someone else said.
- This would mean that the trees fulfill a function that goes beyond what we had thought - said Mercus - this takes us to the idea of that the trees are actually big recipients of nano particles of dark matter that they catch across its flowers and lead to its interior up to its roots, doing that these nano particles in its interior interact with the white light that they catch of our star … they take this mixture up to the soil that feeds itself -for this way saying it-, of nano particles of dark matter also … - Mercus concluded.
- Wait … - said someone to the front - the trees give fruit and we have eaten it, for which we also would process indirectly part of the nano particles of dark matter …
- What it makes us think, that this nano particle of the dark matter that we have seen to interact with the petals of the flower is actually a part of what forms us all … - Mercus said.
- The dark matter would not be isolated from the baryonic matter as others they have thought - Pe-Shakji-said but some nano particles that form it would be entering constantly into the living beings of Cratos and supporting the cohesion at the molecular level, interacting with white light all the time … - the wise cratense concluded …
- The trees are enormous recipients of dark matter - of a nano particle of it - and channels of this nano particle towards the planet, to keep it alive... This nano particle of dark matter interacts with the white light that comes to us; it is what makes work the matter that composes all of us… - Apollo said while he was looking at the emptiness …

Chapter V. Fragment III. A type of musical note …
- It means that we were mistaken when we thought that the dark matter and the dark energy were enemies of our systems of life, in fact, our systems of life and its mathematical equations are based on them … - said the old man Mercus to the team of researchers, once of return to the lounge where they all were …
They spent a couple of days more with the robot Yowac in the surroundings of Fera's city, doing observations while the scientists were gathering information, soon they realized that it was not possible to speak about a few WIPMS or weakly massive particles that act reciprocally because the dark matter was formed by thousands of them, of different movements, of different characteristics; previously when they had isolated one of these particles to form the yilio, the material with which they had constructed their buildings, it was a question of a type of particle of very slow movement or vibration, which in its moment they suspected that it was the principal element of the dark matter but with the observations done with the lenses, they realized that they were mistaken, the dark matter had thousands of particles …
Soon they realized that every species of tree of the dwarf planet Cratos, it was supporting a chemical different equation with the particles of dark matter that they were absorbing from the environment, the chemical equation of every tree was needing particles of dark matter, a quantity of dark energy and white light of their star, which was interacting with the baryonic matter that was forming them …
- Actually, we believe that every species of insect and of animal fulfill a function in the relation that they have with the trees and plants that are around us, we believe that some insects can manage to guide of fact, with the chemical elements that there issues each of the different species of Trees in Cratos … - Apollo said to the rest of his companions after having initiated one more session of meetings in a day of investigation …
- A type of note, issued by every tree … - Tenea affirmed.
- Yes, a type of musical note, for calling it this way, only that is a precise formula of energy that every tree issues towards the environment, as result of the chemical equation that it carries out with dark matter, dark energy, white light in interaction with its baryonic matter - Pe-Shakji said.
- Cratos's animals would be in constant contact with these elements of dark matter and dark energy because these elements form a part of the baryonic matter of which they feed - Kire commented.
- If the supplies of matter change, if the composition of the supplies changes, transformations take place in the animals, which would explain the evolution … - said Olyn-tir, the twin of Kire.
- The supplies of matter on which the animals would be fed would change throughout the time; due to the modifications in the chemical equations that each of the species of trees in Cratos would carry out - Pe-Shakji said.
- And these modifications would be given like proved in the alterations of the quantities of dark matter, dark energy and light that these trees catch from the environment and from universe, because probably WIMPS's quantities in the dark matter are not constant throughout the time, probably they change, it is something that we have not studied still – said worried Mercus-, we have not studied the changes in the particles of the dark matter, since just two days ago we could see the dark matter and discovered all its elements across the eyes of the robot Yowac.
- There are thousands of WIMPS in the dark matter, thousands of weakly massive particles that act reciprocally … - Star-bur said.
In the lounge of investigations the boys were not speaking but listening attentively and were raising the hand to give an opinion, they all were helping to generate new ideas from the images that they could observe with the robot Yowac.
- The life of Cratos's animals is focused to be providing with energy and matter … - Pe-Shakji-said, and its death is given when the machinery of processing dark energy and dark matter (that forms a part of the baryonic matter of which they feed), ends …
- Every animal would have a specific programming that would help to support the chemical constant equations in the nature, up to forming everything … - Apollo commented.
- There is something that I want to know - said a young voice at the back of the enclosure, she was a cratense geophysics that had investigated for years Cratos's volcanoes-.
- Yes, we all listen to you - answered her the old man Mercus from the front of the enormous lounge grey - mustard.
-From Cratos's volcanoes lava emerges, if we follow the theory of which in Cratos the trees are big centers of storage and processing of dark energy, dark matter and white light that go towards the land of Cratos, then the planet uses this energy and … - Fiza said without ending …
(Star speaks-bur interrupting Fiza)
- And as any chemical equation, it must have an end … the lava that emerges from the volcanoes would be the quantity of energy and dark matter mixed already with baryonic matter, that our planet does not need …
- The volcanoes contribute that Cratos's subsoil is not overheated - said Fiza at the time-, are the places where it emerges part of what the planet must return in overheating, for the chemical equation that our dwarf planet carries out in a general way …
- Our planet lives to the pace of a melody, for this way saying it - Pe-Shakji said.
- Or to the pace of chemical, mathematical and physical equations that all the beings of Cratos we carry out … - said the old man Mercus while he was supporting the hand of the robot Yowac that was standing up together with him …
- The notes that guide the life in Cratos are like a song of tones unevenness, in some places high tones are listened, in other low tones, everything vibrating while there is processed the dark matter, the dark energy, the light and the baryonic matter extends … - Apollo commented.
- Some plants take part of this dark matter and dark energy of return to the environment of our dwarf planet - Pe-Shakji-said, if there are no sufficient trees in Cratos, the planet will overheat and expel more lava …
Fiza at the time, the young woman researcher of geophysics, lowered the worried head …
- And at the depth of this great mass of water that surrounds us and that now is frozen, also the equation is carried out - said Apollo-, it is because of it that a type of crab has this so hard shell, I suspect that since it lives in the sea bed, it receives more emission of dark energy that the animals that live near the surface - he commented-, because of it its shell is so hard and impenetrable …
- The heat accumulates in Cratos's center - said Fiza-, in the center of our dwarf planet, in the center of the sphere …
- And everything in our nature is done to support the balance of dark matter and dark energy that surrounds us … - Pe-Shakji-said it is a balance that is achieved thanks to the contribution of every animal and vegetable species …
- But the trees are dying almost for the reason that they do not get sufficient solar light in Cratos, our white star is very remote - Mercus said.
- This way it is, somehow they have adapted its chemical equations to Cratos's reality, but the question is … in how much time? - Commented Apollo-, we live in a world that tends to be cooled, the systems of life tend to slow down, to disappearing …
- I ask myself how it would be a world where the opposite was happening - Pe-Shakji-at the time said, how it would be a planet where its star is giving more white light of the normal thing, or is it issuing more heat? - He commented.
- A planet to which is star is warming more, should have a sufficient quantity of trees - said the geophysics Fiza-, to be able to have balance between the energy and dark matter that enter to its soil and the energy and dark matter that goes out of its soil, to prevent its soil being from overheated, because if it was happening, there would be more eruptions of its volcanoes and more earthquakes - Fiza said.
The robot Yowac was already sat together with Mercus in the drawing-room and was looking like one more of them, only that he was not Cratense, was made of metal, nevertheless, was programmed to deal neither to process the information that was generated in this enormous lounge of meetings …
-But - Apollo said going to Fiza - what explanation can you give us of both parts of the surface of our planet Cratos, which are frozen - he commented.
- Of our frozen poles? - Fiza asked him.
- Yes, what paper would they play in the balance between the matter and dark energy that enter to the center of the dwarf planet and the matter and dark energy that goes out of the center of the planet? - Apollo asked once again …
- The frozen poles of our dwarf planet would be places of balance, to prevent the planet being overheated by the quantity of energy and dark matter received from the universe … - Fiza answered.
- In the case of our planet Cratos, it is cooling, our poles help to cool it more - Apollo said.
- For this way saying it - Fiza said to him - but not always it has been like that, in fact, in a planet with a nearby star that is providing it with sufficient white light, the poles would do a better role, would contribute to a perfect balance or maybe they wouldn’t exist and in case of a planet that is overheated, the poles would have an indispensable role, in order that this energy and dark matter that comes up to the center of the planet have a force that reduces the overheating …
- And many trees in a planet that is overheated, would do the role of valves of leak of the energy and dark matter towards the exterior - Apollo said.
-Valves of leak, we do not know it exactly - Pe-Shakji-answered, it can be that the trees issue energy and dark matter towards the exterior, or it can be that they issue a substance that helps to balance the energy and dark matter that surrounds the planet - Pe-Shakji said.
- Some animals of the sea bed store more baryonic matter - and maybe with it more quantity of dark matter and dark energy-, more than its body might process, they do it to feed its babies and then they die … - said Ellen, the laboratory companion of Rax and Apollo.
- We all play the same melody - Pe-Shakji-said, the melody of the life …

Chapter VI. The secret.
(Apollo speaks, who has separated from the rest of the group and has come up to the mound of stones where there lies sat on the soil the old woman Neclibula).
- I request My Neclibula - says to her the young researcher - do not leave us alone to our luck, because the sons of Cratos need you.
- To what have you come up to my mansion Apollo? - Neclibula questioned.
-To asking you to accompany us in the research that we do to be able to generate the point of white light from the worm and …
- And has your science the time to listen to this old woman who only counts legends? - Neclibula answered in turn.
- Our world is in danger, is dying little by little … if we do not do anything, the beings of Cratos will become extinct so our white star does not give us sufficient light … looks around you, the trees that exist in Cratos are standing up because nobody has touched them, almost we cannot use the baryonic matter that exists in our planet, because it reproduces itself to a very slow pace … we need to find the way for creating a point of white light - answered Apollo - you know what means this achievement to have the energy that the beings of Cratos need to live.
- My eyes see the world different, not for what exists in them, but for what I have listened - Neclibula answers.
- The dark matter surrounds everything, the dark energy also … - Apollo says.
- There is nothing that you could do against the forces of the universe, anything against them, yes with them - Neclibula says to him.
- I know that the dark matter is a part of Cratos's life - says Apollo-, I do not say that it should be an enemy of Cratos - he affirmed.
- It is not necessary to have enemies in the world to have big challenges, the universe itself is a great challenge - Neclibula answered him.
Then the old woman Neclibula approached Apollo and mumbled him to his ear:
- When the tide goes down, when I achieve to tread three brestas more of land on the coast of this island, then we will depart, called Tenea, the Mercus’ assistant, Rax your best friend and you, all of you will come with me – she affirmed.
On an old boat they departed from the coast up to coming to an average point of the sea in the surroundings of the island where Neclibula was living, Apollo, Rax and Tenea were there with the old descendant from the lineage Klibula. Then they approached a submarine ship and began the decrease up to the sea bed.
- Will the robot Yowac come to reach us in this trip? - Tenea asked.
- Not still - says Neclibula - there are things that the brain of a cratense must understand still without being able to see them.
(There speaks the old woman Neclibula, narrating the world that she sees, as her ancestors saw it thousands of years ago)
-The dark matter, what it is and how it behaves, this we, the cratenses, must understand - she said-, the dark matter has different properties in the water or in the land, but it is not necessary to be afraid, it is necessary to study and know how it works … The dark matter in the water it is slower, has a different pace from the dark matter that filters directly towards the land – she affirmed-, it does not go with the same speed … what you call nano particles of the dark matter they are actually elementary particles of the dark matter and are a fundamental ingredient of the dark matter. In the baryonic matter there are baryons and leptons and some type of neutrino, as you know the baryonic matter forms a part of everything what we are, though it is only 4 % of the universe … because the dark matter complements it, the dark matter also has a structure only that you cratenses still do not know it, not completely well … - the old woman affirmed.
- It is probably because we could not have seen its isolated elements, one to one and to study them, only across the eyes of the robot Yowac we could see for the first time all its elementary particles surrounding Cratos and interacting with the living beings of Cratos - Rax said.
- Yes, the elementary particles of the dark matter lie in everything what lives in Cratos and in the planet itself - Tenea said.
Then they began to see across the windows of the submarine, the marine life that surrounds them, Cratos's immense violet ocean had diversity of species …
- Listen cratenses! - said to them Neclibula-, the beings who live in Cratos's sea, as the beings of Cratos's soil, they live in function to the dark matter that comes from the universe and that surrounds the whole planet. The dark energy pushes it constant towards our planet and of it, it is not necessary to be afraid, since the same thing happens with other stars, it is necessary for the life of the stars, to rely on quantities of matter and dark energy in the center of the planet to be kept alive … the center of the planet issues dark energy and that’s why the sea bed is very cold, you could have seen just now creatures in the depths, which constant are loaded with these dark energy and produce bioluminescence in their body … yes, I know that this is opposite to what you believed, that these beings they had evolved and managed to produce the light that they did not have because the sunbeams do not come even there - said Neclibula-, but you Apollo, you have called me in order that I make you see the world as I see and it I will narrate you …
- That is what we wish Neclibula - said Apollo - to see the world for the first time across your eyes …
- It is necessary to leave to all the species of animals do their work – Neclibula continued - they work all the time processing dark matter and energy, the beings realize a function independently of what we think about it - she affirmed-, and only when we think what really they do for the universe, then we will be in tuning in with them and the universe will seem to us to be different … In Cratos and in the universe, there must be formations of baryonic matter, in order that on having interacted they balance the dark matter … The animals nearest to the depths are more loaded with energy, if there is more dark energy in the sea bed, why does it do colder? It is a direct effect of the dark energy, high concentrations of energy and dark matter will do a cold habitat, which means there are elementary particles of dark matter and a great quantity of dark energy that do not move to high speed, because it is saturated, is a cold way.
- Then the opposite thing is when there are no many elementary particles of matter and dark energy in a space, then this environment is warm, and the particles hasten, move more rapid - Tenea said.
- This way it is - Neclibula answered - but … Look there! - Neclibula said indicating an enormous blue whale that emerged from some place of the sea bed and it was going to the surface.
- It is a blue whale! - Apollo said.
-It is a being who feeds essentially of the krill who lives almost 2,000 brestas under the sea bed (approximately 1,000 terrestrial meters), the krill lives in a place where there are high concentrations of dark energy and dark matter - said Neclibula - therefore every unit of krill is equivalent to high quantities of energy that it absorbs and processes of the way around it, necessary to feed to the great blue whale … - she continued-, there are other beings who feed of the molten center of the planet, beings who live in warm openings of the sea bed, openings with eruptions in the darkness, as these - Neclibula said indicating then the great volcanic chain that was spreading on one hand of Cratos's sea bed … A bacterium lives there and many shrimps …-she said-which function is to process this matter and dark energy of the sea bed - she concluded.
- There are more secrets of the dark matter? -Rax asked.
- Yes - Neclibula said -, there is more that you have to know … I brought you hitherto in order that you imagine from here how works this marine environment loaded with energy and dark matter that will filter slowly up to the center of the planet … and also, in order that, isolated from everything as we are, you know now the secret of my ancestors, on how they could obtain a point of white light thousands of years ago …
- Did they manage to obtain it? - Apollo asked.
- Yes - Neclibula answered -, they managed to do it and travelled to the speed of the light …
- How was it? - Tenea asked amazedly.
- They managed to isolate elementary particles of the dark matter and with a type of particles they created a form of worm that was generating a type of light, with another type of particle they created another form of worm that was generating another type of light, they combined these worms or formations of type of light and created a tunnel …
- A tunnel? -Rax asked.
- Yes, a tunnel with form of worm, formed from worms of light combined … - Neclibula answered.
- And why did they do it? -Apollo asked.
- To travel to the stars, to the speed of the light - Neclibula said.

Chapter VII The triangle
The singing of the whales was listened in the distance while the submarine was submerging slowly, an enormous whale cachalot was seen in the distance … by a moment it seemed to get confused with the sound of the submarine and undertook a turn in its route towards the abyss … probably in another moment, which Neclibula and her accompanists will not attend, the whale gives another return to its trip and undertakes the search of females whales in hotter waters of Cratos's sea …
- I confuse the sound of the waves with the singings of the whales in the distance - Rax says to Neclibula.
The elderly cratense keeps silence and observes the marine landscape, water unloads in boiling emerge of some place of the marine environment and they observe them … There near these unloads there is also the flora and the fauna that is kept with the energy of the thermal outbreaks …
- We are in the place of the eternal submarine glooms - Apollo said to Tenea.
- If you want to understand the structure of the stars, look at the sea bed - Neclibula answers.
- What do you mean, Neclibula? - Apollo asks.
- As long as the time goes, its world changes … - Neclibula answers.
- The time has changed Cratos - says Apollo - as to the stars and to Cratos's sea bed, now we have a little time to fight to preserve the life in our planet that receives few solar light …
In this moment the whale cachalot poses opposite to the window of the submarine, probably trying to see the occupants who already observe him (the cachalot) from inside …
- For the cachalot, the pulsations of the sonar are blinding sparkles of light and confuse it - Rax says.
The waters of the sea seem to boil of noises from the diverse species that live there …
(Apollo speaks, who goes to Neclibula who remains with Rax and Tenea observing a species of giant squid).
-Neclibula - says Apollo - Is it true that when our ancestors managed to travel to the speed of the light, could see the worlds in war that surround the constellation of Crater?
- Yes, it is - Neclibula answers.
- What is in these worlds in war? - Apollo asked again.
- They are secret worlds for Cratos - answers the elderly one…
- And if some day this happened in Cratos, would this be the end for the planet? - question Rax in turn.
- Do not think any more about it - answers Neclibula- that our stronger thoughts channel the lines of the time …
- What does happen in the worlds in war? - Apollo asked again.
- In the worlds in war that surround Cratos's constellation the dark matter it is not known … there is great confusion and … - Neclibula answered without ending for Tenea's interruption-
- And what can they do in order that it ends? - Tenea questioned.
- They - answered the elderly one - need to construct a new world …
Then, giving the return and leaving them alone, she went to another window of the submarine and there she remained thoughtful, observing in the distance the marine snow that already was falling down on the abyss, remains of fish and plankton that was coming from the surface were forming it … suddenly she recovered value and going to them again she said to them:
- On the trips to the stars … it is necessary to know what to do there … since the abyss takes to itself all those who approach him too much … - said the elderly woman with sweet and melodious voice-, while she was raising the hand up indicating Cratos's sky that was hiding itself for them far from the depth in which they were … the suit of a traveler of the stars, it should have at least these two qualities - Neclibula said while she was breathing depth and was looking hopefully at Tenea, Apollo and Rax.
- Which are these two qualities? - Apollo asked.
- The suit of a traveler to the stars should be able to absorb the heat as the skin of an iguana and be a banker as the skin of a chameleon that one adapts to the way in that one is … - the elderly woman says.
The trip was continuing and they were ascending towards the surface where they were feeling the currents of the sea that was shaking them strongly …
- A storm comes closer, I can see a whirlpool in the distance … an enormous whirlpool...Look! - Rax exclaimed distressed while he was indicating with the finger towards the horizon.
An enormous whirlpool composed on the surface of the sea had been formed, was of white and violet color …
- Look! -Apollo exclaimed, it is a whirlpool and has form of galaxy in spiral, what a coincidence!
- The violent random does not exist - the old woman says to them in severe tone-, not in the universe that Cratos surrounds, not on Cratos's aspect … boys listen well, the reality is like two angles of a triangle, if you measure angles in an equilateral triangle, one down and other one in the top, inverted, which is above is equal to what is below …Why has the whirlpool been formed? Because the cold and warm currents of the ocean were face to face … there above, in the sky - the elderly woman said to them indicating towards the stars that they were appreciating in Cratos's dusk - also there are currents of cold dark matter and warm dark matter … The cold dark matter has elementary particles with little movement and is in some regions of the universe, the warm dark matter has elementary particles with more rapid movement and it is in regions where the stars abound - she said-, is a part of the cycle of the universe - she emphasized - the stars interact with these currents of cold dark matter and warm dark matter all the time …
- Do you want to say that a galaxy, as a whirlpool, might originate for the shock of cold dark matter and warm dark matter in the universe? - Apollo asked.
- This way it is, but there corresponds to you now the task of verifying all that, as soon as you become wayfarers of the stars … - the elderly woman answered.
- The dark matter surrounds a zone with few stars and with the course of the time, these stars interact with this matter that surrounds them, until the heat build-up into them changes the sequence of movement of the elementary particles of the dark matter and accelerates them, then the dark matter is warm, It moves more rapid and... do you know what this can cause? - Neclibula asked to the boys who already were observing her with very opened eyes-, it can cause that the stars hit because the enormous mass that one does not see and that keeps them separated is composed of dark matter and dark energy, but if it is warmer, what it means that its particles move more rapid, at the time also makes the stars move more rapid, changing the orbits of the stars and doing that these move even more rapid and approach, they hit, collapse, of this shock they are formed supernovas, later a black hole and later … later more stars are born … the process hastens, in this region of the universe, with a major number of stars, the interaction of more stars that issue heat with this warm dark matter that surrounds them, generates more stars in turn to a more rapid pace, because the new stars move more rapid and collapse and form stars again quite to a more rapid pace …
- Does universe hasten? - Apollo asked.
- Yes, for saying it this way, the universe hastens, this region of the universe hastens … When the dark matter that surrounds the stars is cold, the stars have major stability among them, the orbits remain almost intact in very big spaces of time … it might be said that the change is not perceived in these solar systems … where even laws might manage to be done to measure the attraction of a star on other one, provided that the change in its orbits is almost imperceptible …
- And how does it change this current (tide, blast) of cold dark matter to warm dark matter? -Tenea asked who already had in her hand a mobile device to take note of what the elderly woman was saying …
- As I said it to you previously - answered her the elderly woman- because of the environment in which it is, because of the number of stars and the stars that are interacting with it in the sky and which heat interacts with the currents of dark matter that surround them …
- Whoever is going to make a trip to the stars, needs to know the movement of these currents or tides of cold dark matter and warm dark matter! - Apollo exclaimed with surprise.
- Our ancestors did it - Neclibula said - they constructed immense telescopes to observe the regions of the universe and made calendars with annotations of what they were observing … they detected, for this way saying it, these currents of cold dark matter and warm dark matter in the universe …
- But - Rax asked - the whole universe hastens at the same time or is decelerated at the same time?
- I do not know it - said the elderly woman - there are things for which I do not have response, but is already your turn to verify it … Our ancestors did not manage to know the whole universe in their trips to the stars, only some regions … the universe is so vast that it would be necessary slightly more than the cratense technology to manage to understand everything … - Neclibula said- Nevertheless, very much we have ahead for our good spirit! That we can come to regions where we had not dreamed before …
- Did you see this bank of bioluminescence prawns? - Rax indicated towards out of the submarine that already had submerged again to the depths to evade the storm - they come to full speed and in the middle of the darkness, are seen as a sparkle of stars …
- The violent random does not exist on Cratos's universe - Apollo answered, who was smiling while he was looking at his friend surprised by the sudden arrival of the prawns to the region of the marine abyss where they were- the reality is like the triangle...
And after this, they all laughed to the unison, while they were hoping that the storm was gone to be able to rise to the surface and tread on land again …

Chapter VIII The experiment
- When did you feel that life was like a triangle Neclibula? - Apollo questions while the submarine emerges again.
- You yourself will see it - the elderly cratense answers …
They were surprised by Cratos's afternoon, the sun was seen in the horizon almost close to the line of the sea and a great number of marine bears started jumping in the waves near to the coast. In the distance Cratos's great forest was formed by only some big trees of enormous roots and many shrubs of pale blue color that were growing all over.
Besides them, in another scene, an enormous white shark was catching a marine bear … They came closer the coast to say goodbye:
-Neclibula, you have to know that we want to see the dark matter for us same, not only across the robot Yowac, which uses the lenses inheritance of our ancestors … - Rax said to the old cratense woman to the moment to say goodbye.
- You will go to the shallow seas, in the region of the Sea of the Depths - said Neclibula-, it is a remote zone in another side of the planet Cratos, it is necessary to go by aircraft, and there you will discover by yourselves other truths about the dark matter …
Neclibula said goodbye to Rax, Apollo and Tenea, she wanted to spend now a period in Cratos's great forest, with a pair of evolutionary biologists who were studying the evolution of a plant and its relation with a worm that was biting its leaf …
- Why do you want to see the dark matter by yourselves? - The elderly woman asked to the young researchers at the moment to say goodbye.
-Because there exists the danger of which the dark matter changes codes someday and we wouldn’t be able to see it any more, not with the lenses that our ancestors inherited us … - Tenea said.
- This will not occur - the old woman said to them holding her cane and indicating the horizon with her hand - but you will go even there, to the Sea of the Depths, you Rax, Apollo, Tenea, will go in company of the old man Mercus, wise person of Cratos and of the robot Yowac … you will recognize the area because of the submarine bioluminescent mist … in the shallow seas of this region…
- Why only there is it possible to see the dark matter? - Rax questioned.
- It is possible to see it wherever, but in the Sea of the Depths the conditions are more propitious, because of the great formation of whirlpools - answered Neclibula - and do not forget that you have to go the day that initiates a new season …
- Why this day? - Apollo asked.
- The tides of cold and warm dark matter mark the seasons of the year in the planet Cratos - answers the old woman - when from the universe there comes the current of cold dark matter, with particles in little movement, it initiates the winter in Cratos, when there comes the current of warm dark matter, it initiates the spring … our planet is surrounded by tides of cold and warm dark matter, do not forget it - the elderly woman said. The best moment to see the dark matter is when there is a change of season, when both tides are, because then there are more particles in the environment and great movement of them in the atmosphere … - she ended.
Neclibula went afoot towards the cabin that was differing to short distance where a couple of young researchers of evolutionary biology already were waiting for her at the door; to her step she was dragging the cane and was walking on the pasture with her wet feet, squashing the land of Cratos and provoking a sound: shasss, shisss, shasss, shisss …
Apollo, Rax and Tenea rose again to the submarine and went to Fera's city, where Mercus and the rest of the team were waiting for them, it was seen a beautiful dusk on Cratos, the violet sea was surrounding the submarine and though they could not observe the sky directly, in this starry sky there were fluttering also the hopes of all the cratenses, who wished to be able to have this point of white light and new methods of obtaining baryonic matter for Cratos …
-Neclibula said that the dark matter is everywhere in our planet - commented Rax to his companions - and this is logical, because though it is a matter that we cannot see with our eyes, it is clear that if it filters up to the center of the planet and it accumulates and processes there, then is possible to follow its track in other places - he concluded.
- One moment! - Tenea said - if the dark matter at the back of the sea provokes the luminescence in the beings that live in the marine abyss, at the time also it is possible that the luminescence of the lava of a volcano contains dark matter, or the snow that shines or the beams that shine in the storms … - she commented.
-They contain particles of dark matter undoubtedly - said Apollo - which interact with the baryonic matter and provoke this luminescence because of great concentration of a type of elementary particle of the dark matter but still we do not know exactly the formula of this luminescence … - he ended.
- Do you mean that somehow these phenomena are related? -Rax asked.
- This way it is, I believe that if at the back of the sea there is sufficient amount of energy and dark matter that comes and goes to the center of the planet and there are bioluminescences animals that use this energy and dark matter … then the luminescence of the lava of a volcano or of the beams of a storm or the snow that shines in the winter, it might be caused by elementary particles of the dark matter - Apollo concreted, probably aiming at a new theory on dark matter for Cratos …
- After all, if you think about it, if currents of cold and warm dark matter mark Cratos's seasons and filter up to the center of the planet, it is normal that they leave its track somehow on having interacted with the beings of Cratos and with the surface of the planet … - Rax said.
Looking for the dark matter …
- If you expect to see something totally dark and different to what we know till now that says: " I am the dark matter and I shine now for you ", it will not be possible - said the twin Kire in sarcastic tone on having received the boys in the lounge of meetings and to find out about their plans of travelling to the Sea of the Depths.
Several versions of the robot Yowac had been made already in absence of the boys and now at least a dozen of them was available though it was not but a couple of lenses to see the dark matter and this they were in the eyes of the robot Yowac. Yowac's versions were directed to help nevertheless the investigators in the whole process.
- How was it the rock in which you found an element of the dark matter from the one that it was possible to create the yilio, the material with which the buildings are done in Cratos? -Yo- oho, the programmer of Yowac, asked- because he wanted to give this type of rock to the robot in order that he was analyzing it.
- It was a plutonic rock from Cratos's volcano - Pe-Shakji said-the lava of the volcano issues light also, because we suppose it contains concentrations of dark matter that interact with dark energy accumulated in the heart of the planet, goes out for the cracks of the bark, tends to ascend from the center of the planet to the surface … - commented the observer of Cratos's nature.
- We do not know if all the worlds are equal - said Mercus - but this happens in Cratos …
- And if in another planet they have another science? -Apollo asked.
- Maybe they might have another language for the science and call for different name to its things, but I think we are governed by universal laws - commented Mercus.
-If there are remains of an specific elementary particle of dark matter in the lava of a volcano, in the snow, in bioluminescence animals, I do not understand why we have to go to the Sea of the Depths - Tenea said-, it is a solitary place to another side of the planet and there are many whirlpools … she concluded …
-You have to go - Pe-Shakji said- to feel the effects of the dark matter currents, to discover how our ancestors managed to make the tunnel with combined worms of light and across it they travelled to the stars … Neclibula knows what she says - Pe-Shakji said again - she knows that in the waters of that sea our ancestors obtained the key to design the tunnel …
-It will be Yowac who travels on board of the aircraft to do the experiment -Yo – oho, the young programmer of computer science, affirmed- you do not have to traverse unnecessary risks if Yowac or several Yowac's versions can do the experiment, you will accompany them, but up to this remote place you will not go alone - he ended.
Ten enormous robots of cratense man's silhouette accompanied the old man Mercus, Tenea, Rax, Apollo and Kire to this mission. Kire joined the team to annotate everything what will happen in that region of the Mar of the Depths …
-It is necessary that two robots travel on board of the aircraft as soon as you all land on the coast of the Sea of the Depths - Star-bur-said, because the experiment will initiate with the exploration of the area in this zone, later, Yowac will travel only in another smaller aircraft and will have to get in one of the whirlwinds that are formed in the atmosphere of the Sea of the Depths …
-The Sea of the Depths has a geometric form - Tenea said when they were going on board of the aero nave on the verge of landing on the coast …
In the distance there was seen already the band of shallow seas and the clear coast was offering a natural track of landing without problems for the robot Yowac that was in charge of the aero nave …
Yowac's stature was similar to that of an adult cratense, had the same deep eyes and the long ears, but Yowac was made of silver metal, in the days of absence of the young researchers, improvements had been done to the robot and now it was managing to support short conversations on having listened to information, the information was interfering to an internal processor once having been listened and he was capable of issuing answers on having compared concepts in his interior, for which when Apollo said:
- It is time to see with our own eyes the dark matter!
Yowac answered:
- Dark matter cannot be seen
- Eyes cratenses see what can be seen
- Eyes cratenses cannot see what cannot be seen
The internal logic of the robot made the young persons thoughtful and the old man Mercus said:
- It is possible that we could not see the dark matter with our own eyes but yes we can see its effects and feel them, he said … anyway, we have come to the Sea of the Depths looking for a response to be able to create a point of white light and obtain ideas to travel in the space to speed of the light.
Yowac, interacting once again, thought:
- Dark matter enters to the center of the planet
- Effects on surface of the planet, effects in the center of the planet
- Who did programme Yowac? - Apollo said laughing with the rest of the team.
They all laughed together and though Yowac was carrying the lenses that were allowing to see the dark matter, the experiment was based in trying to see the dark matter by natural means, across the eyes of a being from Cratos and to realize annotations on the interaction of the dark matter and its effects in the Sea of the Depths.
On having landed they began to install the equipment for the investigation and ten robots that were accompanying them, similar to Yowac, they were preparing already cameras and video as well as devices of submarine exploration for the researchers. The experiment would consist of exploring the region and of observing the whirlpools and whirlwinds that were formed in this region, as a result of the wind currents that were bringing some particles of dark and warm matter from the universe which were mixed with the cold dark matter – formed with elementary particles in little movement which were prevailing in the winter over the surface of the planet. There would be necessary to detect any indication of formation of light in these whirlwinds, then to try to deduce the formula of the worms of light that combined were forming the tunnel to travel To the universe.
It was the first day of the spring, the day of the experiment had come …
The robot Olkas began to walk and went to the shallows seas, it was a band of about little more than 380 brestas cratenses ó 3 terrestrial kilometers, the robot at the time lowered his stature and diminished to a robot with squared form with feet, hands and head, he began to walk under the water and to film, he was sending information to a mobile device connected to other devices that the investigators were carrying.
- Look, Olkas is reporting luminescent mist under the slightly deep waters! -Tenea exclaimed.
- Which would mean that really there is concentration dark of energy and dark matter in this region, as Neclibula said it! -Rax exclaimed.
- Wait! - said Kire - if the dark matter in the space remains dark, why would luminescence betray the presence of dark matter in our planet?
- Because the dark matter in order that it could give luminescence as it gives also in the space, it needs that the particles that form her find their opposite, I mean, that the currents of warm dark matter meet those of cold dark matter, according to Neclibula, the shock of these currents in the universe gives place to the galaxies and to the light that one sees in the cosmos and the shock of these currents in the planet would give place to whirlwinds and to whirlpools because of the cold and warm dark matter that is in the sea and that forms them … - Apollo answered.
-Current of warm dark matter has elementary particles with rapid movement -the robot Yowac said - current of cold dark matter has elementary particles with slow movement …
- Thank you Yowac, we know it … - Tenea answered.
Though in a beginning it was handled the idea of exploring a whirlwind simultaneously, they had several small spaceships that they had brought inside the enormous spaceship in which they had made the trip up to the Sea of the Depths …
The spaceships had a long and well designed beak, with two widespread wings backward, were extremely compact and light …
There were prepared the first two spaceships of the experiment, two robots in every spaceship, in one of them Yowac would travel, the robots were wearing a chip that was allowing to trace them in case of loss, up to depths of 13,200 brestas cratenses or something like 3,000 kilometers under the water …
The wind was coming and beginning already the formation of a great tornado on the Sea of the Depths, the investigators had prepared already a camp on the coast, integrated by mobile homes constructed of a material derived from the yilio and in them they were sheltering from the strong winds that already were coming in the horizon …
The spaceships will go out of this point on the coast - said Mercus - indicating the runway to approximately 20 brestas ó approximately 200 meters cratenses … it is time! - he exclaimed.
The robots were accompanied up to the spaceships by the researchers, who helped them to get accommodated in the seats of pilot and co-pilot, Yowac, Olkas, Bd and Pi3, four robots were equipped with devices that were activated automatically on having fallen to certain depth in the sea and to make them emerge towards the surface, were taking video cameras integrated to their visual device and devices to send messages to the researchers.
The spaceships began to rise one of them went towards the sky, where already the currents of cold and warm dark matter were mixed and they were starting forming the enormous whirlwind … the spaceship that Yowac was leading started turning in circle in the sky, following the current of the winds, to avoid spaceship to be turned aside by these … the other spaceship was led by the robot Bd and already was suspended on the waves, to little less than 4 brestas or the equivalent to a meter and a half terrestrial. Robot Bd was hoping that the waves were becoming stronger and were doing its spiral formation to be able to go across the eye of the whirlpool towards the sea bed …
Yowac at the time from the air started the machine that was scanning the rocky formations in the sea and wrote to the researchers:
- Sea of the Depths with three points that block the surge, triangular formation detected under the waves …
- But, What is the correlation of the triangular formation detected with the dark matter? -Kire asked.
- It is possible that there is a blockade of the current of dark matter and energy under the sea and because of that it accumulates in the Sea of the Depths, which provokes the luminescent mist under the slightly deep waters … - Mercus answered -, on the other hand, it is possible that the equal angle in the rocky formations balance the movement of the currents of dark matter in this region and catch them bringing as consequence the constant formation of whirlwinds and hurricanes - Mercus affirmed once again.
Then, the winds received increasingly force until in the sky the first indication of hurricane was formed and the sea began to be waved increasingly; the investigators looked at the sky, waiting with anxieties for the moment to prove the aircraft that were leading the robots …
To be continued … Chapter VIII The experiment Part II


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.02.2011

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