
Chapter 1


“After the stunt you have pulled, I do doubt that.”
She looked at him with bewilderment. How could he sit there calmly? As if this absurd decision does not affect him too. His freedom will be taken away. He is an out of control man, he would be just too much to handle. Too much for her at least.
Then in an instant, memories of their love making appeared on her mind, playing like a broken tape recorder. The way he touched, caressed, and kissed made her body tingle. Her breathing grew rigid. How could this have happened? She was a proper woman. She was not to bed men unless married. She lost her innocence to a man with low intentions.
She was stupid for letting him bed her.
“I appreciate the proposal Lord O’Conner but it seems that I have to decline. Marriage is not fit for a woman like me. I prefer to ride and explore the world before that happens,” which was completely a lie. She wants to be married, that is every woman’s dream. To love someone who would love her back. To kiss away every problem in her life, to wake up in the morning with the person you cherish more than life itself. Be with someone you cannot live without.
“Then we will travel first.” He advised persistently. “We can wait for marriage probably until next May.”
She shook her head and looked up at him. “I would rather be steeped in scandal than be married to one who had caused it,”
Richard’s calm expression suddenly turned grim. “Please do not forget that YOU were the one who caused the scandal my sweet. This was you’re doing. And let us face it, with the ton knowing what had happened to you and me, no eligible bachelor will want to marry you. So I am your only salvation ,”
That may be said, he is right. But… how can your salvation be you’re destruction?

Chapter 1

Lady Loretta Chase, the Viscountess of Wales, gently lifted the tea cup off of the plate and softly sipped out of the delicious tea. Her long brown hair, curled up into a high bun, just like other women in Victorian Era, London.
The members of the Sapphire Roses club, also single female ladies with extravagant beauty did also. Silence grew between them as the idea flooded into their mind. “So what do we indeed do? We cannot let the club fall, that is just absurd.”
Lady Jane Andres De’Lacour, the head member of the club, nodded. “Yes I would speak to the people who held us in charge of this. I am sure I can find the ransom money on my own-,”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Vivian Reignsworth, frowned. “You are not the only member of this club you know. We all will hold responsibility of it. Not just you. Just because you’re married to the king doesn’t mean that you can take full responsibility,”
“What Vivian is trying to say,” Savanna Wilkerson threw a glance over to Vivian who just looked outside of the city streets of London. “Is that you should not take all the burden to yourself. We want to help.”
Jane smiled and looked at her. “I understand. I am sorry, it is just we cannot lose this club. I will miss you all too much.”
“That is sweet indeed,” Christine Hadley smiled, setting the tea cup on the fine, white marbled table. “No need to worry, I am sure we can figure out something. Oh and by the way, how is your husband doing Vivian?”
That particular question snapped her out of her thoughts. “Sorry?”
“I had said, how is your husband? The Earl of Richmond,”
Vivian smiled, her creamy cheeks slightly changing a color of hint of red on them. “Edgar is alright.”
“Can you imagine our Vivian is the second woman to get married. Our Vivian. The Vivian who told us that love was a absurd word. That love is never wanted. Specially by her.” Savanna laughed, sending a sound of melody throughout the room.
She smirked. “Shut up Savanna. From what I have heard, you are not married yet.”
“Yes, and from what I’ve heard you are married.” she smiled, her eyes sparkling. “You have to deal with a man. I am sure he is a pain.”
“No.” Vivian said shaking her head, letting a piece of hair fall from her dark, rich colorful red hair. “Edgar isn’t like that. He cares for me. Even if I do not want him to. He always does though. And that is what annoys me.” she mumbled but smiled. “I love him dearly.”
Jane laughed. “Yes I see that. Similar with me and William. He is rather caring.” Then with a grin, she added. “Even in bed.”
The members laughed. “That is uncalled for Jane.” Avery smiled. “Not all of us have a man. Not all of us have a King or an Earl to love.”
“I know,”
The laughter died down. Continuing to smile, Avery wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Both of you are rather lucky. You have someone to love you. Handsome men at that.”
Vivian and Jane both smiled.
“I don’t think they would be the only one who is married.” Loretta said looking at all of them, before picking up a fork, and sliced off a piece of the Angel food cake. They looked at her confused. Obviously, not understand what is happening.
Then Jane smiled. “You are getting married.” The others waited for her to confirm it. Then with a sigh, she nodded. “Yes I am. My parents had arrange for me to wed in three weeks.” she frowned and looked at her lap.
“You do not look too happy.” Vivian noticed.
“I am not,” Loretta replied looking up at her. “I do not want to wed, especially not to him.”’ her voice added a disgusted tone.
“Well who are you engaged to then?” she asked in mere curiosity. Loretta don’t blame her. Vivian has always been curious.
So in a small voice, she said. “To the Earl of Frinchester,”
Gasps field the room, but everybody remained silent. Jane was the first one to break it. “You cannot marry him. He is nine and fifty. I do not mean to be rude but he is old enough to be my grandfather. Something I am not too happy about. Why in the world would your parents order you to marry him?”
“The Earl of Frinchester is a close family friend of my father. He approves of me, and my father thinks it is time for me to marry as well. My mother agreed.”
Christine looked at her. “What did you say?”
“I said nothing.” Loretta replied simply.
“But you disapproved of it?”
She nodded.
“Why would you-,”
“I could not,” she said interrupting her and mid-sentence. “Even if I wanted to,”
Loretta was raised in a family where respect and politeness matter. She cannot refuse what her parents want her to do. Even if she wants to. All her life, she had worked so hard to obtain both of her parent’s love and respect. She wasn’t about to lose it now just because of a measly wedding. But she doesn’t want to marry the Earl of Frinchester either. How to have their respect and yet not marry?
That is complicated indeed.
Avery sighed. “It is obvious to us that you don’t want to marry this guy. So what are you going to do about it?”
Now at that, Loretta smiled. “I do have a plan. But I do not think all of you will support my idea.”

“Welcome Lord O’Conner, your father is waiting for you in his study.” Patrick, his father’s butler, greeted him, taking his hat and coat.
“Thank you, Patrick. It is nice seeing you again.”
“The same as I, my lord.” he bowed. “Can I get you something while you are present. Maybe a hot chocolate, or a glass of warm water?”
The fifteen foot glass windows was covered of frost from the November snow. Bright lit chandeliers hang the ceiling. It made him feel small from how humongous it looked. The walls were the color of brown rustled leaves in the spring, making the winter season seem like a fairy tale. He was dressed in long black boots, his brown loose trousers fit his perfectly tall form, six foot two at the least. His black vest slightly filled with little white snowflakes, his shiny black hair fixed with a roughly slight matter. Like he’d been running his hand through his hair.
Even though he looked like this, his features still remained handsome. His remarkably green eyes, under those thick beautiful lashes. Almost like a woman’s and yet this made him look much more gorgeous.
His broad shoulders relaxed. His hand inside his trouser pocket and the other holding a black silver cane.
Richard chuckled. “No thank you Patrick. And please, what is with these formal greetings. Call me by my given name.”
“Lord Richard,” Patrick smiled, then bowed. His face contained of wrinkles but his eyes were the color of ice blue water.
Richard chuckled but waved goodbye as he headed toward his father’s room.
“You called for me?”
His father, the Duke Of Cambridge, was sitting on a well-furnished chair. His desk filled with neatly stacked papers.
Harold O’Conner has always been a busy man. Even before Richard was born. So now that Richard’s here, he’s wondering what his father might want.
He confesses he has done things that society doesn’t like. But he figures that the old man doesn’t care.
Looks like he was wrong by the look of he’s furious expression when he had put down the newspaper he was reading.
“Yes, I have. Sit down.” Harold motioned for the chair that was right across his desk. His eyes resembling Richard’s.
He obeyed and sat down on dark brown furnished chair.
“I suppose you know why I had called you in my home today.”
“Actually,” Richard said coolly. “No, I don’t. Of course, I have my suspicions.”
Suddenly, the Duke of Cambridge stood up and threw the newspaper at him. “Have you lost all senses that god gave you?” he yelled furiously. “Look at this,”
Richard looked down at the newspaper. It read:

Richard O’Conner, the Earl of Kent, had surprisingly lost his nerve at the bar and chose to point a gun at two of the finest Counts in London. The Count of Darton and the Count of Eaglecliffe.

He looked up at his father. “So?”
“So you ungrateful young bat, you have forever tarnished your reputation. Again! My God Richard when will you learn? You should be thankful that the public had accepted you again.”
“I do not care about their opinions of me father.” He replied calmly, looking up at the furious duke. “We have already been through this.”
“Do you not care about your family at all? About how we will look in the public?”
“They do not care about you and mother. Everybody knows that both of you are one of the highly respected people in London.” Richard stated, examining his nails.
“Yes but there will be rumors concerning us. About how the way we had raised you. How you turned into such a….disgrace.”
His son let out a fake gasp, and put his hand on his chest as if hurt. “Disgrace? Is that what you had viewed me as, father. A disgrace to the family?”
“Yes,” Harold said sternly. “You are. To your sisters and your brother. If Michael can only see you now-,” he cleared his throat.
Richard balled his fists at the mention of Michael‘s name. His older brother. The brother who always was the light of the family. The person who had glued the family together. The person that Richard envied.
Michael had died three months ago. His death causing the whole family to slightly spilt apart. To be more distant.
He was the only person keeping the whole family together.
For years, his father had always wanted Richard to be just like Michael. To be as successful as Michael. To be just like him.
He doesn’t blame his father. Who wouldn’t want to be Michael?
Handsome, successful, and warm hearted. Everybody adored him. Everybody loved him.
And now he’s dead.
He was caught in a cross fire. Or at least that was everybody thought.
But Richard knew better. He knew all to well that Michael was murdered. Murdered by the people that held a grudge against him.
And that is why Richard is forced to act like this. He wanted everyone to fear him. Everyone to know that Richard O’Conner, isn’t anything like his brother.

“You got to be jesting?” Avery was the one who broke the silence between them.
“No I am rather serious,” Loretta smiled.
“That is impossible. No, forget about impossible. More like the senseless idea I’ve ever heard. What in the world came to your mind when you had planned this?”
Loretta passed her the newspaper. “This,”
Avery passed it to the other members, looking at her like she’s lost her mind.
“No. This idea is irrational,” Jane said shaking her head. “Please think it over.”
“I already have,” she smiled assuring her that her mind is already made up.
And there is no changing it.
“But… this is dangerous Loretta. Please this could ruin your reputation. He’s dangerous. You could get hurt,” Vivian gave her a look of concern which was actually surprising considering it’s from Vivian.
“I will be fine Vivian. My reputation would be tarnished but I will recover.”
“I don’t mean that. I meant that he might hurt you. And considering he’s the Earl of Kent, he will.”
“Yeah,” Agreed Christine. “He’s like the worst man in England. Why would you choose him of all people?”
“Exactly as you said Christine. He is the worst man in England. My parents will never approve. So when I had successfully done my plan, they would ship me off somewhere. Maybe to France or Spain. Somewhere far away from him. And do not worry, if they do not ship me off somewhere, I would actually get away from him myself.” Loretta replied coolly.
“You talk as if you have done this before,” Jane sipped the tea and looked at Loretta.
“I have not. I assure you Lady Jane. My plan is all set.” She grinned and placed the cup of tea down.
“That is rather amusing,” she replied setting the tea down also. “But what makes you so sure that he will actually fall in love with you? Or take you to be his lover?”
“My plan is simple.” she smiled and got up, taking her shawl and her overcoat, wrapping it gently around her. The snow slowly falling outside, making the whole neighborhood look like a vast winter wonderland.
Her own sky blue gown, gently making her small waist more visible and flat. Her breasts shaped and her pale skin, even paler, almost blending in the winter snow. Lips, as smooth and tender…as rose-leaves in a coppice wild.
The others had always bothered her of looking like Snow White from the fairy tale book. Except that she had long, curly brunette hair, slightly pinned on the top of her head.
“I will arrive at Richard O’Conner, the Earl of Kent’s home. I will declare my feelings for him. And I will get him to fall in love with me.”
She turned around to leave but stopped at Jane’s words. “Will you do everything, including betray an innocent man, just to be free of the Earl of Frinchester?”
Loretta didn’t turn around, though Jane could tell that she was slightly affected of betrayal, after all, Loretta isn’t the person to betray someone, or anyone in the least. “Yes. I will do everything. I will not disappoint my parents by rejecting the earl. But I will use the Earl of Kent to do it for me. I will become his lover. And about your statement, he is not innocent.”
“And what makes you so sure that you will not fall in love with him at the process, Viscountess of Wales?” Jane smiled.
The Sapphire Roses members stared at her, as if she’s mad. But Loretta knew Jane. She is a smart and honorable woman. After all, that is how she won the king of England‘s.
“I will not fall in love with him. He is the last person I want to spend my life with.”
“We will see, Viscountess of Wales. We will see,”
Loretta bowed and left the club, heading towards the carriage, taking the hand of the coachman as she settled in the seat, looking outside.
“We’re off to Madame?”
“The home of Richard O’Conner, the Earl of Kent,”

Chapter 2

The carriage pulled out on the front of the O’Conner resident gate.
The tall structure towers sprang out from both sides of the mansion.
One east side and one west. Massive built walls structure of the pavement circled the two towers, falling flat from the front and back. Balconies surrounded all of the open windows, which Loretta might have to guess is about twenty-two windows in total.
Not including the back.
So this was the home of Richard O’Conner.
Rumors has been said that out of all the members of the ton, the Earl of Kent is the worst. Just by the newspaper from yesterday showed that. Quietly, she stepped outside of the carriage.
The cold winter wind blew her gown, making her brown hair loose out of its pins.
“Madame?” the coachman and also her good friend, Desmond, said coming down the carriage as well. “Are you in need of my company?”
Loretta gave him a assuring smile. “No, it is alright. Just wait for me out here,”
He nodded but gave her a concerned look. After all, nobody in their right mind would actually go to the Kent Estate without an escort.
“Please be careful Lady Chase.”
She looked up at him and smiled. “I always am.”
Slowly, she made her way up to the gate. It must have been the end of their shifts considering there was no one standing by it..
A figure made its way out of the mansion, almost running, panicking.
She raised herself up to her tip toe and braced her hands on the gate. “Excuse me,” she called out.
The figure stopped. “What are ye doing out ‘ere miss?”
A voice of a female. As she came closer, Loretta can see what she looked like. A petite young woman, in her teen years.
“I am looking for the Earl of Kent,” she said smiling.
She hesitated. “Um… master ain’t feeling right today. He is well… not in the mood to talk to anyone right now.”
“But I really need his help,” her gaze landed on the bucket of water. “What is that for?”
“For me master,” she whispered.
This girl is shaking, Loretta thought. From fear.
“Are you alright?” she asked looking down at her pale features.
“Me fine.” she smiled up at her, revealing the most delicate brown eyes she had ever seen.
“Please let me come in. I really need to speak to him,”
The girl hesitated. “Me master will fire me. I need every single shilling I can get.”
“Do not worry. I will leave you out of it,” she smiled.
She hesitated but nodded. “Alright, but miss I would advise ye to be careful. Me master is um.. . Inebriated.
Loretta’s eyes widened. “Did your master hurt you?”
She shook her head quite fast. “No. No. Me master is sometimes scary when he’s like this. But most of the times, he’s nice. Wouldn’t hit a single servant or maid.”
That is not what I saw on the morning paper, she thought but smiled. “If you say so, now please hurry.”
The girl nodded and set the bucket down on the ground, pressing the gate open for her to come in. Once she stepped foot in the land, a feeling rose up her spine.
Her mind told her to run. Run as far away from here.
But she had to stay. She has to do this. So with a breathe, she walked forward, following the maid, to the back of the mansion.
Different kinds of flowers welcomed her, lying out on the ground path. Roses, Daisies, Amaryllis, Geranium, and even other foreign flowers that she hasn’t seen before.
“Beautiful ain’t it?” the maid asked looking back at her.
“Very,” she said breathless.
Soon enough, they entered the back entrance of the mansion. If it looked big on the outside, the inside was bigger.
Massive structured pillar surrounded the corner of each wall and room. The dining hall is big enough to be a ballroom.. If this is what the dining hall looked like, what would the ballroom look like? She thought picking up her skirts to follow after the maid. She is quite fast, faster than her.
Just then, a voice filled the entire mansion. A voice of a man. “WHERE THE HELL IS MY WATER!”
Loretta was startled and was force to a stop. It wasn’t that the man’s voice was loud and frightful, but it was the fact that the man’s voice was soothing to the ear, making her heart raise a beat.
If he’s voice is like this, then what would it be like to hear his voice in a whisper? His mouth next to her ear, whispering to her?
She shook her head fiercely. No, she shouldn’t think like this. She should never think like this.
His voice was smooth and pleasant to the ear. A voice that will make every women fall down their knees and beg for him to take her.
Dangerous, her mind repeated over and over again.
The maid stopped walking, and so did Loretta.
Her gaze scanned the room, she was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t know that she was in his study.
Stacks of books filled each shelves. His large furniture desk filled with scattered papers.
He has been working hard, she thought walking up to the desk, straightening out his papers.
“What the hell are you doing in my study?”
Loretta froze. Her heart contracted, her breathing stopped.
Slowly, she turned around.
There, by the doorway was a man. Her eyes widened. She never had seen the Earl of Kent before. But there were rumors that he was handsome.
And they were right.
He was handsome. No not handsome, gorgeous would be the right word.
His green- blue eyes shimmering under those thick lashes.
Her heart skipped a beat as she studied him.
He was tall, way taller than she.
His high cheek bones and his cute buttoned nose.
His black raven hair, even though scattered still remained matching against his features. He’s lean yet built, his lips looked tender and soft. She wondered what would it feel like to have his lips on hers? To feel his lips kiss every part of her body?
She ignored the dirty thought.
Her gaze slid down his trousers, his well-built legs fitting his masculine body.
And at that moment, she had realized that she can’t continue.
Somehow, she can’t afford to watch this gorgeous man used and betrayed. She’ll die first before that happens.
Then Loretta had grasp that he had asked her a question. Her gaze met his.
He wore no expression.
Like he was a carved out statue. Specially the way he was standing very still. Not moving.
“I asked you a question,” he said neutrally.
“I…um,” She stuttered and cleared her throat, breathing in. “I am sorry to had bothered you. I can see that you are busy enough. I will take my leave.” she bowed and picked up her skirts, heading outside of the door.
What she didn’t expect though was for him to stop her.
Her body was inches away from his. She can feel his body heat radiating off of him.
This is bad, she thought.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked smiling. “You came into my home and wanted to see me. You had disturbed my rest and yet when I finally decide to come down here, you leave?”
His eyes bore down to hers. Slowly, he moved himself around her and strode off to his desk, sitting down.
His hand motioned for the chair. “Please sit,”
“Oh no, it is okay. I am sorry for disturbing you. Please go do whatever you were doing. I must take my leave. Goodbye,” she bowed and stepped outside of room and into the massive hallway.
“I heard from my servant that you had called for me. And now that I am here you want to leave? You are wasting my time Madame,” he said coldly.
She stopped and turned around, holding back the anger that was slightly building up inside her.
Maybe betraying this rogue would not be such a bad idea, she thought. “Since you insist my lord.” she smiled and turned around, sitting on the chair he had motioned for her to sit in.
“So what is it you want Madame?” he asked looking at her, studying her with his eyes.
Loretta tensed. His eyes stared at her like he can see into her very soul. Her very being.
“Coming here without an escort. Either you are brave or are a fool,” the Earl said grinning. “But with how you look I take it you are brave. Forgive me, let me introduce myself. My name is Richard O’Conner. Pleasure to meet you,” he smiled.
“Loretta Chase and the pleasure is mine,” It’s a good thing he had his manners.
“Well Ms. Chase. What can I do for you?” he leaned back against his chair, his muscles flexing.
She tore her gaze away from his body and looked right in his eyes. “I am in love with you,”
Silence filled the room.
Then he burst into laughter. His green-blue eyes glowing with amusement.
Even his laughter sounded pleasant to her ears. Loretta ignored the feeling growing in her stomach.
Business, she’s here to do business.
“Are you finding my feelings toward you entertaining?” she asked raising a brow.
“As a matter of fact, I do.” his laughter died down and was no longer wearing that amusement expression but was replaced with a grin. A devilish grin. “I will go along with your games Ms. Chase. Tell me. What drawn you into liking me?”
I must act like a lady, she thought gripping her gown. I must not let him get to me. Loretta closed her eyes and opened them to look at him. Her own green eyes glowing. “You ask what had drawn me into liking you my lord?” She said holding her head up high. “Well it is because of your demeanor.”
He inclined his head looking up at the ceiling then moving his gaze back to her. “What about my demeanor?”
He has to be jesting right? What does he want from her? An evidence or proof that her feelings for him are real?
Her temper rose by the minute but fought herself to hold it in. Out of all the men who she had met. He is far the worst.
O’Conner wants to play this game, she will.
Loretta will make him fall in love with her.
Slowly, she stood up and walked around his desk, heading over to him. Loretta waited for him to say sit back down or get out of the mansion but that didn’t come.
She held in her breath as she made her way behind him.
If she’s going to say she loves him she has to play the part.

Richard tensed but kept his position unmoving, as she made her way behind him. He can feel her body heat radiating off of her.
Then her scent filled his nostrils and tightened his hold on the desk, clenching his fist. This woman smelled of fresh apples in the spring.
He loves apples.
Damn it Richard pull yourself together, he thought, clenching his teeth. No way will this woman get to him.
He’s not blind. He can see that she doesn’t belong here. By the way she looked, dressed, and talked.
Her scattered brown hair framed her delicate face, tempting him to reach out his hand and touch it.
Her lips red as the roses outside of his garden. The one he cherishes dearly. Her skin pale as the snow falling outside. What would it feel like to have his hands roam her body? To feel her smooth skin under his fingertips?
Quickly, he dismissed the thought. No, he cannot love.
Love caused him to be reckless. To be weak.
Something he isn’t anymore.
He hissed in a breath as he felt her fingers running down his back. She left a trail of fire under her touch.
Does she know what she’s doing to him?
Is she aware of what she’s doing? Of what this is making him feel?
His erections throb against his britches.
“Stand up,” she whispered.
Is this woman ordering him?
No, nobody order’s him around. Nobody.
He’ll show her.
Richard stood up from the chair looking down at her.
Slowly, her hand landed on his cheek, caressing it gently.
His heart raised a beat but ignored it. “You sure you want to go there Madame? Apparently, you do not know who or what you are dealing with.”
Loretta just smiled and traced her hand down his chest, he shivered. Even though with his clothes on, he can feel her very body.
Richard grinned.
Her eyes widened slightly.
He pushed her to the wall, by the window. His hands on both sides of Loretta, caging her.
He can hear her breathing turn rigid.
His nostrils flared as he smelled the apples, but he ignored the feeling. Slowly, he put his hand on her hair, feeling the soft, smooth strands, pulling them out of the pins, watching it fall down her waist.
God help him. She’s beautiful. Probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She carried herself with grace and confidence.
Something he had admired in women.
Something women aren’t supposed to have.
Loretta Chase was small so he had to bend his head down as his hand moved her hair to the other side of her neck.
Slowly, he ran his lips on her neck, to the neck bone that’s connecting her shoulders. Richard smiled as he felt her breath contract again, her palm faced flat on the wall. Her eyes close.
She was afraid.
His smile deepened and continued to run his lips across her pale skin, moving her head on the other side as he tasted, nibbled, and drank from her skin.
“W-what are you d-doing?” she whispered, shivering.
“I thought you said that you love me Madame. I am about to show you who you fallen in love with. You see, I have a tainted reputation. In the Society…and in bed.” His voice barely a whisper in her ear.
“S-stop, p-please.” Loretta whispered as he moved his right leg between her thighs.
“Why? I thought you had said you love me. This is what I do to people who feels the same way for me.”
“Is that why your reputation is tainted?”
Richard stopped and moved his head up to look at hers. Their faces inches away from each other. “Why yes, as a matter of fact. It is,”
“Do you not care what other people think of you?” Loretta whispered looking up at him, searching his eyes as if trying to find something.
“No, I do not.”
“Because I’m not a person to care about what other people think. I live by my own rules. Everything I had done revolves around my decisions. Other people don’t give a damn of what I do. They can just mind their own business.”
“What happened?”
Richard looked at her as if she’s lost her mind. What the hell is she talking about?
“I said,” she repeated reading his expression. “What happened? Everybody does not start their life like that, everybody cares about their reputation . So I am guessing that something happened to you that changed your personality.”
He smirked and looked down at her. “Actually my sweet, your wrong. I have always been like this. Throughout my life.”
Loretta smiled and looked up at him. “I’m afraid your wrong my lord. You see, I am good at observing people. That is my natural talent,”
“Well Ms. Chase. It seemed like your talent has its faults. Because obviously you are wrong about mine.”
“On the contrary Mr. O’Conner, I am right. Before I had come here, I asked one of my friends because obviously, one of them is of the ton. And as I am, the ton has lots of gossips about every single person in, or out of the ton. I was told that your older brother, Michael, had passed away six months ago, am I correct?”
Richard remained silent. Where was this woman heading?
“I am sorry for your loss.” Loretta stepped back and headed back down on the seat again, looking up at him. “Though, one of my suspicions is that-.”
“Get out,” he ordered, his fists clenched. “And I don’t want to see you anymore Madame. In or near my estate. Or I will be force to do what I wish not to,”
Loretta stared at him with widened eyes. “Are you threatening me, my lord?”
“Threatening won’t be a rightful word, more like a promise. Now get out, I don’t ever want to see you again in my estate. He said acidly. “Flora!” he called out. “Escort this woman out of my home. Make sure not to let her in here again. Tell that to everyone in the mansion.”
The woman, Flora, appeared. “Y-yes sir.”
Loretta got up and looked at him with unreadable expression. “Do not bother, my lord. I will show myself out. And do not worry, I will not set foot in your estate ever again.” she bowed politely and existed out of the room, holding her head up high without saying another word.
Though Richard can tell that underneath those unreadable expression is a woman who is mad and about to blow off steam. He gives her credit for hiding it, though not good enough.
A grin crossed his face, as he poured himself a champagne, looking outside of the window and down toward her carriage, this Loretta Chase is interesting indeed. He can’t wait until they cross paths again.

Chapter 3

Once in her carriage, Loretta looked outside of the small tainted windows and up his mansion.
Her heart still beating fast, her breathing uneven, and her body really warm and tensed from how close he was and how is mouth felt against her skin.
Loretta’s blush deepened at the thought. There it goes her plan to seduce the Earl of Kent.
She should have listened to her friends. Seducing the earl is something she can’t do. It’s just not her.
Sure maybe if Vivian had done it she would have succeeded.
Loretta messed with the hem of her dress.
“Are you alright Madame?” Desmond asked giving her a concerned look as he resumed his position up the carriage, pulling the rein of the horses.
She smiled up at him. “I’m alright. You needn’t worry,”
He hesitated. “Well alright. Where off to miss?”
“Home,” Just then she looked to where Lord Kent’s study was, her eyes widened as he was standing by the window, looking down at the carriage. Or at least she thinks he is.
She squinted to improve her vision as she saw him. She couldn’t tell of his expression, his features hidden away by the shadows.
The carriage moved forward and she tore away her gaze just as another carriage pulled by his estate.
A young maiden stepped outside, her body slim as a stick, perfect perky breast and beautiful skin complexion. She looked like a goddess who had fallen out of the sky, crashing down to earth to win every men’s heart.
A sinking feeling rose on her stomach. The women looked a few years older than her though still looked young.
Her hair was a pale blonde, and is lose around her waist.
Eyes the color of the ocean when the sun’s at its end.
She was beautiful, in fact more beautiful than she. Loretta was a fool to think that the Earl of Kent would actually fall for her.
Painfully, she tore her gaze away and moved her gaze down her dress.
“I guess I have to marry the Earl of Frinchester after all.” she bit her lip as tears escaped her eyes.
Who was she kidding, true love happens in only novels and dreams. In the real world, there is no such things as true love.
“Honey, where have you been?” Loretta’s mother, Lady Joanna Chase, Countess of Abingdon, greeted her by the massive doorway of the Chase Estate.
The walls along the interior mansion covered most of its complex painting. Portraits surrendered the hallway. Portraits from her family line.
The floor located no carpentry except for her father’s study. It’s smooth white marbled floor stretched throughout the mansion. Red velvet curtains with golden trimmings hang every window. Loretta smiled, masking away her emotions yet again. “I was strolling down the St. James Park mother.”
“Without Lord Frinchester?” her eyes narrowed down at her daughter.
Loretta tried to hide the scowl that almost formed on her face. “I do not need Lord Frinchester’s permission to go to the park mother.”
Her mother held up a finger. “It is important to go with your fiancée out in public. So the ton knows you are engaged of course,”
“But mother, I would appreciate it dearly if we do not tell anybody for a while of my engagement-”
“Phish-posh Loretta. Your engagement shouldn’t be kept secret. It should be laid out for the rest of the world to hear.”
“…Yes mother.” She looked at the ground wishing that her mother would be somewhere else today. In fact, she doesn’t feel like talking to anyone right now.
“That is why me and your father agreed to hold a ball honoring you and the earl,”
“What?” Loretta looked at her mother like she had just gone mad. Maybe she had.
“Mother, why would you do such a thing?” Realizing her words. “I mean why had this thought cross your mind?”
Lady Joanna smiled. “Why to congratulate you of your engagement of course. We want to tell everybody of the ton. And Lord Frinchester agreed,”
Just then Emily, Joanna’s trusted advisor, appeared by her side holding up of what looks like a note. “Alright Lady Joanna, every invitation is set to every one of the ton. But not to doubt your grace though I wonder, are you positive about this?”
“Positive about what Emily?”
She positioned her glasses and cleared her throat. “About inviting the Earl of Kent. Have you seen the newspaper this morning?”
As her mother dismissed the thought, Loretta’s eyes widened. The earl will be in the ball. No, that… that can’t happen. “You invited the Earl of Kent?” she tried to keep her voice calm but seemed to fail.
“Well he is a member of the ton so yes I had invited him.” Joanna read her daughter’s expression. “You need not to worry I am sure the rumors about the earl is not that bad.”
Loretta wanted to burst out laughing but held in her laughter. Oh mother, you have no idea how those rumors are true.
Her body still quivered with anticipation. As much as she wanted to dismiss it she can’t. She wanted him to continue. To touch her in places she needs to be touch. She wants to be touched.
Quickly, she dismissed the thought. Proper women aren’t supposed to think of such dirty thoughts.
“When is the ball mother?”
“Tomorrow night, I had already picked a gown out for you. It will go very well with what the earl’s going to-. You know never mind. Speaking of earl. He is waiting for you at your father’s study.”
Loretta nodded and bowed, heading over to the massive stair way and then the hallway, turning at the corner and into her father’s study.
She cringed as she saw the earl stand up to greet her. The Earl of Frinchester is rather skinny, with a high pitch voice.
His dark brown hair, was almost filled with white locks. She gulped in a breath and smiled politely bowing. His skinny, bony hands reached out and grabbed hers, kissing the main knuckle. A uncomfortable shiver, ran up her spine as his lips touched her skin. Then after what seemed like an infinity, he raised his head and smiled.
Showing yellow and tarnished teeth.
Her nostrils flared as the strong scent of cigars filled her nose. She held in a breath as she fought to cough and sneeze.
“Hello Lady Chase,” he smiled inclining her head.
“It seems you two got a lot of catching up to do. I will see you later daughter.” her father smiled bowing.
We saw each other yesterday, she wanted to say but held in her words and just nodded.
Once he had left, Loretta faced her future husband. “Mother said you wanted to see me,”
Loretta’s skin crawled when she found him examining her body. Slowly skimming down, then back up landing on her breasts.
“Lord Frinchester,” she smirked looking at him.
Snapping out of the trance, his gaze fixed against hers again. “Oh yes,” he held out a box. Her breath caught in her throat, but this time it was different.
It wasn’t the same breath that caught in her throat at the O’Conner Estate. This was fear and disgust.
Please don’t let it be what I think it is, her mind screamed over and over again.
He opened it and held out a necklace.
Her heart relaxed.
It wasn’t a ring.
“This was a gift that was passed down generation to generation from my mother’s side and I want you to have it. As a wedding gift.”
Wedding gift my foot, she thought but smiled. “Thank you my lord. But I do not think it is necessary.”
“No I insist,” he took out the necklace and smiled. “May I?”
She hesitate for a moment, but nodded politely. “Sure you may,”
Slowly, she turned around, her back to his. to tie on the necklace.
After he was done, she turned around and gave him a polite smile feeling the heavy metal of the butterfly, sapphire and blue necklace on her pale skin.
“Beautiful,” he smiled. “Can you not wait until the ball tomorrow? I surely cannot,”
“No sire, I cannot wait.” She inhaled a breath. “Can I ask, why did you have chosen me to be your wife?”
“Why because you are lovely of course,”
And because your wife cannot bear any more children and unfortunately, your friend, which was my father, happened to have a daughter who needs a husband and is perfect because I can bear many children, she thought grimly.
One thing she hates most in the world is that how people use their other people to satisfy their needs.
And it is, however, ironic that she had decided to use the Earl of Kent to satisfy her needs. But that was in the past. He had proven that she was not as good as the other women in the ton.
“Thank you my lord,” Loretta managed to smile at the compliment.
“Now don’t your fiancé deserve a kiss?” Lord Frinchester smiled, still showing his yellow teeth.
Loretta swallowed and managed to hide her real emotions of disgust. “Yes of course,”
Slowly, she reached her head up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Thank you for the necklace, it is quite beautiful,” Her lips tasted like cigars, the taste is worse than it’s smell.
She slightly shivered.
“You’re welcome my dear.” He looked at her smiling; then reached in his coat, taking out the pocket watch and frowned. “I am sorry, but I am afraid I must take my leave. I have some business to take care of. Please don’t look so down. I will be back tomorrow. At the masquerade ball. Goodbye my sweet. Until then,” he reached for her hand and bowed, kissing her middle knuckle.
As soon as the door closed behind him, Loretta exhaled and slumped down at the chair. “Masquerade ball? I thought it would be just a normal ball.”
“Oh no honey,” Joanna entered the door, sitting by the chair next to her. “I forgot to tell you that little bitty information. It’s going to be a masquerade ball. It’s going to be romantic between you two. Imagine, everybody of the ton, wearing masks. Not knowing who you encounter. That is how your father and I first met you see,”
“Oh really?” Loretta raised a brow. “That is how you and father first met?”
“Yes,” she motioned for the butler to come in. “George, I would like you to bring us some tea and lemon cake please.”
“Understood Madame,” he bowed and exited out of the room.
“Now your father was not always been so gentleman and sweet like he is now. He was the rogue of the Season. My parents forbid it to let me enter the ball because he was invited. But I sneaked out of the back and escaped, with the help of my personal maid of course.”
“Mother!” Loretta’s eyes widened. “I thought you had always acted like a lady with manners. I didn’t know you were um… rebellious.”
“Phish-Posh Loretta. I was a child once to you know. I cannot possibly be an adult all my life.” Joanna smiled and looked over at the door as George entered the room, pushing a tray of tea kettle and the Lemon Cake, adding two additional teaspoons and mini china plates.
He laid out the plates and spoons, then poured the tea to each of the tea cups, slicing the cakes, then distributing them.
As soon as he bowed and left, Joanna smiled. “But as the time passed by, I had learned my lessons and now here I am.” She noticed a sudden frown on Loretta’s expression. “What’s the matter dear?”
“Mother, why did you and father want me to marry Lord Frinchester?”
“Why, because Lord Frinchester is kind and a caring gentleman. He is the best person for you. Other than those hooligans in the ton. All of them gossiping and playing those silly games. None of them are too serious for you Loretta. That is why we decided that Lord Frinchester would be better for you,”
“But mother, he is older than father.” She said hiding the slight tremor from her voice.
“He is only five years older than your father.”
“Exactly,” she muttered.
“Your sort of behavior will not be tolerated Loretta. You will marry Lord Frinchester. Or we will be very disappointed of you. Do you want that?”
“No, of course not mother,” Loretta said slightly panicked. She worked too hard over the years for their approval. She won’t let some wedding destroy her creation. No matter how painful that is.
“You must go to you room and clean up. We do not want you all stinky and cranky at supper.” Loretta nodded and made her way up to her room.
Then with a sigh, she closed the door behind her. “No, he cannot be at the masquerade ball tomorrow. If he does, then he’ll see me. Well not really see me because of the masks. Oh please,” she strode over to her foggy window, the snow still falling gently down England. “Don’t let him be in the ball tomorrow. If he does, then I’ll die of embarrassment,”
Richard sat down on the dining table, eyeing the woman a few feet away from him. What does she want? What is she doing here?
She looked up at him and smiled. “Why, you are tense. Can I ask why?”
“What the hell are you doing here Evangeline?” he gripped the fork and spoon though she looked like she’s unaffected.
“Why? I cannot visit my younger brother from time to time?” her blue eyes sparkling in the chandelier light.
Evangeline Sternway is the second oldest sibling in the O’Conner family. Richard would be the third oldest followed by Briana and Sabine.
“No you can’t. I’m busy. And I am amazed how you threated my workers into letting you in my home.”
“Well they wouldn’t let me come in so I had to do what I needed to do,”
“If you are like this on your brother then I do feel sorry for Robert. By the way, how is good man Robert?”
The look on Evangeline’s face was enough to prove that they’re alright. Still living their happy and joyful life.
“I see,” he muttered as he sliced the perfectly well seasoned steak. “So tell me sister, what really is the reason you came here? Tell me, is it because you need money? Or what about favor?”
Evangeline’s lovingly expression changed to a grim, non-pleasant demeanor.
He grinned.
Richard liked getting on his sister’s skin.
“Save your bad talking to the Society,” she glared at him. “I came here because it’s been a long time since I saw you. Is that a crime?”
“It’s been six months. If you ask me, not that long.” He poured the champagne on the goblet and stirred it gently with his index finger, licking it after he was done.
“Oh dear brother, you are as cold as always. If you ask me, you need to loosen up. If you keep acting that way, it would be hard for you to obtain a bride. You know father’s expectations,”
“So the old man told you?”
Evangeline nodded. “I do not blame him, in this age; you should be settling down and trying to find a wife to marry. Not gamble and bet on cock fights.”
Richard laughed. “You know me really well dear sister.”
“Of course,” she nodded yet again. “I am your older sister of course. I know everything about you,”
I doubt it, he wanted to say but remained silent.
“Don’t try and change the subject Rick,” she smiled looking at him. “I am serious about you finding a wife.” She took out an envelope and showed it to him, holding it up. “I take it you have been invited also to the Chase Estate, masquerade ball.”
Chase, the name of the maiden that declared her love to him. Yes, he was invited. He has the envelope to prove it also.
Seeing the envelope on the dining table, she smiled. “Good. Now I want you to go to that ball and find yourself a wife. It is rather exciting, everyone will be in masks. The people you meet are a mystery. Who knows, maybe you will find someone there who you actually will like,”
“Sorry Evangeline but I can’t make it. I have something to do that day,”
“No you don’t.” she said simply smiling. “You can make excuses but you still are going. I might have not only bullied your workers to letting me come in.”
He raised a brow, and his grin widened. “Who was it that told you my plans for that day?”
“None of your business, and from whomever I have heard it, you don’t have anything to do that day.”
He shrugged. “So? I am not going,” he declared.
“Oh yes you are little brother,” she smiled resting her hand on her cheek looking straight at him. “Because of you don’t, then I will be forced to tell father.”
“I don’t care Evangeline,”
“Oh I think you do once you hear this. Do you remember the villa father had brought in Scotland?”
Richard raised a brow and tried to read his devious older sister. But no, he didn’t get anything out of her.
So he just nodded. “What of it?”
“He remembered that you cherish it dearly when you were young. So he decided that he would let you have it for free. No payment included.”
His jaw tightened. She was right. He did cherish it dearly when he was a child. That was the place where he can be alone for a long time and nobody would bother him about the weather, life, or his brother. That was his sanctuary. And now his father decided to give it to him for free?
A puzzle clicked into place in his mind. So that’s it. If he doesn’t go to that damn masquerade ball then he’ll sell it to another person? As if he’d care.
“I don’t care Evangeline,” he repeated yet again.
“I think you would. You see, he doesn’t need it anymore. So it doesn’t matter to him if you accept it or not. If you don’t, he’ll give it to me. And do you want to know what I’ll do with it?”
“What sister?”
“I would destroy it and build a nunnery school academy,”
His eye brow twitched. “You will destroy that villa and build a nunnery school in place? Are you mad Evangeline?”
“Oh brother, I could care less. I always wanted to own a school. Especially a nunnery school,”
Then with a heavy sigh, he stood up and made his way on the window, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms. “Alright fine. I will go to this stupid masquerade ball.”
Her eyes brightened and smiled. “I knew you would have my way brother,” she took the envelope from the table and handed it to him.
“You haven’t opened it. Here, see what it says.”
Richard looked at her and took it, bending down to get his pocket knife off of his boots. Quickly, he slashed it to the opening, putting it back in his boots again. His sister raised a brow.
“For emergencies,”
“By carrying a pocket knife? Come on Richard.”
“They don’t call me the worst man in England for nothing Evangeline,”
“Speaking of worst man, I had seen a carriage here earlier. Mind telling me what that was about?”
He looked up at the invitation. “What the hell is this?”
“It’s an invitation from the Chase Estate,” she inclined her head. “Did I not tell you that before?”
“I know that Evangeline,” He ran a hand through his hair, tugging it fiercely. What the hell is the meaning of this? This woman just told him that she has feelings for him, now this said she’s getting married?
What is the meaning of this?
“Explain this to me Evangeline,” He handed her the invitation and she took it raising a brow. “Alright, well it says that there’s going to be a masquerade ball in the Chase Estate, as I said before brother, they seem to be holding it for their daughter who is engaged.
It’s more like a party, except that this one is much more mysterious. It’s eccentric. After all, you do not see couples hold masquerade balls when they are engaged.” She looked up at her brother.
“Don’t you agree?”
“Yes,” he mumbled looking outside. “Very eccentric,”
Was this Chase woman toying with him? She came up to his estate and told him that she loves him. And all of a sudden she gets engaged?
What game is she playing?
“Richard?” she asked raising a brow. “You are going to the ball tomorrow right?”
He looked up at her and grinned, then switched his gaze to where the carriage used to be.
“Yes Evangeline, I am going to the ball. I have need to speak to someone there,”
“Speak to someone?”
“Yes, a business I need to take care of,”
“Well alright,” she mumbled reaching up to kiss him on the cheek. “But please don’t do anything reckless. This is a ball and every single member of the ton is invited. I am rather surprised they decided to invite the O’Conner family. But very well, I must take my leave. I have children to feed, husband to take care of.”
Richard smiled and bowed, lifting up her hand to kiss her on the middle knuckle. “I will see you tomorrow sister, along with your husband I presume?”
“Yes, Robert is coming as well. He is a very good friend to Ms. Chase’s future husband.”
He cringed. “Of course,”
“Goodbye brother. I will see you tomorrow,”
“Yes, I will see you.” He called after Evangeline left the mansion. He looked out the window and down the carriage as she got on.
“And I will see you Lady Chase tomorrow as well. Be prepared, for you will encounter England’s worst eligible bachelor.”
He raised his goblet up and swallowed the red liquid of the night. For tomorrow the wine won’t be the only thing that will keep him company.

Chapter 4

Loretta took a deep breath and looked at her full length mirror. Her white satin gown neatly sprayed out all over her body, fitting her perfect waist and breasts. She took a deep breath and grasped the necklace that was around her neck.
Already, carriages filled the front estate, coming and going and she guesses that she won’t see the end of the carriages really soon.
“You ready mistress?” said a voice coming from the doorway.
It was her personal maid, Wilhelmina. Her long red hair tied on a long pony tail, her dress is a worn out color of brown.
Loretta smiled and motioned for her to come in. “Close the door behind you,”
She nodded and stepped in the room, heading over to Loretta. “What is it you want mistress?”
“Take off your dress. I’m going to play godmother.”
Wilhelmina’s eyes widened slightly. “No mistress, my job is to tend to your needs not attending masquerade balls.”
“That is my need,” she said simply taking out a gown from the closet its golden color is perfect for her skin texture. “Perfect,” she smiled handing it to her. “I’ll be waiting outside of the doorway. The mask is over there by the desk mirror.”
“But mistress-.”
“You are eight and one. At this time you should have someone to care about. I don’t want you living this life forever. With your beauty surely you can find an honorable man who will love you even if you are not a member of the ton,” Loretta said softly smiling. “I do not want you having the same fate I have.”
Wilhelmina nodded but said nothing, staring at the gown. “It is beautiful mistress. I thank you for everything you have done for me,”
“You are welcome,” she replied smiling. “My comb is also next to the desk mirror and also the beauty products. Feel free to use either one of them. We do not want mother and father finding out that you are in the ball,” Loretta winked and closed the door behind her.
She wasn’t stupid. She knew that Wilhelmina wanted to go to the ball. She caught her dancing in the ballroom while cleaning the floors for tonight. Inhaling a breath, she pulled the golden mask on, only covering the upper part of her face, its golden laced trimmings around the mask.
After a couple of minutes, the door finally opened. She blinked as a new woman stepped outside. “What do you think mistress?”
Her red hair tied up into a neat bun, but some ringlets escaped her hair, making her look like a proper lady. A lady any men would want. Her slim curves stood out by her narrow hip, her lips the color of peaches, showing perfectly straight and white teeth. She was right; the golden and black dress did fit her.
Her skin complexion made her look dashing. She was beautiful.
How can a child like her end up as a maid? Surely, there has to be an explanation.
Loretta smiled. “Stunning, lord you out did me with the curves.”
She smiled her face seeming to turn red. “Thank you mistress, but you do look beautiful yourself,”
“Please, call me Loretta for tonight. We do not want some people mistaking that you are my maid. Please attend this ball and do not worry about me. I know you had never been to a ball with the actual dress. That is why I lend it to you. You can keep it. Where’s your mask?”
“Right,” her mask was the color of velvet red, golden trimmings circled around the edges. “And no, I cannot keep the dress. It is yours I cannot possibly keep it.”
“No, it’s alright. Please I insist, I can just order new ones.”
“Are you sure?” she asked smiling kindly at her.
“Yes, I am sure. Come on,”
Loretta’s heart felt like it’s been beaten by the drum. “God, I can’t do this.” She whispered stopping by the entrance door. It’s great height standing fifty feet in the air. “I can’t do this,”
“Mad- I mean Lady Loretta? Are you alright?” Wilhelmina gave her a concerned look.
“Yes, I’m fine. No need to worry about me,” she whispered smiling. “It’s just I don’t like masquerade balls that are based on me or Lord Frinchester,”
“You don’t want to marry his highness?”
Urgently, Loretta looked up at her and shook her head. “Uh no, that’s…that’s not it. I do want to marry him. It’s just that I do not want mother and father to tell Society that I will be married yet,”
“Lady Loretta,” she smiled taking her hand to hers. “I have five sister and three brothers. You can say that I am good at detecting lies. I know it’s none of my business but is it okay just to lie like that? Do you really want an arranged marriage?”
She sighed and looked at her giving her a sad smile. The place where she can be herself is at the club. For once, she wants to tell someone the truth. To stop pretending for a while. And additionally, Wilhelmina is a good friend. Loretta inhaled a breath and looked at her. “No, I don’t want to get married,” she whispered. “Especially not to him, I don’t ever want to get married to him.”
Wilhelmina smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. “Then tell them mistress. Tell your parents, let them understand,”
She shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. I don’t want to disappoint them. I can’t. If this marriage is what they want from me then I will accept it.”
“Even if it doesn’t make you happy?”
Painfully, she nodded. “I don’t believe in true love. I don’t believe in love’s first sight either.”
“But that doesn’t mean you should marry. That doesn’t mean that you should actually let your happiness slip away,”
“I can’t. I’m sorry,”
Wilhelmina sighed. “Well alright. I do understand you in a way. Now come on, they are waiting for you,”
“Go ahead, I’ll follow. I forgot something in my room.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
She doesn’t want to get in the way of her finding somebody to love. So she decided she would sneak at the back of the house. Where even the guests don’t come in.
“Well alright, I guess I will see you later mistr- I mean Ms. Chase,”
Loretta smiled and patted her on the shoulder. “I would want to hear everything later.”
She nodded and bowed going in the ballroom with the mask on.
Quickly, she picked up her skirts and slipped right out of the long, wide hallway and to the back door.

Richard entered the ballroom and cringed. He hates the Society, specially the Public.
At least the mask helped the tension in the room.
His black suit, fitted perfectly against his broad chest and long arms.
His mask was white as the snow falling outside; golden trimmings surrounded the edges making him look more mysterious than ever.
At least with the mask on, nobody can recognize him and gossips won’t be spread around the ton on why he is doing here and for what person.
He strode over to the table were desserts and wines are sprayed out.
Nodding at the few women who smiled at him, he picked up a goblet and slowly raised it to his lips to taste the delicious wine.
“Not bad,” he muttered, swirling it gently as his gaze transferred to the maiden who entered the back door of the ballroom. Somehow this woman was oddly familiar, her brown hair curled up in the back of her head, loose curls fell on her face making her look like a beautiful goddess, lips the color of the wine he was drinking.
He couldn’t see her face yet something in him knew that woman.
Her white satin gown filled with fallen snow.
No, he thought tearing his gaze away from this maiden. He came here to simply talk to that damned woman. The one who this ball is for.
Where is she?
He looked around. The damned place was filled with every member of the ton, each and every one of them wearing masks.
How was he supposed to find the woman with all of these people?
This is madness.
The next thing he knew every gentleman were lined up on the left side of the room and the women on the right.
Not now, he thought furiously but before he could move to the doorway, the orchestra started and his body moved forward holding up his hand to the woman he was facing with, the same woman who had the white satin dress, and who had entered earlier on the back of the room.
The woman hesitated but seeing that she doesn’t have a choice, she took it. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her other hand in his own, then glided through the dance floor, twirling, and spinning.
He looked down at her; yes there was something familiar about her.
Something that he can’t put his thoughts on.

Loretta looked up at this masked man. His suit made this man dashing. No, really handsome.
As they glided across the room, eyes landed on the pair. Whispers began.
Oh no, she thought looking around to find Lord Frinchester.
A figure stood out of the crowd, a thin man with a mask. He was wearing a dark brown suit, his mask hid his whole face but she knew who that is.
Lord Frinchester.
She inhaled a breath, and then looked around the find the rogue. No, he’s not here anywhere.
Maybe he had something else to do than enter a silly old ball? She smiled.
Good, at least Richard O’Conner won’t be able to embarrass her in front of the Ton tonight.
“I’m sorry about this,” she whispered looking around as he spun her. “I must be bothering you.”
“Yes, you are.” He said coldly, though smiling. “Tell me, what is a beautiful maiden like you doing out here without an escort?”
She blushed and smiled. “I am trying to avoid someone, well actually two someone’s,”
“Well can I ask who are you trying to avoid? Maybe I can keep an eye out for them,” he whispered in her ear making her shiver.
A familiar feeling rose again in her stomach. This feeling… the feeling she felt when she was in the O’Conner Estate, came rushing in her again.
Her green eyes looked up to his. “Who are you?”
He grinned and stopped dancing as the music stopped as well. “My identity is better kept a secret,”
“Why do you say that?” she whispered leaning closer to him.
“Because it is a masquerade ball, everything is better kept secret in a masquerade ball,”
“I see,” she muttered looking down.
He looked around, his eyes scanning the room. “Where is she?” he muttered looking at the entrance door as more people kept coming in.
“May I ask who are you looking for my lord? Maybe I can be of assistance,”
He smiled and looked down at her. “I am looking for the main host of this ball.”
“And who is this host? There are several,”
“Then I am looking for one of those several,”
“You are secretive aren’t you?”
He bowed and took her hand, placing a kiss on its place. “Yes, I am. I am sorry Madame but I’m afraid I must take my leave, maybe in the future, we can meet again,”
Loretta bowed and smiled. “Yes maybe in the future,” she watched him disappear in the crowd. Now he was an ideal man she would want to marry.
A kind and caring gentleman.
Except the secret part. No, if she’s getting married to a man then there will be no secrets between them. She sighed.
That is the problem, no man is perfect. Somehow, there will be a secret between them.
Another reason why she doesn’t believe in true love. Because there is no such thing.
“Excuse me,” said a voice behind her. She froze.
Oh no, it’s Lord Frinchester. She thought she was going to get away from him but eventually, that was a mistake.
Slowly, she turned around and smiled.
“I am looking for my fiancé; she’s wearing a white beautiful satin dress and the beautiful sapphire necklace I gave her.”
Yes, the necklace you gave me for a wedding present, she thought then gave out a sigh.
“Lord Frinchester,” she smiled as she eyed his suit. It’s the same color as everyone else’s though it looked ridiculously large against his skinny features. “I didn’t expect you here,”
“Future wife, of course I would be here, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Sure you won’t, she thought but smiled. “Of course,”
“Would you like to dance?” he held out a hand.
Loretta hesitated and smiled. “Of-,”
She turned to the side and smiled. It was Vivian.
“Excuse me,” she bowed but before he can say anything, she was off.
“Looks like you needed saving there,” Vivian smiled, her red gown filled with red jewels, her hair tied up into a bun, some curled out in front of her.
Beside her was a man, Loretta blinked and smiled. “And you must be Lord Richmond,” she bowed. “Pleasure to meet you,”
The handsome gentleman chuckled and smiled. “Please the pleasure is mine,”
Vivian blushed and leaned against him, her arm hooking around his.
“Well anyway, thank you for the save. Please have a great time,”
She smiled. “We will. Good luck.”
Loretta bowed. “Thank you. I’ll need it,”
She slipped right in the crowd so Lord Frinchester won’t be able to see her. He is the last person she would want to see again. More importantly, if he’s here then the Earl of Kent must be here as well.
She stopped. Who was she kidding? There’s no way the rogue would actually come here. Unless of course he wanted to embarrass her. But no, because if he does, then he would he here right now which he isn’t.
Loretta glanced around. There were a lot of men in masks. How was he going to find him? No, it is impossible to find him in this crowd. Without noticing, she bumped onto a gentleman in front of her, she closed her eyes as the world seemed to stop.
Oh no, she would be embarrassed for sure, falling on her butt in front of these people.
Especially of the ton, god she was so clumsy.
She held in a breath as she fell backward…then stopped.
“You should indeed watch where you are going Madame, or you might slip and fall. We wouldn’t want to damage your reputation now would we?”
That familiar voice again. She opened her eyes to see beautiful blue-green eyes staring down at her, his smile breathtaking.
“No,” she said breathless. “We wouldn’t,”
His arm was securely around her waist his face inches from hers. Without thinking, she leaned forward her lips meeting his.
His eyes widened but kept open as he moved his lips, witnessing every expression she makes. He held her up, to where she was standing on both of her feet, though never breaking the kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tip toes. He backed himself and quickly slipped out of the nearest door. He pulled away and looked down at her. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Loretta looked up at his eyes, she rested her hand down at his broad chest. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just that nobody had done that to me before and I wanted to pay you back with a kiss. So thank you,”
He looked down at her, suddenly the scent of apples entered his nostrils. A scent that was oddly familiar. It was almost too familiar. “I would like to know the name of the woman I have saved from humiliation,”
Loretta looked up at him and smiled. Maybe it is better for this gentleman to know her name. After all it can’t hurt, he was kind and caring person. And additionally, he was her life saver. If she should have fallen in that ballroom, laughter should’ve surrounded the hall by now. She would be the laughing stock of the Season.
And no man would want to marry her.
What’s the harm of telling her name to him? She only looked out for one person and that is the Earl of Kent. Surely this man couldn’t be the Earl of Kent because if he is then he wouldn’t have saved her.
“My name is Natasha Seinfeld,” she smiled awkwardly. Okay that isn’t really her real name but when she finally decided to tell him her name, she can’t say it. Somehow deep inside her, she knew this would be a bad idea.
She wanted to say her real name to tell him this was wrong, that that name is fake but her mouth and tongue refused to fashion the word.
“Natasha Seinfeld,” he repeated.
She wasn’t sure she had imagined it but he sounded like he was disappointed. Disappointed how though? “Excuse me, but you seemed to be looking for someone. Please tell me who you are looking for so I can help you. At least that would be another gratitude I can repay you,”
“Loretta Chase,” he muttered looking down at her eyes, which slightly widened.
He was looking for me? She thought. Why? “What do you want with Lady Loretta?”
The handsome man smiled down at her. “That is for me to know and you don’t,”
“But you see… I need to know. Because I’m her cousin, and I know exactly where she is,”
Okay, this isn’t exactly what she’s planning but she’s just making things up as far as it goes. Again, something not wanted to say to her life saver. Speaking of, who is he?
“Now it’s my turn, I would like to know the name of the person who saved my life,”
“Since in you insist,” he hesitated then pulled away looking through the massive hallway. “Do you really want to know? Because I promise you if you do, then it’ll be too late for you to forget about it,”
Is it really that bad? She thought but remained silent. “Who are you?”
“Alright,” he ran a hand through dark hair. His eyes shining in the dark. “That is none of your business. My name remains a secret. For now,” he raised up her hand to take it in his lips but she pulled away.
“I’m sorry- I-I have to go.” She whispered looking up at him pushing him away from her, raising up her skirts, and dashing off onto the hallway.

Chapter 5

Richard watched her retrieving figure. Something was odd about that woman.
First she tells that she’s Loretta Chase’s cousin?
“Strange,” he muttered looking back at her small figure disappearing in the hallway one last time, and then turned around to leave.
Straightening his overcoat and mask, he entered the crowded ballroom again. Every part of the room is filled with grouped members of the ton. Each one of them gossiping about each other.
After a couple of minutes, he made his way to the long table. Quickly, he took a goblet off of the tray and gulped the wine down.
Even beside him, the gentlemen were talking away about some random murders in the city, but quickly changed into something he was interested in.
“Haven’t you heard?” the man closest to him said. “Rumors has it that the Earl of Kent has arrived. Do any of you know see him?”
Richard kept his back to them though changed his position, leaning against the wall, looking at the crowd while he take another sip of wine.
Every gentlemen in this room had masks on. Each of the designs different.
He sighed and looked at the couples who were dancing, on the far corner of his eyes, he saw the king and queen of England.
William is a smart man, really knows his politics. Just like Michael.
Richard ignored the thought and continued to look at them. He and his wife look like they are having the time of their life.
Happy. They all look happy him, his wife, and his daughter.
I wonder what I would be like to have a life like that. He thought.
To have a family, to have a daughter or son, to have a wife who would kiss him in the morning, when he comes home from his morning ride. To have a wife he would make love with all night.
He isn’t a machine who wouldn’t think these thoughts.
Even sometimes a rogue wonders.
But wondering wouldn’t get him anywhere.
Maybe he can take advantage of this masquerade ball.
Nobody knows who he really is with the mask, so maybe he can change his personality, for once he would stop being a rogue.
He placed the now empty goblet on the table and stepped toward the mass of crowd. Then stopped.
“Yes,” the group of lovely young ladies fans themselves, their curls falling from the pins. “I know precisely where Loretta Chase is. I know for a fact that Lord Frinchester isn’t here either. I saw her earlier, her mask was off so I was able to identify her. It was indeed Ms. Chase. I assumed she wanted to talk so I had stayed. Then Lord Frinchester appeared and told me to leave them be. I have a feeling those two are madly in love with each other,” they giggled.
He balled his fists, he clenched them so hard his knuckles turned white. So that’s where she was, that slut woman moving on to another man who are apparently interested. Richard had rejected her and now she’s moved on to another target?
Devious woman indeed.
“So you came,” a voice said behind him.
Richard looked back and groaned. “I do not know what you are talking about miss,” he said smiling at his older sister.
“Don’t play dumb with me Richard, I’m not stupid. I know that when you stand up you always have that handsome feature,”
She wanted to say that he looks just like Michael, he’s not stupid. But he appreciates that she doesn’t compare him to Michael. “Thank you,”
He gave her a smile, and this time a real smile. Something that he doesn’t show around people.
Even behind the mask, he can tell her eyes widened and smiled back. “For what?”
“Not comparing me,”
“Never,” she nudged him on the shoulder and stepped next to him. “So have you found anyone yet?”
Her pale blonde hair, was in short curls gently masking her face while the rest of her hair was tied up in a tight bun.
Evangeline’s feature wasn’t like any women. Her beauty was natural. She doesn’t put powder, or lip stick, none of what most women use. She wears her beauty with pride and confidence. He chuckled and reverted his gaze back on the crowd again.
Robert was a lucky man that bastard.
“No, all of these women bore me,” he scanned the room.
“It seems you have your eyes set on someone already brother. Who is she?”
Richard grinned. “It’s one of the hosts,”
Evangeline looked up at him. “Brother, every single hosts of this masquerade ball are already married. Of course there’s Loretta Chase but-,” she stopped and looked up, her eyes leveling his. “Oh brother, please don’t be ridiculous, you can’t.”
“They don’t call me a rogue for nothing Evangeline,”
“But she’s getting married Richard. Even you can’t possibly ruin her reputation. You know what that will do to her. It will ruin her,”
“Why do I care about her well-being? You know as well as I do I only care about myself,” Well that isn’t true. He cares about other people. Hell, he even cares about the starving children outside of the snow right now. That is why once a year, he donates a great amount of money to the orphanage, anonymous of course. He doesn’t want people knowing what he has been doing on his free time.
“That is a lie and we both know it. Don’t forget Richard, I am your older sister. I’ve remembered when you were a boy when you couldn’t even hurt a bug or possibly kill it because you treasure their life so much,”
He sighed. “People change Evangeline. You should know that,”
“They do. But they do not change into a cold-hearted person,”
“That’s just what I am,” he shrugged and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“I doubt it indeed,” she mumbled and her gaze landed on a man. Their masks matched.
He looked over at Evangeline and smiled, making his way by her side, wrapping an arm around her waist, kissing her on the lips. “I have been looking anywhere for you,”
“I as well, how is your night in the evening ball honey?”
“It was like hell without you,”
She smiled and wrapped her hands around his neck. “I am here, never fear,”
Richard fought the smile that was beginning to form his lips. They were the perfect couple.
A sudden unwanted feeling rose in his stomach.
Wife. Yes, he needs a wife.
And he will find one.
Richard placed the empty goblet on the tray and slowly made his way out of the room and into the massive hallway. He needs to talk to this damn woman. He wants and explanation.
Then after the explanation, he doesn’t care if it’s her reputation that’s ruined, he will have her.
No matter who gets hurt, there must be some explanation on why she had confessed her love to him. Even if that love wasn’t real, why would she do it?
What could she have gained from it?
Pure entertainment, he thought grinning. This…woman is after amusement? Well then she will get one.
She had made a bad mistake of viewing him as an amusement.
You’ll regret that Madam Loretta, you will regret that you even stepped foot in my home and in my life. You want entertainment? I will give you one.

Loretta looked up at Lord Frinchester, he is the last person she wants to see right now. But as she glanced around the long and wide garden filled with flowers that is popular to the ton, each rows different varieties, she knows that nobody here can her hear pleas, nobody can hear a syllable.
She gulped down the lump that formed in her throat.
“What is it, my lord?” She turned away from him and examined the garden; it is a good thing that it is wide enough to run freely in. Plant bushes stood up in the air, eight to nine foot tall, each one of them beautifully trimmed and cut from time to time. Loretta knew the garden pretty well so there is likely a chance she could escape this man whenever he tries anything.
Please don’t let him try anything.
“Why? Because I want to get a chance to know my future wife that’s all,” he remained by his spot, never moving an inch.
“Oh really? Well that is nice to hear Lord Frinchester,” she sighed and looked up at him. This won’t work. All of this…this preposterous games. Who was she trying to fool? As much as does not want to, she has to. Then a thought had occurred in her head.
She has to marry.
Loretta smiled and looked up at him. “I’m sorry John, but I am afraid I cannot marry you,”
Frinchester looked at her as if she’d gone mad. “I beg your pardon?”
“I said I cannot marry you,”
She must have hit a nerve for the next thing she knew, his face was the color of her own natural red lips. She had heard of his face turning like this, only when he was furious.
Loretta winced and looked around. He is about to erupt. Something she doesn’t want people to witness. Rumors has it that Frinchester, even though he is at an age, still has a bad temper. In the past Joanna’s old friend, who was one of the women married to him, had suddenly appeared in the front steps of the Chase Estate, asking for help. Her face was bloody and bruised. She had said that she was going to leave him because of his age. It seemed he didn’t take it too well. Though now, he admitted he had changed. That he wasn’t the same man he was back then. Even now she wonders what her parents were thinking letting her marry an abusive mind. Of course she had asked the questions herself if it was either they were needed of money or some sort of deal only Frinchester can give them. But they had said no.
They claimed that everything was splendid. And now this is how she got herself in this situation. What would have happened if she had stood up to her parents?
Certainly not in this position, probably she would be in France right now or with her Aunt Stacie.
His eyes widened with fury and took her by the hair, pulling her farther into the garden. She startled a scream as the pain inflicted her head but his hand on her mouth prevented her from fashioning the words. “Listen here you infinite brat,” he hissed shoving her onto the tree, the bark digging through her dress and onto her bare skin. She stifled a cry, struggling to break free from his grasps, but his legs pinned her in place. “You cannot possibly deny me; you would be a fool to,”
Somehow, in the midst of struggling, she can still talk. “No, that is where you are wrong. I did not want to marry you in the beginning. You would be the last person I would marry. You are at age!”
Frinchester was beyond furious; he swung back a hand and brought it forward.
She closed her eyes and held her head high, if she is going to get hurt, then she will get hurt with dignity.
“Indeed I trust that your mother or father did not teach you to mind your manners?” A man came behind Frinchester, his calm deadly voice echoing in her ear. Loretta’s eyes widened as she realized that it was the same man who had saved her in the ballroom. Her body trembled, heart beating fast, breathing uneven. This is not the time to get on a nervous breakdown, she thought clasping her trembling hands together. The mysterious masked man’s strong hand wrapped around firmly on Frinchester’s stopping him in mid-air.
“Get out of here,” Frinchester hissed, turning around to face him. “This is not your business,”
“It became my business because I made it mine. I cannot simply allow you to hit a proper elegant lady. From what I had observed, she has done nothing wrong. Though,” his grip tightened around Frinchester’s wrist, making him enough to wince and drop to the ground, his other hand trying to support the wrist that was under the mysterious man’s hand. “I do think that when I have a chance to tell this encounter to Lord and Lady Chase, they would be most disappointed that you of all men would hit their daughter. If I did hear correctly, you would even hit your own flesh and blood just to get rid of that temper of yours,”
She let the tree support her, wrapping both of her hands around its trunk as fascinatedly watched the two gentlemen. It is rather funny, the more she meets this man the more she is drawn to him. Who is he? Why is every time she had caught sight of him, she was always in some sort of peril?
Why is he the one who always come to her rescue?
That is a question she wants to seek the answer to.
“You have no proof,” Frinchester squirmed, though he was smiling.
“Her confession is enough, along with my witness,” he replied coldly.
“Like the woman’s parents would care. They don’t give a damn about her. All they care about is finding someone to take their daughter away so they can make room for more,” he looked over at Loretta, smiling. “Yes that is right girl. Your parents want you gone so they can create their own family. Not someone who was picked up in the streets,”
She stiffened a cry and dug her nails in the tree trunk. Yes, he was indeed right. She was picked up in the streets when she was a child. The Chase family happily welcomed her in their home. Of all the reasons, this is the one that she dreaded the most.
Her family wanted her gone because they want to have a family of their own blood. They don’t want a child who was abandoned in the streets.
“By the position you are in you scum I suggest you do not say anything,” the man said, tightening his grip which only made Frinchester scream.
“Let go of me, you insolent whelp. I am the Earl of Frinchester, you have no right to keep me in this position,”
“Look who’s talking you old, good for nothing sick man. I am not the one who tried to hit a lady. Give me a reason why I shouldn’t kill you here and now,”
“Kill me?” Frinchester let out a laugh which only echoed through the night sky. “You are crazy young boy. Show respect to your elders. Your mother should have taught you better,”
“Considering you tried to hit a woman, I should say that to you. I don’t give a damn who you are,”
Finally after a couple of breaths, Loretta finally found her voice. “Let go of him,” she said firmly, voice never wavering. Completely opposite of what she is really feeling inside. From truth, she feels hurt and betrayed. Hurt that her family wanted her gone and betrayed that she had to here this from Frinchester.
The masked man looked at her, his eyes blue-green eyes glowing in the darkness making her stomach quench. “I beg your pardon?”
She let out a breath and with all her strength, lifted herself off the tree thankful that her white satin gown had covered her trembling legs, though not from the cold. “I had said, please let go of him. This is not his doing, I was the one to blame. I had said some things that angered him. I should be the one to admit,”
“You don’t have to tell me anything woman. I was here the entire time,” he looked at Frinchester his expression unreadable through the mask.
Somehow, that accusation made her heart rise. Did he hear everything? She felt her face turn red, thankful that the mask was the barrier to hide it. “You were here, so you must have heard that I was the one who had started this whole mess. Now please, let go.”
He didn’t argue any further and did as he was told.
Frinchester let out a content sigh and cradled his wrist. From the looks of it, it was broken. How can one man be able to break one’s wrist? He was strong and much more powerful than Frinchester. “There, get out of here before I take a gun and shoot it between your eyes,”
“Is that a threat?” Frinchester grinned and stood up. “I can tell the ton about this. Who are you I demand your name,”
“My name?” the masked man chuckled putting his hands behind his back. “Well once you know of my identity, I am afraid it will be forever imbedded in your mind, and you will regret that you had ever encountered me,”
“You will pay for this, whoever you are. I will make you sorry,”
The masked man took Loretta’s hand and pulled her along, she didn’t say a word deciding to let him guide her. Normally, she would object but right now, her mind was nowhere in sight. It was all jumbled up together, trying to find a way to figure out what will happen to her.
Only when they stopped, she was able to process where they were at. They weren’t inside the mansion but were still outside the garden. “I thought we would go back in?” she whispered, feeling the urge to run back in her room and cry, Cry all night, without stopping.
“Chances are,” he leaned against the tree, his arms crossed. “He would probably be in there, creating a lie about what had happened to you and him to dismiss the facts of what had happened, to make it seem that I was somehow the one who had done something wrong,”
“Then why can’t we go in there and tell everybody what had really happened?”
He shook his head. “No, both of us in there telling the same story would likely prove that what he would say was the truth,”
“I do not think I understand,”
“Of course you don’t,” he said a matter-of-factly. “The both of us telling the same scenario would mean that something did happen between you and me that can result of what had happened. It would present me as the enemy. Not him,”
“So you are saying that he can create lies that would present you as the bad person in all of this?”
A silence followed. Actually, the fact is that she doesn’t know what to say. He had said that he was in the garden the entire time. So does that mean he was spying on them? No, if he was then he would never have interfered like that. People who spy, no matter what happens, don’t usually interrupt. Even if that person gets murdered.
Somehow, he knew that he will win. He knew that he would have more power against Frinchester. Without thinking, she leaned against the tree, to the opposite side of him, looking up at the dark sky. “What were you doing in the garden?”
“I was merely strolling around the garden when I had caught sight of you two. The inside ballroom was getting a little crowded for me to walk around, freely in,”
“So you weren’t spying on us?”
He let out a laugh, a laugh that was all too familiar. “I have no reason to spy on you two,”
Thank goodness it was dark enough so that he won’t recognize that she was the woman in the ballroom who almost slipped and fell. And that she was the woman who claimed to be Loretta Chase’s cousin.
“Who are you?” she whispered looking up at him.
“Someone you do not need to know,” he replied looking up at the sky.
Loretta glared over at him, though she knew that he can’t see it. “I was just asking,” she reasoned looking at the ground, kicking a pile of snow.
She bit back her lip as the threat of tears prepared to escape her eyes. Her family doesn’t want her anymore. It is understandable, but just hard to believe.
The secret hasn’t been known only to her father, mother, Frinchester, Loretta and now this masked stranger. “You know,” she whispered. “The only reason why I agreed to do everything mother and father said, is because I wanted for them to see me as their real daughter. To be able to look me in the eye and say that I am their family. I wanted them to accept me for who I am. Not some child left in the streets,”
Finally, at the last word she let the tears escape, though even with the mask, she can still see him. He can’t see her though, can’t see her crying, can’t see her sorrow and pain. Loretta bit her lip so she won’t make a noise…just let the tears come.
Before she knew it, the man came toward her. Her eyes widened as he reached for the mask. She closed her eyes, not wanting to argue or fight. For once, she wants someone to see her for who she is. For someone who doesn’t want to control her, to tell her what to do.

Richard lifted it off her face, placing it on top of her head. “Stop your crying,” he said softly, taking her into his arms. He can understand what she is going through. Because once, he was in her place. He wanted to impress his family so that he can be better than Michael. It didn’t work. Every time, Michael is always better.
But at least his family loved him. Even though he can’t do anything that is better, his family supported him.
She on the other hand had no one.
“Crying will not do you any good,” he whispered in her ear. “But it helps ease the pain,” he argued back burying her face in his shoulder. God, her scent filled his nose yet again, the smell of fresh apples in the winter spring.
Her shoulders trembled as cried.
“Do not believe of what that old, ignorant man had said. He does not know what he is saying,”
Through tears, she mumbled in his shoulder. “No, he is indeed right. He is right about everything. My parents does not love me because I came from the streets. They want me away because they want their own family,”
Richard didn’t intended to interrupt their little conversation earlier. He didn’t know what happened. When he saw that old bastard raised his hands to hit her, his body just moved. He wanted to kill that bastard. He couldn’t even hold himself back when he pulled her by the hair.
“Thank you,” she whispered looking up at him. “For saving me, twice now.”
“Twice?” he looked down at her green eyes, it was so vivid and clear.
“Yes, I am the same woman who you had saved in the ballroom. I tripped and you saved me,”
No wonder why she looked familiar. And yet she created an alias to disguise herself. It is called for. After all, it is a masquerade ball.
“I see,” he murmured in her ear. “So what happens now, surely you have to face your parents sooner or later,”
She nodded and hiccupped. “I know,” she whispered. “I guess I am free to do whatever I want,”
Richard raised a brow. “Which is?”
“This,” she raised through her tip toes and placed a kiss on his lips.
He didn’t move as he watched her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and forced his head to tilt down. Her lips pressed against his, demanding for him to cooperate. Damn, her lips tasted like Chiffori Cake that was being served. Without meaning to, his mouth opened accepting her invitation.
His tongue entered her lips, tracing every curve and every section. He smiled as he heard her gasp. He knew she didn’t want to go this far, she only wanted to kiss him. Though, he remembered her confessing to him, her feelings that were false. Richard understand perfectly why she had did it, but one thing she had made a mistake on is that she had picked the wrong man to confess to. He will give her something to confess to.
He’ll make her say those words, but this time with meaning.

Loretta placed both of her palms on his chest, balling her fists on his shirt. Never had she felt such warmth and excitement. Well, maybe except the time when she was in the O’Conner Estate but that doesn’t matter. This man isn’t that rogue.
Her legs startled to buckle beneath her.
He lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, stepping forward toward the tree. The tree dug in her flesh but she didn't care, she ran her hands through his hair. The locks fell when she combed her finger in it. It was soft and silky. Completely opposite from the way it looked in the ballroom when they danced.
Just when she thought she was going to pass out from not breathing, he pulled away. Both of their breathing uneven and rigid.
“What is wrong?” she whispered, legs still around his waist.
“What are you doing?” There was something in his voice that sounded he was in pain. Was she hurting him?
“I am kissing you,” she replied in a soft voice.
“I see that you are,”
“What is wrong?”
“Are you willing? You do not even know me,” he whispered looking down at her with that beautiful eyes of his.
Her cheeks flushed but held her ground. She perfectly knows what he’s talking about. Loretta isn’t confused or even unwilling. She did that because hell, she’d wanted to do that ever since she entered the ball when she had caught sight of him.
“Yes, and I don’t care. Can we just have one night together without knowing each other?” she whispered, pulling him closer till her chest was pressed against his. Oh was he tall, way taller than she.
I know you, he wanted to say but crushed his mouth against hers, tongues circling, exploring. She gasped again when he pulled away only to taste her skin. His lips traced the collar of her neck on the left side, then switched to the right. She held his head, closing her eyes feeling her stomach tighten with need. Her legs were in pain, blood from her veins circulated off. She winced and had to let go, dropping to the ground but he kept on tasting her skin holding her close.
His mouth moved to the hollow of her breasts she moaned and tightened her grip on his shoulder while he began to unlace the white satin gown.
His breath uneven and rigid as well, the need to feel her skin under his hand surged through him like the ocean meeting the land.
Frustrated, he took the fabric in his hands and began to tear it. She moaned yet again, feeling the cold winter air pierce her skin, making her nipples harden with need. He untied the corset, snatching it open, then dropping it to the ground. He cursed silently, it was too dark to see anything. He cupped her breasts in his hands, gently massaging it.
Loretta moaned, feeling the need to touch him. With shaking hands, she threw off his overcoat, then to his vest, unbuttoning the buttons revealing his muscular chest. Well at least, that was what she assumed when her hand traced his biceps, his flesh warm and hard.
He let out a groan and bended down to take her nipple in his mouth, she forced in a breath and pulled him closer, his tongue traced around the peaks, then put it in between his mouth, biting it gently.
A surge of pain and pleasure vibrated through her body, making her wet with need.
A slight trickle of liquid ran in between her legs. He took her left leg, lifting it up to wrap it around his waist yet again, this time putting her in a comfortable position. He took her other breast in his mouth, tasting, nibbling, while he cupped the other one in his hand.
She can’t take it any longer. She let out a frustrated sigh and fumbled his trouser. Finally, she found his zipper and opened it.
He groaned and moved his hand down the hem of her gown, raising it up to put it on her waist. Her body shivered as cool air pierced her flesh. Loretta felt the urge to lift off the mask, and see this stranger’s handsome face. Her hand came down to his face, grasping the mask, but before she can raise it up, his hand was on her wrist. “No,” he said firmly. “This is a masquerade ball. Everything is a mystery,”
“But you already know my identity,” she whispered, trying to keep her heart from beating rapidly.
“You don’t know mine,” he grinned. “It is better to keep it that way,”
Before she could say anything else, his hand brushed her upper thigh. Loretta hissed in a breath and met his gaze. His eyes were firm, making her wonder what is going on in his mind.
Her hand went back down to his erection. Holding his gaze, she stroked his manhood. A shiver went down her spine when she had heard a low growl in the back of his throat.
She moaned when she felt his hand go through her undergarments, stopping slightly at the center of her core. She leaned her head against the tree, spreading her legs wider.
“You like this?” he whispered in her ear, rubbing then slipping a finger inside, followed by another. He groaned yet again, feeling the tightness of her inside. “What is your age?”
Loretta looked up at him. “Six and twenty,”
“And you never had a man in your bed before?”
She felt her face turn slightly red. “No,”
He nodded and positioned himself on top of her. “Are you sure you want to do this? You do not know me,” he repeated again. Her body trembled with excitement and need. “I may not know you but I know enough, please. Take me,”
Loretta wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
He let out a frustrated moan and slowly pushed in.
She winced, he was big and it wasn’t even halfway. Will he be able to fit?
Richard noticed her slight doubt. “I will fit, just be patient,” he doesn’t know why he’s acting so gentle to this girl. He has taken many women before, rougher and less gentle. He willed his body to be obedient but he still went slowly. Even through the cold, beads of sweat trickled down his forehead; he closed his eyes trying to concentrate.
Loretta struggled, suddenly she couldn’t breathe. It hurts, so much. She trembled from pain. “It hurts, I can’t…it hurts,” She looked up at him, his eyes closed.
“Jesus Loretta, hold still,” his voice sounded like he was in pain, the same as she. “It will get better soon, I promise. Just hold still,”
She obeyed and tried to hold still.
Finally, he reached her very center. Quickly, he moved in and groaned, his eyes still closed, concentrating.
A tear fell from her eyes and immediately wiped it away. She tried to keep still, his erection throbbing inside her. She was in pain, every women is in pain the first time. A stab of guilt rose up in his stomach. He bended his mouth on her breasts, nibbling lightly, while his hand stroked her core, trying to ease the pain and add pleasure.
Finally after a couple of minutes, she felt the pain ease away.
Loretta let out a sigh of relief and moaned as he began to thrust in and out of her gently, slowly. Then without warning, he twisted her around to where her back side was to his, and both of her arms were braced in front of her while he took her from behind.
Still he repeated the same procedure. In and out, slowly, gently. He was treating her like a eighteen year old woman. She is getting tired of being treated this way. For once, she wants rough. She wants everything from this masked man.
Loretta tightened her legs, making it difficult for him to enter and leave her core. He groaned and looked at her. So that is what she wants?
He grinned and began to thrust harder, their bodies mating making a horrible sound though it sounded right. He grunted and reached out to take her breasts in his hands, gripping her nipple between his thumb, squeezing tightly.
She let out a scream. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes,”
The sudden sensation of a release started to fill her. Loretta gripped the tree as hard as she could, pleading to not release yet.
He felt her sudden urge to release. Richard chuckled and his thrust became harder. No way, will he cum firs.
Him doing this doesn’t really help her hold it in, in fact, it only wants to make her come now. Tears filled her eyes, her whole body trembled. She let out a scream as her release came. Her breathing coming in rigid breaths, body sore, she needed some rest. But he kept on going, never slowing his pace, never stopping. Loretta closed her eyes as she let him take her, take her to the abyss.
Richard finally found his climax and plunged in deep inside her to spill his hot, sticky seed inside her body, forever embedding her, wishing that everywhere she goes there is something in her that will present that she is his and his alone.
He collapsed on top the top of her back till both of their breaths returned to its normal pace, heart beating evenly.
For the first time of her life, she didn’t know what to say; embarrassed by the fact that she had just made love to a stranger she had just introduced tonight. But that was actually part of the plan, the plan to get away from her family, to make them happy.
“What on earth is going on here?!” a voice came from behind them. Loretta hid the smile that was forming on her lips. She indeed knew what the consequences of her decisions and she is determined to continue her plan to freedom, no matter who gets hurt.

Chapter 6

They broke apart as Peter and Joanna, the Count and Countess of Abingdon, arrived with Lord Frinchester’s scarlet face. For it was from embarrassment or fury, she was not sure. “See what I meant, Joanna! Your whore of a daughter was being taken by this insufferable man!” For minutes he boasted off until Peter has had enough, he raised a hand to silence him.
Loretta held her gown together, trying to close the ripped clothing. She had planned this indeed but not the rage of her parents. They will surely banish her from England, away from them and away from Lord Frinchester and that is enough.
“What on earth have you gotten yourself into?” Her father couldn’t manage to look at her, disgraced of what she has done to the family.
“Father, I can explain-,”
“Enough,” He hissed, taking her by the shoulder inflicting pain.
She winced, surely expecting some sort of pain. “You are a disgraced to the family, to me and to your mother. How dare you do this during your engagement ball!”
“I’m sorry father but-,”
“But what you insolent child, I do not need your explanation. And you,” his gaze looked over at the masked man who surprisingly calm and collected. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
He shrugged and began to button his vest, “I simply do not have a saying in the moment my lord,”
“You don’t have a saying? You don’t have a saying!” Loretta winced as her father’s temper rose to its limit. She has never seen him this angry before. Surely the sight isn’t pleasant to ones ear or gaze.
She nervously glanced around, thankful that nobody but her parents and Frinchester here. Her gaze fell on the ballroom, everyone’s shadows illuminating the ground.
“I demand you to remove the mask, I want to see the face who had taken my daughter’s will,”
“I do not think it is necessary my lord,”
“I do not think you had heard me. I demand you take off that mask now.”
As much as Loretta can’t fight it, she wanted to see the man behind that mask. The gentleman she chose to help her gain freedom. The man she had made love to tonight. Slowly, heat traveled up her body and up her face, as she recalled what had happened earlier this night. She cannot produce the word of how wonderful it was.
He sighed and nodded. “As you wish my lord,” Slowly, he raised his hand and placed it on the mask, then gently pulling it down to reveal his identity.
Loretta’s eyes widened and gasp. No way. It cannot be.
Lord O’Conner!
His gaze met hers and smiled. “I told you not knowing is better than knowing,”
It turns out that she wasn’t the only one who was surprise. Indeed who would not be? The man who she had shared the most passionate love making, the man who she chose to sacrifice for her freedom… is none other than Richard O’Conner, the very man she despises.
He smiled, she guessed he knew what was going on in her mind.
“The rogue?!” Her mother gasped, her hand over her chest.
“The Earl of Kent,” Peter said surprisingly. “I could have guessed that you were the only man in England who could do a foolish thing such as this,”
“Such a thing as what exactly?” he raised a brow, his eyes a mix of swirling blue and green, almost forming a tornado in his iris.
Loretta watched in fascination and at the same time, horror. How can such a beautiful affair turn into the most horrible winter scandal?
This is indeed not part of the plan. The man she had made love with earlier was kind, gentle, and caring, not some rogue who was the complete opposite.
How dare he not reveal his identity to her sooner, so she would be aware of the fact that this was indeed Richard O’Conner, the Earl of Kent. He knew her because of what had happened the day before but why wouldn’t he had said anything? He hated her and told her he does not want to ever see her again, why would he decide to make love to her?
Why did he save her from the grasps of Lord Frinchester?
This was the rogue, she reminded herself, he has no heart. He preys on the innocent women, bidding them against their will.
Just like now.
Loretta didn’t know what was going on in her head when this had happened, all she knew was to come up with a plan leading her in a man’s arms. Indeed the man’s arms, not tattered clothes, breathings uneven, and virginity gone.
He had bewitched her.
That has to be the reason. He had bewitched her with his charms and kindness. She ought to know that something was very odd about him, considering he was secretive. No gentleman would be that secretive unless he has something to hide.
And that is right, he had something to hide.
Caught up in her thoughts, her mind couldn’t grasp the words that were being spoken.
“To take my daughter’s virginity on the day of her engagement ball you knit wit!” She flinched yet again, such words normally aren’t normal for her father.
The rogue’s eyes flashed making his mouth carve up into a grin. A grin that sent shivers on her spine. The grin of a deadly predator.
“I am a man Count Abingdon, I do not wished to be called such foul names specially not from that pretty mouth of yours,”
Peter’s eyes widened by his change of demeanor, but did not change anything about his sayings. “A man Lord O’Conner? Such a man wouldn’t take a woman’s will while her engagement ball is present,”
“I did not do anything my lord,” he replied sternly his gaze meeting Loretta’s. Don’t do it, she mouthed looking at him. “Your daughter was the one who laid her lips on mine first,”
Oh, why you arrogant…bastard!
Her fists on both of her sides as her father and mother turned to look at her. “Is this true Loretta?” her mother’s voice shaking.
She looked up to meet all of their gaze, mainly Richard. “No, that is a lie mother. How can you even consider that he is telling the truth? You had heard rumors about him mother, father. He is rogue,” she stretched the word like poison in her mouth. “Everything he had said is a lie. He took my will away from me, he forced himself on me.” Just for the act, her knees buckled and she fell on the snow, sobbing.
Her mother dropped down, shushing her. Joanna’s gaze flew up to Peter. He sighed. “We have not much of a choice. We will discuss this matter later,” then his gaze flew up to Richard’s his eyes hard, daring for Loretta to look at him but her gaze remained on the ground. “You, young man I want you out of my property. I do not want to see your face on my estate again. From now on, if I see you lingering here, I will shoot you down myself. Consider that a warning, we will discuss the matter in the morning, now get out.” He turned from Richard, helping Loretta up, guiding her back in the mansion along with Joanna.
Frinchester smirked and followed but stopped turning slightly. “I told you, you will be sorry did I not?” Then without another word, he followed Peter, leaving him behind.

What the hell just happened? He thought as he strode outside of the garden and went in just as his coachman opened the carriage door.
“Where to my lord?”
“Home,” he mumbled looking outside of the carriage window. The ride home will aid him to think what had happened tonight.
He didn’t know what he was doing. That bastard of a woman just touched him with her lips and he lost control. Everything that had happened was a blur. All he felt was a great amount of ecstasy and desire.
An emotion he had never felt from any women before.
Any women except her.
It is true that he had slept with many but none of them made him feel the way he had felt tonight. None of them actually made him feel anything that is worth feeling.
Now all of that has changed.
Damnation! He was still hard for her. Right now, he wants nothing more than to go back between her legs and plunging himself deep inside her.
He placed a hand on his closed eyes and rubbed it furiously.
What had she meant by him forcing her?
She was the damn one who was willing to give herself to him. Who offered herself to him. He frowned and rested his hand on his bottom chin, watching as they turn to the corner and continued to go straight toward his estate.
She had used him. He was a puppet in her act. Of what? He doesn’t know.
His blood began to boil slightly from the anger that was surfacing. Nobody had used him before. At least not the way she had used him.
He fell for her little trap, which was the mistake he had made though will not be regretting it anytime soon.
The carriage came into an abrupt stop on the front of his estate, the coachman opened the door and he stepped out, nodding. “Thank you,” he mumbled walking up the front steps, nodding also at his butler. “Sire,” Alorton smiled welcoming him.
Richard grumbled and headed up the stairs and into his study. “Alorton, fetch me a fine whiskey will you?”
He gave his master a concerned look before nodding and heading out of the room.
Tomorrow he will have a talk to the Count of Abingdon to discuss the matters of his daughter. The normal responsible thing to do was to marry her that is already something he is aware of.
But one thing he isn’t, what is that woman planning?

“For the last time mother, I am alright. I do not need you by my side.”
“Loretta, you just had the most tragic fate happen tonight and yet you tell me you alright?”
Joanna looked at her, tears flowing down your eyes. “It must have been painful, for him forcing himself on you.”
She bit her lip. It wasn’t painful at all. She’s wrong. It was the most beautiful feeling she had ever felt and that is what she’s afraid of. Richard O’Conner is not interested in marriage. He is the type of man who runs away on a wedding day.
To state the fact, she does not know what had gone through her mind when she had said those lies. Her brain was still fuzzy about the fact that the man she had made love with is her only enemy.
“What will happen now? What would father do?”
“I do not know my sweetheart. In most cases like this, you must marry him. It is the only reasonable thing to do. Me and your father had asked Lord Frinchester to not gossip about this amongst the ton,”
Loretta nodded easing herself back down the bed. Her whole body still trembling from the scenario that had happened upon hours ago. She will marry him. Somehow, she should be delighted that Frinchester will stay away from her. But she cannot find the dignity to do so. There must be some other way to resolve this matter than to marry.
“I do not want to marry him mother. Is there some other way? Send me to America or even to Scotland or France. Please do not let me marry that man. He is a rogue!”
“We do not know. Lord O’Conner has to agree with the terms. We cannot just send you off without speaking to him first.” Her mother replied grimly. “As cruel as it sounds, now go to bed,”
She nodded and closed her eyes. Joanna reached down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Her eyes flittered open suddenly, looking up at her. Her mother had never made that gesture since she had turned twelve.
“Mother, I know why you and father wanted me to marry Lord Frinchester.”
Joanna looked at her with soft brown eyes.
Loretta bit her lip then inhaled in a breath. “Why can you not just have told me that you wanted a family? That you want me to leave,”
Her mother’s eyes widened. “Where did you hear that from?”
“From Lord Frinchester. I would have left you know. I did not want to marry him,”
“It is not that we want you to leave. It is just you are in that age. The age to wed. It is true we wanted a family but we wanted to take care of you first. To make sure you have a good husband,”
“Lord Frinchester is not a good husband mother.” She looked up at her with cold eyes. ‘He is older than father,”
Joanna bit her lip. “Maybe he was the wrong choice but for crying out loud he is the only man that is good enough to take care of you,”
“There are lots of gentlemen-“
“Those gentlemen are rude, irresponsible, and cares nothing for the wife except sex.”
She felt her face turn red but was not about to lose this argument. “But Frinchester is different? Come on mother, all that old dig bat cared about was me about to produce his child because his other wives cannot.”
Her mother sighed and nodded. “Alright, maybe you do have a point. But he is able to take care of you the way other men in the ton can’t.
“Mother, he tried to rape me,”
“I know, Frinchester said that is what he did. But don’t worry you are safe in the estate. That rogue will not get to you,”
Loretta pulled away just as her mother pulled her in to hug her. “No mother, Frinchester. I was talking about Lord Frinchester.” She let out a breath. If this is the chance to tell the truth she should tell it now before it is too late. Well part of the truth. “He led me out to talk to me. He said he wanted to get to know his wife. Then when I confronted him to tell him I don’t want to marry him he lost it. He tried to grab me, and he did. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me, I was alone and no other person was in the garden. Then Lord Richard O’Conner took me away from his grasp. He saved me mother.”
Joanna’s eyes widened. “Impossible. We trust Lord Frinchester. He is your father’s friend,”
“I know,” she whispered hugging her knees. “But please trust me mother, Frinchester did do that to me.”
“So Lord O’Conner took you away from Frinchester’s grasp then forced himself on you?”
Loretta hesitated, looking at the bed sheets. Fiddle sticks, she doesn’t want to lie. She doesn’t want to make O’Conner’s reputation worse than it is. But she has no choice. She has to carry on with the plan.
Then with a realization, she nodded.
Though she wasn’t sure it was a nod, it was crossed between a shake of her head to a nod. But it was close enough to a nod.
Her stomach already clenching with guilt.
“Alright dear, I will inform your father of what you had just told me,” she whispered and kissed her forehead one last time before getting up to fix her blankets, making her daughter comfortable.
As her mother exited out the room, she closed her eyes. Prying that the sleep would consume her.
The door opened.
Quickly in alarm, Loretta’s eyes fluttered open she expected that Frinchester was going to confront her again about what had happened but it wasn’t Frinchester.
“Mistress,” she whispered closing the door behind her yet again. “Are you alright? Are you ill? You father just called the masquerade ball off, he said that you were unwell and the party could not go on,”
“Yes you could say that,” she whispered sitting up.
“Do you want me to fetch you anything? Or maybe Lord O’Conner?” she asked her eyes searching Loretta’s as if she knew what had happened. Her heart suddenly contracted, she was sure no one was a the garden of the time. The thought of making love with someone watching them brought a sudden blush upon her face.
“What are you talking about Wilhelmina?” She asked clearing her throat.
“I saw what had happened mistress. It is bad enough that Lord Frinchester had tried to hurt you but you managed to drag the Lord along. Madam Loretta, what were you thinking? Lord O’Conner has not done anything wrong for you to betray him like that.”
Her eyes widened at the realization. Wilhelmina was there, she had seen everything. Including her seducing Richard O’Conner.
“It- it wasn’t like that Wilhelmina,” she whispered looking at the ground, the barriers melting, mixed emotions of guilt and sadness grew. “I didn’t mean it to be like that. I didn’t know what I was doing. But the plan had to go on. I cannot stop there. It wasn’t my fault that the man was Lord O’Conner, he-“
“Even if it was not Lord O’Conner,” Wilhelmina interrupted walking toward the bed, sitting down. “No man deserved this. No man deserved to betrayed,”
Loretta looked up at her, suddenly getting up from the bed, anger in her eyes. “Do you not think I know this? Do you think I wanted this to happen? I did not wish for this. I did not wish for Lord O’Conner to be the mysterious man with the mask,” she whispered pacing around the room.
“Exactly what I mean mistress,” Wilhelmina said sternly. “You would do that to any man. Maybe there is a reason why fate has made that masked man your enemy. Do not get me wrong mistress, I do not wish to fight you with words but what you had done is wrong.”
“I know,” Loretta replied with a small voice. “Don’t you think I know that? I regret, so bad.”
“Then tell the truth, it is not too late. I’m sure they’ll understand-“
She shook her head fiercely. “No, I can’t. I’m sorry,”
“It’s either that or suffer by being Lord O’Conner’s wife.”
Loretta sat up. “What do you mean by that?”
Wilhelmina sighed. “I’m sorry mistress, but I overheard your mother and father talking. They cannot do anything for you. You will have to marry him. It seemed Lord Frinchester has a mind of a watermelon. He told his closest friend about what happened in the engagement ball. The friend turned out to be another member of the ton. The rumors are spreading across the England. It seemed the most responsible thing to do is to marry Lord O’Conner.”
She looked at Loretta with widened eyes. “No,” she whispered. “That can’t be,”
“If your mother and father send you off to another country then the rumors will pose as true and your reputation in the ton will be ruined. No one will wish to marry you, and no one will want to befriend you.”
“But there’s got to be some other way-,”
“No.” Wilhelmina shook her head. “No there isn’t. You have to marry him.”

Chapter 7

The next morning, Richard was waiting outside of the mansion gate. His newly tailored purple coat and vest made him look dashing as the radiant sun, trousers perfectly fitted on his masculine body. He was still carrying that silver cane, his boots thudding on the concrete floor of the front door.
For some odd reason, there has a sudden change of atmosphere. He held out his hand and knocked on the door, waiting, taking out his watch on his breast pocket to observe the time. Quarter past ten. Odd, shouldn’t there be a gardener watering the plants by now?
The doors swung open and a butler came into view. “I am sorry for the wait sire but Lord Peter and Lady Joanna are not taking any guests right now. It appears something has come up, if I can leave a message for them?”
“I am Richard O’Conner,” he declared, taking off his hat. “Is there something wrong?”
The butler’s eyes suddenly widened. He appeared to look like in his twenties, young and lean. “You are Lord O’Conner?”
“I do not wish to repeat myself but since you asked, yes I am Richard O’Conner,”
“Lord O’Conner, p-please do come in. It seems everyone in the estate is at a ruckus. Specially with what had happened.” The butler led him inside the mansion. He was right, everyone was running around, every maid and servants. It seemed they were trying to look for someone.
“Did something happen?” He asked looking down at him, his cane inside his arm, removing the gloves from his hand before taking the cane and putting it on his right hand again.
“Yes you could say that my lord.”
Richard waited for him to continue, but when he didn’t he let out a sigh. “What happened?”
Raymond, the butler, nervously wiped a hand on his forehead. “Well you see Ms. Chase is…”
He raised a brow and glared at him, spinning him around fisting his hands on the collar of his uniform, raising him up slightly. “Ms. Chase is what?” he hissed shaking him slightly to continue.
Raymond looked at him, his eyes widening in fear. “Ms. Chase is gone. She disappeared. We can’t find her anywhere. It seemed that one of our servants seen her last night with a carriage. Her belongings are gone as well.”
“Where has she gone?” He asked urgently.
“We do not know. But we are trying to find out, if she had left a note or something-.”
“No, she would never leave a note.” He said, more to himself than him. “Why would she run away? She is not that type of woman, to just run away without saying anything. That would be the last thing she would ever do. Unless she had to do it. She had no choice.” He released Raymond’s shirt, which he hurried to straightened the wrinkles.
“What was the decision?” Richard asked looking at him.
“What did the Count and Countess of Abingdon say about me and Ms. Chase?” He repeated slightly getting irritated.
“We don’t know. But one of the servants had said that she had seen one of Ms. Chase’s maids on the front door of their room,”
“Who was this maid?”
“Her name is Wilhelmina Johnson,” he replied, smiling. “She is beautiful with fiery red hair and a total opposite to what other people call her. Others think that because of her features, she would be ill mannered. But they are wrong. Wilhelmina has a heart of an angel. She would never harm anyone.”
Richard raised a brow. “You have feelings for this woman,” it wasn’t a question. More like a statement.
“Of course not. But this morning, Lord Chase has announced that Ms. Chase will marry you,”
“And that is why she ran away,” He muttered stopping. Does she really despise him that much? He shook his head, his eyes turning dark. Normally he won’t care about this but for some reason, an unwanted feeling rose in her stomach. Yes, no one can love him. That’s his curse.
“Do you know anyone that she might go to?”
He shook his head. “Though, the mistress has a club,”
Richard’s gaze held his. “A club?”
“Yes, she goes to it every day.
“Who is in the club with her?”
“The popular members of the ton of course.”
“How many are there?”
“Where do they meet?”
“They meet in the Sapphire Roses Club. It’s in Town,”
“Alright.” He turned around and headed back toward the entrance door.
“Wait, I thought you were going to see Lord Peter and Lady Joanna?”
He stopped to put on his gloves and hat. “I am. But there seemed to be a change of plans. But trust me, when I come back, Loretta will be with me. That’s my message,” Richard opened the door and closed it behind him, heading back toward the carriage. “Where off to my lord?”
“Sapphire Roses Club,” Richard stated looking outside of the window, as the carriage lurched forward.

“In Scotland?” Jane whispered looking at Loretta. “That is too far away,”
“I’m sorry but that’s the only place I can think of at the moment.”
“What about England?” she asked stating the obvious. “You cannot possibly think to leave.”
It seemed like Christine, Savanna, and Avery had a business elsewhere. Something about a charity foundation in Cambridge. Vivian is off with Edgar. Loretta is left with Jane and her husband, King William.
“I have to leave. I am sorry.” She stood up and gathered her overcoat and shawl.
“Because you do not want to marry O’Conner,” William replied softly, deep concern in his eyes.
“No, it’s not just that. It’s about everything else.” Loretta stopped over her fumbling and sighed. “If I know my parents and servants, they would know where to look for me. This is the only place I could go to that they would know.”
“I hope you know what you are doing,” Jane said standing up as well, William following along. “You are running away from your responsibilities Loretta. You of all people should know better.”
“I know.” She replied her gaze cold.
“Could you wait until the snow stops falling? The road will be dangerous and you would freeze to death out there.”
“I am sure Desmond can take care of himself, and we brought lots of thick blankets.”
“He will die freezing out there, along with Wilhelmina and you. I can’t stop you Loretta but I can prevent you from making an irrational decision. You have to consider the facts,”
“I already did.” She sighed. “I won’t be taking the carriage. That would just be a decoy. I purchased three tickets for the train. Desmond, Wilhelmina, and I will be taking the train to Scotland.”
“I see.” Jane let out a relief sigh, leaning against her husband. “Please be careful.”
“I will. Say goodbye to the others for me.”
Loretta gave Jane a tight hug and the same with William.
“Where are you going Aunt Loretta?” Jeanette, Jane’s little daughter asked.
She smiled. “I’m going to Scotland,”
“How long are you going to be there?” she asked in a soft voice.
“I am not sure, for a while maybe.”
“But why?” she whispered.
“Because I need to get away for a while,” Loretta smiled and picked her up. “Do not worry, I’ll be back to visit. And additionally, I’ll be writing letters to you. So always ask for them from your mother alright?”
Jeanette nodded in response. “I hope you won’t be long,”
“Do not worry my sweet. I won’t be.” She gave her a peck on the cheek and handed her over to Jane, who happily took her. “Please be careful Loretta.”
“I will. And additionally, I would prefer you not to tell anyone that I will be heading over to Scotland.”
Jane nodded in agreement. “I promise.”
Loretta smiled. “Good. I guess I better be going. Goodbye,” She waved and exited out of the club and onto the carriage, Wilhelmina was sitting there with her brown dress, it did look unattractive exactly of what she had expected. Right before they all left, She had asked for them to dress as much as unnoticed as possible. Including dressing dully, so they would not attract attention to them, even Loretta. She was wearing a plain traveling gown. The color of pure brown and black boots, along with a cape that is tied on her neck with a hood. Her hair was tied into a high bun, as always, the curls secured and held firmly by pins.
As the carriage lurched forward, Loretta let out a content sigh and leaned back against the seat. It will take approximately thirty minutes till they arrive at the train station. The positive thing though is that she doesn’t have to wait in line to purchase her tickets, she already bought them from a friend. She has William to thank for that. Hopefully, he wouldn’t say anything to Jane about it.
“Are you comfortable mistress?” she asked giving her an extra blanket.
“Of course, by dressing this way we look like merely three friends traveling on the train toward Scotland. Not running away of course. Though, we aren’t far away from home. You can back out of the trip if you want. I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can mistress, and that is why I need to look after you.”
Loretta looked up at her, slightly confused. “I don’t understand.
“I meant mistress, is that sometimes that pride of yours can get you into situations that aren’t good for you.”
“Situations that are not good for me,” She repeated looking up at Wilhelmina. “What exactly do you mean by that?”
“I don’t mean to sound rude mistress but is that how you got in this type of situation in the first place?”
Loretta smiled. “I guess you can say that.”
“So it’s your pride that made you run away and not marry Lord O’Conner,” Wilhelmina replied easily, looking out of the carriage window.
She nodded and looked outside the window as well. As much as she hate to admit it, she’s right. It’s her pride that made her run away in the first place. It is not like she is scared of the rogue- well maybe just a pint-sized.
“I cannot turn down what is right.” Loretta said smiling. “But I do not think it is all,”
“What do you mean? Is there more?”
“I want mother and father to have their own family. That is what they want, that is what they will get.”
“Your friends were worried about you though. What will happen to them?”
She hesitated. She did not want to leave her friends. In fact, she wanted to stay there with the rest of Members. But she couldn’t. They would know that she would be there. That is mostly the only place she’d go if she is not at home. If not at the club, then one of the member’s places and as much as she hates to admit it, they would all know that as well.
“I do not know,” Loretta answered truthfully. “But I am sure they can resume the club without I. Lady Jane was usually the one in charge of the whole club.”
“But do you really assume that you can leave them? Just like that?”
“Do not be ridiculous. I will visit them from time to time. I will not abandon them. The week after now, I’ll ride the train and come back to see them again.”
Wilhelmina nodded. “And do you know where we will be staying in Scotland mistress?”
She nodded. “That is another reason why I had thanked King William. He was so kind as to let us live in his villa for a while, until we can find a place to live.”
Her personal maid raised a brow and looked over at Loretta. “Why would King William do that?”
She shrugged in a reply. “Maybe because he is my friend’s husband. And I am a good friend of his as well.”
The carriage suddenly sprang into a stop as they have arrived at their destination. The train station was crowded of passengers. “Probably going home to their families as well.” She muttered out loud. “Only I am the opposite.” Loretta helped with the luggage as Stuart, her coachman and friend, took out a total of three trunks. One for herself, one for him, and one for Wilhelmina.
Loretta insisted that her old friend should just go home to the estate but he insisted to come along. It just proved how much of a good friend he was.
“Thank you, the both of you, for accompanying me. I really will take it to heart. Thank you for being by my side.” She smiled and hugged the both of them. “Are you ready?”
They both laughed and nodded.
She smiled and headed over to Cart 32 where the road to her destination awaits.

Richard arrived out of the front steps of the Sapphire Roses club. It looked like a regular club from the outside, but from the inside, it was totally different. Sofas were huddled together in the center, the sunlight illuminating through the humungous glass window. It looked lovely enough to a lady’s eye. Portraits hang around the room, different painting of the members he assume. On the other side of the room, sat a woman and what looked like her husband.
Her brown hair out of the bun and hang down her to her waist. She is beautiful, he thought simply his gaze moving toward the man. “King William,” He muttered as he recognized the both of them. “And Queen Jane.” No wonder why they had looked so familiar. Now he knew what that butler said about famous woman in the club. They stood up and looked behind them, her gaze an expression of a surprise. But the king on the other hand, was surprisingly unreadable.
“I am sorry to interlude,” he muttered bowing. “But I was informed that a woman, one of your club members, had come here.”
Lady Jane smiled and nodded, bowing in greeting, Lord William, next. “Yes, she was. You just missed her. Though only by the hour.”
Richard let out a sigh of relief. She was here. She was safe and alive. “Do you know where she had went?”
Jane bit her lip and nodded. “Yes, I know. But my apologies. I cannot tell you where her location is.”
He raised a brow and felt his temper rose instantly. “Why not?”
“Because I had given her my word Lord O’Conner.” So she knew who he was. Not any surprise there, every one of the ton knew the Earl of Kent.
“I’m sure we can make arrangements. Her family is in great grief of worrying if their daughter is still alive and well. “
“Well you can tell them that she is alive and well.” William bit out, his fists balled on his sides. Jane put a hand on his shoulder, a motion he knew too well.
“I promised that I would bring their daughter back with me. I cannot break their promise. I am a man who do not intend to break my promises. “
“Well I am afraid, this one you have to make an exception.” She gave her an apologetic glance. “Please sit,” her hand motion on the table that was on the other side of the room.
“I am afraid I have to decline my lady. I am running out of time.”
Jane nodded in agreement and took her husband’s hand leading them toward the table, sitting down on the marbled chairs. “Why do you want to know where her location is?”
“Like I had said before, her parents-.”
“Please do not make that excuse again.” She smiled looking up at him. “I have a husband who intends to do the same thing, though he knows I see he is lying every time.”
Richard raised a brow, she is just like Evangeline. Even though she does not know him well, she still knows what he is feeling and thinking. But he is not a person who approves of people knowing what he is feeling. That is why he had tried so hard to be an infamous man. “I am not sure what you are implying,”
“I think we both know what I am trying to say.” Jane said gently. Her husband put a hand over hers which she happily took into her own. “Give me a real reason why you decided to seek her.”
“Like I had said before my queen, her family is desperately worried. They want her back home, safe and loved.”
“That is not what I heard from Lady Chase.” She shook her head. “She told me everything.”
He raised a brow. “Everything?”
“Yes,” she nodded taking a sip of hot tea. “Well, let me add. She told both me and my husband everything before she left. I can understand for you to be mad at her. I would be as well if I was in your position.”
Richard couldn’t believe his ears, she told them what happened? Everything. “So I assume how she told you of her plan of seducing me?”
Jane gave him a single nod. “But that is what she had not intended to do. You were the one who had actually seduced her.”
“I didn’t do anything. She was the one-,”
“Who decided to follow her instincts and curiosity,” She finished looking over at William who nodded in agreement. “I know Loretta. And she is like a sister to me. I do not want her making reckless decision because of her fear.”
“Fear? Loretta?” Richard laughed, not believing his own ears. “I am doubtful about that my queen.”
“You are doubtful even if the evidence is right in front of you?” She shook her head and stood up as a girl came into the room, running toward her.
“It is not in front of me. And as a matter of fact, how should I know? I have known her this week.”
“I know. And that is enough for you to know what her weakness is.”
“I doubt it my queen,” he replied beginning to take off his hat and gloves. Then stopped. But what if she gets too far? No. He won’t risk it. He will find her. “I do not have time for this. If you finally decide to tell me where she is then send word.” The November snow started to fall from the clouded skies again then suddenly, winds started blowing, the snow no longer gently falling down, but turning into a blizzard. He let out a curse but a simple blizzard won’t stop him from coming after her. He adjusted his hat and gloves then turning around and heading to the door.
“There is a blizzard, and you still want to find her?” Her voice came from behind him.
“Yes, I gave her parents my word. I will not go break it.”
“Is that all?” she asked. “There is no other reason?”
“No,” Richard replied bitterly. “Nothing.”
“Are you sure?” she asked raising a brow.
“You would ask me if I have any feelings for the woman who seduced me?”
“I didn’t say feelings. I said any reasons. But it seemed like you on the other hand have a reason.”
He grew restless by the second. How in the world can this woman be able to read him so well? He glared at her. She only smiled. “Yes. William gave me that same look when I always read him like a book. So there is no use hiding your real self with me.”
“Shut up. You don’t know anything about me.” He asked still glaring at her.
“Actually I do. Will,” she looked over at her husband who nodded, taking out of what looked like a folder filled with papers or documents.
“It seemed here,” he started looking at the paper, then back at him. “That your brother, Michael O’Conner, was murdered in the age of thirty-three. You have a sister, Evangeline O’Conner the age of thirty-one. And you, the third oldest the age of twenty-nine. Followed by Briana, who is twenty six, and Sabine, twenty-two.”
Richard breathed in and made his way on the sofa across from them. It seemed that these people are worthy opponents. He smiled. He fought tougher, stronger, and well…not really as wiser. “You had done a background check on me?” he asked laying back on the sofa.
Jane shrugged. “I asked William to. I figured I can figure you out before I met you. And it seems, like I stand corrected.”
“Which was?”
“Which was of course that you are not as bad as they say,”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you.” He gave her a devious grin. “I’ve done things that you cannot even imagine.”
“I am sorry about your brother. It must be hard for you to take up that entire burden.” She said softly. “I am sure you can be able to manage it on your own. Especially with the inheritance.” His expressions remained emotionless. She was right, with Michael gone; he will be able to inherit the family fortune. Which means the title of his father would pass down to him. That is why he needed a bride. A bride who would stand by him in all situations. Good or bad.
But that is the thing that his father did not understand. He can do it on his own. He doesn’t need anyone bringing him down. He doesn’t need anyone to treat him. He can take care of himself.
“How is your family coping with his death?” She asked sympathetically.
“It has been three months.”
“I see that it has,” she said looking down at the paper. “How are you faring?”
“I am doing splendid as you can see.” He gave her a smile and put his arms over his chest. “Now if you don’t mind, tell me where she is?”
“It also mentions that your brother was killed, and did not die in a factory accident.” She said softly. Richard stiffened but did not say anything. “I am aware that your family do not know this particular part of information. It says here that you paid an enormous amount to the police for them not to tell your family. Why?”
He wasn’t stupid. He knows that she knew the answer. But it seemed she wanted to hear it from his mouth. He shrugged. “They had been through enough as it is. They do not need to know about the reason he died.”
“It also mentions that you were with him when it happened.” William raised a brow but didn’t say anything. He knows what they are thinking, that he might be the possible murderer and a suspect but he did not do it. He loved his brother. Even though his father and mother treated him like a piece of trash rather than their own son, he envied Michael. He couldn’t possibly have killed him.
“I didn’t murder him if that is what you are trying to infer,”
“I am not trying to infer anything Kent.” He shrugged calling him by his title name. “I am just stating the facts of what it says here.”
“I know you are and I am telling you I didn’t kill him.” He said his mouth clenched tightly. “I wouldn’t kill my own flesh in blood. I may be a lot of things but I am not a murderer,”
“We know,” Jane answered softly. “Trust me, we know.”
“So will you tell me where her location is?” he asked his voice low and emotionless. He is good at that, keeping his emotions under the radar.
“I had made a promise,” she said sympathetically. “And such a promise I won’t break. I am sure you can understand that. But tell me this, why would you want to find her so badly? Without counting any of the reason you had said before.”
Richard sighed. This woman won’t quite until he gives her what she wants. “To be honest. I do not know. I don’t know why I want to find her. I am still trying to figure that part out,”
Jane smiled and nodded, understanding.
“I didn’t make a promise,” William said softly turning around to face Jane which she smiled and nodded again. “So I do not count.”
“Where is she?”
“She is going to Scotland. She should be on the train now as we speak-.” Then the rest of his sentence faded as Richard bolted out of there and onto the carriage. Damn, he will never make it on time. He flipped a couple of coin toward his coachman’s direction and untied the horse’s reins, jumping up the saddle and thrusting it forward, him lurching off into the night.

Chapter 8

Furiously, she took out her pocket-watch and checked the time. It has been thirty-minutes and the train still hasn’t moved. “What the devil is going on?” she asked looking outside of the train window. The inside was golden clustered painted. Its seats red and comfortable, linens covered the window so she has to move it with her hand to look outside. Other passengers were getting on the train, making themselves comfortable.
“They are heating up the train mistress,” Wilhelmina explained smiling. “For us to keep warm and not die with hyperthermia,”
“They didn’t have to take thirty-minutes,” she mumbled putting her cloak hood on, crossing her arms over her chest. “I am trying to get out of England. Not stay in it.”
“Be patient mistress,” Desmond smiled returning, taking off his hat. “I was informed that the train will leave in five minutes,”
Loretta let out a sigh of relief. The soon she gets out of England, the soon she can try and forget about the problems and scenarios in England.
“Do you really want to do this mistress?” Desmond asked and looked over at Wilhelmina who let out a sigh. “She will only say yes. I already asked her once, sire. She has this habit on being stubborn.”
She smiled and looked at the both of them. “I am sure Desmond. It’s just that I-,” there was a sudden sound, like someone opening the cart door. Probably a new passenger, she thought as she heard the thud of his footsteps.
Wilhelmina looked outside of the window, while Desmond leaned against the glass of their door leading to the hallway of the cart.
Loretta yawned as the door suddenly opened. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of Richard. What is he doing here?! Her mind screamed. Before she could open her mouth to say something- anything, he took her from the collar of her dress leading her outside of the hallway train cart. “Richard! What are you doing- Hey! Let go of me!” she struggled against his grip but he his hand tightened more, making the front of her dress rip slightly. “Unhand me! You’re ripping my dress!” she looked back at Wilhelmina and Desmond who gave her a sympathetic look but didn’t go after her. Who could have blamed them? No one wanted to go against the Earl of Kent.
Once they made it out of the cart and onto the platform, he let go making her tumble down on the ground. She was breathless. Never in her life had anyone dragged her like that before.
“You pompous, ignorant, jack ass!” she snapped standing up jabbing a finger on every word. “How dare you do that to me! You insolent-,”
“Watch your mouth Loretta before I teach you a lesson or two.” He hissed looming over her. Loretta’s eyes widened with rage and embarrassment.
“I am not afraid of you rogue, so don’t make any threats on me.” She felt the urge to run away as his expression grew to a dangerous man. His smile was devious and unsettling to the nerves. It took all her might to not collapse on the ground.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and forced her to come closer to him, till his body touched hers. His head bent low onto her ear. “Do you want to test me? I do doubt that you will not like the outcome. Though, knowing what you had done to me before, maybe you would.”
Loretta shivered and fisted her hands on his overcoat to keep herself from losing balance. “How did you find me?” she whispered.
“Wherever you go, wherever you hide, I will always find you.” He slipped his finger under her chin to tilt her head up, forcing her to look at him. “Do you understand me?”
She grimaced. He talks to her like he is superior or something. He needs to get one thing straight; she isn’t like the women who follow everything he says. “No I don’t,” she managed to twist away from his grasp and backed up a couple of steps away from him. “Now if you don’t mind, I really need to be going.”
“Oh no you don’t.” He gave her a smile as he walked over to her. She opened her mouth to say something smart but the words disappeared when he picked her up and threw her up his shoulder. “What are you doing! Let go of me you-,”
He slapped her bottom and she let out a yelp. “Hush darling, you don’t want to attract some people.”
“You infamous rogue,” she whispered dangling helplessly on his shoulder like a little child. His arms clasped around her legs so she wouldn’t be able to kick him. Loretta raised her fists up to hit his back, which he ignored and continued walking till he had reached his horse. Without any grunts or breaking a sweat, he hunched her up to his saddle so her body was dangling on both sides of the horse. “Do not tell me I am going to ride the horse this way,” she exclaimed as he swung his long and powerful leg over the saddle, hooking them in the stirrup.
“Yes you are darling,” he grinned down at her. “It’s your punishment for running away.”
“I don’t want to go back there!” She yelled her hair falling loose from its pins. “Don’t bring me back there Richard!”
“Whoever said you are going back to your estate? You are coming with me,” he stated simply clasping on the reigns and flicked his hand making the horse move forward, riding off into the night.
The pain in her breast came in sharp stabs. She tried not to cringe but she stiffened as another bump from the horse caused her to whimper. It didn’t seem like he heard it, she thought letting out a sigh of relief. She doesn’t want him to know that she is in pain, thinking that she might be a weak woman. She bit her lip as the pain in her chest appeared again. Then again. She balled her fists together as the misery grew.
Then after what felt like an eternity, the horse stopped and he hopped off. He tied the reins on the stable post and brought her down, putting her back on his shoulder.
Something was wrong, he thought. She was quiet the whole trip and even now. He took her into his estate, knowing her, she would be protesting and angry, arguing but still she remained quiet. He got up the flight of long stairs and stopped in front of his bed chamber opening the door and closing it behind him.
Loretta remained quiet, her heart beating furiously. She wanted to say something but she remained still. Her chest still hurt, like it was being stabbed by ice picks. Her skin is now pale and sweat beaded her forehead.
Even when he put a hand on her shoulder, making her back up until she had reached the side of the bed post, resulting her to fall down straight on the bed with him following. His hands were braced on the either side of her head. His weight was off of her, thank goodness.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his eyes remaining expressionless.
She shook her head. “Nothing,” And continued to look up at him.
“Do not lie to me. You have been quiet the whole ride here. As long as I have known you, you would have protested, especially being in my room.” His voice low and almost seductive he placed a hand on her breast when she said nothing. And a whimper was the reply. His eyes widened. He just realized her complexion. She was pale. Paler than normal. “What’s wrong?” he asked urgently. “Damn it Loretta, if something is wrong you have to tell me.”
Her face slightly grew scarlet, shaking her head she remained silent. Then with a sigh, he bended down to kiss her neck. She stiffened. “It’s embarrassing,”
“Nothing is embarrassing to me.”
“Loretta,” he demanded.
Still silence.
“If you-“
“My chest,” she whispered her eyes tightly shut. “It hurts.”
His eyes studied her trying to recall back. Damn it! He had put her in that situation. If only he just sat her on the saddle and not be such an asshole. “Does it still hurt?” he asked softly. She opened her eyes, and was greeted to see a concern look in his eyes. Emotions, she thought dazedly.
He put a hand over her breast which made her wince. A look of guilt was in his eyes. “I am fine,” she whispered. “It is not as bad as it was last time.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered looking down at her. “I was stupid. I-,” Loretta put her finger on his lips. She had never seen this side of him before. So open, so…vulnerable. “Don’t. I told you the pain is fading.”
What happened to him? It’s like all of his barriers melted and out came a man. A man with care. Is it possible? That he isn’t the man he was before?
No. A man like that cannot change that fast. Especially if it was Richard. “So tell me why you are keeping me captive my lord?” she asked trying to find a way for him to revert back to his old self.
His eyes still held that same look. Never changing. Maybe this was real. Maybe he had opened up to her. Or maybe he was faking it. “I am holding you for your own protection, my darling.” He whispered tracing her neck with his mouth, nibbling softly.
Loretta gasped and tried to sink back deeper into the sheets. “Don’t do that,” she whispered feeling a familiar sensation rising in the pit of her stomach.
She could feel the smile that formed on his lips as he continued to kiss her neck, tasting. “Do what?”
“That.” She let out another in-take of breath.
“Why?” He did it again.
“Because,” she paused, not knowing how to answer his question. Why didn’t she want him to do that? All she knew was it made her feel the same emotion she had felt the other day. It wasn’t a feeling she would want to feel again, at least not with him.
Liar, a voice appeared in her head. You want him to make you feel the way you felt the other day. Just admit it. She shook her head at the absurd thought.
“Because?” He whispered, nibbling on her ear lobe.
Loretta hissed in a breath and tried to remember what she was going to say. The words appearing and disappearing in her mind. “Because I don’t like it,”
He withdrew and looked down at her, their lips inches away. Dear God, he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. The candlelight sent shadows on his face. It made him look even mysterious than before. His green-blue eyes making a color of a green mist on top of the ocean. His lips so firm and soft, she remembered the scene in the garden. The way he kissed her. The way he touched her. It made her tingle all over.
He grinned. She felt shivers run down her spine, multiple shivers. The way he looked at her right now, it looked like he was going to devour her. Body and soul. He ran his hands on her body. Even through all the fabrics of their clothing, she could still feel his body heat surging, fighting to become one.
“You don’t like it?” He asked raising a brow. “I think there is something I can do to fix that,”
Before Loretta can ask what he meant by that, he bent down and took her lips in his. His tongue urging her lips to open, to invite him in. She closed her eyes, lost in the abyss. Her tongue brushed against his as the kiss deepened, leaving her breathless. Just when she couldn’t breathe any longer, he pulled back and trialed down on her jawline, then down to her neck, exploring, nibbling, tasting her every flesh.
Heat rose from her stomach and made its way up her neck to her face. “Richard,” she whispered her hands automatically making its way up his hair, his soft locks falling when she ran her fingers through it.
He looked down at her blushed face and smiled. “And you told me you do not like it,” his hands working on her dress, zipping down the gown and taking it off. Now carefully untying her bodice leaving her with nothing on but her corset, chemise, and undergarments, her blush only becoming worse by the second.
“Why do you need to wear so many layers of fabric? You would look completely beautiful with everything off,” he whispered as he finally opened her bodice, throwing it on the floor, then kissing her neck unbuttoning her corset until her chemise only remains to show her skin.
Loretta nervously reached up to blow on the candle but his finger was on her mouth, stopping her.
“Tonight there will be no darkness. Tonight, there will only be light.” He pulled away and went to pick up dry logs from the side of the fireplace, placing it on the stage, taking a match and immediately produced warmth through the room. He blew the candle with the breath but the light from the fire still made her see everything. Including his shadowy gaze. He raised the chemise up her body, she helped him by raising her own body off the bed, and then that too was on the floor. Now naked, she closed her eyes as he kissed his way down on the valley of her breasts, she let out a soft moan and lay there without anything to do but to squirm and gasp at his every touch.
His thumb played on her nipple, squeezing gently playing with it until it was completely rose-peaked. She moaned and held him closer. A smile spread across his thin lips. “I thought you said you don’t like it?” He stopped and pulled his hand away. “Perhaps I should stop,”
The rogue! He’s tormenting her. Trying to let her speak, to say do it again. To not stop. Well if she wasn’t so weak and aroused, she wouldn’t have said anything. She would have said to stop. But now, her brain wasn’t functioning. All she wanted was to feel it again. For him to do it again. “Please,” she whispered against his lips. “Make me feel it again.”
“Feel what?” he asked putting his lips over hers, kissing her gently before pulling away again.
“To unleash what I am feeling inside.” She raised her hips and grind against his hardened erection. She was rewarded by a growl low in his throat.
“No,” he whispered, his voice sounding pained.
“Yes,” she whispered back, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately her hands unbuttoning his overcoat, sliding it down his arms and threw it on the floor, next to go was his white loose shirt, she raised it up his arms and over his head landing on the floor. Her breath contracted as she traced the hard muscles of his chest. No hair on his chest, she thought dazedly, that is odd, most of the time she had imagine men with chest hair, but for some reason, he doesn’t have any. She heard his breath quicken and looked up at those eyes yet again.
He looked down at her body, then to her gaze. “You are so beautiful. Too beautiful, but you have to wait.” He sat on the edge of the bed and took off his boots, throwing them against the hard wood floor then shoving off his trousers. Loretta felt her breath stop all together. She never seen such a man’s body before. In the garden, it was too dark to see anything. But now, he can really see him. His cock was fully aroused, as if begging for attention.
She licked her lips and motioned for him to come to bed. And he did, like a lost puppy obeying his master.
Their bodies molded as he kissed her yet again. Their tongues dueling, breaths quickening, bodies clenching with need to be filled. “Please Richard,” she whispered her mouth swollen from his long, torturing kisses. “I want to feel you inside me,”
He smirked. “Not so fast my sweet, I have to make sure you are ready.”
She frowned. “I am ready.”
He shook his head and bent down to take her other breast in his mouth, tongue swirling around the swollen peak, biting it hard. Pain and pleasure grew in Loretta which made her gasp and grow wet at the same time. His hand skimmed down to her flat stomach, then down till he caressed her pubic hair, parting them.
She trembled as his hand massaged her endlessly tormenting her, making her grow wetter by the second. She moved her hips guiding him to where it felt so good.
“Do you like this?” he whispered on her taut breast, moving on to the other doing the same thing. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes,” she gasped her eyes widening as something in her kept growing and growing. The urge of release suddenly not too far away. “Oh yes Richard,”
His fingers took hold on her bud and squeezed gently, sending electric sparks throughout her body. She hissed in a breath as the release grew. Richard kissed his way up her breast and neck and onto her lips which resulted in a fierce battle. At each time, their tongue meant his fingers parted her and began to shove two fingers in her wanting hole. “That’s it,” he whispered sensing her orgasm about to come. Faster and faster his fingers went, her breath became rigid as if she couldn’t breathe at all. Her yell was drowned by his lips, as his mouth laid on hers. His body held her as her spasms took over, her body trembling.
But that wasn’t all she wanted. Sure she may feel very exhausted, but she wants him. And she has a feeling he knew that as well. His finger slipped out and made himself comfortable above her. “Richard,” she whispered. “Please,”
He nodded. She moaned as she felt the tip of his cock nudging her to open. He parted her thighs to make her more comfortable and wrapped it around his waist. She motioned for him to continue, slowly he entered her until he was completely in her.
They lay there for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. Beads of sweat, trickled down her forehead, him on the other hand was completely fine. Then he withdrew his body and entered her again, this time with a forced thrust.
Loretta moaned as he kept up the pace between them. She can feel herself struggling to keep his enormous size inside. Pleasure grew in her, as the heated flames in her body rose into a crescendo. Her hips automatically lifted as he thrust in. She loved the sound he made. A low passionate growl in every thrust, his breath stopping. The sound of skin on skin filled the room as he thrusts harder making her body yell for a release. His hand went to trace her inner thigh as he lifted her knee, raising it up to give a better penetration. She moaned and kissed him, which he eagerly responded back.
“Richard- I can’t.” she whispered her breath beginning to turn rigid once again, her release just around the corner.
“Come for me,” his hips suddenly thrusting harder than before feeling his own release about to arrive. She clenched the bed sheets with her hands as she closed her eyes, her orgasm taking over her.
He watched her spasms wreck through her body as his own orgasm came. He yelled out her name and pulled out just before his release came, spilling it on her stomach instead.
Richard collapsed on top of her, his head on her shoulder, his breathing hard and uneven. Loretta held him, while his spasms overcame him.
“This was not supposed to happen again,” she whispered closing her eyes. “This is wrong. This is not right Richard,”
“What is not right is why you seduced me,” With all of his effort, he raised himself off of her and collapsed on the other side of Loretta.
“It was the only way. I didn’t mean to-,”
“Hush,” he interrupted in mid-sentence of her explanation. “We’ll sleep. We can talk about this on morrow,”
Loretta bit her lip, she wanted to explain to him everything right then and there, hoping that he’ll understand. That he won’t be mad at her anymore. She’d hate for him to be angry at her. Why? Why wouldn’t I stand for him to be mad at me? That is something she is not understanding. Her heart rate finally slowed down and suddenly, her eyes lids felt heavy. But no, she doesn’t want to sleep yet. She wants to explain to him everything.
“But Richard you don’t-,” She was cut off by the sound of a soft growl on his throat.
“I am tired Loretta, it seemed that our little love making was enough to drain the energy out of me. I have to say, I never met a woman such as you before. You were…perfect.” He put his arm over her stomach, making her snuggle close to him. “And wild,” he whispered.
Her face suddenly blushed at his comment.
“The way you moan, the way your small body can fit-,”
“Alright! Alright. We can talk about it tomorrow as you wish,” she closed her eyes as she heard him chuckle. “Good night my darling. Sweet dreams,”
Loretta didn’t say anything just as sleep consumed her whole, letting her body enjoy the warmth of a handsome man next to her. And wondering, what will happen tomorrow?

Chapter 9

Loretta awoke the next morning. She stretched eagerly and sleepily looked up at the ceiling. The memory from last night replayed in her head. She put a hand on the opposite side of her, only to find that the bed space was empty. There was not any trace of a warmth body in place.
She frowned and let herself out of the bed, picking up her discarded clothes and headed in the bathroom to take a bath.
Once she emerged out, she was in the traveling gown she had worn the day before. Then made her way outside of the room and towards the dining room where she had found Richard sitting on the table, reading the morning paper. “Good morning,” she greeted smiling.
He didn’t respond with any words, only a nod as he set the newspaper down. “Excuse me,” he said standing up from his chair on the opposite of her, his voice unreadable no hint of any emotion at all. A stab of pain went through her heart. “I have some business to attend. Why not let yourself be comfortable? I will be back in a quarter after five,” Loretta glanced over to the grandfather clock. It was ten after eight. “But it is too early, can’t you not have breakfast-,”
“I already had breakfast,” he exited out of the dining room and made his way out of the door, stepping in the marbled stones and onto his carriage.
Loretta gripped the fork and knife on her hands. Had she done something wrong? She didn’t see any sign of the kind hearted man she had made love with last night. What only remained was the rogue she had met for the first time. She excused herself from the table and called for Paisley, his butler. “Please fetch me a carriage. I wish to go home,”
“I am sorry mistress,” he was a tall man, probably in his twenties, lean and serious. She can tell this is not a man to bother with. “But the master has ordered for you to stay in the estate until he arrives.”
Her mouth fell open, it took all of her strength to let them remain closed. “You have to be jesting! You cannot possibly hold me captive. I am a woman, not a child.”
“I am sorry,” he repeated yet again. “But you have to remain here.”
She crossed her arms. “And what will happen if I decide not to stay?” she asked raising a brow.
“The master told us to do everything necessary to let you remain here. Even if I have to bind you mistress,”
“Why that little,” She hissed. Damn you Richard O’Conner, do you hear me? Damn you.

“I have your daughter,” Richard said taking a sip out of the tea that Peter’s wife, Joanna provided. Their eyes widened and he knew that it took all of Peter’s strength to not rattle him then and there as he stood up, his eyes boring onto him.
“Where is she? How did you find her?” Peter demanded.
Joanna put a hand on her chest and let out a sigh of relief, today she was wearing a bright blue gown that happily matched her eyes, with short sleeve lacings and dark blue trimmings at the end of the gown. “Thank goodness she is alright.”
The bottom of their eyes both of shades of gray indicating that they did not have proper sleep for the last two days.
“She is with me sir. I can assure you, she is safe and unharmed.”
Peter scowled and crossed his arms together, sitting back down on the chair in his study, Joanna put a hand on his shoulder, prying her husband to calm down. He was surprisingly plain. His overcoat and waistcoat off, his loose white shirt just remained, sleeves tucked up to his elbow.
“She is unharmed yes, but she is not safe in your care. I think the scenario that happened two days ago proved that,”
Richard looked at him with a bored expression. “Sir, let me remind you. Your daughter was the one who had started it first. I was merely following her decision,”
“Even so, you should have known better. Now tell me where is she?”
“Like I had said before, she is with me.”
Joanna looked over at him. “Please tell us where she is at the moment so we can take her home,”
“That is why I had come here,” he set the cup down and resumed to look at the both of them. “I came here to get your blessing.”
For a couple of minutes, the husband and wife took a moment to sink the information in. Joanna was the first one to speak. “I beg your pardon? What do you exactly mean Lord O’Conner?”
Richard smiled in response. “I came here to ask your blessing for your daughter’s hand,”
“Like hell you are,” Peter glared at him, as if he had gone mad.
Joanna on the other hand, was calm and collected. She laid gently squeezed her husband’s shoulder. “Maybe this is best for Loretta,”
He looked up at her, his eyes widening. “What are you saying Joanna?”
Richard was surprised as well. He looked up at her, his eyes filled with amusement and some other emotion that no one can identify or see.
“Loretta is better off in his care. I trust Lord Kent. He has three sisters; I think he understands the minds of women. Additionally, Loretta and he is a perfect match.” She smiled and their gazes meant. “He pretends to be a rogue, and she doesn’t.”
“Pretend?” he asked his eyebrow rose. “I am sure I do not know what you are talking about,”
Joanna gave him a nod. “Please Lord O’Conner; I have seven brothers and a husband. I think I know the minds of men quite well,”
“I assure you I do not pretend for whatever it is may be,”
“As I was saying,” she continued. “Even if Loretta does not love him now, she will grow to love him later toward the future. And so will you,”
His expression still remained unread.
“I know the reason you had asked for my daughter’s hand in marriage. It is with two things. One, because of your responsibility, the other is lust.”
Peter looked up at his wife, his temper seeming to calm down with the understanding. But that does not necessarily mean that he is not still opposed to the plan. He put a hand on hers and looked back at Richard. “I understand what my wife is saying and I know what you are trying to do. But it is not that way to me and my wife. We already made the mistake on choosing her future; we do not want to make that same mistake yet again. I am afraid I cannot give you my blessing, not until my daughter approves. Then, you can have my blessing,” He looked at Richard with a kindness that he never seen before. “I am sorry for the way I had acted before. I was just really shocked to see you and my daughter on the garden.”
“What made you change your mind?” He asked, amusement no longer in Richard’s eyes but curiosity.
“I guess, the way you were worried about my daughter. You searched everywhere for her, even with the blizzard,” Peter extended his hand. “And for that I thank you,”
Richard looked down at his hand; he did not want anyone to see his emotions. Did it really show that he was worried? Of course he was going to be, it was a blizzard and she ran away. Who wouldn’t be worried? Get a hold of yourself. You are not having feelings for this woman. You only decided to wed her because she used you. Now you are going to return the favor and use her. He smiled and reached out for his hand, shaking it. “It was a pleasure. Who wouldn’t be worried with a woman who had ran away from her own home? I am sure if one of my sisters had done that, I would have done the same.”
Peter grinned and leaned against the chair. “How did you convince her to come with you?”
He chuckled as memories from yesterday rewind itself. “Let’s just say, I am very good at persuading people,”
“No doubt about that, where did she decide to stay?”
“My estate,” He replied grimly as unwanted memories passed through his head. The way he showed his real self in front of her, the way he had cared about her well-being. To be honest, he didn’t know what was going on in his mind that made him want to melt his barriers in the first place. All that mattered to him at the moment was her safety and pleasure. He didn’t care about his own, just her. Richard took his pocket watch out of his newly tailored dark red waist coat, the edgings were red, but the rest was pure black, his hat and cane on the side of the chair. Tugging on his gloves, he stood up politely. “I am afraid that I must be going my lord. I have business to take care of with a friend of mine,”
Peter and Joanna got up as well. “Of course, I figured you must be a busy man.” He commented bowing in farewell, as well as his wife.
Richard bowed as well putting the cane on his hand. “Good day,” He turned and left the room, heading outside of the massive hallway and down the stairs, outside of the estate and onto the carriage.

“You have to be pulling my strings,” Richard’s friend, Cullen, laughed. He was built, the same age as he, with burning bright green eyes that made his features strike others. He carried himself with sureness and tranquility. Something that was very common to the ton. The Marquess of Jacksdale was smiling, “Why in devil’s name would you even pull a stunt like that?”
He shrugged and downed the glass of scotch his friend offered when he had arrived at his home. “It was the only responsible thing to do,”
“By asking Miss Chase’s parents for her hand? I do doubt that. I have known you too long. So come on, tell me the real reason you had decided to marry her,” He held up his glass, swirling the liquid to get a better taste.
Richard chuckled and poured himself another glass. “Maybe I decided to finally settle down. Listen to my family and marry,”
Cullen couldn’t help but laugh, tears almost forming in his eyes. “Sure Richard, and next you are going to tell me that you drink vodka instead of a champagne,”
“Okay I have to disagree on the last one.” He smiled. “But if you must know, I have to do it. I have no choice in the matter,”
“You got her with child,” he said realizing, his eyes the emotion of amusement.
He nearly choked on his drink. “Absolutely not. I thought you knew me better than that Cullen,”
“No, actually. I thought I did but now I’m not so sure. The Richard I know would never propose to any woman. He would actually choose to bed every single woman in London before that happens,”
“Considering you are already married, I doubt you would understand the circumstance,”
“Maybe if you tell me, I would understand.” He watched as his wife, Pauline the Marchioness of Jacksdale, enter his study. She was small for a woman of her age. No taller than five four. She had her long, wavy black hair in messed ringlets, framing her delicate face. Her blue eyes, stood out from her tan skin. A rare woman, was what he said to Cullen before they were married. Seeing a woman with black hair, tan, and blue eyes were oddly complicated enough. She was from Asia as well. An odd pairing, was what they whisper in the ton. But even though, Cullen didn’t care. No matter what Pauline said to him about the ton, he dismissed them. No matter how many times she tried to talk to him to marry another, he insisted her. He loved her for who she is. He loves her in his eyes, no type of rumor will ever change that. Richard was always fond of Cullen. He was a sort of man he had always wanted to become. Independent, joyful, and loved. Something he had always craved for. “Good afternoon darling.” Pauline said wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning in for a kiss then pulling away. “The blizzard out there was so strong. It nearly blew my bonnet off of my head.”
“I can see that,” he smirked, taking the locks of Pauline’s hair behind her ears. “Where have you been my beautiful? When I woke up this morning, you weren’t in bed.”
“I told you,” she smirked looking up into his green eyes. “I had to go to my mother’s to see how her and my sisters are doing.”
“You should have taken me with you, I wanted to see them too.” He whispered untying her bonnet and placing it down on the chair. Richard watched the two of them, amusement flicking her in his eyes.
“I asked you,” she replied closing her eyes as his hand traced her cheek. “But you were tired and worn out.” She smiled.
“It wasn’t my fault you had tortured me like that. A man has limited endurance, my sweet.” He whispered, leaning in to kiss her forehead. Richard rolled his eyes and crossed his arms together. “I would advise to get a room, I am sure you need it more than I do. Though with the sight, I think I need it more.”
Pauline laughed and pulled away from Cullen, sitting down on the chair across from his desk, next to Richard. “It is nice to see you again Richard. Since you are here, how is Lady Evangeline? I bid she is well?”
“Indeed,” he mumbled, taking a sip out of his scotch. “The same as ever, she is still controlling as always.”
She chuckled and pulled her gloves off. “It is a surprise for you to be here in the manor, tell me why are you here?”
“I cannot visit my friend from time to time? Is that a new rule that I had not heard about?”
Pauline smiled and glanced over at him. “I am not that clueless Richard, whenever you wish to talk to my husband the both of you will go in a bar and talk there meaning that this is urgent and not to be taken lightly,”
A wise woman, he thought, downing the drink. “I changed my agenda. We will talk in his study from now on,” he shrugged it off, placing a lie on top.
“We were talking about his bride to be,” Cullen rolled his eyes, casting Richard a glance which he returned back with a frown.
“This isn’t any of her business,” he said coldly.
“When it comes to advice and famous sayings, my wife is better than me. You should know that Richard.”
Pauline took a sip of the tea that her butler sent with the tray. “So what is the situation?”
Richard didn’t say a word he kept his mouth silent. This wasn’t any of her damn business; there is no need for her to make it her business. She is completely fine not knowing everything he does. “He is engaged to a woman named Loretta Chase,” Cullen said in a lazy tone, pouring himself some more scotch offering it to him.
“I have met Miss Chase in one of the charities I had attended, very kind and beautiful woman actually.” Pauline explained to her husband and looked up at Richard her eyebrows slightly raised. “So tell me, why would you want to marry a woman like her?”
“That is what I had asked,” Cullen grumbled, taking a sip out of his drink. “He would never go for a woman like Loretta Chase, I would have guessed that he would have gone for someone like Carmen Whistrop,”
She glared at him in response. “Do not be ridiculous, Lady Whistrop is a married woman,”
“Married to five men, all of them related as a matter of fact.” Her husband said quietly.
“It was not her fault that she was raised in a horrid family. You must understand that,”
“And did I mention that she had tried to seduce me as well?”
Pauline chuckled. “Yes I knew about that and I am so proud of you for not actually falling into her traps.”
“Well she was an attractive woman,” He smirked while Pauline’s expression suddenly turned grim.
“If you are trying to make me angry then you are indeed succeeding,” she replied looking over to Richard once more. “And I am afraid I have to counteract with your reason dear. I think Loretta is just the perfect woman for Richard,”
Cullen raised a brow, and so did Richard. “What makes you say that?”
“Miss Chase is a woman with long tolerance and deceitful mind. Though not as bad as what you and Cullen think.” She took a sip of her tea, placing it on the tray when she was done. “She can get you to reveal everything: that is how deceitful she is, without even saying much, just with her expressions and voice. Richard on the other hand, has a short tolerance and a dangerous mind. He can be able to reveal your darkest secrets by just a look that can be worse than the devil himself,”
“But that would make them much more of an unfortunate couple. A bad pairing,”
Pauline smiled and poured herself some tea yet again. “That is where you are wrong. In chemistry, opposites attract. Both negative and positive, Loretta and Richard. The ying-yang. Light and dark, good and bad,” she glanced over at Cullen. “Are you catching up my dear,” He growled and leaned against his chair study. “Yes, I get it.”
“You’re saying that I am the negative, ying, dark, and bad?” Richard asked apparently amused by her assumptions.
“Yes that is where I need for you to do me a favor,”
Richard leaned forward on the chair, seeming to be concerned at Pauline’s distraught face. He had never seen her in this type of emotion. “What favor?”

Loretta paced around the room, her hands on her waist, her anger flaring. “Oh why that little!” she shouted. “How dare he keep me here captive!” She balled her hands on her sides. Then with a low voice she looked at the library carpet. “And here I was worried about the reason why he would act like a blasted rogue again. He was so different last night, completely different from today. Was he even real?” She sighed and walked over to the window, thousands of books filled each shelves in the room. All of them from famous authors, poets, and people.
Outside, it was still snowing, the sun covered by thick white clouds across the sky. She watched as the carriage pulled over the estate driveway. Grimly, she glanced back at the grandfather clock.
It was a quarter after five. True to his word, Loretta looked throughout the library. For hours, she had wondered what was wrong with her. Why she would make love to someone like him? Twice as a matter of fact. Her face contained a steel expression as her decision sank in. She will not let him touch her again, in any intimate way. Never will she let that rogue do whatever he wants done. She is not his wife, and she will never be. She will personally be true to that. Now all that she needs to do is to keep that in mind whenever he is near or around. If she can be able to control her raising heart, the longing her body craves, the emptiness that needs to be filled. She shook her head. No matter, she will be able to find another. Another suitable gentleman who would love her, care for her, suit her every needs. She has no need for such a disgraceful man who is an out of control rogue.
With that settled, she made herself sit on the chair, her body relaxed her expressions emotionless. She had thought too much that she forget that he had arrived in the estate and was making his way up to the library. Suddenly, Loretta had the urge to fix her hair, to present herself properly, not with her hair in escaped pins, her gown wrinkled and not ironed. What was she thinking? She doesn’t need to beautiful for him, she doesn’t care for his opinions no matter what they are. Just as she promised, her heart didn’t contrast as he came into the room.
But when he turned around, her heart betrayed her. He was dressed in the most presentable way unimaginable. His waistcoat tailored neatly, trousers fitting his tall and masculine legs, boots containing his smooth feet.
His hair was doubtfully messy, black hair hang down his forehead, the others not on their right side. Her fingers grew damp as she remembered the way her hands ran through them when he was tasting her body. She wiped them away as she finally met his green-blue eyes. “How dare you keep me here. I am not some servant you can control. I cannot even believe you had the nerve to do what you had done,” she got up, thankful that her anger overcame her giddiness.
He shrugged and shook off his waistcoat, placing it on the library chair across from where she stood. “I needed for you to remain here so I can have a little chat with your parents,”
Her eyes widened. “Did you tell them I was here?”
Richard regarded her with a cool expression. “Yes.”
“Because they were worried sick about you. Your mother was close to fainting even though she may not said anything. Your father lacked sleep and food. Because of your doing,”
She slumped down on the chair, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. “I did not know it will result into that,” she whispered, looking down at her delicate pale hands.
“It does not matter, they are alright.”
“What did you say to them?”
His mouth formed into a thin line, suddenly curving upward almost resulting into a smile. “I asked for your hand in marriage,”

Chapter 10

Loretta almost fell from her chair if her hands were not gripping the arm holder. “I beg your pardon?” she asked her temper growing again. He just doesn’t know how to stop being an ass now does he?
He sighed and leaned against the chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. “I had said, I asked their permission for your hand in marriage,”
She felt her whole world crumble out in the universe, the room suddenly seemed blurry in her vision, and she fought the urge to run away. “Why in devil’s name would you do that?” she whispered. “I do not wish to marry you Lord O’Conner. I hope you can understand that,”
“I can understand perfectly,”
She let out a breath and relaxed.
“That you do not want to marry a man such as me, and that is why I want to marry you.”
And just as that she stiffened again, her words felt like syllables in her mouth, couldn’t even produce nor speak them, too shock to respond.
“You have no choice but to accept it in the matter. You are steeped in deep scandal Miss Chase. It is, after all, the only option you have without having to kill your parents with worriedness.” He sat coolly at his chair, like this doesn’t affect him as much as it affected her. He truly was a rogue! How could have this happen? Everything was going according to plan, except for the fact that he had appeared in the train station to claim her. How had he known? No one knew about this except for Wilhelmina, her coachman, Jane, and her husband. No, it is impossible. Jane would never betray her trust, that is something she holds dear. She is all about loyalty. Surely she did not sell her out. Loretta looked up at him. Options ran through her head.
“I will ask my mother and father if I can travel through Europe for a short while. I am sure they will accept,”
“After the stunt you have pulled, I do doubt that.”
She looked at him with bewilderment. How could he sit there calmly? As if this absurd decision does not affect him too. His freedom will be taken away. He is an out of control man, he would be just too much to handle. Too much for her at least.
Then in an instant, memories of their love making appeared on her mind, playing like a broken tape recorder. The way he touched, caressed, and kissed made her body tingle. Her breathing grew rigid. How could this have happened? She was a proper woman. She was not to bed men unless married. She lost her innocence to a man with low intentions.
She was stupid for letting him bed her.
“I appreciate the proposal Lord O’Conner but it seems that I have to decline. Marriage is not fit for a woman like me. I prefer to ride and explore the world before that happens,” which was completely a lie. She wants to be married, that is every woman’s dream. To love someone who would love her back. To kiss away every problem in her life, to wake up in the morning with the person you cherish more than life itself. Be with someone you cannot live without.
“Then we will travel first.” He advised persistently. “We can wait for marriage probably until next May.”
She shook her head and looked up at him. “I would rather be steeped in scandal than be married to one who had caused it,”
Richard’s calm expression suddenly turned grim. “Please do not forget that YOU were the one who caused the scandal my sweet. This was you’re doing. And let us face it, with the ton knowing what had happened to you and me, no eligible bachelor will want to marry you. So I am your only salvation ,”
That may be said, he is right. But… how can your salvation be you’re destruction?
Loretta took a deep breath and weighted the possibilities in her mind. He is accurate about everything but one. She will never marry a man such as him. About what he had said earlier, no that is not it. She can never marry a man who is secretive. Who is distant and cold towards people. She wants to wed a man who is open, who can talk to her without having to hide anything. She just knows that somewhere, a man like that exists. Just not in London or earth.
“I appreciate all you have done for me but I cannot accept your offer. I will find a way to fix this by myself. Without your help,”
For the first time since he had arrived, finally she saw a flicker of emotion cross his face, but once he regained his posture, it disappeared. Was it annoyance or something else? Disappointment?
No impossible, he cannot feel sad because of her decline can he?
She studied him. All her life, she can be able to read people’s emotion. No matter how hard they try to mask it. But something with this man can’t allow her to read him in any way possible. Only was it last night that was possible.
“I have been meaning to ask,” she cleared her throat. “About last night.” She looked down at her lap. “What had happened?”
Richard put a hand on his chin, as if thinking. “Well I believe it’s what people do when lust started to consume them. It’s called sex darling,”
Loretta looked up alarmingly, her eyes widening, face slightly turning scarlet. “No!” She said muttering. “It’s not that. I meant with you. What had happened with you? You were acting… different,”
There it was again, emotions crossed his face and this time it stayed until a couple of seconds later. She can identify it.
Surprise and relief.
She can understand surprise. That is an emotion she knows pretty well. He knew that she caught on. That he was different. But one thing she does not understand is relief. Why was he relieved?
“I do not understand what you are talking about,” he shrugged off the question which annoyed her. This is exactly what she was speaking about. Him always keeping secrets. He can never be open to other people. That is just who he is, and she understands that. But why is her heart aching?
“You do very well know what I am talking about Lord O’Conner. If you are as wise as you say,” she said coldly.
“I never said that I am intelligent now did I? Now speaking of which, my companion’s wife, Lady Pauline Gray needs our help.”
“Our help?” she asked her eyebrow raising slightly with interest. She has indeed met Lady Pauline Gray in one of her charities with the Sapphire Roses Club. A sweet and honorable woman, she had recalled having a word with her in the past. They had talked for a while until she had to leave with the rest of the members. Pauline was indeed a good friend.
“Yes, our help. It seems like her best friend’s daughter, Miss Anne Paisley, has been abducted. Well in this case, kidnap would be the right word to use.”
“Anne?” she asked. Her mind caught up to her. Yes, she had met Anne before with her mother, The Count and Countess of Bakewell. They were caring parents, very fond of their daughter. Anne was a girl, fifteen was her age. If she recalled, Anne had a beautiful brown curly hair that goes well with her slim waist and chest. Thick lashes surrounded her deep blue eyes. She was a proper lady even in that age. How can a sweet girl such as her get abducted?
“Yes Anne. I was informed that you and Anne had met before?”
Loretta nodded in agreement.
“So will you help?” He asked his eye brow raised in slight interest.
“Will you help as well?” she asked, crossing her arms together.
“Pauline is the wife of my childhood friend. To me she is like my sister, of course I will help.”
She smirked. “It seemed like you are not as what they had said. You are dedicated to help a friend in need,”
Richard met her gaze instantly, his expression as cold as the blizzard brewing outside. “Rest assured this is a dangerous job for you. I can do the job myself but it seemed Pauline is asking your help. Her wish is for me to assist you on whatever the investigation may be. I will not be obliged to protect you. She told me to assist not lend a hand whenever you are in danger. So let me paraphrase this, you are on your own. I do hope you can be able to protect yourself, because I will surely not. You are not my responsibility,”
The temperature in the room suddenly dropped just as Loretta’s unforgiving expression pierced through the air. “Do not worry O’Conner,” she growled, her temper now set free. She stood up and took her shawl and overcoat. “I won’t be getting into trouble. I do not expect a man such as you to save a woman. Be aware, I can properly take care of myself. I do not need your pesky guidance. I can find Anne myself without your help,” And at that last word, her fists balled to her sides, she made her way out of the door and turned toward the end of the hallway, heading outside of his estate, toward the carriage that waited for her outside. “I do not mind for you being cruel,” she whispered as unwanted tears escaped her eyes. “But your cold-heartedness is another story,” she wiped the damn tears away and hopped on the carriage, she will find Anne. Even if she dies trying. She will see to that. She doesn’t need his help in anyway necessary.
She arrived in the front steps of the Sapphire Roses Club. She knows that it doesn’t help much but the only people she can get information from is someone superior and powerful. Who wouldn’t be better than the King and Queen of England themselves? And additionally, she seeks information and advice. Information on how in the world did Richard had known about her whereabouts and they are the only ones who can help her with that information.
Lady Jane was cradling her baby to her chest, humming as Vivian and the others circled around her. “He is so cute,”
“Indeed right,” they all said at the same time, they turned their heads as the bell from the door startled them. “Loretta,” Jane mumbled, standing up. “Take care of him for me,” she handed the baby to Christine who held her with excessive care. Jane, with her brown curled hair in a tight bun, her dark green gown with white trimmings at the end of the fabric, made her way toward Loretta who stepped out of the club main room and into a room.
“Loretta,” Jane greeted smiling. “What in the world are you doing here? I thought you were on your way to Scotland?”
“Yes but unfortunately, Lord O’Conner had found me. Now can I ask how in devil’s name he found that information?”
She frowned. “I did not say anything to him.”
“Then who did?”
Jane opened her mouth to say something but closed it when she had heard her husband’s voice. “I did,”
Loretta frowned and looked over at William’s approaching figure.
“Why did you? You promised me that you will not tell,”
“I did not promise you anything Miss Chase. If I remember correctly, my wife promised you. I was not counted,” he was wearing an elegant golden overcoat and light brown breeches, stockings were underneath his boots that was up to his knee. He looked like a king, she thought amazed. A handsome king who can order anything to anyone in his kingdom. A king who is capable of doing everything by himself with the help of his wife and children.
“But that ruled was regarded to you as well,” she let out a sigh and her gaze was on the ground. “Why did you?”
“Because I needed to, I have no need to pry in your business, but if you think that way then forgive me but it seemed like you did needed help.”
“I did not need help,” she whispered.
Jane put a hand on William’s shoulder, shaking her head gently but he refused to listen. Ever since she had married William, Loretta and he had always been close. Almost like two siblings, always knew what the other’s actions were. She knew that William loved Jane very much, more than the whole word and his throne. He would give everything up just to have her and his children by his side. And that too has Jane worrying now and then.
“Yes you do. For heaven’s sakes, you were almost shipped off to Scotland. If it wasn’t for him, you would be all alone and starving somewhere.”
“I beg your pardon William,” she said her voice low and dangerous, warning him not to go there. “Do not forget, I am a grown woman who can take care of myself,”
“Oh really? Because I am pretty sure a grown woman would not act like a child whenever things were at some end or too much for a person to handle. A woman would have stuck to it, never abandoning their problems,”
“William,” Jane warned and gripped his shoulder lightly. He glanced back at her, his eyes shining with concern and worriedness.
“No Jane, she needs to hear this. She is too stubborn to know what is good for her.” His gaze met his again. In truth, she should be mad right now and she was, but it was funny. How can she not have the right words to talk back to him. To tell him everything stupid he had done, but in truth, he had not done anything that is ridiculous. He was always kept cool and intact.
Damn him, she thought her hands clenching her front dress.
“You ran away from your mother and father who was worried about you, you had raised a scandal that had ruined your reputation, and now you want to show up here and dare to ask why had I done what I did? You are entertaining Loretta,”
Loretta felt the tears in her eyes. How dare he lecture her as if she was a child! He may have children but they are little and not adults. She on the other hand is an adult. “How dare you,” she whispered her gaze meeting his, her mouth formed in a thin line. “Talk to me like that. I am not your daughter nor your wife. I am an adult. I deserve to be treated as such,”
“Considering your actions, I do doubt it.” He grimaced giving her a frown, his striking features more distraught than ever.
She opened her mouth to say something ungratefully rude but was interrupted by Jane who stepped in between them. “That is enough you two. Will, your protection and care for Loretta has been taken its toll on you too much. You have to watch your sayings. She did not decide this fate. You had no right to talk to her that way. She is a grown woman who is capable to make her own decisions, no matter what form they are.” She glanced back at her, and gave her a reassuring smile. “I hope you can forgive him. He is just really worried about you. I am sure you can understand that,”
As much as she doesn’t want to, she does. She completely understands what William is going through. But still, his words pained her. She thought she can run here for comfort from them all. But it seemed she was wrong, she only received lecture instead.
“Please understand, we are not trying to judge your thinking. We are just worried about you. All of us,” Jane put a hand on her shoulder. “I am sorry that we are over protective, but we care for you, deeply.”
Loretta nodded but kept her gaze on the ground.
“Now do you mind telling us why you are here?” she asked softly. Will remained quiet as Jane asked him to sit down on the chair next to the table.
She nodded and sat down as well, taking a deep breath. “Well you see, I kind of came here for a favor. You see, Anne Paisley, was abducted and I wanted to see if you have any information on where she was last scene. I mean considering you are the king and queen of course. Anne is just a little girl. I care for her safety and want to bring her back home with her parents,”
“What makes you so sure she did not run away?” William asked, considering everything she had said. She stiffened in response. She had considered that possibility but if she knew Anne, then she would have never run away. It is not like her. “I have considered that possibility,” she replied with just as the same expression. “I assure you, she would have never done a reckless move such as that. She had loved her family very much; she would never have taken such an action,”
“I will see what I can do,” William muttered but still kept quiet, his gaze tearing away from hers, settling it on the carpeted floor.
Loretta did it as well; she searched for the words, anything she needs this moment, but she has nothing. Nothing to say. She gave a smile at Jane and stood up, her skirts falling in place yet again. “That would be all, thank you for helping me.”
Jane stood up as well, her smile masking away the troubles in her life. “It is of no problem. I see what I can do as well. I will ask other friends of Anne and their family while my husband looks up possible criminals with the authorities,”
She nodded in understanding, as she picked up her skirts and headed for the door. “Thank you Jane, you do not know how much I am grateful for your help.”
She shook her head in response. “It is of no problem, I assure you. I am just sorry for William’s behavior, he cares for you dearly, and you should know that. I only ask that you forgive him,”
Loretta didn’t answer in response; she hesitated and looked at the ground. She knew that William only cared for her, which is why he had acted like that. He only cares for her health and well-being, it may not sound pleasant to the ear but he means no harm by it. And she knew that.
“I know,” she whispered looking over to the rest of the club members. They looked like they were enjoying themselves, laughing and jesting around. “When can things resume back to the way it was? Before I had made that appearance in the O’Conner Estate?”
Jane smiled, now understanding what was troubling her. “Come,” she said taking her overcoat and shawl with her, tugging her satin white gloves on.
She nodded in a daze and followed as they exited out the club door. People scurrying past, holding on to their belongings, carriages passing by with fast haste. They must be hurrying to get home, after all Christmas is almost near. They had need to work to buy presents for their children and partners. What must be like to have a family? She shook her head. No, she shouldn’t be thinking things such as that. She does not need any family. She is completely fine being alone.
Jane leading them across the street and walked by the trail, passing the gates to the James’s Park. They walked towards the trail, or at least that was what she had presumed, the original ash fault disappearing beneath the snow. She watched in amazement as the scene before looked so peaceful and dazzling. She cannot disagree that James’s Park is a breathtaking place in the winter. Artists gathered along the front of the gate, some inside the park to paint the vast scenery.
“I now see what is bothering you,” she chuckled and headed along the same path the original trail had gone. “It is because of Lord Richard O’Conner is it not?”
Loretta looked down at her skirts as it swished between her ankles as they walked, their heels leaving footprints in the snow. Jane had always seen through her barriers, no matter how high or hard they were. It is futile to lie around her, she will always see through it.
When the silence continued to grow, she glanced back at Loretta. The expression on her face proved that her suspicions were correct. “I have no need to pry in your business Loretta but earlier, you had asked a question. A question that I have an answer to,”
She nodded, trying to predict what it is in her mind. What could her assumptions be heading to?
Jane chuckled in response. “You know I do not know why people think I can read them as well as they can read themselves. I just do not get that. You see, the reason why I am good at telling what their intentions are is because of the emotions they show. Or not show if that makes sense,” In Loretta’s blank face, she continued. “You see, it is what they do not show is how I know. People that are distant and remain expressionless wants to hide their true emotions because they do not want to let anyone know how they are feeling, It might because, they are scared of letting it show themselves. Tell me, does this remind you of anyone?”
Loretta thought about her question, then with a flash, suddenly it was there. “Richard,” she whispered looking up at Jane.
She nodded and looked ahead of them as they continued walking, the winter breeze blowing through both of their hair. “Yes you are correct.”
“But…why would you assume that?”
Jane continued walking, her pace slow and patient. “I have a feeling; I will let him tell you that. I will not speak of his business. He will tell you when he is ready to accept. But just keep in mind, be patient with him. He had grown in a family with tough supervision and lectures. You on the other hand had a different life, you played with your friends, had fun, and did everything you wanted with a chaperone. His brother had passed away just recently. He has not yet adjusted to that scenario. With his eldest brother gone, he had to take role of the family responsibility. He has needed to find a wife who will help manage that household. Produce an heir so he can be able to have a successor. Now do you not think that that is too much responsibility for a man alone to handle?”
Loretta nodded in response of her question. She has a point, imagine if someone in her family dies and leaves her with all the responsibility of the house and money. That particular scenario is something she is not looking forward to. Is that why he needed a wife? To help him take care of his family?
Jane looked back at her, suddenly being able to read her expression. “I take it Lord O’Conner
had decided to respond to one of his responsibility as a gentleman. He had proposed?”
She nodded and let a sigh, wrapping the shawl and overcoat even tighter around her arms and
body, thankful for the heat its giving. The sky was still covered with white clouds, signaling for snow to fall down yet again. Puffs of smoke escaped their mouth as they continued to walk along the path, ending slightly only to turn toward the fountain, whose waters are frozen due to the freezing temperature. They stopped and took time to take in the view.
“Did you give him an answer?”
Loretta nodded.
“You said no,”
A nod was the answer.
“Loretta, I am going to give you a piece of my opinion of Lord O’Conner,”
“Oh please Jane, there is no need for you to tell me this. I am perfectly fine with-.”
“But you will listen as what I am going to say anyway,”
Loretta nodded and kept silent.
“Richard O’Conner is a man with an arrogance, that no woman can ever tolerate. But you see, that is what makes him unique.” At her blank expression, Jane hurriedly continued. “As you may have heard before, and I have mentioned it just a while ago, he had a very painful childhood. He grew up without a family who would take care of him. He had been alone all of his life. No one there to support him when he is sick, help him when he stumbles, and catch him if he falls. He had grown up without trusting anyone around him. Not even his siblings,” Jane paused for breath. “The reason why I had known this is because I asked the police about his report and profile. I know it was wrong for me to do so. But I always wanted to look up the people who needed to be looked up, the point is. He has a hard time letting people in his life,” She stopped and made their way up the carriage, closing the door behind them, shivering slightly.
“I know,” she replied awkwardly at Jane. “That is why I cannot marry him. He is a troubled man. A marriage would not suit him as of the moment. It will only make things worse for him,”
As the carriage stopped in front of the O’Conner Estate, Loretta thanked Jane one last time before hopping off of the carriage and enters the gate. Just as the gate closed behind her, she was not sure, but she heard Jane say something before the carriage lurched forward disappearing into the night.
That is when you are wrong.

Chapter 11

Richard watched outside of his study window. After she had left, he went ahead and studied the possible places Anne could have been abducted in. So far there were no possible reports from his hired henchman. All the trace leading to the girl was that she had ran away with nothing but a note on her bed.
If he was any other man, he would have just ruled it out and declare that she was a run away. But something about the determination in Loretta’s bright green eyes made him think twice. For the last hour or two, his desk was filled with files about Anne’s disappearance. And so far, the same information was repeated. Nothing of help.
He sent for the tray and one of his maid’s, Georgiana, entered with his dinner. “Here is ye dinner me lord,” she said politely, stopping, bowing in courtesy before exiting out of the room, leaving him alone with the dinner tray.
Richard pushed it aside, as it turned out, he was not hungry after all. “Georgiana,” he called out before she could go any further out of the hallway.
The sound of heels that was distant now became more louder as the door opened and she entered. Georgiana was a petite woman, with fiery red hair and bright blue eyes. She was slender and he believes that she is about to turn fifty. Wrinkles masked her face.
“Yes me lord?” she asked, her head down.
“Has Lady Chase returned from her trip yet?”
“Yes me lord, she is in her room as of now.”
He raised a brow, he leaned in the chair, his hands behind his head. “In her room?”
She nodded. “She had requested her own room when she had come back from her outing. I was glad to point her to the room across from yours.”
Richard put a hand under his chin, resting it there. “And who had told you to give her the room?”
Georgiana looked nervously on the ground, fingering her apron. She opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted.
“I did,” Loretta entered his study. He could see that she had changed her dress when she came in the house. The bright blue dress neatly folded her body. Every curve was visible, the shape of her breast more full. He met her gaze. There was something in her eyes that made him hesitate. A sudden warning to the person she would come against. It was the same look that she had worn when she first entered his study. When they had first met.
Her hair was undone, the curls falling down to her waist, the other masked her face, making her look like a dazzling goddess. No.
A goddess can’t be compared to her. She looks like Loretta. His erection throbbed against his breeches, wanting to be in her body again. To feel those small but powerful legs around his waist, his tongue tasting her skin, nibbling on the tender flesh.
God what was she doing to him? She had him under her fingers. But he doubted she knew that. The words he had said earlier that day was in his mind. He regretted it dearly as soon as he saw her face. He wished he could take back every word he had said, but he knew that was too late.
Richard wants to protect her, hell if something bad would happen to her, it would be on his head. But she can’t know that. She can’t know what he is thinking, what he is feeling.
Because he doesn’t want to know that either.
He can’t afford to show his emotions. Showing emotions only brings weakness and pain to the one who possess it.
He had seen that before, when he was a child. An outcast with the family. Richard never fitted in, no matter how much his sisters pulled his hand, motioning him to play with them. He could never find happiness.
He will never will.
Richard looked up at her. “You are back,” he mumbled. “How was your outing?”
“My business is none of yours,” she replied as she strided across the room to examine one of the files.
He stiffened. She was different. Different than before she came into his study. Now she was like a walking statue, her expressions unreadable, distant. “I will take one of these and study it in my room,”
“You mean in my room,” He replied, his gaze expression as well.
“I mean in MY room,” and with that, she turned her heels and exited out of his study, turning on the opposite side of the house entrance and into the west wing, where her room was located.
He stared after her, his fists clenched together. The maid still stood there, waiting for an order of any kind. “You may go,” he said in a low voice.
Georgiana nodded and bowed in farewell, before scurrying off to do about. Richard felt his body sank into the chair. He let out a breath and put his hand on his eyes, rubbing them furiously. Have to focus, the sooner you are done with this the better.

Loretta sighed as she closed the door behind her. That was the hardest thing she had ever done. She had never talked to anyone like that before. She was taught to respect every person, no matter who or what they are. Her heart pounded in her chest, her hand trembling. No, it was not because she was like this. It was because of the look on Richard’s face.
From a matter of brief second, he looked so secluded and unhappy. It almost wanted to make her approach him, and take him in her arms. Hold him tight and tell him she is here. She won’t be going anywhere.
But that’s a lie.
After this investigation is done, she’ll have to go home and attend the Season yet again. Find herself a suitable husband, though she knew that her reputation is now tainted because of Frinchester’s mouth. She’ll just have to make an exception.
With a breath, she made her way toward the table in the corner of the room, next to the window. She shivered and tightened her shawl around her. Making her way toward the fireplace, she took a couple pieces of logs and stacked them, taking the candle from the bedside table and lighted it. Warmth started to fill the room.
She sat down on the wooden chair and splayed out the files that were on the table. One by one, she studied them.
And one by one, the same information repeated. She put a hand to her forehead, rubbing her temples in agony. She glanced down at the paper, she was missing something. Something of importance.
Then a particular sentence caught her eye.
The disappearance of Anne Paisley, has been ruled out. Though, a witness from the stance had said that she was acting quite nervous and looking over her shoulder once in a while. The witness who had foreseen this is an old man who had lived in the alley way next to the London Square. His name was given as Brock Dismantle.
Loretta smiled and got up. This man knew something, something he did not want the police to know. And it must be something that can help find Anne. She picked up her skirts and made her way outside of the room, heading toward his study. She stopped slightly as she neared his door. Taking a deep breath, she masked away all of the emotions she had contained. She raised her hand to knock on the door.
Silence, followed by a rustle of papers then the door opened. Richard stood there, his green-blue eyes clear as the open filled in summer time. His hair was muddled, his overcoat was off leaving her with the outline of muscular chest, the white tailored cotton loose shirt, was the only thing he was wearing to protect him from the cold. Does he even care that it is freezing? She caught a glimpse of his study. The fireplace was not lighted up. Her gaze landed on his body again. It didn’t look like he was shivering. The tray was still filled with food. It was untouched. He did not eat yet? Loretta’s gaze met his. He was not her responsibility nor she was his. She does not car whether he starves himself or kills himself with hypothermia. She only came here to tell him what he had found. “I had found something,” she declared. “It seemed like there was a witness who had seen Anne for quite some time, walking by the streets. The man’s name was Sir Brock Dismantle. We will ride for tomorrow to seek this man,”
Richard nodded stepped into the room again, closing the door behind him, leaving her alone in the hallway. Then a scent hit her, almost knocking her out of her balance. Liquor. The scent of liquor filled the study. Was he drinking? Liquor is bad if you did not have any energy and strength to burn it. What in the world is he doing in there? Drinking without even dinning his food, the fireplace unlit if it is freezing cold out in the mansion. She raised her hand to knock on his door, only to hesitate. Richard is not her husband, nor her friend. She should not care for him. She tightened her hold on her sides, turning around to head toward her room yet again. Loretta closed the door behind her, her back against the wooden door. The sooner she gets out of his home, the better.

They left early dawn. The carriage lurching forward into the winter sky. London Square was not far off of where he had lived. But Richard’s home was in an open filled, nothing surrounded it except grasslands. It will take a couple of hours till they arrive to their destination. Loretta looked out of the window across from Richard, while he leaned against the leather seat, his eyes closed. Normally, she wouldn’t mind the quiet. But this sort of quiet was torturing her. It made the tension between them worsen tenfold.
She wore her morning gown; the light green dress was covered by her black cloak. Her dress had sleeves that stopped right on her wrist, her pale white hands contained white satin gloves. Richard, she saw was wearing a dark blue tailored overcoat. His trousers, tucked in his boots, his vest neatly ironed.
She looked outside of the carriage window, watching the view outside of the tress pass by. They been this way since breakfast. No one had said a word, one good morning and surprisingly, he was the one who greeted her. She on the other hand gave him a nod and continued eating her breakfast. She cleared her throat. “I think we should try and discuss our plan on how will we interrogate this Sir Brock Dismantle.”
“Not needed,” he mumbled.
Loretta raised a brow. “Not needed?”
Richard nodded and continued to remain silent, his eyes still closed.
She felt her temper rise slightly, if someone can make her mind in five seconds it will be him. Only him.
“I think you are wrong. It is needed. We need to know how to approach this man. He might be dangerous. We need to-,”
“It’s not we, it’s me. I am going to be the one who will talk to him. I will be the one who will approach him. YOU are going to stay in the carriage and wait here for me.”
She leaned forward, anger flaring. “Do not forget Lord O’Conner, that I am the one leading this investigation. You are the one who will stand by and watch me. I can take care of myself. I am not your responsibility, remember?”
“Right, you are not my responsibility, apparently neither does Pauline. She told me to watch over you not get you killed by a street mob.”
She opened her mouth to reply at his rude comment, but the carriage, which rode over a boulder, made her slip from the seat and head down first on the opposite side of her, the black leather welcoming her face--only to be welcomed by a warm muscular chest, and a hand on her back, steadying her.
Her eyes widened in surprise. He smelled like aftershave and mint. She inhaled it, happily savoring it. “I don’t want you hurt,” he whispered in her ear, sending electric shivers down her spine.
His hand caressed her back, his finger tracing up and down her spine. She was splayed on top of him, his long legs on either side of her hips, she on the center. Loretta pulled away, but he stopped her, his arms holding her tighter. Chest to chest. She hissed in a breath, her heart contracting. “Indeed, I will be able to take care of myself
“And that’s what worries me,” he whispered, his breath tickling her ear.
“Since when have you been worried?” She whispered, asking him her eyebrow rose slightly. They are so close, that they can be able to see each other’s reflection in their pupils. Pull away. Yes, that is right. She needs to pull away before she gets lost in the storm of the hurricane. Before the sea swallows her whole, leaving her drowning with the powerful emotions.
“Since you had arrived in my life,” Richard declared, his hand cupping the back of her neck pulling her to him. She closed her eyes and leaned in.
As their lips met, his hand flew down to her butt cupping it in his hand, lifting her up to where she sat on top of him, not even breaking the kiss even once. He parted her lips with his tongue, invading her own mouth. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing him even tighter against her. Her legs were on the either side of his legs as she was on top of him. Her heart rose away in her chest, he pulled away and kissed her neck, nibbling the tender flesh and down to the hollow of her breast. He untied the cloak away and threw it on the seat across from them, the carriage still going. Loretta’s heart raised and pulled away slightly to close the curtain windows, leaving them inside the dark carriage together, as it still rode off into the forest.
She untied her corset and bodice, pulling it down until it was on her hips and leaned against him yet again. Loretta took off his overcoat and shirt, making it loose around his chest. Loretta smiled and claimed his lips, their tongue dueling against each other like never before. She can’t believe that they were going to do it. Make love in the carriage. She knew that this was improper. But by the moment, she can’t help it. All it matters is for him to be inside her again, to be able to feel this powerful hips move against her body. She grew wetter by the thought.
She lay on top of him, his finger taking her nipple, squeezing it gently, sending ripples of excitement throughout her body. Her hand flew to his trousers, unzipping his zipper letting his enormous size set free. Loretta looked into his now dark eyes, aroused with passion. “Wrap your hand around me,” he whispered in a ragged voice.
She nodded and grasped his shaft, its size throbbing against her palm. It was warm and smooth, nothing she had ever expected. She massaged it with her hand, rubbing the tip of it until moisture was visible in the head, she raised it up to her mouth, her tongue darting out to taste him. It was sweet and warm. Richard looked up at her with a slight surprise. He never knew that she would actually do that. From a woman like her at least. He removed her skirts out of the way and positioned her on top of him. He took his long cock and held it for her. Slowly, she grasped his shoulder and raised herself up to it, slowly and ever so gently going down. Loretta hissed in a breath as she felt the head of him pushing in her. She stiffened at the invasion as she went down until he was completely inside her, flesh from flesh.
They gazes locked for a matter of second before both were lost in a complete abyss. She raised herself up, not seemingly controlling her own body anymore, and brought it down, this time a little faster than before.
“Jesus Loretta- wait don’t…,” his voice was rasped and breathless. “Stop,”
“I am trying to,” she whispered breathless as if she has run miles. “But I can’t. I just…Uhh!”
She lifted her hips up and brought it down, doing it over and over. Her flesh cradled him, he throbbed and ached for release. He held her hips as her body moved. His mouth found her rose budded nipples and licked it, traced it, and bite it. This only made her go faster. Soft moans escaped her mouth while groans escaped his throat. Faster and faster she rode him, mated him until finally her orgasm came, like the wave slamming into the shore. He pulled out as his own came, spilling his hot seed on her breasts. When the end finally subsided, he held her exhausted body, slowly fixing up her dress.
Loretta closed her eyes as he sat her down next to him, then with a jolt, she jumped and sat on the opposite side of him yet again, slumped in the corner. “This needs to stop,” she whispered. “We cannot do this again. In the carriage no less!”
Richard let out a sigh and looked at her, his green- blue eyes still dark with passion. “If only I can. But you know as well as I, that we cannot keep this up any longer. I cannot keep this up any longer. The only way to stop this is for you to marry me,”
“Still had not given up on that suggestion,” she shook her head. “You are unbelievable,”
“Look, I do not like this more than you do. But this passion between us, it cannot be ignored.”
“There is no passion between us. Maybe you had too many liquor last night and you still have an aftereffect of it,”
“What kind of no passion will result to this,” His gaze went to the seat that was wet with both of their spilled passion.
Her face flushed and looked away. “No passion at all,”
Richard smirked. “The more you deny it, the more it will become more dangerous for you . And for me,”
Loretta glared at him. “Do not worry, I promise you it will not happen again. I will vow to that,”
He grinned. “Some vow is meant to be broken,”
She tore her gaze away from him and decided to look outside the window. Houses can now be seen as well as shops surrounding the whole area. The carriage stopped in an inn. It was a small, one floor inn. It was wide with wooden boards and ceilings. Other than that, it looked comfortable and relaxed.
He led her down the hall and onto the end of the hallway where two rooms were located. “Take that room,” he muttered. “I’ll take this one,” and with that he entered his room and closed it behind him, without another word.
Loretta looked at the ground feeling a slight pang of guilt. She opened the door and closed then locked it behind her. It has been a long day. They had been riding for hours and her body was still sore and weary. She stripped out of her gown and rang the bell to call for the innkeeper. When a knock was heard in the door, she opened it. “Yes mam?”
“Can you ready a hot water for me? I need to bathe,” She asked kindly smiling at the woman named Maria. She nodded and exited out of the room.
She sat down on the bed with nothing but a chemise on. It was soft, she realized.
Laying down, she looked up at the ceiling trying to recall all of the memories that had happened today.
It was true that she had not felt anything about Richard. So why does she feel like this? Why is it that she felt like she had lost something dear to her?
She sat up and headed over to the fireplace to light it. A candle sat up the mantle and took it, crouching to light it. Heat and light flooded the room, casting shadows on some part of the room while light lit it. Loretta walked over to the window, her arms crossed around chest. Snow still fell from the skies, slowly masking the town square. Taking a deep breath, she scanned the street. Her eyes stopped at the figure next to the lamp post. Her eyes widened. The figure was watching her. Male, she realized because of the height and size of his chest. He was wearing a tailored coat that protected him from the weather. He knew that she saw him and yet he still remained where he was.
Standing there, smiling.
She felt a shiver run down her spine as their gazes locked for a matter of seconds. For a couple of minutes, she just stood there, examining him. It was rare for a person who was spying on her not to run. Was he not afraid of the authorities who will come after him?
Normally when she had caught a person watching her, they would run like little ants, scattering around and out of view but he was different. No. He wanted to be caught. Her eyes widened.
So she would fear him. So he would let her know that he is not afraid of anyone and anything. That he isn’t afraid to break in the room while she is sleeping.
Her body trembled uncomfortably; it took all of her effort not to shake in the view of him. She managed to mask herself with calm and collected face. But in the inside, she had the feeling of a little bird, running away from the cage and darkness that was ought to get her. How she wished Richard was by her side, protecting her, supporting her with his warm and solid body. But no, he was not here and that was her doing. She does not need his protection or presence. That she made clear.
And she will stick to it.
Loretta ran her hands through the ledge and lifted it up with a mighty lift. He smirked and walked closer to the window. The streets were strangely empty, it was just the two of them. Even if she screamed, she doubted anyone will hear her, under the strong blizzard. Snow and cold wind entered the room, making the fire go dull but still alight.
He was only a couple of feet away from the window now, his face strikingly frightening, as if he’s capable of killing innocent people. And he probably can.
“I had heard rumors from the ton that you were trying to find the missing child.” He said to her calmly, though there was something in his voice that frightened her even more.
“And if I am what of it?” She asked her gaze meeting his, the calm and collected expression of her own, clashing with his.
“I came here to warn you lady. This is not just a regular kidnapping. There is more in this kidnapping that meets the eye. Everything you have known is just a portion of what is really happening. If you come too close in this, I am afraid your life would be in danger, and so does the people around you. Heed my warning miss. It is better to just leave the girl alone,”
Loretta stared at this man, he knew something about Anne. And additionally, what was he speaking about there is more in this kidnapping that meets the eye? As much as she hate to admit it, he was right. She only knew a portion of what had really happened. There were no other reason why an innocent girl was kidnapped. “What is it you know about Anne?”
“So I take it you will not leave this alone,” It was not a question, it was more like a statement.
“Not a chance,” she smirked prepared of what is to come.
“Then you will regret it,” he whispered his gaze looking over her shoulder and it seemed like in the closet door, then slightly turning around and walking away, disappearing through the street.
She blinked, her heart pounded away in her chest. Why hadn’t he done anything? Quickly, she shut the window and threw some logs in the fire again. That did not make any sense. He had the chance to hurt her then and there but he did not do it. By the warning he gave her, it seemed like he was capable of doing just about anything. He was right, by the warning, it seemed like there was more to this case than meets the eye.
Just then the closet door opened, she jumped and let out a yelp her hand flying to her fast beating heart. It was Richard, with a pistol in hand.
“Good God! What in God’s name are you doing here? You scared the living daylight out of me,” she exclaimed turning to face him, then her gaze flying to the pistol.
“What is that for?”
“For that man,” he said coming to the window, looking outside. There was no trace of him left in sight.
“That man? You over heard our conversation? Through the closet door? How in the world did you get in there?”
“I did not overhear you conversation. I saw a man standing by your window room when we stepped out of the carriage. I did not tell you because I did not want to alarm you.”
“And you didn’t even bother asking me to pick another room?” She asked her anger flickering.
“I wanted to see what that man was here for. What message could he have gotten and now I know. He wants us to leave this child’s kidnapping case alone.” By the look on her face, he continued explaining. “The closet was connected to my closet as well. I stood there and simply listened. If he had done something reckless, I would have pulled the trigger, but it seemed he knew that I was here also. Smart and clever,”
Loretta watched him for a matter of moments. He was here all along, protecting her. Well at least was trying to. He had been here. Something she had not expected. “Why did you come?”
Richard put the pistol in his waistcoat pocket. “Because I wanted to know what that man wanted.”
“Is that all the reason?”
His gaze met hers, the fire in the room ablaze making his features look more striking and vivid. She can see every hollow of her cheekbones, every corner of his face. “If I had said yes, then that would be a lie.”
He turned to leave. “If you need anything else, then feel free to call for me. I am only a voice away.” Richard moved over to the closet and opened it indeed there revealed his room. It had the same outline as she but hers felt more like what a woman would use and his was a man. He left it open, she realized maybe in that way, he can be able to watch her better. Why can’t he just ask her to join the room with him? So there he can keep a closer watch on her. Why go through the fuss of keeping his guard up all the time and watch her through the door every now and then?
A knock came in the door and she opened it to reveal Maria with her water. “Thank you,” she said as she readied the bath for her, steam rose in the copper tub, the bathroom surrounded by mists. Maria bowed in goodbye and closed the door behind her. Quickly, she entered the bathroom and stripped out of her gown. Slowly, she sank in the water with a content sigh, her pale skin completely flushed. She picked up the sponge and softly rubbed her shoulders, then putting her leg up on the ledge of the tub to gently scrubbing it also. Softly, she started to hum.

Richard lay on his bed, with his boots and shirt off, leaving him with nothing but his trousers. That man wanted something from her. And that answered it was a warning. Stay off the case or die. Something odd was happening here. He was right; something way more was at the present. What could it be?
Loretta is in danger, that is what he is positive about. But what could be so dangerous that it will result to giving her a warning? Her voice filled the two rooms. It sounded like a humming. A melody that sounds pleasant and wonderful to the ear.
A melody that he can drown in.
Hastily, he paced around the room. He wanted to just go ahead and tell her to move in his room or at least let him stay at her room so he can protect her. That is much will be easier than keeping the door opening and expecting for someone to barge in those doors with a gun pointing straight at her heart.
If anything happens to her, then he’ll just die.
Damn it Richard! Get a hold of yourself. This woman does not control. You control yourself. She is nothing. She cannot use her wicked ways like she had done before, where have that got you? You are not going to fall in love with that blasted woman. Never will you love.
Love will only bring weakness, suffering, and grief. It is better not to love than love at all. It will consume you whole. Fill your thoughts of what can be and what could.
Thoughts that can never happen.
He is cursed, that is what whispers the ton, and that is something he cannot ignore. He even believes it himself. Sometimes, he wonders on why he was even brought in life, and then when he drinks, it all disappears. He knows the purpose on why he lived.
To cause havoc on everyone around him.
His hand tightened on his sides as he gaze out of the window, the snow falling yet again. Everywhere he turns to, faces of disgust and disappointed flickered in their gazes.
He showed no emotion at all. One though, is what they said. One emotion he had presented. An emotion of a man who is not afraid to kill, a man who is not afraid to die.
They are right of course; he is not afraid to neither kill nor die. Dying is part of life, when your time has come, your time has come. There is no other way to deny it or ignore it.
Richard looked down at the pistol in his overcoat pocket. He had killed before. He killed plants and animals. But he did not kill a man yet.
Or at least that is what the ton thinks. Of course he had killed a man before.
He can never forget the look on Michael’s face when Richard loomed over him a few months ago, his dying body filled with blood.
He had done a terrible deed, and even he knows that there is no forgiveness for him.
The life he is living now is a proof of that.
A nightmare he can’t ever escape from.
Hell that he can’t ever outrun.

Chapter 12

Richard O’Conner frowned as he heard the bathroom door open. She continued humming. He closed his eyes and tried not to imagine what she was doing. Slowly putting her chemise on, her wet hair masking her pale face, her smooth body fitting the perfect silk night gown.
After what had felt like three centuries later, her humming subsided and he was still awake. He opened his eyes and stood up, walking over to the closet where they’re two rooms collided. “I am calling something to eat do you-,”
He cut off as soon as he had seen her on the bedside, combing her brown hair. She stopped and turned to look at him. By god, she looked like an angel who had just stepped out of the lake that provided youth for humans. It took a couple of minutes for him to recover. He blinked and looked away from her view.
Damn it, he was already hard for her.
No. He should no such thing as view her in that way. Loretta is a woman who is not interested in a man such as him. She made that clearly before.
The walls he had carefully made during his life started to build their way again, guarding his real emotions, showing only a heartless man. Without emotions and without feeling.
“What is it?” She asked softly, her features soft.
“I’m getting something to eat. Do you want anything?” He answered coolly, his arms across his chest, his shoulder on the doorway leaning against it.
“There is no need to do that. We can just call the inn keeper for that,”
She was right. He could just call the innkeeper. But bloody hell, he needs some sort of excuse to get out of this room. If not, then he will only end up running towards her, ripping out her gown and taking her forcefully, like a wild animal hungry for its prey.
Richard shook the thought away and buried it at the back of his head. He should not think such a thing, but he cannot stop the idea. Just as he thought, it was dangerous after all.
Dangerous to be around her. He cannot contain himself. He is always forced to be wild in front of her; just by her green gaze meeting his is enough for him to go wild.
As much as he wants to fetch another carriage so he can go home, he cannot abandon the favor. Pauline had asked for his and her help. He has no choice but to live up to it. As soon as this was over, he reminded himself, I will get the hell away from here: away from London, away from the ton, and away from her.

Loretta watched Richard with concern. She had seen the emotion he had felt earlier. The way he had looked at her with those eyes. The eyes of a person who admires someone, then just as quickly as it came, it was gone.
Replaced with the emotionless man who is standing here before her. He had shut himself away from the rest of the world yet again.
“I insist,” he said with a bored tone. “It is not good for a woman to starve,”
What if that man decides to come back? Where will you be when he comes for me? Stay with me, protect me from him.
Instead of saying those words, she nodded. “Suit yourself. If that is what you want then be my guess. I am not hungry at the moment so it will be alright for you to just get yourself supper,”
Loretta went back combing her hair with her silver brush. She tore her gaze away from him and instead focused on the fireplace. The light disappearing then appearing again, in the midst of the dark room.
“Alright,” Was all he said as he came back into his room, putting on his overcoat and exiting out of the door without saying another word.
She sat quietly at the bed, putting her comb on the fabric sheets. Letting out a painful sigh, she got up and sat on the chair, her hand on her chin. A growl rose in her stomach. Well maybe she was lying about her not starving part but she’ll be damned if he let her know that she is really hungry right now.
Some vows are meant to be broken, his words repeated in her mind. Why had he had insisted to wed her? Was it because of responsibility? Or was it something else?
She wondered if her decision was wrong. Knowing Richard, he would marry her because of his responsibility. Even her, she would have said yes because of responsibility.
But she wondered, why hadn’t she wanted to marry him? He is handsome and a dashing prince. A man any woman would want. Loretta isn’t in love with him in any way. She doesn’t have a feeling towards him.
And yet she wanted him to protect her.
The fire on the fireplace cracked, it startled her, staring at the fire she imagined their love making. It was passionate, filled with emotions that consumed them both. Especially her.
“You fool,” she mumbled to herself. “Never should you feel for a rogue. Unless you want pain,”
It was true as well. Rumors of the ton said that all the rogues will only use their woman to bed. Never will they develop any compassionate feeling towards them. They only wed for one thing, sex. She would have lied when she said that she doesn’t like sex. Odd as it sound coming from her, she actually liked it.
Heat made its way up her neck and settled on her face. What an embarrassing thing to think! No one, especially not a proper woman would ever like sex. That is very wrong.
More memories flooded in her mind.
It stopped until Drew, her old lover and fiancé, appeared.
Yes, she had loved before. She loved Drew like he was her lifeline. But everything changed when he had cheated her for her best friend, Aurora. Yes, as beautiful as her name, Aurora was the woman in Drew’s dreams. That was his excuse when she found Aurora in his bed, just before their wedding day. She was young, inexperienced, and blind. She should have seen it coming and yet she did not want to believe it. Loretta does admit that she was reckless not being able to foretell it in the past. Apparently, they had been feeling that way on the day she had meant Drew. Aurora was the one who had presented her to him. Ironic was, she was the one who took him from her.
Since then Aurora and Drew had been trying to apologize to her. It has been eight years since then, and yet the memory of them together was still imbedded in her mind. Rumors from the ton had said that they married and are living happily together with three children of their own.
Immature love, was what her mother said and she was right. They were only the age of eighteen.
Now fully grown, she vowed she will never hurt the way she had been hurt back then. What better way for her not to hurt by not falling in love? Eight years she trained herself to be unreadable. Since then, only three people had been able to see through her defenses; Jane, Vivian, and William. They read her like a book.
She knew that all of the members can. They had just been hiding the fact that they know every ounce of her emotions.
And it frustrates her.
Loretta exhaled a breath as the room still remained quiet. She heard nothing except for the sound of her own heartbeat and the fire in the hearth.
She feels absolutely jaded. It felt like hours even though it had been minutes when Richard had left the room. But still that same statement lay in her mind.
Why does he bother her so?
He affects her in a way that she hadn’t even been affected before. Indeed she had Drew, but he never had treated her the way Richard treated her now. He was a gentleman. Until he had chosen another.
It had been two hours, she thought checking her pocket watch. What could Richard be doing? He had said that he departed to fetch supper. Quickly standing up, Loretta retrieved her cloak, tying it around her neck.
She hurriedly put her heels on and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. Wooden boards surrounded the whole hallway, including the doors and rooms. The inn smelled like fresh cut trees, its aroma strong and powerful. Dim light surrounded it, shadows in every corner that the light didn’t reach.
As soon as she made it to the inn desk, a woman was standing there, she was well built. From what she can see, the woman wasn’t of the ton. “Excuse me, can you direct me toward the dining room?” Loretta asked politely.
The woman nodded and a sudden blush spread across her cheek. “My name is Helena. The dining room is not too far from here. But let me warn you miss. There’s a man in there. Real good looking you see. A hunk. Attracted a good deal of ladies,”
At first, she didn’t know what Helena meant but as soon as they entered the dining room, her heart started to ache at the sight of Richard. He was splayed on the chair, his feet on the table, passionately kissing another woman.
Helena shook her head and leaned closer to her to whisper something in her ear. “That’s Matilda. Poor man seemed that he had fallen for the wrong gal. Matilda has a reputation about the man she had slept with. Broken hearts, is what I’ve been told.”
Loretta clenched her dressing gown, unable to look away from the horrid sight. She had felt like a total and complete fool about rethinking his proposal. It seemed like he was content with her rejection. Slowly, she trembled, suddenly growing pale white, whiter than her own skin.
“Are ye alright Ms.?” The woman asked worriedly, her gaze fixed on Loretta’s unwell features. “You do look like you are about to faint,”
“It’s alright,” A voice said behind her, warm hands clasped cold shoulder. “I have her,”
Helena nodded and walked away slowly before looking back to look at this man and continuing to walk again.
“Now tell me, what is a woman like you doing in place like this? Lady Chase,” She grasped this man’s shirt, not knowing what else to do. “Please take me away,” she whispered, her eyes closed, hands trembling. “Take me away from here,”
The stranger nodded and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway. She leaned against the wall for support, afraid that her knees would give out on her. Why did that bastard man affect her so? Curse these treacherous feelings. “Thank you for that,” she whispered looking up at the stranger, her eyes suddenly widening at the realization. It was Alden, her very own childhood friend. His features strikingly handsome as ever. His blonde hair splayed on his head, clear blue eyes looking down at her with concern. He had changed since the last time she had seen him. Three years ago if she can remember. He used short and lean. Now he was quite the opposite. He was tall and built.
“It seemed you needed saving there Lottie,” he said softly. Lottie, god it has been forever since she had heard of that nickname. He used to call her that all of the time, every time they were together. Breathless she blinked. It must be a dream. He is supposed to be in France, where his family had settled.
“Alden,” she whispered and laughed, reaching up to hug him, hard. For both comfort and relief.
“What are you doing here?”
“My business in London is the reason why I am here. Father could not attend so I indeed had no choice but to attend in his place. The business is done now so I will have to go back to France,” he exclaimed, returning her hug, his arms around her waist.
“But what are you doing here?” she whispered.
“I came here to assist you. Your mother and father had already given me all of the information I needed. I will help with the search of little Anne.”
Wash of relief went through her. She won’t have to do this alone, with Richard. Alden will be here with her, helping her through step of the way. At least she can be comfortable now.
“But what about your family?”
“They will be fine without me for a couple of weeks. I am a grown man Lottie, please remember that,”
Loretta laughed and nudged him on the shoulder, finally pulling away. “I know I am still surprised indeed.”
“So who was that man? You had looked so upset that you really did look like you were about to faint.” Then he smirked. “I am guessing a lover,”
She shook her head rather fast. “No- just- just a friend of mine,”
“It does not look that way to me but alright,” Alden said softly, his hand on her back. She realized that he was supporting her from falling on the ground. Were her knees really that weak? Damn it to hell, she must look pathetic right now.
“Would you accompany me to my room? We have plenty to talk about,” she said smiling.
Her childhood friend happily nodded and escorted her back to her room, showing her the way. She opened the door and led him inside. Then her gaze looked over to the open closet. With a few strides, she closed it, not even forgetting to lock it.
“So tell me Alden? Where do we start?” she asked smiling, heading over to the table where he was sitting.

Richard pulled away from the lady’s grasp, ignoring her sudden gasp. “What is wrong my lord?” She asked softly, smiling, licking her lips.
Damn it, this is not working. Every time he kisses a woman, he always see her. Why? Has he gone mad?
He put his hand on his forehead, rubbing the temples softly before grabbing the woman again, kissing her sweetly. She responded eagerly. He pulled away yet again. That damned woman cursed him. She had put a spell on him, that is what’s wrong with him.
Richard took out his pouch of coins and handed a couple of gold to her. “Here, this would cover it all. Now get the hell away from me,”
The woman smiled happily and left him without saying another word. He got out of the seat and looked around. A particular woman, the innkeeper, was looking at him suspiciously.
“If you have something to say lady, then say it.” He replied watching her frustratingly.
“I have nothing to say except you sir are a total ill-mannered man,” she said furiously. “I do not care if you are wealthy and have power. How dare you see another woman while you are married to another. You sir, are a disgrace,”
“What the hell are you talking about woman?” Richard asked tired of this person’s language and word. He is not in the mood to play nice.
“I am talking about that nice lady coming here, seeing you. She was hurting. Indeed I saw that. That nice gentleman had to escort her out of here, having to support her. Now do you not even feel ashamed of yourself?”
He raised a brow and immediately taking hold of her shoulders. “What in bloody hell are you talking about?”
“A woman with brown hair entered here, was looking for you. Nice woman, she seemed shocked and surprised that you were kissing another woman. A kind gentleman lead her out of here and back into the hallway. I don’t see them now, I figured he took her somewhere, away from you.” And with that, she left him. Her image disappearing as she turned the corner.
He smirked, Loretta saw him? Well that would make his job easier. If she had seen him then she would leave him be. But of the man?
That blasted woman had mentioned a man taking Loretta away. Quickly, he turned and headed toward the chambers where her room was located in.
With a few strides, he made it outside of the wooden door that was her room. Voices can be heard inside. Loretta and another man he cannot identify. He raised his hand to knock on the door. His heart ached for some odd reason as she heard him laugh, along with the male. He had never heard her laugh in such a manor. A manor of a lovely and surprisingly attractive.
Jealousy. He was jealous of the male. He can never make Loretta laugh in that way. Of course he can flirt, but it seemed that every time both of them had talked or even glance at each other, they always seem to quarrel.
Richard can’t ever get along with that woman. It is strictly impossible. Except in bed.
He has the power to undone him. But in bed is where he is vulnerable. A yell followed in somewhere in the inn, followed by a gunshot. Startled, Richard snapped out of his thoughts and sprang into action. It was not located in the room at all. So it be somewhere in the inn. The door opened and Loretta stepped out, followed by the male. Her eyes widened at the sight of him and stepped back, as if propelled. “What was that?”
He glanced up at the male, whose hands were on her shoulder. “I do not know, but stay here.”
She shook her head. “Not even in your life,”
Richard cursed silently, he has not need the time to argue with her right now. “Alright, just stick with your friend for now. I do not want your blood on the floor,” And with that, he had his hand on the pocket where his pistol was located in, walking toward the commotion.
People surrounded the outside of the inn, snow starting to fall yet again. As Richard grew nearer, more people gathered. The scent of blood strong in the air.
He cringed in disgust as the woman he had been with earlier was lying on the ground. Blood escaped the small hole in her stomach, her eyes opened, an emotion of confusion and surprise in them, she trembled in fear. Richard kneeled down and put pressure on her wound. “Stay still,” he whispered. “Don’t move.”
Matilda nodded and gasped in pain, her skin turning paler by the second as more blood escaped through her wound. “I- I don’t want to die,” she whispered, tears escaping her eyes.
“You won’t die just hold on.” Then he glanced up and around the people. “Somebody get me a damn doctor!” He yelled in frustration.
People started to scramble around, the only ones were left except for him, Loretta, and her friend. “Just keep still. Who did this to you?”
She blinked and looked up at him. “A- A man. I- I’m not sure but he was dressed like you sir.”
Richard’s expression was grim. “What is your age?”
“E- Eighteen,” was her answer.
Damn it! She was just a girl. Quickly, he pulled her up in bridal style, ignoring her groan of pain and carried her in the inn. Helena was there in an instant. “Give me a fresh bucket of water, a basin, fresh blankets and cloths, a needle and a string, and surgical insturments quickly.” She nodded and went to fetch the needed materials.
Richard entered his room and laid her down. “What are you going to do?” Loretta asked worriedly.
“The doctor will not be able to make it if the wound is exposed to such weather, infection will take place and she will die.” He replied hastily, kneeling down to get the knife from his boot. “I am going to rip your dress so I can be able to dress your wound, the pain will increase as I begin to cut but it will be brief once I get the bullet out. Alright?”
She nodded and closed her eyes just as Helena came in with the materials. Then she handed him a cup, he took it and let her drink it. “It is anesthesia. It will help dull the pain. I am not sure if it will work quickly but it will work. You will feel a little drowsy and sleepy but other than that, it will be okay.”
Helena took out something in her apron. “And here is some a bark from the tree. I groomed it so it will not hurt her mouth,” She handed him a shaped tree bark. The bark itself is gone only replaced by a smooth surface. He motioned for Matilda to open her mouth. “Bite on this as you feel the pain. We do not want to alert the others as much as they already are alerted now.”
She nodded and opened her mouth, holding it firmly in her mouth. “You have some for the pain?”
Richard looked over at Loretta. “Will you stay for the operation or will you wait outside?”
“I will stay,” she whispered and looked over at her friend. “Wait outside Alden. I will be fine. I will assist Richard if he needs any assistance.”
The man, Alden, nodded and exited out of the room, closing the door behind him with Helena following. His gaze was back on the woman on the bed, trembling in pain. “I will begin cutting your dress.”
Matilda just nodded and let her head rest on the pillow, closing her eyes, praying that this moment will end.
With a breath, he took his knife and started on the sleeves of her dress and the outside gown. He opened it and gently took it off of her. Bodice was next, the leather was easy to cut; the knife’s edge was so sharp that the bodice parted like it was nothing but butter.
As he cut through all the fabrics, her pale skin welcomed their gazes. At last he finally cut through the chemise, her nipples showing through the thin fabric of the gown. Richard ignored it and continued to cut until all of the clothing was off, leaving her bare. “Start the fire Loretta, she needs warmth.” He said behind his shoulder as he raised the blanket up to her waist then another towel on her chest, leaving her stomach exposed to him. Loretta nodded and headed toward the fireplace, quickly lighting it, warmth filling the room, helping her body stay warm long enough for him to dress her wound.
“Hold her down,” He said washing his hands and the surgical instruments in the fresh water thoroughly, then, walking up to wound in her stomach, where the wound was located. She nodded and put two of her hands on her arm. Richard took the scalpel and began to slice the sides of the wound where the bullet was in. Loretta winced and braced her down as she struggled, loud whimpers escaping Matilda’s mouth, biting the bark roughly.
After the wound was big enough to fit the forceps into, Richard placed the blooded scalpel on the tray table and took the forceps, getting to work on taking the bullet lodged in her stomach. Finding the bullet was a challenge, He didn’t want to hit any veins. He looked down firmly and went a little deeper. Matilda’s whimper became loud groans, her body starting to move out of his grasp. “Hold her down Loretta,” He commanded, gripping her arm tightly.
“I’m trying,” She breathed.
“Try harder then,”
Loretta glanced up at him, her mouth open, about to argue but no words formed. She hasn’t seen Richard in this attitude before. He knew what he was exactly doing, like a professional expert on dressing wounds. With all of her strength, she held her still. Richard took the chance as something metallic hit the forceps tips. He moved it to the right position and grabbed hold of it, taking it out with a quick movement. She lurched but Loretta kept hold of her. He was surprised, for a woman, she was strong. He fought the urge to smile and quickly took hold of the needle, putting the string in the hole and stitching it up.
After he was done, he applied salve and collapsed against the chair. Matilda finally fell asleep, despite the pain. He guessed the anesthesia finally kicked its course.
He glanced down his hands which were soaked with blood. He realized that he was trembling.
A hand was on his shoulder, holding it firmly. Richard looked up to see Loretta. “You were brave to dress someone’s wound such as hers. I had never seen any ordinary man do that before. Where have you learn to work like that? You were natural,”
He shrugged. “I read really,”
Loretta looked down at him with surprise. “Do you mean you had never dress a person before? Of any wound?”
Richard shook his head. “No. I have friends who work with medicine and additionally, I told you before, I read. This is my first time.”
“But you looked so experienced when you were doing it,”
“I know,” he let out a sigh and looked up at her. Her hands were trembling slightly. Richard stood up slightly and placed his hands on her shoulders. Her body was shaking uncomfortably, she realized. There was so much blood. Too much blood. The scent of the room still wreaked with it.
He hugged her, his arms securely around her back. “It can be overwhelming. I am sorry for you having to see that. But keep in mind, you did wish to stay.”
A comforting gesture, she realized, burying her face on his chest, fresh tears coming out of her eyes. “I am sorry,” she whispered. “But who would do such a thing?”
Richard looked outside of the window grimly. “A bastard killer who is out wandering the streets. A killer who is after you if you do not leave Anne’s case alone.”

Chapter 13

Loretta pulled away and looked up at him with confused eyes. “What are you referring Richard?”
He looked down at her with that same gaze, unreadable yet something about the way he looked at her made her knees feel weak and unmovable. “As I had said before, the man who shot Ms. Matilda was the one who had warned us about Anne’s disappearance.”
“So do you mean to say, that Matilda is just a warning? That everything will be even worse from now on?”
He smiled coldly at her. “It seemed that you are catching on. Yes, that is precisely right. Matilda is one of the many innocents who will get hurt, when we start the search of course.” That is just ridiculous, what in the world had happened to Anne that could have caused this whole riot?
Something must have happened. “Do you suppose she was caught in the crossfire?”
Richard frowned and tore his gaze away from her, deciding to check how the woman in the bed was doing, his fingers gently touching her face. Loretta’s heart started to ache again. She wondered if Richard would ever look at her the way he looked at the woman now. The kind and caring eyes, filled with concern and worriedness.
She shook her head as she reminded herself. Fool, you have no need to fall for him. He is no one in your life or you to his.
Ignoring her pain, she cleared her throat. “Well?”
“I do not know,” he mumbled, tracing the hollow of her neck then down to the top of her cleavage. Loretta inhaled in a breath and forced her eyes to turn away. Fighting back tears, she regained her posture, straightening her gown. “If that is all you need me for, then I will leave.”
“Of course,” he whispered, keeping his gaze on Matilda. “May I ask who is the man waiting outside?”
At her realization, she looked up at him. He had caught sight of him. She thought he wasn’t even paying attention to any of her business.
“His name is Alden Hanton. He is a dear friend of mine, since childhood.”
“Are you fond of him?”
Caught by surprised, she nearly lost her balance just standing there. “Of course I am very fond of him. He is kind, gentle, and a caring man.” Loretta smiled. “He is one of the men I hold in my heart dearly.”
He stepped back, as if he was recoiled by a bullet. She walked toward him, her hand on his back, supporting him. “Are you alright?”
Richard stepped out of her grasp and headed on the other side of the bed, opposite on where he faced her. “That would be all I had needed to ask. You can take your leave,”
Loretta looked at him with a confused expression. “But-,”
“I said you can take your leave madam,” He interrupted bitterly.
With a intake of breath, she stared at him for a moment. The fire crackling against the hearth, nothing but the sound of their heartbeat was heard. Then with her head held high, she walked toward the door, stopping slightly to turn the knob and exited out, closing the door behind her when she had stepped outside of the small hallway. Alden looked down at her, his arms were crossed. “How is she?”
She looked up at him, blinking, trying to let her brain function. “She is doing well. Lord O’Conner had managed to stitch up the wound fairly well. Can you call for Helena and ask her if she can tidy up the supplies in the room? And tell her he’ll need more blankets and fresh water.” Alden nodded looked at her for a moment. “After all I do that your highness, can I have a word with you?”
Loretta nodded and followed him as they walked through the long but small hallway, turning the corner and out of sight. “What is it Lord Alden?”
“Well I did not mean to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help overhearing the conversation between the two of you.”
She stiffened but remained silent.
“I heard what you were saying of me also,”
Loretta looked up at him with surprise. He had also heard that.
“You see, coming here to help you with Anne is not the only reason why I am here. I have not stopped thinking about you through all of these years. I do know it has been a while but I missed you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I do think what I am trying to say is… well,” His face suddenly turned red of embarrassment. “Will you spend the rest of your life with me and become my wife?”
“Oh Alden-,”
“I am a marquess. I can provide for both of us. I can provide for our future family. I swear I will never hurt you. I will treat you as my lover, my life, and my own very soul. I love you Lottie. So much. I cannot afford to lose you the second time.”
Her eyes widened at his speech. Never had she ever heard of that before. Not even with Drew. Tears stung her eyes, not from Drew and not from Alden but from something else entirely. From someone else entirely. There is no room for her in Richard’s heart. There will be no more room in Richard’s heart for her, nor anyone in that matter.
After long moments of rethinking of the irrational ideas about her saying no, she shook her head. There was nothing, nothing that could indicate that this was a bad idea. In fact it was perfect. She would be free, her family won’t have to worry about anymore and Richard would be finally gone from her life. Alden had been a very good friend to her in the past. She trusts him with anything, even her life. He was the perfect man. Kind, caring, good- mannered, and certainly not a rogue.
But there was only indeed one problem.
“Lord Alden, you see my reputation has been tainted. I am sure you had heard the gossips in the ton and I would be-,”
“I do not care about any gossips. Your mother and father had already informed me about such a thing, and I will accept any rude chatters. I will not leave you alone like that bastard did. I promise you Lottie,”
Loretta gave him a smile, he had remembered about him. He had remembered about Drew, yes he was the shoulder she cried on. He happily supported her when the tragedy hit. He has always been there for her. Always. Her decision has been made, her mind already set. He is perfect. Sure she might not feel anything for him yet but it will grow overtime. She can be able to love him in the future, just not now.
Feelings tend to grow overtime; she is sure about that fact.
“So what is your decision?” He asked seeming a little breathless.
She looked at the ground, her mind processing this. With a breath, she nodded still smiling. “Yes I will marry you Lord Alden.”
Before she can react, he scooped her up, smiling laughing planting a kiss on her lips. It took her a moment to realize he was kissing her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. It was an odd feeling, she never intended to actually compare him but, it is not like she can help herself. He was nothing like Richard, his kisses deep, passionate, savage; him on the other hand was gentle, careful, she realized that he would not want to rush her, to hurt her.
He pulled away and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You just made me the luckiest man in England. Thank you, I will take good care of you I promise, god Lottie it has been a long time since I had wanted to propose to you, even before that bastard.”
Why didn’t you? I’ve wanted you to take me away. Someone to take me away, to save me. But no one did.
“They will be happy to know that you are getting married. I am,” he smirked and gave her a quick kiss. “I will discuss the wedding details with your mother and father. In the meantime, what will you do about Anne?”
Loretta let out a sigh and put a hand on her forehead. “I do not know. I am planning to visit this Brock Dismantle on the morrow,”
“So what had stopped you?”
“Richard was supposed to be the one talking to this person. I am only to stay in the carriage. But unfortunately, something have happened and I am forced to delay it. I cannot waste any more time. Anne’s life is in danger,”
“What will you do?”
She let out a sigh and leaned against the wall. “I have to attend to him alone. Richard will have to stay here and care for Miss Matilda. After all, with the blizzard the doctor would not be able to make it here for another day, maybe more.”
Alden nodded in response and looked at her smiling. “You were always wise.”
She laughed and nudged him on the shoulder. “Not as smart as Christine,”
“Speaking of, how is the club? It has been a long time since I have seen them.”
“They are doing fine as always,”
“I heard Lady Jane was been reunited with her past lover, the future King of England.”
Loretta nodded. “She has. She was so happy to be reunited with him after all these years.”
He nodded and took her hand, walking toward her room, the floor creaking at their every step. “How did you meet Richard O’Conner? I have heard of his reputation all the way to France. He is not a person I am fond of, based on the gossips of course, but one comment they failed to say is that he’s very skilled and calm under pressure and danger.”
She unlocked the door with her key and headed inside, closing the door behind her when Alden had come in the room after her. “Oh? I didn’t notice,”
“He was calm and seemed not surprised, if you ask me he was the one who had shot the girl,”
“But he was with us when it happened. He was standing right outside of the door.”
“Yes but that does not mean he could have hired someone to do it,”
“Richard would never do such a thing,” Loretta exclaimed, surprised that her own voice was breathless and shocked. “Sure he may be hard to get along with but he would never do such a thing. He cares for people even if he does not show it,”
“I did not assume that Lottie,” He said softly. “I just heard that particular part of information from the people. I am not the one who had spread rumors across London Square; a number of people had thought that also. I was just reviewing the facts if they were right,”
“Well they need to stop spreading rumors that are not true. Who said this?”
Alden smirked. “The main one who had started the rumors was one of the witnesses on the crime scene. He was there the entire time when the woman was injured. He claimed he saw Sir O’Conner shooting the woman,”
“Well did you tell him that he was with us the entire time that happened?” Loretta asked furiously.
He held his hand up in defense. “Do not be furious with me Loretta, I am not the one who had spread those rumors, please remember that,”
“Who was it?” She demanded walking toward him.
“A person who was residing near the inn also. He lives just across the street from here, Brock Dismantle,”
Loretta’s eyes widened. The person who had spread the rumors was the man they were looking for? “Richard would never harm anyone,”
“You seemed very protective of Sir O’Conner. If I did recall, you were practically in tears when you saw him with another woman and yet you chose to defend him? Loretta, I am going to ask you an innocent question. Do you have feelings for him at all?”
She looked up at him, he must be crazy. Her have feelings for the rogue? No way in hell. “Of course not, do not be ridiculous.”
“Then why chose to defend him?”
“Because he is innocent-,” Just then a loud thug and angry yelling filled the inn. “Oh what now,” she whispered tiredly.
Alden went around her to open the door, his head outside slightly then looked down at her. “It came from O’Conner’s room,”
Quickly, she opened the door and without meaning to, pushed past him. An angry mob was gathered in that small doorway, yelling and shouting furiously. “You were the one who had caused this! You shot her!”
Loretta pushed herself toward the room, apologizing when she had stepped on someone’s feet, ignoring Alden’s voice when he called after her. “Please excuse me, I need to get through.” She said in frustration and when she made it by the doorway, someone pushed her in the room; she gasped in surprise and held out her hands in instincts to welcome the floor on her face… but was only welcomed with strong hands around her shoulders. It took a couple of seconds for her vision to focus on the person who had saved her again, even though she knew quite well who it was when he had spoken, his velvet, seductive voice filling her ears. In times, she did think that even he did not even know he was speaking this way. “What are you doing here? You should be in your room, not here.”
“I was trying to save you,” she whispered breathless. For a moment, the whole scene disappeared before her eyes, leaving her with just him. Just Richard.
“I do not think placing yourself in front of the angry mob would actually be called saving me.”
“Well it is not my fault they pushed me in here-,”
“There’s the evil woman who had helped him shoot the poor girl, in fact maybe she was the one responsible. We saw the way she looked at them when she entered the dining room. It was like she can murder someone,” One person from the group said angrily.
Richard’s jaw was set; he looked away from her and at the mob, his gaze murderous. “It is bad enough you had insulted me in my own room but you chose to insult my companion in front of me? If you want to know if I am capable of murder then you will soon find out, keep talking ill about her. I dare you and you would give me a reason to murder,” Even though his gaze was striking, his voice was deathly calm.
Loretta’s eyes widened slightly. If he keeps this up then he will be viewed as the person who had injured the woman. Does he have knowledge of that? “Fool,” she whispered. “You are making the situation worse by your absurd comments.”
“It is not absurd when they dare to hurt the person who is precious to me,” He said, his gaze still fixed on the group of people.
She looked up at him, shocked that he would say such a thing. Was she really precious to him? Or was he saying that just to say so? She shook her head, he was just jesting her.
“Miss Matilda is resting, she would want to be disturb by your false accusations so I suggest you leave her be. If you have business with me then I will speak to all of you outside of the inn,”
They all hesitated and gave him a glare then finally exiting out of the room, one particular man was standing there, his hat over his eyes. “We will all be waiting for you outside of the inn followed by your excuse,” And with that, he left.
Loretta sighed and looked at Matilda. “How is she doing?”
“Usually after a bullet wound, a fever would occur. She is heading towards that stage. I am trying to prevent infection which is actually hard to do. I applied salve on her wound two times in every hour. So far she is healing, the wound is easy for me to take care but without the proper medicine, the fever cannot be easily passed. It has to come to her will. If she wants to live then she’ll fight,”
“But what happens when she does not have the will to fight?”
Richard didn’t answer. The both of them had the answer, she knew that but it seemed unbelievable to her own ears if she did not want to live.
“She will,” he whispered. “She will,” He repeated it as if he was trying to sooth her but she knew it was not it. He was trying to reassure himself that she will be okay. Hopefully, she will be.

Three days later, Richard was right. Fever slowly consumed her, leaving her body weak and vulnerable to other viruses and diseases. She died that afternoon, just when the doctor had arrived. He was delayed because of the blizzard brewing outside, or at least that was his excuse. Loretta was in the room when the doctor took Matilda’s corpse away, a blanket covering her whole body for the people’s view. The doctor bid his farewell and apologized, exiting out of the room, leaving her alone with Richard. Alden at the moment had to take care of his business in St. Albans, complications with his business, was all he had said and left.
She frowned and called for Helena, asking her to replace the blankets with fresh fabric. After she left, Loretta walked toward him. He was standing by the window, his arms crossed, and face hidden away in the shadows. Putting a hand on his shoulder, she rested her head on his back, leaning against him gently. “How are you doing?” She asked whispering. With a still silence, she was afraid he was not going to answer her. She was afraid that he might shut himself from her.
“To be honest, I do not know.” He finally said, although his voice was dark, emotionless. So she was right, he had shut himself from the world. An emotionless soul replaced itself. “It does not matter anyway, she’s dead.”
“I think it did matter,” Loretta replied quickly, turning him around to face her. Their gazes met. “You were very worried about that girl. It is understandable that you are sad about her death. I understand, so just please talk to me. Tell me what is bothering you so,”
“Just leave me be. That is all I ask,” he whispered not meeting her gaze. “I want to be alone,”
She wanted to argue, but maybe this is for the best. He needed some time to cope. Her hand rested on her midriff. She couldn’t help the sudden pain that had occurred for the last three days. He watched Matilda as if his life deepened on it. He loved her, she knew that now. With a breath, she turned and slowly made her way toward the door. Her ears open, wishing, hoping, that he would tell her to come back. To tell her to hold him. But her heart ached, tears formed in her eyes as he didn’t say a word, closing the door behind her, leaving him alone. He didn’t need her. He didn’t want her company. If she cannot comfort him, then she would honestly doubt that no one can.
When she opened the door to her room and closed it behind her, she finally let out the horrid tears. The realization was too much, she loved him. Loretta had fallen in love with the rogue. And it hurts to see him so much in despair.
She knew very well what can this feeling do to her. She shook her head, no she cannot possibly tell him, or show any signs of emotions. Their relationship together is strictly professional. She vowed to herself that she will not let her heart break like the way it did with Drew, and additionally, she is getting married. She cannot feel for another. She had accepted, now she will live up to it.
Loretta WILL marry Alden, and there is nothing in the world, not even Richard, that can stop her.

He sat on the chair, his window opened, welcoming the blistering cold. The fire on the hearth completely disappearing. Leaving the room dark and gloomy just like what he was feeling in the inside. Richard was so hopeless, to think that he can help the poor girl. He had done everything in his power to heal her. He hoped that he could have done something right, once in his life. The image of his brother’s death replayed in his mind:

The summer heat was radiating the air. Michael, the handsome and intelligent older brother, was sitting on the carriage. His expression cool and collected, just like the emotions he always show others. Once the carriage stopped, he exited out to meet the two men who had sent him the letter, telling him where the meeting place was. “I know what you are up to,” He had said, his dark hair neatly combed, blue trouser pants tucked in his knee leather boots. Michael carried himself with confidence and sincerity. It is like he can do anything, overcome everything that people throw at him. Richard was nearby their meeting sight, wondering what the hell he is doing. For the last couple of weeks, Michael had been acting strangely, only Richard, out of the whole family can see it.
Exactly a couple of hours ago, he had arrived at his estate trying to see if he can be able to find out what is bothering his older brother. To his luck, he had found a letter stating that he would meet someone in the abandoned factory, near King Street. Richard was at the destination place exactly a couple of minutes before him, with his horse. What are you up to?
The two men pulled out each pistol, from the looks of it, Michael knew them. They were wearing different clothing from each other but the fabrics had indicated that they were part of the aristocracy. “You two were my best of friends and yet you chose to betray me? How can you be part something illegal such as this?” He said not showing any slight of fear in front of the enemy.
They laughed. “It is just business Michael. I am sure you understand. Now where is it? We know you have it,” One man said harshly.
“I will not lie to you, yes I do have it. But I will never give it to you,”
“I think we can change your mind,” The other man pointed the pistol at Michael’s chest.
Richard watched in fear, quickly he pulled out his own pistol and pointed at the man holding the pistol.
“If you do not give it to us, then you will die where you stand.”
“I am not afraid of dying, dying is part of life. We will all die eventually. But the difference is you both will burn in hell,”
The taller man laughed and nudged the short man who was holding the pistol. “You dare put philosophy in this?”
“Of course, but before I die. I would expose what you are first. Right now as we speak, the Runners, are surrounding the area. Now, you will tell me where the girl is.”
“He’s bluffing,” The man with the pistol said roughly. “We checked the area, there are no Runners.”
Michael laughed coldly. “Then you two do not know me that well,”
“The letter first and then the girl,” The tall man insisted, loading his own pistol. “Or you die,”
“That is not how I negotiate,”
Just as the man was about to shoot, Richard shot first. The short man looked at his chest which was now covered with blood and hastily dropped to the ground. Another gunshot sounded the air, the next scenes was a blur. He ran toward his older brother while the taller man claimed his companion’s body, running toward the exit. Richard paid no attention to them, both shock and scared as his brother dropped to the ground also. “Michael!” He yelled, him on his knees, both of his hand on his brother’s gunshot wound. Michael groaned and coughed up blood. “It seemed my calculations was incorrect,” he replied weakly, smiling. “What are you doing here?”
“Do not talk,” he assured him then called. “Somebody help me!”
“This is an abandoned factory, no one will hear you. This is why they chose this place. Listen,” he said his hand grasping Richard’s shirt. “Tell mother and father I love them. Take care of your sisters I am sorry to leave this burden on you but I know you can be able to do it. I trust you Rick,”
“Don’t say that. I am going to catch the people who did this to you. I promise, just please hang on.”
Michael shook his head. “No, you must forget about this. I do not want you to suffer the same fate I had suffered. Live your life normally. I am sorry for claiming all the of the -,” he gasped and closed his eyes. “All of the abilities you have. For spoiling everything for you. For not letting you shine once in a while. But now you will have the opportunity, make mother and father proud.”
Richard shook his head. “I can never replace you. They would always prefer you instead of me. You were always the better one,”
He shook his head in response. “You have the same abilities that I do, but you have more intelligence,”
“Just hold on, I know help will come.”
“It’s futile,” he whispered, his face growing paler by the second. “Forget about this, forget what you saw today.”
“How can I? I killed you,”
Michael began to laugh and let out a groan. “You are a fool. You saw the facts and yet you chose not to believe it with your own eyes.”
“If I didn’t fire then you would still be alive,”
“I would have died anyway in the end,” he whispered, his eyes closing, life slowly fading away. “This is not your fault, please remember that.” Then he grew silent. Richard looked down at his older brother, shaking him. “Michael?” He asked looking down at him, “Michael?” Still no response. “Michael!”…..

His cries disappeared and he was suddenly back. He blinked as he realized his name was being called. “What the hell is the matter with you? Are you going to kill yourself now?” He looked over at Loretta’s frustrated figure, and closing the window with a loud bang and heading over to the fire place to start the fire yet again. “God it is freezing in here.” It was cold enough that she can be able to see her breath out in the air when she had talked. “Look, I do understand that you are mad about the fact that the only woman you loved died. But that does not give you a reason to kill yourself at the process,” She rubbed her hands together.
“What are you doing here?” He asked looking over at her.
“I had forgotten about my handkerchief. I thought I had lost it so I came back here to fetch it and I see you hunched in that chair with that serious expression in your face, and the room FREEZING COLD!”
Richard winced. “You do not have to yell,”
“I do not have to yell? I do not have to yell?! You practically killed yourself by hyperthermia. I know losing someone you love hurts but this is out of the question you could-,”
“What do you mean by losing someone I love?” He asked raising a brow.

Chapter 14

Loretta Chase nodded and made her way to the other side of the room. “I am right, am I not?” She cannot believe the nerve of this unfaithful rogue! How dare he try to commit suicide!
Her temper is still high just by thinking about it. She knew very well that losing someone is painful, but that does not mean you have to take your own life also. He is capable of many things, many great things and yet he choose to throw it all away?
“I did not love her,” He replied looking at the fire.
She whirled around to face him. “What do you mean you don’t love her? Then why in bloody hell are you acting like a lunatic?”
Richard’s temper rose, he stood from his chair quickly forcing it to tip over: which caught her by surprise. “Listen here you hard headed woman. I do not love her, my business in none of yours.”
“What is wrong with you? Here I am so worried about your well-being and yet you do not tell me what is wrong?”
“It is none of your concern,” He replied calmly. “I am alright by own,”
“I do not think alright is the definition of trying to commit suicide Lord O’Conner,” Loretta snapped. “But fine, since you are ‘alright’ maybe it is time to tell you that I am engaged,”
Richard raised a brow, but other than that his expressions was unreadable. “Engaged?”
“Yes, Lord O’Conner. Engaged,”
Silence filled the room, nothing was heard except the beating of their heartbeats. She was so afraid that the silence was going to consume them; she managed to clear her throat. “So there is no use considering your proposal to me,”
When he met her gaze, she was invited by the coldness of his eyes. Strangely, the blue-green mixing together in his iris, the blue cold color overpowering the other. “I was not considering it,” he shrugged. “As far as I know, it never happened.”
Her mouth formed into a thin line, so her suspicions were correct, he did not mean anything by the proposal, now she is wondering, what could have happened differently if she had said yes? Softly, she shook her head; she will not regret her actions. One thing she has learned in life was to never regret what she had chosen, no matter how terrible or good the consequences are. She had to learn the outcomes of her decisions, to forever cherish the consequences. As cruel as it might sound it is definitely isn’t, she had learned that from the beginning. “Now that that is settled, let us go and move toward the task. In a couple of hours, we will leave for Brock Dismantle. I want to find Annie as soon as possible.” With that last word, she started toward the door- but was stopped with a hand on her wrist, keeping her from moving any further in place. Her heart pounded as he forced her to turn around and look at his cold and intent gaze. “Don’t you bloody worry, I’ll fucking get your damn companion out of harm’s way. I hope you and your husband-to-be have a happy life.”
Loretta winced at the foul words. How dare he be rude to her without her doing anything or was aware she had anything wrong to wrong him.
She raised a hand, now filled with rage and flew it across his face, a loud slap of a sound echoing in the room. Her breath came in quick and small, her fists clenched together with fury. His expression was unreadable, his head tilted to the side, her hand leaving an imprint on his face.
“I,” she began, panting with rage. “Am tired of your arrogant ways. I have trusted you with the information that I have held for the last few days. And yet you dare to criticize something important such as this? Have you been really reduced to something as cruel as the man you are now? I do not know what had happened in the past to make you turn into a man like this but whatever it was… you need to let go of it. It will eat you in the inside until nothing is left of you. You drive people away it is just-,”
“You have no right to tell me what I need or what can do. As far as I am concerned, you are not part of my life.”
Loretta was taken aback. She opened her mouth to argue the point but it seemed whatever she will say will only prove him correct. She is not part of his life. She needs to keep that in mind. “You are right, I had stepped over the boundary. I am sorry,” She bowed in farewell and picked up her skirts to run toward the door. “Good night Lord O’Conner,” With that, she opened the wooden doorway and stepped out, closing the door behind her. Her heart pounded in her chest, the beating overpowering all of the other noises in the inn. She felt warm and hot. She was so angry at him that she couldn’t even stop herself from shaking.
She was right, the sooner she can be able to find Annie the better.

A couple of hours later, Loretta stepped out of the carriage with Richard following behind her.
“Like I had said before, you keep silent while I take with him.”
She nodded in understanding and followed after him as he headed toward the alleyway. The keeper of the inn had informed them that he was living here, so they had come here hurriedly. A figure was hunched up in the corner with a cardboard box covering him from the snow. Richard held out a hand, stopping her from walking. He motioned for her to stay there while he went to go check on him.
Yet again, she nodded. From now until the case is over, it is better not to argue before they start in the wrong foot again. It seemed that every time they talk they always lead into fighting that is a pattern that has been repeating ever since they had met.
Holding her breath, she waited until he had gave her the signal.
Richard bent down to touch him in the shoulder. Immediately, the man stood upward looking around in both surprise and bewilderment.
He smirked. “We have some questions for you,”
The man scoffed and stood up, Loretta backed away while Richard remained where he was, strangely calm. “What is it ye want! You have disturbed my rest,”
“Remember me?” He asked acidly smiling.
The smile sent shivers down her spine. It was a smile of a completely different person.
“YOU! You were the one who had killed that poor girl, you should-,”
Before he could say anything else, Richard took his shirt collar and pulled him up to the wall, the poor man’s feet helplessly dangling off of the ground.
Her eyes widened at his sudden action. She had never seen him like this before. He was really upset, she realized. About what had happened to that poor girl.
“I’d watch myself if I were you,” He cautiously warned him.
The man’s eyes widened horridly. Clearly he was surprised, his cap falling off of his head and down to the ground. He wreaked of garbage and street debris, she realized fighting the urge to cough and gasp for clean air.
Not that she was being rude or anything but he needed to take a good shower.
“How dare you! Unhand me before I---,”
Richard took out an object out of his coat pocket and pointed it at Brock’s chest. Loretta watched in horror. “Care to say anything now?”
He had remained silent.
“Now I need you to answer a few questions for me.” He waited for him not the reply before continuing. “Three days ago, you had seen a woman get shot in front of the inn. I believe that you had seen a man do that. Describe him,”
“I cannot describe him when I am looking in front of him as we speak,” Brock answered bitterly.
“Well I do not think I need to repeat my comment,” He mumbled loading the pistol.
Loretta’s mouth opened in protest. What in the world is wrong with him? Is he mad? Killing an innocent man was out of the question.
“What did he exchange you for?”
Brock stiffened. “I don’t know what ye talking ‘bout,”
“What did he pay you in exchange you tell everybody that it was me. I’m not stupid. I was not the one who shot that girl. I have a witness who can prove so. So tell me who made a bargain with you?”
“I don’t know,” he whispered panicking. “That man said if I said anything he will kill me, so in exchange I tell them that it was Richard O’Conner, and I did. I’m sorry it wasn’t my fault. They were threatening to kill me! You have to believe me!”
Richard seemed to relax, he let go of the man but still his pistol was out, not pointing at him. “Describe him,”
“I wish I can my lord but he was wearing a face mask when I had seen him kill the poor girl.”
He remained silent for a couple of minutes, carefully trying to reword his questions so the man won’t be so suspicious. “A couple of weeks ago, a girl was kidnapped in this part of the town. It has been said that a witness had seen what had happened and that witness, I have heard from the Runners said that it was you. I need you to tell me what happened that day,”
Brock nodded and took of his hat, holding it firmly on his side nervously fretting with it. “Well I remember that there was this girl. She was walking along the road; I was looking for something to eat in the trashcan when that had happened. People were everywhere, with their family and friends. This particular girl I noticed was different from the rest of them. It wasn’t because of she’s alone but because that she seemed nervous. Really nervous about something. Then the next thing I knew a black, rich carriage pulled out in the front and took her. No one seemed to pay them any mind. I’m guess is because they were scared to do anything by it. When the Runner’s finally came though, it was too late. The carriage was long gone,”
“Can you describe the carriage?”
“All I knew is that it looked like it was a hired carriage,”
That is easy to foretell. The whole London sure maybe be rich with people because of the aristocracy legacy but the whole city is filled with either hired carriages or owned ones. And even though God forbid, half of London does use hire carriage to take them anywhere.
“Well it does look like we can rule out the ton,” He concluded simply.
Loretta nodded in agreement. People in the ton would never use a hired carriage. They prefer their own taste and style. Not some flimsy stinky second used vehicle. Or at least that is what she had imagined the words they used.
Sighing, she looked at the ground. Not enough information was gathered other than the carriage and the fact that Anne was nervous.
Anxiety would be the right word to describe her reaction about something. Though the question, what is that something? Why was the reason she had acted like that? Why kidnap an eighteen year old girl?
She didn’t try to think the negative things about her disappearance but what if she had been abducted so she can be sold into the market?
Loretta bit her lip to keep herself from crying.
Crying is useless. It will never solve anything.
Richard glanced back at her expression, his jaw set in firm line. “Well alright. If that is what you insist. I don’t care about the damn rumors about me but you will leave Ms. Chase’s name out of your mouth do you hear me?”
Quickly, he nodded.
“Do you know what he was wearing?”
“Well,” Brock paused to think a moment, then continued on. “I remember that he was wearing an aristocratic coat.” He glanced down at Richard. “Yes ‘tis like this but different patterns,”
He nodded in understanding a light bulb clicked in his head. “Thank you. That would be all,” He took hold of Loretta’s hand and started to walk forward and out of the alleyway, onto the carriage.
“What are we supposed to do now? We have no lead? I do not think we can even find the person who-,”
“Relax,” He mumbled opening the carriage and holding a hand out for her to balance on while she climbed in, thanking him before he hopped in as well, closing the carriage door with a lock. “We can still be able to solve this case. No worries,” He continued softly.
“How can you be so calm? We have no more leads, no more-,”
“I think about the possibilities Loretta. Possibilities on what could have happened.”
“What could you mean?”
“I mean that there might be some other reason why they wanted that girl other than selling her to the market,”
So Richard was thinking the same thing, in a way. No, it wasn’t that he was thinking it, he was thinking about the possibilities. “Well I suppose you’re right but what other purpose would there be?”
“I need you to think hard, has she been involved in any quarrels? Not just her, the whole family name. Have they been involved in a crime or possibility fortune?”
Loretta stopped and thought for a moment. It is possible. Anne and her family isn’t that wealthy. Just then her older sister, Harriett, managed to catch herself a marquis. They were in love and yet he didn’t care if she was not of the status. He cared about only her. “Well I suppose you could say that their wealth has been enormous, now that Harriet had married a Marquis,”
“That will give them motive,”
“Yes,” she mumbled. “A motive, you are right. But it still does not make any sense. From what that man is describing, why would Anne be anxious?”
Richard stared out of the window. “I do not know. Maybe because she knew she was being chased after.”
“What do you mean?”
“There is no reason for you to be anxious in the open, unless of course you are keeping something or not keeping, possibly you know something that is not right. As if she knew she was being sought after.”
“How did you come into a conclusion that she was being sought after? That was someone was searching for her?”
He shrugged, leaning against the leathered seat, his arms crossed across his masculine chest. The memory in the carriage the last time flooded in her mind. Her face flushed slightly, her hands fisted on her lap, damning the blush, hoping he doesn’t remember it in any way.
She will not let him touch her again, no matter how much she craves for his touch. Loretta figured that marrying Alden was the proper way to forget about him. To dismiss the passion and lust for him.
She shook her head, no. She has no feelings for him. She does not love him. This emotion she is feeling is nothing but passion. This is what her body needs. Not what she feels inside. Surely every female craves for attention, for sex.
Loretta is no different.
Trying hard to desperately not to blush about the memory, instead, she fixed her gaze on the outside window. Watching as the shops and inn’s pass by the carriage, a couple of bumps every now and then, this time making sure she holds on the edge of the seat to keep herself steady and not fall off.
Richard glanced over at her. “You do not need to look so tense. I will not ravish you in this carriage,”
A blush threated to come to her cheeks; it took all of her will power not to let it continue. Obviously, he did remember. He had remembered everything.
Embarrassment flamed through her body. Surely she was being ridiculous. She is offering more meaning to it than it already is.
They both needed a release and there was no one in the moment to partner it to except for them. Surely if there were other people in the room he would have picked another woman, just like her, she would have picked another man.
Sighing, she sank lower into the leather seat. It will take hours to go back into the inn. She did not know how Mr. Brock managed to travel all the way here towards the inn maybe by a horse.
“I know you will not.” She said simply turning away from him and turning toward the window yet again.
“I will not try to take advantage of women who are to be married,” Was all he had to say before remaining quiet again.
Somehow, Loretta believed him. No matter of how much of a rogue he is he will never do that.
“Of course most married women are willing,” He added smirking.
Then the nice thought in her head suddenly just vanished. What the nerve this man has! How can he add a comment that was utterly kind then change it to the negative way!
Loretta bit her lip to refrain from adding another unpleasant comment. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes until finally falling into sleep.

He watched her for a scarce moment, finally knowing by the steady rise and fall of her breast that she has slipped into sleep. Taking out the pistol from her coat pocket he examined it firmly. Richard didn’t know what had happened to him back in the alley. All he wanted was an answer. An answer he desperately needed. He admitted, many people framed him to be a killer but most of those times they weren’t necessarily true. He never murdered anyone. As much as he wanted to he couldn’t.
Even if he had killed his brother.
Gripping the pistol hard into his palm, he glanced over at Loretta and her fragile body. How can someone who was innocent be so tempting?
The memory on their love making in the carriage just seemed to unfurl to life in his mind. And all of a sudden, he wanted to do it again with her. He wanted her.
He still does.
Good God, what was wrong with him? He does not take advantage of married women. He takes mistresses not betrothed women.
A slight pang of jealousy made its way to his stomach. She will get married. He suppose that is alright. She would be able to finally be away from him.
Away from his life, his mind, and his heart.
And that is for the best, because if indeed be able to succumb to his emotions, then all hell would break loose because he won’t be able to find peace.
Because all day and night, he would make love to her. Care for her, cherish her, spoil her.
He would be a man of no will.
He would be a man who is slaved.
A man he cannot ever afford to be.

Chapter 15

As the carriage stopped in front of the inn, Richard thought of waking her from her slumber. But- she looked so peaceful. It would be a shame to wake her. Instead, he eased his left arm under her legs while the other bracing her smooth back, carefully stepping out of the carriage, cradling her.
She let out a soft moan and his erection suddenly responded. She snuggled onto his chest, unconsciously, her arms wrapping around his neck.
Richard stopped and hissed in a breath. She was so light. Her small waist carefully cradled onto his body. He needs to put her down. Now. Before he does something he will regret later on.
He made his way through the maze of hallways until he stopped at one, their two rooms adjoined, opening her door. Walking in, he made his way toward the small bed, gently laying her down.
He took off her shoes, placing them on the ground. Then Richard sat up to watch her for a moment. Her hair was loose of its pins. Practically all of them are dangling down her hair, loose brown curls masking her neck. Gently, he pulled the pins away placing them on the night stand. He didn’t think he has ever seen her with her hair down. She had always put it up into a small bun up her head. She was beautiful. Truly is. He wanted to nothing more than to slip into the covers and join her, take her then and there.
But knew that that was futile.
Loretta can never love a man such as Richard. He was a rogue. No gentlewoman would ever want a man such as him. Sighing, he headed over to the fireplace to start the fire again. The room was freezing cold. Outside, the dark sky was still surrounded with gray clouds, snow falling all over again. Once the fire was secure, locked the door from whence he came and decided to head through the closet. Figuring if he exits out of the front door, someone might now and tries to come in here without permission that the lady was sleeping. For now, he will try to process the possible people who had been involved with the girl. Richard made his way inside the closet and into his room, he too starting to light the hearth. Sitting down at the table, he took out the file of Anne.
Someone had to know of her problem. Someone she trusts most. It seemed that he needs to take a visit to Flora and George, the Duke and Duchess of Bakewell. A knock came into the door as he was about to step into bed. Grunting, he made his way to his door opening it.
Richard smirked. “Well if it isn’t Loretta’s future husband. You sure were quick.”
“I came as soon as I heard the news. So the girl is dead?” He asked, seeming breathless.
He stood aside and motioned for the empty bed. “As you can see,” He replied acidly.
The man frowned. “I am sorry for your loss-,”
“It isn’t my loss,” Richard interrupted leaning against the door inspecting him closely.
“It may have not but I saw to it that you had cared for her well-being,”
Richard didn’t respond instead he looked boringly up at him. “What the hell is it you want?”
“The door to her room is locked. I can’t seem to find my way in,”
He smirked. So that is the reason. He and the man are the same height, his blonde hair was completely contrast on Richard’s. He looked like a gentleman. Specially the way he had dressed. The cravat was on his neck, groomed nicely, his black overcoat contrasted his white ruffled shirt underneath, dark brown trousers tucked in his black knee- length boots.
“In here,” He opened his door and motioned for the closet. “The room from hers to mine is connected.”
“And why can I ask is it connected?” Alden made his way inside the room and toward the closet seeming to inspect the room while he’s at it.
“I assume you had heard about the story to the girl, I am merely watching over her. You know how these parts of London are,” Damn it why was he explaining himself to him? He could care no less what he thinks or what he can assume.
“I understand. Thank you for watching over Loretta. She has a fragile heart,”
Richard smirked. “I had noticed.” Since he was going to the country tomorrow, what better yet than to leave her in this man’s care? He’s the future husband, surely he can be able to protect her with his life. “Tell me, would you protect Lady Chase with her life?”
The man stopped and turned around to face him. “With my life,”
He smirked. “Good,” Heading over to his bed, he took out the pistol under the pillow and handed it to him. “I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I have a business elsewhere I trust that you would take care of her,”
Alden shook his head opening his waistcoat to reveal a silver pistol with the brand of his family name. “No need, I came well protected. You can’t ever trust this part of town.”
Richard smiled. Seems like this man has potential. He placed his pistol back under the pillow. “Good. It seemed like she had picked a good choice of man.” He watched him carefully as he sat down the chair while Richard sat on the bed.
“So I see she told you about the marriage?”
Grinning, he poured himself some whiskey, downing it in two gulps. “She has,”
“I hope you don’t take it to heart. But I love her. I would risk my life for her. I would protect her with all my might---,”
Richard held up a hand. “I don’t need you’re explanation. I am neither her father nor her lover. You can marry her. You don’t need my permission,”
“Do you think I was that block headed? I see the way you look at her. I see the way you-,”
Another hand and this time he glared at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about and I believe you’re time here had been enough. The room is that way,”
Alden smiled and stood up, his cool gaze on him. “I suppose you’re right.” He made his way toward the closet. “But rest assured, I will protect her. Do no worry.”
He glanced at him. “I have no reason to,”

The next morning, Richard made his way toward the carriage. He had checked on Loretta before leaving. She was sleeping peacefully, cuddled next to her future husband. She seemed like she was enjoying herself with his company. She has no need for him. Closing the carriage door behind him, he let out a sigh as it lurched forward.
The town passed by as he glanced out of the window. “Where are we headed sir?”
“Toward the Bakewell manor,”
He nodded and flicked the reigns, making it go faster. The snow finally stopped falling, but the weather was still desperately cold. He had worn a dark purple buttoned overcoat to keep warm, though it didn’t do anything to keep his body warm. But the cold does help him think. He is no longer affected of something that isn’t harmful. Of what he already is inside.
“You do know that if you feel unwell and is too cold you can switch out with the second coachman,” Which was sitting right across from him. He looked a bit young for his age but that didn’t matter to Richard.
All that mattered was he made it there with living men. Not frozen by hyperthermia.
“It is alright sir,” The foot man who was outside of the carriage nodded, flicking the horse faster.
He let out another sigh and watched the scenery before him vanish. It was still good dark outside. Taking out his pocket watch, he glanced at the time. It was five till four. He left rather early though that wasn’t the truth. He could not sleep at all last night.
His thoughts were filled of the two couple sleeping on the next room adjoined to his. How Alden can caress her in her sleep. He closed his eyes tightly shut. Damn it, get a hold of yourself. She is getting married for God’s sake. You shouldn’t be jealous. She can never be yours.
He dozed off into sleep, considering it will take hours for him to arrive in the country where Bakewell manor is. Though he can bet, when he would come back Loretta would scowl at him for not waking her up and taking her with him.
Richard chuckled at the thought, but immediately frowned when he had recalled that man laying down by her side, sleeping peacefully beside her.
She even snuggled next to him.
The thought of them comfortable in the bed made his temper rise slightly. “Is there something wrong my lord?” The coachman asked watching him intently.
He glared at him. “Nothing of your problem,”
“Ah but that is where you are wrong. I know that irritation looking nowhere else in the world. It simply one answer. Woman,”
Richard. So this young man seemed to know more of what he had thought. “I am not implying you are correct, but what had made you into the decision that it was indeed of a woman?”
The coachman shrugged. “I had four brothers and four sisters. I do think I know enough of everything out there even if I am such in a young age.”
“Do you have a guess on what is wrong with me?” He asked brow raised slightly of amusement.
“I am guessing there’s a woman. You love her dearly and yet you cannot get yourself to admit that you are in love with her,”
And he was straight forward about it as well. A smart young lad.
“Go on,” He murmured a hand on his chin.
The young man studied him carefully, his eyes intent on Richard’s gaze. “From the way you dress and act, I do think you are more content in a life where danger lies in every corner. Where thrill and excitement are. You remind me of my brother well indeed.”
“I do?”
He nodded.
“How so?”
“Well my brother was a troubled man. For years he had been drinking and gambling. Betting on cock fights and clubs. He starts rumbling up street fights. Well I think you can guess that he is not very content with his life. He hungers for danger and thirsts for lust. Each night he beds different women until finally he had come across one that was very different.”
“Continue.” Richard murmured, at least thankful that this man has some kind of story that can be able to entertain him halfway, or at least some of the time from here to their destination.
“This one was particularly different. She was beautiful yes but was not like most of the women in the aristocracy. She was kind and independent. Righteous would be the right word. From the moment he had seen her he wanted her right then and there. No one can resist my brother’s charm, he was an expert seducer.”
Just like him.
“Handsome yes even though he is without money. Most women who bed him only want one last stands so he was happy to accept. It took weeks to win her heart. He had completely changed under those weeks. Me and the family were cross eyed when we learned that he was indeed in love. Though at first he did not want to accept it. A man such as him can never fall in love. He lives to seduce women then break their hearts the next day. Though she was begging him to love her, he cannot possibly return his feelings for her,”
This is sounding way too familiar. Too caught up in the story, he leaned forward, both of his elbows bracing on his knees.
“It was a matter of months till he had figure out that he truly in love with her. And in that matter of months, they were indeed no communication between them. That made me and my family worried. He would not eat, he would stay up all night drinking, the next day sleeping until my sister and her husband had talked some sense into him. Though in the matter of hours upon arriving on front of her home, it was indeed too late. She had already given herself to another man. They had children together, two at least. My brother was devastated. She was too shocked. The meeting did not go well as of hoped or planned so he had already gone home,”
“What had happened to him now?” He asked trying best to keep the fascinated tone his voice.
“He’s gone.” The young man said looking at the ground. “He had been so consumed with the grief that he finally decided to end his life. He died alone,”
Richard stared at the ground. He’s alright with being alone. He can be able to at least have peace when he dies, not some loud crying or sniffing of his supposed to be wife on the side of him and children on the other. “I do feel terrible about your brother but he was a coward. Not being able to face your own life even though it was tough,”
The young man looked over at him. His smile sad and yet caring. “I had told him about that too. In the past when he was still living. But he did not pay any heed. Instead he just stared at her portrait every day and every night.”
Richard relaxed back against the seat, his eyes closed. He had understood what he was going through in the past. He was in trouble yes but not desperate. He will not look at Loretta’s portrait every time of the day. He does not love her at all.
There is no way he feels that emotion toward her. This is just lust that’s speaking. Nothing more, nothing less.
“But let me assure you boy, I have no romantic feeling toward her. She is a pain in my arse. What I am just feeling is lust.”
“Lust is not that far away from love,” He answered softly. “One cannot tell what one is feeling. It is through body language and facial expressions,”
Richard looked at the ground. Maybe he is right. Maybe he was feeling more than just lust. The way she moves with gracefulness. The way she carries herself with dignity and respect. How she is always hopeful of all things. She tends to look toward the best of people. No matter how bad they are, she tends to look in the positive side. Though, very quickly giving up when something does not lit up. He remembered the way she had looked in that alley. The light from her eyes suddenly diminishing when that street man told them the story. How can one such an optimistic in her suddenly become the opposite?
He looked outside, the trees still passed by their view. The way she smiled, the curve of her mouth slightly transforming her face. The way her mouth opened when he had made love to her. The pleasure on her face when he rocked his hips against hers. The way she had called out her name when her own release took her over.
The way her body fitted perfectly against his.
Good God, he put a hand on his face. He’s in love with her. The first time they had met that was when he started feeling this damn feeling. The way she had confessed that she loved him. Why? For years, he had trained himself to be an emotionless man who didn’t give a damn. No. That was not it. He had become an emotionless man when his brother died. When he had killed him.
Shoving his emotion toward her he looked down at the ground. He can’t tell how he feels about her. She’s getting married for heaven’s sake. To the man she loves, to the man who will take care of her for the rest of his life.
Damn. He better do it right. If he’s going to spend a life time with her then he better love her every day for the rest of her life, night and day.
Loretta loves him. He’s a gentleman. Him? What does he have against Alden? He has the manners, title, and fortune. He was kind and caring.
What about him? Indeed he has title and fortune but he can never have manners. He can never love and care for someone like he can. He can never say the words she would want to hear. He wasn’t no gentleman.
He was a rogue.
And that is what he’s going to be for the rest of his life. Gambling, betting on horse racings, and sleeping with different women every night. That is the destiny God had chosen for him. No that is not it. That is the destiny that he chose.
That is the destiny he will forever cherish. He can live alone without a problem. Who needs a wife when all you have to ever need is at home? The maids, cooks, butlers. Sexual pleasures? That’s where women in the streets are for.
Whoever said that they are no good. They do bring pleasure. An immensely perfect pleasure, though he has no emotions for them. After they are done with their duty, he gives the pouch of money to them and leave the next day.
“I do see there is a lot in your mind sir,” The young man asked smiling.
“Who the hell are you anyway?” He asked cursing him silently for interrupting his train of thought.
“The name’s Roger Bearing.”
“Bearing,” He mumbled. “Well I need you for you to shut your mouth for the rest of the carriage ride. I do not have any problem with a women, sorry to disappoint you. Though I must say, thank you for the entertaining story.”
Roger smiled but didn’t say anything as he was told and laid back on the seat, his eyes closing. Richard closed his eyes as well. He was still tired and the fact that the carriage’s rattle wasn’t helping his problem. It will be a while since they arrive what if a little sleep can hurt him? He drowsed off until finally the whole seen before him disappeared, leaving him in the peaceful darkness.

A couple of hours later, after switching with the footmen for the fifth time, they had finally arrived at their destination. The home where Anne’s family was an average sized. Four story, lights filling each room.
“Feel free to get out of the cold,” He mumbled to them before walking up to the gate looking up at the postmen. “I wish to see Lady Anne’s sister, Harriett and her husband,”
“Who is the one that is speaking?”
“Richard O’Conner, the Earl of Kent.” He commented simply smiling. The man snapped out of his vogue attitude and looked behind him yelling that there is someone here to see the Marquess and Marchioness of Bakewell. And he was an earl, part of the aristocracy. “I’m so sorry sir. Please pardon me. No one usually travels to the country this part of the season. Winter is deadly.”
“I agree,” He said smiling. “Since you had brought that up, take care of my two fellow footmen. Make sure they tend to get proper care from the cold. Fetch them some hot drinks, blankets, and a fireplace.”
“Y-yes sir,” The guard said nodding, stumbling to get open the gate before motioning for the footmen to follow, they looked back at Richard, he nodded. “See to it that you get the proper care you need. I do not tend to spoil you but I do not need two sick footmen taking me back to London Square either.”
They bowed smiling, before disappearing with the guard just as the butler came to him with an parasol. “This way sir, the lady and the lord would wish to see you.”
He nodded and followed him in the mansion. It was huge, decorated with Christmas colors. It seems that they are blessed with the tradition. Opening the door, he stepped out of the cold. “Your coat sir,” The butler bowed.
Richard took off his coat and gave it to him, the hat, cane and gloves following. By the sound of the music, it seemed that they are having a Winter Eve’s Ball. “Why hadn’t I seen the carriages if there are so immensely people in here?”
“You had parked out in the back sir. The carriages and people were in the front.”
No wonder why lights were visible on every room in here. “I suppose the Marquess and Marchioness are hosting the ball as well and is present in the ballroom?”
“No sir, they are his lord’s study at the moment. Waiting for you,”
Richard nodded in understanding, as the butler resumed moving again, following after him. A couple of women giggled pass by him, looking at him a fan on their mouth, covering their lips lightly, whispering to each other. He smiled at them, bowing in greeting before following the butler again.
That kind gesture earned him a fit of giggles before they disappeared to the ballroom’s grand doors.
Before long, they had arrived in front of the study, the door closed. The butler raised his hand up to knock on the door. “Come on,” A voice came in from the room. A feminine voice.
“My lady and lord would wish to see you now,”
Richard nodded. Of course they would wish to see them now. Earlier yesterday he had sent a letter informing them that he is investigating the kidnapping of Lady Harriet’s sister. In a mere of hours later, he had received a letter back that he should come to their estate quickly. He didn’t inform this to Loretta because of the way she’ll insist that she’ll come. And he knew that cannot be possible, he cannot deal with the business that needed to be done when she had to come along. Whenever she is with him, he gets distracted. From everything really, that is the simplest way to explain it all.
She distracts him in every way. The way she sits, with her back erect, straight and firm. Her gaze never wavering when she is speaking or gazing at someone. The way she licks her lips when she gets nervous or embarrassed.
Shaking his head, he forced himself to focus on the business here alone. Nodding, he headed inside the room, hoping here, he can be able to find some answers.

Loretta woke up with the smell of fresh eggs, bacon, and eggs. She looked over at Alden, who was sitting down on her table, going over some files with Anne. He seemed focused and serious, his brow knitted together. She smiled. He always looked adorable when he do this. Ever since she was little she had already known.
“Good morning,” She greeted stretching from the bed, aware now that she was still in her evening dress. Startled, she looked around finally sinking in that she was on the bed. The last memory she had remembered was in the carriage, they were heading home from encountering Sir Brock. How in the world did she get in the bed without remembering it? And her dress?
At the realization, she looked over across the room and toward the closet. Frowning slightly as she saw the door was closed. Maybe HE had brought her here, carried her from the carriage and laid her down on the bed.
Had he taken any advantage of her when she was at rest? She looked down at her dress, it was still intact. Though there was nothing on her dress that was oddly in place other than her wrinkled dress and hair that was mostly out of its pins. A failure indeed. Normally a woman would feel the aftermath of the passion, or if she had been touched but ironically, she had felt the complete opposite. She knew she should be grateful that he did not touch her. But there was something about the fact that he didn’t touch her made her feel… disappointed.
She shook her head. There is no way that made her feel disappointed. She is not a desperate of a woman to just feel disappointed.
“Well good morning,” He greeted politely, looking away from the files, to her. A smile forming across his lips. She realized that he was nothing but a simple ruffled shirt and light brown trouser, his black dark boots now on. He noticed her stare. “Oh I am sorry. I know it is cold out there but it is awfully hot in here. I took off my jacket and overcoat, if that is alright with you.”
Loretta nodded smiling. “That is alright. I understand. It is rather hot in here. You are back. I had thought you will not be back until the day after tomorrow,”
Alden smiled and shook his head. “When I had heard the news from my estate, I hurriedly finished my business and immediately came here to see how you are doing.”
“So you had heard the news?”
“How could I not? The gossip had spread like pollen in the flowers on a windy day.”
She chuckled. “I understand so well,”
“How are you doing?”
Loretta frowned and looked down at her lap. “I had been doing well. Though the loss was not really me. The loss was more likely to Richard-,”
“I had heard,” He interrupted kindly, leaning against the chair, a leg over the other. “Though he had informed me that the loss was not his either,”
She nodded in understanding. “It maybe not..”
Alden studied her for a moment. “What is it you see from Kent?” He had used Richard’s titled name. That is understandable.
“I do not know what you mean,”
He smirked. “Alright, well the breakfast is ready for you on the dinner table. I had called the servant’s maid to ready a hot bath for you. I will be out shortly when she arrives.”
Loretta nodded in understanding, then her gaze flew to the closed closet door.
“He’s not here.” He mumbled looking over to her, meeting her gaze with his own.
She looked over at him urgently. “What do you mean he is not here? He should be in his bed, sleeping. He told me he was going to talk with me about our plans for Anne and-,”
“I meant sweetheart that he is not here in the moment. He had business elsewhere.”
“I see,” She mumbled her gaze turning into solid for pure ice cold. So he had left her here? Alone? Why had he not told her anything of his departing? Of his business. Why had he not informed her of this in the moment? A sense of anger washed through her. Does he think that she is only here for the case? Before they had started this together she had informed him that she does not need his help in any kind. “Where did he go?” She asked meeting Alden’s gaze slightly, his eyes filled amusement, and at the same time concern at her sudden change of tone.
“I have no idea. That man tends to be too secretive. If you ask me,”
She nodded. She knows that feeling well. It seems that whatever she had tried to get closer to him. He tends not to pay attention and dismiss it. She had tried to be part of his life. But he will not tell her anything. As if he does not wish for her to be part of his life. Shaking her head, she looked at the ground. She can never be part of his life. They are from two different words. Complete opposites.
Loretta looked over to her future husband. To the man she will spent the rest of her life with. Yes, this is her destiny. She cannot be with Richard. She is a lady. He, a rogue.
One chocolate cannot blend in with a caramel. They create different tastes that will be foul to the mouth.
Alden is her salvation. Not Richard.
He would be her redemption.
But he cannot know that.
No matter what, he cannot know that she had developed feelings for him. Feelings that are not meant to be.
Feelings she must kept hidden. No matter what the consequence. Even if she lives to regret this for the rest of her life.

Chapter 16

Alden stepped out of the room as the servant girl announced Loretta’s bath. She was glad to be alone for once, alone with her thoughts. Her body sank down the small bathroom’s copper tub. Haley, the servant girl bowed in farewell. “When you are done, please ring the bell so I can be able to redress you.”

Loretta nodded. “Thank you,” Haley had gladly helped her out of her too elegant dress. She had asked for a dress that will make her blend in with the others here in this inn so she wouldn’t be such an outcast. And because of this, their investigation might end into something not as pleasant as to bring Anne back with her family. The servant girl nodded and left, closing the door behind her, hearing the lock from the front door. Sighing, she leaned against the tub, the gray water covering the cleavage of her breast and down her body. Her brown curly hair was splayed down her back.

She loves Richard, she realized. How could she have fallen for him? She cannot love him. She just can’t.

But it seemed her heart has other plans. Closing her eyes, she willed herself to relax against the tub. He was a complete rogue. He is arrogant, selfish, and completely insolent. Not any man in the ton would ever be.

That is the reason she had fallen for him.

The way he carried himself whenever he is with someone. Always so confident and calm, always having that barrier to be built. He was not like any man in Seasons she had attended to. He was different. His arrogant ways drawn her, his selfishness amused her, his insolent ways fascinated her. Then suddenly something clicked.

On the night of the ball, when she finally decided that the masked man was the one who would bring her freedom, she had willed for it to be him. She was too caught up with her hatred of him that she didn’t realize that she had fallen in love with him, ever since she had met him. How could she not? He is handsome, very handsome. But from the time they had been together, she had noticed something. He was not like what the morning papers said. He had a side that is kind and caring. Who cared about other people.

The way he had dressed Matilda’s wounds. The way he took charge of the situation smoothly.
Every love making they had made, she realized that he had been a different person. He had showed her his other side. A blush crept up her face. He had been so gentle, teasing yes, but mostly gentle. He had touched her skin as if it was made out of soft silk. He had held on her hips on every thrust as if his life depended on it.

A sob escaped her lips and suddenly tears escaped her eyes. She loves him. So much. She loved everything about him. No matter of what anyone says. No matter what past he holds secrets in. There is nothing more she wants than to bury herself in his masculine strong arms.

But you will be married to Alden. The thought suddenly appeared in her mind. That was correct.
She will be married to Alden. She is striving for something that can never be.

That can never was.

Richard settled himself on the sofa, sitting across the table with Harriet and her husband, Justin. “I have heard about you’re investigation Lord Kent. Please ask whatever it is you wish to know, me and my husband would gladly answer the questions.” Justin nodded, leaning on the sofa with a hand on his wife’s shoulder.

“I do wish for you to find my sister. I believe that she is still alive. She cannot be dead,”
“Why do you presume she is not dead?” He asked nodding over to the footman who brought him a cup of tea, happily drinking.

“Anne is strong. She cannot just die easily. She will never go down without a fight. I do believe that.”

Richard nodded. “Have there been threats that would prove Anne’s disappearance?”
“I told the detectives what they wished to know but if you insist… Because of my husband naming my parents’ the Duke and Duchess of Bakewell, a great scandal has been bestowed on my family. Many of them want my mother and father to rot in prison because of what they have done. No commoner can just absently become a duke and duchess. We have no family royal bloodline so you can understand,”

He nodded in understanding. “Have you received threat letters that was specifically addressed to Anne herself?”

Harriet hesitated. “Well there was not any threat letter but there has been this…,” She stood up and made her way toward the desk, opening the cabinet, revealing stacks of letters, then going through them one at a time before she found what she was looking for, heading back toward the lounger again, sitting down handing him the letter.

Richard took it from her, unfolding the envelope taking out the piece of wrinkled paper.
“It is not a threat letter but it was from an admirer. Anne has been through lots of balls. I thought that this one was just from the others. Not any different. But when Anne had read it, she was so scared she had told me to burn the paper. I couldn’t burn it because it was from an admirer. I had not thought the stranger would mean anything by it. Though it was a little…. Odd.”
“Very odd indeed,” He whispered skimming the letter. “It seems like a letter of a stalker. Why did you not report to the Scotland Yard?”

“Well… because I just thought that this was just one of those eerie crushes she had always had.. Oh God maybe it was this person and I didn’t even know….,” She trailed off, covering her face with her hands her shoulders trembling.

“Do you mind if I take these letters?” He asked politely.

“Do you mind?” Justin interrupted, glaring over at Richard with vivid green cold eyes. “My wife is shedding tears and here you want to take those damn letters away? Do you have any sympathy?”
Harriet shook her head, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked back at her.

“My profession is to find your sister in law Bakewell. Not to mourn over someone who can possibly still be alive.”

“You heartless-..,,”

“No. That’s enough.” She interrupted placing a hand on his leg. “Please just do your job Sir Kent. I thank you for your assistance for this case. Even though everyone had decided to rule this circumstance out as kidnapping, you don’t seem to believe it.”

“Do not thank me. Thank Pauline,” And with that he bowed in farewell, before taking the letters from the table. “I will keep you up to date with the news. Please send for me if you had received another one of the letters or any letters pertaining to Anne at all,”

They both nodded and stood up. “Wait a minute,” She hurriedly called looking toward him. “It is too early and cold outside. Please stay for the day until at least the snow stops falling and the temperature arises,” Richard opened his mouth to object but thought better. Maybe if he spends a night here then he can be able to find something that is more related to this case. The man’s words echoed around his mind. There is more to this girl’s disappearance than meets the eye.

What the hell did he exactly mean by that?

The answer is around here somewhere. “If you insist, I would be happy to stay for the night.”
And with that, he bowed. “Just do let me inform my footmen,”

They both smiled nodding. “Alright,”

Richard turned and headed out of the study, following the butler outside of the massive mansion and into the stables. Roger Bearing and the old footmen were securing the horses in its leash onto the wooden stable. The whole area smelled of manure and hay, wind picking up, sending cold stabs of ice through his thin, overcoat. He looked over to study the area. The dead tree and grass were the color of the light brown dirt. Whips of air escape out of their nose and mouth as they breathed in and out.

“We are going to stay for the night,” Richard stated simply.

They looked back at him question. Roger was the first one who needed to recover. “Why my lord?”

“The inn in London Square bores me. Here, I find the services much more…. Pleasing.” He shrugged with the answer, leaning against the stable door, looking back toward the black horse that neighed behind him. He smiled and petted its mane.

The old footmen and Roger looked glanced at each other for another moment before finally surrendering to his wife. “Well alright. We will stay in the servants’ quarters if you need us. Send a word,” They turned and shrugged off their coats and hats, arriving in the back of the kitchen while leaving Richard behind.

He sighed and looked up to the horse. Just what in the world am I doing here?

Closing his eyes, he made his way into an empty stall. Strangely, he did not mind the smell of the manure of the land. He is not like those of the gentleman in the ton. He prefers to sleep outdoors, in the dark night sky. The cricket’s chirping sounds echoing in his ear. The bright light of the moon shining down his face. He was a wild man, that is what the others of the ton had said to him. And for his account, they are true.

Most men would choose to marry at his age. To get down to business and produce an heir. Settle down.

But not he.

He would rather suffer in eternity in hell than to be shackled in matrimony. Richard lay down on the hay, the prickle of its end points digging into his back, the memory all too familiar in his mind.

“What do you think you’re doing?”
Richard turned toward the figure smiling. The love for his older brother shining in his eyes. He looked about the age of nothing more than thirteen. “Father scowled at me again. My mathematics was wrong and my speech was not good enough, I am trying to practice my speech and mathematics with this piece of paper and quill.”
Michael chuckled. “You will not master mathematics and speeches just by sitting there.” He bent down and whispered in his ear. “Come with me. I have a secret place where I like to show you.”
He smiled and stood up, following behind his older brother’s footsteps and exiting out of their estate and into the stables, smiling.
“Whenever I need to correct some error of mine. I always head here. It is relaxing and judge free. Here, I can do whatever I want,”
Richard looked fascinatedly at him, as they both lay down on the patches of hay that formed a bed-like appearance. “How can you do what father tells you to do with ease? But for me it is so difficult. You were always the most talented one out of all of us. Even big sister Evangeline thinks so,”
Michael looked down at him smiling. “Rick, I need you to listen to what I am about to say. Everyone has their own talents. They have their own certain abilities. I have my own. Evangeline has hers and you have yours. My talent is for business. Evangeline has a talent to be liked by people around her. Because of her friendly appearance and smile,”
“Evangeline doesn’t sound like a talent.”
Michael laughed. “It is. A talent doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be for a certain type of skill. Sometimes a talent can just be as simple as a smile. To make people laugh and grin,”
“Oh,” He looked up at his big brother, smiling. “What about me? What’s my talent then?”
Michael shrugged grinning. “I do not know yet little brother. You will get to find own your talent in the future. Someday, you will see what you are good for.”
They both gazed up at the stars, smiling. “It’s so pretty,” Richard commented smiling. The stars shined like diamond on the blackened sky. The moon greeted their eyes, the bright moonlight shinning down at the both of them.
“Yes it is,” Michael replied closing his eyes.

Richard opened his eyes at the moment. Even now Richard still doesn’t have a slight clue of his own talent. The only talent he must have is bringing forth bad luck to the people around him. He smirked. That must be his talent.
And with that he stood up. Best be getting back. The temperature dropped suddenly, the clouds from the sky suddenly producing snow again.
Hugging his overcoat tighter around him, he made his way back into the estate. Hoping that he could find at least single strand of evidence that can tell him the whereabouts of Anne.

Days have passed and still, Richard hasn’t return to the inn. Loretta tightened the shawl around herself with a sigh. Christmas was not too far away and still she is trapped here in this inn. To be truthful, she was not happy that it took her this long to find Anne. The more time is wasted, the more dangerous it is for her. She sighed and sat herself on the chair. Days had passed and she just sat here, worrying about what he is doing at this moment. "Fiddle sticks,”

She muttered looking down at the table. “I swear when he arrives. I will give him a piece or two of my mind. How can he just leave me like this? I am not immobilized. I can handle myself well thank you very much.”

Alden chuckled bending down to kiss her on the forehead. “Lottie, you have been going on about this for the last couple of days. Is it really that important for you to go with him?”

Loretta gaped, surprised. Truthfully, he did not know what he had met by that question. But she knew it wasn’t just that particular reason. There is something, a message, in that question. “No of course not. It is just… well I feel like I cannot help. I feel useless,”

Alden sighed and laid a hand on her shoulder. “You are not useless.” He held out his hand, motioning toward the piles of papers on the table, scattered messily throughout the wooden surface. “You have been trying to solve what happened to Anne. I will not call that useless,”

She sighed. “Yes but… he did not have to leave me here. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

Her long time best friend smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I know sweetheart. And I do think that too. But I do think he had a reason on why you did not need to come.”

Loretta looked up at him. “What was the reason then?”

“He didn’t want you hurt. I do have a feeling the Earl wanted you to be kept safe,”

She held her head high, her stubborn English pride showing clearly, that only made Alden laugh more. “I am not a damsel in distress who needs saving. I am perfectly capable of protecting and saving myself. I do not need his help,”

But before Alden can open his mouth to respond, a voice from the door startled both of them. “Oh really? I do wish I had known that earlier. Because if I had, then I could have taken you along,” Though the voice was filled with amusement and sarcasm, her heart still raised. It’s not as if she can help her heart, it seemed to have a mind of its own.

Slowly, Loretta turned around. There, standing in the doorway was none other than Richard. He’s back, she thought a smile beginning to pull from her lips but then she forced it to stop.

There’s no reason for her to show how glad she is that he’s back. She’s not glad. Well… maybe she is, even if it’s just a millimeter long.

The anger that lurked into her veins fastened. Her eyes flared and stood up, making her way toward him. “How dare you not tell me where you were going? I could have come along and helped. And additionally, I know Anne’s parents. Maybe you could have had more chance when I came along,”

“Don’t ever assume anything first,” Richard replied coldly. Then he flicked out his hand, sending the letters on the desk. “I got hold of this when I talked with Harriet and Justin. They had some interesting facts about Anne and her prowler,”

“Her prowler?”

Richard nodded. “Yes. Her prowler,” He waved a hand through the air and two men came in, one of them, the bulky and masculine one was carrying a person. “We should leave now. Our business in Town is done, I’ll see you in my estate, of course if you want to continue this any further,”

And with that he turned around and left, leaving nothing but his hard footsteps behind.


Bildmaterialien: The cover i didn't create. I just got it from the internet.
Lektorat: Katie Way
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.02.2012

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This book is dedicated to my grandmother. Thank you for everything you had done for the family.

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