
Edith, as usual, was sitting at her work station seemingly daydreaming when Joe strode in.

“What are you doing with our life credits!?,” he bellowed. “Are you aiming for us to be zpegged, woman?”

Edith, a placid soul, did not yell back. She realized that Joe needed to ‘let off steam’ and the only thing he ever hurt was her eardrums. She’d need to zpeg up some mufflers one of these days, if she remembered. While Edith had a calm disposition, she appeared to be a bit of a ditz when it came to following through on everyday life.

“Honey! Sweetheart! Whatever is the problem, now?”

“Don’t Honey, Sweetheart me. You know what I’m talking about! Your new toy in the driveway. You know .. the one with the four, no make that five wheels! And a million credits price tag! That’s what I’m talking about!!!”

“Oh... that. The Z. I was sitting here thinking about how much you loved that old Nissan and I wanted to get you a …”

“A one way trip to the zpegs farm?”

“I think it’s time I explained some fundamental Zpegs’ facts to you Joe. You’ve always said I was good with figures so I was the one to take care of our life credits. Isn’t that so?”

“Yeah... yeah. So, talk.” This better be good, Joe thought.

“In a far off galaxy, long, long ago.. Oops, that’s another story... When the Zpegs which are pearl like spheres that can be anything came on the market, it was touted to do so many 
things and to be so many things. It was to be the last in the line of all the pegs ‘From A toZ.                                      


It was to be the last in the line of all the pegs ‘From A to Zpegs ~ Whatever Your Heart Desires’ was its selling slogan. Well, I got to thinking about that there slogan. If a Zpegs could do or be anything, why not start with it being a Zpegs womb.”

“So, you’re saying all of the things we’ve got came from the Zpegs’ womb? We’ve got a bunch of little Zpegs running around?”

“Yup. And before you start thinking we’re violating patenting laws - I looked up our contract with all its fine print. Even the fine print that had finer print. Ran it through the Legalese program and nada, ziltch, zero, nothing, zot, zip and all those other words for naught came out. We can use the Zpegs for anything! A surrogate womb I figured was the best I could do for the 100,000,000 credits. A one time deal and we can have anything we want.”

“Hallelujah!!!!,” shouted Joe as he ran from the room to try out his new ‘Z’ sitting in the driveway.

Edith thought those ear mufflers better be the next thing on her list to be born.



Texte: Paula Louise Shene
Bildmaterialien: cover photo Andrejs
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.07.2011

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